Calceolaria indoors - growing from seeds and care. Calceolaria: photos and instructions for growing about indoor calceolaria, care, proper transplantation

The genus Calceolaria includes approximately 400 species of plants from the Norichaceae family, which are successfully grown when cared for at home. In the wild, the plant is most often found in Central and South America.

General information

Basically, the plant grows as a herb, shrub or subshrub with whorled or opposite leaves. The flower is a four-membered calyx with a swollen bright and two-lipped corolla, in which there are 2-3 stamens. The fruit has the shape of a box.

Many species are decorative, creating numerous garden varieties, used hybrids of species: crenatiflora, arachnoidea, corymbosa, etc. Hybrid forms of the plant have red, orange, yellow and purple flower colors, with a shaded or spotted corolla, which are most often grown in a cool greenhouse and propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Calceolaria is classified as an ornamental flowering plant, although it is quite difficult to care for at home, due to the fact that it loves cool conditions. The flowers of this plant are very unique in shape, two-lipped and bubbly, the upper lip is barely noticeable, very small in size, but the lower lip is spherical and swollen, quite large in size. The flowering period occurs from March to June, over the course of one month, at which point from 18 to 55 flowers appear on the plant, which are often covered with various dots and spots.

Varieties and types

Many varieties are united under this name of this plant, which in particular have a very attractive appearance with soft and delicate pubescent leaves of a light green color and original flowers of a variety of colors, ranging from pure white to orange. When grown indoors, it takes the form of a small bush that reaches up to 50 centimeters in height.

It grows wild in Chile as a perennial herbaceous plant reaching up to 50 centimeters in height. The basal leaves are pointed, spatulate in shape with jagged edges. The flowers are small in size with a reddish or purple hue, with an oblong, grooved lower lip.

Calceolaria care at home

The plant responds well to diffused bright light, but it should be shaded from direct sunlight. It feels good when placed near an eastern, western or northern window; if this window is south oriented, the plant should be shaded using translucent paper or fabric. The plant should also be shaded during the flowering period. In the autumn-winter period, you can provide the plant with additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

At any time of the year, the calceolaria plant is best kept at a moderate temperature of 14 to 17 degrees.

Watering, fertilizing and air humidity

During the flowering period, water the plant with settled and soft water after the top layer of soil has dried and do not allow the water to melt in the pan. At the end of the flowering period, watering is reduced, moistening the soil only occasionally, but at the same time not allowing the earthen clod to dry out completely. When new growth appears, watering should be gradually resumed.

The plant needs to be provided with high air humidity. It is not recommended to spray the plant. To provide required humidity, the pot with the plant can be placed in a tray with wet expanded clay, peat or pebbles, avoiding the pot touching the water.

Calceolaria should be fertilized after two weeks, after planting the plant in a container, and continue to do so until the flowering period. Each feeding occurs once every two weeks with mineral fertilizers.

Flowering and dormancy

After the end of the flowering period, the plant can be cut and left for 1.5-2 months, in a shaded and cool place, watering occasionally to prevent the soil from completely drying out. After new growth has grown, the plant should be returned to a lighted place where it will begin to bloom.

The flowering period will begin approximately 2 months earlier, compared to plants grown from seeds, but in this case, such cultivation contributes to the stretching of the plant and loss of decorativeness. For this reason, it is best to grow the plant annually from seeds.

Plants also lose their decorative properties with age, so it is best not to replant them, but to replace them with new ones.

Calceolaria growing from seeds at home

Seeds are sown in March to obtain flowering in the autumn, but if you want the plants to bloom in the spring, you should sow them in June.

The seeds are quite small, 1 gram contains about 30 thousand pieces, they should be sown on the surface of the soil. After that, the crops must be covered with paper, periodically moistening it. And once the seedlings have two true leaves, they need to be planted in a prepared substrate of equal parts of deciduous soil, humus soil and peat soil, as well as ½ part of sand.

Calceolaria seeds also germinate well in peat. To ensure plant flowering in March, seeds should be planted on June 5-15 in litter peat, which is first disinfected from rot by heating to 90-100 degrees. To reduce the acidity of peat, you need to add ground chalk, approximately 15-20 grams per 1 kilogram of peat.

Then add 1 part sand to about 7 parts peat to the substrate and mix well. The seeds are sown scattered, without sprinkling, after which the crops are covered with glass or polyethylene. If condensation forms on the inside of polyethylene or glass, the shelter must be turned over to prevent moisture from getting on the plants. The peat is then kept moist.

Calceolaria pick

The plants are planted a second time, after the rosette has formed, transplanting them into 7 cm pots and placing them on light windowsills. And already in September, the plants are pinched, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves, from the axils of which shoots will appear and replanted again, increasing the size of the pot by 2-4 centimeters

Calceolaria bushes can also be formed by pinching, removing side shoots that grow from the axils of the leaves.

Between January and February, the plants are replanted into a larger container with more nutritious and heavier soil. A slightly acidic humus soil with a pH of about 5.5 is suitable for this.

When making the substrate yourself, take equal parts of peat soil, turf soil, and humus soil, as well as ½ part of sand, with the addition of complete mineral fertilizer, at the rate of 2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of substrate. The plant blooms 8-10 months after sowing the seeds.

Possible difficulties

The leaves wither and the plant quickly ages , occurs due to insufficient humidity and high temperature.

The plant requires annual replacement – it can be propagated by seeds or purchased an already flowering specimen, without leaving the old plant for next year.

Damaged: spider mite, mealybugs, whiteflies and scale insects , this happens especially often when caring at home with a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees in a poorly ventilated area.

My mother has recently had her own personal reason for suffering. Another woman moved into their house, and even into the entrance. It turned out that she is a big lover of flowers.

Mom became friends with her almost immediately, but now, every time she calls, she complains: they say, Kirillovna’s orchids bloom thicker, and there are more varieties of violets, and the anthurium is a rare blue color, while Mom’s is the usual red.

I had to rack my brains, but finally managed to get her a flowerpot, with the help of which she was able to outshine the harmful (although in fact the kindest) Kirillovna. It turned out to be calceolaria, also known as a bright “slipper.”

It came to us from South and Central America. Biologists gave the flower a simple name (in Latin the word means “slipper” - that’s what most gardeners actually call the plant).

Annual herbaceous plants bloom more often on our windowsills. Although other calceolarias are also found in nature: subshrubs or shrubs, biennials and perennials.

The “bush” grows about 30, less often 50 cm. The leaves of calceolaria are “narrow-nosed”, corrugated, green, with a edge at the bottom. But of course, you will be more interested in bright flowers of unusual shape. They can be plain or speckled, with strokes. The flower consists of two “bags”: the upper one is almost invisible, but the lower one stands out.

Flowers appear in April/May or summer and delight the hostess and her guests for about a month. Flowers range from 2.5 to 6 cm. Moreover, sometimes up to 50 flowers open on a flowerpot during a season.

Caring for the “shoe”

  • Atmosphere. Calceolaria is afraid of heat and dry air. So it's worth buying if you have an air conditioner. The flower thrives at 15 degrees and in maximally humidified air (place it near the aquarium or on a tray with wet pebbles).
  • Choice of window sill. The window should not be south facing. Ideally, north or east, but north-west is also suitable.
  • Watering and water. The soil should not dry out - water the “shoe” often, but little by little. And have time to settle the water, it should not be hard or cold. During flowering, calceolaria needs a lot of water, and when the flowers fall off, watering can be reduced.
  • Other water procedures. If orchids are crazy about spraying, then calceolaria does not like such “pampering”.
  • Feeding. Twice a month you can apply soluble mineral fertilizers. The first “feeding” can be done 14 days after planting the “shoe”. Fertilize the plant until it begins to bloom.
  • Wintering. It starts in the fall. Eliminate fertilizers. Once the plant has finished flowering, you can cut off all the stems, placing the pot with the rhizome in an even cooler, darker place. Keep it there for 2 months, watering it occasionally to prevent the roots from drying out. As soon as the calceolaria sprouts new shoots, water it more often, moving it to the old windowsill. You can start feeding her.

The subtleties of transplanting this “American”

“Last year’s” calceolaria blooms two whole months earlier than “fresh” ones grown from seeds. True, such a bush will have many fewer flowers. Therefore, it is better to grow new flowers or buy them than to leave them for a second year.

If you bought a young flowerpot, but you don’t like the purchased pot, do this:

  • to the new one, beautiful pot place drainage (at least a third of the volume),
  • transfer the plant along with the roots and adhering soil,
  • Fill the remaining free space with fresh soil.

The soil for calceolaria is the same as for geraniums or heathers. You can mix it yourself from sand (0.5 parts), peat soil (1 part), leaf and turf soil (2 parts each).

What is calceolaria afraid of?

How many times can calceolaria be “chemicalized” with similar means? At least four times at intervals of several days. Then it will become bad not only for the pests, but also for the flower itself.

As for diseases, the enemies of the flower are:

  • Gray rot. It attacks when the flower freezes at high humidity or is simply overfilled with water.
  • Gray mold. It is caused by excess nitrogen in the substrate. It gets there with fertilizers, so be careful what you feed your “pet” and in what proportions you dilute the fertilizers. The affected areas will have to be cut off, and the flower itself will have to be treated by spraying with “Topaz” or Bordeaux mixture (in general, substances containing copper).

Growing and planting this flower

If you buy a potted plant (and more than one) in stores every year, you can spend a lot of money. It's much cheaper to grow your own. I will tell you about some methods - choose which one you personally find more convenient!

Seeds: buy or collect

Best Buy: As with “last year’s plants,” prefabricated houses seeds may not be fertile.

Fortunately, there are many such products in stores. If you wish, you can buy any variety and color.

You can see what is stored inside the purchased bags, that is, what exactly the flower seeds look like, in this video. The girl will sow them in a pot and share her impressions.

When planting seeds you will need:

  • sand (1 part),
  • peat (7 parts),
  • a little dolomite flour or chalk (20 g per kilogram of substrate).

  1. “Roast” the resulting soil in the oven, cool, and water.
  2. Place the seeds on top of the soil without sprinkling them. It is better to cover them on top with a jar or non-woven transparent material (drops of condensation will collect inside, wash them).
  3. Place the container in a warm (at least 18 degrees), sunny place. Ventilate it from time to time.
  4. Spray the soil (watering should only be this way). But when the sprouts hatch, you can water them with a tiny watering can (a baby enema will do) without touching the sprouts.

What seedlings (sprouts that hatch from such seeds) look like and what to do with them next will be explained here:

After a month, transplant (pick) the sprouts into another pot.

After another two months, carry out a second picking, this time into larger individual pots. Water them 2 times a month.

In September, carry out the third, and in February, the fourth, final pick. In this case, the plant can be pinched above the 4th leaf.


This method is not as win-win as seeds, but it is less confusing.

  • in August or in the second half of winter, cut off the shoot;
  • root in a nutritious soil mixture;
  • After 4 weeks, check to see if there are any roots.

Often several cuttings are planted in one pot at once - in this case the bush turns out to be as lush and beautiful as possible.

Most interesting: Calceolaria species

As I already said, this plant can have petals of different shades and even colors. Calceolarias also differ in the number of flowers and their shape.

Here I will talk about the most popular varieties that are bred in our country.

Entireleaf, also known as rugosa

In its pure form, this is a half-meter plant with rosette leaves and many small (up to 2 cm) yellow flowers; on some hybrids you can see brown droplets.

Blooms in summer and autumn, and on open ground. But if you grow seedlings in the house in advance, flowers will appear in April. The plant is a perennial.

Interestingly, the wrinkled “slipper” can also grow in a pot, in which case it becomes two years old. In summer they are kept outside, in winter in the house.

The most popular subvarieties are:

  • "Goldbouquet" ("Golden Bouquet"). Low (about 25 cm) bushes, but with large yellow flowers.

  • “Sunset” (“Sunset”). Yellow, orange or red flowers.


Has soft yellow “shoes”. They grow only up to 5 cm. Because of the small flowers in the flowerbed, this calceolaria is not placed near other flowers (they will “shade it”), but next to ornamental grasses or plants that are not yet flowering.

Blooms in spring.

It can be low-growing (bush 20 cm) or impressive (up to 50 cm). The more moisture and shade, the higher the bush grows. It doesn't really like bright sunlight (but will tolerate it if you water it a lot).


It differs from its “sisters” not only in color (pink, purple, pink with purple flowers), but also in the shape of the petals - the lower one is large (also grooved), but the upper one is not so miniature.

This herbaceous perennial plant grows up to half a meter. It can be seen in open ground.


Miniature perennial. It can grow in a flowerpot if you move it to the garden in the summer or even to a shaded balcony.


The most popular variety among gardeners who prefer plants in pots, that is, flowerpots.

The leaves of this variety are light. The flowers are different, from multi-colored to white.

Among the hybrids, I personally like the following subvarieties:

  • Aida. A small bush with velvety red flowers.

  • Dervish. With contrasting brown-yellow flowers.

  • Dainty. With red, one might even say orange, flowers, of which a lot opens on the bush.

  • Golden Rain. A shrub plant that blooms profusely and brightly. A real eye-catcher for your neighbors.

But of course, these are not the only types of calceolaria. There is also Darwin's flower, as well as the multi-petioled, thin calceolaria. So if you are interested in these “shoes”, you will have plenty to roam around!

The first spring sun awakens with its warmth bright and beautiful flowers that decorate the area or room. All flower growers especially loved the unusual flowers of calceolaria for the bizarre shape of the inflorescences in the form of shoes. This plant can be planted in the garden or grown in room conditions, however, due to some nuances, the easiest way is to plant calceolaria in a pot and place it on the windowsill.

Exotic guest with South America has firmly entered the lives of avid flower growers, and a huge range of varieties of this flower has expanded the areas of its use. Indoor calceolaria, with proper care and constant rejuvenation, will become an excellent decoration and will delight you with bright and colorful flowers in the still cool spring season.

In this article, we will look at the features of growing calceolaria, provide a description of the most popular varieties, and also note the important points of planting and caring for this plant.

Features and description of calceolaria

Calceolaria is a perennial herbaceous plant, which in Russia is most often grown as an annual or biennial flower. This unusual calceolaria plant belongs to the genus Calceolariaceae of the same name and the large family Norichnikovae. Although there are botanists who classify all species and varieties of this flower into a separate family, Calceolariaceae. The natural habitat of this plant is the territory of Central and South America, where more than 400 various types calceolaria. In nature, this flower is represented herbaceous plants, shrubs and subshrubs that require fairly low temperatures when grown.

The name of the calceolaria flower itself comes from the Latin word Calceolaria, which means “slipper”. This is due to the appearance of the plant's flowers, which are two protruding lips. The top one is very small, almost unnoticeable. The lower one has a spherical shape, very convex, several times larger than the upper one. This shoe is very reminiscent of the familiar clog. On the Internet you can find a large number of photos of the calceolaria flower, appearance which amazes the imagination with their brightness and tenderness.

Description of calceolaria:

  • Calceolaria is a herbaceous shrub or subshrub plant that is most often grown as an annual.
  • The root system is fibrous, branched shoots protrude to the surface. Stems erect or lodging.
  • The plant itself is not tall, it can reach about 25-35 cm in height, but there are specimens up to 50 cm. The bushes can grow in width to the same mark of 25-35 cm.
  • A dense and spherical cap is created by beautiful long leaves, which can reach about 10 cm. They are oblong and lanceolate in shape, slightly corrugated along the edge. They have a bright green tint. The leaves are whorled or opposite.
  • The lower part of the leaf blade is covered with small villi.
  • Flowers appear on small and thin peduncles that rise slightly above the leaves of calceolaria.
  • The flowers are small, have a peculiar shape that resembles small shoes consisting of two lips different sizes. There are 2-3 stamens in the center of the flower.
  • The diameter of the flowers varies, from 2 cm to 6 cm, depending on the specific type of flower. They can be collected in one large racemose inflorescence or in several small ones.
  • The color of the flowers is also different: yellow, brownish, red, orange. Petals can be either plain or with various strokes and spots on the petals.
  • Flowering of calceolaria at home begins around April-May and, depending on the specific variety, flowering lasts 3-5 weeks.
  • Calceolaria during flowering has a very beautiful and original appearance - about 20-50 flowers can appear on one bush.
  • After flowering ends, fruits appear on the plant in the form of oblong-shaped seed pods, which contain a large number of small seeds.
  • This plant has a very unusual feature - calceolaria blooms only once, the next year the flowers are smaller and gardeners recommend rejuvenating the plant every year so that it pleases you constantly bright flowers.
  • In our climatic conditions, calceolaria is most often grown at home, since in this case it is much easier to monitor it and observe all the nuances of planting and caring for the plant.
  • The optimal temperature for full growth and flowering of calceolaria is 14-17 degrees. The higher the temperature, the faster the plant ages and is susceptible to pests and diseases.

Variety of types and varieties of calceolaria

Calceolaria is a very interesting and unusual flower that has made many gardeners fall in love with it. This plant is sure to be a great decoration for any room and will be a bright spot on a cloudy spring day. Today there are several varieties of calceolaria, the plants of which differ in stem height, size and color of flowers. Let's look at the features of the most popular types and varieties of calceolaria.

Calceolaria hybrida

This is the most popular variety of calceolaria, which includes a large number of varieties. Today, breeders continue to work on developing unusual and vibrant varieties of hybrid calceolaria. They are low bushes with a compact, beautiful shape. The leaves are round, big size, reach 10 cm in diameter. The leaf blade has slight pubescence. The flowers of this variety of calceolaria come in a variety of colors: yellow, orange, red, brownish-red. Mostly all flowers have strokes, specks, spots of a contrasting shade on the petals, which gives the plant a very decorative appearance. This variety of calceolaria is characterized by the longest flowering time, which is approximately 2 months. Hybrid calceolaria is most often used for growing at home. The most popular varieties of hybrid calceolaria include the following:

  • Variety "Aida". It is a low, compact, spherical bush, which during spring flowering is completely covered with medium-sized red velvety shoe-shaped flowers.
  • Hybrid calceolaria variety “Golden Rain”. This is a shrubby plant that is distinguished by very small flowers of a bright yellow hue, which completely cover the flower during flowering.
  • Variety "Dervish". It is also a very beautiful and compact bush, which during flowering is decorated with bright orange-brown flowers. The color is variegated.
  • Variety "Dainty". This is a low-growing plant that reaches a height of no more than 15 cm. The bush is formed by large soft leaves with slight pubescence. Flowers are red.

Calceolaria rugosa

This type of calceolaria is perennial plant, which in warm southern countries is grown in gardens, parks, and flower beds. In indoor conditions, calceolaria grows as a biennial plant. The natural habitat of Calceolaria rugosa or allifolia. It is a rather tall plant, which can reach a height of about 1-1.5 m. The leaves of this plant are oblong, lanceolate in shape, which are collected in a basal rosette. Calceolaria looks beautiful during flowering, when the entire bush is covered with small, up to 2-2.5 cm in diameter, shoe-shaped flowers of a yellowish-orange hue. Flowers are collected in small fluffy inflorescences. When growing this species indoors, it is important to expose the pots to the yard during the summer. Based on this species, breeders have developed a large number of frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees. The most popular varieties of this variety of calceolaria are the following:

  • Variety "Golden Bouquet". It is a bush that can reach approximately 30-35 cm in height. Quite large flowers form dense, bright yellow inflorescences.
  • Variety "Sunset". This is a miniature plant, reaching a height of 15-20 cm. During flowering, small inflorescences of reddish-orange or pink flowers bloom on the bush.

Calceolaria purpurea

The natural habitat of this type of calceolaria is considered to be the territory of Chile, where this plant is most often grown in flower beds and flower beds. The plant reaches a height of 35-50 cm. The leaves are oblong with jagged edges and a pointed tip, collected in a basal rosette. The leaf plate is densely covered with pile. The leaves have a bright rich green color. During flowering, loose racemose inflorescences of violet-purple speckled flowers bloom on the bush. Flowers are oblong in shape.

Calceolaria tender

This variety of calceolaria is a miniature perennial plant that can be grown perfectly both at home and on a site in summer time. The flower can reach approximately 15-20 cm in height. It is a fragile beautiful plant with small rounded leaves of a bright green hue. Calceolaria flowers are a delicate golden-yellow color with darkish spots.

Calceolaria mexicanis

The natural habitat of this species of calceolaria is considered to be Mexico, where flowers grow on wooded slopes. The height of the bush can reach approximately 20-50 cm, but it can grow higher when creating the most comfortable conditions - a shaded area with damp fertile soil. The flowers are very small, can reach about 5 cm in diameter. They are bright yellow and cover the entire plant. Flowering can continue for 2 months.

Reproduction of calceolaria

Without a doubt, every gardener has a question about how to grow calceolaria if there is no planting material from the store. To propagate this flower at home, you can use two methods yourself: propagating calceolaria from seeds and by cuttings. Each option has its own characteristics and nuances, which are important to observe to create a healthy plant.

Propagation of calceolaria from seeds

  • To obtain a calceolaria flower, you can purchase a bag of seeds at a specialized garden store and start breeding them.
  • It is also important to properly prepare the soil for sowing calceolaria. The soil mixture can be bought at the store, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take one part sand and seven parts peat, a little dolomite flour.
  • Before sowing, the soil must be calcined in the oven, after which the soil mixture is placed in a container and moistened abundantly.
  • Calceolaria seeds are sown in April.
  • The seeds of the plant do not need to be embedded in the soil; it is enough to sow them on the surface and cover the top with film or glass.
  • The container with seeds must be placed in a room with a temperature of at least 17 degrees. Periodically you need to remove condensation from the film, ventilate and moisten the soil. Moreover, it is necessary to moisten only by spraying.
  • After about 2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, which can already be watered using a watering can.
  • For a month, the plants need to be looked after and watered, after which the seedlings dive into small pots for the first time.
  • The seedlings are planted for the second time in September; for this, pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm are selected, after which the containers are placed in a cool, illuminated place with a temperature of 8-10 degrees.
  • The seedlings are planted in a permanent location when a full-fledged rosette has formed, which occurs around February.
  • When growing calceolaria from seeds, flowering occurs approximately 8-10 months after sowing.

Calceolaria propagation by cuttings

  • This method can also be used for breeding calceolaria, but it is not so popular among gardeners.
  • Planting material can be harvested in April or February after pruning the shoots, which is carried out after the inflorescences have faded.
  • The cuttings can be pre-treated with a solution of a growth stimulator, after which they are rooted in a container with nutritious soil, which should consist of sand and peat.
  • Before rooting, water the soil generously.
  • Cuttings take root in about 3-4 weeks.
  • After this, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, and it is recommended to plant several rooted cuttings in one pot.

Preparation before planting calceolaria

You will have to deal with planting calceolaria every year, since the abundant and full flowering of this plant can only be seen once, after which the flower needs to be rejuvenated. To do this, collect seeds or use cuttings. First of all, it is important to prepare the soil mixture for planting and choose healthy planting material.

Choosing a calceolaria variety and pot for planting

  • First of all, decide on the variety of calceolaria, of which there are a large number. Give preference to hybrid calceolaria, which is represented on the market by a huge variety of bright and unusual varieties. If you are planting a plant in the garden for the summer, you can purchase species plants, for example, wrinkled calceolaria or tender calceolaria.
  • Next, purchase plant seeds or take cuttings for planting.
  • The full growth of the calceolaria flower will depend on the correct choice of pot, since the plant may wither in a container that is too small. For an adult flower, a pot with a diameter of approximately 15-20 cm is ideal.
  • The pot can be made of any material; a glass, ceramic, or clay container will do.
  • It is important that the pots have drainage holes.

Preparing the soil mixture for planting calceolaria

  • Next, it is important to choose the appropriate soil composition for growing calceolaria at home.
  • For an adult plant, the following mixture is suitable: two parts leaf soil, 2 parts turf soil, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.

Planting and transplanting calceolaria

  • Calceolaria requires transplantation every year. This procedure can also be carried out immediately after purchasing a flower in a store, which is in a technical pot.
  • First of all, prepare a pot for planting, which must first be thoroughly washed in warm water with soap. If the pot does not have drainage holes, then you will definitely need to make them yourself.
  • Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot to remove residual moisture. Small stones, gravel, and expanded clay can be used as drainage.
  • Next, spill the purchased plant in the purchased container and carefully transfer the calceolaria flower to new pot along with a lump of earth.
  • All voids must be additionally filled with a special soil mixture. In this case, you can buy heather soil at a garden store or you can use a self-prepared mixture.
  • After planting, the planted plants should be watered abundantly and the pot should be placed in a well-lit place.

Calceolaria care

Caring for calceolaria is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to periodically pay attention to your flower and it will give you bright and amazing flowers.

  • Light level and temperature. It is important to consider that calceolaria does not tolerate direct sunlight and high temperatures. Therefore, it is important to place the pot in a bright or slightly shaded area. The optimal temperature for growing calceolaria is 14-16 degrees. This is the main difficulty if you want to grow the beautiful calceolaria in your room. In the summer, you can place a calceolaria bush on garden plot, which will be protected from strong winds and direct sunlight. In winter, the temperature should be within 12 degrees. The ideal place to place a flower pot is a window sill on the east, west or north side.
  • Air humidity. Calceolaria loves moist air, so it is important to place the pot with the plant on a tray with expanded clay, which needs to be filled with water. You can also place the pot in a flowerpot and fill the space between them with peat, which needs to be moistened regularly. It is strictly not recommended to spray the flower, as this can lead to rotting and the appearance of diseases.
  • Watering. Regular watering is necessary for the plant during flowering. To do this, it is important to use settled soft water. Focus on the condition of the top layer of soil; if it is a little dry, it’s time to water the flower. After flowering ends, watering is reduced, the main thing is that the soil never dries out.

  • Feeding Calceolaria. This plant needs regular feeding with a solution of mineral fertilizers. Fertilizer must be applied for the first time two weeks after planting. Calceolaria is fed every 10 days until the start of flowering. IN winter time There is no need to feed the flower.
  • Calceolaria after flowering. Calceolaria blooms only once. Therefore, to preserve the plant, it is important to properly care for the flower after flowering. When the flowers fade, all shoots need to be cut off, and the plant itself must be placed in a dark, cool place. In such a room, calceolaria is stored for approximately 1.5-2 months. Periodically, the soil in the pot needs to be watered, and after new growth appears, the pot is again moved to a lighted place. However, in this case, the plant loses its decorative effect and begins to stretch. Therefore, flower growers recommend rejuvenating calceolaria every year.
  • Disease and pest control. Most often, calceolaria is affected by aphids and whiteflies. To combat them, it is important to treat the plant with chemicals in a timely manner. Among the diseases, the flower may suffer from gray rot, which appears as a result of constant waterlogging of the soil. If you see signs of disease, be sure to remove the damaged areas and treat the plant itself with topaz.

Photo of calceolaria

Calceolaria is a very interesting and unusual plant that can decorate any windowsill and garden plot. With proper care, this plant will give you bright shoe-shaped flowers in a wide variety of colors.

From which it is impossible to take your eyes off. In our article we will tell you what types of calceolaria there are, how to plant and care for them at home, and provide photos.

Description and varieties

Calceolaria - having approximately the same width and height, which are 20-30 cm. The foliage has a bright green color, corrugated structure, leaf length - 5-10 cm.

It has unusual flowers, visually reminiscent of the connection of two lips. They are small in size - 2-6 cm. One part is very small in size, and the second is much larger, distinguished by its inflated and spherical shape.

About 50 flowers can bloom on one bush at the same time. The flowering period begins in May-April and lasts 3-5 weeks.

Among all types, the most popular are:

There are many more plant species, but they are much less common.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

In order for calceolaria to please the eye for a long time and fit harmoniously into the interior, it is necessary to properly grow it.

Humidity and temperature

It is important to provide high humidity. But it is forbidden to spray it with a spray bottle, since water drops easily damage the leaves.

To increase humidity, place the pot on a tray containing wet expanded clay, peat or. You can also place containers in flower pots and fill the space between the flowers with wet peat.

The optimal room temperature for is +14-16°C. If it rises above these levels, calceolaria will bloom much less frequently, and diseases will also begin to attack it.

In winter, the air temperature should not exceed +12°C. In summer, flowers are often placed on a loggia or veranda.

Lighting for a flower

Calceolaria loves light, but you should not place it under direct sun rays. The plant will feel good on northern, western or eastern window sills. When placing the pot on the balcony, make sure that the sun does not shine on it and the plant is protected from the wind.

In autumn and winter, with a lack of sunlight, it is necessary to create artificial lighting with help fluorescent lamp. With the arrival of spring and the beginning of flowering, provide the plant with some shade.

Did you know? Calceolaria seeds are so small that 1 g contains several thousand of them.

Soil for growing

Calceolaria is not picky; you can prepare the planting mixture yourself at home or purchase it at a specialty store. The following mixtures are optimal:

  • 3 parts turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part, 0.5 parts sand;
  • 2 parts turf, 1 part soil, 1 part peat, 0.5 parts humus soil;
  • 2 parts soil, 2 parts turf, 1 part, 1 part leaf.
You can also add to the substrate;
  • crushed rind;
  • detailed ;
  • peat moss.

If you doubt that you can properly prepare the soil, it is better to contact a specialist in the store.

Calceolaria propagation (planting)

There are several planting methods. Let's look at them in more detail.

Seed method

There is no specific time for planting seeds. It depends on when you plan to enjoy the incredible flowering of the plant. If you want calceolaria to bloom in the spring, planting should be done in June, and if in the fall - in March.

First of all, soil preparation is carried out. To do this, mix peat soil and sand in a ratio of 7 to 1. The flower reacts poorly to acidic peat, so you should definitely mix it with ground chalk (1 kg of peat - 20 g of chalk). After this, the soil is calcined. The plant has very small seeds, so planting involves scattering them on the surface of the ground. You shouldn’t sprinkle soil on top of them, just put a wet sheet of paper on them and moisten it periodically. Provide the crops with an air temperature of at least +18°C.

After 10-14 days, the first shoots will appear. Apply row spacing in a small, thin stream. When two true leaves appear, germination occurs.

After 2 months, you need to carry out a second pick. To do this, you will need containers with a diameter of 9-11 cm. After the transplant is completed, the plant needs to be pinched. Leave 2-3 pairs of leaves on the bush, over time you will notice how young shoots begin to emerge.

Did you know? Calceolaria is a fairly old flower. It was registered and bred in 1770.

When it gets stronger, it is transplanted into flower pots. If you follow all the growing rules, you will be able to admire the flowering of calceolaria 8-10 months after sowing the seed.


After the flowering period ends, the cuttings are rooted. This procedure is best carried out in February, March and August.

To do this, you need to dip the shoots in a special powder, which will promote rooting, and then plant the cuttings in the soil mixture. For some time, the seedlings are covered with foam or glass.

It takes approximately 2 months for the cuttings to take root. To get a lush bush, it is recommended to plant several seedlings in one container.

Features of care

Like many other plants, indoor flower Calceolaria needs care. Let's look at how to implement it correctly.

How to water?

The flower needs moderation: do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, but dry soil will also not contribute to development. must be carried out when the layer of soil dries 2 cm. For watering, use settled warm water.

Important! It is necessary to renew the plant 1-2 times a year, since buds will not appear on old shoots and calceolaria will not bloom.

When the plant blooms, watering is done once every 7 days. Do not forget to immediately pour the water out of the pan, as its stagnation can lead to rotting of the root system.

After the flowering period ends, watering should be done 2 times less often, and the soil should be moistened only when the earthen ball dries out.

What to fertilize with?

Flowering should be carried out once every 10-14 days. Liquid mineral fertilizer is ideal for this - it is well absorbed into the soil. Fertilizing the flower must be done 2 weeks after transplantation.

In autumn and winter, it is not recommended to fertilize, since at this time the flower is dormant. If you fertilize calceolaria during this period, this can lead to yellowing of the foliage and its falling off.