How to speed up a slow computer? Computer takes a long time to boot

The computer began to work slowly and this really gets on your nerves, I understand you well, can I help you? Then read on, the story will be long but interesting.
First, I will list the main reasons for a slow computer, and then we will put everything into practice. I use all the programs whose operation I will describe myself and have not noticed any problems, they are well-known and popular, and they are also free, but you will use them at your own peril and risk, be careful and carefully study them before using them, each program is capable of doing backup your changes, use this.

The computer began to work slowly

  • File system and registry fragmentation
  • Viral activity
  • Small amount random access memory or malfunctions in its operation
  • Wrong location swap files
  • Low amount of free space on the system partition
  • The disk subsystem operates in slow PIO mode, read here -

You can go on for a long time and a dissertation can be defended on each topic, let’s focus on the most common reasons slow computer, first of all, I would like to ask how long ago your operating system was installed; if seven years ago, then it is better to reinstall it completely.
Let's start with general cleaning, removing garbage from your operating system, temporary files and empty, incorrect shortcuts and so on, using the FreeSpacer program, you can get it here

The program is very easy to install. In the main window, click search.

After finishing the search, before clicking delete, you need to look through the list of found garbage! You may find among the found necessary files, hover over the name of your file with the mouse and right-click and add this file to the list of exceptions, the program will know that this is the desired file

go to the settings and you will understand the program is intuitively simple, you can create a backup copy and, if necessary, return everything to its place.

Not the last reason for slow computer performance, if not the main one, is file system fragmentation.
When working on a computer, files are written to our hard drive not in order, but scatteredly, the same thing happens when the file increases in size, as the age of your operating system increases, hard drive I have to work more and more intensely, as a result the computer began to work slowly.
To avoid file system fragmentation, you can, for example, defragment the file system regularly once a week, that is, work to ensure that the files end up in sequential clusters, you can use the built-in using Windows right-click on the My Computer icon, then select Disk Defragmentation from the drop-down menu

or third-party programs for example: Auslogics Disk Defrag?

Calm down, it's free, you can download it here

the program is very simple and effective, if you wish, you can find paid analogues, for example: O&O Defrag Professional, I used it, it’s a very good program.
Numerous registry errors, as well as its fragmentation, contribute to our problem, here we use the Vit Registry Fix utility, take it here

It found 1162 errors in my registry, I didn’t use it for just a week, can you imagine?

There is also the opportunity to return all your errors back from a backup copy, then go to the tools tab, the very first item optimizes the system registry files and performs defragmentation.
We eliminate virus activity with our antivirus program. We periodically download from the official Dr.Web website a healing utility - Dr.Web CureIt! and scan our operating system, very useful link

Unfortunately, RAM cannot be downloaded anywhere, but it’s a matter of time, and for now I can only give advice on buying it.
With a small amount of RAM, the operating system actively uses the paging file - a file on the hard drive called pagefile.sys; has the attributes Hidden, System, Windows uses it for data files that are in operation and do not fit in RAM. The paging file must under no circumstances be located on the partition with the operating system installed. And should be 1.5 times larger than the size of your physical memory.

Updated: 04/19/2019 Published: 02/08/2018


Poor computer performance:

  • At boot (the system or desktop takes a long time to load)
  • Slows down from time to time
  • Frequently slows down and freezes
  • When running games or demanding programs
  • After reinstalling Windows
  • When waking up from sleep or hibernation
  • Suddenly “freezes” for a few seconds
  • Stutters when scrolling the page
  • Programs take a long time to open
  • Low FPS in games
  • Slow Internet connection
  • Freezes tightly

At the same time, the computer used to work quickly. But it is possible that the problem occurs immediately after purchasing the PC.


There can be many reasons - from software errors to hardware failure:

  • The presence of a process that loads the system;
  • Viruses or the presence of several antiviruses in the system;
  • A large number of programs in startup;
  • Problem with RAM;
  • Failure hard drive or any other component;
  • Media logical errors;
  • Incorrect power supply;
  • Overheating (more often for laptops or all-in-one computers);
  • Problem with drivers (usually after reinstalling Windows);
  • Glitch in the operation of peripheral devices;
  • System error;
  • Crooked update installation;
  • Computer obsolescence;
  • Inconsistency with system requirements.

As a rule, it does not matter whether we have a desktop computer or a laptop/all-in-one computer. Most of these problems are true for any PC.

In this article we will try to consider the maximum possible options and solutions.


The article, to a greater extent, focuses on Windows system, however, most of recommendations are valid for other operating systems.

Before proceeding with the steps below, try simply restarting your computer. If it worked for a long time without restarting, this could be the reason. You can see how long Windows worked without rebooting using this article.

1. Check your computer for viruses

Viruses can launch their own processes, which lead to system brakes. You can check your computer using the CureIt utility or any other analogue.

It is also possible temporarily (or for permanent basis) install 360 Total Security antivirus and perform a normal scan - the program will offer to delete not only suspicious files, but also clear startup and temporary data:

We agree, then reboot the computer.

We also make sure that several anti-virus products are not installed on the system - otherwise, they will conflict and create additional unnecessary load.

2. Check the status of the HDD/SSD

a) Physical condition:

We install a utility to check the hard drive and display the S.M.A.R.T. status. eg HD Tune or CrystalDiskInfo. If errors or warnings are detected, the media must be replaced.

The condition must be close to 100%, otherwise the disk may cause poor performance:

b) Free space:

Among other things, you need to make sure you have disk space:

If there is not enough space, the system will slow down.

c) Logical state:

If, when viewing the computer's load, the disk constantly shows 100% load, you can try disabling the page file. Read the article Disk is 100% loaded for more details. If you need to have a swap file, set static values ​​(the same for maximum and minimum - this will prevent its fragmentation):

3. Install/update drivers

The problem is less relevant starting with Windows 10, since the latter can automatically update drivers (if there is an Internet connection), but does not exclude the possibility of a problem occurring.

And so, the lack of a driver for a device or the presence of a version with an error can lead to incorrect operation of the equipment and, as a result, to any problems, in particular, slow PC speed.

Go to device manager (command devmgmt.msc or right click on This computer in the conductor - Control-). Drivers must be installed for all devices (there should be no exclamation marks):

You can install or update drivers manually by downloading the latest versions from the equipment manufacturer's website or automatically using a special program, for example, DriverHub.

4. Turn off visual effects

If graphics performance is weak, you should try disabling all the beauties of Windows.

Let's go to Control Panel - system and safety - System- click on:

On the tab Additionally In the “Performance” section, click on Options- in the window that opens, set the switch to position:

5. Check running processes

Opening Task Manager(Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - in the window that opens you can see the recycling of equipment as a percentage:

If your computer's resources are completely full (90% or higher), you need to find processes that do this. This information can be seen in the same task manager, but more detailed information will be shown by specialized utilities, for example Process Explorer.

We accept the license agreement - the main program window will open with the processes running on the computer and information about the resources they occupy.

We sort the list by processor utilization:

* System Idle Process shows processor idle time (free resource). The higher this indicator, the better.

We sort the list by memory utilization (actually allocated pages, excluding shared):

We sort the list by memory utilization (the sum of all memory pages):

If there are processes that load the system, we try to kill them:

However, when trying to stop the process svchost we will get an error:

Here we need to act differently. We hover the cursor over the name of the process and a pop-up window will appear with a list of services that hang on this process:

  • Cleaning your computer from temporary files. There are various utilities for this, for example CCleaner.
  • cleaning the registry. The safest way to do this is with the aforementioned CCleaner.
  • We delete programs and games that we no longer use. This must be done using the Programs and Features tool, or, again, CCleaner.

On new computers with Windows pre-installed, especially laptops, the manufacturer/seller considers it their duty to install all the programs in the world. Removing this “necessary” software can lead to the computer starting to boot and work more than 2 times better!

If your new Lenovo laptop is running slowly, update or remove the pre-installed antivirus.

7. Testing RAM

This is another component that is often the source of performance problems.

You can test your memory in different ways:

  1. If there are several slats in the computer, remove them all, leaving one. We test and move to another bar.
  2. We use a special utility, for example, memtest86.
  3. We try to plug the memory into different slots on the motherboard.

If problems are detected, we return the memory for warranty or replace it with a new one. You need to buy the same bracket as the others or read the motherboard compatibility sheet.

8. Check the condition of the remaining equipment

Download and install the AIDA64 program and conduct a system stability test:

If problems are detected, the program will generate an error. In this case, the faulty component must be replaced.

9. We evaluate the operation of the power supply and electrical outlets

Not always obvious, but the real problem is the lack of power supply for normal operation of components.

There are several approaches to testing this theory:

  1. Take the computer to a different power source, possibly in a different room.
  2. Replace the power supply.
  3. Use diagnostic utilities, for example, AIDA64.

On laptops, when running on battery power, the system may run slower to save power. In this case, we connect the portable device to a power source or change the power mode from economical to efficient.

10. Setting up the power supply scheme

By default, Windows uses a balanced power plan. This is not always the best solution in terms of performance.

To change the power plan, open Windows Settings and enter “power” in the search - select Selecting a power plan:

In the window that opens, open the hidden option by clicking on Show additional diagrams- select in the menu that opens High performance:

* if we see that the switch is set to the “Energy Saving” position, we should first try switching to Balanced.

11. Check the temperature

Overheating can cause poor performance - the system will run slower to prevent components from burning out.

To view the current temperature of the main components, you can use the above-described AIDA64 or SpeedFan.

If overheating is detected, you must perform the following actions (not recommended for warranty computers):

  1. Disassemble the computer and clean it of dust.
  2. Depending on the overheating component:
    • Remove the processor cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
    • Remove the video card cooler, remove the remaining thermal paste, apply new thermal paste and put the cooler in place.
  3. In the case of a desktop computer, install a cooler that blows hot air out of the case.
  4. Check the functionality of all fans (visually and using a program, for example, SpeedFan).

12. Checking peripheral devices

Peripherals that work poorly or begin to fail can lead to problems with the computer itself.

Disable all devices except the mouse. Remove the CD from the drive, if there is one. We check the functionality of the computer. Disconnect the mouse, connect the keyboard, continue the test. If the computer works well without peripherals, we connect additional devices one by one to determine which one is the problem.

13. Network problems / slow Internet

The system may have software installed, the operation of which is highly dependent on the network. If there is a network connection, but there is no network as such (for example, due to a logical error), these programs may try to send requests with high timeouts (response waits). At the same time, while waiting, they create a heavy load on the system, slowing down its operation. This most often leads to a deterioration in the computer's loading or attempts to launch various programs.

In this case, try unplugging the network cable or turning off WiFi. If the problem is resolved, try to figure out the network - this may be a temporary glitch or the firewall is not working properly.

If, by itself, the computer works satisfactorily, but the Internet speed is low, measure it using the corresponding article. If the speed is poor, try disconnecting the cable from the router and plugging it directly into the computer - if the speed remains low, contact your service provider. Otherwise, try connecting your computer to the router via wire rather than via WiFi. If it doesn’t help, reconfigure the router or replace it - quite often, switching to the 5 GHz frequency helps.

14. Make sure that the computer’s power meets the system requirements

If performance is low when running certain programs or games, or after upgrading Windows to a better new version, worth exploring system requirements software product data. It is quite possible that the computer should not work quickly with them.

If the problem only occurs with one specific program/game, try reinstalling it.

If the computer worked quickly with the same program/game before, try to analyze when the problems started. Also try disabling your antivirus program before starting.

We monitor the quantity at the same time running programs. In some cases, the computer may be running a browser with a large number of open tabs + office programs. Every process requires resources. It’s also worth knowing that each open browser tab is a separate process. We must monitor the number of open programs and close everything that we do not use, otherwise, buy a more powerful computer.

If our computer has less than 4 GB of RAM and we do not plan to expand, we do not install 64-bit Windows - it consumes a little more resources. If more than 4 GB, install Windows x64, otherwise, all resources will not be used. This is also true for choosing a system edition: you should not install the maximum possible Windows, it is not a fact that all the features will be used, and resources will be wasted.

15. We use specialized software

There are utilities that can analyze your PC and report possible problem productivity. One such utility is Auslogics BoostSpeed.

However, this program requires a license, so we either buy it or use it as a source of information.

16. We evaluate performance

Starting with Windows Vista, there are system tools for overall system performance assessment. Based on this, we can conclude which component is outdated or slow.

To begin with, we perform the following check:

a) Windows 7:

Right click on Computer - Properties. In the window that opens, click on the link Windows Experience Index and press Rate your computer. The evaluation process will begin, which can take up to 10 minutes - wait, then we will get the results, for example:

* V in this example It is clear that the weakest component is the video card. This computer should comfortably handle office tasks, but will slow down when running demanding games. The maximum score is 7.9 points.

b) Windows 10/8:

Starting with Windows 8, the Experience Index assessment is run from the command line. To do this, open it as administrator and enter the command:

winsat formal -restart clean

We are waiting for the process to finish. Then open the folder \Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. In the list that opens, select the latest file by date whose name contains Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml and open it using any browser:

We are interested in the tag WinSPR:

For convenience, you can download a utility that allows you to see the assessment in a convenient form - Winaero WEI Tool. Download, unpack, run:

*please note that the maximum score is 9.9 points.

I will also mention that in addition to the built-in tools, there are other utilities. For example, the free WhySoSlow.

17. Studying the system log

Based on the entries in the system log, you can try to draw conclusions regarding the operation of the PC. It is quite possible that this will help solve the problem.

The log can be opened with the command eventvwr or from the control panel.

It is necessary to pay attention to all errors and warnings, primarily for system events:

18. Trying to disable hibernation mode

If the hibernation file is damaged, waking up the computer will be accompanied by lags for several minutes. To solve the problem, turn off the power saving mode, restart the computer, and turn on the mode again.

To do this we open command line as administrator and enter:

Reboot the computer. Returning hibernation mode:

19. Software incompatibility

This is true in cases where everything works slowly when several programs are running at the same time.

As a solution, we try to update the program data. If add-ons (plugins, extensions) are used, we try to update them, reinstall them, disable them, remove them.

20. Reinstall Windows

If all else fails, the only option left is to reinstall the system. This is not the most The best way solve the problem and should be resorted to only as a last resort.

Perhaps before this you should try to perform a system rollback using control point at a time when the computer was working normally. And, if this does not help, copy the important data to another medium or to the cloud, and reinstall the operating system.

This extreme measure can be caused by various problems:

  1. The presence of a system error, which is very difficult to understand even for a highly qualified specialist.
  2. Update installation curve.
  3. Garbage that has accumulated over the years after installing/uninstalling various programs.
  4. Single or multiple overflow of the system disk by 87.5%. The problem is related to a feature of the file NTFS systems reserve 12.5% ​​of space for MFT (which is needed for normal operation of the file system itself). When space runs out, the system takes 12.5% ​​of the reserved space from the MFT, which can lead to fragmentation of the latter. Defragmentation won't help anymore.

On average, in my experience, the lifespan of the Windows operating system is from 2 to 5 years.

21. Update BIOS

But there is a nuance! If the computer starts running slowly on its own, updating the BIOS will not help. There is a need for this procedure only if the computer starts to slow down after replacing some equipment, for example, a processor, disk, memory, and so on.

22. Changing the computer

In the case when even reinstalling Windows and all of the above did not help solve the problem, and the computer continues to work slowly, it is time to change the computer itself.

Firstly, over the years physical properties components deteriorate due to the appearance of microcracks and oxidation of contacts; secondly, the software becomes more demanding and there is a need to increase capacity.

On average, the lifespan of a computer is from 3 to 7 years.

The main reasons for a slow computer or laptop. Diagnosis and prevention of problems.


Users of desktop computers and laptops with an operating system Windows 7 Quite often they encounter problems with the performance of their devices. At some point, the computer or laptop begins to frankly “stupid” or “slow down”. This is clearly expressed in the fact that the operating system begins to load much more slowly, folders and files on the computer open with a long delay, and in general all user actions do not receive an immediate response, as it should be. Ultimately, the computer either freezes or reboots, and sometimes stops working altogether.

Such “brakes” can arise for a huge number of reasons, which can be divided into two main groups: “ software" And " technical" Each problem is solved in a certain way. In our article we will look at the most common of them and tell you how to solve them.

Computer or laptop Windows 7 works slowly: software reasons

Lack of free hard disk space

  • The most common reason for the appearance of “brakes” and “lags” on computers is associated with a small amount of free memory on the hard drive. As you know, to install the operating system Windows 7 minimum required 20 GB free space on your hard drive. However, this volume will not be enough for comfortable work. For the system to work without delays, you must have a memory reserve of approximately 20 – 40 GB, which will be used to store temporary files, browser cache data, installed drivers and other important system software.
  • As a rule, a separate partition is created on the hard drive for installing the operating system, which is most often assigned the letter “ C" Unknowingly, inexperienced users install games and other third-party programs in this section, which take up the space necessary for the correct operation of the operating system itself.
  • In order to avoid the appearance of “brakes” and “lags” while working on the computer, make it a rule to keep the system partition of the disk clean. Remove or move all unnecessary files, games and programs from it, clear the desktop of unnecessary shortcuts, empty the recycle bin and the “ Downloads" Make sure there is enough free space on your disk ( 20 – 40 GB) and try to maintain this level.

Registry errors due to incorrect removal of programs and incorrect handling of the computer

  • While working on a computer, a huge number of different processes occur in the operating system. Since the computer works strictly according to the algorithm prescribed by man, incorrect completion of any of these processes leads to failures/errors in the file system (registry). They are damaged files with incorrectly written data in them, which clutter file system and lead to a decrease in computer performance.

  • Most of these registry errors occur when the user incorrectly shuts down the computer by turning it off using the power button. Also, quite a few errors arise from incorrect removal of programs. Many users simply delete folders with installed games and applications from their hard drive, without caring that their actions harm the computer.
  • To avoid such errors, you should shut down the system correctly by going to the " Start" and selecting the item " Shutdown».
    Programs should be removed via " Control Panel" and section " Programs and components».

  • But it also happens that errors in the registry occur through no fault of the user. Over the course of long-term use of a computer, a lot of them form in the system and sooner or later there is a need to fix them. There are a lot of specialized programs for this purpose, but the most popular of them is CCleaner. Also, using this utility you can easily get rid of unnecessary files and garbage. How to clean your computer and fix registry errors using CCleaner You can read in our article "".

Damage to system files or infection with viruses

It often happens that while using a computer, some important system files may become damaged. Most often, they are infected with viruses, and sometimes inexperienced users can unknowingly simply delete them. This can cause slowdowns, critical errors and other problems with the operating system. A standard function can help solve this problem Windows « System Restore" To use it, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Open the menu " Start", open " All programs", go to the folder " Standard" and in it to the folder " Service" Click on the item " System Restore».

  • Step 2. Wait for the System Restore Manager to start and click " Further" Please remember that this procedure does not affect the user's personal files, including images, music, games and software. It checks and restores exclusively system data and, if necessary, downloads missing data from the Internet or disk.

  • Step 3. After launching the manager, select a checkpoint (the date to which you want to roll back the system). If the required control point is not in the list, check the box next to “ Show other restore points", then click " Further».

  • Step 4. The recovery process will begin, which may take quite a long time. Once completed, the computer will restart and a window with the recovery results will appear on the screen. If after this procedure the computer does not stop “slowing down,” then the only way out of the situation is to completely reinstall the operating system.

Incorrectly installed Windows 7 updates

As is known, in versions of the operating system Windows 7 and above there is a function for automatically updating the system and its components. Often there are certain problems with these updates. For example, while downloading an update, the Internet connection is reconnected and, as a result, some components of the update package may become damaged or fail to load. Installing a “broken” update on a computer can cause noticeable “brakes”, failures in system services and many other errors. To fix this problem, you need to uninstall the last installed update, then download and install it again. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Through the menu " Start» open « Control Panel" In the window that opens, find the section “ Programs and components" and go to it.

  • Step 2. In the window with a list of installed programs, you need to find the section “ View installed updates " and go to it.

  • Step 3. The window that opens will display a list of all installed updates for the operating system and standard programs. You need to find the latest installed update package in the list (as a rule, it comes first in the list), select it with the left mouse button and press the " Delete" or " Change" Next, you should wait until the uninstallation process is completed and restart your computer.

  • Step 4. After you uninstall an update package, you must download it again. Make sure your Internet connection is stable first. Open " Control Panel" and go to the section " Windows Update».

  • Step 5. In the window that opens, click the button Check for updates" or " Search for updates" and wait for the process to complete. Once new updates are found, click the " Download updates" and after " Install updates».

If the updates are not installed correctly again, it is recommended to download from official website Microsoft a complete distribution of your operating system with all the latest updates and reinstall Windows.

Computer or laptop Windows 7 works slowly: technical reasons

Hard drive failure

  • If you are sure that everything is in order with the software on your computer, then the problem almost certainly lies in a hardware failure. The performance of a computer or laptop is most affected by the hard drive, which tends to wear out over time, which ultimately leads to “brakes” and “lags” while working on the computer.

  • The hard drive is divided into many sectors that are used to store information. Over time, they become unusable and the system marks them as “broken.” If, while reading data from the hard drive, the computer encounters a “bad” sector, a failure occurs in the system, which leads to “brakes” and freezing of the device. Reading bad sectors is usually accompanied by a characteristic crackling sound from the system unit or laptop.
  • This problem cannot be avoided and over time any hard drive has to be replaced, but you can extend its service life by using a special program for hard drive recovery HD Tune Pro, which can be downloaded from this link .

  • In addition, it is recommended to defragment your hard drive at least once a month. To do this, open the menu “ Start", find the folder " Standard", then open the folder " Service", and in it select the item " Disk Defragmenter».

Malfunction in the cooling system and overheating of the device

  • Another common reason for “brakes” and “lags” of computers and laptops is their overheating. This problem can be identified by eye. Once turned on, the computer runs at a good speed, but after a few minutes, its performance begins to degrade rapidly. Also an indicator of overheating is random shutdown of the computer, fan noise or its complete absence, and the temperature of the laptop case. Sometimes laptops get so hot that you can get burned if you touch the case.

  • As a rule, standard cleaning of dust from computer or laptop components helps solve the problem of overheating. Inexperienced users are strongly advised not to open the device casing and clean it themselves. It is best to seek help from friends or a computer repair service.

  • If cleaning from dust does not help, then you should replace the layer of thermal paste, which is located between the cooler and the device’s processor. This should only be done as a last resort and only by a professional.


Any of the above reasons for the appearance of “brakes” when working on a computer does not appear on its own. To prevent their occurrence, you need to handle your computer or laptop carefully, do not drop or hit it, clean it from dust and do not fill it with water, and also from time to time perform some procedures that will help significantly extend the life of your computer:

  • Monitor sufficient free space on your hard drive
  • Correctly remove and sort games and programs installed on your computer
  • Perform registry diagnostics
  • Run disk defragmentation at least once a month
  • Clean your computer from unnecessary files and junk
  • Provide your computer with constant protection from viruses and periodically scan the system for their presence with one of the antivirus programs

VIDEO: 7 reasons why your computer slows down

A very common problem that occurs on the Windows 7 operating system is the “braking” of a laptop or computer. It manifests itself in such a way that it works slowly windows computer 7, but in the end the device simply does not want to work. What to do? First, let's divide the freezes into the following blocks:

Problems related to the hardware of a laptop or computer;
problems due to system malfunction.

Different measures must be taken in each individual situation. It is worth considering the most common problems associated with Windows operation, and their solution.

When system files are damaged

One of possible reasons Slow operation of a laptop or computer - absence or damage of folders and files important for the operation of the OS. What could cause this?

  • Incorrect installation of Windows 7.
  • The presence of critical errors after prolonged use of installed Windows.
  • The result of an OS infection by a malicious file(s).
  • Improper use of a laptop or computer.
  • Accidentally deleted important system files.
  • Incorrectly removed third-party applications.
  • Incorrect operation of the registry.

The easiest way to fix the above problems is to restore the operating system. The advantages of this function are as follows: programs installed on the computer by the user themselves (for example, drivers, other programs, various personal files) are not affected.

Only the integrity of the system is checked. If there is a need for this, the missing files are downloaded to the computer, and the system is no longer so slow. The results from such a procedure cannot be negative. After restoration, the machine will start working faster.

Presence of “garbage” in startup and registry

Another reason why a Windows 7 computer is slow. While using the computer (when installing and uninstalling programs, copying files, connecting USB devices, etc.), the Windows system registry accumulates various entries.

Some may be duplicated, others may be entered there by mistake. Because of this, the appearance of system errors, “conflicts” between applications, “braking” and slow operation of the computer is inevitable. In such cases, it is recommended to clean the registry. The free CCleaner utility is suitable for this. With its help, you can not only correct registry errors, but also configure startup settings.

If there are viruses

Typically, the virus operates in stealth mode and requires large amounts of system resources. This is why the system slows down. Symptoms of a laptop or computer being infected with viruses:

  • 1) the device “freezes” during certain actions (for example, when opening “my computer”, the explorer takes a very long time to update);
  • 2) folders and files cannot be deleted, they are missing, or cannot be opened;
  • 3) critical errors appeared;
  • 4) the default browser home page has changed, extraneous extensions and intrusive advertising have appeared;
  • 5) You noticed the presence of third-party programs that are not removed;
  • 6) CPU load – 100% when all programs are closed;
  • 7) it is impossible to restore the system, start the task manager or complete the started process.

Viruses have high priority. If the system is faced with a choice: to perform an action requested by the user or the virus, then the virus’s request will be executed. Solve this problem like this:

Install an antivirus if you don’t already have one;
scan your computer for infected files;
send found files to quarantine or simply delete them.

Blocking the launch or installation of an antivirus program
It happens that infected files change system settings. Because of this, it is impossible to install or run the antivirus. Then do this:

1) run the express check program. This software does not need to be installed, and it is free;
2) restore the system. If this also blocks the virus, then proceed to reinstall Windows (using a disk or bootable flash drive);
3) before resetting the system, save important information on another flash drive (empty) and scan it for viruses using another device.

Presence of hardware faults

If the “freezing” and “braking” of the computer is accompanied by creaking, knocking, or other noise, this may indicate an internal breakdown of the machine. The speed of the computer is affected by certain problems that can be identified by the average user:

  1. cooler failure;
  2. dust in a laptop or system unit;
  3. CPU overheating due to cooling system failure;
  4. Hard drive failure.

Hard drive failure

The operating speed of a computer depends more than 70% on the condition of the hard drive. The latter tends to wear out. When this happens, the system begins to “slow down”. A hard drive has sectors that store information. They tend to wear out and are also marked by the system as “broken.”

If the computer gets into a “bad” sector while reading information, the system crashes (characteristic sounds may appear). The computer may freeze until it moves to the next sector. Such “freezes” cause critical errors and system reboots.

How large quantity“broken” sectors, the more the system slows down, and the sooner you will have to change the hard drive. The problem cannot be avoided, but it can be delayed as much as possible.

Defragment (at least once a month).
When cleaning your computer from dust, do not forget about the hard drive. If it gets hot, it can have a bad effect on it.
Do not allow physical impact on the computer from the outside.
If you suspect that there is a “bad” sector, use special utilities to find and restore it.

If your computer overheats

It is not uncommon for computer components to overheat. This malfunction is easily diagnosed:

by fast loading of the computer and a sharp drop in its performance after a certain time;
due to the strong noise of the cooler or its completely silent operation;
unexpected computer shutdown;
by touch temperature of the laptop.
If the cause is overheating, then do this:

1) determine which component is overheating (chipset, processor, hard drive). Any free utility and even a gadget for a worker can figure this out. Windows desktop 7;

2) clean the laptop or system unit from dust. If necessary, change the thermal paste.

Observe prevention

The computer cannot slow down for no reason. All problems begin gradually. To avoid having to troubleshoot problems for as long as possible, strictly follow the following rules.

  1. Control the amount of free memory.
  2. Don't forget to sort your installed programs and remove them correctly.
  3. Keep an eye on the error registry.
  4. Do defragmentation.
  5. Keep your computer free of dust.
  6. Get rid of unnecessary “garbage” in a timely manner and clean the trash bin.
  7. Check startup.
  8. Monitor whether viruses have appeared in the system.

All this does not require much time, and it is not necessary to have special knowledge, but you will save your nerves. And the question of why a Windows 7 computer is running slowly will no longer bother or worry you.

Many users are scared to death by rebooting their computer.

This process should be easy and user-independent, but sometimes it can take a minute or two or seem like an eternity.

This is a rather controversial topic, since much of what is known about booting a computer is a myth.

But still, the operating system should not boot longer than 90 seconds. If the user is forced to endure more, it is worth starting to take action.

Computer diagnostics

Very often the user becomes nervous for no reason.

Diagnosis takes a lot of time. Although the reason may lie in the most common things.

Tip: If you use your PC frequently, you can leave it on or set it to hibernate when you press the power button. In this case, there is no point in turning it off every time. Then the user gets rid of the need to deal with slow loading.

It's all about organizational skills and discipline. Take this example: very few software installations require regular reboots.

Some changes require a forced reboot while others simply “prompt” you to reboot now or later.

And let's be honest, sometimes users want to save time, which means they choose to reboot later... and sometimes that “later” happens much later.

And then several updates, patches and ignored reboot requests just pile on top of each other.

The system gets confused about the update order, there are delays, there is no visible to the eye ordinary user.

After such a long-awaited reboot, the device takes some time to process all these changes. This is normal, but can still be annoying for most users.

Many do not even wait for this necessary download, and reboot the unfortunate device again. Then all updates are reset. This cannot be done.

Disable autostart programs

Programs that are loaded at startup remain active in memory.

Therefore, they are one of the main reasons for slow Windows boot. Disabling programs that the user is not using may work.

To manage startup programs, you can install a very interesting tool, Mike Lin’s Startup Control Panel.

With its help, the user can easily remove unused programs from the list of resident programs and startup programs.

Scandisk and Defrag program

Using Microsoft Scandisk and disk defragmentation you can ensure that HDD works without errors.

These programs are also necessary to ensure that data is stored in the most efficient way.

Even experienced users run both of these programs at least once every few months.

Yes, they take some time to use. But it’s better to spend it once than to painfully wait for the download every time.

Not enough free space on your hard drive

For a personal computer to perform optimally, it must have at least 250 MB of free hard disk space on which the operating system is installed.

If the amount of free space is less, overall performance and boot times may be significantly reduced.

The operating system itself takes up a lot of space, but in addition, additional space is used to temporarily store files needed during operation.

Determining free space on your hard drive.

In order to determine the availability of free space on your hard drive, you need to open “My Computer”.

In the window that opens there will be a column “Devices and disks”, then you need to right-click on Disk C. And select the “Properties” option from the drop-down menu.

The new screen will show the total volume, free volume and used space. It is necessary to check the data on Drive C, since the operating system is most often installed on it.

If there is not enough free space, you need to delete temporary files, clean the system of unused programs and recheck the free space.

Update Drivers and Windows

Custom, incorrectly installed, or outdated drivers can lead to a number of different conflicts.

It is necessary to regularly update operating system drivers, the Windows operating system itself, and also update the software used on the device.

This is the only way to ensure that software problems will not occur.

All of the problems listed above are not yet related to hardware faults. This is a completely different layer of problems.

Updating the operating system to a new version

Still running Windows 7? Upgrading to Windows 8 or 10 will seriously speed up boot times.

Not every operating system update will necessarily be faster, but the jump from 7 to 8 was huge.

How to update the Windows operating system.

In order to obtain the necessary operating system updates, you need to go to the Control Panel.

If the necessary updates are found, the system will offer to carry out automatic installation latest updates.

The user can only wait for the installed updates and reboot the device.

Cleaning the registry

If the user has already followed all the previous recommendations from this list, but the long-awaited result has not yet arrived, you can clean the system registry. To do this, you can install any program from the Internet.

The process of cleaning the registry itself rarely depends on the user. Most programs work automatically.

Reinstalling Windows

Although this may require time and a free removable drive to save important files, it is one of the drastic solutions.

Additionally, the process itself can be a bit labor intensive, requiring you to completely erase all data and reinstall Windows.

This process will result in the user's computer operating the same way it did when it was new.

Equipment modernization

Improving the hardware

This is a hardware method to solve the problem. There are more financial costs here than time and moral ones.

Of course, this is one of the most effective ways to increase performance and reduce loading times.

You just need to call any company that deals with modernization or upgrades and order the appropriate service from them.

You can also upgrade your computer yourself by replacing outdated components with new ones.

Adding RAM

Installing additional memory (RAM) for your computer helps increase the overall speed of the computer, and in some cases can reduce boot times by several times.

If your unit runs on less than two gigabytes of RAM, you should think about upgrading or expanding it.

Adding an SSD

Solid State Drive is the most effective method improve the performance of the system as a whole.

On desktop and laptop computers, you can move Windows from a regular hard drive to an SSD. This will significantly reduce loading times.

Solid State Drives are characterized by higher speed, reliability, fault tolerance and stability. At the moment this is the best choice among hard drives.

Resetting BIOS Settings

When you first set up your computer in BIOS Setup, the administrator may have disabled some settings.

In order to check what is disabled there, you need to press the del key for a long time when starting the computer.

This is the most common key that motherboard manufacturers assign to enter BIOS Setup.

If it doesn’t work, you should look on the Internet to find out how to enter BIOS Setup by selecting a specific motherboard model.

Once in the BIOS, you can enable the “fast boot option” mode and move the hard drive to the first place in the boot priority list. You also need to turn off "Logo" when loading.

Thus, the computer will not waste time displaying a beautiful picture, but will spend all its energy launching the operating system.

Disable unused hardware

When you first start any computer, it loads a lot of drivers, even though some of them are not used.

You need to go to Device Manager from the Start menu search bar.

There you need to find everything that is not used on the computer, for example, Bluetooth and third-party controllers, modems, virtual Wi-Fi adapters and other hardware that is not in the system. Right-click on the entry you want to disable and click “disable.”

Don't forget to double-check that all other peripheral devices are still working. If the computer is part of a wireless network, virtual Wi-Fi adapters should remain enabled.

Antivirus software

This is considered to be an obvious fact, but it is still worth noting separately.

To keep your computer running quickly, you need to install a good antivirus program, keep it up to date, and run regular scans.

This is bigger preventative measure than a real solution to the long loading problem. But very often it is viruses that cause the computer to take a long time to boot.

Plus, any antivirus program will ensure that your files remain intact.

Unused fonts

Since time immemorial, loading additional fonts at startup has slowed down system boot times.

This is less of a problem now than it used to be, but it can still be frustrating.

Windows 7 loads more than 200 fonts at startup; even more if you have Microsoft Office installed.

Chances are you use very few of these fonts, so you may want to hide them to speed up the process.

In Windows 7, you need to open the Fonts folder from the Start menu search bar and check for all the fonts that you don't need. Next, click the “hide” button on the toolbar.

This way, if you want them, you can get them back, but Windows doesn't load them at startup.

Please note that by simply removing a few fonts you will not see a noticeable difference.

For the results to be noticeable, you need to get rid of several hundred unused fonts.

There is more of a patience factor here; when you can mark more than a hundred fonts, everything will not seem so funny. And you will understand why they slow down the loading of your operating system so much.

Replacing the motherboard

Changing the motherboard

This is one of the very drastic decisions, since it most often entails replacing the processor and RAM. But this will seriously reduce the computer boot time.

Sometimes motherboard It still works, but the hubs on it are already swollen. Which significantly reduces the speed of its operation. And only a specialized specialist can determine whether it can be repaired.

Again, these are not the only things you can do to reduce your computer's boot time, but they are some of the most well-known, reliable methods.

It is important to understand that by speeding up your computer's boot time, you want to achieve benefit, not harm.