Recipe: Herring tartlets - with apple and quail egg. Tartlets with herring and green onions Herring salad on tartlets

Tartlets are small dough baskets that are filled with filling. Usually they are quite simple and even a little bland in taste on their own, but what is put inside is something very rich and appetizing. Tartlets can be sweet, salty or spicy. A full range of dishes, from appetizers to desserts. It all depends on how creative the cook’s imagination is. But in this article I want to talk about what kind of filled tartlets you can prepare for your holiday table, for example, New Year or a birthday, when you really want to serve interesting and tasty snacks to your guests.

There are different fillings for tartlets. These can be unique salads made from finely chopped products and dressed with sauce. Or maybe creams and pates. There are recipes for tartlets with fruits and sweets. And they come with vegetables or fish. Sometimes even a well-known dish suddenly goes into tartlets and becomes new life, such as, .

Tartlets with filling will help diversify the festive table if you have long been tired of classic salads or are planning a buffet.

Delicious fillings for tartlets should be kept in any cook's collection, because this is a simple and quick-to-prepare dish for any holidays and receptions.

Tartlets with caviar - the most delicious recipes with photos

Here I will show a few simple options fillings with caviar for tartlets on a festive or New Year's table. Even in such a dish there can be options for every taste. The base will be red, black or other caviar, and various additions to them. Perhaps you didn’t even imagine that with caviar alone there could be so many options for snacks in tartlets. Believe me, I couldn’t imagine this either.

Tartlets with caviar, cream cheese and cucumber

Probably one of the most popular holiday snacks, especially on New Year's, are tartlets with caviar. Many people love it, but tartlets are a wonderful alternative. There is less bread, but more caviar itself. How can you not like this? Especially for caviar lovers.

Usually, in addition to caviar, tartlets are filled with some other filling that will complement or enhance the taste and at the same time go well with caviar. I present one of these recipes.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • caviar - 100 grams,
  • soft cream cheese - 100 grams,
  • cucumber - 1 piece,
  • lemon - a few rings,


Prepare the tartlets in advance or use store-bought ones. For the filling, cut fresh cucumber into thin slices. Cut the lemon rings into 4 pieces to make triangles.

Place a spoon into each tartlet cream cheese, top with a teaspoon of caviar. Insert a cucumber ring on one side and a lemon triangle on the other. Serve and enjoy!

With caviar and red fish - a recipe for the holiday

This recipe combines two different fish delicacies. Red fish fillets, such as salmon and red caviar. This is a very rich, beautiful and truly festive dish. Snack for Have a good mood, because delicious food definitely increases it. Tartlets with caviar and salmon will not leave anyone indifferent.

You will need:

  • tartlets - 8-10 pcs,
  • salmon fillet - 100 grams,
  • red caviar - 100 grams,
  • butter- 50 grams,
  • fresh dill.


Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to soften it. On the contrary, keep the fish chilled so you can cut it into thin, narrow slices.

Take a pastry bag or bag, put the butter in it and pipe it nicely into each tartlet. Place a spoonful of caviar next to the butter. Now make a rose out of a thin strip of red fish; to do this, you just need to roll it into a tube and then straighten the top a little. For decoration, insert a small sprig of dill and the tartlets filled with caviar and salmon are ready.

Bon appetit!

With shrimp and red caviar

Now let's complicate the recipe a little. Tartlets filled with not just red caviar and butter, but also shrimp, and a very tasty addition in the form of cheese and egg salad. Believe me, it's very tasty.

Both large and small tartlets are suitable here; shrimp can also be any kind. Depending on the size of the tarts and shrimp, use one or two shrimp to garnish the filled tarts.

You will need:

  • tartlets - 8-10,
  • caviar - 100 grams,
  • boiled shrimp - 200 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams,
  • dill.


First, boil the shrimp and eggs. Cool. Peel the shrimp from the shell, you can leave only the very tip of the tail for decoration, or you can remove it too, according to your choice.

Hard-boil the eggs and grate them on a fine grater into a plate. Grate hard cheese there too, finely too. Then season it with mayonnaise and mix well. You should get a thick mass. Salt it to taste.

Now put a spoonful of this egg salad into each tartlet, lightly compact the middle and put a spoonful of caviar into this hole. Now place one or two shrimp on top. Stick in a sprig of herbs and arrange on a nice flat platter. You can immediately serve the filled tartlets on your holiday table.

With curd cheese and red caviar

In order to prepare such delicious tartlets filled with caviar and cheese, you will need to buy soft cheese in a jar at the store clearly labeled “curd.” Many manufacturers now present these in our stores, and all of them indicate on the packaging that it is curd. This cheese can be found with herbs, but sometimes without it. Choose according to your taste. I prefer the classic one, and add fresh greens, and it’s beautiful and tasty.

You will need:

  • caviar - 1 jar (140 g),
  • tartlets - 10 pcs,
  • soft curd cheese - 1 jar,
  • fresh greens.


Preparing these tartlets with caviar couldn’t be easier. You need to take each tartlet, put a spoonful of cottage cheese in it, then a heaped spoonful of caviar on top. Then decorate it all with sprigs of fresh herbs, preferably dill, and you can treat your guests. The deliciousness is incredible!

With melted cheese and caviar

As we have already seen, cheese fillings perfectly complement caviar. So in this recipe we use soft melted cheese. One recommendation from me, do not take cheese from smoked taste, it turns out much better with something more tender and creamy. If you couldn’t buy soft cheese in a jar, then you can also take processed cheese in briquettes, but then you’ll have to grate them.

Such tartlets with caviar and cheese will be more piquant; thanks to garlic and cheese, many people will like it.

  • tartlets - 10 pcs,
  • caviar - 1 jar,
  • eggs - 3 pieces,
  • processed cheese - 150 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 50-70 grams,
  • garlic - 1 clove,
  • pitted olives - 5 pcs.


Boil the eggs hard and grate them on a fine grater. Then mix grated eggs with melted cheese and season them with mayonnaise. Squeeze 1 clove of garlic there, add a little salt to taste and mix thoroughly again.

First put the cheese cream into the tartlet, and then the caviar on top. Cut the olives into slices and place one on each tartlet for decoration. Treats for the New Year's table of the highest class are ready!

With crab salad and caviar

You most likely already know that tartlets filled with a variety of salads are very, very tasty. And also incredibly festive. Continuing the theme of filling with caviar, I present to you a recipe for crab salad with caviar. In this case, caviar is placed on top of the salad, so its taste remains bright and its appearance is very elegant. Now let's prepare the filling from crab sticks.

You will need:

  • tartlets - 10 pcs,
  • crab sticks - 200 grams,
  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • canned corn - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise,
  • poppy optional.


To prepare the tartlet filling, cut the boiled eggs and crab sticks into small cubes. Mix eggs and crab sticks with corn. Then, season them with mayonnaise. To taste, you can add poppy seeds fried in a frying pan.

Spoon the finished salad into the tartlets, and put a little red caviar on top. Festive tartlets with caviar are ready.

With cod roe - recipe with photo

It is not always possible to use expensive red or black caviar, but you really want to make a delicious treat for guests. Great option, not inferior in nutritional value and even taste, can be cod or pollock caviar. But you need to buy caviar without additives, pure salted caviar. She will help us prepare very tasty filled tartlets.

You will need:

  • tartlets - 10 pcs,
  • cod caviar - 300 grams,
  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • tomato - 1 piece,
  • mayonnaise for dressing.


This filling is not complicated at all. All you need to do is boil the eggs hard, then cut them into small cubes or grate them on a coarse grater. Open a can of caviar and mash it a little with a fork, it is usually very tightly compressed. Mix caviar with eggs, add finely chopped tomato.

Season the resulting salad with mayonnaise. Don’t rush to add salt, try it first, because the caviar is already salted.

Now put the filling into the tartlets and decorate with a small slice of tomato. It will turn out very tasty, believe me.

Serve on a large platter on green lettuce leaves. Bon appetit!

Filled with tomatoes and cheese with garlic

The classic combination of cheese and garlic in these filled tartlets is complemented by cherry tomato slices. It turns out to be a very tasty and light cold appetizer for any holiday table, be it a birthday, New Year or other occasion. Simplicity combined with proven flavors makes these tartlets suitable for many.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • hard cheese - 150 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams,
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 grams.


For the cheese filling, squeeze the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater. Also chop the cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Place everything in a bowl and stir well, seasoning with mayonnaise. Get a cheese salad. Place it in tartlets and cover with a slice of tomato on top. Garnish with herbs and serve, bon appetit!

Recipe for tartlets with liver pate

Let us also remember about an interesting and tasty product that is very advantageous to serve on a festive table in tartlets; we are talking about a variety of pates. It could be liver paste, fish, and meat, even mushroom or vegetable. The egg pate is also very good. But in this recipe I’ll tell you how to make tartlets with liver pate. For this recipe, both beef and pork liver are suitable, you can even take chicken. The taste itself will be slightly different, but the cooking method will be similar.

The most important thing you need to prepare this filling is a blender. Only with its help is it convenient to grind the prepared liver into a thick, creamy mass.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • fresh liver - 300 grams,
  • butter - 50 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams,
  • green onions and dill,
  • pomegranate,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


First of all, boil the liver until tender. Don't forget to salt the water. Before cooking, be sure to remove all veins and films so that this does not spoil the consistency of the pate.

Place the liver, cut into smaller pieces, and butter into a blender bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste and grind until the pate becomes creamy. If it turns out too thick, then dilute with mayonnaise, but do not put too much of it so that it does not clog the taste.

Place the finished pate in a pastry bag with a nozzle and squeeze it into the tartlets with a beautiful rose. If you don’t have a bag, you can use a food bag with a corner cut off. Decorate the pate rose with pomegranate berries, pepper slices or herbs and serve. These tartlets filled with liver are very tasty and filling.

Recipe for tartlets with crab sticks and cheese

Light, tasty and airy tartlets with crab sticks can compete with the classic crab salad. Especially when the salad has long become boring, and the soul asks for something new, but appetizing.

It is typical for tartlets filled with crab sticks that they are a kind of salad, which is cut very finely so that it is convenient to eat.

It's not at all difficult to prepare these.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • crab sticks - 4 pcs,
  • egg - 2 pcs,
  • Dutch cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


The secret to delicate tartlet fillings lies in the way they are prepared. In small dough baskets there is not enough space to accommodate all the fillings, but everything should fit in as harmoniously as possible. Therefore, it is very convenient if you chop everything very finely or grate it. In some cases, it is even possible to grind it in a blender.

For the filling of crab sticks, eggs and cheese, just use a grater. Boiled eggs, grate the cheese and sticks on a grater of the same size. Then season it all with mayonnaise and add salt and pepper if necessary. Place the resulting salad in a beautiful mound in tartlets and decorate as you wish.

It's very simple, but the taste is wonderful!

With squid filling - recipe with photo

Filled tartlets can be both classic and very unusual. I can’t say that squid is a very unusual product; most likely it depends on how often you eat it on weekdays. For me, this is a kind of delicacy that I prefer to cook on holidays. This simple salad with squid can become a memorable filling for tartlets. I recommend making this recipe and checking it out.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • fresh frozen squid - 1-2 pcs,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece,
  • green salad - 2-3 leaves,
  • green onions - 2-3 arrows,
  • dill - 2 sprigs,
  • mayonnaise - 100 grams,
  • sour cream - 100 grams,
  • salt and pepper.


Defrost the squids and cook them by placing them in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, no more. Then rinse them and cool. Cut into thin slices.

Also cut the hard-boiled eggs into thin strips, and do the same with the cucumber. It is best to cut off the skin of the cucumber, so the salad will be more tender.

Tear the green salad very finely into pieces and chop the greens.

Mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a one to one ratio; this will be a lighter and more delicate sauce for our squid salad. Season the resulting ingredients with it and mix everything well. Add salt to taste and place into baskets. Don't forget to decorate with greenery. Serve immediately and try it before your guests clear everything off the table.

Filled with cod liver, eggs, cheese and pickled cucumbers

Salads in tartlets are extremely popular. Moreover, salads can be almost anything. Tartlets filled with classic salads is no longer a novelty. Let's try a recipe for tartlets filled with cod liver. A fairly simple salad, but its taste is excellent.

To prepare you will need:

  • tartlets,
  • cod liver - 200 grams,
  • cheese - 50 grams,
  • eggs - 4 pieces,
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams,
  • sour cream - 50 grams,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Boil the eggs hard in advance, cool them in ice water and peel them. Cut eggs and cucumbers into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Remove the cod liver from the jar and mash with a fork. Now mix all the products and season with sauce made from sour cream and mayonnaise. Add salt if necessary, but most likely the pickled cucumbers will provide enough salt.

Place the finished salad in each tartlet with a heap. For decoration you can use an olive ring and a pea. Don't forget the green salad leaves when serving!

Tartlets with vegetable salad

Filled tartlets do not have to be made from rich, heavy and fatty ingredients, like salads with mayonnaise, they can also be light and appetizing. This is exactly what can be said about the filling with salad from fresh vegetables. This opens up a huge field for imagination, but if it’s still difficult to come up with, start with something simple. With your favorite vegetables.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • onion- 1 PC,
  • green salad - 4-5 leaves,
  • olive oil - a tablespoon,
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tablespoon,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Cut fresh, well-washed vegetables into very small cubes. You can cut the skin off cucumbers if they are bitter. Tear the salad by hand into small pieces. Cut the onion into thin strips. Mix vegetables.

To make the dressing, combine the oil and lemon juice in a bowl. Season the salad and add a little salt to taste. Serve and enjoy the freshness of summer!

Hot tartlets with brisket and cheese, baked in the oven

Another great idea for making filled tartlets is to cook them not only as a cold appetizer, but also as a hot one. How about taking juicy, flavorful brisket, tomatoes and cheese and putting it all into tartlets. And then bake all this beauty in the oven until the cheese melts and turns into an appetizing crust. Just the thought of this snack makes my mouth water. And you?

We will need:

  • tartlets,
  • smoked brisket - 200 grams,
  • cheese - 200 grams,
  • tomatoes - 200 grams,
  • dill and parsley,
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons.


The filling for tartlets is very simple to prepare. Cut the smoked brisket into very small cubes, and cut the cheese in the same way. Tomatoes must be removed from the juicy core and also cut into cubes. If you use cherry tomatoes, leave the middle and just cut them into quarters. Finely chop the greens. Now mix all the ingredients, add a little salt and season with sour cream. Place the resulting salad in tartlets and place them on a baking sheet. Now put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees so that the cheese melts and the crust browns.

Delicious tartlets with brisket are ready!

Instead of brisket, you can also use boiled smoked sausage, it’s also very tasty! Don't be afraid to experiment!

With herring and beets - a simple and tasty recipe

Do you know? Well, of course, it's a stupid question. All the salt of that dish is in the combination of herring and beets, the other ingredients come and go, but these two are unchanged. What will happen if you take the best from this salad and prepare tartlets filled with herring and beets? You will get the most delicious cold appetizer with vodka for any feast.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • herring - 300 grams,
  • beets - 1 piece (medium size),
  • onions - 1 piece,
  • sour cream or mayonnaise for dressing,
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


The main filling for tartlets is made from boiled beets. Boil the vegetable in its jacket, cool and peel. Then grate on a fine grater. Chop the dill as finely as possible and mix with the beets. Now season the beets with dill with sour cream or mayonnaise to your taste. Add some salt and pepper.

Cut the onion into rings and disassemble them; we will put one ring on each tartlet.

Fill the tartlets with almost no heaps of beets, place an onion ring on top.

Cut the herring into thick, hearty slices and place a piece on top of the onion on each tartlet. Now all that remains is to decorate, use small sprigs of greenery, red caviar, olive slices, etc. for this. It will turn out very tasty and beautiful.

Bon appetit to you and your guests!

With chicken salad and pickled mushrooms

Another tartlet filled with lettuce. This time the salad is from chicken fillet, marinated mushrooms with eggs and tomatoes. Already at the recipe stage it sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Moderately tender and slightly spicy. A good alternative to fish salads and pates. Chicken is always a winner.

You will need:

  • tartlets,
  • chicken fillet - 300 grams,
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 grams,
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • egg - 3 pieces,
  • mayonnaise for dressing,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Boil the chicken fillet in advance so that it has time to cool. Disassemble the meat into fibers or cut into small cubes. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Finely chop the tomatoes. Remove the mushrooms from the jar and chop in approximately the same way as the rest of the ingredients. Now mix all the products in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Every housewife wants to serve not only delicious, but also original snack. To surprise guests with an unusual dish, you just need to use your imagination. We invite you to prepare tartlets with herring. This appetizer is prepared quite simply, because the base will be used ready-made. In tartlets, a herring-based salad will look unusual; in addition, serving the dish in portions is very convenient.

The fish must be lightly salted; it is advisable to purchase a whole carcass and separate the fillets yourself. To ensure a pleasant sourness in the dish, use apples of sweet and sour varieties; in addition, they have a fairly dense structure and do not release a lot of juice, so they are ideal for preparing salads. It is worth noting that it is recommended to prepare the dish immediately before serving. You can decorate the tartlet with a sprig of fresh herbs.

Cook deliciously with us, your guests will be delighted with this unusual snack.


  • sweet and sour apples – 1 pc.;
  • tartlets – 6 pcs.;
  • green onion feathers - to your own taste;
  • herring (fillet) – 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 40 g.


First you need to boil the chicken eggs, the cooking time is 10 minutes. After this, they need to be cooled slightly, pour cold water and then clear. Cut the eggs into medium cubes, place everything in a deep bowl or salad bowl.

Rinse the carcass thoroughly, carefully make cuts along the ridge, separate the fillet, peel it, and then cut into the same pieces as the eggs. Transfer the fish to a salad bowl.

Wash the apple and carefully cut off the peel. For this purpose, you can use a vegetable cutter or a sharp knife, remove the seeds and stem, and cut into cubes. To prevent the apple from darkening, sprinkle it with a small amount of lemon juice.

Now it's time to prepare the onions. Finely chop the washed feathers and add them to the other salad ingredients.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, taste the salad, add a little freshly ground pepper if necessary. It is worth noting that salting the salad is not recommended, as it contains salted fish. The filling for the tartlets is ready.

Fill the prepared base with the prepared herring mass; you can use a teaspoon for this. Flatten the top a little.

Decorate the appetizer as you wish and serve. Herring tartlets will decorate your holiday table. Bon appetit!

Cooking tips

  • If desired, you can slightly modify the recipe; instead of herring filling, you can use salted salmon.
  • You should not replace lightly salted fish with preserves, as this will negatively affect the taste of the finished dish.
  • Instead of green onions, you can use parsley or dill.
  • It is worth noting that instead of chicken eggs Quail ones can be used; they are also suitable for decorating tartlets.
  • It is recommended to use medium fat mayonnaise or mix it halfway with sour cream.

Lightly salted herring is an excellent snack that many people really like, especially the stronger half of humanity. But even the most favorite dishes can get a little boring. If this happens to you with herring, don’t worry, but rather prepare an interesting salad with it, served in tartlets.

Such a snack in baskets is easily absorbed first, this has already been tested. The filling for herring tartlets is very simple to prepare, and the herring is accompanied by: cheese, egg and apple. One of the advantages of this recipe is that there are very few ingredients, just a few.

Another plus is that the ingredients are quite affordable for the average consumer. Therefore, if you need to make holiday tartlets and need a delicious filling for tartlets, I strongly recommend herring tartlets! Be sure to try it, you will like it, I'm sure!

Ingredients for 10-12 tartlets:

  • 1 lightly salted herring - fillet;
  • 10-15 green onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 medium sized apple;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise to taste.


Boil the eggs hard and cool. We clean them and cut them into small cubes, with a side of about 4-5 mm.

Wash and dry the green onions. Finely chop the onion.

Grate the cheese using a coarse or medium grater.

Cut the herring fillet into small cubes, about 0.5 cm. Be careful, there should be no bones left in the fillet, even the smallest ones.

Wash and wipe the apple. Cut off the peel and remove the core. Cut the apple into small cubes, 3-4 mm each. We make sure to prepare the apples last so that they do not have time to darken.

We combine all prepared products. Add mayonnaise and mix.

Add mayonnaise a little at a time so that the salad does not turn out liquid. Add 1-2 tablespoons and stir. Let's see the result - if necessary, add a little mayonnaise. If you put a lot of mayonnaise, the salad in tartlets will quickly turn into an unappetizing mush, and the tartlets themselves will no longer be crispy.

Place the salad in tartlets with a mound. Decorate – green onions or a small amount of mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

For this salad you need lightly salted herring fillet. If you have too salty fish, then first soak it in milk for 3-4 hours. Then rinse and use for salad.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you need to prepare a snack for festive table or a buffet table, tartlets with herring and beets would be a very convenient and practical option. This invention of cooks, like ready-made tartlets, greatly facilitates the task of any housewife. These small cups of dough will always come to the rescue at the right time, because the snack with them turns out beautiful, original and tasty. You just need to put the filling in the tartlets - and the festive snack is ready! Saving time and labor is obvious. Moreover, there are a lot of filling options for tartlets. You can cook or.
We suggest trying tartlets with herring and beetroot filling. This combination of ingredients makes the snack very bright, colorful, tasty and nutritious.


- lightly salted herring – 1 pc.;
- beets – 75 g;
- tartlets – 12 pcs.;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- sour cream or mayonnaise of any fat content - 2 tbsp. l.;
- onion – 75 g;
- dill – 5 sprigs.

How to cook with photos step by step

Boil red beets until done. When the beets can be easily pierced with a fork, it means they are already ready, this is how this product is checked for readiness. Grate the prepared beets on a fine grater. Add finely chopped dill to the grated beets, placed in a deep bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream to the mixture of beets and dill and season everything with ground black pepper.

Mix everything until smooth. The filling for the tartlets will be a very beautiful milky burgundy color.

Cut fresh onions into thin rings.
If desired, the onions can be doused with boiling water in advance or marinated with vinegar and sugar.
We clean the herring from skin and bones. We cut our herring into fairly large pieces.
Fill the tartlets with the prepared beetroot mixture and mayonnaise.

Place one onion ring on top of this mixture. If the onion rings do not fit into the size of the tartlet, you can cut them into two half rings and place half a ring on each tartlet.
On top of the beetroot mass, decorated with an onion ring, place one piece of lightly salted herring.

Ready-made tartlets with herring and beets can be decorated at will with herbs, whichever you prefer, red caviar and served.

The only nuance that must be taken into account when preparing herring tartlets is that they must be served immediately after cooking.

Only in this case will the tartlets retain their crispy properties. When they sit a little with the filling, they will become saturated with moisture and will no longer crunch.
Bon appetit!

Starinskaya Lesya

I offer a quick and easy-to-prepare appetizer - tartlets with herring and beets. You can bake the tartlets in advance yourself or use ready-made ones; unsweetened ones made from shortcrust pastry are best. This snack turns out deliciously crispy, bright and impressive. I recommend preparing it just before serving, until the tartlets have had time to absorb moisture and have an attractive appearance. The beets can be boiled or baked in advance, you can also prepare the herring fillet in advance, and then the preparation of the dish itself will not take much time and effort. Lightly salted herring is an excellent appetizer, which, as a rule, is liked by almost everyone; it can be combined not only with beets; green apples, eggs, onions, fresh cucumbers and many other products. Try experimenting with the filling and you will always be able to cook something extraordinary from easily available ingredients. delicious snack, which your guests will certainly appreciate.


  • tartlets - 6 pcs.
  • salted herring - 0.5 pcs.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • lettuce - 1 bunch.
  • mayonnaise - to taste.
  • salt - to taste.
  • Number of servings: 6.

How to prepare tartlets with herring and beets:

For the filling, boil or bake one medium-sized beet in advance until done. Then cool it and grate it on a coarse grater.

Add salt and mayonnaise to the beets to taste. Stir. If desired, you can add garlic or finely chopped onions, depending on your taste preferences.

Remove bones and skin from the herring and cut the finished fillet into small pieces suitable in size for the tartlets.

I baked the tartlets for this recipe myself, but you can use store-bought ones or make them yourself.

Grease the bottom of the tartlets with mayonnaise and place a lettuce leaf. The salad must be placed in such a way that it protrudes slightly from the top of the baskets.

Now place the grated beets with mayonnaise into the tartlets. It is not necessary to crush it, but be careful so that it does not stain the side leaves of the lettuce with its juice.

Place two pieces of chopped herring on top of the beets.

All that remains is to decorate the appetizer and you can serve it to the table. I used dill for decoration, but you can use parsley or chopped green onions.

As you can see, preparing tartlets with herring and beets is quite simple, the ingredients are only the simplest and most affordable. This appetizer will undoubtedly look decent and appetizing on any holiday table.

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.