Norms and rules for the location of residential buildings and outbuildings on sites. Distance from the fence to the compost pit Compost from the fence how much to retreat

Relationships between neighbors are an age-old problem: this one planted a tree in the wrong place, that one put a barn in the wrong place, or a fence of the wrong configuration, if you apply the rules below, you will be able to avoid many conflict situations.

Most often, disputes arise about the distance between buildings and trees on both sides. It wouldn’t hurt many people to know what distance from a residential building or garden house neighbors can dig a cellar, erect a garage and other buildings. And how to count - from the wall or from the blind area?

All these issues are regulated by Building Codes and Regulations (SN and P). Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a document on the current rules, and therefore the distances given here should be considered as indicative.

We kindly ask readers who deal with these issues (land managers of regional, district and village councils) to send a list of these documents and an excerpt from these rules corresponding to the information provided here.

All distances are measured from the wall.

The fencing of your site in order to minimize shading of the territory of neighboring sites should be made of mesh or lattice. Allowed by decision general meeting installation of blind (wooden or brick) fences, but only on the side of streets and driveways. Fire distances between buildings within the same area are not standardized. But the distances between buildings located on adjacent plots must be at least 6 m for buildings made of stone and other non-combustible materials and at least 15 m for wooden ones.

The residential building must be no less than 5 m from the street line, no less than 3 m from the driveway line. The distance from outbuildings to the street line and driveways is set to no less than 5 m. The minimum distances to the boundaries of the neighboring plot should be as follows (in meters): from a residential building - 3; from construction for keeping small livestock and poultry - 4; from other buildings - 1; from the trunks of tall trees - 4, medium-sized ones - 2; from a bush - 1.

For sanitary and living conditions, the following minimum distances are legalized (in meters): from a residential building to a toilet - 12, to a shower, bathhouse and sauna - 8; from the well to the toilet and compost pit - 8, to the building for keeping small livestock and poultry - 12; from the cellar to the compost pit and buildings for small livestock and poultry - 7.

The specified distances must be observed both between buildings on your site and between those located on the neighboring site.

In other words, a neighbor, for example, does not have the right to build a bathhouse closer than 8 m from your house, and you, in turn, cannot place your toilet closer than 8 m from your neighbor’s well, and so on. It is allowed to block (adjoin, combine) a residential building with outbuildings. In this case, for example, premises for small livestock and poultry must have an isolated external entrance located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the house.

A car garage can be either free-standing, built-in or attached to a residential building or outbuildings. And it must be installed at least 1 m of the border with the neighboring plot (the garage belongs to the “other buildings” group).

As for the cellar, it is not considered a building and there are no rules for its location relative to the neighbor’s house. It is only important not to place it close to the toilet and compost pit.

Organizing the drainage of rainwater from roofs onto a neighboring site is strictly prohibited. The use of cesspools (outdoor toilet) must be agreed upon in each specific case with the sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.

A few words about gas supply. Liquefied gas cylinders with a capacity of more than 12 liters must be located in an extension made of non-flammable material or in a metal box near the blank external walls and no closer than 5 m from the entrance to the building.

From all that has been said the following follows. Violation of development requirements land plot is the basis for bringing the perpetrators to justice. In some cases, it will not be possible to get away with a fine and compensation for damages to neighbors (for example, in the case of shading of the site). The court may even require the demolition of an unauthorized building or the cutting down of improperly planted trees.

Do you comply with these requirements?

The information is partially taken from the Internet.

A good man will always press the button

Even at the stage of designing a private house, you need to take into account many parameters and rules for the location of various buildings relative to the fence. Even on your own site, buildings cannot be placed in any order. The rules for installing fences and erecting buildings inside the site are regulated by SNiP. In addition to the requirements of SNiP, local regulations must be taken into account. It is advisable to comply with the requirements and recommendations of SNiP, because failure to comply may result in a fine or a lawsuit from disgruntled neighbors. And basically, the court decision is not made in favor of the offender.

Requirements for the fence itself

When arranging your site, information about the standards for constructing the fence itself is important. For a private house, the fence requirements are as follows:

In other cases there are practically no restrictions, the best materials that meet these requirements are:

You can agree with your neighbors on the height and transparency of the adjacent fence.
In this case, it is better to formalize the consent in writing and certify it. This will already be an official document that can help even if the neighbors change over time.

Distance from fence to house

It is very important at the design and construction stage to correctly position the house relative to the fence. To find out at what distance to build a house from the fence, you need to use the established standards.

Fence on the side of the roadway

The section of fence facing the road, the so-called red line, is usually equipped with gates and a wicket. The shortest distance from the fence to the house is set at 5 m. Violating the boundaries of the building in a smaller direction can cause problems when preparing documents in the BTI, and does not comply with fire safety standards.

Required distance standards from the fence on the side of the roadway

If the road is a passage, the distance can be reduced to 3 m.

In addition to SNiP requirements, there are also fire safety standards, which are sometimes difficult to comply with:

  • A house made of stone, brick, concrete should be located at a distance of 6–8 m from the fence;
  • Frame buildings with fireproof insulation - 10–12 m;
  • Wooden house - 12–15 m.

A distance of 5 m has its advantages and is preferable from a practical point of view:

  • The greater the distance from the road, the less noise from passing cars will be heard;
  • Remoteness from exhaust gases and road dust;
  • The ability to hide your private life from the views of random passers-by.

Fence adjacent to neighboring property

Frequent conflicts and litigation are associated with the location of buildings close to the boundary line. To avoid quarrels and misunderstandings with neighbors, you should carefully consider existing requirements, presented to.
The distance to neighboring houses is determined according to fire safety requirements:

  • Non-combustible materials (stone, reinforced concrete, concrete) - 6 m;
  • Non-combustible and low-combustible materials with wooden floors - 8 m;
  • Wood and frame structures - 10 m.

Often conflicts with neighbors arise due to the shading of the site when building a multi-storey cottage. A tall house located too close to a neighbor's fence can cause plants and trees to grow poorly. However, no one wants to place the house in the middle of the plot to the detriment of their own interests.

In any case, on this issue it is better to contact specialists who, based on the situation, the size of the area and other details, will offer best option. It is worth remembering that the minimum distance between the building and the adjacent fence must be at least 3 m.
This arrangement is completely legal and is rarely challenged by neighbors.

At what distance from the fence to build a bathhouse?

The location of the bathhouse depends on many parameters: the material used for construction, the method of arranging the sewerage system. According to sanitary and fire standards, the minimum distance from the bathhouse to the fence adjacent to the neighboring site is 3 m.

This distance is due to the specificity of the building: merged wastewater from the bathhouse should not fall into the neighboring area. In addition, the bathhouse can cause a fire or dense shade in the neighboring area.

According to the rules, you can save half a meter by installing a sewer drain and drainage system, then a distance of 2.5 meters to the neighbors’ fence is considered acceptable. In addition to the boundary line, you need to take into account the distance to the neighboring house - 8 m. It can be reduced to 6 m if the bathhouse is built from materials of flammability class 1-2 (brick, concrete or stone).

When planning to build a house on an acquired plot of land, you need to find out the norms for the development of a plot of individual housing construction. At the same time, it is worth understanding what is the standard height for the garage of private houses, the distance between the construction of a private house from neighbors and other standards for the placement of structures.

Legislative acts

When figuring out the norms for developing land plots for individual use, it is worth studying the legislative framework. They regulate the rules for placing a house on a SNiP site and establish requirements for the development of a land plot of individual housing construction. local authorities authorities. They determine construction standards in a particular region. Therefore, when looking through house designs and options for their placement, it is better to navigate to typical for the region options.

The rules for the construction of a private house are established by SNiPs and GOSTs for construction. When creating a project, when building a house, you must be guided by SNiP 02/31/2001. For the construction of cottages in the country, it is worth following SNiP 02/30/97.

Individual housing construction must be carried out taking into account the provisions prescribed in the Town Planning Code. It is necessary to comply with the established urban planning standards and requirements in terms of preserving the intended purpose of the land, standards for the development of settlements, and compliance with the architectural plan of the city.

When obtaining permission for individual housing construction, you should focus on SNiP 11-3-99.

Established standards

Having become the owner of land intended for individual housing construction, you need to find out the construction standards and understand how the procedure for planning and developing a private plot of individual housing construction takes place. It is necessary to find out what SNiP 2016 says about construction. After all, construction standards for developers are the main document.

When choosing sites for building a house, you should focus not only on the availability of communications. We must remember the established standards for building a house on an individual housing construction site. Look carefully to see if it is suitable for the construction of individual residential buildings.

The procedure for building a house on a plot of land is regulated by SNiP for construction. The standards for building a house on an individual housing construction site are based on the fact that at least 0.06 hectares are allocated for development. Focusing on the standards, they plan what the features of the construction of a residential building will be.

When planning and constructing individual residential buildings, you should remember what SNiPs say about safety. They describe all the site development standards and indicate the distance between buildings on neighboring plots of land.

The layout of the site is brought into compliance with SP 11-106-97. These are construction standards that regulate the process of creating a project for the construction of a private residential building, its coordination and approval. Regulatory document, which describes the placement of buildings on dacha plots, is SNiP 30-02-97.

Construction standards on a private housing construction plot tell what it should be like:

  • location of the house on the site
  • distance between residential buildings
  • distance of the house from the fence (distance to the neighboring plot from individual residential buildings being built)
  • built-up area
  • distances between buildings

The distance from the house to the border of the site is regulated by sanitary standards for the development of the site. But the rules for the location of the house, requirements for construction and the location of residential buildings in neighboring areas are regulated by fire regulations. Building codes and the rules tell about the distances between buildings and buildings on neighboring plots of land.

Fire regulations for the location of the house allow for two-row construction. In this case, 2 outbuildings or residential buildings on the site are located close to each other. The main thing is to maintain distances from the boundaries of the conventional red line when erecting structures.

Sanitary standards

Before erecting a building, you need to understand how the site is planned and what the red building line is. This is the boundary separating private land from the roadway. Red lines for roads are 5 meters, for streets with little traffic and dead-end yards - 3 meters.

When figuring out how to properly place buildings, keep in mind that the red lines determine the distance between municipal property and a residential building. It is recommended to build all utility structures further from the street. Fire regulations must be taken into account when building a house.

Sanitary standards for private construction regulate the development plan and the rules for placing buildings on a land plot. Placement order and distance standards between the house and the neighbors’ fence:

  • residential premises should be erected at a distance of 3 m;
  • buildings for livestock and poultry are erected at a distance of more than 4 m from the boundary;
  • for the construction of outbuildings, 1 m should be retreated from the fence;
  • the distance from the toilet to the neighbor's border is 8 meters, the same norm for a compost pit.

The height of the fence between neighbors is adjustable. The requirements for fences between areas are as follows. It is allowed to build a fence 75 cm high from the ground from opaque materials; higher fencing is made from transparent materials. But fences and enclosures can be made blank at any height by agreement between neighbors. It is advisable to record the agreement on paper.

On the street side, homeowners have the right to install fences of any height. Only low plants are allowed to be planted in a private house near the fence.

Safety standards

When constructing buildings, it is necessary to take into account fire safety standards in construction. Based on them, the site is planned, markings are made for pouring the foundation, and the location of objects on the site is determined. Afterwards, the workers begin the construction of buildings on the individual housing construction site. Please note:

  • between residential buildings classified as resistance levels 1 and 2 there must be more than 6 meters (walls made of bricks, foam blocks, sandstone, concrete), this is the distance to the neighboring buildings
  • for one of the residential buildings of level 3 fire resistance, the distance increases to 8 meters
  • when constructing a wooden residential building on the ground, the distance from other structures in neighboring areas reaches 15 meters

The last norm must be remembered when building a bathhouse. If the size of the land does not allow such large deviations from the boundaries of the site, then think about how the layout of the site and the placement of buildings on the land plot can be changed, and the building area can be recalculated. It is allowed to make an indentation deep into the land plot for the construction of structures or to bring the building closer to the fence during construction so that it is not on the same line with neighboring residential buildings.

If the structures have wooden floors, then the distance between the buildings should be doubled.

Fire regulations must be strictly observed when building a house. This will protect buildings from fire and make it easier for firefighters to access in case of an emergency.

Established standards for building a house regulate the number of floors. Without prior approval from the architectural control authorities, it is allowed to build no more than 3, including the ground floor and attic. This will be a low-rise building.

Fire safety standards for the construction of an individual residential building do not regulate the distance between buildings on the same site. They regulate the distance between private houses and the erected outbuildings of private houses.

Private individual housing construction

SNiPs regulate the rules for the construction of a residential building. If the land is intended for individual residential construction, then the construction of a commercial building is prohibited.

Must be observed established distance between houses during the construction of a private house. The neighbors' individual housing construction site must be more than 3 m away. The distance to the fence from the extension can be reduced to 1.5 m. The distance of the house from the forest boundaries is also regulated. Make sure that the trees are more than 15 m from the residential structure.

The 2016 standards regulate the rules for building a garage in the private sector. The distance from the garage to the fence is 1 m, the distance from the residential building to the garage is 2 m. But the option of placing it in the basement is acceptable if additional ventilation is provided.

SNiPs regulate the building area. The following minimum municipal requirements are established for individual housing construction:

  • living room area - 12, bedroom - 8 m2;
  • for other premises the following construction area is determined: kitchen - 6, bath - 1.8, toilet - 0.96, hallway - 1.8 m2.
  • width of stairs, corridors - 0.9 m2;
  • ceiling height in a residential building - 2.5, ground floor, basement - 2 m.

Construction standards regulate the process of connecting to communications. Residential buildings are considered suitable for habitation if they are connected to engineering communications. They can be centralized or autonomous.

Electricity supply to the private sector is carried out mainly by overhead power lines. The sewage system of a house on a plot along the street is laid at a depth of at least 0.3 m; it is necessary to make a slope towards the collector. A private residential building is provided with water by connecting to central pipes. Private houses in the city can use artesian wells, wells or water brought in barrels.

Standards for baths

When planning the location of the bathhouse on the site, look at the designs of houses with the indicated buildings. It is recommended to locate the bathhouse so that the entrance and the building are visible from the living space. This will allow you to control the kindling process and notice the danger in time without leaving the residential building.

It is advisable to place the bathhouse on the site as follows:

  • smoky bath - more than 12 m from other buildings on the individual housing construction site (not recommended in densely populated areas due to increased fire hazard);
  • distance of any living space, country house from a regular sauna - more than 6 m;
  • distance from outbuildings - 1-4 m.

It is better to coordinate the distance from the house to the bathhouse with sanitary standards. If the bathhouse is wooden, then you should retreat 15 m. SNiP regulates the distance from the bathhouse to the neighbor’s fence.

Construction of garages

Regulations regulate the rules for constructing a garage in the private sector. There are several options for how to build a garage on a site. The location of the garage on the site may be as follows:

  • near a road with access from the street;
  • under a residential building;
  • separate room.

The following land development regulations apply to the construction of a garage on land. The height of the garage is planned so as not to block the neighbors natural light. It is prohibited to use a garage to block the free access to houses or the entrance to a plot of land. The distance from the garage to the neighbors’ fence is 1 m. This means that to build a garage, you should retreat 1 m from the fence, the distance from the residential building is 2 m.

Installation of fences

SNiP for the construction of a private house for individual housing construction describes not only the features of developing a site for individual housing construction, but also regulates exactly what distance must be made between the fence and other structures. Prescribes how to install fences SNiP 30-02-97. This document regulates country house construction, but local authorities use it when developing standards for the construction of private residential buildings.

The distance from the fence to the bathhouse is also specified in SNiP. It is necessary to be based on the norms for the location of a residential building and utility structures. This means that the layout of the site is carried out as follows: it is enough to retreat 1 m from the neighbors’ fence. This distance between the fence and outbuildings is determined for cases where the boundaries are separated by mesh or lattice fencing.

In villages, the established distance from the house to the fence is often not taken into account. Many buildings are placed along fences installed between neighboring plots. To build a garage, no one often deviates from the fence, although it is necessary that at least 1 m remain from the boundaries of the neighbors’ property.

When planning the fencing of a land plot, it is necessary to take into account the construction standards on the individual housing construction site. Using a metal mesh to fence an earthen plot for development, the pillars are installed at a distance of 2-3 m. If the owner of the land bought other materials for fencing, then you should be guided by the rules for their installation.

SNiP for construction prescribes how fences should be installed between summer cottages. In other cases, it is necessary to focus on local standards for developing a site for individual housing construction. By agreement with the neighbors, the height and material of the fences can be changed, but the layout of the site must be carried out taking into account what the standards for the location of buildings on the land indicate.

Legislative changes

In 2015, the land law came into force. Thanks to this, Russians have the opportunity to purchase land for individual housing construction without bidding. What is needed to obtain land can be found out in local governments.

Beneficiaries have the right to become owners of the site before the auction if they take it for individual housing construction. In some areas, land for individual housing construction is provided free of charge. This is how specialists are attracted to sparsely populated areas.

Also, the land law provided the opportunity to build country cottages on the free lands of gardening partnerships.

New laws made it possible to annex empty lands to their plots by paying for them amounts not exceeding the cadastral valuation. The construction conditions on them do not differ from the generally accepted ones.

If the land was leased for the purpose of constructing multi-apartment residential buildings, but nothing was built in 5 years, then the lease can be extended for 3 years if there are good reasons. In other cases, the lease agreement is terminated and the unfinished property is sold to bona fide developers who will provide share investors with apartment buildings.

Getting permission

When planning to start building a house on your own land, you need to figure out how to properly place the buildings. The following is taken into account:

  • percentage of land plot development;
  • built-up area;
  • distance to the neighboring area of ​​outbuildings on the site;
  • individual features of the location of the house on the site;
  • location of the garage in a private yard;
  • distance from the house to the border of the site.

You can understand how to calculate the layout if you look at standard house designs made according to SNiP. The plans of land plots show how the house is placed on the territory of the individual housing construction site. Design standards will help you figure out what kind of building a family needs.

Where to begin? First of all, you need to get a permit to build houses. After this, you can begin building the house. The building area, number of floors of the building, and location on the site must be agreed upon.

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Upon completion of technological and production tasks related to the arrangement of the sewer system in apartment building, industrial building, and also in private households it is required to test the involved system using the forced flow method. This task is used to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire involved sewerage part, and the test report for internal sewerage and drainage systems will be material evidence of the work on acceptance of the facility.

A visual inspection should be accompanied by inclusion in the test report of internal sewerage and drainage systems according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the “D” series appendix, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of a building”, recently a new one has been applied updated working edition according to SNiP 3.05.01-85.

Roofs made of metal profiles are today a common option for technological structures for complex and simple structural solutions. Typically, such structural solutions are used for large production areas, warehouses, agricultural buildings, as well as for apartment buildings. Exact service life according to the main technical specifications depend on a number of factors, including how effectively the end elements are secured, where the wind strip for corrugated sheets plays an important role in this. The cross section of such a design can have different type, and for the most part taken into account the standard design of the corrugated sheet, the working wave height, and the width of the wave distance of the roof. main feature roof wind protection, these are unique characteristics that have different curves for configuration.

The main structural solution is the size of the wind strip for corrugated sheeting, which has the form of a panel, made at a conventional right angle. The traditional size of the additional part is 2 linear meters. The width of the material is different, it ranges from 40*60 mm to 90*300 mm. For narrow types of planks, as a rule, it is used for cladding from thick, dense corrugated board, which has a low wave height.

The pinnacle of technical thought and innovative developments of the latest generation to ensure drainage in the house, this is what Nicoll drains are called by those who, as part of their duties, are engaged in the installation of high-quality drainage for buildings of various infrastructure. The brand was first born in France back in 1956, and for 6 decades the manufacturer has remained unchanged in its principles of quality and reliability for all drainage systems used. Innovative ideas have made Nicoll gutters popular in many countries around the world, and certification of quality and management according to SO 9001 and ISO 14001 is an additional confirmation of trust in this brand.

Today drainage system Nicoll has reached the global level, and the manufacturer has managed to expand the production site, which is over 1 thousand hectares, and the total number of items in the company's product range is about 6 thousand units. It is noteworthy that as reliable materials For Nicole gutters, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and polyester are used, which increase the strength of the finished product and enhance the basic characteristics of the material.

Lemur, my evening lasted for two days, but I keep my promise!
So, briefly about compost.
Every year, humus disappears from the surface of your garden by 2-3 percent in height, as it gives up its nutrients. And another figure: compost contains only up to 10 percent humus.
Composting lasts 6 months in spring and summer. And in the fall it must be distributed throughout the site so that by spring it is ready for work. It can either be added during digging, or simply laid in a layer around trees, shrubs and generally throughout the entire planting area.

What does a compost heap consist of:
Grass from a lawn mower gives a lot of nitrogen, so you don’t need to put all of it, but in moderation, the rest is simply thrown away, but not in the compost.
Wood ash is an excellent potash fertilizer.
Wood sawdust.
Remains of vegetables and fruits, but if before sale they were treated against the sprouting of shoots, potatoes, for example, then of course we don’t put them in compost, otherwise nothing will grow. I don’t know how to check this, but in general, we don’t add potato peelings from potatoes bought in large markets.
Cardboard egg boxes and toilet paper rolls (we don’t put dyed ones). They are needed to dilute the nitrogen in the compost.
Torn newspapers.
Branches after pruning bushes and trees, but they need to be chopped. If you don't grind it, the water will be retained in the pile.
Manure from domestic animals. It’s better not to take it from large farms (they use a lot of medicines....but a comment).
Coffee grounds - rich in nitrogen and oligo-elements, can be thrown along with filters, especially if they are not made of white paper.
Bags of tea, herbs (sleeped, of course).
Cheese and ham crusts.
Walnut shell.
Nettle before flowering.
Conifer needles, they oxidize the soil well. My roses love them very much :)
Water from an aquarium with algae.
Hair, fur, feathers.
Withered flowers.
Avoid weeds with already formed seeds (that is, during and after flowering), we also do not put roots, meat, which can attract rodents and God forbid not their best representatives in the form of rats.
Lay the pile in layers so that you can easily turn them around, that is, do not compact them. Water each new layer with water, since dry filling will not decompose quickly. How much water is hard to say, depends on the composition of your pile. Water so that the bottom of your pile does not turn sour, well, in general, by eye, in order to moisten (and not drown) the compost, especially in the heat. If you water the garden with a hose, walk over the heap with rain. Sometimes it is advised to sprinkle the layers with earth, a little. Well, stir it all up so it doesn’t cake. Do not mix the layers, but stir them. Insert a strong stick between the slats and lift the layers to allow air to pass through.