Kitchen etiquette. Recommendations for behavior in a public kitchen and toilet Rules for using the office kitchen for employees

Russians have at least figured out how to dress when coming to the office. But the rules of behavior at work are not limited to the dress code. Is it necessary to knock when entering an office, how to use perfume correctly so that it does not irritate your colleagues, who should be the first to hang up during telephone conversations. spoke about these and other subtleties teacher-consultant on etiquette and business protocol Tatyana Nikolaeva.

1. Upon entering the premises, you should immediately greet all employees. Of course, not in a thunderous voice, but in such a way that you are heard. It is not entirely correct to use the word “hello”, since this is still some kind of reference to health. Better use the international standard - “good afternoon”.

Of course, in such a situation it is better to answer the person who comes in with at least a nod (in the event that you are very busy and cannot tear yourself away from your work). But the ideal option is to greet your colleague eye to eye.

2. This point applies more to women: dear ladies, you need to put yourself in order in the restroom, and not in the workplace. You should also use perfume there, but do it very carefully. Avoid spicy, “heavy” scents that are more suitable for the evening. Give preference to light, floral scents and not perfume, but eau de toilette. You should not smell beyond 40 centimeters; the aroma can only remain in your intimate area (20-40 centimeters), which is not customary to disturb in a business environment.

3. When in the office, greet everyone, even if you don’t know anyone personally.- nod, smile, friendly look. It’s okay if you greet the same person several times, everyone can get confused, such a manifestation of attention will definitely not be superfluous.

4. When you enter an office building, there is no need to knock on the door.. In this way, you let the person know that you do not suspect him of doing any personal business at his workplace. But this does not mean that we can enter without permission at all. The visitor should enter the room completely (no need to depict a talking head awkwardly peeking out from behind the door) and ask: “Can I come in?” If the answer is yes, go ahead. In a situation where the manager, for example, is talking on the phone, but still indicates that you can enter, you need to close the door, take a couple of steps forward and wait for the boss to hang up. Of course, when the manager has a secretary, we ask him for permission to enter.

5. In a situation where someone at home calls you on your mobile phone, you don’t always need to leave the room. Especially if the conversation takes literally a couple of minutes. You should go out when you have a long, serious conversation. At the same time, you need to set certain limits for your relatives in advance so that they do not call from morning to evening on some unimportant issues.

6. Many workers like to dry their umbrellas in open form . You can afford such luxury only if it does not bother anyone. Find some secluded corner where no one goes. There is no need to place an umbrella in the middle of the office, forcing colleagues to go around the obstacle. If you need to dry it, the easiest way is to hang this accessory on a hanger, after making sure that you do not drip on someone’s shoes or clothes, or put it in a bag. This is a good way out of the situation, especially since it is better to dry the umbrella not flattened, but rather closed.

7. Our workplace it should seem to tell others that a professional is sitting at this table, and not a glamorous housewife, a slob, etc. Of course, any woman has the right to keep a full drawer of spare tights, cosmetics, etc. (men have their own set). But it’s better to hide all this from prying eyes.

There is no need for any cacti, plush zoos and the like, it harms your image. The only personal thing that can stand on the table is a family photo in a laconic frame, 1-2 maximum, and not 250 pieces. Expand them so that visitors can also see what is on them. This is not done so that you can boast, but so as not to cause in people a reflexive desire to look at what is turned away from their eyes.

8. You can only talk over a speakerphone with the consent of the interlocutor. Of course, sometimes you can lock yourself in your office and calmly solve work issues, but the person on the other end of the line should be aware of how you communicate. By the way, you are responsible for the confidentiality of this conversation.

9. If you unwittingly witnessed some unpleasant telephone conversation with your colleague, you can tactfully ask if everything is okay, if you can help, if something happened, etc. Next, see whether the person wants to share some experiences with you or not, and act according to the situation.

10. When coming to work, switch your phone to vibrate and do not leave the device turned on on the table (in your bag). At the same time, if one of your colleagues still left their cell phone and it suddenly starts ringing, it is better not to turn off the device. Be patient and when your colleague returns, ask him not to do this again. If you fundamentally do not want to use a vibration alert, then turn down the phone volume as much as possible and put some calm melody on the call; there should definitely be no turkey bubbling or squealing from children.

11. A handshake is optional, but accepted in the business community. This is the only acceptable tactile contact. It can be initiated by a manager or a senior person. It makes no difference whether it is a man or a woman. When it comes to business ethics, forget what gender you are or how old you are. The only thing that matters is what you have achieved and what position you hold.

If you come to visit someone at their office, you do not have the right to initiate a handshake. This is the owner's prerogative. But even if a person unknowingly makes this or another mistake, it is important that his hand does not hang in the air. Refusal to shake hands is a punishment and must be applied consciously.

12. The correspondence is completed by the one who started it, i.e. the last letter should come from the one who wrote first. For example, you ask your colleague in a letter to solve a certain issue. He replies that he will take care of it soon. Your task is to write him a thank you note (confirmation of receipt).

13. There is a rule in telephone conversations - if you call your boss, then he is the first to hang up. But if two people of equal status are talking, then the one who called hangs up first.

14. There is no need to eat food with strong odors in the office; with all your love for herring, sauerkraut, garlic and cutlets, try to do without them at work. Without fail, when you eat, you need to block access to you to strangers (external) people. You can still somehow agree among yourself, but clients, partners, etc. should not witness you having lunch or breakfast. If you have already eaten at work, be sure to immediately remove the crumbs from the table, wash the dishes and ventilate the room.

15. If you only drink tea and coffee at work, do not place the cup on your documents., since a mark may remain on the paper that will clearly not be in your favor.

16. You, of course, have the right to drink various drinks throughout the day, but the mug should look neat - there should be no repeatedly brewed tea bags, lipstick marks on the outside and the like. The ideal option is to drink the drink and immediately remove the cup from the table. It’s better to forget the phrase “I’ll wash it tomorrow” once and for all. Also, don’t bring a mug with strange inscriptions to the office, for example, “I love my mother-in-law.” The dishes should be simple.

17. We come to work to work, not to treat our colleagues to tea.. You can offer a drink to a visitor, and this is not necessary, unless the guest had to wait for you for some reason. Nowadays in many places the phrase “Maybe tea or coffee?” pronounced more often than is really necessary. Of course, this is a manifestation of the laws of hospitality, but such laws work best at home. If you have a multi-hour meeting, you can pause and offer your interlocutor something to drink, but in a situation where the guest came to you for a short time, this will be unnecessary. The secretary should offer tea/coffee only in situations where the visitor has to wait in the reception area.

18. When you discuss some work issues on the phone, the other person should hear you. If you are disturbing your colleagues, then, of course, you should try to keep the conversation shorter, but not to the detriment of the matter. In addition, there is always the opportunity to call on a mobile phone and go out into the corridor for a more detailed conversation.

19. Of course, it’s better to discuss only business over a work phone. But sometimes we develop closer relationships with one of our partners. This is acceptable, but we must clearly understand that such conversations should not be empty chatter about something else. It is rather an opportunity to establish good human relationships, because without them there is nowhere. Agree that it is much better and easier to interact with people who are pleasant to us personally. If a colleague from another company starts telling you about her new boyfriend, it’s still better to discuss such things outside the office.

20. Well-mannered people do not wear outerwear to their workplace, do not hang it on the back of a chair, and, moreover, do not place it on the table. There is a wardrobe for this. The only exception is when you pop into the office for literally 5-10 minutes and then leave again somewhere. This option is permissible.


Don't be intrusive. In an open space, greet everyone at once, without addressing anyone in particular. Shake the outstretched hands, but you don’t need to go around all the men for this purpose. If the woman from the next wing once asked you to help fix the coffee machine that you ended up breaking, and now nods at you with a smile, answer her. If your gaze wanders, don’t bother avoiding you.


Be generous and selfless. Share chargers, headphones, ideas. Give away unnecessary gifts and treat them to free alcohol. There is more sympathy for a person who always has something pleasant in store.


In the office, as in the army, the concept of “lost” and not “stolen” works. And yet, the loss of a stapler, flash drive or choker does not give the right to retrieve the “lost” on other tables. Even a sip of cognac from someone else's stock must be replenished with a whole bottle of the same drink.


There is no need to change your entire look every day. Especially if the dress code is specified in detail in the employment contract. But update appearance necessary constantly. A fresh shirt alone is not enough: the handkerchief in your jacket pocket also needs to be changed.


Spare the receptors of those around you, already exhausted by anti-freeze vapors, exhaust gases and passive vaping. There are much fewer connoisseurs of selective perfumery than it seems. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it than to overdo it. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making a comment to the source of an unusual aroma. This will not offend him, but will only make him better. The main thing in this conversation is to get straight to the point.


“An employee’s clothing must be clean and tidy” - this clause is in every employment contract. If there are no strict rules, then shorts, a sweatshirt and sandals formally meet the requirement of “clean and tidy”, but radically diverge from the concept of “appropriateness”. No matter how comfortable a tracksuit is, there is a time and place for everything.


More precisely, don’t get drunker than others. A corporate event is not Las Vegas - what was there will definitely be picked up by the worst tongues of your office.


Not everyone still understands how indecent it has become to disturb people with calls. These old believers often include important partners and clients to whom you would not casually say “write to WhatsApp.” It will take you longer to explain what it is. They call, of course, precisely at the moment when you walked away for a second, leaving the phone on the table. In this case, always keep your gadget not just on vibration, but in silent mode. The dejected moo of a vibrating device irritates colleagues no less than the epileptic play of a ringtone.


The temptation to get involved in a fascinating discussion of the weaknesses and shortcomings of one of your colleagues is unusually great. If you can’t resist, then at least rinse other people’s bones in a balanced and reasoned manner. Try to do this only with trusted colleagues. Know that somewhere around you they are also actively discussing whose son you are and who you are sleeping with.


An office romance is a meaningless and unproductive story. Sooner or later it will end, and you still have to share the elevator, meeting room and microwave. Another thing is light flirting with a deeply and happily married employee. In such a configuration, no one will ruin anyone’s life and no one will claim anything.


A sense of swearing, like a sense of humor, should be delicate. Mindless swearing is chaotic and destructive. It makes less sense than Power Point slides. Feel the moment and the audience. An awkwardly thrown swear word in the wrong direction can cost you your reputation as a decent person, turning you into a tram boor in the eyes of others. And this is not the most advantageous characteristic for a gentleman.


A disheveled person with red eyes and a sniffling nose, who generates not ideas, but bacilli, can cause nothing but irritation. No one will appreciate the feat of a feverish hard worker. And not so much because of the lack of an aesthetic component in your image, but because of the efficiency tending to zero.


Calmly and with understanding endure this orgy called “The client has returned with new edits” and do not interfere with your cry: “Colleagues, remove my address from your correspondence!” Everyone is already on edge without you, and your message, which is not directly related to the matter, will make few people happy. Mistakes happen, but don’t force all participants in the correspondence to erase your address from the address bar.


Need I say that food particles falling under the keyboard turn it from a working tool into a source of microbes, and the smell of cutlets and the sight of a chewing person have a bad effect on the office atmosphere? Yes, we should. Otherwise, thousands of lunch boxes would be uncorked every day right at their workplaces. Not only will the on-the-job lunch be digested worse, but also the attitude towards you will become as cold as your cutlet. It is necessary to change the situation. At a minimum, in order to take a break from work and become not only full, but also useful.


Everything important happens at the wrong moment. An emergency, like a bus, appears unexpectedly, you just need to light a cigarette. No one will die if you do not respond immediately, but after a cup of lavender raff, but disappearing from the radar is worse than not calling back.


Better yet, voice the real one. Talking about the fact that in the morning you and your child were finishing a birdhouse, and then ran in to donate blood, while simultaneously distributing things to the poor - while breathing to the side and sipping mineral water - is extremely unpromising. But honesty will be accepted and appreciated.


Never and nowhere at all.


Every office worker should crumple at a table with disposable cups at least once in their life. If you don’t feed your team pizza and pies on the occasion of your birthday (promotion, marriage, divorce), they will perceive it as disrespect.


People often mistake kindness and openness for weakness and spinelessness. The closer you communicate with your subordinates, the more often their pipe will break or their cat will die. At one point they will simply start presenting you with a fait accompli via SMS, which will say something like “Hello. I'm leaving home today." Keep your distance and don't discuss work between toasts and karaoke songs.


Fighting over the air conditioner remote control and arguing over the angle of the blinds are cases when it is better to give in. There will always be an allergy sufferer, a chronic sufferer, or just a cretin who will scream from the corner about his congenital intolerance to drafts and cold sinuses.

It’s stupid to cleverly prove that a Facebook profile is a personal space. Avoid deep penetration of colleagues into the depths of your account. You still have to build a career with them, go to business lunches and suffer through business training. Don't let them know about the details of your life.


It always seems that others get more and work less. People are too envious and unfair to sincerely rejoice with you in a new car, a beautiful watch or a model girl. Save all this luxury for the parallel life that begins after the office. At work, modesty or even asceticism is more adornment than a gold watch on your wrist and a four-wheel drive in the parking lot.


Slobs are not trustworthy. Piles of crap on and around your desk are not creative clutter. It's just a bunch of crap. Cashew bags, confetti, an empty bag and last year's newspaper will not help in creativity. No matter how talented an employee you are, cleanliness as an additional option will not hurt your image. Not like this one flower pot, which takes up half the table.

These rules of behavior are not spelled out in the employment contract, they are not discussed at interviews, even exasperated colleagues remain silent out of politeness. So someone needs to open your eyes.

  1. Wash your dishes after lunch. Wash immediately. It's better to throw out your lunchbox altogether than to leave it dirty in the sink.
  2. Keep your shoes on. Change your shoes in places designated for this purpose. Well, or at least far enough away from other people’s tables. And you can put your feet on the table only if you are the last one to leave and there is no one else nearby.
  3. Before you run to the IT department, restart your computer.
  1. Don't touch other people's yogurt. And someone else's apple. You also need permission to take cookies.
  2. In the morning, the boss needs to say “Hello”, not “Great, dude!”, unless, of course, the boss himself says so.
  3. If you and a coworker find yourself in adjacent bathroom stalls and you finish early, you don't have to wait until he finishes to go back to the office together.
  4. When there are only three packs left in a box of stationery, don’t take everything for yourself, it’s better to put two on your colleagues’ desks. A little care in the office.
  5. No microwaved fish. If you can’t imagine how to do without fish for lunch, it’s better to heat up the sauce and pour it over the food, so you will achieve the desired temperature. But there should be no fish in the microwave!
  1. The desktop should look like a neatly trimmed lawn, and not like an impassable thicket.
  2. We went to the cooler, filled a glass, and walked away from the cooler. There is no need to stand in front of it and communicate with colleagues. If you really want to talk, at least take a couple of steps to the side and clear the way to the water for others.
  3. Don't burp at the table unless all your colleagues are wearing headphones.
  4. Label lunchboxes and disposable food boxes. You don’t have to use your name, you can also use your nickname. For example, “The Tsar, just the Tsar.” This definitely won't be thrown away.
  5. Say hello to everyone, even if you work in different parts of the office and have no idea what your co-workers' names are.

It has been noticed that in teams that adhere to the rules of behavior in the kitchen, there are fewer conflicts, and the employees are kinder. Do you want to live with your colleagues in peace and harmony? Follow a few simple guidelines when eating lunch at the office.

Don't touch other people's food

It seems that this rule lies on the surface, but not everyone follows it. One day I left a plate of cake on the table and walked away for a minute. Upon returning, I found an empty plate and a colleague chewing. "Where's my cake?" - I asked. The colleague, chewing, shrugged. I didn’t believe his ignorance because I noticed traces of cream on my chin. At the same time, the colleague looked into my eyes with the most innocent expression... Believe me, if this colleague was hanging over an abyss by a thread, and I was the only person who could save his life, I would not have done it.

If you have poured the last portion of sugar out of the sugar bowl, do not leave it empty - fill it with sugar

You are unlikely to be told “Thank you” for this, unless you post a notice on your office door that says “I pour sugar into the sugar bowl when I run out of sugar.” No one will most likely notice your service. But you will get one hundred points for karma. Besides, it's nice to take care of your colleagues. One day you will find that someone has cleared away the dishes you forgot in a hurry, or wiped the table after your lunch. This is called “mutual attention,” and it is more useful for relationships in a team than ten issues of a corporate newspaper.

Don't forget food in the refrigerator

If the office does not have a strict rule - emptying the refrigerator of food at night - then the contents of the refrigerators can be a sad sight. It's not even a spectacle - rather, it's about the aromas. The smell of stale food can ruin your appetite. Cheeses with sprouted mold, fruits that will soon make a strong liqueur, a jar of mother-in-law’s favorite cucumbers opened before the New Year are far from the worst options... Don’t forget about supplies. If you forget, make a habit of checking your favorite corner of the refrigerator on Fridays and taking away the excess.

Wipe the table after eating

Why on earth should anyone else do this? Do you like it when you come to dinner and can't find a clean table? No. Then treat your colleagues the way you want them to treat you.

Don't discuss your colleagues' culinary preferences

As they say, all markers have different tastes and colors. Same with food. You shouldn’t remark to Olya that she often eats hamburgers (especially if you look at her not so thin waist). Olya has a mirror at home and size labels on her clothes as a guide. You shouldn’t make fun of thin and pale Galya for eating exclusively salads. If Vasya washes down borscht with compote, wish him bon appetit, because he really enjoys it. Watch your diet - it is much better for your health and relationships with colleagues.

Behave decently in the kitchen

The kitchen is meant to be eaten in, no matter how banal it may sound. In one office of a large company where I once worked, the kitchen was used for personal matters. Sales managers regularly gathered there to call moms, dads, mothers-in-law, children, dentists, builders... As a result, people using the kitchen for its intended purpose risked getting gastritis, because the space was noisy and restless. To negotiate personal issues, you can go outside, to the landing, or better yet (you won’t believe it) in work time work unless it is a matter of force majeure. Take care of the health and psyche of your colleagues. And goodness will return to you.

Elena Nabatchikova

Relationships between neighbors in a communal apartment in most cases do not work out very well. Most residents do not know that there are rules for living in a communal apartment. If each conflicting party studies them, then all problems will be resolved within the framework of the law.

Communal apartment: definition, categories of residents

A communal apartment is a property consisting of several residential premises that belong to several owners. As a rule, several families live in an apartment and share common areas: kitchen, hallway, bathroom, toilet.

The law allows that both their share and tenants can live in an apartment at the same time. Each party has the right to own and use its territory, and the owners can also dispose of the property (Article 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Rights of each household in a communal apartment

Persons who own residential premises in a communal apartment have the right to live in them independently or rent them out. At the same time, the consent of neighbors to move in third parties under the lease agreement is not required. If necessary, they can register tenants in housing.

If you receive housing under a social tenancy agreement, it will be more difficult to rent out your territory. To do this, a number of requirements must be met:

  • compliance with living space standards (12 square meters per person);
  • written consent of the landlord;
  • consent of neighbors in a communal apartment.

Both owners and tenants can accommodate tenants free of charge. The consent of other parties is not required. This rule also applies to guests. In the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises there are no restrictions on the number of guests and the time of their stay. They can use common spaces in a communal apartment on the same basis as owners or tenants. However, their period of residence without registration should not exceed 90 days.

All residents have the same rules for living in a communal apartment. The law does not provide privileges to either party.

Public areas: rights and responsibilities

Each party has the right to use the common territory. By default, you can place furniture or other items on it, but so as not to infringe on the rights of other residents. The common area must not be cluttered. Common property is not subject to sale. All residents have the same rights.

When selling his share in the apartment, the seller is deprived of the right to use the common premises. All issues related to the common territory are resolved through the court.

Repairs to common property are the responsibility of all parties. The decision to conduct repair work can be accepted by the owners of shares or attracted experts. Upon completion of the work, an estimate is drawn up. Each owner of the premises in the apartment pays for repairs in proportion to his share. If a party refuses to pay, money for repairs is collected through the court.


Silence mode is set from 23:00 to 07:00. During this period, the noise should not exceed 45 decibels, which is typical for a quiet conversation. If the noise level is disturbed, neighbors have the right to call the police. During the day, residents have the right to increase the noise level to 55 decibels. The claims of other parties against them are not legal (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Actions that disturb the silence at night in a communal apartment are:

  • to the use of radios, amplifiers, tape recorders, televisions when the noise level is exceeded;
  • to playing musical instruments, singing and shouting;
  • to carry out repair and construction work using powerful tools, resulting in increased noise generation;
  • to the use of pyrotechnics;
  • other actions that disturb the silence.

A fine of up to 2,000 rubles may be imposed on the violator.


There are no laws prohibiting smoking in communal apartments. However, it is forbidden to use public places for smoking, since neighbors are forced to “inhale the smoke of smoldering products” (Federal Law No. 87 “On restricting tobacco smoking”). Neighbors may try to sue the smoking residents or call the local police officer for an instructive conversation.


The rules for living in a communal apartment with animals are not reflected in Government Resolution No. 25 “On approval of the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises.” Previously, cats and dogs were allowed to stay only with the written consent of all residents. Now there is no such norm. Owners and tenants can keep animals on their property if their neighbors have no contraindications to them. Otherwise, their consent is required.

It is worth noting that animal owners bear full responsibility for sanitary and hygienic cleanliness. If the rights of other parties are violated when animals live in a communal apartment, for example: a dog barks at night, then they can go to court.


This procedure is regulated by the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rules for living in a communal apartment, the “code of responsibility” for which is enshrined in law, only complement these regulations.

Each tenant is obliged to bear the financial burden for maintaining the property of the apartment (Article 43 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The Civil Code only adds that liability must be proportional to the share in the common property.

When cleaning common areas, the number of residents in each room and the owner’s share in the apartment are taken into account. In practice, cleaning is carried out according to a set schedule.

Payment of utility services

Residents pay utility bills in proportion to their share in the common property.

Option 1 - individual devices no accounting. In this case, it is carried out by agreement of the parties, for example: depending on the occupied area or the number of residents.

Option 2 - there are metering devices. Each party pays for services according to their own meters, and utilities for the use of the common territory are distributed by agreement.

If the neighbors have not found a compromise, then the rules for paying for services are as follows:

  • payment for heating is made in proportion to the share in the property of the apartment;
  • payments for water and gas are distributed based on the number of occupants and guests who occupy the premises for more than one month;
  • electricity is paid based on the power of the device in each room and their number;
  • The item “Maintenance and repair” is paid based on the actual premises(es) and the share in common areas.

The legislation does not establish the obligation of residents to pay utility bills for an unscrupulous, defaulting neighbor.


The property of a communal apartment is common property, therefore redevelopment is possible only with the consent of all owners and tenants. Moreover, their gesture of goodwill must be formalized in writing and notarized. Otherwise, such an act will result in a hefty fine and a requirement to return the housing to its former configuration.

Neighbors' permission alone is not enough. Permission from the relevant authorities will be required. To obtain it, you must prepare a sketch of the redevelopment and documents confirming ownership of the share. Redevelopment will be refused if it affects load-bearing walls.

How to sell your share: general rules

Here you cannot do without Article 250 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, the priority right to purchase a share is given to neighbors in the communal apartment. If they refuse this privilege, they must provide a written refusal. This document is required to register a transaction for the alienation of property.

Sometimes neighbors do not want to buy a share and do not grant a waiver. In this case, it is necessary to send them written notices certified by a notary. A neighbor is considered not to have been notified unless notice is given to him. Failure to respond within a month after receipt of the document is interpreted as a refusal.

If the owner of the premises in a communal apartment is a minor, then the refusal is granted only with the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

There is no need to notify neighbors about the sale of a share if the buyer is the owner of a communal apartment.

If the seller has not notified other owners, he may be refused registration of the transaction. A transaction carried out without notifying neighbors can be challenged in court within one month from the date of sale of the property.

If a neighbor missed the deadline for challenging the transaction for valid reasons, then he can challenge the sale under Article 205 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations of the buyer will be transferred to him and a corresponding entry will be made in the State Register. Read more about selling a room in a communal apartment.

Rights to a vacant room

Residential premises go to tenants or owners if at the time of vacating they are recognized as low-income. If there are none, then the room goes to a family in which, per person, the housing provision standard is not met.

Subtleties of premises privatization

Privatization applies only to premises rented under a social tenancy agreement. The tenant can transfer one or more premises into his own ownership, but not the communal apartment as a whole.

To carry out privatization, the consent of all family members will be required. If at least one of them does not want to become an owner, then he must provide a notarized refusal.

If minor children live in the room, then the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities will be additionally required. Their decision depends on arguments in favor of the interests of the child. The following requirements must be met:

  • the child will be provided with housing equivalent to the previous one;
  • sanitary and hygienic requirements will be met at the new location.

During privatization, the consent of neighbors is not required.

What to do with troublemakers

The rules of living in a communal apartment and the fight against violators are closely interrelated. Every person has the right to protect his interests in the sphere of life and activity (Constitution of the Russian Federation).

If it is impossible to resolve the problem peacefully, the only option to resolve the problem is to file a lawsuit. The concept of a negative claim is associated with communal apartments. It occurs when the rights of residents to common areas are violated. When a court verdict is issued, bailiffs will monitor the fulfillment of obligations under it.

As for silence, you should contact law enforcement agencies. It is advisable to send your request in writing. The competence of these bodies also includes issues related to smoking in public places, storage of toxic substances, damage to property, etc.

In case of illegal redevelopment that threatens the integrity of the house structure, residents can contact the BTI.

According to statistics, about 18% of citizens still live in communal apartments. It is wiser to build relations with neighbors on a friendly note, since legal proceedings will only escalate the situation.