DIY security device for an apartment. DIY home security system


A dacha or separate outbuildings in the courtyard of a private house can also become an object of attack by thieves. It is not practical to install an industrial security system in them; it will cost more than all the things stored in such premises.

But you shouldn’t leave it completely without protection; those who like to make money at someone else’s expense, if they don’t take away your property, they will cause damage to the structure of the building, the restoration of which will require funds. Therefore, many believe that the ideal solution would be a simple security alarm; almost anyone can make it with their own hands.

What is included in such a system?

Typically, such models use an IR motion sensor, siren and other components to assemble the device. But since wired detectors are designed to operate from a 220 V network, it will have to be upgraded and converted to 12 V. To do this, a 6 V relay is added to the circuit. Power is supplied to the sensor through a switch. When the device is triggered, voltage is supplied to the relay winding, it is activated and causes the siren to turn on.

If necessary, up to several audio signal devices can be connected to such a circuit. The presence of a regulator in the sensor allows you to set the signal time after the siren is triggered; usually it is no more than 10 seconds. The circuit is turned off using a special device that is switched with a key.

The considered simple security alarm is one of the most primitive; it is easy to assemble with your own hands and is economical in terms of energy consumption. For example, for the winter you will need no more than 16 alkaline batteries. This scheme works in any conditions and can withstand even negative temperatures, so it is quite suitable for installation in an unheated dacha.

Types of homemade circuits

Assembling and installing the system with your own hands has a number of advantages. It allows you to save money and eliminates the possibility of employees of the installation company helping thieves. But the most important thing is that during the manufacturing and installation process you will carefully study the structure of the alarm system, you will be able to troubleshoot problems yourself, make adjustments to it by connecting additional sensors and improve your design.

Watch the video, homemade security system:

There are several ways to equip your home with a simple security alarm, assembled and installed yourself. The first and simplest, but at the same time the most expensive, is to invite employees of a special company who will develop the project, select necessary equipment, install it and perform commissioning work. This option is suitable for residential and warehouse premises, but is unsuitable for a summer residence, since the costs will exceed the value of the property stored there.

Another way is to buy equipment, carefully study the instructions for its installation and operation, and perform the installation yourself. In general, there is nothing impossible in this approach.

Moreover, many trading companies are engaged in programming control panels, which will save you from the need to purchase a programmer, study the rules of working with it and try to complete this stage of work without outside help.

For the simplest alarm option, you need to program the device's loops, connect them to a common network and write into memory the required number of keys for access. They will be required to disarm and arm the object. In addition, the switching on of the light device is programmed, with the operating time limited to 10-20 minutes and the relay output for dialing to a mobile phone.

Let's watch the video, an addition to the main alarm using a mobile phone;

On the market you can find many GSM modules for sending a signal to a specified number when the contacts on one of the inputs are closed. These devices are universal and can be connected to any control panel.

If you already have, then the next step is to connect them to the programmed device, which is quite easy for anyone who is able to find the “plus” and “minus” in the circuit. Again, with self-installation, you will be able to understand in detail the routing of cables and, in the event of a breakdown, fix it without problems.

Watch a video about the purchased GSM system:

For those who are not satisfied with a wired system, you can choose the wireless option. In this case, installation is even simplified, since you only need to hang the sensors in the required places and insert batteries into them. The advantage of such systems is the ability to operate on one power source for up to a year, and their cost, when equipped with one or two sensors, is low.

Detectors also have their advantages. They can be transferred from one place to another, if necessary, without special troubles. The option discussed above can be made cheaper by purchasing used equipment. This option is easy to assemble with your own hands.

Another, cheapest, but also ineffective way is to install dummies. Such a system is unlikely to frighten a seasoned thief, but it can stop boys who decide to play pranks at someone else’s dacha.

Project for a homemade alarm system - is it necessary or not?

Having decided to install a security system in a house, the first thing you have to solve is the development and execution of documentation. A professionally completed project is the basis for the future system, if its installation will be carried out by employees of a special company. But what about those who decided to do all the work themselves?

If you install an alarm in public place, then the project must be in place, otherwise the supervisory services will not accept the system. But a house is not one of these objects, so installing equipment in it will only require a sensor circuit, which is necessary for future maintenance.

The simplest circuits are based on a time relay

We will consider only two of them. The first security alarm for a home that you can assemble with your own hands is based on a time relay. It has two groups of contacts, one of which operates instantly, and the second after 5-10 seconds. This is necessary so that the owner of the facility, upon entering it, has time to turn off the system with a special button, which is installed in a hidden place.

Complete shutdown is performed using a special toggle switch. With this design, a position sensor is installed on the door frame. Before entering, a button is installed that turns the circuit into security mode after the owner leaves. Typically, such complexes use a 12 or 24 V relay.

Watch the video, addition to GSM alarm system, 12 V relay:

The disadvantage of the scheme is that the siren sounds until the alarm is turned off by the button. To eliminate it, the system is supplemented with another relay, the contact response time of which does not exceed 120-180 seconds. After this period, the siren turns off and remains in this position until the security mode is turned on.

The second one offered for self-assembly is based on a single relay. The operating time of the siren is set using a relay. And it goes into standby mode after the system is de-energized. This circuit uses a thyristor to ensure fire and electrical safety of the equipment.

It is designed to connect a large number of sensors for various purposes. For example, for glass, you can use detectors in the form of strips of metal foil that are triggered when they break. Their connection to the common network is performed sequentially.

It is possible to use other types of thyristors. For example, model PEV-10 with a power of up to 10 W or several with a lower rating.

If the circuit breaks, the relay will operate, which will turn on the siren or any powerful bell. Additionally, a light bulb may be included in the circuit, which is an auxiliary element that does not affect the operation of the system.

Is this method of protection reliable?

Property protection is becoming the most pressing issue in our time. And the way to solve it depends on many factors, but cost is often decisive among them.

It makes no sense to install an alarm system whose price exceeds the value of the protected property. For such cases, the ideal solution is to develop and install the system yourself.

But will such an alarm be effective? In some cases, it will certainly be able to scare away thieves, but for reliable protection it is better to use professional equipment and the services of specialists. The use of remote security will not only provide reliable security, but will also allow you to return funds if a robbery is committed.

A garage will become 100% protected from car thieves only if a security system is installed in it. Even boxes located in areas under centralized security cannot be called reliable. After all, security companies employ real people who often make mistakes and fail to fulfill their responsibilities. In such cases, car thieves simply break open the garage door and steal the car with impunity.

To prevent theft, the garage should be equipped with an alarm system that would notify of a detected break-in attempt. There are quite a lot of such alarms today, but the cost of most of them is justified only when protecting expensive objects. If we are talking about a private garage, then it is better to take up the tools and make a homemade alarm system. How to do this and what is required will be discussed in this article.

The principle of operation of such a system is extremely simple: in the event of a break-in, the sensors transmit a signal to the siren, which, in turn, emits a sound signal.

Video - How to make an autonomous alarm with a siren

What will be required at work?

Manufacturing technology

Step one. The motion sensor is opened and its spherical element is removed.

Step two. Then the board is removed. Usually it is held on by two metal latches - one of them should be bent.

Step three. The sensor is connected to power and a relay coil.

Important! The winding will replace the standard relay located in the black box.

Special terminals are used to connect the power supply and siren.

Step four. The system switch is installed in some secret place that no one except the owner of the car will know about. The siren is taken outside and installed in an inaccessible place.

That's the whole algorithm for installing an alarm in the garage.


Setting is the final stage of installation, which is resorted to if the design of the sensor allows it. Sensors can be given two parameters at once:

  • trigger sensitivity;
  • duration of work.

Both parameters are set according to the need and functionality of the sensor. After this, all that remains is to think through your actions in the event of a break-in (if you do not react to the siren in any way, then such an alarm will be of little use).

Cell phone security system

You can also assemble a simple alarm system from an old mobile phone (it is called a GSM alarm system). You will need a few more elements that are fairly easy to obtain. The main advantage of such a system is its autonomy from the mains - operation will continue even after the power is turned off.

Here's what you'll need to make:

  • soldering iron;
  • multimeter;
  • wires (telephone and copper);
  • cell phone (any kind, but not touchscreen);
  • one key switch;
  • two iron clips;
  • stationery knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • Super glue;
  • magnet;
  • minimal knowledge of radio engineering.

Video - Wireless alarm

How the system works

Figuratively speaking, a GSM alarm is a modernized cell phone that will make a call to the desired number if someone breaks into the garage in the absence of the owner.

The main idea of ​​the system is this: it is necessary to ensure that the phone calls the last number dialed from it at the moment the gate opens. The phone must be securely hidden and constantly be charged. If thieves break the lock and open the gate, the contacts on the awnings, invisible from the outside, will open and initiate a call - a call will be sent to the garage owner's phone.

It is typical that in the manufacture of such alarms you can use the oldest and cheapest telephone models. The main thing is that they work.

Manufacturing technology

Step one. First, take a metal clip and cut two pieces 1 cm long from it - they will become hinged contacts in the future. Next, the insulation is removed from the telephone wire, and its “contents” are dissolved into a pair of separate wires, the ends of each of which are fixed to the contacts. The paper clips, in turn, are attached to the door with superglue - one on a movable hinge, the other on a hinged one.

Important! The contacts must be secured in such a position that they close when the door is half open.

The free ends of the telephone wires are connected to a multimeter and “ringed” with the door open to check for a closed circuit.

Step two. The cables are routed to the installation site of the device; it is advisable to hide them under the baseboard.

Step three. Then you need to move on to the phone itself. It must contain SI M-card , all sound signals are disabled (incoming calls, alarm clock, SMS, etc.) and the balance is replenished. In addition, the last number dialed from the phone should be the one to which the call will be made in the event of an intrusion.

The phone must be disassembled, remove the back cover and remove the battery, then the front panel, keyboard and lining under it. This will expose the contact path. One of them is selected, leading to the call button (visually it will not be any different from the others, it can only be determined by its location). Take two copper wires - one is fixed with electrical tape on the internal contact, the second on the semicircular one.

Important! The outer semicircular contour must be open. The electrical tape should not block the path to the “End Call” button.

Step four. The battery is installed back and secured with the same electrical tape (the back panel of the phone is no longer needed), the phone turns on. This is quite easy to do even without a keyboard: the second iron clip is straightened and with its help the contacts above the “End End” button are closed.

After the standard greeting and loading is complete copper wires, fixed at the previous stage of work, are closed. If the procedure was carried out correctly, the last outgoing call will be dialed. If for some reason this does not happen, the contacts under the buttons are checked and re-closed.

Step five. The telephone is installed in a pre-prepared place. The copper wires leading from the device are connected to contacts on the door hinges. The power supply is connected and inserted into the socket. That's all, actually -DIY garage alarm ready.

Important! For more convenient operation, a toggle switch is installed on one of the telephone wires, with which you can turn the system on/off.

With minimal radio engineering and skills, the described design can be improved and given a more presentable appearance. You can also make a security system for your car using your cell phone.

Important! A significant disadvantage of such an alarm is its inability to function at sub-zero temperatures. But this is very easy to fix - install a small incandescent lamp (or “Ilyich lamp”, if you like) for heating. You can take 30 watts or even less. The lamp is installed in the same box as the mobile phone.

One “but” that is always there

If a thief enters a garage with such an alarm, he will be able to quickly detect and deactivate it. The described system takes a few seconds to contact the owner’s phone, and if the gate/door is closed quickly, the call will simply be dropped. Don't forget about this.

The call has arrived - what next?

If desired, the GSM alarm can be configured so that in the event of a break-in, a call is made to the police or to the security console. For such cases, a task force will visit the site.

The safety of the car depends on how quickly people react, so the choice of a security agency should be taken seriously. All companies can be divided into two types:

  • government;
  • private.

It is completely unclear which of them to trust more. Statistics come to the rescue: in recent years, the effectiveness of private security has decreased significantly, which is why more and more people prefer to entrust the security of their property to private companies.

Video - Garage security. GSM alarm

But even here there are some nuances. So, before drawing up an agreement with an agency, you should inquire about its reputation among former or current clients, and also inquire about the availability of a certificate for the provision of such services. All this is just pre-contractual preparation, and more attention should be paid to the contract itself, in particular to the clause on installation and maintenance of the security system.

Such an agreement must contain the following points:

  • organization of a command post regime using special equipment, departure of a task force;
  • financial liability for damage caused (with a clearly fixed amount);
  • the amount of the monthly fee for services;
  • procedure for removing/accepting a protected object, other aspects of security organization.


GSM alarm has one significant advantage over a system with a siren warning - it is non-volatile, since it can work even in the absence of electricity (albeit not for long). The main thing is that the phone charges on time. But if you look from the other side, then the mobile phone to which the “alarm” call will be made can be forgotten or lost somewhere, while the howl of the siren will at least be heard by the neighbors.

Another option for a garage alarm is described in the video below.

Video – Garage alarm

Modern life is unthinkable without security alarms. They come in a wide variety - for example, fireproof or burglar-proof, and vary depending on the installation location and, accordingly, the required functionality. Vacation home also needs protection and the best option for it is a GSM alarm system.

Nowadays, there are a lot of companies providing alarm installation services, including those with GSM technology. At first it may seem to you that such systems are extremely complex, but in reality this is not the case. The main thing is to understand a few important nuances, after which you can make an alarm on your own, without resorting to outside help. It will cost several times less, moreover, further maintenance of the security system will depend solely on you. In other words, you yourself will carry out preventive measures and troubleshoot.

Despite the fact that GSM alarms are installed mainly in garages, they can also be successfully used to protect a home. The simplest security system described in this article can solve many problems and also add confidence in the safety of your property.

To make your own alarm you will need:

  • soldering iron and ability to work with it;
  • set of wires;
  • wire cutters;
  • an old mobile phone (necessarily with buttons - modern touchscreen models will not work);
  • single-key switch;
  • stationery knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • small magnet;
  • Super glue;
  • copper and telephone wires;
  • a pair of metal clips;
  • multimeter;
  • minimal knowledge in the field of radio engineering.

After reviewing the list of necessary tools/materials, we conclude: the cost of a homemade alarm system is low. If you strictly follow the instructions below, the security system will last quite a long time.

Do-it-yourself home alarm system - installation work

In essence, a GSM alarm system is an improved mobile phone. She will call your (or any other) number if someone breaks into your house while you are away.

The idea is this: you need to ensure that the phone itself calls the last number dialed from it at the moment when the front door opens. This phone should always be on charge and lying in some box near the outlet. As soon as the door opens, the invisible contacts installed on the awnings will close and thereby trigger a call from the mobile phone - you will receive a call.

Note! For alarm, you can use the cheapest phone. The notorious Nokia 1100 is ideal for this.

First stage. To begin, cut two pieces about 1.5 cm long from metal clips - these will be hinged contacts on the door. Then take the telephone wire, strip the insulation and unravel it into a pair of internal wires. Solder the ends of each of them to the contact paper clips. Fix the contacts themselves on the door using superglue - one on a fixed hinged hinge, the second on a movable one.

Select the position of the contacts so that they close when the door is half open. Attach the other ends of the wires to a multimeter, then test them in a closed state (with the door open) in order to check the circuit.

Second phase. Route the wires to the place where the device will be located, hiding them under the baseboard.

Third stage. Next, proceed to the phone. It must have a SIM card, a top-up balance, and disabled notifications (such as alarm clock, incoming call, etc.). He must also have the last number dialed to which the call will be made in the event of a hack.

Disassemble the phone, remove the back panel and remove the battery. Then remove the front panel with buttons and gasket. You are only interested in the front part, not the back - on it after removing the keyboard you will see the contact paths. Select the one that leads to the call button (identify it by location, since visually it does not differ from other contacts). Fix one of the copper wires with electrical tape on the semicircular contact, and attach the second to the inner one.

Note! It is very important that the outer contour of the semicircular shape does not close.

Also make sure that the electrical tape does not cover the contact to the end call button.

Fourth stage. When everything is ready, install the battery (you can throw away the case - it is not needed), using the same electrical tape for fastening (it is important that it is blue). After that, turn on the phone. This may seem impossible to you, because the keyboard is no longer there, but here your ingenuity comes to the rescue: take a metal paper clip, straighten it, making a kind of tweezers, and close the contacts under the right button to end the call.

Once the screen has greeted you and the phone has fully booted up, try shorting the copper wires installed in the previous step. If everything is done correctly, the phone will dial the last number dialed. But if this does not happen, you will have to check all the contacts under the button again and repeat the procedure.

Fifth stage. All that remains is to install the phone in the designated place. Connect to copper wires, coming from the phone, contacts leading from the door awnings. Then connect Charger and plug it into a power outlet. That's it, the GSM alarm system has been successfully installed.

Note! For convenience, you can install a toggle switch on one of the long wires to turn the alarm on/off.

As already mentioned, usually such an alarm is installed on the front door. We advise you to attach the contacts to the internal door between the rooms (it will always need to be closed before leaving). If an intruder breaks into the house, he will in any case move from one room to another and, therefore, open the “alarm” door. After this, a subscriber known to you will call your number and you will be informed about the hack.

Having some knowledge of radio technology, such a security system can be improved to make it look more presentable, and a car alarm can also be made based on it.

An important point that you need to know about

If an intruder enters a house with such an alarm, he will be able to quickly detect it and turn it off. A homemade security system requires a certain time to operate (often a few seconds), that is, to establish a connection with your mobile phone.

If the door closes quickly, the call will be dropped. Remember this.

As a conclusion

An indisputable advantage of such a homemade alarm system is its energy independence. You just need to charge your phone battery in a timely manner using a standard power supply. It is advisable to completely integrate this unit into the electrical network so that the phone is powered by the battery only during power outages.

We also note that today it is more advisable to install a video surveillance system. It has a lot of advantages, but is very expensive, so in most cases people make do with regular GSM alarm systems.

Installation burglar alarm GSM in a country house, garage or private house allows you to ensure the safety and security of property. Control is carried out via telephone, and to install it yourself you need to master all the features of the system.

Operating principle of GSM alarm

GSM signaling is a complex of devices that are interconnected by the GSM network and interact via a signal. Elements of the complex are installed on site, and control and reception of signals is carried out using a landline or mobile phone located by the owner. This way you can receive alarm notifications about unauthorized people entering a protected facility. The system is controlled using the same principle, but to do this you need to send the necessary signal from your phone. As a result of this, fire extinguishing systems can be activated at the facility, electronic locks and other elements can be controlled.

Scope of application of the security system

Security systems operating via the GSM network are diverse and widely used in private homes, garages, and cottages. The use of car alarms is effective, but such a system differs significantly from the complex for real estate. Small remote warehouses, production facilities or other structures can be easily equipped with similar devices. A functional alarm allows you to respond in a timely manner to a fire or damage to property, and prevent other unpleasant actions by intruders.

Depending on the model, the devices perform the following functions:

  • ensuring fire safety of a cottage, garage or other facility;
  • monitoring the availability of electricity in the network;
  • monitoring leaks and shutting off water valves;
  • gas pipeline leak control and system shutdown;
  • activation of the siren, as well as heating or watering in the area;
  • listening to the premises;
  • room temperature control.

The complex of devices can include various sensors, for example, to monitor the integrity of window glass or smoke sensors. This allows you to vary the functionality of the security system. Therefore, the GSM complex is optimal not only for a summer house, garage or private house, but is also used for greenhouses, private buildings under construction and other structures.

Device components for home and garden

A simple alarm option does not require the presence of complex devices, which allows you to create a security system yourself. In this case, it is necessary to understand the operating principle of the entire complex. As a result, you can create an effective GSM alarm system for your dacha or garage with your own hands. This makes it easy to avoid the cost of purchasing expensive equipment.

The following components will be needed for the alarm:

  • a simple push-button mobile phone in working condition;
  • ready-made sensor or reed switch + magnet;
  • switch;
  • installation wire;
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • SIM card.

DIY system assembly

The security system complex assumes the presence of a control unit with outputs for sensors and sirens. The occurrence of emergency situations triggers commands that are pre-programmed. For example, if the integrity of window glass in a house is damaged, the system is able to send an SMS message to the owner. Listening to everything that happens in the house is also possible when calling a unit located in a guarded house.

First you need to determine what type of sensors are needed at the site. Devices that detect damage to window glass and are also sensitive to smoke and increased air temperature are in demand. Special motion sensors are also installed on the front door. After determining the types of devices, their location is selected.

The work package includes the following stages:

Video: alarm with motion sensor

A simple system with a minimum of parts is convenient, but a motion-sensitive alarm system is more effective. The system is easy to create with your own hands, and video recommendations allow you to master the work process.

Time relay system

GSM alarm schemes with time relays are different, but simple options are easy to create with your own hands. In this case, a relay is necessary for the siren to sound, and the design may contain either two or one such element. In the first case, one relay activates the sound alert, and the other element turns it off after a set time period. The element has two groups of contacts. If one relay is present, deactivation is carried out manually, that is, with the alarm disable button.

Video instructions for creating a time relay

GSM alarm system, equipped with a time relay, is functional and convenient. A video that presents installation features allows you to master the rules and principle of operation of the relay.

Disadvantages of a homemade system

Simple assembly, cost-effectiveness, easy operation and the ability to increase functionality are the advantages of a homemade alarm system for a country house, garage or private home. The system is not without drawbacks, which are expressed in the following:

  • easy blocking of the alarm by unauthorized persons;
  • malfunctions occur quite often;
  • a large set of functions requires correct installation of each element;
  • a complex system requires careful planning.

Reviews from experts

Experts' opinions on the effectiveness of homemade devices vary. The location of the facility, as well as the type of system, is important. The presence of a siren often makes an alarm a method of scaring off intruders, but before creating a system it is worth taking into account the feedback of specialists. Commentary on the effectiveness of homemade devices is sparse, but contains some key points.

When installing an alarm in an apartment with pets, it is worth considering the reviews of experts:

Motion sensors can be adjusted to a specific response height. If your cat does not playfully jump to a height of 2 meters, and the attacker does not climb on his belly (you can’t even open a closet in this position!), then an alarm is completely justified. The main thing is that the installation is carried out by specialists who understand the subject well.

Andrey Kotousov

Motion sensors can be configured to trigger only if an object larger than a certain size moves in the room. It can be configured so that when moving an object less than 10 kilograms, there will be no triggers. My relatives have an alarm system in their apartment, including motion sensors. They have 2 cats that walk all over the apartment, and there were only 2 false alarms, and both times when the cats knocked over massive objects (once their 4-story house), the 2nd carpet was rolled up in the corner. So the main thing is to configure it correctly...

Mikhail Karpov

DIY project: yes or no?

There is no need to create a project when installing a homemade GSM alarm system. This is due to the fact that the system includes a minimum number of elements that are easily connected and interact with each other. In this case, it is worth determining the location of the main unit, as well as the placement areas of all sensors. A schematic representation of the entire system allows you to quickly make an alarm yourself.

Laser alarm

A homemade laser alarm system is an effective security system that is easy to operate. This uses more complex components than for GSM signaling. For example, a laser source, resistors and other elements are needed. The principle of operation of such a security system is that when the laser beam is interrupted, the voltage at one of the terminals drops below the reference voltage at the other terminal. In this case, the voltage level at the output of the first operational amplifier increases, and the resulting pulse can be used to turn on a siren, spotlight and other devices.

Scheme selection

The alarm, the action of which is based on a laser beam, is created according to the scheme. There are many options of varying complexity. The choice depends on your electronics skills. For example, an effective system with a timer is quite simple and is actively used to protect private objects.

System creation

To install a laser alarm with your own hands, you need to prepare a BT169 thyristor, a laser, LED light bulb, capacitor, 47k resistors, photoresistor or LDR. Installation includes the following stages of work:

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser signaling has such advantages as efficiency, long range, reliability and rapid response to emergency situations. To create a system with your own hands, you need simple elements that are easy to purchase. The source of the laser beam is a regular pointer that produces a beam of red or another color. The ready-made device makes the assembly process simple.

The alarm system has such disadvantages as the complexity of the assembly circuit, which requires knowledge and skills in the field of electronics. Additional items in the form of a timer or other devices, it is important to properly install and connect to the system.

Video: installation of laser alarm

Detailed video instructions allow you to master all the features of self-assembly. At the same time, the alarm will be economical, high-quality and effective in use.

A GSM security system or a laser complex allows you to ensure the safety of property and the safety of the facility. It is easy to create a system with your own hands for a cottage or garage, but it is important to follow the installation rules and use high-quality components.

The alarm system is designed to protect various objects of apartments, offices, cottages, cars and bicycles. And also to warn and inform people in case of emergencies

With the opening of the dacha season, the issue related to the protection of dacha property brought for the season arises especially acutely. The most popular among gardeners are homemade and purchased burglary detection and notification systems based on wireless sensors and GSM modules for signaling an alarm or triggering. Many of the alarms and designs discussed are perfect for repeating with your own hands. In addition to standard security sensors, these systems can use other additional equipment, such as smoke, flood and carbon monoxide sensors, GSM sockets, etc. In this article, we will consider a security alarm for a dacha and a private home, which you can assemble with your own hands.

The principle of operation of laser signaling is as follows: when an object enters the area of ​​effect of the beam, the laser stops illuminating the photodetector. The resistance of the latter increases sharply and the relay turns off. The relay contacts also turn off the laser. This is a variant of the simplest scheme.

When a laser beam acts on a photoresistor, its resistance tends to zero, and when the laser is turned off, its resistance increases sharply and significantly. The photoresistor must be placed in a closed housing.

This alarm uses a ready-made module with a red emitter from a cheap Chinese pointer as a laser, which can be easily removed from the housing with your own hands

A selection of simple DIY alarm circuits, mainly for indoors. Using a reed switch or microswitch with normally closed contacts as a sensor, the circuit also has a delay in turning on the alarm when leaving the controlled room, and a slight delay in triggering the alarm when entering.

A selection of simple sensor alarm circuits for protecting various objects, recommended for self-assembly with your own hands. The principle of its operation is based on direct touch contact and the triggering of one or another type of alarm indicator

Ready-made types of car alarms are given, as well as methods for their installation, modification and modernization. In addition, a selection of various homemade alarm options for making them yourself is considered.

The first alarm scheme considers a simple car guard who successfully worked in a VAZ car; the second part discusses similar design, but with a minimal set of radio components

As observations of the operational reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs show, the largest number of thefts from closed premises are committed through opening the door. Even the presence of a safe door with English locks will not provide complete protection. Therefore, to reduce the risk of theft, I recommend installing a homemade alarm on the door, which will play the role of active protection. And experienced thieves, seeing a homemade product, cannot know what it is capable of and will choose another object to attack.

The principle of operation of the first two circuits, assembled with your own hands, is very simple; you just need to monitor the integrity of a thin wire secretly stretched across the territory of a protected object or in it. The attacker does not notice and tears it, thereby causing an alarm signal that is transmitted by a mobile phone call to a preset number. The article discusses two device options - a simple one using electromagnetic relays and a more complex one using transistors and microcircuits of the K561 series

A bicycle alarm for your iron horse will work if you apply some kind of vibration to it, that is, just lightly touch the bicycle and the alarm will go off. The alarm sound lasts 30 seconds, and after a few seconds it repeats, and so on until the bike alarm is turned off.

When you leave your home for a long time, you need protection from thieves - an alarm with a motion sensor is a great option. The sensor can be installed on the wall next to or above the door, on the ceiling, or anywhere else. The principle of operation of the device is as follows: when motion is detected at a certain distance, an audible alarm is triggered.

This security alarm is a simplified version of the military analogue, which is used when it is necessary to provide security for a camp or any other facility in field conditions. The disadvantage of this design is one false alarm, which can be due to a fallen branch, a forest animal, or a similar break in the motion sensor, which is a thin copper wire

The sensor reacts to an increase in air temperature to a certain value and to a certain level of smoke. The level of smoke is determined by the darkening of the gap between the infrared light and photodiodes. The temperature is controlled by a thermistor, the sensor is triggered at 45 °C, but this temperature can be easily changed within +20 °C. The homemade radio is powered by the main 9 V alarm unit and consumes a current of 10-11 mA.




Here we will look at the structure of emergency equipment for a private home, which is used as a place of permanent residence.

Choose one of three options:

  • autonomous security system;
  • GSM alarm;
  • centralized protection with remote control (PCO).

I'll point out right away that the last point in the country is not important because the distance group will not be more than ten kilometers away.

Moreover, the core of any security system can be signaled autonomously, which can be converted to GSM and console security versions with relatively minor changes.

So, - autonomous burglary.

The composition of such a system for a private home is mandatory:

  • security sensors;
  • sound and light warning devices;
  • power unit.

This is the so-called subject part of the alarm system, which is part of any system.

Add a GSM module and you can monitor the security status of your home from your mobile phone. By connecting this equipment to a notification system (SIS), you can protect your assets using CCS.

I would like to point out that many SPI modules and hardware can act as control devices and boards. In this regard, it is better to immediately decide how you will use your alarm system - to reduce costs.

However, this is not necessary, you can use the standalone version for some time and you can equip it with the necessary devices if necessary.


Regardless of the size of your home property and the type of alarm you can't do without sensors (detectors). First, they will have to block the windows and doors. Sometimes detectors protect walls and ceilings from possible attempts to destroy or otherwise collapse.

In general, it is better not to be greedy and install security sensors on all windows on the first floor of the house and, of course, on the front door. Windows must be locked for both opening and breaking.

The first of them is achieved by installing magnetic contact detectors in the second case of sound (sound detectors).

The same goes for windows on upper floors if there is less convenient access from the outside: canopies, stairs, slanted roof slopes, etc.

Now about the motion sensors. Their installation is unequivocally necessary for possible intruder intrusion methods where external building structures of the house are penetrated through unsecured alarm systems, for example through walls or roofs by breaking or dismantling.

Believe me, if you additionally place such detectors in rooms with window openings, it will not be unnecessary.

The next point is the selection of the control device for reception (control panel). If we are talking about a wired alarm system, its sensors are combined into an electrical circuit called loop (AL).

On the other hand, one of the main functions of the control panel is its information capacity, that is, the number of connected alarm lines. Their number usually ranges from 1 to 20.

A simple do-it-yourself autonomous alarm system

No matter how many safety sensors have an emergency loop when the system is triggered, you can learn the most from the loop number of the serial cycle.

This does not apply to addressing systems, but at the moment we are looking at the cheapest hardware options for home devices - a system that cannot be solved.

There are several cycles - the higher the detection level of the detectors. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the entire safety net to the following areas (AL):

  • the perimeter of each floor;
  • sensors for the volume of the first floor;
  • front door.

Thus, for private home alarms, the minimum is a four-wire device (one cycle reserved).

If the house has big size or a complex configuration, it makes sense to divide each of these loops into a larger one, such as a front and a back. That's why you need a device with more information capacity.

Sound and light warning devices must be selected. The main things to pay attention to are the design (installation on the road or indoors) and operating voltage (in agreement with the receiving device).

It's all quite simple, and at the end of this article about the home security kit, we get specific models of equipment that can be used for our purposes.

to come back to the beginning


In cases where it is technically or aesthetically feasible, installing wired lines in the house (or part of it) is not possible or undesirable wireless security equipment is used. Let's see what its obvious advantages are over traditional systems.

  • low performance and quick installation;
  • ability to measure the system;
  • Wireless alarms are also covered.

Everything in the first paragraph is clear and does not need explanation, so we start right away.

System scaling.

Simply, it is possible to expand (install additional sensors) during operation. Additionally, the wireless system makes configuration changes easy.

Here we mean the transfer of equipment to another location and its integration across areas. The first approximation can be considered as a signal loop.

Since each wireless sensor has the ability (and needs) to assign a unique address on the same system, information about this may be recorded in different parts of the receiving device.

Likewise, when installing a new sensor, you only need to reprogram the equipment to take into account the changes that have occurred.

Signaling address principle.

The main thing that I already mentioned is that each sensor in the signal has its own unique address, which makes the system (processed) uniquely identified and controlled according to a specific algorithm.

Targeted alarms can be:

  • wireless;
  • the wire.

In the second case, only one two-wire line is used to connect all sensors.

Power is supplied separately and can be distributed in different configurations. Wireless detectors are powered by built-in batteries.

Keep in mind that the number of sensors associated with one device in addressable systems is not limited, but for a private home it is most likely sufficient.

Consider this issue when choosing an addressable wireless system. Although in a private home most types of equipment are sufficient for you. For example, “Astra 812” allows you to connect up to 192 wireless radio sensors.

In addition, there are a number of organizational and technical solutions, which allow increasing the information capabilities of wireless systems.

A few words about defects.

There are few of them, and some of them may be important.

So, what are the disadvantages of installing a wireless alarm system:

  • expenses;
  • lack of continuous monitoring of the communication channel;
  • the need for occasional battery replacement.

I won't talk much about the price - if there is no choice, you have to buy one way or another. If there is an alternative, the wired option for the equipment will be cheaper anyway.

As for installation, it should be taken into account in each case, unless you install the alarm clock at home yourself.

The lack of channel control is due to the fact that it is impossible to determine the state and operation of the radio channel sensor at any time. Likewise, we cannot say with 100% certainty that in the event of an alarming situation we will receive appropriate notification.

This does not mean that wireless systems are unreliable, but this factor must be taken into account in the event of strong electromagnetic interference.

Battery replacement is not required, on average once a year.

It's true that they have a decent price - a few hundred rubles, but you don't need to save money by buying cheap analogues. Most detectors have low power warning capabilities, so you don't have to measure the voltage separately.

to come back to the beginning


As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can change each alarm to GSM (cell) by installing the appropriate module.

The requirements for home security sensor equipment are the same for each security version selected. If we are talking about receiving a control device, it is in all respects more practical to immediately install the device with the appropriate transmitter.

This eliminates the need for additional settings, switching, etc. The requirements for GSM devices are similar to those for other devices.

First of all, this is information capacity.

The choice of GSM alarm system, even for a private home, is discussed in more detail on this page. There is also an overview of some popular systems.

If we talk about the wireless network performance of cellular systems, they have the same advantages and disadvantages that characterize the “classic” options. The only thing is that the GSM wireless signal selection is not as rich as we would like, but the systems themselves will not always look solid.

If there was no choice of the right option between the manufacturer's solutions offered by the manufacturers, then every other radio channel system consisting of:

  • wireless sensors;
  • receiver;
  • relay block.

The relay unit is connected to a conventional wired GSM device.

Of course, you cannot control any detector in this case, but 8 areas will be enough for a house in which detectors should be combined according to the above principle.

Depending on the country houses, especially for frequent absences, useful hosts purchase a GSM alarm device that has the ability to connect various sensor monitoring parameters: temperature, water or gas leakage, lack of light and corresponding control methods and technical systems.

The basic principles of organizing such protection are suitable for a private home.

to come back to the beginning


I'll tell you right away: the assembly of alarm equipment for each home is very individual, so it will be difficult to select a kit. I have never seen such offers, except for the GSM set. Therefore, devices and sensors in the correct quantity must be selected independently.

We will need:

  • movement, opening and opening sensors;
  • receiving and control device;
  • power unit;
  • sound and light transmitters;
  • cables, wires and other consumables.

The number and type of security alarms required in the kit depends on the number of buildings and rooms you will be blocking (see the chapter on choosing an alarm for your home). There is also a rule for determining the information capacity of a device.

Now about nutrition. It must provide an operating (rated) current sufficient to operate all detectors. Therefore, we accept and summarize the consumption flow of all detectors taken from their passport data. Select a suitable power source. In general, our alarm clock is formed.

Finally, there are some special models of security alarm equipment that you can use in your kits. I will never advertise them, I just worked at different time with the equipment listed below and I have no major complaints about it.

Wired alarm sensors:

  • movements - Aster, Rapid, Photon;
  • breaks - Astra, Harp, Glass;
  • discovery - IO 102 series detectors - ***.

Receiver control devices: VERS (very wide selection of modifications), granite, quartz, note.

Power supplies: Scat, Reserve, RIP, Sail, BBP.

This applies to the configuration of wired non-addressable signaling - the simplest and most cost-effective system.

Such equipment is fully compatible with each other in different versions and combinations.

It is better to choose a set of wireless alarms from the director of one manufacturer, in addition - one model line.

Radio station Astra RI-M is very popular.

One of its advantages is a large set of sensors of different types of operation and purpose: safety, fire, leaks, etc. Overall, it is very rich in terms of generating alarms of various system configurations and capabilities.

If we are talking about wired systems, we can pay attention to the range of Orion equipment produced by NPO Bolide.

Wide range of tools, good interface, customizable programs and settings.

to come back to the beginning

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The materials on the website are for informational purposes only and should not be used as advice or guidelines.

Do-it-yourself alarm for an apartment - autonomous power supply and a reed contact intrusion sensor. The device described in the article is intended for sound signaling of entry into an apartment through the front door.

The alarm begins to sound a few seconds after the door is opened, and if it is not closed during this time, it will sound for as long as desired.

Trying to close the door in the hope of turning off the alarm will not be successful - it will still sound for several minutes after the door is closed.

The circuit contains two electronic key on transistors VT2 and VT3 and a delay unit for turning on the alarm signal on transistor VT1, the collector circuit of which includes a magnetoelectric sound emitter with a built-in AF generator BF1.

The door opening sensor - reed switch SF1 - is connected to the gate circuit of transistor VT2.

How to make a security alarm for your home with your own hands

While the front door of the apartment is closed, the reed switch installed on its ceiling is open under the influence of a permanent magnet attached to the door and located in the immediate vicinity. The voltage at the gate of transistor VT2 (relative to the source) is zero, so it is closed. Transistors VT1, VT3 are also closed.

When the front door is opened, the magnet is removed from the reed switch, it closes and capacitor C2 is quickly charged through resistor R1.

As a result, transistor VT2 opens, circuit R7VD3 is connected to the power source and transistor VT3 opens, which closes the power circuit of the node on transistor VT1. Charging begins (through resistor R2) of capacitor C1. When the voltage across it reaches a value of approximately 0.7 V (this will happen in 5 ... 10 s), transistor VT1 will open and an alarm signal will sound.

It will sound indefinitely if the door is not closed. However, even after closing it, the alarm signal will not stop immediately - about four more minutes will pass before it turns off. This delay depends on the capacitance of capacitor C2.

Capacitor SZ bypasses sound emitter BF1, which increases the stability of the unit on transistor VT1. Circuit R5C4 promotes rapid discharge of capacitor C1 through diode VD1 after transistor VT2 is turned off.

About the details.

Resistors - any small-sized ones, all capacitors - oxide imported. To connect the sensor and power supply, screw terminal blocks DG306-5.0-02P with a distance between contacts of 6.3 mm are installed.

You can use any other connectors or do without them altogether by soldering the wires from the sensor and power supply directly to the corresponding pads on the board.

The apartment alarm can be powered from any 9 V source - a 6F22 galvanic battery, a battery made up of six AA-size elements, or an AC power supply.

Since the security device does not consume current in standby mode, it can be operated with the power always on. More complex circuit security device, but with a mobile phone, is located here.



Obviously, the security alarm system is designed to detect unauthorized entry of an intruder into a facility that is equipped with it.

Conventionally, it can be divided into two parts:

  • facility (equipment installed at a protected facility),
  • control room (equipment located on the centralized security console).

The main characteristic of any security system is its effectiveness.

The following methods of ensuring it should be noted:

  1. Reliability is the probability of failure-free operation, which is ensured by the equipment manufacturer and the quality of installation.
  2. Reliability of intrusion detection, achieved by minimizing false positives (determined by the use of competent design solutions).
  3. Probability of detecting an intruder. This is achieved by complete blocking by technical means of vulnerable places and possible routes of movement of the intruder.

In addition, to increase the effectiveness of security alarms, the principle of boundary control is used, as well as early detection means.

For example, blocking walls with vibration detectors makes it possible to detect an attempt to break through a wall before its final destruction.

Measures to improve the fortification of the facility by engineering and technical means should not be neglected. These include metal doors, grilles, protective glazing. Of course, by “chaining” the entire object in armor, the alarm can be abandoned. But we are talking about a reasonable combination of engineering and technical means and security equipment.

Let me explain what I said with a specific example.

With an external blind metal shutter 10 mm thick, a criminal can smuggle through half the night, but the alarm will only work after the window is broken.

As practice shows, after this a few minutes are enough to enter the facility, steal valuables and escape.

The arrest team will not physically have time to arrive at the crime scene. Access to a much weaker structure installed on the inside of the room is possible only after breaking the security alarm loop.

10-15 minutes spent on overcoming it significantly increases the chances of detention.

The psychological factor should also be taken into account - a competent criminal always evaluates the quality of the target’s defense. If it is properly equipped, the risk will simply not be justified.


It is worth saying right away that here will be given typical diagram building a security alarm system is something between structural and fundamental.

Specific devices and detectors are connected according to the diagram given in their technical documentation. However, general principles for organizing an alarm loop exist and are described, for example, on this page.

So, classic version The security alarm circuit for a dacha, house or apartment is shown in Figure 1.

  1. control device (panel),
  2. power unit,
  3. optical electronic detectors,
  4. acoustic detectors,
  5. magnetic contact sensors,
  6. sound and light alarms.

The alarm loop of the 1st security line (perimeter) blocks windows (for breaking - with acoustic detectors, for opening - with magnetic contact detectors), as well as emergency exit doors and hatches.

If necessary, vibration sensors can also be included (not shown in the diagram) to detect wall breaks.

The second line of the security system contains optical-electronic devices (volumetric, surface and beam operating principles).

Instead of them or together, radio wave and ultrasonic detectors can be installed. Again, in order not to clutter the diagram, I did not indicate them.

The entrance (working) door is connected separately. This is due to the fact that to prevent the security alarm from triggering when closing and opening the object, a response delay is set on this loop. If arming and disarming of equipment is carried out from the outside of the room, for example, with Touch Memory keys (position No. 7 on the connection diagram), then the front door can be connected to the perimeter of the object.

It is worth noting that for a small dacha or apartment, the above option is quite acceptable. However, for a private house with a large number of rooms and windows, it is better to split each security loop into several (Fig. 2).

This is explained by the following reasons:

  • convenience of localizing the place of possible penetration,
  • simplifying troubleshooting.

Of course, when using an addressable alarm system, these problems disappear - everything is determined with the accuracy of the detector.


The composition of the security alarm equipment minimally includes:

  • detectors;
  • reception and control devices;
  • power supplies;
  • sirens;
  • object part of the notification transmission system (TPS).

Security alarm detectors are designed to detect unauthorized entry into a protected facility. This equipment differs in its operating principle, accordingly, in its purpose and ability to solve the problems of monitoring the internal volume of premises, destroying various building structures, opening windows, doors, etc.

The next, no less important component of the equipment is the control and reception devices, which process information received from detectors and control other security alarm devices. They are classified according to many different parameters; more details about this are written here.

The power supply performs two main functions:

  • provides the alarm equipment with the voltage necessary for its operation from a 220 V network;
  • When there is a power outage, it acts as a backup source.

For reliable operation of the security system, it is necessary to correctly perform all calculations of the voltage source.

This cannot be neglected. See about it here.

Annunciators provide information about the status of devices and detectors.

They are acoustic, light and combined. Their information content can be different, for example, light indication blocks can simultaneously reflect the state of dozens of alarm loops, and sound indicator blocks can broadcast quite complex voice messages.

How to properly make a security alarm for a private home with your own hands from a cell phone?

However, the latter applies more to the equipment of fire systems.

SPIs are used for remote control. They are not needed for autonomous alarm systems. The type of this equipment is determined by the security company. Notifications are transmitted wired or wirelessly. Radio channel and GSM systems are being used more and more often.

Apparently, they may soon take a leading position in the field of transmitting information about the status of security systems.

Installation of security alarm equipment.

If we talk about regulations, the main document defining the procedure for installation and installation of security alarm technical equipment is RD 78.145-93. This is a regulatory act of private security. On the one hand, if the alarm is not sent to the OVO control panel, then it can be neglected.

On the other hand, this document is designed to ensure the reliability and completeness of blocking vulnerabilities. So it can be useful in any case.

In addition, the technical passport of any security equipment contains general recommendations for its installation and installation. As an additional source of information, the documentation for the detector or device can be very useful.

As for the connection diagram, deviations from the manufacturer’s recommended version are unacceptable.

There are quite a lot of issues related to the installation of various types of equipment discussed there.


The main requirement for a security alarm is its reliability.

It is achieved by a whole complex of organizational and technical measures, namely:

  • the most complete identification of places vulnerable to penetration into the facility;
  • competent choice of technical solutions for blocking them;
  • achieving maximum fault tolerance of the security alarm system.

The first issue must be resolved at the stages of drawing up technical specifications and designing the system.

Here, the developer’s experience and good knowledge of regulatory and technical documentation play an important role. Each object has its own characteristics, so it makes no sense to give absentee recommendations here.

The second point implies the choice of equipment that is most appropriate in terms of its technical characteristics to the tasks solved in each specific case by the security alarm system. Reliability is often increased by the simultaneous use of detectors with different operating principles; as an option, it is possible to use combined (combined) sensors.

Fault tolerance, by and large, implies high requirements for the time between failures of all system components. In addition, the quality of installation plays an important role here. Electrical contacts have always been weak point electrical circuits, in addition, they have the ability to deteriorate over time.

Therefore the correct Maintenance is an indispensable condition for the reliable operation of the security system.

Two more points should be noted:

  • preventing unauthorized persons from interfering with the alarm system in order to disable individual sensors or the system as a whole;
  • Availability of equipment self-diagnosis function for timely detection of possible faults.

Comprehensive implementation of the listed requirements can significantly increase the reliability and efficiency of the security alarm system and its trouble-free operation over a long period of time.

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The materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidance documents.



Modern security systems are increasingly being installed by private home owners in an attempt to increase overall security and prevent intruders from entering.

Moreover, each owner independently chooses a system, guided by his own ideas about organizing the protection of his property.

Therefore, it is very important to study the operating principle of the equipment on the market, taking into account its effectiveness specifically for private homes.

IN general system security for the private sector can be divided into two broad categories:

The best option is considered to be a combination of the listed equipment - round-the-clock video surveillance + security alarm with various types of sensors and feedback function.

The difficulty of choosing lies in the fact that both security alarms and video surveillance can have several versions at once. For example, wired and wireless, with or without remote access, as well as with the possibility of full integration into modern Smart Home systems.

For private homes, wireless devices are mainly used, since their installation is simpler and can be done independently. In addition, during the installation process there is no need to lay communications, violating the aesthetic characteristics of the home.

However, some experts consider wired systems to be more reliable, since the radio signal can be jammed or distorted, disrupting the functionality of the security alarm and video surveillance.

As for remote access, here technical security measures are divided according to the control capabilities via the global Internet and via GSM mobile communication channels.

The first option is characterized by almost unlimited access (you can track the status of devices from anywhere in the world where there is access to the network).

The GSM standard is easy to use - all notifications are sent to the owner’s mobile phone. You can also control equipment remotely through calls and SMS.

But taking into account the accelerated development of LTE mobile networks, Internet video surveillance systems are becoming increasingly popular among buyers.

Most manufacturers already produce special software for smartphones that allows for intuitive control and convenient viewing of video in real time.

Considering the variety of existing security systems, detailed information will be presented below, both on security alarms and video surveillance.


One of the “disadvantages” of private households from a security point of view is the large number of places where intruders can enter – windows, doors, attics.

It is also worth considering that valuable items may be located in the local area, so it is necessary to additionally ensure perimeter security.

This situation negatively affects the final cost of the home alarm system, but neglecting to install even one sensor sharply reduces the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Fire safety also deserves special attention. Affordable models of smoke detectors and temperature sensors have appeared on the market. Therefore, more and more often, specialized companies offer comprehensive solutions when both security and fire sensors are connected to one central unit.

Installing the latter allows you to detect a fire at an early stage and minimize possible damage from the fire. And in the increasingly popular “Smart Home” kits, gas leakage and water leakage sensors are additionally installed.

When choosing a suitable fire and security alarm configuration, take into account its type:

  • autonomous;
  • with connection to the centralized security console;

The first option is low cost.

Perhaps this is the only advantage compared to other options. When the sensor is triggered, the signal is transmitted to the control panel, which triggers a light and sound warning. A sufficiently loud siren and a bright glow of the lamp can scare away the intruder and also attract the attention of neighbors.

At the same time, an indication of the operation of the equipment in operating mode is provided, which additionally has a psychological impact on the attacker.

The main disadvantage of an autonomous security alarm is its low information content, limited to the area of ​​the light and sound signal. This feature is critical for fire alarms. If the owner is absent and the neighbors do not respond to the siren, then the fire will have time to cause significant damage to the building and property.

If an autonomous alarm system is already installed, it is recommended to supplement it with a GSM unit. This will expand its functionality and increase the level of security.

An alarm system connected to a centralized security console is the most effective option, since information about the activation of sensors is transmitted to private security company employees, who promptly arrive at the address of the facility and independently carry out the necessary actions to prevent theft and detain the offender.

The disadvantages of remote security include the need for monthly payments, as well as the impossibility of connecting the system if the house is located at a considerable distance from the city and is not included in the area of ​​operation of the private security company.

Another option for remote security is possible if the object is located on the territory of a cottage town.

As a rule, organized cottage villages have a developed infrastructure and their own security service. In this case, an alarm system connected to a centralized security console is the best solution in terms of cost and level of security achieved.

Simple DIY security alarm

Today this is the most affordable option, with sufficient functionality. Of course, in terms of overall efficiency, GSM technologies are inferior to remote control security, but if the latter option is not available for a number of reasons, then an alarm system that transmits information to the homeowner’s mobile phone is the best choice.

The most common type of GSM security alarm system is wireless systems. They allow you to connect a large number of security and fire sensors (about 200, possibly more, depending on the brand of equipment).

In this way, possible penetration zones can be completely closed and a high level of fire safety can be ensured.

A good example of a wireless GSM alarm is equipment from the Chasovoy brand.

The disadvantages of wireless GSM alarms include the need to carefully monitor the status of power sources (each sensor is equipped with a built-in battery or accumulator), as well as possible vulnerability to various “jammers”.

The last drawback is typical for cheap “no name” kits produced in China and operating at a fixed frequency (usually 433 MHz).

Sensors and central GSM remote controls from well-known companies usually operate at variable frequencies that change in a chaotic manner, so hacking or jamming them is beyond the capabilities of an ordinary attacker.

It is worth taking into account the dependence of GSM alarms on the signal level of the mobile network. If the GSM connection is intermittent, you should take care of strengthening the cellular connection and choose a central unit with a network outage notification function.


Just 20 years ago, video surveillance was classified as an elite system, with a very high cost, inaccessible to most owners of individual houses. But over time, the cost of video cameras and recorders decreased significantly, and the spread of personal computers and increased Internet coverage allowed companies to launch available solutions for video surveillance organized privately.

The most popular video surveillance systems are:

  • autonomous;
  • with remote viewing.
  • The first option is a set of video cameras connected to the recorder.

    Video files from cameras are saved on the recorder's hard drive for later viewing. Also, such complexes are often equipped with a monitor, for example, to monitor the perimeter.

    That is, the autonomous system will simply record the fact of an intruder’s penetration, which will help in the further investigation of the crime.

    In detached houses, budget standalone video surveillance is often used, using cheap IP or analog cameras and a PC with a video capture card as a recorder. In the future, such a system can be upgraded for remote viewing.

    More modern Internet video surveillance systems allow you to view images from cameras in real time.

    For remote video surveillance, popular online services are often used that offer different tariffs, as well as their own sets of IP equipment (for example, the Ivideon service). This is the easiest solution to set up, allowing you to install and configure an effective remote video surveillance system in a few minutes.

    The costs of classic IP video surveillance are usually less than using cloud services, especially if the provider initially provides a static (white) IP address.

    However, to independently connect and configure IP video surveillance in a private home, it is advisable for the user to learn the basics of building computer networks and specific terminology.

    The most advanced and easy-to-use remote video surveillance system is built on P2P technology, typically used for exchanging large amounts of data. P2P cameras do not require a static IP address to operate, and connecting to a WIFI network will take just a few minutes.

    At the same time, most online video surveillance services also offer the use of P2P equipment.

    With all the advantages of remote video surveillance via the Internet, similar options for a private home, have a significant drawback - the vulnerability of the communication channel. For example, if a potential attacker knows that IP video surveillance is used in the house, he can simply cut the incoming network cable.

    To ensure the proper level of reliability, it is recommended to duplicate the communication channel.

    For example, install one more expensive, but stable working P2P camera connected to a 3G modem.

    It is also necessary to provide backup power (it is no secret that before breaking in, criminals usually turn off the power to the entire house, in the hope that the video surveillance will simply turn off).

    A plus will be the option to notify your phone or smartphone about the equipment switching to a backup power source.

    If we objectively evaluate the above methods for organizing security, the best results are demonstrated by combinations of various solutions.

    For example, GSM security and fire alarm + P2P video surveillance. A budget option would be an autonomous alarm system and the same video surveillance.

    But, regardless of the chosen method, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommended rules for installing and operating the equipment. The best option would be to contact specialists who will help you choose a place to install cameras and sensors according to the building plan.

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    Since the number of offers of GSM security systems can baffle even a trained person, let's learn how to choose the right parameters and options.

    Having decided on this, you can move on to choosing a specific GSM system model. In this case, you must pay attention to:

    • number and type of inputs for sensors (loops);
    • possibility of remote control (feedback from facility equipment);
    • availability and type of outputs for controlling external devices;
    • method of powering the GSM module (device);
    • programming and configuration procedure;
    • additional options such as the ability to connect temperature sensors, etc.

    First of all, we decide which system we need, wired or wireless.

    This way we filter out a huge number of offers and save our time.

    Please note that the wired or wireless method of data transmission for GSM alarms only applies to the sensor-device (module) combination.

    The transfer to your phone is always carried out wirelessly - this is obvious.

    Now in more detail about the choice of the characteristics and parameters listed above.

    Number of inputs.

    For wired systems, this value characterizes the number of loops that can be connected to a wired device.

    A loop is an electrical circuit that combines several alarm sensors (detectors). Since the GSM module transmits a notification about the state of the loop as a whole, we will not receive information about a specific triggered sensor in its circuit.

    If such localization is important, then only one detector should be included in one loop.

    And vice versa, if you need to receive a message only about an alarming situation that has arisen without specifying the location of penetration, then you can combine all the sensors into one loop.

    This makes it possible to choose a GSM alarm module with a small information capacity, which will cost less.

    • for a dacha, apartment - 1-4;
    • private ( country house) - 4-8;
    • garage - 1-2.

    Availability of feedback and the ability to control additional devices.

    Some GSM systems allow you to request the status of devices and perform certain actions by sending SMS messages.

    For example:

    • arm/disarm an object;
    • control switching on/off of executive relays.

    The first option is relevant for objects of any category, the second is worth paying attention to when choosing a system for a private house or apartment.

    The fact is that it is convenient for controlling heating and water supply systems.

    For a dacha, this is most likely unnecessary, but if you want to warm up the house with an electric heater before your arrival, then this option can be purchased.

    Do not forget about the electrical safety rules and pay attention to the current (power) switched by the relay contacts of the GSM device.

    By the way, let's return to the first point regarding the types of inputs for sensors. If you choose an alarm system with the ability to control engineering equipment such as heating and plumbing, then to automate these processes it will be useful if the GSM module allows you to connect temperature sensors, water leaks, etc.

    • firstly, you can control these parameters or their threshold values ​​online;
    • secondly, you can program the device to automatically control various external systems.

    GSM alarm power supply.

    It is optimal to use mains voltage 220 V.

    This is especially true if you use an alarm system with a large range of additional options. No problems are foreseen for a house or apartment here.

    Security and fire alarms in the house

    Most of the dachas are also electrified.

    Keep in mind that in addition to the alarm unit, you also need to provide power to the sensors. With a significant number of them, the option with autonomous power supply will be technically difficult and expensive to implement.

    Programming and configuration.

    The Plug and Play principle only applies to simple GSM signaling devices. For the more or less “serious” systems that we just talked about, you will have to install the required operating modes. Therefore, the way in which this can be done is of no small importance.

    The best option is the ability to configure using special utilities via a personal computer.

    Therefore, all other things being equal, preference should be given to GSM alarm devices that have similar functionality.

    Climatic performance.

    Assess the conditions under which the alarm system you choose will be used. Even when installed in a room where a high degree of climatic protection of the equipment is not required, the operating temperature range must be taken into account.

    When choosing a specific model, pay attention to the presence of a detailed and competent manual. If it is absent or the descriptions of the capabilities and setup process are unclear, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.


    I present to your attention short review some GSM alarm systems, their capabilities, as well as brief comments on possible applications.

    I would like to note that all the systems discussed here have a full-fledged manul (description), so they will not sell you a pig in a poke.

    System "Xital GSM".

    The manufacturer quite rightly positions it as a cellular control and warning system.

    The model range contains devices with a set of all the necessary options for a private country house - from a security alarm to the ability to control heating and other equipment.

    I see no point in listing the functionality, since the system has everything you need and practically nothing extra.

    Quite professional and reliable for its price range (from 7,500 rubles).

    Line of GSM equipment "Sapsan".

    Similar to the previous system, it has a wide range of capabilities. Supports work with radio channel sensors. In addition, this manufacturer offers wireless video intercoms, as well as MMS modules that have the ability to connect CCTV cameras with the transfer of instant images and support for video calls.

    In principle, there is something to choose for both home and garden. The price range is comparable to the Xital system - not economy class, but worth the money.

    GSM alarm system "Tavr".

    A simple security system, no frills. Suitable for a small cottage. Able to protect and additionally transmit information about the temperature in the protected area. May be of interest to those who need a self-powered security alarm system.

    The manufacturer claims a year of operation from a set of built-in batteries.

    The lower operating temperature limit of -200C is somewhat alarming. Even for middle zone I would like to have a larger negative margin.

    GSM alarm kits "Karkam".

    The minimum security alarm kit contains:

    • GSM module;
    • wireless opening sensor;
    • control panels;
    • wireless motion sensor;
    • siren and power supply.

    All this costs about 5,000 rubles.

    In addition, for certain models, additional connection of wired sensors is provided. For many summer residents this may be an interesting option.

    Express GSM series alarms.

    The manufacturer of this equipment is NPO Sibirsky Arsenal - a manufacturer with a strong positive reputation.

    The assortment of the GSM model range may not be very wide, but it is quite interesting for owners of small objects, which include summer cottages.

    The most popular and well-known devices are the following, which, by the way, have autonomous power supply:

    1. Express GSM is a device that combines a transmitting module and a motion sensor;
    2. Photo Express GSM - in addition to the previous device, has a built-in video camera that transmits an image of the protected area when the motion sensor is triggered.

    Despite the presence of additional devices that can be integrated with each other and the specified equipment, all this is essentially a small security alarm system and nothing more.

    By the way, Express GSM is ideal for a garage.

    In this review I do not pretend to provide complete information. There are other GSM alarm systems, I know them, but the ones listed in this article are the most attractive to me. All data is taken from open sources, is for informational purposes only, is not guaranteed to be reliable and can only be considered as an expression of the personal opinion of the author of the material.

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