Underground waterproofing: a memo for the designer. Underground waterproofing: how to protect buried structures? What are the consequences of lack of waterproofing of underground parts?

Underground waterproofing of buildings and structures - important stage in construction. Right choice waterproofing, and professional installation is the key to the safety of the entire building.

Determining the quality of a constructed building is primarily done by checking the waterproofing. Professionals can easily check the quality of materials and compliance with installation technology. But what should an ordinary person do? The only thing he can determine on his own is the waterproofing of underground structures (basements, underground parking lots, etc.).

To do this, you just need to go down and check the room for the presence of dark spots on the walls, floor or at their joints. If this is not the case, then everything is in order and you don’t have to worry. But if something from the above list was noticed, then it is necessary to get rid of the leaks as quickly as possible. The integrity of the entire building, as well as its service life, depends on this.

The many types and types of waterproofing of buildings that have already been built (or that are just being built) should not frighten the average person. They can be divided into 4 quite large groups. Each group is highly specialized and performs its own functions. Let's take a closer look at these groups. The first group consists of well-known materials that have long been used in construction to insulate underground rooms from moisture:

  • roofing felt;
  • flexible roofing;
  • Lysol;
  • polymer resin.
The market has a huge number of high-quality waterproofing products. You should know that it does not work together with the coating being protected, but separately. In this regard, such materials are called membrane materials. The reason is that with their help, a waterproof shield (membrane) is created between the protected room and the external environment. Most often they are used to insulate the roof from moisture. Despite this, using the above materials you can protect basements and building foundations from leaks. And also to restore holes in water protection in the same basements, as well as in swimming pools, on basement floors, etc.

Should know

All membrane-type waterproofing does not adhere tightly to the surface, which it protects from moisture. Nothing lasts forever, so this type of waterproofing will last a maximum of five years. Isolating the room from moisture by a professional will allow the entire service life of roofing felt or bitumen materials without worrying about leaks.

But it is not uncommon for waterproofing to be installed by a person who is far from these works. In this case, the insulation of the room from moisture can be considered compromised from the very beginning. This is dangerous because water can mark the wall with its presence not in the place of damaged waterproofing, but several meters away. Visible waterproofing violations are not as dangerous as invisible ones. The former, apart from unpleasant marks in the form of wet spots, crumbling plaster and violations of sanitary standards, will not bring any further inconvenience. But not visible to the eye leaks can destroy the foundation of a building. Insufficient waterproofing of concrete can destroy the building completely.

Everyone knows that reinforcement structures are used to strengthen the foundation. Water, interacting with an insufficiently insulated foundation, corrodes the reinforcement, which leads to the destruction of the foundation. Any builder knows: if the roof collapses, then it can be replaced, and if the foundation collapses, then the building can be considered out of order.

The correct choice of waterproofing and professional installation is the key to the safety of the entire building.

After all, peeling plaster, violation of sanitary standards and wet walls are not the only inconveniences caused by damaged waterproofing. If there are wet spots in the basement or the plaster is peeling off, it is necessary to urgently replace the waterproofing, because ignoring these factors can lead to the destruction of the building. Walls in underground rooms must be insulated from moisture along with the floor.

Waterproofing of underground structures

To ensure dry basements, underground parking and other rooms that are underground, you can use not only roofing felt. In this area, progress did not stand still, and enough waterproofing materials and means were invented.


The first step will be to consider the characteristics of such a waterproofing material as Penetron. Its ease of use allows even an ordinary person to use it to protect their basement from leaks. Compared to traditional methods of insulating premises, Penetron has a number of advantages.

  1. Spring floods can flood the underground room. In this regard, before waterproofing, you will have to dry the room. Penetron doesn't need this.
  2. Peneplug and Waterplug are two components of penetron. With their help, pressure leaks are eliminated.
  3. Unlike the short service life of bituminous materials, Penetron lasts throughout the entire service life of the premises. Crystallization of the waterproofing material helps prevent through cracks, pores or other defects.
  4. Due to its high penetration, Penetron provides waterproofing properties to the concrete itself. The depth of penetration into concrete is several tens of centimeters, and in some cases it allows penetration to a depth of up to a meter.

It is for these reasons that Penetron should be used for waterproofing underground rooms. Moreover, this type of waterproofing is not subject to wear and tear, and installation can be carried out by anyone, regardless of their skills. Another plus is the low cost. Because of this, Penetron, compared to traditional waterproofing methods, is more economical to use.

Liquid rubber

You can insulate parking basements and other underground structures using liquid rubber. They are convenient to use in hard-to-reach places. And in addition, they are able to provide vapor barrier. The best bitumen waterproofing is produced by the Israeli company Pazkar. And through the Technoprok company, these materials end up in the Russian Federation. Four types of liquid rubber will be described below. By the way, they are actually called water-based bitumen-polymer emulsions. But in the Russian Federation they are called liquid rubber.

  • Two-component liquid rubber Rapidflex. Its consistency most closely resembles water. Its density is about 1.02, designed for automatic spraying. Manufacturing takes place at the Pazkar plant. This material is mainly used in Israel, European countries and the USA. The Russian Federation has been using Rapidflex rubber relatively recently - since 2007. It is suitable for insulating tunnels, foundations, underground parking lots, garages and basements.
  • An analogue of the above material is Technoprok rubber. In terms of density, it slightly exceeded it - 1.03. In Russia since 2007. And since 2011, deliveries to Israel began. Directly to the Pazkar plant. With its help, builders protect underground structures from water penetration into the premises. Also, with its help, gigantic areas of house foundations and underground premises of not only residential but also industrial complexes are insulated from moisture. This liquid rubber is also intended for automatic spraying only.
  • One-component liquid rubber Elastopaz is a cold bitumen-polymer mastic, the base of which is water. Elastopaz can be applied not only using a special spraying machine, but also manually. Due to the paste-like consistency of Elastopaz, it can be applied by airless spraying. Application is carried out using an ATC (high pressure unit). Russian builders use Elatopaz as coating waterproofing. Besides this, this waterproofing material used for processing places where the installation is insufficient - channels, pits, collectors, galleries, caissons. Plus, Elastopaz is used for waterproofing wells, swimming pools, flumes, sumps and fire tanks.
  • One-component liquid rubber Elastomix is ​​actually a clone of the waterproofing described above. What distinguishes them is that Elastomix dries almost instantly. Unlike the previous waterproofing. The reason is that the composition includes an activator. Has a powder consistency. It should be used within two hours after the powder is poured into a bucket of mastic. And the resulting mixture is stirred. You also need to know that Elastomix is ​​used exclusively for manual application.

Of all possible reasons With high humidity inside buildings, groundwater is the most dangerous. The soil always contains a certain amount of moisture. Rain, snowmelt and close proximity of aquifers significantly increase the concentration of water in the ground. Water tends to fill areas with lower pressure - underground parts of buildings and structures, using weak spots designs.

Routes of groundwater entry:

  • Pores and cracks building materials.
  • Communication routes.
  • Seams of blocks and slabs.
  • Violation of external waterproofing due to subsidence of buildings, movement of soil layers and other mechanical damage.
  • An anomalous excess of the groundwater level over the calculated one due to changes in the hydrological regime of the soil.

In case it is damaged external waterproofing, and the frame has many uninsulated seams, such filling can be very fast and have serious consequences for the object. Only internal waterproofing can prevent this, since quick access to the underground part of the structure remains only from the inside.

Why is underground waterproofing needed?

High-quality underground waterproofing of concrete structures allows you to protect the supporting elements of the structure from the destructive effects of moisture. The use of modern materials prevents its penetration into the thickness of walls and foundations through pores and microcracks and prevents the development of corrosion of metal reinforcement. In addition, underground waterproofing allows you to get rid of capillary suction of moisture and makes it possible to eliminate existing leaks in the concrete body and seams. A complex of waterproofing works performed by qualified workers using quality materials is The best way extend the life of structures in damp environments.

In some conditions, for example, close proximity to groundwater, the construction and normal functioning of objects is generally impossible without underground waterproofing.

The main tasks of underground waterproofing:

  • Material protection and structural elements and, as a result, increasing the service life of the construction project under conditions of exposure to an aggressive environment.
  • Preventing groundwater, melt and rainwater from entering buildings and structures.
  • Protecting internal infrastructure, equipment and property from moisture.
  • Protection of interior decoration.
  • Maintaining established microclimatic standards.

Types of waterproofing from groundwater

Polymer cement waterproofing

Polymer-cement mixtures for underground waterproofing consist of high-quality cements, fine filler (quartz sand) and polymer additives that ensure elasticity, hydrophobicity, adhesion and deep penetration of the composition. These materials have excellent vapor permeability, which allows you to protect the underground elements of the building from water, without preventing the evaporation of moisture from the structure. Polymer cement mixtures are quite easy to use. They can be applied to wet surfaces, which makes it possible to carry out underground waterproofing work without wasting time on pre-drying. Some compounds are laid even with existing leaks. Polymer cements are safe for human health and durable. The service life of this type of waterproofing is comparable to the service life of the building.

Polymer waterproofing

Elastic bitumen-polymer compositions are among the most popular and popular moisture-proof materials and are widely used for treating surfaces that are completely or partially submerged in the ground. Water-based emulsions (liquid rubber) make it possible to organize waterproofing and vapor barrier of underground structures even in the most inaccessible areas of the structure. Liquid rubber - two-component compounds, usually applied by automatic spraying methods. Waterproofing of this group allows you to create a seamless rubber film on the external and internal surfaces of buildings and completely eliminate the penetration of moisture into the thickness of the walls.

Penetrating waterproofing

Penetrating materials for underground waterproofing are currently among the most in demand. Such compositions penetrate deep into the surface of the structure, forming water-impermeable membranes in it. The sealing properties of materials for penetrating waterproofing make it possible to successfully combat the capillary rise of moisture in the room and protect concrete from oxidation under the influence of chemically aggressive liquids.

Injection waterproofing

Injection technologies are widely used for underground waterproofing of concrete structures, restoring the strength of building materials and strengthening soil. This technique involves injecting special binding materials into the seams and cracks of structures built from brick and concrete. Waterproofing of this type is carried out in several stages: drilling holes, installing packers, pumping solution through them (at a pressure of 100-150 atm), dismantling the packers and sealing the holes.

Membrane waterproofing

Modern waterproofers of this category can reliably protect structures from moisture. High-strength PVC membranes have a one-sided adhesive layer so they can be attached to concrete surfaces. This allows you to create a single, unbreakable structure that completely eliminates moisture migration and leakage. Such membranes are resistant to aggressive environments, temperature changes and have a long service life.

Materials described in the article

Before you start building a house, you need to lay a solid foundation, on it a reliable basement with a strong ground floor, and what is most important in our climatic conditions make high-quality waterproofing. Only after this can you begin to build the walls of your future home with peace of mind.

The strength of the entire structure depends on how competently and efficiently the foundation is made. Therefore, the most pressing problem in construction is the waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures, which determines the load-bearing capacity and durability of the entire structure.

Compared to roof insulation, which is in plain sight and is always available for repairs or additional insulation work, the waterproofing of the building’s base premises will be completely covered by soil, building elements and coatings of protective structures.

Therefore, any type of waterproofing of underground premises is complex process, consisting of many operations that provide reliable protection of concrete base walls and reinforced concrete structures.

In addition, such insulation must take into account factors such as insufficient ventilation of the premises, lack of natural light sources, and much more. The slightest violation of technology will inevitably lead to problems such as:

  • Corrosion of internal fittings;
  • Reduced stability of the supporting structure;
  • Disruption of communications;
  • The need to perform additional insulation work, as well as unplanned waterproofing repairs.

Therefore, the initial work on waterproofing the foundation, basement, ground floor, must be made with high-quality materials, in compliance with all technical features, ensuring durability and reliability, in other words, to be ideal.

Types of hydrophysical loads acting on the foundation and basement of a building

The waterproofing of underground premises will be in direct contact with the soil, groundwater and flood waters throughout the life of the building. Therefore, materials and the method of their use are selected taking into account climatic and local characteristics.

It must be taken into account that the external surfaces of the underground floors of the building will have to withstand at least three types of negative influences, these are:

  • Soil moisture. Moisture impregnates porous materials used to build load-bearing structures and is capable of destroying them from the inside over time. To protect against this factor, anti-capillary waterproofing is performed;
  • Sedimentary free-flow waters. Seasonal precipitation, which saturates the soil and raises the groundwater level, can create significant leaks and destruction in unprotected buildings. Protection against such influence of water is the method of non-pressure waterproofing;
  • Groundwater flows along its own channel and under strong pressure constantly washes away the underground parts of the building. Only anti-pressure waterproofing installed directly during the period can resist such a dangerous factor. construction work.

Experienced specialists, before choosing a method for waterproofing the underground parts of a building, will carry out a number of auxiliary measures to help weaken the pressure and reduce negative impact for the construction. It could be a gasket drainage system, soil formation or installation of protective shields.

Foundation waterproofing

The foundation bears the greatest responsibility for the stability and strength of the future home. Therefore, first of all, the type of foundation is selected that corresponds to the type of soil and the presence of negative factors.

There are three main types of foundations used:

  • Strip foundation, which is used for massive heavy buildings with non-standard architecture. This is a method of building the strongest and most durable masonry under the main load-bearing walls. Strip foundations are carried out in a prefabricated or monolithic manner. The main advantage of this type of building foundation is increased strength, reliability and durability.
  • Pile foundation. A type of foundation that does not require special costs and is ideal for construction in conditions of low temperatures and high soil freezing. A pile foundation is an ideal option for large buildings made of lightweight material on stable ground.
  • Slab foundation widely used for construction on unstable moving soil, on loose soils with uneven seasonal compression and sedimentary rocks. It can easily withstand heavy structures and is suitable for small homes. A solid foundation is not inferior in reliability to its strip counterpart, and is characterized by maximum ease of implementation.

All types of foundations are formed using concrete or reinforced concrete structures and require mandatory waterproofing. D are carried out at the stage of its construction using such techniques as:

  • Coating insulation,
  • Penetrating insulation,
  • Roll waterproofing,
  • Injection of foundation walls.

Insulation measures are carried out horizontally and vertically to ensure that moisture does not penetrate into the premises.

Basement waterproofing

Basements in modern buildings are multifunctional spaces. Therefore, special requirements for moisture resistance are put forward to them. are selected taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and the level of negative factors. In most cases, comprehensive insulation measures are used to make the basement inaccessible not only to the penetration of water and moisture, but also to prevent the growth of mold fungi, which can also destroy the masonry of the basement walls.

In the basement, the method of waterproofing walls and floors is also different. This is an important point that must be taken into account when carrying out waterproofing work in the basement.

Waterproofing the floor

To increase the strength of the floor and create an impermeable layer from water, the backfill insulation method is used. It helps prevent the penetration of groundwater and relieve its negative effects. Special materials are distributed over the floor surface and, in contact with a damp environment, create a waterproof layer.

Waterproofing walls

To insulate basement walls, several techniques are combined. Thus, it is necessary to carry out external insulation using impregnating and coating materials, and internal insulation using the pasting method or.

Recently, penetrating and injection waterproofing of basement walls has become at the peak of popularity, making it possible without much effort to make the room dry and suitable for arranging workrooms or a parking lot.

Waterproofing an underground garage

Arranging a parking lot or garage in the basement of a building has become an urgent necessity today. This allows you not to clutter up the area adjacent to the house, not to look for a place to park your car, but always have it at hand, and not to poison the environment with gases, since the exhaust gases will pass through the ventilation filters.

It is important that the garage space is always dry and well ventilated. Therefore, it has its own characteristics. When constructing such a room, it is necessary to take into account its heaviness, the presence of a large number of expansion joints, both temperature and shrinkage, and the mandatory holes for communication systems.

In modern construction, the following types of waterproofing of garage premises are used:

  • Coating and penetrating insulation,
  • Welded technique,
  • Rigid and assembly insulation,
  • Glue method.

With high-quality waterproofing work, the underground garage will become reliable and a cozy home for your iron friend.

Waterproofing the basement

The basement is the upper part of the basement structure of the building, and is in direct contact with the walls of the living rooms. This means that it must be carried out with special care, since the penetration of damp fumes will make the house damp, cold and uncomfortable.

Since the base is made mainly of monolithic concrete, FBS blocks or solid bricks, the waterproofing methods used are aimed at making these materials impermeable.

In the basement floors, comprehensive insulation of walls and floors is always carried out, including external and interior work on waterproofing and insulation.

Horizontal insulation of the base is carried out during construction and is designed to protect the wall of the supporting structure from moisture. And also to create a barrier between the foundation and the base.

Vertical insulation is carried out internal method, and helps make the basement walls impenetrable.

At this stage of construction the following materials are used:

  • Ceramics,
  • Porcelain stoneware,
  • Plaster.

As well as polymer, coating and epoxy mixtures for injection and penetrating waterproofing.

Waterproofing of reinforced concrete structures

Today, almost no construction can be completed without reinforced concrete elements. They are used to make strong and durable building foundations and are used in construction. load-bearing walls houses, strengthen the structures of underground garages.

This application practice exposes the reinforced concrete parts of the building to the constant negative effects of groundwater and precipitation, which significantly undermines their strength and longevity.

It is possible to extend the life of reinforced concrete structures, and therefore strengthen the entire building, only with the help of high-quality waterproofing. For this purpose the following methods have been developed:

  • Plaster waterproofing performed using polymer-cement compositions and solutions.
  • Painting waterproofing performed with foam-forming, plastic, multi-component materials.
  • Adhesive waterproofing, the waterproof layer of which is created by applying roll materials on an adhesive basis.

Materials for waterproofing reinforced concrete structures today are represented by the widest range. Now it is possible to choose a composition that will easily withstand the existing temperature regime, aggressiveness and pressure of groundwater, as well as other troubles external environment. Passive and active types of materials can be used at the same time.

For passive waterproofing, mastics, sheet and roll polymers are used.

Active methods of protection include penetrating multicomponent compositions that can enter into chemical reaction with the supporting structure, making it impenetrable and durable.

The variety of methods, means and materials for waterproofing underground premises indicates the possibility of selecting the most profitable, effective and durable method of protecting a structure from water aggression.

Prices for waterproofing work

The cost of waterproofing work and the completion time in each case are determined individually - they depend on the volume and complexity. Our specialists will be happy to come to your site at a time convenient for you to assess the current situation. They will choose the most optimal option for waterproofing work, recommend certain materials for waterproofing, and draw up an estimate. We are always happy to help you!

Stargidrostroy company offers services for waterproofing underground structures for different purposes. You can order from us waterproofing of foundations and walls of the underground part of the building. Our specialists have extensive experience in waterproofing underground tanks. We have repeatedly successfully waterproofed underground parking lots!

What is it for?

It's no secret that the reliability and service life of the structure itself depends on how high-quality and durable the foundation of the house is. Installation of underground waterproofing foundation is a necessity that will eliminate its contact with the destructive effects of groundwater. Having carried out all the necessary work on waterproofing the underground part of the building already at the construction stage, you can not only optimize costs, but also avoid large costs in the future. Refusal to carry out work may result in:

  • destruction of reinforcement and concrete components;
  • deterioration of the load-bearing characteristics of the foundation;
  • penetration of moisture into rooms located above the ground;
  • problems with communications.

Features of the work

If in the case of underground buildings everything is more or less clear - there are a number of modern effective technologies and materials for carrying out the relevant work - then with waterproofing underground tanks things are a little different. The fact is that they are used to store liquids (often - drinking water), and the tank structure is constantly subjected to hydrostatic pressure. Stargidrostroy specialists know how to ensure protection against the contents of the container leaking out, as well as preventing the penetration of substances from the outside. At the same time, we should not forget that the material used for the work must meet a number of requirements:

  • do not affect the quality of the content;
  • be chemically inert;
  • maintain its functionality under the influence of the contents of the container.
  1. 25 years of experience - since 1993!
  2. More than 900 completed projects!
  3. Prompt visit to assess the property: 1-2 business days.
  4. Departure in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region - FREE!
  5. Carrying out work in accordance with GOST, SNiP.
  6. SRO approval.
  7. Only high quality material is used.
  8. Guarantee on work performed - up to 12 years!
  9. Cleanliness and order at the facilities during work!

Features of underground waterproofing

Waterproofing violations - what can this lead to?

Underground waterproofing is a whole complex of various measures aimed at ensuring reliable protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from the negative effects of melt and groundwater.

Unfortunately, this process is aggravated by poor ventilation, lack of natural light and other factors. The list of main problems that lead to waterproofing violations includes:

  • corrosion of all fittings;
  • weakening of the load-bearing capacity of the structure;
  • interruptions in the operation of underground communications;
  • breakdown of power cables;
  • tenant dissatisfaction (even to the point of filing a lawsuit);
  • increase in the cost of repairs, finishing works and restoration of waterproofing.

Types of waterproofing

Protection from water is provided during construction work. This is due to the availability of free access to the external walls of all underground structures (up to the moment they are covered with soil). An equally important condition for creating effective waterproofing basements, parking lots and underground garages is the presence of a drainage system.

In order to prevent destruction of reinforced concrete structures under the influence of water, the following types of waterproofing are used:

Primary - involves the use of concrete mixtures or special compositions characterized by a high level of moisture and frost resistance. The main task of waterproofing is to ensure the resistance of the entire structure to external negative influences.

Secondary - includes applying a protective layer to the surface of the structure, using “liquid rubber” and PVC membranes, as well as penetrating waterproofing. This is done to prevent moisture from penetrating into the basement and protecting the structure from the aggressive effects of groundwater (it contains a large number of salts and acids). However, to restore or repair underground waterproofing, it is recommended to use more effective injection waterproofing.

Injection waterproofing of the underground part of the building has many advantages, including the absence of the need for excavation work, which, accordingly, saves cash(including the use of earth-moving equipment).

Injection waterproofing - all-season,
performed from inside the room

GidroStroy services for waterproofing underground structures

Providing and restoring waterproofing by injection

Depending on the operational characteristics and hydrogeological conditions of the object, GidroStroy specialists develop the most optimal ways to carry out and restore waterproofing. The list of services provided includes:

  • injection of cracks using packers;
  • injection low pressure;
  • injection of joints in concrete;
  • strengthening injection;
  • injection over large areas.

We emphasize that the company "GidroStroy" has in its arsenal everything necessary equipment. This ensures that the waterproofing of the underground part of the building will be carried out in compliance with all technological features object.

Waterproofing of underground structures

In most cases, underground structures are affected by high-pressure groundwater. This includes the following objects:

  • metro stations;
  • road tunnels;
  • bunkers;
  • underground tanks;
  • mines.

Unfortunately, access from the outside to such structures is absent or extremely difficult. There is also a need to carry out waterproofing work in conditions of constant water flow. Injection waterproofing technologies used by GidroStroy specialists can cope with such problems. The injection method used makes it possible to effectively deal with groundwater (even in the case of a continuous gushing flow). In particular, polyurethane foam is used, which, in contact with water, increases in volume. After this, a polymerization component is injected, which blocks the path of moisture for many years. No less attention is paid to sealing joints, interfaces and seams.

If, during the process of restoring the waterproofing of underground structures, medium or low groundwater pressure is observed, resins with a long setting time are used.

Waterproofing of the underground part of the building

All buildings and structures have an underground part of the structure - a foundation. The depth of the foundation can be different and depends on the type, design, number of storeys of the building, climatic features, the nature of the soil, and the level of groundwater.

Ancient buildings are often located on brick or stone foundations. However, over time, cracks and voids form not only in rubble or brickwork - a similar process occurs in concrete.

Highly qualified specialists of the GidroStroy company will quickly restore waterproofing, carry out strengthening filling of voids and increase the bearing capacity of the underground part of the facility.

GidroStroy employees are true masters of their craft. Their knowledge and experience are sufficient to select the most effective technology waterproofing. This, as well as the use of modern materials, ensures maximum protection reinforced concrete structures, rubble and brickwork, and therefore your property.

Preparatory work

Depending on the waterproofing technology used, preparatory work is carried out, during which specialists determine the placement of packers. In the future, it is through them that the synthetic waterproofing material will be injected, which can be read about in the “Injection waterproofing” section.

If it has been decided to use another type of waterproofing (for example, penetrating or “liquid rubber”), the preparation of the treated surface can play an important role in achieving the maximum level of protection against water. Compound preparatory work includes provision:

  • strength;
  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • dryness;
  • roughness, without which adhesion of the composition to concrete is impossible;
  • cleanliness (absence of old coating, grease and other contaminants), etc.

By contacting the GidroStroy company, you receive reliable underground waterproofing, completed in the shortest possible time in compliance with all established international standards and requirements.