Repair of LED lamps using examples. Electronic ballast of a compact fluorescent fluorescent lamp from DELUX. Navigator lamp diagram

Fluorescent lamps are connected in accordance with slightly more complex circuit compared to their closest “relatives” - incandescent lamps. For lighting lamps luminescent type, the circuit must include starting devices, the quality of which directly determines the service life of the luminaires.

To understand the features of circuits, you must first study the structure and mechanism of action of such devices.

Each of these devices is a sealed flask filled with a special mixture of gases. Moreover, the mixture is designed in such a way that the ionization of gases requires a much smaller amount of energy compared to ordinary incandescent lamps, which makes it noticeable in the lighting.

In order for a fluorescent lamp to continuously produce light, it must maintain a glow discharge. To ensure this, the required voltage is supplied to the electrodes of the light bulb. The main problem is that a discharge can only appear when a voltage is applied that is significantly higher than the operating voltage. However, lamp manufacturers have successfully solved this problem.

Electrodes are installed on both sides of the fluorescent lamp. They accept voltage, thanks to which the discharge is maintained. Each electrode has two contacts. A current source is connected to them, which ensures heating of the space surrounding the electrodes.

Thus, the fluorescent lamp lights up after its electrodes have warmed up. To do this, they are exposed to a high-voltage pulse, and only then the operating voltage comes into effect, the value of which must be sufficient to maintain the discharge.

Luminous flux, lmLED lamp, WContact fluorescent lamp, WIncandescent lamp, W
50 1 4 20
100 5 25
100-200 6/7 30/35
300 4 8/9 40
400 10 50
500 6 11 60
600 7/8 14 65

Under the influence of a discharge, the gas in the flask begins to emit ultraviolet light, which is imperceptible to the human eye. So that the light becomes visible to humans, the inner surface of the flask is coated with a phosphor. This substance shifts the frequency range of light into the visible spectrum. By changing the composition of the phosphor, the range of color temperatures also changes, thereby providing a wide range of fluorescent lamps.

Fluorescent lamps, unlike simple incandescent lamps, cannot simply be switched on electrical network. For an arc to appear, as noted, the electrodes must warm up and impulse voltage. These conditions are ensured using special ballasts. The most widely used ballasts are electromagnetic and

Prices for fluorescent lamps

Classic connection via electromagnetic ballast

Features of the scheme

In accordance with this circuit, a choke is connected to the circuit. Also, the circuit must include a starter.

Starter for fluorescent lamps - Philips Ecoclick StartersS10 220-240V 4-65W

The latter is a low-power neon light source. The device is equipped with bimetallic contacts and is powered from an electrical network with variable current values. The throttle, starter contacts and electrode threads are connected in series.

Instead of a starter, an ordinary electric bell button can be included in the circuit. In this case, voltage will be supplied by holding the bell button pressed. The button must be released after the lamp is lit.

The operating procedure of the circuit with an electromagnetic type ballast is as follows:

  • after being connected to the network, the inductor begins to accumulate electromagnetic energy;
  • electricity is supplied through the starter contacts;
  • the current rushes through the tungsten heating filaments of the electrodes;
  • the electrodes and the starter heat up;
  • the starter contacts open;
  • the energy accumulated by the throttle is released;
  • the voltage on the electrodes changes;
  • a fluorescent lamp gives light.

In order to increase the indicator useful action and reducing interference that occurs when the lamp is turned on, the circuit is equipped with two capacitors. One of them (the smaller one) is located inside the starter. Its main function is to dampen sparks and improve neon impulse.

Among the key advantages of a circuit with an electromagnetic type ballast are:

  • time-tested reliability;
  • simplicity;
  • affordable price.
  • As practice shows, there are more disadvantages than advantages. Among them it is necessary to highlight:
  • impressive weight of the lighting fixture;
  • long lamp on time (on average up to 3 seconds);
  • low efficiency of the system when operating in cold conditions;
  • relatively high energy consumption;
  • noisy throttle operation;
  • flickering, which negatively affects vision.

Connection procedure

Connecting the lamp according to the considered scheme is carried out using starters. Next, we will consider an example of installing one lamp with the inclusion of a model S10 starter in the circuit. This state-of-the-art device has a non-flammable body and high-quality construction, making it the best in its niche.

The main tasks of the starter come down to:

  • ensuring the lamp is turned on;
  • breakdown of the gas gap. To do this, the circuit is broken after a fairly long heating of the lamp electrodes, which leads to the release of a powerful pulse and direct breakdown.

The throttle is used to perform the following tasks:

  • limiting the current value at the moment of closing the electrodes;
  • generating voltage sufficient for gas breakdown;
  • maintaining the discharge combustion at a constant stable level.

In the example under consideration, a 40 W lamp is connected. In this case, the throttle must have the same power. The power of the starter used is 4-65 W.

We connect in accordance with the presented diagram. To do this we do the following.

First step

In parallel, we connect the starter to the pin side contacts at the output of the fluorescent lamp. These contacts represent the leads of the filament of the sealed bulb.

Second step

We connect to the remaining free contacts.

Third step

We connect the capacitor to the supply contacts, again, in parallel. Thanks to the capacitor it will be compensated reactive power and reduce network interference.

Connection via modern electronic ballast

Features of the scheme

Modern connection option. The circuit includes an electronic ballast - this economical and improved device provides a much longer service life of fluorescent lamps compared to the option discussed above.

In circuits with electronic ballast, fluorescent lamps operate at higher voltages (up to 133 kHz). Thanks to this, the light is smooth and flicker-free.

Modern microcircuits make it possible to assemble specialized starting devices with low power consumption and compact dimensions. This makes it possible to place the ballast directly in the lamp base, which makes real production small-sized lighting fixtures that screw into ordinary cartridge, standard for incandescent lamps.

At the same time, the microcircuits not only provide power to the lamps, but also smoothly heat the electrodes, increasing their efficiency and increasing their service life. It is precisely these fluorescent lamps that can be used in combination with devices designed to smoothly regulate the brightness of light bulbs. You cannot connect a dimmer to fluorescent lamps with electromagnetic ballasts.

By design, the electronic ballast is an electrical voltage converter. A miniature inverter transforms direct current into high-frequency and alternating current. It is this that goes to the electrode heaters. As the frequency increases, the heating intensity of the electrodes decreases.

The converter is switched on in such a way that the current frequency is initially at a high level. The fluorescent light bulb is connected to a circuit whose resonant frequency is significantly lower than the initial frequency of the converter.

Next, the frequency begins to gradually decrease, and the voltage on the lamp and the oscillating circuit increases, due to which the circuit approaches resonance. The heating intensity of the electrodes also increases. At some point, conditions are created that are sufficient to create a gas discharge, as a result of which the lamp begins to produce light. The lighting device closes the circuit, the operating mode of which changes.

When using electronic ballasts, the lamp connection diagrams are designed in such a way that the control device has the ability to adapt to the characteristics of the light bulb. For example, after a certain period of use, fluorescent lamps require more high voltage to create the initial discharge. The ballast will be able to adapt to such changes and provide the necessary quality of lighting.

Thus, among the many advantages of modern electronic ballasts, the following points should be highlighted:

  • high operating efficiency;
  • gentle heating of the electrodes of the lighting device;
  • smooth switching on of the light bulb;
  • no flicker;
  • possibility of use in low temperature conditions;
  • independent adaptation to the characteristics of the lamp;
  • high reliability;
  • light weight and compact dimensions;
  • increasing the service life of lighting devices.

There are only 2 disadvantages:

  • complicated connection diagram;
  • higher requirements for correct installation and quality of components used.

Prices for electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps

Connection procedure

All necessary connectors and wires are usually included with the electronic ballast. You can see the connection diagram in the presented image. Also, suitable diagrams are given in the instructions for ballasts and lighting fixtures themselves.

In such a scheme, the lamp is switched on in 3 main stages, namely:

  • the electrodes warm up, which ensures a more gentle and smooth start-up and preserves the life of the device;
  • a powerful impulse is created that is required for ignition;
  • the operating voltage value is stabilized, after which voltage is supplied to the lamp.

Modern lamp connection schemes eliminate the need to use a starter. Thanks to this, the risk of ballast burnout in case of starting without a lamp installed is eliminated.

The diagram for connecting two at once deserves special attention. fluorescent light bulbs to one ballast. The devices are connected in series. To complete the work you need to prepare:

  • induction throttle;
  • two starters;
  • directly fluorescent lamps.

Connection sequence

First step. A starter is connected to each light bulb. The connection is parallel. In the example under consideration, we connect the starter to the pin output at both ends of the lighting fixture.

Second step. Free contacts are connected to the electrical network. In this case, the connection is made in series, through a choke.

Third step. Capacitors are connected in parallel to the contacts of the lighting device. They will reduce the severity of interference in the electrical network and compensate for the resulting reactive power.

Important point! In ordinary household switches, this is especially typical for budget models, the contacts can stick under the influence of increased starting currents. In view of this, for use in combination with fluorescent lighting devices, it is recommended to use only high-quality ones specially designed for this purpose.

Have you familiarized yourself with the features? different schemes connecting fluorescent lamps and now you can independently handle the installation and replacement of such lighting devices.

Good luck!

Video - Connection diagram for fluorescent lamps

A fluorescent lamp (LL) is a glass tube filled with an inert gas (Ar, Ne, Kr) with the addition of a small amount of mercury. At the ends of the tube there are metal electrodes for supplying voltage, the electric field of which leads to gas breakdown, the occurrence of a glow discharge and the appearance of electric current in the chain. The glow of the gas discharge is pale blue and very weak in the visible light range.

But as a result of an electrical discharge most of energy passes into the invisible, ultraviolet range, the quanta of which, entering phosphorus-containing compositions (luminescent coatings), cause a glow in the visible region of the spectrum. Changing chemical composition phosphor, obtain different colors of glow: for fluorescent lamps (FLLs) various shades of white have been developed, and for lighting for decorative purposes you can choose lamps of a different color. The invention and mass production of fluorescent lamps is a step forward compared to low-efficiency incandescent lamps.

What is ballast used for?

The current in a gas discharge grows like an avalanche, which leads to a sharp drop in resistance. To ensure that the electrodes of the fluorescent lamp do not fail due to overheating, an additional load is connected in series, limiting the amount of current, the so-called ballast. Sometimes the term throttle is used to refer to it.

Two types of ballasts are used: electromagnetic and electronic. The electromagnetic ballast has a classic transformer configuration: copper wire, metal plates. Electronic ballasts use electronic components: diodes, dinistors, transistors, microcircuits.

For the initial ignition (start) of the discharge in the lamp in electromagnetic devices, a starting device is additionally used - a starter. In the electronic version of the ballast, this function is implemented within a single electrical diagram. The device turns out to be light, compact and is united by a single term - electronic ballast (EPG). The widespread use of electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps is due to the following advantages:

  • these devices are compact and light in weight;
  • the lamps turn on quickly, but smoothly;
  • absence of flicker and noise from vibration, since electronic ballasts operate at high frequencies (tens of kHz) in contrast to electromagnetic ones operating from mains voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • reduction of heat losses;
  • electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps has a power factor of up to 0.95;
  • the presence of several, proven types of protection that increase safety of use and extend service life.

Circuits of electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

Electronic ballasts are an electronic board filled with electronic components. Schematic diagram inclusions (Fig. 1) and one of the options for the ballast circuit (Fig. 2) are shown in the figures.

Fluorescent lamp, C1 and C2 – capacitors

Electronic ballasts can have different circuit designs depending on the components used. The voltage is rectified by diodes VD4–VD7 and then filtered by capacitor C1. After voltage is applied, capacitor C4 begins charging. At a level of 30 V, dinistor CD1 breaks through and transistor T2 opens, then the self-oscillator on transistors T1, T2 and transformer TR1 is switched on. The resonant frequency of the series circuit of capacitors C2, C3, inductor L1 and generator are close in value (45–50 kHz). The resonance mode is necessary for stable operation of the circuit. When the voltage on capacitor C3 reaches the starting value, the lamp lights up. At the same time, the regulating frequency of the generator and voltage are reduced, and the inductor limits the current.

Electronic ballast repair

If it is not possible quick replacement If the electronic ballast has failed, you can try to repair the ballast yourself. To do this, select the following sequence of actions to troubleshoot:

  • First, check the integrity of the fuse. This breakdown often occurs due to overload (overvoltage) in the 220 volt network;
  • Next, a visual inspection of electronic components is carried out: diodes, resistors, transistors, capacitors, transformers, chokes;
  • If characteristic blackening of a part or board is detected, repairs are made by replacing it with a serviceable element. How to check a faulty diode or transistor with your own hands, having a regular multimeter, is well known to any user with a technical education;
  • It may turn out that the cost of replacement parts will be higher or comparable to the cost of a new electronic ballast. In this case, it is better not to waste time on repairs, but to choose a replacement that is similar in parameters.

Electronic ballasts for compact LDS

Relatively recently, fluorescent energy-saving lamps, adapted for standard sockets for simple incandescent lamps - E27, E14, E40, have become widely used in everyday life. In these devices, the electronic ballasts are located inside the socket, so repairing these electronic ballasts is theoretically possible, but in practice it is easier to buy a new lamp.

The photo shows an example of such an OSRAM lamp with a power of 21 watts. It should be noted that currently the positions of this innovative technology similar lamps are gradually occupying LED sources. Semiconductor technology, constantly improving, makes it possible to quickly achieve prices for LDS, the cost of which remains practically unchanged.

T8 fluorescent lamps

T8 lamps have a diameter glass flask 26 mm. The widely used T10 and T12 lamps have diameters of 31.7 and 38 mm respectively. LDS with a power of 18 W are usually used for lamps. T8 lamps do not lose their functionality during supply voltage surges, but if the voltage drops by more than 10%, lamp ignition is not guaranteed. Ambient temperature also affects the reliability of the T8 LDS. At sub-zero temperatures, the luminous flux decreases and failures in lamp ignition may occur. T8 lamps have a lifespan of 9,000 to 12,000 hours.

How to make a lamp with your own hands?

You can make a simple lamp from two lamps as follows:

  • select 36 W lamps that are suitable for color temperature (shade of white);
  • We make the body from a material that will not ignite. You can use the housing from an old lamp. We select electronic ballasts for a given power. The marking should indicate 2 x 36;
  • We select 4 sockets marked G13 for the lamps (the gap between the electrodes is 13 mm), a mounting wire and self-tapping screws;
  • cartridges must be secured to the body;
  • The installation location of the electronic ballasts is chosen to minimize heating from operating lamps;
  • the cartridges are connected to the LDS sockets;
  • to protect lamps from mechanical stress, it is advisable to install a transparent or matte protective cap;
  • The lamp is fixed to the ceiling and connected to a 220 V power supply.

The operating principle of CFLs is to apply voltage to 2 electrodes coated with barium or barium oxide, resulting in the excitation (ionization) of vapors of a mixture of argon and mercury. As a result of ionization, low-temperature plasma appears inside the lamp. Mercury vapor emits ultraviolet radiation, which is converted into visible light by the fluorescent material that coats the inside of the lamp. The luminescence spectrum of CFLs depends on the composition of the phosphor. The color temperature of the bulb is different, at T=2700K the lamp has warm light, at T=4000K daylight, and at T=6400K cold daylight.

The CFL is powered by a converter that operates at HF ​​up to several tens of kHz. Therefore, we do not see the flickering of the lamp, unlike TLL. The main thing in a CFL is the ballast (ballast). In inexpensive CFLs, the electronic ballast is simple, it has a simple output filter, no power factor correction, and simplified protection. In such CFLs, self-oscillator circuits with a transformer or a semi-bridge cascade using bipolar transistors are installed. The generator is usually 2 transistors. The correct selection of these transistors determines the service life of the lamp, for example, for an output power of 1...9W, transistors of the 13001 TO-92 series are used, 11W - 13002 TO-92, 15...20W 13003TO-126, for 25...40W - 13005 TO-220, 40 ...65W series 13007 TO-220, for 85W series 13009 TO-220.

DC voltage is supplied to the generator input from a two half-wave rectifier (4 diodes), followed by a capacitive filter ( electrolytic capacitor), if the capacitor capacity is too large, flickering will appear when operating the backlit switch. For example, with a 20W CFL, 4.7 µF is sufficient.

In some lamps, the heating of the filament is not regulated, which reduces their service life.

The CFL is based on an oscillating circuit which consists of an inductor L, a pulse transformer TR and two capacitors. Both capacitors, the inductor and one of the transformer windings are connected in series to the lamp coil. The number of turns of the transformer is small; its windings contain 5-10 turns.

The resonant frequency of the circuit is determined by the capacitance value of the capacitor C connected between the CFL spirals.

When the CFL is operating, when the gas is ionized, a short circuit occurs in the capacitor connected in series with the spiral. As a result, this capacitor often fails (frequent breakdown).

At the beginning of the repair, it is necessary to check the lamp spiral, the integrity of the bulb, and then the fuse (if it is generally installed). Next, we check both capacitors of the oscillating circuit, then we check the resistors and transistor junctions.

We carry out all these actions if you are confident in the integrity of the CFL bulb.

Circuit diagrams of CFLs are shown in Figures 1-16.

CFLs such as Brownie 20w Fig. 1, Isotronic 11w Fig. 2, Luxtek 8w Fig. 3 and Sinecan 30w Fig. 4 at the 230V input have a pulse transformer, the voltage from which is supplied to the diode bridge; in Fig. 3, an RTS thermistor is used for a smoother start-up .

The heated electrodes and the RTS have a sufficiently high resistance, and the resistance of the ionized gas is sufficiently small, and the current begins to flow through the discharge in the flask. The bulb bypasses the starting circuit, and it comes out of resonance with the RF generator. The ballast switches to operating voltage mode 320V. The use of RTS significantly reduces wear of the electrodes and increases the service life of the lamp. It is also possible to install an NTC thermistor, which is installed in series with the lamp spiral.

Sometimes the voltage is supplied through a choke as shown in the CFL diagram of the Polaris 11w Fig. 5, ikea 7w Fig. 6 and Luxar 11w Fig. 7. In the lamp Fig. 6, a thermistor R5 is installed between the spirals, which performs a soft start of the CFL.

The functions of limiting the inrush current are resistors and a fuse installed in CFLs of type lm-mediatally 25w Fig. 8, Osram Dulix EL 11w Fig. 9 and EL 21w Fig. 10. Diodes D1 D2 in dumps Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 are not installed because there are built-in diodes between the collector and emitter of the transistors used. There is no thermistor in Fig. 10 due to the low cost of the lamp.

The lamp maxi-lux 15w Fig. 11 only has a fuse, Maway 11w Fig. 12, Philips Ecotone 11 w Fig. 13, Philips Genie 11w Fig. 14 only a 10 Ohm 1W resistor.

The cheapest lamps Bigluz 20w Fig. 15 and Eurolite 23w do not even have fuses; these lamps are very likely to fail.

After successful repair of the lamp, it is necessary to install a fuse if there is none, for soft start Install the PTC thermistor in parallel with the resonant capacitor.

Literature – Radioamator 2010-12

Literature used by the author (P.P. Bobnich, Uzhgorod)
1. Bobnich P.P. Electric LED lamp // Radioamator 2010-7-8 p.42-44
2. Bobnich P.P. LED lamp for voltage 220V // Electric - 2010 - No. 9 - P.62-63.
3. Vlasyuk N.P. Electronic ballast of a compact fluorescent fluorescent lamp from Delux // Radioamator 2009. No. 1 P.43-45
4. Shirokov V. Selection, application and repair of compact fluorescent lamps.
5. Vlasyuk N.P. Fluorescent lamps and their electronic ballasts // Radiator - 2009 No. 5 P.34-37.
6. Vlasyuk N.P. Fluorescent lamps and their electronic ballasts // Radiamator - 2009 No. 6 P.34-37.
7. Kashkarov A.A. Repair of an energy-saving lamp // Electrician 2009№9 P.66-67
8. Shelekhov A.A. Quick repair of energy-saving lamps // Radioamator 2009 No. 5 P.38.

Modern manufacturers offer energy efficient lamps different sizes, capacities equipped with various bases. Also, lighting fixtures have different structures, which makes their designs different. Depending on the manufacturing company, you can choose products with more complex mechanisms that will have high-quality elements of an electronic ballast (EPG).

Features of the circuits

There are inexpensive models on the market, but they often lack important components that affect the life of the product. The most popular manufacturers in Russia are:

  • Navigator (domestic manufacturer);
  • MAXUS (international British-English corporation);
  • DeLux (Chinese manufacturer);
  • Camelion (an umbrella brand originated in Hong Kong and successfully integrated these days in Europe, Asia and America).

The circuit of an energy-saving lamp is its so-called heart, with the help of which the entire lighting device functions. The electronic board may contain parts of varying quality and size, depending on the integrity of the manufacturer. It is worth noting that high-power devices, equivalent to incandescent lamps of 105 watts or more, cannot have small elements, since the electrical circuit must be equipped with massive parts to ensure normal operation.

If you compare Maxus and Navigator bulbs, you can see that their components will be different. This means that companies collaborate with different manufacturers of electrical components or take different approaches to creating these elements themselves.

In general, all lamp circuits for 20, 30, 60 W and higher will be very similar to each other, which helps to repair them if some mechanisms fail.

Operating principle of the housekeeper

An energy-saving lamp works on almost the same principle as linear fluorescent lamps. Its glow is ensured by the passage of voltage through electrodes located along the edges of the glass bulb. The tube is filled with inert gas and mercury vapor or its compounds. When the environment inside the lamp heats up, ionized electrons are formed, which collide with gas atoms at high speed. All this leads to the formation of low-temperature plasma, which emits ultraviolet radiation.

However, humans cannot perceive either ultraviolet or infrared radiation. To convert it into light visible to our eyes, a special coating is used - phosphor. Passing through it, ultraviolet rays turn into uniform, bright, saturated illumination.

Due to its low power, a 20 W energy saver has greater efficiency than a 100 W incandescent lamp. Let's look at why light bulbs help save energy and how they work.

Components of the circuit

An energy-saving lighting device consists of the lamp itself and an electronic ballast, which is also called an electrical circuit. All electronic elements are designed to ensure uninterrupted and correct operation of the lamp. The biggest distinguishing feature of these devices from conventional incandescent lamps is that they operate on DC voltage, and not the variable that the network produces. It is for this reason that the electronic ballast is built into the light bulb housing itself; it is used to transform, distribute and protect the mechanism. The connection circuit contains the following components:

  • high-voltage low-power diodes;
  • interference choke;
  • medium power transistors;
  • high-voltage electrolyte (most often 400 V);
  • capacitors of various capacities, but of the same voltage (250 V);
  • high-frequency transformers (2 pieces);
  • resistors.

How does a lamp light up?

When voltage hits the dinistor, a pulse is formed that goes to the transistor and provokes its opening. Once startup is complete, this part of the circuit is blocked by a diode. After the transistor opens, the capacitor is discharged, which is necessary to prevent the dinistor from reopening. Transistors act on a transformer. It is made of a ferrite ring treated with three windings arranged in several rows. The voltage on the filament is supplied through a capacitor from a step-up resonant circuit.

The glow in the tube begins at the resonant frequency, which is determined by a larger capacitor. At the moment of ignition, its voltage is up to 600 W. At startup, it exceeds the average by 5 times, so it is important that the flask is intact and sealed. Otherwise, the transistors may be damaged.

After complete ionization of the gas in the flask, the capacitor with the largest capacity, which determined the frequency of the glow, is bypassed. This leads to a decrease in frequency and transfer of control of the generator to the second capacitor. The generated voltage decreases, but remains within the range that is necessary to keep the light bulb burning.

The fundamental point is that the cathode and anode alternate their places, this helps ensure uninterrupted operation of the circuit and greatly simplifies repairs if they need to be done.

Lamp device

In addition to the electronic ballast mounted in the base, an important element of an energy-saving lighting device is the lamp. It is she who is responsible for the uniformity of light distribution, its saturation, color rendering and other properties of the device. The sections of the flask can be conventionally divided into lower and upper. Special holes are made in the upper one for installing the tube. The lower part contains the board in which the parts are located and from which the leads extend from the tube.

The top area of ​​the board is equipped with wires that go to the base. The lamp elements can be attached to each other using special latches. In cheaper models, the parts are glued together. If you need to make repairs, you need to run a screwdriver along the joint line or disconnect the latches.

How repairs are made

In order to determine which elements of the circuit or the lamp itself are faulty, it must be disassembled. To do this, disconnect top part from the bottom and turn off the flask. Using an Ohmmeter, we check the filament coils of the flask. If it is discovered that one spiral has burned out, the flask is repaired. It can be closed with an 8-10 Ohm resistor. The resistor must have high power. You will also need to remove the diode that bypasses the burnt-out coil, if there is one in the circuit.

If a resistor burns out in lamps of 30 W or more, there is a high probability that the transistors have also failed. This occurs due to a breakdown of the capacitor. The situation can be corrected by installing a new fuse (resistor) and transistors.

In addition to replacing damaged circuit elements, you can upgrade the lamp. This is done by drilling ventilation holes in the base. Some models already have them, and if manufacturers have not taken care of proper cooling of electronic elements, you can do it yourself.

Attention! If you have drilled ventilation holes in the base of a 30 W lamp or a lighting device of another power, it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. This can lead to breakdown in the capacitor and failure of the lamp.

The feasibility of intervening in circuits

Repairing 30 W or other power lamps is only possible if you are confident in your abilities and knowledge. When you do not understand how the lamp circuit works and what can break in it, it is best not to try to fix the problem yourself.

It is prohibited to perform any actions with housekeepers if the integrity of their flasks is compromised. The tube contains mercury or its vapor, so if it depressurizes, the device becomes dangerous to human health and life.

Let's summarize

The circuits are almost the same in all models. Differences may be in the presence of diodes, shunt coils and other elements. However, if you know the electronics of one device, then working with all the others will be quite simple.

People who want to repair faulty lighting fixtures themselves are often interested in diagrams. This is not difficult to do if you have the necessary skills and are confident that the housekeeper can be brought into working condition.

Fluorescent lamps from the very first releases and are partially still lit using electromagnetic ballasts - EMP. The classic version of the lamp is made in the form of a sealed glass tube with pins at the ends.

What do fluorescent lamps look like?

Inside it is filled with an inert gas with mercury vapor. It is installed in cartridges through which voltage is supplied to the electrodes. An electric discharge is created between them, causing an ultraviolet glow, which acts on the phosphor layer applied to the inner surface of the glass tube. The result is a bright glow. The switching circuit for fluorescent lamps (LL) is provided by two main elements: electromagnetic ballast L1 and glow discharge lamp SF1.

LL connection diagram with electromagnetic choke and starter

Ignition circuits with electronic ballasts

A device with a throttle and starter works according to the following principle:

  1. Supplying voltage to the electrodes. The current does not pass through the gaseous medium of the lamp at first due to its high resistance. It enters through the starter (St) (Fig. below), in which a glow discharge is formed. In this case, a current passes through the spirals of the electrodes (2) and begins to heat them up.
  2. The starter contacts heat up, and one of them closes, since it is made of bimetal. The current passes through them and the discharge stops.
  3. The starter contacts stop heating up, and after cooling, the bimetallic contact opens again. A voltage pulse occurs in the inductor (D) due to self-induction, which is sufficient to ignite the LL.
  4. A current passes through the gaseous medium of the lamp; after starting the lamp, it decreases along with the voltage drop across the inductor. The starter remains disconnected, since this current is not enough to start it.

Fluorescent lamp connection diagram

Capacitors (C 1) and (C 2) in the circuit are designed to reduce the level of interference. A capacitance (C 1), connected in parallel to the lamp, helps reduce the amplitude of the voltage pulse and increase its duration. As a result, the service life of the starter and LL increases. The capacitor (C 2) at the input provides a significant reduction in the reactive component of the load (cos φ increases from 0.6 to 0.9).

If you know how to connect a fluorescent lamp with burnt-out filaments, it can be used in an electronic ballast circuit after a slight modification of the circuit itself. To do this, the spirals are short-circuited and a capacitor is connected in series to the starter. According to this scheme, the light source will be able to work for some more time.

A widely used switching method is with one choke and two fluorescent lamps.

Switching on two fluorescent lamps with a common choke

2 lamps are connected in series between each other and the choke. Each of them requires the installation of a parallel connected starter. To do this, use one output pin at the ends of the lamp.

For LLs, it is necessary to use special switches so that their contacts do not stick due to high inrush current.

Ignition without electromagnetic ballast

To extend the life of burnt-out fluorescent lamps, you can install one of the switching circuits without a choke and starter. For this purpose, voltage multipliers are used.

Diagram for switching on fluorescent lamps without a choke

The filaments are short-circuited and voltage is applied to the circuit. After straightening, it increases 2 times, and this is enough for the lamp to light up. Capacitors (C 1), (C 2) are selected for a voltage of 600 V, and (C 3), (C 4) - for a voltage of 1000 V.

The method is also suitable for working LLs, but they should not operate with DC power. After some time, mercury accumulates around one of the electrodes, and the brightness of the glow decreases. To restore it, you need to turn the lamp over, thereby changing the polarity.

Connection without starter

Using a starter increases the lamp warm-up time. However, its service life is short. The electrodes can be heated without it if you install secondary transformer windings for this.

Connection diagram for a fluorescent lamp without a starter

Where the starter is not used, the lamp has a quick start designation - RS. If you install such a lamp with a starter, its coils can quickly burn out, since they have a longer warm-up time.

Electronic ballast

Electronic ballast control circuitry has replaced older daylight sources to eliminate their inherent shortcomings. Electromagnetic ballast consumes excess energy, often makes noise, breaks down and damages the lamp. In addition, the lamps flicker due to the low frequency of the supply voltage.

Electronic ballast is the electronic unit, which takes up little space. Fluorescent lamps are easy and quick to start, without creating noise and providing uniform illumination. The circuit provides several ways to protect the lamp, which increases its service life and makes its operation safer.

The electronic ballast works as follows:

  1. Warming up the LL electrodes. Start-up is quick and smooth, which increases lamp life.
  2. Ignition is the generation of a high voltage pulse that pierces the gas in the flask.
  3. Combustion is the maintenance of a small voltage on the lamp electrodes, which is sufficient for a stable process.

Electronic throttle circuit

First, the alternating voltage is rectified using a diode bridge and smoothed by a capacitor (C 2). A half-bridge generator is installed next high frequency voltage on two transistors. The load is a toroidal transformer with windings (W1), (W2), (W3), two of them are connected in antiphase. They alternately open the transistor switches. The third winding (W3) supplies resonant voltage to the LL.

A capacitor (C 4) is connected in parallel to the lamp. Resonant voltage is supplied to the electrodes and penetrates the gaseous environment. By this time the filaments have already warmed up. Once ignited, the lamp's resistance drops sharply, causing the voltage to drop sufficiently to maintain combustion. The startup process lasts less than 1 second.

Electronic circuits have the following advantages:

  • start with any specified time delay;
  • installation of a starter and a massive throttle is not required;
  • the lamp does not blink or hum;
  • high-quality light output;
  • compactness of the device.

The use of electronic ballasts makes it possible to install it in the base of a lamp, which is also reduced to the size of an incandescent lamp. This gave rise to new ones energy saving lamps, which can be screwed into a regular standard cartridge.

During operation, fluorescent lamps age and require an increase in operating voltage. In the electronic ballast circuit, the ignition voltage of the glow discharge at the starter decreases. In this case, its electrodes may open, which will trigger the starter and turn off the LL. Then it starts again. Such blinking of the lamp leads to its failure along with the inductor. In an electronic ballast circuit, a similar phenomenon does not occur, since the electronic ballast automatically adjusts to changes in the parameters of the lamp, selecting a favorable mode for it.

Lamp repair. Video

Tips for repairing a fluorescent lamp can be obtained from this video.

LL devices and their connection circuits are constantly evolving towards improvement technical characteristics. It is important to be able to choose suitable models and use them correctly.