Repair of electric drives of gate valves. Gate valve features

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How to repair a shutoff valve?

Shut-off valves are an indispensable and widely used equipment. The most relevant is the use of such equipment in the construction of a water supply system and the organization of a water supply system of various levels. Whether it is domestic water supply or communications of a city and district scale, in any case, without the object of discussion of our article, it is difficult to imagine a modern and reliable water supply network. Why this type of reinforcement is used is extremely simple to understand. Only shut-off valves can provide the required percentage of reliability and guarantee a long service life of any communication that is based on its use. But, as with any equipment, the repair of valves is no exception and requires immediate action if necessary.

Types of plumbing fixtures

Before proceeding with the description repair work, first of all, it is worth saying that a modern person, despite an unfamiliar word, in any case, every day deals with this type of equipment, using plumbing fixtures:

  • cranes;
  • mixers, etc.

The main task of this type of communication is to regulate and, if necessary, stabilize the flow of water, depending on the requirements of the end user and safety standards.

Therefore, any shut-off equipment must be implemented on the basis of high-quality materials that can withstand high pressure and realize the distribution of water flow to the required number of objects. Absolutely all systems that are somehow connected with the water supply system need the use of shutoff valves.

But due to the fact that we are talking about maintaining safety and uniformity of the flow, communication components may fail and require repair work. We will talk about this further.

Repair work

First of all, speaking about repair work, it is worth noting that surface seals and spindles are most susceptible to wear.

So, for example, the technical condition of the spindle does not have the right to be called good when there is corrosion or soot. In this case, the same spindle is simply not able to provide a sufficient level of density, even if we are talking about the highest quality packing.

In order to carry out repair work at a sufficiently high level, first of all, it is necessary to take care of preparing the spindle for repair. Before carrying out preventive or repair work, the spindle must be properly cleaned of old packing, corrosion and dirt, and then washed with kerosene or a gasoline mixture.

As the main material for stripping, GOI paste is most often used, as well as various kinds of chromium powders. Before applying the material, it must be prepared by diluting it in machine oil to a uniform consistency.

If we are talking about mechanical damage of this type, like scuffs, dents, then it is necessary to resort to more extensive work. In this case, it is necessary to make a major overhaul of the surface, eliminating flaws by grinding, polishing and sealing the coating. As the last component, special anti-corrosion materials can be used.

Maintenance of shut-off valves is a very responsible and time-consuming business. Sometimes a lack of knowledge and experience can lead to poor quality work, which by itself means a poor quality repair. If we are talking about ordinary household plumbing, then the most deplorable outcome will be the failure of an expensive toilet bowl or a complaint from flooded neighbors from below.

But when it comes to larger networks, for example, ship networks, there is simply no desire to talk about the consequences aloud, due to the possibility of materializing what has been said. The same is true when maintenance of urban water communications is implied.

Therefore, before returning to the topic of spindle repair, I would like to note once again that it is best to entrust the repair work of such a plan to a specialist or a person who at least knows what a water supply network and valves are in particular.

Spindle and its features

Returning to spindles and their repair, it is worth emphasizing that any of the representatives of this equipment has a rounded surface. It is for this reason that mechanical damage is the main problem for them. At the same time, it must be said that the ovality of the installation should be no more than 0.05 mm, the curvature along the entire length of the surface should also be no more than 0.05 mm. If these indicators deviate from the norm, the spindle needs to be repaired.

If we are talking about corrosion that manifested itself in those places where the spindle contacts the stuffing box, alas, in this case it is necessary to overhaul and replace the unit with a new one. Indeed, in this case, the technical condition of the equipment is not able to withstand prolonged loads, which implies failure and breakdown of the entire water supply system on the site. And this indicates the need to resort to more large-scale, complex work.

industrial production

Repair and preventive maintenance of fittings is required to be carried out in a timely manner and in the best possible way.

Speaking about shut-off valves and their repair in industrial production, we first of all note that here we are talking about larger devices that are designed to work under increased load conditions. Repair of such devices is carried out using specialized machines, surface grinding and internal grinding. In this case, special lapping elements are also used - lappings.

The very shape of the devices can be different, but it is necessarily selected according to the shape of the surface that needs to be processed. Products must have less rigidity than the surface to be processed, and therefore laps are made from materials such as fine bubble cast iron. The laps also check the technical condition of the locking element.

Due to the fact that its surface is softer, after preventive treatment, all the irregularities of the processed material will be visible on the surface of the element. Thus, it will be possible to avoid larger repairs, because this process allows you to eliminate even the smallest problem in the bud, preventing the breakdown from developing completely.

When it comes directly to the grinding of elements, a special solution of abrasive grinding powder with microparticles is applied to the surface of the equipment. Next, the powder is squeezed out, and the remaining powder is washed off with machine oil. This is followed by the final finishing of the treated surface, which is carried out using a diamond layer.

Self lapping

General arrangement of ball valves KSh and KShG

We note right away that the above work is performed on special equipment and under conditions that are rather difficult to implement in a normal household environment. But self-repair and lapping is also possible.

In the absence of specialized equipment and means, grinding of the sealing elements is carried out by means of circular movements of the surfaces in relation to each other. Thus, it will be possible to arrange micro-scratches in an arc, which, in fact, is an ideal condition for high-quality and reliable sealing.

This is the most acceptable option for eliminating leakage of the medium from valves and pipelines, which can be implemented at home.

In the absence of specialized equipment and materials, the appearance of deeper cracks, scratches and chips is quite possible, which is highly undesirable. In this case, a coarse-grained cast-iron disc is used, on which coarse sandpaper is attached.

After carrying out such work, it is imperative to wipe the surfaces to be treated with a damp cloth, previously moistened with kerosene, and then wipe dry with clean napkins.

Stainless fittings (stainless steel)

It is hardly worth saying that modern plumbing equipment is significantly different from the Soviet one. These are new standards, new technologies, innovative solutions, and, in the end, completely different sizes and methods of operation.

Therefore, if it becomes necessary to replace the locking mechanism in the apartment, subject to the operation of Soviet analogues, it is necessary to resort to large-scale changes and revisions. And in this regard, modernity, making adjustments, brings a lot of problems.

Installation of a mixer with a spool switch: 1 - rod; 2 - holder; 3 - shower grid; 4 - body; 5 - crank; 6 - thread seal; 7 - special screw; 8 - handle; 9 - spout; 10 - spool gasket; 11 - spool; 12 - adapter.

  1. Firstly, for repairs it is necessary to replace all plumbing, from pipes to faucets.
  2. Secondly, for the implementation of repair work on the basis of modern equipment, it is also necessary to have modern tools.
  3. Thirdly, perhaps the most significant problem is the need to turn off the water supply.

Of course, if the work is carried out with the help of an experienced plumber, the issue of new clothes is resolved within a few hours with minimal difficulty. But when there is no opportunity to call a plumber, you need to learn everything from scratch and start repairing yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

But this has its advantages, since modern shut-off valves and all plumbing in general can solve many problems or localize them in a separate gap.

According to experts, stainless steel fittings have the highest level of reliability, the main advantages of which are:

  • high level of reliability due to the highest specifications the metal itself;
  • ease of use (for example, if necessary, you can turn off the water supply with just one turn of the valve);
  • affordable price;
  • high environmental friendliness - the water that is supplied to the facility is not polluted due to the occurrence of corrosive deposits;
  • wide range of applications - applicable both at large industrial facilities and in domestic conditions.

As for the shortcomings, there are very few of them, speaking of stainless fittings of the shut-off type.

First of all, this, of course, is the need to use special equipment and tools in the case when a major overhaul is performed. Ordinary emery and circular motions, i.e. lapping, here is indispensable.

Due to the fact that the material is quite soft compared to cast iron, certain safety measures must be observed in order not to permanently damage the surface during processing.

General provisions

1. Real job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a repairman.

2. A person with a secondary education and appropriate training in the specialty is appointed to the position of a repairman.

3. The mechanic-repairman must know the structure of the repaired equipment, units and machines; machine regulation rules; ways to eliminate defects in the process of repair, assembly and testing of equipment, units and machines; device, purpose and rules for the use of used control and measuring instruments; design of universal and special devices; methods of marking and processing simple various parts; system of admissions and landings; quality and roughness parameters; properties of acid-resistant and other alloys; the main provisions of preventive maintenance of equipment; design features of the repaired equipment, units and machines; technical conditions for repair, assembly, testing and regulation and for the correct installation of equipment, units and machines; technological process of repair, assembly and installation of equipment; rules for testing equipment for static and dynamic balancing of machines; geometric constructions with complex markup; methods for determining premature wear of parts; ways to restore and harden worn parts and apply a protective coating.

4. A repairman is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the head of the institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The mechanic-repairman reports directly to the deputy head of the ACS, or the deputy head of engineering, or the deputy head of construction, or the head of the economic department, or the head of the technical department, or the head of the construction department.

Job Responsibilities

Implementation of repair work. Disassembly, repair, assembly and testing of components and mechanisms. Repair, installation, dismantling, testing, regulation, adjustment of equipment, units and machines and delivery after repair. Locksmith processing of parts and assemblies. Manufacture of complex devices for repair and installation. Drawing up defective repair reports. Performing rigging work using lifting and transport mechanisms and special devices. Identification and elimination of defects during the operation of the equipment and when checking during the repair process. Accuracy and load testing of repaired equipment.


The repairman has the right to:

1. make proposals to the management of the institution on the organization and conditions of its labor activity;

2. use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their official duties;

Educational practice PM №1

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3. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

4. improve your skills.

A repairman enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A responsibility

The Maintenance Technician is responsible for:

1. timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;

2. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions of the management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;

3. compliance with internal regulations, fire safety and safety;

4. maintaining the documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts;

5. prompt action, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees and other persons.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a repairman may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the misconduct.

Valve maintenance

The frequency and scope of maintenance and repair of shut-off valves are determined by the manufacturer's instructions and the schedule approved by the chief engineer of the operating organization.

On the ground (in order to speed up the process), the repair of shut-off valves is partially limited to grinding small valves or taps, which consists in the fact that the spool or plug is rubbed with a fine

emery with machine oil to the nest. In this case, the stem seals and plugs are also stuffed. Grooving of spools, cheeks, rods, ground-boxes is done in workshops on lathes or lapping machines. The detected defects are eliminated in the same ways as during the repair of shutoff valves.

To speed up the operations of turning on and off pipelines and to facilitate the repair of shutoff valves, wells with walls made of rubble or reinforced concrete prefabricated elements are constructed on all tie-ins and on all burst gates. They are equipped with durable covers and well-marked signs.

In the working condition of the stop valves, the passage of the medium through the stuffing box and gasket seals is not allowed.

The technical condition of the valve during operation must be determined by diagnostic control. Acoustic emission (AE), ultrasonic (US) and other non-destructive testing methods are used to determine the technical condition of the valve body and welds.

The diagnostic control of the gate valve is combined in time with a major overhaul and is also carried out when excessive stresses are detected on the nozzles or when failures occur in the operation of the gate valve according to the criteria for limit states. When diagnosing, devices and AE sensors and ultrasonic testing devices or flaw detectors are used.

Diagnostic control and a conclusion based on its results are carried out by specialized organizations that have the permission of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, or specialists from RNU, TsBPO in the presence of a developed and approved method of diagnostic control.

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The results of diagnostic control (conclusion) are entered in the valve form or attached to its passport.

Checking the tightness of the valve gate during operation can be carried out by acoustic emission leak detectors.

On operating main oil pipelines, valves are also tested for strength and density of materials and welds, tightness in relation to the external environment, tightness of the gate and operability. The testing of fittings is combined in time with the testing of oil pipelines or is carried out after the overhaul of oil pipelines.

The test mode and test pressures are set and depend on the period and parameters of operation of oil pipelines in accordance with regulatory documents regulating testing on existing oil pipelines.

Locking and control devices. Shut-off valves- type of pipeline fittings designed to block the flow of the medium. It has the widest application and usually makes up about 80% of the total number of products used. Shut-off valves include both test-bleed and control-bleed valves used to check the level of a liquid medium in tanks, take samples, bleed air from upper cavities, drain, etc. Fig. 5, a, c) and valves (Fig. 5, b). The control valve differs from the shut-off valve only in the design of the valve (spool). The valve has a tail device that allows you to smoothly change the flow area of ​​the valve. In addition, fine threads are cut into the control valve spindle.

Rice. 5. Shutoff valves:
a - through passage valve (shut-off): 1 - cap-handwheel; 2 - spindle head; 3 - spindle; 4 - stuffing box; 5 - lid; 6 - spool; 7 - body; b - brine valve: 1 - frame; 2 - cheeks; 3 - wedge; 4 - stock; 5 - stuffing box; 6 - flywheel; in - two-way shut-off freon valve: 1 - frame; 2 - spindle; 3 - stuffing; 4 - screw; 5 - gasket, 6 - cap; 7 - branch pipe; 8 - tee; 9 - cap nut.

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Valves, as a rule, have sealing belts on the covers, which allows, without disconnecting the pipeline section from common system, replace the gland packing. To do this, the valve opens to failure and closes the gland packing. The valve valve is made with an annular babbitt filling, which is pressed into the annular protrusion of the valve seat and seals it (see Fig. 5, a). Instead of babbit filling, an annular fluoroplastic insert is often performed. Valves with a nominal bore of more than 15 mm are usually made with flanges. Flanges in refrigeration units are used in pairs: ledge - hollow. A depression is made on the flanges of the valves. The stuffing box material is cotton cord impregnated with oil and lubricated with graphite. Rings made of oil-resistant rubber and fluoroplast are successfully used as packing. Valves and other fittings for the refrigerant in ship refrigeration units are used only steel. For freon installations, bronze fittings are allowed.

Shut-off and control valves are installed so that the direction of movement of the refrigerant coincides with the direction of valve lift (under the valve). A shut-off valve is usually installed before each control valve, since the control valve cannot be used as a shut-off valve.

On fig. 5, in a two-way freon angle valve with a small flow section is shown. A two-way valve allows you to turn off one of the passages in working condition or connect both passages at the same time. Freon compressors often use a valve of this design.

Similar information.

The invention is intended for the repair of shut-off pipeline valves. Method for repairing gate valves, mainly wedge gate valves, by installing finished seats in body bores with a gap on a self-hardening adhesive composition, followed by assembly and curing of the assembled adhesive composition. Before assembly, threads are cut in the bores of the body and on the saddles. Each saddle is made with an annular radial protrusion. After that, the saddles are screwed onto the adhesive self-hardening composition into the threaded bores of the body. In this case, an elastically deformable element is installed between the annular radial protrusions of the seats or the ends of the seats and the body. This allows the screw-in seat to self-align along the wedge, and one elastically deformable element ensures that all gaps are removed, which increases the tightness of the seat-to-body connection. This implementation reduces the complexity and increases the reliability of valve repairs. 3 ill.

The invention relates to the engineering industry, in particular to the repair of pipeline valves. A known method of restoring the sealing fields of the gate, which consists in welding a hard stainless alloy directly on the body and the valve wedge, followed by machining and lapping (see A.F. Pongilsky. Locksmith for the repair of pipelines and steam-water fittings. M .: Higher school, 1973). This method is quite laborious, requires special, precise and sophisticated equipment. There is also known a method of repairing wedge gate valves (see A.S. 310078), which consists in installing in a gap in the bored grooves of the body and wedge finished, for example, metal rings on a self-hardening composition, followed by assembling the wedge and body, holding the assembly until the composition is cured . The disadvantages of this method include the possibility of incomplete fit of the sealing rings of the housing and the wedge to each other (and hence the lack of tightness) and the impossibility of self-installation in the absence of a side gap between the ring and the groove. And if these gaps are sufficient for self-adjustment of the rings, it is possible to extrude the self-curing composition before the start of its polymerization, which means that there is no elastic compression of the rings to each other, which also leads to loss of tightness or the appearance of incomplete contact of the rings with the adhesive composition, which reduces the reliability of the connection. Moreover, this method is not applicable to valves with screw-in seats (see D.F. Gurevich. Calculation and design of pipeline fittings. L .: Mashinostroenie, 1969, Fig. 129-131). The objective of the invention is to reduce the complexity and increase the reliability of the repair. The technical result is achieved by the fact that the sealing fields of the wedge and screw-in saddles are mechanically processed "as cleanly", i. with the removal of the minimum allowance until the wear traces disappear, the sealing fields of both the body seats and the wedge are lapped, threads are cut on the seats in the body bores, after which they are screwed onto the adhesive self-hardening composition into the threaded bores of the body, while between the annular radial protrusions of the seats or the ends of the saddles and the body install an elastically deformable element. The essence of the invention is illustrated by drawings: Fig. 1 shows a wedge gate valve with screw-in saddles in the section, in Fig. 2 - view A in Fig. 1, variant, in Fig. 3 - view A in Fig. 1 option. In the body 1, threaded 2 seats 3 are installed with a gap 4, in which a self-hardening composition 5 is placed, limited by an elastically deformable element 6 or 7 installed between the body 1 and the annular radial protrusion 8 or the end face 9 of the screw-in seat 3, the sealing field 10 of which interacts with the sealing field 11 wedge 12. After disassembly, the seats 3 are cleaned of dirt, the sealing fields 11 of the wedge 12 are treated “as clean” and lapped, the threads of the seat and body bores are cut or the existing threads are loosened with a gap sufficient for self-adjustment, then the sealing fields 11 of the wedge 12 are also treated “as cleanly” and lapped them. After that, the thread of the seat 3 is covered with a self-hardening composition 5, elastically deformable elements 6 or 7 are installed and the seat 3 is screwed into the body 1, then the wedge 12 is inserted into the body 1, taking into account the overlap of the sealing fields of the wedge and the seat, ensuring the tightness of the product, and leave assembled until self-denial. The valve is ready for operation. Depending on the degree of wear of the sealing fields of the seats 10 and the wedge 11, one or two seats are installed on the elastic element 6. Thus, the minimum machining "as pure", lapping four fields, threading - this is the amount of machining of the proposed method, which is much less than known analogues. The gaps in the interface allow the screw-in seat to self-align along the wedge, and one elastically deformable element allows you to select all the gaps in the seals.


A method for repairing gate valves, mainly wedge valves, by installing finished seats with a gap in the body bores on a self-hardening adhesive composition, followed by assembly and curing of the assembled adhesive composition, characterized in that threads are cut in the body bores and on the seats before assembly, each seat being made with an annular radial protrusion, after that the seats are screwed onto the adhesive self-hardening composition into the threaded bores of the body, while an elastically deformable element is installed between the annular radial protrusions of the seats or the ends of the seats and the body.

Similar patents:

This invention relates to a shut-off valve comprising a body (1), two O-rings (20) located in this body (1), and two gate discs (12) located between these O-rings (20), which, with the help of an actuator (7 ) can be brought into contact with both O-rings (20). According to the invention, it is proposed to provide each slide disc (12) on its side facing the other slide disc (12) with a recess (28), in which the corresponding pressure block (22a, 22b) is located, each pressure block (22a, 22b) on its facing to the other pressure nut side has a recess (34, 37), while both recesses (34, 37) together form a space (40), in which a package (23) of Belleville springs is placed, containing several Belleville springs (41) with the first elastic force and the first stroke of each spring and several Belleville springs (42) with the second elastic force and the second stroke of each spring, the first elastic force of the spring is greater than the second elastic force of the spring, and the first stroke of the spring is less than the second stroke of the spring. 6 w.p. f-ly, 4 ill.

The invention relates to the field of mechanical engineering, in particular to a device for a parallel pipeline valve with a rising spindle, and can be used as pipeline equipment for various purposes. The gate valve consists of a body 1 with cheeks 2, a retractable spindle 3, a wedge spacer element 4 attached to it, gate disks 5, a cover 6 with a stuffing box assembly 7. Upper stops 8 are made on the body 1, and figured (in our case, T-shaped) grooves. On the side surfaces of the wedge spacer element 4, there are reciprocal protrusions to the T-shaped groove. In the lower inner surface of the housing 1, lower stops 9 are placed to limit the vertical downward movement of the gate disks 5. To create an additional force for lifting the wedge spacer element 4 and prevent premature lifting of the gate disks 5, springs 10 with pushers 11 are placed in the wedge spacer element 4, and on the rear Stops 12 for pushers 11 are attached to the surfaces of the gate disks 5. The invention is aimed at improving the reliability of operation due to reduced wear of the seals while simplifying the design and improving its manufacturability. 1 z.p. f-ly, 3 ill.

The invention relates to the engineering industry, in particular to the repair of valves

This operating manual applies to cast iron flanged gate valves with a non-rising stem, manually operated, for electric drive, with a gearbox:
- with manual drive - flywheel, with a rubberized wedge:
- for electric drive, with rubberized wedge:
phone number 30ch939r – PN10 DN 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800;
phone number 30ch939r – PN16 DN 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800;
with bevel gear, with rubberized wedge:
phone number 30ch539r - PN10 DN 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800;
manufactured according to specifications and is intended to familiarize service personnel with the design and operation of gate valves, their main technical data and characteristics, and also serves as a guide for installation, commissioning, operation, storage and maintenance.
Gate valves meet the technical requirements of GOST 5762-2002, GOST R 53672-2009, GOST 9544-2005.
For gate valves for electric drive, you should additionally be guided by the technical description and operating instructions, passport for the electric drive.
These gate valves belong to the class of restored, repaired products.
An example of recording wedge gate valves with a manual drive (handwheel) of climatic modification U1 (solid wedge) when ordering and recording in the documentation of other products in which it can be used: “Wedge gate valve ZKL2-50-16 DN50 РN16 U1 30ch39r”.
An example of recording gate valves for an electric drive of climatic modification U1 (solid wedge) when ordering and recording in the documentation in which it can be used: “Wedge gate valve ZKLP-50-16 DN50 РN16 U1 30ch939r”.

1.1 Gate valves with a non-rising stem are designed for installation as a shut-off device on pipelines for the transportation of dilute inorganic and organic acids, bases, polar organic media, oxidizing media, alkalis and ketones, cold and hot water, steam, in relation to which the materials used in valves are corrosion-resistant. Do not use when working with vegetable oils and animal fats, aliphatic aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, mineral oils.
1.2 Main parameters and characteristics
1.2.1 Working environment temperature:
for flanged wedge gate valves from -40°С to +130°С.
1.2.2 Overpressure depending on the temperature of the working medium according to GOST356-80.
1.2.3 Gate valves should be selected based on the resistance of materials in the media used, taking into account the type of corrosion in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.908-85.
1.2.4 The medium used for carbon steels should not have a corrosion rate of more than 0.15 mm per year.
1.2.5 It is forbidden to operate gate valves in the absence of operational documentation.
1.2.6 Body flanges - according to GOST 12819-80 for PN 1.0 MPa (10 kgf/cm2), PN 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2), PN 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2).
Counter flanges GOST 12821-80 for PN 1.0 MPa (10kgf/cm2), PN 1.6 MPa (16kgf/cm2), PN 2.5 MPa (25kgf/cm2).
Mounting dimensions and dimensions of sealing surfaces - according to GOST 12815-80:
PN 1.0 MPa (10kgf/cm2), PN 1.6 MPa (16kgf/cm2), PN 2.5 MPa (25kgf/cm2) execution 1, row 2.
At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture the main flanges of the valve body with a sealing surface of execution 2 or 4, row 2 in accordance with GOST 12815-80.
1.2.7 Gate valve must be strong, dense and airtight in relation to the external environment.
The passage of the working medium or "sweating" through the metal, as well as the passage of the medium through the gasket connection and the stuffing box seal are not allowed.
Gate valve tightness class A, B, C, D, D1 GOST 9544-2005 (gate valve tightness class is determined contractual obligations for product delivery).
The tightness class is determined by the amount of leakage in the gate during acceptance tests.
1.2.8 The direction of supply of the working medium is any.
1.2.9 Gate valve installation position – drive up.
Deviation from the vertical up to 90˚ in any direction is allowed. When the valve spindle is located horizontally for the electric drive, it is necessary to have a support under the drive housing.
1.2.10 The operating position of the shutter is fully open or fully closed. Lifting and lowering of the gate valve with a rising stem must be smooth - without jerking and jamming. The use of a valve as a throttling device is not allowed.
1.2.11 Construction length of the valve according to GOST 3706-93.

1.2.12 The operating temperature of the ambient air for dampers of climatic version U1 is not lower than minus 40 ˚С in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
1.2.13 The wedge gate valve belongs to the class of restored, repaired products with an unregulated restoration discipline and a forced duration of operation.
1.2.14 Indicators of service life, technical resource and time between failures:
gate valves with rubberized wedge:
the established average service life is at least 10 years;
established average resource - not less than 2000 cycles or 100000 hours;
time between failures - at least 200 cycles or 12000 hours.
1.2.15 Failure criterion cast iron gate valve are:
leakages in the gate exceeding the allowable value in accordance with GOST 9544-2005, upon confirmation of the declared tightness class;
loss of tightness in relation to the external environment of body parts and welded joints;
spontaneous change in the position of the spindle from the "open" position or the "closed" position during operation;
leakage of the medium through gasket connections and stuffing box, which cannot be eliminated by additional tightening, jamming of moving parts;
thread cut of the running pair;
shearing of the handwheel key and spindle nut;
separation of the wedge from the spindle;
destruction of other elements or parts of the valve,
Provided that these problems did not arise due to violation of the operating rules.
1.2.16 The criteria for the limit state of the valve are:
destruction and loss of density of the material of body parts.
Note: * Valves subjected to restoration (disassembly and assembly) within the warranty periods of operation cannot be replaced, the manufacturer is not responsible for the performance of these valves.

Gate valve - 1 pc.
Passport - 1 pc.
Operation manual - 2 pcs. per batch of products to one address.

3.1Cast iron wedge gate valves consist of the following main parts (see drawing):
housing through which the working medium passes when the shutter is open;
a wedge that provides a hermetic overlap of the flow section of the gate valve, with a nut that moves along a rotating spindle;
flywheel (manually operated valve - drawing), electric drive (valve for electric drive) or gearbox (valve with gearbox), with the help of which the spindle rotates, which means opening and closing the gate valve;
covers with seals and seal housing.
3.2 A flywheel, electric drive or gearbox is rigidly connected to the spindle and imparts rotational movement to the spindle.
The wedge connected to the spindle is lowered or raised through the wedge nut, depending on the direction of rotation of the handwheel, closing or opening the passage section of the valve body.
The direction of rotation for opening and closing the manually operated valve is indicated on the handwheel (“Closed” - clockwise, “Opened” - counterclockwise).
3.3 Construction length of gate valves according to GOST 3706-93.
Construction length, height of the valve in the closed and open position of the valve is given in the passport for the valve.
At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture gate valves with other construction lengths.
3.4 The main parts of valves with a rubberized wedge are made of the following materials:
- climatic version TU 2:
case, cover - cast iron VCh 50, VCh 35, VCh 40, VCh 45 GOST 7293-85, KCh ZO-6, KCh ZZ-8 GOST 1215-93;
- climatic modification TU 3.1:
body, cover - cast iron SCH 20, SCH 25, SCH 30, SCH 35 GOST 1412-85;
rubberized wedge: base - cast iron VCh 50 GOST 7293-85;
flywheel - cast iron VCh 40, VCh 50 GOST 7293-85.
seal body, wedge nut, washer - brass LS59-1 GOST 15527-2004;
gasket (between the body and the cover) - paronite GOST 481-80.
It is allowed to manufacture the gate valve wedge from corrosion-resistant material: steel 20X13, 30X13 GOST 5632-72.
Spindle - corrosion-resistant steel 20X13, 30X13, GOST 5632-72.
Valve seal material is EPDM rubber.
Material of fasteners with working medium temperature up to 130º С:
high-quality carbon structural steel GOST 1050-88:
bolt strength class not less than 5.6 GOST 1759.4-87, technical requirements according to GOST 1759.0-87;
the strength class of the nuts is not less than 5, the technical requirements are in accordance with GOST 1759.0-87 (the hardness of the bolts must be at least 10-15 HB higher than the hardness of the nuts).
Materials for the manufacture of rubberized wedge gate valves - groups of rubber compounds according to
TU 2512-046-00152081-2003:
I increased hardness;
XIII increased hardness.
It is allowed to replace materials with others that do not worsen the reliability of the valve.

4.1 On flanged wedge gate valve with non-rising spindle marked:
trademark or the name of the manufacturer;
PN 10, PN 16, PN 25;
25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100,125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600;
U - for gate valves with climatic version U1 or material grade;
ХЛ – for valves of climatic version ХЛ1 or material grade;
TU - for valves of climatic modification TU2, TU3.1 and material grade;
PN is the nominal pressure of the medium, kgf/cm2;
25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600 - nominal bore – DN, mm;
U, HL, TU – symbol for the material grade of the damper body of climatic design, respectively U1, HL1, TU2, TU3.1;
valve factory number;
date of manufacture;
stamp of final acceptance;
- sign of the GOST R certification system;

5.1. Installation, operation and maintenance is allowed to personnel who have studied the valve device, safety regulations, the requirements of the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance manual and who have experience with valves.
5.2 The service life of gate valves and the serviceability of their operation are ensured subject to the requirements set forth in the operational documentation.
5.3. When removing the valve from the pipeline, its disassembly and assembly must be carried out in a specially equipped room. If the valve is dismantled without removing it from the pipeline, then measures must be taken to ensure the cleanliness of the workplace, and safety requirements must be met.
The possibility of contamination and ingress of foreign objects into the internal cavity of the valve during disassembly and assembly must be excluded.
5.4 The working medium passing through the valve must comply with the standards and specifications for it.
5.5 Cast iron wedge gate valve must be fully open.
Throttling of the medium when the shutter is not fully open is not allowed.
5.6 Drive devices must be used in strict accordance with their purpose in terms of operating parameters, media, operating conditions, characteristics, reliability.
5.7 Electric actuators installed on the valve under the electric actuator must be adjusted, and the torque couplings or axial force must be adjusted to the torque value that ensures reliable closing and opening of the gate valve locking device.
5.8 The limit switches of the electric drive must be adjusted for automatic shutdown when the locking device of the valve reaches the extreme positions.
5.9 Gate valves for electric drive, equipped with an electric drive, must be operated in accordance with the "Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations", "Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations" and "Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations".
Electrical equipment intended for use in underground workings of mines, as well as in explosive zones in which explosive mixtures can form in accordance with GOST 12.1.011-78, must comply with GOST 12.2.020-76, taking into account the "Rules for the manufacture of explosion-proof and mine equipment".
5.10 It is forbidden to operate valves in the absence of operational documentation

6.1. To ensure safe operation, DO NOT:
operate valves in the absence of operational documentation;
remove the valve from the pipeline if there is a working medium in it;
to disassemble valves in the presence of pressure and working medium in the pipeline;
pressure test the system with a test pressure exceeding the pressure set for the gate valves.
The gate valves must be in the open position;
to replace the gland packing,
tightening flange connections in the presence of pressure in the system,
use packings of a larger or smaller section.
It is allowed in low-pressure gate valves to carry out additional stuffing and tightening of the gland seal with the spindle screwed out to the stop without reducing the pressure in the gas pipeline, while observing the safety precautions set forth in the operation manual, GOST R 53672-2009 and regulatory and technical documentation Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision of the Russian Federation (PB 03-75-94, PB 09-540-03, PB 09-563-03, PB 12-529-03);
use the valve as a support for pipelines;
use the valve as a control valve;
place individual parts or assembly tools on the valve and actuators during installation;
install the electric actuator on the valve in an inclined position without support under the electric actuator;
install the electric drive outdoors without protection from atmospheric precipitation;
operate structural elements of electrical devices that are part of the electric drive, are energized and accessible to touch, without guards (or must be isolated);
operate fittings with grounding devices without grounding;
carry out all types of work to eliminate defects without disconnecting the drive from the network;
start work on disassembling the drive without making sure that the drive is disconnected from the mains, and the sign “do not turn on, people are working” is installed on the control panel.
6.2 The personnel servicing the valves must be instructed in safety precautions, be familiar with the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance manual and passport for gate valves, technical description and operating instructions and passport for the electric drive, have personal protective equipment, comply with the requirements of the fire department. security.
Organization of personnel training in labor safety rules - in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90.

7.1 Transport wedge cast iron gate valves, subjected to conservation, to the installation site should be made in the manufacturer's packaging, the through holes should be plugged.
7.2 Valves should be depreserved in accordance with GOST 9.014-78 immediately before installation.
Lubricate the spindle thread with VNIINP-232 GOST 14068-79 paste.
7.3 When installing the valve, it is necessary that the flanges on the pipeline are installed without distortions.
Valves must not be stressed by piping.
7.4 When mounting for suspension, movement and other work, use the lugs in the cover, nozzles or flanges of the housings.
DO NOT use a flywheel for suspension.
7.5 Before installing gate valves with a non-rising stem, check:
the state of the package;
the presence of plugs on the main pipes;
the state of the internal cavities of the valve and the pipeline (visually).
If dirt, sand, spatter from welding and other foreign bodies are found in the pipeline or valve, the pipeline and valve must be blown and washed;
condition of fasteners.
Tightening of fasteners should be done evenly without distortions and constrictions;
shutter tightness.
7.6 During installation it is FORBIDDEN:
eliminate flange distortions by tightening fasteners and deformation of valve flanges;
use wrenches with extended handles and other devices other than those provided for this product;
use valves instead of plugs during installation tests.
7.7 Before handing over the system, the customer should check:
condition of bolted connections;
operability of the valve without pressure of the working medium, then at the working pressure in the pipeline;
tightness of gasket connections, stuffing box seal, valve;
If malfunctions are found, eliminate them according to section 9.
closing and opening of the locking body of the valves with an electric drive (electrically driven valves);
automatic shutdown of the electric motor of the electric drive by the torque limiting clutch when the specified torque on the output shaft is reached in the “closed” positions and in case of emergency overload on the way to the opening side;
alarm in the “closed” position and automatic shutdown of the electric drive and alarm in the “open” position.

8.1 During operation, periodic inspections (routine maintenance) should be carried out within the time limits established by the schedule, depending on the operating modes of the system.
During inspections, you need to check:
condition of fasteners;
operability of gate valves with an operating time of 1-2 cycles;
tightness of joints relative to the external environment;
lubrication of the bearing assembly (if there is an oiler in the product) - if necessary, lubricate with paste VNII NP-232 GOST 14068-79 - in valves of U1 version according to GOST 15150-69,
Inspection and testing of valves is carried out by personnel servicing the pipeline.

9.1 Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them are given in Table 9.

Table 9
This table lists the main faults, probable causes and repair methods for cast iron wedge gate valves.

Fault name, external and additional symptoms





1. The tightness of the gasket connections is broken. The passage of the medium through gasket connections.

1. Gasket not sealed enough. Loose studs or bolts.

2. Destroyed gasket material.

Seal the gasket by tightening the nuts evenly without distortion.

Replace gasket.

2. Violation of the tightness of the shutter.

The passage of the medium when the shutter is closed.

The sealing surfaces of the body and wedge are damaged.

Dismantle the valve and grind the sealing surfaces of the body and wedge.

3. The tightness of the stuffing box is broken.

The passage of the medium through the stuffing box.

1. Insufficient tightening of the stuffing box.

2. Wear of stuffing box.

Seal the stuffing box with an additional tightening of the nuts.

* It is allowed to tighten the nuts within the warranty periods of operation.

Replace or add gland packing.

4. The valve does not open or close, the spindle does not rotate.

Jamming of moving parts.

Dismantle the valve, remove jamming, lubricate the movable interfaces, lubricate or replace the bearing (if any).

Note: *Sealing the stuffing box with an additional tightening of the nuts within the warranty period of 500 cycles or within the warranty period is a routine maintenance of the gate valve, which is not a basis for making claims to the product manufacturer.
9.2 Possible malfunctions and methods of their repair for electric actuators installed on gate valves are given in the technical description and operating instructions for the electric actuator.

10.1 When disassembling and assembling gate valves it is obligatory to:
comply with the safety precautions set out in the instruction manual;
protect the sealing surfaces of the body and wedge from damage.
10.2 Dismantling and assembly of gate valves is carried out to eliminate malfunctions that occur during operation (see Table 9) and lubrication.
It is allowed to disassemble and assemble both on the pipeline and in the removed position, taking into account the convenience of maintenance and observing the safety rules.
Wedge gate valves to be serviced must be installed on pipelines in places accessible for work at a height of not more than 1.6 m from the floor level.
When valves are located at a height of more than 1.6 m, maintenance is carried out from special platforms and ladders.
The valve flywheel should be placed relative to the platform from which control is performed, at a height of 1.0-1.6 m when standing and at a height of 0.6-1.2 m - when sitting.
10.3 Complete disassembly of the valve (see Figure 1 - 3) is carried out in the following order.
10.3.2 Flanged gate valves with non-rising stem:
Remove the cover 5, first unscrewing the nuts 4 from the studs 3, together with the spindle 19 or 20 and the wedge, protecting the sealing surfaces of the wedge from damage when exiting
the guide of the wedge spikes from the guide grooves or ridges of the body 1.
Remove wedge 2 from spindle 19 or 20 by unscrewing it along the thread.
Remove the cover support 17 together with the spindle 19 or 20, having previously unscrewed the nuts 8 from the studs 7.
Release the stuffing box cover 14, having previously unscrewed the nuts 10 from the anchor bolts 9, and take out the stuffing box 15 or 16.
Remove bearings (if bearings are present).
Remove the spindle from the cover post 17 or 18.
10.3.3 Non-rising stem valves with rubber wedge:
Remove wedge 2 from the "closed" position. Remove the flywheel, electric drive or gearbox by unscrewing the nuts, after disconnecting the electric drive from the mains.
Remove the cover 7, having previously unscrewed the bolts 6, together with the spindle 4 and the wedge 2, protecting the sealing surfaces of the wedge from damage, when the wedge spike guide leaves the guide grooves or ridges of the body 1.
Remove the wedge 2 from the spindle 4 by unscrewing it along the thread.
Unscrew housing 12 or 13 together with spindle seal 9 and carefully remove it from spindle 4.
Remove spindle 4 from cover 7 together with split washer 8.
10.4 Before assembly, thoroughly clean all parts, and wash the sealing surfaces with gasoline or mineral spirits and wipe dry.
Then lubricate the fasteners with USsA GOST 3333-80 grade graphite grease - in U1 gate valves according to GOST 15150-69; with lubricant CIATIM-201 GOST 6267-74 - in gate valves of execution KhL1 in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
Knots: spindle nut - spindle, spindle nut - cover, bearing (if bearing is available) grease with paste VNII NP-232 GOST 14068-79 - in gate valves of version U1 according to GOST 15150-69, with CIATIM-201 grease GOST 6267-74 - in gate valves executions ХЛ1 in accordance with GOST 15150-69.
10.5 Assemble the valve in the reverse order:
10.6 The valve assembled after elimination of faults shall be subjected to the following tests:
for performance - the operating time of three cycles without pressure, with the cycle "open - closed" for the entire working stroke;
for the tightness of the shutter, stuffing box seal and gasket connection body-cover with water GOST R51232-98 at a pressure of 1.1 РN. When testing, it is not allowed to hit the valve under pressure.

11.1 Conditions for transportation and storage of valves - 7 (Zh1) according to GOST 15150-69, with electric drive - 4 (Zh2) according to GOST 15150-69.
11.2. When installing valves for long-term storage, the following requirements must be observed:
valves must be stored in conditions that guarantee their protection from damage and contamination;
the shutter must be closed, the through holes are closed with plugs.
11.3 Transportation of cast iron wedge gate valves can be carried out by any mode of transport in the manufacturer's packaging with the obligatory observance of the following requirements:
valves must be securely fastened to a pallet, box or container;
during loading and unloading, it is not allowed to throw or turn over boxes, containers, pallets;
when transporting boxes, containers, pallets must be secured.

At the end of the service life (operation), disassemble the valve, knock out the gland packing, remove the thrust bearings, sort the parts according to the grades of materials in accordance with Section 1 and the drawings of the operation manual.
Stuffing box packing, gasket should be stored in special places for waste.
The metal parts of the gate valves should be handed over to the collection and processing points for metals in accordance with the established procedure.

Gate valve cast iron flanged with non-rising spindle with rubberized wedge with manual drive (handwheel) PN10, PN16

Drawing of cast iron wedge gate valve

1-body, 2-rubberized wedge, 3-wedge nut, 4-spindle, 5-gasket, 6-bolt, 7-cap, 8-washer, 9-o-ring, 10-flywheel, 11-washer, 12-nut , 13-seal housing, 14-o-ring

The fittings requiring repair are dismantled, washed and sent assembled to a repair company. Here it is disassembled and defects are fixed. The most common reasons for shut-off valves to fail are leakage due to corrosion, nicks, dents of foreign bodies on the sealing surfaces, as well as deformation of the valve body under the action of outside sh their loads and thermal deformations.

The internal cavity of the body is inspected for the detection of shells, cracks and other defects. Non-through defective places in the body are cut to the full depth to bare metal. Before cutting cracks, holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm are drilled at their ends. The edges adjacent to the cutting points are cleaned with a file and a metal brush. After etching with a 10% nitric acid solution, the cracks are welded by electric arc welding and thermally treated.

When inspecting the parts of the shutter, check the tightness of the sealing ring (seat) in the body and the cleanliness of its surface. The shutter (gate, discs), spindle, bushing, stuffing box cavities, bushing head and fasteners are checked for nicks, scuffs, scratches and other damage. Damaged parts are discarded and refurbished.

Various sinks, cavities, scuffs and other damage to the sealing surfaces are eliminated by turning, grinding and lapping on the machine. Defects with a depth of more than 0.5 mm on the sealing surface are eliminated by preliminary cutting of the defective area and surfacing metal on it, followed by processing. If the damage depth is less than 0.5 mm, then grinding with an abrasive wheel and lapping is carried out.

Leaks between the body and the seat are eliminated depending on the type of attachment. If the saddle is fixed in the body by pressing, then it is machined out of the body and replaced with a new one, which is welded to the body with preliminary cutting of the seat.

If the saddle is seated on a thread, then it is unscrewed using special keys and fixtures. If there is a normally preserved thread, a new seat is screwed in with the same device, but with a large tightening torque.

If the thread for the seat has significant wear, then it is bored to a larger size with simultaneous boring for welding.

A new ring is pressed into this place and welded. If the rings are welded into the valve, then they are turned on a lathe in a special device, where both surfaces are turned in one installation.

After that, the body of the valve goes to the grinding and lapping of the rings. Both sides of the wedge in this case are welded and machined in the fixture in one setting. Wedge adjustment is carried out along the valve body on horizontal grinding and lapping machines.

The processing of sealing rings of wedge gate valves can be carried out not only on a lathe, but also on a horizontal boring machine.

Before repair, the spindle is cleaned of traces of the old gland packing, soot and dirt, washed in kerosene or gasoline. The sealing surface of the spindle must be mirror-smooth.

Not deep dents and scuffs, with a depth of more than 0.08 - 0.15 mm, are eliminated by lapping with EOI paste or grinding powders diluted in oil.

The inner surface of parts mating with the spindle is also checked for cleanliness and lack of ovality. One of the labor-intensive operations in the repair of fittings is the grinding of sealing surfaces. Lapping of flat parts of reinforcement (saddle, wedges) is carried out on a plate.

Lapping can be done both manually and mechanically. The design of the laps is selected depending on the shape of the surfaces to be lapped and the size of the conditional passage.

When mechanically lapping the sealing surfaces, lapping machines or attachments for drilling machines are used.

Lapping machines have a return - rotary motion lapping with advancing its rotation in one direction. Electrocorundum or silicon carbide of various grain sizes is introduced into the lapping paste. Lapping is carried out to a light matte color of the sealing surfaces.

The “pencil” test method used in practice is that thin transverse risks are applied to the prepared surfaces of the dies, wedge or plug (for taps). If, after mating the lapped surfaces and their mutual movement, the risks are everywhere erased, then it is considered that a good grinding has been achieved.

After replacing the gasket and gland packing, the assembled valve is sent for testing of finished products.

3. Used equipment, tools, devices and fixtures

Lifting mechanism. Slings cargo textile STP-2,0 Load capacity 2t L 2m. Universal tool. Key-multiplier. Calipers. Micrometer. Roulette. Sledgehammer. Technological devices. Container.

Safety measures when performing preparatory and major repairs

Only qualified personnel who know their design, who have been trained and certified by the National Training Center under the Training Program for Specialists and Repairmen, should be allowed to perform valve repair work.

Managers and specialists involved in the production of repair work must undergo certification and testing of knowledge in the field of industrial safety and labor protection in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of an organization carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities controlled by Rostekhnadzor.

Registration of work performance and movement of equipment in the protected area of ​​​​MT should be carried out in accordance with the Regulations Organization of the production of repair and construction work at the facilities of trunk oil pipelines.

If the repair unit violates the measures specified in the work permit, work permit and the requirements of these regulations, the work must be immediately stopped.

Personnel involved in the preparation and conduct of repair work must be instructed in labor protection with an entry in the work permit.

The presence of personnel not directly involved in the repair operations closer than 50 m from the place of work is not allowed.

At the place of repair work, there should be regulatory and operational and executive documentation filled out in a timely manner. Work on the repair of aggregate gate valves must be carried out with the issuance of a work permit for gas hazardous work. During the performance of work, control of the air environment for gas contamination should be organized.

Work permits must be issued in accordance with the “Regulations for the organization of fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work at explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous facilities of the enterprises of the JSC AK Transneft system and the issuance of work permits for their preparation and conduct”.

The used tools and devices must be operated in accordance with the Safety Rules for working with tools and devices, factory operating instructions.

In the course of work, all technical means, not used in work, must be located outside the work area, at a distance of at least 100 m.

Carry out lifting work on the installation and dismantling of electric drives, support and removal of parts using lifting mechanisms in accordance with the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes.

Lighting, pumping equipment, gas analyzers for monitoring the air environment must be explosion-proof. The level of explosion protection must be indicated on electrical equipment; in the absence of explosion protection signs, its use is prohibited.

All used electrical equipment and power tools must be grounded and subject to grounding of a separate residential cable with a conductor cross section not less than the cross section of the working conductors.

The collection of technological residues of oil, kerosene (diesel oil) residues after washing the internal cavity of the rack and the cover of the repair valve is carried out in a special metal pallet with further disposal. The collection of used cleaning material contaminated with oils, etc., municipal solid waste during the work is carried out in special metal containers with further disposal. In the area of ​​work on the release of the gas-air mixture, there should not be people and technical means not related to the performance of this work.

When performing work at night, it is necessary to provide lighting for the workplace.

Control of the air environment is carried out before and after the implementation of all the preparatory measures provided for by the work permit.

Primary control of the air environment should be carried out in the presence of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of work, current measurements - in the presence of the person responsible for the work.

After opening the cavity of the valve and lifting the cover, the next repair operation is carried out only after natural ventilation for 15 minutes and re-measurement of gas content.

After dismantling the removable parts of the valve, the next repair operation is carried out only after carrying out natural ventilation for 15 minutes and re-measuring the gas content, performed at least at two points directly above the connector at a height of not more than 40 cm from its plane.

Repair work is carried out if the concentration of hydrocarbons in the air does not exceed the MPC (300 mg/m). The area of ​​the zone, in which, after opening the cavity of the valve, the work is carried out by personnel without the use of special protective equipment is limited to a distance of no closer than 40 cm to the plane of the connector over its entire area.

4. Environmental part

JSC "Transneft" is engaged in the reception, storage and transportation of oil. The main structural divisions are:

Linear parts of main oil pipelines;

reservoir parks;

Railway loading and unloading racks;

Oil heating installations;

Treatment facilities for oily wastewater;

Oil traps.

In addition, OJSC includes engineering and technical support divisions (repair and mechanical, repair and construction, woodworking enterprises and sites, treatment facilities, motor transport and heat power facilities, etc.), administrative and household services, facilities social and cultural life.

Based on the above data, a fairly wide range of production and consumption wastes is generated at the facilities of OJSC in the course of economic and other activities, and a significant part of them (according to the range) is formed in the process of operation of auxiliary services and the life of maintenance personnel.

The waste of the main activity of JSC - oil transportation, includes oil sludge from the cleaning of pipelines and their units, pumping stations and oil storage tanks, oily sediments of various units of treatment facilities, waste from pipeline insulation, oil-contaminated soils.

Wastes from other activities include mainly industrial consumption wastes: waste oil products (groups MIO, MMO, SNO), batteries, coolants, cleaning materials, oily filters, activated carbons, welding electrode cinders, worn tires, brake linings, scrap of abrasive products, scrap metal, etc.

Several specific wastes generated during the liquidation of accidents at oil pipelines can be noted in isolation - spent sorbents and their mixtures with soil, insulating and gasket materials; as well as sands and soils impregnated with oil.

According to the nature of their origin, the resulting waste can be conditionally divided into three groups:

If it is necessary to perform repair operations in the area close to the open connector of the valve, less than 40 cm, the work is carried out using personal respiratory protection equipment (PPE) - hose gas masks.

If it is necessary to control the air environment at night, adverse weather conditions that worsen the dispersion of vapors and gases, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility (fog, snowfall, heavy rain, etc.), the person conducting the air analysis must have an explosion-proof hand lamp voltage, not more than 12 V and have an observer (understudy).

Workers engaged in work on the average repair of valves should be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other protective equipment, in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free distribution of clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.

Applied overalls, footwear and other PPE must have certificates of conformity.

Helmets must be used to protect the worker's head from mechanical damage, water, electric shock. In order to detect defects, helmets are subject to daily inspection during the entire period of operation. Helmets are not subject to repair, waste generated mainly during the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil trunk pipeline facilities;

waste generated mainly during the operation of oil trunk pipeline facilities;

waste generated during accidents and their liquidation.

It is advisable to carry out such grouping of waste when developing Draft standards for the generation and limits for waste disposal for specific departments

JSC "AK" Transneft ". The nomenclature of waste is specified and specified based on the conditions and volumes of their formation, collection, use and disposal.

The total number of registered waste items is 30 and 44 points for the first two groups, respectively.

It is practically impossible to regulate the range of waste generated during accidents and their liquidation, and it is determined individually in each specific emergency situation.

List of waste generated at the production facilities of OAO AK Transneft

The list of production and consumption waste generated during the operation, construction and overhaul of oil trunk pipeline facilities of OAO AK Transneft has been developed in accordance with the Federal Classification Catalog of Waste (FKK), approved by Order No. 527 of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia dated November 27, 1997 and registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 12/29/97, registration number 1445.

The list of production and consumption waste generated during construction (reconstruction and technical re-equipment), overhaul and operation of oil trunk pipeline facilities has been developed in accordance with the technological regulations in force at OAO AK Transneft for all production processes carried out in production units, as well as waste passports and instructions for waste management at the enterprise. The list of waste has an industry focus.

The number of types of waste generated in all structural subdivisions of OAO AK Transneft is presented in the list separately for various production conditions, namely for construction, operation and emergency situations.

The list includes types of waste specific to the industry, namely:

Oil sludge from tank cleaning;

Oil sludge from oil traps; oil sludge from the cleaning of oil pipelines (oil sludge on the pig start-receiving chambers);

Oil sludge (sludge from dirt filters);

Removed soil contaminated with oil products - oil-contaminated soil after accidental and other oil spills;

Oily sand, oil-contaminated sorbents;

Waste of sealing and insulating materials, solid (used insulating film during the repair of pipelines).

The list also includes types of waste that are not specific to the industry, including auxiliary production waste and consumer waste.

The number of types of waste included in the lists of waste from the production facilities of OAO AK Transneft when developing NOLRO Projects may not coincide with the consolidated list (both upwards and downwards), depending on the following reasons: type of production facility ( oil pumping station, linear production dispatching station, oil pipeline department, repair and construction department, tank farm, etc.), the composition of structural divisions;

features of operation, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production facilities of MN;

improvement of production technology, transition to low-waste and waste-free technologies;

requirements of territorial authorities for inventory of sources of waste generation.


Oil companies are a key element of the energy industry Russian Federation. The main activities of the companies are commercial activity associated with the reliable, cost-effective and safe operation of an oil loading terminal, of any kind, and its tank farm. As they ensure the end results of their activities, they must consider the protection of environment and thereby ensure a high level of environmental safety of production facilities.

To comply with these principles, oil companies must ensure that their activities take into account:

The use of technologies that ensure the economical use of raw materials, materials and energy carriers;

Use of the best available environmentally sound technologies;

Reducing the risk of emergencies based on full-scale in-line diagnostics of main pipelines;

Increasing educational and professional level, ecological culture personnel of oil companies;

Continuous improvement of the image based on the trust of international environmental organizations, partners, customers and the population where companies operate.

Compliance with these provisions is considered a guarantee of ensuring the environmental safety of their activities and optimal environmental interests with the socio-economic needs of society in order to promote the sustainable development of the Russian Federation.


1. Fire-dangerous and fire-dangerous facilities of the enterprises of the JSC AK Transneft system and execution of work permits for their preparation and implementation.

2. RD 75.200.00 KTN-037-13. Guidelines for the maintenance and repair of equipment and structures of oil pumping stations, OAO Regulations for the organization of fire, gas hazardous and other high-risk work at the explosions of AK Transneft, 2013. With change No. 1 dated 11/25/13.

3. RD 10.110.00-KTN-319.09. With amendment No. 3 dated November 27, 2013, the Safety Rules for the Operation of Main Oil Pipelines, - JSC AK Transneft, 2009. With change No. 3 dated 11/27/13

4. RD -13.200.00 - KTN - 116-14. Main pipeline transport of oil and oil products. Educational and informational posters for safe work.

5. V.I. Zakharov, A.E. Lashchinin, V.I. Ryabukhin, T.D. Klimovich, L.I. Zuev "Operator of the PS of the main oil pipeline", Tyumen 2005

6. V.E. Petrov "Machinist of process pumps at oil pumping stations"

7. Federal law. On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. - M., July 21, 1997. No. 116-FZ.

8. Federal law. On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation. - M., July 17, 1999. No. 181-FZ.

9. OR - 13.020.00 - KTN - 011-07 Environmental Management System of JSC "Transneft" EMS Regulations Environmental Policy.

10. Sobur S.V. Fire safety of organizations of the petrochemical complex: Part 1. Edition 2011.

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    thesis, added 09/05/2012

    Shut-off valves - designed to completely shut off the flow of the working medium in the pipeline and start the medium, depending on the requirements technological process. Functional purpose of pipeline fittings, its types and technical characteristics.

    test, added 11/27/2010

    The device of borehole rod pumps. Description of defects during operation. Types and frequency of maintenance and repair of equipment. The procedure for lifting the pump and its dismantling. The choice of rational technology for the restoration of parts.

    term paper, added 12/12/2013

    Causes of wear and destruction of parts in the practice of operating printing machines and equipment. List of defects of parts, the technological process of their repair. Analysis of repair methods for parts, rationale for their choice. Calculation of the repair size of parts.

    term paper, added 06/10/2015

    Equipment malfunctions and their classification. The main types of wear parts. Economic feasibility of their restoration. Calculation of repair dimensions. Drawing up a technological process for the restoration of a part. Calculation of processing modes, norms of time.

    term paper, added 04/26/2010

    Purpose, application and device of the Grundfos SL 1.50 pumping station. The principle of operation of the electrical circuit diagram. Safety precautions when servicing the pumping station of treatment facilities, Maintenance and equipment repair.