The job is a single person chief accountant. The difference between the positions of chief accountant and accountant in units

What is the difference between the positions of chief accountant and single person accountant? What is the difference in liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation? Is it even possible to indicate the position of accountant in a single person (number) in the work book?

The job responsibilities of the accountant and chief accountant of the organization must be contained in the job descriptions developed in the organization. As a sample, you can use the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 N 37.

In accordance with it, the chief accountant organizes the work on setting up and maintaining accounting organization, and the accountant performs the work of maintaining accounting records of property, liabilities and business transactions. It is important to note that the chief accountant is the second person in the organization; without his signature, many documents (monetary and settlement documents, as well as financial and credit obligations) are considered invalid and should not be accepted for execution.

The head of the organization organizes accounting (), he has the right either to entrust accounting to the chief accountant or other official of the organization, or to take over accounting (if the organization is a small or medium-sized business) (Part 3 of Article 7 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

At the same time, when opening a current account in a bank, in the signature card, in addition to the signature of the manager, a second signature of any authorized person - an employee of the organization, not only the chief accountant - can be indicated. But it is important to note that if, in accordance with the powers exercised, the accountant actually performs the duties of the chief accountant (if by decision of the manager this particular accountant is entrusted with the responsibility for maintaining accounting records), then it is this official who will bear the responsibility provided for by law for violations committed through his fault, as a responsible person, regardless of how his position is named in the job description or employment contract.

At the same time, in the work book, the employee’s position is indicated in the singular, in accordance with the title of the position specified in the job description developed by the organization.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

1. Situation:Who is responsible for organizing accounting in the organization

Accounting and storage of accounting documents are organized by the head of the organization (Part 1, Article 7 of Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011).

He is obliged:
– or entrust accounting to the chief accountant or other official of the organization;*
– or enter into an agreement for the provision of accounting services with a third-party organization (specialist);
– or take over the accounting (if the organization is a small or medium-sized business).

Card forms can be produced either by the organization or by the bank independently (clause 7.4 of the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014). When opening an account, check with the bank whether it provides card forms to clients.

You can fill out the card:

  • on a typewriter or computer in black font;
  • pen with paste (ink) black, blue or purple.

You cannot use a facsimile signature to fill out the fields of the card.

On the front of the card please indicate:

  • in the “Client (account holder)” field – the full name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents. If an organization opens an account for a separate division, then after the name of the organization, separated by a comma, enter the name of the separate division in accordance with the regulations on its opening;
  • in the “Location (place of residence)” field – the actual address of the organization (separate division). In cases where the functions of managing an organization are transferred management company or manager, their actual address is entered in the field;
  • in the “tel. No. – one or more telephone numbers of an organization (separate division);
  • in the “Bank” field – the full or abbreviated name of the bank in which the organization opens a current account.

If a current account is opened by an organization, the right to sign belongs to the manager. In this case, a document confirming this right may be an employment order.

The manager can grant signature rights to other employees of the organization*. In addition, the right to sign may be transferred to the manager or management organization performing the functions of the sole executive body of the organization. IN the latter case The management organization has the right to grant the right to sign:

  • its employees;
  • employees of the client organization.

In both cases, one of the following documents will confirm the right to sign:

  • order granting the right to sign bank documents;
  • power of attorney for the right to sign bank documents.

If a current account is opened by an entrepreneur, then the right to sign belongs directly to this entrepreneur. In addition, the entrepreneur can grant the right to sign to other persons on the basis of a power of attorney.

In addition, a person who applies to a bank to open a current account for an organization must present a passport (other identification document) (clause 1.7 of Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated May 30, 2014).

Oleg Good,

State Advisor to the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, III rank

4. INSTRUCTION of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-I “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts, deposit accounts”

« Chapter 7. Card with sample signatures and seal impressions

7.1. The card is presented by the client to the bank in the cases provided for in these Instructions, along with other documents necessary for opening an account.

The card can be issued in form N 0401026 according to OKUD (All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation OK 011-93), given in Appendix 1 to this Instruction, or in the form established by banking rules and containing information to be included in the card in accordance with Appendix 1 to of this Instruction.

7.2. The card is filled out using a typewriter or electronic computer in black font or with a pen with black, blue or purple paste (ink). The use of a facsimile signature to fill out the fields of the card is not allowed.1

7.3. The bank produces the number of copies of the card required for use in work. The use of card copies obtained using duplicating equipment is permitted provided that the copying is made without distortion.

Copies of the card made on paper must be certified by the signature of the bank's chief accountant (his deputy) or a bank employee authorized by the bank's administrative act to issue the card in accordance with paragraph 7.10 of these Instructions (hereinafter referred to as the authorized person). Instead of copies, it is possible to use several copies of the cards presented client.

When the bank services several client accounts and provided that the list of persons authorized to sign is identical, the bank has the right not to require the issuance of a card for each account in the cases and in the manner provided for in the banking rules.

In cases and in the manner provided for in banking rules, the bank is allowed to use a copy of the card obtained using scanning devices, certified by an analogue of the handwritten signature of the bank’s chief accountant (his deputy) or an authorized person. In this case, it must be possible to reproduce, without distortion, a copy of the card obtained using scanning devices on paper.

7.4. Card forms are produced by clients and the bank independently.1 An arbitrary number of lines is allowed in the fields “Client (Account Owner)”, “Cash checks issued”, “Other notes”, “Last name, first name, patronymic” and “Signature sample”, taking into account the number of persons authorized to sign, as well as in the “Account N” field in the case provided for in paragraph 7.3 of this Instruction. When producing a card, word-by-line indication of the translation of the fields of the card in the languages ​​of the people is allowed Russian Federation, as well as in foreign languages. The “Sample of a seal impression” field should provide for the possibility of affixing a seal impression without going beyond the boundaries of this field.

7.5. The card submitted by a client - an individual, an individual entrepreneur, an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, indicates the person (persons) vested with the right to sign.1 The right to sign belongs to the client - an individual, an individual entrepreneur, an individual a person engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The right to sign may belong to individuals on the basis of an appropriate power of attorney issued in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual, an individual entrepreneur, an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The card submitted by the client - a legal entity, indicates the person (persons) vested with the right to sign.

The right to sign belongs to the sole executive body of the client - a legal entity (sole executive body), as well as other employees (workers) vested with the right to sign by the client - a legal entity, including on the basis of an administrative act, a power of attorney.

The right to sign may belong only to employees (employees) of the client - a legal entity, except for the cases established by paragraphs nine to eleven of this paragraph.*

The head of a separate division of a client - a legal entity, if he has the appropriate powers, has the right, by his administrative act or on the basis of a power of attorney, to grant the right of signature to employees (employees) of this separate division.

Order in cash, located on the accounts of a credit organization opened with the Bank of Russia, in accordance with Article 11_1 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” can only be assigned to persons agreed upon in accordance with the procedure established by parts six to eight of this article.

The right to sign may be transferred to a clearing organization, a payment system operator, a central payment clearing counterparty, a manager or management organization, a bankruptcy trustee, or persons providing accounting services.

If a management organization performing the functions of a sole executive body grants its employees (employees) or the employees (employees) of a client - a legal entity the right to sign on behalf of the client - a legal entity, such a right can be granted on the basis of an administrative act of the management organization or a power of attorney.

The sole executive body of the management organization may act as a person authorized to sign.

The card submitted by the client - a legal entity, indicates at least two handwritten signatures necessary for signing documents containing the client's order, unless a different number of signatures is determined by an agreement between the bank and the client - a legal entity.

Possible combinations of handwritten signatures of persons authorized to sign, necessary for signing documents containing the client’s order, are determined by agreement between the bank and the client.

7.6. The sole executive body of a client - a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, may not be indicated on the card as a person authorized to sign, provided that other persons have the right to sign."

5. Article:The accountant quit: who is responsible for mistakes??

The construction company's accountant quit. Errors relating to the period of his employment were discovered during a tax audit after his dismissal. Who will be responsible for them? And what is the possible liability?

If tax violations are detected...

In accordance with tax legislation, liability for committing tax offenses is imposed on the taxpayer. Thus, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that in cases specified by law, organizations and individuals bear responsibility.

If the taxpayer is an organization - a legal entity, then the organization bears responsibility.

At the same time, officials of the organization may be held administratively, criminally or otherwise liable for identified tax violations if there are appropriate grounds. This is stated in paragraph 4 of Article 108 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the chief accountant responsible for?

In case of evasion of accounting in accordance with the established procedure, distortion of reporting and failure to comply with the deadlines for its submission and publication, the head of the company and other persons responsible for organizing and maintaining accounting records may be brought to administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. This provision is contained in Law No. 129-FZ.*

I.N. Lozhnikov,

Director of the Accounting Methodology Department of CJSC HLB neshaudit"

6. Article:What is the responsibility and for what does the chief accountant of the organization bear?

In many companies, the chief accountant is actually the second most important person. High status also implies increased responsibility, including for mistakes made. Can the chief accountant be held criminally liable? How is he responsible for damage caused by incorrect tax calculations?

The chief accountant of an organization, depending on the violation he committed, can be simultaneously brought to disciplinary, material and administrative liability. After all, these types of responsibilities are independent and therefore apply to the employee independently of each other. For socially dangerous offenses, instead of administrative liability, the chief accountant may be subject to criminal liability (clause 7, part 1, article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Only the taxpayer himself or a tax agent can be held liable under the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Articles and Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Company officials are not subject to tax liability.

The only exception to this rule is the responsibility of the chief accountant as a witness, provided for in Article 128 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. So, if the chief accountant is summoned to the inspectorate as a witness in a tax violation case, he may be fined:

  • for 1000 rub. in case of failure to appear or avoidance of appearing without good reason;
  • 3000 rub. in case of unlawful refusal to testify or giving knowingly false testimony.

The boundaries of liability for errors in accounting between the director and the chief accountant are not clearly defined by law.

The chief accountant is individual, with whom an employment contract has been concluded and who solely conducts accounting in the organization or heads the accounting service (clause 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting”, hereinafter referred to as Law No. 129-FZ). In his responsibilities and the scope of responsibility includes (clause and article 7 of Law No. 129-FZ):

  • formation accounting policy organizations;
  • accounting;
  • timely delivery of complete and reliable financial statements;
  • ensuring compliance of ongoing business operations with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring control over the movement of the company’s property and the fulfillment of its obligations.

In addition, along with the general director and cashiers, he is responsible for compliance with the Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation (approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated September 22, 1993 No. 40). This is indicated in paragraph 39 of the said Order.

However, not only the chief accountant is responsible for accounting in the company. Its CEO is responsible for organizing accounting and compliance with the law when carrying out business transactions (Clause 1, Article 6 of Law No. 129-FZ). He is also responsible for organizing the storage of accounting documents, accounting and reporting registers (clause 3 of Article 17 of Law No. 129FZ).

As a result, neither tax nor accounting legislation stipulates clear boundaries of responsibility between the general director and the chief accountant. In practice, the responsibility of each of them is determined based on the official duties and powers of these persons, as well as the organizational, administrative and economic functions they perform (clause 7 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2006 No. 64). In this case, you should focus on the internal documents of the organization: employment contracts, job descriptions, regulations on divisions, orders on the temporary assignment of responsibilities to individuals, etc. Read about the distribution of responsibilities in the event of a change in the chief accountant in the box below.*


Alla Pyzhova, expert of the Glavbukh System.

Answer approved by Alexander Rodionov,

Deputy Head of Expert Support.

  • Download forms

March 13, 2020 - We are inviting a single chief accountant to a production and trading company that is part of the Group of Companies. Responsibilities: Ensure reliable and timely maintenance of accounting and tax accounting Companies. Preparation of accounting...

March 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Small wholesale - trade organization(with the development of our own production line) it is required (in the future with an assistant) full maintenance of accounting and tax records for the organization...

March 11, 2020 - Class A+ business center in Moscow (inside the Garden Ring, within walking distance from the Sukharevskaya and Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro stations) is required. We are looking for an employee who: - will become part of our team and will share...

March 16, 2020 - Responsibilities: Working with primary documentation in 1C 8.3. Submission of all established forms of accounting and tax reporting. Preparation of documents for counter/office/on-site inspections. Requirements: Professional (economic/financial) education, ...

March 16, 2020 - Our company is associated with the provision of services, and we also sell a group of products at retail. We have a staff of 6 people. About 350 bills need to be issued per month. The main thing is to submit all the readings ON TIME and issue invoices to everyone. More details at the meeting. Responsibilities and Requirements: - ...

March 4, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining full accounting and tax records for several legal entities (OSN USN) in a single person. Calculation of wages, sick leave, compensation, tax calculation. Preparation and submission of accounting and tax reports,...

February 20, 2020 - About the company: We are a small dynamic company of IT enthusiasts, offering the best anti-fraud and risk management solution on the market for the online business of financial institutions. We have been working in the market since 2016, doing business in 10+ countries...

March 4, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining all areas of accounting for several legal entities (up to 2) with the main tax system; Preparation of quarterly reports and monthly monitoring materials for banks for the company that is the borrower/guarantor...

March 13, 2020 - Responsibilities: Calculation and accrual of rent, operating costs, utilities, and other rental-related expenses; Analysis of contracts and primary documentation, checking the correctness and accuracy of primary documents; ...

February 27, 2020 - Responsibilities: Drawing up and submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, statistical reporting 1 legal entity per simplified tax system and individual entrepreneur Maintaining accounting records in the following scope: Payroll calculation, calculation of sick leave, vacations and benefits (up to 10 employees) ...

February 24, 2020 - Responsibilities: organizing and maintaining accounting records on the simplified tax system; Submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service and funds. Requirements: higher education; 2-3 years of experience as a chief accountant; Excellent knowledge of accounting and tax accounting using a simplified system...

March 2, 2020 - Responsibilities: maintaining in several companies all areas of accounting, tax accounting (OSNO, USNO); - reporting (tax, statistics, etc.); - support of mandatory audits; - responses to requests from tax authorities, passing ...

February 17, 2020 - A vacancy is open in the business direction of a development company, which is engaged in the rental of storage boxes (70% for individuals, 30% for legal entities). Responsibilities: Maintain all areas of accounting and tax accounting in full...

February 26, 2020 - Responsibilities: maintaining accounting and tax records, (OSNO) in full accrual and payment of salaries (number of 20 people) personnel records receipt of goods and services sales of services receipt and write-off of inventory and materials accounting and tax reporting...

March 13, 2020 - Chief accountant in one person, simplified tax system (several legal entities, full time in the office) Our company is engaged in training doctors and organizing conferences. We are in desperate need of a full-time, proactive accountant in our office. Are you ready to be an assistant to a manager? ...

March 16, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining all areas of accounting in a single person; Experience with foreign trade activities; Interaction with tax authorities, the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund; Monitoring and ensuring the correctness and timeliness of tax payments and...

February 28, 2020 - Chief accountant required (single person). Wholesale. Responsibilities: Maintaining accounting and tax records. Work with primary documentation (drawing, checking, monitoring): receipts, expenses, acts of completed work (services), reconciliation acts); ...

March 16, 2020 - Requirements: - Higher economic education; - Full-scale accounting experience (OSNO, USN) for more than 5 years; - Experience in 1C, bank-client, electronic document management systems; - Responsibility, attentiveness, accuracy when working with numbers, ...

March 6, 2020 - Responsibilities: Participation in organizational - economic activity company execution and control of contracts with clients (invoicing, certificates of work performed, reconciliation reports), checking the package of accompanying documents Timely and correct...

March 3, 2020 - A stable company (more than 10 years on the market) providing services for leasing commercial real estate is looking to hire a single Chief Accountant! Subordination to the General Director of the company. Responsibilities: Maintain accounting...

March 2, 2020 - Responsibilities: Organizes business accounting - financial activities and control over the economical use of material, labor and financial resources, the safety of the enterprise’s property; Forms in accordance with...

March 10, 2020 - Requirements: Experience in independent accounting. accounting from 3 years OSNO Experience in maintaining accounting records in a construction or installation company Willingness to work, including with primary documentation Excellent knowledge of 1C version 8 Reading and understanding KS-2, KS-3 ...

March 13, 2020 - Responsibilities: accounting for 2 legal entities (OSN, simplified tax system 15%), forwarding services, certification services, foreign trade activities; experience working with foreign trade activities!!! internal control of accounting and preparation of financial statements; maintaining tax...

March 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Full maintenance of accounting and tax records for 2 legal entities (USNO 15% and 6%). Submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service and funds Calculation of wages (up to 7 people) Control of payments. Client-bank. Financial planning Monthly generation of Agent Reports...

February 26, 2020 - Good day, dear Applicant! We invite you to the position of chief accountant (single person). We have been on the market since 2011. Requirements: University degree in finance/accounting. Experience as a chief accountant. Knowledge...

March 4, 2020 - Expected results of your work in this position: Timely and error-free accounting (tax, accounting) for a trade and wholesale company in full - it is important to be able to do everything yourself. FUNCTIONS OF THIS EMPLOYEE - key tasks: Maintaining...

February 27, 2020 - Requirements: Sole chief accountant, simplified tax system (6%, 15%). Maintaining full accounting and tax records. Setting up accounting from scratch. Experience working with departments. Experience in catering (restaurant, bar, cafe, etc.). Experience in passing tax...

March 5, 2020 - Sole person accountant: Responsibilities: - The financial analysis organization and optimization of its activities. - Maintaining all areas of accounting, complete organization of accounting and tax accounting. - Preparation and submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service, funds, authorities...

February 25, 2020 - Moscow! Touchechr(39) wine bar & kitchen! Required Chief Accountant for a restaurant! Responsibilities: Managing one legal entity on the simplified tax system (15%) in full (restaurant business); Analysis, preparation and submission of reports (alcohol declaration, salary...

February 26, 2020 - Responsibilities: Sole chief accountant– 2 jur. persons (one main one for rental payments) - construction, work with KS-2; KS-3, provision of services, transport, design work; production, trade (wholesale + retail); - Balance sheet, funds, Rosstat; - ...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: Full maintenance of accounting and tax accounting in the 1C program: accounting 8.3; (catering industry-production) Work with primary documentation; Reconciliation and settlements with suppliers and customers; Carrying out banking...

February 26, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining accounting and tax records in full. Preparation of accounting and tax reporting for the Federal Tax Service. Accrual, deduction and refund of VAT, book of purchases and sales. Calculation of taxes and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund. Salary calculation...

February 18, 2020 - Accountant in the singular (NOT the main one) Responsibilities: Full management of one LLC, activities - services, (USN, 6%) from primary to the formation of a balance sheet, declaration and submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service (Takskom) Accrual, payroll calculation, formation...

February 26, 2020 - Responsibilities: Full accounting. accounting for one legal entity persons (STS) Maintaining primary accounting and personnel documentation Preparation and submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service and Funds Maintaining a cash register, bank, payroll (staff - 6 people), etc. Monitoring the provision...

March 16, 2020 - A chief accountant is required for an international medical services company. We are looking for a responsible, experienced employee who is ready to start working as soon as possible. The previous chief accountant worked for more than five years, left the company due to age, business...

March 6, 2020 - The accounting service of the Mercor-PRUF company, engaged in the production, sale, installation and maintenance of integrated fire safety systems in connection with the expansion, invites a Deputy Chief Accountant for a permanent position. Basic...

March 6, 2020 - Responsibilities: Accounting in a single person Reporting to the tax office Current payments Payroll Maintaining personnel records Requirements: experience as a sole accountant higher education Conditions: social package...

March 12, 2020 - Responsibilities: Required Sole Chief Accountant. The company is also ready to consider a university student, a candidate without experience as a chief accountant, with the prospect of further transfer to this position, with a salary reduction for the period...

March 6, 2020 - A Chief Accountant is invited to join a company selling medical equipment, laboratory reagents and medical consumables. Responsibilities: - Organization and maintenance of accounting, management and tax accounting in full; - Maintaining...

March 6, 2020 - Sensavi Beauty Institute Responsibilities: Maintaining full accounting and tax records in a single person Formation and submission of accounting, tax, statistical reporting Optimization of taxation Formation of payment orders...

March 6, 2020 - Responsibilities: Accounting (up to 5 legal entities); Preparation of financial statements, balance sheet, taxes: profit, VAT – 5 legal entities; Monitoring the correctness of tax calculations; Settlements with suppliers (accounting for primary documentation, reconciliation reports, control...

March 16, 2020 - Dear candidates! We are looking for a chief accountant for the Fortune-Time Company (official exclusive distributor of watch brands FOSSIL, DIESEL, DKNY, MICHAEL KORS and EMPORIO ARMANI, VERSACE, SALVATORE FERRAGAMO, TIMEX, NAUTICA, QUANTUM, VERSUS, THOM...

March 16, 2020 - Responsibilities: Maintaining accounting and tax records in full (moderate document flow). Foreign trade activities (import, export) Taxation: Legal entity - OSNO, Entrepreneur - USNO, UTII Payroll (up to 5 people). Requirements: Higher...

March 5, 2020 - the company announces a competition to fill a vacant position sole chief accountant. Responsibilities: planning the annual cash flow budget; preparation of operational reports on cash flows; traffic control...

March 11, 2020 - Work on OSNO, Maintaining accounting and tax records in full Organization and control of accounting of the economic and financial activities of the company Formation in accordance with the legislation on accounting, accounting policies Organization...

February 27, 2020 - What you have to do: Drawing up and submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, statistical reporting for 1 legal entity on the simplified tax system and individual entrepreneurs Maintaining accounting records in the following volume: Payroll calculation, calculation of sick leave, vacations and benefits...

February 26, 2020 - Responsibilities: Responsibilities include full accounting of 2 legal entities. individual entrepreneurs (15%) and LLC (OSNO). The total staff is 10 people. But at the same time, the amount of work in this position is very small. For example: -Sales are about 70 per month -Receipts are about 150... Distribution schedule for “sole chief accountant” vacancies by salary

You can find many offers for destinations in cities in the region such as:

Median salary for the vacancy “sole chief accountant” in other cities
  • Moscow
  • Molokovo
  • Mosrentgen
  • Maryino
  • Novodrozhzhino

Over the past month, the site recorded 0 requests for single-person chief accountant vacancies. At the same time, the minimum salary in the current month is 30,000 rubles. Moscow is a place where, according to most employers, the vacancy of a single-person chief accountant is considered one of the most in demand. In addition to the vacancy “sole chief accountant,” specialists in the Moscow region are in demand for the following positions:

  • "Chief Accountant";
  • “Chief Accountant / Sole Accountant”;
  • "Chief accountant in a single person (construction)."

It is worth noting that the position of chief accountant in a single person is considered similar to this specialization, but differs in a number of requirements for candidates. Companies

  • "Disinfection Center";
  • "TEKON Engineering";
  • United Confectioners;

create a huge number of positions for “sole chief accountant” specialists. The median salary per month for the specified specializations is 60,000 rubles. There are currently 98 vacancies in this category posted on job search sites. The number of jobs for specialists “chief accountant in a single person” is currently about 86 vacancies. In the general list, the request page for the vacancy of chief accountant in a single person reaches 0 positions. The expanded geography of viewing offers in all regions includes more than 322 vacancies for “chief accountant in a single person”!. The number of vacancies in the Moscow region region reaches 0 positions. The average income level in the specialty is 56,600. The maximum monthly salary (in numerical format), according to official data, this year was 80,000 rubles. The form of employment can be: “Full-time”, “full-time”, “Part-time”. Payment for work performed varies in size, but in most cases it is 60,000 rubles. Finding a job in the Moscow region for the specialization “chief accountant in a single person” is very simple. If we take into account the number of vacancies from each company, then the top three will be:

  • "Disinfection Center";
  • "TEKON Engineering";
  • United Confectioners;

A single chief accountant is quite in demand. The Moscow region offers a large number of vacancies in the specialty of chief accountant in a single person. Oddly enough, even for the position of chief accountant there is significant competition for a single person. The specialization of chief accountant in a single person falls into the following category:. A number of other similar vacancies also fall into this category:. There are 9 vacancies for the most popular employment - Full time.

Distant work

Sole chief accountant (remotely)


3 years of work experience, higher education, full employment, distant work

By agreementResponsibilities:

1. Full maintenance of accounting, tax, management accounting (without the right to sign) for a group of legal entities (2 simplified tax system 6%, 5-7 individual entrepreneurs 6% + patent) - security services, consulting; 2. Timely preparation, control and submission of accounting and tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service; 3. Timely preparation, control and submission of reports to the Funds (FTS); 4. Planning and optimization of taxation; 5. Preparation and recording of primary documentation; 6. Accrual and payment of official wages for 25-35 employees (currently there are no registered employees); 7. Cash desk, advance reports; 8. Mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers; 9. Reconciliation of settlements with customers, drawing up acts of mutual settlement at least once a quarter; 10. Monitoring compliance with payment discipline; 11. Cooperation with banks (including on issues of opening current accounts), the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; 12. Maintaining employee time sheets (Excel); 13. Management reporting for the manager.


1. Specialized higher education 2. 3 years of work experience as a chief accountant. 3. Successful experience in passing on-site and desk tax audits, experience in interacting with banks (financial monitoring). 4. Good knowledge of 1C 8.2, 1C 8.3, 1C ZUP, Internet client, bank client, office work. 5. Knowledge of all areas of accounting and taxation of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs (USNO) 6. Attentiveness and scrupulousness in the preparation of documents. 7. Personal qualities: analytical mind, responsibility, accuracy, diligence, communication skills.


Work schedule: remotely Corporate mobile communications