Mini production from electricity. Gas power plants

Gas-piston portable power plants have become an excellent analogue of units running on diesel fuel and gasoline. How profitable is the use of such sources of electricity, how to equip your home with them and what nuances need to be taken into account when using them, this article will tell you.

Rising prices for electricity generate new offers on the market. A new word in this area is thermal power plants powered by natural gas. Over the past 15 years, the production of installations of this kind has almost doubled, and the technology of local electricity generation itself has become so advanced that the cost of one kilowatt of generated electricity is cheaper than when consuming it from city networks. Read more about the advantages of gas power plants:

  1. Versatility of placement. Gas power plants do not require special geological or climatic conditions for installation. Due to its relatively small size and weight, installation of an autonomous station requires only a prepared concrete base. The lack of a large supply of water is also not critical for them.
  2. Durability. Different manufacturers guarantee different service life. In general, stations operate without major repairs for 30 years, and with the replacement of a number of operating units - up to 100 years.
  3. Fully automatic operation. The built-in electronic control unit, which is found in almost all installations, automatically regulates the fuel supply and monitors the health of the unit in real time. The role of maintenance personnel is reduced to carrying out operational switching, monitoring and monitoring parameters.
  4. Wide power range. Gas mini-power plants can provide electricity to both energy-intensive enterprises and small Vacation home. Depending on the design, they guarantee the production of electricity in volumes from 5 kW to several megawatts.
  5. Possibility of use as a backup source. Almost any power plant can be equipped with an ATS and automatic start unit. Many manufacturers produce standard modules for upgrading previously installed generators.
  6. Low price of generated electricity. The cost of electricity consumed from city networks includes the costs of its transportation along power lines and the maintenance of substations. It is much cheaper to transport gas energy, so the cost of electricity generated by gas power plants is less than two rubles per kilowatt.
  7. Freedom in choosing fuel. Power plants operate from any type of gaseous fuel, including biogas. This is relevant for livestock farms: combining a methane reactor, enrichment plant and power plant into one energy complex will make production independent of energy supplies.

Operating principle of gas power plants

Based on the design principle, power plants are divided into two types: gas turbine and gas piston. The latter have more simple design, during operation do not require expensive maintenance and are the most economical option gas installation. Moreover, they have almost no limitation in maximum power. Gas turbine power plants are more technologically advanced and complex in their design, but less economical: their use is justified only on an industrial scale. Their main advantage is the high wear resistance of the components and complete unpretentiousness to the type of fuel: in some cases, even coal dust can be used, but a special module for preparing the fuel mixture is required.

Gas turbine power plants (GTE)

The basis of the GTE is a gas turbine, designed on the principle of a jet aircraft engine. It is a cylindrical combustion chamber in which the main impeller of the gas turbine is located. Air and fuel vapors enter the chamber under high pressure, where they are ignited. During the combustion of fuel, a stream of hot gases is formed, which causes the turbine to rotate. It, in turn, transmits rotation to the compressor and generator, thus ensuring the generation of electricity.

It is typical that turbine power plants produce almost twice as much thermal energy as electrical energy. Therefore, they are often used as a component of thermal power plants by installing a waste heat boiler in the exhaust system, thus providing not only electricity generation, but also heat supply in large volumes and at minimal cost.

Gas piston power plants (GPP)

In gas piston power plants, the source of kinetic energy is a machine unit operating on the principle of an internal combustion engine. The fuel supply is carried out by an injector and controlled by an electronic control unit, due to which piston power plants have a fairly high efficiency. A significant disadvantage of the gas piston system is the high level of noise and vibration during operation due to the presence of a large number of moving parts. The advantage of these engines is their high adaptability to different modes and load levels, which cannot be achieved in gas turbine plants operating at almost constant power.

The advantage of using gas piston power plants in individual households

Autonomous gas generators are of great interest to both individual entrepreneurs and residents of private sectors, cottages and small agglomerations. In practice, gas power plants fully justify their use, and their payback is achievable within a very foreseeable period. The only drawback is the need for serious capital investments, in addition, there are the following nuances:

  1. Gas piston units are mainly used.
  2. The higher the actual power of the station, the lower the payback period.
  3. A separate plot of land is required for installation.
  4. In the case of collective use, a developed infrastructure is required.
  5. Operation of the installations is impossible without qualified maintenance.

Autonomous gas power plants and thermal power plants can be divided into three groups.

Low power gas generators

Externally they are similar to gasoline ones, have a similar operating principle and the highest cost of generated electricity. They may have protection in the form of an all-weather casing or require a special room. Not used as the main source of electricity with very rare exceptions. Such generators are chosen by private households and industrial workshops that need a backup source of electricity and have a natural gas supply to the facility. Designed for bottled fuel, but this feature is rarely used. Unlike more powerful installations, they have a significant limitation on continuous work(from 6 to 10 hours). They also have the disadvantage of low quality generated electricity.

Main characteristics:

  1. Engine type: Single-cylinder four-stroke carburetor with forced cooling.
  2. Generator type: usually self-excited asynchronous single or three-phase generator.
  3. Output power: up to 20 kW.
  4. Fuel: natural gas, propane-butane.
  5. Control: analog control unit, relay protection, automatic transfer switch in most models.
  6. Commissioning: less than one minute.
  7. Cost: from $2000 to $10000.

This is the only type of gas generator that can be moved effortlessly. It is often used at construction sites where there is no power supply or during off-site events. For mobile use, you have to pay the high price of a portable power station, which makes the use of gasoline fuel in this case more rational.

Medium power modular power plants

They are machine blocks of large sizes, can be open or limited by a protective noise-absorbing casing. They are mainly used as the main or backup sources of electricity for suburban housing cooperatives, office and small industrial and shopping centers, and warehouses. The productivity of such power plants is quite high, and the cost of the generated electricity is comparable to electricity from the city network.

Main characteristics:

  1. Engine type: V-shaped carburetor or injection engine with 6–16 cylinders, overhead valves and water cooling.
  2. Generator type: asynchronous three-phase brushless generator with self-excitation.
  3. Output power: up to 1 MW.
  4. Fuel: natural gas, biomethane, propane-butane.
  5. Control: digital controller, combined multi-level protection, automatic transfer switch, self-diagnosis. The work is fully automated.
  6. Reaching rated power: up to one hour.
  7. Cost: from $10,000 to $250,000.

Gas piston units of this class are the most rational method of autonomously providing electricity to residential areas and energy-intensive enterprises. The established limit of engine hours allows them to be used on an ongoing basis, stopping them twice a year for one day for maintenance. Power plants are equipped with separate gaseous fuel preparation units and switchgear for primary switching.

This equipment is completely stationary and, when installed, requires specially equipped sites or buildings equipped with a prepared concrete base that compensates for vibration, fuel bunkers, gas removal and ventilation systems. Thanks to automatic regulation of fuel supply, the cost of generated electricity is significantly lower than the network cost.

Energy complexes and mini-CHPs

Although gas piston power plants include the ability to operate in cogeneration mode starting from 100 kW of electrical power, the greatest efficiency should be expected from energy complexes with a potential of several megawatts. These installations are miniature combined heat and power plants equipped with hot water or steam boilers, or heat pumps. The most advanced energy complexes, focused on resource-saving operation, use several levels of heat removal simultaneously: a waste heat boiler, an economizer and a low-potential heat removal circuit.

Main characteristics:

  1. Engine type: 12 or more cylinders, forced air injection, two-level cooling circuit and heat exchanger on the exhaust manifold.
  2. Generator type: Asynchronous three-phase brushless generator.
  3. Output power: over 1 MW.
  4. Fuel: natural gas, biofuel, propane-butane, associated petroleum gas.
  5. Control: fully automated operational post.
  6. Reaching full power: 4–5 hours.

The design, manufacture and installation of energy complexes are carried out individually. The goal of each project is the greatest harmonization of the thermal and electrical loads of the facility with the production capacity of the complex. The construction of power plants is usually carried out on a turnkey basis. The main consumers are residential complexes, energy-intensive enterprises, data centers and rotational camps. The cost of 1 kW of energy produced is no more than one and a half rubles.

Small scale cogeneration

Mini-CHPs operating on gaseous fuels began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but nevertheless demonstrated excellent efficiency. Today, there are more than 200 installations operating in the Russian Federation, most of which are located in remote regions. The main argument for installing a mini-CHP at a site is the requirement for complete autonomy or the impossibility of connecting to the main power supply lines. In this case, the question of economic feasibility is relegated to the background.

The advantage of mini-CHP is that the station produces electrical energy, which is almost half the price of the network one. Thermal energy is completely free in production, and therefore its consumer cost consists solely of the costs of equipment maintenance and transportation over short distances.

The prospect of using mini-CHP everywhere is just a matter of time. Thus, during the construction of new generation residential complexes, the question of connecting to centralized sources of heat and electricity does not arise at all. Since the quality and mode of supply of these resources leave much to be desired, new buildings are equipped with their own energy systems, which benefits both property owners and their users.

Reconstruction of utility lines for the use of mini-CHP is associated with a number of difficulties. First of all, this is a question of volumetric capital investments. Restructuring the energy supply industry for a small enterprise with a heat and electrical load of 2 MW will cost the administration 20 million rubles. The second reason for the low distribution is the problem of the lack of its own network of engineering communications: if it refuses central sources of heat and electricity supply, the enterprise will have to either buy out the entire existing infrastructure or create its own. This is profitable only if energy resources are sold to third-party consumers.

Arrangement of a generator room for GGE

It will not be possible to carry out installation and commissioning work on your own, even if you want to, unless we are talking about low-power generators. But it is quite possible to prepare a room or site for installing a power plant: this will help partially save on the expensive services of installation organizations.

Open placement. When installing the unit with electrical power more than 500 kW will require the construction of a concrete platform equipped with means of passive vibration damping. The main advantage of the open placement of the power unit is effective heat removal and the absence of the need for smoke removal systems. To improve the convenience of work for maintenance personnel, a canopy is built over the operating panels and mechanical unit.

Indoor installation. Need for complete isolation power plant depends on the climatic design of the equipment. The room must have an advanced supply and exhaust ventilation and fire extinguishing system. The smoke removal system is represented by smoke exhausters paired with a common collector. It will be necessary to install an exhaust pipe, the capacity and height of which is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. Requirements for thermal power plant buildings are regulated by SNiP II-58–75.

Connection and operation

The power plant is powered either from a cylinder through a special reducer, or main gas, the pressure of which corresponds to the required parameters. To connect to the main line, you must register the power plant as an additional gas appliance, which is done according to the standard procedure with changes to the household gas supply project.

TO electrical network the gas generator is connected through a two-position switch, if the installation itself does not include an ATS unit, or through a power limiter, circuit breaker or line disconnector with a relay protection system. It is very useful to organize an internal direct connection metering unit on the generator line or on current transformers - this will help control the cost of generated electricity and quickly monitor fuel consumption.

During operation, it is important to comply with the prescribed operating mode, expressed in the number of engine hours per day. Power plants over 100 kW have a constant operating mode for 361 days a year, less powerful ones can operate from 6 to 20 hours a day. During operation, almost all parameters are controlled automatically; in the event of a malfunction, either the engine will stop or the generator will turn off the voltage supply. Further diagnostics are carried out in accordance with the operating instructions.

Maintenance and approval

Most gas piston installations with a power of up to 5 MW do not require the constant presence of operating personnel. Monitoring and control of parameters can be established via a wireless communication line, but periodic inspection must be carried out in person. Maintenance of the station consists of carrying out scheduled repairs by specialists from service companies and maintaining a normal oil level in the engine. Independent intervention in the design of the station is not permitted by the terms of warranty service. All that is required from the owner is to stop the operation of the generator during scheduled repairs or transport the low-power station to a service center if necessary.


The industry of local production of electrical and thermal energy is considered to have potential for development at the global level. Generating energy in this way is a significant contribution to conserving the world's fossil fuel reserves and will provide sufficient time for a complete transition to the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources.

The main problem of local use of power plants is maintaining environmental safety within urban areas. But this drawback is very easy to eliminate when using installations that sorb natural gas combustion products

For ordinary citizens, gas power plants provide an excellent opportunity to reduce the price of electricity by almost half, and, if necessary, use almost free centralized heating.

Redrick Shewhart (Adlynx),

Quite recently, our prime minister made calls to save electricity, and even announced that economical energy-saving light bulbs would be introduced in the country in either the eleventh or twelfth year. But why should we wait another two years if we can already do a good business today by saving energy?

Do you know what day-night electronic systems (relays) are? They are configured so that at dawn, the electric lights connected to them spontaneously go out, and at dusk they light up again. As a result, even with careful switching on and off street lamps, you can save from half an hour every day, to two, or even twelve hours - this is the time when they pointlessly illuminate the daytime street. Add to this the numerous entrances in which the lights sometimes burn uselessly for days, and you will understand how much utility workers and residents need energy-saving automatic machines.

Meanwhile, in the same entrances, it is enough to install a simple electronic system that responds to the appearance of a person. In principle, you don’t even have to reinvent the wheel; such an electronic device can be a regular security alarm that is sensitive to human presence. Only instead of a siren or warning signal, you need to connect a sensitive relay to it, which will turn on or off the light bulb in the entrance of the house. As soon as the one who enters will open front door, the light will flash brightly, illuminate the entrance, and a couple of minutes later, after he leaves, it will go out spontaneously, because it worked with a time delay electronic timer.

I specifically do not present in this publication the electronic circuits of these smart and useful devices. You can easily find them in reference books for radio amateurs, or even on one of the amateur radio sites on the Internet. I have a different goal. This publication is intended to convince you that even by saving electricity, and this, on the scale of our country, will be by no means considerable, you can do a very good business.

As you already understood, your potential buyers electronic devices there will be public utilities - you better clarify whose department is responsible for lighting night streets, as well as private owners, that is, ordinary citizens who do not want to pay for the electricity they uselessly use. Against the backdrop of exponentially growing utility costs, this may not be a penny, but over the course of the year a significant amount of savings on electricity will accrue. Among your possible buyers there may also be summer residents. For example, I went out onto the porch, and, reacting to your appearance, the light instantly flashed. We returned back, soon it would go out spontaneously.

Let's make a simple mathematical calculation of energy savings using the electronic day-night machine we have virtually installed on one lamp table. We know that in Russia winter nights are long and summer nights are very short, so we will take the average annual time of day to be 6 hours. The power of the flashlight light bulb must be at least 250 watts. Accordingly, electricity is burned uselessly every day: 0.25?6 = 1.5 kW/hour. This doesn’t seem like a lot, but when multiplied by 365 days a year, we get an amount of: 1.5 kW/hour x 365 = 547.5 kW/hour. Tariff prices for electricity consumption are constantly growing in our country, so if we accept the cost of a kilowatt hour in the amount of 1.0 rubles, then the annual savings from using our machine will be 547.5 rubles. According to my estimates, its price (we remember, this is a very simple device) will not exceed 500.0 rubles. This means that after the first year of its operation, the real savings will be 47.0 rubles. But, this is only the first year, and it will save electricity for at least 5 or 6 years. In the second year, this will already be a full-scale saving.

I am sure that such mathematical calculations will convince even the most skeptical utility workers. Especially when you consider that they are in charge of more than one hundred city lampposts. And the savings due to the use of the inexpensive and reliable machines you proposed are real, and most importantly, noticeable.

By the way, why not install electronic systems that respond to human presence in city apartments? Remember how, when leaving for work, we often forget to turn off the lights in the hallway. Now, an electronic machine will constantly do this for you. Unlike us, he does not suffer from forgetfulness, although it happens that he also breaks down. But this is a force majeure circumstance to which you will instantly respond by handing it over for repairs.

A small modification of the electronic liquid crystal clock (alarm clock) will turn it into an electronic timer for your morning wake-up, turning on the light, TV, or sound signal in your bedroom in the morning, which with a pleasant but annoyingly repeating melody will certainly wake you up.

As you can see, for a creative person with an inventive streak, there will definitely be a good idea, in any area of ​​human existence. In order to practically implement it, sometimes it is enough to first discuss it with a relevant specialist you know, give him the task of finding it in books and magazines electronic circuit, or ask him to design a reliable, workable electronic circuit for you, perhaps even make a prototype or prototype, and then, based on it, think about how to put it into mass production. If at the time of its development you do not have the funds to pay for the designer’s work, agree with him on a percentage of remuneration for each product sample sold. Perhaps he will accept your offer to participate in your business that promises income.

If you do not interest specialists, take the time to take a look at the Internet and try to find the circuit you need. Both devices are not classified as complex. With some effort, you will quickly figure out how to set up its production. I write about this so confidently because only a person knowledgeable in radio electronics, who has previously held an electric soldering iron in his hands, who clearly knows what solder is and what rosin is, will undertake such work.

Mini factories for small businesses – 5 advantages + features of running such production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who decide to engage in private entrepreneurship face certain problems even at initial stage. Which field of activity should I choose? Where can I buy suitable equipment? How to save money?

Mini factories for small businesses– a good solution for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the questions raised above.

Why is it worth purchasing a plant in mini format?

Before you start your own manufacturing business, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of buying a mini plant for business include the following factors:


    Small size compared to full-fledged plants, this equipment easy to assemble, install and transport.

    Some mini factories are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly move them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature allows you not only to save on renting land and premises, but also, if necessary, to change the location of the mini-factory without special expenses.

    Low cash costs to start a business.

    Thanks to the small size of the mini plant, it becomes possible to save not only on territory, but also on electricity. In addition, maintenance of such equipment does not cause any special problems.


    This is probably the main factor that indicates the benefits of such a business.

    Relatively small economic costs make it possible to create an effective enterprise that is capable of full-fledged competition in the chosen field of activity.

As for the disadvantages of mini factories for small businesses, there are not many of them. They are mainly due to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to purchase the necessary parts in the event of a malfunction.

But if you take the choice of a mini plant seriously, you can choose equipment that will serve you for a long time. In addition, recently many Russian enterprises have appeared that specialize in the manufacture of such equipment.

Features of doing business using mini factories

Compared to large factories, starting a business using such equipment is much easier. But here too there are some nuances and peculiarities.

No. 1. Choosing a niche.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to decide in which area of ​​production you are going to work. It is advisable that the chosen activity is close and understandable to you.

Competitiveness and demand in the region play an important role when choosing a business direction. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet gained popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you start manufacturing a unique product in your region, the greater your chances of taking a leading position in this area of ​​production.

No. 2. Business plan.

Clear and competent drafting of your own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

For your business to be successful, you need to work on the following main points:

  • Calculate all expected expenses, from the purchase of a mini plant to the cost of packaging the finished product.
  • Methods of delivering products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Search for a sales market.
  • Location of mini-format plant, search for employees.

    Rural areas are most often used, since the cost of land is low, and the level of wages for workers is much lower than in large metropolitan areas.

No. 3. Preparation of necessary documents.

The main advantage of opening a mini-format plant is that to start a business it will be enough to register as an Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, you should study the corresponding section of the Federal Tax Service website:

Otherwise, everything happens according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini-plant from various municipalities; inspections of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

The speed of processing documents and obtaining permission from local authorities is positively influenced by the fact that your business is associated with social significance for the area. For example, a mini waste processing plant will receive government approval. In this case, there will even be a good chance to receive financial support from the state for business development.

Mini factories for small businesses - an overview of the best options

Today there are many ideas for developing small businesses in Russia using mini factories. This popularity is due, first of all, to the need to make small financial investments in business development.

Many investors are also attracted by the quick payback of the mini plant.

Taking into account the above reasons, we can identify several areas of production that are of great interest to Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular area of ​​activity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of mini factories. There are separate units for the production of concrete, bricks, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini factories of different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • production of dairy products;
    • production of confectionery and bakery products;
    • juice production, etc.
  1. Garbage recycling.

    This field of activity, against the backdrop of global concern about the state of the environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. A significant advantage of such a business is approval from the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is quite profitable to open a mini-factory for the production of textile and knitwear products (clothing, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever production area you choose, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, analyze the competitive ability and demand for the product. This will significantly improve the efficiency of your enterprise.

Let's look at a few examples that use mini-format plants for small businesses.

Example No. 1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment ranges from 1 million rubles and more. It is worth noting that the costs of producing bricks are quite high. Buying one piece of equipment is not enough here - you will need different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a considerable amount of money.

For example, to make 1,000 bricks you will need about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of basic raw materials. The power of equipment for such a business is usually very high, which also requires high costs for electricity.

As we can see, a mini brick production plant requires considerable material costs. However, the “financial return” from such an enterprise is very good. Many aspiring entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their business, which brought even greater profits.

Example No. 2. Production of compound feed.

It would be advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farmers’ pastures. This way, you will quickly gain a clientele and save on delivery of goods.

This equipment processes and crushes grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). The quality of the product largely depends on the size of the crusher sieve. You can use a garage or barn as a room. No heating required.

Due to its favorable location (near grain fields), most raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example No. 3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini plant, you will need a concrete mixer, with which you can obtain a high-quality product. This option is most likely perfect for large construction companies that service large projects. This can significantly simplify the organization’s work and allow you to save money (you won’t have to use the services of third-party companies).

The mini-format concrete production plant is often made mobile so that it can be moved from one construction site to another. Transportation can be carried out using a tug or tractor.

To buy such equipment, you do not have to be the owner of a construction organization. It can also be purchased by a private entrepreneur in order to rent it out to the same construction companies.

Example No. 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. The equipment for their production is somewhat reminiscent of concrete mixers. However, the mixture is mixed in such a way that peculiar bubbles are formed in the finished material. This is done using a foam generator.

The main part of the costs for the production of foam blocks will be the purchase of cement. Before opening such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier who works on favorable terms.

The production of foam blocks attracts many entrepreneurs because it does not require the use of any special technologies. The business is quite simple and straightforward.

Example No. 5. Milk processing.

The milk processing business is more complex than previous examples. It is a whole complex, which consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, several pieces of equipment will be needed to create a full-fledged mini plant.

Depending on the cost of equipment, such a complex can process from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk in 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, you must clearly understand how much raw material you will have. This determines how much money you will spend on purchasing equipment.

To launch such production, small workshops are usually organized.

Example No. 6. Garbage recycling.

This type of activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the growing population in these countries, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste produced. In addition, the ecological condition of the Earth is becoming worse, which forces us to come up with new methods of disposal. household waste.

Since this area of ​​business receives increased attention from the state and is related to the environment, it has some difficulties in processing documents. The bureaucratic process can drag on for several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment, permission from sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of opening such an enterprise can be several million dollars. However, you can limit yourself to a business that specializes in recycling one type of waste. For example, let's say you want to start recycling plastic.

To do this you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • press;
  • storage space.

You can improve your business and buy extra melting furnaces. This solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only sort the garbage, but also recycle it.

The following video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production.

Review of the best business ideas for starting your own mini-business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small businesses

If you decide to create small business Based on the use of a mini plant, it is necessary to study in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Recently, China has become the leader in the production of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is at a fairly high level, and the pricing policy is very attractive for Russian entrepreneurs.

To solve the problem of limited fossil fuels, researchers around the world are working to create and commercialize alternative energy sources. And we’re not just talking about well-known wind turbines and solar panels. Gas and oil may be replaced by energy from algae, volcanoes and human steps. Recycle has selected ten of the most interesting and environmentally friendly energy sources of the future.

Joules from turnstiles

Thousands of people pass through the turnstiles at the entrance to railway stations every day. At once, several research centers around the world came up with the idea of ​​using the flow of people as an innovative energy generator. The Japanese company East Japan Railway Company decided to equip every turnstile at railway stations with generators. The installation works at a train station in Tokyo's Shibuya district: piezoelectric elements are built into the floor under the turnstiles, which generate electricity from the pressure and vibration they receive when people step on them.

Another “energy turnstile” technology is already in use in China and the Netherlands. In these countries, engineers decided to use not the effect of pressing piezoelectric elements, but the effect of pushing turnstile handles or turnstile doors. The concept of the Dutch company Boon Edam involves replacing standard doors at the entrance to shopping centers (which usually operate using a photocell system and begin to rotate themselves) with doors that the visitor must push and thus generate electricity.

Such generator doors have already appeared in the Dutch center Natuurcafe La Port. Each of them produces about 4,600 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which at first glance may seem insignificant, but serves as a good example of an alternative technology for generating electricity.

Algae heats houses

Algae began to be considered as alternative source energy is relatively new, but the technology, according to experts, is very promising. Suffice it to say that from 1 hectare of water surface area occupied by algae, 150 thousand cubic meters of biogas can be obtained per year. This is approximately equal to the volume of gas produced by a small well, and is sufficient for the life of a small village.

Green algae are easy to maintain, grow quickly and come in many species that use the energy of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. All biomass, whether sugars or fats, can be converted into biofuels, most commonly bioethanol and biodiesel. Algae is an ideal eco-fuel because it grows in an aquatic environment and does not require land resources, is highly productive and does not cause damage to the environment.

Economists estimate that by 2018, the global turnover from the processing of marine microalgae biomass could reach about $100 billion. There are already completed projects using “algae” fuel - for example, a 15-apartment building in Hamburg, Germany. The house's facades are covered with 129 algae aquariums, which serve as the sole source of energy for heating and air conditioning in the building, dubbed the Bio Intelligent Quotient (BIQ) House.

Speed ​​bumps light up the streets

The concept of generating electricity using so-called “speed bumps” began to be implemented first in the UK, then in Bahrain, and soon the technology will reach Russia.It all started when British inventor Peter Hughes created the Electro-Kinetic Road Ramp for highways. The ramp consists of two metal plates that rise slightly above the road. Underneath the plates is an electric generator that generates current whenever the car passes the ramp.

Depending on the weight of the car, the ramp can generate between 5 and 50 kilowatts during the time the car passes the ramp. Such ramps act as batteries and can supply electricity to traffic lights and illuminated road signs. In the UK, the technology is already working in several cities. The method began to spread to other countries - for example, to small Bahrain.

The most amazing thing is that something similar can be seen in Russia. A student from Tyumen, Albert Brand, proposed the same solution for street lighting at the VUZPromExpo forum. According to the developer’s calculations, between 1,000 and 1,500 cars drive over speed bumps in his city every day. For one “collision” of a car over a “speed bump” equipped with an electric generator, about 20 watts of electricity will be generated, which will not harm the environment.

More than just football

Developed by a group of Harvard graduates who founded the company Uncharted Play, the Soccket ball can generate enough electricity to power an LED lamp for several hours in half an hour of playing football. Soccket is called an environmentally friendly alternative to unsafe energy sources, which are often used by residents of underdeveloped countries.

The principle behind the Soccket ball's energy storage is quite simple: the kinetic energy generated by hitting the ball is transferred to a tiny pendulum-like mechanism that drives a generator. The generator produces electricity, which is stored in the battery. The stored energy can be used to power any small electrical appliance - for example, a table lamp with an LED.

The Soccket has a power output of six watts. The energy-generating ball has already won recognition from the world community: it has received numerous awards, was highly praised by the Clinton Global Initiative, and also received accolades at the famous TED conference.

The hidden energy of volcanoes

One of the main developments in the development of volcanic energy belongs to American researchers from the initiating companies AltaRock Energy and Davenport Newberry Holdings. The “test subject” was a dormant volcano in Oregon. Salt water is pumped deep into rocks, the temperature of which is very high due to the decay of radioactive elements present in the planet's crust and the hottest mantle of the Earth. When heated, the water turns into steam, which is fed into a turbine that produces electricity.

At the moment, there are only two small operating power plants of this type - in France and Germany. If the American technology works, then, according to the US Geological Survey, geothermal energy has the potential to provide 50% of the electricity the country needs (today its contribution is only 0.3%).

Another way to use volcanoes for energy was proposed in 2009 by Icelandic researchers. Near the volcanic depths, they discovered an underground reservoir of water with an abnormally high temperature. Super-hot water lies somewhere on the border between liquid and gas and exists only at certain temperatures and pressures.

Scientists could generate something similar in the laboratory, but it turned out that such water is also found in nature - in the bowels of the earth. It is believed that ten times more energy can be extracted from water at a “critical temperature” than from water brought to a boil in the classical way.

Energy from human heat

The principle of thermoelectric generators operating on temperature differences has been known for a long time. But only a few years ago technology began to make it possible to use human body heat as an energy source. A team of researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has developed a generator built into a flexible glass plate.

T This gadget will allow fitness bracelets to be recharged from the warmth of a human hand - for example, during running, when the body becomes very hot and contrasts with the ambient temperature. The Korean generator, measuring 10 by 10 centimeters, can produce about 40 milliwatts of energy at a skin temperature of 31 degrees Celsius.

A similar technology was taken as a basis by young Ann Makosinski, who invented a flashlight that charges from the difference in temperature between the air and the human body. The effect is explained by the use of four Peltier elements: their feature is the ability to generate electricity when heated on one side and cooled on the other.

As a result, Ann's flashlight produces quite bright light, but does not require rechargeable batteries. For it to work, only a temperature difference of just five degrees is required between the degree of heating of a person’s palm and the temperature in the room.

Steps to smart paving slabs

Any point on one of the busy streets accounts for up to 50,000 steps per day. The idea of ​​using foot traffic to usefully convert steps into energy was implemented in a product developed by Lawrence Kemball-Cook, director of the UK's Pavegen Systems Ltd. An engineer has created paving slabs that generate electricity from the kinetic energy of walking pedestrians.

The device in the innovative tile is made of a flexible, waterproof material that bends by about five millimeters when pressed. This in turn creates energy, which the mechanism converts into electricity. The accumulated watts are either stored in a lithium polymer battery or directly used to illuminate bus stops, storefronts and signs.

The Pavegen tile itself is considered absolutely environmentally friendly: its body is made of of stainless steel special grade and low carbon recycled polymer. The top surface is made from used tires, making the tiles durable and highly resistant to abrasion.

During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, tiles were installed on many tourist streets. In two weeks, they managed to obtain 20 million joules of energy. This was more than enough for work street lighting British capital.

Bicycle charging smartphones

To recharge your player, phone or tablet, you don’t need to have a power outlet at hand. Sometimes all you need to do is spin the pedals. Thus, the American company Cycle Atom has released a device that allows you to charge an external battery while cycling and subsequently recharge mobile devices.

The product, called the Siva Cycle Atom, is a lightweight bicycle generator with a lithium battery designed to power almost any mobile device that has a USB port. This mini generator can be installed on most regular bicycle frames in a matter of minutes. The battery itself can be easily removed for subsequent charging of gadgets. The user goes in for sports and pedals - and after a couple of hours his smartphone is already charged to 100 cents.

Nokia, in turn, also presented to the general public a gadget that attaches to a bicycle and allows you to convert pedaling into a way to generate environmentally friendly energy. The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit features a dynamo, a small electrical generator that uses energy from the rotation of the bike's wheels to charge the phone through the standard 2mm jack found on most Nokia phones.

Benefits from wastewater

Any large city daily discharges gigantic amounts of wastewater into open water bodies, polluting the ecosystem. It would seem that water poisoned by sewage can no longer be useful to anyone, but this is not so - scientists have discovered a way to create fuel cells based on it.

One of the pioneers of the idea was Pennsylvania State University professor Bruce Logan. The general concept is very difficult for a non-specialist to understand and is built on two pillars - the use of bacterial fuel cells and the installation of so-called reverse electrodialysis. Bacteria oxidize organic matter in wastewater and produce electrons in the process, creating an electrical current.

Almost any type of organic waste material can be used to produce electricity - not just wastewater, but also animal waste, as well as by-products of winemaking, brewing and dairy industries. As for reverse electrodialysis, electric generators operate here, divided into cells by membranes and extracting energy from the difference in salinity of two mixing liquid streams.

"Paper" energy

Japanese electronics manufacturer Sony has developed and presented at the Tokyo Green Products Exhibition a bio-generator capable of generating electricity from finely chopped paper. The essence of the process is as follows: to isolate cellulose (this is a long chain of glucose sugar that is found in green plants), corrugated cardboard is needed.

The chain is broken with the help of enzymes, and the resulting glucose is processed by another group of enzymes, with the help of which hydrogen ions and free electrons are released. The electrons are sent through an external circuit to generate electricity. It is assumed that such an installation, when processing one sheet of paper measuring 210 by 297 mm, can generate about 18 W per hour (about the same amount of energy produced by 6 AA batteries).

The method is environmentally friendly: an important advantage of such a “battery” is the absence of metals and harmful chemical compounds. Although at the moment the technology is still far from commercialization: the electricity generated is quite small - it is only enough to power small portable gadgets.

It would seem that the plant is an unaffordable undertaking for a small business. The word “factory” is associated with huge workshops, bulky machines, and hundreds of production personnel. Such giants, built, for the most part, during the times Soviet Union, in dynamic market conditions they often turn out to be unprofitable - such a farm is not easy to maintain, and modernization requires decent cash injections.

In many industries, mini-factories can provide good competition. Organizing your own production using them is possible even for a novice entrepreneur. A mini-factory is like a miniature plant, but it has a number of undoubted advantages.

Advantages of compact production equipment complexes

  • Mobility. The production complex is quite simple to assemble and occupies a small space, so it can be located in a rented area and, if necessary, “move” to another place.
  • Economical. You save not only on the price of equipment, but also on labor costs - a mini-plant does not require highly qualified labor (this point does not apply to repair and maintenance work).
  • High efficiency. It is achieved by using technologies and resources different from those used in our usual enterprises.
  • Environmental friendliness. Technologies for processing industrial and household waste and the use of recyclable materials are actively used. An important point that can be used for marketing purposes.
  • Possibility of exclusive production. Exclusive products are gaining more and more popularity, and their prices are significantly higher than mass-produced goods.

What kind of mini-factories for small businesses are there?

The growing variety of mini-factories for small businesses can be roughly divided by industry:

The assortment is not limited to the above list; it only reflects the most popular in terms of investment and return on investment. If you wish, you can purchase, for example, a woodworking complex or a plant for the production of hardware products - the choice on the market for such complexes is now very large.

In the selection process, the entrepreneur is faced with the question: which equipment has the best price-quality ratio?

A dozen years ago in Russia, preference was given to Western-made machinery and equipment, which was mostly used. Currently, small businesses increasingly trust Chinese manufacturers - the quality of their products is constantly growing, and prices remain quite reasonable.

Review of popular equipment sets from China

The following mini-factories from China are popular among domestic entrepreneurs:

  • Brick production. The main raw materials are clay or waste from other industries (metallurgical, mining, etc.), Portland cement and water. If necessary, pigment is used for coloring, and sawdust is required to make hollow bricks.
  • Mini milk processing plant capable of processing from 300 to 20,000 kg of milk per day: cow, goat, camel, mare. With the help of such a complex it is possible to pour milk into packaging and obtain different kinds dairy and fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, butter, cheeses, koumiss, etc.
  • For the production of foam blocks. In this case, the use of high technology is not required; the production of foam blocks is quite cheap. Great option for entrepreneurs developing or planning to start a construction business, because You can organize the production of foam blocks using a mini-factory directly on the construction site. At the same time, you not only save on building materials, but you can also independently control the quality of the products. Such a plant pays for itself quite quickly.
  • Waste recycling. It will require obtaining a license for waste processing, as well as permission from the fire and sanitary services. The advantage of such a plant is that its environmental significance can help in obtaining, for example, a grant for small businesses. Similar programs for entrepreneurs are held in many regions of the country.
  • Mini feed mill. It will be of particular interest to farmers interested in developing their own farms and reducing the costs of purchasing and delivering feed. Focused on the production of the following products:
    • complete feed for animals or poultry;
    • feed concentrates;
    • balancing feed additives.
  • For the production of toilet paper. Waste paper is used as a raw material, which gives this process a socially significant orientation. An entrepreneur can receive tax breaks and subsidies from the government. In addition, such products will always be in demand, which means that if the business is organized correctly, there will be no problems with sales.


The price of the production complex consists of the cost of the equipment itself, delivery costs, customs and other documentation, plus taxes, etc.

In order not to overpay, it is recommended to carefully study all offers and weigh all costs, because... the cost varies significantly. To a large extent, the price depends on the completeness of the plant, the quantity and productivity of equipment.

For example, a mini-factory from China for the production of standard porous bricks, with a capacity of 10,000 units of standard bricks per 8-hour shift, will cost 20-25 thousand dollars. A complex that produces 10 times more products per shift and is also capable of producing paving slabs will cost about $130,000.

Prices for modules for the production of foam concrete and foam blocks start from 100,000 and reach 2 million rubles. For a fairly low price you can purchase such a mini concrete plant made in Russia.

The cost of complexes for the production and processing of food products also varies significantly. Having at your disposal the amount of 1 million rubles, you can organize production (we are talking about mini-factories with relatively low productivity):

  • mayonnaise, ketchup, other sauces,
  • preserved fish,
  • juices, nectars, purees,
  • pizza,
  • dried mushrooms,
  • brines and marinades;
  • crispy potatoes and chips,
  • vegetable oil, etc.

Milk and meat processing lines will cost much more - the price starts from 2 million rubles and reaches 20-30 million.

For a relatively small amount - approximately 500,000 rubles. You can purchase a mini-canning factory or a small brewery.

Prices for mini waste processing plants depend on the type of raw materials used. A module for processing tires into crumb rubber can be purchased for 1.5 million rubles, and for processing PET and PVC waste it will cost about 10 million rubles. And again, it all depends on the quantity and performance of the equipment.

You can increase employee engagement using a system of key performance indicators (KPIs):

How to choose and buy a mini-factory for your business

You can choose to purchase kits for small production via the Internet, since there are many offers today. You can purchase domestic or imported equipment.

When ordering from abroad, it will be more convenient to purchase through an intermediary company, which will take care of the hassle of delivery and documentation, and also, if necessary, carry out installation. Of course, providing such services will increase the purchase price, but will significantly save your time and nerves.

Before purchasing equipment, monitor the market for the products you want to produce; you may need to consider several areas. Take the time to study in detail the offers of various companies for the sale of production complexes, compare prices and conditions.

Try to take into account all costs as much as possible and do not skimp on the quality of equipment. And then your mini-factory will not only make a profit, but can also become an excellent launching pad for a big business.

Video: mini-factory for the production of original bricks in Lego style