Country house layout. Plan of a dacha with an attic. Layout of a 6x6 dacha

Usually summer cottages They do not have large areas and, to save space, houses with small dimensions are installed on them. However, such buildings cannot always provide the required level of comfort and it is very difficult to organize comfort in them. That's why the layout country house 6x6 with a stove should be carried out very thoroughly, taking into account all the wishes of future residents.

The simplest project

To begin with, it is necessary to say that almost all such projects are typical. This is due to the fact that even the simplest layout of a 6 by 6 country house is presented in several options, since in such a small space it is very difficult to place a large number of interior items or create many zones with different purposes.

Furnace location

First of all, it is worth mentioning the project, which involves installing a special stove with a fireplace in the middle of the room.

  • This layout of a 6x6 country house is considered one of the most optimal, since it not only ensures proper heating of the room and arrangement of work areas, but also divides the room into a rest room and kitchen. At the same time, there are many procedures for the manufacture of stoves of this type, so there will not be much difficulty in selecting and searching for them.

  • It is also worth paying attention to projects with the location of the stove near the far wall of the room. This arrangement can be considered classic and it assumes that this design will completely heat only one room.
  • If the layout of a 6x6 cottage involves the use of a different type of heating system, then the stove can be installed on any area of ​​the structure. However, it should not interfere with the functionality of the rooms. (See also article.)

Projects using stoves should not be ignored, as they have recently become increasingly popular.


It is worth noting that the standard layout for such small spaces involves two rooms and a small corridor. At the same time, the location of the premises themselves can be chosen in accordance with the personal preferences of future residents.

It is important to mention that the instructions for designing such houses, if available gas systems communications or well requires organizing a separate room for technical needs. However, many designers create it in the form of a change house, which is placed outside the building itself.

Usually in country houses they try to make small windows. This is due to the fact that the price for heating is quite high, and heat loss through large area glass is simply huge and can reach up to 30% of the total.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that projects and layout plans should be created taking into account the material chosen for construction. This can significantly facilitate subsequent installation and reduce its time.

The choice of layout is a purely individual process, since it is aimed at ensuring the comfort of a particular family.
Therefore, projects should be developed with the direct participation of the customer.


Creating a roof is a completely individual process, directly related to the financial situation of the customer. That is why, when creating projects of such structures with their own hands, everyone looks at the cost item, weighing it against the amenities that certain types of structures can provide.

A country house is the dream of millions of our compatriots. Many people want to be able to leave the stuffy, bustling and polluted city at least for a weekend to breathe clean air and relax.

Project of a cozy country house for relaxation

However, the construction of a country house is difficult process, divided into many stages. Each of these stages is very important, as it allows you to build your dream home, where you and your family can relax in your free time. And the first stage is planning a country house. It is at this stage that all the foundations are laid, on which depends how beautiful, cozy, comfortable and even safe your home will be.

Some people prefer to order construction materials from specialized companies. Well, this is not a bad solution. You can express all your wishes to the experts. Moreover, the requirements can be anything. You want ? No problem! Do you prefer small? Specialists can easily do this too.

Regardless of your wishes and the complexity of the project, in a few days or weeks (depending on the customer’s plan and the workload of the specialists) you will be presented with several projects, from which you will only have to choose the one you like best.

Unfortunately, there is a serious drawback here - the services of specialists are extremely expensive. Not every person who decides to acquire a dacha is ready to pay tens of thousands of rubles for a project, even a very high-quality one.
Therefore, many people prefer to make a plan country houses on one's own. It's not as difficult as it might seem. But still, when planning it is necessary to take into account many factors.

Perhaps the most important issue, the answer to which must be found before starting planning a country house, there remains a choice building material.

Detailed plan of a two-story country house 6x6

Today, in the construction of country houses, they use various materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, before you finally choose the material, you need to determine whether you will spend time in country house Only in the summer or do you plan to visit there in the winter?
This question is very important. After all, in summer time year, you don’t need to think about heating your home, or about ways to preserve heat.

Therefore, construction is very cheap and the entire house can be built in a matter of days.

But if you want to be able to relax comfortably at your dacha even in winter, for example, during the New Year holidays, then you should take a more serious approach to the choice of building materials and to reducing heat loss.

When the answer to this question is found, you can choose the building material. A number of conventions depend on this, which will have to be taken into account when drawing up a plan.

Project one-story house 6x8 with ground floor plan

What materials can be used to build a summer house?

  1. Frame construction. A very profitable option. The construction of such a dacha will cost you only 200-250 thousand rubles, of course, if you do without complex structures and additions. Most the work is carried out by specialists when preparing the building kit. As a result, it takes only a few days to build a house on the site. Low weight allows you to use the lightest and cheapest foundation even when building on problematic soils. The only negative is the low thermal insulation ability. The walls of the house do not differ in thickness, as a result of which, in order to spend the winter in such a house, you will have to apply a thick layer of heat-insulating material to the inner surface of the walls. Not only will this cost you a few extra thousand, but it can also significantly reduce the living space in your home. Therefore, it can be a good solution only if you want to get .
  2. Wooden construction. Great solution. You can live in such a house both in summer and winter. Excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation will delight people who want to relax away from the metropolis. The material is attractive and lightweight, which allows you to do without a bulky foundation. In winter, it is quite easy to heat a cooled one - in a few hours the temperature in it will rise to a comfortable one. Alas, wood remains not only a fire hazardous material, but also susceptible to rotting. If you cannot visit your home for several months and keep order, the tree may simply begin to rot. Be sure to take this into account before you start planning a wooden country house.
  3. Foam concrete. Quite warm, not too expensive and at the same time durable material. Low weight allows the use of cheap and prefabricated materials during construction strip foundation.
    It does not rot or burn, which is a serious plus. In winter it retains heat well, eliminating the need to install additional heating. It can be easily processed with a regular hacksaw, which gives a lot of scope for creativity. You can quickly build how ordinary house, and a house with an attic. But foam concrete is not very attractive, which scares off many potential owners. In addition, without additional protection when working in conditions of high humidity, foam concrete can quickly collapse. In winter, it takes a whole day to heat a foam concrete house.

house layout with combined kitchen and living room

Isn't it better to build one spacious room that combines the functions of a kitchen, dining room and bedroom? As practice shows, it is not better at all. In the summer, when the temperature outside reaches +30...+35 degrees in the shade, you want to hide in a cool place.

And most often the only such place is the bedroom. Therefore, it is very important to keep it as low as possible.

If the bedroom is combined with a kitchen and food is prepared there, then the temperature will inevitably rise, which deprives you of your last hope for freshness and coolness.

With the attic, too, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Most often, the roofs of country houses are covered with roofing felt or slate. Much less often - metal tiles. And all these materials tend to get very hot in the sun. Therefore, in the evening, when you return to the bedroom on the second floor, it is almost impossible to be there - it is too stuffy. Open windows attract hordes of mosquitoes that will completely poison your night.

You should also not get carried away with the size of the rooms. In most cases, for the temporary residence of a family of 3-4 people, an area of ​​6-7 square meters and one bedroom of 12-15 square meters, or a bedroom of 8-10 square meters and an attic, is sufficient. Yes, it's not too much. But most often, residents spend quite a bit of time in a country house, spending almost the whole day outside, doing some kind of work or just relaxing, enjoying the silence, fresh wind and sun.

Usually, personal plots They are not pleasing with their large size, so in order to save as much free space as possible, compact ones are built on it. Houses of this size are not always able to provide comfortable and convenient living. Creating a project internal layout 6x6 country houses, you need to carefully think through even the most insignificant nuances in order to ensure comfort and coziness for all residents.

Where to start planning

Planning a small country house is an activity that requires patience, careful calculations and balanced decisions. The most important thing is to clearly define for yourself what cash are you willing to spend on future home decoration, and do you have the strength and knowledge to properly plan the interior space?

It is very important to be able to see the situation in perspective. After all, in a few years the size of the family may change, children or grandchildren will appear, and in order not to subject the house to major alterations in the future, it is better to foresee possible layout options in advance.

The layout of a 6x6 country house, as a rule, involves taking into account the following criteria:

  • the maximum possible area of ​​the future home;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • presence of small children.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether the country house will become a temporary haven for summer holidays, or whether life in it will take place all year round.

Selecting a layout

When planning rooms in a private house, it is very important to clearly calculate each square meter so that all the space in the house is used and endowed with functional features.

The algorithm for planning rooms in a private house can be presented as follows:

  1. We determine the number of floors of the future building.
  2. We select high-quality building materials that can help implement the planned project.
  3. We draw a diagram of the layout of the rooms inside the house.
  4. We choose the most convenient porch design.
  5. We determine the roof configuration and type of roofing material for future construction.

Determining the layout of a one-story building is much easier. Traditionally, the interior space of such a dacha includes a central room combined with a kitchen, several bedrooms and a combined bathroom and toilet. If the area of ​​the dacha allows, then the bathroom is made separate, and perhaps it becomes possible to arrange a bathhouse or sauna.

For a dacha that has an attic, there are many more options for internal layout. As a rule, the attic room is equipped as a full second floor and used for the location of guest bedrooms, gym, library, office, playrooms and much more.

The internal layout of a small two-story cottage can be supplemented with spacious terraces. You can also plan additional spaces for a bathroom or wardrobe.

As practice shows, with proper planning, even a small building measuring 6*6 m can accommodate at least three rooms: a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet.

The living room is the central room in the house

Traditionally, a living room for a summer residence is not just a place to relax. It can serve as an additional bedroom for guests, a dining room, or a playroom for children. It is better to choose furniture for such a room that is functional and compact, so that nothing clutters up the already small space of the room.

A convenient option would be transformable sofas, folding chairs and tables, and built-in furniture. Each of these elements is designed to solve the problem of small space, but at the same time attractive appearance makes the room cozy and stylish. If the area of ​​the house and design features structure, a fireplace can become the central element for the living room.

Planning the location of the kitchen

IN country house It will be very convenient to enter the kitchen from the street. Thus, you can shorten the distance you have to travel when setting a table outside in the summer.

When calculating the required area for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the parameters of the used household appliances. A stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a work table - all this should be located quite freely throughout the entire area so that the cooking process is convenient.

It is also worth considering the availability of sufficient natural and artificial lighting.

Planning the location of the bedroom

It is better to plan small bedrooms in a country house. This approach will allow you to significantly save on heating costs in winter time. You don't need much to have a good rest. It is enough to arrange a complete sleeping area, and place a small wardrobe.

If the layout of the dacha provides for the presence of an attic, then it is in its area that it is most convenient to place cozy bedrooms. Despite the fact that the ceiling in such a bedroom will have an inclined shape, the attic area allows you to place everything necessary elements furniture.

We place the toilet and bathroom

For a comfortable placement of a bathtub, toilet and washbasin, a room of 4 m2 is sufficient. The walls of the bathroom are covered tiles. It is hygienic, beautiful and easy to clean. The ceiling can be made suspended. As a cheaper option, consider a ceiling covered with plastic lining.

To be able to sit comfortably in such a small bathroom, the door must open outward. In order to save space, instead of a standard bath, you can install a compact shower cabin.

Using these simple secrets of proper bathroom layout in a private home, even in a small area you can create a comfortable and convenient space. There may be room left to accommodate washing machine.

If the bathroom area is about 3 m2, you will most likely have to abandon the washing machine shower, leaving only the washbasin tap and toilet.

Planning the location of the stairs

For a compact country house, the staircase to the second floor is best located from the outside. In this way, you can save the interior space of the house.

If the area of ​​the dacha allows, then the flight of stairs is located in the central room, with seating areas compactly arranged around it.

The space under the stairs should also not be overlooked. Built-in wardrobes for a variety of clothes and household items will be perfectly placed under it. Also, as an option, you can consider a location under flight of stairs working corner.

Design features of a country house

The style in which the interior design of a country house is planned largely determines the taste of the owners. We advise you to give up the habit of taking all unnecessary and outdated furniture and interior items to your dacha. This way you will never be able to achieve harmonious and cozy design. The best option there will be minimalism in the interior. Simple functional furniture from natural wood, a lot of light, and also bright ones were made in the form of textiles, paintings, carpets. They are the ones who create the mood and give comfort to the rooms.

Antique items look harmonious in a retro interior. When choosing this style in the design of your dacha, focus on furniture and interior items, leaving the walls and ceiling white, and covering the floor with a simple wooden board.

Fresh flowers, sweet figurines, paintings, hand embroidery or knitted napkins will be a good decoration for the living room and bedrooms of the dacha. As a rule, such things become superfluous in stylish designer city apartments. At the dacha, by combining such decorative elements, you can create a unique, cozy and very comfortable interior for relaxation.

Country house with stove

Planning a country house Special attention You need to pay attention to the location of the stove or fireplace. Such an element in the layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove will not only decorate the room, but can also be used for heating the room and cooking.

The stove is built from hardened red brick. It is better to entrust the installation of the stove to professional craftsmen.

If for some reason it is not possible to build a brick stove, you can use ready-made structures made of metal; they are also suitable for planning a 7x7 country house with a stove.

How to position the oven correctly

In small country houses with an area of ​​6x6 m, it is most practical to place stoves or fireplaces in the center of the living room, this way you can solve several problems: zoning the room and achieving uniform heating of the entire room.

The classic location of the fireplace in the corner of the room or along one wall also takes place, but in this case, you need to remember that heating will occur only in one half of the room.

By placing the kitchen stove along one wall, you can heat not only kitchen area, but also an adjacent room.


The small size of a country house is not a reason to turn it into a temporary shelter, depriving it of any comfort or coziness. By wisely thinking through the layout of the interior space of the dacha, you can achieve that even in small house you will be able to have a pleasant time with friends, relax and enjoy communicating with the surrounding nature.

Once the layout of the house has been chosen, you can prepare to build the stove. How to install a stove and chimney in country house, we'll find out in the next video

The layout of a 6x6 house with an attic should be carried out not only taking into account building codes, but also in compliance with other requirements. Proper organization of design work will allow you to build a comfortable building. In addition, it will enable owners not to spend extra money when purchasing building materials.

Layout of all floors of a 6x6 house with an attic

But the main advantage of this type of construction is that during the construction of the facility much less construction and finishing materials. And therefore money from the family budget.

What to consider when planning

Starting work on drawing up estimate documentation before starting construction work, the master needs to understand the following:

  • for what purposes is it intended future home 6x6 with attic;
  • how many people will permanently reside in it;
  • will there be guests staying there?

An example of correct and incorrect attic layout

The first point implies the following: will such a structure be intended for permanent residence the whole family, or they will come to it only for a while (for the summer season, for example). If we are talking about, then the project needs to provide for the features inherent in this type of building. If this will be a permanent home for the whole family, then this must be taken into account in the design documentation.

It is important to know for how many residents it is being built. If this is a family of three, then the number of private and common rooms will be the same. In the case where the family consists of four or more people, the location of the rooms and their number will be completely different. In addition, the layout of a 6 by 6 house should also take into account the possibility of accommodating potential guests.

Layout of the first floor and attic of a 6 by 6 house

They will need a separate room and, quite likely, with its own separate room. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing up documentation.

Project and materials

In drawing up the estimate, an important role is played by taking into account the materials that the owner intends to use for the construction of his 6 by 6 house with an attic.
For this type of building they use:

  • brick or cinder block;
  • foam concrete blocks;
  • concrete;
  • wood (logs or beams);
  • SIP panels.

Considering that the attic combines a full-fledged residential floor and, its weight is much less than the mass of building materials that will be spent on the construction of a standard second floor. Therefore, for the construction of a country house, in which seasonal residence is expected, the owners most often choose wood as the main building material. It should be noted that purchasing solid beams and beams of such length is very problematic.

Project of a 6x6 cottage made of wooden beams

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Projects and layout options for a village house

The stone structure will be a reliable home for the inhabitants of a 6x6 house with an attic, who intend to stay there constantly, both in winter and in summer. However, the cost of building materials for the construction of the facility will be an order of magnitude higher than for a wooden building.

House project 6 by 6 made of stone with an attic

The choice of material is made after the owner of the future wooden house has decided on its purpose.

Arrangement of rooms in a two-story house measuring 6x6 m

Since the possibilities for building rooms with such a modest size are limited, the first thing to give up in such a house is the corridor. Without using it, you can free up quite a lot of space for building more popular rooms.

In addition, you will be able to save on laying communications, since everyone will be closer to each other. To increase the space in a country house, it is worth thinking at the design stage about having several levels in the building.

Layout of the first floor and attic of a 6x6 house

Thanks to this project, you will be able to effectively plan the entire living space into functional zones - rooms for relaxation or active activities. The most convenient location for rooms such as the first floor is considered.

In addition, at this level it is worthwhile to locate common areas, such as a recreation room or a staircase to the upper floor. For the second level best choice There will be a recreation area, which includes a sleeping area, as well as a second bathroom.

But the design of the floors directly depends on how many people will live in the small building. If there are only two of you there, then the second level is best left for furnishing one spacious bedroom. For a building project for a large family, it is best to use classic version organization of housing, which includes the presence of several bedrooms with more modest sizes.

Layout option for all floors of a 6x6 house

The classic distribution of space into living areas includes a plan in which the first floor is entirely dedicated to active rooms, such as a kitchen, dining room or hallway. In addition, rooms with different functionality can be combined into one room, which will help save space without losing all the buildings necessary for life.

Such combined construction will help create a feeling of more space. In order for a spacious room, which has been divided into several functional areas, to be properly decorated, it should be furnished in a special way.

Using these tips will help decorate your country home and make it more practical and convenient. Worth thinking about correct location rooms in relation to each other. For example, the kitchen in your house should be as close as possible to the space, as well as the toilet and hallway. This is especially true if you need to bring heavy bags of groceries into the house.

Location of the kitchen in the general plan of a 6x6 house

And a nearby bathroom will allow you to save on water supply communications, and will also reduce the number of wet areas in the building.

Which leads to the second floor. In some cases, it is moved to the dining room if it also serves as a living room.

3d layout of the first floor of a 6x6 house with an attic

It should be remembered that the minimum width for a staircase is 1 meter. This will allow you to normally go up and down the steps and disperse without fear of injury. The kitchen and dining room are separated by a small partition or have only a visual division into zones. This can be achieved with the help of lighting, in addition, finishing materials of different colors and textures.

In a number of projects, the kitchen and living room do not have a common passage, which implies a separation of the functions of the room. In this case, the last room can also be used to accommodate guests.

The dimensions of the kitchen in the project are 3 x 3 meters, and the living room - 3 x 6 meters. The bathroom in a building of this size is usually small. It includes a shower and toilet. If one of the family members works from home, the layout of the first floor may include an office. Then the dimensions of the rooms can vary, remaining on the plan within the average size of 3 x 3 meters.