Press pve 1 description. Converting units

The Operating Instructions are compiled as a combined document containing technical description products, instructions for its operation, guaranteed technical parameters.


When purchasing a vibration plate, you need to check the completeness. The warranty repair coupon must indicate the date of sale, the signature of the seller and the stamps of the trading organization.

Before starting operation, study this operating manual and the instructions for the vibrators. Due to the fact that the design of the vibration plate is constantly being improved, the operating manual does not reflect minor changes in the design made after the signing of the publication of this manual, etc. changes in components that do not affect the performance of the vibration plate.

1. General requirements.

1.1 The reversible electric vibrating plate is a small-sized unit and is intended for compacting building foundations, gravel, etc. when repairing road surfaces, etc. in construction.

1.2. Type of climatic modification - “U”, category I according to GOST 15150-69, temperature environment from 0° to plus 40°С with relative air humidity up to 80% at +20°С. The electric reversible vibrating plate is designed for use by persons at least 18 years of age, subject to careful study of this manual, design and control methods, safe working methods and maintenance rules.

2. Technical characteristics.

Main parameters and dimensions (table 1).

Table 1. Specifications vibrating plates
Maximum weight of the plate, kg 65 110 220 360
Driving force, kN 2,5...5,0 5,6... 11,3 10...20 20…80
Dimensions of the supporting part of the slab, mm
- width 320 400 520 600
- length 340 450 520 600
Vibration frequency, Hz 50
Overall dimensions, mm 600x350x610 700x400x700 820x540x540 900x600x800
Productivity per 1 pass, m2/h, up to 350 450 500 600
Travel speed, m/min, up to 15 20 20 15
Specific pressure, kN/m2 20...40 30...60 35...70 55...220
Electromechanical vibrator, type IV-99B / IV-99E IV-98B / IV-98E IV-107A IV-105-2.2
engine's type Asynchronous three-phase with squirrel-cage rotor
Rated power, kW 0.5x2=1.0 0.9x2=1.8 1.5x2=3.0 2.7x2=5.4
Voltage, V 42.380 / 220(1ph) 42.380 / 220(1ph) 42,380 380

3. Delivery set.

3.1. The package includes:

  • electric reversible vibration plate assembly – 1 pc.
  • instruction manual for reversible electric vibration plate – 1 set.
  • instruction manual for vibrators - 2 sets.

3.2. Accessories:

  • earplugs VTsNIIOT-2M - 1 set.

4. Safety instructions.

4.1. In safety circuits, when connecting the stove to the electrical network and its maintenance, the “Safety Rules for Consumer Electrical Installations” must be observed.

4.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have studied this operating manual and have an electrical safety qualification group of at least third are allowed to work with an electric stove.

4.3. Connecting the electric stove and all types of repairs to electrical equipment must be carried out by a qualified electrician. The stove may only be connected to the power supply using a cable connection that has a protective grounding contact.

4.4. Before starting work, check:

  • integrity of the grounding circuit,
  • absence of short circuit on the vibrator body,
  • integrity of the power cable sheath,
  • reliability of fastening of all threaded connections.

4.5. Before starting the vibrator of the reversible electric vibrating plate, carefully read the “Operation Manual for the vibrator”.

4.6. During breaks in work, repairs, or interruption of power supply, the stove should be disconnected from the power supply.

4.7. Two people need to operate the reversible electric vibration plate; in this case: one controls the reversible electric vibration plate: the second must:

  • do not allow twisting, tension, or sharp bends of the cable;
  • do not allow the cable to get under the operating stove;
  • do not allow dust and moisture to get into the cable connections and other parts of the electrical equipment of the stove; in case of an emergency, immediately disconnect the stove from the network.

4.8. The use of anti-vibration gloves when working with the stove for more than 2 hours is mandatory.

4.9. It is mandatory to use personal protective equipment with an overwhelming acoustic efficiency of 15 dBa. Work without the use of personal protective equipment is allowed for no more than 2 hours of work per shift.

5. Components.

General form reversible electric vibration plate in Fig. 1

Rice. 1. General view of vibrating plates

5.1. The electric reversible vibration plate consists of the following components:

  • Drive unit– electromechanical vibrator general purpose(2 pcs.);
  • bottom plate- a welded structure consisting of a bottom plate on which vibrators are mounted; racks on which the top plate is mounted, corners with eyes for carrying the plate;
  • top plate- welded structure consisting of a support plate and corners for mounting the control handle;
  • control knob- detachable welded structure with anti-vibration device (shock absorbers);
  • shock absorbers– rubber bushings used to reduce vibration on the handle of the reversible electric vibration plate.

6. Preparation for work and work order.

6.1. Before starting work and during work, you must follow the instructions in Section 4 of this operating manual and carefully study the “Operating Manual for the Vibrator.”

6.2. Check the tightness of all threaded connections.

6.3. Remove the transport wheels from the bottom plate.

6.5. Before connecting the stove to the network, check the consistency of the supply voltage and the voltage of the electric motor.

6.6. Check that the electric reversible vibration plate is connected correctly to the power supply.

The electrical circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 2, 3, 4.

Rice. 2 Electrical circuit diagram for a 42V vibrator

Rice. 3 Electrical circuit diagram for a 220V vibrator

Rice. 4 Electrical circuit diagram for a 380V vibrator


Turn off the stove immediately if:

  • sparking was noticed during operation;
  • the network cable is damaged;
  • the switch has failed;
  • there is a smell of burning and smoke.

6.7. The wheels are designed to move the reversible electric vibration plate over short distances on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete); in other cases, equipment is needed to transport and load the slab.


6.9. Control of the vibration electric reversible plate:

  • turn on the "Start" button on the control cabinet


    Before turning on the “Start” button, first make sure that the PKU-3 switches are in “zero”, i.e. in the middle position

  • The movement of the plate is controlled by two 3-position switches PKU-3:
    • Right switch - to the front vibrator,
    • The left switch is for the rear vibrator.

Turning the right switch clockwise turns on the front vibrator in forward mode.

Turning the left switch counterclockwise turns on the rear vibrator in reverse mode.

For the “on-site” operating mode, turn on the reverse mode switches for both vibrators, i.e. turn on the vibrators towards each other at the same time.

To stop completely, both switches must be set to “zero”, i.e. to the middle position, and then turn off the vibration electric reversible plate with the “Stop” button located on the control cabinet.

7. Maintenance.

Maintenance is carried out without fail, regardless of operating conditions, time of year, technical condition and includes lubrication, adjustment and identification of faulty components of the vibration electric reversible plate.

To the system Maintenance includes:

  • EO - daily inspection;
  • Maintenance - 1 - after the first 5 hours of operation;
  • Maintenance - 2 - after 60 hours of operation;
  • Maintenance - 3 - every 100 hours of operation.

EO- before starting and finishing work you must:

  • carry out an external inspection of the reversible electric vibration plate, remove dirt and dust from the outer surface;
  • check the secure fastening of all components and threaded connections. Special attention pay attention to vibrators.

During maintenance of the reversible electric vibration plate, regardless of the scope of work provided for it, detected faults are also eliminated.

Types and frequency of maintenance are indicated in Table 2

8 Storage rules.

8.1. Store the reversible electric vibration plate in a room with natural ventilation. Category of storage conditions 2 (c) according to GOST 15150.

8.2. During long-term storage it is necessary to carry out preservation. When preserving, it is recommended to rinse and wipe dry all painted surfaces. Unpainted surfaces (metal) must be wiped with kerosene and lubricated with petroleum jelly.

9. Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

9.1 Possible faults and ways to eliminate them are given in Table 3.

10. Transportation

The vibration plate can be transported by rail or closed road transport, packaged or unpacked.

Operating documentation must be packed in a plastic bag, which is secured to the stove.

Slinging is carried out using the eyes in the corners.

11. Warranty

11.1 The warranty period is 12 months from the date of sale, but not more than 18 months from the date of manufacture by the manufacturer.

11.2 The warranty becomes void under the following conditions:

  • upon expiration;
  • in case of non-compliance with operating rules, transportation and storage conditions.

The warranty does not apply to purchased products, the durability of which depends on the quality of service, proper running-in, timely adjustments, as well as to parts that have been repaired.

11.3 Warranty repairs are carried out at:

LLC "Vega"

12. Certificate of acceptance.

Vibrating electric plate mod. PVE-R

Factory number _________________________________________________

Vibrator, type _____________________________ No. ____________________

Complies with the requirements of TU 4822-008-41136214-99, current design and technological documentation, accepted by the quality control department and recognized as suitable for operation.

Date of manufacture_____________________ 200__

Manufacturer's address:
160026 Vologda: Okruzhnoye Highway, 6
LLC "Vega"

The PVL time delay attachment is used in relay automation devices where a time delay is needed. It is used less and less, but in electronic devices time delays (on-off delays) are very similar - both the principle and the designations on the diagrams.

The time is set manually using the rotary control at the top of the console. The color of the regulator can be blue (as in the photo on the left) and black. Why this is important - read the article further.

Naturally, there can be no talk of any accuracy of the established time. Maybe that's why intermediate times are marked with letters. Where else is time indicated in Russian letters? Isn’t this a sign that nothing can be guaranteed?

It is worth saying right away that such a relay is currently practically not used in new devices. Basically, for the listed purposes in industrial automation, electronic time relays or controllers are used.

Information on the Internet is scarce and scattered, I hope this article will be informative, since I am posting everything that I have dug up and systematized on this topic. As always, there will be photographs, diagrams, and practical recommendations.

Due to the principle of operation of the PVL attachment, it is also commonly called pneumatic attachments, pneumatic attachments, pneumatic timers, pneumatic time relays, pneumatic delays, etc.

Application of time delay attachments PVL

The set-top box acts as a timer, providing the necessary delay according to technological process or the principle of operation of a relay circuit.

Here are the areas of application of PVL that I can list offhand:

  • Star/Delta motor connection diagram. In this case, the PVL acts as a starting relay, turning on the motor in the “Star” circuit, and after a while - in the “Triangle” circuit.
  • Filtering of contact bounce of limit switches and sensors, response delay
  • Watchdog timer - if some function is not performed within the required time, then emergency protection is activated, stopping the technological process.
  • Work in cyclic systems – time “there”, time “back”, pause between cycles


In the name of pneumatic attachments, the first digit is the operating principle of the delay: 1 – delay after switching on, 2 – delay after switching off. Therefore, in the future in the article I will call such relays PVL-1 (on delay) and PVL-2 (off delay)

The second digit is the delay time: 1 – 0.1…30 s., 2 – 10…180 s., 3 – 0.1…15 s., 4 – 10…100 s. Depending on the manufacturer, with the same name, the range of exposure time may be different.

Most famous models pneumatic time relays – PVL-2104 (on delay), PVL-1104 (off delay).

Here is an example - the side of the console, which is given at the beginning of the article:

PVL-12 04 - side view of the label

For comparison, the PVL-2 label:

PVL-2104 - side view of the label

Consoles PVL-1 are blue adjustment knob (see photo at the beginning of the article), this is a standard for all manufacturers.

Consoles PVL-2 with a delay after shutdown have black adjustment knob.

Design and principle of operation of the PVL pneumatic attachment

For PVL attachments, the operating principle is based on mechanics and pneumatics. That is, when the attachment is cocked (activated), the contactor acts so that air comes out of the rubber reservoir. Then the countdown begins as the tank fills with air. When a certain amount of air is drawn, a lever is pressed, which acts on the contacts.

Below are photos of disassembled PVL consoles.

PVL-1 disassembled

PVL-2 device:

PVL-2 – contacts inside

PVL-2 – disassembled contacts, side view

What's new in the VK group? ?

Subscribe and read the article further:

Contacts and designation on electrical diagrams

Now - the most interesting thing, what is as close as possible to practical application.

There are always two contacts in such set-top boxes - Normally closed And Normally open(NC and NO). This applies to both PVL-1 and PVL-2. The normal state is the initial state, the state of the circuit without power.

I wrote more about the types and principles of operation of contacts in the article about.

What follows must be clearly understood if you encounter such prefixes in your work.

PVL-1 – designation of contacts with a delay when switched on electrical diagrams

PVL-2 – designation of contacts with a delay when disconnected on electrical circuits

Do you see arcs that seem to activate contacts? In “blue” relays (on delay), the ends of the arc are turned to the right, like the letter “ WITH“.

In “black” relays (switch-off delay), the ends of the arc are turned to the left, like the letter “ E“.

These symbols are often used on electrical circuit diagrams, including to designate electronic relay contacts.

I came up with a mnemonic rule for myself that helps to easily remember the functions of PVL prefixes:

Power-on delay: 1-C-blue

Power-on delay: 2-E-black

Here is a summary diagram-table-poster for PVL attachments (time relays), which I recommend printing out and hanging in your workplace:

Poster PVL. Designation and functions

Operation of the pneumatic attachment with a delay when turned on.

Let's take a closer look at the operation of a pneumatic time relay with a delay when turned off. PVL, as well as PKI, always work only in tandem with a contactor; they do not have their own drive.

Let me remind you that PKI consoles look like this:

PKI. From below

And although in the photo there are IEK KO1 DN22 attachments, PKI is a common noun, like Xerox is for a copy machine.

I also wrote about PKI in an article about.

The attachment has mechanical contact with the contactor on which it is installed. When power is supplied to the contactor, it is actuated (retracted), and the attachment is actuated (retracted). If this were a regular PKI-type contact attachment, then the contacts would immediately go from normal to active state.

But in set-top boxes with a delay when turned on, the countdown begins, and only after that they go into the active state. That is, normally open contacts close, normally closed contacts open.

In other words, after power is applied, the contacts are activated (transition to the active state) not immediately, but after set time.

Operation of the pneumatic attachment with a delay when switching off.

Here the situation is different - after power is applied, the contacts go into the active state immediately, like with a regular PKI set-top box. But after turning off the power, the contacts do not return to normal immediately, but after a while. The delay time starts counting immediately after the power is turned off.

Timing diagram of PVL-2

You don’t have to assemble the circuit, but check the operation in a quiet room. To do this, you need to put the PVL on the contactor and press the lever on the side (right). After the set time, the PVL will click, it will be clearly audible. And before pressing and after the click, you can measure the resistance of the contacts, which should be no more than 2 ohms in the closed state.

PVL repair

There is an opinion among electricians that such set-top boxes cannot be repaired. This is only true for the mechanism, which consists mainly of plastic parts. And the contacts can be easily cleaned, as in conventional relays or PKIs. You just have to carefully unscrew the four self-tapping screws with a thin cross-head screwdriver, and access to the contacts will be excellent, as in the photo where the PVL device is shown.

It is also worth saying that when working in dusty rooms, the consoles quickly break down - the mechanics and pneumatics work poorly (time flies too much), the contacts become clogged.

Electronic platform scales PVE, mod. PVE-500, PEV-1T

The product is registered in the State Register under number 16983-98

Purpose and scope

Scales are designed for static weighing of various cargoes during accounting and technological operations at industrial, agricultural and commercial enterprises.


The principle of operation of the scales is based on measuring the deformation of the elastic element that occurs under the influence of the mass of the load being weighed, with subsequent processing and indication of the weighing result.

The scales have a load receiving device consisting of a frame, a lever mechanism, a stand with a control and display unit and a network cable with a power supply. An elastic element is installed in the rack - a strain gauge load cell, connected to the lever mechanism through a rod.

The scales are produced in two modifications: PVE-500, PVE-1T, differing in the highest weighing limits and values ​​of standardized metrological characteristics.

Scales are optionally supplied with an output connector for communication with a computer, with a function for calculating the number of products in pieces, as well as with autonomous source power supply (battery) in any combination.

The main technical characteristics of electronic PVE platform scales are given in Table 1

Characteristic name

Characteristic value

Weighing limits, kg:

largest (ШШ)

smallest (NmPV)

Readout resolution (da) and calibration price

divisions (e), kg

from 2 to 250 kg incl.

from 250 to 500 kg incl.

from 4 to 500 kg incl.

from 500 to 1000 kg incl.

Accuracy class according to GOST 29329-92

average W

Limits of permissible error, kg,

during initial verification at enterprises: manufacturer and repair from 2 to 200 kg inclusive. from 200 to 400 kg incl. from 400 to 500 kg incl.

from 4 to 400 kg incl. from 400 to 500 kg incl. from 500 to 1000 kg incl.

±0.1 ±0.2 ±0.4

±0.2 ±0.4 ±0.5

in operation and after repair at the operating enterprise from 2 to 50 kg inclusive from 50 to 200 kg inclusive. from 200 to 250 kg incl. from 250 to 400 kg incl. from 400 to 500 kg incl.

from 4 to 100 kg incl. from 100 to 400 kg incl. from 400 to 500 kg incl. from 500 to 1000 kg incl.

0.1 ±0.2 ±0.3 ±0.4 ±0.6

±0.2 ±0.4 ±0.6 ±1.0

Maximum sampling limit of tare weight, kg

Electrical power parameters:

from the network alternating current voltage, V

frequency Hz

from battery, V

Power consumption, VA, no more

specified intervals for GROSS mass.

End of table 1

End of table 1

Type approval mark The type approval mark is applied to a plate attached to the body of the load receptor.


1.PVE scales

2. Packaging

3. Battery

4. Passport

5. Operating instructions

1 PC. 1 PC. 1 PC. 1 copy 1 copy

Modifications of scales upon request upon request

Verification of scales is carried out in accordance with section of the passport 6579-2500 PS “Verification Methodology”, agreed with ROSTEST-MOSCOW.

The main means of verification are IV-ro weights of category GOST 7328. The inter-verification interval is 1 year.

Regulatory documents GOST 29329, 6579-2500 TU.


Platform scales electronic type PVE comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

General information

The rectifier is designed to convert alternating current into direct current at electrified traction substations railways and is installed in the open part of the substation. The V-TPED-3.15k-3.3k-2-U1 rectifier replaces the PVE-5A U1 (TU 16-516.200-75) and TPED-3150-3.3k U1 (TU 16-435.034-84) converters.

Symbol structure

B - rectifier;
T - type of supply network current: three-phase;
P - type of current at the output: constant;
E - cooling: natural air;
D - type of main semiconductor devices used:
3.15k - rated output current, kA;
3.3k - rated output voltage, kV;
2 - modification:
- design of the rectification circuit (1 - twelve-pulse with
series connection of three-phase bridges,
2 - three-phase bridge);
U1 - climatic version and placement category according to GOST

terms of Use

Altitude above sea level no more than 1000 m. Atmospheric pressure from 650 to 800 mm Hg. Ambient temperature from minus 45 to 40°C. Relative air humidity up to 80% at a temperature of 20°C. Protection degree IP23 according to GOST 14254-80. Safety precautions in accordance with GOST and GOST The rectifier complies with TU 16-90 IVEG. 435514.002 TU. TU 16-90 IVEG.435514.002 TU


Rated current at the rectifier output (average value), A - 3150 Rated voltage at the rectifier output (average value), V - 3300 Highest voltage at the rectifier output (average value), V - 4000 Rated current frequency at the input rectifier, Hz - 50 Rated power at the output of the rectifier, kW - 10400 Efficiency excluding transformer equipment, %, not less - 99.2 cos j: for bridge three-phase circuit, not less than - 0.93 for twelve-pulse with series connection of three-phase bridges - 0.97 Permissible overvoltage amplitude, V, no more: on busbars direct current- 9000 on AC buses: for three-phase bridge - 9000 for twelve-pulse with series connection of three-phase bridges - 4500 Duration of overvoltage, ms, no more than - 10 Supply voltage of DC operational circuits, V - 110, 220

Design and principle of operation

Using different arrangements of diodes in three cabinets, the original rectification circuit is achieved: twelve-pulse with series connection of three-phase bridges (Fig. 1) or three-phase bridge (Fig. 2).

Twelve-pulse rectification circuit with series connection of three-phase QF bridges - circuit breaker;
TV - voltage transformer;
FV1-FV6 - valve arresters;
K - cabinet with current protection relay;
KA - current relay;
X - terminal block;
U1-U6 - cabinets with diodes;
VD1-VD24 - diodes

Bridge three-phase rectification circuit. For explanations of the designations of circuit elements, see Fig. 1 Cabinets with diodes are connected to the network via power transformer. The high-speed switch serves to connect the load and protect against overloads. To protect against overvoltage, arresters are connected to the input of the rectification circuit. To protect against emergency conditions, an earth protection relay is used. RC blocks protect diodes from intra-switching overvoltages. The cabinet with diodes for a twelve-pulse circuit is a phase of a three-phase bridge circuit. Series-connected diodes are arranged vertically, and parallel branches are arranged horizontally. The anode, cathode and AC input of each arm are brought out to the roof of the cabinet through bushings (Fig. 3a).

Overall and installation dimensions of the cabinet with diodes a - for a twelve-pulse rectification circuit with a series connection of three-phase bridges (weight 850 kg);
b - for a three-phase bridge rectification circuit (weight 810 kg) A cabinet with diodes for a three-phase bridge circuit represents a phase of the circuit. The anode and cathode of the arm are led through bushings to the roof of the cabinet (Fig. 3b). At the top of the cabinet there is a diffuser that allows heated air to escape outside and protects the cabinet elements from precipitation in the form of rain and snow. Cabinets with diodes are designed with two-way service. The front and rear doors are equipped with mechanical locks, electromagnetic locking locks and limit switches that ensure that the rectifier is disconnected from high voltage when opening them. At the bottom of the cabinet there are clamps to which auxiliary circuits are routed. Each cabinet contains RC blocks. The current protection relay cabinet is a structure with an opening door to accommodate the earth protection relay (Fig. 4).

Overall and installation dimensions of the cabinet with current protection relay (weight 15 kg)

The delivery set includes: cabinet with diodes - 3 pcs.; cabinet with current protection relay; arresters with response recorder - 6 pcs. for rectifiers with a twelve-pulse rectification circuit with series connection of three-phase bridges and 3 pcs. for rectifiers with a three-phase bridge rectification circuit; transformer (as agreed with the customer); automatic switch (as agreed with the customer); set of mounting parts; spare parts kit;
set of operational documentation.

Appendix no. 2
to the Order of the Ministry
Russian Federation
for press matters,
television and radio broadcasting and media
mass communications
dated December 4, 2002 No. 237
TI RO 29-001-075-02
I. General safety requirements
1. Persons who have undergone a medical examination and have no contraindications to work in a given profession (specialty), induction training and on-the-job training are allowed to work. Workers are allowed to work independently after an internship, testing of theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods. In the future, labor safety briefings are conducted at the workplace at least once every 3 months.
2. When transferring to a new job, from temporary to permanent, from one operation to another with a change in the technological process or equipment, workers must undergo training on labor protection in the workplace.
3. Conducting all types of briefings must be registered in the Briefing Log with the obligatory signatures of the person who received and conducted the briefing.
4. Each employee is obliged to comply with the requirements of this instruction, labor and production discipline, work and rest schedule, all requirements for labor protection, safe work, industrial sanitation, fire safety, electrical safety.
5. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages at work, as well as to go to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
6. When performing work, you must be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and not distract others from work. It is prohibited to sit and lean on random objects and fences.
7. It is prohibited to approach operating machines, installations, machines on which other workers are working, and distract them with extraneous conversations, turn on or off (except in emergency cases) equipment, transport and lifting mechanisms, work on which is not assigned, or go beyond the fences of dangerous zones , into the areas of technological passages.
8. The employer is obliged to provide workers with special clothing, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment in accordance with the work they perform and in accordance with current standards. It is prohibited to work without special clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment required by the standards.
9. Each employee must:
- know the storage location of the workshop first aid kit;
- be able to provide first aid in case of industrial injuries.
10. Store and eat food only in designated and equipped places.
11. It is prohibited to wear outerwear in production premises, undress or hang clothes, hats, bags on equipment.
12. It is prohibited to block passages, passages, workplaces, approaches to panels with fire-fighting equipment, fire hydrants and a general switch.
13. Cleaning agents, water, etc. spilled on the floor. wipe immediately.
14. Place cleaning materials soaked in oil, paint, and solvent in tightly closed metal boxes. These materials must not be thrown around and must be removed from the premises at the end of the shift.
15. Store fuel, lubricants and flammable liquids only in tightly closed metal containers (boxes) or cabinets in quantities not exceeding the replacement norm. It is prohibited to leave flammable liquids and flammable liquids in passages, driveways and the working area of ​​the equipment.
16. It is prohibited to repair equipment, correct electrical equipment and the electrical network by personnel who do not have access to this work, work near unguarded live parts, touch electrical wires, general lighting fittings, open electrical cabinet doors, fencing switchboards, switchboards and control panels.
17. It is prohibited to use lubricants and washes for hand washing.
18. Finished products should be stacked carefully, on racks no more than 1.6 m high from the floor (including the height of the rack).
19. It is forbidden to use faulty racks (pallets): with a faulty coating, with broken legs, etc., lean racks (pallets) against the machine frame or wall, as well as place them on their end, carry, stack and disassemble racks from a stack alone employee.
20. It is prohibited to use faulty hand tools, as well as tools of inappropriate sizes, or scatter them around the equipment, in aisles, in driveways (store devices and tools in specially designated areas).
21. Perform only the work assigned by the supervisor. It is prohibited to entrust the equipment to another person and allow it to workplace persons not related to the assigned work.
22. It is prohibited to remain in the production area after finishing work.
23. The employee is responsible in accordance with current legislation for compliance with the requirements of instructions, industrial injuries and accidents that occurred through his fault.
24. Monitoring the implementation of this instruction is assigned to the head of the unit.
II. Safety requirements before starting work
1. Put on overalls and put them in order. Prepare necessary equipment and tools.
2. Inspect the equipment and workplace. Check serviceability:
- all parts of the press, their interaction;
- stopping and starting devices (limit switch, start buttons);
- grounding wire and contact connection;
- fences on the die-cutting mechanism.
3. Check the operation of the press at idle speed.
4. Report all identified problems to the work manager and do not begin work until they are eliminated.
III. Safety requirements during operation
1. Before starting the press into operation, make sure that there are no workers in the danger zone, as well as no tools, oil cans, rags, etc. left on the press and guards.
2. Keep the area around the press clean and tidy.
3. Before starting work, turn on the press by pressing the automatic switch and after the “power” light comes on, turn on the hydraulic station by pressing the “pump” button.
4. After placing the workpieces in the feed tray (until it is completely loaded), press the “pump” and “start” buttons simultaneously. The buttons must be kept pressed until the cutting is completed and the movable plate begins to move to its original position (up).
5. The press is ready for use again after moving the platen to its original position and stopping.
6. A stamp with a knife for cutting out products must be rigidly attached to the front wall of the die-cutting mechanism with bolts.
7. Systematically monitor the presence of oil in the tank through the inspection window of the front wall of the frame. If the oil level drops below the oil indicator mark, add oil to the tank.
8. Completely change the oil in the hydraulic tank and clean the tank from dirt at least once every 6 months.
9. Fill the tank with oil with the press turned off through the filter mesh located in the filler neck of the tank. After the first starts of the hydraulic system, carry out several idle strokes of the pusher to fill the hydraulic cylinder and oil line with oil and remove air from the system.
10. After filling the tank, the filler neck must be carefully closed.
11. Regularly check the condition of the cutting knife and the strength of its fastening.
12. When carving products of complex shapes, before starting work, install the marzan on the movable plate, securing it with a screw.
13. Clean the press and die cutter, adjust, and lubricate the press mechanisms when the press is turned off.
14. It is prohibited while the press is operating:
- touch moving parts of equipment, stick your hands into the danger zone;
- remove stuck workpieces, finished products and cuttings of workpieces during die cutting.
15. It is prohibited to work on equipment with removed guards and faulty interlocks.
IV. Safety requirements in emergency situations
1. In the event of a fire, immediately turn off the press, turn off the power supply, with the exception of the lighting network, call the fire brigade, inform the work manager and begin to eliminate the fire using available fire extinguishing means.
2. If voltage (sensation of current) is detected on the metal parts of the press, the electric motor hums, in case of noise and vibration, sudden heating of the electrical wires, the electric motor, a decrease in the speed of the electric motor shaft, sparking in the electrical equipment, a break in the grounding wire, turn off the equipment, report to the foreman malfunction and do not start work without his instructions.
3. Stop the equipment and disconnect it from the power supply when:
- interruption of power supply;
- traumatic situation (hands, legs, clothes getting caught in moving parts of the machine);
- foreign objects getting into the equipment;
- poor fastening of the nibbler;
- malfunction of equipment, safety, protective, blocking, starting, turning on, etc. devices;
- uneven movement of the hydraulic cylinder piston.
4. In case of injury, it is necessary first of all to free the victim from the traumatic factor, call medical care, provide first aid to the victim, notify the work manager and maintain a traumatic situation until the causes of the incident are investigated.
V. Safety requirements after completion of work
1. Turn off the equipment, put tools and devices in designated places, and tidy up the workplace. Make an entry in the Logbook about the condition of the equipment.
2. Take off your overalls and put them in the closet.
3. Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap.