Send a request to the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

With the help of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation an electronic bank “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” was created. which is located at, where you can find information about the exploits and awards of your fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers by first and last name. The search takes place using military archival documents that have been digitized and entered into the site database.

How and where to look?

The “Feat of the People” website is the most complete and up-to-date database on participants in the Great Patriotic War - there is information about almost all soldiers. At the first stage of digitization from 2010 to 2015, 30 million records were made on the awarding of orders and medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”, as well as information on 22 million Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees for the 40th anniversary of the Victory, and also 200 thousand archival files with a total volume of 100 million sheets!

Such a huge amount of work was done for the main goal of the project:

The main goals of the project are to perpetuate the memory of all heroes of the Victory, regardless of rank, scale of feat, award status, military-patriotic education of youth using the example of the military exploits of their fathers, as well as creating a factual basis to counter attempts to falsify the history of the War.

There are 3 main search options:

  1. Search for people and their awards
  2. Search for decrees and awards orders
  3. Search data by place and time

To find a person, use the first search option, to do this, open the website and go to the “People and Awards” tab and enter the last name and first name of the person whose awards you want to find.

To search for decrees and data on the location of military operations, we recommend using another site - “Memory of the People”, which will be discussed below.

If you want to search by award number, you will not be able to do this, because... Award numbers are not indicated in the award documents.

If information about a person’s fate is not known, then the “Feat of the People” website will not suit you, because... it does not contain data on the dead or missing. Such information should be sought on the website by trying various spellings surnames and names because wartime documents may have contained errors in the name or date of birth.

Let us remind you that the initiator of this project is the Department for the Development of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and technical support is provided by the ELAR company. Thanks to them for this site!

The information is taken from two funds: the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CA MO) and the Central Naval Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (CVMA).

Memory of the people

Later, a more modern website was opened “Memory of the People” with documents of the Second World War, which has a more pleasant design and, most importantly, more information, maps and historical data.

With the help of the “Memory of the People” portal, it has become even easier to reconstruct the military path of your grandfather, find documents about injuries and awards.

The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

On the page you can familiarize yourself with the plans for 226 operations with detailed diagrams on the map. Each page about the operation contains the names of commanders and numbers of military units, as well as a description of the result of the operation.

Picture 1 - Modern map combat operations during the Second World War.

On the page you can find military graves in your city. Just enter the name of the city and click the “Find” button. In total, it contains information about 30,588 burials around the world, except the United States.

Figure 2 - Military graves indicating first and last names.

The page about the burial contains information about its condition (good, bad, excellent), type of burial, number of graves, number of known and unknown buried. Also available on the page is a list of those buried with names and dates of birth and death.

Vyacheslav Matveevich Tkachev is a native of the Kuban region, the village of Kelermesskaya, Maikop department. The future pilot and holder of the Order of St. George was born in the family of a military foreman on September 24, 1885. Perhaps, for his achievements in aviation and military affairs, Vyacheslav Matveevich should also be grateful to his father, who was also an excellent military man, and during the Crimean War of 1853-1856 he was also awarded the Knight of the Cross of St. George, IV degree.

Like his father, V.M. Tkachev underwent military training at the Konstantinovsky Artillery School, from where in 1806 he was released and seconded to the second Kuban Cossack battery, in 1908 he was transferred here to the fifth brigade, and in 1910 he took a position in the Odessa Cadet Corps. From 1910 to 1912 he was an educational officer.

TKACHEV Vyacheslav Matveevich.

However, already at this time, before the outbreak of the First World War, the artilleryman had an unquenchable passion for the sky. Following his heart, Tkachev graduated from the Odessa Aviation School in 1911 and immediately in 1912 became a cadet at the Sevastopol Air Fleet School of the Aviation Department. As a man of athletic nature and soul, the cadet loved to get the pleasure and adrenaline from flying above the clouds, risking every moment of his life spent in flight to fall and crash. Thus, the pilot earned himself a reputation as a brave, fearless aviator who did not spare either himself or equipment for the sake of progress in the field of glider piloting. The world knows the record for flight duration at that time, set by Tkachev. It was a four-day continuous flight along the route Kyiv - Birzulu - Odessa - Kherson - Kerch - Ekaterinograd.

It is logical that the first World War the future holder of the Order of St. George served as a pilot. The army command entrusted the ace with the most difficult and important tasks. Tkachev had enormous piloting skill, was bold and courageous, so his calling was reconnaissance. The military carried out the assigned tasks in full and on time, which gave the army an advantage over the enemy.

In one of his military flights, the pilot managed to reconnoiter the location, direction of movement of the enemy military corps, the approximate number of military personnel, uniforms, as well as cavalry and an aircraft division along the way. In order to thoroughly study the positions and strength of the enemy, the ace had to fly completely over the enemy positions. As a result of the flyby, fire was opened on it from “all guns,” which led to numerous damage to the airframe. Due to the fact that the oil tank was damaged, the plane could not continue to operate, so the pilot decided to dive. Having chosen a section of wooded area, in the hope that it would be more difficult to catch him there, the pilot turned off the engine of the device and directed it there. However, suddenly a brilliant idea occurred to him. The pilot plugged the hole with his foot, started the engine and began to gain altitude. Thus, he managed to reach the glider to the Allied positions and land it there. But his adventures did not end there either - Tkachev barely managed to prove to the soldiers who were targeting him that he was also a Russian soldier. As a result of the flight, the pilot provided very important intelligence information. For courage, courage, fulfillment of tasks Tkachev V.M. On November 24, 1914 he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of St. George, 4th degree!

Vyacheslav Matveevich went through this war. However, on the eve of the October Revolution of 1917, he submitted his resignation, not sharing the views of the Bolsheviks. In 1918, fearing reprisals, he had to flee to Kuban, where he took part in the white partisan movement. Thus, as a result of the confrontations, fate brought the soldier to Belgrade, where he met World War II as an aviation teacher at the Higher Military Aviation Courses. In 1944, when Soviet troops arrived, Tkachev was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In 1955, the holder of the Order of St. George, having received USSR citizenship, settled in Krasnodar, where he met his death on March 25, 1965.

St. George's Knights of World War 1:

On this page we have collected resources that will help you find a soldier (deceased relative or friend), search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Volunteer project "Archive Battalion"

The volunteer project “Archive Battalion” to restore information about participants in wars of the 20th century accepts and processes applications for research battle path participants of the Great Patriotic War.

People's project “Establishing the fate of missing defenders of the Fatherland”

At present, the fate of more than 4.7 million defenders of the Fatherland who went missing during the Great Patriotic War has not been established. To this day, the remains of a large number of Russian soldiers and officers remain unburied.

Memory of the people

The People's Memory project was implemented in accordance with the decision of the Russian Victory Organizing Committee of July 2013, supported by the instructions of the President and the Decree of the Russian Government in 2014. The project provides for the publication on the Internet of archival documents and documents about the losses and awards of soldiers and officers of the First World War, the development of the projects previously implemented by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the Second World War OBD Memorial and Feat of the People into one project - Memory of the People.

Feat of the people

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique open access information resource, filled with all documents available in military archives about the progress and results of major combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. As of August 8, 2012, the data bank contains information on 12,670,837 awards.

Generalized database "Memorial"

The generalized data bank contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. The work was done on a large scale: tens of thousands of documents were collected and converted into electronic form, with a total volume of more than 10 million sheets. The personal information contained in them amounted to more than 20 million records.

Immortal Regiment of Russia

The all-Russian public civil-patriotic movement “Immortal Regiment of Russia” collects stories about participants in the Great Patriotic War. The database is updated daily. Here you can not only add your veteran soldier to the all-Russian “piggy bank”, but also search for existing ones.

Electronic book of memory “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”

“Immortal Regiment - Moscow” together with the “My Documents” State Service Centers are collecting information about residents of the capital who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Now there are already more than 193 thousand names in the archive.

“” - database of those killed in the Second World War is the oldest portal on the Russian Internet for establishing the fate of dead and missing military personnel and searching for their loved ones.

"The Winners" - Soldiers of the Great War

With our project we want to thank by name the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War living next to us and talk about their feat. The “Winners” project was created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Then we managed to collect lists of more than a million veterans living near us.

The site also contains a stunning interactive and animated map of the fighting of the Great Patriotic War.

Electronic memorial “Remember About”

On the social website “PomniPro”, each registered user can create a memory page, a photo gallery of a deceased loved one, talk about his biography, honor the memory of the deceased, leave words of memory and gratitude. You can also find a deceased relative and friend, search for those killed and missing in the Great Patriotic War.

Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

The site is conceived as a people's encyclopedia, a virtual Memorial to the fallen participants Great War, where everyone can leave their comments on any entry, supplement information about the War Participant with photographs and memories, and turn to other project participants for help. There are about 60,000 project participants. More than 400,000 cards have been registered.

MIPOD "Immortal Regiment"

The site has a large database of participants in the Great Patriotic War. The chronicle is maintained by community members. Now there are more than 400 thousand names in the archive.

Find a soldier. Memo for those who are looking for their heroes

1. Check the data on the OBD Memorial website

When checking data about a person, open the “advanced search” tab and make attempts by typing only the last name, then the last name and first name, then the full data. Also try to check the information by setting the last name parameters, and the first and patronymic parameters only with initials.

2. Send a request to the archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The request must be sent to the address: 142100 Moscow region, Podolsk, Kirova St., 74. "Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

Enclose the letter in the envelope, clearly stating the information you have and stating the purpose of the request. Enclose one blank envelope with your home address as the recipient's address.

3. Check the data on the “Feat of the People” website

If you do not have information on awards, you can go to the “Feat of the People” website. In the “People and Awards” tab, enter the information requested.

4. Check parameter information

There are additional ways that can also help you find and identify information about your veteran. The website “” presents a list of search technologies, we draw your attention to some of them:

  • Database of Internet links to school museums of the Russian Federation, which have exhibitions about the combat routes of units and formations of the Soviet Army
  • How to establish the fate of a serviceman who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War
  • Information on materials held by the International Red Cross Tracing Service
  • Request forms for search, evacuation and search of graves through the Tracing and Information Center of the Russian Red Cross (

Lists of conscripts liable for military service for mobilization by the Starodub RVC in 1941

File - on 183 sheets, stored until 1967, paragraph 1540
Started: 04/06/1941 Finished: 08/20/1941

To the commander of the 81st engineering airfield
June 1941
mountain battalion Novozybkov
Persons liable for military service are sent to your disposal for further training. Boyarko Alexey Yakovlevich VUS No. 26 and Kovalenko Petr Markovich VUS No. 21 For travel on the railway. at one end of the route a requirement was issued for No. .....
Rayvoenkom - Art. political instructor / Kondratenko /
START OF THE 1st part – 1st rank intensive technician / Korolkov /

Sent to the mountains. Belgorod by order of the Oryol OVK 00312 04/06/41

1. Vyalykh Mikhail Semenovich
2. Chernobaev Alexander Vasilievich
3. Koncha Stepan Fedorovich
4. Aniskov Ivan Ivanovich
5. Samonchenko Evgeniy Ivanovich
6. Kovalenko Maxim Fedosovich
7. Atamanenko Ignat Denisovich
8. Gorbachevsky Georgy Davydovich
9. Shilenok Ivan Afanasyevich
10. Chvan Alexander Sergeevich
11. Romanchenko Yakov Moiseevich
12. Sagalov Ivan Ivanovich
13. Kurban Petr Danilovich
14. Dumchev Pavel Evdokimovich
15. Shevchenko Fedor Trofimovich
16. Sazonenko Demyan Tikhonovich
17. Seleznev Ivan Efimovich
18. Semerkov Alexander Avramovich
19. Suslo Vasily Mikhailovich
20. Petrushchenko Ivan Gordeevich
21. Leletka Grigory Andreevich
22. Prikhodko Daniil Fedorovich
23.Nosovets Yakov Andreevich
24. Matveenko Sergey Ivanovich
25. Alekseenko Ivan Nikitich
26. Dvoinikov Nikolay Kalistratovich
27. Rudoy Pavel Ivanovich
28. Zhuk Zakhar Seliverstovich
29. Lisitsa Vasily Vladimirovich
30. Sinitsky Vasily Ivanovich
31. Sinitsin Nikolay Mikhailovich
32. Luzhkov Fedor Nikolaevich
33. Puskov Sergey Ivanovich
34. Podolyako Vasily Konstantinovich
35. Atamanenko Lazar Antonovich
36. Nashivanko Dmitry Ivanovich
37. Maslennikov Illarion Andreevich
38. Ivchenko Fedor Vasilievich
39. Ryzhik Nikolai Pavlovich
40. Sakhnovsky Vasily Vladimirovich
41. Polonik Konstantin Mikhailovich (Volovik)
42. Korotin Ivan Petrovich
43. Studilo Mikhail Alexandrovich
44. Vasilenko Roman Grigorievich
45. Surzhik Artem Maksimovich
46. ​​Ivanchik Emelyan Pavlovich
47. Borschov Trifon Tarasovich
48. Malakhevich Boris Kondratievich
49. Salonenko Dmitry Fedorovich
50. Ivankov Vasily Ivanovich
51. Prokhorenko Fedor Illarionovich
52. Seleznev Semyon Erofeevich
53. Shilo Vasily Stepanovich
54. Kalina Ivan Afanasyevich
55. Pchelkikh Ivan Matveevich
56. Sagalov Sergey Vasilievich
57. Storozhkov Pavel Yakovlevich
58. Kulikov Vasily Ivanovich
59. Yatsenko-Khmelevsky Grigory
60. Shago Nikita Stepanovich
61. Chvyr Alexey Pavlovich
62. Sazonenko Alexander Moiseevich
63. Zyk Alexander Iosifovich
64. Potapenko Alexander Fedosovich
65. Bely Vasily Ivanovich
66. Dyatlov Mikhail Georgievich
67. Nechaev Ivan Evseevich

Sheet No. 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9
Name list 06/24/1941
To team No. 101, sent by the Starodubsky RVK to the city. Starodub

1. Kozin Mikhail Ignatievich – 1913 Levensky s/s
2. Kurguzov Philip Guryevich – 1916
3. Politico Dmitry Danilovich – 1914
4. Lobus Ivan Zakharyevich – 1914
5. Kisten Ivan Timofeevich – 1911
6. Drozdov Andrey Ivanovich – 1912
7. Dashchenko Andrey Prokhorovich – 1910
8. Gulakov Timofey Prokhorovich – 1912
9. Galushko Zakhar Yakovlevich – 1911
10. Burko Nikolay Danilovich -1906
11. Afanasenko Vasily Nikolaevich – 1913
12. Asandchiy Petr Grigorievich – 1910
13. Gapeev Pavel Egorovich – 1907
14. Baranov Petr Vladimirovich – 1910
15. Leonchenko Vasily Ivanovich – 1911
16. Getun Georgy Pavlovich – 1915
17. Trushko Nikolai Pavlovich – 1912
18. Kisten Ilya Ivanovich - !910
19. Sazonenko Ivan Nikitich – 1911
20. Feskov Pavel Vladimirovich – 1910
21. Shilo Ivan Nikolaevich – 1915
22. Zharik Ivan Efimovich – 1917
23. Tsirulnikov Ilya Izotovich – 1912
24. Khlistunov Alexey Nikitich – 1912
25. Fedor Antonovich Feskov – 1906
26. Tovstyko Alexander Kiselevich – 1914
27. Kisten Ivan Pavlovich – 1907
28. Kozin Boris Gerasimovich – 1906
29. Shilo Philip Fedorovich – 1907
30. Kozin Konstantin Vasilievich – 1911
31. Kurguzov Vasily Nikolaevich – 1918
32. Zhuk Andrey Nikolaevich – 1912
33. Lapik Fedor Grigorievich – 1911
34. Trushko Ivan Vasilievich – 1916
35. Solodun Ivan Mikhailovich – 1907
36. Politiko Vladimir Alekseevich – 1911
37. Nashivanko Nikita Romanovich – 1909
38. Sazonenko Philip Evseevich – 1911
39. Lukyantsev Vasily Fedorovich – 1917
40. Lukyantsev Pavel Grigorievich – 1916
41. Kisten Ivan Evdokimovich – 1913
42. Filipchenko Ilya Markovich – 1909 Zankovsky s/s
43. Usov Vasily Alexandrovich – 1912
44. Starostenko Pavel Leontievich – 1915
45. Sukhovinsky Zyama Yankelevich – 1911
46. ​​Golochenko Kuzma Vasilievich – 1910
47. Gomankov Dmitry Gavrilovich – 1913
48. __________
49. __________
50. __________
51. Gorely Trofim Vavilovich – 1906
52. Lashkevich Fedor Ivanovich – 1913
53. Slesarenko Yakov Fedosovich – 1911
54. Trubenok Vasily Kirilovich - 1915
55. Titenok Fyodor Ilyich – 1911
56. Kurbatsky Sergey Artemovich – 1915
57. Kononchuk Alexey Ivanovich – 1909
58. Maklyukov Nikolay Akimovich – 1912
59. Pletnev Nikolai Ivanovich – 1914
60. Podolyako Stepan Mikhailovich – 1914
61. Pilipenko Arsenty Markovich – 1906
62. Sivakov Fedor Iosifovich -1909
63. Stepanenko Egor Mikhailovich - 1911 Starodub
64. Kovalenko Kharlampiy Ageevich – 1911
65. But Andrey Mikhailovich – 1915 Novoselsky s/s
66. Ryk Petr Vasilievich – 1912
67. Komandirov Pavel Makarovich – 1914
68. Kozlov Nikolay Matveevich – 1913
69. Bezik Pavel Grigorievich – 1908
70. Spasov Pavel Stefanovich – 1912
71. Lysenko Timofey Semenovich – 1911
72. Puzanov Stefan Pavlovich – 1912
73. Larchenko Petr Grigorievich – 1912
74. Gavrichenko Ivan Dmitrievich – 1917
75. Lositsky Nikolai Stepanovich – 1908
76. Komandirov Fedor Stepanovich – 1914
77. Bezik Nikita Vasilievich – 1913
78. Malakhevich Nikifor Dmitrievich – 1908
79. Kovalenko Ivan Nikolaevich – 1913
80. Antipenko Alexander Artemovich – 1914
81. Komandirov Afanasy Makarovich – 1911
82. Lositsky Ivan Demyanovich – 1911
83. Zui Vasily Yakovlevich – 1913
84. Lyubich Ivan Petrovich – 1917
85. Lysenko Nikifor Petrovich – 1907
86. Kovalenko Semyon Ivanovich – 1911
87. Alesenko Alexey Leontievich – 1911
88. Stelmukh Mikhail Fedorovich – 1913
89. Bovtunov Konstantin VLADIMIROVICH – 1910
90. Alesenko Pavel Leonovich – 1914
91. Proshin Alexander Yakovlevich – 1909
92. Malakhevich Fedor Grigorievich – 1908
93. Zhuk Alexander Dmitrievich – 1908
94. Rudenok Alexander Dmitrievich – 1916 Western. Khalevichsky village
95. Tolochko Afanasy Martovich – 1914
96. Karas Savva Yakovlevich – 1910
97. Pyko Kirill Georgievich – 1908
98. K_____ev Dmitry Sergeevich – 1905
99. T_____v Ivan Fedorovich – 1910
100. _____
101. _____
102. _____
103. ______
104. _____
105. _____
106. _____
107. _____
108. ____
109. ______
110. _____
111. ____
112. Berdaus Vasily Ivanovich – 1910 West. Khalevichsky village
113. Tolochko Stepan Filippovich – 1910
114. Titenok Sergey Leonovich – 1916
115. Koltyga Dmitry Ivanovich – 1911
116. Belyai Illarion Nikiforovich – 1915
117. Tokarev Afanasy Ivanovich – 1917
118. Tolochko Fedor Efimovich – 1910
119. Pechurko Dmitry Gavrilovich – 1905
120. Nosovets Moisey Lukyanovich – 1910
121. Ottsovich Fedor Dmitrievich – 1915
122. Krivonos Sergey Grigorievich – 1914
123. Glushakov Ivan Mitrofanovich – 1908
124. Nosovets Dmitry Evseevich – 1911
125. Podznyakov Egor Timenovich – 1905
126. Sukhovey Pavel Maksimovich – 1913
127. Zakharenko Vladimir Domedovich – 1911
128. Krofta Ivan Semenovich – 1912
129. Nosovets Alexander Trofimovich – 1912
130. Pyko Vasily Georgievich – 1912
131. Taranov Evgeniy Vasilievich – 1911
132. Over the top Maxim Stepanovich – 1912
133. Lapinsky Fedor Dmitrievich – 1915
134. Volchek Daniil Zinovievich – 1908
135. Zakharenko Maxim Dametovich – 1916
136. Ishutenko Stepan Andreevich – 1911
137. Ignatenko Grigory Mitrofanovich – 1910
138. Krofta Pavel Trofimovich – 1914
139. Kravtsov Fedor Terentievich – 1914
140. Kuleshov Zakhar Tarasovich – 1907
141. Lapinsky Ivan Fedorovich – 1910
142. Nosovets Vasily Nikitich – 1916
143. Pyka Grigory Pavlovich – 1911
144. Pyka Ivan Sergeevich – 1914
145. Pyotr Tarasovich rolled - 1907
146. Sukhovey Arsen Andreevich – 1911
147. Sukhovey Prokhor Fedosovich – 1911
148. Tolochko Fedos Vladimirovich – 1917
149. Titenok Petr Damotovich – 1913
150. Tolochko Leonty Petrovich – 1914
151. Titenok Fedos Antonovich – 1905
152. Taranov Vasily Ivanovich – 1913
153. Tolochko Evtropiy Lukich – 1913
154. Teslenko Nikolay Kirilovich – 1914
155. Titenok Petr Andreevich – 1917
156. Tolochko Kirill Alexandrovich – 1913
157. Shulik Ivan Divonovich – 1913
158. Sharoiko Vladimir Sergeevich – 1915
159. Shugai Dmitry Ivanovich – 1911
160. Yakovenko Grigory Kuzmich – 1911
161. Tolstyakov Arkhip Nikiforovich – 1911 Kartushinsky s/s
162. Kolechenko Grigory Grigorievich – 1910
163. Ernik Konstantin Andreevich – 1913
164. Garbuz Pavel Yakovlevich – 1912
165. Vasilenko Yakov Gerasimovich – 1905
166. Vasilenko Leon Gerasimovich – 1911
167. Bychenok Ilya Maksimovich – 1906
168. _____ik Arkhip Pavlovich – 1913
169. Grinya Stefan Ivanovich – 1913 Kartushinsky s\s
170. Kochubey Illarion Semenovich – 911
171. Khlistunov Andrey Pavlovich – 1912
172. Kurban Yakov Petrovich – 1910
173. Belous Panteley Savelievich – 1908
174. Kolechenok Mikhail Matveevich – 913
175. Kravchenko Yakov Andreevich – 1911
176. Logvinov Nikolay Germanovich – 1913
177. Nikolaenko Ivan Pavlovich – 1911
178. Pribylchenko Ivan Dmitrievich – 1905
179. Lozovsky Ivan Gavrilovich – 1906
180. Zhidkov Grigory Andreevich – 1906
181. Zimakov Kuzma Konstantinovich – 1914
182. Zimakov Pavel Konstantinovich – 1908
183. Hare Pavel Ilyich – 1909
184. Zhidkov Ignat Demidovich – 1911
185. Kolbeev Kuzma Ivanovich – 1912
186. Kochubey Dmitry Evseevich – 1917
187. Kuzmenko Egor Minich – 1914
188. Karavaev Sergey Ivanovich – 1908
189. Kurnik Vasily Kireevich – 1913
190. Kolichenko Ivan Andreevich – 1906
191. Kravchenko Egor Ivanovich – 1913
192. Kolichenko Vasily Korneevich – 1908
193. Kuznetsov Semyon Efimovich – 1915
194. Lashkevich Andrey Lavrentievich – 1913
195. Nikitchenko Nikolai Prokhorovich – 1915
196. Pribylchenko Alexey Dmitrievich – 1913
197. Pysenok Mikhail Andreevich – 1910
198. Podkokha Daniil Demyanovich – 1913
199. Romanovich Efim Andreevich – 1911
200. Fish Afanasy Egorovich – 1915
201. Skachek Petr Yakovlevich – 1914
202. Suddenok Alexey Dmitrievich – 1905
203. Suddenok Ivan Andrianovich – 1913
204. Sudenok Grigory Issidorovich – 1908
205. Khlistunov Pavel Petrovich – 1911
206. Tolstyakov Semyon Nikiforovich – 1915
207. Khlistunov Alexey Denisovich – 1914
208. Khlistunov Ivan Andreevich – 1912
209. Shalobod Kuzma Gavrilovich – 1913
210. Shelest Pavel Ivanovich – 1911
211. Kozlov Ivan Ignatovich – 1912 Pantusovsky s\s
212. Nyukhtik Ivan Pavlovich – 1912
213. Zakharchenko Mikhail Ivanovich – 1914
214. Emelyanenko Efim Grigorievich – 109
215. Gutorov Fedor Frolovich – 1906 Pantusovsky s\s
216. Gusakov Stefan Maksimovich –
217. Gorleenko Ivan Akimovich – 1911
218. Begunov Mikhail Anisovich – 1914
219. Chemeris Fedor Vasilievich – 1913
220. Sevryansky Timofey Ivanovich – 1905
221. Poklonsky Dmitry Kuzmich – 1908
222. Fomin Ivan Petrovich – 1915
223. Shestakov Serafim Vanifatovich – 1915
224. Fox Alexander Antonovich – 1908
225. Nikiforov Stepan Borisovich – 1916
226. Chernenok Anton Pavlovich – 1911
227. Gutorov Maxim Andreevich – 1915
228. Dzhem Nikolay Yakovlevich – 1911
229. Sevryansky Afanasy Semenovich – 1912
230. Fomin Fedor Evlampievich – 1911
231. Chernenok Kuzma Frolovich – 1910
232. Gapeev Andrey Grigorievich – 1910
233. Poklonsky Pavel Mikhailovich – 1907
234. Serezhenok Stefan Mitrofanovich – 1915
235. Novikov Pavel Karpovich – 1912
236. Selyukov Afanasy Petrovich – 1914
237. Drigan-Khramtsov Ivan Semenovich – 1914
238. Ishukov Ivan Vladimirovich – 1904
239. Katsera Daniil Grigorievich – 1911
240. Krivonozhka Ivan Grigorievich – 1917
241. Red Ivan Petrovich – 1908
242. Semyon Ivanovich Moroz – 1912
243. Fox Nikita Maksimovich – 1911
244. Kartavenko Ivan Ananyevich – 1916
245. Mikheenko Trofim Pavlovich – 1912
246. Nikiforov Mikhail Mikhailovich – 1914
247. Pluschev Roman Mikhailovich – 1905
248. Pluschev Ivan Mikhailovich – 1908
249. Serezhonok Pavel Alekseevich - 1911
250. Tuzhik Karp Ivanovich – 1911
251. Trushko Fedos Ivanovich – 1905
252. Fomin Rodion Alekseevich – 1912
253. Chemeris Alexey Minovich – 1912
254. Kolosov Ivan Romanovich – 1915
255. Babozhey Ivan Ksenofontovich – 1916 Levensky village
256. Rubets Fedor Nikiforovich – 1911 Pantusovsky s\s
257. Skabo Konstantin Kononovich – 1909 Kovalevsky s/s
258. Khitrov Alexander Trofimovich – 1908
259. Lobanovsky Mikhail Grigorievich – 1909
260. Zakharchenko Zakhary Andreevich – 1911
261. Stupid Ivan Ivanovich – 1906
262. Podgalo Dmitry Semenovich – 1910
263. Lobanovsky Dmitry Zakharovich – 1915
264. Lobanovsky Alimpiy Kuzmich – 1913
265. Kotov Georgy Efimovich – 1913
266. Bolduev Ivan Vladimirovich – 1911
267. Golovinsky Konstantin Averyanovich – 1912
268. Kostyuchenko Ilya Efimovich – 1914
269. Savchenko Sergey Arkhipovich – 1915
270. Puzdrya Grigory Stepanovich – 1911
271. Yatchenko Vasily Illarionovich – 1906
272. Tolkachev Ivan Spiridonovich – 1912
273. Sukhoparov Alexander Vasilievich – 1911
274. Savchenko Ivan Stepanovich – 1914
275. Mikhail Filippovich Podgalo – 1912 Kovalevsky s/s
276. Podgalo Mikhail Semenovich – 1916
277. Puzdrya Efim Frolovich – 1913
278. Grigory Zakharovich on foot – 1915
279. Makarchenko Fedor Timofeevich – 1913
280. Logunov Konstantin Filippovich – 1913
281. Lobanovsky Vasily Grigorievich – 1912
282. Kotov Mikhail Stefanovich – 1911
283. Kibalchich Pavel Dmitrievich – 1912
284. Soroka Mikhail Timofeevich – 1914
285. Buriko Ilya Yudovich – 1910
286. Borovik Vasily Efremovich – 1910 Melensky village
287. Evdokimenko Andrey Moiseevich – 1916
288. Gorbachev Efim Nikolaevich – 1911
289. Voskovets Boris Stepanovich – 1912
290. Bury Vladimir Dmitrievich – 1908
291. Borodulya Fedos Stepanovich – 1913
292. Bogomaz Akim Illarionovich – 1913
293. Atomanenko Semyon Kirillovich – 1914
294. Borovik Ivan Ivanovich – 1910
295. Borodulya Petr Maksimovich – 1909
296. Lobuzko Ivan Vasilievich – 1911
297. Mordenko Nikolai Andreevich – 1911
298. Parfenenko Ivan Fedorovich – 1917
299. Smelnitsky Mikhail Ivanovich – 1913
300. Arzhany Dmitry Ilyich – 1913
301. Baranov Ivan Antonovich – 1913
302. Bogomaz Ivan Markovich – 1910
303. Polonik Grigory Yakovlevich – 1915
304. Kozlov Ivan Pavlovich – 1907
305. Left-handed Peter Denisovich – 1915
306. Polguy Peter Artemovich – 1912
307. Ulezko Daniil Dmitrievich – 1911
308. Chirko Georgy Sergeevich – 1908
309. Ulitenko Semyon Karpovich – 1908
310. Kopys Mikhail Ivanovich – 1912
311. Leonenko Sergey Artemovich – 1912
312. Lukyanenko Yakov Artemovich – 1908
313. Leonenko Maxim Alekseevich – 1908
314. Mordenok Nikifor Trofimovich – 1912
315. Moshkov Semyon Parfenovich – 1907
316. Prikhodko Nikolai Kiryanovich – 1911
317. Puzeiko Grigory Stepanovich – 1911
318. Sobolev Leon Sidorovich – 1912
319. Titenok Pavel Illarionovich – 1905
320. Chekus Grigory Vasilievich – 1916
321. Shavvaa Grigory Vasilievich – 1909
322. Napreenko Moisey Alekseevich – 1906
323. Raikov Ivan Pavlovich – 1913
324. Lupik Alexey Akhvatovich – 1911
325. Ryzhanov Ivan Filippovich – 1911
326. Petlev Vasily Andreevich – 1906
327. Prikhodko Andrey Ilyich – 1911
328. Radchenko Yakov Nikiforovich – 1913
329. Radchenko Vasily Vasilievich – 1910
330. Kiselev Arsenty Gerasimovich – 1914
331. Danchenko Fedor Filippovich – 1908
332. Emelyanenko Fedor Danilovich – 1905
333. Demyanenko Stepan Grigorievich – 1910
334. Getun Alexey Safonovich – 1911 Mishkovsky s\s
335. Gutor Alexey Afanasyevich – 1911
336. Getman Ivan Fedorovich – 1912
337. Vysotsky Vasily Trifonovich – 1913
338. Radchenko Fedos Grigorievich – 1913
339. Khomutov Vasily Kondratievich – 1909
340. Emelyanenko Grigory Danilovich – 1907
341. Kuskov Egor Ageevich – 1913
342. Radchenko Vasily Grigorievich – 1907
343. Gutor Petr Pavlovich – 1910
344. Monovets Semyon Vasilievich – 1910
345. Radchenko Ivan Yakovlevich – 1908
346. Dyatlov Vasily Fedorovich – 1914
347. Vinnikov Grigory Maksimovich – 1914
348. Zhludko Petr Pakhomovich – 1911
349. Zhludko Kozma Zakharovich – 1912
350. Kovryzhko Mikhail Ivanovich – 1912
351. Kalina Trofim Fedorovich – 1916
352. Kalina Georgy Fedorovich – 1908
353. Luzhkov Roman Ivanovich – 1911
354. Medvedev Andrey Filippovich – 1912
355. Medvedev Vasily Lukich – 1911
356. Medvedev Yakov Potapovich – 1907
357. Medvedev Ivan Lukich – 1908
358. Ovsyannikov Stepan Kuzmich – 1916
359. Ovsyannikov Georgy Lukich – 1912
360. Ovsyannikov Petr Kuzmich – 1914
361. Petukhov Ivan Efimovich – 1909
362. Radchenko Alexander Fedosovich – 1913
363. Rudashko Grigory Mikhailovich – 1913
364. Rudashko Egor Iosifovich – 1912
365. Radchenko Efim Ivanovich – 1912
366. Surmenok Vasily Makarovich – 1916
367. Filonov Kozma Terentievich – 1908
368. Khomutov Stefan Demidovich – 1915
369. Khomutov Stepan Spiridonovich – 1910
370. Khomutov Andrey Mikhailovich – 1913
371. Khomutov Stepan Efimovich – 1907
372. Iputenko Ilya Vasilievich – 1915 Prokopovsky s/s
373. Ilyenko Tikhon Nikiforovich – 1907
374. Kovalenko Fedor Kondratievich – 1910
375. Sukhovey Andrey Kondratievich – 1917
376. Stebunov Andrey Fedorovich – 1910
377. Sapego Ivan Korneevich – 1912
378. Stebunov Nikolay Yakovlevich – 1907
379. Skokleenko Nikita Kharitonovich – 1909
380. Stebunov Korney Kharitonovich – 1915
381. Sereda Azar Nesterovich – 1908
382. Sukhovey Fedor Kondratievich – 1911
383. Sukhovey Mikhail Savelievich – 1917
384. Razyavchenko Vasily Semenovich – 1917
385. Maslyuchenko Grigory Semenovich – 1913
386. Melnikov Ivan Trofimovich – 1917
387. Kovalenko Ilya Ermolaevich – 1908
388. Kostyuchenko Ivan Stepanovich – 1908
389. Klishchenko Ivan Akimovich – 1909
390. Korovyakov Ivan Semenovich – 1908
391. Kovalenko Mikhail Mikhailovich – 1906
392. Kovtun Tikhon Ivanovich – 1916 Prokopovsky s\s
393. Korovyakov Zakhary Ivanovich – 1911
394. Zaitsev Andrey Sergeevich – 1912
395. Grabelnik Pavel Grigorievich – 1915
396. Novikov Kasyan Dmitrievich – 1912
397. Poprygo Gerasim Evmenovich – 1914
398. Razyavchenko Stepan Nikitovich – 1912
399. Kuguta Alexey Makarovich – 1913
400. Kostyuchenko Ilya Ivanovich – 1912
401. Belonogiy Ivan Andreevich – 1911
402. Kuguta Andrey Trifonovich – 1912
403. Leletka Semyon Ionovich – 1913
404. Golyanov Arkhip Karpovich – 1912
405. Belonogiy Ivan Fedorovich – 1916
406. Bortkin Alexander Semenovich – 1911
407. Belonogy Vasily Mitrofanovich – 1908
408. Grabelnik Vasily Grigorievich – 1905
409. Evstratenko Fedor Afanasyevich – 1911
410. Korovyakov Fedor Ivanovich – 1912
411. Poleshchenko Vasily Ivanovich – 1912
412. Khalepo Ivan Trofimovich – 1913 Artyushkovsky s/s
413. Zyuzko Timofey Stepanovich – 1913
414. Shkalev Vasily Moiseevich – 1915
415. Kashnikov Vasily Alekseevich – 1917
416. Sidorenko Ignat Alekseevich – 1915
417. Sadovyi Pavel Akimovich – 1910
418. Danchenko Efim Pavlovich – 1911
419. Danchenko Yakov Pavlovich – 1913
420. Bury Ivan Andreevich – 1911
421. Akulenko Ivan Filippovich – 1912
422. Troyanov Ivan Grigorievich – 1915
423. Lysenko Vasily Vasilievich – 1915
424. Zlotnik Sergey Filippovich – 1911
425. Kashnikov Efim Alekseevich – 1911
426. Kovalenko Feoktist Sergeevich – 1911
427. Kashnikov Fedosey Stepanovich – 1916
428. Kiklo Kuzma Stepanovich – 1913
429. Melnichenko Andrey Nikitich – 1912
430. Pilkov Nikifor Grigorievich – 1912
431. Pishcheiko Egor Kondratievich – 1916
432. Sementsov Georgy Ivanovich – 1917
433. Khalepo Alexander Dmitrievich – 1915
434. Sidorenko Ivan Petrovich – 1914
435. Gypsy Ivan Gavrilovich – 1906
436. Shilenok Stefan Filippovich – 1913
437. Starostenko Sergey Ivanovich – 1911 Logovatovsky village
438. Starostenko Fedor Ivanovich – 1914
439. Selivonenko Stepan Maksimovich – 1911
440. Starostenko Alexander Efimovich – 1915
441. Oreshkov Stepan Yakovlevich – 1908
442. Neshkov Terenty Kondratievich – 1910
443. Medvedev Gabriel Antipovich – 1915
444. Lisogor Illarion Rodionovich – 1913
445. Lysenko Daniil Panteleevich – 1906
446. Kuleshov Maxim Ivanovich – 1912
447. Kurtenok Pakhom Ivanovich – 1914
448. Kurtenok Nikolai Ivanovich – 1911
449. Iskantsev Alexander Nikolaevich – 1913
450. Kuzmitsky Savostyan Petrovich – 1910
451. Kurtenok Vasily Maksimovich – 1908
452. Shevtsov Andrey Efimovich – 1909
453. Chubkovets Andrey Petrovich – 1912
454. Kovtunov Grigory Stepanovich – 1914
455. Shevchenko Afanasy Fedorovich – 1911
456. Bayushchenko Ivan Vasilievich – 1910
457. Eshchenko Ivan Afanasyevich – 1911
458. Starostenko Konstantin Ivanovich – 1916
459. Starostenko Georgy Borisovich – 1915
460. Marchenko Timofey Illarionovich – 1909
461. Oreshkov Georgy Petrovich – 1909
462. Reshetnikov Matvey Mikhailovich – 1914
463. Burakov Grigory Demyanovich – 1910
464. Basenok Afanasy Semenovich – 1911
465. Volovik Pavel Makarovich – 1911
466. Vaskov Nikolay Petrovich – 1912
467. Gretsky Mikhail Grigorievich – 1913
468. Gretsky Grigory Platonovich – 1913
469. Shiroky Fedor Romanovich – 1908
470. Swede Fedor Antonovich – 1909
471. Reshetnikov Maxim Andreevich – 1911
472. Revkov Trifon Polikarpovich – 1914
473. Revkov Ivan Kondratievich – 1910
474. Neshkov Karp Pavlovich – 1914
475. Kurtenok Alexander Fedotovich – 1910
476. Reshetnikov Stepan Mikhailovich – 1909
477. Rutsky Fedor Petrovich – 1915
478. Burakov Gabriel Demyanovich – 1908
479. Basenok Alexander Alekseevich – 1913
480. Iskantsev Alexey Fedotovich – 1909
481. Khramtsov Fedor Issidorovich – 1917
482. Prostakov Ivan Illarionovich – 1914
483. Volkov Ivan Semenovich – 1910 Yatskovichsky village
484. Avtushenko Pavel Antonovich – 1910
485. Zenkov Fedor Alekseevich – 1916
486. Kozoba Pavel Denisovich – 1912
487. Kapelev Semyon Andreevich – 1911
488. Kukareko Pavel Afanasyevich – 1914
489. Melekhov Samson Sazonovich – 1905
490. Lositsky Yakov Filippovich – 1906
491. Lotokha Foma Yakovlevich – 1911
492. Kisly Artem Demyanovich – 1909
493. Kozdov Anis Ivanovich – 1914
494. Zhuk Anton Antonovich – 1905
495. Zaitsev Frol Lavrinovich – 1912
496. Chupik Evdokim Zinovievich – 1908
497. Kosachev Yakov Makarovich – 1905
498. Chemeris Savely Kalistratovich – 1914
499. Chupik Malakh Fedosovich – 1905
500. Dedkov Vasily Fedorovich – 1911
501. Dulchenko Vasily Panteleevich – 1905
502. Avtushenko Roman Vasilievich – 1906
503. Maslov Afanasy Fedorovich – 1906
504. Lositsky Vasily Demyanovich – 1911
505. Avtushenko Leon Fedosovich – 1911
506. Gusakov Nikifor Maksimovich - 1912
507. Long Kirill Moiseevich – 1913
508. Dulchenko Fedos Antonovich – 1912
509. Avramenko Safron Demyanovich – 1910
510. Privalov Semyon Danilovich – 1907
511. Chupik Mikhail Zinovievich – 1911
512. Klochkov Tadeush Stanislavovich – 1911 Yatskovichsky s\s
513. Klimenko Nikita Alekseevich – 1912
514. Golynsky Georgy Zakharovich – 1908 Dokhnovichsky s\s
515. Perepechko Sidor Fedorovich – 1905
516. Solodun Vasily Mikhailovich – 1910
517. Ruban Vasily Mikhailovich – 1914
518. Klopov Petr Fedorovich – 1914
519. Basharov Stepan Vasilievich – 1912
520. Gusarov Ivan Erofeevich – 1907
521. Ruban Alexander Grigorievich – 1913
522. Erko Grigory Pavlovich – 1911
523. Ermakov Ivan Kuzmich – 1913
524. Gorbachev Nikita Fokich – 1912
525. Gorbachev Mikhail Petrovich – 1913
526. Bolunets Ivan Isidorovich – 1915
527. Androsenko Alexey Titovich – 1906
528. Shilenok Timofey Akulovich – 1909
529. Ryzhik Afanasy Ivanovich – 1911
530. Puzdrenok Alexander Maksimovich – 1913
531. Logvinov Boris Ivanovich – 1911
532. Erko Petr Yakovlevich – 1909
533. Ryzhik Andrey Savelievich – 1910
534. Peregontsev Petr Iovlevich – 1911
535. Goroshko Vasily Artemovich – 1913
536. Ivanchik Timofey Ivanovich – 1912
537. Bulka Dmitry Semenovich – 1912
538. Ivanchik Alexander Stepanovich – 1913
539. Karbovsky Grigory Ageevich – 1913
540. Shidlovsky Afanasy Ivanovich – 1912
541. Shilenok Ivan Andreevich – 1909
542. Tkachev Yakov Sergeevich – 1911
543. Solodun Afanasy Mikhailovich – 1912
544. Sosnowski Stefan Fokic – 1917
545. Gichik Ivan Artemovich – 1909
546. Lubsky Andrey Illarionovich – 1916
547. Perepechko Efim Artemovich – 1911
548. Ruban Anton Grigorievich – 1912
549. Basharov Vasily Fedorovich – 1910
550. Levchenko Tikhon Grigorievich – 1913
551. Pykhtar Alexander Mikhailovich – 1913
552. Zaitsev Alexander Nikiforovich – 1916
553. Ivanchik Demid Petrovich – 1909
554. Karpechenko Vasily Prokofievich – 1912
555. Kovalevsky Mikhail Alexandrovich – 1911
556. Klyuy Vasily Fedorovich – 1909
557. Kulikov Vasily Gerasimovich – 1913
558. Lubsky Grigory Astapovich – 1905
559. Lubsky Anton Semenovich – 1915
560. Ryzhik Maxim Dmitrievich – 1910
561. Ryzhik Georgy Dametovich – 1908
562. Ruban Pavel Isidorovich – 1913
563. Sosnovsky Peter Samsonovich – 1911
564. Starostenko Vasily Nikitovich – 1905
565. Sosnovsky Ivan Nikolaevich – 1912
566. Babodey Pavel Akimovich – 1910 Tyuterevsky village
567. Babodey Ivan Sergeevich – 1907
568. Atomanenko Grigory Kirillovich 1912
569. Alekseenko Mikhail Markelovich – 1911
570. Alekseenko Vasily Izotovich – 1909
571. Babadey Vasily Ivanovich – 1913 Tyuterevsky village
572. Skeeter Alexander Danilovich – 1913
573. Skeeter Ivan Kondratievich – 1914
574. Babadey Sergey Malakhovich – 1913
575. Kazadey Alexey Alexandrovich – 1911
576. Kurovets Demyan Naumovich – 1913
577. Krovka Arkhip Prokofievich – 1907
578. Labanok Ivan Iosifovich – 1907
579. Mozheiko Dmitry Vasilievich – 1910
580. Podolyako Fedor Alekseevich – 1911
581. Trusov Fedor Parfenovich – 1913
582. Kovalenko Efim Ignatievich – 1908 Pyatovsky s/s
583. Smolsky Yakov Pavlovich – 1910
584. Voluev Grigory Stepanovich – 1911
585. Borisov Alexander Dmitrievich – 1916
586. Lekun Nikolay Nikolaevich – 1911
587. Baida Egor Petrovich – 1912
588. Burko Stepan Yakovlevich – 1912
589. Voluev Maxim Prokofievich – 1911
590. Buyanovsky Kondrat Filippovich – 1910
591. Mizgunov Sergey Semenovich – 1910
592. Zubritsky Yakov Ivanovich – 1912
593. Volkov Vasily Nikiforovich – 1908
594. Korobok Ivan Prokofievich – 1912
595. Mizgunov Petr Trifonovich – 1912
596. Eliseenko Egor Vasilievich – 1910
597. Zaitsev Grigory Nikiforovich – 1912
598. Zubritsky Petr Andreevich – 1908
599. Zubritsky Stepan Ivanovich – 1910
600. Kovarda Vasily Yakovlevich – 1914
601. Novikov Kozma Safronovich – 1912
602. Kamshukov Grigory Stepanovich – 1915
603. Lyakun Grigory Alekseevich – 1911
604. Mizgunov Andrey Lazarevich – 1915
605. Matsuev Vasily Ivanovich – 1917
606. Modey Yakov Fedorovich – 1911
607. Nuzdanov Afanasy Alekseevich – 1908
608. Pankov Vasily Kharitonovich – 1910
609. Smolsky Ivan Dmitrievich – 1912
610. Suslo Alexander Parfenovich – 1913
611. Sovrasov Petr Platonovich – 1912
612. Timoshenko Petr Fedorovich – 1912
613. Feskov Yakov Fedorovich – 1907
614. Khomutov Makar Filippovich – 1909
615. Tsekun Ivan Lazarevich – 1912
616. Tsibulsky Dmitry Lukich – 1909
617. Chapilo Prokhor Dmitrievich – 1910
618. Shkraba Alexey Petrovich – 1910
619. Duba Ivan Nikiforovich – 1910 Nizhnevsky village
620. Blagoder Ivan Fedosovich – 1915
621. Katsera Andrey Arsenovich – 1913
622. Kor(p)shun Dorofey Alekseevich – 1906
623. Zhurakhovsky Vasily Alekseevich – 1912
624. Nemov Timofey Sidorovich – 1910
625. Pishchelka Grigory Lukich – 1908
626. Tarasenko Fedor Maksimovich – 1917
627. Sorokvasha Joseph Fedorovich – 1909
628. Slesarev Semyon Avramovich – 1908
629. Sukhovey Andrey Demyanovich – 1910 Nizhnevsky village
630. Slesarev Pavel Ilyich – 1912
631. Romanchenko Georgy Moiseevich – 1912
632. Melnikov Pavel Ivanovich – 1905
633. Lobys Mikhail Erofeevich – 1910
634. Kutsenok Grigory Pavlovich – 1915
635. Kovzel Ilya Semenovich – 1912
636. Tsurgan Sergey Romanovich – 1910
637. Sednev Fedor Tikhonovich – 1915
638. Korneikov Ivan Pavlovich – 1908
639. Tit Fedor Iosifovich – 1911
640. Petkov Vasily Filippovich – 1910
641. Lavorko Grigory Semenovich – 1915
642. Kokhan Petr Vasilievich – 1912
643. Kaplun Stepan Denisovich – 1912
644. Petrachkov Vasily Prokhorovich – 1907
645. Gorbachev Fedos Mikhailovich – 1910
646. Myakinsky Stepan Iosifovich – 1911
647. Korneikov Nikolay Timofeevich – 1911
648. Gorbachev Alexander Semenovich – 1917
649. Belonogiy Viktor Stepanovich – 1914
650. Blagoder Ivan Nikolaevich – 1911
651. Bastrukov Fedor Leontievich – 1916
652. Budovka Ivan Petrovich – 1906
653. Belonogiy Pyotr Stepanovich – 1913
654. Blagoder Ivan Feoktistovich – 1911
655. Chvyr Petr Sidorovich – 1912
656. Gorbachev Petr Mikhailovich – 1914
657. Gaponov Evgeniy Alekseevich – 1915
658. Gaponov Petr Efimovich – 1905
659. Dudarev Daniil Andreevich – 1914
660. Dyachkov Stepan Nikitich – 1917
661. Klapovsky Fedor Sergeevich – 1912
662. Pishcheiko Ivan Lukich – 1913
663. Chubkovets Georgy Moiseevich – 1913
664. Pilka Ilya Alekseevich – 1910
665. Kozlov Yakov Stepanovich – 1909
666. Petrachkov Ivan Isidorovich – 1908
667. Bulatny Pyotr Karpovich – 1907 Dareevichsky s\s
668. Bulatny Panteley Erofeevich – 1913
669. Vasily Nikolaevich rolled - 1913
670. Petrusenko Efim Dmitrievich – 1915
671. Poddubny Ivan Illarionovich – 1914
672. Polubotko Ivan Stepanovich – 1910
673. Komarovsky Leonid Ivanovich – 1908
674. Polubotko Pavel Demyanovich – 1911
675. Minenok Fedor Kondratievich – 1909
676. Poddubny Illarion Mikhailovich – 1911
677. Vasily Nikiforovich Polubotko – 1911
678. Matskevich Sidor Kalistratovich – 1910
679. Lushkov Afanasy Efimovich – 1905
680. Trus Fedor Vasilievich – 1906
681. Lushkov Alexey Martyanovich – 1907
682. Matskevich Grigory Ivanovich – 1906
683. Kulakov Ivan Petrovich – 1912
684. Lushkov Ivan Semenovich – 1914
685. Lushkov Petr Sergeevich – 1910
686. Mospanov Dmitry Eliseevich – 1914
687. Markelov Ivan Nikolaevich – 1912 Dareevichsky s/s
688. Molchanov Grigory Demyanovich – 1913
689. Petrusenko Efim Filippovich – 1906
690. Polubotko Lavrentiy Dmitrievich – 1913
691. Yakovenko Daniil Grigorievich – 1912
692. Trusov Andrey Lavrinovich – 1915
693. Frolov Semyon Vasilievich – 1911
694. Unsalted Mikhail Georgievich – 1906 Gartsevsky s\s
695. Nemtsev Nikolay Timofeevich – 1914 Pyatovsky s\s
696. Volokhov Vasily Grigorievich – 1917 Gartsevsky s/s
697. Danchenko Yakov Filippovich – 1912
698. Grebenchenko Ivan Leontievich – 1916
699. Volokhov Pafan Panteleevich – 1912
700. Volokhov Andrian Nikiforovich – 1912
701. Antipenko Efim Grigorievich – 1910
702. Morozov Grigory Ivanovich – 1914
703. Astapenko Petr Illarionovich – 1910
704. Parfenenko Petr Mikhailovich – 1915
705. Unsalted Georgy Petrovich – 1912
706. Krivenok Alexander Afanasyevich – 1913
707. Krivenok Grigory Afanasyevich – 1911
708. Kisel-Zagoryansky Sergey Demyanovich – 1916
709. Parfenenko Ivan Mikhailovich – 1913
710. Lopanos Alexey Mikhailovich – 1915
711. Shatrov Alexey Moiseevich - 1907
712. Unsalted Mikhail Georgievich – 1906
713. Chernyakov Mikhail Eliseevich – 1913
714. Chernyakov Ivan Ivanovich – 1907
715. Chernyakov Dmitry Ivanovich – 1908
716. Poleshchenko Grigory Trofimovich – 1910 Mokhonovsky s/s
717. Mikheenko Vasily Andreevich – 1911
718. Sagalov Stepan Petrovich – 1914
719. Fun Andrey Kirilovich – 1915
720. Timoshenko Ivan Emelyanovich – 1912
721. Matveenko Vasily Egorovich – 1912
722. Dyundik Vasily Afanasyevich – 1907
723. Draguntsov Stepan Rodionovich – 1914
724. Galevko Kondrat Minovich – 1908
725. Zyk Vasily Semenovich – 1910
726. Zyk Vasily Emelyanovich – 1912
727. Mikheenko Grigory Demyanovich – 1914
728. Malaichina Daniil Alekseevich – 1914
729. Poda Vasily Sidorovich – 1916
730. Sagalov Vasily Parfenovich – 1912
731. Sagalov Philip Petrovich – 1911
732. Suvorov Evdokim Nikitich – 1915
733. Chemis Andrey Fedorovich – 1912 Galensky s\s
734. Sugar Semyon Ivanovich – 1913
735. Chemis Stefan Antonovich – 1917
736. Nightingale Ivan Filimonovich – 1910
737. Soloviev Petr Akimovich – 109
738. Soloviev Efim Filippovich – 1912
739. Lisovsky Vasily Ivanovich – 1914
740. Pustovoitov Andrey Ivanovich – 1912
741. Sorokvasha Mikhail Emelyanovich – 1912
742. Kovalenko Stepan Antonovich – 1911
743. Tovpeko Alexey Ivanovich – 1914
744. Ivantsov Feoktist Grigorievich – 1912
745. Zaitsev Avram Vasilievich – 1911
746. Zablotsky Petr Timofeevich – 1913 Galensky s\s
747. Zablotsky Yakov Timofeevich – 1910
748. Kovalenko Mikhail Vasilievich – 1912
749. Akulenko Stefan Fedorovich – 1906
750. Ageenko Vasily Naumovich – 1910
751. Vasiltsov Pavel Grigorievich – 1912
752. Vasiltsov Evarest Ivanovich – 1912
753. Vasiltsov Malakh Isakovich – 1911
754. Gretsky Pavel Grigorievich – 1907
755. Chemes Grigory Varfolomeevich – 1909
756. Cactus Evarest Andreevich – 1910
757. Selyuta Vasily Ivanovich – 1909
758. Dmitrochenko Ivan Petrovich – 1906
759. Long Nikita Stepanovich – 1907
760. Astapenko Pavel Mikhailovich – 1913
761. Rukhlyadko Dmitry Leonovich – 1913
762. Surzhik Dmitry Ivanovich – 1908
763. Korotin Afanasy Romanovich – 1909
764. Korostelev Sergey Maksimovich – 1912
765. Kochura Ivan Antonovich – 1911
766. Kozhadey Vasily Semenovich – 1906
767. Lazarenko Grigory Savelievich – 1909
768. Naumenko Petr Mitrofanovich – 1915
769. Parenko Vasily Makarovich – 1916
770. Parenko Nikolai Andreevich – 1911
771. Prikhodko Alexander Ustinovich – 1913
772. Romanchenko Isak Lukich 1910
773. Rukhlyadko Sergey Grigorievich – 1911
774. Rukhlyadko Alexey Demyanovich – 1913
775. Surzhik Fedor Kirilovich – 1912
776. Strizhak Dmitry Yakovlevich – 1910
777. Nikolai Tikhonovich Samuskov – 1912
778. Khomyakov Pavel Evtikhievich – 1912
779. Khomyakov Dmitry Aksenovich – 1912
780. Khokhlov Stepan Petrovich – 1910
781. Yanchenko Zinoviy Antonovich – 1911
782. Lengin Vasily Mikhailovich - 1914 Starodub

Sheet No. 10-11-12-13
name list
To the command of those liable for military service of the Starodub district, sent
at the disposal of the Oryol Regional Military Commissariat on July 6, 1941

1. Filko Nikifor Mikhailovich – 1911 Levensky village
2. Strinadko Philip Grigorievich – 1911
3. Kozin Stepan Tikhonovich – 1905
4. Ivchenko Stepan Vasilievich – 1905
5. Myalo Ivan Savelyevich – 1905
6. Golik Petr Vasilievich – 1905
7. Zhuk Pavel Nikolaevich – 1905
8. Politiko Sergei Alekseevich – 1906
9. Lugovets Fedor Efimovich – 1908
10. Kozin Ivan Akimovich – 1905
11. Kostyuchenko Ivan Illarionovich – 1906
12. Galushko Ivan Pavlovich – 1906
13. Lukyantsev Grigory Stepanovich – 1907
14. Zhuk Petr Nikolaevich – 1908
15. Baranov Mikhail Fedorovich – 1908
16. Trushko Ivan Vasilievich – 1908
17. Osadchiy Petr Fedorovich – 1908
18. Tsukanov Makar Ivanovich – 1909
19. Leonchenko Fedor Semenovich – 1909
20. Drozdov Stepan Maksimovich – 1913
21. Tkachev Alexey Prokofievich – 1908
22. Leonchenko Pavel Prokofievich – 1908
23. Vasilenko Semyon Ivanovich – 1905 Mishkovsky village
24. Kuskov Ivan Fedorovich – 1913
25. Bugaev Ivan Trofimovich – 1908
26. Dyatlov Anton Sergeevich – 1908
27. Ganzha Leonid Ignatievich – 1908
28. Gutor Maxim Afanasyevich – 1907
29. Efimenko Egor Azarovich – 1907
30. Yatsenko Vasily Ivanovich – 1907
31. Migal Andrey Korneevich – 1906
32. Yatsenko __________Alexander. – 1906
33. Savchenko Petr Lavrentievich – 1906
34. Rudenko Vasily Evtikhievich – 1905
35. Kravchenko Andrey Simonovich – 1905
36. Dyatlov Ivan Makarovich – 1908
37. Medvedev Petr Ivanovich – 1908
38. Rudenok Mikhail Timofeevich – 1908
39. Krivonos Philip Grigorievich – 1911
40. Sidorov Ivan Mitrofanovich – 1909 Nizhnevsky village
41. Hetman Vasily Platonovich – 1909
42. Belonogiy Mikhail Semenovich – 1907
43. Snytko Fedor Vasilievich – 1907
44. Prokhorenko Timofey Grigorievich – 1905
45. Popelin Vasily Maksimovich – 1905
46. ​​Belokhvastov Pavel Mikhailovich – 1906
47. Korneikov Alexey Semenovich – 1906
48. Kazakov Vasily Efimovich – 1906
49. Sednev Grigory Ignatovich – 1906
50. Sednev Grigory Ivanovich – 1907
51. Kazakov Daniil Afanasyevich – 1905 Nizhnevsky village
52. Chubkovets Efim Moiseevich – 1905
53. Gudimov Joseph Trofimovich - ____ - Kartushinsky s\s
54. Karbovsky Nikifor Grigorievich – 1910
55. Kolechenko Yakov Tarasovich – 1908
56. Pysenok Pavel Andreevich – 1908
57. Khlistunov Fedor Platonovich – 1907
58. Kolechenko Semyon Yakovlevich – 1907
59. Belous Ivan Pavlovich – 1907
60. Gudimov Andrey Kiryanovich – 1905
61. Garbuz Illarion Petrovich – 1905
62. Khlistunov Nikolay Fedorovich – 1905
63. Stupakov Prokofy Nikolaevich – 1905 Zankovsky s/s
64. Lastovsky Alexey Mikhailovich – 1905
65. Dolgopolov Stepan Isidorovich – 1906
66. Gapeenko Vasily Mitrofanovich – 1909
67. Aniskov Emelyan Sergeevich – 1909
68. Belikov Anton Stepanovich – 1905
69. Kalmykov Alexey Vasilievich – 1907
70. Gulakov Ivan Prokhorovich – 1907
71. Yurchenko Nikolay Fedorovich – 1915
72. Kolpakov Ivan Vasilievich – 1916
73. Konchin Kozma Ivanovich – 1908
74. Lysenko Petr Ivanovich – 1910 Logovatovsky village
75. Konyushenko Gabriel Artemovich – 1910
76. Meshcherov Maxim Sergeevich – 1907
77. Selivonenko Ivan Klimovich – 1907
78. Starostenko Philip Georgievich – 1906
79. Medvedev Ilya Antonovich – 1906
80. Kizyulya Yakov Semenovich – 1905
81. Dybenko Fedot Ivanovich – 1905
82. Bobakov Philip Rodionovich – 1905
83. Dashkov Sergey Nikiforovich – 1905 Mokhonovsky s/s
84. Rytyaga Nikita Spiridonovich – 1910 crossed out due to illness (pencil)
85. Titenok Prokofy Efimovich – 1906
86. Amelko Matvey Dametovich – 1909
87. Rassolov Stepan Vasilievich – 1907
88. Bobkov Dmitry Afanasyevich – 1913 Tyuturevsky s/s
89. Afanasenko Alexander Evseevich – 1910
90. Nikita Parfenovich Trusov – 1909
91. Voitenko Stepan Kondratievich – 1907
92. Ostrik Semyon Karpovich – 1906
93. Kovryzhko Andrey Ivanovich – 1906
94. Shadoba Fedos Romanovich – 1913
95. Gichek Ivan Yakovlevich – 1908 Dokhnovichsky village
96. Logvinov Stepan Ivanovich – 1907
97. Mitkov Andrey Andreevich – 1907
98. Androsenko Afanasy Konstantinovich – 1907
99. Karpechenko Nikolay Timofeevich – 1905
100. Suddenko Grigory Dmitrievich – 1908
101. Kurban Grigory Davydovich – 1908
102. Ivanchik Ivan Ivanovich – 1905
103. Shkapo Ivan Fedorovich – 1906 Tyuturevsky village
104. Dulchenko Timofey Antonovich – 1908 Yatskovsky s/s
105. Zenkov Dmitry Evdokimovich – 1905
106. Kashcheev Makar Nikiforovich – 1905
107. Kozoba Vasily Denisovich – 1910
108. Kuleshov Fedor Panteleevich – 1907
109. Sereda Mikhail Avramovich – 1907
110. Salenko Makar Dmitrievich – 1908
111. Khrolenok Grigory Ivanovich – 1907
112. Gusakov Alexey Pavlovich – 1906
113. Chechet Fedor Konstantinovich – 1907
114. Bulaev Sergey Fedorovich – 1906
115. Kovalenko Fedor Yakovlevich – 1907
116. Abakun Ivan Gavrilovich – 1908
117. Avtushenko Mikhail Fedosovich – 1907
118. Kasyanov Savely Kirilovich – 1905
119. Gavrichenko Ivan Evstigneevich – 1906
120. Lositsky Alexey Maksimovich – 1905
121. Poklonsky Fedos Fedorovich – 1909
122. Poddubny Nikolai Vasilievich – 1905 Dareevichsky s/s
123. Polubotko Mikhail Dmitrievich – 1909
124. Frolov Anton Alekseevich – 1909
125. Danchenko Nikifor Titovich – 1906 Chubkovichsky village
126. Osnach Trofim Fomich – 1906
127. Yakovchenko Zakhar Gavrilovich – 1907
128. Petrochenko Fedor Parfenovich – 1909
129. Voropaev Georgy Mikhailovich – 1905
130. Marchenko Ivan Akimovich – 1905
131. Kolbeev Fedot Fomich – 1908 Kartushinsky s/s
132. Lashkevich Alexey Osipovich – 1908
133. Left-handed Alexander Ignatovich – 1907 Proletarsky s\s
134. Chernenok Ivan Antonovich – 1906
135. Khomyakov Vasily Platonovich – 1906
136. Rukhlyadko Fedos Filimonovich – 1906
137. Melnichenko Stepan Georgievich – 1906
138. Naumenko Vasily Iosifovich – 1906
139. Surzhik Ivan Isaevich – 1905
140. Kozhadey Nikifor Vasilievich – 1905
141. Tolkachev Vasily Vasilievich – 1907
142. Lukyanenko Ivan Vasilievich – 1908
143. Moskalenko Ivan Pankratovich – 1908
144. Dadon Petr Vasilievich – 1908
145. Kozhadey Vasily Vasilievich – 1908
146. Kozhadey Ivan Afanasyevich – 1908
147. Rukhlyadko Ivan Leontievich – 1908
148. Kozhadey Vasily Emelyanovich – 1908
149. Kachuro Damet Antonovich – 1909
150. Korotky Vladimir Trofimovich – 1909
151. Lukyanenko Timofey Pavlovich – 1910
152. Dobrogaev Dmitry Ivanovich – 1908
153. Grabelnikov Andrey Mikhailovich - 1905 Starodub
154. Kupreenko Vasily Mikhailovich – 1905
155. Yatsenko Petr Ivanovich – 1909
156. Golovnenko Petr Fedorovich – 1914
157. Semeko Boris Grigorievich – 1907
158. Orekhov Daniil Petrovich – 1908
159. Kamoza Artem Fedorovich – 1906
160. Borodulya Petr Ivanovich – 1906
161. Zubritsky Georgy Ivanovich – 1912
162. Pisarev Ignatius Mikhailovich – 1906
163. Zaitsev Petr Lupanovich – 1907
164. Pusenkov Ivan Vasilievich – 1905
165. Baranov Stepan Illarionovich – 1911
166. Korneenko Dmitry Petrovich – 1914
167. Sakhonov Vasily Mikhailovich – 1913
168. Nesyn Sergey Lvovich – 1906
169. Liongin Mikhail Sergeevich - 1906 Starodub
170. Shevchenko Ilya Ivanovich – 1911
171. Kozhemyako Fedor Ivanovich – 1907
172. Prikhodko Mikhail Stepanovich – 1906
173. Dedkov Ivan Ivanovich – 1909
174. Dyatlov Philip Fedorovich – 1905
175. Shkred Nikolai Grigorievich – 1906
176. Rudenko Ivan Petrovich – 1906
177. Puskov Stepan Grigorievich – 1911
178. Matskevich Feofan Kalistratovich – 1905
179. Alekseenko Mikhail Nikitich – 1912
180. Gorbachevsky Boris Mikhailovich - 1908 (released by the Oryol OVK for medical examination - pen)
181. Davydov Pavel Dmitrievich – 1909
182. Danchenko Dmitry Martyanovich – 1907 Artyushkovsky s/s
183. Sidorenko Mikhail Yakovlevich – 1905
184. Popov Mikhail Dametovich – 1905
185. Khalepo Pimen Trofimovich – 1906
186. Kashnikov Vasily Panfilovich – 1906
187. Tsyganok Vasily Nikiforovich – 1906
188. Galaburdo Petr Ivanovich – 1907
189. Kashnikov Ivan Andreevich -1907
190. Zablotsky Trofim Fedorovich – 1908
191. Danchenko Vasily Parfirovich – 1908
192. Sidorenko Stepan Petrovich – 1908
193. Sidorenko Grigory Efimovich – 1909
194. Sementsov Arsen Semenovich – 1909
195. Tolstopyatov Ivan Fedorovich – 1909
196. Vodnev Petr Gavrilovich – 1909
197. Gamzyul Maxim Ilyich – 1909
198. Sementsov Anton Trofimovich – 1917
199. Kashnikov Andrey Gavrilovich – 1906
200. Shilenok Stepan Alexandrovich – 1907
201. Strogalev Stepan Sergeevich – 1908 Kartushinsky s/s
202. Medvedev Ivan Varfolomeevich – 1905 Melensky s\s
203. Polonik Trofim Dmitrievich – 1905
204. Prikhodko Nikolay Dametovich – 1913
205. Medvedev Protas Zosimovich – 1912
206. Petlev Petr Guryevich – 1908
207. Barbash Maxim Kirilovich – 1908
208. Valevach Nikita Savatievich 1908
209. Sobolev Ivan Erohovich – 1907 Melensky village
210. Bogomaz Ivan Nikiforovich – 1906
211. Shago Vasily Samuilovich – 1906
212. Sementsov Grigory Trofimovich – 1906
213. Borodulya Timofey Malakhovich – 1906
214. Borodulya Ivan Fedorovich – 1906
215. Ulezko Ivan Dmitrievich – 1906
216. Polguy Vasily Isakovich – 1906
217. Novikov Mikhail Alexandrovich – 1905
218. Golushko Petr Andreevich – 1905
219. Borovik Petr Alexandrovich – 1905
220. Baranov Philip Maksimovich – 1905
221. Kozlov Grigory Kirilovich – 1905
222. Khalepo Leon Ulyanovich – 1905
223. Leonchenko Nikolay Artemovich – 1905
224. Borodulya Kozma Yakovlevich – 1905
225. Glot Petr Pavlovich – 1905
226. Kovalenko Vasily Kuzmich – 1915
227. Selivonenko Maxim Evgrafovich – 1909
228. Lositsky Mikhail Antonovich – 1908 Melensky s\s
229. Afanasy Vasilyevich on foot – 1906 Kovalevsky s/s
230. Puzdrya Ivan Mikhailovich – 1915
231. Romanchenko Andrey Filippovich – 1906 Mikhailovsky s/s
232. Shulga Stepan Osipovich – 1908
233. Semenitsa Dmitry Isidorovich – 1909
234. Kozhadey Mikhail Dametovich – 1909
235. Martintsov Georgy Pavlovich – 1910
236. Tabuntsov Semyon Prokhorovich – 1912
237. Semenitsa Semyon Kalistratovich – 1905
238. Korotky Ivan Vasilievich – 1905
239. Fierce Kozma Mitrofanovich – 1907
240. Podtereba Petr Artemovich – 1906
241. Gorbachev Vladimir Evtikhievich – 1908
242. Gurkov Stefan Fedorovich – 1907 Artyushkovsky s\s
243. Tishchenko Makar Kondratovich – 1909
244. Tkachenko Stefan Grigorievich – 1905
245. Vaiser Ivan Vasilievich – 1916
246. Nosovets Stepan Efremovich – 1906 Dareevichsky village
247. Shevtsov Andrey Fedorovich – 1912 Western Khalevichsky village
248. Khlistunov Zakhar Danilovich – 1905 Kartushinsky village
249. Lupanov Petr Iosifovich – 1908 Kovalevsky s\s
250. Klishchenko Vasily Grigorievich - 1908
251. Kotov Dmitry Stepanovich – 1909
252. Pasechnik Dmitry Semenovich – 1908 Logovatovsky village
253. Neshkov Mark Avramovich – 1905
254. Ovsyanikov Mark Vasilievich – 1909 Mishkovsky s/s
255. Makarenko Petr Vasilievich – 1906 Nizhnevsky village
256. Dyachkov Alexander Andreevich – 1907
257. Denisovich Platon Filippovich – 1905
258. Gaponov Egor Petrovich – 1905
259. Khomyakov Philip Grigorievich – 1905 Proletarsky s\s
260. Yanchenko Evgeniy Romanovich – 1907
261. Nikeenko Stefan Efimovich – 1907
262. Burko Sergey Yakovlevich – 1907 Pyatovsky s\s
263. Demidenko Kharlampiy Evstratovich – 1909 Yatskovichsky s\s
264. Kremnev Grigory Ivanovich - 1905 Starodub
265. Kerbelev Tsalia Antselevich – 1909
266. Bondarenko Nikita Fedorovich – 1906 Yatskovichsky village
267. Gorely Dmitry Akimovich – 1908 Gartsevsky s/s
268. Chernyakov Ivan Pavlovich – 1907
269. Kisel-Zagoryansky Pavel Fedorovich – 1907(2)
270. Kavodnik Vasily Vasilievich – 1907
271. Vasiltsov Protas Semenovich – 1906
272. Vaskov Vasily Dmitrievich – 1908
273. Khondogy Fedor Lukich – 1908
274. Khondogiy Semyon Mikhailovich – 1908
275. Chernyakov Ivan Nikitich – 1905
276. Volokhov Ivan Zakharovich – 1909
277. Suitcases Petr Konstantinovich – 1915
278. Kavodnik Dmitry Efremovich – 1910
279. Zvonkov Ivan Nesterovich – 1914
280. Schastlivtsev Mikhail Isakovich – 1909
281. Pyko Fedor Egorovich – 1912 Zap-Khalevichsky village
282. Dashkov Georgy Mitrofanovich – 1909
283. Zakharenko Timofey Yakovlevich – 1909
284. Barkov Terenty Patapovich – 1908
285. Malaychina Andrey Alekseevich – 1905
286. Taranov Savely Mikhailovich – 1905
287. Pyka Vasily Dmitrievich – 1905
288. Sukhovey Trofim Petrovich – 1905 Western Khalevichsky village
289. Yakovchenko Efim __ovich – 1909 Galensky village
290. Shevelev Alexey Afanasyevich – 1909
291. Ageenko Prokofy Fedorovich – 1907
292. Dyakonov Ivan Fedorovich – 1907
293. Ageenko Vasily Egorovich – 1907
294. Chemes Pavel Varfolomeevich – 1906
295. Vasiltsov Ivan Andreevich – 1905
296. Tatyanok Kolenty Dmitrievich – 1905
297. Osipenko Ivan Ilyich – 1905
298. Tatenok Ilya Stranovich – 1905
299. Akulenko Demyan Stepanovich – 1905
300. Chemes Daniil Mikhailovich – 1914
301. Eremenko Andrey Ivanovich – 1907 Pantusovsky s\s
302. Chernenok Alexander Vasilievich – 1903
303. Gaponov Ivan Romanovich – 1908
304. Rubets Vasily Denisovich – 1916
305. Kozlov Leonty Ignatovich – 1905
306. Fomin Mark Moiseevich – 1906
307. Chemeris Alexey Timofeevich – 1907
308. Galenok Yakov Ivanovich – 1907
309. Chemeris Savva Vladimirovich – 1907
310. Chemeris Ivan Semenovich – 1907
311. Tskuev Mikhail Borisovich – 1909
312. Chernenok Alexander Alekseevich – 1908
313. Garbuzov Petr Pavlovich – 1906
314. Shcherbakov Demid Petrovich – 1905
315. Chemeris Nikita Vasilievich – 1905
316. Zavatsky Peter Konstantinovich – 1908
317. Khorablev Nikolay Vasilievich – 1912 Prokopovsky s/s
318. Kovalenko Ivan Mikhailovich – 1906
319. Seleznev Andrey Egorovich – 1905
320. Ivashkov Georgy Yakovlevich – 1906
321. Belonogiy Andrey Vasilievich – 1906
322. Borzdy Andrey Naumovich – 1911
323. Tishchenko Fedor Artemovich – 1905
324. Panchenko Mikhail Akimovich – 1909
325. Trusov Mikhail Stepanovich – 1910
326. Ilyenko Stepan Ivanovich – 1915
327. Seleznev Afanasy Kozmich – 1913
328. Panchenko Ivan Nikolaevich – 1914
329. Duba Stepan Petrovich – 1914
330. Kovtunov Illarion Demyanovich – 1911
331. Pismenov Semyon Alekseevich – 1905
332. Shevtsov Anton Petrovich – 1906
333. Garagon Pavel Ilyich – 1915
334. Kovtunov Fedor Andreevich – 1907
335. Borsch(sh)ov Mikhail Grigorievich – 1905 Novoselsky village
336. But Ivan Sergeevich – 1912
337. Shatoba Petr Efimovich – 1914
338. Kozlov Ivan Semenovich – 1910
339. Krivopusk Pavel Filippovich – 1909
340. Antipenko Ivan Stefanovich – 1908
341. Kukareko Fedor Sergeevich – 1908
342. Kovalenko Afanasy Yakovlevich – 1908
343. Kovalenko Timofey Fedosovich – 1907
344. Kozlov Avram Pavlovich – 1907
345. J(B)elkin __an Ivanovich – 1907
346. Mezhuev Nikolay Maksimovich – 1907
347. _______ Andrey Ivanovich – 1906
348. Krivopusk Boris Kozmich – 1906 Novoselsky village
349. Seleznev Ivan Seliverstovich – 1906
350. Lositsky Ivan Ivanovich – 1905
351. Borshchov Ilya Tarasovich – 1905
352. Vara Ivan Trofimovich – 1908
353. Mikhalenko Ivan Evgrafovich – 1908
354. Revko Alexander Matveevich – 1908
355. Avramenko Nikolay Erofeevich – 1908
356. Mizgunov Makar Moiseevich – 1909
357. Timoshenko Kirill Fedorovich – 1909 Pyatovsky s\s
358. Lyakun Maxim Stepanovich – 1909
359. Kh(D)udeneko Ivan Sergeevich – 1905
360. Podolny Nikita Mitrofanovich – 1906
361. Marchenko Kirill Malakhovich – 1905
362. Feskov Pimon Nikiforovich – 1905
363. Zubritsky Ivan Ivanovich – 1905
364. Balabas Avram Pavlovich – 1905
365. Bely Arkhip Eliseevich – 1905
366. Synkov Kozma Eliseevich – 1906
367. Avramenko Stepan Erofeevich – 1913
368. Bezruchenko Anatoly Ivanovich – 1906
369. Mikhalenko Vasily Maksimovich – 1906
370. Smolsky Klimenty Dmitrievich – 1907
371. Lyakun Vasily Dmitrievich – 1907
372. Sagalov Ivan Petrovich – 1907
373. Shapilo Andrey Dmitrievich – 1907
374. Gusakov Grigory Varfolomeevich - 1905 Starodub

Sheet No. 14
Name list
To team No. 9-B, sent by Starodubsky RVC to headquarters
Kronstadt fortified sector of Oranienbaum

1. Korneenko Ivan Leonovich – 1908 Levensky village
2. Bokhovka Vladimir Stepanovich - 1916 Starodub
3. Belokopytov Timofey Yakovlevich – 1915
4. Lyubitenko Anton Grigorievich – 1916 p. Pecheniki
5. Come on time Sergei Trifonovich – 1910 Mokhonovsky s/s
6. Danchenko Sergey Parfenovich – 1905 Artyushkovsky village
7. Radchenko Pavel Antonovich – 1908 Mishkovsky s/s
8. Chernenok Petr Vasilievich – 1905 Pantusovsky s\s
9. Fomin Petr Alimpievich – 1909
10. Katsera Anton Arkhipovich – 1909
11. Bakhonenko Ivan Zakharyevich – 1911
12. Kovalev Vasily Titovich - 1910 Starodub Tab. Experience. Art.
13. Mospanov Georgy Andreevich – 1911 -//-//- Kr. Army, pl.51
14. Podolyako Petr Efimovich – 1909 Mokhonovsky s/s
15. Maksach Ivan Filippovich – 1911
16. Gapeenko Nikifor Illarionovich – 1911
17. Podolyako Grigory Karpovich – 1909
18. Gapeenko Demyan Mitrofanovich – 1905 Zankovsky s/s
19. Amelko Fedor Ustinovich – 1914 Mokhonovsky village
20. Postoyalko Grigory Ivanovich – 1906
21. Poleshchenko Semyon Efimovich – 1907
22. Belyakov Egor Lavrentievich – 1913
23. Kovalenko Ivan Antonovich – 1908 Mishkovsky s/s
24. Smirnov Alexander Ivanovich - 1908 Starodub st. Krestyanskaya 40
25. Stepanenko Vasily Nikiforovich – 1909 Zankovsky agricultural sector. Berezovka
26. Izrailev Binya Meerovich – 1909 -//-//-//- Kr. Star
27. Shevchenko Vasily Fedorovich – 1909 Logovatovsky village
28. Iskantsev Vasily Ivanovich – 1909
29. Dovzhenko Mikhail Grigorievich – 1905 Zankovsky agricultural sector. Płocke
30. Gomankov Mark Gavrilovich – 1906
31. Pyka Philip Alexandrovich – 1907 Western Khalevichsky village
32. Dashkov Boris Gavrilovich – 1906 Mokhonovsky s/s
33. Pantsyr Afanasy Semenovich – 1910
34. Pyko Fedor Nikolaevich – 1906 Western Khalevichsky village
35. Chernenok Matvey Ivanovich – 1911 Kartushinsky s\s
36. Garbuzov Klimenty Sergeevich – 1909
37. Garbuz Ivan Fedorovich – 1910
38. Belous Pavel Pavlovich – 1913
39. Khlistunov Stepan Prokofievich – 1908
40. Zenenok Terenty Petrovich – 1912
41. Matskevich Mikhail Yakovlevich – 1909 Dareevichsky s/s
42. Nosovets Ivan Fedorovich – 1910
43. Rolled Joseph Maksimovich – 1911
44. Trofim Maksimovich rolled - 1905
45. Sharoiko Samuil Kirilovich – 1908 Western Khalevichsky village
46. ​​Yakovenko Ulyan Prokopovich – 1910 Dareevichsky village
47. Selivonenko Konstantin Ivanovich – 1906
48. Poddubny Vasily Fedosovich – 1911
49. Komarovsky Ivan Fedorovich – 1906
50. Petrusenko Ilya Andreevich – 1906
51. Sementsov Ivan Ivanovich – 1906 Artyushkovsky s/s
52. Shandyurka Nikolai Anisovich – 1909 Chubkovsky s/s
53. Batalo Iosif Ivanovich – 1912 Nizhnevsky village
54. Mistress Mikhail Kondratievich – 1910
55. Mityaev Alexey Danilovich – 1912 Western Khalevichsky s/s
56. Bulka Philip Andreevich – 1908 Dokhnovichsky s/s
57. Tolochko Semyon Danilovich – 1909 Western Khalevichsky village
58. Belenok Fedor Efimovich – 1908 Dokhnovichsky village
59. Volokhov Dmitry Nikolaevich – 1911 Nizhnevsky s/s
60. Semkovsky Nikolay Avdeevich – 1909 Chubkovichsky s\s
61. Suddenok Petr Issidorovich – 1905 Kartushinsky s\s
62. Lyakhov Andrey Filippovich – 1910 Chubkovichsky village
63. Dyuba Dmitry Kirillovich 1910
64. Syroedov Ivan Isakovich – 1909
65. Sagalov Ivan Sergeevich – 1906 Western Khalevichsky village
66. Gribach Sergey Timofeevich – 1906
67. Frolov Ivan Grigorievich – 1905
68. Shulik Ivan Andreevich – 1908
69. Nyukhov Galaktion Pavlovich – 1909
70. Dvoezhilov Dmitry Mitrofanovich – 1911 Chubkovsky s/s
71. Osnach Vasily Ivanovich – 1909
72. Swede Pavel Silkovich – 1908
73. Prostakov Stepan Egorovich – 1910
74. Bukhovets Ivan Nikitich – 1911 Dareevichsky s/s
75. Klishchenko Alexander Egorovich – 1912 Prokopovsky s/s
76. Sapunov Vasily Vasilievich – 1912 Zankovsky s/s
77. Stebunov Roman Yakovlevich – 1907
78. Swede Andrey Erofeevich – 1906 Chubkovsky s/s
79. Sosnovsky Grigory Anisovich - ____- Dokhnovichsky s\s
80. Selivonenko Vladimir Petrovich – 1908 Chubkovsky s/s
81. Levchenko Alexander Petrovich – 1907 Dokhnovichsky village
82. Myakinsky Stepan Iosifovich – 1911 Nizhnevsky village
83. Korneykov Nikolay Timofeevich – 1911
84. Pokhodin Alexander Kondratyevich – 1912 Chubkovsky s/s
85. Kozma Mikhailovich Shkirsky – 19__
86. Aniskov Leon Sergeevich – 1906 Zankovsky s\s
87. Khlistunov Ivan Trofimovich – 1910 Kartushinsky s\s
88. Razuvay Rodion Prokhorovich – 1912 Logovatovsky village
89. Cloth Nikolai Danilovich – 1916
90. Vasiltsov Sergey Semenovich – 1915 Galensky s\s
91. Popov Semyon Sergeevich – 1916 Artyushkovsky s/s
92. Sereda Dmitry Ivanovich – 1915 Prokopovsky s/s
93. Zavatsky Mikhail Emelyanovich – 1916 Nizhnevsky village
94. Tolochko Ivan Demidovich – 1916 Western Khalevichsky village
95. Ageenko Semyon Dmitrievich – 1917 Galensky village
96. Indychko Ivan Sergeevich – 1915 Pyatovsky s/s
97. Dupljachev Mikhail Gavrilovich – 1918 Yatskovichsky s\s
98. Korovaev Ivan Afanasyevich – 1914
99. Long Stepan Efremovich – 1911
100. Parsyukov Daniil Iosifovich – 1912 Dareevichsky village
101. Nosovets Timofey Konstantinovich – 1914 Western Khalevichsky village
102. Glushakov Ivan Alekseevich – 1911
103. Klyuy Grigory Sergeevich – 1911 Dokhnovichsky s/s
104. Tolochka Petr Filippovich – 1910 Western Khalevichsky village
105. Chupik Ivan Fedosovich – 1911 Yatskovichsky village
106. Chechet Ivan Semenovich – 1907
107. Filipchenko Ivan Pivkovich – 1911 Zankovsky s\s

Sheet No. 15
Name list 06/24/41
To team No. 143, sent by the Starodub RVC to military unit 1871 in Starodub

1. Chernyakov Dmitry Filippovich 1909 Starodub st. Cemetery 8
2. Pevzner Avram Shlemovich 1916 Starodub st. Vorovskaya 17
3. Korostelev Luka Ivanovich 1908 Zap. Khalevichsky village
4. Dudka Fedor Ivanovich 1913 Pyatovsky s\s
5. Podolny Judas Abramovich 1912 Starodub
6. Skovpen Vasily Ivanovich 1912 Starodub
7. Melnichenko Illarion Sergeevich 1913 Proletarsky s/s
8. Belkin Israel Eselevich 1911 Starodub
9. Svistunov Philip Konstantinovich 1911 Starodub
10. Tolochko Dmitry Sergeevich 1910 Western Khalevichsky village
11. Gutor Mikhail Kuzmich 1910 Mishkovsky s\s
12. Lyakun Fedor Vasilievich 1910 Pyatovsky s\s
13. Makovsky Ivan Filippovich 1909 Levensky s\s
14. Korobchenko Alexey Makarovich 1909 Pyatovsky s\s
15. Khomenko Alexey Vladimirovich 1909 Levensky village
16. Melekhov Grigory Safronovich 1908 Starodub
17. Bovtunov Konstantin Vladimirovich 19010 Novoselsky village
18. Nikiforov Gavriil Ivanovich 1909 Pantusovsky s\s
19. Zhigunov Georgy Pavlovich 1909 Mishkovsky s/s
20. Korobok Afanasy Isakovich 1909 Pyatovsky s\s
21. Kashnikov Fedor Romanovich 1909 Artyushkovsky s\s
22. Volchkov Efrem Ivanovich 1910 Western Khalevichsky village
23. Borodulya Anton Stepanovich 1909 Melensky s\s
24. Sobolev Mikhail Sidorovich 1909 Melensky s\s
25. Titchenko Dmitry Dmitrievich 1909 Kartushinsky s/s

Sheet No. 16
Name list
To team No. 410, sent by the Starodubsky RVK to the Grodno GVK, Grodno

1. Lyakun Ivan Viktorovich 1909 Pyatovsky s\s
2. Poddubny Egor Prokopovich 1906 Dareevichsky s\s
3. Petrachko Stepan Dmitrievich 1906 Nizhnevsky s\s
4. Samuskov Dmitry Tikhonovich 1915 Proletarsky s\s
5. Bezik Philip Yakovlevich 1906 Novoselsky s\s
6. Acorn Matvey Maksimovich 1909 Novoselsky village
7. Danchenko Ivan Efimovich 1908 Chubkovichsky s\s
8. Yakovenko Nikolay Ignatovich 1914 Dareevichsky s/s
9. Kalina Fedosiy Nikiforovich 1907 Kartushinsky s/s
10. Maleko Stefan Efimovich 1913 Pyatovsky s\s
11. Tereshchenko Fedor Mikhailovich 1909 Starodub
12. Skovpen Trofim Ivanovich 1906 Mokhonovsky s\s
13. Tolkachev Stefan Sergeevich 1909 Proletarsky s\s
14. Timoshenko Anton Georgievich 1916 Pyatovsky s\s
15. Nosovets Evgeniy Andreevich 1914 Starodub
16. Tereshok Alexey Pavlovich 1914 Zap. Khalevichsky village
17. Poddubny Afanasy Nesterovich 1909 Darevichsky s/s
18. Semeko Andrey Grigorievich 1916 Starodub
19. Gomenitsa Vasily Ivanovich 1912 Starodub
20. Chubkovets Alexander Petrovich 1916 Logovatovsky s\s
21. Chemeris Afanasy Anisovich 1915 Pantusovsky s/s
22. Emelyanenko Petr Pavlovich 1913 Mishkovsky s\s
23. Podkokha Nikolay Demyanovich 1910 Kartushinsky s\s
24. Gormaev Trofim Vavilovich 1906 Zankovsky s\s
25. Lozovsky Ivan Gavrilovich 1906 Kartushinsky s\s
26. Politics Efim Eliseevich 1905 Chubkovichsky s\s
27. Kurtenok Demyan Trifonovich 1906 Logovatovsky s\s
28. Dyatlov Tit Alexandrovich 1907 Mishkovsky s\s
29. Shokalo Petr Semenovich 1907 Mishkovsky s\s
30. Radchenko Petr Grigorievich 1905 Mishkovsky s/s
31. Bulatny Ivan Logvinovich 1914 Darevichsky s\s
32. Borisenko Stepan Pavlovich 1909 Dokhnovichsky village
33. Politiko Grigory Danilovich 1916 Levensky s\s
34. Tsekun Alexey Mitrofanovich 1909 Pyatovsky s\s
35. Sosnovsky Petr Anisimovich 1907 Dokhnovichsky s\s
36. Belokhvastov Pavel Stepanovich 1907 Zankovsky s/s
37. Chemes Ivan Mikhailovich 1916 Galensky s\s
38. Mezhuev Ivan Yakovlevich 1909 Logovatovsky s\s
39. Medvedev Mikhail Isidorovich 1909 Logovatovsky s\s
40. Puzdrya Vasily Mikhailovich 1909 Kovalevsky s\s
41. Rybka Vladimir Egorovich 1907 Kartushinsky s\s
42. Pribylchenko Ivan Dmitrievich 1905 Kartushinsky s\s

Sheet No. 17
To team No. 155, sent by the Starodubsky RVK to military unit 2050 Klintsy

1. Taranov Petr Mikhailovich 1911 Zap. Khalevichsky village
2. Bolotin Ilya Pinkhusovich 1910 Zankovsky s\s
3. Efimenko Nikolay Antonovich 1912 Mishkovsky s/s
4. Khrup Taras Ivanovich 1910 Galensky s\s
5. Emelianeko Fedor Kuzmich 1910 Mishkovsky s/s
6. Ruban Mikhail Ivanovich 1910 Mishkovsky s/s
7. Kovalenko Ignat Ignatovich 1910 Yatskovichsky s\s
8. Tararyko Ivan Georgievich 1914 Chubkovichsky s\s
9. Tolstyakov Afanasy Trofimovich 1906 Dokhnovichsky s/s
10. Kamosa Grigory Efimovich 1911 Pyatovsky s/s
11. Sednev Grigory Gordonovich 1905 Nizhnevsky s/s
12. Zubritsky Petr Kharitonovich 1911 Pyatovsky s\s
13. Polonik Vasily Emelyanovich 1918 Melensky s\s
14. Savchenko Mikhail Petrovich 1911 Galensky s/s
15. Shapulinsky Ilya Zakharovich 1905 Novoselsky village
16. Gapeev Vasily Danilovich 1915 Levensky village
17. Dobrogaev Petr Ivanovich 1905 Levensky village
18. Poddubny Grigory Trofimovich 1915 Darevichsky s/s

On each sheet at the bottom there are signatures of the district military commissar, senior political instructor Kondratenko and the head of the 1st unit, technical quartermaster Korolkov

Sheet No. 18
name list
To team No. 121, sent by the Starodub RVC to military unit No. 1760 in Starodub

1. Trushko Fedor Pavlovich - 1914 Levensky village
2. Kozin Tikhon Karpovich - 1910 Levensky village
3. Titenok Nikolai Trofimovich - 1910 Levensky village
4. Cherny Yakov Prokhorovich -1914 Levensky s\s
5. Sadovy Peter Zakharovich - 1910 Starodub
6. Kartavenko Dmitry Fedorovich - 1914 Starodub
7. Katsera Alexander Dovidovich - 1912 Novoselsky village
8. Pysenok Konstantin Ivanovich - 1915 Starodub
9. Gomyanitsa Alexander Petrovich - 1911 Starodub
10. Nepochatov Alexander Prokhorovich - 1911 Starodub
11. Evmenenko Mikhail Gavrilovich - 1912 Starodub
12. Seleznev Nikolai Vasilievich - 1905 Starodub
13. Karavaev Nikifor Matveevich - 1909 Kartushinsky s/s
14. Kadomsky Erofey Markovich - 1907 Prokopovsky s\s
15. Matskevich Vasily Matveevich - 1914 Darevichsky s/s
16. Pribylchenko Dorofey Moiseevich - 1910 Kartushinsky s/s
17. Kuskov Pavel Tikhonovich - 1913 Mishkovsky s/s
18. Prikhodko Ivan Vasilievich - 1907 Proletarsky s/s
19. Kovalevsky Panteley Prokhorovich - 1911 Prokopovsky s\s
20. Pyko Ivan Ilyich - 1912 Western. Khalevichsky village

Sheet No. 19
name list
To team No. 625, sent by the Starodubsky RVC to the Starodubsky RaiZdrav of the city of Starodub

1. Batenkova Klavdiya Nikolaevna - 1918 Starodub st. Krasnooktyabrskaya 75
2. Lyakhov Andrey Vasilievich - 1905 Zankovsky s/s
3. Rukhlyadko Ignat Leonovich - 1905 Proletarsky s\s
4. Lyzko Zoya Fedorovna - 1899 Starodub
5. Shkrob Evdokia Akimovna - 1904 Starodub
6. Romanenko Berta Bogdanovna - 190 _ Starodub
7. Brown Anna Fedorovna - 1901 Starodub
8. Buraya Anastasia Fedorovna - 1895 Starodub
9. Shevchenko Ustinia Trifonovna - 1916 Starodub
10. Khabicheva Evgenia Mikhailovna - 1900 Starodub
11. Sopacheva Tatyana Terentyevna - 1917 Starodub
12. Grigory Andreevich on foot - 1906 Starodub
13. Shkrebnev Pavel Nikolaevich - 1906 Starodub

Crossed out with a red pencil - 1; 4;7;8;10

Sheet No. 20
Name list
To team No. 99, sent by the Starodub RVC to the headquarters of military unit No. 1760 Starodub

1. Glot Dmitry Khristoforovich 1910 Melensky s\s
2. Krasilnikov Moisey Berkovich 1912 Starodub
3. Koptenok Grigory Emelyanovich 1917 Starodub
4. Sobolev Ivan Feoktistovich 1910 Melensky s\s
5. Korban Pavel Filimonovich 1910 Melensky village
6. Sementsov Grigory Illarionovich 1905 Starodub
7. Kupreichenko Vasily Yakovlevich 1908 Starodub
8. Ermakov Georgy Stepanovich 1907 Starodub
9. Levchenko Dmitry Efimovich 1908 Starodub
10. Klyuy Emelyan Filippovich 1909 Dokhnovichsky s\s
11. Osherov Samuil Simkhovich 1913 Starodub

Sheet No. 21
Name list
To team No. 129, sent by the Starodub RVC to military unit No. 1859 Starodub

1. Semenitsa Ivan Vasilievich 1911 Mikhailovsky s/s

Sheet No. 22
Name list
To team No. 127, sent by the Starodub RVK to military unit No. 1760 in Starodub

1. Dovbelev Daniil Ivanovich 1911 Starodub
2. Pribylchenko Alexander Dmitrievich 1910 Kartushinsky s\s
3. Brek Vasily Ivanovich 1909 Kovalevsky s\s

Sheet No. 23
Name list
To team No. 111, sent by the Starodub RVC to military unit No. 1665 Starodub

1. Politiko Stepan Danilovich 1913 Levensky s\s
2. Zheleznyakov Joseph Kuzmich 1913 Logovatovsky s/s
3. Zheleznyakov Fedor Afanasyevich 1913 Logovatovsky s/s
4. Razuvay Ilya Anufrievich 1915 Logovatovsky s\s
5. Tereshonok Grigory Issidorovich 1915 West. Khalevichsky village
6. Rusakov Pavel Rodionovich 1911 Zankovsky s/s
7. Khomutov Ivan Ivanovich 1906 Starodub
8. Bokhovka Nikolai Prokofievich 1916 Starodub
9. Swede Gordey Korneevich 1915 Chubkovsky s\s
10. Polonik Ivan Artemovich 1912 Melensky s\s
11. Filimonenko Nikolay Petrovich 1911 Novoselsky village
12. Sapachev Tikhon Alekseevich 1910 Starodub
13. Pevzner Yesel Shlemovich 1916 Starodub
14. Melekhov Ivan Semenovich 1910 Yatskovicheskiy village
15. Dovbezhko Akim Afanasyevich 1913 Darevichsky s/s
16. Kolichenko Dmitry Ivanovich 1915 Kartushinsky s/s
Recording date – 24.06. 1941

Sheet No. 24
Name list
To team No. 135, sent by the Starodub RVC to military unit 1665 Starodub

1. Tupikov Mikhail Ivanovich 1914 Gartsevsky s\s
2. Fedosenko Petr Yakovlevich 1906 Gartsevsky s\s
3. Starostenko Konstantin Nikitich 1910 Dokhnovichsky s\s
4. Soroka Grigory Prokhorovich 1910 Kovalevsky s/s
5. Perepechko Vasily Fedorovich 1910 Dokhnovichsky village

Sheet No. 25
Name list
To team No. 817, sent by the Starodubsky RVC to the 4th separate Division of armored trains in Bryansk

1. Budaev Alexey Fedorovich 1914 Novoselsky village
2. Gorlo Grigory Andreevich 1914 Starodub
3. Kapelev Konstantin Tikhonovich 1918 Yatskovichsky s\s
4. Polonik Afanasy Romanovich 1910 Melensky s\s
5. Dovbeshko Konstantin Fedorovich 1907 Starodub
6. Maistrov Pavel Fedorovich 1908 Logovatovsky s/s
7. Ofitserov Nikolai Egorovich 1916 Galensky s/s
8. Bayushchenko Fedor Nikiforovich 1912 Logovatovsky s\s
9. Ivantsov Konstantin Petrovich 1911 Galensky s/s
10. Krivonos Stepan Grigorievich 1915 Mishkovsky s\s
11. Matveenko Dmitry Georgievich 1914 Mokhonovsky s/s
12. Yatskov Stepan Ivanovich 1914 Zankovsky s\s
13. Shevelev Nikolai Ivanovich 1908 Starodub

Sheet No. 26
Name list
To team No. 117, sent by the Starodubsky RVK to military unit No. 1975 Starodub

1. Shereshkov Petr Pavlovich 1911 Starodub
2. Levenok Timofey Dmitrievich 1912 Gartsevsky s\s
3. Khaba Fedosy Rodionovich 1911 Starodub
4. Klopotovsky Petr Mikhailovich 1909 Starodub
5. Puzdrenok Mikhail Maksimovich 1910 Dokhnovichsky s/s
6. Karpechenko Maxim Prokofievich 1909 Dokhnovichsky s/s
7. Timofeenko Grigory Fedorovich 1911 Starodub
8. Shapovalov Stefan Alekseevich 1908 Starodub
Recording date: 06/24/1941

We have been keeping the memory of the Great War of the 20th century and its heroes for more than 70 years. We pass it on to our children and grandchildren, trying not to lose a single fact or surname. Almost every family was affected by this event; many fathers, brothers, husbands never returned. Today we can find information about them thanks to the painstaking work of military archives staff and volunteers who devote their free time to searching for soldiers’ graves. How to do this, how to find a WWII participant by last name, information about his awards, military ranks, place of death? We couldn't get around this important topic attention, we hope that we can help those who are looking and want to find.

Losses in the Great Patriotic War

It is still unknown exactly how many people left us during this great human tragedy. After all, the counting did not begin immediately; only in 1980, with the advent of glasnost in the USSR, historians, politicians, and archive staff were able to begin official work. Until this time, scattered data that were beneficial at that time were received.

  • After celebrating Victory Day in 1945, J.V. Stalin said that we had buried 7 million Soviet citizens. He spoke, in his opinion, about everyone, both about those who died during the battle and about those who were taken prisoner by the German occupiers. But he missed a lot, did not say about the rear employees who stood at the machine from morning until night, falling dead from exhaustion. I forgot about the sentenced saboteurs, traitors to the motherland, ordinary residents and siege survivors of Leningrad who died in small villages; missing persons. Unfortunately, they can be listed for a long time.
  • Later L.I. Brezhnev provided different information, he reported 20 million dead.

Today, thanks to the decoding of secret documents and search work, the numbers are becoming real. Thus, you can see the following picture:

  • Combat losses received directly at the front during battles amount to about 8,860,400 people.
  • Non-combat losses (from illnesses, wounds, accidents) - 6,885,100 people.

However, these figures do not yet correspond to complete reality. War, and even this kind of war, is not only the destruction of the enemy at the cost of one’s own life. These are broken families - unborn children. This is a huge loss of the male population, thanks to which it will not soon be possible to restore the balance necessary for good demography.

These are diseases, hunger in the post-war years and death from it. This is rebuilding the country again, again in many ways, at the cost of people’s lives. All of them also need to be taken into account when doing calculations. All of them are victims of terrible human vanity, whose name is war.

How to find a participant in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 by last name?

There is no better memory for the stars of victory than the desire of the future generation to know. The desire to save information for others, to avoid such repetition. How to find a WWII participant by last name, where to find possible information about grandfathers and great-grandfathers, fathers who took part in battles, knowing their last name? Especially for this purpose, there are now electronic repositories that everyone can access.

  1. - here contains official data containing reports of units about losses, funerals, trophy cards, as well as information about rank, status (died, was killed or disappeared, where), scanned documents.
  2. is a unique resource containing information about home front workers. The very ones without whom we would not have heard important word"Victory". Thanks to this site, many have already been able to find or help find lost people.

The work of these resources is not only to search for great people, but also to collect information about them. If you have any, please report it to the administrators of these sites. In this way, we will do a great common cause - we will preserve memory and history.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense: search by last name of WWII participants

Another one is the main, central, largest project - The documents preserved there are mostly isolated and remained intact due to the fact that they were taken to the Orenburg region.

Over the years of work, CA staff have created an excellent reference apparatus showing the contents of archival accumulations and funds. Now its goal is to provide people with access to possible documents through electronic computing technology. Thus, a website has been launched where you can try to find a military man who participated in the Second World War, knowing his last name. How to do it?

  • On the left side of the screen, find the “memory of the people” tab.
  • Indicate his full name.
  • The program will give you the available information: date of birth, awards, scanned documents. Everything that is in the files for a given person.
  • You can set a filter on the right, selecting only the sources you want. But it's better to choose everything.
  • On this site it is possible to look at military operations on a map and the path of the unit in which the hero served.

This is a unique project in its essence. There is no longer such a volume of data collected and digitized from all existing and available sources: card indexes, electronic memory books, medical battalion documents and command directories. In truth, as long as such programs and the people who provide them exist, the memory of the people will be eternal.

If you don't find it there the right person, do not despair, there are other sources, they may not be as large-scale, but this does not make them less informative. Who knows in which folder the information you need might be lying around.

Participants of the Second World War: search by last name, archive and awards

Where else can you look? There are more narrowly focused repositories, for example:

  1. As we said, those who were captured also became victims of this terrible war. Their fate may be displayed on foreign websites like this one. Here in the database there is everything about Russian prisoners of war and the burials of Soviet citizens. You only need to know the last name, you can look at the lists of captured people. The Documentation Research Center is located in the city of Dresden, and it was he who organized this site to help people from all over the world. You can not only search the site, but also send a request through it.
  2. Rosarkhiv is an agency that is an executive authority that keeps records of all government documents. Here you can make a request either online or by telephone. A sample electronic appeal is available on the website in the “appeals” section, left column on the page. Some services here are provided for a fee; a list of them can be found in the “archive activities” section. With this in mind, be sure to ask whether you will need to pay for your request.
  3. - military directory navy about the destinies and great deeds of our sailors. In the “orders and applications” section there is an email address for processing documents left for storage after 1941. By contacting the archive staff, you can get any information and find out the cost of such a service; most likely it is free.

WWII awards: search by last name

To search for awards and feats, an open portal has been organized, dedicated specifically to this Information is published here about 6 million cases of awards, as well as 500,000 unawarded medals and orders that never reached the recipient. Knowing the name of your hero, you can find a lot of new things about his fate. The posted scanned documents of orders and award sheets, data from registration files, will complement your existing knowledge.

Who else can I contact for information about awards?

  • On the website of the Central Election Commission of the Ministry of Defense, in the section “Awards are looking for their heroes,” a list of awarded soldiers who did not receive them was published. Additional names can be obtained by phone.
  • - encyclopedia of the Red Army. It published some lists of the assignment of senior officer ranks and special ranks. The information may not be as extensive, but existing sources should not be neglected.
  • is a project created with the aim of popularizing the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland.

A lot of useful information, which sometimes is not found anywhere, can be found on the forums of the above sites. Here people share valuable experiences and tell their own stories that can help you too. There are many enthusiasts who are ready to help everyone in one way or another. They create their own archives, conduct their own research, and can also be found only on forums. Don't shy away from this type of search.

WWII veterans: search by last name

  1. is an interesting project created by ideological people. A person who wants to find information enters data, it can be anything: full name, name of awards and date of receipt, line from a document, description of an event. This combination of words will be calculated by search engines, but not just on websites, but in old newspapers. Based on the results, you will see everything that was found. Maybe this is where you will be lucky, you will find at least a thread.
  2. It happens that we search among the dead and find among the living. After all, many returned home, but due to the circumstances of that difficult time, they changed their place of residence. To find them, use the website This is where people searching send letters asking for help in finding their fellow soldiers, random encounters during the war. The project's capabilities allow you to select a person by name and region, even if he lives abroad. If you see it on these lists or similar, you need to contact the administration and discuss this issue. Kind, attentive staff will definitely help and do everything they can. The project does not interact with government organizations and cannot provide personal information: telephone number, address. But it is quite possible to publish your search request. More than 1,000 people have already been able to find each other this way.
  3. Veterans do not abandon their own. Here on the forum you can communicate, make inquiries among the veterans themselves, perhaps they have met and have information about the person you need.

The search for the living is no less relevant than the search for dead heroes. Who else will tell us the truth about those events, about what they experienced and suffered. About how they greeted victory, the very first, the most expensive, sad and happy at the same time.

Additional sources

Regional archives were created throughout the country. Not so large, often standing on the shoulders of ordinary people, they have preserved unique individual records. Their addresses are on the website of the movement to perpetuate the memory of the victims. And:

  • - “Seeker”.
  • - memories, letters, archives.
  • - international biographical center.