Apartment heating in an apartment building is normal. Apartment-by-apartment heat supply of residential buildings with gas-fuelled heat generators

Approved and put into effect

By order of the Ministry of Construction

and housing and communal services

Russian Federation




Apartment heating units in multicompartment buildings.

Regulations of design

SP 334.1325800.2017

Date of introduction


Rulebook Details

1 CONTRACTORS - LLC "SanTechProject", NP "AVOC"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Construction of Russia)

4 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2017 N 1180/pr and entered into force on March 2, 2018.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)


In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the prescribed manner. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules has been developed in accordance with the federal laws “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures” and “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. The requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" and codes of fire protection system rules, the provisions of current building codes and codes of practice, domestic research experience and design practice are also taken into account.

This set of rules establishes requirements for the design of apartment heating units in multi-apartment residential buildings, taking into account SP 124.13330, SP 60.13330, SP 30.13330, SP 54.13330.

The set of rules was compiled by a team of authors: NP "ABOK" (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Yu.A. Tabunshchikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.I. Livchak, Candidate of Technical Sciences M.M. Brodach, Candidate of Technical Sciences. technical sciences N.V. Shilkin); LLC "SanTechProject" (candidate of technical sciences A.Ya. Sharipov).

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design of apartment heating units in multi-apartment residential buildings, including blocked residential buildings.

1.2 The requirements of this set of rules should be applied when using horizontal apartment-by-apartment distribution of the heating system, both during reconstruction and during new construction.

2 Normative references

This set of rules uses regulatory references to the following documents:

SP 30.13330.2016 "SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"

SP 54.13330.2016 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings"

SP 89.13330.2016 "SNiP II-35-76 Boiler installations"

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference documents in the public information system - on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of standardization on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If a referenced document to which an undated reference is given is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that document be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a reference document to which a dated reference is given is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of this document with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above. If, after the approval of this set of rules, a change is made to the referenced document to which a dated reference is made that affects the provision to which the reference is given, then it is recommended that this provision be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference. It is advisable to check information about the operation of sets of rules in the Federal Information Fund of Standards.

3 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules the following terms with corresponding definitions are used:

3.2 source of thermal energy: A set of devices, installations, buildings, structures for the production of thermal energy.

3.3 apartment heating point; KTP: Point (device, unit) for connecting an individual apartment to intra-house or local distribution networks of heating and cold water supply for hot water supply, serving for local distribution and accounting of thermal energy (energy resources) supplied to the consumer and control of heating and cooking systems hot water for a separate apartment.

3.5 autonomous (individual) boiler room: A boiler room designed to supply heat to one building or structure.

3.6 central boiler room: A boiler room designed for several buildings and structures connected to the boiler room by external heating networks.

3.8 heating device: A device for heating a room by transferring heat from a coolant supplied from a heat source to the environment.

3.9 metering device: A technical device intended for measuring the flow/volume/quantity of a resource used, having standardized metrological characteristics, reproducing and/or storing a unit of physical quantity, the size of which is assumed unchanged (within the established error) for a certain time interval, and permitted for use for commercial accounting.

3.10 qualitative regulation: Regulation of the supply of thermal energy by changing the temperature of the coolant.

3.11 quantitative regulation: Regulation of the supply of thermal energy by changing the coolant flow.

3.12 heat station: A set of equipment, devices, installations, devices located in a building or room, designed to convert, distribute and regulate heat, control hydraulic and thermal conditions, monitor coolant parameters, and account for heat and coolant consumption.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

In this set of rules the following symbols and abbreviations are used:

VO - auxiliary equipment;

WPU - water treatment plant;

B1 - domestic drinking water supply system; cold water supply;

DHW - hot water supply;

DV - blower fan;

NRES - non-traditional renewable energy;

OK - heating circuit;

PS - heated towel rail circuit;

STS - heat supply system;

TOU - technological equipment and installations;

T1, T2 - supply and return lines of the heating network;

T11, T22 - supply and return lines of the STS;

T12, T21 - supply and return lines OK;

T13, T23 - supply and return lines OK;

T3 - domestic hot water supply;

T4 - DHW recirculation;

UUTE - thermal energy metering unit;

Cold water supply - cold water supply;

CST is a centralized heat supply system.

5 General provisions

5.1 When using horizontal apartment-by-apartment distribution of the heating system of newly designed and reconstructed residential buildings, for which heat supply is carried out from a centralized heat supply system or an autonomous heat source, the coolant parameters in which exceed the permissible standards according to clause 6.1.6 of SP 60.13330.2016, the connection is made through an intermediate a home heating unit equipped with devices for quantitative and qualitative regulation and metering of heat energy consumption for the entire house.

5.2 For reconstructed residential buildings, the use of horizontal apartment-by-apartment wiring of the heating system and installation of equipment for automated control of heat consumption for heating, depending on weather conditions, is carried out with the determination of criteria for the technical feasibility of installing package transformer transformer equipment based on materials from the inspection of the residential building being reconstructed.

5.3 For residential buildings with horizontal apartment-by-apartment distribution of the heating system and a package transformer substation connected to heat supply systems, the coolant parameters in which are not higher than permissible standards, only a common house heat metering unit is provided.

5.4 For single-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings connected to centralized or autonomous heat sources, transformer substations can be equipped with instantaneous or capacitive water heaters for heating water from the hot water supply system.

The diagram of a complex automated heat supply control system for a residential area with quantitative and qualitative regulation is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 - Integrated automated system

residential district heat supply department

with quantitative and qualitative regulation

5.5 Thermal and hydraulic modes of quantitative regulation of thermal energy supply are presented in Figure 5.2.

Primary coolant temperature T 1

Heating temperature chart T 1from, T 2from

Temperature chart for hot water supply T 1gv, T 2

Total head at end point L;

Available head at end point L;

Return pressure at point L;

N 1 - total pressure at the source;

N c is the available pressure in the network;

N c is the pressure on the return pipeline in the network at the source;

A-K-L- network control points;

N K 1 - total pressure at a point K;

Available head at point K;

N K 2 - pressure in the return pipeline at the point K;

Z- geodetic mark at a point K relative to point A

Figure 5.2 - Thermal and hydraulic modes

quantitative regulation of heat supply

5.6 In order to ensure the possibility of reducing the power of autonomous heat supply sources and/or the productivity of common house IHPs, the installation of a hot water preparation unit of the DHW system of the KTP should be provided with a priority direction of coolant flow.

6 Basic requirements for the design of apartment heating units in multi-apartment residential buildings

6.1 Requirements for equipment and placement of residential heating units

6.1.1 The KTP is a modular, factory-ready device, designed for wall or built-in installation (including directly on the heat supply riser), converting coolant parameters and redistributing (depending on the adopted KTP diagram) coolant flows into the heating and/or hot water supply circuit apartments and managing the thermal loads of these circuits.

6.1.2 The KTP provides the possibility of heating the apartment during inter-seasonal fluctuations in the climatic parameters of the outside air, and allows for a full accounting of the actual energy resources spent on heat and water supply.

6.1.3 The KTP consists of a flow-through water heater for the hot water supply system of the apartment and a connection point for the heating system according to a dependent circuit without changing the parameters or according to an independent circuit with a flow-through water heater of the heating system. The CTP may include UUTE. The KTP device may provide for a hydraulic connection between the DHW and heating circuits, providing:

Priority mode of operation of the hot water supply circuit with automatic shutdown by a hydraulic drive of the coolant supply to the heating system in the event of a need for hot water in the apartment and corresponding inclusion of the coolant supply to the water heater circuit;

Parallel supply of coolant to a hot water supply water heater and a heating system with a conditionally priority operating mode of the KTP hot water supply circuit. The coolant is supplied to the water heater circuit when the hydraulic drive is activated at the start of water intake.

The priority operating mode of the DHW circuit is not mandatory, since the DHW water heater in the KTP is designed for peak water withdrawal mode. When designing a PTS with a priority mode of operation of the DHW circuit, it is necessary to take into account the possible increase in the hydraulic resistance of the DHW water heater and, as a consequence, the entire PTS, which can lead to disruption of the thermal balance of the building.

KTP can be connected both to central heating networks with the installation of an intermediate house heating point (simplified layout), and directly to local heat supply networks from a central or individual (autonomous) boiler house (simplified layout), with operating parameters not exceeding the maximum permissible for KTP, and also to renewable energy sources with low-temperature coolant.

6.1.4 The coolant is supplied to the apartment through the house two-pipe heating system. In a heat supply scheme with a package transformer substation, hot water is produced locally in the consumer’s apartment, which ensures the absence of a centralized hot water system and a hot water circulation line throughout the building.

6.1.5 The hydraulic diagram of a PTS with proportional or thermostatic control is shown in Figure 6.1.

for rinsing, filling and draining (optional);

7 - connector for counter cold water;

8 - connector for thermal energy meter;

9 - coupling for the submersible sleeve of the heat meter;

10 - shut-off ball valve

Figure 6.1 - Hydraulic diagram of a basic packaged transformer substation

6.1.6 KTP wall mounting fully factory-ready should be placed in niches, riser shafts both inside and outside residential premises, directly on the wall of the bathroom using a decorative overlay casing.

6.1.7 Distribution of coolant throughout the building is carried out according to a two-pipe scheme (two-wire distribution risers). The locations for laying the risers and, accordingly, the implemented coolant distribution scheme are determined by the project.

6.1.8 Depending on the building configuration and adopted design solution PTS may be located in sanitary areas, in the staircase and elevator hall. To ensure the constant readiness of each PTS to supply hot water to the consumer (especially in summer operation), in the latter, when connected to the riser of the PTS, it is necessary to organize coolant circulation using a PTS equipped with a thermal circulation bridge (see 7.6), or install an external thermal circulation bridge in extreme point of the riser. It is also necessary to install a thermal circulation bridge when the package transformer substation is more than 3 m away from the main pipeline.

6.1.9 It is most preferable to install the PTS in the main plumbing area (the main hot water consumers) of the apartment or in its immediate vicinity (see 7.7).

6.1.10 Scheme 1. Distribution vertical riser for a group of similar apartments, a package transformer substation in an apartment or a staircase-elevator hall

Distribution risers are connected in the technical underground by distribution lines. Balancing valves (static and/or automatic valves) are installed at the base of each riser. You should pay attention to the adjustment range of balancing valves when choosing a manufacturer. Distribution risers are usually laid in the plumbing area. The PTS is mounted directly on the riser or near it, with placement in an apartment or staircase-elevator hall, depending on the adopted architectural and planning solution. Requirements 7.6 and 7.7 are taken into account.

6.1.11 Scheme 2. Central distribution riser for a group of floor apartments, floor distributor, package transformer substation in an apartment or staircase-elevator hall

A distribution comb is installed on each floor with balancing valves installed on it (static and/or automatic valves). You should pay attention to the adjustment range when choosing a balancing valve manufacturer. The coolant is distributed throughout the floor through pipelines connecting the distribution comb and the PTS, which is located in the apartment or staircase-elevator hall. It is necessary to equip the KTP with a thermal circulation bridge (see 7.6).

6.1.12 To ensure the same design pressure parameters at the inlet of each consumer (branch to the package substation), depending on the length of the riser, balancing valves are installed in places accessible for maintenance and adjustment.

6.1.13 The installation location of the package transformer substation should be selected taking into account many criteria, and not all of them can be met at the same time. For example, the place where hot water is collected may be located quite far from the installation site of the PTS. If the capacity of the residential hot water system line connecting the main consumer of hot water and the PTS is more than 3 dm 3 (17 m of pipe with a nominal diameter of 15 mm in diameter) in the PTS, it is recommended to install a DHW circulation line with a pump (see 7.7) to ensure comfortable consumption parameters hot water.

6.1.14 You should pay attention to the remoteness of the location of the transformer substations themselves from the heat supply riser, which is especially important for the summer period of operation of the system in the absence of a heating load. The distance of the PTS to more than 3 m from the heat supply riser also leads to cooling of the coolant and an increase in the time the PTS is ready to provide the consumer with hot water. In such PTS, the installation of a thermal circulation bridge is required (see 7.6).

6.1.15 If the PTS is simultaneously remote from the heat supply riser and the hot water dispensing devices are remote from the location of the PTS, a set of measures should be applied to ensure the required level of comfort.

6.1.16 When choosing a location for installing a package transformer substation, the following must be taken into account:

The remoteness of the KTP location from the heat supply riser and to the main consumer of hot water;

Accessibility for installation, maintenance, troubleshooting and visual reading of readings (placement on a staircase, dispatching is possible);

Elimination of contamination (when placed in the bathroom or in close proximity to the food preparation area);

Ease of installation: installation in a shaft, use of an existing chimney (reconstruction), installation in an old distribution channel (reconstruction), etc.

6.1.17 The KTP must ensure indoor air temperature during the heating period within the optimal parameters established by GOST 30494, with the calculated parameters of outdoor air for the relevant construction areas and the preparation of the required volume of hot water at a given temperature in accordance with SP 30.13330.

6.1.18 When connecting a PTS to centralized heat supply networks or directly to local heat supply networks from a central or individual (autonomous) boiler house, the operating parameters of the environment should not exceed the maximum permissible for the PTS.

6.1.19 Circuit solutions of PTS depending on the heat supply source used are shown in Figures 6.2, 6.3.

6.1.20 When connecting the internal heat supply system of an apartment building using a scheme with a package transformer substation to autonomous source(Figure 6.2) quantitative regulation of heat supply should be used, and regulation of the temperature of the coolant in the internal circuit using the method of quantitative-qualitative regulation of the break point is selected from the condition of heating hot water to the temperature accepted in apartment heat exchangers.

6.1.21 The internal heat supply system of an apartment building using a scheme with a package transformer substation should be connected to the city central heating system through heat exchangers installed in the building heating point (Figure 6.3). In this case, the circulation of the coolant in the pipelines distributing throughout the house is carried out by a network pump, and the temperature of the coolant is regulated depending on the outside air temperature according to a schedule with a break at a temperature of 70 °C - by a control valve. A house heat meter is placed at the entrance to the heating point, regardless of the installation of the heat meter in the package transformer substation.

1 - boiler installation; 2 - control controller

Figure 6.2 - Layout of a heating point

when using a heat supply scheme with a package transformer substation.

Heat supply source - individual boiler room

1 - network heat exchanger; 2 - control controller

source 1; 3 - coolant buffer capacity;

4 - distribution manifold; 5 - heat supply circuit:

A - residential premises, B - common areas

Figure 6.3 - Layout of the heating point when used

heat supply diagrams with package transformer substation.

Heat supply source - heating network

6.2 Electrical requirements

6.2.1 As a rule, a PTS operates due to its own water pressure (pressure difference in the heating supply network and pressure in the cold water supply system) of the building’s heat and water supply systems; electricity supply is required only in the case of using functionally expanded PTS circuits and does not affect its performance in in the event of a power outage.

6.2.2 Requirements for power supply, placement of electrical fittings, and selection of the cross-section of supply cables are determined based on the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

6.3 Requirements for automation and dispatching

6.3.1 Regulation of parameters of the hot water supply and heating system is possible using thermostatic or electronic control (electronic controller together with a valve and an electric drive).

6.3.2 The temperature regime in the apartment is controlled by radiator thermostats or by the central thermostat of the apartment (zone thermostats), which sends a signal to the central valve (zone valves) located in the package transformer substation and turns on/off the supply of coolant to the heating circuit, which makes it possible to control local leaks and provide the consumer with comfortable conditions.

6.3.3 Features of the organization of thermal energy metering Due to the sharply variable operating mode of the PTS, the thermal energy metering device must quickly respond to changes in the flow rate and temperature of the coolant to ensure the accuracy of the readings. In this regard, it is recommended to use metering devices with a high pulse update rate (up to one pulse per minute) and low-inertia temperature sensors.

6.4 Requirements for the design of water supply systems

6.4.1 Ensuring the standard hot water temperature

The range of permissible temperatures in the DHW system is regulated by SP 30.13330. The lower limit of the hot water temperature is ensured by the KTP if the STS parameters obtained by calculation correspond to the three-way hydraulic flow controller-distributor of proportional action (see 7.5), as well as by the following method:

Qualitative and quantitative regulation of heat load - for an individual group boiler room;

High-quality regulation of thermal load - for the heating network.

With the ratio of hydraulic resistances OK and DHW KTP a coolant flow rate exceeding the required one is supplied to the DHW circuit. In this case, the hot water will overheat, and therefore it is necessary to equip the KTP with a thermostatic DHW mixer (see Figure 7.7), which provides protection against burns. Also, a thermostatic DHW mixer can be installed to ensure consumer safety in the event of off-design parameters in the STS (at the discretion of the designer) or completed at the operational stage if necessary.

When using thermostatic flow control in a DHW system, the standard temperature of hot water is ensured by means of a thermostatic flow controller that changes the flow of the heating fluid depending on the temperature of the water in the DHW circuit. In this case, equipping the PTS with a thermostatic DHW mixer is not required.

6.4.2 Water for domestic needs and coolant must meet the design standards for heat and water supply systems.

6.4.3 The KTP is characterized by a DHW mode with a reduced intensity of deposit formation due to the variable operating mode of the water heater itself. In view of the use of copper-brazed plate water heaters, to eliminate corrosion at the joints of the plates, it is necessary to ensure measures to limit the iron content in the coolant and drinking water within the standard level.

6.4.4 In the ITP (boiler room), automatic maintenance of pressure in the cold water system within specified limits must be provided centrally. Depending on the pipeline material used, it is recommended to equip the KTP with coarse filters in the cold water connection line.

6.4.5 To regulate the static pressure in the cold water system, it is necessary to install pressure regulators. In the KTP circuit, a throttle washer is installed at the entrance of the cold water line to the hot water heater to ensure the hot water flow specified by the design.

6.4.6 The static pressure in the cold water system at the consumer is calculated in accordance with SP 30.13330. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of the PTS units in the DHW and cold water modes.

6.4.7 The cold water riser is calculated for the total water consumption to provide cold water to consumers and water supplied for heating in the package transformer substation, taking into account simultaneous consumption. The scheme with a package transformer substation ensures constant pressure in the cold and hot water lines of the consumer.

7 Classification of schemes for technical solutions of residential heating units

7.1 KTP in heating mode (Figure 6.1). OK apartment management

The heating coolant T11 from the house heating point enters the package transformer substation, passes through the dirt trap 6 and enters the heating system T12 (according to a dependent or independent circuit). Having passed through the OK apartment, the coolant T21 also passes through the dirt trap and through the zone valve 5, which regulates the supply of coolant for heating, passes the thermal energy meter (if installed) 8 and returns to the return pipeline T22 of the building’s heat supply system.

7.2 Radiator heating

The heating circuit of the apartment is supplied with a coolant flow rate to cover heat losses no more than that required by calculation. To limit the flow of coolant entering the heating circuit, at the setup stage, set a preset on zone valve 5 (Figure 6.1). The setting is determined by calculation and the additional resistance of the heating circuit in relation to the DHW circuit of the apartment in question is taken into account for their hydraulic coordination and to eliminate the occurrence of noise in the heating system. The temperature in the rooms can be controlled by thermostatic regulators installed on heating radiators or by means of a central electronic thermostat installed in the control room. In the second case, the signal from the central thermostat is supplied to an executive two-position thermoelectric actuator installed on zone valve 5 of the KTP. In this case, heating is carried out using the method of local passes. The use of a central thermostat allows you to enter an individual heating program. It is also possible to divide the heating system of an apartment into circuits with the installation of thermostats in each room of the apartment (radiant wiring of the heating system). The thermostat sends a signal to the valve of its zone (KTP is equipped with a distributor). To organize an apartment heating system, both ring and radial wiring schemes are applicable. When installing thermostats on heating devices, preference should be given to the radial wiring diagram, which ensures more efficient operation of the thermostats and, as a result, a greater energy saving effect during regulation.

7.3 Heating of premises with underfloor heating system

It is possible to heat the apartment with a heated floor system (lower temperature schedule). To do this, a mixing unit with a pump is installed modularly in the PTS (Figure 7.1). Various options for controlling the three-way mixer are possible: thermostatic, electronic three-position according to room temperature or weather-dependent. The underfloor heating circuit is connected to the system according to a dependent circuit through the bypass line 11 built into the unit.

7.4 Combined heating

A KTP scheme is possible that provides a combination of radiator heating and heating with a heated floor system (Figure 7.2).

7.5 KTP in DHW mode

Switching on/off the DHW mode in the PTS is controlled by a hydraulic flow regulator-distributor of proportional or thermostatic action. The flow regulator-distributor can have two versions - two-way or three-way with a DHW priority function. In the DHW mode, after the KTP water heater, a low temperature of the return line T21 is ensured due to the flow (counter-flow circuit of coolant movement) mode of heating drinking water.

7.6 DHW mode in summer

In the heat supply scheme with a KTP, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of heating coolant T11 during the summer period of operation (no heating load) to ensure heating of hot water T3 in the KTP water heater. To do this, depending on the adopted layout of the building's distribution networks (see 6.1), the following must be done. In scheme 1 (see 6.1.11): in each transformer substation, more than 3 m away from the coolant distribution line, a thermal circulation bridge (temperature regulator “after itself”) is installed, which has an adjustment scale of 45 °C - 65 °C (Figure 7.3, position 11). In scheme 2 (see 6.1.12): a thermal circulation bridge is installed at the outermost point in the direction of movement of the coolant of the transformer substations connected to the riser in question, or an external thermal circulation bridge is installed at the outermost point in the direction of movement of the coolant of the riser (for example, on a technical floor) ( Figure 7.4). This solution ensures a stable temperature of the heating fluid T11 in front of the water heater, sufficient to heat the estimated amount of drinking water to the standard level in the absence of a heating load. The role of a thermal circulation bridge can be performed by a valve installed on the bathroom radiator (heated towel rail) (see 7.8). The use of a thermal circulation bridge in the heat supply system makes it possible to reduce thermal energy losses due to the absence of a centralized hot water supply system and periodic circulation of coolant T11 for heating drinking water in the summer.

7.7 Organization of a DHW circuit at a significant distance of hot water dispensing devices from the installation site of the package transformer substation

The main criterion for determining the maximum distance of the hot water dispensing device from the PTS is the internal volume of the pipeline connecting them, which should not exceed 3 dm 3 (3 l). Otherwise, the waiting time for cooled water to drain from the pipeline section is beyond the scope of comfortable conditions for the consumer. To ensure comfortable hot water supply in apartments with remote hot water collection points, it is possible to modularly install a hot water circulation unit with a timer (Figure 7.5) or a thermostatic relay (Figure 7.6) in the KTP. Also, to ensure comfortable conditions for preparing hot water during the summer period of operation of the system, it is necessary to take into account the remoteness of the PTS location from the distribution network of the building and, if necessary, equip the PTS with a thermal circulation bridge (see 7.6).

If there is a danger of water overheating, to ensure protection against burns, it is necessary to equip the KTP with a thermostatic DHW mixer (see 6.4.1 and Figure 7.7).

7.8 Organization of the radiator circuit (towel rail) and the heated floor circuit in the bathroom

At standard scheme heat supply, water from the DHW system circulates in the heated towel rail circuit. In the case of using a circuit with a package transformer substation, a coolant circulates in the heated towel rail circuit. In this case, the heated towel rail circuit is made in the form of a branch from the main heating circuit of the apartment. This is done in the KTS module itself (Figure 7.8) or by locally installing a valve on the return line of the heated towel rail circuit, provided there is no central regulation of the zonal valve or the KTS is equipped with a distributor with the installation of a zonal valve on each branch (Figure 7.9, position 5). When using a downstream temperature controller, it also acts as a thermal circulation bridge (see 7.6). If it is necessary to install a hot water circulation circuit in the PTS (see 7.7), it is possible to connect the heated towel rail circuit to the circulation line.

7.9 Diagram of a PTS with a return temperature limiter of the heating circuit (Figure 7.10)

In heating mode, the calculated return temperature T22 is ensured if the design requirements are met, as well as in the ITP using the control controller. In addition, if necessary, it is possible to modularly install a return temperature limiter in the PTS, which functions similarly to a thermal circulation bridge (see 7.7), providing “local bypass” regulation when the return flow temperature set on the element itself is exceeded.

7.10 Hydraulic balancing of PTS in the system

To hydraulically link the package transformer substations in the system, the installation of balancing valves is required. Depending on the adopted scheme and design solution, balancing valves (static and/or automatic) are installed on risers, floor branches and/or branches to the package substation (see also 6.1.7 - 6.1.13). In this case, the function of the valve is to maintain the calculated pressure drop (automatic valve) when the coolant flow changes due to switching on/off the DHW load in the branch (riser) in question or maintaining a given pressure (static valve) for the branch (riser) in question, which is required to limit coolant flow and pressure in design mode. You should select a valve with a control range that provides the required pressure drop in the design mode of the total heating and hot water load of all consumers connected to the branch (riser). It is also possible to equip the KTP with balancing fittings in a modular manner (Figure 7.11). This is mainly applicable when the package transformer substation is removed from other consumers or in projects of detached individual houses.

7.11 Features of the operation of a package transformer substation with a conditional hydraulic connection between the operating modes of the hot water heater and the heating system

This PTS circuit is characterized by a higher total thermal connection power, because 100% shutdown of the heating circuit of the apartment in question at the time of consumption of hot water is not ensured (unlike the schemes discussed in 7.1). The coolant flow into the heating circuit can only be limited by the ratio of the resistances in relation to the DHW circuit. A PTS with a conditional hydraulic connection between the operating mode of the DHW water heater and the heating system makes it possible to provide a heating load in comparison with a PTS with a priority DHW scheme. This is mainly achieved by increasing the flow area of ​​the pipelines connecting the KTP to the STS and OK apartments T11, T12, T21 and T22, as well as by changing the flow pattern of the coolant, which, compared to the circuit discussed in 6.1.6, allows for lower hydraulic resistance parameters are OK (at high coolant flow rates) and thereby increase the heating capacity of the KTP.

7.12 Application of a package transformer substation with a conditional hydraulic connection between the operating modes of the DHW water heater and the heating system

PTS with increased heating capacity (Figure 7.12) is used if the average daily ratio of DHW and heating loads during the heating period exceeds 50% at a design outside air temperature for heating design above minus 30 °C and at any load ratio for areas with a lower design outside air temperature . Under these conditions, it is also possible to use a PTS with DHW priority mode, provided that the ability of the building envelope to provide the required temperature parameters in the room is checked when the PTS operates in the DHW priority mode during the period of peak hot water collection. The use of a PTS with a hydraulic connection between the operating mode of a DHW water heater and a heating system is relevant when using a scheme with a PTS for heat supply to large premises or individual premises of administrative buildings, public places with the organization of full accounting of energy resources, cottages connected to a central boiler room.

7.13 KPT with conditional hydraulic connection

In a PTS with a conditional hydraulic connection between the operating mode of the DHW water heater and the heating system, a two-way hydraulic flow regulator-distributor is used, the function of which is to turn on/off the DHW circuit and proportional or thermostatic control of its operation. The principle of operation is similar to that described in 7.6, excluding priority. 7.1 - 7.10 are also applicable for the PTS circuit with a conditional hydraulic connection. The two-way hydraulic flow controller-distributor of proportional action has a primary circuit throttle for the ability to regulate coolant flow when the temperature curve of the STS changes.

7.14 KTP for local hot water supply

The hydraulic diagram of the PTS for providing local hot water supply is shown in Figure 7.13. This PTS circuit performs only the function of providing DHW. The KTP is equipped with a two-way hydraulic flow regulator-distributor. The principle of operation is similar to the functioning of the DHW circuit, discussed in 7.5 in conjunction with 7.13. PTS with a function for local hot water supply can be used to provide hot water to remote or separate consumers within an apartment, cottage, administrative building.

7.15 DHW supply station

The hydraulic diagram of the DHW supply station is shown in Figure 7.14. At the moment hot water begins to be drawn, the flow sensor detects the appearance of flow and sends a signal to controller 2, which in turn turns on circulation pump 4 - the station starts working. Drinking water is heated in flow mode. At the end of hot water collection, the station turns off. The station also provides a controller-configurable hot water circulation mode. The water heating mode is set at the setup stage. The station has a high capacity for preparing hot water, which depends on the performance of the circulation pump. Also, the flow-through mode of water heating is characterized by a low level of return line temperature, as in the case of using a transformer transformer substation (see 7.5). To ensure that the DHW heat exchanger is turned off during the period when there is no water collection, the station must be connected to the STS through a hydraulic separator or a coolant buffer tank to create a zone of zero dynamic pressure at the station inlet. A sequential cascade scheme for connecting DHW stations is possible. The connection is made via the cold water input line through the bypass valve. DHW stations are relevant for the decentralized provision of high parameters of water collection in the STS of administrative buildings, individual houses with a boiler room capacity that allows the station to cover the need for thermal power in peak DHW mode, in all systems using a coolant buffer tank or connected to local heating networks.

7.16 The choice of circuits and set of equipment for PTS are determined depending on specific conditions on the basis of technical and economic calculations, including the use of various combination options of the proposed circuits.

1 - plate heat exchanger DHW; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

9 - coupling

ball valve; 11 - bypass line (primary bypass);

12 - three-way mixer; 13 - thermostatic drive

mixer; 14 - electric mixer drive, 220 V;

15 - circulation pump; 16 - adjustable bypass;

17 - controller

Figure 7.1 - Diagram of a PTS with a mixing unit

for heating with underfloor heating system

Note - Schemes mixing units option 1 or option 2 are shown in Figure 7.1.

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter;

10 - shut-off ball valve

Figure 7.2 - Scheme of a PTS with a mixing unit

for a combination of radiator heating and underfloor heating system

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

for immersion sleeve of temperature sensor; 10 - shut-off

ball valve; 11 - thermal circulation bridge

Figure 7.3 - Diagram of a PTS equipped with thermal

circulation bridge

a) - upper circulation bridge b) - lower circulation bridge

1 - automatic air vent; 2 - thermal bridge

circulation; 3 - drain valve

Figure 7.4 - Thermal circulation bridge installed

on the heat supply riser

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter;

9 - coupling for the immersion sleeve of the temperature sensor;

10 - shut-off ball valve; 11 - thermal circulation bridge

primary circuit of the DHW water heater;

12 - hot water circulation line with pump, ~ 220 V;

13 - time relay, ~ 220 V

Figure 7.5 - Scheme of a PTS with a hot water circulation circuit.

Regulation via time relay and thermal bridge

circulation of the DHW circuit

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter; 9 - coupling

for immersion sleeve of temperature sensor; 10 - shut-off

ball valve; 11 - solenoid valve, ~ 220 V;

12 - thermostatic relay;

13 - DHW circulation pump, ~ 220 V

Figure 7.6 - Scheme of a PTS with a hot water circulation circuit.

Regulation via thermal relay

and solenoid valve

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer; 4 - air vent

(Maevsky crane); 5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap

with ball valve for flushing, filling and draining;

7 - connector for cold water meter; 8 - connector

for heat meter; 9 - coupling for the sensor immersion sleeve

temperature; 10 - shut-off ball valve;

11 - thermostatic mixing valve for hot

water - protection against burns

Figure 7.7 - Scheme of a PTS with a thermostatic DHW mixer

(protection from possible burns)

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter; 9 - coupling

for immersion sleeve of temperature sensor; 10 - shut-off

(towel rail circuit)

Figure 7.8 - Organization of the heated towel rail circuit

in the KTP module

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter; 9 - coupling

for immersion sleeve of temperature sensor; 10 - shut-off

ball valve; 11 - return flow temperature limiter

(towel rail circuit)

Figure 7.9 - Organization of the heated towel rail circuit

with installation of a return flow temperature limiter

directly on the heated towel rail

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter;

9 - coupling for the immersion sleeve of the temperature sensor;

10 - shut-off ball valve; 11 - valve

Figure 7.10 - Diagram of a PTS with a temperature limiter

heating circuit return line

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - three-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter;

9 - coupling for the immersion sleeve of the temperature sensor;

10 - shut-off ball valve;

11 - automatic balancing valve

Figure 7.11 - Scheme of PTS with automatic

balancing valve

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - air vent (Maevsky valve);

5 - zone valve; 6 - dirt trap with ball valve

for flushing, filling and draining; 7 - connector for counter

cold water; 8 - connector for heat meter;

9 - coupling for the immersion sleeve of the temperature sensor;

10 - shut-off ball valve

Figure 7.12 - Hydraulic diagram of a package transformer substation with a conditional

hydraulic connection of the DHW water heater operating mode

and heating systems

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - two-way

hydraulic flow regulator-distributor

proportional or thermostatic action;

3 - DHW throttle washer (required if

proportional flow control valve

actions); 4 - manual air vent; 5 - dirt trap;

6 - thermal circulation bridge (when installing elements 7,

8 - not installed); 7 - hot water circulation circuit;

8 - thermal bridge of the circulation of the primary circuit

DHW circuit; 9 - shut-off ball valve

Figure 7.13 - Hydraulic diagram of a package transformer substation for ensuring

local DHW

1 - plate heat exchanger for hot water supply; 2 - controller

management; 3 - flow sensor; 4 - circulation pump

coolant supply; 5 - temperature sensors; 6 - manual

air vent; 7 - DHW circulation pump

Figure 7.14 - Hydraulic diagram of a hot water supply station

8 Commissioning, acceptance and service maintenance of residential heating units

8.1 Installation, connections, commissioning and servicing of PTS and DHW stations should be carried out exclusively by professional accredited personnel.

8.2 Commissioning is carried out using the settings obtained during the hydraulic calculation and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

8.3 Acceptance of equipment by the consumer (operating organization) is carried out by signing the commissioning sheet, which must be correctly filled out and signed by the representative of the organization responsible for setting up the system. The sheet indicates the setting parameters of this package transformer substation according to the design calculation data.

8.4 Servicing of the KTS consists of an annual inspection of the KTS units for leaks, cleaning of the dirt filters, checking the hot water performance of the KTS (calculated temperature and flow rate), and carrying out other measures depending on the functional equipment of the KTS.

8.5 The operation service must also have a sheet with the settings of the balancing valves installed in the system.


Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"

Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

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SP 41-108-2004





1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Design, Engineering and Research Institute "SantehNIIproekt" with the participation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction (FSUE TsNS), Federal State Institution - Research Institute of Fire Defense (FGU VNIIPO ) EMERCOM of Russia and a group of specialists

2 INTRODUCED by the Department of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia

3 APPROVED for use by letter of the Gosstroy of Russia No. LB-2011/9 dated March 26, 2004.

4 AGREED BY the Ministry of Health of Russia, letter No. 111-16/134-04 dated March 17, 2003, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter No. 14-3/10 dated January 15, 2003, UGPN EMERCOM of Russia, letter No. 19/2/1043 dated 05/31/2005



This Code of Practice “Apartment-by-apartment heat supply of residential buildings with gas-fuelled heat generators” was developed for the first time and contains rules for the design of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems of residential buildings from individual heat supply sources.

The set of rules establishes recommended, recognized and proven provisions in practice that develop and ensure the implementation of the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” for the use of automated boilers with closed combustion chambers using gas fuel as sources of heat energy for apartment heating, ensuring safety, comfortable living conditions and rational use energy resources.

The Code of Rules provides recommendations for planning and design solutions for heat generator rooms, rules for designing gas supply, air supply and removal of flue gases, heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage. In addition, the rules for performing installation work and Maintenance.

When developing this Code of Rules, the results of the design and construction of residential buildings with apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems were used as part of an experiment on technical conditions, as well as regulations and experience in design, construction and maintenance of apartment heating systems in foreign countries.

Participating in the development of the document were: Candidate of Technical Sciences A.Ya. Sharipov - topic leader, A.S. Bogachenkova, T.I. Sadovskaya, S.M. Finkelstein (FSUE SantekhNIIproekt); V.A. Glukharev (Gosstroy of Russia); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.A. Bolodyan, Candidate of Chemical Sciences G.T. Zemsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences I.I. Ilminsky (VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia); L.S. Vasilyeva (FSUE CNS); T.Ya. Pozhidaeva (Ministry of Health of Russia); A.A. Sorokin (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia); Candidate of Technical Sciences A.L. Naumov, Ph.D. Sciences E.O. Shilkrot (NPO "Termek").




Date of introduction 2005-08-01

1 area of ​​use

This Code of Rules is intended for use on a voluntary basis, is advisory in nature and applies to the design, construction and operation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems with gas-fueled heat generators with closed combustion chambers in new and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings up to 10 floors inclusive (not higher than 28 m ), including those with built-in public premises (hereinafter referred to as residential buildings). The use of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems with gas-fuelled heat generators for residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m (11 floors or more) is permitted in agreement with the territorial bodies of the UPO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The set of rules does not apply to design:

apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems for single-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings, considered as separate single-apartment buildings;

apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems for residential buildings with up to 5 storeys inclusive, if they provide for the installation of gas-fueled heat generators with an open combustion chamber (type “B”).

2 Normative references

SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 01/31/2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings

SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 41-03-2003 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems

SP 31-110-2003 Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings

PB 12-529-03 Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems

NPB 88-2001 Installation of fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Design standards and rules

NPB 243-97 Devices protective shutdown. Fire safety requirements. Test methods

SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area. Specifications

GOST 30494-96 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters

GOST 30815-2002 Automatic temperature regulators for heating devices in water heating systems of buildings. General technical conditions

PUE Rules for electrical installations

3 Terms and definitions

In this document, the terms with the following definitions apply:

apartment heating -providing heat for heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems in apartments. The system consists of a heat supply source - a heat generator, hot water supply pipelines with water fittings, heating pipelines with heating devices and heat exchangers for ventilation systems;

heat generator (boiler) - a heat source with a thermal power of up to 100 kW, in which the energy released during the combustion of gas fuel is used to heat the coolant sent to heat supply systems;

heat generator type “B” is a heat generator with an open combustion chamber, connected to an individual chimney, with air intake for fuel combustion directly from the room in which the heat generator is installed;

heat generator type “C” is a heat generator with a closed combustion chamber, in which smoke removal and combustion air supply are carried out by a built-in fan. The gas fuel combustion system (combustion air supply, combustion chamber, smoke removal) in these heat generators is gas-tight in relation to the rooms in which they are installed;

heat generator - a separate non-residential premises intended to house a heat generator (boiler) and auxiliary equipment for it;

chimney- (according to SNiP 41-01) a gas-tight channel or pipeline for removing combustion products (flue gases) from the heat generator to the chimney;

chimney- (according to SNiP 41-01) a vertical gas-tight channel or pipeline of rectangular or circular cross-section to create draft and remove combustion products (flue gases) from chimneys into the atmosphere vertically upward;

air duct- channel and (or) pipeline used for transporting, supplying or removing air;

heating output - the amount of heat transferred to the coolant per unit time;

thermal power - the amount of heat generated as a result of combustion of gas supplied to the burner per unit time;

coefficient of performance (efficiency) - the ratio of thermal output to thermal power, the values ​​of which are expressed in the same units of measurement.

4 General provisions

4.1 Requirements for heat generators

4.1.1 For apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems of residential buildings, automated gas-fueled heat generators with sealed (closed) combustion chambers (type “C”) should be used in full factory readiness, meeting the following requirements:

the total heat output of heat generators should not exceed 100 kW when placed in heat generator rooms and 35 kW when placed in kitchens;

Efficiency of at least 89%;

coolant temperature no more than 95 °C;

coolant pressure up to 1.0 MPa;

emission of harmful emissions: CO - traces, NO x - no more than 30 ppm (60 mg/m3).

4.1.2 Heat generators are allowed for use if their automatic safety system ensures that the fuel supply is stopped when:

  • power supply interruption;
  • malfunction of protection circuits;
  • burner flame goes out;
  • coolant pressure drops below the maximum permissible values;
  • reaching the maximum permissible coolant temperature;
  • violation of smoke removal;
  • gas pressure exceeding the maximum permissible value.

4.1.3 Heat generators must have permits and certification documents required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.4 The following heat generators are allowed for use:

  • double-circuit with built-in hot water supply circuit;
  • single-circuit (without a built-in hot water supply circuit) with the possibility of connecting a capacitive water-water heater for hot water supply.

4.1.5 The heating capacity of heat generators for apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems for residential apartments is determined maximum load hot water supply depending on the number of installed sanitary fixtures or the calculated heating load.

The heating capacity of heat generators for built-in public premises is determined by the maximum design heating load and the average design load of hot water supply.

4.1.6 When reconstructing heat supply systems of existing housing stock, associated with the transition to apartment-by-apartment heat supply, in buildings up to 5 floors high, it is also recommended to provide for the installation of heat generators with a closed combustion chamber.

4.1.7 The heat generator must be supplied complete with parts for chimneys and air ducts within the room where the heat generator is installed, as well as with installation and operating instructions, in which the manufacturer sets out all necessary measures security.

4.2 Placement of heat generators

4.2.1 Placement of heat generators, pipelines, chimneys, chimneys, air ducts and other engineering equipment should ensure the safety of their operation, ease of maintenance and repair.

4.2.2 The layout of apartments should be designed taking into account the placement of kitchens or heat generator rooms, allowing for input engineering communications(water supply, gas pipeline, sewerage) to the apartments from the landing. Transit laying of these communications through residential premises and through non-residential public premises is permitted subject to the requirements of SNiP 42-01. The gas pipeline should be laid open outside the building.

4.2.3 The installation of heat generators is permitted to include:

a) for heat supply to apartments - in kitchens or in specially designated rooms - heat generator rooms;

b) for heat supply of public premises - in specially designated premises (heat generator rooms).

4.2.4 The heat generator room must meet the following requirements:

be located near the outer wall of a residential building and have a window with a glazing area of ​​0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of room volume, with a window or other special ventilation device located in the upper part of the window;

the volume of the room should be determined based on the conditions for ensuring ease of operation of boilers and installation and repair work, but not less than 15 m 3;

height - not less than 2.2 m;

ventilation of the heat generator room must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01;

heat generator for public premises, in addition, must have protection against unauthorized entry with a signal output to the control center or to a room with telephone communication and permanent presence of personnel.

4.2.5 Fire protection of heat generator rooms should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01, SNiP 31-01 and SNiP 2.04.01.

4.2.6 It is not permitted to design heat generators located directly above, below or adjacent to residential premises of apartments and public premises with occupancy of 50 people or more, as well as in basements.

4.2.7 Installation of heat generators in premises should provide for:

near walls (floor) or on walls (wall) made of non-flammable (NG) or low-flammable (G1) materials;

near walls or on walls made of combustible materials coated with non-flammable (NG) or low-flammable (G1) materials (for example: roofing steel on a sheet of heat-insulating layer made of non-combustible materials with a thickness of at least 3 mm; lime plaster with a thickness of at least 10 mm) at a distance no closer 3 cm from the wall. The specified wall covering must protrude beyond the dimensions of the boiler body by at least 10 cm.

4.2.8 The floor covering under the floor-standing heat generator must be made of materials of flammability group NG or G1. This floor covering must protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator housing by at least 10 cm.

4.2.9 When placing heat generators, the provisions of the manufacturer’s installation and operation instructions should be taken into account.

4.2.10 Placing the boiler above a gas stove and kitchen sink is not allowed.

4.2.11 There must be a service area of ​​at least 1.0 m in front of the boiler front. The horizontal distance between the protruding parts of the boiler and the equipment (kitchen) should be at least 10 cm.

5 Gas supply

5.1 The gas pressure in front of the heat generators must correspond to the boilers’ passport data and be no more than 0.003 MPa.

5.2 The apartment’s internal gas supply system must be calculated based on the total maximum hourly gas consumption of the installed gas-consuming equipment.

The diameter of the gas pipeline to the heat generator should be taken based on calculation, butnot less than the diameter specified in the heat generator’s passport.

5.3 The gas distribution system must ensure the supply of gas in the required volume and gas pressure necessary for the stable operation of all gas-using equipment in a residential building.

5.4 For each apartment and for each public premises, a commercial gas flow meter should be provided, which should be placed in a room accessible for monitoring and taking readings, outside the area of ​​heat and moisture, ensuring ease of installation, maintenance and repair.

5.5 Connection of heat generators to the gas pipeline may be provided using steel, copper or flexible connections, including non-metallic pipes that have the necessary strength characteristics for long-term (at least 25 years) exposure to the transported gas. The length of flexible connections should be no more than 1.5 m. Flexible connections to heat generators must have a certificate of conformity.

5.6 The laying of gas pipelines can be open or hidden. When gas pipelines are laid hidden, it is necessary to provide additional measures to protect them from corrosion and ensure the possibility of inspecting them and repairing protective coatings.

Hidden installation of flexible connections and disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.7 It is allowed to use liquefied gas as fuel in accordance with SNiP 42-01. However, placement of gas cylinder installations inside the building is not allowed.

6 Supply of combustion air and removal of combustion products

6.1 The design of the gas-air path of the system should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the standard method of aerodynamic calculation of boiler installations of the TsKTI named after. I.I. Polzunova.

6.2 Supply air ducts must ensure the supply of the required volume of air for gas combustion, and chimneys must ensure the complete removal of combustion products into the atmosphere.

Combustion air must be taken directly from the outside of the building via air ducts.

The design and placement of chimneys and air ducts are determined in accordance with the architectural and planning decisions of the building based on fire safety requirements, ease of installation and maintenance.

6.3 Air supply and combustion product removal systems can be designed according to the following schemes:

with a coaxial (combined) device for air supply and removal of combustion products;

built-in or attached collective air ducts and chimneys;

with a separate device for air supply and removal of combustion products with built-in or attached collective air ducts and chimneys;

with an individual air duct that ensures air intake through the wall and supply it individually to each heat generator, and removal of flue gases through a collective chimney.

The installation of smoke exhausts from each heat generator individually through the facade wall of a multi-story residential building is prohibited.

6.4 Collective chimneys and air ducts should be designed from non-combustible materials. The fire resistance limits of chimneys and air ducts must comply with the regulatory requirements of air ducts for smoke removal systems in residential buildings. Their installation is allowed through non-residential premises, kitchens, corridors, staircases or elevator halls without reducing the dimensions of escape routes.

It is allowed to lay chimneys in the internal walls of the building. It is not allowed to lay chimneys and smoke outlets through residential premises. Smoke exhausts and air supply ducts on the kitchen wall may be covered with removable decorative fences made of non-combustible materials that do not reduce the required fire resistance limits.

6.5 The total length of chimneys and air ducts from the air intake point should not exceed the values ​​recommended by the plant (company) - manufacturer of the heat generator, taking into account the use of recommended compensation measures in case of deviation from the specified value.

6.6 To avoid condensation of water vapor, a heat-insulating structure made of materials and thicknesses corresponding to SNiP 41-03 must be provided on the outer surface of the air duct.

6.7 Air ducts, chimneys and chimneys at places of passage through walls, partitions and ceilings should be enclosed in cases. Clearances between the building structure and the casing and the air duct, chimney or chimneyThe walkway and casing should be carefully sealed over the entire thickness of the structure being crossed with non-combustible materials or mortar that do not reduce the required fire resistance limits.

6.8 Air intake terminal areas must not have barriers that impede the free flow of air, and must be protected with a metal mesh from the penetration of debris, birds and other foreign objects. For above-ground placement and placement on the roof of a building, air intake openings should be provided 0.5 m above the stable snow cover.

6.9 In connections of sections of air ducts of different directions there should be no narrowing of the cross-section and sharp edges. The angle of connection between two sections of air ducts must be at least 90°.

6.10 The smoke exhaust must be laid with a slope of at least 3% away from the heat generator and have devices with a plug for sampling to check the quality of combustion.

6.11 The cross-sections of chimneys and collective supply air ducts must be determined by calculation based on the thermal power and the number of boilers connected to the chimney, taking into account their simultaneous operation. In this case, the natural draft of the chimney must be at least 20% higher than the sum of all aerodynamic losses of the gas-air path under any operating conditions.

6.12 The cross-sectional area of ​​the smoke exhaust and air duct to the heat generator must not be less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipes of the connected boiler.

6.13 The chimney must be securely and hermetically secured to the chimney inlet. It is not recommended to insert the chimney inside the chimney, reducing its cross-section.

6.14 The chimney must have a vertical direction and have no narrowings. It is allowed to have no more than two changes in the direction of the chimney axis, and the angle of deviation from the vertical should be no more than 30°.

6.15 The collective chimney can be designed with a round or rectangular cross-section. With a rectangular cross-section, the ratio of the larger side to the smaller side should not exceed 1.5, the corners should be rounded with a rounding radius of at least 20 mm.

6.16 Chimneys and chimneys must be gas-tight class P (SNiP 41-01), prevent air leaks at the joints and connections of chimneys to the chimney, and be made from materials of the NG group that can withstand mechanical loads without loss of tightness and strength, resistant to transported and environmental loads environment, and after installation - subjected to strength and tightness tests.

The use of asbestos cement, ceramics and other materials for the manufacture of chimneys, chimneys and air ducts is permitted only if there are certificates of conformity from the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

When laying air ducts in transit, the required fire resistance limits of their structures must be ensured in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

6.17 Structural elements chimneys and air ducts must be factory-made and have a certificate of conformity.

In the case of using prefabricated chimneys made of metal materials, the connection of chimney parts must be carried out using connecting fasteners (clamps) or welding. To seal connections, the use of non-flammable sealing materials is allowed.

In the case of using prefabricated chimneys made of non-metallic materials, tees connecting the collective chimney with chimneys must be manufactured in a factory and have certificates of conformity.

6.18 The butt joints of chimneys must be located outside the ceiling (covering) structure at distances that ensure ease of installation, maintenance and repair. The joints must have devices that prevent the sections from moving relative to each other.

Designs for sealing holes in places where chimneys pass through the floors (coverings) of a residential building must ensure the stability of the chimney structure and the possibility of their movements caused by temperature influences.

6.19 A cap must be provided at the top of the chimney to prevent snow, rain and debris from entering the chimney. The design of the head should not impede the exit of flue gases under any weather conditions. The outlet cross-section of the head must be at least twice the cross-section of the mouth of the chimney (air duct).

6.20 On chimneys, it is allowed to provide no more than three turns, including its connection to the chimney, with a radius of curvature of no less than the diameter of the pipe. In this case, the rotation angles should be no more than 90°.

6.21 Smoke vents and chimneys must be thermally insulated with non-combustible materials of the NG group. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer should be calculated based on the conditions for ensuring a maximum temperature on the cover layer of no higher than 40 °C. The temperature of the internal surface of the chimney in operating mode must be higher than the dew point temperature of the flue gases at the design temperature of the outside air.

6.22 A collection chamber with a height of at least 0.5 m must be provided at the bottom of the chimney to collect debris and other solid particles and condensate. The chamber must have an opening for inspection, cleaning and a device for draining condensate. The opening must be hermetically sealed with a metal door.

6.23 The minimum height of the chimney from the connection point of the chimney of the last boiler to the head on the roof must be at least 3 m.

6.24 To equalize the draft in the lower part of the chimney, a device for adjustable air suction should be provided, located above the collection chamber, but not lower than 0.5 m from its bottom.

The air intake pipe must be protected from debris and foreign objects.

6.25 Openings with plugs must be provided in the lower and upper parts of the chimney to measure the temperature of the flue gases and the vacuum in the chimney.

6.26 The distance from the chimney to the wall or ceiling made of non-combustible materials should be at least 50 mm. When constructing the outer layer of walls or ceilings made of flammable materials, the distance to them should be at least 250 mm.

6.27 In the case of using heat generators of different heat outputs for apartment heating systems, only those heat generators whose nominal heat output differs by no more than 30% from the heat generator with the maximum heat output can be connected to the collective chimney.

6.28 The height of chimneys from heat generators in buildings is taken based on the results of aerodynamic calculations and testing for the conditions of dispersion of harmful substances in the atmosphere in accordance with OND-86 and should be (figure):

not less than 0.5 m above the ridge or parapet of the roof when they are located (counting horizontally) no further than 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet of the roof;

level with the roof ridge or parapet, if they are located at a distance of up to 3 m from the roof ridge or parapet;

not lower than a straight line drawn from the ridge or parapet downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizon, when chimneys are located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge or parapet of the roof;

at least 0.5 m above the boundary of the wind pressure zone, if there are higher parts of the building, structures or trees near the chimney.

In all cases, the height of the chimney above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 0.5 m, and for houses with a flat roof - at least 2.0 m.

The mouths of brick chimneys in the absence of a cap to a height of 0.2 m should be protected from precipitation with a layer of cement mortar.

Picture 1 - Options for choosing the height of the chimney above the roof of the building depending on its location

7 Power supply and automation

7.1 To supply power to the automation systems and control the operation of the heat generator, the following must be provided:

power supply 220 V from a single-phase network with grounding;

installation of a power outlet for the heat generator, equipped with a neutral protective conductor and connected at the input to the circuit breaker. The cross-section of the wires should be selected in accordance with the PUE, the instructions in the boiler passport or the installation and commissioning instructions of the heat generator manufacturer.

7.2 Floor-standing heat generators used for public premises can be equipped with built-in current-converting devices and an independent grounding circuit with a terminal connected to the building’s grounding circuit.

7.3 Installation of residual current devices should be carried out in accordance with PUE, NPB 243 and SP 31-110.

7.4 In rooms where heat generators are installed, provision should be made for the installation of gas alarms that are triggered when the gas content in the room reaches 10% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (LCFL) of natural gas.

The gas contamination detector must be interlocked with a high-speed solenoid valve installed at the gas inlet into the room and turning off the gas supply upon a gas contamination signal.

7.5 The heat generator must be equipped with a device that automatically maintains the air temperature in residential premises at a constant, user-adjustable level.

7.6 In each apartment in a representative residential area, it is recommended to install an air temperature regulator equipped with a room air temperature sensor, which ensures automatic maintenance of the set temperature by the heat generator control unit.

7.7 In heat generator premises for public use, it is recommended to provide for the placement of automatic fire detectors in accordance with NPB 88 and the installation of an autonomous fire detector when placing the heat generator in the kitchen.

7.8 The installation of temperature-sensitive valves should be provided on the gas supply to the boiler installed in a heat generating room for public premises.

7.9 To monitor the operation of heat generators, it is necessary to organize a dispatch service. The following signals (light and sound) must be transmitted to the control center:

normal operation of the boiler;

boiler emergency shutdown;

gas pollution in the room;

the occurrence of a fire (when placing a heat generator in a heat generator room);

unauthorized entry of unauthorized people into the heat generator room.

7.10 Fans, shut-off and control valves of ventilation systems, as well as the design, design, installation method, insulation class of electrical installations in rooms with heat generators must comply with the conditions environment and the requirements of the relevant chapters of the PUE.

8 Heating, ventilation, plumbing and sewerage

8.1 Heating and ventilation

8.1.1 For apartment-by-apartment heat supply, heating and ventilation systems should be designed in accordance with SNiP 41-01 and this document.

8.1.2 Heating must ensure the air temperature in residential premises, public premises and heat generator rooms for the cold period of the year within the limits specified by the requirements of GOST 30494 and GOST 12.1.005 with the calculated parameters of outdoor air for the relevant construction areas.

8.1.3 The calculated air exchange in heat-generating premises for public purposes must be determined taking into account heat release from pipelines and equipment. In this case, air exchange should be at least once per hour. If it is impossible to ensure the necessary air exchange through natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation should be designed.

8.1.5 Heating of staircases and elevator halls should be provided in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

8.1.6 During the cold season, the temperature of heated rooms, when they are not in use, should not be lower than 15 °C.

passing two-pipe with wiring around the perimeter of the apartment;

“radial” with centrally located supply and return collectors;


It is recommended to use control valves for heating devices of two-pipe heating systems with increased hydraulic resistance.

8.1.8 Pipelines for heating and hot water supply systems should, as a rule, be designed from steel, copper, brass, heat-resistant polymer or metal-polymer materials in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01.

When connecting copper pipelines to aluminum radiators, to prevent electrochemical corrosion, it is necessary to provide inserts made of a different material.

The installation of pipelines made of polymer and metal-polymer pipes without protective screens in places of direct exposure to ultraviolet rays is not allowed.

8.1.9 It is recommended to install an automatic thermostat on each heating device in accordance with GOST 30815, which ensures maintenance of the specified room air temperature.

8.1.10 Initial filling or emergency top-up of the heating system circuit must be carried out with water that meets the requirements of the heat generator manufacturer, or with non-freezing liquids approved as a coolant for closed heat supply systems by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia and the heat generator manufacturer. Emergency filling of the heating system with water from a cold water supply system that meets the requirements of SanPiN is allowed.

8.2 Water supply and sewerage

8.2.1 The design of water supply, sewerage and hot water supply systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-01, SNiP 2.04.01 and this document.

8.2.2 The installation site of the heat generator must be provided with a water supply for supplying water to the hot water supply circuit and a device for filling the heating system circuit and replenishing it.

8.2.3 The maximum water consumption of the hot water supply system for apartment-by-apartment heat supply is calculated depending on the number of installed sanitary fixtures.

8.2.4 Before connecting to the heat generator, the water supply system should be thoroughly flushed and pressure tested.

8.2.5 To account for water consumption, a commercial metering device (water meter) should be installed at each water supply entry into an apartment or public premises.

8.2.6 To protect equipment from clogging, it is necessary to install a mechanical filter at each water supply entry into the building.

Depending on quality tap water and if there are special requirements for the water quality of the heat generator manufacturer for hot water supply systems, the installation of portable anti-scale devices that have a sanitary and hygienic certificate should be provided.

8.2.7 The temperature of the hot water supply at the outlet of the heat generator is set by the consumer according to the conditions of use, but not higher than 70 °C.

8.2.8 If there are two sanitary units in the apartment (bath and shower unit), to simultaneously provide them with hot water, it is necessary to install a capacitive water heater connected to the boiler’s hot water preparation system. The capacity of the cylinder water heater should be selected based on the provision of hot water to all water taps.

8.2.9 To receive discharges from safety valves, drains from heat generators and emptying the heating system, devices for draining into the sewer system should be provided.

9 Construction, installation and operation

9.1 Installation of apartment heating systems should be carried out according to approved designs.

9.2 Installation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems is permitted after the following work has been completed in a residential building:

installation of floors, coverings, walls, partitions on which heat generators should be mounted;

installation of general ventilation;

installation of a water supply network, a fire-fighting water supply network, sewerage, electrical wiring and electrical equipment;

preparing holes and installing cases for laying chimneys and air ducts through the building structures of a residential building;

preparation and plastering of channels (grooves) in walls and partitions - for hidden installation of pipelines;

plastering and painting (or cladding) wall surfaces in places where heat generators are installed.

9.3 It is allowed to install pipelines, heat generators, chimneys, chimneys and air ducts until the installation of electrical wiring and electrical equipment is completed, provided that it is possible to connect electrified installation tools and welding equipment to a source of electricity.

9.4 Installation of pipelines, heating devices and fittings is not allowed until completion construction work, as a result of which the heating and hot water supply systems may be damaged or must be temporarily completely or partially dismantled.

9.5 The heat generator should be installed after installing the heating system and carrying out plastering (finishing) work in the room in which it is installed.

9.6 When installing apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems in existing buildings, you should:

when using existing chimneys and ventilation ducts, install heat generators only if there is a certificate on the technical condition of the chimneys and ventilation ducts and their compliance with the requirements of this Code of Rules;

when installing attached ducts, remove floor coverings, examine the technical condition of the floor slabs and prepare holes for the passage of chimneys or air ducts by drilling the floor slabs.

9.7 Installation, commissioning and acceptance into operation should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of PB 12-529, standards and instructions of equipment manufacturers.

9.8 When installing vertical chimneys and air ducts, the following must be provided:

tightness, especially in places where they are installed on supporting structures;

verticality of chimneys;

alignment of links (sections) of chimneys;

tight fit of clamps and seals to the pipes, as well as the strength of their connections;

stability of chimneys by bracing them to floor slabs (coverings);

design thickness of thermal insulation along the entire shaft of the chimney, chimney and air duct;

Carrying out a leak test of chimneys;

drawing up an act for hidden work;

free movement of chimneys from temperature influences and protection from damage by intersecting building structures.

After installing the chimney and air duct, as-built diagrams for the placement of pipe sections must be drawn up, indicating the locations of the butt joints.

9.9 During the installation process, the work contractor must carry out operational control to verify compliance with the project requirements and the quality of the work performed, drawing up reports for hidden work.

Connections of flexible connections from the gas pipeline to the equipment must be tested to a pressure of at least 0.01 MPa.

9.10 When commissioning apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems, the operability of all elements of automatic regulation, alarm and protection of heat generators should be checked by testing in accordance with the instructions of the heat generator manufacturer. All regulatory and safety elements of the gas supply system, including valves on the gas supply pipeline, must be checked.

9.11 All heating and water supply systems must be thoroughly washed and pressurized before filling them with water.

9.12 Before commissioning, hydraulic tests of the heat supply system should be carried out.

9.13 Maintenance (service and warranty) and repair of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment must be carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the owner (subscriber) and specialized organizations that have an emergency dispatch service and a license to perform maintenance work.

9.14 Maintenance of gas pipelines, gas equipment, chimneys and chimneys must be carried out in accordance with.

9.15 When concluding maintenance contracts, the conditions for its implementation in the event of a long-term absence of the owner should be stipulated.

9.16 If there are unoccupied apartments, the owner of a residential building is responsible for the safe operation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems in these apartments.

9.17 Dismantling and rearrangement of gas pipelines and gas equipment during operation must be carried out by specialized service personnel.

9.18 The owner (subscriber) is responsible for following the operating instructions, observing the rules for the safe use of gas and maintaining apartment heating systems in good technical condition.

9.19 Maintenance of chimneys and supply air ducts must be carried out at least once every 6 months during the first two years from the date of commissioning, and subsequently - at least once a year.

Appendix A


OND-86Methodology for calculating concentrations in atmospheric air harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. Approved by the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the USSR.

Temporary procedure for the maintenance of gas equipment in residential buildings and public buildings. Approved by the Russian Ministry of Energy.

Aerodynamic calculation of boiler installations. Normative method /TsKTI im. I.I. Polzunov. - L.: Energy, 1977.

Key words: apartment heating systems, heat generators, gas fuel, residential buildings, heating, hot water supply

*According to European classification according to CEN/CR/749.2000.

SP 41-108-2004

Group Zh24



Energy supply apartament of the buildings with the heat generation, working on gas fuel

Date of introduction 2005-08-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Design, Engineering and Research Institute "SantehNIIproekt" with the participation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction (FSUE CNS), Federal government agency- Research Institute of Fire Defense (FGU VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and a group of specialists

2 INTRODUCED by the Department of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia

3 APPROVED for use by letter of the Gosstroy of Russia N LB-2011/9 dated March 26, 2004.

4 AGREED BY the Ministry of Health of Russia, letter N 111-16/134-04 dated March 17, 2003,

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, letter N 14-3/10 dated January 15, 2003,

UGPN EMERCOM of Russia, letter N 19/2/1043 dated 05/31/2005




This Code of Practice “Apartment-by-apartment heat supply of residential buildings with gas-fueled heat generators” was developed for the first time and contains rules for the design of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems of residential buildings from individual heat supply sources.

The set of rules establishes recommended, recognized and proven provisions in practice that develop and ensure the implementation of the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” for the use of automated boilers with closed combustion chambers using gas fuel as sources of heat energy for apartment heating, ensuring safety, comfortable living conditions and rational use of energy resources.

The Code of Rules provides recommendations for planning and design solutions for heat generator rooms, rules for designing gas supply, air supply and removal of flue gases, heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage. In addition, the rules for performing installation work and maintenance are given.

When developing this Code of Practice, the results of the design and construction of residential buildings with apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems were used as part of an experiment on technical conditions, as well as regulatory documents and experience in the design, construction and maintenance of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems in foreign countries.

The following people took part in the development of the document: Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.Ya. Sharipov - topic leader, A.S. Bogachenkova, T.I. Sadovskaya, S.M. Finkelstein (FSUE "SantehNIIproekt"); V.A. Glukharev (Gosstroy of Russia); Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor I.A. Bolodyan, Ph.D. chem. Sciences G.T.Zemsky, Ph.D. tech. Sciences I.I. Ilminsky (VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia); L.S. Vasilyeva (FSUE CNS); T.Ya. Pozhidaeva (Ministry of Health of Russia); A.A. Sorokin (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia); Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.L.Naumov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.O. Shilkrot (NPO "Termek").

1 area of ​​use

This Code of Rules is intended for use on a voluntary basis, is advisory in nature and applies to the design, construction and operation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems with gas-fueled heat generators with closed combustion chambers in new and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings up to 10 floors inclusive (not higher than 28 m ), including those with built-in public premises (hereinafter referred to as residential buildings). The use of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems with gas-fuelled heat generators for residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m (11 floors or more) is permitted in agreement with the territorial bodies of the UPO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The set of rules does not apply to design:

apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems for single-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings, considered as separate single-apartment buildings;

apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems for residential buildings with up to 5 storeys inclusive, if they provide for the installation of gas-fueled heat generators with an open combustion chamber (type “B”).

2 Normative references

This SP uses references to the following regulatory documents:

SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 21-01-97* Fire safety of buildings and structures

SNiP 01/31/2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings

SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 41-03-2003 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems

SP 31-110-2003 Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings

PB 12-529-03 Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems
Not applicable on the basis of Rostechnadzor order No. 542 dated November 15, 2013. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks" are in effect, hereinafter in the text

NPB 88-2001* Installation of fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Design standards and rules

NPB 243-97* Residual current devices. Fire safety requirements. Test methods

SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control

GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area. Specifications

GOST 30494-96 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters

GOST 30815-2002 Automatic temperature regulators for heating devices in water heating systems of buildings. General technical conditions

PUE Rules for electrical installations

3 Terms and definitions

In this document, the terms with the following definitions apply:

apartment heating- providing heat for heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems in apartments. The system consists of a heat supply source - a heat generator, hot water supply pipelines with water fittings, heating pipelines with heating devices and heat exchangers for ventilation systems;

heat generator (boiler)- a heat source with a thermal power of up to 100 kW, in which the energy released during the combustion of gas fuel is used to heat the coolant sent to heat supply systems;

heat generator type "B"*- a heat generator with an open combustion chamber, connected to an individual chimney, with air intake for fuel combustion directly from the room in which the heat generator is installed;

heat generator type "C"*- a heat generator with a closed combustion chamber, in which smoke removal and combustion air supply are carried out by a built-in fan. The gas fuel combustion system (combustion air supply, combustion chamber, smoke removal) in these heat generators is gas-tight in relation to the rooms in which they are installed;
* According to the European classification according to CEN/CR /749.2000.

heat generator- a separate non-residential premises intended to house a heat generator (boiler) and auxiliary equipment for it;

chimney- (according to SNiP 41-01) a gas-tight channel or pipeline for removing combustion products (flue gases) from the heat generator to the chimney;

chimney- (according to SNiP 41-01) a vertical gas-tight channel or pipeline of rectangular or circular cross-section to create draft and remove combustion products (flue gases) from chimneys into the atmosphere vertically upward;

air duct- channel and (or) pipeline used for transporting, supplying or removing air;

heating output- the amount of heat transferred to the coolant per unit time;

thermal power- the amount of heat generated as a result of combustion of gas supplied to the burner per unit time;

coefficient of performance (efficiency)- the ratio of thermal output to thermal power, the values ​​of which are expressed in the same units of measurement.

4 General provisions

4.1 Requirements for heat generators

4.1.1 For apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems of residential buildings, automated gas-fueled heat generators with sealed (closed) combustion chambers (type “C”) should be used in full factory readiness, meeting the following requirements:

the total heat output of heat generators should not exceed 100 kW when placed in heat generator rooms and 35 kW when placed in kitchens;

Efficiency of at least 89%;

coolant temperature no more than 95 °C;

coolant pressure up to 1.0 MPa;

emission of harmful emissions: - traces, - no more than 30 ppm (60 mg/m).

4.1.2 Heat generators are allowed for use if their automatic safety system ensures that the fuel supply is stopped when:

- interruption of power supply;

- malfunction of protection circuits;

- burner flame goes out;

- coolant pressure drop below the maximum permissible values;

- reaching the maximum permissible temperature of the coolant;

- violation of smoke removal;

- gas pressure exceeding the maximum permissible value.

4.1.3 Heat generators must have permits and certification documents required by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.4 The following heat generators are allowed for use:

- double-circuit with built-in hot water supply circuit;

- single-circuit (without a built-in hot water supply circuit) with the possibility of connecting a capacitive water-water heater for hot water supply.

4.1.5 The heating capacity of heat generators for apartment-by-apartment heating supply systems for residential apartments is determined by the maximum load of hot water supply depending on the number of installed sanitary fixtures or the calculated heating load.

The heating capacity of heat generators for built-in public premises is determined by the maximum design heating load and the average design load of hot water supply.

4.1.6 When reconstructing heat supply systems of existing housing stock, associated with the transition to apartment-by-apartment heat supply, in buildings up to 5 floors high, it is also recommended to provide for the installation of heat generators with a closed combustion chamber.

4.1.7 The heat generator must be supplied complete with parts for chimneys and air ducts within the room where the heat generator is installed, as well as with installation and operating instructions, in which the manufacturer sets out all the necessary safety measures.

4.2 Placement of heat generators

4.2.1 The placement of heat generators, pipelines, chimneys, chimneys, air ducts and other engineering equipment must ensure the safety of their operation, ease of maintenance and repair.

4.2.2 The layout of apartments should be provided taking into account the placement of kitchens or heat generator rooms, allowing the entry of utilities (water supply, gas pipeline, sewerage) into the apartments from the landing. Transit laying of these communications through residential premises and through non-residential public premises is permitted subject to the requirements of SNiP 42-01. The gas pipeline should be laid open outside the building.

4.2.3 The installation of heat generators is permitted to include:

a) for heat supply to apartments - in kitchens or in specially designated rooms - heat generator rooms;

b) for heat supply of public premises - in specially designated premises (heat generator rooms).

4.2.4 The heat generator room must meet the following requirements:

be located near the outer wall of a residential building and have a window with a glazing area of ​​0.03 m per 1 m of room volume, with a window or other special ventilation device located in the upper part of the window;

the volume of the room should be determined based on the conditions for ensuring ease of operation of boilers and installation and repair work, but not less than 15 m2;

height - not less than 2.2 m;

ventilation of the heat generator room must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01;

heat generator for public premises, in addition, must have protection against unauthorized entry with a signal output to the control center or to a room with telephone communication and permanent presence of personnel.

4.2.5 Fire protection of heat generator rooms should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01, SNiP 31-01 and SNiP 2.04.01.

4.2.6 It is not permitted to design heat generators located directly above, below or adjacent to residential premises of apartments and public premises with occupancy of 50 people or more, as well as in basements.

4.2.7 Installation of heat generators in premises should provide for:

near walls (floor) or on walls (wall) made of non-flammable (NG) or low-flammable (G1) materials;

near walls or on walls made of combustible materials coated with non-flammable (NG) or low-flammable (G1) materials (for example: roofing steel on a sheet of thermal insulation layer made of non-combustible materials with a thickness of at least 3 mm; lime plaster with a thickness of at least 10 mm) at a distance no closer 3 cm from the wall. The specified wall covering must protrude beyond the dimensions of the boiler body by at least 10 cm.

4.2.8 The floor covering under the floor-standing heat generator must be made of materials of flammability group NG or G1. This floor covering must protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator housing by at least 10 cm.

4.2.9 When placing heat generators, the provisions of the manufacturer’s installation and operation instructions should be taken into account.

4.2.10 Placing the boiler above a gas stove and kitchen sink is not allowed.

4.2.11 There must be a service area of ​​at least 1.0 m in front of the boiler front. The horizontal distance between the protruding parts of the boiler and the equipment (kitchen) should be at least 10 cm.

5 Gas supply

5.1 The gas pressure in front of the heat generators must correspond to the boilers’ passport data and be no more than 0.003 MPa.

5.2 The apartment’s internal gas supply system must be calculated based on the total maximum hourly gas consumption of the installed gas-consuming equipment.

The diameter of the gas pipeline to the heat generator should be taken based on calculation, but not less than the diameter specified in the heat generator’s passport.

5.3 The gas distribution system must ensure the supply of gas in the required volume and gas pressure necessary for the stable operation of all gas-using equipment in a residential building.

5.4 For each apartment and for each public premises, a commercial gas flow meter should be provided, which should be placed in a room accessible for monitoring and taking readings, outside the area of ​​heat and moisture, ensuring ease of installation, maintenance and repair.

5.5 Connection of heat generators to the gas pipeline may be provided using steel, copper or flexible connections, including non-metallic pipes that have the necessary strength characteristics for long-term (at least 25 years) exposure to the transported gas. The length of flexible connections should be no more than 1.5 m. Flexible connections to heat generators must have a certificate of conformity.

5.6 The laying of gas pipelines can be open or hidden. When gas pipelines are laid hidden, it is necessary to provide additional measures to protect them from corrosion and ensure the possibility of inspecting them and repairing protective coatings.

Hidden installation of flexible connections and disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.7 It is allowed to use liquefied gas as fuel in accordance with SNiP 42-01. At the same time, placing gas cylinder installations inside the building is not allowed.

6 Supply of combustion air and removal of combustion products

6.1 The design of the gas-air path of the system should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the normative method of aerodynamic calculation of boiler installations of the I.I. Polzunov Central Committee for Technical Technologies.
* See section Bibliography, item. - Note from the database manufacturer.

6.2 Supply air ducts must ensure the supply of the required volume of air for gas combustion, and chimneys must ensure the complete removal of combustion products into the atmosphere.

Combustion air must be taken directly from the outside of the building via air ducts.

The design and placement of chimneys and air ducts are determined in accordance with the architectural and planning decisions of the building based on fire safety requirements, ease of installation and maintenance.

6.3 Air supply and combustion product removal systems can be designed according to the following schemes:

with a coaxial (combined) device for air supply and removal of combustion products;

built-in or attached collective air ducts and chimneys;

with a separate device for air supply and removal of combustion products with built-in or attached collective air ducts and chimneys;

with an individual air duct that ensures air intake through the wall and supply it individually to each heat generator, and removal of flue gases through a collective chimney.

The installation of smoke exhausts from each heat generator individually through the facade wall of a multi-story residential building is prohibited.

6.4 Collective chimneys and air ducts should be designed from non-combustible materials. The fire resistance limits of chimneys and air ducts must comply with the regulatory requirements of air ducts for smoke removal systems in residential buildings. Their installation is allowed through non-residential premises, kitchens, corridors, staircases or elevator halls without reducing the dimensions of escape routes.

It is allowed to lay chimneys in the internal walls of the building. It is not allowed to lay chimneys and smoke outlets through residential premises. Smoke exhausts and air supply ducts on the kitchen wall may be covered with removable decorative fences made of non-combustible materials that do not reduce the required fire resistance limits.

6.5 The total length of chimneys and air ducts from the air intake point should not exceed the values ​​recommended by the plant (company) - manufacturer of the heat generator, taking into account the use of recommended compensation measures in case of deviation from the specified value.

6.6 To avoid condensation of water vapor, a heat-insulating structure made of materials and thicknesses corresponding to SNiP 41-03 must be provided on the outer surface of the air duct.

6.7 Air ducts, chimneys and chimneys at places of passage through walls, partitions and ceilings should be enclosed in cases. The gaps between the building structure and the casing and duct, chimney or chimney and casing should be carefully sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed with non-combustible materials or mortar that do not reduce the required fire resistance limits.

6.8 Air intake terminal areas must not have barriers that impede the free flow of air, and must be protected with a metal mesh from the penetration of debris, birds and other foreign objects. For above-ground placement and placement on the roof of a building, air intake openings should be provided 0.5 m above the stable snow cover.

6.9 In connections of sections of air ducts of different directions there should be no narrowing of the cross-section and sharp edges. The angle of connection between two sections of air ducts must be at least 90°.

6.10 The smoke exhaust must be laid with a slope of at least 3% away from the heat generator and have devices with a plug for sampling to check the quality of combustion.

6.11 The cross-sections of chimneys and collective supply air ducts must be determined by calculation based on the thermal power and the number of boilers connected to the chimney, taking into account their simultaneous operation. In this case, the natural draft of the chimney must be at least 20% higher than the sum of all aerodynamic losses of the gas-air path under any operating conditions.

6.12 The cross-sectional area of ​​the smoke exhaust and air duct to the heat generator must not be less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipes of the connected boiler.

6.13 The chimney must be securely and hermetically secured to the chimney inlet. It is not recommended to insert the chimney inside the chimney, reducing its cross-section.

6.14 The chimney must have a vertical direction and have no narrowings. It is allowed to have no more than two changes in the direction of the chimney axis, and the angle of deviation from the vertical should be no more than 30°.

6.15 The collective chimney can be designed with a round or rectangular cross-section. With a rectangular cross-section, the ratio of the larger side to the smaller side should not exceed 1.5, the corners should be rounded with a rounding radius of at least 20 mm.

6.16 Chimneys and chimneys must be gas-tight class P (SNiP 41-01), prevent air leaks at the joints and connections of chimneys to the chimney, and be made from materials of the NG group that can withstand mechanical loads without loss of tightness and strength, resistant to transported and environmental loads environment, and after installation - subjected to strength and tightness tests.

The use of asbestos cement, ceramics and other materials for the manufacture of chimneys, chimneys and air ducts is permitted only if there are certificates of conformity from the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

When laying air ducts in transit, the required fire resistance limits of their structures must be ensured in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

6.17 Structural elements of chimneys and air ducts must be factory-made and have a certificate of conformity.

In the case of using prefabricated chimneys made of metal materials, the connection of chimney parts must be carried out using connecting fasteners (clamps) or welding. To seal connections, the use of non-flammable sealing materials is allowed.

In the case of using prefabricated chimneys made of non-metallic materials, tees connecting the collective chimney with chimneys must be manufactured in a factory and have certificates of conformity.

6.18 The butt joints of chimneys must be located outside the ceiling (covering) structure at distances that ensure ease of installation, maintenance and repair. The joints must have devices that prevent the sections from moving relative to each other.

Designs for sealing holes in places where chimneys pass through the floors (coverings) of a residential building must ensure the stability of the chimney structure and the possibility of their movements caused by temperature influences.

It is not recommended to use holes in floor slabs or walls as chimney elements.

6.19 A cap must be provided at the top of the chimney to prevent snow, rain and debris from entering the chimney. The design of the head should not impede the exit of flue gases under any weather conditions. The outlet cross-section of the head must be at least twice the cross-section of the mouth of the chimney (air duct).

6.20 On chimneys, it is allowed to provide no more than three turns, including its connection to the chimney, with a radius of curvature of no less than the diameter of the pipe. In this case, the rotation angles should be no more than 90°.

6.21 Smoke vents and chimneys must be thermally insulated with non-combustible materials of the NG group. The thickness of the heat-insulating layer should be calculated based on the conditions for ensuring a maximum temperature on the cover layer of no higher than 40 °C. The temperature of the internal surface of the chimney in operating mode must be higher than the dew point temperature of the flue gases at the design temperature of the outside air.

6.22 A collection chamber with a height of at least 0.5 m must be provided at the bottom of the chimney to collect debris and other solid particles and condensate. The chamber must have an opening for inspection, cleaning and a device for draining condensate. The opening must be hermetically sealed with a metal door.

6.23 The minimum height of the chimney from the connection point of the chimney of the last boiler to the head on the roof must be at least 3 m.

6.24 To equalize the draft in the lower part of the chimney, a device for adjustable air suction should be provided, located above the collection chamber, but not lower than 0.5 m from its bottom.

The air intake pipe must be protected from debris and foreign objects.

6.25 Openings with plugs must be provided in the lower and upper parts of the chimney to measure the temperature of the flue gases and the vacuum in the chimney.

6.26 The distance from the chimney to the wall or ceiling made of non-combustible materials should be at least 50 mm. When constructing the outer layer of walls or ceilings made of flammable materials, the distance to them should be at least 250 mm.

6.27 In the case of using heat generators of different heat outputs for apartment heating systems, only those heat generators whose nominal heat output differs by no more than 30% from the heat generator with the maximum heat output can be connected to the collective chimney.

6.28 The height of chimneys from heat generators in buildings is taken based on the results of aerodynamic calculations and testing for the conditions of dispersion of harmful substances in the atmosphere in accordance with OND-86 and should be (Figure 1):

not less than 0.5 m above the ridge or parapet of the roof when they are located (counting horizontally) no further than 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet of the roof;

level with the roof ridge or parapet, if they are located at a distance of up to 3 m from the roof ridge or parapet;

not lower than a straight line drawn from the ridge or parapet downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizon, when chimneys are located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge or parapet of the roof;

at least 0.5 m above the boundary of the wind pressure zone, if there are higher parts of the building, structures or trees near the chimney.

Figure 1 - Options for choosing the height of the chimney above the roof of the building depending on its location

In all cases, the height of the chimney above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 0.5 m, and for houses with a flat roof - at least 2.0 m.

The mouths of brick chimneys in the absence of a cap to a height of 0.2 m should be protected from precipitation with a layer of cement mortar.

7 Power supply and automation

7.1 To supply power to the automation systems and control the operation of the heat generator, the following must be provided:

power supply 220 V from a single-phase network with grounding;

installation of a power outlet for the heat generator, equipped with a neutral protective conductor and connected at the input to the circuit breaker. The cross-section of the wires should be selected in accordance with the PUE, the instructions in the boiler passport or the installation and commissioning instructions of the heat generator manufacturer.

7.2 Floor-standing heat generators used for public premises can be equipped with built-in current-converting devices and an independent grounding circuit with a terminal connected to the building’s grounding circuit.

7.3 Installation of residual current devices should be carried out in accordance with PUE, NPB 243 and SP 31-110.

7.4 In rooms where heat generators are installed, provision should be made for the installation of gas alarms that are triggered when the gas content in the room reaches 10% of the lower concentration limit of flame propagation (LCFL) of natural gas.

The gas contamination detector must be interlocked with a high-speed solenoid valve installed at the gas inlet into the room and turning off the gas supply upon a gas contamination signal.

7.5 The heat generator must be equipped with a device that automatically maintains the air temperature in residential premises at a constant, user-adjustable level.

7.6 In each apartment in a representative residential area, it is recommended to install an air temperature regulator equipped with a room air temperature sensor, which ensures automatic maintenance of the set temperature by the heat generator control unit.

7.7 In heat generator premises for public use, it is recommended to provide for the placement of automatic fire detectors in accordance with NPB 88 and the installation of an autonomous fire detector when placing the heat generator in the kitchen.

7.8 The installation of temperature-sensitive valves should be provided on the gas supply to the boiler installed in a heat generating room for public premises.

7.9 To monitor the operation of heat generators, it is necessary to organize a dispatch service. The following signals (light and sound) must be transmitted to the control center:

normal operation of the boiler;

boiler emergency shutdown;

gas pollution in the room;

the occurrence of a fire (when placing a heat generator in a heat generator room);

unauthorized entry of unauthorized people into the heat generator room.

7.10 Fans, shut-off and control valves of ventilation systems, as well as the design, design, installation method, insulation class of electrical installations in rooms with heat generators must comply with environmental conditions and the requirements of the relevant chapters of the PUE.

8 Heating, ventilation, plumbing and sewerage

8.1 Heating and ventilation

8.1.1 For apartment-by-apartment heat supply, heating and ventilation systems should be designed in accordance with SNiP 41-01 and this document.

8.1.2 Heating must ensure the air temperature in residential premises, public premises and heat generator rooms for the cold period of the year within the limits specified by the requirements of GOST 30494 and GOST 12.1.005 with the calculated parameters of outdoor air for the relevant construction areas.

8.1.3 The calculated air exchange in heat-generating premises for public purposes must be determined taking into account heat release from pipelines and equipment. In this case, air exchange should be at least once per hour. If it is impossible to ensure the necessary air exchange through natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation should be designed.

8.1.5 Heating of staircases and elevator halls should be provided in accordance with SNiP 41-01.

8.1.6 During the cold season, the temperature of heated rooms, when they are not in use, should not be lower than 15 °C.

8.1.7 It is recommended that the heating system be provided with:

passing two-pipe with wiring around the perimeter of the apartment;

"radial" with centrally located supply and return collectors;


It is recommended to use control valves for heating devices of two-pipe heating systems with increased hydraulic resistance.

8.1.8 Pipelines for heating and hot water supply systems should, as a rule, be designed from steel, copper, brass, heat-resistant polymer or metal-polymer materials in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01.

When connecting copper pipelines to aluminum radiators, to prevent electrochemical corrosion, it is necessary to provide inserts made of a different material.

The installation of pipelines made of polymer and metal-polymer pipes without protective screens in places of direct exposure to ultraviolet rays is not allowed.

8.1.9 It is recommended to install an automatic thermostat on each heating device in accordance with GOST 30815, which ensures maintenance of the specified room air temperature.

8.1.10 Initial filling or emergency top-up of the heating system circuit must be carried out with water that meets the requirements of the heat generator manufacturer, or with non-freezing liquids allowed as a coolant for closed systems heating supply by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia and the manufacturer of the heat generator. Emergency filling of the heating system with water from a cold water supply system that meets the requirements of SanPiN is allowed.

8.2 Water supply and sewerage

8.2.1 The design of water supply, sewerage and hot water supply systems should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31-01, SNiP 2.04.01 and this document.

8.2.2 The installation site of the heat generator must be provided with a water supply for supplying water to the hot water supply circuit and a device for filling the heating system circuit and replenishing it.

8.2.3 The maximum water consumption of the hot water supply system for apartment-by-apartment heat supply is calculated depending on the number of installed sanitary fixtures.

8.2.4 Before connecting to the heat generator, the water supply system should be thoroughly flushed and pressure tested.

8.2.5 To account for water consumption, a commercial metering device (water meter) should be installed at each water supply entry into an apartment or public premises.

8.2.6 To protect equipment from clogging, it is necessary to install a mechanical filter at each water supply entry into the building.

Depending on the quality of tap water and if there are special requirements for water quality from the heat generator manufacturer, for hot water supply systems it is necessary to provide for the installation of portable anti-scale devices that have a sanitary and hygienic certificate.

8.2.7 The temperature of the hot water supply at the outlet of the heat generator is set by the consumer according to the conditions of use, but not higher than 70 °C.

8.2.8 If there are two sanitary units in the apartment (bath and shower unit), to simultaneously provide them with hot water, it is necessary to install a capacitive water heater connected to the boiler’s hot water preparation system. The capacity of the cylinder water heater should be selected based on the provision of hot water to all water taps.

8.2.9 To receive discharges from safety valves, drains from heat generators and emptying the heating system, devices for draining into the sewer system should be provided.

9 Construction, installation and operation

9.1 Installation of apartment heating systems should be carried out according to approved designs.

9.2 Installation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems is permitted after the following work has been completed in a residential building:

installation of floors, coverings, walls, partitions on which heat generators should be mounted;

installation of general ventilation;

installation of a water supply network, a fire-fighting water supply network, sewerage, electrical wiring and electrical equipment;

preparing holes and installing cases for laying chimneys and air ducts through the building structures of a residential building;

preparation and plastering of channels (grooves) in walls and partitions - for hidden installation of pipelines;

plastering and painting (or cladding) wall surfaces in places where heat generators are installed.

9.3 It is allowed to install pipelines, heat generators, chimneys, chimneys and air ducts before completing the installation of electrical wiring and electrical equipment, provided that it is possible to connect electrified installation tools and welding equipment to a source of electricity.

9.4 Installation of pipelines, heating devices and fittings is not permitted until construction is completed, as a result of which the heating and hot water supply systems may be damaged or must be temporarily completely or partially dismantled.

9.5 The heat generator should be installed after installing the heating system and carrying out plastering (finishing) work in the room in which it is installed.

9.6 When installing apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems in existing buildings, you should:

when using existing chimneys and ventilation ducts, install heat generators only if there is a certificate on the technical condition of the chimneys and ventilation ducts and their compliance with the requirements of this Code of Rules;

when installing attached ducts, remove floor coverings, examine the technical condition of the floor slabs and prepare holes for the passage of chimneys or air ducts by drilling the floor slabs.

9.7 Installation, commissioning and acceptance into operation should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of PB 12-529, standards and instructions of equipment manufacturers.

9.8 When installing vertical chimneys and air ducts, the following must be provided:

tightness, especially in places where they are installed on supporting structures;

verticality of chimneys;

alignment of links (sections) of chimneys;

tight fit of clamps and seals to the pipes, as well as the strength of their connections;

stability of chimneys by bracing them to floor slabs (coverings);

design thickness of thermal insulation along the entire shaft of the chimney, chimney and air duct;

Carrying out a leak test of chimneys;

drawing up an act for hidden work;

free movement of chimneys from temperature influences and protection from damage by intersecting building structures.

After installing the chimney and air duct, as-built diagrams for the placement of pipe sections must be drawn up, indicating the locations of the butt joints.

9.9 During the installation process, the work contractor must carry out operational control to verify compliance with the project requirements and the quality of the work performed, drawing up reports for hidden work.

Connections of flexible connections from the gas pipeline to the equipment must be tested to a pressure of at least 0.01 MPa.

9.10 When commissioning apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems, the operability of all elements of automatic regulation, alarm and protection of heat generators should be checked by testing in accordance with the instructions of the heat generator manufacturer. All regulatory and safety elements of the gas supply system, including valves on the gas supply pipeline, must be checked.

9.11 All heating and water supply systems must be thoroughly washed and pressurized before filling them with water.

9.12 Before commissioning, hydraulic tests of the heat supply system should be carried out.

9.13 Maintenance (service and warranty) and repair of internal gas pipelines and gas equipment must be carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the owner (subscriber) and specialized organizations that have an emergency dispatch service and a license to perform maintenance work.

9.14 Maintenance of gas pipelines, gas equipment, chimneys and chimneys must be carried out in accordance with *.
* CM. section Bibliography, item.. - Note from the database manufacturer.

9.15 When concluding maintenance contracts, the conditions for its implementation in the event of a long-term absence of the owner should be stipulated.

9.16 If there are unoccupied apartments, the owner of a residential building is responsible for the safe operation of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems in these apartments.

9.17 Dismantling and rearrangement of gas pipelines and gas equipment during operation must be carried out by specialized service personnel.

9.18 The owner (subscriber) is responsible for following the operating instructions, observing the rules for the safe use of gas and maintaining apartment heating systems in good technical condition.

9.19 Maintenance of chimneys and supply air ducts must be carried out at least once every 6 months during the first two years from the date of commissioning, and subsequently - at least once a year.

Appendix A (for reference). Bibliography

Appendix A

OND-86 Methodology for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. Approved by the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of the USSR.

Temporary procedure for the maintenance of gas equipment in residential buildings and public buildings. Approved by the Russian Ministry of Energy.
The document was canceled on the basis of a joint order of the State Construction Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated October 9, 2001 NN 235, 289. - Database manufacturer's note.

Aerodynamic calculation of boiler installations. Normative method /TsKTI im.I.I.Polzunov. - L.: Energy, 1977.
The document is not provided. For more information please follow the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

UDC 697.317(083.133) Zh24 OUS 91.140.20 OKSTU 4990

Key words: apartment heating systems, heat generators, gas fuel, residential buildings, heating, hot water supply

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prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
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M.: Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 2005