What is the distance from the fence for garden trees? Legal plantings on the site - we maintain the permissible distance

Contrary to popular belief, planting a tree or shrub on your own property is actually a much more difficult task than it might seem at first glance. The reason lies not only in the lengthy selection of suitable plants, but also in the difficulties with their proper placement on the territory. At what distance from the fence can trees and shrubs be planted is of interest to many summer residents, since the creation of the necessary climatic conditions Location on, correct work ground and underground communications, and also, importantly, the absence of conflicts with neighbors.

Before starting work related to planting vegetation on the site, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the building codes and regulations (SNiP), since the need to comply with them is regulated by current legislation. According to SNiP, each owner private territory has the right to dispose of it solely at his own discretion, but at the same time creating any inconvenience to neighbors is strictly prohibited. Standards stipulating the distance between the fence and green spaces are created in compliance with sanitary and fire safety requirements, as well as the rules of good neighborliness.

At what distance from the fence can trees and shrubs be planted is of interest to many summer residents, since the creation of the necessary climatic conditions on the site and the correct operation of above-ground and underground communications directly depend on this

Landscaping your own plot is one of the most important processes carried out in such areas. The planting distance in relation to the fence must be strictly maintained, and it is strongly recommended to take into account the fact that as the tree or shrub grows, it increases significantly in size. Therefore, SNiP in this case is more advisory in nature - the owner of a summer cottage will have to resort to one or another rule independently, taking into account the characteristics of the land area, as well as the plants chosen for planting.

That is why it is extremely important to comply with the current standards for planting trees and shrubs near fences and other buildings:

  • Gradually developing, the tree significantly increases the mass of its root system. It can damage nearby architectural and other construction objects, for example, garden paths, flower beds, flower beds, and the foundation of the fence itself. Particularly strong roots can even lift small architectural forms, for example, a gazebo, bathhouse, etc.;
  • If there are power lines near the fence, it is strictly prohibited to ignore the requirements for maintaining distance. A strong wind, not to mention a hurricane, can break the crown of a tree, causing it to simply fall onto the wires and break them. In addition to the fact that this will lead to a power outage, not only in the house in this area, but throughout the entire area, it is also very dangerous for human life, since wires lying on the ground can cause strong discharges. Also, simple contact of tree branches with wires is not allowed - this is considered a blatant violation of safety rules;
  • massive trees located too close not only to the fence, but also to other buildings, can interfere with the progress of fire equipment in the event of a fire;
  • the shadow cast by the mighty crowns of trees provokes the gradual destruction of natural materials. Under no circumstances should this be allowed if the fence is made of wood. This significantly increases the risk of developing fungal infections of its structure, the appearance of mold and putrefactive processes;
  • The root system of shrubs and, especially, trees, can damage underground communications, for example, water supply, telephone cable, sewerage, or, much worse, gas pipes. According to SNiP, the distance between plants and underground communications must be at least two meters, but it is recommended to take into account the type of green spaces. Trees such as beech, larch or ash are characterized by very developed roots, the length of which can be about 4 meters;
  • shade from trees can create a darkened area in the neighboring area. This means that discontent among neighbors can hardly be avoided;
  • if the crown of a fruit tree hangs over a neighboring area, this means that it will regularly be clogged with apples, pears, plums, etc., which will rot and emit a corresponding smell, and in addition, attract various insects, for example, flies;
  • garden trees, planted too close to the fence, need increased care, and this will be very difficult to do.

The planting distance in relation to the fence must be strictly maintained, and it is strongly recommended to take into account the fact that as the tree or shrub grows, it increases significantly in size.

It is important to take into account the fact that neighbors have the right to trim the branches of your trees and shrubs that hang onto their property without prior consent from you.

Standards for planting trees and shrubs on the site

The norms and requirements regulating the procedure for planting green spaces on a private or suburban area are contained in SNiP dated February 30, 1997. According to them, each owner of such a territory is obliged to comply with certain restrictions related to the distance between trees and bushes and various architectural structures, including fencing.

Distance to fence

This rule is directly related to the height of the plant. It is recommended to plant tall, powerful trees, such as pear or apple trees, after measuring four meters from the fence. This option is suitable for trees whose trunk height can exceed 15 meters. That is, in addition to the series fruit plants, it can also be spruce, pine or birch.

It is important to take into account the fact that neighbors have the right to trim the branches of your trees and shrubs that hang onto their property without prior consent from you.

Trees with a trunk height of approximately 10 m are called medium-sized. This category includes cherry, viburnum, plum, walnut, etc. They need to be planted at a distance of approximately 2 meters from the hedge.

Dwarf varieties fruit trees, as well as all kinds of shrubs are low-growing plants. Accordingly, they have a root system that is quite modest in size. Therefore, they can be planted quite close to the fence - about one meter from it.

When choosing a distance, you need to take into account not only the importance of the peace of your own neighbors, who will not be annoyed by branches hanging over the fence, but also the need to maintain structural strength and decorativeness appearance fencing. Therefore, many experts advise growing both trees, regardless of their height, and shrubs two to three meters away from it.

Distance to structures

Maintaining at least a minimum distance to various architectural and construction objects on the site is very important. These include all kinds of outbuildings, above-ground and underground communications, landscape design elements and the residential building itself. This will significantly reduce the risk of damage to them by the root system, and also not interfere with the access of natural light to the premises.

Distances of trees and shrubs to certain structures:

  • house and small architectural forms (gazebo, bathhouse, summer kitchen, separate veranda, etc.) - at least 5 and 1 meters (respectively);
  • gas pipeline, water supply, communication lines and other engineering systems - 1.5 m (for bushes there are no restrictions, with the exception of power cable and heating pipe - 1 meter);
  • edge of garden paths - 0.7 and 0.5 meters;
  • lighting network support (power line pole) – 1.5 meters;
  • roadway - at least 1.5 m or 1 m for bushes.

House and small architectural forms - at least 5 and 1 meters

When planting plants while maintaining the permissible distance from them to the fencing structure, do not forget that there must also be a certain space between the green spaces themselves. Moreover, for high-quality growth, development, disease resistance and fruiting, this is a determining factor.

Landscaping your own plot is one of the most important processes carried out in such areas.

In order not to fool your head by studying certain requirements for certain types of trees or shrubs, you can resort to a universal solution to this issue and plant plants while maintaining a distance of five meters between them.

But this is more relevant for tall and sloping crops, while with smaller ones you can try to save free space on your own territory, because in some cases this can be a very important advantage.

For example, ordinary shrubs, such as juniper or thuja, can be planted almost every meter. Even being so close to each other, they will not interfere with their neighbor’s qualitative growth and development. Plants classified as shade-tolerant grow well at a distance of two to three meters.

These building codes and regulations are relevant only for those land plots that legally belong to the territories of individual residential construction. On commercial lands, completely different requirements apply.

It is also recommended to regularly study land legislation - in our country, both significant and minor amendments are made to it quite often, and this must be carefully monitored. In addition, in order to avoid any problems in the future, especially if you have no confidence in your knowledge regarding the rules for planting trees and shrubs on your own site, you need to coordinate future work with the relevant authorities.

You can plant any plants at your own dacha. You just need to take into account the distance from the fence to trees and bushes. Therefore, when starting planting, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions of SNiP and SanPiN. Studying the rules is necessary to prevent consequences during the growth of fruit trees. A few years after planting, plants may cause inconvenience to neighbors on the site. As a result, the norms and laws of the Russian Federation for the current 2019 will be violated.

Fence next to trees

The importance of compliance

By observing the distance from the tree to the fence when planting on the site in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*, the following consequences can be eliminated:

  • damage to nearby buildings and fences due to growth;
  • gap electrical cables during strong winds;
  • interference in the passage repair work, since long branches and an overgrown root system interfere with the connection to the Internet, telephone and television. They make it difficult to install electricity, gas pipelines, water pipes, as well as check and clean sewers.
  • difficulties in firefighting.

Near the fence

Distance from the fence

A dacha is a place where you can relax your soul and body. And it's hard to imagine country cottage area without any trees. They serve both to separate zones and as decoration in landscape design. And planting fruit trees subsequently brings a lot of pleasure in the form of a source of natural vitamins.

But it is worth remembering that, as garden green spaces grow, they may subsequently cause discomfort for a neighbor.

The distance between trees and the neighbor's fence should not be less than 4 meters. This applies to large species. If you decide to landscape the area with tall trees, the length of which exceeds 15 meters, it is also necessary to maintain a four-meter distance from the neighbors’ fence. These may include:

  • apple trees;
  • pears;
  • Oak trees;
  • conifers.

The photo shows a beautiful forest.

Trees in the forest

Also, the distance cannot be less than 2 meters between medium-sized and low-growing trees from neighboring fences. They grow up to 10 m. These can be garden trees:

  • cherries;
  • plums;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • hazel.

Read also: At what distance from the septic tank can you drill a well: SNiP and SanPiN standards

When planting dwarf varieties of fruit trees with a height of 2 m, you should maintain at least one meter from the bushes, as well as from the neighbor’s fence. These include:

  • honeysuckle in the country;
  • raspberry bushes;
  • blackberries.

To maintain excellent relations with your neighbor, you should maintain the legal distance between planting trees and the fence. If the rules are not followed, the dense crown and trunks of tall plantings can create unacceptable conditions for further growth for plants in the neighboring area.

Fence next to the gardening community

Discomfort may include:

  • shading, disturbing full process development of sun-loving plants;
  • overhanging spreading branches littering the neighboring territory with all kinds of ripe fruits;
  • the power of the root system, which makes it difficult for neighboring plants to grow when moving onto their site, not giving them adequate nutrition.

If the planted vegetation does not fit into the standards, then the neighbor, if there are overhanging branches, has the right to cut them off without warning or permission from the owner.

Nuances of distances from the fence

If there is a summer cottage in the city or in the countryside nearby, then you should take into account planting shorter plants along neighbor's fence. You can also plant plants with a less spreading and branched crown, as well as with a moderately long and less branched root system.

Standard distances from the fence on sites in SNT and individual housing construction according to SanPiN and SNiP

This will not only not harm neighbor’s plantings in SNT, individual housing construction or on a summer cottage, but will also maintain a friendly atmosphere between houses. Plus, if the dacha plot is small, then by planting dwarf plants there will be enough sunlight for all the seedlings.

It is necessary to answer the question at what distance from the fence trees can be planted for several reasons. Compliance with these standards and rules is necessary so that, due to the growth of plants, their branched root system does not damage communications.

Any plants can be planted along a fence that does not border neighbors. But again, it is worth taking into account the scale of home ownership, summer cottage and their territorial affiliation.

If the cottage is located in a sunny area and sun rays for plants in abundance, you can shade the area with several tall, sprawling trees. If, on the contrary, the plants do not have enough sunlight, then smaller trees with a moderately spreading crown and a small root system are recommended for planting.

Layout of the fence on the site in accordance with the rules and regulations

Distance from buildings

You shouldn’t limit yourself to planting trees from the fence, since all kinds of plantings harm not only neighbors. They can damage their own fences, light wooden buildings and destroy the foundation.

What distance should be between landscape objects and plantings to prevent various consequences is indicated in SNiP.

The maximum planting distance must be maintained when a small wooden building is being constructed. You can also make supports in the form of columns around it, since huge trees with gusty winds can easily lift it and destroy it.

Read also: Distance from high or medium pressure gas pipeline to buildings and structures

The video below goes into detail about correct location buildings on the site.

How many meters according to the rules should be observed so that the planted plant does not cause harm:

  1. The distance from the house should be at least 5 meters. This will not only preserve the life of the foundation, but will also allow you to enjoy plenty of sunlight.
  2. Access to sewerage, gas pipelines and electrical networks must be open to at least one and a half meters. This applies to small shrubs. Accordingly, taller vegetation must be planted no closer than 2.5 m.
  3. TV cables, water pipes, as well as heating network pipes must be accessible at least 2 meters.
  4. By planting plants further than 3 meters, you can maintain your own fence.

Layout of buildings from the fence on the individual housing construction site

When planting vegetation in the local area, you should take into account the material of the building. If the structure is made of brick or concrete, then to prevent fungus and mold from appearing in such a house, it is recommended to plant low-growing vegetation along it.

It is possible to plant dwarf fruit trees in small quantities. If there is a structure made of wood, planting tall vegetation along it is also contraindicated. Because constant shadow can lead to rotting of logs.

For example, poplar has branched roots that grow up to four meters in length. In addition, it grows quite quickly. Accordingly, what distance should be between it and the building is easily calculated - at least four meters for garden plots and private houses.

In most cases, maintaining distance between plants is necessary for the plant owners themselves. Since if it is not followed, you can lose communications.

And growing vegetation near electrical cables can lead to short circuits and further fires. If such planting interferes with fire fighting, then you may be left without buildings.

Scheme of distances from buildings to the border of the site in SNT and individual housing construction according to SNiP and SanPiN

Distance between bushes

Landscaping of a summer cottage often occurs with the help of a variety of plantings in the form of low-growing shrubs, fruit and coniferous trees. But few people know that it is recommended to plant them while maintaining a certain distance. This necessity is required so that the plants do not harm themselves in the future.

In this article we will consider in detail all aspects of planting plants in the garden.

Users often search:

Choosing a place in the garden for plants and following the rules for planting trees and shrubs is more of a recommendation than a hard line of the law, since everyone land plot its relief features and area.

However, it is worth trying to adhere to them for several reasons:

  1. The fast-growing root system of large rocks is capable of destroying the foundations of buildings, garden paths, and small buildings (gazebos, bathhouses).
  2. High crowns create a constant shadow, which is dangerous for a wooden fence. Since the likelihood of developing fungus and rotting of the material increases.
  3. There should be no trees near underground utilities. Even the roots of bushes can damage a telephone cable, water supply or gas pipe.
  4. Neighbors' dissatisfaction will be provoked by excessive shading of the site. Another option is that fruits and leaves from your trees fall on their estate.

It is strictly forbidden to plant tall plants near power lines. In severe frosts or squally winds, branches can break wires and cut off power to an entire area of ​​a city or village or lead to a fire.

When calculating the distance from trees to fences and buildings, only the distance from the central part of the trunk is taken into account. Therefore, any complaints from neighbors about larger branches are appropriate if the plant is located closer than specified in the standards.

There are no differences between the requirements for planting in the private sector or dacha if the territory is under individual housing construction (individual housing construction) or belongs to a housing cooperative (housing construction cooperative).

Let's consider the basic standards depending on the location.

Between buildings (house, gazebo, garage)

The distance between trees and the outer walls of a residential building, garage, gazebo is at least 5 m. The calculation is based on the pillar. If you want to plant plants for protection from the scorching sun, preference should be given to species with a well-branched crown or shrubs. When choosing the latter, the distance to the house is reduced to 1.5 m.

In addition, there are requirements regarding the placement of plantings near the base of retaining walls. The distance from the tree trunk is 3 m, the bush is 1 m.

The distance to the edge of garden paths is reduced to 0.7 m.

It is worth noting that the requirements for gardening partnerships may differ significantly. Therefore, before landing, it is better to clarify all the details with the competent authorities.

To the neighbor's fence

These standards directly depend on the height of the future plant. Among them:

  1. Trees with a trunk over 15 m(birch, oak, maple, pine) are planted at a distance of at least 4 m.
  2. Medium-sized fruit trees include fruit trees (cherry, plum, pear, apricot) with a trunk up to 10 m. These trees can be planted 2 meters from the neighbors’ fence.
  3. Bushes and dwarf fruit trees (viburnum, cherry) are considered low-growing. They can be placed at a distance of 1 m.

But in addition to legislative recommendations, it is worth considering the relationship with neighbors. Overhanging branches, falling fruit, leaves or damage to the integrity of the fence will lead to disagreements. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, it is better to plant plants regardless of height in an interval of 3 m.

To the roadway

The requirements for maintaining the distance of planting are due to the following reasons:

  • the root system can damage the integrity of the road surface;
  • overgrown branches cover part of the route and reduce visibility;
  • placement close to the road in the wrong place will complicate the access of vehicles.

Therefore, trees are planted to the roadway at a distance of 2 m, bushes - from 1 m.

On the border of different areas

If you want to create an additional green fence from your neighbors in this way, you must first ask their consent. Unauthorized landing will lead to conflicts or litigation. In addition, tree branches hanging over your neighbor's property may be removed by him without your consent.

Between plantings

The key factor in the long life of a planted plant This is the presence of sufficient space for full growth and development.

In order not to calculate this distance for each species, you should use the universal distance between plants. It is 5 m.

If the private sector estate is small, then it is worth trying to save on space: the generally accepted recommendation is to leave it for tall trees, and plant shrubs a meter apart from each other. Shade-tolerant specimens should be placed at a distance of 2–3 m between each subsequent unit.

Near communications

The following rules apply:

In addition, when arranging a dacha, it is worth taking into account the tree species. If you are going to grow ash, beech, or acacia on your plot, then there should be nothing within a radius of 4 m from them. This is due to the developed root system.

The right place, compatibility of plantings

The estate looks impressive with cypress, birch, and thuja trees. The latter breed is especially popular among residents of the private sector. It is planted near a fence or street side.

In addition to legal requirements, it is important to comply with recommendations for correct landing seedlings:

  1. Fruit trees are placed at a distance of 3 m from each other. It will be easier to care for them and harvest. And each specimen, as it develops, will receive enough light.
  2. Near oak and ash trees, it is worth placing low-growing, shade-loving flowers.
  3. Bushes are planted at a distance equal to the height of 2 adult plants.
  4. Thuja, cedar, cypress, pine, spruce can be placed a meter from each other.

Despite the beautiful combination of fruit trees and shrubs (currants, raspberries), you should not plant them together. Excessive shade will lead to the fact that the bushes will have to be replanted without a guarantee that they will be accepted in the new place.

Legislative standards for maintaining the distance from trees to neighboring buildings and fences are designed so that the placement is convenient and beneficial to both parties. If you can’t stick to them, you should enlist the support of your neighbors.

Many people believe that planting a shrub or tree on your own plot is not difficult. In fact, this is a very difficult task. The difficulty lies not in choosing a suitable plant or preparing the soil for it, but in the proper placement of the planting on the site. There are standards for planting trees in relation to the fence of a neighbor's property that must be observed. Proper placement requires compliance with planting standards in relation to other trees and buildings. The landing site must be selected taking into account the location of underground utilities.

Beginners in the field of gardening should carefully read the recognized standards, the so-called SNiP. Current legislation requires their compliance. Each owner of a plot or other private territory can dispose of it at his own discretion, but it is prohibited to create inconvenience to neighbors. The standards indicate what distance should be between green spaces and the fence. Building codes designed taking into account fire and sanitary requirements.

When doing landscaping, you need to observe a lot of important points when planting fruit trees. It is necessary not only to follow the planting rules, maintaining a distance, but also to take into account that in a few years the tree will grow, its crown will increase in size, and whether it will end up outside the border of the site. Having carefully studied SNiP and norms, which are mostly advisory in nature, you need to apply them to your site, taking into account the trees chosen for planting.

Many summer residents do not understand why they need to comply with the standards if their relations with their neighbors are excellent, and they do not mind the fact that an old apple tree is leaning on their plot. There are a number of factors that explain why it is necessary to take into account distances and follow planting rules:

  • As trees develop, they increase their root mass. They can damage nearby construction and architectural objects with it. The most powerful roots can lift a bathhouse or gazebo and damage the fence.
  • In many areas, power lines run near fences. In this case, it will not be possible to ignore the distance requirements. Wind or hurricane can break off the crown of a tree, it will fall on the wires, which is very dangerous. Failure to take tree planting seriously will not only lead to a blackout in the entire village, but will also create a danger for people in the form of broken wires lying on the ground. The special structure of the crown can lead to contact with wires, which is also dangerous.
  • If the fence and buildings on the site are made of wood, and the trunks of tall trees with a powerful crown grow nearby, there is a risk of gradual destruction natural material. Due to constant shadow, the risk of mold, the development of fungal infections and putrefactive processes in its structure increases.
  • The root system of shrubs and trees can damage underground communications, for example, telephone cables, water supply, sewerage, gas pipes, which poses the greatest danger. The distance between buildings, communications and trees must be at least two meters. When planting ash, larch or beech on a plot, the distance must be increased to four meters.
  • Large trees planted along the fence will cast a shadow on the neighboring territory; think about it, because conflicts may arise because of this. The same reaction from neighbors can be expected if ripe fruits constantly fall on their site and rot there, attracting various insects. It should be remembered that if the planting is improper, neighbors may trim branches located on their territory without approval.
  • Garden trees planted near objects will be difficult to process and care for due to the proximity of the fence.

Standards for planting shrubs and trees

You can familiarize yourself with the full list of requirements and standards that regulate the procedure for planting plantings in the SNiP dated 1997. Let's take a brief look at the basic rules regarding planting trees from neighbors' fences.

Distance between plantings and fence

Many people are interested in the question: “A fence separates me from my neighbors. At what distance from the fence should trees be planted? The distance from the fence is selected taking into account their height. It is recommended to plant powerful trees (apple or pear trees) at a distance of at least four meters from the fence. This is the optimal gap for trees no more than 15 m high. This way you can plant fruit trees, as well as birch, pine, and spruce.

Medium-trunk trees, whose trunk height does not exceed 10 meters, must be planted at a distance of two meters from the fence. Such fruit trees include: viburnum, cherry, plum, walnut. There are dwarf trees and all kinds of shrubs. Low-growing plantings and tall shrubs have a fairly small root system. Therefore, if you plant them a meter from the fence, there will be no harm.

When choosing a place to plant trees, you need to take into account not only good neighborly relations, but also the need to preserve the decorative appearance of the fence and structural strength. Taking this into account, many specialists landscape design, it is recommended that all green spaces, in accordance with the standards, regardless of height, be planted at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Distance from plantings to structures

Owners of small summer cottages most often do not comply with planting standards, believing that “there is no room anyway.” But it is very important to maintain at least the distance between trees and residential and outbuildings. This will reduce the risk of damage to the root system and eliminate strong shading.

According to accepted standards, the distance from trees should be as follows:

  • To a residential building, the foundation of buildings (bathhouse, gazebo, separate summer kitchen and verandas) - at least 5 m.
  • To the edge of garden paths - 70 cm.
  • Before engineering systems, communications - 1.5 meters.
  • Power line poles are 1.5 meters away.
  • 1.5 meters to the roadway.

For shrubs, the standards change somewhat downwards.

Distance between plantings

When carefully calculating the distance between buildings and plants, do not forget that maintaining the distance between plants is also very important. It is necessary for high-quality development, plant growth, resistance to diseases, and high yields.

For tall trees, the distance must be strictly observed, five meters. If there is free space on the site, you can plant green spaces at such a distance without going into the subtleties of the requirements. If the area does not allow, you can save space by reducing the distance from five to three or two meters.

Small shrubs do not require much space around; they can be planted every meter. These are currants, gooseberries, thuja, and juniper. They will not interfere with the normal development and fruiting of each other. Shade-tolerant plants can be planted at a distance of 2-3 meters, they feel great. Compliance with the rules for planting trees and shrubs will help you avoid conflicts with neighbors and get a good harvest.

Growing a healthy fruit-bearing garden is the dream of any land owner. To do this, it is necessary to provide all trees with sufficient light, otherwise good harvests one can only dream, the trees will be sick and damaged by pests. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance between all fruit trees. How to do this in a limited area of ​​a standard dacha? To solve this problem, you need to plan the placement of crops taking into account all the needs and nuances.

How to determine the required distance

In addition to the demands on light, you need to take into account the fact that with close plantings root systems trees touch each other. As a result, some of them will lack nutrients. After all, a stronger plant will take them away from a weaker one. A distance from home must be maintained, outbuildings and a fence, at least equal to the height of the tree itself. A falling tree, even with its top, can cause serious damage to buildings.

When calculating the spacing between trees, it is necessary to take into account how they will grow in the future. Therefore, when purchasing a seedling, you need to ask the seller in detail about the characteristics of the variety. It is best to buy planting material in trusted places and nurseries. When purchasing a seedling “from hand”, you cannot be sure that the variety will correspond to the declared one.

So, at what distance should fruit trees be planted from each other?

  • tall trees, such as vigorous apple trees, pears, apricots, and cherries, should preferably be planted closer than 5-6 m from each other;
  • cherries, plums, dwarf pears and apple trees - 3-4 m;
  • columnar apple trees - 2 m.

At what distance should fruit trees be planted from each other?

While the trees are small, the spaces between the rows can be occupied by berry bushes or garden crops. Gardeners often use currants and gooseberries for this, as well as strawberries, potatoes and root vegetables. The only nuance in this case is that you cannot occupy the tree trunks; this is at least a meter in diameter.

How to make a planting plan

To understand how to properly plant fruit trees on garden plot, you need to study the dacha plot. You need to know the location of groundwater on it, take into account your own and neighbors’ buildings, be sure to take into account the cardinal directions, power lines, and the direction of the prevailing and cold winds. Next, a sheet of paper is taken, and all of the above objects are noted in great detail. After this, you should decide what percentage of the total area of ​​the remaining space can be given to the garden. This is, as a rule, the more northern part of the site, so that trees do not block future beds. Next, you need to decide which fruit and berry crops are needed, how many early, mid-season, late varieties. Choose the varieties you like and write down the approximate height of each of them.

Orchard scheme for planting bushes and trees according to a stepwise planting system:

  1. To the north are tall trees;
  2. closer to the south - medium height;
  3. then – low;
  4. on the southernmost side there will be strawberries and garden crops.

How to make a compatibility planting plan

The modern trend towards landscape design involves planting a garden in the form of curtains, hedges, single plantings on the lawn, and round gardens. Planning such a placement will require more work and knowledge. If possible, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals in order to avoid mistakes and get high-level results.

Rules for arranging seedlings according to cardinal directions

Most fruit crops are light-loving. Rowan, barberry, gooseberry, raspberry, rose hip, black currant can tolerate slight shading. Grapes are a very heat-loving plant; they can be placed near a building or fence on the south or southwest side. Peach, apricot, pear, plum, apple trees need a lot of light. They are planted in the south and southwest. Black currants can be placed at the northern border of the site. Red currants and gooseberries - from the western or eastern side. Bushes can also be placed between seedlings of long-growing fruit trees, remembering the rule: the lifespan of berries is about 12-15 years. Then the tree branches will close together, and it won’t be possible to place anything between them.

Resistant varieties of cherries and plums can be located along the movement of the prevailing wind. They will act as a barrier to less resistant crops. In addition, taking into account prevailing winds, self-sterile varieties are planted so that pollinators are in front of them.

Distance to fence with neighbors

Distance to fence with neighbors

Equally important when planting trees and shrubs is the proximity of the fence to neighbors. There is a law on “Planning and development of the territory of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens,” which states that the distance to the neighboring plot is at least 4 m for tall trees, 2 m for medium-sized trees and 1 m for shrubs. You also need to take into account the neighbor’s house: there must be at least 5 m from it to a tall tree. The law is the law, but in practice, fruit trees often grow right on the border of the plot. Usually this suits both parties, since the neighbors are provided with fruit from them. But when the tree gets old and begins to pose a threat, then conflict will not be avoided. Therefore, it is better to keep the interval.

How to arrange trees on 10 acres

The first step is to take a sheet of graph paper and draw a site plan on a convenient scale.

It is customary to divide the estate into the following zones:

  • Living sector. Includes the house and surrounding area.
  • Rest zone. Usually located inside the site.
  • Garden. As a rule, it occupies the largest space.
  • Economic part. Sheds for storing equipment and pets.

Existing and planned paths, fences, fences, and underground communications are also noted. It is also necessary to note on the plan the wind rose and the relief of the site. Planting must also be planned taking into account the border with neighbors. The garden, as a rule, occupies the northern or northeastern part, but it all depends on the location of the particular site. It is quite possible to occupy the border of a dacha with fruit trees, provided that the distance between tall apple trees, pears, cherries and the fence is 4 m, for plums and other short trees - 3 m, for shrubs - 1 m.

Compatibility of fruit trees and berry gardens

It would be good if crop compatibility was taken into account when planning plantings. The fact is that plants secrete various substances that, when released into the soil, can inhibit the crop growing nearby.

Trees of the same species are considered ideal neighbors. But in an amateur garden it is rarely impossible to plant separate pear trees, separate apple trees, etc. Moreover, there are usually 1 to 3 copies of each species. The minimum distance to the antagonist crop is 4 m.

Compatibility table for fruit trees and berry bushes

CultureFavorable interactionUndesirable neighborhood
Apple treeraspberries (until the apple tree grows), honeysuckle, quinceall berry bushes, all stone fruits
pearrowan, currant, apple tree, grapesbarberry, juniper, cherry, sweet cherry
cherrycherry, plumrowan, nightshade
plumelderpear, apple tree, raspberry, black currant
apricotdogwoodapple tree, pear tree, plum tree, peach tree, cherry tree
peachapricotapple tree, pear tree, cherry tree

What to consider when landing

You should not plant crops that do not grow well in your climate. They will require a lot of attention, effort and time, and the result may be disappointing. Then you will have to cut down and uproot them, replace them with more suitable ones and wait for them to grow. It is best to initially choose the planting material that will ensure a reliable future for the garden.

With proper crown formation, a maximum of 15 trees can fit on one acre. If pruning is not carried out, then half as much. The exception is columnar forms, which can be planted at intervals of 1 m. The ideal arrangement of rows of garden crops is from south to north in height. In the middle between the rows you can grow shade-tolerant crops.


If enough space is allocated to the garden, then it is better to plant the berry bushes separately from the trees, since later problems may arise when spraying the trees at a time when the bushes can no longer be processed.

If there were old trees on the plots that were removed, then this needs to be taken into account when planning new plantings. Over the course of its life, a tree selects from the soil what it needs. nutrients, soil fatigue occurs. In addition, diseases and pests characteristic of this type of crop accumulate in the area where it grows. Therefore, it is important to observe the so-called garden rotation.

There are several principles for proper crop rotation in the garden:

  • You cannot plant a new tree of the same species in the place of an old tree. That is, after the apple tree, you cannot plant an apple tree.
  • At least 5 years must pass between planting a crop of the same type as the previous one.
  • It is not advisable to plant crops from the same family one after another. For example, after stone fruits it is better to plant pome fruits and vice versa.
  • To reduce soil fatigue, you can clear the fertile layer of soil (30 cm) from the roots of an old tree.
  • Another way to restore the soil is to sow green manure in this place: rapeseed, soybeans, buckwheat.
  • In place of the removed crop, you can grow vegetables, herbs or perennial herbs.

How to place a garden in a small area

Tips from experienced gardeners for growing fruit trees in a small garden:

  1. The most logical solution for a small garden is dwarf trees. They can be grown at an interval of 1 m between trees and 2 meters in a row. At the same time, they begin to bear fruit earlier than tall varieties.
  2. Another option is grafting on low-growing tree species. The most winter-hardy rootstock is cotoneaster; it grows well both in the Moscow region and Leningrad region, as well as in the Urals and Siberia. Even a pear on it will grow no higher than 2 m. However, a grafted tree requires slightly different care than an ordinary rooted plant.
  3. Experienced owners of small gardens advise placing trees in a checkerboard pattern. At the same time, the norm of spacing between trees is maintained, and row spacing is reduced.
  4. Also, in a small garden with dense plantings, proper pruning is required. It is necessary to form compact crowns that will not intertwine branches with nearby growing trees.
  5. It is better to choose the most proven varieties of fruit and berry crops for a small garden. This will help avoid “downtime” when such expensive square meters will not produce results due to the fact that the selected variety does not bear fruit for several years.