Is it possible to do it at the same time? Even science can't make two healthy children from two dads

Not many people are interested in whether it is possible to have surgery for a cold, thinking that a slight illness will soon pass and it is not worth undergoing surgery because of this. However, the disease is a serious contraindication to most medical procedures.

Contraindications to surgery

Before performing surgery, the doctor must examine the patient. A refusal for the procedure may be:

  • cold;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina.

This is due to the fact that the body is weakened and susceptible to the effects of the virus. These factors increase the risk of longer postoperative period recovery. Some anesthesiologists believe that the disease can interfere with the use of anesthesia. Therefore, each case is considered individually. There is no consensus among doctors.

If before the operation you get sick, feel unwell and have a runny nose, then you must inform the doctor about this and undergo a comprehensive examination in order to assess the risks of the event.

Anesthesia and complications

Most surgical procedures are performed using anesthesia. Some medical conditions can affect the effects of anesthesia on the body. It is not recommended to use anesthesia in the presence of diseases:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ARVI.

The main reason is that the patient’s respiratory rhythm is disrupted, this poses a threat to life, and cases of cardiac arrest have been reported. In addition, the body is weakened and vulnerable, and may react incorrectly to medications.

Therefore, most favorable time for surgery - this is a month and a half after the illness.

Any surgical intervention is a heavy burden for the body. In a state when the patient is sick, the immune system cannot cope with its protective function, but if additional stress occurs at this time, then there is a high risk of complications and infections, which will only worsen the human condition.

Past diseases of the larynx and nose, even after elimination, can cause inflammation. Therefore, a longer rehabilitation period and regular doctor supervision are required. It is better to wait one and a half to two months and only then carry out the procedure.

Possible complications if surgery is performed for a cold:

  1. Respiratory arrest, coma.
  2. Difficult rehabilitation period.
  3. Kidney and heart problems.
  4. An ordinary cough can develop into bronchitis, and a runny nose can develop into sinusitis, and so on.
  5. Decreased immunity.

The patient should inform the doctor about chronic diseases. For example, if it is rhinitis, then surgery is performed.

Cold before surgery, what to do?

If on the eve of surgery the patient feels unwell, increased body temperature, congestion and mucous discharge from the nose, then it is necessary to urgently report this to the attending physician.

Only a doctor can assess the condition of the body and decide on the advisability of medical action in this case.

Before the operation, you must pass:

  1. Blood test, including biochemical, for coagulation and sugar
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Blood for group determination.
  4. Tests for HIV, AIDS, hepatitis.
  5. Fluorography, if a year has passed since the last one.

The doctor will analyze the data, compare the dynamics with past results and make a decision on whether to carry out the intervention.

Under no circumstances should you hide the disease. During the procedure, this can become life-threatening.

Thyroid surgery for colds

The thyroid gland is located near the respiratory organs. If the patient is ill before the intervention, then you need to inform the doctor about this and undergo tests to identify the cause of the infection.

For example, a cough is typical when the thyroid gland is damaged and does not perform its function. The presence of neoplasms can cause a sore throat. Therefore, if certain symptoms are caused by a problem with the gland, then surgery can be done.

In cases where the cold did not arise against the background of these problems, the doctor considers each case individually. But most doctors strongly recommend to wait and recover.

Postponement of surgery is possible only when the intervention is not urgent. If the procedure cannot be delayed and the patient’s life depends on it, then the doctor makes a choice in favor of a medical measure.

Medical procedures for elevated body temperature

Often a cold is accompanied by an elevated body temperature. To decide whether to perform surgery or not, the doctor must find out the reason. If this occurred against the background of a disease, to eliminate which surgical procedures should be performed, then this is not a contraindication.

A sharp rise in temperature for no apparent reason or due to a cold is a reason for additional diagnostics. It is impossible to perform an operation in such a situation; it can cause a lot of complications, including death.

Is it possible to have surgery after a cold?

After an illness allowed to have surgery no earlier than three weeks. The most appropriate time is after one and a half to two months.

Earlier than this period is not recommended, because infections may not be completely destroyed and, with additional stress, can cause complications: for example, pustular formations, problems with the respiratory tract, heart, etc.

To avoid getting sick before surgery, follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Proper nutrition, more fruits and vegetables.
  2. Vitamin complexes (according to doctor's prescription).
  3. Avoid stress and overexertion.
  4. Spend more time outdoors.
  5. Avoid hypothermia and drafts.
  6. Take antiviral medications in advance.
  7. Timely vaccination
  8. In the midst of colds, try not to visit crowded places or wear a protective mask.

Surgery is a heavy burden on the body, after which a rehabilitation period is required. And, if before the procedure the patient catches an infection or a runny nose, then the body weakens and becomes unable to cope with additional stress. Therefore, to the question - is it possible to have surgery for a cold, the answer is - No .

The exception is cases when the illness is caused by a disease due to which the intervention is being carried out, or the procedure is urgent and cannot be delayed.

Video: rehabilitation process after surgery

In this video, surgeon Vadim Viktorovich Belov will tell you what procedures to perform and what lifestyle the patient should lead in order to speed up the rehabilitation process after surgery:

Many people wonder about the possibility of performing several magical rituals at the same time. Unfortunately, many practitioners, more interested in commercial gain than in real help to a person, are in a hurry to offer their services in unlimited quantities. But it is worth remembering that any program (set during the ritual) puts a strain on a person’s energy field. Therefore, it is permissible to install no more than two programs, or at most three (if there are significant indications for this).

It is also worth considering that all delivered programs must complement the previous ones and not contradict each other.

When solving a certain problem, it is worth performing a minimum number of rituals at once. If it is necessary to supplement or strengthen the program, this should be done no earlier than the third, or better yet, the ninth day after the previous one.

A person is conventionally divided into right and left sides. The right side is responsible for relationships and the social sphere of life, for love, family, health. The left side is responsible for the material plan, finances, success, self-confidence. It is permissible to place several programs only on one conditional side.

Example from life

Example: the question is that a young man is not going well with the financial side of his life, and because of this, a tense relationship with a girl develops.

Solution: in this case, you should first diagnose the cause of the financial problem, find out and eliminate it (remove the evil eye or damage that causes financial problems). After this, on the third day (if the evil eye was removed) or on the ninth day (if the damage was removed), you can set a program for financial well-being; it is also permissible to set the ritual for success or self-confidence.

But not for relationships! Further, if on the ninth day after the last ritual the relationship has not returned to normal on its own, then no earlier than 21 days after the ritual for financial well-being you can set up a program to solve the problem in the area of ​​relationships. The magical periods for staging rituals are 3, 9, 21 and 40 (days, months).

Example: many people ask about the same rituals, whether it is possible to perform 2 different love spells at the same time, 2 spells for money.

Solution: A love spell is a curse, and two curses can kill the “object of love,” although it is not clear what kind of love we are talking about if you are ready to put a curse on the one you “love.”

In addition, your already born or future children will suffer for this. There are no white love spells, just like white spells. Accordingly, it is not worth doing two love spells on a person, since in this case the “object of love” may soon commit suicide, become an alcoholic, or die from a heart disease.

You can place two complementary spells for money only with a difference of nine days. It is also possible to repeat the same spell for money, but not earlier than after forty days.

Is parthenogenesis the domain of females?

Even science cannot produce two healthy children from two dads. And from two mothers - it’s easy!
The pups were born to two female mice without the participation of males, say researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It took a significant feat to change the play rules genetic engineering, reports the BBC.

Scientists said that the babies received from two mothers were healthy and subsequently reproduced well. But the offspring from two dads had problems. All pups died within a few days after birth.

Why was the study conducted?

Researchers have tried to answer fundamental questions about why people have sex. Mammals, including humans, need an egg from their mother and sperm from their father to produce offspring.

But while the rest of the natural world reproduces in other ways, some fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds practice parthenogenesis.

Getty Images
Parthenogenesis is one of the forms of sexual reproduction of organisms, in which female reproductive cells (eggs) develop into an adult organism without fertilization.

Although parthenogenetic reproduction does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes; parthenogenesis is still considered sexual reproduction, since the organism develops from a germ cell.

It is believed that parthenogenesis arose during the evolution of dioecious forms.
The Chinese researchers' goal was to work out which breeding rules they needed to change in order to produce offspring from same-sex mouse parents. This in turn will help you understand why rules are so important.

How was this done?

All advanced achievements of science were used. The researchers took an egg from one mouse and a special type of cell—a haploid embryonic stem cell—from another. Both contained only half the required genetic instructions, or DNA, but simply putting them together was not enough.

The researchers had to use a technology called gene editing to remove the three sets of genetic instructions to make them compatible.

The method for two males was more complex. Scientists took a sperm, a male haploid embryonic stem cell, an egg that had all its own genetic information removed, and removed seven genes to make it all work. So they broke the rules, and what did they learn?

The reason we need to have sex is because our DNA—our genetic code—behaves differently depending on whether it comes from mom or dad, says the study.

This is called genomic imprinting, with parts of the DNA in the sperm and parts of the DNA in the eggs receiving different "stamps" that change in the process. Errors in genomic imprinting are associated with some diseases, such as Angelman syndrome.

The broken DNA had to be removed by the researchers to create viable mice.

“We saw that defects in bimatter mice can be reversed, and reproductive barriers in mammals can also be overcome.”
Is it possible to have a child with a partner of the same sex?

Dr Teresa Holm from the University of Auckland says there is a chance in the long term. “[The research] could even lead to ways for same-sex couples to reproduce healthy children,” she says.

But she notes that there are " important issues ethics and safety that need to be overcome.” And this cannot be allowed until scientists are sure that children will grow up mentally and physically normal. Some scientists have doubts that the mice produced in the study are doing well.

One of the lead researchers said: "Even with two mothers, I'm not sure they're normal, and the success rate was quite low."

So sex as a prerequisite for reproduction will not disappear anytime soon. So it goes!

The pups were born to two female mice without the participation of males, say researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Changing the rules of reproduction required a significant feat of genetic engineering, reports the BBC.

Scientists said that the babies received from two mothers were healthy and subsequently reproduced well. But the offspring from two dads had problems. All pups died within a few days after birth.

Why was the study conducted?

Researchers have tried to answer fundamental questions about why people have sex. Mammals, including humans, need an egg from their mother and sperm from their father to produce offspring.

But while the rest of the natural world reproduces in other ways, some fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds practice parthenogenesis.

Getty Images
Parthenogenesis is one of the forms of sexual reproduction of organisms, in which female reproductive cells (eggs) develop into an adult organism without fertilization.

Although parthenogenetic reproduction does not involve the fusion of male and female gametes, parthenogenesis is still considered sexual reproduction, since the organism develops from a germ cell.

It is believed that parthenogenesis arose during the evolution of dioecious forms.

The Chinese researchers' goal was to work out which breeding rules they needed to change in order to produce offspring from same-sex mouse parents. This in turn will help you understand why rules are so important.

How was this done?

All advanced achievements of science were used. The researchers took an egg from one mouse and a special type of cell - a haploid embryonic stem cell - from another. Both contained only half the required genetic instructions, or DNA, but simply putting them together was not enough.

The researchers had to use a technology called gene editing to remove the three sets of genetic instructions to make them compatible.

The method for two males was more complex. Scientists took a sperm, a male haploid embryonic stem cell, an egg that had all its own genetic information removed, and removed seven genes to make it all work. So they broke the rules, and what did they learn?


The reason we need to have sex is because our DNA - our genetic code - behaves differently depending on whether it comes from mom or dad, says the study.

This is called genomic imprinting, with parts of the DNA in the sperm and parts of the DNA in the eggs receiving different "stamps" that change in the process. Errors in genomic imprinting are associated with some diseases, such as Angelman syndrome.

The broken DNA had to be removed by the researchers to create viable mice.

“We saw that defects in bimatter mice can be reversed, and reproductive barriers in mammals can also be overcome.”

Is it possible to have a child with a partner of the same sex?

Dr Teresa Holm from the University of Auckland says there is a chance in the long term. “[The research] could even lead to the development of ways for same-sex couples to reproduce healthy children,” she says.

But she notes that there are "important ethical and safety issues that must be overcome." And this cannot be allowed until scientists are sure that children will grow up mentally and physically normal. Some scientists have doubts that the mice produced in the study are doing well.

One of the lead researchers said: "Even with two mothers, I'm not sure they're normal, and the success rate was quite low."

So sex as a prerequisite for reproduction will not disappear anytime soon. So it goes!

Let's consider in detail whether it is possible to do several love spells at once - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

I believe in the power of love spells, just as I believe that they destroy a person from the inside. They destroy the soul of the person being bewitched, as well as the one who started this whole thing. This raises the question. How many love spells can the human soul withstand before the changes become fatal? After all, some are completely crazy in their desire to bind a person to themselves, that they turn to magicians more than once or twice, but go to them as if it were home. They don’t feel sorry for money or time, the main thing is to achieve their goal. It happens that, having not achieved visible results, they turn to another magician. It turns out that two people are already influencing one person. So how many love spells can you do per person?

How do you like it? For several people at once or in turns? If at once, you can only make one love spell. If you do the second thing, then the first love spell will no longer work. If your first love spell works, after a while you no longer need this person and you want to cast a love spell on another person. But this means that the first love spell did not work, so live with your wits.

If a love spell is done correctly, then it lasts for life, but you need to understand that the human soul is not a toy. In the end, we are responsible for those we have tamed. It is difficult to cancel the effect of a love spell, so I don’t understand people who run around casting a love spell on one person, then on another. And if they attack one person several times, it smacks of quackery!

If a love spell is done correctly, it lasts for life


Today we will talk about the most important detail in practice, whether it is possible to correctly make a love spell at home. Knowledge and observance of the rules is necessary for becoming a sorcerer, and this is what will ensure your effectiveness in your work. There is an opinion that real magic is performed under the cover of darkness. Is it possible to do a love spell during the day? And is it permissible to do a love spell on the very days when you have your period?

You will find answers to these and other questions in this material. It is necessary to work in accordance with the basic principles love magic. So read the rules when you can make love spells and love spells.

Is it possible to cast a love spell on a man on the waning moon?

The entire work of a warlock consists of a huge number of rules and nuances. And this is not at all what can be seen on refined sites for housewives, where they are looking for advice on how to use magic to return their beloved spouse, and quickly, and whether it is possible to cast a home love spell on your husband so that he does not cheat and always loves only his wife. Practical magic is not easy. And the further you enter this world, the more your consciousness will expand, you will learn to see and understand the amazing relationships and invisible threads of esotericism that bind together all the objects of this world.

Love spells on a man in this category are carried out on the waning moon. This can be done as soon as the moon has waned. Then they choose the optimal day for a quarrel between a man and his other half (wife, mistress, bride), and for any rituals of lapel magic. Is it possible to make a love spell without suppression and quarrels? Theoretically, it is possible, but how such a magical love spell will fall on a loved one, and whether it will fall at all, is a big question.

Most magical love spells for love are done independently on the waxing moon - whether they relate to cemetery work, work with demons, or whether they are spontaneous rituals, or white ways to bewitch your loved one. They are aimed at a person’s desire for sensual love, passion, longing, and marriage. Love potions are made on the waxing moon, and verbal love spells work well.

Beginners ask, is it possible to cast a love spell on a guy on a full moon?

The full moon is the most favorable day for starting a new business and love magic. Properly done, proven love spells for men fall quickly and smoothly, showing the best results.

But is it possible to cast a love spell on the waning moon?

It is possible, they do, but much less often. And more - for the sake of punishment and revenge, and not for a happy relationship. The energy of the waning moon has different characteristics, and they do not coincide with the energy of the young moon. An effective love spell on lovers, made during the lunar waning phase, kindles dark passion and inflames lust. On the waning moon, damage of a destructive nature is done, and therefore the strongest love spell on a man will be damaged. If a beginner in magic wants to bewitch someone, but does not know whether it is possible to cast a love spell today, he needs to become thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of the lunar day. And many questions will disappear by themselves. And I’ll finish the theme of the waning moon with the new moon.

I’ll tell you, is it possible to cast a love spell on a loved one on the new moon?

Before answering the question: is it possible to make an effective love spell during a new moon, let's figure out what a new moon is? This is the time of influence of aggressive energies. If they cast a home love spell on the new moon, it is only with the goal of revenge, not love.

Is it possible to perform several love spells on one person at once?

The rules of love spell magic are universal. Regardless of who you dare to bewitch - whether a man or a woman, the principles of work remain unchanged.

Is it possible to do two love spells at once in one lunar cycle?

Actually, there is no strict ban on performing a very strong love spell at home in one lunar cycle, but this is still undesirable. For example, you performed a ceremony through a cemetery. As you know, black love spells using necroenergy unfold slowly, and sometimes it will take more than one lunar cycle to see the result.

In order not to waste time, strengthen the magical influence of a love spell, and push your loved one to action, you can include a black love spell in the complex. Very powerful love spells for a guy’s love through demons unfold quite quickly, in classic version- within one lunar cycle. But, putting one love spell on a man is 100% working, followed by another makes no sense - it’s not a Christmas tree. You made a grave love spell on a married man, wait for the cycle, and for the next growth, do a black love spell on strong love.

Is it possible to make your own love spells on different men?

Certainly. If you have enough strength and skill to influence two or more men, do it. But, at the same time, formulate work packages correctly and do not lump everything into a heap.

Such intensive work on casting strong love spells on men is good for gaining experience and connection with the Forces. Analyze the results, keep a diary. This will greatly help your practice in the future.

For magicians who have been practicing magic for a long time, is it possible to cast love spells on different men, is not a question at all. If there is an objective need for this, then it is possible. By the time your target is ready for the love spell, you should already know exactly what you want to achieve from the person being bewitched, what the behavior and expected reaction of the victim should be. And, accordingly, you must decide which love spell ritual you will use.

On what day can you make a love spell - rules for Saturday and Sunday

Is it possible do a love spell on Sunday is also one of the most frequently asked questions. If the ceremony is one-day, it is better to avoid Sundays. Make a magical binding on the most suitable male or female day, depending on the gender of your object. Work can be carried out on Sunday if you have chosen the strongest multi-day love spell for a married guy, and there is no way you can miss this day.

Is it possible to do a free love spell on Saturday?

But what should you do if, based on the lunar characteristics, you choose a day, and this day is Saturday? It's Women's Day. If your target is a woman, feel free to do witchcraft - the love spell will work better and unwind faster. Now it’s time to say a few words about the time when magical rituals are performed.

And a very pressing question - is it possible to do a love spell during the day?

There are many love spells, home love spells and love spells, which, according to the condition, the magician must carry out in the dark. First of all, this concerns the strongest love spells of black magic, most of which are done in the dead of midnight - from 00.00 to 03.00 hours. This is the time of Dark spirits, when their influence and power are most powerful. However, it is not forbidden to work with demons (if there is a good connection) immediately after dark, but they carry the pay to the crossroads precisely after midnight.

As for cemetery ways to bewitch a lover, there are many options - in the morning, during the day, in the evening, at sunset and at night. In the ritual part, if the ritual is really real, the time is always indicated. Is it possible to do during the day:

  • white,
  • sinless love spells,
  • as well as independent conspiracies to harmonize relations between husband and wife?

Undoubtedly. And there are a lot of similar recipes for daytime work.

The magical effect places a heavy burden on the victim of the ritual. Although even novice sorcerers know about this, many do not hesitate to cast several love spells on one person at once. Is it wise to do this?

Is it possible to make two love spells for one person?

Love spell is a subtype of damage. In addition to love influence, this type of magical attack provides the target with a huge number of problems. First of all, negativity affects health, relationships with others and the financial sphere. When it comes to classic damage, sorcerers give the go-ahead for many rituals: you can’t spoil porridge with oil. The more rituals are performed, the better the result will be. But a love spell has a completely different goal: it should not bring a person to the bottom, but only push him towards the initiator of the influence.

In the case of love influence, negative - by-effect, whereas for damage this is the main task. Therefore, you should not send several love spells on the same victim at once. Until the ritual has taken effect, it cannot be performed again: the spell, without having time to develop to the end, will be constantly interrupted by a new influence of the same type. You should calmly finish the magical work, wait for the result and only then adjust it if necessary.

The average time it takes for a love spell to work is three weeks. Only after this period can one begin to think that the ritual did not give the desired effect and requires additional measures.

When is it allowed to make several love spells per person?

It is permissible to cast several love spells on one victim at once only if they are part of a well-thought-out complex. The magician selects rituals that influence different aspects of the relationship: when the rituals are complementary, they do not interfere with each other. For example, you can use three types of enchantments that are responsible for different areas:

  • love spell on thoughts about the caster;
  • sexual attachment;
  • direct love spell.

Types of influence should not be duplicated. Two sexual attachments and one love spell - an inharmoniously selected complex that will give an energy imbalance. Among the rituals, the main, most powerful ritual should be highlighted. Usually this is a conspiracy involving blood, volts, biomaterial or enchantment induced with the help of cemetery spirits, demons and other entities. The remaining influences must be weaker so that the object can withstand the general onslaught.

It is advisable to start working with the “lightest” ritual, gradually increasing the load on the victim. Beginners are advised to start practicing according to the principle: one love spell - one person - one lunar cycle. Only when the impact is strong and demonstrates the result, you can move on to other rituals. In the first stages of studying witchcraft, you should not choose several victims for yourself at once: love spells require enormous amounts of energy and can “squeeze out” an unprepared magician to the end.

Love witchcraft is a true art. You shouldn’t dive into it headlong from the first steps, dragging the victim along with you. Each love spell must be a thoughtful and balanced decision, designed to improve the quality of life of both the magician himself and the object of influence.

Is it possible to cast the same love spell on the same person? And with what frequency?

The question of love spell is the most popular because of its apparent simplicity and “safety”. Although neither the first nor the second statement is true in principle.

Therefore, the answer to the question will be unequivocal: casting a love spell on a person, hoping in this way to realize your concept of happiness, is, at least, naive. In this case, the subtlest karmic relationships are grossly violated, and the consequences of such an invasion are difficult to predict.

An experienced magician who has studied the situation, using his knowledge and intuition, will be able to perform such a ritual. But in this case, he skillfully uses the system of counterweights that is well known to him in order to so-called. The “recoil” passed by, falling on the customer. Therefore, there are no simple or “relatively safe” love spells.

Apparently, you are now trying to solve love issues with the help of a love spell. It’s not difficult to do, but you should realize that with each new ritual, a powerful spring of recoil, which is inevitable, is twisting around you.

As for the love spell itself, you need to look at the strength of your emotions, the general level of energy, the ritual itself that you are performing, and the accuracy of its execution. But don’t expect to cast a spell as many times as you think is necessary. The return time can only be predicted by familiarizing yourself with the above factors.

The best solution for you in such a confusing situation would be to independently break out of the rigid framework of the upcoming return. Read Psalm 50 as often as possible, repentantly, pray in your own words, asking for forgiveness for this sin. At the same time, order a magpie (preferably for a year) about the health of yourself and the object of the love spell. After a week of fasting, go to confession and promise the Lord that in the future you will not contradict his will. Keep your promise strictly.

You may be able to mitigate or even avoid the dire consequences. And if the repentance is sincere, and the love is pure from selfishness, then, most likely, the need for a love spell will disappear. Do right choice, Good luck!

Is it possible to use several magical rituals at once?

Many people wonder about the possibility of performing several magical rituals at the same time. Unfortunately, many practitioners, more interested in commercial gain than in real help to a person, are in a hurry to offer their services in unlimited quantities. But it is worth remembering that any program (set during the ritual) puts a strain on a person’s energy field. Therefore, it is permissible to install no more than two programs, or at most three (if there are significant indications for this).

When solving a certain problem, it is worth performing a minimum number of rituals at once. If it is necessary to supplement or strengthen the program, this should be done no earlier than the third, or better yet, the ninth day after the previous one.

A person is conventionally divided into right and left sides. The right side is responsible for relationships and the social sphere of life, for love, family, health. The left side is responsible for the material plan, finances, success, self-confidence. It is permissible to place several programs only on one conditional side.

Example from life

Example: the question is that a young man is not going well with the financial side of his life, and because of this, a tense relationship with a girl develops.

Solution: in this case, you should first diagnose the cause of the financial problem, find out and eliminate it (remove the evil eye or damage that causes financial problems). After this, on the third day (if the evil eye was removed) or on the ninth day (if the damage was removed), you can set a program for financial well-being; it is also permissible to set the ritual for success or self-confidence.

But not for relationships! Further, if on the ninth day after the last ritual the relationship has not returned to normal on its own, then no earlier than 21 days after the ritual for financial well-being you can set up a program to solve the problem in the area of ​​relationships. The magical periods for staging rituals are 3, 9, 21 and 40 (days, months).

Example: many people ask about the same rituals, whether it is possible to perform 2 different love spells at the same time, 2 spells for money.

Solution: A love spell is a curse, and two curses can kill the “object of love,” although it is not clear what kind of love we are talking about if you are ready to put a curse on the one you “love.”

In addition, your already born or future children will suffer for this. There are no white love spells, just like white spells. Accordingly, it is not worth doing two love spells on a person, since in this case the “object of love” may soon commit suicide, become an alcoholic, or die from a heart disease.

You can place two complementary spells for money only with a difference of nine days. It is also possible to repeat the same spell for money, but not earlier than after forty days.

Lada Sage, Magician, exorcist, healer, hereditary clairvoyant from the line of Magi, psychic, parapsychologist

Is it possible to do several love spells at once?

Is it possible to do several love spells at the same time on one person?

What happens if you do several love spells at the same time?

what's the point? or do you doubt your abilities so much that you decided to sculpt everything, maybe something will work? By the way, this is also not very good for a rabbit; it might not be too bad to bend over.

applies to you too

one good love spell is enough. How do you imagine sticking 5 on yourself?! You should read the definition of a love spell better - the same damage. I think what can happen with a person who has SO MUCH negativity does not need to be explained?

That is, as I understand it, if you stick on several love spells, it will only get worse?

Are you so confident in your abilities that you think you can cast a love spell every day for several days in a row and feel normal? It will be bad not only for the rabbits, but also for you, I think

What impacts exactly? Same challenges? Or sending melancholy?

They say that often our Guardian Angel does not allow the love spell to work. If this is true - at least in part - then I think that even with 5 love spells and the 10th you will not convince the Guardian Angel. But you will harm yourself and the rabbit.

If the ritual is carried out for several days, and all these days you are toiling around your loved one, there is a high probability that nothing will work out for you. Cool yourself down before the ritual so as not to suffer, it will be better

I put it a little wrong, but whatever you say, sometimes you’ll probably remember about it (I’m finally stocking up for the future - we’ll see if it comes in handy). So, just drive thoughts about a subject (counting green cows, for example) or whisper something to catch up with thoughts - let them fly to their destination.

I'm surprised by these Russians.

They correctly say that you shouldn’t mix everything together, the effect can be (if it happens. if) quite unexpected, you don’t want “Vasya” to become attached to “Petya” and such a situation can happen if the object gets confused in itself.

You can try from the beginning so that he dreams about you and then make a connection and again put pressure on him to sleep.

There is one whisper that I used like this, like to follow my thoughts. but it worked as a call, the object called the next day, although before that we had not communicated for several months)))

A love spell that works immediately


A safe and proven love spell that acts instantly and immediately the next day or on the date specified during the love spell, a love spell begins to act on a man or guy, forcing him to show strong love and strong love feelings with all the ensuing consequences and actions (courtship, adoration and deification ). This simplest and fastest-acting love spell can be done at home without special training or skills of white or black magic.

If you are looking easy way how to bewitch a guy or a man to come to you, this love spell is what you need and any person can quickly and easily bewitch a loved one and immediately the next day understand that the love spell that was made begins to work. In the evening before going to bed, lie in bed and, stroking the empty space on the bed next to you, read the love spell 3 times:

Mother gave birth to me, the Mother of God blessed me.

They nurtured me, swaddled me, fed me and clothed me,

They were afraid to part with me, they couldn’t stop looking at me.

That’s how God’s dear servant (name) would love me.

I would forget all women for my sake.

How people marvel at the church, they are afraid of losing God’s mercy.

My darling would love me so much, give me water and food from a spoon, from a cup,

He would turn away from everyone, he would not touch a single woman.

I am the last food in his life and the last water when he is thirsty.

Let my beloved from this day (indicate the date - the day from which the love spell is effective)

loves me very much and loves me.

He shows care and love for me and only pleases me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen

People who have made a love spell are interested in how long it lasts love spell which they have already done. This love spell lasts for a year and its effect begins immediately after reading the love spell, and after a year, the effect of the love spell will gradually weaken without leaving any consequences.

Is there such a conspiracy for a loved one to love me very much, only to miss me, not to cheat on me, and to want only me? - guests and readers of the site ask me: love spells for everyone. Yes, there is one good plot for love and lovesickness which will protect against betrayal and the person for whom this plot was read will only want a wife who cast this easy love spell on her husband and lamented on her own

The most effective love spell that you need to read yourself at home on the photo of the person you really like will help you bewitch your loved one who is at any distance from you and then the love spells will tell everyone what to read and how to bewitch your loved one from his photo. Having made this easy but very strong love spell no one can

The white magic instructions will teach you how to bewitch a boy and quickly make a guy you like but don’t love fall in love with you, by independently and without consequences making an easy love spell based on a photo and his name, effective at any distance from the object of the love spell. IN modern world You can take a photo for a love spell on the Internet - by going to social media. classmate's page

I know how to make a love spell on a guy’s love for himself and I will teach you: “How to independently bewitch a guy you like without a photo from a distance, and even at home”! Are you interested in a ritual that you can easily do yourself right at home? Immediately after you finish reading the love spell for a guy - your favorite guy the next day

Complete and detailed instructions: “how to bewitch a man who you like but doesn’t pay attention to using a love spell spell for love without consequences and his photograph,” this easy love spell ritual can be done at home, being at any distance from the man being bewitched, even if he is very far away and lives in another city ​​or country.

Readers are interested in what will happen if you cast a love spell on the waning moon; of course, you will bewitch your loved one who will love you deeply for the rest of your life. I wonder how to make a love spell on the moon when the moon is waning? Well, this unique love spell on the waning moon is a very powerful ritual that was used in the ancient

In Rus', it was customary to read love spells on the waxing moon; it is in this lunar phase, along with its growth, that you can quickly and forever bewitch any person, and no matter whether a man or woman is bewitched by the waxing moon, no one will ever be able to remove this strong love spell which you need and can do yourself during the waxing of the moon right in your place

If you want to cast a love spell on the full moon for the love of the person you love, be prepared for the fact that no one can remove this strong love spell. By bewitching a person to yourself, you forever link your life and his life together with a love spell. The most powerful love spell on the full moon given in this article is black magic that will not tolerate disrespect and

The waxing moon in the sky reminds you that it’s time to read strong conspiracies to the waxing moon. People who are not knowledgeable in lunar magic have a question: what conspiracies are being read at this time? Everyone's favorite is the waxing moon spell for money and good luck from Vanga, which you need to read in the evening for money in your wallet. If everything is done correctly, then a person will have good luck in everything

Magic rituals and ceremonies during the new moon allow you to read powerful conspiracies for the moon at the moment of its renewal - the new moon. New moon conspiracies for money and wealth as the moon rises allow anyone who knows the “magic word” to become a rich person; you just need to read the words of the money conspiracy and correctly carry out a ritual ceremony for money that attracts

On the night of the full moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells. This is the best time to perform a magical ritual yourself under the full moon. In this article we will tell you what conspiracies they read on their own on the full moon. The most popular conspiracies on the full moon can be read for money and wealth - the best ritual for attracting money into your