Organizational structure of enterprise management (on the example of IP "Rus"). Organizational structure of IP business: types and features of choice Structure of organization IP trade

Speaking of organizational structure, we mean the conceptual scheme around which a group of people is organized, the basis on which all functions are supported. The organizational chart of an enterprise is essentially a user manual that explains how an organization is built and how it works. More specifically, the organizational structure describes how decisions are made in a company and who is its leader.

Why is it necessary to develop the organizational structure of the enterprise?

  • The organizational structure gives a clear understanding of the direction in which the company is moving. A clear structure is a tool with which to maintain order in decision-making and overcome various disagreements.
  • The organizational structure binds the participants. Thanks to her, people who join the group have distinctive features. At the same time, the group itself has certain characteristics.
  • The organizational structure is formed inevitably. Any organization, by definition, implies some kind of structure.

Elements of the organizational structure

The organizational structure of any organization will depend on who its members are, what tasks it solves and how far the organization has come in its development.

No matter which organizational structure you choose, three elements will always be present in it.

  • Control

A specific person or group of people who make decisions in an organization.

  • The rules by which the organization operates

Many of these rules may be explicitly stated, while others may be implicit but no less binding.

  • Distribution of labor

The division of labor may be formal or informal, temporary or permanent, but in every organization there will inevitably be some type of division of labor.

Traditional organizational structures

These structures are based on functional unit and departments. They are characterized by the fact that the powers of strategic and operational tasks are concentrated at the top level.

There are several types of traditional structures.

  • Linear organizational structure

The simplest structure ever. It is characterized by the presence of a certain chain of command. Decisions go down from top to bottom. This kind of structure is suitable for small organizations such as small accounting firms and law firms. The linear structure makes it easy to make decisions.


  • The simplest kind organizational structure.
  • As a result of tough management, tough discipline is formed.
  • Quick decisions lead to quick and effective action.
  • There is clarity in the structures of power and responsibility.
  • Since control lies with one boss, in some cases he can be flexible.
  • There are good career prospects for people who do quality work.


  • There are opportunities to influence the head of the department.
  • A constant problem is the lack of specialization.
  • The department head may be overworked.
  • Communication is carried out only from top to bottom.
  • A boss with power may misuse it for his own benefit.
  • Decisions are made by one person.

Line staff organization

Such a structure is characterized by the presence of line managers and departments that, in fact, do not have the right to make decisions. Their main task is to assist the line manager in the performance of individual management functions. The decision-making process in such a structure is slower.


  • Allows employees to complete tasks quickly.
  • Helps employees take on responsible roles and specialize in specific roles.
  • Helps line managers to focus on specific tasks.
  • With organizational change, the risk of resistance is minimal.
  • Employees feel that their contribution is appreciated.


  • There can be confusion among employees.
  • Employees do not have enough knowledge to focus on the result.
  • Too many levels of hierarchy.
  • Employees may disagree, which slows down work.
  • More costly structure than a simple line organization due to the presence of department heads.
  • Decisions can take too long.

Functional structure

This kind of organizational structure classifies people according to the function they perform in professional life.


  • High degree of specialization.
  • Clear chain of command.
  • Clear understanding of responsibility.
  • High efficiency and speed.
  • No need for duplication of work.
  • All functions are equally important.


  • Communication faces several barriers.
  • The focus is on the people, not the organization.
  • Decisions made by a single person may not always benefit the organization.
  • As a company grows, it becomes more difficult to exercise control over the activities within it.
  • Lack of teamwork between different departments or units.
  • Since all functions are separated, employees may not know what is happening with colleagues.

Divisional structure

This includes the kinds of structures that are based on the different divisions in the organization. They group employees based on products, markets, and geographic locations.

  • Product (commodity) structure

This structure is based on organizing employees and working around different products. If a company produces three different products, then it will have three different divisions for those products. This type of structure is best suited for retail stores with many products.


  • Structural units that do not work can be easily closed.
  • Each unit can be managed as a separate structural unit.
  • Fast and easy decision making.
  • Greater independence for decision makers.
  • Individual products receive individual attention depending on the problems that arise.
  • The organization is characterized by high productivity and efficiency.


  • Since each structural unit works independently, organizational goals cannot be achieved.
  • Unhealthy competition among internal divisions.
  • A large number of organizational levels hinders business development.
  • All units cannot be equal.
  • Marketing individual products can vary greatly in cost.

Market structure

Employees are grouped based on the market in which the company operates. A company can have five different markets, according to this structure, each of them will be a separate division.


  • Employees can communicate with customers in the local language.
  • They are available to clients.
  • Problems in a particular market can be solved in isolation.
  • Since people are responsible for a specific market, tasks are completed on time.
  • Employees specialize in working in a particular market.
  • New products for specialized markets may be introduced.


  • There may be intense competition among employees.
  • Decision making can lead to conflict.
  • It is difficult to define productivity and efficiency.
  • All markets may not be considered equal.
  • There may be a lack of communication between superiors and employees.
  • Employees may misuse their authority.
  • Geographic structure

Large organizations have offices in various locations. The organizational structure in this case follows the zonal structure.


  • Good communication among employees in the same location.
  • Local workers are more familiar with the local business environment and can adapt to geographic and cultural conditions.
  • Clients feel better connected with local managers who can speak their language.
  • Reports on the work of individual markets.
  • Decisions are made carefully.
  • New products or product modifications may be introduced to meet the needs of a particular area.


  • There may be unhealthy competition among different geographical areas.
  • Company ethics and principles may differ from region to region.
  • Tracking the performance and profits of each area can be time consuming.
  • There may be poor communication among employees in different regions.
  • Interaction between employees of different regions may not work out.

Matrix structure

It is a combination of product and functional structures. It combines the benefits of both structures for greater efficiency. This structure is the most complex of the existing ones. A distinctive feature of the matrix structure is the subordination of employees to two or more managers of the same level.

There is a functional matrix. In this type of matrix structure, project managers keep track of the functional aspects of the project. However, they have very limited power, the head of the functional unit actually manages the resources and the project.


  • Employees do not work in temporary jobs.
  • The head of the functional unit manages the project.
  • The head of the functional unit is responsible in case something goes wrong.
  • The more the project manager communicates with employees, the better the results.
  • The project manager can really make a difference without being in control.
  • Decision making is concentrated in the hands of the head of the functional unit.


  • The project manager may face apathy from employees.
  • The project manager does not have full authority.
  • Being out of control, employees may show less performance for the entire department.
  • The project manager has weak power, which does not allow him to control employees.
  • The project manager has no control over workload management and task prioritization.
  • The project manager cannot give a report on the work.

There is also a project matrix, when the project manager is primarily responsible for the work, while the head of the functional unit can give methodological advice and allocate resources.


1. general characteristics object of practice IP "Delicate"………………….3

2. Organizational structure of management of IE "Delicate"…………………. .4

3. Marketing analysis of the Crimean confectionery market……….….. .6

4. Organization of personnel management………………………………………………… 18

5. Organization of control in management……………………………………………………. 22

6. Anti-crisis management………………………………………………………………….. 24

Applications………………………………………………………………………………………… 27


The purpose of the internship is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the course of study, to promote the development of skills for solving applied problems, and to prepare for independent production activities.

The main tasks of industrial practice:

· familiarization with the organization, structure and development prospects of the enterprise - the basis of practice;

mastering the practical skills of performing functions in the relevant subsections of the practice base;

mastering the basics of performance scientific research;

mastering the methodology of teaching;

collection of materials (statistical data, documents) for writing a thesis.

The basis of practice is IE "Delicate"

Location of the enterprise: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. Kyiv, 5v.

Kinds economic activity: sale of confectionery products.

For the period of internship, an individual task was received:

1) collect information about the enterprise IE Delikatnaya and characterize its activities;

2) to analyze the internal and external environment of the enterprise;

3) determine the organizational structure of enterprise management;

4) determine the main indicators of the financial and economic activities of IP Delikatnaya

General characteristics of the object of practice IP "Delicate"

Management practice was held on the basis of IE "Delicate".

Individual Entrepreneur Delicate S.F. is a commercial organization engaged in trade and purchasing activities in confectionery products. This business activity is on a simplified taxation system.

Individual entrepreneur- individual registered in the manner prescribed by law and carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

Trade is carried out at the Kiev Market, located at Simferopol Market "Kiev Row" st. Kyiv 5 V

Taking into account the commodity specialization of a private enterprise, IP Delikatnaya S.F. belongs to the group of food products that trade in confectionery.

The assortment of goods in the objects fully corresponds to its profile and corresponds to the declared assortment list of the company name.

The operating mode of the private enterprise IP Delikatnaya S.F. is set from 08.00 to 18.00, without lunch. This mode is optimal, since the store is a retail enterprise and is designed for end customers.

In order to achieve the established goals in its activities, an entrepreneur has the right to make transactions on his own behalf, conclude contracts, acquire property and personal property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court, arbitration, arbitration court.

IP Delicate independently:

establishes, expands and reduces staffing;

establishes forms, systems, the amount of remuneration of employees of the company;

establishes for employees the daily routine, the duration of holidays, solves issues of social security.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, IP Delikatnaya S.F. guarantees its employees the minimum wage, the duration of social security leave.

Organizational structure of management of IP "Delikatnaya"

The director is the supreme governing body.


The settlement sheet of IP Delicate is shown in fig. 3

Functions and elements of the organizational structure

Regardless of the type, the main task of the organizational structure is to establish links between subdivisions of the enterprise, to distribute responsibility and rights between them. Management develops a regulation on the structural unit, consisting of general provisions, defining the main functions and tasks, duties and rights, the order of relationships.

The diagram shows:

  • divisions of the enterprise with the designation of functions in management;
  • management levels in the form of steps;
  • vertical and horizontal links that provide interaction.

The structure of the enterprise depends on the orientation of the company and the staffing (composition of employees). The company can focus on the use of new opportunities, the search for the most effective resources, the development of new markets. A staffing table is drawn up containing a list of departments and positions of employees (with the determination of the amount of salaries), based on the planned size of production and the volume of the wage fund.

Regardless of the type, the organizational systems of enterprises should be:

  1. simple (with a minimum number of levels);
  2. economical (with minimal expenditure of financial resources);
  3. flexible (able to easily change with changes in internal and external factors);
  4. efficient (able to provide maximum results with minimal investment).

In essence, the organizational structure is the division of labor in management. A perfect system is able to effectively influence the company, improve the results of its work.

When developing a scheme, the organization takes into account:

  • organizational and legal form;
  • type, nomenclature, range of products;
  • supply and distribution markets;
  • production technologies;
  • volume of information flows;
  • provision of resources.

Organizational structure and staffing are interdependent. In a small company, the leader most often manages alone. As the number of employees increases, the need for a more complex structure with intermediate levels arises.

Types of organizational management structures with diagrams and examples

Depending on the type of connections in structural divisions, economists divide organizational structures into the following types:

  1. linear;
  2. functional;
  3. linear functional;
  4. divisional;
  5. matrix;
  6. combined.


Any company can use the linear design, regardless of the staffing. It implies the sole management of each unit by a full-time manager who reports to a higher manager.

An example would be the following sample:

The main feature of this configuration is only linear connections, which have a number of advantages:

  • a clear system of relations between superiors and subordinates;
  • clearly defined responsibilities;
  • direct instructions are carried out quickly;
  • a high level of transparency in the work of all elements;
  • simple control.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages: a high burden on top management, the inability to quickly resolve disagreements between structural units, and dependence on the abilities of the leader. This best option for a small company with a well-trained senior management able to handle the concentration of power and the huge flow of information.

If the linear scheme is supplemented with connections between individual units, it will turn into a functional one. This is clearly seen in the following example:

Departments are grouped based on the type of activity. Functional links allow departments to control each other's work. If staffing allows, you can organize support services. This defines the benefits:

  1. reducing the burden on top management;
  2. reducing the need for full-time generalists;
  3. the ability to create substructures;
  4. improving the quality of manufactured products.

The disadvantages include the complication of information flows due to the large number of channels, difficulties in coordinating actions, and excessive centralization.


Linear-functional configuration makes it possible to avoid the disadvantages of a linear and functional system. Functional services prepare information for line managers who make production and management decisions. But the level of responsibility is decreasing, the burden on management is increasing, and there is a tendency towards centralization.


A divisional system is considered more flexible, dividing the organization as follows:

These are independent structures with their own services. Sometimes these can be subsidiaries that are registered as independent legal entities.

Divisional configuration:

  1. decentralized;
  2. unloads leaders;
  3. increases the degree of survival;
  4. develops management skills of division leaders.

But ties between employees are weakening, duplicating functions may appear, control over the overall situation is reduced.


From the scheme and example of the matrix structure of the organization, it can be seen that it is poly-administrative.

Activities are carried out simultaneously in several directions. This configuration is suitable for design organizations and other enterprises launching new projects and programs. A leader is appointed, employees are sent from all departments. At the end of the work they return to their original places. For permanent use, this configuration is not suitable, although it allows:

  • promptly fulfill orders;
  • reduce the cost of developing and implementing new products;
  • prepare leaders.

The matrix complicates the work of the organization, conflicts arise between the heads of departments and project managers.


Combined schemes allow you to group units according to any attribute and various criteria. This makes it possible to create a system corresponding to the strategy, to combine the principle of unified leadership with the principle of specialization. But it is not always possible to create a flexible configuration, which leads to excessive vertical interaction.

Rice. 2.14Organizational structure of IP Ivanova A.A.

As you can see, the store has a linear-functional organizational structure, in which the division of labor and specialization are clearly expressed.

The advantages of this type of structure are as follows: unity and clarity of orders; coordination of actions and a clear system of relationships between the director and subordinates; efficiency in making managerial decisions; responsibility is clearly expressed; there is no need for high profile specialists.

The main disadvantages of the organizational structure of the store are: high requirements for the director, who must have versatile knowledge and experience in all management functions and areas of activity; a huge flow of information is concentrated at the director; difficult coordination of actions; when making decisions, there is a tendency to "red tape".

On the basis of job descriptions IP Ivanova A.A. consider the powers and responsibilities of individual employees.

The director of the enterprise makes decisions, implements and controls all commercial activity enterprise, employs personnel and concludes employment contracts with them, the Director is obliged to ensure the fulfillment of all obligations to state budget, suppliers, customers, banks.

Managers receive and transmit information by levels through communication in the form of orders, or oral instructions.

Each employee of the enterprise has a job description, which contains the duties of the employee and what he needs to know in order to perform his job more efficiently. Considering the organizational structure of management (Fig. 2.14), it should be noted that there is no duplication in the management structure.

The representatives of the accounting department at this enterprise are Chief Accountant who reports directly to the director of the enterprise and two accountants. The chief accountant carries out accounting and reporting, controls the observance of financial discipline, ensures strict observance of cash discipline and the proper procedure for keeping money.

The head of the commercial department reports directly to the director. His functional responsibilities include: organizing the work of the sales department, monitoring product quality, organizing periodic reconciliation of the actual availability of inventory items with credentials, keeping records of material assets, bringing orders, instructions, rules and other documents to the attention of the department staff , conducts the placement of employees in the department, etc. Managers are under her control.

Managers are responsible for the following:

1. Determination of quality conformity material resources regulatory documents and signed contracts.

2. Implementation of relations with suppliers and consumers of products.

3. Operational accounting of the receipt and sale of inventory items.

5. Registration of documentation for the production and sale of products, reporting.

6. Monitoring compliance with the rules for storing inventory items in warehouses.

The duties of the manager include: customer service, control of the timely replenishment of the working stock of products, their safety, preparation of the workplace, advising customers about the properties, taste characteristics.

Thus, the organizational structure of IP Ivanov A.A. is an ordered set of interrelated elements that are in stable relations with each other and ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a whole.

The first level of management is represented by the director of IP Ivanova A.A., he determines the mission and goals of the existence of the organization, carries out general management of the enterprise.

At the second level are the chief accountant and heads of departments.

The third level is represented by operators, shop workers, drivers.

Let's move on to the next section of the course work related to the analysis of the internal and external environment of the functioning of a commercial enterprise.

2.2 Analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise

Any organization is located and operates in the environment. Each action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation. The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And they are claimed by many other organizations that are in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization.

The internal environment of an organization is the source of its lifeblood. It contains the potential that enables the organization to function, and, consequently, to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of the organization if it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization.

Consider the external and internal environment of IP Ivanova A.A. (fig.2.15).

Rice. 2.15. External and internal environment of a trading enterprise

Let's consider the macro environment in more detail, i.e. Let's carry out the STEP-factorial analysis.

The macro environment creates the general conditions for the organization to be in the external environment and consists of economic, political, social and technological factors. The influence of macro-environment components is shown in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3

Characteristics of macroenvironment components

Components Impact of the component on the enterprise
Social (determines the impact on business social phenomena and processes) Social processes change relatively slowly, however, if any changes do occur, they have a significant impact on the environment of the organization. Influence social factor is that the number and growth rate of the population have a beneficial effect on the company's activities. During the study period, the population of the city of Sharypovo decreased, for the enterprise this factor has a negative effect, as the number of potential consumers decreases.
Technological (consists in tracking the process of technology development) The company uses the latest computer and office equipment, which greatly facilitates the task of obtaining information, speeds up the processes of internal reporting. In addition, modern accounting systems are used, which are the most visible part of a complete management system based on computer technology.
Economic (allows you to understand how resources are formed and distributed) On the result of the activities of IP Ivanova A.A. the greatest influence is exerted by the value of the income of the population, since a decrease in income leads to a decrease in consumer demand, and hence to a decrease in the profit of the enterprise. Also, an increase in the level of inflation by 11-13% per year and, consequently, an increase in the price level have an adverse effect.
Political (the intentions of the authorities state power concerning the development of society and the means by which the state intends to carry out its policy) In the legislation of the Russian Federation, a large number of legal documents regulating trade and production activities have been adopted. In its activities, IP Ivanova A.A. keeps track of the number of newly adopted and repealed legislative acts. The city administration has developed a strategic development program that outlines measures to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

We will assess the strength of the influence of environmental factors on the activities of IP Ivanova A.A. The results of the ranking of factors are given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4

Assessment of the importance of environmental factors

Group of factors Factors Assessment of the strength of the influence of factors on the development of the company
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Social 1. Birth rate X
2. Population decline X
Technological 1. Emergence of new technologies X
Economic 1. Decline in consumer income X
Having registered as an individual entrepreneur, having chosen the types of activity of the company and its taxation system that interest you, you must decide on which organizational scheme you will continue to work. Actually, there are two main IP structures:
  • individual entrepreneur without employees;
  • Sole Proprietor with full organizational structure.

In the first case, only you will work in the company. This does not mean that you need to do all the work yourself: you can formalize working relationships with other specialists or use the services of outsourcing companies. But at the same time, officially you will be the only "employee" of the company, you will be responsible only for yourself, maintain a limited package of documents and receive tax breaks.

In the second case, your company will be a full-fledged economic unit. You, as an entrepreneur and founder of the company, will have permanent officially employed employees, be responsible for them to medical insurance and pension funds, keep full accounting of the enterprise, and so on.

We will consider each of the situations separately so that you can make a balanced and rational decision regarding your company.

sole proprietor without employees

One of the most common types of organizational structures of IP is IP without employees. It makes sense to apply such a structure when the scope of the company's activities is as specific as possible and does not require the professional intervention of a large number of specialists on an ongoing basis. For example, you can provide some services to individuals and companies yourself: set up computers and equipment, tutoring, help with household issues, and so on. Or you can be an intermediary in some matters, for example, a private realtor, a product distributor, a highly specialized specialist, etc.

In such a situation, you can safely register yourself as an individual entrepreneur without employees and enjoy the benefits of this position:

  • you will pay taxes, insurance medical and pension contributions only for yourself, which means you will be able to significantly reduce the standard volume of document flow;
  • you will be allowed to work without printing and certify documents exclusively with your own signature;
  • you can choose the minimum tax rate and pay deductions only from the real income of the company;
  • you will be able to submit reporting documents for tax only once a year;
  • there will be no difficult questions for you regarding sick leave, vacations and decrees, since you will be responsible only for yourself.

It should be noted that individual entrepreneurs without employees have some limitations. For example, most grant programs and business support programs are designed for companies with a staff of 8 (sometimes 20) people.

It is more difficult for an individual entrepreneur working alone to get a business development loan and a current account overdraft.

And in general, if the business is developing well, you will very soon need assistants to whom you can shift some of your responsibilities. In this case, it is worth considering the transition to an individual entrepreneur with a complete organizational structure.

Entrepreneur with official staff

When developing a business or opening a large company, often the participation of one person - an individual entrepreneur - is not enough to conduct business. In this case, the company needs a complete organizational structure. Of course, there are no and cannot be any strict regulations in this matter - it all depends on your business, field of activity, personal preferences. At the same time, one can single out a certain general structure that can be applied in any company.

So, to organize a full staff, you will need:

  • director of the company - you can hold this position yourself as an individual entrepreneur or hire an individual person who will be responsible for the work of the entire organization, control the company's business processes and resolve current issues;
  • an accountant is a very important specialist who will help you in your work, since officially employed workers need documentation support, which is better to entrust to an individual person;
  • personnel officer, HR specialist - this position is often combined with the position of a director or accountant, but it can also exist as a separate position, especially if your company has a lot of specialists who need control, motivation, competent selection and timely career growth;
  • system administrator, IT specialist - this person will be responsible for computers and office equipment in your company, update equipment in a timely manner, be responsible for product licenses and accompany some projects (for example, organize conferences, teleconferences, etc.);
  • office manager - this position usually combines the roles of a secretary and an account manager, this person must answer incoming calls, meet visitors, organize the internal work of the company, monitor the use of consumables (for example, printing paper);
  • A sales manager is a very significant specialist in a company who directly works with clients, is responsible for the implementation of transactions, plans and increases the company's revenues.

We have listed only a few basic vacancies for a full-time entrepreneur, the existence of which will help any businessman to organize the well-coordinated work of the team.

Of course, we should not forget that every company should also have specialists in the services that the company is engaged in.

If you open a web studio, you cannot do without programmers, designers, marketers, SEO specialists, testers and other people who will directly produce the company's "product".

Ideally, all your employees should be officially registered under an employment contract, have a work book with notes, a “white” fair salary. For all employees, you are obliged to pay contributions to the pension and medical insurance funds, as well as provide them with good working conditions: regular holidays, days off, regular working hours, equipped and comfortable workplace.

The management structure of IP Serdyuk as of December 2011 is shown in fig. 1.

Figure 1 - Conceptual diagram of the system

The management structure of IP Serdyuk is the most common, linear, since the number of employees working in it in January 2010 was 5 people, and in January 2011 - 8 people.

The main functions and duties assigned to the staff are defined in job descriptions compiled by the leader.

The director provides the enterprise with the necessary personnel, arranges it, coordinates work, controls the balance of commodity resources in terms of volume and assortment, analyzes the results economic activity, studies demand, concludes contracts.

The Deputy Director exercises control over the receipt of goods from suppliers in accordance with the concluded orders in terms of timing, quantity and assortment, organizes the study of demand and market conditions, and the preparation of orders for the supply of goods. Makes proposals to encourage the workforce and individual employees for high performance in work, monitors compliance with the rules of trade, the safety of inventory, the state of labor discipline and the sanitary and technical condition of the premises. Considers complaints and makes decisions on them.

Accountant organizes accounting policy enterprises, provides a rational organization accounting and reporting in the enterprise. Organizes accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions, incoming fixed assets, inventory items and Money, timely reflection on the accounting accounts of transactions related to their movement, accounting for production and distribution costs, execution of cost estimates, sales of products, performance of works (services), results of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise, as well as financial, settlement and credit operations. Ensures the legality, timeliness and correctness of paperwork, the correct calculation and transfer of taxes and fees, payments, the repayment of debts to banks on loans on time, as well as the deduction of funds for material incentives for employees of the enterprise.

The manager provides reception and accommodation taking into account the most rational use warehouse space, storage and release of inventory items, controls the accounting of warehouse operations. Participates in the inventory of inventory items. Organizes the work of markdown and write-off of goods. It studies the state and dynamics of demand, develops long-term and short-term demand forecasts. Provides the required reporting.

The loader carries out loading, unloading and intra-warehouse processing of goods - sorting, stacking, carrying, re-weighing, packaging, etc. - manually using the simplest handling devices and means of transportation: wheelbarrows, carts, conveyors and other lifting and transport mechanisms; cargo shelter in the warehouse and vehicles; cleaning of the rolling stock after the cargo has been unloaded; cleaning and lubricating serviced handling devices and means of transportation.

The characteristics of the work of a forwarding driver include driving a car, as well as a number of other actions: refueling cars with fuel, lubricants and coolant; registration of travel documents; checking the technical condition and receiving the car before leaving the line; handing over the car and putting it in the allotted place upon returning from work; delivery of vehicles for loading, as well as for unloading cargo; control over the correct loading, placement and securing of cargo in the car body; elimination of minor operational malfunctions of the rolling stock that have arisen during work on the line and do not require disassembly of the mechanisms; organization of delivery of goods to consumers, transfer and receipt of the necessary documentation.

The definition of job responsibilities for employees of IP Serdyuk allows the staff to more effectively carry out their work and achieve the company's ultimate goals of its functioning.

The functions of managing the activities of an enterprise are implemented by departments of the management apparatus and individual employees, who at the same time enter into economic, organizational, social, psychological and other relationships with each other. Organizational relations that develop between departments and employees of the enterprise management apparatus determine its organizational structure.

The management structure of an organization is understood as the composition (list) of departments, services and divisions in the management apparatus, their systemic organization, the nature of subordination and accountability to each other and to the supreme management body of the company, as well as coordination and information links, the procedure for distributing management functions to various levels and divisions management hierarchy.

The key concepts of the management structure are elements, links (relationships), levels and powers. The elements of the management structure can be both individual employees and services in which specialists are employed performing their functional duties. The relationships between the elements of the management structure are supported by links, which are divided into vertical and horizontal (linear and functional).

The management structure of the organization IP "Akhmetov I. T." looks like a linear structure. This structure is characterized by the fact that each department is headed by a leader who has concentrated all management functions in his hands and exercises sole leadership of his subordinate employees. Its decisions, passed along the chain "from top to bottom", are obligatory for implementation by lower links. He, in turn, is subordinate to a higher manager.

On this basis, the principle of unity of command is implemented, which assumes that subordinates carry out the orders of one leader.

The disadvantages of this structure include:

the head in this case must have the whole set of managerial

functions, have versatile knowledge;

lack of links dealing with strategic planning;

a tendency to red tape and shifting responsibility when solving problems that require the participation of several departments;

there is an overload of manager's information, and therefore there is a difficulty in making a managerial decision;

do not contribute to the growth of the potential of people, each of whom uses only that part of his abilities that directly require the nature of the work performed by right, the general managerial intelligence is lost;

However, the positive features of this type of structure are:

ease of management, because there is only one communication channel;

unity of command and responsibility, i.e. performers obey

only one immediate superior, and he, in turn, is responsible for the work of his subordinates;

a clear linear subordination of all positions and levels of management, which ensures the consistency of actions;

personal responsibility of the leader for the final result of the activity.

This management structure is different in that there is a long movement of information along the lines of management, but at the same time there is a high probability of making competent management decisions.

Diagram of this type of organizational structure:

The director is engaged in documentation, conclusion of contracts, verification of all documents, he retains the sole right to make strategic decisions related to the management of the organization. The deputy director draws up contracts with clients and draws up tenders, supervises employees, searches for clients. Accountant leads financial statements In the organisation. Employees (6 people) are engaged in customer service, buy and sell spare parts for KAMAZ, NEFAZ vehicles and trailers.

Theoretical aspects of the development of the control system. The main methods and principles of formation of management of the organization's activities. Enterprise management system. Analysis of the development of the IP management system Gabitov R.

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