What kind of discharge occurs during fertilization? Discharge after ovulation, if conception is successful

Discharge during ovulation is considered a natural process. They can also appear before it starts and after it ends. Moreover, their character may differ significantly (volume, shade, texture, etc.). Therefore, sometimes women have a question: is this or that condition a physiological norm or is it worth seeing a doctor? This article describes what discharge (leucorrhoea) is normal in a given period menstrual cycle.

Why do they appear?

What exactly is vaginal discharge? This is cervical mucus, which is produced by special glands in the cervical canal. It serves to facilitate conception during certain periods and prevent it during others. This explains the more or less favorable days for conception throughout the menstrual cycle.


12-17 days before ovulation such leucorrhoea begins to appear. That is, in fact, they occur immediately after the cessation of menstrual bleeding. Their volume is small and gradually increasing. At this stage, the endometrium in the uterus has not yet recovered sufficiently and they are needed in order to prevent unwanted conception, as they create a mucus plug in the cervical canal and interfere with the movement of sperm.


Ovulation occurs on the 15-17th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts 1-2 days (these indicators are individual and may vary slightly for a particular woman and depending on the duration of the monthly cycle). During ovulation, secretion becomes thinner and its acidity changes. All this is necessary to create optimal conditions for the penetration of male germ cells into the uterus and fertilization.


White thick discharge after the release of the egg is most characteristic. They are present for about a week and stop with the onset of menstruation or 1-2 days before it.

Could it not be?

In a normal state, vaginal discharge cannot be completely absent. Usually, their absence indicates a strong pathology of the mucous membrane or glands of the cervical canal. However, if the egg has matured but has not left the follicle, an anovulatory cycle develops. In this case, discharge characteristic of this period will not appear. The symptoms will remain the same as before the onset of this period, and then their character will gradually change before the onset of menstruation.

When do they appear?

Normally, cervical secretion in one form or another is always present. The minimum volume of secretion is observed 1-2 days after menstruation. During this period, she may be almost completely absent and the woman does not notice her. But on days 3-4 its volume increases and it becomes more noticeable.

The meaning of discharge before ovulation

What character should mucus normally have before ovulation? It is released in small quantities. Moreover, immediately after menstruation, it is often absent altogether (that is, it is released, but the woman does not notice it) or is present in very small quantities. And as you approach ovulation, its amount increases. Normally, it should be thick enough to create a full-fledged mucus plug in the cervical canal and prevent conception.


Brown or pinkish discharge indicates that there is some blood in it. But such discharge before ovulation should not normally be present. Therefore, if your period has long ended, and bloody smear is present, then it is better to visit a specialist, as this is sometimes a sign of pathology (cervical erosion, cysts, endometriosis).


It is precisely this nature of vaginal secretion at this stage that represents the physiological norm. If there is no mucous discharge, this may be a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the glands of the cervical canal. This mucus is normally quite thick, transparent or whitish, not wet.


Too thin leucorrhoea during such a period leads to the fact that a mucus plug does not form in the cervical canal, and sperm can freely penetrate into the organ cavity. This is an unfavorable situation that may indicate a hormonal disorder or an inflammatory or infectious process, so this condition cannot be ignored.

White creamy

White discharge before ovulation is normal. If they have normal viscosity and normal volume, then there is no pathology. After intimacy, they may remain a little creamier for some time, but this is also the norm. You only need to worry when they become cheesy in nature, as this sometimes indicates candidiasis.


Yellowish and yellow discharge after ovulation, before and during it is not a physiological norm. They are usually quite dense and have an unpleasant putrid odor. This indicates that they are purulent in nature, and therefore serve as a symptom of the inflammatory process in the reproductive system. Having discovered such secretion in yourself, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, since quite often purulent processes in the reproductive system require immediate intervention and significantly threaten health.


Transparent secretion before and during egg maturation is also a normal condition. It is important to ensure that there is not too much of it, that it is not excessively liquid and wet, as this may indicate an inflammatory process. It must be remembered that its volumes should be minimal, and their sharp increase during this period may be a sign of a disease.


Watery discharge at this time is not normal. Since before and after the eggs mature, they should be more or less jelly-like, but not wet. If watery ones occur, then with a high degree of probability we can say that there is a violation in the level of hormones, and it is worth visiting a specialist.


With the reproductive system in full health, and without any inflammation, cervical secretion is sticky and sticky. Maintains jelly-like texture. In addition, the secretion is not wet. If there are certain deviations from such characteristics, you should be wary and visit a gynecologist.


The absence of discharge is often imaginary. They are released in the first phase in very small quantities, especially in the first 2-3 days, but then, as they approach ovulation, for about 15 days, their number increases. Therefore, if 3-4 days after menstruation it seems that secretion does not appear, there is no need to worry. But if it is not present even at a later date, then this may be a sign of pathology.

The meaning of discharge during ovulation

How long does the discharge last when an egg is released, ovulation? Their duration is 1-2 days, that is, they occur throughout the period of release of eggs from the follicles. At the same time, their character may change slightly. Smearing during ovulation is not typical - more often there is quite abundant secretion. The reasons for this are that it also facilitates the penetration of male reproductive cells into the uterus.


Strictly speaking, bloody impurities are not the norm and at this stage menstrual cycle. But sometimes brown discharge during ovulation may be present and not indicate a serious pathology if it is present in small quantities and appears once. In this case, brownish or pink leucorrhoea during ovulation is stained with blood released when the follicle ruptures. But such a constant occurrence is not the norm.


On the day of ovulation, fairly liquid and viscous mucus is produced in increased volumes. Based on the occurrence of such leucorrhoea, a woman herself can determine the most favorable date for planning conception.


Liquid mucous leucorrhoea during ovulation is not pathological in a situation where the liquefaction is not very strong. Very thin and watery discharge is still a symptom of the pathology, but slight thinning is acceptable.

White creamy

Creamy leucorrhoea is absent during the period of ovulation, as well as white and whitish. Their appearance on the days when eggs are released can be a sign of thrush.


Yellow discharge during ovulation is also not normal, for the same reasons as before. In itself, yellow secretion is pus, so its appearance at any stage of the menstrual cycle is a serious reason to visit a specialist.


Cervical fluid is clear during ovulation. This is the norm. In consistency, it is similar to egg white. The volume of discharge should increase compared to the period before.


Although the character of the leucorrhoea changes during ovulation, it does not become watery or wet. This may indicate a disturbance in hormone levels or an inflammatory process.


Pink, yellow, brown (appearing more than once), white secretions during ovulation are a deviation from the norm. And at the stage of pregnancy planning, if this happens, it is better to consult a doctor.


Can there be ovulation without discharge? Normally, this should not happen, this indicates a pathological process associated with hormonal levels, in particular, a decrease in the level of estrogen, progesterone, menopause, etc. Much less often, the fact that there is no discharge during ovulation indicates a pathology of the mucous membrane.

The meaning of discharge after ovulation

This secretion has a medium viscosity. She can no longer create a mucus plug that protects against pregnancy. However, it does not contribute to the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity. For this reason, at this stage


Bloody discharge after ovulation is impossible in a healthy state. However, spotting may appear after ovulation, but this indicates pregnancy. Without conception this does not happen.

Mucus, clear, watery and thin

Mucous discharge after ovulation is uncharacteristic and may be signs of an inflammatory process, as well as excessively thin, watery and/or transparent discharge.

White creamy

White creamy discharge after ovulation is considered normal. They resemble, in consistency, liquid cream. But it is important to distinguish between cheesy discharge, which is still a sign of fungus.


Yellowish creamy discharge after ovulation is normal, since the coloring is caused by the hormone progesterone, which is abundant during this period. However, it is important to pay attention to whether pus actually comes out.


Excessively long (more than seven days) and heavy discharge after ovulation may indicate that it never actually occurred, since the follicle did not burst, but became a cyst.


This phenomenon is quite unlikely. And if it occurs, then you need to consult a doctor, as this may indicate pathologies of the reproductive system.

During pregnancy

If, during the current ovulation of a particular menstrual cycle, conception occurred and pregnancy began to develop, then this can be determined by a number of indirect signs. Including changes in the nature of vaginal secretion (cervical mucus).

  • Brown. These may indicate pregnancy. They appear in small quantities, in the form of a spot, about a week after ovulation. They are connected with the fact that the process of implantation of the fertilized egg into the thickness of the tissue has occurred. However, this is also possible when fertilization has occurred, but the embryo has not consolidated, that is, in fact, there is no pregnancy;
  • White discharge is an acceptable condition that cannot clearly speak in favor of either the presence of pregnancy or its absence;
  • Copious bleeding or mixed with blood is also possible. This is a rather pathological sign, since in most cases this symptomatology is caused by an ectopic (often, specifically, tubal) pregnancy.

The complete absence of any secretion also cannot speak in favor of the presence of pregnancy or its absence. But since this may be a sign of pathology, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Nature tries to help people in many ways through hints. For example, weather forecasters predict the weather, folk signs guide you on the right path and much more.

Likewise, a woman who dreams of pregnancy can determine conception at a very early stage, immediately after ovulation, by the discharge alone. What kind of secretions indicate fertilization?

More reliable signs of successful conception can be considered clear discharge with detachable bloody streaks. They appear 7–10 days after fertilization has occurred. Often women perceive them as the beginning of menstruation, but this may turn out to be implantation bleeding. At this time, the embryo penetrates the endometrial layer in the uterus, causing tissue damage and blood streaks may appear in the mucous secretions. The duration of discharge can reach several days.

Most often, implantation occurs unnoticed by the girl. This physiological process and does not pose a threat to the woman’s body and the little person inside her.

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy

What discharge is considered normal during pregnancy?

The first trimester is characterized by a period of possession of the hormone progesterone. However, it is he who creates the mucous secretion when conception occurs.

But, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the discharge changes and becomes:

  • Liquid;
  • Abundant;
  • Without smell;
  • Does not cause itching or burning.

This period is characterized by rule, and therefore the nature of the allocations changes.

It is worth understanding that a woman’s body in an interesting position loses its protective function and any infection can penetrate it. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor if a pregnant woman notices the following discharge:

  • Leucorrhoea with an admixture of flakes or clots, with a sour smell. Such discharge indicates the development of candidiasis or thrush.
  • , especially if they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. This is a really dangerous symptom for a pregnant woman. On early stages this may be a threat of miscarriage or a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. In the later stages, this may be a sign of placenta previa or abruption, a sign.

In any case, if a woman is bothered by uncharacteristic discharge after conception, she should tell the doctor about it.

Other secretions in different situations

In any phase of the monthly cycle, discharge appears from the vagina. But each time they have their own characteristics, changing color, consistency, smell depending on the phase of the cycle, the state of health of the genital organs and the situation.

Sometimes they can be abundant, in other cases the woman feels vaginal dryness.

Do not forget that the abundance of discharge increases in some cases:

  • During the period of sexual arousal;
  • Before and ;
  • While taking hormonal medications, especially if they contain estrogens;

In addition, the amount of discharge is also affected by the time that falls on the monthly cycle. Over the course of a month, under the influence of a woman’s hormonal background, their abundance and density changes - all this indicates a natural process. In principle, it cannot happen when there is no secret being produced at all.

It’s completely different if a woman dreams of pregnancy - then she can perceive any discharge as the first sign interesting situation. Especially now, when the Internet is teeming with “helpers” in the person of future or real mothers who write their memories of such a process.

There is even such a thing as psychosomatic signs of pregnancy: blood smear, etc. And pregnancy becomes a huge disappointment.

But not always discharge after ovulation can indicate a positive result of conception. What’s even worse is that characteristic discharge during the ovulatory period may indicate serious female problems that require treatment. Therefore, we do not close our eyes to the signals of the body, but seek help if a woman discovers the following discharge;

  • Greenish in color;
  • Or yellowish in color with a putrid odor.

In addition, you should pay attention to colorless discharge, but with an additional “load” of symptoms:

  • Painful urination;
  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Itching and burning;
  • Leucorrhoea mixed with flakes or clots.

All this may indicate an inflammatory or infectious process in the body. The secretion formed during ovulation may indicate various abnormalities:

  • Bacterial;
  • Gribkova;
  • Viral infections.

It is worth considering that if - this does not promise automatic protection female body from various “pests”. It is better to consult a gynecologist and be sure of protection from unwanted problems.

Vaginal discharge is observed in a woman throughout her life. Their character changes not only with age, but also throughout one menstrual cycle. By their changes, one can recognize ovulation, as well as suggest pathological changes in the female reproductive system. They are necessary to protect the genital tract from pathogenic bacteria by creating an acidic environment and maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

Reasons for changing the nature of discharge

Each month, under the influence of hormones, one egg is prepared in one of the ovaries for fertilization. At the moment of ovulation, it leaves the follicle and moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. This time is best for conception. Therefore, physiological changes occur in the body that facilitate this process and increase the likelihood of fertilization. One of these changes is discharge during ovulation.

Thinning cervical mucus allows sperm to penetrate the uterus faster and also creates a favorable environment for them. external environment.

How long does discharge last during the ovulatory phase?

Sticky transparent mucus is noticeable only for 2-3 days. After the release of the egg, progesterone will begin to be synthesized in the ovary. Under its action, the contents of the cervical canal will become denser. White discharge is a sign of completion of ovulation.

If a woman uses a calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, determining ovulation by discharge can help her identify “dangerous” days for conception. Sperm can survive in the vaginal and cervical mucus for up to 5 days before the oocyte is released and for about the same amount of time after that. This favorable time for pregnancy.

How to determine ovulation by discharge?

Creamy white dense mucus becomes more liquid, viscous and elastic, taking on the appearance of protein chicken egg. This happens on the day of ovulation and for 5 days after it.

Not all discharge in the middle of the cycle may be normal. Knowing the symptoms of the pathology, a woman can suspect the disease in time and consult a doctor.

Characteristics of cervical mucus during ovulation

Discharge from the cervix is ​​formed as a result of the work of the glands of the cervical canal. Under the influence of estrogens, in the first phase of the cycle the volume of mucus gradually increases, reaching 0.5 ml per day by the time the oocyte enters. At this time, the water content in it increases, which makes up at least half of the volume of secretions. Therefore, they acquire a watery character.

A mixture of water and proteins (mucin and other peptides) forms a hydrogel. It has increased elasticity and ductility. Cyclic changes in cervical secretion during ovulation are an important factor determining the successful penetration of sperm into the uterus for fertilization.

Signs of normal cervical secretion during ovulation

What should the discharge be like?

Normally they are light, but may contain a small admixture of blood or turn pink.

How many days does it take for their character to change?

Immediately after menstruation, the secretion is scanty and dense. About 5 days before expected ovulation, the mucus begins to gradually thin out and become more viscous and elastic. Before ovulation, cervical mucus from a dense plug turns into the so-called egg white - transparent discharge, elastic, stretching well for several centimeters.

Weak pink discharge in the middle of the cycle (1.5-2 weeks before the expected menstruation) occurs when a mature egg leaves the follicle. At this time, the level of estrogen increases and there may be a slight rejection of the internal tissue of the uterus - the endometrium, which is accompanied by minor bleeding. Such signs occur in a third of women and are the norm.

When pinkish mucus appears in the middle of the cycle, it must be taken into account that the probability of conception is somewhat reduced, since the rejected endometrium reduces the surface of the uterus functionally suitable for implantation of a fertilized egg.

If a woman has recently given birth to a baby, she may have pink discharge when ovulation resumes.

Simultaneously with the change in the nature of secretion, a woman may notice other signs:

Can ovulation occur without mucus discharge?

Yes, this is not an absolute sign. For many women, no external changes occur in the body when the egg is released. Vaginal dryness is a fairly common problem that interferes with normal conception. It can be caused by low estrogen levels or the individual characteristics of the female body.

The absence of discharge does not mean that a woman has not ovulated, much less that she is infertile. Although this makes it somewhat more difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus, pregnancy is still possible, especially during the “fertile window” - the next 5 days before and after the egg is released.

Diagnostic tests for cervical mucus

Assessing the characteristics of cervical mucus is one of the methods for determining ovulation, which was previously used by gynecologists. To do this, the extensibility of the discharge was determined using special tweezers, capturing mucus from the external opening of the cervical canal and stretching it. During ovulation, the size of the divergence of the jaws of the forceps with a continuous mucous thread is 8-12 cm. During other phases of the cycle, it does not exceed 4 cm.

The sensitivity of this diagnostic method for secretions does not exceed 50%. The same principle applies to the home method of determining the extensibility of cervical mucus, when a woman independently stretches the vaginal discharge between her fingers. By increasing the length of a continuous thread, you can approximately determine the time favorable for conception.

If the mucus obtained during ovulation is applied to glass and dried, then under a microscope it will acquire a characteristic pattern in the form of a fern leaf. This is due to the increased content of salts and mucin (mucous protein) in it, which crystallize to form stripes. Such diagnostics are used in some reusable ones (based on saliva and cervical mucus).

To evaluate the properties of cervical mucus, doctors use a scoring system. It is used in reproductive medicine when examining patients with infertility. A score of 10 or more points is normal, a lower number is a sign of pathological changes.

The following characteristics are taken into account:

  1. Volume: absence of mucus – 0; 0.1 ml – 1; 0.2 ml – 2; 0.3 ml or more – 3 points.
  2. Consistency: viscous and dense – 0; minor – 1; watery – 2 points.
  3. Crystallization: atypical – 1; fern pattern with branches of the 1st and 2nd orders - 2; branches of the 3rd and 4th orders – 3 points.
  4. Extensibility when gripping with a forceps: up to 1 cm – 0; from 1 to 4 cm – 1; from 5 to 8 cm – 2; 9 cm or more – 3 points.

Additional indicators that affect the “quality” of mucus at the time of ovulation:

  • the presence of dead immune and epithelial cells during microscopic examination;
  • acidity during ovulation should be 7.0-8.0; acidification of the environment immobilizes sperm and is observed with vaginal infections;
  • the “pupil” symptom is the expansion of the external os of the uterus before ovulation up to 30 mm.

Pathological changes

The nature of discharge during ovulation usually does not change in one woman over several cycles. The appearance of unusual signs is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Bloody issues

Caused by diseases of the reproductive organs of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature. Intermenstrual bleeding is observed with or.

Other possible reasons blood impurities in the middle of the cycle:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thrombocytopathy, a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood in hematological diseases;
  • side effects oral contraceptives.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle can be a sign or, as well as vaginal injury.

Brown discharge is caused by the release of remnants of rejected endometrium and blood after menstruation. During ovulation, the cervix softens and opens, and this helps cleanse the organ cavity of unnecessary substances. Short-term spotting during ovulation should not bother a woman if it occurs rarely.

Constant dark discharge in the middle of the cycle can occur with the following pathology:

  • increased fragility of blood vessels due to lack of vitamin C and rutin;
  • severe liver disease;
  • vaginal infections, dysbiosis, .

Sometimes brownish discharge is a symptom of implantation bleeding. It is caused by damage to the endometrial wall when a fertilized egg is implanted into it. You can think about such a possibility if the last sexual contact was no later than 5 days before.

Yellow discharge

Usually associated with a condition when, instead of normal microflora, pathogenic microorganisms multiply on the vaginal mucosa, which do not cause inflammation, but lead to itching, burning, unpleasant odor, and problems with conception due to changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment.

If vaginosis appears, you should not douche or use tampons. It is necessary to use sanitary pads and wash daily with running water.

Yellow discharge can accompany infections such as candidiasis and. They have an unpleasant odor, are accompanied by itching, swelling and redness of the external genitalia, burning during urination and pain during sexual intercourse. If any of these signs occur, consult a doctor.

Copious secretion

If a woman experiences irregular or heavy discharge, she should consult a gynecologist. Such signs are not associated with ovulation and serve as a symptom of gynecological diseases. If you experience mucous or bloody discharge during menopause, you should definitely consult a doctor. These symptoms may be early sign oncological process.

Every woman should be able to distinguish the normal pinkish color of discharge from bleeding. If in doubt, you should contact a gynecologist to get timely medical care, especially if the discharge has atypical viscosity, an unpleasant odor, is accompanied by fever, itching in the vagina, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Hygiene rules

Vaginal discharge during ovulation can cause discomfort because it is quite heavy compared to other phases of the cycle. A woman cannot change the amount of mucus, so she should follow some hygiene rules to improve her well-being.

To absorb excess secretions, you need to use sanitary pads. They will help prevent mucus from getting on your laundry and creating an unpleasant odor. Tampons should not be used, as their use at this point in the cycle can disrupt the vaginal microflora and lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

There is no need to use intimate hygiene products. Excessive removal of cervical mucus creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, you need to wash yourself daily with clean running water and not take a bath.

Wear loose cotton underwear and change it daily. If liquid gets on panties, it is recommended to change them as many times during the day as necessary to keep the perineum clean and dry. Just in case, it is better to have a spare pair of underwear in a clean bag in a woman’s bag so that you can change clothes in time.

During these days, it is recommended to avoid unprotected sex unless the woman plans to become pregnant. Otherwise, the likelihood of infection with chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections increases. The risk of developing vaginal candidiasis increases.

Today, many couples take an extremely responsible approach to family planning. Parents lead a healthy lifestyle and even guess the best date for conception. Therefore, it is not surprising that they take into account all the signs from the first day of the alleged pregnancy. Today we will tell you what discharge after conception should be normal, and what should alert the expectant mother.

How does conception occur?

The beginning of pregnancy is counted not from the moment of union of the egg with the sperm, but from the attachment of the zygote to the wall of the uterus. Because even a fertilized cell does not always go through this stage and conception never occurs. This happens with various pathologies of an endocrine nature, with an insufficient layer of the endometrium, with polyps, intrauterine devices, tumors and other pathologies. Then the baby, consisting of several cells, comes out of the vagina unnoticed by the woman. After fertilization, 7, and sometimes 10-12 days elapse before the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. And pregnancy can be determined using an analysis or test only 40 hours after the embryo has implanted in the uterus.

A mature follicle bursts and a ready-made egg emerges. The discharge at this moment is liquid, viscous, like chicken protein. Ovulation test - a drop of secretion is stretched between fingers spread apart into a thread. They are colorless and odorless; there may be inclusions of blood due to rupture of the follicle. The temperature in the vagina rises to 37-37.3 degrees. The egg begins to move into the tubes and can meet the sperm anywhere up to the uterus. Further, already fertilized, she continues on her way. The tubes contract to allow the egg to enter the uterine cavity. In rare cases, the zygote remains in the tube and an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Then the woman feels increasing pain and sees bloody discharge. An anomaly occurs for various reasons, for example, when wearing an IUD. Once in the uterus, the zygote clings to the endometrium and merges with it sideways. This process is accompanied by microdamage and the appearance of a small amount of blood, which is expressed in pink or brownish discharge 7-10 or even 12 days after ovulation or expected conception.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

The most likely days for pregnancy to occur are 5-6 days in the middle of the cycle. The rest of the time is considered safe. However, when 2-3 eggs mature within a month, fertilization can occur even during menstruation. This happens due to hereditary characteristics, taking hormonal drugs, and endocrine disorders.

Normal discharge

Let us consider day by day what fluids are observed from the moment of fertilization to the attachment of the zygote in the uterus.

1 day after successful sex

Abundant and liquid, slightly viscous, but may be almost watery, transparent and odorless. Corresponds to discharge during ovulation.

Similar ones either begin to thicken. It all depends on individual characteristics and the speed of hormonal changes.

Due to the thickening of the consistency, the discharge acquires a white or yellowish tint.

There are no changes in vaginal secretion. The zygote is already in the tube. During this period it moves to the uterus.

From 8 to 12 days

Implantation occurs - coupling with the wall of the organ. It is normal to have a tiny amount of blood in the discharge. Transparent or white ones will turn pink, and yellowish ones will turn brown, they should stop within 24 hours. Pregnancy has begun.

How do hormones work?

By ovulation, more estrogen is produced, which makes the secretion thin, viscous and abundant. After the egg is detached, a corpus luteum grows in its place, which produces progesterone. This is a pregnancy hormone. It transforms discharge into a thick, creamy mass. Promotes the formation of a mucus plug in the cervical area to protect the uterine cavity from external bacteria. A similar situation occurs outside of pregnancy immediately after menstruation. Therefore, normally, sperm will not pass into the uterus before ovulation, but will get stuck in the thick secretion of the cervical canal.

Attention! Sperm can live inside the female genital organs for up to a week. Moreover, the most persistent are the carriers of the Y chromosome, that is, future girls. Therefore, contact a week before ovulation can also be productive.

Other signs of pregnancy in the first days

The most reliable way to find out whether fertilization has occurred is to measure the temperature in the vagina daily:

  1. After menstruation - 36-36.5 degrees.
  2. Egg release is 37-37.3.
  3. A week before menstruation, a decrease occurs, which means pregnancy has not occurred.
  4. The temperature continues to persist if conception has occurred. Or after one day of decline it rises again above 37.

Measurements are taken in the morning immediately in bed, you can’t even sit down. Otherwise, the data will be unreliable.

Carefully! If during established pregnancy the basal temperature decreases, this may be a sign of fetal death or other dangerous conditions.

Some women are so sensitive that they feel how the follicle bursts, the fallopian tubes contract as the egg moves through, and even how the zygote penetrates the endometrium. But this is rare. In other cases, the following symptoms may appear from the first days:

  • Weakness and drowsiness;
  • Hardening and tenderness of the mammary glands;
  • Changing taste habits. Passion to pickled cucumbers or herring with jam;
  • Sensitivity to odors;
  • Nausea;
  • Copious vaginal discharge. An increase in secretion volume is normal during pregnancy;
  • Frequent urge to do small things. The uterus begins to grow from the first days, it puts pressure on the bladder.

Attention! Everything is individual. Some women do not notice any changes until the movement begins, except for the absence of menstruation.

What happens after the fetus is implanted?

Menstruation does not come at the expected time. Instead, you can observe a slight spotting secretion of a yellow or brown tint. Although this is rare, it occurs in women after long-term use of birth control pills or wearing an IUD. Further, throughout pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases. They now only come out of the vagina, since the neck is closed by a dense jelly-like plug. Increased mucus production is necessary to cleanse the genital tract to prevent infection during this period.

The pH of the secretion changes. If before pregnancy it was neutral, then after conception it deviates towards acidic, which creates unfavorable conditions for bacteria. This is why, from the 2nd trimester, the discharge begins to smell sour.

Carefully! The environment in the vagina during pregnancy is favorable for the proliferation of candida.

What discharge should you be wary of?

Unfortunately, after conception, everything does not always go smoothly. And at the most inopportune moment, pregnancy due to hormonal changes can provoke some pathologies.

Foamy and liquid or creamy, with the smell of rotten meat, rot, sweetness, discharge accompanies 2 types of infectious inflammation:

  1. Vaginosis is the proliferation of one’s own pathogenic bacteria, such as gardnerella.
  2. Trichomoniasis, chlamydia or gonorrhea are STD pathogens that enter the body through sexual contact. A woman could become infected before conception and carry the germs secretly, and pregnancy would provoke an acute form of the disease.

If they have an unpleasant odor, then this is also a symptom of a bacterial infection. You can determine which one using diagnostics. Sometimes a similar shade of discharge indicates the presence of a small amount of blood, then the aroma will be normal.

White and grainy

If the secretion becomes like cottage cheese, it means thrush or candidiasis has occurred. This pathology often worries pregnant women, but usually in the 2-3 trimester, when the discharge becomes even more acidic.

Attention! Any infection is characterized by itching, swelling, burning and redness. Sometimes there are problems with emptying urine, the process becomes painful.

Bleeding early in pregnancy

Pink, brown, red discharge during suspected conception or after a delay indicates serious problems:

  1. Risk of miscarriage. When an implanted egg is rejected for some reason, capillaries rupture. How longer term, the more abundant the blood flow. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is better even in ambulance, the situation can be corrected. The woman will be sent to a hospital to take measures to save the life of the child.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. The growth of the fetus in the fallopian tube leads to its stretching and rupture. There is bleeding and severe pain on one side. Both symptoms are increasing every day. This condition threatens the woman’s life, and the pregnancy cannot be maintained. Such cases occur in 1-2 patients out of 100.
  3. Bleeding may occur if there is a growth in the uterus, such as a polyp. As the fetus enlarges, the growth becomes injured and leads to a discharge of red, brown or Pink colour. In addition, it provokes uterine contractions, which leads to early miscarriage. And when a polyp coexists with an embryo, there is a risk of placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, and delayed development. If a decidual formation has formed during pregnancy, then there is no need to worry. This growth protrudes into the cervical canal and will come out with the baby during labor; however, it also sometimes bleeds and increases the risk of infection.
  4. Endometrial damage. They are not dangerous, but they cause disturbing red or brown discharge during pregnancy in small quantities. Such conditions are treatable and require the work of a specialist.
  5. Cervical erosion is manifested by spotting contact bleeding. A woman observes a brown or pink spot after sex or an examination by a gynecologist.

Attention! Bloody discharge during pregnancy at any stage is a dangerous symptom. It doesn’t matter how many there are, you need to urgently contact a medical facility.

How to treat pathological signs?

If there are any negative manifestations - unpleasant odor, itching, abdominal pain, etc., you need to visit a gynecologist. Only a doctor, after diagnostic measures, will be able to prescribe adequate and effective treatment during pregnancy:

  1. If the secretion contains blood, the woman is hospitalized. In a hospital setting, they urgently look for the source of the discharge. They conduct an examination, ultrasound, and do the necessary tests. For example, the hCG level will indicate a frozen pregnancy or a threat of miscarriage. Depending on the cause, treatment will be prescribed. In non-dangerous cases, the woman will simply spend some time under medical supervision.
  2. If there is a threat of miscarriage with bloody discharge, intravenous infusions of magnesium solution are performed to prevent the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus as a result of its contractions. Other drugs that are used only in the hospital can also be used urgently. Afterwards, the woman is prescribed maintenance therapy. For this purpose, Utrozhestan or Duphaston suppositories are used, which contain a progesterone analogue and are completely safe for mother and child.
  3. For infections with purulent yellow or green discharge during pregnancy, topical antibiotics are used. For example, Terzhinan or Hexicon. When found dangerous diseases- pathogens of STDs, HIV infection, treatment is prescribed individually. Antibiotics are used in the form of injections and tablets, which carry minimal risk to the fetus. However, the threat to the woman will be assessed first, so sometimes it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy.
  4. Candidiasis with cheesy discharge today is easily destroyed with antifungal suppositories. Which is completely safe during pregnancy. Suitable drugs are Pimafucin and Terzhinan, which have a complex effect against bacteria and fungi.
  5. Erosion with spotting red-brown discharge is usually not touched until delivery. Afterwards it sometimes disappears, otherwise cauterization will be prescribed.
  6. Today, some problems can be solved surgically even during pregnancy. For example, remove a polyp in the uterine cavity if it interferes with the normal development of the fetus. Such operations are usually performed after the completion of the 1st trimester, but in case of emergency, at any time.

Carefully! If you have doubts about prescriptions, it is better to seek advice from another specialist. Unfortunately, doctors make mistakes too. But you shouldn’t look for answers on forums and reviews, everything is very individual.


With conception, a period of moment-to-moment changes begins in a woman’s body and life. Therefore, it is not surprising that the discharge becomes a little different - the main indicator of sexual health. You need to notice pathological signs and seek help. Timely treatment will increase the chances of having a healthy baby.

Every woman should know what discharge after ovulation is considered normal. Secretion changes its qualities throughout the menstrual period. Knowing the characteristics of the secretion allows you to determine whether fertilization has occurred. Also, from them, a woman can determine whether there is any pathology. To understand all this, it is necessary to study the features of the discharge.

The menstrual cycle is controlled by various hormones. It consists of three phases: estrogen, luteal, progesterone. The peak activity of the secretory glands occurs in the middle phase.

Under the influence of a luteinizing substance, expansion of the cervical canal is observed. Its surface contains many small glands. They produce a substance responsible for preventing various infections and microorganisms from entering the uterus.

During ovulation, the secreted substance completely changes its qualities. The following changes occur:

  • liquefaction;
  • increase in volume;
  • increased elasticity.

Three days before the onset of the middle phase, there is a significant increase in volume. In some cases, a woman needs additional protection of her underwear. This quality occurs due to the opening of the walls of the cervix.

You can also notice that the secretion becomes liquid and resembles the structure of egg white. When squeezed between the thumb and index finger, a wide strip of mucus appears. It is transparent and resembles glass. This method of checking is called pupillary.

All of the listed qualities of the secretion contribute to pregnancy. After the end of the luteinizing hormone, the last phase begins - progesterone. It begins one day after the dominant follicle ruptures. Under the influence of progesterone, tissue elasticity increases. Contractile activity is observed. The action of progesterone causes the cervical canal to close tightly. For this reason, the glands produce less secretion.

The appearance of a thick, white secretion in a small amount is considered the norm. Thickening of the discharge helps close the cervix to maintain a possible pregnancy. The thick secretion does not allow various microorganisms to penetrate into the uterine cavity. By the end of the cycle, the discharge may completely disappear. This is also considered normal.

How to determine the onset of conception

Based on secretion after ovulation, some patients may suspect pregnancy. This is done upon the appearance various signs. It is believed that during fertilization, copious discharge persists after ovulation. This is due to a decrease in local immunity. The embryo is fixed in the cavity. To prevent the uterus from rejecting the zygote, the body reduces its protective properties. After a tight attachment, the neck is closed with a plug. It is formed from vaginal mucus. It is for this reason that clear discharge is observed after ovulation.

Discharge after ovulation, if conception has occurred, may change color. A week later, the girl notices an admixture of blood in the mucus. Less commonly, a few drops of blood fluid appear. This sign occurs during possible implantation.

The embryo, penetrating into the wall of the uterus, damages several small vessels. Blood is released from the wounds. The fluid mixes with the vaginal substance. The secretion may turn pink or beige. This phenomenon should not last more than one day. If blood appears for a long time, you should visit a doctor.

There are additional signs of conception. Some girls experience tingling in the nipple area and nagging pain in the pubic area a week after ovulation. These symptoms may occur when the embryo is implanted.

Pathological secretion

Discharge after ovulation is not always normal. There are a number of signs that should cause concern in the patient. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • change in quality;
  • uncharacteristic coloring;
  • additional symptoms.

With the development of various ailments, a change in the quality of mucus is observed. The discharge becomes more abundant. The secret may resemble cottage cheese. Foaming of secretions is also dangerous.

You should carefully monitor the color of the substance. U healthy woman white secretion after ovulation. When problems occur, red, brown, green, or yellow discharge occurs.

Additional signs may be added to these symptoms. Soreness, itching, burning. All these symptoms should be accompanied by a visit to the doctor.

White curdled secretion

After ovulation, the patient may notice that the secretion has inclusions in the form of lumps. An unpleasant sour smell also appears. These are the main signs of thrush.

The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Candida belongs to opportunistic microorganisms. They live in the microflora of a healthy woman. Under the influence of pathological factors, a decrease in immune defense occurs. This kills beneficial bacteria. Opportunistic microbes occupy vacated tissue areas.

Gradually the colony grows. The microorganism feeds on healthy cells. Inflammation appears in areas of dead tissue. Intensification of the disease occurs due to the accumulation of waste products and dead cells.

The patient shows the first signs of thrush. The disease is accompanied by the development of a strong sour odor from the vagina. This is due to the breakdown of lactobacilli. It is thanks to this quality that the disease is called thrush.

If the disease is not treated with drugs, it becomes chronic. In the future, such girls cannot conceive and bear a child for a long time. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Treatment for thrush is simple. The drug is prescribed for internal use and local administration. In severe forms, the patient must take an antibiotic drug.

Secretion mixed with blood

This pathology has a number of different causes. After ovulation, prolonged bleeding is observed due to hormonal imbalance.

The second phase is formed under the influence of progesterone. If its quantity is not enough, the cycle begins to go astray.

The problem also arises with viral diseases of the reproductive system. The virus does not have its own shell. It is embedded in the membrane of the carrier. Under its influence, the cell nucleus changes the structural composition of its own RNA. The tissues become atypical. Tissue nutrition occurs thanks to blood vessels. When tissue functions change, small vessels rupture. Blood appears in the discharge.

If a girl notices such symptoms, she should seek help from a clinic. Two types of tests help determine the cause of the pathology: blood from a vein and a smear from the vagina.

The blood is tested for progesterone content. To correctly determine its amount, you should take the test on days 19–21 of the menstrual cycle. During this period, there is a peak in progesterone activity after ovulation. If the amount of the hormone is normal, the composition of the secretion should be examined.

This examination is carried out by taking a smear. The sample is placed under laboratory conditions. A laboratory assistant grows colonies of microorganisms. After diagnosis, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Hormonal pathologies are eliminated with the help of special medications. You can normalize the amount of progesterone using duphaston or utrozhestan. These substances help normalize hormone levels. Bloody discharge stops.

Green secretion

The most dangerous are the green discharge that appears after ovulation. A purulent infection is accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant putrid odor;
  • foamy structure of the secretion;
  • temperature increase.

After ovulation, copious foamy discharge may appear that is green in color. Such symptoms are characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases of the reproductive system. The cause may be a pathogenic microorganism. Such diseases develop under the influence of Trichomonas or chlamydia. Both types of bacteria cause acute symptoms and pose a danger to the female reproductive system.

A visit to the clinic should occur at the first sign of illness. If the examination is not carried out in a timely manner, serious complications arise. One of the unpleasant consequences of sexually transmitted infections is further infertility.

Therapy for such diseases is carried out under strict medical supervision using antibiotics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


A change in the quality of secretion after ovulation occurs due to non-compliance with a number of rules. The girl must strictly follow the rules of intimate care. You should cleanse your genitals daily using cosmetics. You should also avoid wearing tight synthetic underwear. During sexual contact, you need to use protective equipment. Condoms have the best effect.

After ovulation, a woman should carefully monitor the characteristics of secretion. This will help track the development of pregnancy in the early stages. The patient can also identify the development of pathologies. If any uncharacteristic symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.