Feeder made of PVC pipes. We make a chicken feeder from a sewer, polypropylene, or plastic pipe! Feeder for chickens from a fan pipe

Standard option The utensil for feeding chickens was always a metal or wooden trough. A feeder of this type is very ineffective and unprofitable, since the chickens constantly turn the container over and scatter the grain. You have to constantly monitor cleanliness. There is an alternative to such a device - chicken feeders made of sewer pipes.

The cost of the material is low, it is easy to work with, and the design principle helps to keep the grain from spilling out and raking. Special systems allow you to dispense feed in portions without constantly monitoring the feed level.

Principle and features of the device

An affordable material is suitable for making chicken feeders from sewer pipes. The assembly process of the device takes little time. Since plastic pipes have minimal weight, attaching such structures is quite simple.

Chicken feeders made from sewer pipes are distinguished by their versatility, functionality and long service life. You can make such a device using basic tools. At the same time, the design looks neat and is convenient to use. It can be cleaned, washed, filled with food, and moved without any problems.

Types of structures

Chicken feeders made from sewer pipes can come in a variety of designs. Types of devices:

  • Vertical - the body is placed perpendicular to the floor covering.
  • Horizontal - the main part of the device is placed along the wall of the chicken coop parallel to the ground.
  • Hopper - allows you to regulate the supply of feed for poultry.

Sometimes, according to the principle of placement and manufacturing, a bunker feeder is combined with a vertical or horizontal type. The choice is made taking into account the number of birds, the design of the room or pasture and personal preferences.

List of required tools

To make high-quality chicken feeders from plastic sewer pipes, you need to select the appropriate tools and materials. The list will consist of only a few items. This is due to the fact that working with plastic pipes is not complicated by the hardness of the material.

For each type of feeder, pipes with a certain diameter are used. Usually several options are used. Additionally, you may need tees, adapters, and rubber bands to connect elements.

To make holes along the entire length of the pipe, you should use a metal saw or jigsaw. Marking is done using a marker or felt-tip pen. To make the fastening, a drill or screwdriver is useful.

Tightness in some parts of the device can be ensured by applying glue to the seams and cuts with a special gun. But it is better not to resort to using this option, since chickens can peck at the glue.

Making the simplest feeder

If there are no special restrictions or preferences in choosing a device model, then you can choose the most basic one. You can make such a chicken feeder from sewer pipes using the following materials:

  • A plug that will match the diameter of the pipe.
  • 2 parts plastic pipe with lengths of 40 and 60 cm.
  • Knee for transition.
  • Felt pen.
  • File.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Screwdriver.

Step-by-step instructions for making a feeder:

  • First, mark with a felt-tip pen.
  • On a piece of pipe 60 cm long, make several holes with a diameter of at least 60 mm. They need to be placed along the element.
  • Close the hole with a plug, and on the other side, use an elbow to attach the second part of the plastic pipe.
  • The vertical pipe can be attached to the wall using a screwdriver.

Operation is very simple. You need to pour grain into a vertical pipe, which will be evenly distributed in the horizontal part with holes.

Option for a bunker feeder made of plastic pipes

This operating principle is considered an ideal option for setting up a chicken coop in which the owners keep many chickens or broilers over two months old. A do-it-yourself bunker feeder for chickens is made as follows:

  • You need to purchase a pipe with a diameter of 20 cm. Its length can be 20 - 30 cm. Place the pipe on the plywood and secure it with construction corners, screwing them with self-tapping screws. The corners should be placed opposite each other.
  • Take a narrow pipe 50-60 cm long. Make a longitudinal cut in it 15 cm high. Cut half of the pipe along the cut.
  • Insert the cut end of the narrow pipe into the wide one. Place so that the elements touch the walls. Connect them together with self-tapping screws.
  • Take plastic container displacement of at least 5 liters. Place the neck against the other end of the thin pipe. The connection can be made using electrical tape.
  • To install the structure, just attach the container to the wall.

The operating principle is elementary. Fill the container with grain. The chickens will eat their food, which spills out at the bottom of the feeder. The grain will gradually fall down the pipe. A container with a volume of 6 liters is enough for 30 chickens for one day. You don't have to use the eggplant. Then the grain will be stored in the vertical part of the feeder.

Making a vertical automatic feeder

This bird feeder design can be made in 10 minutes if you have the necessary materials on hand. It is enough to purchase the base of the product. In this case, the diameter of the PVC pipes should be as large as possible. The cutting height should not be more than one meter. Additionally, you need a flat part, for example, a lid from a plastic bucket.

On one side along the edge, cut several small holes, each of which will have the shape of a semicircle. Install such an element into the bucket lid with the exact side down where the holes were formed.

Pour grain into the pipe. It will pour out into the flat lid through the holes. As food is eaten, it will fall down the pipe.

Non-standard design options

Homemade devices for feeding chickens are more modern, cheaper and functional. Having in your arsenal plastic pipes of different diameters and a saw for cutting, you can make a rather non-standard, but at the same time functional design. Original ideas chicken feeders:

  • In a large diameter pipe, make 5 round holes at the same level. Insert pipe sections of smaller diameter there.
  • Use clamps to tighten several pipes together, with an elbow attached at one end. The structure is installed vertically.
  • Lay the pipe horizontally, the ends of which are closed with plugs. Cut several round holes along the structure.

There are many options for making simple but effective feeders. It’s worth showing your imagination and thinking through the details. Some types of feeders will take no more than 30 minutes to make. You can diversify design options by using several types of materials within one product.

Formation of a horizontal structure

If the diameter of the sewer plastic pipe is 110 mm, it can become the basis for almost any design option. Additionally, you will need screws, clamps, and tools for cutting plastic. A PVC corner and plugs may come in handy.

The most common option for manufacturing a horizontal feeder can be an autonomous horizontal design. You need to take two pipes. In the first, cut out a part so that you get a kind of “trough”. Close one end of this pipe with a plug. At the second end, fix an elbow to which to connect the second pipe. It should be located perpendicular to the main part (with a “trough”).

Depending on the length of both parts of the pipes, the volume of feed loaded into the main part of the device is calculated. You can make the same option, but for 2 parallel feeders, which will improve the efficiency of the design.

Classic methods of feeding poultry are often inconvenient and ineffective. A homemade chicken feeder made from a sewer pipe is practical, affordable, easy to make and does not require large material costs.

Hanging feeder

Hanging models of feeders made from PVC sewer pipes are convenient and practical, because... do not allow birds to climb inside the structure and leave garbage and droppings in the feed. They are hung at a certain height, attached to the wall using screws, brackets or other tools.

The most simple design– equipped from a wide plastic pipe with a length of 1 m or more and having several plugs. There are several stages in making a feeder:

  • the pipe is cut into pieces (for example, 0.7, 0.2, and 0.1 m);
  • a plug is installed on one side of the 0.7 m long part;
  • install a tee and insert a part 0.2 m long into it, its opposite side is also equipped with a plug;
  • a part 0.1 m long is also inserted into the tee;
  • holes are made in the pipes for the feed mixture and the structure is suspended at the required height.

This hanging feeder for chickens made of PVC pipe is convenient for feeding poultry kept in large quantities; it protects the feed mixture from debris and does not injure the livestock.

Wall feeder

The wall-mounted poultry feeding device is also effective and practical in use; additional brackets are required to make it. It consists of polyvinyl chloride pipes with a diameter of 15 cm or more, lengths of 0.1 and 0.2 m, 2 plugs and a tee.

Manufacturing procedure:

  • The PVC pipe is cut into pieces of 0.1 and 0.2 m;
  • using a tee, the parts are connected, the smaller of them will act as a tray for the feed mixture, and plugs are installed at the ends of the larger one;
  • The structure is fixed on brackets to the wall so that the long part is directed upward.

The wall structure is also used as a drinking bowl.

The practicality of using such a product is similar to a hanging PVC feeder, but this design is intended for a small number of birds: only 2 chickens can feed from it at a time.

Floor feeder

pros floor system feeding poultry:

  • it is mobile and can be installed anywhere;
  • functional and capable of serving up to 10 heads simultaneously;
  • easy to make.

However, this design is open to debris and therefore requires frequent replacement of the feed mixture. Take 2 plastic pipes of 0.4 and 0.6 m each, 2 plugs and a sewer elbow.

Length components varies depending on the number of chickens kept in the house.

DIY manufacturing technology:

  • holes with a diameter of 7 cm or more are drilled along the entire length of the 0.6 m part;
  • one side needs to be plugged, an elbow from the sewerage system is installed on the second;
  • a 0.4 m section is attached to the knee, with the help of which the feed mixture will be supplied;
  • part with drilled holes placed in a horizontal position, secured in a certain place.

Design Features

When choosing a design for feeding chickens, there are some points to consider.

To effectively raise poultry, you must first take care of the appropriate equipment for the poultry house. An important element in this matter are feeders. They may be factory-made, but it is quite possible to make such products yourself without compromising their quality and functionality.

In every household or farm where poultry is raised, the issue of feeding is relevant. The thing is that chickens, quails and some types of waterfowl not only require frequent replenishment of food supplies, but also almost always scatter food around the enclosure, making it unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, the feeding process without the use of special equipment is labor-intensive and costly.

And the presence of a feeder greatly facilitates the farmer’s work. In addition, in this case, feed is used more rationally, which means that in order to feed the chickens, less grain will be needed. The easiest way to make a feeder with your own hands is from a plastic pipe. It is easy to make the necessary holes in it, and besides, a piece of pipe will cost very little.

Feeders made from PVC pipes meet all the necessary requirements: they prevent the scattering of feed and eliminate the possibility for chickens to trample on it. In addition, such equipment allows owners to add feed at a time convenient for themselves, without adjusting to the rhythm of the chickens’ life.

We make it ourselves

Several types of feeders can be made from such pliable and inexpensive material. The most popular are the classic elongated models. Kit necessary materials depends on the desired product configuration. What parts will be needed can be determined from the photo. Below we will look at 2 models that anyone can make.

The simplest option

It’s easy to make such a product yourself; you just need to purchase the necessary materials and devote a little time to this process. Experts say that even twenty minutes will be enough.

Tools and materials

This simple and fully functional option is made from the following kit:

  • 1 meter of sewer pipe;
  • plastic tee;
  • plugs – 2 pieces
  • metal file or special devices for cutting pipes.

Purchasing such components will not put a strain on your personal budget, and every household probably has a file.

Step-by-step instruction

At the preparatory stage of making this product with your own hands, the pipe is cut into 3 pieces: 10, 20 and 70 centimeters. Next, the build process will look like this:

  1. A twenty-centimeter pipe becomes the base, and a plug is immediately put on it.
  2. The tee is put on top so that its knee is directed upward.
  3. A long piece of pipe is inserted into the tee from above, its opposite end is closed with a second plug.
  4. The shortest piece of pipe is inserted into the side hole of the tee until it stops.

After this, the finished product is simply attached to the wall of the chicken coop using ordinary wire.

Classic model with round holes

Option two is a little more complicated. Here you will need a little more skill, because you will have to make round holes or carefully cut out a rectangle. But this task is also feasible if you have the desire and skill.

Tools and materials

To create such equipment you will need:

  • two pieces of pipe, the length of which should be 50 and 30 centimeters, respectively;
  • plugs;
  • PVC elbow;
  • electric saw (you can use a jigsaw) and drill.

Step-by-step instruction

You can make a classic feeder with your own hands according to the following scheme:

  1. In the segment that will be at the bottom, holes with a diameter of about 7 cm are made. Instead of holes, cut a rectangle.
  2. A plug is put on one end.
  3. The second segment is attached to the other end using a knee.

The product can be used for its intended purpose. The DIY manufacturing process and the result can be seen in the photo above.

The positive side of using such homemade feeders is also manifested in the fact that the chickens do not knock each other down and do not crowd around this structure. Over time, they get used to coming up for food one at a time.

Kira Stoletova

A chicken feeder made from a sewer pipe is a fairly common design. These feeders are very durable and reliable, and are easy to clean. After repairing or installing a sewer system, scraps of PVC pipes often remain.

Types of feeding vessels

Bird feeders in the photo are divided into several types:

  • tray;
  • grooved;

Best suited for chickens automatic design, which will protect the food from contamination and will allow you to pour it into the feeder once a day. Such systems are most often made from scrap materials. This, firstly, saves money, and secondly, completely eliminates the option of buying a Chinese counterfeit.

What are the advantages of self-made feed containers?

In a private household there is often a lot of work to do, and chickens, especially large ones, need a sufficient amount of feed, which needs to be added every now and then. The ideal option is bunker feeders made of pipes, which can be found in the photo. By making such a feeder with your own hands, you can save money on buying food, as well as manage your time as rationally as possible.

A feature of almost all poultry is the habit of rummaging through the feeder and scattering the food, which as a result becomes completely unsuitable for food. Feeders made of plastic pipes meet all the necessary parameters. In addition, the owner will not have to constantly adapt to his pets in order to feed them, but put food in the bunker feeders when it is convenient for him.

Experienced poultry farmers have been using plastic pipes for a long time. There are several interesting variations of chicken feeders that you can construct yourself. Some of them can also be used to feed dry food to rabbits. To have a visual idea of ​​the design of such feeding systems, we suggest watching a video on the relevant topic.

Bird feeder and drinker made from plumbing pipe

Pros and cons of feeders and drinking bowls made of plastic pipes

Feeder for chickens from a pipe

Vertical feeding system

To make such a feeder you will need:

  • a meter piece of eco-plastic with a diameter of 110 mm;
  • oblique tee;
  • two plugs.

The piece of eco-plastic should be divided into 3 parts: 70 x 20 x 10. A plug should be put on the 20-centimeter cut - this will be the base of the feeder. Next, you need to put on the tee with your knee up. A ten-centimeter section must be inserted into the tee, and the largest piece of pipe into it.

That's the whole system, now all that remains is to secure the device to the pole using wire. The second plug is needed to cover the feeder, thus protecting the feed from contamination. The feed in this design is enough to feed about 15-20 broilers or 30 laying hens per day.

Horizontal feeding system

This design is also not particularly difficult to manufacture and will cost just a penny. To make a feeder you will need:

  • a two-meter piece of plastic sewer pipe 110 mm in diameter;
  • elbow with the same diameter;
  • 2 plugs;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw for metal.

A two-meter pipe is divided into 2-meter parts. In one of the parts it is necessary to make holes of such a diameter that the bird’s head plus 1 centimeter can fit through them. Carefully mark the locations of the holes with a marker and then cut them out.

On one side, a plug is put on the cylinder with holes, and on the other, an elbow into which a second meter-long piece of plastic pipe is inserted. If necessary, put on a second elbow to move the grain receiver beyond the fence. To have a clearer idea of ​​how to make a bunker feeder for chickens, you can use step-by-step photos.

Another bunker feeding system

This version of a pipe feeder for chickens is perfect for slightly older chickens. To make it, you need to take 2 polypropylene pipes: the first is 10 x 200, and the second is 30 x 32; a sheet of plywood 30 x 30, at least 1 cm wide, a 5-liter plastic bottle.

A two-hundred-millimeter pipe should be attached to the plywood. In a cylinder of smaller diameter, a vertical cut of 10 cm should be made. After this, stepping back from the edge also 10 cm, you need to make a horizontal cut. Now the narrow pipe needs to be inserted into the wide one. Then you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and place its neck on a thin profile.

To prevent birds from turning over the feeder, it should be hung on the wall. The amount of grain in the feeder is enough to feed 30 broilers for more than 24 hours. This design is good not only because you don’t have to constantly run around to add food, but also because the birds can be taught discipline. Over time, having gotten used to the fact that there is always enough food, they will stop crowding the whole flock around the feeder.

Nipple drinker - how to make it

In addition to feeders, you can build a nipple drinking system for birds from eco-plastic pipes. This design allows you to reduce water consumption and give the pestle exactly as much water as it needs, not a drop more. To do this, you will need a nipple, a drip eliminator, square-section eco-plastic, and a fixative. It is also important to have a plug and adapter.

For adult birds, nipple systems with a rotation of 180° are used, for chickens - 360°. With the closed method of keeping cages in batteries, the nipple system can be attached both from the inside and from the outside. A drip eliminator is installed directly under the nipple. It is recommended not to install nipples without drip eliminators, because water will spill directly onto the flooring, which creates a lot of dirt and increases humidity in the coop. The number of such drinkers is set depending on the number of birds at the rate of 1 drinker for 3-4 birds.

Most often, the liquid distributor is a 20-liter bottle. It is connected with flexible tubes. A ball valve is installed at the entrances to the tubes, which regulates the water supply. Water will be supplied to the nipple directly through the tubes, so each valve should be well sealed to avoid leaks. Drip collectors can also be made with your own hands from plastic bottles.

The winter drinker will feature an insulated container into which you can insert the most ordinary medium-power boiler. The water in the drinker will not heat above 10°C in severe frosts, however, this method will protect the liquid from freezing. You can design a similar system, install devices for heating water and equip the structure with a thermostat to regulate the temperature and keep it at a constant level.


If we are talking about breeding chickens, then and are the main aspects of future success. Experienced farmers have long learned to make them from scrap materials, of which there are quite a lot in private households. For example, after sewer repairs, scraps of plastic pipes are often left behind. These can be used to make an excellent bird feeder.

The chicken feeder should be made of durable, non-hazardous material and be easy to clean. Plastic pipe structures are distinguished by all these qualities. The chicken often gets into the dishes with its paws, tears the contents and scatters them around. This habit is quite wasteful on the wallet, so it is best to make structures with your own hands that will stop this behavior.

In addition to feeders from plastic profiles, you can design a nipple drinker, which optimizes the water supply. The chicken gets exactly the amount of water it needs. In winter, insulated water containers are used, in which a boiler is placed. If from the instructions described above it is not entirely clear how to make a feeder from a plastic pipe with your own hands, you can use videos in which experienced farmers share their secrets with beginners.

It is not recommended to hang nipples without drip trays. Such a step could harm the chickens. Water will drip onto the floor, causing dirt to appear and air humidity to increase, which can result in chickens becoming infected with various infectious diseases. Bunker systems for feeding and nipple systems for water can be used not only for caring for poultry, but also for keeping rabbit families.

Feeding rabbits is also quite expensive, due to the fact that animals often overturn drinkers and plates and trample down their food. Designs for bulk feed made from plastic pipes help to perfectly cope with several tasks at the same time:

  • feed food in doses;
  • For sufficient feeding of rabbits, it is enough to put food in once a week;
  • These types of feeders are perfect for feeding a large herd of rabbits.

A PVC pipe feeder for your broiler chickens will provide them with proper and complete nutrition if it is convenient for them. You don’t have to waste your precious time by going to the market or store and purchasing a ready-made feeder, but if you can make it yourself, why waste money?

Feeders can be distributed according to various criteria, such as:

1. type of feed,
2. method of its presentation,
3. installation type,
size 4.


Let's consider the types of feeders according to the type of installation, they are divided into:

1. Suspended.
2. Attached to the wall.
3. Placed on the floor.
In this form, as a feeder made of PVC pipes attached to the wall, to install the system, special brackets are used, which are attached to the bars of the grille or to the wall itself.

If chickens need to eat green look, then it is recommended to serve it in a mesh-shaped feeder. You can put food and grass there through the spaces between the mesh bars. The chicken food product is always kept fresh and ready for use, because it is protected from the ingress of all kinds of poultry waste products. Also, professionals and farmers prefer to use wall-hung feeders or floor-mounted mesh feeders.
Having considered the types of food that will serve as a product for your animals, they can be divided into two subtypes - these are feeders for dry and wet food. To use wet feed, it is recommended to use iron alloy feed systems because this type is easy to clean and disinfect. If a niche is needed for dry food, then you can use both metal and plastic feeders.
Types of feed devices by feeding system:
1. In the form of a gutter.
2. In the form of a tray.
3. In the form of a bunker or automatic feeder.

Feeder in the form of a tray makes it possible to set boundaries for food, that is, it has a special restrictive part with it that does not allow the bird to scatter food on the ground. This type of feeding system is recommended for use for small hens, that is, for chicks, both dry and wet types of food can be poured into it.
Gutter-shaped niche has a special grille that can be removed at the right time. These and the grilles prevent the bird from introducing contaminants into it when it pokes its head in to eat. This type usually has several feed compartments. These feeders should be attached to the outer walls of the cage and are also very easy to wash and add complementary food to.
Automatic feeder or bunker type, are equipped with a niche and a bunker into which feed is poured. It works in the following way: if the chickens have eaten their portion of food and there is nothing left in the tray, then the hopper fills the niche with food again. Having discussed this type, we conclude that the farm worker will not waste time filling the niche. This feeding method is suitable for all types of complementary foods, as well as for all types of chickens of any age.

Classification of drinking bowls made of PVC pipes

Now let's move on to the types of drinkers, they also play huge role in the life of birds. They can be:

1. standard,
2. nipple,
3. vacuum.


A standard drinking bowl is a niche into which water is simply poured and placed in the barn or fence for the chickens. They should be low so that the broiler can reach the water. The negative feature is that small chickens can easily turn it over or fly into it and swim; if they are cold, they can also die from freezing.


Considering the vacuum drinker, we can understand that it is very simple in use and in the structure of the mechanism. A container in the form of a jar is filled with water and placed in a special stand, and the pressure that is created as a result prevents water from spilling beyond the boundaries of the container. The downside is that chickens can push it over and cause contamination on top of it.


An expensive method is the type of drinking bowl. This method requires the following mechanisms and parts:

  • plastic pipes,
  • drop catcher,
  • nipples.

If there is a desire to achieve perfect automation, then it should be slightly modified and improved. A positive feature is the absence of stagnant water. The downside is that it is expensive and a chicken can easily break the water pipe.

DIY feeders in the form of a bunker

Farmers use this type of feeder made from PVC pipes quite often and create them with their own hands. In fact, this type of niche is very complex in its design.

Consider the list of parts and tools for a homemade feeder:

1. Plastic canister with a volume of 10 kilograms.
2. Barrier for the system measuring 21x21 centimeters.
3. A piece of PVC pipe 15 centimeters long for sewerage and another piece 31 centimeters long for water supply.
4. Electrical tape, if not, then tape will do.
5. Corners for finishing, screws and nuts.
6. Hammer, nails, saw and a small piece of rope.

The barrier for the structure can be plywood or a regular board with a thickness of about 1 centimeter. It is worth noting that the thicker the plywood, the stronger the feeder.

The next step is to attach the PVC pipe to the barrier. It can be attached using special finishing corners and screws.
Now let's start working with a small diameter PVC pipe. We cut the edge that comes out from below along the diameter; the length of the cut should be about 15 centimeters. Next we make a cut across the pipe, which ultimately converges with the transverse one.
After this, we take a large PVC pipe and insert a small pipe into it so that the cuts remain at the bottom. It can be attached with just two screws.
Next, we take a plastic canister in our hands and cut off its bottom using gentle movements. We insert the narrow part of the canister into the tip (neck) of the pipeline, wrap the place where the parts touch, and wrap it with tape or tape.
We make a small hole on the top of the canister and insert a rope into it. Drive a nail into the wall at the level of the bottle. It will serve as a fastener on which the feeders made of PVC pipes will hang and will not allow the birds to turn it over.
Thanks to this design, the owners of their animals can fill the feeding system with food only once a day.
At the 3rd week of a chick’s life, it can be accustomed to this type of feeder.