About Siberian heroes in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. Battle path Liberation of Stary Oskol

Recently in the city newspaper I read a note by N. Komardin, deputy. Secretary of the Party Committee of the Altaiselmash plant, "Let's celebrate Victory Day." The author of the note mentions the 765th Infantry Regiment, which indeed consisted mainly of Rubtsovites. The regiment selflessly fought against the German occupiers under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hero Soviet Union Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov, now a retired general. By the way M.S. Batrakov now lives not in the Far East, as reported by Comrade Komardin, in Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk, 7, Spartak St., 9)
On the eve of the 47th anniversary Soviet army And Navy I received a letter from Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov in which he congratulated me on the holiday and asked me to convey warm military greetings to my fellow soldiers, of whom there are many living in the city of Rubtsovsk. Matvey Stepanovich reports that, despite his advanced age, he continues systematic ski trips into the forest.
Retired General M.S. Batrakov does not lose touch with the public. He often speaks in the city of Novosibirsk with lectures and conversations, with memories of died down battles.
In his letter, Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov asks me to write to him which of my fellow soldiers lives in Rubtsovsk. That's probably all I learned about the post-war life of my military commander.
Batrakovsky Regiment, as people began to call 765 rifle regiment, covered himself with unfading glory in the Smolensk region in the battles for the Yelnya station. Residents of Rubtsov fought selflessly for their beloved Motherland. Bravely carrying out difficult combat missions, they did not disgrace the honor of the Rubtsovites. The Yelnya station, located forty kilometers from Smolensk, was liberated from the fascist evil spirits by our farm laborer regiment. The 107th division, consisting mainly of Siberians and Altaians, stood on the defensive for a long time, perhaps more than a month. On August 7, she entered the battle. And here, on the very first day, the Rubtsovsky regiment showed what its soldiers were capable of. I remember fierce battles for one height, I don’t remember its number now, and therefore I’ll call it Nameless. At this height the Nazis were firmly dug in and settled. On August 11, all our units received an order from the regiment commander to take Bezymyannaya. At that time I was the political instructor of the gun division. By 10 o'clock in the morning a hot battle broke out. Heavy machine guns were madly firing at the enemy, our mortar units, especially 82-mm mortars, were sending hundreds of mines to the heights. 76- and 45-mm cannons fired. Hot metal from both sides, with a squeal, roar, and terrible explosions, poured out in a continuous stream of fire.
Many valiant soldiers were missing from rifle, mortar and machine gun companies that day. The regiment commander himself, M.S. Batrakov, no, no, and even appeared in the front ranks of the infantry. Under a barrage of fire, the soldiers moved forward, disabling enemy equipment and hitting his manpower. I remember that the 9th Infantry Company was a little behind. This outraged Lieutenant Colonel Batrakov. He stood up and shouted at the top of his voice:
-Forward, 9th, forward, don’t lag behind, watch me!
At this time, bullets from a machine gun whistled one after another over the lieutenant colonel’s head. The commander was wounded in the left arm. The orderlies bandaged the wound. Matvey Stepanovich continued to command and lead the battle.
By five o'clock in the evening on August 11, the altitude was ours. This height, reminiscent of a huge mound, was a terrible sight. From top to bottom it was strewn with enemy corpses. The Nazis lay here like sheaves scattered by a hurricane. The farm laborers did a great job. In those difficult days for the country, the residents of Rubtsov showed that they were not cut out for life.
When we began to drive the Germans out of the village. Sadki, our reconnaissance reported that the enemy fortified the approaches to the village with 40 tanks, burying them in the ground. The enemy turned the cars into bunkers. Try to drive the fascist out of such a fortification! Across the river we saw Germans walking freely on the edge of the village. Then the artillery brothers Peter and Vasily Begunov, taking binoculars, began to carefully peer into the German defense. Less than half an hour had passed when the commander of the gun crew, Vasily Khodiy, commanded: “Gun to battle!” And the brothers opened rapid fire on the enemy tanks. Six German tanks caught fire.
There was heavy mortar and gun fire from the fascist defense. I was pinned down by the dugout and my leg was twisted. I ended up in the hospital. But by the evening, as I found out later, s. The cages were ours.

former senior political instructor, DISABLED Patriotic War.
Communist appeal. -1965.-March 27

1941-07-15 04:11:38

Commander: Major General P.V. Mironov (June 1941-26.9.1941)

In September 1941, after completing the course, Mironov was reappointed to the post of commander of the 107th Rifle Division, which distinguished itself during the Battle of Smolensk and was reorganized on September 26 into the 5th Guards Rifle Division for heroism shown in battle. Soon, the division under the command of P.V. Mironov took part in defensive battles near Moscow, in the Kaluga and Rzhev-Vyazemsk offensive operations, as well as in the liberation of the cities of Tarusa and Kondrovo. In April 1942, he was appointed commander of the 7th Guards Rifle Corps, which took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk and Smolensk offensive operations. On January 19, 1944, Mironov was appointed commander of the 37th Guards Rifle Corps, which in August was reorganized into the 37th Guards Airborne Corps, and in December - again into the 37th Guards Rifle Corps. The corps took part in the Svir-Petrozavodsk offensive operation and the liberation of the city of Olonets, and then in the Vienna and Prague offensive operations. From March to April 1945, as a result of a roundabout maneuver, the corps covered more than 300 kilometers and reached the area of ​​​​the city of Vienna (Austria), liberating about 400 settlements, including 8 cities. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 28, 1945, for skillful command of the corps and the courage and heroism of the guard, Lieutenant General Pavel Vasilyevich Mironov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

1941-07-15 04:16:48


COMPOSITION: 586, 630 and 765 rifle regiment, 347 artillery regiment, 508 howitzer artillery regiment, 203 separate anti-tank fighter division, 288 separate anti-aircraft artillery division, 160 reconnaissance battalion, 188 engineer battalion, 167 separate communications battalion, 136 medical battalion , 144 separate chemical defense company, 147 motor transport battalion, 155 field automobile bakery plant, 163 divisional veterinary hospital, 486 field postal station, 243 field cash desk of the State Bank.

1941-07-16 04:16:48


In July-September 1941, as part of the 24th Army of the Reserve Front, the division waged fierce battles in the Yelnya area, during which, together with other army formations, it participated in the defeat of a group of German troops and the elimination of the Yelnya ledge.

1941-09-26 11:58:37


for the courage and heroism of the personnel shown in battles, the 5th Guards Rifle Division was reorganized

1942-07-09 16:34:08


COMPOSITION The 11th Infantry Brigade was formed on the basis. 504, 516 and 522 rifle regiment, 1032 artillery regiment, 409 separate anti-tank fighter division, 463 anti-aircraft artillery battery (until 20.5.43), 490 machine gun battalion (from 10.10.42 to 10.5.43), 166 reconnaissance company, 327 sapper battalion, 677 separate communications battalion (645 separate communications company), 247 medical battalion, 147 separate chemical defense company, 531 motor transport company, 375 field bakery, 846 divisional veterinary hospital, 1623 paramedics (916, 28937 pps ), 973 (1614) field cash desk of the State Bank.

1942-07-09 16:34:08

Commander: Colonel, Major General P.M. Bezhko

BEZHKO Pyotr Maksimovich (1900-?) Soviet military leader, major general (02/04/1943), Russian, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1922. Born in the village of Novovelichkovskaya Krasnodar region, hereditary Cossack. In the Red Army since January 1918: volunteer of the 2nd North Kuban Cavalry Regiment. Participant in the Civil War in the South-West and the fight against the Basmachi on the Turkestan front. Participated in the Great Patriotic War since July 15, 1941. In 1942 he was seriously wounded. Commander of the 107th (11/30/1942 - 06/14/1944), 276th (06/15/1944 - 04/14/1945), 302nd (4/15/1945–5/11/1945) rifle divisions. For breaking through the long-term defense at the Uryvo-Pokrovsky bridgehead on January 12, 1943 and the liberation of the city of Ostrogorzhsk on January 20, 1943, Pyotr Maksimovich was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree (No. 15) and received the rank of major general. The 107th Rifle Division of Colonel Pyotr Maksimovich Bezhko also successfully operated in the Battle of Kursk as part of the 53rd Army of the Steppe Front. In 1944, for skillful leadership of units of the 276th Infantry Division in the mountainous and wooded area of ​​the Carpathians, liberation of a large territory from the enemy and access to the Soviet-Czechoslovak border, General Bezhko was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, 2nd degree. Three times the brave Cossack was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but his Cossack origin prevented the chiefs of staff from awarding the well-deserved award. After the war he continued to serve in the Army. Awarded two Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, Kutuzov II degree, Suvorov II degree, Red Star, and many medals

1943-01-02 03:49:08

instructions for preparing an offensive battle

At the beginning of January 1943, the division received instructions to prepare an offensive battle against fascist troops in the Uryv - Devitsa - Korotoyak zone with the final goal together with the 340th rifle division capture the city of Ostrogozhsk.

1943-01-08 03:49:08

Staff exercises with chiefs of staff

On January 8, staff exercises were held at the division headquarters with the chiefs of staff, rifle regiments and artillerymen. We checked the cards. The most important task of breaking through the enemy’s defenses on the Uryvsky bridgehead was assigned to the 516th joint venture, commanded by Major Arutyunov.

1943-01-12 03:49:08

Breakthrough of enemy defenses at Uryv - Galdaevsky sector

On January 12, 1943, 45 minutes after the start of artillery preparation, the 516th Infantry Regiment attacked the enemy's first and second trench. The artillerymen escorted our infantry with a barrage of fire, while simultaneously destroying the newly emerging firing points. By the end of the day, overcoming stubborn enemy resistance, the 516th joint venture reached a height of 160.2, where the deputy. The regiment commander, battalion commissar Sokolov, hoisted the regiment's battle banner. The enemy's defense in the Uryv-Galdaevsky sector was completely broken through along a front of 4.5 km and a depth of 3.5 km. About 400 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed and 300 people were captured. For this breakthrough, the commander of the 40th Army, General Moskalenko, brought in the 340th Division on the morning of January 13th. The 516th rifle division, finding itself in the offensive zone of the 340th division, acted together until the capture of Ostrogozhsky.

1943-01-13 16:56:38

offensive in the area between Galdaevka and the northern part of the village of Devitsa

1943-01-13 16:56:38

bloody battle for the village of Devitsa

On January 13, the 504th rifle regiment began an offensive in the area between Galdaevka and the northern part of the village of Devitsa, and the 522nd rifle regiment advanced on the village of Devitsa. When breaking through enemy defenses in the northern part of the village. The girl, the commander of the 504th Guards Regiment, Major Shkunov, died heroically. Command of the regiment was taken by the head of the 5th department of the division headquarters, Major Melnikov, who on January 16 at the collective farm named after. Kalinin was seriously wounded. After his injury on January 17, Major Kononov became commander of the 504th rifle regiment. The difficult task fell to the 522nd joint venture to capture the enemy’s heavily fortified defense in the village of Devitsa, where there were 12 rows of wire fences and a continuous minefield, a very developed fire system, every meter was shot through with crossfire.

1943-01-20 03:49:08

Complete liberation of Ostrogozhsk

On the night of January 20, 1943, the 522nd joint venture started street battles in Ostrogozhsk and, in cooperation with neighbors, destroyed individual pockets of resistance and by morning reached the church area. By 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy was squeezed into pincers: the 107th Infantry Division attacked from the north-east and north-west, the 129th Separate Rifle Brigade - from the south-east, the 340th Infantry Brigade - from the south-west, the 340th Infantry Division - from the south - 309th Infantry Division In addition to the rifle divisions, small groups of tanks operated. At 13:00 on January 20, fascist troops in Ostrogozhsk were surrounded and destroyed. Some of them were taken prisoner.

1943-01-31 18:16:17

Feat of 17 heroes

On January 31, 1943, the enemy garrison in the city of Stary Oskol, numbering over two regiments of the 26th German Infantry Division, reinforced with artillery, stubbornly defended itself, trying to pin down our forces to facilitate a breakthrough to the west of the encircled eastern Gorshechnoye group. For the same purpose, the enemy command sent large reinforcements to the city garrison, which was supposed to break into the city from the Nabokino railway crossing. The implementation of this plan would lead to a significant strengthening of the enemy’s defense and prolongation of the battles for Stary Oskol. This was understood by 15 soldiers and 2 commanders from the 409th separate anti-tank fighter division, who occupied the line at the Nabokino crossing. Deciding to thwart the enemy's plan, they dug in at the Maysyuk lineman's booth, later called Maysyuk's booth, and defended the line in a mortal battle. The enemy command sent large reinforcements to the city garrison, which was supposed to break into the city from the Nabokino railway crossing. The implementation of this plan would lead to a significant strengthening of the enemy’s defense and prolongation of the battles for the city of Stary Oskol. This was understood by 15 soldiers and 2 commanders from the 409th separate division, who occupied the line at the Nabokino crossing. Deciding to thwart the enemy's plan, they dug in at the Maysyuk lineman's booth, later called Maysyuk's booth, and defended the line in a mortal battle. An enemy detachment of over 500 (!) people with machine guns and mortars on sleighs was unable to break into the city and was soon defeated by reinforcements that arrived. In this battle, out of seventeen brave men, four survived - T.P. Babkov, A. Butbaev, V.I. Kukushkin and P.E. Ryabushkin. Thirteen - deputy company commander for political affairs, senior lieutenant V.A. Plotnikov, platoon commander junior lieutenant V.L. Bondarenko, S.A. Bashev, P.I. Vinogradov, M.F. Drozdov, A.E. Zolotarev, N.M. Litvinov, P.V. Nikolaev, G.E. Oparin, T.A. Savvin, P.P. Tolmachev, U. Chazhabaev, M.S. Yablokov - died the death of the brave. The survivors of this battle, Sergeant Tikhon Babkov and Private Abdybek Butbaev, subsequently died in battles for their Motherland. The Motherland highly appreciated the feat of the heroes who defended the city: five of them were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle, the rest - the Order of the Patriotic War. And in Stary Oskol there are streets named after the liberators - Plotnikov, Bondarenko, Litvinov streets, the street of 17 heroes. Heroes living in our memory.

1943-02-05 03:49:08

Liberation of Stary Oskol

On February 5, 1943, units of the division, after a difficult march from Ostrogozhsk, deployed at the Novo-Kladovoye-Kotovo-Neznamovo line and launched an attack on Stary Oskol. Stary Oskol was liberated by units of the 107th Infantry Division under Colonel P. M. Bezhko.

1943-02-06 03:49:08

Takes part in the Kharkov offensive operation.

From February 6 to February 16, 1943, the division as part of the 40th Army took part in the Kharkov offensive operation.

1943-03-04 03:49:08

withdrawal of the division to reserve

On March 4, 1943, the division was transferred to the reserve of the commander of the Voronezh Front and reassigned to the 69th Army, as part of which it would have to launch a counterattack in the general direction of Bogodukhov, Olshany, in order to close the flanks of the 40th and 69th armies.

"...In eternal strict silence,
They stand guard over the country,
Granite slabs with list,
Sons who did not return from the war."

The glorious path of the 765th Infantry Regiment

In 1939, the 107th Altai Rifle Division was formed in the city of Biysk, which was part of the 24th Siberian Army. It included the 765th Infantry Regiment, which consisted of conscripts from the city of Rubtsovsk and nearby regional military registration and enlistment offices. On June 26, the regiment went to the front and was in reserve in the Dorogobuzh district of the Smolensk region. He took part in the Battle of Smolensk. During August, as part of the division, he led an attack on Yelnya.

In the battles near Yelnya, the task of the 765th Infantry Regiment was personally assigned by the commander of the reserve front, Army General G.K. Zhukov. The regiment carried out the task of capturing a heavily fortified dominant height. At ten o'clock in the morning, after mortar shelling of German positions, the battalions began storming the heights. The Siberians carried out eight attacks to the heights and all attacks were repulsed. The regiment was led into the ninth attack by its commander, Lieutenant Colonel Matvey Stepanovich Batrakov, who was wounded in the head and arm. The Germans wavered, could not withstand the blow of the Altai fighters, and by six in the evening the height was taken.

For several days the regiment defended the heights, repelling German attacks. On August 6, repelling one of the enemy attacks, our Siberians launched a counterattack, broke into the city of Yelnya and hoisted the Red Banner. In the Dubovezhye area the Germans were completely destroyed. The German command was forced to transfer a fresh division. On September 26, 1941, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 107, the Altai Division was one of the first to receive the high title of Guards. The Rubtsovsky regiment became the 21st Guards Rifle Regiment. Regiment commander M.S. Batrakov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Many officers and soldiers of the regiment were awarded orders and medals.

Subsequently, the regiment fought defensive battles near Moscow. For the heroic defense of Moscow, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle. The regiment also took part in the battles of Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge, in the Bryansk, Belorussian, Rzhev-Sychevsk, and East Prussian operations. Stormed the fortress of Pillau and Kinegsberg. He was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner. The 765th Infantry Regiment went through a glorious and difficult battle path.

Lieutenant Terekhov M.Ya.

Terekhov Mikhail Yakovlevich was born in the village of Titovka, Egoryevsky district, Altai Territory, into a peasant family in 1924. He graduated from the Titov seven-year school. On August 20, 1942, he was drafted into the Red Army and sent to the Lepel Mortar School. On June 20, 1943, with the rank of junior lieutenant, he was assigned to the position of commander of a control platoon of the 4th battery of the 523rd mortar regiment.

From the first days at the front, he proved himself to be a brave and decisive commander, and was respected by the soldiers for his personal courage. On August 20, when breaking through enemy defenses in the area of ​​the Karkaesti railway crossing, being in infantry combat formations, he discovered seven enemy machine gun points, which were suppressed by mortar fire. On August 22, west of Karkaesti, while at an observation post, he replaced the battery commander who was out of action, and destroyed three machine-gun points and 26 Nazi soldiers with mortar fire. Suppressed the fire of two 75 mm. guns

On August 28, 1944, junior lieutenant Mikhail Yakovlevich Terekhov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, for courage and heroism. In November 1944, when crossing the Danube River, in the Batino area, to further expand the bridgehead on the left bank from November 14 to 20, he showed courage and bravery. Despite the German counterattacks, he skillfully adjusted the battery fire and destroyed three machine-gun emplacements, five wagons with military cargo, 12 German soldiers and officers, suppressing the fire of one cannon.

December 8, 1945, junior lieutenant Terekhov M.Ya. For his courage and heroism he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Lieutenant Terekhov Mikhail Yakovlevich died on April 13, 1945, twenty-six days before the Victory.

Sergeant Panin P.M.

Panin Petr Makarovich was born in 1902 into a peasant family in the village of Romanovka, Perm Region. In 1912, the family moved for permanent residence to the Altai Territory - Egoryevsky district, the village of Titovka. Peter studied at the Titov seven-year school, worked at the TOZ, the collective farm “Hero of Labor”. He got married and had four children in the family. On December 16, 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army.

After completing a short-term course for telephone operators on May 1, 1942, he was sent to the 23rd Guards Regiment to the 2nd battalion, to the communications platoon as a telephone operator. Pyotr Panin proved himself to be a brave warrior. He fought in many directions: Karelian, Northwestern, and on the 2nd Baltic Front. In April 1944, I received a message from my wife about the death of my eldest son Dmitry at the front...

On July 10, 1944, during a breakthrough of enemy defenses, under hurricane fire from the Nazis, he eliminated seven interruptions in telephone communication from K.P. to the company's combat positions. Returning to the communications platoon location, I met two wounded signalmen with two coils of wire and a telephone set. Taking a reel of wire and a telephone from them, he extended the communication cable to the front line and ensured communication between the battalion and two companies. Helped the wounded get to the trenches. For this feat of the Guard, Corporal Panin Pyotr Makarovich was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, on July 30.

In offensive battles from July 10 to August 17, junior sergeant Panin proved himself to be a brave and skillful warrior. During the fighting, being constantly at company positions, he maintained uninterrupted communication with the battalion command post. In one day of fighting, I eliminated ten communication interruptions. On August 3, 1944, he was awarded the medal "For Courage". Since November 1944, junior sergeant Panin has been a machine gunner in rifle company 944 rifle regiment.

On March 25, 1945, in the battle for the liberation of the Lithuanian village of Mozdyni, junior sergeant Panin supported the advance of a rifle platoon with the fire of his machine gun. Entering the flank of the enemy defense, he opened deadly fire, killing seven soldiers, and suppressed the fire of two machine guns. On March 27, during an attack on the village of Kiespa, machine gunner Panin destroyed ten enemy soldiers with targeted fire and ensured that the company captured the village.

On March 28, 1945, Pyotr Makarovich Panin died a heroic death. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. He was buried in the village of Birzhumuizha, Limbazhi district of the Latvian SSR. His name is immortalized on the slab of the monument to fallen soldiers in the village of Titovki, next to his son Dmitry.

Alexander Batsunov

15.11.1900 - 19.07.1995
Hero of the Soviet Union

B Atrakov Matvey Stepanovich - commander of the 765th Infantry Regiment of the 107th Infantry Division of the 24th Army of the Reserve Front, lieutenant colonel.

Born on November 15, 1900 in the village of Yanovo, Sergach district, Nizhny Novgorod province (now Sergach district, Nizhny Novgorod region) into a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the parochial school. He was a barge hauler on the Volga and Don, a sailor.

In the Red Army since June 1919. He served in the 28th Volga Reserve Regiment, and from October - in the 4th Engineer Battalion ( Nizhny Novgorod). In December 1919 - February 1920 he suffered from typhus, from February 1920 - a Red Army soldier of the guard team of the 8th labor battalion (Nizhny Novgorod). Since September 1920 - studying. In the Civil War he participated in the suppression of various anti-Soviet armed protests.

In 1923 he graduated from the 11th Nizhny Novgorod Infantry School. From September 1923 - platoon commander of the 8th communications regiment (Novocherkassk). From May 1924 - platoon and company commander of the 26th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Don Infantry Division of the North Caucasus Military District (Yeisk). Since January 1930 - commander of the training company of the 17th separate rifle battalion of the Siberian Military District (Leninsk-Kuznetsky, now in the Kemerovo region). In 1932 he graduated from motorized courses (Moscow). Since May 1935 - battalion commander and assistant commander of the 212th Infantry Regiment of the 71st Infantry Division. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1928.

In 1936 he graduated from the Higher Rifle and Tactical Advanced Courses for Infantry Command Staff, the “Shot” course. From July 1937 - head of the regimental school for junior command personnel of the 40th Infantry Regiment, from September 1938 - head of the training unit for courses for junior lieutenants of the division, deputy commander for the combat unit of the rifle regiment of the 78th Infantry Division of the Siberian Military District (Novosibirsk). Since September 1938 - commander of the 765th Infantry Regiment of the 107th Infantry Division of the Siberian Military District (Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory).

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. As part of the 24th Army, the division was transferred to the front and took part in the Battle of Smolensk. The commander of the 765th Infantry Regiment (107th Infantry Division, 24th Army, Reserve Front), Lieutenant Colonel M.S. Batrakov, on August 8, 1941, in battles near the city of Yelnya, Smolensk Region, inspired the soldiers by personal example. The courageous regiment commander was seriously wounded in the arm and head, but did not leave the battlefield for fifteen days - until the regiment entrusted to him completed the assigned task. Soldiers of the regiment of Lieutenant Colonel M.S. Batrakov knocked out 4 tanks, 6 aircraft, and destroyed several mortars.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 11, 1941 for skillful command of the regiment and the courage and heroism shown to Lieutenant Colonel Batrakov Matvey Stepanovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

The regiment, commanded by M.S. Batrakov, became the 21st Guards Red Banner Rifle Regiment, and the division became the 5th Guards Rifle Division.

From September 12, 1941 - commander of the 211th Infantry Division of the 43rd Army of the Reserve Front. During the disastrous Vyazemsk defensive operation, the division was surrounded, but by October 13, 1941, it fought back to its own in the Mozhaisk area. Division commander M.S. Batrakov was wounded during the breakthrough. From November 1941 - commander of the 42nd separate cadet squadron rifle brigade on the Western, Northwestern, Kalinin and from August 1942 - on the Stalingrad front. Participated in the Toropetsko-Kholm and Demyansk (1942) offensive operations, in the Battle of Stalingrad (as part of the 62nd Army). In the battle on September 22, 1942, he was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, and was treated in the hospital for a long time. From May 1943 he was authorized by the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command in the Ural Military District, and from July he was studying.

In 1944 he graduated from the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. Since May 31, 1944 - commander of the 59th Infantry Division of the 1st Red Banner Army of the Far Eastern Front.

Commanding the 59th Rifle Division, Major General M.S. Batrakov took part in the Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 as part of the 1st Far Eastern Front.

After the war, he continued to serve in the Soviet Army and commanded the same division. Since May 1947 - at the disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Armed Forces. October 1947 - Military Commissar of the Novosibirsk Region. Since April 1952, Major General M.S. Batrakov has been in reserve due to illness.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation (1946-1950).

Lived in the city of Novosibirsk, actively participated in social work, was a member of the military scientific society. Died on July 19, 1995. He was buried at the Zaeltsovsky cemetery in Novosibirsk.

Major General (04/20/1945). Awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov 2nd degree, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (03/11/1985), Order of Zhukov ( Russian Federation, 05/04/1995), medals “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For Victory over Germany”, “For Victory over Japan”, and other medals.

Honorary citizen of the cities of Yelnya (1976), Sergach (1979), Rubtsovsk (1980).

The name of the Hero of the Soviet Union M.S. Batrakov is named after school No. 2 in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, in the school museum of which there is a bust of the Hero (author G.G. Fuks). In the city of Novosibirsk, on the facade of house No. 26 on Deputatskaya Street, in which the Hero lived from 1966 to 1995, a memorial plaque was installed.

The biography was supplemented by Anton Bocharov (Koltsovo village, Novosibirsk region).