How to lay linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands. How to lay linoleum on a wooden floor: which linoleum to choose and how to lay it correctly on a wooden base Lay linoleum on a floor made of boards

We can safely say that linoleum is one of the most popular types of flooring. Consumers are attracted by the excellent performance qualities of linoleum, its low price, and ease of installation on almost any floor. Although, depending on what type of floor you are laying linoleum on, there may be certain nuances in the technology of its installation. It is these “subtleties” that need to be taken into account when laying linoleum on a wooden floor that we will talk about in this article.

Preparing the floor surface

Linoleum, like any other floor covering, requires certain preparation of the floor surface before installation. If we are talking about a “new building” where the floor has just been laid, then such preparation will be reduced to a minimum - it is enough to clean the floor from the remains of construction waste and treat it with antiseptic and anti-corrosion agents. But, when we are talking about laying linoleum in a room where the floor was laid many years ago, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to “tinker” more thoroughly with preparing the surface. So, the main defects of the wooden floor, which must be eliminated before laying linoleum.

Cracks and chips

All remnants of old paint must be removed before laying linoleum.

Cracks and chips can form both directly in the floorboards and in the layers of paint covering them, which over repeated repainting can turn into a very noticeable layer.

Let's start with the last one. All remnants of old paint (even if it is not cracked) must be removed before laying linoleum. Although this process is quite long, it is nevertheless mandatory, since otherwise it will not be possible to qualitatively eliminate possible cracks in the boards, as well as treat the floor with an antiseptic.

The easiest way to remove paint from the floor is to use a hair dryer and a regular spatula. The heated paint is removed in just one or two movements.

The easiest way to remove paint from the floor is to use a hair dryer and a regular spatula.

As for the cracks in the boards themselves, eliminating them is also not difficult. To do this, just use the same spatula and a special putty for wood.

Wide spacing between boards

You shouldn’t hope that linoleum will hide the wide gaps between the floorboards

You should not hope that linoleum will hide the wide gaps between the floorboards. Over time, he will definitely “fall through” them, only emphasizing this defect.

There are two ways to eliminate gaps between boards. The first is to remove all the boards and re-lay them close to each other. And the second, easier one - drive narrow wooden slats into the cracks between the boards, and seal the remaining cracks with wood putty.

For greater ease of operation, it is better to give the slats a trapezoidal shape.

Creaking floor

Although this defect does not directly affect the process of laying linoleum, it is nevertheless better to get rid of it. To do this, you need to identify each creaking board and use long self-tapping screws to attach it along with the joist to the base of the floor.

Rotten and rotten boards

There is only one way to deal with this problem - all rotten boards and joists must be replaced.

Leveling the floor

And, of course, before laying linoleum, the floor must be leveled.

If we are talking about small elevations, they can be eliminated using a grinding or scraping machine, or using an electric or manual plane. True, working with the latter requires certain skills, so if you do not have them, it is better to entrust this stage of work to a specialist.

Another way to deal with small irregularities is linoleum with jute or any other backing. Due to its additional thickness, the underlay will hide minor irregularities and, in addition, will significantly increase the sound insulation of the floor.

Problems with more serious unevenness can be solved by laying sheets of plywood on the floor. By the way, in the same way you can eliminate almost all of the above floor defects: cracks, creaks, and so on. In other words, laying plywood on the floor is the best (though not the cheapest) way to prepare the floor.

Problems with more serious unevenness can be solved by laying sheets of plywood on the floor

Sheets of plywood must be laid in a “checkerboard” pattern with a half-sheet offset. Before doing this, do not forget to clean the floorboards from paint residues and treat them with an antiseptic.

Preparation of linoleum

In addition to the floor, it is necessary to prepare the linoleum itself for installation. Since this material is stored in rolls, folds and “waves” almost inevitably form on it. Getting rid of them is very simple - just spread the linoleum in a spacious, warm room and give it time to “sit out.”

If possible and weather conditions permit, linoleum can be laid directly on the street. Warm Sun rays will level it much faster.

And one more piece of advice: you should not try to straighten the folds of linoleum by placing a weight on them. The material must level itself out, otherwise various distortions and cracks may form.


When both the floor and linoleum are prepared, you can proceed directly to the installation process.

The first step is to cut the linoleum. To do this, lay a corner of linoleum in one of the corners of the room so that its edges fit snugly against two adjacent walls. If excess material forms near other walls, then it must be cut off using a linoleum cutting knife with replaceable blades.

First of all, the linoleum needs to be cut

When cutting linoleum, you need to remember that this material shrinks, so it’s a good idea to leave about 1-2 centimeters of material on each side.

If linoleum is laid in a small room (10-12 square meters), then it is quite possible to do without additionally fastening it, but simply lay it on the floor and fix it with a wall plinth. If the room is larger, then the linoleum will need to be glued to wooden floor. You can do this in two different ways.

Fixation method using glue

The well-known PVA glue is perfect as a glue for linoleum, although you can also use special compounds specially designed for these purposes.

The linoleum laid on the floor is folded in half, revealing one half of the floor. After that, using a brush or roller, glue is applied to it, on which the previously raised linoleum is laid. After this, a similar procedure is done with the second half of the room.

Please note that some brands of glue are not designed for “instant” laying of linoleum on them. First, they need to “breathe” for 15-20 minutes. Therefore, before using any glue, carefully read its instructions.

Method of fixation using double-sided tape

You can also use double-sided tape as a fixative for linoleum. Strips of adhesive tape must be glued around the perimeter of the room, and several strips must be placed in its center at a distance of about half a meter from each other.

You can also use double-sided tape as a fixative for linoleum.

You can stick linoleum onto tape in the same way as described above, or after gluing all the strips on the floor in advance, lay linoleum on them, rolling it from one wall to another.

If the width of the linoleum is not enough to cover the entire room, you will have to lay several pieces of linoleum.

When choosing the location of the joint, keep in mind that it should be in the middle of the board, and not in the gap between the boards.

The process of such installation is practically no different from that described above, with one exception - it will be necessary to carefully fix the seam between the linoleum panels. This can be done using special welding, or simply by placing an additional strip of double-sided tape under the seam.

Linoleum flooring remains one of the most comfortable, pleasant and unpretentious species coverings. Its practicality is also characterized by its wide application and installation on different kinds grounds. Therefore, many will ask how to lay linoleum on a wooden floor.

How to properly lay linoleum on a plank base

What kind of linoleum to put on a wooden floor

Before laying linoleum on a wooden floor, you need to choose the appropriate type of linoleum.

Important! Before you go to the store, don't forget to measure the room. At the same time, add 10 cm to the resulting length and width to facilitate the installation process.

Linoleum laid in solid sheets will be much easier to care for

There is a huge range of materials on the market with different web widths - from 2 to 6 meters. But residential decking in most cases has a width range of 2-4 meters. In this case, it is best to use a solid canvas for flooring, since:

  • Covering solid ones is much easier.
  • You will get a complete floor covering.
  • There is no need to buy decorative plugs for the joints of the panels or use an adhesive composition.

Moreover, the material can differ not only in characteristic dimensions, but also in structure, base and other features.

  • You can lay various linoleum on a wooden floor. You can use flooring with a foamed PVC base or with a fabric base. The difference is that the fabric base gives the coating plasticity and is the most simple option with a fairly high level of strength. And the foam base has more high performance noise and heat insulation;

The process of spreading linoleum
  • it is more practical to take a material without a base, which has improved resistance to various mechanical loads;
  • environmental friendliness. It should be taken into account that a product made from natural raw materials will be 100% safe for health, but with a shorter service life. Experts say that synthetics are not particularly harmful to health. To believe it or not is up to each individual to decide;
  • thickness. A coating with a 4-mm thickness on a wooden floor can last a sufficient period of time, and it cannot be damaged during installation.

As has probably become clear, when choosing, you need to evaluate many parameters. Not all best qualities products may come in one set, so you may have to give up something in order to win in another.

Revision of old plank floor

So, the trip to the construction market ended successfully: linoleum was purchased in sufficient quantities, you can move on to evaluating the old plank floor. An inspection is required before laying linoleum on a wooden floor.

Linoleum in the old wooden house must be placed on a solid base

To do this, you need to walk on it, or best of all, jump to check the condition of the floorboards and joist system. Creaks and swaying of the floor can be corrected by tightening it with self-tapping screws. In addition, the inspection of the condition of the floor includes the following stages:

  • Visual inspection. The color of the floorboards is natural, without any characteristic changes. If there are places with a blue tint, you can check the quality of the wood using a screwdriver. Strong wood cannot be pierced so easily.
  • Fungus and mold. Normal humidity is characterized by the fact that it should not contain fungi, mold and other microorganisms that can harm the health of family members. You need to check in the gaps between the floorboards.
  • Bark beetles. This is another one of possible problems, which can easily affect natural linoleum. Pests will like cork meal. If they are present, it is necessary to treat with special compounds.
  • For a more accurate check, you need to remove a couple of floorboards from different areas of the floor and inspect their undersides. To be more effective, you can tap it with a hammer. A dull sound will indicate the presence of rot. Is it possible to lay linoleum on a wooden floor with rotten boards? The answer is no.
  • Horizontal and even surface. Linoleum will need to be laid on a flat base.

Well-conducted preparatory work will be the key to a durable floor covering as a whole, regardless of how you lay linoleum on a wooden floor. The health of family members will depend on this. As noted, mold has an extremely negative effect on humans.

Preparing the base

After the inspection is completed, you can begin the actual preparation of the foundation. We lay linoleum on a wooden floor after carrying out the following steps and work:

  • Removing old paint. If the floorboards were covered with paints and varnishes, then you need to get rid of them. A layer of paint will interfere with subsequent stages of installation and base preparation.
  • Deepening the heads of screws and nails. Nail the nails so that they cannot damage the canvases. In this case, it is best to replace loose nails with self-tapping screws of larger diameter.
  • Surface scraping if the base is quite strong but has uneven surfaces. Floorboards often change their surface: they swell or sag in the middle. To ensure that the surface is horizontally smooth, use a grinding machine.

Before laying the coating, you need to sand the surface
  • Putty floorboard gaps. Putty is necessary to prevent the unhindered penetration of moisture to the base of the canvases. It will be necessary to do the same with the nail heads: they should be hidden with a layer of putty.

Attention! If the floor has significant differences in height, then it will not be possible to achieve horizontal evenness by sanding. In such cases, other alignment methods are used.

Methods for leveling a plank base

You can imagine two simple ways for leveling plank floors for laying linoleum:

  • Self-leveling mixture. You need to use mixtures that are designed specifically for plank bases. In this case, the solution will level itself, which greatly facilitates the process.
  • Wood boards. Lay linoleum on OSB boards, fiberboard or plywood is very convenient. This helps to level the surface and also achieve greater strength, because the loads will be distributed across several floorboards at once. For fastening, you can use adhesive or self-tapping screws.

The final stage of preparing the base is cleaning the surface. In this case, use an additional waterproofing layer or insulation material with linoleum with a good base it is not necessary.

Preparation of linoleum

Floor covering can be done on our own

It is worth noting some features of transportation and storage of linoleum before starting installation work:

  • Rolls must not be bent when being transported. The bends will form creases, which will turn into cracks during use. Therefore, you should not buy long rolls if there is no free opportunity to bring them to the upper floors of an apartment building.
  • After the base is ready for installation, you need to lay the canvas in the place of installation and let it rest for a couple of days, while leveling it from the center.
  • The storage and installation temperature should not be lower than 16 degrees. Humidity is considered optimal at 40–60%.

Here are a few simple tips storage and transportation conditions. After the linoleum has acclimatized, you can begin installation yourself.

Laying linoleum on a wooden floor

There are several ways to lay linoleum on a wooden floor:

  • Without the use of adhesive. This installation method is suitable for solid panels that are secured around the perimeter of the room with skirting boards. At the same time, there is a limitation on the room area - 12 square meters. That is, a 3x4 m canvas will be easier to lay than gluing linoleum to a wooden floor, while doorway it needs to be fixed with a threshold. If there is no real threshold, you can purchase a decorative strip. The disadvantage of this method is that the coating wears out faster and waves can form on it.
  • Double-sided tape. This method, oddly enough, is widely used. Double-sided tape is glued along the perimeter of the canvas and in several strips along the entire width, onto which the linoleum sits.
  • Glue method. This linoleum flooring is used on a wooden floor for rooms with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. Dispersion glue can be used, which is applied to the entire area, because it has weak strength. Reaction glue is used like double-sided tape, and the canvas is fixed using a point method. After the installation is completed, you must wait 7–10 days until the glue has completely set, and only then put the room into operation.

Attention! To ensure a secure fit of the coating placed on glue or tape, you can use a roller.

If laying linoleum on a wooden floor in one piece is not possible, then you have to use two or more pieces of linoleum. In this case, the canvases are laid overlapping each other, cut along a ruler with a knife and the seams are joined. The following methods exist:

  • decorative threshold. The seam will be clearly visible, and the threshold may cause some inconvenience;

We nail a decorative threshold at the junction of two rooms
  • Double-sided tape. Glue like installation around the perimeter, which does not provide high strength and durability;
  • cold welding. There are two types of glue with different degrees of viscosity, which form an even, sealed seam;
  • hot welding. This method is used with commercial grades of flooring because thin linoleum can easily melt. It is not very safe to use on wood.

Installing linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands is not at all difficult. It is worth remembering that high-quality installation is the key to durability.

A short video on how to lay linoleum correctly:

Many people are interested in the question: how to lay linoleum on a wooden floor? The material is wear-resistant, hygienic and low cost.

Linoleum has a wide range of color shades, and therefore this coating can fit perfectly into almost any interior style. The material can be laid on any base, but it must be prepared in advance. If you plan to lay linoleum on wooden floors, then you need to prepare for a lot of work. One of the main features of PVC coatings is high elasticity. It is worth understanding that linoleum will repeat all the flaws of the base. Therefore, the seams and gaps between the boards will definitely need to be eliminated.

Materials and tools that will be needed for laying linoleum on a wooden floor:

  • adhesive mixture;
  • boards;
  • plane;
  • grinding machine;
  • putty;
  • plywood sheets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a simple pencil;
  • notched spatula;
  • roller;
  • long metal ruler;
  • sharpened knife;
  • mastic;
  • polishing agent.

More information about the sewerage system can be found on the website

Which linoleum is better to choose?

Linoleum can be divided into the following types:

  1. Linoleum made of polyvinyl chloride.
  2. Four-layer linoleum on a foam base. This coating can provide good sound and heat insulation. It is durable and strong. The only drawback is the poor flexibility of the material. This linoleum can be used in rooms with high humidity.
  3. Fabric based linoleum. This material is plastic and durable.
  4. Linoleum based on sound and heat insulating materials. The bottom layer consists of felt or artificial materials. The top layer is PVC film.
  5. Linoleum without additional base. It has a homogeneous structure and is not afraid of moisture.
  6. Alkyd coating. Made from alkyd resins. Natural or artificial materials can be used as an additional base. The material is not plastic, and therefore cracks and creases may appear.
  7. Rubber cover. The bottom layer is made of bitumen, and the top layer is made of high-quality rubber. The material is plastic and waterproof. Linoleum of this type is most often used in industrial premises.
  8. Colloxylin coating based on nitrocellulose. The material is flexible.

Any of these types has a large number of shades and textures.

How to prepare the base for installation?

First of all, you need to prepare a wooden base.

To do this you need to examine it. If the parts of the floor structure are not affected by mold and have only minor flaws, then the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. The first step is to secure the boards.
  2. Next, remove the protrusions of the coating. This can be done by using a plane or sanding machine.
  3. You will need to recess the heads of the nails and self-tapping screws, and then fill the formed recesses.
  4. Use the building mixture to seal cracks, chips and gaps between the floorboards. Wide gaps need to be filled with narrow slats, which will need to be pre-prepared.
  5. Finally, the base should be sanded.

If the wooden floor is worn unevenly, or there are floorboards with defects, then you will need to lay plywood sheets on the base.

The material should be secured to the base with self-tapping screws. Next, using the technology described above, you will need to hide all the heads of the fasteners, putty the base, and then sand it.

It is worth knowing that laying linoleum on plywood sheets with your own hands is very simple.

Accordingly, if preparing a wooden floor requires a lot of time, then it is best to solve the problem of a defective surface by leveling the base with sheets of plywood.

After the preparation work is completed, you will need to clean the base. After this, you can lay linoleum on a wooden floor.

Leveling the base using a special mixture

To level the base using a simpler method, you will need to use a self-leveling mixture. Similar mixtures for wooden floors can be bought in construction supermarkets. With their help, you can even out differences of up to 2 cm. However, it is worth remembering that the mixture is liquid, so in the process pre-treatment You will need to carefully seal all the cracks, ensuring tightness.

The prepared dry floor must be impregnated with a special primer, which can enhance the adhesion between the boards and the mixture. The walls near the floor surface should be covered with insulating material.

The joint between the base and the walls must be glued with polystyrene foam to create an expansion joint. In the doorway you need to install a wooden strip that limits the base.

Next, a reinforcing mesh is installed and secured to the boards with a construction stapler. After this you need to prepare a solution. The dry mixture should be added to the water, stirring constantly. Next, the floor is poured.

The mixture should be distributed evenly with a rubber roller. When the base is dry, you can begin laying the coating.

How to install linoleum?

The temperature in the premises should be stable for at least 2 days before the coating is laid. Recommended temperature is more than 18 °C. The minimum temperature at which installation is allowed is 15 °C. Recommended humidity is 45-60%.

Before laying linoleum on a wooden floor, you will need to let the material acclimate to the room. The material should be left for approximately 24 hours. It is important to avoid falling linoleum; you need to ensure that it does not wrinkle.

The following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. If you need to lay several rolls in one room, you should make sure that they are from the same batch. If material from different batches is laid, a visual imbalance may occur in the area of ​​the seams.
  2. PVC coating is best laid using the reverse method. The cut strips must be joined with identical sides. This is necessary in order to eliminate color differences.
  3. Natural material should be laid in one direction.

Speaking about how to lay linoleum on a wooden floor, it is worth knowing that this can be done in several ways:

  1. No gluing. This method is the simplest, but it is impractical. It can be used exclusively for small rooms up to 12 m². In this case, the carefully leveled material will be pressed along the perimeter with skirting boards.
  2. With tape fastening. This installation technology can ensure longer use of the material. You will first need to stick the adhesive tape around the perimeter of the room, after which in the form of a lattice with a side of approximately 50 cm, the adhesive tape must be glued along the base of the floor. The film from the paper can be removed from the adhesive tape only when the linoleum is glued. The film is removed gradually as the linoleum is laid. It is not allowed to remove the entire film at once. Each section of the base will need to be carefully smoothed.
  3. Fixed with adhesive mixture. This option is the most durable. It should be used to cover bases in large rooms.

Laying linoleum with adhesive mixture

Laying linoleum on a wooden floor with your own hands is done in this way:

  1. First of all, you will need to mark and cut the covering with a margin of about 5 cm for each side. When the linoleum has been sitting indoors, all excess material must be removed.
  2. The prepared canvas should be folded with the main part up, freeing ½ of the area of ​​the rough base for applying the adhesive mixture.
  3. Using a simple pencil, you need to draw a line on the surface along the wrapped part - this will be the boundary for applying the adhesive mixture.
  4. Using a notched trowel, you will need to apply the adhesive mixture to the coating.
  5. After some time, you need to lay the coating on the fixing layer, and then carefully smooth the base with a roller.
  6. The same actions must be done with the second half of the coating.

If the room is large, you will need to lay 2 or 3 sheets of linoleum. This complicates the task, but the technology will be the same: first of all, you need to glue and press one half of the coating, then the second. It is worth remembering that each subsequent part must be laid with an overlap of 2 cm. This will allow you to cut 2 edges and ultimately get perfect seams.

The cutting of joints is carried out 2-3 days after laying the covering.

It is done using a metal ruler and a well-sharpened knife. The resulting seams should be cleaned of any exposed adhesive mixture and pressed down with a board.

If the linoleum strips were glued carefully, the seams will be invisible. However, it is recommended to completely isolate them. A strong joint can be obtained by hot welding, but at home, cold welding is most often used.

To increase the service life of linoleum, you will need to take care of it in a timely manner. When performing wet cleaning, it is not recommended to use active cleaning agents, as they can cause the coating to crack and fade. Special products should be used for cleaning. Another option is to clean the base with a damp cloth.

To protect linoleum from damage, you need to use mastics and polishing agents. To prevent scratches, it is recommended to put soft caps on the legs of furniture elements.

Laying this type of coating on wooden floors is very simple. In this case you need Special attention devote attention to preparing the foundation.

Is it possible to lay linoleum on a wooden floor? Detailed analysis question

It's no secret that, in modern world, linoleum is considered popular. This coating is made from natural materials: cork flour, jute fabric, linseed oil, wood resins, limestone powder. Because the this material universal, it is quite clear that it can be laid on any surface, providing the room with an attractive appearance and saving the owners from troublesome cleaning. However, the installation method that is most beneficial in a given situation depends on the type of PVC coating and the material of the floor of the room. Let's take a closer look at the order of flooring on linoleum.

Advantages of linoleum:

  • Strength;
  • Elasticity;
  • Low maintenance requirements;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Waterproof;
  • Reasonable price;
  • Large selection of designs and colors;
  • Relatively easy to install.

Types of linoleum

Depending on the materials used in production, There are several types of linoleum:

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Made from polymer. The base can be foam, heat-insulating, fabric. Sometimes the base is not used at all.

Also read materials:

  • Four-layer linoleum is usually located on a foam base. Its thickness is four millimeters. The bottom layer is foamed vinyl. Above comes fiberglass, then PVC and the last “slice” of such a “sandwich” is the top one, which is a protective layer made of transparent PVC. This coating has excellent heat and sound insulation. It can be laid in any room, regardless of their humidity. This type of material also has many decorative variations.
  • The sound- and heat-insulating multilayer coating is 2-3 millimeters thick. The lower part is a synthetic foam felt covered with fiberglass. The top layer is two or three layers of polyvinyl chloride film. This product also has many colors and patterns.
  • The fabric base consists of only two layers. The lower one is fabric, the upper one is protective. The thickness of such a coating does not exceed five centimeters. Polyvinyl chloride linoleum with a fabric base is plastic, water-resistant, and abrasion-resistant.
  • No base. Tyk differs from single-layer and . Its maximum thickness is three millimeters. The material has high electrical resistance, good fire resistance and abrasion resistance. The structure of the coating is one-sided, so neither the color nor the texture of the linoleum will change during use. That is why it is most often installed in rooms with high humidity and traffic - in the bathroom, kitchen, swimming pool, etc.

Relin or rubber linoleum

Usually it is a multi-layer coating three millimeters thick. The bottom layer is a mixture of bitumen with crushed recycled rubber or synthetic rubber, the top layer is a layer of colored rubber. Relin can be single-colored or multi-colored. Its main qualities are elasticity and water resistance. Suitable for use in production and industrial premises.

Alkyd linoleum

The thickness of alkyd linoleum ranges from two and a half to five millimeters. Alkyd resins, mineral fillers and pigments are used as raw materials for the manufacture of the material.

Alkyd linoleum can be multi-colored, plain, or decorated with various patterns. It is resistant to abrasion, has high heat and sound insulation properties, but is very fragile and can break.

Colloxyl linoleum

Colloxyl linoleum is presented as a baseless coating. The product is made from nitrocellulose. Gloss, flexibility, moisture resistance, fire safety and elasticity are its main advantages.

Classification of linoleum

Linoleum is divided into types and depending on its wear resistance. Guided by manufacturing technology, manufacturers cover the image, which is first applied to a PVC base, with a protective layer on top. The wear resistance of the material depends on the thickness of this layer. The thicker the “shield”, the more expensive the coating.

  • Household linoleum, which has a low level of wear resistance, is usually laid in residential premises;
  • The material is of a semi-commercial type, which is considered to have an average level of wear resistance, which is why it is laid in rooms with average traffic: hallways, kitchens, offices. One is quite rigid, which is why there are no marks left on the surface from heavy pieces of furniture and other objects.
  • Commercial linoleum is endowed with increased wear resistance. For this reason it is laid in production premises, as well as in areas with high traffic.

Linoleum is a universal coating that can be laid in a variety of places and conditions, as well as on various types of substrates. It is often used to cover wooden floors made of boards or lined with plywood. Linoleum perfectly protects the surface from excess moisture, and at the same time it looks very nice, because the material can have any color, and choosing the color you like is not difficult. And it’s not at all difficult to lay it yourself. Today we’ll talk about how to lay linoleum on a wooden floor.

Before we talk about the linoleum flooring itself, it is worth noting a few specific features wooden floor. This will help you understand why this type of finish and this type of base are absolutely compatible.

The floor, made of wood, has a multi-layer structure. It consists of joists on which wooden floorboards are laid. In the space remaining under the boards, various communications can be located, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. Thus, the floorboards are protected from moisture coming from below. On top, a layer of linoleum, which is not afraid of water, will help protect them from it. In general, of course, the wooden floor itself is breathable, it has good vapor permeability, but still excess moisture is harmful to it.

Not only the owners of newly built buildings are puzzled by the problem of laying linoleum on the floor. country houses, but also the owners of city apartments of old housing stock

But linoleum can also have a negative impact on a wooden floor. If ventilation is not provided under the floorboards, then moisture willy-nilly will accumulate in the area where the joists are located, because linoleum will not allow it to escape outside and will disrupt the microclimate created under the floor.

However, the linoleum-wood floor combination is one of best options finishing. Very often, it is this type of finishing coating that allows you to restore the former beauty of the base again. It's simple - boards lose their appearance over time; if they are painted, they constantly need to update the paintwork, which peels off. And thanks to linoleum, you can get a beautiful appearance of the floor quite quickly. At the same time, the coating is durable and will not require updating for many years, unlike the same paint.

On a note! Wooden flooring is considered environmentally friendly; it is optimally suited for installation in apartments where people who take responsibility for their health live. And linoleum, although it is a synthetic material, will never be a source of harmful substances. Therefore, these two materials - wood and linoleum - may well be neighbors.

What kind of linoleum is used on wooden floors?

Any type of linoleum is distinguished from other materials used for finishing by the following positive characteristics. This type of coating is quite durable, has a long service life, is easy to maintain, is not afraid of water, and has a reasonable price with a wide variety of colors and textures. And there are quite a lot of types of linoleum, among them it is easy to choose the type of coating that will be optimal in terms of price and quality.

Table. Main types of linoleum.


An artificially created polymer is used to make this type of coating. The material may have several layers, different basis or not have it at all. The thickest version of this linoleum usually has a foam base and consists of four layers. Its thickness is at least 4 mm. The bottom layer is made of foamed vinyl, followed by a reinforcing layer made of fiberglass. The PVC layer sets the selected color of the material, and also protects the material from negative impact outside. This material has improved heat and sound insulation characteristics.

This linoleum is called “relin”. This is a multilayer material with a thickness of about 3 mm. It is made on the basis of bitumen, crushed rubber or rubber. Top part represented by thin colored rubber. The material is elastic and not afraid of water.

This type of coating can have a thickness from 2 to 5 mm. Special pigments, fillers and alkyd resins are used for production. The material is resistant to abrasion, can have different colors, and has excellent sound and heat insulation properties. But in general it is a rather fragile species that can be easily damaged at a break.

Material that does not have a base. Nitrocellulose is used in its production process. The coating is highly resistant to moisture, does not burn, and is very elastic.

Note! There is also thinner PVC linoleum on sale, up to 3 mm thick. Usually in this case the bottom layer is represented by felt. It also has a fiberglass layer covered with PVC film. If fabric-based linoleum, it does not have a fiberglass layer. The material is not afraid of abrasion and is quite resistant to various factors. Baseless linoleum- the thinnest. It does not have any backing and is usually installed where the floor surface will experience maximum moisture exposure.

Of course, linoleum made from PVC is most often used. Compared to other types, it has a relatively low cost, but at the same time has high quality indicators.

Any type of linoleum can be laid on wooden floors. But it is still recommended to take material with sufficient thickness. If you look at the classification of linoleum, then for use at home it is recommended to purchase a semi-commercial version.

On a note! There are also domestic linoleum, characterized by the smallest thickness, and linoleum commercial, which is the thickest and toughest type of coating, ready to experience maximum loads.

When choosing a material, it is important to take into account the operating conditions. For example, in high traffic areas residential buildings Only a semi-commercial option can be installed - a household one will quickly lose its appearance. But in the bedroom or nursery, the first one can be the best solution, especially if you want to save money. In any case, it is not recommended to buy a coating less than 3 mm thick.

Methods for laying linoleum

Linoleum on wooden base- just like on another type of base - can be laid in several ways. In general, they are divided into adhesive and non-adhesive. In the first case, the material is simply rolled out on the base and fixed around the perimeter of the room with plinths. But this option is only suitable for small rooms with low traffic, otherwise the material can easily move and waves will appear on its surface.

The adhesive method can be divided into two subtypes - using glue or using double-sided tape. In both cases, the fixation will be quite reliable, but still, for rooms where the floors are under significant load, only the option using an adhesive composition will be optimal.

On a note! Typically, linoleum is laid with glue only in rooms with an area of ​​more than 20 m2.

Rules for laying linoleum on a wooden floor

In order to properly lay linoleum on a wooden floor, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  • It is recommended to lay the material so that it lies along the direction of the boards;
  • when joining individual sections of the covering, you need to ensure that the joint is in the middle of one of the floor boards;
  • the temperature in the room while laying linoleum should not exceed 20 degrees. But it shouldn’t be too cool here either;
  • material with a marble pattern should run perpendicular to the window, then the joints will be less noticeable. In general, linoleum must be laid taking into account the direction of incidence of light rays;
  • if the coating will stick to the base and there will be joints on it, then it is important not to forget to leave an overlap of about 8-10 cm. Only in this case will it be possible to beautifully and neatly connect two pieces of material.

Required tools and materials

To lay linoleum on wood floors, you will need to purchase not only the coating itself, but also certain tools and materials. This could be a tape measure and other measuring materials, a knife for cutting the coating, a notched trowel (if using the adhesive fixation method), a roller for rolling the surface, putty for sealing the seams between the boards.

VX75 - knife for cutting linoleum

To implement the adhesive fixation method, you will need to purchase special glue or double-sided tape. For additional leveling of the floor, plywood, as well as nails or screws, can be useful. If installation involves joining individual strips of linoleum, then you need to buy one to connect them inconspicuously.