Singer Vladimir Devyatov: biography, creative activity and personal life. Three loves of Marina Devyatova Performer of Russian folk songs Devyatova

Two definitions are most suitable for Marina's childhood: happy and musical. Although her parents broke up when the girl was still quite a baby, both her mother and father constantly surrounded her with love and care. Marina did not have the feeling of an incomplete family, especially since her parents continued to treat each other with mutual respect.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo: Marinadevyatova.rf

The creative atmosphere in which the girl was from birth could not but affect her personality. Quality music often sounded in the house. Marina's father, Vladimir Devyatov, for his creativity and virtuoso performance of Russians folk songs was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Mother was a sought-after and accomplished choreographer.

Thus, from the first days of her life, Marina was surrounded by two amazing worlds - music and dance.

Contrary to the popular belief that nature rests on the children of talented parents, Marina showed her musical and creative abilities very early. Like all kids, she sang songs along with the heroes of her favorite cartoons. But parents were amazed that she perfectly felt the rhythm and almost always hit the right notes.

Naturally, the father made every effort to develop his daughter's talent. He began to instill in her a love not only for folk, but also for foreign quality music.

Years of study

Marina, like many children, started learning to play the piano at the insistence of her parents. It was very difficult for a mischievous and nimble girl to sit in one place, repeating hated scales for hours.

But she always loved to sing. And for games, and even for performing homework often sang something. Often, together with her sister, she arranged small home concerts for any reason and even without it. We can say that since childhood she dreamed of a big stage.

Studying in two schools at the same time was difficult. Marina even sometimes tried to rebel and quit the prestigious music school in which her parents arranged her.

However, she really enjoyed any performances, and only for the sake of the stage did she put up with quite large loads. Therefore, by the time the final exams approached, there were practically no doubts about the choice of profession.

Although not all relatives supported the girl in her passion for music. Her grandfather, a retired military man, insisted on a more practical profession. He really wanted to see Marina as a lawyer or lawyer. But the father began to take the grown girl to his concerts, giving her the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the big stage. And this turned out to be decisive. Marina decided to continue her musical education.

First steps

After leaving school, Marina enters a music college to study solo folk singing. She studies diligently, develops rapidly and even wins a prize in 2001 for participating in a vocal competition. However, having been brought up on a variety of music, she already then begins to think about how to connect folk music with more modern trends.

Shortly before graduating from college, she gets such a chance. She meets the organizer and leader of the original musical group "Indrik the Beast". The guys perform ethnic music in modern processing, organically mixing rock, wind instruments and other seemingly incompatible styles.

But in those years, pop-folk was not yet very popular, and Marina's dream of filled huge concert halls still seemed unattainable. However, she continued to develop and work in this genre, and also continued her studies at the Gnessin Conservatory.

With their "non-format" music, the team even decided to appear on the stage of the "Slavianski Bazaar", where they were very warmly received by the audience.

New star

The lucky star of Marina Devyatova caught fire at the moment when she independently decided to try her hand at the TV project "People's Artist". With extraordinary ease, Marina managed to overcome the casting and the first rounds of the competition, and then become its finalist.

Now she remembers the project as an excellent school of performing arts. Although at the time when she was in the thick of things, everything was seen differently. It turned out that big show business has many pitfalls, the existence of which she did not even suspect.

However, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The competition hardened Marina and greatly improved her professional level. And, of course, he brought a lot of new useful acquaintances and a contract with the promoted production center of Yevgeny Fridlyand, from which, in fact, the young performer's rapid rise began. The whirlpool of events swirled the singer, and she completely plunged into filming, concerts, and tours.

Kim Breitburg’s song “I am fire, you are water”, recorded on the project, is still musical calling card singers. Although since then many other equally incendiary and memorable songs have been written and presented to the audience.

By the way, after the first successful experience of working in a duet with Alexei Goman on the song “It could be love”, the singer began to practice such performances with other famous artists.

Devyatova today

Devyatova, after a long search, finally singled out for herself exactly the niche in which she was able to fully realize her creative potential. She performed folk songs in bright and stylish modern processing, but at the same time it was not like any of their already well-known performers working in this genre:, and other popular artists.

This is what quickly made her work recognizable and loved by the audience.

Quite quickly after the start of her career, Devyatova became famous far beyond the borders of the CIS. Today she successfully tours in Europe, the USA and even Asia, popularizing the Russian song. A real triumph for the singer was the honor to perform the song "Katyusha" at the ceremony of choosing the capital of the Winter Olympics, which she had to repeat 8 times - the enthusiastic audience stubbornly did not let the artist go.

Quite often, Devyatova has to speak to the heads of other states and other dignitaries visiting Russia. To some extent, it can be called a modern symbol of Russian song and folk traditions.

She easily collects huge halls and continues to successfully develop further in the chosen direction. Putin also repeatedly spoke approvingly of the work of the young performer.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

The personal life of the singer is mostly behind the scenes. This is not surprising. Marina is a person of high moral principles. She has been a staunch vegetarian for many years now. He often meditates, listens to spiritual music, constantly works on himself. After meeting the Hare Krishnas, she became interested in this religious direction and began to practice it.

The singer has no children. And with personal relationships, everything is quite difficult. Her loved one tragically passed away a few years ago from cancer, and Marina was very upset by the loss. After recovering from the blow, she maintained a close relationship with singer Nikolai Demidov for some time, but the couple broke up.

In 2011, Marina took a fresh look at her friend, Alexei Pigurenko, the founder of YogaBoga. Five years later, in 2016, young people got married, and already in February 2017, Marina became a mother. She had a daughter, Ulyana. Parents affectionately call the baby "Boboy" and share her photos on the Web.

With Alexey Pigurenko

Marina Devyatova is a talented, purposeful girl with a charming voice, who was able to revive the popularity of the Russian folk song. I will try to tell you the most Interesting Facts from her biography.

Musical childhood and youth

Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in a Moscow family, where creativity has become a life's work. The girl's father sang Russian songs, and her mother taught dancing. Needless to say, from early childhood, our heroine became seriously interested in singing and listened to music of various genres: from classical to rock.

At first, Devyatova attended a music school, but she did not like studying at all.

Parents did not pay any attention to the whims of their daughter and continued to stubbornly take her to classes, for which the singer today thanks her mom and dad. Over time, the girl got used to and even fell in love with her studies.

After high school, she became a student at a music college. Later - the Gnessin Academy, which Marina graduated in 2008.

Finalist of the "People's Artist"

Russian viewers got to know and fell in love with Devyatova thanks to the People's Artist-3 project, which was broadcast on one of the country's leading TV channels in 2006. Many warned the ambitious artist that the folk songs she performs are unlikely to be popular with the public. But it was not there.

Marina's work so sunk into the soul of many that she subsequently reached the final of the musical project. The girl has many stellar duets on her account, including collaboration with Nikolai Baskov, Peter Dranga and many other eminent singers.

Our heroine was going to sing along with Lyudmila Zykina, but this was not destined to come true due to the death of the people's artist.

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As for food addictions, Marina basically does not eat meat, does not drink alcohol at all. After a busy day at work, she prefers to relax with yoga, meditation and a fitness room. Probably, all this together and allows the beauty to always be in excellent physical shape.

Happy mother and beloved wife

Also the girl is crazy about driving. She believes that driving is great relaxing and allows you to get rid of sad thoughts.

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At first, the singer's personal life did not work out. For some time she met with a stage colleague Nikolai Demidov.

However, she ended her relationship with him after the guy inadvertently announced that he was dating Marina only for the sake of PR. Soon our heroine will become a mother.

Marina Devyatova: photo with her husband

We congratulate Marina on this joyful event and wish her further creative success!

Marina Devyatova biography personal life children

Marina Devyatova - biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life ( last news) and Instagram photo, family (marital status - married or not) - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Marina Devyatova - biography

The girl is now a popular Russian vocalist, performing folk songs and pop hits, "processed" for folk. In the TV project "People's Artist-3" she was a finalist.

Now the folk star is a deeply religious person (Krishnaite), so you are unlikely to see naked Marina Devyatova and her photo in a swimsuit in Maxim or Playboy magazines. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and meat, and practices yoga to maintain harmony.

The folk star was born in the Russian capital in the family of a people's artist Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatov, a popular performer of Russian folk art and a professional choreographer who works with world-famous show ballets.

With the light hand of her father, the girl is already in early years the formation of a professional musical taste began, since dad did not concentrate only on folk art, but often included discs of world-famous stars, such as John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. After such a remarkable influence, it is not surprising that at the age of three, Marinka perfectly felt the rhythm of the compositions.

At the age of five, the child experienced a severe tragedy - her beloved father Volodya left the family, leaving the upbringing of her daughter entirely to her mother. Despite such an obvious "betrayal" of the vocal mentor, the young Marinka did not stop improving in vocal art. She entered the well-known music. school them. D.

Shostakovich, where she learned to master not only her voice, but also choral conducting.

After leaving school, the young talent became a student at a music college, and after receiving her diploma, she continued to improve herself by becoming a listener of the famous Gnesinka, where she moved from multifaceted education to a narrow specialization, which would later become Marina's ticket to all-Russian glory - solo folk singing.

Even during training, A. Vorobyov drew attention to a talented student and made her an offer to join his musical group "Indrik-Beast".

The group specialized in the performance of old folk compositions in the current arrangement. Often the arrangement was leaning towards hard rock, which Marina, who was brought up on rock music, really liked.

Marina, having joined the team, insisted on using spirit folk instruments, which further diversified the style of Indrik the Beast.

Despite the wide popularity in narrow circles and the favor of critics, they have repeatedly emphasized that the music of this direction is unformatted, so it’s not worth talking about great popularity.

To this, the future folk star always answered that she would prove the prospects of a folk song and the fact that modern processing does not spoil it in any way, but simply helps to gain popularity.

The opportunity to prove her case for the singer appeared after the announcement of the selection for the 3rd season of the "People's Artist".

For the entire duration of the project, there was no such case that the audience did not clap the girl while standing, and the duet singing of the composition “It could be love” brought the greatest success, where the girl was accompanied by Alexei Goman. As it was written above, the folk star became the finalist of the TV show, and at the end of it she started recording tracks that sounded on the air of the program.

Marina Devyatova - personal life

The first serious relationship of the folk singer had a rather tragic ending. The young singer fell in love with a doctor, with whom she was separated by an abyss for more than ten years. But that was not the tragedy - his beloved (by profession a doctor) could not cope with the illness that befell him and soon died, unable to overcome oncology.

The young vocalist Nikolai Demidov helped the girl to recover from sadness, but their relationship was not long, because the youngster needed only her fame from the singer for his own promotion.

Only a few years later, Devyatova met a man who made the girl happy. True, after an unsuccessful romance, she hid the name of her lover for a long time, hinting only that she no longer wants to be burned, so she chose a man very far from show business as her husband.

At the end of 2017, information appeared that Marina Devyatova was pregnant (gave birth), and although no one fully believed, her husband Alexei posted a photo with a newborn girl on Instagram.

Biography of Marina Devyatova

Some manage to get their "minute of fame" and in a year no one will remember them, while others use popular shows as a springboard for further development and promotion of their own creativity. Marina Devyatova also belongs to the second category, the biography of the singer became known to a wide audience back in 2006, after a successful debut.

Russian folk music

Our country, unlike many others, has really ancient history, culture and customs.

What is Russian folk music worth, because it:

  1. Accumulated over the centuries, passed orally through the generations.
  2. Gives us an idea of ​​how our ancestors lived.
  3. Proves the long history of the Russian people.
  4. It is based on "eternal problems" that are relevant in the 21st century.

But, unfortunately, this direction of music has not been popular in our country lately. Young people are indiscriminately fond of Western melodies of the second half of the 20th century. An older audience also cannot find domestic performers in this genre that might be of interest.

A concert consisting entirely of folk music will not attract so many connoisseurs, it will not be possible to collect stadiums at such performances. And if it is not profitable commercially, then you should not engage in and invest in the preservation and development of the direction. In any case, this point of view is shared by the majority.

Fortunately, with the appearance on the stage of Pelageya and Marina Devyatova, interest in folk art and folk gradually began to return.

The childhood of Marina Devyatova

Future singer born 12/13/1983 years in Moscow. Marina herself from childhood knew what direction she would devote her whole life to. Yes, and it would be strange if everything turned out differently:

  • The singer's father is a people's artist, while her mother was engaged in ballet productions.
  • From the age of 2-3, parents developed a musical taste in little Devyatova, including thanks to foreign performers.
  • The girl graduated from a prestigious music school, having mastered vocals.
  • Musical education did not end there - college was ahead.
  • Peak learning - Russian Academy music.
  • Acquaintance with the leader of the Indrik-Beast.
  • Participation and victories in numerous regional competitions.

At all stages of becoming, as a singer, Marina was successful. Largely due to her talent and perseverance. However, something constantly interfered with gaining all-Russian popularity. Basically - the format that Marina chose. At the beginning of the 2000s, few people were interested in folk music; completely different topics were in favor.

In this video you can appreciate Marina's vocal data, the song "Quadrille":

Husband of Marina Devyatova

Marina keeps her personal life a secret, which is different from many "colleagues". This is explained by the difficult life stories that the singer has in stock:

  1. The first serious relationship was with a man, somewhat older than the performer herself. Her partner, a doctor by training, died suddenly of cancer.
  2. Subsequent relationships began already in the heyday of the popularity of Marina Devyatova. The new chosen one was Nikolai Demidov, who tried to take advantage of the girl's popularity to promote his own solo career.
  3. At the moment, the singer has a boyfriend, whom she prefers not to talk about and keeps the relationship a secret from journalists.
  4. In one of the interviews, she nevertheless let slip that the young man works in the field of advertising.
  5. So far, there is no news or even rumors about the imminent marriage of Devyatova.

Here is such an interesting “marriageable bride”, only the groom already seems to be. In any case, according to the heroine herself. And how much truth is in this, given the painful experience - who knows.

For 32 years, Marina has never been married and has no children. And it seems that the rising star is completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

Marina Devyatova: instagram

The main motives of the photo:

  • Tour.
  • Stage performances.
  • All that is left behind the scenes.
  • Photos of posters of forthcoming tours.
  • Pictures of "myself beloved" in a homely atmosphere.
  • Meeting other celebrities.
  • Free time with friends.

This is not another model's Instagram, you won't see it here:

  1. Pathetic photos.
  2. Selfies from the gym.
  3. Expensive cars and nightclubs.
  4. Aimless burning of life.

In general, according to the minimum of that “unbridled and senseless” fun and to the maximum of Marina Devyatova herself and her work. It is worth subscribing to those who follow the life of the singer and performances. A good chance not to miss the arrival in your hometown.

By the way, there are not so many comments under each photo, and everyone probably reads the singer. And this is an additional opportunity to say “thank you” for creativity or to convey some idea.

The success story of the singer

The life of Marina Devyatova has changed dramatically after the project "People's Artist", in the third season of which she took part in 2006.

After that, for ten years:

  • Three studio albums have been released.
  • An uncountable number of live performances have been held.
  • Collected base of fans of creativity.
  • Cooperation with many eminent colleagues has been established.

Usually, after such a long period of time after gaining fame, everyone forgets about the singer or singer. For the first couple of years, it somehow manages to stay afloat, due to the unspent stock of popularity and fans, but a little more time passes and the public's interest disappears. Especially if creativity also gradually “fades out” and no new albums or songs appear.

Everything turned out differently with Marina. With a frequency of once every two or three years, this folk singer pleases her fans with a new album. And even now, without replenishment from various shows and projects, she competes on equal terms with Pelageya for the first place among the performers of "folk" music.

Even now, folk occupies its own niche in the domestic music market, largely thanks to Marina Devyatova. It remains only to wish her good luck in promoting her favorite direction and even greater success.

Even today, the singer Marina Devyatova is unfamiliar to many, the biography of the performer cannot boast of high-profile scandals or performances in front of crowded stadiums. Nevertheless, Marina is gradually developing in the chosen genre and this cannot but rejoice.

Video: interview with Marina

In this interview, Marina herself will tell about her personal life, about her family, children, creative plans for the future:

Biography of Marina Devyatova

Marina Devyatova (b. 1983) is a Russian singer who performs folk songs.

Happy childhood

Marina was born in Moscow on December 13, 1983. The family in which the girl was born was creative. Dad, Devyatov Vladimir Sergeevich, People's Artist of Russia, performed Russian folk songs. Mom, Natalya Nikolaevna, worked as a choreographer. By that time, the eldest daughter was already growing up in the family.

Dad instilled in Marina a love of music from birth. Moreover, he not only sang Russian folk songs to her, but also set to listen to the music of such groups as The Beatles and Deep Purple, works of the classics.

By the age of three, the baby could sing and had a sense of rhythm, and dad loved to record her performances on a tape recorder. Marina's sister was already studying at a music school and knew how to play the piano quite well.

At family holidays, they arranged concerts, at which the older girl accompanied on a musical instrument, and the little one sang songs.

Despite her passion for singing, in early childhood, Marina dreamed of becoming a salesman, she liked to play in the store.

On the typewriter in the house, she deftly tapped the keys, issuing receipts for the purchase of everything that was at hand: lipstick, perfume and nail polish from my mother's nightstand, sweets and cookies, jars and bottles from the kitchen table. So, along with the musical, the talent of an entrepreneur woke up in the child.

When the girl was five years old, her parents divorced, and now her mother was mainly engaged in raising her daughter. Dad had another family, and Marina saw him very rarely. Despite this, Devyatova considers her childhood very happy, because it was Soviet, sincere and real, with trips to children's camps and vacations with her grandmother in the village.

Mom, seeing her daughter's singing talent, enrolled her in a music school.
Since 1990, Marina began her studies at the Shostakovich Music School in the department of choral conducting. Opponent that the girl will tie her future life with creativity, was only her grandfather. He worked for a long time as a military prosecutor and dreamed of seeing an accomplished lawyer in his granddaughter.


At first, the girl herself did not show any special attraction to musical training, even at some point she called the piano plywood and threatened to break it into firewood. But after many years, she is grateful to her mother that she still insisted on her daughter's music lessons.

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After graduating from school in 1999 and having received the specialty of an academic conductor, Marina became a student at the Schnittke College of Music. Her further training took place at the Department of Folk Solo Singing.

For the first time, Marina entered the real stage when she was 14 years old. In the huge concert hall "Russia" was the performance of her father. Together with her dad, the girl sang the song "River-River".

This little appearance of her on stage later played a fateful role in Devyatova's life. Almost two thousand spectators looked at the girl from the audience, she was literally charged with their energy.

It was at that moment that Marina realized that she wanted to connect her life only with the stage.

In 2001, the All-Russian competition of folk song performers was held in Voronezh, Marina Devyatova became its laureate.

"Indrik the Beast"

When the girl was in her fourth year, she met Artyom Vorobyov, who by that time had founded and was the head of the Indrik-Zver musical group.

They were engaged in the performance of old Slavic and Russian songs, while giving them a modern processing in the direction of rock.

Artyom invited Marina to try her hand at his ensemble as a soloist, to which the young girl gave a positive answer.

The musicians of the Indrik-Zver group traveled to villages and villages, where they collected material for their work, then gave the collected folklore a fatal arrangement with the help of ethnic wind instruments. Having traveled with the team through the primordially Russian lands, Marina was so saturated with the national spirit and color that she could no longer imagine her future life without performing Russian songs.

Speaking in a team, Devyatova managed to graduate from Schnittke College and enter the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music in 2003. The faculty chose the same as in college - folk solo singing. Among studies and performances, Marina found time to take part in the International Song Festival "Slavianski Bazaar". She graduated from the Devyatova Academy in 2008.

Project "People's Artist-3"

On the creative path of the aspiring singer, there were many opponents of the folk genre who openly declared that her songs were not a format. Marina really wanted to prove that this was not so, and she decided to participate in the People's Artist-3 project.

In this show, she not only proved to everyone that folk songs have the right to exist, Marina revealed to the audience all the beauty and depth of such music, but she herself gained popularity, fame and love of millions, taking second place in the project. Particularly impressive was the composition "It could be love", which Devyatova performed in a duet with Alexei Goman.

Even strict critics agreed that this song showed how well folk music combines with pop music.

After the project, Devyatova began a stormy touring life. They wanted to see and listen to the singer in many cities of Russia.

During the filming of "People's Artist-3", Marina met her current producer Yevgeny Fridlyand, who offered the girl a contract with his production center.

Especially for Devyatova, composer Kim Breitburg and poet Karen Kavaleryan composed the composition "I am fire, you are water."

This song performed by her has become so popular and successful that, in fact, it is now the singer's hallmark.

Recognition, love and glory

In addition to her country, Marina has become a coveted performer abroad.

With the show ballet "YAR-Dance", which works on stage during her performances, Devyatova traveled to Estonia and Bulgaria, France and Latvia, South Korea and Laos, Vietnam and Mongolia, Italy and China, to the USA, several times went to German-Russian festival in Berlin. The Evening Moscow newspaper even called Marina an "ambassador of Russian culture."

In addition to solo performances, Devyatova often sings in a duet, her partners were such eminent singers as:

  • Nikolay Baskov;
  • Barbara;
  • Peter Dranga;
  • Dato;
  • Alexander Buynov;
  • Pyatnitsky Choir;
  • Italian artist Albano.

With the famous humorist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, Marina performed several comic folk songs.

Devyatova became not only an ambassador, but also the face of Russia at many significant events.

During the ceremony of choosing the capital of the Olympic Games, Marina Devyatova was lucky to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

For herself, she called him a X-ray man, Vladimir Vladimirovich had a very difficult and piercing look, the impression was that he knew everything and everyone. At the same time, one could feel how deeply patriotic he was.

Marina remembered these three days spent in Guatemala for the rest of her life, and when they announced the capital of future games Russian city Sochi, there was an inexpressible joy and a feeling that Russia had already won this Olympics.

Her program "I'll go, I'll go out" was presented to the audience in the fall of 2009 on the stage of the Moscow State Variety Theater.

In 2013, the singer turned 30 years old and she timed her solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" to this event, the program was called "On my birthday with love."

2014 in the creative life of Marina Devyatova was marked by another small anniversary: ​​15 years on stage, which was marked by the concert “Symphony of my soul”.

In 2015, Marina was nominated for the Russian National Music Award as the best folk performer, but here Pelageya, who received this award, overtook her.

Songs performed by Marina Devyatova are recorded in her four albums:

  • "People's Artist-3";
  • “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”;
  • "I am happy";
  • "In the Moonlight"

Hobbies outside the stage

While still a student, Marina became interested in such a religious direction as Krishnaism. According to this religion, Devyatova adheres to vegetarianism, does not drink alcohol and does not smoke.

Of course, the hectic tour schedule takes the singer a lot of strength and energy. She prefers to recover with the help of yoga, and also likes to retire somewhere in nature away from the hustle and bustle of the city, communication with nature gives her strength.

Marina loves to host friends and cook all sorts of goodies for them, but only infrequently she manages to arrange such gatherings.

Devyatova was repeatedly invited to act in films, but so far she has refused such offers, as she cannot afford to drop out of concert activity for a long time.

Marina maintains her excellent physical shape with the help of regular fitness classes. He prefers to rest in Asian countries.

Another hobby, one might even say passion, in Devyatova's life is driving a car. She manages the car perfectly and has a fairly long driving experience.

Marina is not yet married, she had romantic relationships with young people, but, unfortunately, they have not yet ended with a wedding. The main goal and dream of the singer is ordinary, human, female: to create a family and give birth to children.

The girl sees the secret of her success in the fact that she does her business honestly and with great love. Marina is sure that people will never stop listening to Russian songs:

“After all, they contain all the salt of the Russian land, all the traditions accumulated over the centuries, in these songs the incomprehensible and mysterious soul of the Russian people. Russian songs are kind, noble and sincerely patriotic.”

Biography of Marina Devyatova

Marina Devyatova is a Russian singer, performer of folk songs, as well as pop hits stylized as folklore. Marina became the finalist of the third season of the television project "People's Artist".

Marina was born in Moscow in a creative family. Father - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov, a famous performer of Russian folk songs, and my mother was professionally engaged in choreography, staged dances for show ballets. Dad almost from birth began to instill in his daughter a musical taste.

And he put his daughter on records not only folk singers, but also the music of John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. At the age of three, Marina already perfectly felt the rhythm.

The girl became the second child in the family, her parents were already raising their eldest daughter Katya, who also had musical abilities.

Singer Marina Devyatova

When Marina was five years old, her parents divorced, but her father did not stay away from raising his daughters. Devyatova did not abandon music. Marina studied at the prestigious music school named after Dmitry Shostakovich, where she mastered not only the instrument and vocals, but also choral conducting.

After graduation, Vladimir Devyatov took Marina on a tour. Creative life captured the girl, and Devyatova decided to continue her musical education. Then Marina studied at the Alfred Schnittke College and the Gnessin Sisters Russian Academy of Music. There, Devyatova already specialized in what would bring her all-Russian glory in the future - solo folk singing.


In her student years, Marina Devyatova met Artem Vorobyov, who invited the girl to the Indrik-Beast group. The team performed ancient and folk songs in a modern interpretation.

The band's repertoire included rock arrangements and compositions performed on ethnic wind instruments.

The success of the ensemble was quite tangible, but at the same time, music critics called Devyatova's music "unformatted".

The singer decided to prove that a folklore song in the Art Nouveau style can be truly folk. To do this, Marina chose the television project "People's Artist" consonant with the name and went to the casting of the third season. This decision played a decisive role in the creative biography of Marina Devyatova. The singer was recognized and loved by all of Russia.

The audience and the jury accepted the singer with a bang, the duet performance of the song “It could be love” along with singer Alexei Goman enjoyed particular success. In the show, Devyatova reached the final, and after the end of the project, she released the disc "People's Artist-3", which included the compositions that sounded in the program.

The performance of Kim Breitburg's hit “I am fire, you are water”, with which the name of Marina Devyatova is still associated, suffered great popularity for the artist. A video was also created for this song. On the project, the girl met producer Evgeny Fridlyand, the owner of the FBI MUSIC studio, who signed a contract with the artist to record a solo disc.

In 2007, Marina was honored to perform the song "Katyusha" at the country's selection ceremony for hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics. In Guatemala, the Russian performer was called for an encore 8 times.

Having declared herself to the whole world, Marina focused on preparing a solo program. Then the singer went on tour in Russia and gave concerts under common name"I'll go, I'll go."

At the same time, the first studio album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess” was released, in support of which the artist gave her first concert in the capital at the Variety Theater. The disc became a cocktail of folk songs and pop hits.

In the same vein, the following records “I am happy” were recorded with the songs “Black Raven”, “Kalinka” and “In the Moonlight”, which included the compositions “Grape Seed”, “Bell”, “In the Upper Room”.

Marina Devyatova is one of the few Russian performers who have been honored to perform in front of Queen Elizabeth II of England and her relatives. The memorable London concert, in addition to the royal family, was attended by the leaders of Russia - Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, as well as leaders of other countries - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The most popular songs in the repertoire of Marina Devyatova are “Verila”, “Oh, how I like you”, “Ah, Mommy”, “Oh, snow-snow”, “If there was no winter” and the new 2016 “Conversations”.

Also on the account of the singer is a joint concert with another folk singer Varvara.

At the last ceremony of the Russian National Music Award, Marina was nominated for the award as "Best Folk Artist", but in the end she lost the victory to Pelageya.

Personal life

In the life of Marina Devyatova there was a tragic romance. The girl was in love with a much older man who worked as a doctor. Unfortunately, this love was waiting for a sad end: the singer's lover died suddenly of cancer.

Marina Devyatova and Nikolai Demidov

After Marina recovered from this loss, the girl began a romantic relationship with the young singer Nikolai Demidov.

Devyatova wanted to find a loved one in her lover, but it turned out that Nikolai used the famous artist to become famous.

Of course, such a relationship could not stand the time and the young people broke up, and with a loud scandal provoked by Demidov.

Marina Devyatova is a believer, but her religion is not Christianity, but Krishnaism. This direction helped the singer find inner world and unleash your creativity. Thanks to this religion, Marina completely abandoned cigarettes, alcohol and eating meat. Yoga classes help the artist maintain spiritual harmony.

Marina Devyatova and Alexey Pigurenko

In October 2016, information appeared in the media that Marina Devyatova and her chosen one Alexei Pigurenko, head of an advertising agency and owner of the YogaBoga brand, had a wedding. The wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky department of the Moscow registry office.

Young people have known each other since 2008, but for several years they were just friends, since both were in a relationship. In 2011, Alexey and Marina began to live together, but at first the family did not work out, and for a while the lovers parted.

Marina Devyatova with her husband

The second connection turned out to be more productive: in 2016, Marina became pregnant. In February 2017, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. Photos of a happy father with an heiress in his arms appeared first on Alexei Pigurenko's personal Instagram, and then on Marina's page.

Marina Devyatova now

After the birth of her daughter, Marina Devyatova went on vacation for only two months. True, the artist herself with a stretch calls this time rest.

The first program in which the artist participated after giving birth was the program “Laughing is allowed”.

Later, Marina visited Slavyansky Bazaar with a solo performance, performed at the Kremlin Palace at a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of pop star Valery Obodzinsky. The artist also appeared in the program "TV Center" - "Mood".

In the fall, Marina Devyatova already performed a solo concert in the capital of Russia. Along the way, the young family rested in Cyprus. Now the singer is making big plans for the future - Marina is waiting for the opportunity to participate in a choral project, and also plans to move to a country house with her husband and daughter.


  • 2006 - "People's Artist-3"
  • 2009 - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”
  • 2011 - "I'm happy"
  • 2013 - "In the moonlight"

Marina Devyatova is a beautiful girl and a gifted person with a magical voice. She managed to convey to the audience all the beauty of modern folk art. We will try to reveal the biography of this artist, her personal life and creative plans in the article.

Marina Devyatova is a native Muscovite, date of birth: December 1983. The girl's parents were creative people: father Vladimir Devyatov - a creative person, a singer; mother is a choreography teacher.

Unfortunately, such a union did not last long, and the parents separated when Marina was still very young. But they did everything possible so that the daughter did not feel a lack of love or attention.

In addition, even after parting, the parents treated each other with mutual warmth and respect.

Marina was simply surrounded by a creative atmosphere, so the girl listened to a huge number of musical works of various genres.

She was not the only child in the family, she had an older sister - Katya. Despite the fact that sometimes children may not be as talented as their parents and not have any creative abilities, this sign bypassed the girl.

Her musical abilities began to appear very early. Of course, like all small children, she sang along to every song from the cartoon, but the amazing thing was that she always found the necessary rhythm and almost hit every note.

Therefore, the father immediately set about developing her creativity.

The first step was to attend a music school for piano lessons. At first, the girl did not like being there at all, because it is very difficult for such an active child to be in a calm state for several hours. But her parents simply did not pay attention to her indignation. The singer is still grateful to them for such a manifestation of rigor.

She did not really like to study scales, but she simply adored singing. She did it everywhere: studying school material, playing in the yard, before going to bed. Often she seated all her relatives, and gave them real concerts with thunderous applause and compliments.

But, unfortunately, not all members of her family supported her hobbies. Paternal grandfather categorically did not want her future as an artist. He would very much like to see his granddaughter in the role of a lawyer or a lawyer. But the girl very often went on tour with her father. And only thanks to his performances, she realized what she wants to do in the future.

After graduating from school, she entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins in the folk singing class. Studying was given to her extremely easily, confirmation of this is a prize-winning place in one of the vocal competitions. It was during that period of her career that Marina wants to realize her thoughts about combining modern musical style and folk style.

Almost before graduating from the academy, Marina has the opportunity to get acquainted with the organizers of the creative team "Indrik-zver". This group offers the listener an unusual treatment of ethnic music. Many styles are involved in their performances: rock, classical, live music.

But in those days, ethno-pop was not very popular among listeners. Therefore, the dream of big concerts and an audience of many millions seemed incomprehensible. But she did not give up and continued to develop her talent while studying at the academy.

An incredible success for our star was her own decision to participate in the youth song project "People's Artist" season 3. She easily overcame the casting and the first competitive stages, and later reached the final.

Some told her that her style is not very popular among young listeners. But the ambitious artist was hard to convince. A young and promising singer managed to make a duet within the framework of the TV project: Nikolai Baskov, Petr Dranga and other famous singers. Marina really wanted to sing a song with Lyudmila Zykina, but, unfortunately, this did not happen.

Thanks to the project, she became much stronger not only morally, but also in terms of further professional training. In addition, she met many helpful people who helped her to conclude a contract with a well-known production center. After that, her life completely changes, and shooting, concerts, and tours begin.

One of her debut songs is "I am fire, you are water." This hit was recorded as part of the project by the famous music producer Kim Breitburg and is still considered a hit among other famous songs from her collection.

For the first time, the public saw a full-fledged concert of the singer in 2008. It was dedicated to the traditional views of the Russian people and national unity.

In early 2009, the singer performed a Russian song in front of the British royal couple, led by Elizabeth 2. The Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Foreign Ministry organized the singer's performance at a social reception in the British capital.

At the end of the year, a talented artist and singer presented the audience with a new performance, "I'll Go, I'll Go." In addition, the performance was not without a new album, “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess.”

At the end of 2011, another album by Devyatova will be released, which has the name "I'm happy." The singer subsequently explained the meaning of this name: “Happiness is exactly what surrounds me now. This is my energy, my state of mind, this is what I want to convey to the listener with the help of my work.”

According to Marina, Russian folk art is the connecting thread that allows us to unite. “Everyone has their own age limits, social status, views, but it is on these traditions that our future is built. Only a Russian person can glorify our state, our principles and melodic Russian music.”

Marina performs on stage with the wonderful Yar-Dance dance group. In addition, she participated more than once at a song festival in Germany. Devyatova did not limit herself to performances only in her own country. She visited Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, America and China with her concert program.

Having come a long way, the singer nevertheless found an acceptable field of activity for herself, in which all her creative aspirations and plans are realized. She performs her musical compositions arranged in a modern style, and in this way she becomes a unique performer of folk songs.

Therefore, she was so quickly remembered by viewers and became popular among many listeners.

By the way, Devyatova's work began to quickly spread to other foreign countries. To date, she has been on tour in Europe, America and Asia, thus praising Russian music.

Marina Devyatova truly conquered the audience when she sang the same song “Katyusha” many times in a row at the opening of the Winter Olympics. Then the audience simply did not want to let her go and vigorously supported her every performance. Often Devyatova speaks to representatives of various states who visit the Russian Federation.

Moreover, it will not be difficult for her to gather a full hall of spectators and surprise them with new musical directions of folk art. The President of Russia has repeatedly expressed his approval towards the creative unit - Marina Devyatova.

Recently, Marina Devyatova performed the song “Golden Bee” at the comedy concert “Laughing is allowed” on the Russia 1 channel. All viewers were very pleased, especially the children were happy with this performance.

The biography of Marina Devyatova very rarely mentions her personal life, photos or children. The singer tries to hide this information from the public as much as possible. But this is not surprising, because she was brought up on the example of high moral principles and traditions.

From the personal life of Marina Devyatova, it is only known that for a long time she did not have a romantic relationship.

The reason for this was too much workload and the desire to develop as a soloist. Then she began a relationship with a colleague on stage.

After some time, the couple broke up, since in one of the interviews her boyfriend, Nikolai Demidov, stated that their relationship was an ordinary PR.

After some time, Marina met Alexei Pigurenko. Both of them were not free, but fate brought them together anyway. He is far from music and is engaged in the advertising business. The couple dated for a very long time, almost 5 years. During this time, Alexei proposed to her several times, but she did not immediately agree.

On February 16, 2017, happy parents met their daughter for the first time (a photo of the family can be seen in the article).

Marina Devyatova supports a special religious teaching - Krishnaism. She became interested in this faith while studying at a music college, her classmate told her about this religion.

Thanks to these religious worldviews, the girl gave up smoking, drinking alcohol and meat dishes.

In addition, she often maintains her inner strength, health and harmony through yoga.

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova

Marina Devyatova was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow into an artistic family. Marina's father is a performer of Russian folk songs, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Mother is a choreographer.

Since childhood, her father taught Marina music and tried to instill in her a love for both folk music and bands such as The Beatles and Deep Purple.

Aged three years Marina already sang well and felt the rhythm.

In 1990, parents sent Marina to the music school. D. D. Shostakovich, where she studied choral conducting. In 1999, Marina entered the A. Schnittke College of Music at the Department of Solo Folk Singing, and in 2001 she became a laureate of the All-Russian Folk Song Performers Competition. Ippolitov-Ivanov, which took place in Voronezh.

While studying at the 4th year of the school, she met the founder and artistic director of the Indrik-Zver group Artyom Vorobyov, who invited her to try herself as a singer in the ensemble. "Indrik the Beast" performed old Russian and Slavic songs in a modern arrangement.

The members of the ensemble collected the folklore of the western region and made fatal arrangements using ethnic wind instruments. Together with this, from 2003 to 2008, Marina studied at the Russian Academy of Music.

Gnesins at the Faculty of Solo Folk Singing and took part in the international competition "Slavianski Bazaar".

During her career, Marina often faced the statement: "your music is not a format." Out of a desire to prove the opposite, in 2006 she went to the casting of "People's Artist-3".

As a result, Marina became the finalist of the project. The turning point was for Marina her duet with Alexei Goman - the song "It could be love."

According to critics, the synthesis of folk music and variety art was most successfully manifested in this issue.

On October 28, 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the first solo concert of Marina Devyatova was held, which was dedicated to Russian traditions and folklore. On March 17, 2009, Marina Devyatova presented the Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family.

It happened at a secular reception in London, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Orthodox Church. November 13, 2009 at the Moscow State Variety Theater, Marina Devyatova performed with the premiere of her new program"I'll go, I'll go."

On the same day, the presentation of her debut album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess” took place.

In November 2011, a new album by Marina Devyatova called "I'm happy" was released. According to the singer, she chose this name because it is close to her "both in the state of her soul and in the energy that, I hope, my work carries."

Marina Devyatova claims that “Russian song and Russian folklore is what unites us all. We can be of different ages, different social strata, but this is our layer on which the entire Russian nation stands. As long as the Russian people and Russia are alive, the Russian song will also live.

On stage he works with the show-ballet "Yar-Dance". Several times she took part in the German-Russian festival in Berlin. She gave concerts in countries such as Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, USA and China.

Personal life

By religion, Marina Devyatova is a Hare Krishna. She met the Hare Krishnas while studying at the A. Schnittke College of Music, through one of her classmates. Under the influence of the new faith, Marina quit smoking, drinking alcohol and became a vegetarian. Marina Devyatova also practices yoga, which helps her maintain her health and recuperate after touring.


  • 2006 - "People's Artist-3"
  • 2009 - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”
  • 2011 - "I'm happy"

Marina Devyatova - biography of the singer, family, personal life, husband, children, height, weight, listen to songs online 2018

Name: Marina Devyatova

Place of Birth: Moscow

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Eastern horoscope: Boar

Biography of Marina Devyatova

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova is a Russian performer of folk songs, a finalist of the television competition "People's Artist-3".

Popular folk singer Marina Devyatova

Childhood and youth

Devyatova Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow, in the family of an artist of the Choreographic Ensemble. Seeds of Dunaevsky Natalya Nikolaevna and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, performer of folk songs Vladimir Sergeevich Devyatov. Parents separated when Marina was five years old. Subsequently, Natalia married a second time. Marina had an excellent relationship with her stepfather.

Singer Marina Devyatova with her parents

The grandparents of the future artist (on the maternal side) are natives of Ryazan who once settled in Moscow. Grandmother worked as a cutter, and grandfather was a trolleybus driver. As Marina recalled, it was at her grandfather's work that her vocal career began: a man took his granddaughter with him, and she announced stops and sang while the trolleybus was traveling along the route from Ivanovsky to Vykhino.

Children's photos of Marina Devyatova

Like her older sister Katerina, Marina was an artistic child, so she was sent to a music school early (piano class). In 1999, 16-year-old Devyatova entered the Music College. Alfred Schnittke, and in 2003, after graduating, she became a student at the Academy. Gnesins.

Little Marina Devyatova with her father

During her studies, Marina worked as a teacher at the vocal school at the Center for Russian Culture and Art under the direction of Vladimir Devyatov and actively traveled with classmates on musicological expeditions - students studied song folklore in the Russian outback.

Graduation performance by Marina Devyatova in Gensink (2005)

As for sister Marina Devyatova, she failed to connect her life with art. She works as a groomer and helps homeless animals find a new home.

Sister and nephews of Marina Devyatova


Since the early 2000s, Devyatova has often performed at music festivals and competitions, and in 2003 she became a laureate of the competition for young pop song performers Slavonic Bazaar.

In the senior years of the Academy, the girl was invited to the Indrik-Beast musical group, the main repertoire of which was old Russian and Slavic songs in modern processing. In 2005, the band successfully performed at the Wings rock festival in Tushino.

Maria Devyatova performs folk songs

In 2006, Devyatova passed the casting of the TV project "People's Artist". Actor Gennady Khazanov, singer Alena Sviridova, composer Maxim Dunayevsky and producer Evgeny Fridland were permanent judges of the competition.

The winner of the project was the singer of Mongolian origin Amarkhuu Borkhuu (until 2013 - the lead singer of the Prime Minister group).

Marina took second place, but there was no reason for frustration: the girl gained thousands of fans from different countries.

"People's Artist": Marina Devyatova, first performance

After the end of the project, Friedland offered Devyatova to sign a contract with the production company FBI MUSIC. From that moment, Marina began the life of a sought-after artist, filled with filming, touring and recording songs.

In 2007, as part of a delegation from Russia, Marina went to Guatemala for the ceremony of choosing the capital of the upcoming Winter Olympic Games 2014 - during the event, the singer sang "Katyusha" several times for an encore.

Marina Devyatova - "Katyusha", 2007

In 2009, Devyatova released her first album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”, after which her first solo concert took place on the stage of the Moscow Variety Theater.

Following is a performance in London in front of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family.

She also had occasion to speak to Russian leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, the head of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, and the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Among the fans of the singer are world leaders

In 2011, Marina released the album "I'm happy." Two years later, the girl left FBI MUSIC and went on a free voyage - already six months later, in November 2013, the third acoustic album of the singer "In the Moonlight" was released.

Marina Devyatova and Pierre Narcisse - Cossack (2011)

Devyatova has hundreds of concerts to her credit, including joint performances with famous artists: Alexei Goman, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Moldavian opera singer Methodie Bujor, Nikolai Baskov, Italian singer Al Bano, Varvara and other international pop stars.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

In her youth, Marina Devyatova was in love with a man much older than herself. He died of cancer. After a long relationship that ended so tragically, as well as an unsuccessful romance with actor Nikolai Demidov, Marina found happiness with Alexei Pigurenko, the founder of the YogaBoga brand.

Marina Devyatova and Nikolai Demidov did not meet for long

The difficult relationship of the young lasted about five years. Young people either dispersed or lived separately from each other, but in the end, at the end of October 2016, they signed at the Moscow registry office.

Marina Devyatova and her husband Alexey Pigurenko

In 2017, Marina Devyatova gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana

Devyatova does not drink alcohol, does not smoke, practices bhakti yoga and meditation. In some interviews, the singer said that she became a vegetarian after visiting the slaughterhouse in 2005.

Marina Devyatova is an adherent of Indian philosophy

The girl's father said that Marina is a Hare Krishna - practices help the girl to know herself and find inner peace.

Marina Devyatova now

In parallel with raising her daughter, the singer continues to lead an active creative life. Less than a month after the birth of the child, Devyatova returned to the shooting of the program “It is allowed to laugh” on the Russia 1 channel, of which the girl has been a regular participant for several years now.

"Laughing is allowed": Marina Devyatova - "Quadrille"

The girl also took part in a concert at the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 75th anniversary of maestro Valery Obodzinsky, starred in the Mood program on the TV Center channel, and then went on with a series of solo concerts around Russia.

In the future, Marina plans to work on choir projects and build a country cottage in the style of a Swiss chalet.

Marina Devyatova - biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life (latest news) and photos on Instagram, family (marital status - married or not) - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Marina Devyatova - biography

The girl is now a popular Russian vocalist, performing folk songs and pop hits, "processed" for folk. In the TV project "People's Artist-3" she was a finalist.

Now the folk star is a deeply religious person (Krishnaite), so you are unlikely to see naked Marina Devyatova and her photo in a swimsuit in Maxim or Playboy magazines. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and meat, and practices yoga to maintain harmony.

The folk star was born in the Russian capital in the family of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Devyatov, a popular performer of Russian folk art and a professional choreographer who works with world-famous show ballets.

With the light hand of her father, the girl began to form a professional musical taste already in her early years, since her father did not concentrate only on folk art, but often included discs of world-famous stars, such as John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. After such a remarkable influence, it is not surprising that at the age of three, Marinka perfectly felt the rhythm of the compositions.

At the age of five, the child experienced a severe tragedy - her beloved father Volodya left the family, leaving the upbringing of her daughter entirely to her mother. Despite such an obvious "betrayal" of the vocal mentor, the young Marinka did not stop improving in vocal art. She entered the well-known music. school them. D. Shostakovich, where she learned to master not only her voice, but also choral conducting. After leaving school, the young talent became a student at a music college, and after receiving her diploma, she continued to improve herself by becoming a listener of the famous Gnesinka, where she moved from multifaceted education to a narrow specialization, which would later become Marina's ticket to all-Russian glory - solo folk singing.

Even during training, A. Vorobyov drew attention to a talented student and made her an offer to join his musical group "Indrik-Beast". The group specialized in the performance of old folk compositions in the current arrangement. Often the arrangement was leaning towards hard rock, which Marina, who was brought up on rock music, really liked. Marina, having joined the team, insisted on using spirit folk instruments, which further diversified the style of Indrik the Beast.

Despite the wide popularity in narrow circles and the favor of critics, they have repeatedly emphasized that the music of this direction is unformatted, so it’s not worth talking about great popularity. To this, the future folk star always answered that she would prove the prospects of a folk song and the fact that modern processing does not spoil it in any way, but simply helps to gain popularity. The opportunity to prove her case for the singer appeared after the announcement of the selection for the 3rd season of the "People's Artist". For the entire duration of the project, there was no such case that the audience did not clap the girl while standing, and the duet singing of the composition “It could be love” brought the greatest success, where the girl was accompanied by Alexei Goman. As it was written above, the folk star became the finalist of the TV show, and at the end of it she started recording tracks that sounded on the air of the program.

Marina Devyatova - personal life

The first serious relationship of the folk singer had a rather tragic ending. The young singer fell in love with a doctor, with whom she was separated by an abyss for more than ten years. But that was not the tragedy - his beloved (by profession a doctor) could not cope with the illness that befell him and soon died, unable to overcome oncology.

The young vocalist Nikolai Demidov helped the girl to recover from sadness, but their relationship was not long, because the youngster needed only her fame from the singer for his own promotion.

Only a few years later, Devyatova met a man who made the girl happy. True, after an unsuccessful romance, she hid the name of her lover for a long time, hinting only that she no longer wants to be burned, so she chose a man very far from show business as her husband.

At the end of 2017, information appeared that Marina Devyatova was pregnant (gave birth), and although no one fully believed, her husband Alexei posted a photo with a newborn girl on Instagram.

Some manage to get their "minute of fame" and in a year no one will remember them, while others use popular shows as a springboard for further development and promotion of their own creativity. Marina Devyatova also belongs to the second category, the biography of the singer became known to a wide audience back in 2006, after a successful debut.

Russian folk music

Our country, unlike many others, has a really ancient history, culture and customs.

What is Russian folk music worth, because it:

  1. Accumulated over the centuries, passed orally through the generations.
  2. Gives us an idea of ​​how our ancestors lived.
  3. Proves the long history of the Russian people.
  4. It is based on "eternal problems" that are relevant in the 21st century.

But, unfortunately, this direction of music has not been popular in our country lately. Young people are indiscriminately fond of Western melodies of the second half of the 20th century. An older audience also cannot find domestic performers in this genre that might be of interest.

A concert consisting entirely of folk music will not attract so many connoisseurs, it will not be possible to collect stadiums at such performances. And if it is not profitable commercially, then you should not engage in and invest in the preservation and development of the direction. In any case, this point of view is shared by the majority.

Fortunately, with the appearance on the stage of Pelageya and Marina Devyatova, interest in folk art and folk gradually began to return.

The childhood of Marina Devyatova

Future singer born 12/13/1983 years in Moscow. Marina herself from childhood knew what direction she would devote her whole life to. Yes, and it would be strange if everything turned out differently:

  • The singer's father is a people's artist, while her mother was engaged in ballet productions.
  • From the age of 2-3, parents developed a musical taste in little Devyatova, including thanks to foreign performers.
  • The girl graduated from a prestigious music school, having mastered vocals.
  • On this musical education did not end - the college was ahead.
  • The peak of education is the Russian Academy of Music.
  • Acquaintance with the leader of the Indrik-Beast.
  • Participation and victories in numerous regional competitions.

At all stages of becoming, as a singer, Marina was successful. Largely due to her talent and perseverance. However, something constantly interfered with gaining all-Russian popularity. Basically - the format that Marina chose. At the beginning of the 2000s, few people were interested in folk music; completely different topics were in favor.

In this video you can appreciate Marina's vocal data, the song "Quadrille":

Husband of Marina Devyatova

Marina keeps her personal life a secret, which is different from many "colleagues". This is explained by the difficult life stories that the singer has in stock:

  1. The first serious relationship was with a man, somewhat older than the performer herself. Her partner, a doctor by training, died suddenly of cancer.
  2. Subsequent relationships began already in the heyday of the popularity of Marina Devyatova. The new chosen one was Nikolai Demidov, who tried to take advantage of the girl's popularity to promote his own solo career.
  3. At the moment, the singer has a boyfriend, whom she prefers not to talk about and keeps the relationship a secret from journalists.
  4. In one of the interviews, she nevertheless let slip that the young man works in the field of advertising.
  5. So far, there is no news or even rumors about the imminent marriage of Devyatova.

Here is such an interesting “marriageable bride”, only the groom already seems to be. In any case, according to the heroine herself. And how much truth is in this, given the painful experience - who knows.

For 32 years, Marina has never been married and has no children. And it seems that the rising star is completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

Marina Devyatova: instagram

Marina is present in many social networks, including Instagram. Her page relatively popular, for all the time she has collected 12 thousand subscribers and published more than one and a half thousand photos.

The main motives of the photo:

  • Tour.
  • Stage performances.
  • All that is left behind the scenes.
  • Photos of posters of forthcoming tours.
  • Pictures of "myself beloved" in a homely atmosphere.
  • Meeting other celebrities.
  • Free time with friends.

This is not another model's Instagram, you won't see it here:

  1. Pathetic photos.
  2. Selfies from the gym.
  3. Expensive cars and nightclubs.
  4. Aimless burning of life.

In general, according to the minimum of that “unbridled and senseless” fun and to the maximum of Marina Devyatova herself and her work. It is worth subscribing to those who follow the life of the singer and performances. A good chance not to miss the arrival in your hometown.

By the way, there are not so many comments under each photo, and everyone probably reads the singer. And this is an additional opportunity to say “thank you” for creativity or to convey some idea.

The success story of the singer

The life of Marina Devyatova has changed dramatically after the project "People's Artist", in the third season of which she took part in 2006.

After that, for ten years:

  • Three studio albums have been released.
  • An uncountable number of live performances have been held.
  • Collected base of fans of creativity.
  • Cooperation with many eminent colleagues has been established.

Usually, after such a long period of time after gaining fame, everyone forgets about the singer or singer. For the first couple of years, it somehow manages to stay afloat, due to the unspent stock of popularity and fans, but a little more time passes and the public's interest disappears. Especially if creativity also gradually “fades out” and no new albums or songs appear.

Everything turned out differently with Marina. With a frequency of once every two or three years, this folk singer pleases her fans with a new album. And even now, without replenishment from various shows and projects, she competes on equal terms with Pelageya for the first place among the performers of "folk" music.

Even now, folk occupies its own niche in the domestic music market, largely thanks to Marina Devyatova. It remains only to wish her good luck in promoting her favorite direction and even greater success.

Even today, the singer Marina Devyatova is unfamiliar to many, the biography of the performer cannot boast of high-profile scandals or performances in front of crowded stadiums. Nevertheless, Marina is gradually developing in the chosen genre and this cannot but rejoice.

Video: interview with Marina

In this interview, Marina herself will tell about her personal life, about her family, children, creative plans for the future:

Marina Devyatova was born in Moscow on December 13, 1983.
From early childhood, her father, People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Devyatov, instilled in her a love for good music. Marina grew up not only on folk songs, but also on the classics, as well as on bands such as The Beatles and Deep Purple.
Already at the age of three, the girl sang well and felt the rhythm, so the decision to send her daughter to a music school in the family was unanimous. And then - the Schnittke Musical College (1999-2003), the Gnessin Academy (2003-2008), performances at vocal competitions and festivals, including the Slavonic Bazaar, and, finally, a television project that made her a star.
In 2006, Marina went to the casting of "People's Artist - 3" to prove that the Russian song is interesting to the public and has the right to be performed on the air. On the TV project, the young singer reached the final, losing quite a bit to the winner Amarhuu Borkhuu, and after the end of the show she signed a contract with producer Evgeny Fridlyand.
Even during her studies, Marina, together with her friends, went on student expeditions to collect Russian folk songs from villages and villages. Now the singer continues to travel around the cities of Russia, where she not only gives concerts, but also studies local traditions, because she is interested in everything related to folk art.
Marina often represents Russia in countries near and far abroad: repeated performances at the German-Russian festival in Berlin, trips with concerts to Italy, Estonia, the USA, China, Laos, Vietnam - these are far from all the achievements of the young singer. And at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk, the artist has long been a regular guest: there Devyatova has been coming every time since 2002.
In 2007, as part of the Russian delegation, Marina was present at the choice of the capital of the winter Olympic Games in Guatemala, where she spoke with representatives of the IOC and Vladimir Putin.
In 2009, the production center of Yevgeny Fridlyand took a risky step - the first solo concert of Marina Devyatova took place at the Moscow Variety Theater. The risk was justified, for such a young artist a sold-out concert was a bid for success. Some time later, the singer presented the Russian song to Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the entire royal family at a social reception in London hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Orthodox Church.
During her artistic career, the singer managed to perform a duet not only with her father, Vladimir Devyatov, but also with such stars as Nikolai Baskov, Pyotr Dranga and the Bayan-Mix duet, and also repeatedly appeared on the same stage with her beloved choir. Pyatnitsky. Lyudmila Zykina was going to do a joint number with her, but the duet was never destined to take place due to the sudden death of the great Russian singer.
In addition, Marina showed her talent as a host - with Yuri Stoyanov and Anastasia Chernobrovina, she conducted several super show programs " Best years of our life" on TV channel Russia, on TV channel "Culture" is now working on a series of programs about folk crafts and traditions. Together with Sergey Zhigunov and Alexander Oleshko Marina Devyatova held a festival of Slavic culture "Slavyansk-2011", and a little earlier - the opening of the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk 2011".
The singer is truly in love with folklore, and this cannot be overlooked when she takes the stage. Few of the young performers with such enthusiasm, with such a twinkle in their eyes, sing songs loved by the people, for which Devyatova and earned the sympathy of the audience even at the time when she participated in the popular TV show "People's Artist - 3".
“The Russian song has always been, is and will be,” says Marina. “As long as there is a Russian person, the Russian song will also live - this is the feeling I want to convey to the public through my work.”
In her free time from concerts, Marina is actively involved in fitness, which explains her excellent physical shape. She leads a healthy lifestyle, is a convinced vegetarian, loves and knows how to cook. healthy meals. “The profession of an artist obliges you to always look good,” the singer is sure. - The audience does not want to see tired faces and sad eyes. The audience needs a holiday, and the artist is obliged to give him this holiday.
The secret of success for Marina is to do what she loves and be moderately ambitious: “What secrets can there be? You need to be honest, decent, work hard and have a goal. We need to believe in God, because he has his own plans for us. Only he can find shelter when you feel bad and you feel that you can’t cope.
In the frantic pace of megacities, Marina believes, it is important to be able to stop in order to think about spirituality and eternal values. Such a “stop” will be a large-scale musical project, which the singer thought about together with her producer Evgeny Fridlyand a few months ago. “I think for the audience it will be a real journey into the depths of time. We will talk about the main pagan and Christian traditions, we will try to convey the atmosphere Orthodox holidays”, - reveals the essence of the upcoming Marina project.
One of Marina's favorite activities is driving a car. She spends a lot of time behind the wheel, preferring to go to concerts and filming by car. The artist has been driving for about eight years.