Methodological and bibliographical manuals. Coursework: New genres of bibliographic aids

Bibliography of small forms Small forms of bibliography - reference lists, memos, bookmarks, leaflets, reading plans, etc. Small forms of recommendatory bibliography have recently gained popularity in libraries. They are prompt, help to convey to the reader in a timely manner information about new literature, writers, educational institutions, about everything that is interesting to a young user. Such manuals are distinguished by their mobility, relevance, and ability to respond to various situations that arise in the course of the professional activities of both the bibliographer and the library user.

Bibliography of small forms BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BOOKMARK is one of the small forms of recommendatory bibliography, the purpose of which is to awaken reader interest in a particular book, author or topic. A bibliographic bookmark is a strip of paper different sizes(usually narrow). On one side of the bookmark is placed the name and image of the cover of the book for which it is compiled (title book), and on the reverse side there is information about other publications similar to it in topic or genre that are in the collection or a list of other works by the same author.

Bibliography of small forms Along with fiction, a bookmark can also include popular science literature on the same topic. Bookmark format: width – 5 – 8 cm, height – cm. A bookmark usually contains up to 10 names. Here you can use not only individual, but also group annotations and texts that connect books with each other.

Bibliography of small forms INFORMATION BOOKMARK differs from the bibliographic one in the absence of a recommendation list. If an information bookmark is dedicated to a young writer, then it usually contains information about this writer, his photograph, a photo of the cover of his book, and a small excerpt from the work. It is advisable that the information bookmark indicates the presence of this book in the library’s collections and/or a link to the Internet resource from which the information was taken. A bookmark is close to a reading plan, but, unlike it, it is based not on the topic, but on a specific book.

Bibliography of small forms BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE – small form bibliographic manual, intended to help readers in their initial acquaintance with books about the activities of a person or about a socially significant event. The memo recommends the reader a minimum of literature related to the memorable date and a narrow issue.

Bibliography of small forms The purpose of a memo dedicated to a certain person is to introduce the reader to the main works of a certain person (writer, artist, etc.) and help in studying his life and work. The most valuable editions of his works available in the library, as well as literature dedicated to his life and work, are selected for the memorial. Along with mono publications, chapters from books, introductory articles, essays, materials from magazines and collections dedicated to a given person are also recommended.

Bibliography of small forms The sections of the memo follow each other in a certain order: preface (or introduction) with a brief biographical note (necessary factual information and information about the history of the creation of works); overview of major works; a list of main editions and publications (if the library presents the same work in different editions, then choose one, newer edition or one equipped with a scientific reference apparatus); a short list of literature about life and creativity (first give bibliographic descriptions of books characterizing life and creativity in general, and then literature about individual periods and specific works).

Bibliography of small forms A bibliographic memo can be used for initial acquaintance with the topic, the author’s work, but not for in-depth study. Librarians often prepare reminders in the form of a booklet, i.e. publication in the form of one sheet of printed material, folded in any way into two or more folds.

Bibliography of small forms BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST is a bibliographic manual consisting of a set of small bibliographic records, with a simple structure that is understandable to the user, and does not have a reference apparatus. A bibliography includes information about works, usually on a narrow, specific topic or issue.

Bibliography of small forms Bookmark list “Where to start.” It is compiled in cases where the reader needs help in independently studying an issue that interests him. Unlike a regular bibliography, the “Where to Start” list recommends the first books to read, similar in content and degree of accessibility (3 – 5 titles), which provide only the most basic information on the topic. This type of manual is intended for non-specialist readers, mainly young people. Literature from such a list can be read by choice. They also write a short introductory text and annotations. The text contains brief description topic, reveals its meaning.

Bibliography of small forms Thus, the “Where to Start” lists do not set the reader the task of obligatory reading of all works in a row. They combine efficiency and brevity of information about literature with elements of recommendations and popularization of books on the most interesting topics local history.

Literature Azarova, O. The world is learned in the game: [about bibliogr. manuals and toys for children // Library. – – 9. – P. 49–50. Bibliographic products [Electronic resource]: methodological and bibliogr. allowance / Municipal. cultural institution "CBS" Central City Hospital named after. M. Gorky; SIO // http: // cbs-bataysk. ru. Emelyanova, G.I. From game to recommendation index / G. I. Emelyanova // World of bibliography. – – 5. – P. 24–29. Rybina E.F. Bibliography of literature for children and youth: textbook. allowance. – M.: Liberia, – 216 p. Compilation of bibliographic aids [Electronic resource]: method. rec. / YAOUNB im. N. A. Nekrasova, IBO; comp. A.V. Zhuravleva. – Yaroslavl, – 25 p. – See: http: // www. rlib. yar. ru. Compilation of bibliographic aids in small forms [Electronic resource]: method. rec. / MKUK “Intersettlement Central Banking System of Nikolsky Municipality. district" Central District Hospital named after. G. N. Potanina. Method. department // Tomasheva, E.N. Bibliographic model of children's reading [Text]: new format: [about bibliographic aids for children] /Elena Nikolaevna Tomasheva// Librarianship. – – 13. – P. 14–19. Performer: N. Kurbatova


Small forms of bibliography

Dear Colleagues!

Nowadays, libraries often employ people with non-core education who have a vague understanding of bibliography and bibliographic aids. These materials will help you get acquainted with the types of information and bibliographic aids and the methodology for their compilation. The first consultation is devoted to small forms of bibliography.

Last time great importance acquired the publishing activities of libraries as one of the areas of informing users, promoting books and reading.

Libraries produce a wide range of information and bibliographic products for different categories of users, focusing on their readership requests and needs, taking into account age characteristics.

This material is addressed to librarians who provide bibliographic services to users in municipal and school libraries and produce information and bibliographic products.



The fundamental document of information and bibliographic activities is GOST 7.0-99 “Information and library activities, bibliography: Terms and definitions”. He identifies three main types of bibliographic aids - bibliographic index, bibliographic list and bibliographic review, although other types of aids are also known, which can be considered as variants of the above.

According to GOST A bibliographic manual is an ordered set of bibliographic records. That is, the presence of a bibliographic list or bibliographic record distinguishes a bibliographic manual from an informational one.

Bibliographic aids can be divided into two groups: large aids and small aids.

Small forms of bibliography – reference lists, memos, bookmarks, leaflets, reading plans etc.

Recently, libraries have become popular small forms of recommendatory bibliography. They are prompt, help to convey to the reader in a timely manner information about new literature, writers, educational institutions, and everything that is interesting to a young user. Such manuals are distinguished by their mobility, relevance, and ability to respond to various situations that arise in the course of the professional activities of both the bibliographer and the library user.

There are other types of classification of bibliographic aids.

Most often, municipal libraries, including those working with children and adolescents, issue the following types of bibliographic aids: bookmarks, booklets, memos, recommendation lists, reading plans; Bibliographic indexes are published less frequently. Such information and bibliographic aids as digests.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BOOKMARK – one of the small forms of recommendatory bibliography, the purpose of which is to awaken reader interest in a particular book, author or topic. A bibliographic bookmark is a strip of paper of different sizes (usually narrow). On one side of the bookmark is placed the title and image of the cover of the book for which it is compiled. (title book), and on the reverse side there is information about other publications similar to it in theme or genre that are available in the collection or a list of other works by the same author.

Along with fiction, a bookmark can also include popular science literature on the same topic.

INFORMATION BOOKMARK differs from bibliographic lack of a recommendation list. If an information bookmark is dedicated to a young writer, then it usually contains information about this writer, his photograph, a photo of the cover of his book, a small excerpt from the work. It is advisable that the information tab indicate Availability of this book in the library collection and/or link to an online resource from which the information was taken. A bookmark is close to a reading plan, but, unlike it, it is based not on the topic, but on a specific book.

Here Examples of ready-made bookmarks that bookstores receive:

Front side
back side
Front side
back side

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE – a small form of bibliographical aid intended to help readers in their initial acquaintance with books about the activities of a person or about a socially significant event. The memo recommends the reader a minimum of literature related to the memorable date and a narrow issue.

The purpose of the memo dedicated to a specific person - introduce the reader to the main works of a certain person(writer, artist, etc.) and help in studying his life and work. Selected for the memo the most valuable editions of his works, available in the library, as well as literature dedicated to his life and work: memoirs, documentary and biographical publications, works of art different genres. Along with mono-editions also recommended chapters from books, introductory articles, essays, materials from magazines and collections dedicated to this person.

Sections of the memo follow each other in a certain order:

˜ preface (or introduction) with a brief biographical note (necessary factual information and information about the history of the creation of works);

˜ overview of major works;

˜ list of major editions and publications (if the library presents the same work in different editions, then choose one, newer edition or one equipped with a scientific reference apparatus);

˜ short list of literature about life and work (first give bibliographic descriptions of books characterizing life and creativity in general, and then literature about individual periods and specific works).

The same principle is used when compiling a bibliographic memo about any significant event: description of the event, if possible a photograph or illustration and a recommended list of literature.

A bibliographic memo can be used for an initial acquaintance with the topic and the author’s work, but not for in-depth study. Librarians often prepare reminders in the form of a booklet, i.e. publication in the form of one sheet of printed material, folded in any way into two or more folds.

Examples of memos:

READING PLAN is compiled when the reader, for the purpose of self-education, expanding general cultural or professional horizons, needs to study a certain issue. The library offers him help in organizing rational reading: During a conversation with the reader, it becomes clear what and to what extent he is interested, what books or articles he has already read. Literature is identified, the required number of books and articles is selected (usually no more than five to seven items), which constitute the “mandatory minimum”. The reader is explained why it is necessary to study literature in the proposed order and not otherwise, which works are important to get acquainted with at the very beginning, which ones later, and what special attention should be paid to.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST - this is a bibliographic manual, consisting of a collection of small bibliographic records, with a simple structure that is understandable to the user, and does not have a reference apparatus. A bibliography includes information about works, usually on a narrow, specific topic or issue.

The term “list of references” is used as a synonym. Maybe like self-help, and part of another publication (intra-book, intra-newspaper, intra-magazine, per-article, per-book). Also, a bibliography often accompanies unpublished documents: dissertations, scientific reports, etc.

The bibliography, like any other manual, must contain the title, an indication of the form of the manual (recommendation list of literature), imprint, chronological framework of the proposed documents, year of publication.

1) Bookmark list “Where to start.”

It is drawn up in cases where the reader needs help in independently studying the issue that interests him. Unlike the usual list of references, "Where to start" list recommends the first books to read, similar in content and degree of accessibility (3 - 5 titles), which give only the most basic information on the topic. This type of manual is intended for non-specialist readers, mainly young people. Literature from such a list can be read by choice. They also write short introductory text and annotations. The text contains a brief description of the topic and reveals its meaning. In the annotation, it is desirable to show the specifics of each book - in content, form of presentation, and emphasize its significance among other books. Thus, the “Where to Start” lists do not set the reader the task of obligatory reading of all works in a row. They combine efficiency and brevity of information about literature with elements of recommendation and popularization of books on the most interesting topics of local history.

The work for which the bookmark is made is called the title work.. When compiling such a list, the librarian must know the content of the work well, imagine what feelings it will evoke in the reader, be able to “switch” the readers’ attention to other books (maybe from a book of low artistic value, to deeper works, or to works that have been unfairly forgotten readers).

Bookmark format: width - 5 - 8 cm, height - 25 -30 cm. A bookmark usually contains up to 10 names. Besides works fiction, it can also include popular science books. Here you can use not only individual, but also group annotations, texts, connecting books with each other. By revealing the main content, the main idea of ​​the book, you can retell an interesting episode to attract the attention of readers. Bookmarks often recommend works of the same type, very similar in plot. In these cases, group annotations are made.

The finished bookmark is replicated and is included in the book for which it is compiled. Issued with the book. After reading the literature on the bookmark, you can offer the reader a recommendatory index on the topic he needs.

RECOMMENDATION LIST literature has a more complex structure than bibliographic. A recommendation list is being compiled usually, on the most important or current topics, For example, " Business ethics and etiquette", "Advice and love"(O wedding ceremonies and customs), “Nature and Man”, the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin in literary criticism, fine and musical arts, etc.

Printed and electronic documents published within the last 3-5 years are selected in accordance with readership and purpose. The volume of a typical recommendation list is small - 15 - 20 titles of books and articles. Must be: preface, you can give introductory text to sections of the manual (if they are). Annotations should be clear, concise, and thoughtful. The works are grouped into sections, and First, be sure to place a general section, where books and articles on the topic as a whole are recommended, and then 2-3 specific sections. Inside sections Bibliographical descriptions are given first the most valuable, interesting and accessible materials.

Structure of the recommendation list within a section may include the following division: books, periodicals, Internet information, multimedia publications in the alphabet of authors and works. A short introduction is given to the recommendation list, and to each section there are small introductory texts or quotes explaining the essence of the section.

Recommendation manuals of “small form” for young readers are only the first step towards the formation of reading interests and serious self-educational work. The next step is the independent use of printed reference guides. When compiling “small form” manuals, you need to take into account that they are designed colorfully, equipped with extensive advisory annotations, which are written in a lively and entertaining manner.

To be continued.

(In addition to our own materials, fragments of a methodological manual prepared by the head of the information and bibliographic department of the Altai Regional Children's Library named after N.K. Krupskaya Tatyana Romanovna Eliseeva were used).
USEFUL LINKS - examples of bibliography of small forms:

Small bibliographic forms




To complete this task, it is necessary to study and master such topics as “Bibliographic information”, “Bibliographic activities (bibliographic processes)”, “Information and bibliographic resources (types, types, forms of bibliographic aids)”.

A minimum number of hours are allocated during the session to get acquainted with these topics, while they are fundamental for understanding and further studying the discipline “Bibliography”.

It is necessary to demonstrate the ability to identify the necessary information using the scientific reference apparatus of a bibliographic manual, analyze it in relation to questions of a plan that must be strictly followed. To do this, the title page, preface, table of contents, auxiliary indexes are studied, and the main part of the bibliographic publication is reviewed.

Target: Consolidating the skills of analyzing BP, identifying their methodological features, determining the possibilities of their use.

When performing the test work, professional competencies PC.1.2., PC 1.3., as well as general competence OK.04.

PC 1.2. Conduct analytical and synthetic processing of documents using traditional and automated technologies, organize and maintain the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library. - implementation of basic processes and operations for the formation, maintenance, and use of reference and bibliographic apparatus; Current control:
PC 1.3. Serve library users, including through information and communication technologies - designing an information environment taking into account modern requirements and the specifics of the library; Current control: Independent work / test
OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development Knowledge of information search algorithms for performing professional tasks, professional and personal development Independent work

Execution order :

1. Study the literature:

Diomidova, G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for medium specialist. textbook institutions / G.N. Diomidova. – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. – P. 22 – 48; 270 – 272.

2. Choose one bibliographical guide. Using the methodology for studying printed bibliographic aids (studying the title page, preface, structure and content, methodological features of the main part, etc.), give a written description of the selected manual, arguing your points, citing as an example a bibliographic description, according to the proposed plan:

Benefit analysis plan:

1. Bibliographic description of the manual (start with the red line).

2. Purpose and readership of the manual (in detail - for whom, for what).

3. Type of bibliographic manual depending on methodological and structural features (index, list, review), genre.

4. Type of bibliographic aid depending on the characteristics:

a) on the target and reader’s purpose;

c) from the time of publication of the documents reflected in it;

d) on the completeness of the reflection of printed works;

e) on the method of bibliographic characteristics (KB composition);

f) on the principles of systematization of materials in it (BZ grouping);

5. Principles for selecting literature in the manual:

a) types of reflected documents according to their intended purpose: official, scientific, popular science, educational, production and practical, reference, literary and artistic, etc.);

b) in which publications the literature is indicated (mono-editions, collections, selected works, collected works, series; books, articles from magazines, etc.);

c) which publishing houses published the books listed (list);

d) for which years the literature is included (chronological framework - indicate);

e) conclusions about the correspondence of the selection of literature to the target and readership of the manual.

6. Systematization of material in the manual:

a) the nature and location of the sections, the relationship between them, the presence of headings and subheadings; grouping of bibliographic records (BR) in the last divisions. Numbering, number of knowledge bases.

7. Methods for bibliographic characterization of documents:

a) types of bibliographic descriptions, titles of bibliographic records;

b) types of annotations, their quality, structure (examples of elements);

c) other elements of the knowledge base (indexing terms, links, etc.);

d) conclusions about the compliance of the methods used to characterize the works with the target and readership purpose of the manual.

8. Composition and nature of the support apparatus:

a) preface to the manual, its role (justifies its significance and relevance of the topic, indicates the target and readership purpose of the manual, principles of literature selection, etc.);

b) auxiliary indicators (types, search functions), their role;

c) the presence of other elements, their meaning;

d) conclusions about the correspondence of the reference apparatus to the content, target and reader purpose of the manual, and how much it increases the possibilities of using the manual when searching and selecting books.

9. Draw conclusions about the possibilities (ways) of using the bibliographic manual in working with readers:

In reference and bibliographic services, bibliographic information, information and bibliographic training;

Give specific examples of individual (conversations with which category of readers?) and mass: oral (reviews, evenings, conversations) and visual (book exhibition, thematic shelf) events - form of work and name.

1. GOST 7.0-99 “Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions".

2. Library encyclopedia / Ross. State B-ka. – Moscow: Pashkov House, 2007. – 1300 p.

3. Diomidova, G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for medium specialist. prof. textbook manager / G.N. Diomidova. – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002. – pp. 14–21. - ("Library").

4. Bibliographer's reference book / scientific. ed. G.F. Gordukalova, G.V. Mikheeva. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2014. – 768 p.

5. Morgenstern, I.G. General bibliography: textbook. allowance / ChGAKI; I.G. Morgenstern; under. ed. G.V. Mikheeva. – St. Petersburg: Profession, 2005. – 208 p. - ("Library").

List of abbreviations and abbreviations

BBK– Library and bibliographic classification

BZ– Bibliographic entry

BI– Bibliographic information

BO– bibliographic description

BP– Bibliographical guide

BS – Bibliographic message

IPYA– Information search language

UDC– Universal decimal classification

Bibliographical aids

In the old days, bibliographic publications had an emblem - golden keys. Now it is not in print, but has retained its significance as a key to book collections. This key is available to everyone, you just need to learn how to use it.

Bibliographic knowledge is necessary in any business. Scientific, research work It is impossible to imagine without bibliographic work. How to write an abstract, make a report on a topic, prepare for a report? It all starts with studying the literature on this issue, and this cannot be done without the help of a bibliography.

If the reader does not need to view all the literature on the topic, but needs to obtain data only on those works that are recommended, then you can use recommendatory bibliographical aids, i.e. books about books:

  1. Pointers.
  2. Lists.
  3. Reading plans.

Signposts in our library they are in a special box "Bibliographical aids". They are published by the country's largest libraries in the form of lists, reviews, and annotated lists. The signs are presented thematically - “All about Olympic Games", "Knowledge will continue", "Invitation to discovery", "The best books of foreign writers", "Classics of fiction"; genre - "Foreign detective", "The world through the eyes of fiction"; personal - “Chekhov for children”, “Nizhny Novgorod writers for children”, “Pushkiniana on Bolshaya Morskaya, 33”. Each index is designed for a certain circle of readers, for a certain age.

Libraries themselves publish bibliographical manuals, for example, “A Million Adventures on Earth and in Space,” dedicated to the work of the writer Kir Bulychev, “Descendants as an example” (the life of famous Nizhny Novgorod residents based on the books of V.F. Karpenko), “The Writer Who is Always Twelve” (V . Krapivin) and others are compiled in our library.

Bibliographic lists can be found in your textbooks, for example, in the literature there are lists of literature for extracurricular reading .

The encyclopedia of the Avanta+ publishing house has bibliographic lists of additional literature: “Literature”, “Biology”, “Man”, “Technology”, “Personal Safety” "We recommend reading."

At the end Encyclopedic dictionaries: young historian, chemist, physicist, viewer, etc. you can find extensive bibliographies by topic "What to read". Such lists are available in many reference and popular science publications.

Each library compiles small forms of bibliography - "Reading plans”, which includes a small number of books (5-7) on a specific topic that you can use in choosing books to read.

We present to your attention some bibliographical manuals published in our library:

From mercy in books to caring in life: volunteering, volunteerism and mercy in fiction: a recommendatory index of literature. Vol. 2 / MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod. Central District Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. I.G. Ponomarenko. - N. Novgorod, 2018. - 12 p. - (Books that help you live). PDF

Turgenev: association game: bibliographic list for grades 6-9./ comp. N.V. Laryukhina; Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky MKUK TsBS Moscow. district. - N. Novgorod: [b. i.], 2018. - p. : ill. PDF

Football on the bookshelf: bibliography for grades 1-9 / auto. comp. Ponomarenko I.G. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK Central Clinical Hospital of the Moscow region: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2018. - 25 p. : ill. PDF

Around football: bibliography for grades 5-9 /automatic comp. Laryukhina N.V. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2018. - 5 p. : ill. PDF

Gorky Networks: a mini-guide for grades 5-9 /automatic comp. Ponomarenko I.G. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2018. - 6 p. : ill. - (Check out the website). PDF

works of art where among the characters there are people with disabilities, serious illnesses and special needs [Text]: bibliogr. literature index: for students in grades 1-9 / Central Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. I. G. Ponomarenko. - Nizhny Novgorod: [b.i.], 2017. - 26 p. : ill. - (Books that help you live). PDF

Is it easy to be different from everyone else? : works of art where among the characters there are people with disabilities, serious illnesses and special needs [Text]: bibliogr. literature index: for students in grades 1-4 / Central Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. I. G. Ponomarenko. - Nizhny Novgorod: [b.i.], 2017. - 12 p. : ill. - (Books that help you live). PDF

Is it easy to be different from everyone else? : works of art where among the characters there are people with disabilities, serious illnesses and special needs [Text]: bibliogr. literature index: for students in grades 5-7 / Central Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. I. G. Ponomarenko. - Nizhny Novgorod: [b.i.], 2017. - 20 p. : ill. - (Books that help you live). PDF

Is it easy to be different from everyone else? : works of art where among the characters there are people with disabilities, serious illnesses and special needs [Text]: bibliogr. literature index: for students in grades 8-9 / Central Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. I. G. Ponomarenko. - Nizhny Novgorod: [b.i.], 2017. - 18 p. : ill. - (Books that help you live). PDF

Artist of the animal world: Evgeniy Ivanovich Charushin- 115 years since birth [Text]: bibliogr. list: for students in grades 1-4 / Central Children's Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. N. A. Kozmina. - Nizhny Novgorod: [b.i.], 2016. - 9 p. : ill. PDF

“I’m not a wizard. I’m just learning. But for the sake of those I love, I’m capable of any miracles.”: 120 years since the birth of E.L. Schwartz: information booklet for students in grades 1-7 / Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. N. A. Kozmina. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2016. - 2 p. : ill. PDF

From pages to screen: turn the pages - watch the cartoon : rec.list of books and cartoons for children and their parents / Central Children's Children's Library named after. V.G. Belinsky; comp. ON THE. Kozmina. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2016. - 10 p. : ill. PDF

: a series of bibliographic lists of literature for the Year of Russian Cinema.

  • Cinema History (history of cinema, for grades 5-9) PDF
  • The book becomes a film (film adaptation) literary works, for grades 5-9) PDF
  • Heroes on the screen school curriculum(film adaptation of literary works by classical writers, for grades 5-9) PDF
  • On the screen - your favorite book characters (film adaptations of famous works of children's literature, for grades 5-9) PDF
  • On the screen - animated pictures (animation, for grades 5-7) PDF
  • When a picture comes to life (animation, for grades 1-4) PDF
  • Let's go to the cinema! (cinema arts, for grades 1-4 PDF

Front lines: Nizhny Novgorod poets and writers. Information booklet for students in grades 5-9.

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. Memo. /aut.-state Tarnovskaya O.M., Solovova N.A. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK Central Clinical Hospital of the Moscow region: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2014. - 3 p. : ill.

In Search of the Lost War: bibliography-tour through the library for grades 7-9 / author. - comp. Laryukhina N.V. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2014. - 11 p. : ill.

The manual introduces the historical event - the First World War - in connection with the centenary of the start of the war.

Olympics in Sochi: mini-guidefor grades 5-9 /automatic comp. Ponomarenko I.G. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2013. - 6 p. : ill. - (Check out the website).

Sports is an asset: bibliographic list for grades 5-9 / auto-comp. Laryukhina N.V. - Nizhny Novgorod: MKUK TsBS Moskovsky district: Central Children's Hospital named after. V.G. Belinsky, 2012. - 19 p. : ill.

There are many options for spending your free time. This recommendation list will tell you about one of the best - outdoor activities. If you want to learn more about your chosen sport and practice it correctly with maximum benefit, refer to the literature presented in this list.

In the library you can get acquainted with this list in electronic version.

Libraries produce a wide range of information and bibliographic products for different categories of users, focusing on their readership requests and needs, taking into account age characteristics.

According to GOST 7.0-99 “Information and library activities, bibliography: Terms and definitions,” a bibliographic manual is an ordered set of bibliographic records. That is, the presence of a bibliographic list or bibliographic record distinguishes a bibliographic manual from an information manual.

Bibliographic aids can be divided into two groups: large aids and small aids.

Small forms of bibliography - reference lists, memos, bookmarks, leaflets, reading plans, etc.

Small forms of recommendatory bibliography have recently gained popularity in libraries. They are prompt, help to convey to the reader in a timely manner information about new literature, writers, educational institutions, and everything that is interesting to a young user. Such manuals are distinguished by their mobility, relevance, and ability to respond to various situations that arise in the course of professional activities, both as a bibliographer and as a library user.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC BOOKMARK is one of the small forms of recommendatory bibliography, the purpose of which is to awaken reader interest in a particular book, author or topic. A bibliographic bookmark is a strip of paper of different sizes (usually narrow). On one side of the bookmark is placed the name and image of the cover of the book for which it is compiled (title book), and on the reverse side there is information about other publications similar to it in topic or genre that are in the collection or a list of other works by the same author. Along with fiction, a bookmark can also include popular science literature on the same topic. Bookmark format: width - 5 - 8 cm, height - 25 -30 cm. A bookmark usually contains up to 10 names. Here you can use not only individual, but also group annotations and texts that connect books with each other.

An INFORMATION BOOK differs from a bibliographic bookmark in the absence of a recommendation list. If an information bookmark is dedicated to a young writer, then it usually contains information about this writer, his photograph, a photo of the cover of his book, and a small excerpt from the work. It is advisable that the information bookmark indicates the presence of this book in the library’s collections and/or a link to the Internet resource from which the information was taken. A bookmark is close to a reading plan, but, unlike it, it is based not on the topic, but on a specific book.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY - a small form of bibliographical aid intended to help readers in their initial acquaintance with books about the activities of a person or about a socially significant event. The memo recommends the reader a minimum of literature related to the memorable date and a narrow issue.

The purpose of a memo dedicated to a certain person is to introduce the reader to the main works of a certain person (writer, artist, etc.) and help in studying his life and work. For the memo, the most valuable editions of his works available in the library are selected, as well as literature dedicated to his life and work: memoirs, publications of a documentary and biographical nature, works of art of various genres. Along with mono-editions, chapters from books, introductory articles, essays, materials from magazines and collections dedicated to a given person are also recommended.

The sections of the memo follow each other in a certain order:

Preface (or introduction) with a brief biographical information (necessary factual information and information about the history of the creation of works);

Review of major works;

List of main editions and publications (if the library presents the same work in different editions, then choose one, newer edition or one equipped with a scientific reference apparatus);

A short list of literature about life and work (first, bibliographic descriptions of books characterizing life and work in general are given, and then literature about individual periods and specific works).

The same principle is used when compiling a bibliographic memo about any significant event: a description of the event, if possible a photograph or illustration, and a recommended list of literature.

A bibliographic memo can be used for an initial acquaintance with the topic and the author’s work, but not for in-depth study. Librarians often prepare reminders in the form of a booklet, i.e. publication in the form of one sheet of printed material, folded in any way into two or more folds.

A READING PLAN is drawn up when the reader, for the purpose of self-education, expanding his general cultural or professional horizons, needs to study a certain issue. The library offers him help in organizing rational reading: during a conversation with the reader, it becomes clear what and to what extent he is interested in, what books or articles he has already read. Literature is identified, the required number of books and articles are selected (usually no more than five to seven titles), which constitute the “mandatory minimum”. The reader is explained why it is necessary to study literature in the proposed order and not otherwise, which works are important to get acquainted with at the very beginning, which ones later, and what special attention should be paid to.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST is a bibliographic manual consisting of a collection of small bibliographic records, with a simple structure that is understandable to the user, and does not have a reference apparatus. A bibliography includes information about works, usually on a narrow, specific topic or issue. The term “list of references” is used as a synonym. It can be either an independent manual or part of another publication (intra-book, intra-newspaper, intra-magazine, per-article, per-book). Also, a bibliography often accompanies unpublished documents: dissertations, scientific reports, etc. The bibliography, like any other manual, must contain the title, an indication of the form of the manual (recommendation list of literature), imprint, chronological framework of the proposed documents, year of publication.

1) Bookmark list “Where to start.” It is compiled in cases where the reader needs help in independently studying an issue that interests him. Unlike a regular bibliography, the “Where to Start” list recommends the first books to read, similar in content and degree of accessibility (3 – 5 titles), which provide only the most basic information on the topic. This type of manual is intended for non-specialist readers, mainly young people. Literature from such a list can be read by choice. They also write a short introductory text and annotations. The text contains a brief description of the topic and reveals its meaning. In the annotation, it is desirable to show the specifics of each book - in content, form of presentation, and emphasize its significance among other books. Thus, the “Where to Start” lists do not set the reader the task of obligatory reading of all works in a row. They combine efficiency and brevity of information about literature with elements of recommendations and popularization of books on the most interesting topics.

The work for which the bookmark is made is called the title work. When compiling such a list, the librarian must know the content of the work well, imagine what feelings it will evoke in the reader, be able to “switch” the readers’ attention to other books (maybe from a book of low artistic value, to deeper works, or to works that have been unfairly forgotten readers).

Bookmark format: width - 5 - 8 cm, height - 25 -30 cm. A bookmark usually contains up to 10 names. In addition to works of fiction, it can include popular scientific books. Here you can use not only individual, but also group annotations and texts that connect books with each other. By revealing the main content, the main idea of ​​the book, you can retell an interesting episode to attract the attention of readers. Bookmarks often recommend works of the same type, very similar in plot. In these cases, group annotations are made.

The finished bookmark is replicated and inserted into the book for which it was compiled. Issued with the book. After reading the literature on the bookmark, you can offer the reader a recommendatory index on the topic he needs.

The RECOMMENDED Bibliography LIST has a more complex structure than the bibliographic one. A list of recommendations is compiled, as a rule, on the most important or relevant topics, for example, “Business ethics and etiquette”, “Advice and love” (about wedding rites and customs), “Nature and man”, the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin in literary criticism, visual and musical arts, etc.

Printed and electronic documents published within the last 3-5 years are selected in accordance with readership and purpose. The volume of a typical recommendation list is small - 15 - 20 titles of books and articles. There must be: a preface, you can give introductory text to the sections of the manual (if they exist). Annotations should be clear, concise, and thoughtful. The works are grouped into sections, and first they always place a general section, where books and articles on the topic as a whole are recommended, and then 2-3 specific sections. Within the sections, bibliographic descriptions of the most valuable, interesting and accessible materials are first provided.

The structure of the recommendation list within a section may include the following division: books, periodicals, Internet information, multimedia publications in the alphabet of authors and works. A short introduction is given to the recommendation list, and to each section there are small introductory texts or quotes explaining the essence of the section.

DIGESTS. The main function of the digest is to convey to the reader only the main ideas and facts contained in the source. Digests may contain analytical reviews, statistical data, fragments of publication texts, official and regulations, selected on a specific topic, etc. Each fragment extracted from the text is accompanied by a link to a description of the document as a whole.

The difference between digests and indexes is that when compiling indexes, documents are grouped, and when compiling digests, fragments of texts are grouped.

Digests are characterized by: narrow topics, different aspects of the problem, discrepancy between the points of view of different authors, etc. When selecting material, both book and periodical publications and Internet publications are reviewed.

The form of presenting the material in the form of a digest is timely and relevant. It allows you to get acquainted with both the latest innovations in the topic being studied and an array of documents with a minimum amount of time.

Purpose: Digests are created when new directions in research and development on current problems of science and public life, with increased and sustained interest of various user groups, but there is no generalizing work.

Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks:

1. Familiarity with the contents of the primary document.

2. Identification of the main directions of the topic in the text of the document.

3.Selection in accordance with a given list of topics required for inclusion in the digest;

4. Compilation of a digest based on selected fragments from the text of the primary document.

Objects for compiling a digest:

1.Organizations, institutions, public associations, parties (for example, publications dedicated to one’s own company or the activities of any circle of organizations in general, for example, publications dedicated to libraries).

2. Personnel.

3.Geographical object (district, city, region, country).

4. Type of activity.

5. Goods, products, services, materials, equipment.

The digest structure is as follows:

1. Title page.

3.Preface (from the compiler) or appeal (to the readers).

4.The main text, usually divided into sections and subsections.

5. List of used literature.

6. Applications.

The main method of information transformation is extraction, i.e. extracting the most semantically valuable quotes from the document. Also, when compiling digests, the normalized folding technique is used, as a result of which the physical volume of the document changes, but its information content does not decrease

LOCAL HISTORY BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS. Public libraries widely practice compiling lists, memos, and reading plans on local history topics. This work has its own specifics. When selecting materials, one should take into account the connection of works with the region - its past and present, with the life and activities of people who lived and are living in the region. Therefore, first of all, they look through local history catalogues, card indexes, databases, and basic local history bibliographic manuals. Compilers of local history manuals need to select numerous newspaper publications.

Annotating works of local history also has its own characteristics. Mainly analytical annotations are compiled, in which it is important not only to report facts, names, geographical names mentioned in the works, but also to provide information that is most interesting from the point of view of studying the region; you can also use the method of quoting, reprinting small texts from rare and not always available documentary sources.

As a rule, local history manuals include nominal, geographical, personal, thematic and other auxiliary indexes. The most significant are geographical and personal auxiliary indicators.

The most common local history bibliographic aids are: UNIVERSAL CURRENT TYPE “LITERATURE ABOUT …” or “ New literature about the district (city)". The objects of display in such indexes are any media: books, fragments of books, articles from local and central press, photographic documents, cartographic materials. The difference between these indexes is the wide display of articles from local periodicals. Short reference annotations are used.

BIOBIBLIOGRAPHICAL MANUAL WITH LOCAL HISTORY CONTENTS. By topic, these are manuals dedicated to historical, socio-political figures, representatives of art and other fields and spheres.

The selection of names is carried out according to the following principles:

Natives of the region;

Personalities who spent certain periods of their lives in this region;

Individuals who acknowledge that this region has influenced their lives and activities.

Figures whose visit to a locality or region had a significant impact on its development can also be displayed.

We have already talked about the basic structure of such benefits.


The main objective of these manuals is to display factual and bibliographic information about significant regional events and anniversaries that are celebrated this year.

The structure of the calendar includes a preface, a list of dates, the main part, and auxiliary indexes. The main part contains text references on dates, as well as factual, statistical, bibliographic and other materials. After each text reference, a list of references is given - 5-10 names of the most significant and new publications, as well as archival documents, etc. Auxiliary indexes of personal names and geographical names can be compiled.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHRONICLE. Materials are grouped in chronological sequence of events. Events and facts important for studying the region are selected. The object of display can be facts and events of any origin, including those that are not celebrated, but the memory of them is important for local history (dates of great fires, etc.).

For titles, the date and name of the event or fact are used. After the title, a factual reference is placed or text is used - a fragment from documents. Of particular importance is quoting memories that convey a unique perception of events. At the end of the reference there is a list of references.


First, before you start compiling it, decide on the type and type of benefit.

Compiling a bibliographic manual includes selecting and studying a topic, developing a prospectus plan, and identifying documents on the topic of the manual.

- selection and study of a topic The topic is studied in different aspects: from the point of view of novelty, relevance, reader interest in it, availability of literature, compliance with the profile and capabilities of the library.

- development of a prospectus plan This is the main document that determines the directions for further work on the bibliographic manual. It defines: the purpose and readership of the manual, the chronological framework of the manual (based on the average aging period of information, this should be literature recent years publications) , types of publications, determine the structure of the bibliographic record (whether it will consist only of a bibliographic description or should be accompanied by an annotation; what annotations are expected - reference or advisory), determine the structure of the manual (the method of grouping materials: alphabetical, chronological, systematic or thematic) and give a list if not all, but the most important sections, headings and sub-headings, the composition of the reference and methodological apparatus of the manual is determined - preface, auxiliary indexes, appendices, introductory article.

- identification of literature on the topic of the manual.

Then it is carried out bibliographic selection and bibliographic grouping of records.

Information about each print job is recorded on cards

Literature is organized into categories

Whenever possible, all documents are reviewed, because... Titles are sometimes blind, check the bibliographic description of documents. If the book is multifaceted, it makes more sense to place it in a general section, and make links in others

Annotating documents (in accordance with the purpose, reference and advisory annotations are distinguished)

A reference abstract clarifies the title of the work and provides additional (mostly factual) information about the author, form, genre, purpose and other features of the document that are not included in the bibliographic description; they are most often compiled for scientific, educational and reference publications. Must be extremely brief.

The recommendation summary gives your assessment of the book or article. The main task is to interest the reader. The volume of advisory annotations usually significantly exceeds the volume of reference ones, although the requirements of brevity and accuracy remain in force here.

The final stage preparation of a bibliographic manual includes:

Preparation of reference and methodological apparatus;


Preparation of a bibliographic manual

The reference and methodological apparatus includes:

Preface ( or an appeal to the reader), which should open any, even relatively small, allowance.

Information about the purpose of the benefit must be provided here; a description of the documents reflected in the manual is given; the method of placing the material is explained (rather than simply listing the names of sections and subsections; a table of contents serves this purpose); the types of annotations that are used in this manual are named; the available auxiliary indexes are listed (the reader’s attention should be drawn to the features of their construction and the possibilities of practical use); the chronological boundary of material selection is indicated (year, month, date).

Introductory article Not needed for all benefits. Written mainly for large manuals of special retrospective bibliography or personal indexes. Characterizes the topic of the index and the main literature on it. Typically, specialists in this field of knowledge are involved in writing.

Auxiliary pointers . They help to reveal the contents of the manual in other aspects. The most common auxiliary pointers:

Name index. It includes the names of all persons: authors, translators, illustrators, artists and persons about whom it is written in publications - in this case, the numbers of documents about them are taken in brackets. An independent personal auxiliary index can be compiled;

Geographical index – geographical names referred to in the text of the document are reflected;

Subject index – a list of items mentioned in documents, even if they are not in the title or annotation, i.e. hidden ones also need to be taken out, this is a very labor-intensive job.

Thematic, systematic, chronological auxiliary indexes are also compiled.

Work on the manual is being completed editing and design.

During the editing process, the correctness of the bibliographic description is checked, stylistic errors and inaccuracies, repetitions, unsuccessful expressions, etc. are corrected.

Like any publication, the manual opens with a title page.

It indicates: the name of the organization, department, title of the index, type of publication (or type of manual), place and year of publication.

Compilers and designers should be indicated on the back of the title page.

Various fonts are used to set the structural parts of the manual (preface, main text, auxiliary indexes, etc.). Thus, annotations are usually typed in a smaller font than bibliographic descriptions, separated from the descriptions by a space, and begin with a red line. Serial numbers of entries must be in bold.

Different fonts are also used for the titles of sections, subsections, headings and subheadings.

The artistic design of bibliographic aids involves the widespread use of various illustrative materials: photocopies of the covers of the most interesting publications, portraits, maps, etc.

A bright, expressive cover decorates the manual and attracts the attention of readers to it. However, the external design elements should reveal the main content of the manual.


1. Bibliographic work in the library: organization and methodology / ed. O.P. Korshunova. – M.: Publishing House “Book Chamber”, 1990.- 254 p.

2. GOST 7.0-99. Information and bibliographic activities, bibliography: Terms and definitions: Interstate. standard., intro. 07/01/2000 // Library and law: legal. Handbook / ed. O.R. Borodin. – M., 2001. – Issue 10.-S. 307-329.

3. Diomidova G.N. Bibliography. General course: textbook / G.N. Diomidova.- M.: Book Chamber, 1991.- 242 p.

4. Morgenstern I.G. General bibliography: textbook. manual for students majoring in “Library and Information Activities”. – St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2006. – 208 p. - (Library).

5. Information and bibliographic manuals. Small forms of bibliography: inf. bulletin / Artyomov. center. area. b-ka; comp. R.A. Perevozkina. – Artyomovsky, 2013. – 9 p.: ill. – (Ser. “Biblioprofi”. Issue 1)

6. Information and bibliographic aids: types and forms. Small forms of bibliography