Application for gardeners and gardeners. Computer programs for summer residents

We present to you a selection of free and shareware programs and applications that make it possible to plan the planting of vegetables on your site.


Planting planner on the site GrowVeg, one of the most popular programs with
wide selection of vegetables, fruits, herbs and vegetable crops. Here it’s easy to outline your site, add objects, such as raised beds and rearrange items for the ideal arrangement.

The program calculates the correct location of plants. Based on data from local weather stations, it will show you the best sowing dates for your area. The planner can also email you reminders of what to plant throughout the season. You can select the plants that you want to plant in the beds and easily organize the succession of plantings.

When planning a site for the next season, the system copies its design, remembering where the plants were in previous years and advises where to place them based on the principles of crop rotation.

This video features short review planning vegetables, herbs and orchard using the GrowVeg planner.

Garden Planner Online

Then you will be able to carry out not virtual, but very real monitoring of your garden in real time. And, for example, receive data on weather conditions not from the weather forecaster database, but not directly from the place where your pepper or tomato is located. Or soil acidity, which most novice gardeners have a rather vague idea about.
With a sensor on the site, you can more accurately determine how to plan plantings than with detailed instructions about plants on the Internet.

Or shading of vegetables, when one plant grew so large that it covered another while you were away.

Are there programs in Russian?

One of the most frequently asked questions among gardeners. What’s surprising is that with such an abundance of summer residents and programmers in our country, our attitude towards priorities in the development of Russian-language applications is completely opposite. Summer residents don’t need them, since they don’t really know how to use a computer, and no one will give developers money for “such software.” Therefore, it is better to develop another “ Happy Farmer» for social networks.

In the meantime, we are using the programOur Garden Rubin 9.0 (Rus) developments in 2008.

Or a notebook, as advanced gardeners practice.

“I keep a summer notebook. In the box. A turnaround with a plan is enough for a year. All landings, successful and unsuccessful, by date. Coordinates of the beds, as in naval battle, letters on the top and numbers on the sides. The course of the sun, shadow areas. When I relax in the gazebo, I fill out new things and look at old ones. The layout of my beds is like the veins of a green leaf, it’s convenient to walk with buckets, there are no right angles,” says Zaur Abrikan

Or diagrammatically, as Shauna Coronado does

In any case, such records must be kept, at least in order to know which type of seeds sprouted and which did not take root in your garden bed.

Perhaps our review article will be the impetus for a group of people to develop a planting planning application with a database of all domestic seeds of zoned varieties of vegetables. And we will be able to simplify the work of beginning gardeners in our country and attract even more people to gardening.

We present to you a selection of free and shareware programs and applications that make it possible to plan the planting of vegetables on your site.


Planting planner on the site GrowVeg, one of the most popular programs with
a wide selection of vegetables, fruits, herbs and vegetable crops. It's easy to map out your site, add features like raised beds, and rearrange items for the perfect layout.

The program calculates the correct location of plants. Based on data from local weather stations, it will show you the best sowing dates for your area. The planner can also email you reminders of what to plant throughout the season. You can select the plants that you want to plant in the beds and easily organize the succession of plantings.

When planning a site for the next season, the system copies its design, remembering where the plants were in previous years and advises where to place them based on the principles of crop rotation.

This video provides a quick overview of planning your vegetable, herb and orchard garden using the GrowVeg planner.

The site actively maintains a blog with useful tips on planting and site planning.

Garden Planner Online

Garden Planner Online allows you to customize the size, shape and layout of your garden, adding shrubs, brick patios, flowers, and fencing for a complete presentation of your yard.

Then you can start arranging vegetables and fruits in your beds. The size of the picture indicates the amount of space occupied by the plant.

Once you've finished planning, you can print out a list of all the plants you've chosen and buy seeds according to that list.

Kitchen Garden Planner

Free online planting planner KGP for creating an organic vegetable garden, based on 26 different types beds. Each bed has 15 cells where you can place vegetables and detailed planting instructions, so you can get good layout while minimizing effort.

The bed layout can be printed if necessary, along with all recommendations for each plant.

Garden puzzles

Garden Puzzle - this program differs in principle from other programs for planning and designing a site. Here the emphasis is on maximum visualization of the layout of your plantings. Here you can plant seeds of bushes and flowers to see if one plant will shade another.

This planner is more focused on flowers and shrubs than vegetables, but it is a handy tool for designing appearance your area as a whole.

Sprout it

Sprout it is a free reminder app that completely customizes your plant care. Very convenient for beginners. You choose the right plant from a large database and the timer begins to tell you when you need to water, fertilize or harvest. Coordinates with weather data and reminds of the coming cold snap. A lot of useful information for each plant and convenient access to your account via iPhone, iPad

Garden Tracker

A popular application that allows you to plan and monitor planting in an area of ​​up to 50x50 cells. You mark out the beds and arrange vegetables from an extensive database. And the program tracks the planting date and the development progress of your plants. There are plenty of handy settings, including a lunar calendar for lunar planting cycles, as well as a visual database of pests and organic pest control.
The application is paid, but costs only $3.99, works only on iPhone, iPad

Garden Compass Plant

The developers of this application took a different route. You take pictures of your site and send it to experts, and they provide you with specific recommendations for planning your site, based on the data entered into the program. As you grow, you continue to take pictures to monitor the progress of your plot.
This application is also developed for iPhone and iPad

The ideal program for planning plantings on the site

A planting planner is a convenient thing, but modern technologies allow you to go much further in process automation.
After all, now you can link your layout, drawn in the program, directly with the plants on your site, for example, using sensors like Edyn.

Then you will be able to produce not a virtual one, but a completely real one. And, for example, receive data on weather conditions not from the weather forecaster database, but not directly from the place where your pepper or tomato is located. Or soil acidity, which most novice gardeners have a rather vague idea about.
With a sensor on the site, you can more accurately determine how to plan plantings than with detailed instructions about plants on the Internet.

Or shading of vegetables, when one plant grew so large that it covered another while you were away.

In any case, the time has come for a more comprehensive approach to the development of such applications with the ability to geotarget and use functionality our smartphones.

Are there programs in Russian?

One of the most frequently asked questions among gardeners. What’s surprising is that with such an abundance of summer residents and programmers in our country, our attitude towards priorities in the development of Russian-language applications is completely opposite. Summer residents don’t need them, since they don’t really know how to use a computer, and no one will give developers money for “such software.” Therefore, it is better to develop the next “Jolly Farmer” for social networks.

In the meantime, we are using the program Our Garden Rubin 9.0 (Rus) developed in 2008.

Or a notebook, as advanced gardeners practice.

“I keep a summer notebook. In the box. A turnaround with a plan is enough for a year. All landings, successful and unsuccessful, by date. Coordinates of the beds, like in a sea battle, letters on the top and numbers on the sides. The course of the sun, shadow areas. When I relax in the gazebo, I fill out new things and look at old ones. The layout of my beds is like the veins of a green leaf, it’s convenient to walk with buckets, there are no right angles,” says Zaur Abrikan
Or schematically how it does

In any case, such records must be kept, at least in order to know which type of seeds sprouted and which did not take root in your garden bed.

Perhaps our review article will be the impetus for a group of people to develop a planting planning application with a database of all domestic seeds of zoned varieties of vegetables. And we will be able to simplify the work of beginning gardeners in our country and attract even more people to gardening.

is a wonderful project for Android devices, designed for summer residents. The presented application will tell users how to grow various cultures. This applies to cucumbers, tomatoes and many other plants. Learn to do fertile soil, study in detail the proximity of crops in your own garden. Read about the timing of sowing different seeds.

As a result, you will be able to grow excellent zucchini and pumpkin. The application contains a lot of useful information, and after downloading you will not be disappointed in any way. Grow early cucumbers, plant dill, lettuce, parsley, etc. The list of plants grown is impressive. Remember that every plant in the garden needs special care. Properly care for tomatoes, eliminate the frequency of fruiting of apple trees. Plant cherries, raspberries, apple trees, etc. in a timely manner.

Maybe you don’t have the best understanding of potato varieties yet, but that’s not a problem! The time will come and you will understand everything perfectly! You just need to download it on our Internet portal.

You can use the excellent application “” on tablet computers and smartphones. The required version of the Android system is 3.0 or later. More than 50 thousand downloads were made from the official source. No age restrictions. A clear, comfortable interface will not leave anyone indifferent.

Even beginners will easily understand the presented application, which, by the way, is distributed absolutely free. Recommend the application to your neighbors, friends, comrades and colleagues. Professional and amateur gardeners will be delighted! Download the project "" for free for Android from our website.

Do-it-yourself cottage, garden, vegetable garden - video lessons about gardening you can watch online here. Are you one of those people who, after a hard week at work, goes to the country and spends the whole weekend digging between the beds? Do you want to have a beautiful, well-kept garden and learn the secrets of pest control? Do you dream of getting it right? country cottage area with your own hands?
On our website we present a huge selection of various videos, collected specifically to help summer residents and gardeners; we invite you to watch online videos about gardening and vegetable gardens and learn new techniques for cultivating the land or harvesting crops.
Free YouTube videos about gardening and gardening will help you make your vegetable garden or garden a real green park. How to plant a tree? Which flowers are best to plant in autumn and which in spring? How to properly care for cucumbers in a greenhouse? You will find answers to these many other summer cottage questions in our videos without registration.
Not only beginning gardeners, but also experienced farmers who have connected their entire lives with the land will find a lot of interesting and relevant information for themselves. Often, unknowingly, they make mistakes that prevent them from harvesting truly large harvests of vegetables, and our videos will help farmers update their knowledge and skills and, finally, achieve success.
If you decide to plant a garden of fruit trees on your property or make crafts, then our website will be your best assistant. Here you will learn how to plant a plant so that in a few years it will bear fruit and delight you with delicious fruits.
Progress does not stand still; this statement is also relevant for the garden. Agronomists are developing new smart methods for planting familiar plant crops; thanks to their tips, you will be able to harvest large harvests of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes, spending much less effort and, most importantly, time on planting, harvesting and cultivating them. We invite you to watch free advice from experienced gardeners and gardeners from YouTube, who share their secrets and proprietary techniques.
Not all people make a continuous vegetable garden out of their plots, in which they then inevitably spend most free time. Many summer residents, and especially their women, love to plant a variety of flowers on their land, which throughout the season delight the eye and bring aesthetic pleasure.
Vegetable garden in winter, spring, summer and autumn - important video lessons on caring for your garden and dacha. Watch Russian video lessons about gardening and horticulture online for free. Gardening without hassle. In fact, planting flowers is a whole science that requires a special approach. One flower needs to be planted in late autumn, and the other in early spring, one loves the sun, and the second feels better in the shade, find out, these nuances will help online instructions and useful tips for a beautiful and well-kept dacha, located on our resource.

Recently, the online store “Russian Garden”, a store for gardeners with its own mobile application, connected to Yandex.Checkout. “Mustang Mustang”, “Set of spicy herbs Spicy fish”, “Indoor pomegranate Baby” and “Primrose pet me” - all this beauty can be ordered with delivery throughout Russia, paying on the website by card or from an account in Yandex.Money.

At the same time, we scouted and found out that there are unexpectedly many “smart” services for gardeners and gardeners - and we chose those that are convenient to take with us out of town. If you are not into gardening yourself, be sure to share this post with your parents, grandparents, and friends.

1. Gardening and the Moon
Our grandmothers also knew that at different phases of the moon the plant needs different care. Only now the tear-off calendar replaces the Gardening and Moon app. It gives gardening tips depending on the lunar phase and reminds you about the time to water. And if you don’t have the Internet at your dacha, rejoice - the application works offline. There are versions for iOS and Android.

2. Home outside palette - useful if you decide to build a house. It will help you plan where to plant a tree, put up a fence and build a garage. And if you already have a dacha and Vacation home, using the application you can organize a space for a wedding, party or picnic - tents, carpets, photo area, discus thrower and other holiday attributes. The application is available for iOS and Android.

3. Hobby. Garden. Garden. Dacha + tests
This application is for beginners and those who want to introduce children to their hobby: quizzes on knowledge of botany, a “what kind of vegetable are you” test, a lot of advice on ripening times, garden arrangement and seedling sizes, the history of the development of gardening and even a poster of special “events for theirs."

4. Garden Manager - a laconic application: take a photo of the plant, set up a watering schedule and add notes about the condition of your favorite plant. Simple, tasteful and the ficus won’t dry out!