Wishes for the last call to graduates in prose and poetry from the class teacher, parents, classmates. Beautiful wishes for the last call in prose and poetry Speech at the last call in prose

Any person owes his success to his parents. Even if they didn’t invest much in his upbringing, but simply brought him into the world. And even more so he is obliged to such parents who were nearby, taught, guided in life and in education. And on holiday Last call They say words of gratitude and give congratulations not only to their beloved teachers, but also to their beloved parents, without whom life would have turned out completely differently. But a child cannot always express his feelings in words. He cannot always prepare a touching thank you speech that reveals all his feelings. If you also find it difficult, our site will help you with this. On this page you can find a speech of gratitude to parents and congratulations, which will make your soul happy for your growing children and a little sad because childhood is leaving with the last bell.

Thank you speech to parents from children in prose for the last call

On this festive day, when we are overwhelmed with a wide variety of emotions: from the sadness of parting with school, to the exciting anticipation of the upcoming exams, I would like to say how immensely glad we are that our beloved parents, who have gone through every step of the difficult school path with us, are still today A holiday like Last Call is near us. We know how much worry, anxiety and sleepless nights you had to endure during our school years. The upcoming exams and the experiences associated with them are still ahead, but it was your support and love that helped and continues to help us overcome all the obstacles encountered on the thorny path to knowledge and successfully complete difficult tasks, which are set before us not only by school, but also by life itself. Our family and friends, on this day we want to confess to you our great love for us and promise that we will never give you a reason to be disappointed in us and will delight you with new achievements. Thank you, dear ones!

Today, when, like many years in a row, the cheerful trill of the last bell rings through the wide corridors of our school, we begin to realize that soon we will not only have to pass the test of final exams, but also say goodbye to school. A big stage of our life is coming to an end, which we passed successfully hand in hand with our beloved parents. Without you, there would be no today’s holiday, without your support, inescapable faith in our capabilities and great love, we would not have been able to withstand the tests that school life set before us. It’s difficult to put into words the incredible gratitude we feel right now, so we just want to promise that we will try to do an excellent job with the final exams and not disappoint you in your new student future.

Our beloved parents! Today is a very important event not only for us, future graduates, but also for you, those whose patience, attention, love and support helped us pass difficult school tests. You shared with us sleepless nights before tests, excitement and trepidation before open lessons and worries about bad grades. We know how difficult it was for you and how sincerely you wanted to help us overcome the thorny path to knowledge. Thank you very much for the invaluable contribution to our future that you make day after day and for the great love that we constantly feel. There are still many challenges ahead of us, but we know that we can overcome them, thanks to your support and faith in us.

Each of us, future graduates, climbs to the top of knowledge in different ways. Some do it easily and naturally, some take slow, careful steps. But, in any case, we are moving towards our goal, absorbing everything that the school gives. We still have final exams ahead of us, however, we can already say with confidence that we managed to overcome the school path with great success and a significant part of it undoubtedly belongs to our beloved parents. It was you, our relatives, who did everything in your power to make the road to knowledge faster and smoother. Your love, faith and patience helped to overcome all obstacles and, despite the difficulties, strive for success. We are eternally grateful to you for the support and help that we constantly feel and are confident that we will be able to please you with our results in the final exams and will never give you a reason for disappointment.

On this festive and significant day for every student, we want to thank those who walked this difficult school path with us shoulder to shoulder, those whose incredible patience, great love and perseverance inspired us and guided us to move forward. Thank you very much, our dear parents, not only for your help in mastering school knowledge, but also for showing by your example how important it is to move towards victory, value friendship and believe in own strength. We love you very much and promise to please you not only with the results of final exams, but also with further personal achievements.

Today is the last bell, however, for some reason I remember exactly the first day at school, when we, enthusiastic and a little wary, took our places at our desks. However, despite the excitement, we knew for sure that we would cope with any difficulties, because you, our beloved parents, were nearby. Your support, protection and good parting words helped me feel confident in myself and my abilities, understand the need to acquire knowledge and added a desire to please you with my successes. You are our guardian angels, the dearest and most beloved people today. great opportunity tell you about it. We really want you to continue to enjoy our successes, so we promise to cope with the exams with flying colors and pass all the tests with honor.

Congratulations in prose to parents from teachers

Dear parents! The last bell is not only the day before future graduates say goodbye to the school, but also the time to sum up certain results. Today, not only our students, but also you - their parents, can say with confidence that they have passed all school tests with honor. For us - teachers, it is no secret how many worries and sleepless nights you spent with your children, helping them master various sciences and absorb invaluable knowledge. The more valuable the results they achieve and the marks they receive are for you. Thank you for your sincere help and support to our students, as well as for your touching love and care. We are confident that your children will overcome their graduation tests with confidence and will always appreciate what you do for them.

Thank you speech to parents from teachers

Today's holiday, Last Bell, marks the upcoming exams and farewell to school. We have no doubt that this is a touching moment not only for our future graduates, but also for their parents. It was you who instilled in your children the desire for knowledge and perseverance in obtaining it, your love and patience inspired and supported them, your reliable shoulder helped in moments of failure and instilled strength and confidence. Parents always serve as an example for their children, so we, teachers, assessing their school achievements today, understand how high the bar was. We are confident that our dear students will delight their families with incredible successes and achievements and will understand how much love and care you have invested in them. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your children!

Congratulations to parents from the director on the last call

Today I want to congratulate not only our students who will soon say goodbye to school, but also those without whose help and support it would be difficult for them to overcome school trials - their parents. It was you who helped your children take their first confident steps towards the walls of school, taught them to strive for knowledge, respect teachers and value the time devoted to comprehending various sciences. Your love and patience have become an inexhaustible source of spiritual strength and confidence in yourself and your abilities. I would like to congratulate you on the fact that you have coped with honor over the challenges that you encountered on your children’s school path and helped them get comfortable in the difficult labyrinths of subjects and sciences.

Director's thank you speech to parents

Today, when the trill of the last bell gradually fades in the wide corridors of the school, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate our respected parents and say words of gratitude to you. It is difficult to overestimate your role in students' school achievements. They undoubtedly understand how much work and moral strength you invested in them, how deeply you felt their failures and how sincerely you rejoiced at your new victories. You accompanied them every step on the path to knowledge and tried to support them in any endeavor. Thank you very much for the incredible work you have done for children in their school life and for showing them the importance of knowledge that every teacher strives to convey. I am confident that our students, largely thanks to you, will cope with any task, including final exams.

Warm and good wishes for the Last Call are prepared by all guests of the festive event. Parents express their admiration for their children in prose and give them parting words. Teachers say goodbye to high school students and wish them to reach new heights. But the graduates themselves congratulate teachers, parents, and their classmates on completing their studies at school, lyceum, and college. Touching poems will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the Last Call. Among the proposed examples of texts and videos, you can choose beautiful works to open and end the holiday.

Touching wishes to graduates in prose for the Last Call - with example texts

Not only parents and teachers, but also the administration and other school employees will be able to please the graduates at their holiday and simply give the children a great mood. They can say wishes to graduates at the Last Bell as a “bonus” to the main program.

Examples of touching wishes in prose for graduates on Last Call

Beautiful wishes in prose, spoken by the head teacher, director or favorite cook from the canteen, will help you give a pleasant gift to graduates during the Last Bell. You can select touching texts for children from the following examples:

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. Ahead is long interesting life, we wish everyone to find their own path. Let all the knowledge and skills that you acquired at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been swamis all these years will remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

Dear and dear our graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and fair winds! May there be a lot of goodness in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best possible way, and may you overcome all troubles and overcome all obstacles with perseverance, courage and patience!

Your graduation has finally arrived, and I sincerely congratulate you. I would like to wish you prudence and strength for your future adult life. May life give you pleasant surprises, may your path be easy and sunny. I wish you happy, good days, good health, and a bright beacon ahead that will help you make the right choice.

Beautiful wishes and parting words from the class teacher for the Last Bell - texts and video example

On the Last Bell holiday, it is the class teacher who must give good parting words to the youth. Children should also choose beautiful wishes for the class teacher for the Last Bell.

Poems with wishes and parting words for the Last Bell from the class teacher

It will be much more “pleasant” to hear wishes in verse at the Last Bell than official prose. Original works can be selected from the following examples:

Congratulations sound today

For you guys from the bottom of my heart.

Today you are very big,

Today you are graduates.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We have walked this path together.

Even though you are saying goodbye to school

For us you will remain children.

Don't forget your home school

And come by sometimes

To tell you what they have become,

And how are things going for you?

You guys have a graduation party,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

When you came to 1st grade,

You were just kids!

Well, now it's a completely different matter,

You've grown up and there's no way to know

You walk through life firmly, boldly,

And the teachers are happy for you!

Don't forget your home school

Visit us teachers more often,

Good luck on your chosen path!

Dear children, we say goodbye to you,

But we are not going to part forever,

We are waiting for you at school every time we need something,

Let the north and south wind carry you to us!

May everything work out well and successfully for you,

There will be life without complications, honest and transparent,

Mountains of happiness and love on holidays and weekdays,

There will be a lot of success and warmth in life!

Video example of beautiful wishes from the class teacher at the Last Bell

You can wish the graduates happiness and success with a sincere speech that the class teacher prepared independently. An example of such a speech will help you compose a kind and touching text:

Good wishes from parents on the Last Call to all graduates - in beautiful verses

Sweet and sincere wishes for the Last Call from parents must be selected carefully: after all, it is very difficult to convey the whole range of feelings of mom and dad. Among the proposed texts you can find many examples for congratulating graduates.

Wishes in verses from parents of graduates for the Last Call

Small poems are a great way to congratulate the guys and wish them success in the future. Such works are easy to remember and can be easily recited at holidays:

So you, children, have become adults.

A new world awaits you at your doorstep.

But is it easy to find a calling there?

Without sowing a landmark along the way?

But I know that you can do everything.

Don't let the harsh winds scare you away.

You are not afraid of problems and difficulties,

If there is a big dream in your heart.

Don't forget, please, about friendship,

Stay together, even though you are all different.

I wish you courage and honor.

Our beloved children, Happy Holidays!

Our beautiful daughters!

Our sons are adults!

Now you have reached the “point”

Your school bench.

Low bow to the teachers!

He gave you a lot.

There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom,

At the cost of your gray hair.

And now the road is open for you

In adult life ahead.

Now there are a lot of choices to make

Take the right path!

Our dear kids.

Let everyone say that you are already adults.

We have now led you by the hand,

Like then, with briefcases and braids.

All eleven years have flown by,

Childhood flew by unnoticed.

We want to congratulate you, many words,

But it aches in the soul and presses in the heart.

Tears in my eyes, because from the guys,

Small and stupid children

The men grew up and the girls

Everyone turned into ladies and princesses.

May your future path be bright,

Let failures pass you by

All barriers will be low, which means

Will live easily in frost and heat.

To make your heart tremble,

So that you don't forget how to dream.

So that parents are not forgotten,

So that they don’t dare to lose their childhood.

Cool wishes for classmates on the Last Call from graduates - texts of poems

Many graduates want to congratulate their friends on graduating from school. To do this, they just need to choose cool wishes for the Last Call to their classmates and read them out during the holiday.

Texts of funny wishes to classmates for the Last Bell holiday

The following modern poems are perfect for the Last Bell and will delight high school students:

Get ready for graduation, for the evening!

Congratulations to all classmates

Solemn School line, dedicated to the Last Bell, is traditionally held in the last days of May. On the site in front of the school, classes are lined up in orderly rows - from junior elementary to “newly minted” graduates, for whom this event will be held for the last time. Indeed, students of grades 9 and 11 are happy and sad today, because they will soon have to leave the walls of their native school forever and choose their own life path. Touching wishes for the last call to graduates are heard from those closest and dear people– class teacher, teachers, parents, classmates. With the help of words of wishes, you can encourage graduates, giving them confidence in their abilities and future. Our selection presents the best wishes in prose and poetry - such touching lines at the Last Bell will be remembered by graduates and everyone present for many years.

Heartfelt wishes for the Last Bell 2017 to 9th grade graduates in prose - from the director, parents, teachers

Many 9th grade students have made a choice in favor of further study in secondary educational institutions or work, so at the Last Bell they will have to say goodbye to their beloved school and teachers. What wishes should I express to the graduating ninth graders? First of all, good luck, luck, and also successful overcoming of all life’s difficulties. Starting their journey, 9th grade graduates receive a lot of guidance from parents and school teachers - close people who are proud of their achievements and wish only the best. An important part of the ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell is the speech of the school principal with sincere wishes of perseverance, patience and endurance. We have selected the most sincere wishes for graduates of 9th grade in prose - such words can be included in any Last Bell script.

Examples of sincere wishes in prose for the Last Bell holiday for 9th grade graduates:

Dear graduates, I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of another life milestone. I hope you have received the amount of knowledge you need, which will definitely be useful in life. Let your future be as bright and unforgettable as your graduation party. Try to be more attentive to your choice of profession and do not forget your school friends and teachers. Go your own way, boldly looking forward, and do not be afraid of difficulties!

For me, as a leader, it is a great honor to open the graduation party for our now former ninth-graders. We are proud of you. You defended the honor of the school at subject Olympiads and sports competitions, creative competitions. This graduation party will always be in your memory. Today we are summing up your first life achievements. No matter how your life turns out, know that the connecting thread is not broken. Great happiness to you, joy in new achievements, rise to the heights of eagle flight!

Our beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on completing your secondary education! Most of them coped with their task with dignity and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it only contains assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to the ship called life. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents. Good luck!

Wishes in prose and poetry for Last Bell 2017 from the class teacher to graduates of grades 9 and 11

For graduates, the class teacher is not only a wise mentor, but also a senior comrade and friend. Indeed, over the years of school life, the children, under the sensitive “guidance” of their class “mother,” grew up and learned a lot. And now the time has come to say goodbye to their students who are leaving the walls of their native school - on the Last Bell holiday, the class teacher experiences both a feeling of joy and sadness. The words of wishes to the graduates from the class teacher are filled with maternal pride, participation and excitement. So, we bring to your attention the best wishes for the Last Bell in prose and poetry to graduates of grades 9 and 11 from our beloved class teacher.

A selection of wishes for the Last Bell - poetry and prose from the class teacher:

So many feelings mixed up in my soul at once,

After all, today is my boys’ graduation!

I won't forget how I took you in the fifth grade,

Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -

There were many amazing moments!

You guys will definitely remember them,

And may they always live in your hearts!

You have walked your thorny path to the heights of knowledge,

And I tried to be a friend for you!

And our pride is 2 successful medalists,

Our cheerful, friendly class decorated the school!

It's not so easy for me to let you go today,

You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!

I wish you to live with dignity, nobility,

After all, humanity, conscience, honor are always at a premium!

Strive for goals and love your loved ones,

Don't forget school, class, teachers!

May life be full of achievements and discoveries,

Walk joyfully and confidently along it!

Today your last bell rings,
Painfully familiar, carried away to childhood,
And, touching every corner of the soul,
It opens a new door to your life!

You are my children, we have become like a family,
It's time for us to say goodbye, you are all adults!
Waiting for everyone new life path,
But autumn will still miss you!

You keep the memory of your school years,
Let everyone find their own path in life,
Everything is in your hands from now on,
And new goals are already waiting at the doorsteps!

Dear Guys! There is so much ahead of you! Victory, fulfillment of desires, well-deserved success will come to you, you will learn many more new things and one day you yourself will take your children to first grade... Today, on school holiday Last call, I want to wish you good luck, Have a good mood and inspiration for your entire long, happy life!

Touching wishes for the Last Call 2017 from parents in prose and poetry - to children and teachers

The last bell is the final part of a long-term “marathon” called “schooling”. Indeed, only final exams remain ahead, after which school life will remain only in the memories of children and parents. Of course, at the Last Bell holiday, everyone's attention is focused on graduates of grades 9 and 11 - smart girls and boys standing on the threshold of a new adult life. Congratulating young graduates on graduating from school, parents offer words of encouragement and parting words, as well as wishes of good luck, the right choice profession, success in further studies. Don’t forget about school teachers - dedicate a few good wishes in poetry and prose to teachers on behalf of your parents.

Texts of touching wishes for the Last Bell holiday for children and teachers - poems and prose from parents:

Dear teachers, the most wonderful best school, for many years you have met your students - our children, taught, taught smart things, good deeds. It seemed like the school epic would never end. The day of farewell to breaks, lessons and bells came quite unexpectedly. We are happy and sad, a little scared to be left without your daily patronage. Please accept my parents' deepest bow and sincere gratitude for your teacher's work.

Dear teachers and graduates! Today is a joyful and solemn moment - today the last bell rings for you. This is a long-awaited event, because it is with the last bell that you, graduates, become adults, and you, teachers, can be proud of yourself, because you have graduated another generation of students. On behalf of all the parents, we congratulate you on this event and wish you to pass all final exams perfectly and not let your teachers down.

Everything ends. This is the law of the times.
And school time is coming to an end.
Last bell, farewell bell
He will take you from the school threshold.

We raised you, believed, tried -
Now it's time to be proud of you.
For us you always remained children,
Although they were surprising at times.

Now we want to wish you success,
Always, in everything - may you be lucky.
Behind school works the reward will come
And everything you want will happen!

Wishes for the Last Bell 2017 to classmates - in poetry and prose

During their school years, many classmates became real friends or good buddies. However, we have to say goodbye to finishing school, because from now on each graduate has his own path in life. At the Last Bell, you can wish your classmates fulfillment of their cherished dreams - to enroll in a university and graduate with honors, get a dream job, meet your love and create a strong family. Let your sincere words of wishes in poetry and prose for your classmates come true and become a kind and friendly parting word. And most importantly, wish your classmates to meet again – after a few years!

What can you wish for on the day of the Last Call by your classmates - the best poetry and prose:

So school has come to an end,
And a festive outfit suits you,
You are slowly growing up,
Therefore I want to tell you:
May your studies always be perfect,
So that you can get a red diploma,
And to find a worthy profession,
May good luck always promise you on your journey!

Classmate, congratulations!
On the day of the last call
I wish you peace and joy!
To make life easy
Let good things happen
Will never let you down
It's summer to fit in
Happy warm round dance!

I wish you, my dears, that your school years remain in your memory as a bright and kind spot, something that you will always remember with tenderness and joy. I wish you to succeed in your future life as good specialists and “people”. I wish boys to become strong and courageous, responsible and good chapters families. Let the girls be kind and sweet, excellent mothers and housewives. And may everything work out for you in this life!

What wishes to choose for the Last Call? On our pages you will find texts of sincere wishes to graduates in poetry and prose: from the class teacher, teachers, parents. It is better to say touching wishes to classmates on the Last Bell holiday orally, putting the warmest friendly feelings into each word. We wish you all the best, dear graduates!

On any holiday or significant day, it is customary to say words of congratulations and give cards. And the last bell at school is not just a holiday and a significant day, it is a great and special day for everyone who studies at school. And if you can make postcards for the last call yourself with your own hands or buy them, then you can’t buy congratulations for the last call, and even in prose, anywhere. That's why we wrote them especially for you. Congratulate and wish, because these are your graduates.

Dear graduates! Congratulations on your last call. As paradoxical as it may sound, the last bell at school is the first bell in adulthood. And while this bell is ringing, remember all the brightest moments of your school life, remember how you came to first grade for the first time, how you sat down at your desk for the first time, how you opened your primer for the first time. How long ago it was, and how it was recently. Now you have a different life, different tasks and goals. Other friends, other worries. And we hope that the experience of school life will be useful to you in the future, and that the knowledge gained here will help you in life. Have a good trip and always go towards your intended goal.

School graduates can be compared to chicks. After all, both of them leave their home at the end of a certain period of time. And the graduate school, after eleven years of study, rightfully became a second home. And it’s a little sad that this happens. But such is life, nothing stands still, everything moves forward. And in order to grow further both in terms of self-development and in terms of personality, you need to study further, work and become more mature and smarter. Now you have the right to make responsible and important decisions yourself. Now your fate depends only on you. And may the knowledge acquired at school help you in your life. Always set a goal for yourself and go towards it, without deviating from the intended path. And then you will achieve a lot in life and you will have a lot. Your destiny is in your hands!

It seems like just recently we stood on your first line. Your moms and dads had tears of joy in their eyes because you went to first grade. They were worried about you, worried about how you would perceive school, how you would study, how you would behave. But now years have passed, and we are all standing here together again, in the eyes of your parents there are the same tears of joy, but only for a different reason - you are finishing school. All worries and anxieties are left behind, there is only a long and happy life ahead, a life that each of you will make for yourself. What it will be depends only on you. Who you will be in this life depends only on you. You are the designers of your life, so make every effort to make us and your parents proud of you. So that our efforts are not in vain, so that everyone knows that you are a man with a capital M. I wish you happiness and good luck in the future.

I remember each of you as a small, frightened child who came to first grade and found himself abandoned by his parents, surrounded by unfamiliar people. Now look at yourself - you have grown, become more mature, smarter, you have a lot of experience behind you. And this experience will help you in later life. Now you can rightfully consider yourself adults. Now you are independent people who must arrange your life in such a way that your parents, teachers and friends can be proud of you. Always live the way you were taught in school. Never deviate from your intended path, strive for your goal, conquer it and always achieve the maximum in any situation. Happy graduation, happy final bell.

We have also prepared for you

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little perseverance to achieve great plans and desires.

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that bright memories warm your hearts, and that the future attracts you with its vast possibilities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. Let all your plans come true, let your plans come true, let victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

The last school bell has rung! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold; you enter adulthood. So much has happened over the years: the joy of first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in studying were, the first letters you wrote, the words you read? All this is far behind us. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you has probably decided on your choice of profession. Now you will make all decisions yourself. And how your future fate will turn out depends only on you. Wishing you easy undertakings, successful achievements, and a bright future!

Congratulations on your last call! Time for a start, change, choice, new feelings, celebration of youth. May all the best await you ahead, and may your memories leave a warm spring trail. Health, good luck, the right path, knowledge avidly, goodness, beauty, experience, the unknown, impressive, making you proud.

Dear graduates! Today you say goodbye to school and enter adulthood, the last school bell rings for you. To its sounds, one remembers all school defeats and victories, joys and sorrows, first love, first teacher, and one becomes a little sad... We wish you further successful studies, the right choice of profession, easy victories and new achievements, new useful acquaintances and hobbies!

Study, classmates, teachers - everything is left behind and childhood too - distant, cheerful and kind... The last bell at school is the first bell in an adult, difficult and serious life! To everyone who is involved in this great event in life - love, prosperity, joy and, of course, great success and movement forward! Let the path not be strewn with roses, but the graduates are now adults, strong and courageous people - they will go through and overcome everything with honor! Good luck, dear friends!

Once upon a time, a cheerful bell greeted you on the threshold of 1st grade, but today it rings as a sign of farewell to school. Farewell moments are always filled with vivid memories and aching sadness from the fact that something important, dear, dear is becoming a thing of the past. Dear graduates! May each of you find your own path in life. There will always be a light on in the school windows for you.

Congratulations to the graduates on their graduation. We wish you to find a source of optimism in adult life and beautiful ideas, a river of luck and success, as well as a sea of ​​respect and love. And let no obstacles interfere with your most daring endeavors. Good luck, guys!

How quickly my school years flew by. The last bell has rung. I wish you to enter adulthood from the front door along the red carpet. Carry yourself with dignity, nobility and honesty. Never make deals with your conscience. I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, no matter how incredible they may be.

Here you are one more step on the path to adulthood, without games and jokes, where there will be fewer opportunities for mistakes, where only you will be responsible for your actions. Let this day be remembered for the rest of your life as the beginning of a new and interesting path to happy life. Congratulations!