What wooden products are in demand. Business idea – Production of furniture from natural wood

Sometimes money lies right under our feet, we just need to see it in time and properly master it. This is what savvy entrepreneurs do. As an example, let's take working with wood and waste from its processing - sawdust. In this article we will tell you what can be made from wood and sawdust

What can be made from wood - business ideas

Wood of various species is widespread in all regions of Russia, with the exception of certain arid places or areas with unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. But even where the tree is not mined, it can be processed.

That is why the business related to wood is quite developed in Russia. Below we will consider the most relevant areas of production activity for small businesses and micro-enterprises.

It’s worth mentioning right away that a tree means not only an array, but also slab materials(plywood, OSB, chipboard, etc.).

Production of furniture from chipboard

This is probably the most popular implementation of business ideas made of wood. If you want to sell in large retail chains, furniture stores, etc., you will have to significantly invest in equipment, but with trained personnel there should be no problems (the complexity of the work is low).

Minimum necessary equipment(taking into account the available space for processing and storing materials/finished products):

  1. Sawing machine - from RUB 500,000 (used, without sheet feeding, two people required for maintenance).
  2. Edger ( edge banding machine) - about 200,000 rubles. (these are manual models without automatic part feeding, only for straight edges).
  3. Dust removal system (sawdust extractor) - about 70,000 rubles.

At first, with small volumes of orders and simple parts, the additive can be done manually with a drill; sharpening of saw blades can be done for a fee in the appropriate workshops.

Business ideas in the sports industry, sports and physical education

In the future, you may need a CNC machine (to perform additives for hinges, fasteners, etc.), a computer with a licensed operating system and a program for cutting planning (minimizing material consumption and personnel actions), a printer (for printing order forms) and other auxiliary equipment.

On the market you can find profitable comprehensive solutions for equipping sawing shops, for example, used machines left over after they were replaced with more modern and technological ones.

Requirements for saw quality and equipment capabilities are determined by the intended audience (budget furniture and warehouse equipment made from chipboard do not require high precision and complexity of cuts, etc.).

Production of garden furniture

When using ready-made sawing material (timber, boards, etc.), you can avoid formatting machines. Edging equipment for the array is also not needed. Thus, you can save significantly on starting equipment.

For such a business with a tree (array), the following tool will be sufficient to begin with:

  1. Circular saw (from RUB 2,000).
  2. Drill/screwdriver (from RUB 1,200).
  3. Planer (from 1300 rub.).
  4. Belt sander (from RUB 2,000).
  5. Consumables, fasteners.

Of course, you need a spacious room and good workbenches (the latter can be made from solid wood with your own hands). If the furniture will be treated with paint or protective compounds, it is best to purchase a spray gun and a compressor to speed up the process.

The emphasis in implementation should be on retail buyer. The more original it will be appearance tables, benches, canopies, etc., the higher the demand will be.

Production of souvenirs and wooden crafts

Due to the small size of the product (which implies minimal costs of raw materials) with a sufficiently high selling price (based on the ratio of the finished product to the cost of the materials expended and the production time of the craft), it is possible to find the correct balance of costs and profit received even with a small sales volume.

Business idea: car stickers

On initial stage The entire range can be made with your own hands, and as supply volumes increase, you can gradually hire staff and bring production online.

Taking into account the initial investment, this is the most realistic business idea with minimal starting capital. The main problem is the sale of goods. To get stable demand, you need to analyze the market to see if there is a need for one or another type of crafts. You can bet on the possibility of remote sales (for example, via the Internet) if the souvenir market in your city/region is poorly developed.

The initial set of tools depends on the type of product, but with the right approach you can fit in 20-30 thousand rubles.

Here is just a small list of ideas for souvenirs and crafts:

  1. Signs for baths/saunas
  2. Matryoshka dolls
  3. Wooden dishes, cutlery
  4. Photo frames
  5. Charms, talismans, decorative figurines
  6. Combs, hairpins, beads
  7. Seat mats
  8. Original pens, pencils
  9. Chests, boxes, knapsacks, caskets, etc.
  10. Cases for smartphones, tablets
  11. Garden paths
  12. Children's toys, cubes

What can be made from sawdust - business ideas

If you have access to large companies involved in wood processing, it makes sense to think about selling their production waste - sawdust. The good thing about wood is that even waste can be used for production. various types products. We will consider various business ideas made from sawdust below.

Production of fuel from sawdust (briquettes, granules, pellets)

To start a business, you only need appropriate production equipment, sawdust and premises.

A granulation press will cost about 150 thousand rubles. (for example, MZLP 200, SKJ2, MP-5, etc.) or higher (individual ready-made high-performance lines reach a price of 3 million rubles or more).

LG has announced a classic smartwatch model, Watch Urbane.

It will be easier to establish sales when interacting with sellers of solid fuel boilers long burning. With small volumes of supplies, only local sales are possible without sending fuel to other regions, so the idea is not profitable in a locality where solid fuel boilers are not used.

Production of sawdust blocks

Alternative building materials are increasingly in demand. Blocks made of concrete and sawdust are environmentally friendly, have low thermal conductivity, and can withstand heavy loads.

The production of such blocks in large volumes (for sale through networks of hardware stores, etc.) requires serious production capacity, which requires large start-up capital to launch a production line (from half a million rubles).

As part of private production (for local sale on the local construction market), you can start by purchasing a concrete mixer, a vibrating compactor and several dozen forms for pouring blocks. All this will cost about 50,000 rubles.

The estimated cost of the final block should not exceed the cost of other block building materials the same volume available on the market (for example, gas silicate, polystyrene concrete, etc.).

Cat litter

To start such a business, virtually no investment is required, except consumables on labels, packaging and advertising. Provided that the initial quality of sawdust suits you (by fraction).

Having received the severance pay and having hidden a small part of it (so to speak, for bachelor’s expenses - about 200 hryvnia), I began to implement the plan. The plan was simple - to make various candlesticks, cutting boards, boxes, etc. from wood. After wandering around the stores with similar products, I looked at the design, what was made, how it was made, and from what material.

In a carpentry shop (I had no friends there) for a moderate fee (two liters of beer and nuts) I collected two bags of oak and ash trimmings. Please note that you need to take not only bars or pieces of boards, but also thin slats that will be useful for decoration. In general, he dragged everything he could drag (he was a crest after all).

At a hardware store I bought normal wood glue with water resistance class D3 and a short setting time, and I also bought brushes for it there. I also bought a couple of clamps, a marking angle, sandpaper of various grits and wax for finishing. There was a separate discussion about drills with a diameter of more than 25 mm. Fostner drills turned out to be of two types - with and without carbide tips. As always, I bought what was cheaper, that is, without soldering, and remembered the proverb, “The miser pays twice.” But now I have two drills.

So, I started with a candle holder for small candles. You will need a block of suitable size, a drill, a clamp, a corner and a pencil.

We mark the center at the end of the block, clamp it with a clamp and start drilling. We drill slowly so as not to drill too much, i.e. the depth of the hole will be equal to the height of the candle. We sand our candlestick and cover the outer sides with wax. I treated the inside with silicate glue - it does not burn (just in case).

Well, that’s all, strictly speaking. Once you gain experience, you can decorate your product using an arrangement of different types of wood. The flight of fancy here is limitless.

The twin brothers left the modeling business and launched the production of accessories, most of which are exported

IT tools used in the TwinsWood project

  • AutoCAD
  • Wordpress
  • CorelDRAW

Twin brothers Alexander and Alexey Twins are well-known personalities in Yekaterinburg. Models, fashion bloggers, fashion party regulars, media personalities. In 2013, they abruptly changed their field of activity - they sold their blogs and launched production original accessories made of wood. And now they produce wooden bow ties, watches, cufflinks, wallets, etc.

Alexander and Alexey Twins, twin brothers, entrepreneurs from Yekaterinburg, founders of the wooden accessories brand. Previously, the brothers worked in the modeling business. Accessories and decorative elements under the TwinsWood brand have been produced since 2013, up to 60% of sales are made abroad - to Europe, the USA, Australia, China, and Canada. In June 2016, the Twins brothers launched a crowdfunding project on the platform - with the requested amount of 130 thousand rubles for the production of wooden wristwatches, they managed to collect 578 thousand.

Instead of a clothing brand - bow ties

My brother and I have been together all our lives, we even went to enroll in Yekaterinburg from Siberia together. Our business is built in such a way that one cannot do without the other. Usually I come up with an idea, and my brother brings it to mind, calculates it, corrects it, and develops schemes.

In 2013, when we started doing all this, wooden accessories were still a novelty in Russia. Our first products were bow ties. Once upon a time we saw similar butterflies in Europe. We discussed it – it’s beautiful, it’s cool, we would wear these. And when we were choosing a niche for business, we remembered this idea. At first they wanted to launch their own clothing brand, but in the end they decided to focus on butterflies made of wood, since it was interesting, and the niche was relatively empty at that time.

We received start-up capital to launch TwinsWood by selling our fashion blogs. We spent about 100 thousand rubles on hand tools. And about 300 thousand more were required for more serious machines.

At first we didn’t know anything about the tree. Where can I get it? How to process? Then one of my friends made the blanks, and someone else supplied the wood. As a result, we made the first batch of butterflies and gave almost all of them away to friends.

People took this with interest. Someone started placing orders after seeing such an accessory from friends. Someone saw the photo on the Internet. And at some point it grew into serious production.

Sales volumes have increased. Then the corporate segment was added. By the end of the first year of operation, we received our first orders of 200–300 pieces. After famous brand I bought 600 products at once. One hotel in Crimea equipped its staff of 400 people with our bowties. Therefore, now I understand that even a volume of 1000 units will not scare us.

Today we have a fully equipped workshop - there are traditional machines, and all kinds of robots, lasers and 3D printers. On the latter, for example, we make inserts.

Main clients are men

In Europe there is an interesting tradition when the groom must give original gifts to your friends who came to the wedding. It’s our accessories that foreigners love – they often order 10-12 butterflies or engraved watches just for a wedding.

By the way, we initially decided that our sales should be organized solidly. That is, we deliberately did not launch any sales through Vkontakte, Facebook or WhatsApp. Until we had Russian and English websites ready, we didn’t even launch advertising.

The website is the main sales tool for us. A significant number of search queries for the phrase “wooden butterfly” lead to us. This is serious work done by my brother; he is well versed in promotion technologies.

Now 60% of our products are exported abroad. Most clients are men. By country – our accessories are most often purchased from America, Australia, and Canada. We have now started to cooperate with one serious European resource, and by the New Year we are waiting for a response from Italy, Germany, and France.

By the middle of the second year, we expanded our product line; we added cufflinks, wallets, and watches. They even began to produce accessories made of wood for decorating weddings.

We select the materials for our products very carefully. Not every tree is suitable for us. Let's say the watch may be subject to external influences - it was put down incorrectly, it was hit somewhere, etc. Therefore, we give preference to African varieties. They absorb moisture, but after the wood is dried, it becomes very dense and strong.

We tried different breeds and settled on a few “top” ones for each category. The best ones are padauk, zebrawood, and rosewood. Of those that grow in Russia, we use oak and beech. True, the oak is Canadian, and the beech is Chinese. In Russia, we even have problems with wood. By the way, the same oak is more expensive than an African tree. And it's harder to get.

Despite the fact that we mainly use imported materials, I cannot say that the dollar exchange rate has had a bad effect on us. The volumes that we purchase are already quite large, so suppliers give good discounts. We even allowed ourselves to reduce the price without losing income. After all, we sell more than half of our products abroad, and if previously $50 was approximately 1,500 rubles, now it is more than 3,000 rubles.

Butterfly in 10 minutes

Despite the fact that we have a lot of equipment, part of our tree operations is handmade. The same butterfly needs to be processed with sandpaper so that it is smooth and pleasant to the touch.

A bow tie can be made quite quickly - within 10-15 minutes. But this is subject to the availability of preparations. Our managers immediately call the client back and clarify the deadlines. Since there are quite a lot of orders, we deliver within two to three days.

We do not have large stocks of finished products in our warehouse. Keeping more than 100 models at a time means there won’t be enough space on the shelves. Therefore, it’s easier to work according to a different model: when an order arrives, we do it right away.

Our team is 10-12 people. Not much, but most of our processes are automated. Production is divided into “dusty” and “clean” workshops. In the latter, watches are assembled and management works. We made noise insulation so that the operation of the machines in the “dusty” workshop did not interfere with the “clean” workshop.

This year we already have more than four thousand sales. I think we can reach 10,000 by the end of the year. We expect a sharp increase in orders for the New Year and Christmas. Last year we worked in three shifts - at first we ordered from abroad, at the end of December Russia got involved. We think it will be the same at the end of 2016.

We recently successfully conducted a crowdfunding campaign on the platform - we raised money to launch a wooden watch. They applied for 130 thousand rubles, but in the end they collected 578 thousand. In the near future we will submit documents for their certification and will actively develop this area.

We also need to actively work on the corporate segment; this area will be a priority for us. We will soon go to a specialized exhibition and communicate with the management of foreign companies. Private orders, of course, will also remain.

We still have some way to go, there are many ideas. For example, we are planning to introduce glasses made of wood. Now let's work on the topic of watches and get started on glasses, this will be one of our tasks for the next year.

        • Similar business ideas:

Furniture from natural wood will never lose its relevance. The demand for wooden furniture shows stable growth from year to year, despite the fact that a lot of furniture made from alternative materials (glass, plastic, metal) appears. The main reasons for this are high environmental friendliness, the absence of toxic impurities, moreover, wood carries positive energy and warmth. Wood is the best raw material for making furniture for the kitchen and children's room.

That is why a properly organized business for the production of wooden goods will always find its client. The list of products that can be made from wood is very diverse:

  • Tables;
  • Chairs;
  • Furniture for restaurants and bars;
  • Gazebos and garden furniture;
  • Doors and wall panels;
  • Sofas and armchairs for offices;
  • Cabinet furniture;
  • Kitchen sets;
  • Children's playgrounds;
  • Gaming tables (billiards, poker);
  • etc.

Which taxation system to choose for a wood furniture manufacturing business?

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise for the production of wooden furniture can be either an ordinary individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. For small workshops, at the initial stage, a regular individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, since registering this activity (as well as closing it) is many times easier and cheaper than opening a legal entity (LLC). But individual entrepreneurs cannot create their own branches, large firms are not so willing to work with them, and entrepreneurs have a greater risk of losing personal property (in case of lawsuits) than legal entities (who only risk the property of an LLC).

Therefore, with the consolidation of a business, registering an LLC promises a lot of advantages. As a taxation system, the most optimal is the simplified taxation system - simplified tax system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. Application of the simplified tax system exempts an enterprise from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. Switch to this special. the regime is implemented immediately at the time of business registration based on notification.

What is the OKVED code for a business producing furniture made of wood?

When registering a business, you must indicate the OKVED code in the application. The following codes are suitable for the production and sale of wooden furniture:

  • 36.12 Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises;
  • 36.13 Production of kitchen furniture;
  • 36.14 Manufacture of other furniture
  • 51.47.11 Wholesale trade of household furniture;
  • 52.44.1 Retail sale of furniture;
  • 52.44.5 Retail sale of wood, cork and wickerwork;
  • 52.61.2 Retail trade carried out directly through television, radio, telephone and the Internet.

If you are opening an individual business, then in the application you should indicate all the OKVED codes under which you plan to work (you can have at least 30, it won’t be too much). If you register an LLC, you can indicate only one code, since the charter of the LLC will state that the Company can engage in any type of activity that does not contradict the law. As for the license. Mandatory licensing and certification of manufactured furniture is not established by law. But, some enterprises voluntarily issue quality certificates for their products (to increase sales). In this case, compliance with such norms and standards as:

  • GOST 16371-93 “Furniture. General technical conditions";
  • GOST 28793-90. Furniture. Tables. Definition of sustainability
  • GOST 28777-90. Furniture. Test methods for children's beds
  • GOST R 50051-92. Furniture. Chairs. Definition of sustainability
  • GOST 19917-93 “Furniture for sitting and lying down. General technical conditions";
  • GOST 19194-73 “Furniture. Method for determining the fastening strength of furniture legs";
  • GOST R 54208-2010 “Protective and decorative coatings on furniture made of wood and wood materials. Classification and designations."
  • GOST 13715-78 “Joiner slabs. Technical conditions";
  • GOST 30255-95. Furniture, wood and polymer materials.

What equipment to choose for the production of wooden furniture

To organize a full-cycle furniture production, you will need to purchase: thickness planer, jointer, drilling and grooving machine, circular saw for cutting wide boards, milling machine, grinding machine, turning and milling copying machine, paint gun, drilling machine, edge banding machine and other auxiliary equipment. The main supplier of equipment is China and Taiwan.

How much money do you need to start a business producing furniture made of natural wood?

The estimated costs for the purchase of equipment for organizing the production of full-cycle wooden furniture are 700 - 1000 thousand rubles (including auxiliary equipment).

Raw materials used for furniture production

For the manufacture of wooden furniture, ready-made furniture panels or edged solid boards are used. The most popular types of wood are: pine, oak, beech, hornbeam, alder, birch, larch. Sawn and dried boards are purchased from forestries, forestry enterprises and private companies.

One m3 of edged pine boards will cost about 6500-7500 rubles. Special attention In production, attention should be paid to paint and varnish coating. Varnish protects wood from external influences, increases resistance to moisture, thereby increasing the service life of furniture. To achieve the best result, the wood is varnished at least three times, thoroughly drying after each application.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business producing wood products

The size of the premises for organizing a furniture business directly depends on the planned production volume. If we are talking about a full production cycle (and not a “garage version”), then the following departments must be present:

  1. Production workshop - the place where woodworking machines and other equipment will be located;
  2. Assembly shop - a place where wooden furniture is assembled from pre-prepared parts;
  3. Paint shop - a room for carrying out paint and varnish work;
  4. Dryer or drying chamber;
  5. Finished products warehouse/raw materials warehouse;
  6. Production staff room;
  7. Lavatory, shower;
  8. Accommodation for administrative staff and sales managers.

Requirements for production premises are standard and require heating, water supply, ventilation, a 3-phase network, and a fire safety system.

Technology for the production and manufacture of wood furniture

The full production cycle of wooden furniture includes the following stages: Stage 1. Preparation of a working sketch. On at this stage technologists develop three-dimensional models and working drawings of the future product.

Stage 2. Preparation of wood for production. At this stage, the type of wood is selected, as well as the solid wood is dried for 10 days until its humidity drops to 80% of the original values.

Stage 3. Dissolution furniture board using a multi saw machine. At this stage, the bark is removed and the board is cut into specified sizes.

Stage 4. The cross cutting machine removes knots, resin pockets, crooked areas and other defects.

Stage 5. Merging the bars along the length - preparing the lamellas. Wooden blanks are laid out on the table, aligned along the edge and pressed with a press on top and on the sides. Once the programmed length is reached, the lamellas are cut and sent to the press.

Stage 6. Gluing lamellas. The lamellas are subjected to double-sided grinding and glued together on a fan press, taking into account the guide fibers. The gluing time is 40-50 minutes.

Stage 7. Shield Formation the right size using a belt dividing machine.

Stage 8. Planing the lamella on both sides on a thickness planer.

Stage 9. Sawing furniture board to the required thickness using a calibrating grinding machine.

Stage 10. To create additional strength, solid wood is finished with veneer.

Stage 11. Reaming mounting holes on a drilling and filler machine. The production of individual furniture parts is carried out at automated machines according to the specified parameters. Such machines make all the necessary cuts, cuts and veneer edges.

Stage 12. Finished products are subject to inspection for defects and defects.

Stage 13. All parts are sanded 3 times to give the product perfect smoothness.

Stage 14. Varnishing and painting furniture in accordance with the specified design.

Stage 15. Drying of the product.

Stage 16. Packaging of the product and sending it to the finished product warehouse. In addition to the full cycle, there is also a short production cycle. This is when the raw materials for the production of wood products are ready-made dried panels, which are sanded, sawn into certain parts, assembled and varnished.

Staff The required staff of even a small wooden furniture production enterprise includes:

  • constructor-designer;
  • technologist;
  • carpenters-machine operators (from 4 people);
  • carvers;
  • auxiliary workers (from 2 people);
  • sales manager

The company will also need an accountant, a cleaner, a personnel officer and a lawyer. However, most small businesses, for the purpose of reasonable savings, outsource these workers. It is not profitable to employ such employees full-time when production volumes are small. Conclusions Organizing the full cycle production of wooden furniture is a very complex matter. The project manager has to decide important issues such as: selection of qualified personnel, motivation of personnel, selection of high-quality wood and paints and varnishes, purchase of expensive equipment and tools, study and implementation of carpentry technologies, regular retraining of production personnel, management of sales, processes, people and much more. It is for this reason that many inexperienced beginners in this field will face inevitable collapse. According to some market players, the best way study the industry with minimal risk - organize the business in a somewhat “truncated form.” For example, you can only design furniture and entrust the production processes to an experienced artisan. The key task of organizing a business will be to find a responsible and competent partner.

How much can you earn making wooden furniture?

The payback period for such a business is on average 2 years. The competition in this area is quite large and in order for your business to flourish, you must always take care of the quality of products, analyze the market and competitors, conduct advertising activities and attract new customers through constant improvement and expansion of the product range. With proper business organization, annual net profit will be up to 40 percent of the cost, which is definitely a pretty good indicator.

What documents are needed to open a business producing wooden furniture?

First you need to decide on the legal form of the enterprise. The organizational and legal form will depend on the choice of potential consumers of your products - individuals, small entrepreneurs, or legal entities and institutions. Necessary documents for LLC registration:

  1. Name of the enterprise.
  2. Discovery decision protocol.
  3. Information about the founder and accountant.
  4. Details.
  5. Charter
  6. A document confirming payment of the state fee.

Do you need permits to open a business?

List of permits for starting a business producing wooden furniture.