Location of buildings on the site: bathhouse, garage, boiler room. Garage on the site: paperwork and general placement rules (85 photo ideas) How to arrange a small garage

In any debate about the advantages of living in a country house over living in a city apartment, there is an indestructible argument - comfort. Comfort is when you don’t have to worry about parking, cars stand quietly in a garage on the site, a workbench with tools is conveniently located in a well-equipped workshop, a pond is dug next to the bathhouse, and in the chicken coop the hens lay eggs in which no examination will detect any foreign chemicals. impurities - the freshest, right for breakfast.

In this article, FORUMHOUSE experts and participants discuss how to properly arrange outbuildings on a site with the convenience of the owners and in accordance with regulatory documents, how much space a particular building needs, how they should stand relative to each other, the house and the neighbors’ plot.

Placement of outbuildings on the site: we think about convenience

The main difference from living in an apartment is that people live outside the city. He spends a lot of time in the yard, garden and vegetable garden, so experts advise: more attention to functionality! Imagine how many annoying, unnecessary actions you will have to do in your life due to the placement of the garage in a place that is constantly flooded in the spring, that the terrace of the bathhouse is open to the views of everyone who passes along the street, and so on.

Vasily Zhurov Landscape architect

The “bathhouse opposite the garage” option is not very successful. A bathhouse is a place of relaxation; it should be not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. It’s unlikely that being next to a garage and a road behind a fence will put you in the mood for relaxation.

Everything should be convenient, and this should be taken into account at the planning stage. If you immediately think about the road network, where to place the recreation area and what the garden should look like, then the placement of outbuildings will be correct.

It is not difficult to conveniently locate outbuildings on a personal plot, but the difficulty may lie in the fact that the requirements for the development of the site of a particular cottage village or SNT (if we are talking about country houses) must be taken into account. Also, construction planning must be carried out in accordance with the following documents: and “Regulations on garden, country and individual construction”. The first document regulates the site planning rules and how buildings should be located on it. There you will also find the answer to the main question that usually interests owners land plot: how buildings should be located relative to the boundaries of the land plot and what should be the minimum distance between them.

We allocate space for the construction of outbuildings

Having studied and taken into account the building standards and the village charter (SNT), you can proceed to allocating space for outbuildings. And we must remember that:

  • If the garage is placed on the border of the site adjacent to the road, you will be able to save some space that can be occupied by something else. Not often, but still you have to see that a third of the dacha plot is not occupied by anything, because “ At this site we turn the car around to drive into the garage.»;
  • Outbuildings connected to communication networks (shower room, bathhouse building, summer kitchen, etc.) are often attached to the house or located as close as possible to it. Experts recommend considering another option: placing them at the entry points of communication junctions. Moreover, according to SNiPs, a bathhouse and a summer shower should be located 5-8 meters from the house;
  • Outbuildings for the dacha - a shed for storing fertilizers, garden tools and other structures are placed closer to the garden. According to SNiPs, compost pits and other “waste collection places” should be located at a distance of 15-20 meters from the house;
  • Greenhouses are placed on sunny areas, so that they are not covered by the shadow of the house or big trees. The distance from the greenhouse to the fence should be at least 4 meters, especially if you are going to feed the plants with fertilizers, including organic ones;
  • Buildings associated with recreation are located away from prying eyes. The bathhouse terrace should be facing south, but not towards the road, and in such a way that it enters the recreation area;
  • Farm buildings are located as far as possible from the house (at least 15 meters, according to SNiPs). If we are talking about a farm building for a summer residence, then summer residents most often place it in the garden area;
  • The distance of buildings from the boundaries of the land plot should be 4 meters for farmers and 1 meter for all others;

It is also worth paying attention to how the outbuildings on the site will be located relative to the cardinal directions.


I also previously wanted to place a bathhouse in the depths of the site, but I realized that the windows of the rest room would face north and onto the road. Let the bathhouse be closer to the road, but the windows of the relaxation room look south, into the garden - and the view is always beautiful. And it's quieter if the windows are open.

An outbuilding located on the border of a site can become a shield, a protective screen that separates part of the site from the road, therefore the shape of such buildings can be elongated.

Garage and outbuildings on the site.

Most often the garage is placed at the border of the site, with entrance from the street. The main advantage of this arrangement is that the site area is saved, this is especially important for country outbuildings. In addition, exhaust gases and engine noise with this arrangement do not disturb any household members. If the front part of the fence is extended, then this is very a good option. Since garages in most cases are combined with workshops, this arrangement is also convenient - no one in the house is annoyed by the noise of operating appliances and the clanging of tools.

Garage supplied close to the house, has two obvious advantages: in a rainstorm and snowstorm, you can easily enter it directly from your home (which is especially important when the garage also houses a workshop), you can install the same security system, as for the house. Usually it is this kind of garage that becomes a sacred place for the owner. And since all communications to the house are already connected, there are simply no limits to the arrangement of such a room: there is water, and you can make a shower to wash and change clothes after exercises in the workshop and minor auto repairs. Often he gradually moves into such a garage washing machine, gas equipment also settles there.


I’m thinking about a boiler room in the garage; we’ll build an extension nearby - I don’t want to have gas equipment in the house.

The only thing: place the garage close to residential building not recommended for families with small children, or if someone in the household is allergic to the smell of gasoline, motor oil, etc.

Detached garage They are placed on large areas that have an additional exit (as in the project above). The garage gets the northern side of the plot, the least valuable from a horticultural point of view. A garage is not the most beautiful outbuilding, and when it is located somewhere to the side, away from lawns and recreation areas, nothing disturbs the garden idyll. But do not forget that the building should not infringe on the interests of neighbors - the garage should be located at least a meter from neighbor's fence and at least two meters from their home.

Carpentry workshop on site

It is better to locate the carpentry workshop away from your home and your neighbors’ houses so that the noise does not disturb anyone. A detached garage or an empty shed are quite suitable for this - the only thing is that it should be possible to provide good lighting there, including illumination of the workbench and machines, since injuries during carpentry work often occur precisely due to the lack of light.

It can be used for a used block container (its area is 14 meters), but for people without high carpentry ambitions, a more modest room is quite enough.


10 squares is enough... To arrange and work comfortably - from 25 squares, comfortably and impressively move with a cigar from machine to machine - from 40-50 sq.m.

Farm buildings on the site

Raising farm birds and animals is truly a fun activity. “Raising piglets” and “babysitting chickens” turns out to be unexpectedly pleasant, and novice adherents of “life on earth” can fall into the trap of enthusiasm. At this stage of neophytehood, it is generally not advisable to build outbuildings for chickens or piglets - this matter requires a cold, serious approach, otherwise you can unnoticed build a homestead palace with central heating from unreasonably expensive material instead of a pigsty. The piglets won't appreciate it anyway, and you'll be wasting your time and money. Leave the construction for later, when you have cooled down enough.

AlexeyGrey User FORUMHOUSE

At the beginning we all declared: “Yes, I am for my chickens! Yes central heating! Yes, do-it-yourself European-quality renovation! Yes, mash three times a day!” But then the understanding comes that all this is ambition, and it needs to be done easier, cheaper and more convenient - first of all, for you. Chickens don’t care where to sleep or what to peck from.”

You need to consider the length and severity of winter in your area. Where winters are short and not cold, or when kept in summer cottages, chickens feel great in small houses, the main thing is that there are nests and perches. In areas with real winters, stationary chicken coops are needed. And they should not be cramped - since the chickens will spend almost all winter there, eating, drinking, walking, then 4-5 chickens will require a square meter of room. The larger the chicken coop, the greater the cost of heating it, and if you plan to keep no more than a dozen chickens, the area of ​​the chicken coop should not be less than 4 square meters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable.

If you want to fatten a piglet, then include living space for it in your project in advance. personal plot. The size of the pen for it should be 2-5 meters. 2-2.5 meters is enough for one young pig, 5 meters for a pig with piglets. The pen should be high, approximately 190 centimeters. Piglets are nimble animals and can escape. The pig house should have a chute for waste disposal, it should be convenient to clean, remove manure, and lighting should also be installed. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for the animals. You don't need many windows - excess light bothers the pigs.

Read on FORUMHOUSE, . Watch a video about how to create a real barnyard on just one hundred square meters. Also on our portal you will find a lot of valuable information about, finished projects outbuildings, etc.

Today we’ll talk about how to properly install a garage on your site. What standards are used for this and building codes. This will save you from mistakes when you decide on what place and at what distance from the house you can build a garage. We'll also talk about possible consequences disregard for current regulations.

How to properly locate a garage on a site

Distance from the garage to other buildings

There is a set of rules and regulations (SNIP) numbered 2.07.01-89, which outlines the standards for the location of a garage on the site. This is a legislative act, the provisions of which must be strictly observed. But there is a deviation from the regulatory requirements, which states that regional administrations have the right to introduce their own requirements, which should not contradict the legal ones. That is, the above-mentioned SNiP in each area can be added by other standards.

However, it should be noted that the norms specified in the documents are advisory, because the suburban area is the property of its owner. And on it he can build whatever he wants and wherever he wants. That is, the violator will not bear either administrative or criminal liability for violating building regulations.

But lawyers recommend not to break the rules, because they were written for a reason. Because there will always be a person, for example, your neighbor, who decides to organize a recreation area near the fence, and in this place you have a garage on your property. Here's a conflict for you, because he doesn't want to breathe the exhaust from your car. And if you violated the standards, then the court’s decision, if your neighbor goes there, will not be in your favor.

Scheme correct location garage in a suburban area

There is no point in scolding the laws; they have been developed for more than one year. Especially construction ones. Their rules, requirements and technologies are based on the vast experience of mankind, which primarily protects the person himself: his life and health.

So here you go rules and regulations according to the above-mentioned SNiP, which must be adhered to when constructing a garage on summer cottage taking into account sanitary and household standards:

    from the garage to the windows of the neighboring house- not less than 6 m, this distance was specially chosen in case a fire occurs in the garage, and so that the fire does not reach the neighboring building;

    distance to the boundaries of the dacha plot– 1 m minimum, this is done so that footpath pedestrians were able to move freely around the site if the car was parked near the garage;

    same parameter to the fence, here the reasons are different: so that the building does not cast a shadow on the vegetation of the neighboring dacha, so that rain from the roof of the garage also does not flow into the neighboring garden, so that it is possible to repair the walls of the building without climbing onto the neighbor’s property;

    leave 3 m to the walls of the main house for the same fire safety reasons, this distance simply makes it possible for special equipment to travel.

The distance from the garage to the border of the neighboring plot is at least 1 m

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

There are standards for the location of a garage in relation to two-story buildings. Here there is 1 m to outbuildings, and 5 m to a residential building. And the last parameter is the distance to the roadway. It should not be less than 3 m, but within 5. This is all for the same case associated with the use of special equipment. If the road is located on the side of the garage, then the distance to its edge should be at least 3 m, and to the center of the roadway within 5 m. This is in case of a safe exit of the car from the garage onto the roadway, so as not to collide with moving traffic.

Please note that according to SNiP, a garage in a dacha must be built taking into account the above standards, starting from the base of the building. If there is no such element in the building, then from the walls. If the garage is covered with a roof with a protruding eaves, then the countdown is from its edge. Or rather, from the projection onto the ground.

Now there is one subtle legal point. Everything that was said above applies only to capital structures. That is, garages built from bricks, blocks and other building materials, laid on a thoroughly poured foundation. And varieties such as a metal garage, frame or concrete portable garage qualify as temporary structures. That is, they can be transferred at any time. This also applies to carports. These buildings do not fall under the requirements specified in SNiPs.

But you still have to adhere to some requirements. For example, if the garage door is level with the fence, then you need to think about the exit of the car, and also maintain the distance to the pedestrian path.

It is necessary to maintain the distance to the road, taking into account convenient and safe exit

Is it possible to violate the requirements of SNiP, and in what cases?

Anything happens in life, so sometimes established norms do not fit into it. And if this happened in relation to a garage on a summer cottage, then the standards should be ignored. But no matter what decision you make, agree on it with your neighbors. Put friendships first.

So, let's look at what requirements can be violated with the consent of neighbors.

Reducing the distance between the garage and the neighbor's house

If you managed to persuade your neighbors, then the standard distance of 6 m can be reduced to at least zero, so to speak, build a “window to window” garage. But keep in mind that such an agreement does not have to be oral. Draw up an agreement in which you accurately describe all agreements down to the smallest detail. However, this agreement will have to be renewed every three years.

For any questions at the dacha, you need to negotiate with your neighbors

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

But this is not all that is required of you. You will have to fork out money and carry out a number of activities affecting fire safety instructions. What exactly will need to be done:

    install fire shield with equipment, a box of sand or a barrel of water;

    hang inside the garage fire extinguisher;

    electrical wiring must strictly comply fire safety, that is, laid in protective corrugated hoses;

    all lighting devices must be closed protective shades, nets or gratings;

    is carried out to the garage separate power line with the installation of a separate distribution panel with full filling of protective devices.

And be sure to keep in mind that heating the garage in winter with open-flame or electric heaters heating elements prohibited.

And one more unpleasant moment. If the neighbors decide to sell Vacation home, then you will have to negotiate with other owners of the site. And it’s not a fact that they will agree to your claims. Therefore, we recommend under any circumstances not to negotiate, but to act according to the standards, that is, leave a gap from the fence when building a garage.

A dacha garage built near a neighbor’s house must be equipped with a fire shield

Using garage walls instead of a fence

This situation is, in principle, exactly the same as the previous one. It will be necessary to negotiate with the neighbors or offer an alternative option. For example, so that your garage and your neighbor's garage stand next to each other. In this case, you can build one common building with a dividing wall. This will reduce the cost of purchasing building materials and reduce the construction budget.

The garage replaces part of the fence

Detached garage and requirements for it

I would also like to talk about the requirements for the location of garages that are being built on the territory of a garage cooperative or on a plot of land allocated for its construction.

First of all, it is necessary to note the size of the garage building. In the above SNiP there is exact parameters:

    length– 6 m;

    width- 3m;

    height– 2.2 m.

It should be noted that these standards are very outdated, because both the domestic auto industry and the foreign one have long been offering cars, even for private use, that simply will not fit in such a garage. Therefore, today the size standards have been changed. Here are the new dimensions: 5x7x3 m.

Let us immediately make a reservation that these are minimum indicators, which means that the owner of the site for the construction of a garage decides for himself what it should be like. But even the minimum dimensions make it possible not only to shelter the car in such a building, but also to organize storage areas for spare parts, equipment, tools and other things.

Minimum garage size for one car

Let us add that there are standards that must be taken into account when constructing a garage building, regardless of what kind of car will be stored in it:

    garage height in a private house according to standards - 0.8-1.0 m from the roof of the car;

    same sizes from car doors to building walls or up to the shelving, this is so that the doors open freely without touching the surfaces opposite.

And one more indicator that affects the parking area. Here the minimum size is 30 m².

Video description

Watch the video in which a specialist discusses where it is best to locate a garage on a suburban site:

Requirements for public garages

If we started talking about garages on sites (layout and location), then I just wanted to outline some positions related to public garages. Today such buildings are being built in large quantities, they are easy to use. And they are used by a large number of car enthusiasts.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that public garages are built strictly in accordance with SNiPs. Deviations are not allowed. Any violation is a refusal to accept the building and put it into operation.

So here are the tolerances that are highlighted per car:

    parking area – 10 ;

    volume of space – 40-50 ;

    distance from the car to the walls of the building – 0.5-0.6 m.

The public garages themselves are built taking into account these distances:

    to residential buildings - 10 m;

    to public – 10 m;

    to the buildings of kindergartens and schools – 15 m;

    to hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions – 25 m;

    to pedestrian paths and routes – 800-1500 m;

    distance between neighboring public garages – 3.8-7 m.

Public garage built strictly according to SNiP

Attitude towards people with disabilities

We must pay tribute to the Government, which has adopted many regulations concerning people with disabilities. This also affected public garages. First of all, parking for them is provided free of charge. This takes into account the distance from their place of residence to the garage. It should not exceed 50 m. If this figure is greater, then the disabled person is provided with an area for installing a prefabricated structure, for example, a metal one.

But there are some conditions that should not infringe on the rights of garage owners. One of them states that disabled people are provided with free parking within 10% of the general parking spaces. And these places must be identified and marked with special signs.

Please note that violation of these requirements is punishable by criminal liability.

Parking spots for disabled people must be marked

Conclusion on the topic

We touched a lot interesting topic, in which we figured out the location of the garage on the site (with norms and requirements). The information provided in the article should help you avoid making mistakes when building a garage on your own summer cottage.

A car is not just a means of transportation; for its owner it is a reliable friend, a favorite toy and even a soul mate.

They are lovingly cared for by purchasing necessary details, care products, give them regular washes, technical inspections, and, of course, how can we do without a house for it, i.e. garage.

If you are not constrained by finances, you can afford to buy a ready-made garage or hire professionals for construction, but the best and most reliable option is to build it yourself.


Garage made on our own, without paperwork it is considered an illegal structure (self-construction). The land for construction must also have appropriate documents.

But, in some cases, permits for construction are not required:

  • if this is not a capital building, but the construction of a frame garage;
  • if this is not a commercial project;
  • if it is an auxiliary building.

All other building options and the land plot must be legalized by completing documentation.

Types of garages

Garages vary depending on the owner's financial wealth, personal tastes and building site. A garage can be attached to the house or made instead of the first floor, or directly under the house.

A garage structure built instead of the first floor, the so-called built-in garage, is not very convenient. Nowadays, you can purchase structures that are assembled and disassembled, like a construction set. Or arrange a hanging structure in the yard.

The pricing policy for this option for garage construction is quite acceptable. But the structure itself is simple and unreliable.

The most common types of garages are considered to be separate buildings located near the entrance to the site in order to save precious square meters.

In this case, the garage door must face the street part. These structures can be of a permanent nature, built of brick with a roof, auxiliary - in the form of an outbuilding, or a prefabricated structure made of metal.

Construction of a garage on the site

Finally, the hot time has come to start construction, which will give you enough troublesome and pleasant moments, as well as good financial savings.

In the photo of constructing a garage on your own, you will see all the delights of such construction. But the result will undoubtedly be pleasant!

Project documentation

To begin any construction, a project is required, and the construction of a garage was no exception. You don't need a bunch of garage plans for this, but some sketches and descriptions are required for reliable and permanent construction.

At the beginning of the design, it is worth deciding on some details:


  • For what purposes will it be used: to shelter the car, as a repair shop, is a pit needed for inspecting the car. Write down your preferences on paper.
  • The size of the garage, which depends on its intended use, the characteristic features of the site and the size of the building area.

A 3x6 size is suitable for a garage, of course, unless you are the owner of a large SUV such as a Hummer. An ordinary car will easily fit in such an area, and there will be space on the sides for free opening of doors and passage and in front for parking.

The optimal height of the garage for a car to enter will be 150-190 cm, and the ideal height will be 200-250 cm. If you still have an SUV, the size of the garage should be made larger.

If you want to organize a cellar or benchtop, the garage area will also have to be increased. And no one will argue, because there should be a place for repairing and maintaining the machine, a place to place tools and accessories, and to store parts.

When building a building for two cars, think carefully about the details and take into account all dimensions when calculating the total area of ​​the garage.


When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account the location of all existing buildings, fire safety standards and sanitary requirements. Also provide the entrance in advance.


It is convenient to arrange a garage along all buildings or inside the site so that open doors cars did not create obstacles, no closer than 1 m from neighbors, so that water from the roof did not flood their land during rain.

When determining the location of the entrance to the garage, do not forget that the distance to neighboring windows should be at least 10 m.

According to fire safety requirements, the garage must be located at least 9 m from the house and at least 15 m from polymer buildings.

First, determine the location of the corner of the garage and the location of its shelter in relation to this point.

Necessary materials

Typically, to build a garage on your own, you use:


  • brick is the most popular and reliable material;
  • reinforced concrete, used for collapsible garages;
  • slag concrete is inferior in price and reliability to brick, but makes the work labor-intensive;
  • metal, for quick construction of the structure and an affordable option;
  • wood, not suitable for building a garage.

Preparing the ground and laying the foundation

Work to prepare the site for development is carried out using a shovel. A 40 cm wide trench is dug under the foundation. The depth of the trench depends on the climate of your region, but generally up to 1 m.

The bottom of the trench should be lightly compacted, and the walls should be leveled with a shovel. There are quite a few types of foundations, but in our case it will be a rubble concrete option, simple and inexpensive.

It's easy to do: rubble stone it is laid in the trench in layers, and a cement solution is poured between them, and so on until the top of the trench.

You can make the solution yourself: mix cement 400 in the amount of 1 bucket with 2.5 buckets of sand, about 1 bucket of water.

Construction of the basement

Formwork is installed along the entire length of the trench along the level using boards 10 cm wide. On an uneven area, the horizon is marked from the highest point plus 10 cm to the basement level.

Do not forget about multi-layer waterproofing made of roofing felt so that the walls of the building are not saturated with moisture. Before starting to lay the walls, you need to install gates to secure them as the walls are built.


The most important thing in choosing a gate is its reliability and ease of use. They can be hinged, sectional, in the form of roller shutters, or lift-and-turn, opening automatically or mechanically.

IN modern world The automatic gate option is increasingly preferred. During a power outage, it is worthwhile to provide a mechanical opening option.


When the gate is already installed, you can move on to the main masonry. The cinder block is laid in a chain manner from the corners. Next, a fishing line is stretched between them and the rest of the cinder block is laid. Gradually the corners are raised and the masonry is repeated.

Use a plumb line to control the vertical evenness of the walls, especially the corners. Level – their horizontality. Don't forget about the slope for water drainage. To do this, make the ends of the garage different in height with the top of the side wall cut at a slope.

The solution is made at the rate of: 1 bucket of cement (grade 400) per 4.5 buckets of sand with the addition of water until thick. For greater plasticity, add clay or lime.

Roof construction

The ceilings are made of metal beams 10-12 cm high with a lining of wooden planks. They are perfect for covering a garage no more than 6 m wide, while the length of the beams will be 20-25 cm longer.

Step-by-step instructions for laying floors and roofs can be found on the Internet on websites about construction work or by consulting with specialists.

Construction of the floor and blind area

Typically, a garage has a concrete floor 8-10 cm thick at the same level as the edge of the base. Before this, the ground is thoroughly leveled. Concrete is poured using tensioned cords to obtain a smooth surface.

On the outside of the garage, a blind area 0.5 m wide is built with a slight slope to drain water.

Other improvements

The garage does not need decoration; it is enough to grout the walls with cement mortar, apply plaster and whitewash it.

You can insulate the walls with polystyrene foam; in case of severe cold, you will need to use heating devices. The optimal temperature for a garage is 5-6 degrees.

The presence of ventilation in the garage is mandatory to remove various chemical odors and exhaust gases from the room.

To do this, either purchased ventilation systems are installed, or natural air exchange is arranged through a deflector and supply grilles.

An inspection hole is a necessary component of a garage. It facilitates convenient vehicle maintenance and repair.

The entrance to the garage, as a rule, is included in the project, taking into account all sorts of nuances: type of coating, style of shelter, soil characteristics, presence of underground sources, local geology. But the main thing is comfort, hardness and evenness of the surface.

For a more detailed study of the construction process of all the components of the garage, it is recommended to watch the video material, and you can safely begin construction!

Own a private house or a cottage today remains the most convenient and comfortable option for modern housing. Unlike a city apartment, on an individual plot you can plan and arrange everything that is necessary for a comfortable stay, including a bathhouse, and definitely a garage for a car. The optimal solution would be to install a garage box with a gate in one row with the outer fence of the site in order to save space and avoid unnecessary travel inside the site. If the standards for the construction or reconstruction of a house are more or less prescribed in SNiPs, then with the construction of the box everything is not so smooth. Therefore, before starting construction, it would be a good idea to first study the standards for constructing a garage from the fence, communicate with the neighbors, and only after that begin construction.

How to build a garage and comply with construction standards

The ability to put your house on an individual housing construction plot or, more simply put, to build it during individual housing construction does not mean at all that you can sculpt and build where and how you want. Rather, on the contrary, everything that was built without the permission of supervisory authorities and compliance with construction standards can be recognized as unauthorized construction and demolished at the expense of the owner by the court.

Therefore, the construction of a house, garage, bathhouse and any other objects on the territory of a land plot is legally carried out in several stages in the fight against bureaucracy.

The most important thing is to obtain permission for individual housing construction on a plot of land purchased or obtained in any other legal way. Typically, an application for permission is drawn up in the form of an application addressed to the head of the district administration with the following attachment:

  • Title deed for land ownership;
  • Cadastral plan and extract from the general plan of the territory;
  • Passports of the building plot;
  • A project or general plan for the development of a land plot, highlighting the layout of objects, including a permanent garage, bathhouse, outbuilding, if any are planned for at this stage construction;
  • Act, extract or certificate of in-situ identification of the boundaries of the site with the designation of the red line;
  • A general design of a building, usually drawn up by BTI specialists or a specialized office licensed for the relevant type of activity.

With the advent of the general plan, the owner of the land plot will have the opportunity to see with his own eyes the options for the optimal location of objects on the territory and choose for himself a suitable location for the garage and outbuildings.

For your information! The list of documents required at the stage of obtaining permission and preparing for construction can be seen in the set of rules SP 11-III-99.

After receiving permission to build an object, it will be necessary to draw up a passport for the building and structures located on the land plot. A detailed house plan is drawn up separately, with the most important parts of the house included in separate projects:

  • The foundation of the building. If the garage is attached to the house on its own foundation system, then you will need to make a separate diagram for the extension highlighting its characteristics;
  • Boxes of the house and related objects, including a built-in garage or other household objects;
  • Projects of the rafter system, interfloor slabs and roofs, including a garage or bathhouse - all permanent buildings located on the site.

Among other documents, it will be necessary to link all objects to sewer, water supply, gas networks and power supply systems. It will be necessary to draw up a diagram of the planning organization of the land plot and “decompose” on the plan the connection diagram for the garage and the presence of an individual heating system.

The last document is of great importance. It will be expensive to build a house, a garage and a bathhouse at the same time. The building permit is valid for 10 years; confirmation of construction standards according to the approved communications wiring project will allow for the future connection of the garage, and especially the bathhouse, as buildings are erected on the personal land plot.

For your information! If the estate was sold after the permit was issued, then its validity remains in force for the entire period, regardless of who the document was originally issued for.

Why do officials need all this?

The licensing system, at first glance, seems too complex and time-consuming, but this is true. But such a scheme of control over the application of standard construction standards is aimed, as a rule, at ensuring:

  1. The safety of constructed buildings and objects for human life, even simple garage ceilings can cause serious problems if construction standards are not followed;
  2. Compliance with sanitary safety standards, especially in the absence of centralized sewerage;
  3. Regulated development of land plots and territories, planning the capacity of water and gas communications to ensure the necessary consumption standards;
  4. Preventing the occurrence and spread of fires. Any boiler room in a house, bathhouse or garage can become a threat to the safety of all objects on the land;
  5. Construction of lines and islands, preventing over-densification of land plots through the construction of service buildings - sheds, garages, sheds, extensions.

The most severe inspectors, as is known, are fire inspectors and representatives of the architectural construction supervision bureau. For a productive conversation with representatives of the supervision, it is better to study the construction standards for private houses in advance, otherwise you will not get away with a fine for inappropriate layout of a house or garage.

Before you begin planning and building outbuildings, which include a summer kitchen, an outbuilding and, of course, a garage with a bathhouse, it makes sense to get acquainted in more detail with some fundamental documents:

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ;
  • Using SNiP 11.106.97, determine the distance of the garage from other objects on the territory of the land plot;
  • SNiP 2.04.03-85 - water supply and wastewater, SNiP 2.04.08-87 - gas networks;
  • SNiP 02/31/2001 will help to properly plan a garage space inside a building;
  • To connect a garage, bathhouse, house to power supply networks, PUE standards and more specific requirements of RD 34.21.122, NPB 106 are used;
  • Fire safety standards and the presence of fire breaks in accordance with Code No. 53.13330.2011.

You can, of course, try to ignore the norms laid down in the approved project for the development of a land plot and try to make a garage with access to the main street, without regard to the distance to the red line or the distance to objects on the neighboring plot.

For your information! Upon completion of construction, no matter a garage or a house, the object is subject to registration in the BTI and cadastral register. For example, if the norms for removing the garage from the roadway or the living area of ​​the house is less than the established limits, then the act of commissioning will not be signed, and registration of the capital facility will be refused.

Technical standards for the construction of a garage

It is clear that classifying a garage as outbuildings makes it possible to carry out construction according to the same standards for the foundation, walls, roof, ceiling, as for a one-story residential building.

Such a garage is subject to ventilation standards at the rate of 25 m 3 per hour during work and ½ garage volume per hour in a closed version.

For detached garage buildings, SNiP 2.08.02 standards and energy efficiency conditions according to SNiP 02/23/2003 do not apply. For basement and basement structures, the ceiling height must be at least 200 cm.

Fire safety standards

When planning a garage in the form of a room built into the house, according to current standards, the space for parking a car must be separated from the living and auxiliary rooms by a fire-resistant partition and ceiling of class REI 45. The garage room must have a fire emergency exit and working fire extinguishing systems.

Most effective way to arrange fire breaks between buildings is the construction of objects on the site at a distance from each other recommended by SNiP 30-02-97. For a concrete, brick, cinder block or rubble garage and house, the distance, according to the standards, must be at least six meters. If one of the objects is built of wood, the distance increases to ten meters. For the case when both the garage and the nearest object, for example, a house or a bathhouse, are built from flammable materials, the distance must be at least 15 m.

Any outbuildings, including the garage, according to construction standards, must be at least a meter away from the external fence.

If the garage is adjacent in the form of an extension, then on the side of the fence separating the plots from the neighboring territory, the distance to the extension should be at least three meters, and the distance to the fence should be at least a meter. If a house or garage has a basement, a porch, part of a veranda, and roof overhangs protrude more than half a meter from the wall plane, then the distance measurement should be made along the horizontal projection of the element to the surface of the fence.

The choice of fire distance between objects should be taken as carefully as possible. The established standards were obtained experimentally and guarantee the presence of evacuation and technological passages in the event of fire and collapse of the boxes of a bathhouse, barn, house, garage on the site.

Distance from the garage box on the plan

The set of building codes provides for the possibility of an “amicable” solution, when buildings of the same type are installed on both sides of the fence, blocked by walls, for example, garages or sheds made of metal, sandwich panels, or any other non-combustible materials. In this case, the neighbors agree to a similar location of objects based on a verbal agreement. According to the law, it is possible to build any object at a distance of one meter from the fence if the PPB distance standards are observed and there is the consent of the neighbors. Experts recommend that for any other buildings the fact of the contract be drawn up on paper. Based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a neighbor may demand compensation for damage due to violation of SNiP standards, even if there were no actual negative consequences. In addition, there is no guarantee that the house and garage next door will not be sold, and that the new owners will be so loyal to you.

The photo shows a solution to the problem of locating the garage in agreement with the neighbors; such a solution cannot be called legal, since in any case, between the boxes of interlocking garages, houses or other objects and the fence, according to the standards, there must be a technological fire passage 1 m wide.

Often they try to solve the alignment problem with the help of frame models of a garage, which are made from profiled steel pipes and sandwich panels. According to the law, such a garage is conditionally classified as a non-permanent building such as a shed; it is not registered, so supposedly it can be placed anywhere. But in practice this will also be a violation.

The second important factor is compliance during construction with the distance between the “red” line, which marks the boundary of the site, and the curb of the roadway. If this is a road, then the distance to a garage or any other object must be at least 5 m, for travel - at least 3 meters.

The arrangement of the exit from the garage in the same plane with the fence line or the wall of the house is, of course, very convenient, so they often resort to a non-standard solution. Instead of building a fence along the red line, the entire structure is moved one meter deep into the site. Thus, formally there is a required one meter between the border of the site and the garage box, but there is no fence itself between the site and the road, as required by SNiP standards.


However, when considering controversial and unresolved issues related to the construction of a garage on a site in court, until recently, decisions were often made in favor of the developer. Today, construction inspectors carry out inspections en masse, taking into account new clarifications from the developers of SNiP, and such tricks in construction can be very expensive.

Your own country plot is a place that you can arrange to your liking. Meanwhile, it is impossible to arrange buildings on the site in any way you like. Their placement is regulated by SNiPs and other standards. Where can you build a garage on a plot and what are the standards for constructing a garage from a fence and other buildings?

Do I need a building permit?

To build a garage on an individual housing construction site, a permit is not required. This is stated in the town planning code, which states that permission is not required in the following cases:

  • for the construction of a garage on land provided to an individual not for the purpose of maintaining commercial activities or on a site intended for gardening activities (for example, land owned by a dacha cooperative);
  • construction of auxiliary structures on the site.

Another thing is that a major garage built on an individual housing construction or private plot plot must be registered, since such a building is also subject to tax, like a house. First, they receive a certificate of ownership of the land on which the building is located, and then the garage itself is legalized. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact Rosreestr.

If you have an unregistered building on your property, you may have problems selling the property. A garage built in violation of the standards that will be discussed below may be recognized as an unauthorized construction, and by a court decision may be demolished.

Also, permission is not required for the construction of any non-permanent (temporary) structure, that is, a building without a foundation. Such a building is not considered real estate, as it can be moved at any time.

How can you place a garage on an individual housing construction site?

In practice, in many cases, building codes and regulations are turned a blind eye. However, placing a garage in violation of them can lead to dissatisfaction with neighbors and legal proceedings. If you end up being wrong, the structure you built with your labor will have to be demolished. In order not to waste time, effort and money, before building a garage or any other building on the individual housing construction site, you need to familiarize yourself with the SNiPs.

What matters is the distance of the garage from other objects. It also depends on what materials the buildings are made of.

All measurements are taken from the protruding base of the building, and if there is none, then from the wall. If the roof protrudes more than 50 cm, then measure the distance from its projection to the ground.

The following placement standards are prescribed in SNiP 2.07.01-89. According to the norms of individual housing construction, the garage is classified as an outbuilding, therefore it is subject to restrictions associated with them.

To be on the safe side, add another half meter to these distances.

If nothing has been built on the neighboring site, you are lucky and you can build anywhere in compliance with other standards (distance from the fence, from buildings on your site, from red lines). Construction on a neighboring site, if it starts later, will be carried out taking into account your buildings.

Important! It is the distance to buildings on a neighbor’s property that can cause conflict and litigation. Even one corner that is closer than it should be matters. The rules for the location of buildings relative to each other on your site are advisory in nature.

Red lines and placement relative to them

Red lines indicate existing or proposed boundaries of public areas and separate public land from private land. Red lines include the boundaries of territories where various communications are laid (electricity, water supply, sewerage), the boundaries of areas where roads and railways pass.

The red lines are reflected in the master plan of the settlement and the territory development project. Standards for the location of objects relative to red lines have been established so that communications, roads, and so on always have free access.

Any private building on your site must be at least 5 m from the red line. It can pass either along the border of the site or be at some distance from it. If the distance to the red line is less than required, the building may be demolished by court decision. The garage can be located differently, for example, so that it itself or the shed is adjacent to the fence on the side of the roadway, by agreeing on this issue with the board.

Fire safety

In addition to the standards for placement relative to other objects, it is also necessary to comply with fire safety requirements. If you comply with all fire safety standards, you can reduce the distance to neighboring wooden buildings. These are the following standards.

  • There should be a fire shield and a fire extinguisher near the garage.
  • There is no heating installed in it.
  • Electrical wiring is made in accordance with PTEEP (Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers).
  • The electrical wiring is laid in a metal sleeve.
  • Electrical wiring goes through a meter installed in the house.
  • The bulbs have factory shades.
  • There are automatic fuses.

Thus, if your garage is heated, then it will not be possible to build it closer than specified in the standards. However, there are other ways to bypass SNiP without risk. To do this you need to come to an agreement with your neighbors.

Is it possible to bypass SNiP

Under certain conditions, it is possible to build a garage in violation of these standards. This requires a written agreement with the neighbors, which should be notarized. This document is valid for three years, after which it must be renewed. The garage must be built in compliance with all fire safety standards discussed above.

You can also build a garage next to your neighbor's. You can also install a garage in such a way that one of its walls replaces part of the fence. IN the latter case conflict with neighbors may arise if your building obscures their plantings. Therefore, before starting construction in this way, it is necessary to agree with the neighbors and conclude a written agreement.

Important! A written contract is concluded with specific people. If the neighbors sell the plot, a conflict may arise with the new owners.

At the same time, the statute of limitations for the claim is 3 years, and if no problems arose during this time, then the construction can be considered legal.

Accommodation in the basement

A garage can be built not only as a separate building or an extension to the house, but also as a ground floor the house itself. According to SNiPs, the ground floor is buried in the ground to no more than half the design height of the room, and top part floor is located above the ground surface no more than 2 m.

As for the installation of a garage in the basement, SNiPs recommend sealing its floors and walls so that exhaust gases and odors do not penetrate into living spaces. For this purpose, various insulating compounds are used. It is also necessary to make separate duct ventilation. In the basement it is necessary Special attention pay attention to waterproofing. Walls and ceilings must be made of non-combustible materials.

Accommodation in a residential building

If the garage is located in the house itself on the ground floor, the rules here are the same as when installing it in the basement: duct ventilation and construction of walls and ceilings from fire-resistant materials. If the windows of other rooms are located above the entrance to the garage, a canopy with a width of 0.6 m must be provided above it.

Placement close to home

If the garage is adjacent to a residential building, then the distance from the garage and from the house to the property line is measured separately. In this case, there must be at least 3 m from the house to the property line, and at least 1 m from the garage. The garage can also be attached to an outbuilding.

As for parking a car on or near the site, there are no regulations for its placement. It is important that a parked car does not make it difficult to travel along the street and does not block the entrances and exits of neighboring areas.

SNiP standards are in the nature of recommendations, but experts advise adhering to them strictly. If your garage is built in violation of regulations, and your neighbors can prove that this somehow infringes on their rights, poses a threat to life and health (for example, violates fire safety standards, blocks a passage that may be needed for a fire truck or ambulance) , then by court decision the building will have to be moved to another place, and in the case of a permanent structure this is not so easy to do.


Thus, the place where a garage can be built on a site is quite clearly regulated by the rules. You can locate it in violation of SNiPs, but only on the condition that the neighbors will not have any claims against you. This agreement must be recorded in writing.