What features of the structure of sphagnum contribute to the absorption of water. How to use the beneficial and healing properties of sphagnum moss

    In the previous lesson, you got acquainted with the topic “Department of Bryophytes. Green mosses. Let's remember:

1) What does the moss body consist of?

(Moss body consists of stem and leaves)

2) How do mosses stay in the soil?

(With the help of root-like outgrowths - rhizoids)

3)What fabrics do mosses have? (mechanical, conductive and integumentary, but they are primitive)

4) Tell me, please, why it is impossible to allow the development of mosses in gardens and orchards? ( Mosses form dense sods, they reduce the evaporation of moisture, so the soil under them becomes waterlogged, the gas exchange of the soil worsens, its temperature drops, and moisture accumulates)

5) Why does cuckoo flax belong to dioecious plants? (male organs of sexual reproduction develop on some plants, and female on others)

6) What are the reproductive organs of mosses called and what is formed in them (antheridia - male, arr. spermatozoa; archegonia - female, arr. ovum)

7) What is a prerequisite for fertilization in mosses?

(presence of moisture)

8) Which indicates that mosses belong to higher spore plants ( the body consists of a stem and leaves; in higher plants, in the development cycles, there is an alternation of generations - asexual (sporophyte) and sexual (gametophyte), in moss, the gametophyte is the green plant itself, and the sporophyte is a box with spores, in the development cycle the gametophyte prevails over the sporophyte)

Well done, you coped with the first part of the work, and now let's start studying a new topic.

3. Please write down today's date and a new topic! "Sphagnum mosses. The meaning of mosses. Sphagnum mosses are also called "peat, swamp or white mosses" in another way. Sphagnum mosses settle in damp forests and swamps, where they form soft cushions of a whitish-green or reddish color. Plant height 5-20 cm. A common representative is sphagnum. The sphagnum plant branches profusely. It has no rhizoids. Then the question arises: due to what it is kept in a vertical position? (they form curtains). There are small leaves on the stem and branches. They are made up of a single layer of cells. If we examine the internal structure of the leaf under a microscope, we can see that the cells in the leaves are not the same. Some are narrow and green. They are rich in chlorophyll and photosynthesis takes place in them - chlorophyll-bearing cells . Green cells touch each other with their ends. Between them are large colorless transparent aquifers cells , mostly dead. Such cells are also found in the stem. Water-bearing cells have special openings called pores. Water with nutrients enters through them and moves from cell to cell. Sphagnum grows at the top. Many water-bearing cells give the sphagnum the ability to accumulate water 30 times more than its own body. Therefore, where sphagnum settles, rapid swamping of the territory begins. The lower parts gradually die off, but with high humidity and lack of oxygen, they do not rot, but turn into peat. In addition, sphagnum secretes substances (acids) that prevent decay.

Lena will tell us more about the meaning of mosses. Please go to the blackboard and tell us how important mosses are in nature and in human life.

(Sphagnum is able to suppress the development of many bacteria. In partisan detachments during the Second World War, sphagnum-gauze bandages were used to dress the wounded.( What properties do you think the use of sphagnum mosses is based on for the manufacture of dressings, for use as bedding for animals? (on a high moisture absorption capacity and the presence of bactericidal substances in their cells)) Dry sphagnum retains heat well. Therefore, birds make nests from it, animals line their holes, people stuff pillows. Used as bedding for pets. This bedding absorbs moisture well and prevents the development of microorganisms. When they die, they enrich the soil with organic matter, which makes it possible for other plants to grow. Mosses contribute to swamping and turning low areas into a swamp. The swamps accumulate moisture, streams flow from them, which feed the rivers. Swamps are a habitat for many rare species of animals and plants; about a sixth of Belarus' medicinal plants grow in swamps. Drainage of swamps causes climate change, soil changes, depletion of flora and fauna. Therefore, the most significant swamps in Belarus (Yelnya, Vygonoshchanskoye, Zaozerye) have been turned into hydrological (water), botanical and cranberry reserves. They protect valuable berry plants (cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries) and rare plant species, including mosses. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarussphagnum soft, andreya rocky and other mosses.

    And now let's get started laboratory work No. 8. Please open your lab books to page 57. Write the date on the top. (February 18, 2008).

Objective: get acquainted with the external structure of mosses on the example of cuckoo flax and sphagnum.

Materials and equipment: cuckoo flax plants with bolls, sphagnum.

Working process:

    Consider the cuckoo flax plant. Find its stem and leaves. On the lower part of the stem, find thin brown outgrowths - rhizoids.

    At the top of the moss stem, find the stem and box.

    Sketch the appearance of cuckoo flax, make notations (in the textbook on page 95, figure 102, under No. 1 is cuckoo flax, please draw in your notebooks and make notations: stem, leaves, rhizoids, leg, box)

    Draw a few chlorophyll-bearing and water-bearing cells of a sphagnum leaf, mark the pores (you can use the table on the board or fig. 104 on p. 99).

    Why do you think sphagnum moss can absorb large amounts of water? (A lot of water-bearing cells makes it possible for sphagnum to accumulate water 30 times its own weight)

    Compare the structure of mosses and algae. Conclude why mosses are among the higher plants. (Unlike algae, the body of mosses is divided into a stem and leaves; This is the first sign by which mosses are classified as higher plants and the second: there is an alternation of generations: asexual (sporophyte) and sexual (gametophyte). In mosses, the gametophyte is the green plant itself, and sporophyte - box with spores)

Guys, these questions that you completed go for "6" points. Who wants to get a higher mark - questions on “7.8” and “9, 10” points are written on the board (On “7.8” - What cells does the sphagnum leaf consist of, what functions do these cells perform and how is their structure adapted to these functions ? (The sphagnum leaf consists of chlorophyll-bearing and aquifer cells, the function of chlorophyll-bearing cells: photosynthesis occurs in them, due to which organic substances are formed, these cells are narrow and green, rich in chlorophyll, their ends touch each other; the function of aquifer cells: they have pores , through which water with mineral substances enters the plants, a lot of water-bearing cells gives the sphagnum the ability to accumulate water 30 times its own weight;); by “9, 10” points - Describe how the appearance, properties and life of sphagnum would change if its leaves consisted only of living green cells (Sphagnum would be pure green in color, would not have a moisture-absorbing ability, could not live on land, because aquifers are responsible for all these properties: the silver-white color is due to the loss of water by aquifers and filling them with air, also aquifers absorb moisture, without aquifers, life on land would be impossible))

If everything is done, we hand over notebooks and write down our homework: § 27 and questions after the paragraph. If there are no questions for me then you can be free. Goodbye! Good luck!

Bryophytes are one of the divisions of spore plants, which occupies a special position in the system of this kingdom. Representatives have economic, medicinal value, are widely used and are important participants in food chains. In addition, they take part in the formation of marsh ecosystems.

Sphagnum: systematic position

According to their place in sphagnums, they occupy the following taxonomic position:

  • Kingdom: Plants.
  • Department: Bryophytes;
  • Class, order and family - Sphagnum.
  • Genus: Sphagnum.

The number of species reaches 120, of which the most widespread are such as:

  • swamp sphagnum;
  • protruding;
  • brown;
  • Magellanic;
  • papillose;
  • Girgenzon.

The structure of sphagnum has some features, which leaves an imprint on its use by humans. Let's consider this question in more detail.

The external structure of the plant

Probably everyone has seen a green loose mat of stems crowded at the top, which forms hummocks of swamps and marshes and floats on the surface of overgrown lakes. so this is sphagnum. A photo of this plant can be seen below.

Very nice juicy stems, repeatedly dissected and crowded up. Outside covered with a crust, which is several layers of cells. Sphagnum leaves are sessile, reed type. Those that are located on the stem are oblong and often solitary. And the leaves of the branches, on the contrary, are more crowded, bent at the top. In fact, they are almost scaly and barely visible without special equipment. What is usually mistaken for leaves are the numerous branches from the main stem.

Like other mosses, sphagnum mosses lack roots. However, unlike relatives, they do not have rhizoids for attachment to the substrate. Interestingly, the lower the stem is viewed, the lighter it appears. Finally, at the base it completely loses its green color. This is due to the absence of the chlorophyll pigment in the cells, since these structures are no longer alive, but dead.

From such parts, settling to the bottom of the swamp, peat is subsequently formed. That is why sphagnum is often In general, the color of the plant is pale green, not bright. This is due to the fact that it is constantly saturated with a large amount of water. The question arises: "How does moss manage to store so much liquid in itself?" This is due to the peculiarities of the internal structure. Let's consider them.

The internal structure of sphagnum

From the inside, moss is formed by ordinary cells. Sphagnum leaves contain chlorophyll, as do stem structures. Therefore, photosynthesis is carried out by almost the entire surface of the body. The same happens with nutrition, that is, the absorption of water.

Green moss cells are connected to each other by the ends and form a structure resembling a network - this is the conducting system of the plant. The reproductive organs are sporangia, in which spores mature.

There is no conducting system of this kind. Instead, there are special cells. It is they who perform the functions of storing and absorbing water.

Special cells in the structure

Sphagnum cells are not all the same. The fact is that some of them have shells with a hole and a dead protoplast, that is, an empty cavity. This is necessary for the plant in order to absorb a large amount of moisture and keep it inside itself in these hollow structures.

The structure of sphagnum allows it to fill with water in an amount 20-30 times its own weight. That is why in the habitats of these mosses it is always very humid, they literally float on the surface of the water.

When the plant is filled with moisture, its color is soft green. During a drought, it gradually turns white, eventually becoming completely snow-white.

Moss breeding

The structure of sphagnum includes specialized structures necessary for reproduction - sporangia. They, like all other mosses, are located on special stems in the apical part of the plant. They are a box with a lid in which the formation and maturation of spores takes place.

When the time comes for reproduction, small cells spill out and are carried by the wind. Once in a drop of water, they begin to germinate into a new plant. The lid of the sporangium opens spontaneously.

There is another way of reproduction that this plant carries out. Sphagnum is able to give vegetative parts for further independent existence. Most often this happens after the main stalk grows strongly in length, towering above the rest of the parts. At this point, the separation of the daughter plant occurs.

Special properties of sphagnum mosses

The photo of which can be seen in this article has a number of special properties due to the presence of special cells. This:

  1. Hygroscopicity exceeding all known limits in plants. If we compare the ability to absorb moisture of cotton wool and sphagnum, then in moss it will be 6 times more! In addition, it is noteworthy that the distribution of water inside the body of the plant occurs absolutely evenly. Therefore, until all the existing cells are filled, the moss will not give up excess moisture. This allows you to use it as a supplement to the soil.
  2. Breathability, which allows the soil with moss to be very light, loose and airy. This increased aeration has a positive effect on the growth and development of other plants in the ecosystem.
  3. Sphagnum acids, which are part of the plant, allow it to moderately acidify the soil with hydrogen cations.
  4. The rich material organic composition makes this plant special. Sphagnum has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as disinfectants.

What is the composition of these amazing mosses? You can name the most important connections:

  • sphagnum acids;
  • coumarins;
  • sphagnol;
  • terpenes;
  • carbolic acid.

Due to this component composition, the plant itself is practically not exposed to either diseases or pests.

Places of growth

The main condition for the growth of this plant is the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture. After all, sphagnum moss, the photo of which is in the review, is very dependent on water during reproduction, like all spores. That is why it can be attributed to the main places of growth:

  • temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere;
  • european part of Russia;
  • Siberia;
  • South America.

The main ecosystem that this moss forms is raised bogs. Wherever such a plant settles, there is a gradual and inevitable swamping of the area.

Role in nature

The whole life of sphagnum is built on its ability to absorb moisture. Features of the internal and external structure, economic importance and scope, use for medical purposes - almost everything is explained by the composition and structure. This is also due to the role performed in nature.

The main thing is that the sphagnum, the photo of which we posted in the article, forms peat deposits. Due to the sphagnic acid and sphagnol that are part of the plant, the processes of decay and decomposition of the dead lower parts of the plant are extremely slow. This leads to the formation of peat layers. The action takes place slowly, about one meter per thousand years.

It is also important the property to cause swamping of the area. As a result, not only the vegetation cover changes, but the entire biogeocenosis as a whole, animal world, insects and other creatures.

Economic importance for humans

There are several main areas of application of this moss by humans.

Thus, it turns out that sphagnum peat moss is not only an interesting and valuable plant as a source of minerals, but also an invaluable storehouse of medicines, a source of moisture and an aerator for other representatives of the flora. Its beautiful appearance is harmoniously combined with the spectacular characteristics of the internal structure and significance in nature and people's lives.

Why is sphagnum so remarkable? Its value in nature is enormous. After all, it is moss that creates swamps. That's right - not just living in a swamp, but creating them! From sphagnum, on the other hand, reserves of such valuable natural wealth like peat.

Sphagnum (Sphagnum, sphagnum, peat moss, white moss) is a perennial bog moss that forms the so-called sphagnum bogs.
Its peculiarity is that it actually has no roots - its lower part gradually dies off and turns into peat, while the upper part continues to grow.

Sphagnum properties

  • Amazing hygroscopicity
  • Excellent breathability
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Sphagnum does not contain nutrients, is acidic (pH about 3.0).
  • According to reports, sphagnum itself is not susceptible to any disease.

The use of sphagnum

  • Log cabins
  • Transportation of root crops
  • Floristics
  • The medicine
  • Detergents and disinfectants
  • Floriculture
It is not at all useless to know about the most useful properties sphagnum moss to everyone who happens in nature - mushroom pickers, tourists. Anything can happen. And it is not always possible to get medical help quickly. But you can start treatment right in the forest, if you know how it's done.

Sphagnum moss will stop the bleeding from the wound. Water squeezed from a bunch of sphagnum will be useful to wash the burn. Or attach moss to the burnt place. Under the splint applied to a broken arm or leg, it is very good to put a small pillow of their sphagnum - this will alleviate the pain and help to avoid swelling.

To eliminate the unpleasant smell from shoes, it is enough to put a few sphagnum stalks there as insoles. By the way, this will help to cope with such a difficult-to-treat disease as foot fungus!

The water flowing from the sphagnum bog can be drunk without fear. It is usually dark, because it is infused with peat. But there are no pathogens in it - a biological filter made of sphagnum mosses tried!

Sphagnum moss is also used in the construction of wooden buildings. Logging logs are laid on it (as well as on kukushkin flax). Due to the peculiarities of its structure, moss has a low thermal conductivity and reliably insulates the interior from the cold outside. Sphagnum moss also disinfects logs from pests (for example, from a fungus).

Moss is laid as follows. A bunch of moss is taken, loosened a little and placed on logs. Then it needs to be pressed a little with the palm of your hand. The next portion of moss is laid so as to overlap the previous bunch of centimeters by five. The thickness of the moss layer should be about one and a half centimeters.

How to collect moss

  1. To collect moss, it is better to choose a non-marshy area, the most suitable place for collecting moss is near trees, where the moss is the least watery
  2. There are two ways to collect sphagnum:
    completely extracting it along with the roots (this way it turns out to be larger in volume, but it requires a long thorough cleaning);
    cutting off the upper surface part with a knife - it turns out smaller, longer, but better.
  3. Sphagnum moss can be collected and stacked in bunches
  4. Harvesting of sphagnum is done mainly by hand. For harvesting, places are selected in which the moss of the desired type is as free as possible from plant impurities.
  5. Moss is collected selectively, in "trenches" 20-30 cm wide with the same gaps between them, left untouched. This allows the moss to gradually recover in the collection areas. Re-harvesting in this area is possible only after 7-10 years
  6. For medicinal purposes, the entire living part of sphagnum is used and harvested. Harvesting is carried out from May to September in dry sunny weather.

To collect sphagnum you will need:

  • Rubber boots
  • Plastic bags
  • Band-aid (the number of cuts can be large - I know from my own experience! And mostly not from a knife, but from sedge, which often grows through sphagnum).
  • Gloves (they are not so comfortable to work in, but they still protect the hands)

moss drying

Drying moss on hangers is the most suitable way to dry moss. Moss, hung on a hanger, is well blown, while maintaining its elasticity. Hanging, made from trunks, small trees.

A - support legs

B - jibs for rack stability

B - a place for laying moss

Hung, placed under a canopy, covering the moss from rain, fog and sun.

Keeping Sphagnum Alive

To keep sphagnum alive, it must be stored in closed plastic bags in frost or cold (refrigerator or freezer), we store it outside. When needed, unfreeze it and it will come to life! Everything is like in nature! You can also grow moss: cut off the green parts of the moss and put them in a pan with wet peat, remembering to water constantly. They say it looks great! :)

Moss - to help the gardener

Both gardeners, and especially those who grow houseplants, often use this swamp moss. Lovers of rare orchids cannot do without it at all.

And those who go on vacation can entrust the "watering" of flowers to sphagnum - it is enough to wet the moss and put it over a plant in a pot. The soil will remain moist for a long time.

The housewives used this moss to germinate seeds, and gardeners have adopted this experience. And for good rooting of the cuttings, chopped sphagnum stalks can be mixed into the soil.

But it’s not worth using peat from a sphagnum bog in the garden and in the garden! Indeed, due to the abundance of organic acids, such peat strongly acidifies the soil, which is unacceptable for most cultivated plants.

White sphagnum moss is quite popular with amateur gardeners. This is due, first of all, to its feature to absorb a sufficiently large amount of moisture and retain it for a long time, without any harm to its fabric base. The presence of natural antiseptic substances in the tissues of sphagnum turns it into a good natural antiseptic, therefore it is no coincidence that for the transportation of seedlings, shrubs and flower crops, the roots of trees and shrubs are wrapped with wet moss for long distances.

Many gardeners use sphagnum for storage of excavated tubers various horticultural crops. To do this, it is enough to dig up the tubers of plants, free them from the ground and small roots, dry them and wrap them with wet pieces of moss. Put all the resulting lumps in a cardboard box and put in a dark, cool place. This is enough to keep the tubers fresh and whole until a new planting.

Gardeners use sphagnum as natural fighter of various fungal diseases, powdery mildew, to kill slugs, pests and snails. To do this, it is enough to insist a few kilograms of sphagnum in ordinary water, strain the resulting composition and spray the affected bushes, flowers, or tree trunks several times in the evening. This treatment will be enough for one season. To destroy slugs, or snails, it is enough to treat their places of accumulation with the same liquid.

Has become very popular in recent years use of sphagnum as a natural substrate for the manufacture of hanging baskets, cache-pot, or carved wooden pots for flowers and various plants. Pieces of sphagnum cut to size are used as drainage, which only need to be soaked before use. Such impromptu garden additions to landscape design in the form of various figured pots, with always fresh and flowering plants, will become good addition to any garden.

Sphagnum is a species of marsh moss (peat moss), belongs to the Sphagnum family - Sphagnaceae. It has unusual properties. This amazing sphagnum moss perfectly tolerates the adverse conditions of swamps. Where it grows, every gardener knows. And it can also grow on tree trunks, stones, metal and even glass.

Sphagnum is a perennial plant with no roots. It is a branched stem, with a gradually dying lower part. Moss branches are covered with small leaves growing in a spiral.

The development cycle of sphagnum is the same as that of other mosses. Sex cells are produced on the gametophyte plant. In place of the egg after their fusion, a sporogon is formed. Spores ripen in his box. And the germinated spores give rise to a new gametophyte.

It grows only at the top. Its lower part is constantly dying. Sphagnum is always in motion towards the light, up. And the lower dying part of it turns into peat. The top of the shoot is always green, and the part that is immersed in water looks slightly whitish. And even lower, the plant acquires a light brown color. Sphagnum moss (photo) looks great.

During the wet period of the year, it is able to absorb water up to 20 times its own weight. In Greek, sphagnos means sponge. Hence the name of the plant. It grows more often in the temperate zone and in the Northern Hemisphere, but it can also be found in the subtropics. You can find it in abundance in the raised swamp. The bright green fluffy carpet in the photo is sphagnum moss.

Sphagnum properties

The plant has three important properties, making it indispensable in floriculture:

  1. Breathability. Allows the earthen substrate to be kept moist without increasing its weight.
  2. Hygroscopicity. Humidification always occurs evenly and the return of moisture to the substrate occurs in the same dosed and uniform way. The earth mixture will always be sufficiently moist, but not waterlogged.
  3. Antibacterial and disinfectant properties moss is even used in medicine. The substances contained in sphagnum prevent rotting of the roots of houseplants from rotting and other problems.


Sphagnum is used as an earth component for indoor plants. It can be added to the soil to improve quality, make it loose, moist and nutritious.

Sphagnum moss is also used in another capacity:

  • to cover the soil;
  • as drainage for indoor plants;
  • as a bedding mat;
  • for air humidification;
  • for storage in the winter of onions and root crops;
  • to protect plants from fungal diseases;
  • for the manufacture of hanging baskets and supports for plants with aerial roots.

He is adored by indoor begonia, saintpaulia, dracaena, dieffenbachia, monstera, azalea, sansiveria, crassula. Use it for home germination of seeds and further rooting of shoots. Violet leaves are well rooted in it.

How to harvest moss?

Harvesting is best done in the fall, but it can be harvested at other times of the year. The sphagnum comes out very easily. But it is recommended to take only the upper parts, cutting them off with a knife or scissors.

It is not collected in swampy places, where it is very saturated with moisture. It is best to do this near trees.

You can collect sphagnum in the following ways:

  1. Extracting the plant with roots.
  2. Cutting off the surface of its upper part.

The cut moss must be carefully wrung out to reduce weight. Brought home the plant needs to be poured for 40 minutes with warm water. This will rid it of insects and saturate it with moisture.

Moss is stored in unsealed plastic bags. This will allow him to breathe. In winter, moss can be stored simply in the cold.

Moss sphagnum: features and harvesting

How to dry moss?

They dry it on hangers. This is the best way to dry. Sphagnum hung on hangers it is perfectly blown and keeps the elasticity. Hangers are made from small tree trunks. They are placed under a canopy to protect the moss from the weather.

Moss sphagnum in medicine

The chemical composition of sphagnum represents a number of substances useful for the human body. The plant is a natural antibiotic from the group of phenols.

Its ability to absorb liquid in a large volume is used as natural cotton wool. Sphagnum moss is still capable of disinfecting wounds. It is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns and frostbite.

Based on this plant, highly efficient filters for water purification are made.

Water from the sphagnum bog can be safely drunk. It has a slightly darkish color, because it is infused with peat. But there are no pathogens in it.

Moss sphagnum - an assistant to flower growers

Houseplant lovers know how useful it is for flowers. It can be put on the ground of plants in the form saturated with water. The soil in the pot will remain moist for a long period of time.

Use it and for germinating indoor plant seeds. And for dense rooting of the cuttings, chopped plant stems are poured into the soil.

Gardeners use this plant to store tubers of various horticultural crops. To do this, they are freed from the ground and wrapped in wet pieces of sphagnum. Lumps are placed in a cardboard box and left in a cool and dark place. The tubers will remain fresh and whole until the next planting.

Important! It is not recommended to use peat in a garden plot from sphagnum bogs. It will strongly acidify the soil, and this is contraindicated for many garden crops.

(Fig. 79).

On peat bogs and in damp forests, silver-white sphagnum moss, or peat moss, grows in a continuous carpet.

At the ends of the upper branches of sphagnum, boxes develop in which spores ripen. Unlike cuckoo flax and other green mosses, sphagnum mosses do not have rhizoids. They absorb water and mineral salts through the stem and leaves.

The stem and lateral branches of most sphagnum species are covered with small light green leaves. Each leaf consists of one layer of cells of two types. Some of them are alive, green, contain chloroplasts. Other cells are dead, large and colorless, lacking a nucleus and cytoplasm. Dead cells are located between living cells (see Fig. 79). These are water cells. The membranes of these cells have holes through which water is absorbed. Water-bearing cells of leaves and stems are able to absorb a huge amount of water through the pores and retain it for a long time. Sphagnum mosses regulate the water balance of the ecosystems in which they grow. During heavy rains, they absorb and retain water. During the dry period, mosses gradually release water into environment.

Sphagnum mosses are powerful absorbers (sorbents). Some of them are able to absorb an amount of water that exceeds their own dry weight by 20-25 and even 35 times.

Sphagnum reproduces in the same way as cuckoo flax, asexually and sexually.

Peat formation

In those places where sphagnum settles, a lot of moisture accumulates. The stronger the sphagnum grows, the more water accumulates. This is how the swamping of the area begins. Over time, the uch-drain, populated by sphagnum mosses, turns into a swamp.

Use of peat

Peat is used as fuel. IN agriculture peat is used as a fertilizer, for animal bedding, for the manufacture of peat pots, for soil mulching (surface soil cover), which prevents it from drying out and inhibits the growth of weeds.

Wood alcohol, carbolic acid, plastics, wax, paraffin and other valuable materials are obtained from peat.

The development of peat deposits is an important industry. Peatlands are also used as agricultural land. However, practice has shown that intensive drainage of swamps often leads to changes in climate and natural landscapes, to a violation of the water balance in large areas. In addition, many sphagnum bogs feed the headwaters of rivers and streams.

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