Deferred tax assets are a balance sheet line. Deferred tax assets

When accounting, permanent and temporary differences are formed. It depends on this what the tax asset will be - permanent or deferred.

The permanent difference includes those amounts that participate in the formation of the balance sheet, but do not affect the taxable amount. This may include the payment of interest, the amount of which is not fully taken into account when calculating income tax. Also, permanent differences include those expenses or income that affect only the formation tax base. For example, a fixed asset has been acquired, the useful life of which in tax accounting is longer than in accounting.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a permanent tax asset is the amount of tax that reduces the income tax payable to the budget in the reporting period in which it is generated.

A temporary difference occurs when the accounting and tax accounting amounts do not match, and the recognition of expenses is shifted in time. That is, in accounting, the amount is recognized in the reporting period in which the transaction was performed, and in tax accounting, part of the amount is transferred to the next period.

It is due to the temporary difference that a deferred tax asset is formed, that is, the reducing part of the tax is transferred to the next reporting period. To calculate the amount of the deferred tax asset, you need to multiply the temporary difference by the tax rate. As a rule, deferred tax is reflected in account 09.

The amount of the deferred tax asset is reflected in the income statement (Form No. 2). To obtain this information, open account 09 and calculate the difference between debit and credit.

In progress economic activity organization, namely when maintaining records, the following situation may arise: when recognizing income or expenses, accounting amounts differ from tax ones. This may arise when using different depreciation methods. A so-called deferred tax asset (DTA) arises, which is formed due to deductible temporary differences. The accountant must write off this SHE when the object is disposed of.


To obtain information about the movement and availability of a deferred tax asset, open account card 09, this is where all the information is located. When creating a deductible temporary difference, multiply it by the income tax rate. The difference may arise in the case of depreciation, when overpaid tax, when recognizing business expenses in the cost of goods sold, and in other cases.

For example, an organization purchased a computer for 35,400 rubles, including VAT of 5,400. After some time, it was decided to sell office equipment for 236,000 rubles, including VAT of 3,600 rubles. The amount of depreciation in accounting was 8,000 rubles, and in tax accounting – 7,020 rubles. The deductible temporary difference will be 980 rubles, and the deferred tax asset will be 980*24%/100=235 rubles.

In accounting, reflect this as follows: D62 K91 subaccount “Other income” - 23,600 rubles - revenue from the sale of a computer is reflected; D91 subaccount "Other expenses" K68 - 3600 rubles - the amount of VAT is accrued; D01 subaccount K01 subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets" - 30,000 rubles – amount initial cost computer is charged to the “Disposal” account; D02 K01 - - 8000 rubles - the amount of depreciation is written off according to accounting data; D91 subaccount “Other expenses” K01 - the residual value of the fixed assets is written off; D99 K09 - 235 rubles - the amount of the deferred tax liability is repaid; D68 K99 – 235 rubles – reflects the amount of permanent tax liability.

(NPP) for accounting and accounting purposes is different. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are used to show the difference. Read on for more details on how they are calculated.


The deferred tax asset (DTA) is expressed in the amount of NTA received by the budget in the next reporting period. At the time of calculations, tax figures increase. This affects the level of net profit. Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet are the amount indicated on line 145 as part of intangible assets.


In any organization, a situation may arise when the profit in accounting and accounting does not coincide due to differences in calculation methods. The amount of IT can be temporary or permanent, taxable or deductible. Assets can be recognized by an organization as deferred if the costs of acquiring fixed assets in the accounting system for a specific period exceed the expenses reflected in the accounting book. That is, the costs are reflected in full in the balance sheet, but in tax reporting they are divided into parts. The difference may arise due to a discrepancy between the amounts of income in NU and BU. The company expected to sell a certain number of assets (AH) during the reporting period, but in fact did not fulfill the plan. This difference is allocated to deferred tax assets.


A deductible temporary difference (DTD) is the basis for reducing the amounts of NPP in future periods. The ONA amount is calculated by multiplying the rate by the GVR. This figure is displayed under the item “Deferred tax assets” (account 09). Analytical accounting is carried out by type of assets or liabilities. If the legislation provides for different NPP rates, then when calculating the NPP, the one provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for the relevant transactions should be used.

Deferred tax assets will be accounted for using the following entries:

  • parish: DT09, KT99;
  • write-off (partial repayment): DT99, KT09.

If there is no profit for a specific period, IT is displayed on line 145 of the balance sheet in the structure of non-current assets. They do not change until taxable income is received. When writing off the balance sheet of an asset for which OTA was accrued, the remaining amount is transferred to account 99.

Deferred tax assets are recognized when taxable differences exist or when it is probable that future profits will be available that can be adjusted for taxable income. SIT recognized in previous reporting periods is subject to write-off if there are no VVR or the probability of making a profit in the future is very low.


An organization has the right to independently choose the way in which deferred tax assets will be displayed.

The capitalized cost of the equipment is RUB 800,000. The maximum period of use is 72 months. Tax rate - 20%. Depreciation in BU is calculated using the reducing balance method, and in NU it is calculated linearly. During the reporting period, a depreciation amount of 39.9 thousand rubles was accrued. in BU and 38.4 thousand rubles. at NU. Difference: 39.9 - 38.4 = 1.5 thousand rubles.

The deferred tax asset is calculated as follows:

SHE = deductible difference x tax rate = 1.5 x 0.2 = 300 rubles.

Based on the results of its economic activities, the organization received a loss of 50 million rubles for the year. Let's reflect the deferred tax asset in the accounting system. Postings:

  • DT99 KT90-9: 50 million rubles. – loss is reflected.
  • DT09 KT99: 50 x 0.18 = 9 million rubles. - tax assets accrued.

IT: theory

Deferred tax liability contributes to an increase in the amount of NPP in the next reporting period, but reduces them at the current moment. As a result, the organization has the opportunity to earn more net profit. That is, IT reflects the part of income that will lead to an increase in NPP in future periods. This amount is calculated by multiplying the taxable temporary difference (TDT) by the TPT rate, which is in effect at the reporting date. IT is reflected in the balance sheet on line 1420, and in the income statement - on line 2430.

Case Study

The company purchased equipment for 150,000 thousand rubles. for leasing, with a period of use of 15 years. Depreciation in BU is 100,000 rubles, and in NU - 300,000 rubles. At a rate of 20%, profit before tax, according to accounting, amounted to 800,000 rubles, and in NU – 600,000 rubles. Temporary difference – 200,000 rubles. At the end of its useful life, the equipment can be fully depreciated. This difference leads to the emergence of IT in the amount of: 200,000 x 20% = 40 thousand rubles. Let's check the accuracy of the calculations: the amount of tax determined according to the rules of the Russian Accounting Regulations must correspond to the amount specified in the declaration.

Current NPP = profit before tax (according to accounting data) x rate - IT = 800,000 x 20% - 40,000 = 120,000 rubles.
NPP in the declaration = tax base x rate = 600,000 x 20% = 120,000.


Deferred tax assets can be used to research the activities of an enterprise. They are considered as a type of accounts receivable, which characterizes the investment policy associated with changes in capital investments. The volume, dynamics, and composition of IT at the beginning and end of the period are analyzed. Their appearance indicates active investment activities, receipt and disposal of non-current assets. The IT movement is associated with financial activities, that is, a change in the amount of capital.

The next stage of the study is drawing up a balance sheet of assets and liabilities.

Ideally, deferred tax assets should vary in direct proportion to IT. A less optimal, but acceptable situation occurs when the amount of IT exceeds IT, that is, there is a passive balance. Then the organization has an additional source of financing, the period of use of which corresponds to the time of repayment of the IT. The opposite situation - the amount of SHE exceeding IT - is the worst. The surplus is considered as an additional diversion of resources from circulation.

In accordance with PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”, line 1420 reflects information on deferred tax liabilities:

When preparing financial statements, an organization is given the right to reflect balance sheet the balanced (collapsed) amount of the deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability.

Reflection in the balance sheet of the balanced (collapsed) amount of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability is possible if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

a) the presence of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities in the organization;

b) deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are taken into account when calculating income taxes.


(if the result is positive)

Deferred tax liability- part of deferred income tax, which should lead to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Deferred tax asset- part of deferred income tax, which should lead to a reduction in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Deferred tax liabilities are formed when they arise (expenses in accounting are less than in tax accounting).

Taxable temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit (loss) lead to the formation of deferred income tax, which should increase the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Applications different ways depreciation charges for accounting purposes and for purposes of determining income tax;

· recognition of revenue from the sale of products (goods, works, services) in the form of income from ordinary activities of the reporting period, as well as recognition of interest income for accounting purposes based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity, and for tax purposes - on a cash basis;

· application of various rules for reflecting interest paid by an organization for providing it with funds (credits, borrowings) for use for accounting and tax purposes;

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Return to Tax Assets

Accounting for deferred taxes in international standards is regulated by IAS 12 “Income Taxes”1. To apply the provisions of the standard in practice, it is necessary to perform several sequential actions:

Prepare the company's balance sheet in accordance with IFRS.
2. Form a tax balance. In this case, it is advisable to conduct tax accounting similarly to accounting, using the double entry method. For convenience, it is better to draw up the balance sheet as follows: write down the values ​​of assets with a “plus” sign, and the values ​​of liabilities with a “minus” sign.
3. Compare line by line the balance sheet prepared in accordance with IFRS and the balance sheet prepared in accordance with tax accounting rules, and identify items for which IT and IT will never be recognized due to the instructions of IAS 12.
4. Identify the differences between financial and tax accounting, which are expected to never disappear (in RAS - permanent differences), and bring the tax balance data into line with the financial accounting data in order not to calculate temporary differences for the corresponding items.
5. Find the difference between the corresponding lines of the financial and tax balance sheets. The resulting negative values ​​multiplied by tax rate, will be deferred tax assets, positive ones will be deferred tax liabilities.
6. Determine whether the assets and liabilities received are included in the income statement or in the statement of equity flows.
7. Find the sum of the calculated values. The deferred tax asset is tested to determine whether it can be collected in full and recognized in financial statements only in the amount in which it is most likely to be realized.
8. If, as a result of comparing the obtained value with a similar value at the previous reporting date, an increase in deferred tax liabilities or a decrease in assets is revealed, then a deferred tax expense must be recognized, and in the opposite situation, income3.


Current tax is the amount of income tax subject to payment (reimbursement) to the budget for the period.

Calculated from taxable profit (in accordance with the rules established by the tax authorities).

Deferred tax liabilities (DTL) are the amount of income tax payable in future periods.

Deferred tax assets (DTA) are the amount of income tax that is subject to reimbursement in future periods.

Tax expense is a combination of current and deferred tax.

Temporary difference is the difference between the book value of an asset (liability) and its tax base.

The tax base of an asset (liability) is the amount attributable to the asset or liability for tax purposes.

A taxable temporary difference is a temporary difference that results in an increase in taxable profit for future periods.

A deductible temporary difference is a temporary difference that reduces taxable profit for future periods.

Personal experience

Alexandra Ozeryanova, financial director of JackPot LLC (Moscow) Our company uses a simplified method for calculating deferred taxes to present interim reporting. The amount of deferred tax liability calculated according to RAS is summed up with the product of the amount of all amendments reflected in the income statement (except for the minority interest) and the tax rate. If the transformation of reporting is carried out in MS Excel, then the formula for this product is entered in the cell located above the line for calculating the minority share. Thus, you can quickly calculate the amount of deferred taxes of the company for the period. From year to year, our company’s auditors recalculate taxes using a more correct method, but the difference in the results obtained is always insignificant.

The only drawback of this method is the inability to make disclosures, so it can only be used in cases where they are not required or if there is confidence that the auditors will recalculate deferred tax and provide the data missing for disclosure.

Fixed assets
Current assets
Net assets
Working capital
Fixed assets
Intangible assets

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Under what conditions does an organization recognize a deferred tax asset when deductible temporary differences arise?

provided that it is probable that it will realize taxable profits in subsequent accounting periods

subject to receipt of taxable profit in the reporting period

recognized in any situation

80. The amount of accrued contingent income tax expense for the reporting period is reflected in accounting...

on the debit of account 99

on the debit of account 91

on the debit of account 26

81. The amounts of net loss for the reporting year are written off as follows...

Dt sch. 99 Set count. 91

Dt sch. 99 Set count. 84

Dt sch. 84 Set count. 99

82. Reflection in the balance sheet of the balanced amount of deferred tax liability...

not allowed


allowed in accordance with accounting policy organizations

allowed subject to simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions: the presence of ONA and ONO in the organization; deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are taken into account when calculating income taxes

83. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized...

regardless of the period of occurrence of such differences

in the reporting period in which the deductible temporary differences arise

in the reporting period in which taxable temporary differences arise

84. IT is that part of deferred income tax that should lead to...

to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period

to a reduction in income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods

to a reduction in income tax payable to the budget in subsequent reporting periods

to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in subsequent reporting periods

85. A permanent tax liability is...

the amount of tax that leads to a decrease in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period

the amount of tax that leads to an increase in tax payments for income tax in the reporting period

the amount of tax that does not affect the calculation of income tax in accordance with PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations”

86. If the actual expenses taken into account when forming accounting profits exceed the expenses accepted for tax purposes, for which restrictions on expenses are provided,…

permanent differences

deductible temporary differences

taxable temporary differences

87. Deferred tax liabilities are determined by multiplying the income tax rate by the amount...

taxable temporary differences

deductible temporary differences

permanent differences

88. Deferred tax assets are recorded as an accounting entry...

Dt sch. 09 Set count. 68

Dt sch. 68 Set count. 77

Dt sch. 09 Set count. 99

89. The reduction of deferred tax assets is recorded as an accounting entry...

Dt sch. 09 Set count. 68

Dt sch. 68 Set count. 77

Dt sch. 68 Set count. 09

90. Income in the form of funds received by a Russian organization free of charge creates negative permanent differences in the case of...

if the authorized capital of the receiving party consists of less than 50% of the contribution of the transferring party;

if the authorized capital of the receiving party consists of less than 50% of the contribution of the receiving party;

when the property is received from individual, if its share in the authorized capital of the receiving party exceeds 50%

91. When temporary differences arise, accounting and accounting for tax purposes do not coincide

assessment of income and expenses

moment (period) of recognition of income and expenses

both the moment (period) of recognition and the assessment of income and expenses

92. IT is caused by...

deductible temporary differences

taxable temporary differences

93. They lead to the emergence of...

permanent positive differences

permanent negative differences

deductible temporary differences

taxable temporary differences

94. Deferred tax liabilities are reflected in the balance sheet as...

long-term liabilities

short-term liabilities

non-current assets

current assets

95. When creating deductible temporary differences...

income and expenses are recognized in accounting later than for tax purposes;

income and expenses are recognized in accounting earlier than for tax purposes;

income is recognized in accounting later, and expenses earlier than for tax purposes;

Income is recognized in accounting earlier and expenses later than for tax purposes.

96. Overpayment of income tax due to the excess of advance payments over the amount of tax payable to the budget can be reflected in the accounting records of the organization...

only on the debit of account 68

both on the debit of account 68 and on the debit of account 09

only by debit of account 09

97. Expenses that form taxable temporary differences are recognized...

for tax purposes earlier than for accounting purposes;

for tax purposes later than for accounting purposes;

in the same period, but in different sizes

The product of the amount of accounting profit before tax by the established income tax rate is ...

current income tax

contingent income tax expense

deferred tax liability

99. Conditional income tax expense (income) is...

the amount of income tax determined according to tax accounting data;

the amount of income tax received from the sale of products;

the amount of income tax determined from accounting profit.

100. Current income tax is...

income tax for tax purposes;

income tax according to accounting data;

income tax according to accounting data, adjusted for permanent tax liability.

101. Permanent differences mean...

income that forms the accounting profit of the reporting period, and for tax purposes, taken into account in the next reporting period;

income and expenses that form the accounting profit of the reporting period and are excluded from the calculation of the tax base for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods;

expenses that form the accounting profit of the reporting period, and for tax purposes, taken into account in subsequent reporting periods.

102. Temporary differences mean...

income and expenses that form accounting profit in one reporting period, and the tax base for income tax - in another or other reporting periods;

expenses recognized in accounting in full, and in tax accounting - within the established standards;

income that forms accounting profit and is excluded from the calculation of the tax base both in the reporting period and in subsequent reporting periods.

103. Deferred tax asset means...

loss formed according to tax accounting rules;

income tax accrued based on the results of a tax audit;

part of deferred income tax, which will lead to a reduction in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

104. Deferred tax liability means...

part of deferred income tax, which will lead to an increase in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods;

arrears on income tax;

excess entertainment expenses.

105. The organization received a loss according to accounting data in the amount of 5,000 rubles. In this case, in accounting...

entries for the amount of income tax are not prepared;

a deferred tax asset is reflected in the amount of 1,000 rubles;

conditional income is reflected in the amount of 1000 rubles.

106. As part of other income in accounting, the organization reflected cash in the amount of 10,000 rubles, received free of charge from the founder, whose share in the authorized capital of the organization is 60%. Accounting should reflect...

permanent tax liability:

permanent tax asset;

deferred tax asset.

107. According to tax accounting data for the tax period, a loss was received from core activities in the amount of 20,000 rubles. In the accounting records for income tax...

not produced;

a deferred tax liability in the amount of 4,000 rubles is reflected;

A deferred tax asset is reflected in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

108. During the tax period, the organization received a loss from activities related to the use of facilities of service industries and farms in the amount of 200,000 rubles. At the same time, the organization does not expect to make a profit from this type of activity in the future. Accounting in accordance with PBU 18/02 reflects...

deferred tax asset D-t sch. 09 Set count. 68 in the amount of 40,000 rubles;

permanent tax liability Dr.

99 Set count. 68 in the amount of 40,000 rubles;

permanent tax asset D-ac. 68 Set count. 99 in the amount of 40,000 rubles.

The organization sold an item of fixed assets. Due to the different amount of accumulated depreciation in accounting, a deferred tax liability was accrued related to the sold object. What accounting entry should be made at the same time as recording transactions for the sale of a fixed asset?

Dt sch. 77 Set count. 68

Dt sch. 68 Set count. 77

Dt sch. 77 Set count. 99

An organization transfers an item of property, plant and equipment as a contribution to a joint venture. The residual value according to accounting and tax records is 100,000 rubles. The estimated cost under the contract is 120,000 rubles. Is there a difference between accounting and tax accounting when transferring an item of fixed assets?

does not arise;

a temporary taxable difference arises;

a temporary deductible difference arises.

111. According to accounting data, profit before tax amounted to 100,000 rubles. At the same time, the expenses include interest on loans and borrowings exceeding the limit determined in accordance with Art. 269 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for 5000 rubles. The resulting difference between accounting profit and the tax base is...

permanent taxable;

temporary deductible;

temporary taxable.

112. The loss according to accounting data amounted to 50,000 rubles, a permanent taxable difference in the amount of 30,000 rubles arose, and a temporary taxable difference in the amount of 70,000 rubles was repaid. Determine the tax base for calculating income tax...

10,000 rubles;

30,000 rubles;

50,000 rubles.

The contingent income tax expense amounted to 10,000 rubles, a deferred tax liability in the amount of 50,000 rubles was written off to the profit and loss account, and a deferred tax asset was accrued in the amount of 15,000 rubles. Determine the current income tax?

65,000 rubles;

25,000 rubles;

37,000 rubles.

Accounting profit amounted to 500,000 rubles. Accrued: deferred tax asset in the amount of 10,000 rubles, deferred tax liability in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Repaid: deferred tax asset in the amount of 7,000 rubles, deferred tax liability in the amount of 4,000 rubles. Determine the current income tax?

102,000 rub.

115. In the balance sheet, balancing the amounts SHE and IT...

permitted subject to certain conditions

produced according to general rule net estimates

Permanent differences are income and expenses that form the accounting profit (loss) of the reporting period and...

to be included in the calculation tax profit reporting period;

are subject to exclusion from the calculation of tax profit in subsequent reporting periods;

are subject to exclusion from the calculation of tax profit for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods.

117. Deferred tax assets are reflected in the balance sheet...

as current assets;

as non-current assets;

are not reflected in the balance sheet.

118. Accounting record D-t sch. 99 — Set count. 09 is produced...

in case of accounting for an asset for which a deferred tax asset was accrued;

in case of disposal of an asset on which a deferred tax asset was accrued;

Such an entry cannot be made in accounting.

119. Small enterprises PBU 18/02…

not used;

mandatory use4

may not be applied if this is reflected in the accounting policies.

120. The organization uses the cash method of accounting for income and expenses in tax accounting. In accounting, income and expenses are recognized based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity. At the end of the reporting period there was outstanding accounts receivable for goods sold. In accordance with PBU 18/02, accounting reflects...

deferred tax asset;


1. Regulatory regulation of the relationship between accounting and tax accounting

2. The essence and content of the concept of “permanent differences”

3. The essence and content of the concept of “temporary differences”

4. The procedure for calculating current corporate income tax


1. Regulatory regulation of the relationship between accounting and tax accounting

With the introduction of tax accounting, differences in recognition began to arise. individual species expenses of the organization in accounting and tax accounting, which led to the fact that the amount of profit (loss) calculated according to the accounting rules differed from the amount of taxable profit (loss) formed according to tax accounting data.

The emergence of discrepancies between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss) occurred as a result of the application of different rules for recognizing income and expenses of an organization established in the regulatory legal acts on accounting of the Russian Federation and in the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

To establish the relationship between accounting and tax accounting data, the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Income Tax Calculations” PBU 18/02 were developed and put into effect.

The main goal of PBU 18/02 is to establish the relationship between the profit (loss) indicator calculated in accordance with regulatory standards legal acts on accounting and the tax base for income tax, determined by the legislation on taxes and fees.

According to section V PBU 18/02 information on profit, deferred tax assets and liabilities of the organization is subject to disclosure in the balance sheet (Form No. 1) and the profit and loss statement (Form No. 2).

In order to get a complete picture of the procedure for reflecting information in reporting in accordance with PBU 18/02, we will give a brief explanation of the main concepts of this Regulation.

PBU 18/02 introduces concepts such as:

constant difference;

permanent tax liability;

deductible temporary difference;

taxable temporary difference;

deferred tax asset;

deferred tax liability;

conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax;

current income tax (current tax loss).

In accordance with the mechanism proposed in PBU 18/02, at the first stage it is necessary to establish the difference between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss) of the reporting period.

In accordance with PBU 18/02, the above difference, which affects the amount of the tax base for income tax, consists of two types: “permanent differences” and “temporary differences”.

The calculation mechanism proposed in PBU 18/02 is based on the assumption that the formation of profit in both accounting and tax accounting is carried out on the basis of the same business transactions performed by the organization during the reporting period.

By determining the difference between accounting profit (loss) and taxable profit (loss), it becomes possible to identify the differences between the tax on accounting profit (loss) recognized in accounting and the tax on taxable profit generated in tax accounting and reflected in the tax return for tax on profit of organizations.

After establishing this difference, it is possible to adjust the amount of income tax calculated from accounting profits to the amount of income tax that the organization must pay to the budget.

Accounting profit (loss) is an indicator reflecting profit (loss) calculated in the manner established by regulatory legal acts on accounting of the Russian Federation.

Taxable profit (loss) is the tax base for the profit tax for the reporting period, calculated in the manner established by tax legislation (in particular, Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Small businesses are allowed to maintain accounting records without applying the norms of PBU 18/02.

The decision on the application or non-application of PBU 18/02 must be reflected in the order on the organization’s accounting policies.

2. The essence and content of the concept of “permanent differences”

A permanent difference is an income or expense reflected in the accounting accounts of the reporting period and excluded from income or expenses for tax purposes for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods. Permanent differences arise, for example, when receiving income listed in Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as when making expenses listed in Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Permanent differences may also arise in cases where any income or expenses are recognized for tax purposes, but are not reflected in the accounting accounts.

For example, permanent differences may result from:

— the excess of actual expenses taken into account when forming accounting profit (loss) over expenses accepted for tax purposes, for which there are restrictions on expenses;

— non-recognition for tax purposes of expenses associated with the gratuitous transfer of property (goods, work, services), in the amount of the cost of the property (goods, work, services) and expenses associated with this transfer;

— the formation of a loss carried forward, which after a certain time can no longer be accepted for tax purposes in the reporting period and/or subsequent reporting periods, etc.

In other words, permanent differences are formed due to those incomes and expenses that are not partially or fully recognized when taxing profits both in the reporting period and in subsequent reporting periods, but are fully taken into account in the reporting period for accounting purposes.

The presence of permanent differences entails the need to additionally charge or reduce the amount of income tax calculated on the basis of accounting profit. The amount of additional tax charged is called the permanent tax liability.

A permanent tax liability is understood as the amount of tax that leads to an increase in income tax payments in the reporting period (clause 7 of PBU 18/02). The amount of permanent tax liability is determined as the product of the permanent difference and the income tax rate established by law Russian Federation, and is reflected in accounting by the entry: Debit 99, subaccount “Permanent tax liability”, Credit 68, subaccount “Income Tax”.

Example An organization gave employees gifts for the New Year in the amount of 10,000 rubles. In accounting, these expenses are classified as non-operating expenses: Debit 91, Credit 41 - 10,000 rubles. — the cost of gifts transferred is written off as non-operating expenses.

In accordance with paragraph 16 of Art. 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the cost of property transferred free of charge is not included in expenses that reduce the tax base for income tax. Thus, a permanent difference is created in accounting. The amount of the corresponding permanent tax liability is 2,400 rubles. (10,000 rubles x 24%) and is reflected in the accounting records as follows: Debit 99, subaccount “Permanent tax liability”, Credit 68, subaccount “Income Tax” - 2400 rubles.

PBU 18/02 does not have a definition and rules for reflecting a permanent tax asset, however, in the standard form of a profit and loss statement (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 N 67n) a line is provided to reflect information about permanent tax assets (liabilities) ).

A permanent tax asset is understood as the amount of tax that leads to a decrease in income tax payments in the reporting period.

The amount of a permanent tax asset is determined as the product of a negative permanent difference and the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. A permanent tax asset is reflected in accounting by the following entry: Debit 68, sub-account “Income Tax”, Credit 99, sub-account “Permanent Tax Asset”.

Example An organization, in the form of gratuitous assistance from a founder - an individual whose share in the authorized capital is 80%, received funds in the amount of 50,000 rubles. An entry was made in the accounting records: Debit 51, Credit 91 - 50,000 rubles. — the funds received are reflected in non-operating income.

In accordance with paragraphs. 11 clause 1 art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the value of property received free of charge from an individual, whose share in the authorized capital of the organization is more than 50%, is not included in income subject to income tax. Thus, a permanent difference is created in accounting. The value of the corresponding permanent tax asset is 12,000 rubles. (50,000 rubles x 24%) and is reflected in the accounting records as follows: Debit 68, sub-account “Income Tax”, Credit 99, sub-account “Permanent Tax Asset” - 12,000 rubles. — reflects the amount of the permanent tax asset.

3. The essence and content of the concept of “temporary differences”

Temporary differences are understood as income and expenses that form accounting profit (loss) in one reporting period, and the tax base for income tax in another or other reporting periods (clause 8 of PBU 18/02). Temporary differences are reflected in accounting separately (in the analytical accounting of the corresponding asset and liability account in the assessment of which they arose). Depending on the nature of their impact on taxable profit (loss), temporary differences are divided into deductible temporary differences and taxable temporary differences.

Temporary differences in the formation of taxable profit lead to the formation of deferred income tax. Deferred income tax is understood as an amount that affects the amount of income tax payable to the budget in the following reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods.

Deductible temporary differences * income tax rate.

Deductible temporary differences are possible if the amount of income in accounting is less and the amount of expenses is more than tax accounting:


DB/BR – accounting income/expense.

ND/NR – tax income/expense

Deductible temporary differences result from:

· application of different methods of calculating depreciation for purposes accounting and purposes of determining income tax;

· application of different methods of recognition of commercial and administrative expenses in the cost of products sold in the reporting period for accounting and tax purposes;

· the presence of accounts payable for purchased goods when using the cash method of determining income and expenses for tax purposes, and for accounting purposes - based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity;

· other similar differences.

Examples of the formation of deductible temporary differences.

Ø In accounting – accrual method.

Ø In tax accounting - the cash method (depreciation is accrued on unpaid fixed assets; wages are accrued but not paid; taxes are accrued but not transferred).

Ø Application of different methods for calculating depreciation and useful life.

Ø Application of different methods of writing off materials for production.

Ø Application of different methods for recognizing expenses for repairs and vacation pay (in accounting - by creating reserves, in tax accounting - by including actually incurred costs in the expenses of the reporting period).

The deferred tax asset is reflected in the accounting records in the reporting period when the deductible temporary difference arose:

· D 09 - TO 68 (deferred tax asset reflected).

As deductible temporary differences decrease, deferred tax assets are settled:

· D 68 - TO 09 (the adjusted tax asset has been repaid).

This entry can be made if the organization received taxable profit in the reporting period.

An example of a deductible temporary difference that results in a deferred tax asset.

Basic data.

Organization A Feb 20

2016 accepted for accounting an asset in the amount of 120,000 rubles. with a useful life of 5 years. The income tax rate was 20%. For accounting purposes, the organization calculates depreciation by using the reducing balance method, and for the purpose of determining the tax base for income tax - linear method. When preparing financial statements and income tax returns for 2016, organization A received the following data:

Table 1 – Data when preparing financial statements

and income tax return for 2016

The deductible temporary difference when determining the tax base for income tax for 2016 was:

20,000 rub. (40,000 rub. – 20,000 rub.)

The deferred tax asset when determining the tax base for income tax for 2016 amounted to:

20,000 rub. * 20% = 4000 rub.

5. Calculation of deferred tax liability:

Taxable temporary differences * income tax rate

Taxable temporary differences are possible if the amount of income in accounting is greater and the amount of expenses is less than in tax accounting


Taxable temporary differences arise as a result of:

1. application of different methods of calculating depreciation for accounting purposes and for the purposes of determining income tax;

2. recognition of revenue from the sale of products in the form of income from ordinary activities of the reporting period, as well as recognition of interest income for accounting purposes based on the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity, and for tax purposes - on the cash basis;

3. application of various rules for reflecting interest paid by an organization for providing it with funds (credits, borrowings) for use for accounting purposes and taxation purposes;

4. other similar differences.


Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized in the accounting system as income from ordinary activities of the reporting period, but is not received; accrued but not received interest on debt obligations.

In accounting, the write-off of deferred expenses occurs gradually:

· Software (in tax accounting recognized as a one-time expense);

· The cost of materials used for tax purposes exceeds the cost of materials written off in accounting records.

· The amount of the reserve in the accounting account is less than in the tax account.

Deferred tax liabilities are reflected in the accounting system:

· D 68 - TO 77 – deferred tax liability is taken into account.

Just as with deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities are reduced as taxable temporary differences settle:

· D 77 - TO 68 – repayment of deferred tax liability.

Table 2 – Calculation of the occurrence and repayment of IT

An example of the occurrence of a non-current temporary difference that leads to the formation of a deferred tax liability

Basic data:

Organization “B” on December 25, 2015 accepted for accounting an object of fixed assets in the amount of 120,000 rubles. with a useful life of 5 years. The income tax rate was 20%. For accounting purposes, the organization calculates depreciation using the linear method, and for the purpose of determining the tax base for income tax, using the non-linear method. When preparing financial statements and tax returns for 2016, organization “B” received the following data:

Table 3 – Data when preparing financial statements and income tax returns for 2016

N/A temporary difference in determining the tax base for income tax for 2016 was:

RUB 16,130 = 40,130 rub. – 24,000 rub.

The deferred tax liability when determining the tax base for income tax for 2016 amounted to:

RUB 16,130 * 20% = 3,226 rub.

The income statement reflects data on deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities.

The line “changes in IT” reflects the difference between the credit and debit current accounts 09 09 turns out to be less than the credit amount, then the indicator for this line is reflected in parentheses.

The line “changes in IT” reflects the difference between the debit and credit turnover of the account 77 during the reporting period. If the debit turnover on the account 77 turns out to be less than the credit amount, then the indicator for this line must be reflected in parentheses.

Methods for determining the amount of current income tax are fixed in the accounting policy of the organization (clause 22 of PBU 18/02).

An organization can use the following methods for determining consumer goods:

1. Based on the data generated in the accounting system, the amount of consumer goods must correspond to the amount of calculated income tax reflected in the income tax return.

TNP = UR (-UD) + PNO + SHE – IT.

UR – conditional consumption.

UD – conditional income.

PNO is a permanent tax liability.

Based on income tax return.

The financial results statement is prepared using the cost function method, and therefore the organization’s expenses should be reflected by dividing costs by their functions:

· For the cost of goods sold (work, services).

· Selling expenses.

· Administrative expenses.

And information on the nature of the expenses incurred (materials, wages, depreciation) is disclosed in the explanation to the report.

Accounting is a complex and multifaceted system that includes many activities aimed at accounting for capital movements. The task of an accountant is to correctly account for the organization’s income and expenses.

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Their use must be carried out correctly and in compliance with all legal requirements.

What is it in simple words (good or bad)

Deferred tax assets in the balance sheet are a certain part of the income tax, with the help of which the accrued tax can be reduced, but only in the time periods following the reference period.

That is, these assets actually arise in one period, and the tax with their help is reduced in the future.

Deferred assets are calculated using a special formula that takes into account the tax rate and time differences.

Such assets can arise in various situations, for example, if different methods of calculating depreciation of some objects are used, but accounting depreciation actually exceeds tax depreciation.

In this case, a deferred tax asset may arise. Proper accounting for deferred tax assets is of fundamental importance.

If the data is not recorded properly, the organization will not be able to reduce the amount of accrued income tax.

In simple terms, deferred tax assets are a part of a profit payment that has been postponed for a certain period of time, and this part aims to reduce the profit tax that is payable in subsequent tax periods.

Most often, such situations arise under the following circumstances:

When forming the cost of fixed assets, calculating depreciation, wear and tear Formation is carried out in accordance with the accounting rules, which are reflected in the current legislation. It is also important to take into account a number of practical features that arise depending on the specific situation and the direction of activity of the organization or individual entrepreneur.
When calculating interest for the use of borrowed funds In this case, we are talking not only about funds raised on credit from banks, but also about loans received at interest from various persons, both individuals and legal entities.
If there is a different approach to calculating income and expenses In practice, the calculation of income and expenses can be carried out using various formulas, taking into account different features. This leads to some controversy
With a different approach to calculating commodity procurement costs, management costs and commercial activities It also depends on the specifics of the organization’s activities, since approaches to calculation may differ due to practical issues

As a result of these calculations, two situations may arise. In the first case, if accounting expenses exceed tax accounting expenses, deferred assets arise, and if vice versa, then an obligation arises that will need to be fulfilled in the future.

Deferred tax assets allow for a reduction in the taxable rate in the future, so they generally have a positive purpose for the entity that uses them. This allows you to save some money.

How to take into account

If the first value exceeds the second, then in this case there is a deferred tax asset. The difference between these concepts will be called the deductible time difference.

Deferred assets are calculated using the formula:

SHE = Deductible temporary difference (DTD) * income tax rate

To record information, a special account 09 is used, in which the debit balance means the presence of a deferred asset, and the credit line indicates a decrease in the subsequent payment.

Deferred tax assets, which are on the balance sheet of a company, essentially represent the organization's basis for reducing payments in the future.

There is a special line 1180 for this. The deferred asset, its presence, is recognized by the entry D/t 09 K/t 68 - if we are talking about the amount of deductible temporary difference.

Any accounting of funds must be fully reflected in the relevant documentation. If there is no documentary evidence of income or expenses, the payer may face some practical difficulties.

Performing the calculation

If we are talking about a deferred asset, then it is immediately worth considering that it actually allows you to reduce the calculation, but in the future. That is, it arises in one month, and the tax reduction is made in another.

This factor allows you to receive some tax relief in subsequent periods. It is not possible to use it right away due to the difference in the methods of calculating accounting and tax accounting.

Otherwise, settlements with the tax service are carried out in the standard manner. Non-current assets, liabilities, and so on are taken into account in the same way. It is important to comply with all requirements of the PBU, including in terms of calculation.

The calculation is made using established formulas, which are enshrined both in law and in practice. It will be necessary to take into account the income tax rate and the deductible tax difference.

When submitting reports, calculations must be made properly. In addition, in order to apply deferred assets and carry them over to future periods, the payer must submit an application in the prescribed form, otherwise they cannot be taken into account.

The calculation is carried out using publicly available formulas that take into account all known variables.

The presence of errors that lead to the formation of deferred payments should not cause overpayment or other consequences.

If an error is discovered later, it must be corrected by submitting an appropriate application. Otherwise, the organization or Individual Entrepreneur may be held administratively liable.

Which accounts are reflected in?

Deferred assets must be accounted for in accordance with applicable rules. This is done using special accounts.

Thus, account 09 reflects the balance; it has a special line 1180, which is called “deferred tax assets.”

If the organization uses a simplified taxation system, then line 1170 is used. The reflection of deferred assets on other accounts and other lines indicates that the reporting being submitted is incorrect.

This point must be corrected immediately after discovery. Otherwise, the payer may be subject to appropriate penalties provided for under administrative legislation.

Examples of operations

The reflection of overlaid assets is best viewed through a practical example. For example, there is a certain Alpha LLC, which for 2017, as part of its accounting, accrued depreciation on equipment in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles.

Tax accounting recorded the amount of two hundred thousand rubles, that is, within the framework of the taxation system, the amount is exactly two hundred thousand.

The deductible difference in this case will be one hundred thousand rubles, that is, the difference between accounting and tax accounting.

Accordingly, the accountant of Alpha LLC will have to make a number of entries:

Operation Debit Credit Sum
Income 62 90/1 800,000 rubles
Costs that reduce the tax base 20 02 200,000 rubles
Expenses that constitute temporary differences 20(BP) 02 100,000 rubles
Costs that have been written off 90/2 20 200,000 rubles
Expenses for VVR 90/2 20(BP) 100,000 rubles
Financial result that was calculated and taken into account 90/9 99 500,000 rubles
Income tax, which was calculated in accordance with accounting 99/NN 68 100,000 rubles
The tax asset that was recorded 09 68 20,000 rubles

All postings are necessary in order to reduce the amount of accrued income tax in future accounting periods.

If this is not done, then the organization will not only be unable to reduce the amount of payments, but in some cases will be subject to administrative liability for the offense committed.

If a specific item to which deferred tax assets were applied was liquidated or removed from the balance sheet on another basis, then the deferred asset is removed from the balance sheet and is not applied.

For this, special wiring is used. In practice, operations for the use of deferred assets may differ, it all depends on the specific points applied.

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For example, the difference between accounting and tax statements may be different, they may be based on other factors. The main thing is that the correct entries are applied and the correct information is reflected.

Differences between accounting and tax accounting form differences that must be taken into account when calculating income taxes. The obligation to form deferred tax assets is provided for by PBU 18/02 (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2002 N114n). PBUs are not used by non-profit organizations and small businesses.

Accounting differences

Depending on whether differences in tax accounting can be taken into account when calculating income tax, differences are divided into permanent and temporary. The amounts of permanent and temporary differences are formed on the basis of data taken from primary documents.

Permanent differences are indicators that participate in the creation of accounting profit (loss), but are never included in the tax base for profit, or that participate in the creation of the tax base for profit, but are not recognized in accounting.

Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets are formed due to temporary differences - these are income and expenses that are included in tax and accounting records in different reporting periods. Temporary differences are divided into:

  • deductible;
  • taxable.

Taxable temporary differences are formed in the event of a decrease in the tax base for profit in one period, and accounting profit in subsequent periods. Deductible temporary differences, on the contrary, arise when accounting profit decreases in the current period and taxable profit decreases in subsequent periods.

Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets (DTA) are formed due to deductible temporary differences. The bottom line is that the size of IT initially increases the profit tax, and then in other periods it decreases. IT equals the deductible temporary difference multiplied by 20% (income tax rate).

One example of the emergence of OHA is the differences in depreciation methods used in accounting and tax accounting. That is, in accounting, the amount of depreciation calculated, for example, using the reducing balance method, in the reporting period is greater than in the tax period, which uses the straight-line depreciation method. Also, deferred tax assets arise as a result of differences in the write-off of expenses associated with the activities of the organization’s management personnel, or expenses associated with the organization’s activities for direct profit (commercial) in accounting and taxation. A frequent example of the appearance of ONA is the write-off of a loss. A loss is the excess of expenses over income received at the end of the year. The transfer of a loss that is not used in accounting for tax purposes, but is taken into account in accounting, creates ONA.

The methodology for calculating and justifying the occurrence of deferred assets is prescribed in the accounting policy. In addition, OHA require analytical accounting for each of the organization’s liabilities and assets. The decision to maintain analytical accounting is made by the organization independently, so that it makes it possible to trace why it arises and for what object.

How to record deferred tax assets

In accounting, to reflect IT, there is a special account 09 “Deferred tax assets”. It corresponds with account 68. Thus, the accrual of IT is documented by the entry: Debit 09 Credit 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax.”

The amount of IT will not change until taxable income arises. After the taxable profit appears and IT is used, the repayment of IT will be recorded by the entry: Debit 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” Credit 09.

A separate situation arises when an item of fixed assets for which a deferred tax asset was formed is disposed of from the organization. The balance of ONA in such a situation is written off and recorded in accounting by posting to the “Profit and Loss” account: Debit 99 Credit 09.

Accounting for ONA is necessary in order to explain the difference in profit according to accounting and tax accounting.