Design hundred. Design of a passenger car service station Design of a passenger car service station for 6 stations

The layout of a service station is understood as the layout or relative arrangement of production, storage and administrative premises in the plan of a building or separate buildings (structures) intended for servicing and repairing cars. The main condition determining planning decisions is the technological connections of individual production areas of the service station, as well as building codes and rules of automobile service enterprises.

Despite the variety of factors that have different impacts on the layout, there are a number of general provisions and requirements for the design of service stations that must be taken into account when designing and reconstructing service stations. These include:

compliance of the layout with the production process diagram and technological calculations;

location of the main subsystems (zones) and production areas (elements) of the subsystem of the enterprise's production preparation complex, if possible, in one building under a common roof, avoiding dividing the enterprise into small premises;

unification of constructive and space-planning solutions of buildings;

staged development of the enterprise and the possibility of its reconstruction without significant restructuring and disruption of functioning;

flexibility of production processes, ease of modeling and the ability to change production technology;

production safety and ease of work, as well as creating the best conditions for lighting, ventilation and insulation of noisy production processes;

ease of maneuvering vehicles in buildings;

organization of one-way looped traffic of cars and the presence of internal communication between production departments, rational use areas due to technologically justified relative arrangement of premises, the use of economical methods of arranging cars, the use of structural diagrams of buildings that do not require the installation of intermediate supports or limiting their number;

mandatory excess area land plot for an enterprise, the building area is at least 3-4 times.

Horizontal sections that are short in length along a public passage are considered convenient.

In addition to the requirements listed, there must be a division into two interconnected main parts: 1) customer service and vehicle service; 2) providing customers with maximum convenience through the appropriate arrangement of the premises they use.

The implementation of the listed provisions and requirements is facilitated by the widespread use of standard projects.

General plan

The general plan of an enterprise is a plan of a land plot of territory allocated for development, oriented in relation to public passages and neighboring properties, indicating on it buildings and structures according to their overall outline, a garage-free storage area, rolling stock, main and auxiliary passages and routes for the movement of rolling stock. composition by territory.

The advantages of the second method (i.e., with disconnected development) include reducing fire danger and simplifying the planning solution. The use of disconnected development is advisable in the presence of particularly large-sized rolling stock, in complex terrain of the site, at the junction of an enterprise or during its reconstruction, as well as in warm and hot climates.

Washing of rolling stock of all categories may be located in separate buildings. In our case, the cleaning and washing area is located outside the production building.

When locating an enterprise in several buildings, the gaps between them should be taken as minimal as necessary for the construction of passages, sidewalks, laying engineering communications, but not less than the distances that determine fire safety and sanitary requirements (SNiP 11-88-80).

The relative location of production and auxiliary administrative buildings is essential. The latter, as a rule, should be located close to the main entrance to the service station territory, i.e. from the basic approach of the workers.

Near the auxiliary building there should be a parking area for vehicles belonging to the employees of the enterprise.

Auxiliary premises, as a rule, are located in extensions to industrial buildings. They can also be placed in separate buildings to reduce harmful production. However, they must be connected to the production building.

Buildings and structures should be located taking into account the provision of the most favorable conditions for natural lighting, ventilation of the site and prevention of snow drifts.

When developing master plans, buildings and structures due to production processes, which are accompanied by the release of gas and dust into the atmosphere, as well as explosive processes, must be located in relation to other buildings and structures on the windward side.

Warehouses of flammable and combustible materials in relation to industrial buildings should be located on the leeward side. It is advisable to orient buildings equipped with aeration lanterns in such a way that the axes of the lanterns are perpendicular or at an angle of 45 degrees to the prevailing wind position in the summer. When placing sites for open storage of rolling stock on the territory of a service station, the distances from them to buildings and structures are taken according to SNiP 11-93-74, depending on the degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures.

When placing buildings, it is necessary to take into account the terrain and hydrogeological conditions. The rational location of buildings should ensure that a minimum amount of excavation work is performed when planning the site.

It is recommended that vehicle movement around the enterprise be in a one-way circular pattern, ensuring that there are no oncoming traffic or intersections.

The width of the carriageway of external driveways must be at least three meters for one-way traffic and six meters for two-way traffic. Based on fire safety requirements, access to fire trucks must be provided to all buildings of the enterprise:

  • - on the one hand, with a building width of over 18-100 meters;
  • - from all sides - with a building width of more than 100 meters.

Master plan indicators (see Figure 2.1):

  • - total construction area - 7500 m2;
  • - area of ​​the main premises - 2200m2;
  • - area of ​​auxiliary premises - 750 m2;
  • - landscaping area - 1000 m2;
  • - parking area - 600 m2.

Space-planning solutions for the production building

The space-planning solution of the production building is subordinated to its functional purpose and developed taking into account climatic conditions, modern construction requirements, the need for maximum blocking of buildings, the need to ensure the possibility of changing technological processes and expanding production without significant changes to the reconstruction of the building, security requirements environment, fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as a number of other requirements related to heating, ventilation, etc.

The installation of the production building was carried out from prefabricated unified, mainly reinforced concrete, structural elements (foundation blocks, columns, beams, trusses, etc.), manufactured using industrial methods.

The grid of columns is measured by the distances between the axes of the rows in the longitudinal and transverse directions; the smaller distance is called the pitch of the columns, and the larger the span.

The dimensions of the spans and the pitch of the columns, as a rule, should be a multiple of 6 meters. We accept a grid of columns 18x12 with a step of 6m.

There are 11 zones and sections on the territory of the production building:

  • - body section;
  • - painting area;
  • - wallpaper area;
  • - aggregate section;
  • - plumbing and mechanical department;
  • - tire service area;
  • - electrical section;
  • - repair area for power system devices;
  • - battery section;
  • - maintenance and repair zone;
  • - diagnostic zone.

Figure 2.1. General plan of the service station

1 - production building; 2 - canopy for repaired cars; 3 - open parking; 4 - transformer; 5 - compressor room; 6 - treatment facilities; 7 - administrative building; 8 - autonomous heat supply; 9 - well; 10 - autonomous power supply; 11 - warehouses; 12 - warehouses

Figure 2.2. Industrial building

1 - Maintenance and repair posts; 2 - car reception area; 3 - client; 4 - spare parts store; 5 - diagnostic post; 6 - tire fitting area; 7 - electrical section; 8 - battery section; 9 - aggregate section; 10 - area for repair of fuel equipment and carburetors; 11 - painting chamber; 12 - wallpaper area; 13 - welding and body section; 14 - plumbing and mechanical section


1. Initial data for course work

2. Calculation of the annual volume of work of a car service enterprise

3. Calculation of the number of posts of a car service enterprise

4. Calculation of production base parameters

5. Calculation of capital investments

6. Calculation of the number of production personnel

7. Composition of costs for performing work (providing services)

7.1 Cost calculation for spare parts

7.2 Costs of maintaining the premises

7.2.1 Lighting costs

7.2.2 Heating costs

7.2.3 Costs of water consumption

7.2.4 Costs of water resources required for cleaning the premises

7.2.5 Equipment maintenance and servicing costs

7.2.6 Depreciation costs

7.3. Payroll calculation

8. Cost estimate

9. Calculation financial results at car service centers

10. Calculation of indicators economic efficiency




Design of new stations Maintenance passenger cars (service stations), their reconstruction and expansion are carried out according to general rules design of enterprises, buildings and structures in accordance with SNiP 1.02.01-85.

A special role in the development of service station projects is played by technological design, the results of which largely determine the technical level of production of vehicle maintenance and technical repairs and serve as the basis for the development of other parts of the project, which has a significant impact on the quality of the project as a whole. The technological design is based on modern technology and organization of production of vehicle maintenance and repair, maximum mechanization of production processes, efficient use areas, rational relative arrangement of production, storage and auxiliary premises.

In our country today, the fleet of passenger cars is increasing. The need for maintenance and repair of passenger cars is also increasing.

In connection with this growth, there is a need to build new service stations for passenger cars.

One of the first (and most difficult) challenges for such a business can be choosing a location. This problem is quite acute. Much depends on the location, as in any other business providing services to the public. Although the car owner has the opportunity to drive a kilometer or two in search of better conditions, practice shows that most of them follow the path of least resistance - that is, in the absence of clear preferences, they turn to the car service that happens to be at hand. By the way, the simplest advertising is very effective - “outdoor advertising” at the entrance to a car service station, that is, for clients attracted through advertising, the decisive factor in their choice was ultimately the fact that the car service center was on their way.

1. Initial data for course work

Initial data are presented in Table 1:

Table 1 - Initial data

Project parameter Set value
Number of passenger cars serviced per year, A 760
Climatic area of ​​operation 1
Category of operating conditions 2

Average annual vehicle mileage, L avg. city, thousand km.

Number of shifts, n 1

Duration of work shift, t cm, hour


There was the possibility of its transformation and further expansion. All of the above requirements can be combined to general principles designs that underlie the creation of a space-planning solution for any vehicle maintenance enterprise: − taking into account local conditions - regional, climatic, landscape; − compliance of planning decisions...

The work is presented in Table 34. Type of work % Estimated number of workers accepted Repair and maintenance technological equipment, equipment and tools 25 5 5 Repair and maintenance engineering equipment, networks and communications 20 4 4 Car transportation 10 2 2 Reception, storage and delivery material assets 20 4 4 Cleaning of production premises and territory 15 ...

Correctly use protective equipment when performing individual operations. General system occupational safety measures during car repairs must comply with GOST 12.3.017-79 “Repair and maintenance of cars”. GOST 12.2.003-74 “Production equipment”, SI 1042-73 “Sanitary rules for organizing technological processes and hygienic requirements production...

According to 49 parameters. Based on the results of the inspection and diagnostics, the final price of the car will be agreed upon. The agreed amount goes towards the cost of the new car. Conclusion The level of competitiveness of a service station (STS) depends on many factors, including location, demand for the services offered and their quality, timeliness of services, etc. ...

The service station is intended for inspection and repair of vehicles. The need for a service station arises due to ensuring the proper technical condition of cars. Safe traffic on the roads, as well as the lives of the driver and passengers, depend on this. Himself service station construction project requires painstaking work of specialists, which will ultimately affect financial results.

Features of service station design

The complexity and scale of designing a new service station depends on the class of premises. There is the following classification:
- Diagnostic. It is expected to repair any part of the car.
- Aggregate. Carrying out repair and adjustment work on a specific unit or a limited list of them.
- Body parts. Work to replace or repair vehicle body parts.
- Adjustment. Adjusting wheel alignment, headlights, etc.
- Express. Performing minor repairs.
Depending on the number and specifics of premises at the site, an individual design of the service station building is required. If there is a decision to expand the station, then some modification will be required. As a result, a service station reconstruction project will be required.
On our website there is a large number finished works design specialists. The resource has ready-made STO graduation projects, in which everything is calculated down to the smallest detail. Among the material presented on the resource in this section you can find documentation for building a small station or a full-fledged service. At the same time suitable service station project can be downloaded.
If you intend to build a new service station, but there is no suitable documentation, you can contact our specialists. Having extensive experience and high qualifications, they will efficiently and quickly complete a car service station project of any complexity.

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Federal agency of Education

FGU VPO "East Siberian State Technological University"

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department "Cars"

Settlement and explanatory note

for the course project

in the discipline "Production infrastructure"


on the topic of: "Design of a service station

universal type for foreign cars»

Ulan-Uduh 2009

Assignment for course design

To design a universal service station for foreign-made cars in Ulan-Ude.

The number of cars required for calculations is presented in Table 1: results of state technical inspection of vehicles (passenger cars).

Table 1

Results of state technical inspection of motor vehicles (passenger cars)



incl. legal entities


in good working order


incl. legal entities

PASSENGER CARS (sum of lines 2-17, 21)


VAZ-2101, 02-07 and modifications

VAZ-2108. 09 and modifications

VAZ-2110 and modifications

VAZ-2120 and modifications

"NIVA" VAZ - 2123 and modifications

"NIVA" VAZ-2121 and modifications

"Oka" VAZ -1111 and modifications

"Moskvich" - 412 2140 and modifications

"Moskvich" -2141 and modifications

IZH - 2126 and modifications

GAZ-20, 21 and modifications

"VOLGA" GAS - 24, 3102, 3110 and modifications

"VOLGA" GAZ-3111 and modifications

UAZ-469, 3151 and modifications

UAZ-3160, 3162 and modifications

foreign cars

right-hand drive

ZAZ and Tavria of all modifications

made in Russia

other passenger cars

inspected using technical diagnostic tools

of which on the basis of traffic police units*

with a service life of less than 5 years

with a service life of 5 to 10 years

* the traffic police departments include interdistrict departments (divisions) of technical inspection and registration of the traffic police (MOTOR), departments (divisions) of technical inspection and registration of the traffic police (OTOR), specialized

divisions of state technical inspection of the traffic police.

List of sheets of the graphic part

Sheet 1, A1. Space-planning solution for a universal service station for foreign-made cars

Sheet 2, A1. Technological layout of the body repair area

Sheet 3, A1. Technological layout of the plumbing and mechanical section


In this course project, a technological calculation of a universal type service station for foreign-made cars was carried out according to the number of comprehensively serviced cars per year according to the traffic police of Ulan-Ude, located in the service area of ​​the designed station. A calculation of annual work was carried out, on the basis of which the number of workers, the number of maintenance and repair posts, vehicle storage areas, the area of ​​production, warehouse, administrative and management and other premises were determined. Based on the technological calculation, a technological layout of production zones and areas was made, which is a plan for the arrangement of posts, vehicle-waiting and storage areas, technological and lifting-and-transport and other equipment, production equipment, tooling and tools, being the technical documentation of the project, according to which the and equipment is installed.


1. General provisions organization of technological process in service stations

1.1 Organization of technological processes of maintenance and repair

1.2 Organization of maintenance and repair work for vehicles

1.3 Organization of vehicle diagnostics

2. Organization of the technological process in the designed service station

3. Technological calculation of service station

3.1 Calculation of the annual volume of work at a service station

3.2 Calculation of the number of production workers

3.3 Calculation of the number of posts and vehicle storage locations

3.4 Selection of process equipment

3.5 Calculation of areas of zones and sections

3.6 Production flow diagram and structure

4. List of sources used


Road transport is developing qualitatively and quantitatively at a rapid pace. Currently, the annual increase in the world car fleet is 10-12 million units, and its number is more than 400 million units. Every four out of five cars in the total world fleet are passenger cars and they account for more than 60% of passengers transported by all modes of transport.

In addition to the undeniable conveniences that a passenger car creates in a person’s life, the social significance of the mass use of personal cars is obvious: the speed of communication when traveling increases; the number of full-time drivers is being reduced; It makes it easier to transport the urban population to places of mass recreation, to work, etc.

However, the process of motorization is not limited only to an increase in the car fleet. The rapid pace of development of motor transport has led to certain problems, the solution of which requires a scientific approach and significant material costs. The main ones are: increasing the capacity of streets, building roads and their improvement, organizing parking lots and garages, ensuring traffic safety and environmental protection, building car service stations, warehouses, gas stations and other enterprises.

The high growth rate of the fleet of cars owned by citizens due to the import of cars from Japan and Europe, complex designs, an increase in the number of people incompetent in servicing their vehicles, intensification of traffic on the roads and other factors led to the creation of a new industry - car maintenance.

The Automotive Maintenance system currently has a fairly powerful production potential. Further strengthening of this system should include not only the commissioning of new facilities, but also the reconstruction of old facilities, intensification of production, growth in labor productivity and capital productivity, improvement in the quality of services through the widespread introduction of new equipment and advanced technology, rational forms and methods of organizing production and labor .

The most important areas for improving the maintenance and repair of passenger cars are: the use of advanced technological processes; improving the organization and management of production activities; increasing the efficiency of using fixed production assets and reducing the material and labor intensity of the industry; the use of new, more advanced technological and construction projects and the reconstruction of existing vehicle service stations, taking into account the actual needs for the types of work, as well as the possibility of their further phased development; increasing the quality assurance of services and developing measures for material and moral incentives to ensure it.

Road transport is constantly evolving. The use of gas cylinder units in passenger cars is expanding. This places increased demands on improving working conditions, sanitary and hygienic services for workers at service stations, ensuring their safety and maintaining health during the work process.

Managing the production activities of service stations, improving working conditions, increasing the efficiency of labor costs and using fixed production assets with rational expenditure of resources is also one of the urgent tasks technical operation vehicles.

1 . General provisions for organizing the technological process in a service station

1.1 Organization of technological processes of vehicle maintenance and repair

The basis for organizing work at service stations is the Regulations on the maintenance and repair of passenger cars. This provision is mandatory for all service stations performing maintenance and repair of these vehicles.

Car maintenance is a set of works aimed at preventing failures and malfunctions, maintaining cars in good condition and ensuring reliable, safe and environmentally friendly operation. Maintenance includes the following types of work: control and diagnostic, fastening, adjustment, electrical, power system work, filling, lubricating and others.

Based on the frequency, list and labor intensity of the maintenance work for passenger cars, they are divided into the following types: daily maintenance (DM); periodic maintenance (MOT), seasonal maintenance (SO).

SW includes refueling operations and controls aimed at ensuring daily safety and maintaining proper appearance car. For the most part, EO is carried out by the car owner before leaving, on the road or upon returning to the parking lot.

Maintenance involves performing a certain amount of work over a specified operational mileage of the vehicle. In accordance with the standards for maintenance of passenger cars, the frequency of maintenance is once a day, maintenance-1 after 4000 km, maintenance-2 after 16000 km.

CO - provides for maintenance and additional operations to prepare the vehicle for winter or summer operation in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers.

Repair is a set of works to eliminate any malfunctions that have arisen and restore the functionality of the vehicle as a whole or its unit. Car repairs are carried out as necessary and include inspection and diagnostic, disassembly and welding, plumbing, mechanical, welding, tinsmithing, painting, and electrical work. To perform high-quality maintenance and technical repairs, the service station is equipped with the necessary stations, devices, instruments, accessories, tools and equipment, and technical documentation.

The main part of the maintenance and repair work is carried out at 2 posts

production building in the vehicle maintenance and repair area. In addition, work on maintenance and repair of power system devices and electrical equipment is carried out in the diagnostic area, welding, tinsmithing, bodywork, tire fitting, vulcanization, painting in specialized areas. Battery work is carried out in the battery section and partly equipment repair work is carried out.

1.2 Organization of maintenance and repair work for vehicles

When servicing cars at a service station Special attention attention to faults that may affect safety traffic. At the same time, it is imperative to eliminate identified malfunctions and loosening of fastenings of the following parts, assemblies, assemblies and systems:

During adjustment work - pads and brake drums, brake pedal, parking brake system, steering, wheel bearings, front wheels;

During inspection, diagnostic and fastening work - bipod and pendulum steering arm, steering gear, steering rods on ball pins and ball pins in sockets, ball joints, kingpins, steering knuckle, wheel disks, cardan transmission or drives, springs and springs, shock absorbers , suspension arms, pipelines, hydraulic brake hoses, main brake drive, door locks, hood and trunk, brake pressure regulator, engine, separator, windows, windshield washer, wiper, rear view mirrors, windshield defogger and heating, ventilation systems and heating;

When servicing power supply systems and electrical equipment - power supply and exhaust systems, headlights, front and rear lights, light switches, reflectors, sound signal, electrical wiring, hazard warning lights, brake lights.

TO-1 is carried out at the frequency indicated above, but at least 2 times a year to perform the following work:

Control and diagnostic - checking the operation of the service brake system for simultaneous operation and braking efficiency, the operation of the parking brake system, the brake drive, checking the connections in the steering drive, the condition of the tires, lighting and alarm devices;

Inspection - inspection and check of the body, glass, license plates, operation of door mechanisms, windshield wipers, checking rear-view mirrors, tightness of connections of lubrication, cooling and hydraulic clutch systems, rubber protective covers on drives and steering rod joints, the amount of free play of the clutch pedal and brakes, fan belt tension, brake fluid levels in the reservoirs of the master cylinder and clutch release, springs and lever in the front suspension, rods and stabilizer bars.

Fastening - fastening the engine to the body, gearbox and extension, steering gear housing and steering bipod, steering wheel and steering rods, swing arms, driveshaft connecting flanges, wheel rims, instruments, pipelines and hoses of the lubrication system and cooling system, brake mechanisms and hydraulic clutch release drive, muffler exhaust pipe;

Adjusting - adjusting the free play of the clutch and brake pedal, the operation of the working and parking brake systems, free play

steering wheel and clearance in steering drive connections, fan and generator belt tension; bringing the air pressure in the tires and the brake fluid levels in the feed tanks of the main brake cylinder and the clutch release to normal levels.

During TO-1, they also clean off dirt and check the power system devices and the tightness of their connections; check the operation of the drive, the completeness of closing and opening of the throttle and air dampers, adjust the operation of the carburetor at low engine speeds. In the electrical system, the battery and its ventilation holes are cleaned of dirt; check the fastening, the reliability of contact of the wire tips with the terminals and the electrolyte level in each of the battery cans; clean electrical equipment from dust and dirt; check the insulation of electrical equipment, the fastening of the generator, starter and relay regulator, check the fastening of the starter and ignition coils.

TO-2 is recommended to be carried out at the frequency indicated above, but not less than once a year. Before performing TO-2 or during the process, it is advisable to carry out an in-depth diagnosis of all the main units, components and systems of the vehicle to establish their technical condition, determine the nature of the malfunctions, their causes, as well as the possibility of further operation of this unit, component and system.

In this case, the following is established:

Engine - presence of knocks in connecting rod bearings and gas distribution mechanism, valves, gears, developed power, malfunction of the ignition system as a whole and its individual elements;

Engine power system - fuel leakage in pipeline connections, in connector planes, increased consumption fuel and CO content in exhaust gases for technical inspection at the traffic police, condition of parts of the cylinder-piston group, gas distribution system, cylinder head gaskets;

Engine lubrication system - oil leakage at connections and connectors (crankshaft oil seals, engine crankcase, timing cover, etc.), pressure in the lubrication system and correct readings of instruments installed on the vehicle;

Engine cooling system - leakage of coolant at connections and connector points, system components (radiator, water pump and others), overheating of coolant when the engine is running under load;

Clutch - slipping under load, jerking when shifting gears, knocking and noise during operation and gear shifting, malfunction of the clutch drive;

Gearbox - the presence of knocks and noises in operating condition, spontaneous shutdown under load, the presence of oil leaks at the connector points of the gearbox parts, the size of the gap when shifting gears;

Rear axle - the presence of knocks and noises in working condition, the presence of oil leaks in the connector areas of the rear axle parts, the amount of the total gap in the main gear and differential;

Cardan shaft and intermediate support - clearances in cardan joints, splined joints and in the intermediate support of the propeller shaft;

Steering - the force required to rotate the steering wheel, the clearance of the steering bipod shaft in the bushings, the reliability of fastening the springs and arms of the front suspension, as well as the bars and struts of the anti-roll bar;

Springs and suspension elements - the presence of broken sheets or springs, gaps in the connections of the spring pin with the spring bushing and with the eye of the suspension brackets, the parallelism of the front and rear axles and their location relative to the car body;

Body elements - presence of dents, cracks, breakages, discoloration of the car's paint, correct operation of the windshield washer, body heating system and windshield blower fan, condition of locks and hinges of the hood, trunk lid and doors.

Securing the radiator, cylinder head and rocker arms, cylinder head casing covers, intake and exhaust pipes, timing gear block covers, oil filter housings, engine oil pan, clutch housing, shock absorbers, fuel tank, muffler, rear gearbox cover bridges, stepladders, spring pins, locks and door handles;

Tightening the nuts securing the flange to the drive gear of the main transmission of the rear axle and the hinge pins securing the shock absorber lugs;

In the power system, they check the tightness of the fuel tank and pipeline connections, the fastening of the carburetor and eliminate any identified malfunctions. Remove the carburetor and fuel pump, disassemble them, clean them and check the condition of the parts using special instruments. After assembly, check the fuel pump using a special device.

They check the quality of the car's paint, the correct operation of the windshield washer, the body heating system and the windshield blower, the condition of the locks and hinges of the hood, trunk lid and doors.

In addition, it is necessary to check and adjust the angles of the steered wheels, the effectiveness and simultaneity of operation of the brake mechanisms, wheel balancing, the operation of the vehicle ignition system, the gap between the breaker contacts, the installation and operation of the headlights, the direction of the light flux, the condition of the entire brake drive, the condition of the radiator, rubber cushions, engine mounts.

During TO-2, in addition to the scope of work for TO-1, a number of additional operations are performed:

Securing the radiator, cylinder head and rocker arms, cylinder head casing covers, intake and exhaust pipes, timing gear block covers, oil filter housings, engine oil pan, clutch housing, shock absorbers, fuel tank, muffler, rear gearbox cover bridges, stepladders, spring pins, locks and door handles;

Tightening the nuts securing the flange to the drive gear of the main gear of the rear axle and the hinge pins securing the shock absorber lugs;

Adjustment of steering wheel turning force, valve clearances, tension of the engine timing chain, clearance between brake pads and wheel discs, clearance in front wheel hub bearings.

In the power system, they check the tightness of the fuel tank and pipeline connections, the fastening of the carburetor and eliminate any identified malfunctions. Remove the carburetor and fuel pump, disassemble them, clean them and check the condition of the parts using special instruments. After assembly, check the fuel pump using a special device. They also check the ease of starting and operation of the engine.

When servicing the electrical equipment system, do the following: remove the battery from the car and check the state of charge, check the condition of the brushes and commutators of the generator and starter, and the operation of the relay regulator; regulate the tension of the anchor springs; remove the spark plugs and check their condition, clean them of carbon deposits and adjust the gaps between the electrodes; remove the ignition breaker-distributor and clean its outer surface of dirt and oil, check the condition of the contacts and adjust the gaps between them, lubricate the shaft of the breaker-distributor; check the condition of the low wires and high voltage and regulate the operation of lighting and alarm devices.

TO-1, TO-2 and SO are carried out in the TO and TR zone at dead-end posts equipped with lifts.

During TP, disassembly and assembly operations, welding and tinsmithing, electrical engineering, painting, plumbing and mechanical operations are performed.

The straightening shop is designed to eliminate defects and malfunctions of car bodies that arose during operation. The workshop restores the original shape and strength of the repaired body, and also carries out work to maintain the body and its mechanisms in technically sound condition.

The workshop carries out tinsmith-welding and reinforcement-body work, which includes operations for disassembling, assembling, straightening and welding of body parts and its mechanisms, and also produces body parts necessary for replacement: panels, inserts, patches, gussets.

Cars are delivered to the straightening shop, as a rule, on wheels; emergency bodies can be delivered on special carts. In the latter case, the bodies are usually removed at TR posts.

Tinsmith work involves repairs, elimination of dents, cracks, breaks in fenders, hoods, mudguards, radiator linings, doors and other body parts, as well as partial production of simple parts for repair to replace those that have become unusable.

Disassembly and assembly work includes the removal and installation of doors, individual panels or body parts, mechanisms, glass and other removable parts. Partial disassembly of the body for repair of its parts is carried out to the extent necessary to ensure high-quality performance of all repair operations. To assemble bodies after repair, including installing components and parts on the body, various devices and tool sets are used.

Correction work, depending on the nature of the damage, consists of eliminating unevenness on deformed surfaces, as well as correcting distortions in the geometric dimensions of the body, i.e., body distortions.

Welding work is an integral part of tinsmithing and straightening work. Almost all repair operations require the use of welding to some extent. At the service station in the straightening shop, gas and spot welding, and in the welding shop, electric arc welding is also used. Welding during repairs is used when removing a damaged area, straightening work, installing parts or new sections of the body and additional parts, as well as welding cracks, tears and holes with or without applying patches and inserts, depending on the area and condition of the damaged surface of the body. 3 people work in the body welding and tinsmithing areas.

The painting department is intended for painting with removal of old paintwork, touching up local damage, painting individual body parts and applying various types protective layers.

The general technological process of painting includes preparing the surface for painting, priming, puttying, sanding, applying intermediate and outer layers of coating. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the drying regimes in drying chamber provided for each applied coating layer.

To prepare the surface for painting, local tinting is carried out using various devices and tools. Body painting and local touch-up are carried out using a paint spray gun by spraying paint under air pressure.

The electric carburetor workshop is intended for servicing vehicle electrical equipment, the malfunction of which cannot be eliminated during maintenance directly on the vehicle, as well as for servicing carburetors, fuel pumps, sedimentation tanks, fuel and air filters, fuel lines and other devices of the vehicle power system removed from them at posts TO and TR.

Fuel equipment requiring in-depth testing, adjustment or repair is supplied to the workshop and from the diagnostic station. Devices, parts and components of the power system that arrive at the site are cleaned of contaminants, checked and repaired using specialized equipment. After this, the repaired carburetor, fuel pump and other parts are tested on specialized stands. After testing, all devices and parts of the power system are installed on the vehicle.

Then a final quality check of the repair is carried out and the carburetor is adjusted on a dynamometer to achieve minimal exhaust gas toxicity and maximum efficiency.

During technical repair of electrical equipment, they disassemble devices and assemblies into individual units and parts, control and identify defects in units and parts, replace small unusable parts, strip and groove the commutator, restore damage to the insulation of connecting wires and coil terminals, solder wire lugs, assemble the device and unit, testing on a specialized stand.

1.3 Organization of car diagnostics

Technical diagnostics is integral part technological processes of acceptance, maintenance and repair of cars at service stations and is a process of determining the technical condition of a diagnostic object with a certain accuracy and without its disassembly and dismantling.

The main tasks of diagnostics at a service station are the following: general assessment of the technical condition of the car and its individual systems, assemblies, components; determination of the location, nature and causes of the defect; checking and clarifying malfunctions and failures in the operation of vehicle systems and assemblies indicated by the vehicle owner during the process of accepting the vehicle to a service station, maintenance and repair; issuing information about the technical condition of the vehicle, its systems and assemblies for managing maintenance and repair processes, i.e., for choosing the route of the vehicle through the production areas of the service station; determining the vehicle’s readiness for periodic technical inspection at the traffic police; quality control of work on maintenance and repair of the vehicle, its systems, mechanisms and assemblies; creating prerequisites for the economical use of labor and material resources.

When determining the actual need for certain types of work at a service station, they usually proceed from the following factors: whether the car currently has faults, which units and components are at the stage of failure and what is their residual life. The latter is not determined in all cases due to complexity.

All malfunctions and failures that occur during vehicle operation are accompanied by noise, vibrations, knocking, pressure pulsations, changes in functional indicators - power, traction, pressure, and so on. These accompanying malfunctions and failures can be indicated by diagnostic parameters. A diagnostic parameter indirectly characterizes the performance of an element or unit or vehicle system.

One of the main requirements that the organization of work at a service station must meet is ensuring the flexibility of technological processes in the maintenance and repair areas, the possibility of various combinations of production operations. The role of the connecting control element is performed by diagnostics.

During the production process, the following types of diagnostics are performed at the service station: application diagnostics; technical diagnostics during vehicle maintenance and repair related to adjustments; control diagnostics.

On-demand diagnostics, which are most widespread at service stations, are carried out at the request of the car owner. This type of diagnostic work is carried out in the presence of the car owner to obtain detailed and objective information about the condition technical means. Application diagnostics are carried out directly at the diagnostic post by an operator-diagnostician. In some cases, troubleshooting is also carried out here - replacing the spark plug, adjusting the carburetor.

Vehicle diagnostics during maintenance and repair are mainly used to carry out control and adjustment work, clarify additional scope of work for vehicle maintenance and repair, and adjust the vehicle’s route to work stations at service station production sites. This diagnosis is carried out in the electric carburetor workshop and at the diagnostic station. The use of diagnostics during vehicle maintenance and repair can significantly reduce the labor intensity of many control and adjustment work and improve their quality by eliminating disassembly and assembly work associated with the need to directly measure the structural parameters of the vehicle (the gap between the breaker contacts, levers and valve pushers). Time savings can also be obtained by reducing preparatory and final operations, for example, when checking the traction qualities of a car.

Control diagnostics are carried out to assess the quality of maintenance and repair work performed at the service station on the vehicle, its systems and components. The quality of the work performed can be checked on the diagnostic equipment of the diagnostic station.

At the diagnostic station, as an exception, it is allowed to eliminate minor faults, including the replacement of individual parts. If during the diagnostic process faults are identified that prevent its further implementation and cannot be promptly eliminated on site, the process is interrupted, the vehicle is sent to the appropriate area or zone to eliminate the defect, and then returned for final diagnosis.

At the diagnostic post, it is allowed to carry out some maintenance and repair work, if their implementation does not complicate the diagnostic process and without them, the diagnosis cannot be carried out, or if moving the vehicle to another post is impractical due to the technological relatedness of the operation.

The diagnostic technological process determines the list and rational sequence of operations performed, their labor intensity, the qualifications of the diagnostic operator, and the technical conditions for performing the work. The list of operations includes preparatory, control, diagnostic and adjustment operations.

At service stations with a limited level of specialization, complex, multi-purpose use of diagnostic equipment is used to avoid downtime of work stations. Comprehensive diagnostics is a check of all vehicle parameters within the technical capabilities of diagnostic equipment.

The use of diagnostic equipment allows, based on reliable information about the technical condition of the car, to rationally organize the technological process of maintenance and repair, correctly distribute material and labor resources and obtain a significant economic effect. Systematic diagnosis and optimal regulation of vehicle units and systems using diagnostic equipment ensures a reduction in fuel consumption, tires, spare parts and labor costs.

2 . Organization of the technological process in the designed service station

The service station is a universal type station for foreign-made vehicles. The service station carries out the full range of work to maintain the technically sound condition of vehicles, as well as installing additional equipment. The service station provides the following types of services:

Diagnostics of the engine as a whole;

Chassis diagnostics;

Diagnostics and installation of steering wheel angles;

Diagnostics of ABS, APS systems;

Current and major renovation injection and diesel engines;

Repair of automatic and manual gearboxes;

Chassis repair;

Body repair;

Changing the engine oil;

Hardware replacement of transmission oil in the gearbox;

Hardware replacement of special fluids in the cooling system, brake system, and interior air conditioning system;

Tire fitting and wheel balancing;

Washing and dry cleaning of car interiors.

3 . Technological calculation of service station

3.1 Calculation of the annual volume of work at a service station

The annual volume of work at a service station includes maintenance, routine repairs, cleaning and washing work, and work on receiving and issuing vehicles.

Annual volume of maintenance work and current repairs is found by the formula:

T TO-TR =N STO ·L G ·t TO-TR, man-hour(1)

where N service station is the number of conditionally serviced cars at the service station, where

L Г - average annual mileage of cars, km;

t TO-TR - adjusted specific labor intensity per 1000 km, man-hour.

N STO =A·K obs. ,(2)

where A is the number of conditionally serviced cars;

K obs =0.3 - coefficient that determines the number of clients using the services of the service station;

t TO-TR = t TO-TR.norm ·K P ·K K, (3)

where t TO-TR.norm - the labor intensity norm is 2.7 man-hours;

K P - coefficient taking into account the number of service station posts, equal to 0.9;

K K - coefficient taking into account climatic conditions, equal to 1.1.

t TO-TR =2.7·0.9·1.1=2.673 man-hour

The annual volume of cleaning and washing work is determined based on the number of visits to car service stations per year and the average labor intensity of the work.

T UMR =N STO d t UMR, man-hour, (4)

where N service station is the number of conditionally serviced cars at the service station;

d is the number of visits of one car to a service station per year;

t UMR - average labor intensity of one trip, equal to 0.15 man-hour.

Annual volume of work on self-service service stations.

Self-service work is performed by production site workers. Auxiliary work 15-20% of T TO-TR:

T aux. =0.15·60463.2=9069.48 person-hour.

T himself. = T aux. ·(50/100)=9069.48 ·(50/100)=4534.74 person-hour.

The annual volume of work on the acceptance and delivery of cars is determined by the formula:

T P.V =N Z.G ·t P.V, person-hour, (5)

where N Z.G is the number of vehicle arrivals per year;

t P.V - labor intensity of work on acceptance and delivery is 0.6 man-hour.

N Z.G =2·2262=4524 runs

All indicators for the annual volume of work at service stations are summarized in Table 2.

table 2

Indicators for the annual volume of service stations

The name of indicators



Number of conditionally serviced cars at service stations, cars

Average annual vehicle mileage, km

Annual volume of maintenance and repair work, man-hour.

Number of vehicle visits to service stations per year

Annual volume of self-service work, man-hour.

Annual volume of work on acceptance and delivery of cars, man-hour.

3.2 Calculation of the number of production workers

Production workers include working areas and areas directly performing maintenance and repair work on passenger cars. There are technologically necessary and regular numbers of production workers.

The technologically required number of production workers ensures the fulfillment of the daily production program of the service station

R T =T STO /F T, people (6)

F T - annual fund of time of a technologically necessary worker during single-shift work, hour.

The annual fund of time of a technologically necessary worker with a one-shift work week is determined by the duration of the shift and the number of working days in a year.

F T = (D c.d -D v.d -D p.p) T cm, (7)

where D k.d - the number of calendar days in a year, 365 days;

D in.d - number of days off per year, 52 days;

T cm - shift duration, 12 hours;

D p.p - number of holidays per year, 5 days.

F T =(365-0-5)·12=4320 h.

R T =68519.34/4320=16 people.

The regular number of production workers ensures the implementation of the daily and annual production program of the service station

R Sh = T STO /F Sh, (8)

where T of the service station is the annual volume of work of the service station, man-hours;

F sh - annual time fund of a full-time worker, hour.

The annual time fund of a full-time worker determines the actual time worked by the performer directly at the workplace.

Ф Ш =Ф Т -(Д otp. +Д у.п)·Т cm, (9)

where D otp. - the number of vacation days for a worker is 30 days.

D u.p - the number of days of absence from work for valid reasons is 5 days.

Ф Ш =4320-(30+5)·12=3900 h.

R Sh =68519.34/3900=18 people.

3.3 Calculation of the number of posts and vehicle storage locations

The number of service station posts is determined by the formula:

X STO =T STO ·c/F P ·N P, (10)

where T of the service station is the annual volume of work of the service station, man-hours;

Ф П =Д р.г ·Т cm ·с·з, (11)

с - number of shifts;

z - coefficient of use of working time of the post (0.9).

Number of vehicle maintenance and repair posts:

X TO-TR =T TO-TR ·c/F P ·N P, (12)

where T TO-TR is the annual volume of work on maintenance and repair, man-hour;

c - coefficient characterizing the unevenness of the arrival of cars at the service station, equal to 1.1;

F P - annual fund of work of the post, hours;

N P - number of workers at the post, people.

We will find the annual work fund of the post using the formula:

Ф П =Д р.г ·Т cm ·с·з, (13)

where D r.g is the number of days of work per year of the service station, days;

T cm - duration of shift, hours;

с - number of shifts;

z - coefficient of work station utilization (2).

The number of cleaning and washing posts is determined by the formula:

X UMR =T UMR ·c/F P ·N P, (14)

where T UMR is the annual volume of cleaning and washing work, man-hours;

c - coefficient characterizing the unevenness of the arrival of cars at the service station, equal to 1.1;

F P - working time fund of the cleaning and washing works post, hours;

N P - number of workers at the post, people.

Number of car storage spaces:

X X =N s ·T pr /T v, (15)

where N с is the daily number of vehicle visits to the service station, vehicles;

T pr - time of vehicle acceptance per shift, hours;

T in - time of issue of cars per shift, hours.

The number of vehicle waiting places before maintenance and repair service is taken as 0.3 per work station.

X coolant =0.3·X STO (16)

Indicators of the number of posts and vehicle storage locations are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicators of the number of posts and car-storage locations

The name of indicators



Number of posts at service stations, post.

Annual volume of service station work, man-hour.

Coefficient characterizing the uneven arrival of vehicles at the service station

Post working time fund, hour.

Number of workers at the post, people.

Annual volume of maintenance and repair work, man-hour.

Number of maintenance and repair posts, post.

Number of days of work in the year of fasting, days.

Shift duration, hours

Number of shifts, shifts.

Annual volume of cleaning and washing work, man-hour.

Number of cleaning and washing posts, post.

Number of vehicle storage spaces

Number of vehicle visits to service stations per day, vehicles

Number of waiting places

The distribution of the annual work volume is shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Distribution of annual work volume

Name of types of work

Service station, person-hour

Body section

Posts To and TR

Diagnostic station

Steering wheel angle installation station

Tire service station

Oil change stations

Cleaning and washing work

3.4 Selection of process equipment

The choice of equipment is based on its versatility, its ability to be used with greater efficiency and relatively low maintenance costs.

The equipment required for maintenance and repair stations is shown in Table 5.

Table 5

Equipment required for maintenance and repair stations

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Two-post electrohydraulic lift INT2402Н (513)

Type - stationary two-post with electric drive. Load capacity 3000 kg; lifting height 1800 mm; drive power 1.5x1 kW; overall dimensions 2450x4100x3200 mm; weight 1275 kg.

Cabinet for tools and materials

Metal collapsible, overall dimensions 880x500x1600 mm; weight 20 kg.

Chest for used parts and waste

Metal, overall dimensions 400x800x450 mm; weight 20 kg.

Mechanic's workbench

Tool cabinet

Metal, overall dimensions 8800x500x1600 mm

Machine for processing flat connectors of connecting rod ME 150 (AZ-Italy)

Electric motor power 0.75 kW; abrasive wheel diameter 178 mm; overall dimensions 560x480x500 mm

Instrument cabinet

Metal, overall dimensions 1200x600x700 mm

Electrohydraulic press

Supply voltage 380V; overall dimensions 2000x700x1600 mm.

Engine repair machine FWII (USA)

Supply voltage 380V; electric motor power 0.5 kW; overall dimensions 889x393x279 mm.

Engine disassembly/assembly stand

Overall dimensions 889x393x279 mm.

Parts rack

Metal. Overall dimensions 1400x4503x1500 mm.

Bath for washing parts and components

Metal, overall dimensions 400x800x450 mm; weight 10 kg.

Cylinder honing machine CH 150 (AZ-Italy)

Air pressure in the line is 0.6 MPa; Power consumption 3 kW; overall dimensions 1400x1600x2000 mm

Machine for complex processing of cylinders F84S (ROTTLER - USA)

Supply voltage 380V; air pressure in the line 0.6 MPa; overall dimensions of the table are 660x1422 mm.

Machine for processing valve seats VV80 (AZ-Italy)

Electric motor power 0.4 kW; overall dimensions 1650x880x1820 mm.

Machine for processing connecting rod spline connectors BL 50 (AZ-Italy)

Electric motor power 1.1 kW; overall dimensions 750x650x1350 mm.

Horizontal boring machine for processing beds of crankshafts and camshafts BAC 1500 (AZ-Italy)

Power consumption 1.6 kW; overall dimensions 3200x830x1500 mm.

Tool sharpening machine

Supply voltage 220V; overall dimensions 1050x700x1200 mm.

Vertical drilling machine

Supply voltage 380V; overall dimensions 1200x800x1400 mm.

Bench Drilling Machine

Supply voltage 220V; overall dimensions 710x390x400 mm.

Table for inspection and sorting of parts

Metal. Overall dimensions 2000x800x1000 mm.

Waste chest

Metal. Overall dimensions 400x400x500 mm.

The area occupied by the equipment is 36.64 m2.

The equipment required for setting the steering wheel angles is shown in Table 6.

Table 6

Equipment for the steering wheel angle installation station

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Cord stand for monitoring and adjusting the angles of the steered wheels RAV 1660 A RAVAGLIOLI (Italy)

Dimensions of the diagnostic rack are 900x700x1200 mm.

Four-post electrohydraulic lift Techno 428 OMA (Italy)

Load capacity 6 t; drive power 3.0x1 kW; lifting height 1750 mm, lifting/releasing time 55/- s; overall dimensions 3000x5500x1750 mm

Tool and material cabinet

Metal collapsible, overall dimensions 700x 1625x1800 mm; weight 15 kg.

Mechanic's workbench

Overall dimensions 600x1420x1200 mm; weight 95 kg.

Mobile tool cabinet

Metal, overall dimensions 1000x400x400 mm; load capacity 116 kg.

The area occupied by the equipment is 84.1 m2.

The equipment located at the tire mounting and wheel balancing station is shown in Table 7.

Table 7

Equipment for tire fitting and wheel balancing stations

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Electrovulcanizer mod. 6134

Electric, voltage 220 V, overall dimensions with table 450x400x1200 mm, weight 14.5 kg.

Mechanic's workbench

Waste chest

Metal, overall dimensions 300x500x500, weight 9 kg.

Bath for checking cameras

Metal, overall dimensions 600x500 mm.

Compressor mod. K-2

Mobile, electric. Productivity 0.63 m/min, compressed air pressure 1 MPa, power 5.5 kW, overall dimensions 1300x650x600, weight 270 kg.

Tire inflation cage

Metal collapsible, overall dimensions 240x650x600 mm, weight 20.5 kg.

Tire removal stand, mod. Ш-516

Power source 380 V, capacity 20-24, overall dimensions 1005x520x1080 mm, weight 260 kg.

Tire rack

Metal, dismountable, dimensions 500x800x1600 mm, weight 16 kg.

Roughing machine

Electromechanical, tabletop, dimensions with table 450x280x1100 mm, weight 13 kg.

Tool cabinet

Wheel balancing stand

Electric, voltage 220 V, dimensions 250x650x1200 mm, weight 30 kg.

The area occupied by the equipment is 3.638 m2.

The equipment required for oil and special fluid change stations is shown in Table 8.

Table 8

Equipment for oil change stations and special fluids

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Pneumatic (vacuum) waste oil collector Meclube 1442 (Italy)

Maximum vacuum 0.5 bar; oil temperature in units 60-80 °C; filling the tank 2/3 of the volume; container volume 10 l; overall dimensions 500x500x1500 mm.

Oil dispenser 137-18 Euroclube (Sweden)

Type - pneumatic mobile. Working pressure from 3.5 to 8 bar; the ratio of oil outlet pressure to supply air pressure is 3:1; overall dimensions 500x500x1200 mm.

Pallet trolley 1459 Meclube (Italy)

Overall dimensions 1200x550x200 mm.

Installation for maintenance of air conditioning systems Cool Tech AC500PRO-E (USA)

Type - automatic. Regeneration compressor power 500W; vacuum pump capacity 100 l/min; overall dimensions 600x500x1200 mm.

Mechanic's workbench

Overall dimensions 1380x600x1200 mm. Weight 95 kg.

Tool cabinet

Metal, collapsible, dimensions 1000x450x1200, weight 40 kg.

Mobile tool cabinet

Metal, overall dimensions 1000x400x400 mm; load capacity 116 kg.

The area occupied by the equipment is 6.8 m2.

Equipment for the car interior washing and dry cleaning station is shown in Table 9.

Table 9

Washing station equipment

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Washing machine HDS 2000 Super KDRHER (Germany)

Type - mobile hose. Capacity 1850 l/h; pressure 180 bar; power consumption 13.4 kW; heating water up to 80 °C; overall dimensions 800x700x1000 mm.

Vacuum cleaner for interior cleaning work NT27/1 KDRHER (Germany)

Cleaning mode - dry/wash. Air consumption 67 l/s; power consumption 1380 W; weight 7.5 kg; overall dimensions 420x420x525 mm.

Vacuum cleaner for interior cleaning work Puzzi 200 KDRHER (Germany)

Cleaning mode: dry cleaning. Air consumption 54 l/s; power consumption 1250 W; weight 12.1 kg; overall dimensions 665x320x435 mm.

Mechanic's workbench

Overall dimensions 1380x600x1200 mm. Weight 95 kg.

Accessory cabinet

Metal, collapsible, dimensions 1000x450x1200, weight 40 kg.

The area occupied by the equipment is 2.8 m2.

Equipment for the diagnostic station is shown in Table 10.

Table 10

Equipment for diagnostic station

Name of equipment

a brief description of

Number of units

Area, m2

Installation for cleaning fuel systems of gasoline engines ECS-300е MOTORVAC (USA)

Automatic. Supply voltage 12V; overall dimensions 600x500x1200 mm.

Installation for cleaning fuel systems of diesel engines IDT-4000i MOTORVAC (USA)

Automatic. Supply voltage 12V; overall dimensions 700x600x1100 mm.

“Backlash detector” stand model RAV 200-2001 for diagnosing gaps in suspension and steering

The stand is built into the scissor lift platforms.

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