How to recover deleted partitions. Program for recovering logical partitions

Partition recovery hard drive possible in 80% of cases. It is impossible to restore the HDD partition using internal means, so you will have to use third-party utilities.

Using TestDisk

TestDisk is a freely distributed program whose task is to recover lost disk partitions after system or human errors.

This utility is perfect for inexperienced users who have lost a local volume on their HDD. Firstly, its interface is friendly for this kind of program, and secondly, the entire recovery procedure is completely automatic.

Instructions for hard recovery disk using the TestDisk utility:

  1. First of all, you need to download the program image to a third-party medium (it can be a disk or flash drive);
  2. We reboot the computer and configure the BIOS for priority booting from an external device (the subsection below tells you how). Save changes made and we leave the environment;
  3. After a short download, the utility will launch;
  4. A window will appear with the hard drives labeled. Choose the one local disk, from which the volume disappeared, and press the “Proceed” button:
  5. After this, the user must select the file system type. If Windows was installed on the computer, then click on Intel:
  6. In order to scan the local disk, click “Analyze”:
  7. After completing the analysis, you need to start searching for the lost partition (volume, partition). To do this, click on “Proceed” again:
  8. The program will start searching for deleted partitions. The whole process will be displayed as a percentage:
  9. After the search is completed, the deleted HDD partitions will appear in the form of a list (Data1 and Data2 appear as lost volumes on the screen). Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the volume that we want to restore and press Enter:
  10. The next step is to select the Write! command, which initiates the launch of the procedure for restoring lost HDD partitions:
  11. And the last action is confirmation of the creation of the section. This is done using the Y key.

After exiting the program (Quit) and restarting the computer, the user will again be able to use the local HDD volume. All information will be restored completely without changes.

A good example in the video:

BIOS setup

A quick guide to setting up the BIOS to run from an external device:

  • Go to the “First Boot” parameter, which can be located in the “Boot” or “ Boot Device Configuration" (depending on the version of the motherboard);
  • In the parameter we set the value of the external media on which the program is located;
  • Save and restart the computer by pressing the F10 key.

Recovery using Magic Partition Recovery

Another popular program that can be used to recover hard drive partitions after they have been accidentally deleted, but unlike the utility described above, it is paid. In fairness, it is worth noting several important advantages:

  • Ability to restore hard disk clusters damaged by malicious software;
  • There is no need to configure the BIOS, since the application is operated from the interface Windows systems;
  • Speed ​​of work. There are few partition recovery utilities on the Internet that can compare with the speed of Magic Partition Recovery.

Instructions for using the application:

  1. Let's launch the program. In the interface, select the HDD in which you want to restore the deleted volume:
  2. The next step is to scan the HDD for damaged or deleted partitions. Analysis can be of two types: quick and deep. For high-quality results, it is recommended to choose deep scanning:
  3. Click on the “Next” button and the program will start analyzing the HDD. The scanning speed depends on the size of the hard drive (with average PC performance, 500 GB took 45 minutes);
  4. After the analysis is completed, the utility will display a list of all found files, volumes and folders, including lost ones. Deleted partitions are marked with a red icon:
  1. Hello admin! I beg you, please explain to me how to recover a deleted disk(D:) on the laptop with the DMDE program, the fact is that I had two partitions on the laptop (C:) and (D:) and an hour ago I accidentally deleted the disk (D:) with all my data, after which I immediately turned off the laptop . It’s very good that I still have a simple computer, and now I’m writing from it.
    I called a computer geek I know, he advised me to remove the hard drive from the laptop, then connect this hard drive through an adapter to another computer with installed free program DMDE, then scan my hard drive with deleted partitions with this program and perhaps this program will restore the deleted disk.
    But firstly, I have no idea how to remove a hard drive even on a simple computer, let alone a laptop, and secondly, it works on my drive (C:), why can’t I install DMDE for myself and scan that part hard drive on which there was a partition (D:)? Deniska.
  2. Admin, question! They just brought me a screw where all the partitions were completely accidentally demolished, and there were three of them (C:), (F:), (G:) and the operating system was installed on the first one, the other partitions contained data files. I launched the DMDE program and it found almost everything necessary files, in short, they can be restored, but the DMDE developers arranged everything so cleverly that in free version the files are restored one at a time, it’s inconvenient, in short, I’ll have to pound the keyboard until the morning, and I was thinking of making a knight’s move, just taking and restoring all the partitions at once, because the program can do this, but I can’t find suitable instructions anywhere, and I’m afraid to experiment myself, suddenly the data that I have almost already recovered disappears, I can’t fucking stand it. I asked you this question in the comments, but you don’t hesitate, you say you want to write an article, well, then write it quickly. I know you have an article about TestDisk, in this program you can also restore partitions for free, but it has a hellish command line, I don’t like it damn it, because I’m half blind. In short, help me out.
    Sincerely, Blind Pew.

How to recover a deleted disk

Hello friends! If you accidentally deleted a partition with data on your laptop or simple computer, or worse, several partitions at once, then this article can help you in some cases. Let’s not waste time and get straight to the point and we’ll look at all the nuances of restoring deleted partitions as we go.

1)How to recover a deleted partition hard drive with the DMDE program, on a laptop that has a new standard for placing GUID partition tables (GPT).

2) How to recover several deleted partitions at once hard drive using DMDE on a simple computer.

Note: If you want, we also have such an article, follow the link and read. There is also an article about: Undoubtedly, the reader who wrote the first letter can be understood, because you will agree that it will be quite difficult for a simple user to disassemble a laptop, take out the hard drive, connect it to another computer through a special device and restore the deleted partition. What then? - You ask.
To understand how to recover a deleted disk with DMDE, let’s take my long-suffering laptop (which I’ve been saving for for several years) and delete the drive (D:) on it along with all my files! If suddenly the partition cannot be restored with the DMDE program, we will restore it with another program.
Friends, I will warn you against such experiments, just read the article and take note, if you accidentally delete a hard drive partition, you can restore it this way.
So, we go to "Disk Management" of my laptop and see several service partitions without a letter, they cannot be touched. Next we see the drive (C:) with installed Windows 8 and the unsuspecting drive (D:), with files, delete it,

We see the warning “Deleting a volume destroys all data on this volume.” Yes.

The disk has been deleted and is now unallocated space.

Let's go to the DMDE program website,

Download it and launch it. In this window, select the only hard drive of the laptop and check the “Physical devices” item and OK.

There is a search for deleted partitions on our laptop.

In the window that appears, you can see the existing and deleted disks of our laptop, the file system, the volume of partitions, indicators (showing the presence of the corresponding structure), the first and last sectors. To avoid repeating myself, you can read the detailed help located on the official website of the DMDE program.
In our case, everything is relatively simple and our remote partition (D:) is visible to the naked eye, the name, volume, file system are the same, the remote disk is marked with favorable BCF indicators. We cannot make a mistake in this window, because if we select the partition to restore incorrectly, then in the best case, the DMDE program will not restore it, and in the worst case, it will restore it, but then we will end up with an unnecessary partition and the chances of restoring the necessary partition will drop. Select it with the left mouse and click on the “Insert” button.

In this window we must select the partition type, since the hard drive on our laptop has the latest GUID standard (GPT), select it and click OK.

Note: If you don’t know what kind of hard drive you have, GUID (GPT) or just MBR, then I want to tell you. Firstly, if you have a new laptop with Windows 8 installed, then your hard drive must be GUID style (GPT), secondly, the DMDE program itself will tell you, and thirdly, you can read the article -. Click "Apply".

Before the program restores a deleted partition, save the rollback data to a file, save this file on a flash drive or other hard drive. Yes.

Save the file.

That's all, our disk has been restored.

Our drive (D:) appears from oblivion, but for some reason without a letter.

Right-click on it and select "Change drive letter or drive path..."


Select the drive letter (D:) and click OK.

Now our disk (D:) is exactly in place and all the files in it are too.

How to recover several deleted hard drive partitions using DMDE on a simple computer Now let's move on to a simple computer. Friends, if you accidentally deleted all partitions on your hard drive, then you need to remove it and connect it to another computer with installed program DMDE.
Let's take my computer as an example. Please note that my system unit has two hard drives, so “Disk Management” also shows two hard drives. The second Samsung disk (120 GB capacity) contains three partitions: the first 100 MB service partition, the second partition with the Windows 7 operating system, and the third partition with personal files.

I'll delete all three sections. There are no partitions, now the space of the second hard drive looks like “Unallocated space”. Let's try to restore them.

Launch the DMDE program, check the "Physical devices" box and select the second hard drive with the right mouse, then click OK.

The DMDE program searches for deleted partitions.

In the window that appears, you need to be careful. As you can see, the program found 9 partitions, three of them are partitions that we need to restore, the rest of the partitions existed on this hard drive for a long time and we don’t need them.
The very first section among those found by the program is our hidden section without a letter with a volume of 100 MB, restore it, select it with the left mouse and click the “Insert” button.

All three deleted partitions were primary, the program determined this automatically, click OK.


Save the data file for rollback, click Yes.

That's it, the first partition has been restored.

Go to "Disk Management" and select "Action" "Update"

Our section appears, we do not assign a letter to it, since it did not have one, this section is service and hidden.
Important: Friends, let me remind you that we are restoring partitions on the hard drive where the Windows 7 operating system was installed. The partition we restored (without a letter) is a service partition and for the operating system to boot it must be “active”, right-click on it and select in the menu command "Make partition active"

Restoring the second partition.
The volume of the second found section, which also has BCF indicators, is suitable, select it with the left mouse and click on the “Insert” button


The second partition has been restored. Go to "Disk Management" select "Action" and "Update".

The drive (F:) appears, but also without a letter. Right-click on it and select Change drive letter or drive path...


Select the drive letter (F:) and click OK.

Now our drive (F:) is in place and all the files of the Windows 7 operating system are in place.

Restoring the third section
By volume, name, the penultimate found section is suitable, select it with the left mouse and click on the “Insert” button

All our three sections were the main ones, click OK.


We save the rollback data to a file. Yes.

The third section has been restored.

Go to "Disk Management" select "Action" and "Update".

The drive (G:) appears, but without a letter. Right-click on it and select Change drive letter or drive path...


Select the drive letter (G:) and click OK.

Now our disk (G:) is in place and all the files on it before deletion are also there.

I would be sincerely glad if I helped someone!

If the hard drive's partition table has been damaged, the data can usually still be salvaged. We will show you how to do this. If the partition table is damaged, the data can usually be saved. Your drive can easily be left without a working partition table - if you disconnect the external drive from power too early, if a virus tries to nest in a protected area of ​​the hard drive, or if sectors, in which the table is written simply became unreadable. After this, you will definitely receive a message from Windows: “Before using the disk in drive X:, it must be formatted. Format?" We save data and clean it HDD Of course, in the vast majority of cases, you do not want to format the drive at all, because your data is on it. But without a partition table, the system will not be able to access hard drive. You need to find a way to somehow extract information from the damaged media. First of all, you will need enough disk space to accommodate the rescued data. To restore a disk partition table, you can use the free TestDisk utility. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website or taken from the CHIP DVD. You will also need the DiskPart tool. Starting with Vista, this program comes bundled with Windows, but XP users will have to download it from The TestDisk utility is necessary to detect data without a partition table and copy it. After this, DiskPart will clean the hard drive, so you can eventually create working partitions using its own Windows tools Disk Management, which is available under Computer Management. Don't Be Afraid of the Command Line Of course, TestDisk and DiskPart are powerful tools, but you may encounter certain difficulties when working with them. But don't be afraid: read every message carefully, look at every screen and try to adhere to our instructions as much as possible. If your computer uses several HDDs and/or solid state drives , it is especially important to pay attention to the drive letters and symbols. There is nothing more offensive than deleting partitions of completely unrelated, working media. By the way, after the procedure you will be able to safely use a hard drive with a once damaged partition table. Even if the source of the problem was bad sectors on the HDD, you should not be afraid that this will happen again. The disk's own sector management tool marks them as bad so that they are not used in the future. Even if there are no problems with your hard drive at the moment, save these instructions so that when an emergency arises, you will be fully prepared. NOTE CHIP is not responsible for any damage to your hardware or loss of data that may occur if you follow the recommendations in this article. How to do it? 1. RECOGNIZING THE PROBLEM If Windows warns you that your hard drive is not formatted, this is not necessarily true. You can check if this is the case by running the built-in Windows Disk Management tool. 2.CHECKING THE HARD DISK If there are no problems in the Disk Management tool (Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management), the disk will be designated as “RAW” or have the status “Good”. 3. FIRST ATTEMPT TO RESTORE Use your own Windows chkdsk utility in the cmd command line editor, which must be called as an administrator. Run the command “chkdsk x: /f”, where “x” is replaced by your drive letter. 4. RUN THE ANALYSIS PROGRAM If the previous procedure was not successful, run TestDisk. Use the "Enter" key to confirm the "Create" setting. At the next stage, select your hard drive and run testing using the “Proceed | Intel | Analyze | Quicksearch". 5. OVERWRITING THE PARTITION TABLE Select your partition, click on “Continue” and create a new partition table using the “Write” function. If the section does not appear, repeat the process using "Deeper search". 6. SAVE THE DISAPPEARING FILES If the process was unsuccessful, repeat the steps in step 4, but after “Continue” select “List files”. To copy files, follow the instructions at the bottom of the window. 7. RETURNING THE HARD DISK TO WORKING CONDITION After successful copying, run the DiskPart program as an administrator. Using the “List disk” function, display all hard drives, select the one you need using the “Select disk x” command and clean it (“Clean”). 8. FORMATING AND PARTITIONING In “Disk Management”, initialize and, if necessary, partition this disk, and then return the data to it.

The step-by-step wizard hides from the user all the complexity and laboriousness of working with the program for hard drive data recovery. By following the wizard's simple instructions, you can easily find, restore and save all the necessary information. To get started, download and install the program.

Step 1: Select a drive to recover data from

Specify the logical drive from which the files were deleted. If files were lost after formatting, deleting or recreating logical partitions, then you need to select a physical storage medium or use the function "Search for sections". The list of physical devices is located below the list of logical partitions.

Virtual image

By creating a virtual copy of the disk and continuing to restore data from it, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from accidental overwriting of deleted files and have the opportunity to restore data to the same disk.

Creating an image

To create a virtual copy of data, point with the mouse required disk and select in the main menu of the program "Service""Save Disk". You can create an image of the entire storage medium or specify the starting sector and disk size. The program allows you to compress the contents of the disk to save space. Specify full name image file and click the button "Save".

Using the image

Select from main menu "Service""Mount disk" and provide the full path to the image file. The utility will automatically add the previously saved disk to the folder tree. You can select it to analyze and search for deleted files. You can use a virtual disk to recover data on another computer or laptop.

Recovering deleted partitions

The utility allows you to find deleted logical drives and continue searching and recovering deleted files from them. This approach significantly saves time spent on analyzing the storage medium.

To search for partitions, select the device in the folder tree and select in the main menu "File""Find drives". Specify the file system type of the partition you are looking for, as well as its approximate location on the device. It is recommended to analyze the entire disk and search for all possible file systems. By default, the program launches a quick search for partitions.

After analyzing the disk, you can run a full device analysis to find more partitions. All found partitions are added to the directory tree and become available for further scanning.

Step 2: Select a disk recovery method

Select an algorithm for recovering deleted data. The program has two fundamental various types analysis, each has its own strengths and weak sides. Let's take a closer look at them.

Quick Scan

"Quick Scan" allows you to analyze your hard drive in seconds. This method allows you to quickly find files deleted using a keyboard shortcut "Shift" + "Delete" or as a result of cleaning "Baskets" Windows. In all other cases it is recommended to use « Full analysis» . A complete analysis of a hard drive takes a long time (depending on the size of the drive).

Full analysis

"Full Analysis" uses all the capabilities of the program and allows you to restore information, regardless of how it was deleted. This method allows you to recover data from damaged disks, files lost after formatting, deleting, recreating logical disks or for any other reason. The full analysis uses all possible search algorithms for lost files.

Step 3: Wait for the recovery process to complete

The program will begin searching for deleted files. During the analysis, the utility will calculate the time until the end of the operation, and also indicate the number of disks, files and folders found. Wait for the analysis to finish and click the button "Ready".

Analysis Process

The program will display all files and folders found on the disk. The files will be displayed in the same folders in which they were located before deletion, as in Windows program"Conductor". All deleted objects will be marked with a red cross.

The utility supports various modes file display: page thumbnails, large and regular icons, list, table and tile. You can sort recovered files by name, size, file type, and creation or editing date.

After analysis, you can search for files by name, size, date of creation or modification of files.

“$Deleted and Found” and “$Deep Analysis”

In chapter "$Deleted and Found" there are those files and folders whose location could not be determined. Be sure to check this section if you cannot find the files in their original location.

The program searches for deleted files not only from file tables, but also by their contents. By comprehensively analyzing the contents of the disk, the utility finds signatures indicating the beginning and end of the file (for example, a file with the PSD extension must begin with a combination of bytes "8B PS"). The files found in this way are located in the folder "$Deep Analysis".


Files found for recovery are displayed in the program - just like in regular Windows "Explorer"– in the same folder from which they were deleted. By displaying the contents of files, the utility allows you to select and save only the necessary data.

Viewing file contents

The program allows you to view the contents of more than 200 different file formats (for example: digital images, compressed archives, text documents, executable files, spreadsheets, many video and audio file formats). Files displayed in the preview are guaranteed to be restored after registering the program.

Selecting files to save

To save files deleted from one folder, you need to go to it using the directory tree, then select the desired files in the list and select in the main menu "File""Restore". To select files from different directories, drag them with the mouse into "Recovery cart" located in the lower right corner of the program. To save from "Baskets" click the button "Restore", located there.

Step 4: Save the data recovered from your hard drive

You can choose any convenient way to save recovered files. The program allows you to save files to a folder on a disk, burn to a CD, DVD, create an ISO image or upload files to a remote FTP server.

To save files to disk, specify the directory to save the files. If you want to return only deleted files or preserve the disk directory tree structure, enable the appropriate switches.

The program allows you to save ADS (Alternate Data Streams) and replace lost characters from the file name (when deleting files, the FAT file system driver erases the first letter of the file name, but most of the name may be lost).

Burning a CD or DVD

When burning files to a CD or DVD, the program allows you to select the disc label, recording speed and file system. Select the drive that will be used for recording, specify the required parameters (you can use the default parameters) and click "Further".

The utility supports multi-session disc recording and allows you to save files in the same folders from which they were deleted (if you do not specify the option "Restore folder structure", all files will be saved in one directory).

Creating an ISO image with files

The program allows you to create a virtual image with data. To write files, you must specify the full name of the image file, the drive label, and the file system of the drive. To preserve the folder structure and replace unknown characters in the names of the recovered files, you must specify the appropriate options.

The program allows you to once again view the files and folders selected for saving. On at this stage The option to change file names is available. Click "Create" to complete the process.

Uploading files to an FTP server

The program allows you to save recovered files to a remote server using the FTP protocol. You can keep the original directory tree structure. To save files, specify the FTP server address and port, as well as the username, password and remote directory. The utility supports passive file download mode, as well as working through a proxy server. You can remember your password so you don't have to enter it again (the password is stored in open form in the settings file).

In previous articles, we talked about recovering deleted files from damaged media, formatted or inaccessible drives. Today we will try to find ways to solve problems associated with damage to the most sensitive part of the hard drive; that part that contains all the information about the media, its volumes and their configuration.

Damage to boot records and partition tables

All data on a hard drive is written in a certain logical order. Most operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, will initialize physical storage by creating one or more logical drives known as volumes or partitions. Simply put, each hard drive is divided into logical partitions during the formatting process. After formatting the partitions, the OS creates an empty file system, which in turn will contain entries pointing to the actual files stored somewhere on the disk.

The first thing the operating system does when structuring a physical hard drive is to look for system records that contain information about logical volumes or partitions. At the same time, various OS may use different formats (for example, MBR partition table in Windows, or GUID Partition Table in Mac OS X), and in order to structure partitions as "volume letters", the system must be able to read this information.

But what if this information becomes corrupted or is no longer available?

All information about logical volumes or partitions located on a physical hard disk is stored in several initial sectors. This means that if just a few small sectors are damaged, the entire hard drive inevitably becomes inaccessible. The reasons for damage to highly sensitive systems of disk structures may be different, but the result is always the same: the need to “repair” the inaccessible media.

Recovering disks with an inaccessible partition table

So, relatively minor damage can lead to big troubles and the storage device will be completely inaccessible. However, despite all the troubles, the situation may be resolved in your favor. If the Master Boot Record or GUID partition tables on your hard drive are only partially damaged (or erased), the rest of the data remains safe in its original place. Provided that there is no other damage, using correct technique and with the right tools you can hope to full recovery data with almost 100% success.

The right approach

Before you move on to choosing a recovery tool, make sure you understand main principle successful recovery. After all, the right approach in this matter is no less important than using the right tool. If you rush and try to “recover” the drive by formatting and re-partitioning it, you will only make things more difficult for yourself. Do not format the disk or repartition it! Do not write anything new to the disk! Just leave it alone until you install the partition recovery tool, read the manual, and make sure you understand how to use it correctly.

Partition Recovery Tools

Partition recovery: creating a virtual disk image

If your drive contains truly valuable data and the media is severely damaged, you can back up your entire hard drive by creating a virtual disk image for a safer recovery. Unfortunately, the simplest tools for partition recovery do not support this function. Other, more advanced programs may even use a virtual disk image to further recover your data instead of the physical device itself.

So, if the drive contains a lot of valuable information, creating a backup before starting the recovery process is a highly recommended step. However, if you are recovering a drive whose contents are of little value to you and can be easily replaced (for example, you are recovering a system hard drive without any documents, photo albums, or other information that is difficult or impossible to recreate), then you may want to save by saving several hours of time by performing recovery directly from the physical disk.

Data recovery

The ultimate goal of partition recovery is to recover all the data they contain. Therefore, do not try to fix a broken partition table unless you are completely sure that your valuable data is safe. The risk of unsuccessful recovery and additional data damage instead of saving it is too great.

To recover data safely and efficiently, use RS Partition Recovery. Launch the recovery wizard and select the Deep Analysis mode. When prompted by the wizard to select a disk partition or physical device for recovery, select the “physical device” option, and then directly the hard drive itself containing the damaged partition table.

The program will begin a detailed, lengthy scan of the media. In order to identify the exact configuration of your hard drive partitions, RS Partition Recovery uses heuristic methods and Content-Aware analysis. The tool searches for partitions by scanning the entire disk and trying to detect certain characteristic file signatures supported by the file system. RS Partition Recovery supports all Windows file systems (FAT and NTFS), ensuring that all partitions formatted in these file systems, will be successfully recognized and restored.

After detecting volumes, RS Partition Recovery will display them in the results window, allowing you to extract any information (files and folders) from each volume. The wizard will prompt you to select a location to save the recovered files and folders. Make sure it has enough free space to save all the files.

Partition recovery

Repairing damaged or missing partition tables can be done using a publicly available tool - TestDisk. Unlike RS Partition Recovery, this tool requires some additional knowledge and a good understanding of what you are doing and why. In short, the tool can be used to analyze the disk and try to recreate the original partition table.

Why then use RS Partition Recovery? Why not use TestDisk as your primary tool for recovering data from damaged media.

The fact is that these partition recovery tools perform completely different functions. RS Partition Recovery recovers valuable information contained in files and folders, documents and photos. If other actions and recovery procedures do not produce results, with the help of RS Partition Recovery you can always get a copy of all valuable information. You simply save it on another (healthy) medium, and thus achieve your main goal in a couple of hours.

TestDisk, on the other hand, does not work with any files on the disk. Instead, it attempts to repair the original partition table, restoring missing partitions, boot sectors, and file tables from backups on the original disk. That is, the purpose of this tool is to restore normal operation of the system as a whole. If he fails, then such tools, alas, will not help in your situation. However, even if TestDisk fails to restore your disk's original partition structure, you can always try