Leek is an annual or perennial plant. Leeks - what is it?

Leeks are often called the king of onions. This - perennial with a two-year development cycle. It was introduced into culture by man a long time ago. It was grown in Ancient Egypt and was widely consumed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Currently, it is grown in large quantities in Western European countries, the USA and Canada.
Outwardly, it looks like broadleaf garlic. In the first year, it forms a rosette of leaves, the lower parts of which close, forming a bleached false stem - the main productive part of the plant up to 50 cm long and up to 3-4 cm in diameter. Its leaves grow to late autumn when other onions no longer produce greens.

Depending on the variety, an adult plant has 6-13 flat, linear leaves located in the same plane and fan-shaped from the false stem. In the second year it throws out an arrow up to 150 cm high or more.
Leeks are quite cold-resistant; when covered with snow, they can withstand wintering in open ground and freezing down to minus 5-6°C. If there is no snow, then at a temperature of minus 15°C it dies.

Of the leek varieties, the most common is the old Karantansky variety, which is characterized by significantly higher frost resistance. It winters well with sufficient snow cover or covered with straw, but is demanding on soil fertility. The height of its false stem (“leg”) reaches 30 cm with a thickness of up to 6 cm.
For cultivation in our conditions, early varieties Bulgarian giant, Goliath, Kilima, Lincoln, mid-early varieties Columbus and Lancelot, mid-season varieties Argenta, Vesta, Sizokryl and Tango, mid-late varieties Autumn Giant and Premier, etc. are well suited. The weight of individual plants in the Columbus and Autumn Giant varieties reaches 400 g.
To grow leeks, well-lit fertile areas with a deep arable layer are selected, where large doses of organic fertilizers were applied to the predecessors. Acidic soils are generally unsuitable for it. It is very demanding on fertilizers, especially nitrogen.

In the fall, the area is dug up to a depth of at least 25 cm, after adding 1 square meter of soil. meter, 1 bucket of rotted manure or compost, two liter jars of rotted sawdust, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate (chlorine fertilizers cannot be used). In the spring, add another 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate before harrowing.

Leek seeds retain the ability to germinate for only one year. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain fresh seeds every year.
The growing season of leeks is very long (up to 180 days), so even in the central regions they are grown as seedlings. At the same time, it is very important to comply temperature regime: before emergence 22-24°C, the first week after germination 15-17°C during the day and 12°C at night, then before planting in the ground 17-20°C during the day and 10-14°C at night.
At higher temperatures, the risk of flower shoot formation increases already in the first year. IN favorable conditions In the leek, as a two-year-old plant, the flower arrow is formed only in the second year of life after overwintering.

IN middle lane It is better to grow leeks as seedlings without picking in peat-humus pots or cubes.
But it is often grown in greenhouses, sowing seeds at the end of April under additional film cover. After 6 weeks, the young seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. By the time the seedlings are planted, they should have three leaves. Before planting, the seedlings are watered, and then the leaves and roots are cut to a third of their length. In this case, it is useful to dip the roots in a mixture of clay and mullein.

Seedlings are planted in previously prepared furrows 10-12 cm deep with a distance between them of 35 cm and between plants of 15-18 cm. The bottom of such a trench should be well loosened and fertilized with well-rotted manure or compost. But leeks do not like fresh manure. After such planting, the furrows remain half filled.
Caring for leeks consists of regular watering, fertilizing, and loosening the soil. The first fertilizing is carried out 15 days after planting the seedlings, and then every 15 days, alternating organic and organomineral fertilizers. I especially like leek infusion chicken manure.

The most important technique is gradual hilling - a necessary operation to obtain a tender stem. To do this, as the plant grows, the furrow is filled in, hilling up the plant, and at the beginning of August, a second, real hilling is carried out, filling the stem to the level of the first true leaf.
This is necessary so that the lower part of the stem becomes white and juicy. After the second hilling, new grooves are created between the rows (like potatoes), which can be used for watering.
Some varieties of leek have a very long stem. In this case, bleaching can be done using a black film that is wrapped around the stem of the plant.

Unlike onions, leeks are almost never affected by diseases and pests. Leeks do not have a summer rest period; their leaves grow until late autumn, when other species no longer produce greenery.
Therefore, from July until the end of the growing season, plants are in great need of water, so they are watered abundantly 3-4 times. In July, ripe compost is poured around the plants and lightly incorporated into the soil. Feeding with slurry (1:10) is also good. Pure nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied to the soil at this time. Before the onset of frost, preventing the leaves from yellowing, dig up the leeks, cut off the roots and outer leaves. Store it in the basement in a vertical or semi-inclined position in sand at a temperature of 0-1°C and air humidity of 90%. In this form it is stored for 5-6 months.

At home, leeks can be stored for up to 2 months in open plastic bags, and leeks that are pre-cooled and then packaged in plastic bags can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Leeks have the richest chemical composition. The dry matter content in it reaches 15%, incl. sugars - up to 4.8%, proteins - up to 2.8% (much more than in regular onions), fiber - up to 1.5%. The vitamin content in it is almost the same as in onions- “C” - up to 40 mg%, “B1” - 0.1 mg%, “E” - 2 mg%, etc. But unlike most plants, the content of vitamin C during winter storage in the bleached false stem not only does not decrease, but even increases.

Leeks contain a lot of different mineral salts: potassium - 220 mg%, calcium - 50 mg%, magnesium - 14 mg%, phosphorus - 60 mg%, iron - up to 4 mg%.

Another richness of leeks is the presence in them of a large amount of essential oils with a characteristic odor, which contain a significant amount of sulfur. These oils stimulate appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and inhibit fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestines. They regulate intestinal function, improve liver and gallbladder function. That is why leeks are very useful in dietary nutrition.
Due to the high content of potassium salts, leeks have a strong diuretic effect, have the ability to purify the blood, and are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, etc.

The most valuable part of the plant is the bleached base of the false stem, which has a slightly pungent taste and is a dietary product.

Fresh leek juice is taken orally, starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increasing it to 1 tablespoon, 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for kidney and bladder stones, gastritis with low acidity, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.

Inhalation of leek vapor is useful for flu, bronchitis and sore throat. It should be done 2-3 times a day for 7-8 minutes. An infusion of leeks in milk is a good remedy for coughs. To do this, boil the bleached false stem of one plant along with the roots in 1 glass of milk and leave in a warm place for 4 hours. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction every 2 hours.

But leeks are especially necessary for metabolic disorders associated with age-related changes, and for people suffering from excess weight and diabetes.
For treatment and prevention diabetes mellitus use an infusion of leeks in wine. To prepare it, bleached false stems of two plants need to be poured with 0.5 liters of dry red wine and left to stand in a dark, cool place for 10-12 days, shaking occasionally. Take 0.25 cups 30-40 minutes after meals.

Leeks also find their use in cosmetics. Juice from the bleached false stem is rubbed onto the skin of the face to improve blood circulation, smooth out wrinkles, and remove freckles and blackheads. After 12-15 procedures, the skin is renewed and acquires a beautiful color.

Leeks are a perennial plant with a two-year development cycle. Its homeland is considered to be the eastern regions of the Mediterranean coast, Iran, and Iraq. Found wild in Southern Europe.

Leeks have linear-lanceolate (flat) leaves with a strong waxy coating. Depending on the variety, from 6 to 15 leaves are formed, located in the same plane and fan-shaped from the false stem (leg), which can have a length of up to 60 cm and a diameter of up to 5-6 cm. The plant is very light- and moisture-loving.

The most valuable part is the bleached base of the false stem, which has a slightly pungent taste and is a dietary product. Recommended for metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, to improve liver function, for kidney stones, and obesity.

Agricultural technology

In the central zone, leeks are grown through seedlings. I sow seedlings in mid-February. Before sowing, I soak the seeds for 2-3 days, then dry them a little and sow them in boxes and cups.

In the literature, it is usually recommended to use boxes for leek seedlings. I noticed that seedlings grown in small cups (4 cm in diameter) are stronger, more powerful, and have one more leaf when planted in the ground, which is important. Yes, and when landing from a cup there is no injury root system. As a result, larger plants are obtained from such seedlings.

The soil in the boxes and cups is light and humus. Before sowing, I compact it lightly, water it abundantly, and then sow the seeds. In boxes - at a distance of 2x2.5 cm, in cups - 3-4 seeds.

When growing seedlings, you need to carefully monitor soil moisture and air temperature. During the day I try to maintain the temperature at 18 - 20 C, at night 13 - 14 C.

Seedlings need regular watering and 1-2 feedings with complex mineral fertilizer.

I plant seedlings from May 1 to May 10. I first prepare a bed 20 cm high and 1 meter wide. On square meter I add 1-1.5 buckets of humus, 2-3 tablespoons of complex organic-mineral fertilizer and 2 cups of ash to the beds, dig up the soil using a shovel full.

Using a garden scoop, I make trenches 15-20 cm deep across the bed at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another, and place the soil from the trenches between them. At the bottom of the trenches, I use a sharpened peg to make indentations every 15 cm.

I water the seedlings in the box generously and carefully take them out. I cut the leaves and roots to a third of their length. When planting plants, I press the soil tightly around the roots and lightly water them. The depth of planting onion seedlings is 1-2 cm.

I transfer the seedlings from the cups into the holes located every 20 cm. I do not touch the leaves and roots.

I water leeks regularly during the growing season. warm water. During the dry period, approximately once every 5 days, 15-20 liters per 1 m2.

I carry out the first fertilizing 15-20 days after planting the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer. In the future, I fertilize every 2-3 weeks, alternating organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. I noticed that I especially like leek infusion of chicken manure (1:15).

To obtain the longest, juiciest, tender bleached stem possible, as the plants grow, I fill the trenches with soil from the inter-row spaces. When the trenches are filled with soil, I additionally cover the stems with soil.

Some varieties of leek have a very long stem. In this case, bleaching can be done using black material that is wrapped around the leg.

Unlike onions, leeks are almost never affected by diseases and pests. The leaves grow until late autumn, when other types of onions no longer produce greenery. Leeks can tolerate frosts down to -7 C.

I harvest leeks at the end of October, before the onset of stable frosts. I dig up the plants with a pitchfork, shake off the soil, cut the roots to 1 cm, and the leaves by one third.

For varieties with particularly large false stems, I leave the leaves 25-30 cm long, and shorten the roots to 2 cm.

After drying, I place the plants in tall boxes in a vertical position, cover them with damp sand and store them in glass loggia until spring.

About varieties

Of the varieties that I tested on my site, I would like to highlight Vesta and Goliath (early), Premier and Bandit (mid-late), Elephant and Karantansky (late). The mid-season variety Tango is very good - the length of the plant exceeds 1 m, and the weight reaches 1 kg.

But I think the best is the mid-season Dutch variety Columbus, which forms a long bleached part with minimal hilling up to 40 cm in length and up to 6 cm in width, and the weight last season ranged from 900 g to 1 kg 500 g. In addition, it has excellent taste.

In addition to the “royal” leek, I grow rare exotic crops in the garden: trichosanth, momordica, okra, benigngaza, kiwano, etc. I get not only a fruit harvest, but also a sufficient amount of seeds.

Leeks are often called the king of onions. It has a high content of dry matter (up to 25%), including up to 12% sugars, as well as ascorbic acid (up to 80%), carotene. Leeks contain up to 250 mg% potassium salts (for comparison, the onion bulb contains 175 mg% potassium).

Unlike onions, leeks are almost never affected by diseases and pests. In addition, leeks are one of the few vegetables that increase their vitamin C content when stored.

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Leeks: secrets of growing a healthy vegetable

Leeks are a healthy and tasty vegetable that is suitable for both dietary nutrition and a luxurious dinner. It has a pleasant, slightly spicy taste - leek dishes have a spicy aroma. This is a vegetable with a high content of vitamin C, proteins, fiber and potassium salts, which helps good metabolism in the body. A small amount of essential oils allows people suffering from stomach diseases to consume leek.

Leeks are planted for the sake of the white stem - the so-called “leg”. But young leaves are also eaten, especially early ripening varieties. Various salads are prepared from them. Leeks are a perennial plant, they are unpretentious, but there are secrets to caring for them.

Leek is an onion with flat, linear leaves, they branch from the central stem. The color depends on the variety and growing conditions; as a rule, the leaves of the vegetable are light or dark green. The lower part of the plant is a false stem - its length varies depending on how the leek was planted and how it was cared for. Usually the “leg” is about half a meter long, with a diameter of 3-5 cm.

For this bulbous thickening, leeks are harvested in the first year. The next season, the vegetable forms into a peduncle with an umbrella in the shape of a ball. Onions bloom in mid-summer, and seeds are obtained in September. They are small and retain their properties for two to three years. But the formation of the plant does not end there. The leek also has sighting bulbs near the peduncle. After wintering they form new plants.

There are three types of onions: early, mid-season and late-ripening. Early varieties They are harvested in August, the leaves are loosely arranged, so the bulbs are not stored so well. It is better to eat them as soon as possible after harvesting. The mid-season group has huge, strong leaves; This type of leek is harvested in October. If the winter is mild, then part of the onion can be left under cover until spring. Late varieties They grow slowly, but they are cold-resistant. Their false stem is shorter compared to other varieties, but thicker. Green leaves have a bluish tint, the waxy coating is much more pronounced than in the first two groups of onions.

Growing and care

Leeks have a long growing season - more than six months, so before planting them in the ground, the vegetable is grown as seedlings. Working time on open land is the first half of May. The soil must be prepared in the fall, since onions love organic fertilizers - during this time they must give their nutrients to the soil. She must be fertile. Leeks grow well after cucumbers, legumes or cruciferous vegetables.

The seedlings are planted in beds at a distance of 20-30 cm. The plants need to be deepened, so the stems of the bulbs will whiten more. When the vegetable takes root, the furrows must be filled. In order to get a leek with a long bleached stem, the plant constantly has to be hilled up and covered with earth.

You will have to care for the plant, albeit infrequently, but thoroughly. The vegetable will need weeding, loosening two or three times per season, regular watering and, most importantly, hilling. Feed leeks before planting and after that several times during the summer. Onions are especially susceptible to fertilizer at the time of stem formation.

Leeks can be mulched. Peat, rotted small straw or tops are suitable for covering. This way you can forget about weeds and watering for a while.

Features of the plant

Onions are quite resistant to diseases and pests. The only thing that can bother him is onion fly or white rot. Even after harvesting onions, the fungus lives in the soil for several years; lime is suitable for its improvement. To avoid fly invasion, leeks are planted next to carrots.

Leeks are good in combined beds. It gets along with radishes, beets, lettuce, and cucumber. You just need to take into account that onions love the sun and cannot stand the shade.

The first harvest can be harvested as early as August. This is when it is better to thin out the beds. The collected onions are best consumed at the same time; they cannot be stored. For winter supplies, onions begin to be harvested in October. This must be done carefully, since the onion has grown deep into the ground, it is better to dig it with a pitchfork. Damaged and dirty leaves are removed, the roots and part of the upper leaves are shortened. In this form, leeks, well wrapped in cling film, retain their properties for a long time in the refrigerator. In the basement or cellar they are placed in boxes, buried in damp sand. It is stored for about six months. The vegetable can lie on the balcony until the first frost arrives.

Leek is consumed not only fresh or stewed. It can be dried, frozen, pickled or added as a seasoning to preparations and sauces.

Leeks are good both as an independent dish and as a seasoning.

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Leeks are rich in potassium, iron, sugars, essential oils. He has healing properties: Doctors recommend it for rheumatism, obesity, urolithiasis and other diseases. One of its remarkable advantages is the ability to accumulate vitamin C during storage; other vegetables do not have this property.
In the Non-Black Earth zone, two varieties of leeks are cultivated - Karatansky early ripening and Bulgarian late ripening,
Leeks are a biennial plant. In the first year, it develops green leaves and a thickened false stem or be
the bark leg, which is the main edible part of the plant. The white leg can be 15-30 cm long and thick
3-7 cm. The next year, the leek can be left in the garden bed, where it produces a flower stem with light lilac flowers.
In the middle zone, leeks are grown as seedlings. Onions are sown on March 15-20. Before sowing, seeds are soaked in hot water at a temperature of 50° C for 20-25 minutes, then they are washed well and soaked in a damp cloth for 5-7 days. After this, the seeds are slightly dried and sown in boxes or a greenhouse. Try not to thicken the onion crops; sow the seeds at a distance of 2x2.5 cm. When growing leek seedlings, you need to monitor soil moisture and air temperature. During the day, the temperature should be maintained at 18-20 ° C, at night
- 14-15° C. After 50-55 days, the seedlings are ready for planting. Before planting, its leaves and roots are shortened by 1/3. Plant the seedlings in a garden bed in soil well amended with organic fertilizers. Per 1 m2 add 1 bucket of humus or compost, add 2 liter jars of prepared sawdust, half liter jar ash. From. mineral fertilizers are added with 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of urea. Dig everything well to a depth of 20-22 cm. Plant leeks in well watered with a solution of potassium permanganate Pink colour grooves 12 cm deep, placing row after row on
24 cm, and the plants in the row are 12 cm deep. After planting, the onions are not watered for 3-4 days.
Caring for plants consists of loosening the rows, weeding and hilling three times. During the growing season leek you need to water regularly, about once every five days, 10 liters per 1 m2. 20 days after planting, leeks are fed. To do this, dilute a half-liter jar of mullein and 1 teaspoon each of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate in 10 liters of water. The dose of fertilizer solution is 3-4 liters per 1 m2. Before hilling the plants, add a glass of wood ash per 1 m2 to them.
Once harvested from the garden, leeks can be stored in an upright position all winter, buried in damp sand at a temperature of 0-1° C.


This onion contains vitamins C, B, PP, sugar, potassium, magnesium and iron salts. Onion overwinters well, grows quickly in early spring and retains tender, juicy leaves for a long time. Cutting leaves stimulates plant branching. Varieties: Maysky 7, Saladny 35, Gryabovsky 21.
Onion is grown on fertile soil. For 1 m2 of bed, add 1 bucket of compost, 1 tablespoon each of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 1 glass of fluff lime or chalk, or a half-liter jar of wood ash. Before sowing, seeds are soaked in a damp cloth for 3-4 days. Sow in early spring, April 15-20, then the plants have time to develop well before winter. 3 g of seeds are consumed per 1 m2. Thickened planting improves the quality of the feather, the leaves grow thinner and more delicate. Cutting leaves begins from the second year of life, from spring to autumn.
In warm, dry weather, onions are watered once every 5-6 days, 10-12 liters per 1 m2. In order to get early onion production in the spring, it is necessary to cover the bed with film in mid-April. Batun for greens is grown in one place for 3-4 years, but it is better to sow it annually in early spring and remove it by the roots the next year in May. You can also sow in summer and before winter.


It is a perennial plant with a small false bulb and flat, narrow leaves. It has a high content of carotene and ascorbic acid. Use the tender leaves, which have a slightly garlicky taste. They grow early in the spring and grow until autumn without turning yellow. The yield of leaves with arrows (they are also eaten) is 2.5-3 kg per 1 m2. This onion grows in one place for 3-4 years.
To get fragrant onions 2 weeks earlier in the spring, cover them with film.


This onion is intended for cutting and has leaves rich in vitamins. The vitamin C content in it is much higher than in onions. Chives grow back quickly after cutting. At the end of April - beginning of May it is sown directly in open ground to a depth of 2-3 cm, the soil is slightly compacted. Duration of germination is 2-3 weeks. Chives prefer sunny areas, rich nutrients soil, medium-heavy, humus-rich, not over-moistened, pre-fertilized with manure. Winter-hardy.

Leek (Allium porrum) – a perennial plant with a biennial development cycle, frost-resistant (overwinters under snow, withstands down to -15 o C), moisture-loving, demanding of light and fertility. Forms single false bulbs (“legs” with a diameter of 3-7 and a height of 20-50 cm), the leaves are ribbon-braid-shaped. Grow potted seedlings with 3 true leaves after 40-45 days (sowing on March 15-20, do not pick), planted in early - mid-May according to a 40 x 25 cm pattern in furrows, which are added as they grow to increase the bleached part. Harvested at the end of September, stored in the cellar at a temperature of – 1….+2 o C. The taste is delicate, mildly spicy, with a pleasant aroma.

Late – there is not enough growing season (170 - 200 days), less yield and less growth (unlike other crops).

Wide blue-green leaves often with a waxy coating are located very tight and extending from the false stem at almost a right angle, the plants appear low. They have a thick, dense leg (18-20 cm).

Mid-season (150-170 days) Karantansky, Elephant Jolant, Pandora, Kavar. (through 70-day seedlings, sowing in March). Leg - only 20-25 cm, weight 200 g, yield up to 3 kg per 1 sq.m. They are inferior in yield to early ones, but superior in quality. This group includes varieties

Early (up to 140 days) - Kilima, Vesta, Joland (after 30-45 days of seedlings) - tall leg (up to 50 cm), diameter up to 3 cm. Leaves are arranged sparsely, at an acute angle.

Vesta, Lincoln, Bulgarian giant (5 kg) and 4 kg variety Kilima.

Grown through seedlings (60 days old). Soak the seeds for 30 minutes in warm water (50 °C), and then leave at room temperature for 2-3 days, changing the water. Sowing depth - 1 cm, 3-4 seeds per pot, at a distance of 2-3 cm. Also plant in open ground in groups.

  1. Sowing - in March, planted in the ground at the end of May. The plants are small, can be sown densely, a feeding area of ​​3-4 sq. cm is sufficient. Due to the shortened stem-bottom, leek seedlings do not stretch and can be grown on a subsoil nnik and in ostek Lennoy loggia. With the onset of warm days at the end of April, they go into the greenhouse; they can withstand light frosts.
  2. In the second half of April, you can sow leeks in greenhouses, insulating them. The seedlings will be ready by June 15.

Seedlings of cold-resistant crops are grown at temperatures no higher than 17-18 °C during the day, 14-15 °C at night. The place is bright, seedlings appear on the 12-18th day after sowing with dry seeds and twice as fast when sowing with wet ones. From germination to the appearance of the first leaf - 10 -15 days.

Watering the seedlings is moderate but regular, avoiding water accumulation in the trays or drying out. Due to lack of moisture and high temperature, the tips of onion leaves turn irreversibly yellow; after planting in the ground, they do not form large bulbs.

Fertilizing - with any complex fertilizer with microelements, the first time - a month after germination, then once every 10-15 days (2 g per 1 liter of water). If the plants become too elongated, lower the temperature and periodically spray with clean water.

A good leek seedling should have three leaves (the first cotyledon dries out), a height of about 25 cm, and a false stem 3 mm thick. At

Leeks are very whimsical. A full-fledged harvest can be obtained in an unshaded, well-drained, deeply cultivated area, richly flavored with organic matter.

Plant leeks in grooves 10-15 cm deep according to the pattern 10-15×50-70 cm. 15-20 plants per 1 m2. After planting, fill the furrow with humus.

Watering - according to the weather (up to harvesting), fertilizing, weeding, loosening and hilling. NPK is used according to the active ingredient 2:1:3 (200 g ammonium nitrate, 50 g double superphosphate and 100 g potassium chloride). We apply one third of the fertilizer before planting, the rest in two feedings.

Leeks keep well until December, if they are buried in the basement or on the loggia and grown at a temperature of 4-6 ° C;

NEW mid-early Bastion, Casimir, Tango and one variety

early ripening - Goliath.

Bastion. Ripens in 150 days. The plant is of medium height, but the length of the “leg” with good hilling reaches 30 cm, and the diameter up to 5 cm. Such a modified head weighs up to 220 g.

Goliath. Ripens in 130 days. The bleached leg weighs less than Bastion's - 150-200 g, but it ripens 20 days earlier. The height of the leg is up to 28 cm, but it is thicker - up to 6 cm in diameter.

Tango. Ripens at the same time as Bastion. The stem is shorter - up to 12 cm, but plump - up to 5 cm in diameter. This variety has its advantages: all plants are aligned, the harvest can be harvested immediately. But the main advantage of the Tango variety is its higher frost resistance; seedlings can be planted earlier in open ground and harvested earlier.

Perennial edible onions:

Near fences and dense hedges, bows look good: oblique, fragrant, slime. They can be grown in separate groups or in combination with other flower crops.

Oblique bow – mountain garlic is early ripening, grows very early in spring, grows quickly, is a good honey plant. Height up to 1.5 m, blooms in July for up to 2 weeks, leaves are wide, flat, inflorescences look like yellow shaggy balls. Leaves and bulbs are used for food. Seeds are sown before winter (germination rate is high) or in spring. Prefers sunny areas, drought-resistant.

Sweet onion It is distinguished by fragrant openwork flowers (petals are white with a green or light purple vein). The leaves are narrow-linear, flat, dark green until frost. Peduncle – up to 60 cm. Blooms from late July to September. The peculiarity is the diversity of ages of shoots, inflorescences, flowers: on one plant there are newly appeared peduncles with inflorescences in sheaths, and flowering arrows. And in the inflorescence itself: unopened buds, blossoming petals, flowers, graceful dark boxes with ripened seeds.

Slime bow grows on rocky screes, the leaves are different flat (can be twisted, spirally curved), bright. The bush is powerful, peduncles 40-60 cm and up to 1 m. They can be planted on hills. The inflorescence is spherical, dark pink. Slime blooms in July-August. The leaves can be used all summer.

Schnitt – chisel, soon. Several varieties: European (huge bush, blooms in June), Siberian and Ledebura (compact, bloom later). Peduncles are numerous, low - 30-40 cm. The flowers are bright pink, purple. Schnitts are unpretentious, winter-hardy and cold-resistant, they grow quickly without suffering from weeds. Of these they are used for borders.

Cheremsha – wild perennial onion with a garlicky smell, plants live up to 10 years. In Russia there are 2 similar species: victory onion (common in Siberia, the Far East, has an oblique rhizome on which bulbs develop) and bear onion (European wild garlic, forms 1 white onion without skin and rhizome). They bloom in June-July, the seeds ripen in early September. Propagated by dividing bulbs and seeds, which are sown in autumn or spring after stratification (up to 100 days).

Ramson is shade-tolerant and prefers slightly acidic, marshy soils. They are planted under trees and bushes. In the spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed, bright lawns of wild garlic with wide green leaves, similar to the leaves of a lily of the valley, stand out under them. Care consists of optimal formation of the nest - no more than 6-7 pieces. bulbs

Altai onion – stone batun - very effective. The leaves are fistulous and powerful.

Unlike winter spring garlic is very demanding to growing conditions. The slightest failure to implement agricultural technology leads to a sharp decrease in yield and even to the death of crops. The best way-6 months stored at a temperature of 18-20°C, 10-20 days before planting - at a temperature of +2-5°C. This cold storage period is used for root germination. It is necessary to plant sprouted cloves at the end of April in moist soil to a depth of 5-7 cm with a distance between rows of 25-30 cm, in a row - 4-6 cm.