Equipment for the production of briquettes, equipment for the production of fuel briquettes, equipment for fuel briquettes, production of coal briquettes. Screw press, screw granulator, briquette press, sawdust press, fuel press

If various wood wastes in the form of sawdust and wood chips are quite easy to burn in boilers specially adapted for this purpose long burning, then with fine coal and dust the situation is different. Anyone who has ever tried to fire a stove or boiler with small fractions of coal knows that half of the fuel is wasted, spilling through the grate into the ash pan, and the other half is sintered and blocks the access of air to the firebox. Because of this, the intensity of combustion is sharply reduced. At the same time, it is stupid to throw away such fuel, because it contains a lot of thermal energy. In such a situation, coal briquetting can help, which will be discussed in this article.

About coal briquetting technology

One of the ways to burn coal fines is to light the boiler with wood, and then pour the dusty fraction of fuel on top of the burning logs. But this is too troublesome, since coal dust must be added in small portions, and therefore often.

If you load a large portion, then some of the fuel will definitely spill into the ash pan and go to waste, and the rest of the fuel will fill the cracks between the wood. Air will stop flowing into the combustion zone and, as a result, the firebox will begin to fade.

The best way is to use the pressing method to form briquettes from the fine fraction, which then burn very well, releasing a large amount of heat. Such a solution as coal briquetting was proposed at the beginning of the century before last in Russia by the inventor A.P. Veshnyakov is still successfully used both in industrial purposes, and in everyday life. Its essence is that the compaction of fine coal using high pressure on special equipment makes it possible to obtain fuel whose calorific value is no less than that of high-quality coal.

Without going deeply into the subtleties technological process and classification different brands fuel, we note that such briquettes are produced in two types:

  • with binders for industrial purposes;
  • without binders, intended for combustion in domestic boiler systems.

Note. Briquettes pressed with binders cannot be used in everyday life. When burned, these substances form harmful or toxic compounds, which are captured in industry different ways. Previously, starches or molasses were also added to household fuel as binders, but this technology outdated.

Since we are interested in the technology for producing coal briquettes without any additives for household purposes, it is worth considering this. So, the sequence of the process is as follows:

  • first, the coal undergoes a grinding operation, with a maximum fraction size of 6 mm allowed;
  • the next operation is drying in order to achieve an optimal humidity of 15%. For this purpose, special equipment is used for the production of coal briquettes - steam or gas dryers;
  • After drying, the composition is cooled and supplied for pressing. The operation takes place at a pressure of 100-150 MPa in the so-called stamp press;
  • final cooling and shipment to the warehouse.

Note. The traditional technological process is described here, but the requirements for the fraction size and moisture content of the raw materials may vary depending on the equipment used. For example, a modern mini-factory Russian company UNITECH requires particle sizes up to 0.25 mm with a moisture content of 6 to 16%. That is, in this case, the coal briquetting technology should provide for better grinding, but the pressing pressure is applied much lower.

The output is a coal briquette whose ash content does not exceed 15-20%, the maximum permissible mechanical load is 3 kg/cm2, and when dropped from a height of up to 2 m, the product loses no more than 15% of its mass as a result of impact. The heat of combustion depends on the grades of coal from which the briquette is pressed.

Making coal briquettes at home

It is clear that industrial equipment for briquetting coal is not available to the average homeowner due to its high cost. However, our grandfathers also knew how to make briquettes without any equipment. To do this, coal dust and crumbs were mixed with water in such a ratio that a thick mass was obtained, and then cakes were molded from it by hand. After drying, such products were successfully burned in a home stove. That is, contrary to production technology, the mixture for the production of coal briquettes is not dried, but, on the contrary, moistened.

At home, briquettes are made in 2 ways:

  • using a hand press;
  • on a homemade screw extruder.

The first method is good because you can buy a pressing machine inexpensively or make it yourself. Its disadvantage is low productivity; in order to make yourself a fuel briquette for the whole season, you will have to work very hard. In the second case, briquetting of coal dust occurs quite quickly, since the entire process is mechanized. But here the cost of the unit comes to the fore, even homemade installation will require significant costs. You will need to purchase a powerful electric motor, gearbox and other parts.

The algorithm according to which you can make coal briquettes yourself is as follows:

  • everyone has to try in an accessible way grind coal powder. The smaller the fraction, the better the quality of the product;
  • mix the resulting composition with water. It is not possible to indicate exact proportions, since they depend on the dust content. The main thing is that the mixture is very thick and molded by hand. There is no need to add clay, this will only increase the ash content;
  • fill the mold with the composition and operate the manual mechanism;
  • Remove the briquetted coal from the mold and leave to air dry.

As a result, we get fragile products that are unsuitable for transportation, but burn well in the stove. One of the ways to briquet coal at home can be found by watching the video:

When a screw press is available, production is greatly simplified and accelerated. Turning on the electric motor, the above mixture is loaded with a shovel into the receiving hopper of the extruder. The output is cylindrical “sausages” excellent quality. It is worth noting that such briquettes made from coal dust have good strength and can even be transported.

For more information about the operation of the extruder, watch the video:


Of course, home-made briquettes are far from ideal. They have low density and high humidity, and therefore provide less heat than factory products. However, in a stove or boiler they burn well, it’s not like burning coal dust that bakes into a cake. And in terms of cost, homemade coal briquettes will be cheaper.

Charcoal is a solid, porous, high-carbon product obtained from wood by heating without air (or with little air) in retorts, ovens or heaps. Many companies producing charcoal are faced with the problem of large waste. charcoal in the form of dust and small pieces (dropouts) due to the excessive fragility of the material.

Our company has found a REVOLUTIONARY solution to this problem and introduced to the market a NEW product - equipment for the production of charcoal briquettes in the form of an extruder-briquetting press with a thermoactive output die, PRODUCTIVITY from 500 to 1500 kg/hour!!! Special production technology allows us to achieve high quality and environmentally friendly finished products. Charcoal briquettes are produced by pressing a mixture of screenings, crushed into dust, with a binder on an extruder press, thanks to high pressure in the conical compression chamber (about 2000 kg/cm2) and heat treatment at the outlet. This allows us to produce high-quality briquettes of various shapes:
1. Round type “Nestro”, with a diameter from 40 to 60 mm - at the request of the customer.
2. Octagonal or square Pini-Key type “from 50X50 to 63X63 with a hole in the center.

Charcoal briquette (briquetted coal) is an environmentally friendly product that is used for grilling, barbecuing, etc., and it is also an ideal fuel for barbecues, stoves, fireplaces, all types of fireboxes, for heating tents, greenhouses. Charcoal briquettes are an indispensable tool for creating comfort while camping, on a picnic, fishing, or hunting.

The burning time of coal briquettes is 4-5 hours, unlike regular charcoal, which burns for 1-2 hours.

The constant temperature during combustion for 4-5 hours distinguishes briquettes from ordinary charcoal.

Possibility to reuse charcoal briquettes - after use they can be filled with water under the influence of sun rays and the wind the briquettes dry and are ready for use again.

Charcoal briquettes burn without smoke, do not spark, and during combustion practically do not emit any volatile substances, which eliminates the possibility of the spread of an unpleasant odor.

Coal briquetting technologies are designed to produce commercial products from coal dust, screenings, substandard and low-quality coal. Black or brown coals, as well as coke, can be used as raw materials.

Coal briquetting is a very old technology that has been developed using double roller presses, which made it possible to increase productivity and qualitatively improve the economic attractiveness of this business.

SAHUT-CONREUR was one of the companies that began producing double roller presses at the beginning of the 20th century. We are located in northern France and, since the beginning of the 20th century, have installed more than 1000 briquetting plants in different parts light, of which more than 350 are for briquetting coal screenings.

The technology of coal briquetting on roller presses was developed to produce briquettes from fine coal coming after coal screens and washing. Briquettes are intended for use as fuel for private or industrial boiler houses in the same way as conditioned coal, and are also packaged for retail sales and in this form can be exported.

In most cases, the process of coal briquetting occurs with the addition of a binder (coal pitch, petroleum bitumen, tar, molasses and lime, lignosulfonate, starch, polymers...). In some cases, briquetting is also possible without a binder.


Technical solution:

  • Receiving a product of the same size, volume, shape and weight.
  • Elimination of the problem of dust formation and defects during transportation.
  • Specified hardness and strength of the briquette.
  • Recycling waste into commercial products

Consumer and marketing benefits:

  • Higher energy value
  • Longer burning
  • Ash in powder form
  • Less CO2 and sulfur emissions
  • Easier packaging, transportation, storage
  • Ready for automatic feeding into the firebox
  • Possibility of packaging for the consumer market
  • Export supplies


The binderless coal briquetting plant consists of the following components:

The capacity of a coal briquetting plant without binder can range from several tons per hour to approximately 25 t/h.


The plant for briquetting coal with a binder consists of the following sections:

  • coal sorting and grinding area if the coal size is too large
  • drying area if the moisture content of the coal is too high
  • binder addition area
  • briquetting area on a two-roller press
  • (optional) post-processing area (cooling, ripening and drying depending on the binder used)

The capacity of a plant for the production of briquettes from coal with a binder can range from several tons per hour to 100 t/h for large presses.

Possible binders

  • coal pitch
  • petroleum bitumen
  • resin
  • molasses and lime
  • lignosulfonate
  • starch
  • polymers, etc.

The specific binder for charcoal briquettes is determined by regional availability and end product requirements. The optimal proportions of the binder and the parameters of the finished briquette are determined by testing coal in France at the Sahut-Conreur pilot plant.

Testing of raw materials and binders for coal briquettes

Coal in each specific deposit has individual chemical and physical characteristics, and different binders may be available in each region.

To accurately determine the required composition and characteristics of the equipment, it is necessary to conduct preliminary testing of the customer’s material at the manufacturing plant of Sahut Conreur SA in France. To conduct tests, the customer needs to send coal to France for testing.

As a result of the tests you will be able to:

  • determine the required composition and characteristics of the equipment
  • determine the type and proportions of the binder
  • obtain a finished briquette and determine its characteristics
  • calculate exact economic indicators production

Also, only through testing is it possible to determine whether coal is suitable for briquetting without a binder and what the technical and economic indicators of production will be in this case, as well as the quality characteristics of the briquette.

COMPARISON OF OPTIONS for coal briquetting with and without binder

Coal briquetting using a binder:

  • + Suitable for any hard or brown coal
  • + High productivity (up to 100 t/h)
  • +
  • + Possibility of obtaining moisture-proof briquettes
  • + Low cost Supplies
  • - More expensive and complex equipment; binder required

Briquetting coal without binder:

  • - Applicable only to certain coals
  • - Drying is required
  • - Limited capacity (up to 25 t/h)
  • - High specific energy consumption
  • - High cost of consumables
  • + No binder, simpler and cheaper equipment

The technology of coal briquetting without binder additives seems more attractive at first glance, however, at the same time, energy costs increase significantly, and the productivity and quality of the briquette decreases.

After testing, it usually becomes clear that briquetting using a binder is more economically justified, even taking into account the costs of purchasing, delivering and storing these materials.

Stages of the technological process of coal and coke briquetting

Grinding coal in a hammer crusher

Grinding of coal is necessary to obtain the required homogeneous fraction, therefore, before or after drying, the coal is passed through a hammer crusher.

Drying coal in a drying drum

Drying is necessary to reduce the moisture content of the coal before adding the binder. The degree of drying depends on the binder used and technology. The final product has a moisture content of 5-10%.

Pressing of crushed coal and coal dust

Pressing of coal dust and crushed coal fraction is carried out on two-roller presses that meet industry requirements:

  • High performance
  • Low specific energy consumption
  • High reliability

Our partner is the world leader in the production of this equipment, the French company "Sahut Conreur".

Post-processing (maturation) of coal briquettes

Depending on the type of coal and binder in the technology, it may be necessary to specially cool and keep the finished briquette for some time in special bunkers, during which the briquette acquires strength.

The holding time is individual and determined at the testing stage.

If you are interested in the technology of producing coal briquettes, we will be happy to answer

Our company produces a whole line of screw (extruder) presses of the PBE series of varying power and productivity. Depending on the type of raw materials, size and power of the equipment, productivity can reach 10 tons of finished products per hour per press. It should be noted that with the help of presses of this design, it is possible to briquet almost any fine-grained and bulk materials, if, when preparing the raw mixture, binder additives are used, which, after drying and cooling the resulting briquette, determine its quality, strength and its resistance to external influences.

But there is a fairly long list of materials and substances that are briquetted in screw presses without any additives. It’s just that such materials already contain substances that are released from the material itself and become plastic during the process of strong compression and under the influence of high temperature. They perform the function of a natural glue that connects particles of raw materials when forming a briquette. Strong compression and high temperature are achieved through the operation of a screw when feeding raw materials into a conical chamber, where compaction occurs, and subsequently extrusion of the briquetted mass through a molding die.

For such materials, the main requirement for obtaining high-quality briquette products is fineness, which is either a natural property of the raw material or is achieved by grinding and crushing on appropriate equipment. It is enough to thoroughly mix such fine-grained raw materials with water until they form a homogeneous plastic mass and the mixture for briquetting is ready. Using PBE presses without the use of binding additives, the manufacturer obtains high-quality briquette products from materials such as fossil coals of grades B, D, G, Zh, K, peat, hydrolyzed lignin, sapropel, animal manure, bird droppings, chalk, lime.

For such production, our company also produces everything necessary optional equipment. These are crushers, mixers, dryers, coolers, etc.

Screw press PBE-200 PBE-219 PBE-273 PBE-325 PBE-425
Productivity *, kg/hour 500-800 * 1000-1200 * 1500-2000 * 3000-4000 * 8000-10000 *
Pressing force up to 10 tons up to 12 tons up to 15 tons up to 20 tons up to 20 tons
Pressing pressure, kg/cm 275 275 275 275 300
Main auger rotation speed, rpm 70-75 0-75 0-75 0-75 0-75
Presser auger rotation speed, rpm - 0-35,5 0-35,5 0-35,5 0-35,5

Adjustment of auger speed**

a frequency converter ** a frequency converter ** a frequency converter ** a frequency converter **
Main drive electric motor power, kW 11 15 22 30 45
Pre-presser electric motor power, kW - 3 3 3 5
Thermal heater for the die, kW - 2 2 3 4

Trimming mechanism**, kW

1,1 ** 1,1 ** 1,1 ** 1,1 ** 1,1 **

Parameters of the resulting briquette:
Density, g/cm3





Dimensions, mm 1200x1200x1000



1800×2200×2200 2000×2500×2200
Weight, kg 450 850 1050 1250 1850

* - productivity depends on the density of the material (peat - 500 kg/m3, coal - 1500 kg/m3)

** - installation is carried out in agreement with the customer

The screw (extruder) press is one of the main types of equipment offered by the Sodrugestvo company. The screw press is the main element of the line for the production of fuel briquettes, and therefore today it is in great demand in various branches of the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. And especially if this equipment meets international quality standards. The Sodrugestvo company has been working in the production of equipment for industrial and agricultural enterprises for many years. And the quality of the products it offers has been tested by the experience of many representatives of this sector of the economy.

To keep up with the times, the company’s employees are constantly mastering new types of equipment for briquette production, including screw presses of varying power and productivity. The company is constantly working to introduce new technologies for the development and maintenance of the equipment life cycle. This makes it possible to increase the service life of equipment, as well as improve the quality of manufactured products, including equipment for the production of fuel briquettes. At the same time, it is worth noting that the quality of the equipment we offer is close to European, while the prices remain Russian.

The screw presses and additional equipment we offer for the production of briquettes are capable of producing products from various types industrial and plant raw materials: coal dust of various grades, peat, sapropel and other types of raw materials with sufficient lignin content. In the process of preparing raw materials, there is no need to use any additives as a binder. Lignin itself acts as a natural “glue”. Mandatory conditions for obtaining a high-quality briquette using this technology are a fine fraction (0-5mm) and required humidity raw materials. The fine fraction is obtained using a crusher. And the humidity is regulated by drying or vice versa by adding water and thoroughly mixing in a forced mixer.

But we won’t talk much about all the advantages that equipment for the production of fuel briquettes has. After all, it is best to check this on your own experience. Convince yourself of the advantages of the equipment of the Commonwealth company, which can become a reliable partner and supplier of equipment for the production of fuel briquettes for your company. The company's employees will manufacture equipment in accordance with your requirements, and will also share many years of invaluable experience.

All equipment for the production of fuel briquettes, including the screw (extruder) press, is manufactured by the Sodrugestvo company taking into account fire safety requirements. All equipment offered by Sodrugestvo is provided with a quality guarantee, and a full range of post-warranty equipment maintenance is provided.