How to make a flowchart of a technological process? Technological diagrams for the production of dishes. Block diagram for the preparation of second courses.

The production process cannot be imagined without regulation of technical actions and stages. For this purpose, a special document is being developed - a technological diagram. A diagram is a graphic or textual interpretation of the required set of operations, the observance of which leads to the production of a finished product. When compiling it, the number of production lines, the set of equipment used, and the stages of manual and mechanized labor are taken into account. Taking into account all factors and strict regulation allows us to achieve high efficiency and quality of production.

Types of technological schemes

Considering the huge variety of manufacturing enterprises, manufactured products, features various technologies, exist different kinds technological schemes. The general classification looks something like this:

    The most common type, which is widely used in the production of dimensional goods, high volumes or large-sized products. They are designed for long-term use in the production of the same type of product for a long time. It can be designed in such a way that it can be used in the production of a variety of similar products. Such types are called combined. Their development takes into account the possibility of quickly reconfiguring equipment for the production of another product, almost without stopping technological process.The development of such schemes is justified by economic factors; continuous operation of the production line and workers allows one to avoid unnecessary waste and increase efficiency. Most often, combined ones are used in pharmaceutical enterprises, where they are produced on the same equipment. medicines, food supplements, vitamins and other products. The main advantage is that the level of initial capital investment and production costs during the operation of the equipment can be significantly reduced.
  1. Pilot-industrial.
    This type is a harbinger of industrial schemes. They are developed in cases where it is necessary to establish the production of a fundamentally new type of product. It can be a little simplified and supplemented during the operation of the production line. On its basis, technologists collect information to draw up basic industrial process flow diagrams.
  2. Bench installations.
    They are also called modular; they are small mounting trusses on which various types of equipment are mounted. Similar design significantly simplifies production experiments, since the installation can be easily and quickly converted. They are used in small industries, with small volumes and dimensions of manufactured products.
  3. Laboratory installations.
    They are analogous to bench ones and allow you to develop a scheme for the production of completely new products in laboratory conditions, under the supervision of engineers and developers. They are used in cases where the process of transition from laboratory testing to direct production without loss of efficiency and quality. Laboratory conditions allow you to conduct a wide range of experiments, study all the advantages and disadvantages of technological schemes, and also accurately determine ways of improvement.

There is a classification of technological schemes based on the type of production organization:

  1. Periodic action schemes.
    Industrial production based on them involves periodic pauses and stops of the production process. Most often, they are combined, when line re-adjustment is required, or are associated with the production of small volumes of goods, when there is no need to maintain a continuous process. The production process is usually carried out in one or two shifts.
  2. Continuous circuits.
    The technological process regulated by them provides for a certain sequence of operations that allow the production of goods without the need for interruption. Almost every plant that produces products in large volumes operates continuously. Some industrial equipment cannot be used intermittently. For example, if production involves liquid substances, hardening during breaks, after which the equipment needs to be cleaned. In such cases, it is very important that the technological scheme takes into account force majeure situations and regulates ways to solve them without stopping the equipment.
  3. Combined type schemes.
    Mixed schemes provide for a technological process that combines continuous and interrupted stages. Such models are quite common, as they are more versatile. Based on them, it is possible to produce products of various types, as well as in production facilities that depend on the level of orders and seasonality. When continuous production is necessary at a certain time, and volume limitation at other times.

Regardless of the type and method of development, every enterprise must have a technological scheme, so in the absence of it, it will not be possible to establish an effective production process.

It is very important to constantly improve the initial design based on the information received during the production process.

If the project is being developed for a new enterprise, it should be expanded to include several additional sections regulating the following operations:

  1. Preparing the premises.
    If you plan to build a new premises, you should calculate the minimum possible area of ​​the production department and warehouses. If you plan to operate a finished premises, the production lines should be located compactly, in accordance with the design features of the building, and also not interfere with the free movement of goods and workers. Fire safety must be taken into account.
  2. Preparation of equipment.
    Equipment is selected depending on the volume, characteristics of the premises and the amount of capital investment. Preference is given to compact models that allow you to perform the same amount of work as their larger counterparts. At the same time, all elements of the line must be fully compatible and work as a set. If possible, the installation of automated systems is designed.
  3. Personnel training.
    The enterprise personnel must have the necessary qualifications and, if necessary, undergo additional training or instruction in the operation of the equipment. It is important that workers comply with safety and labor discipline rules, and also fully understand and understand the technological scheme for manufacturing their product. It is important to establish a management vertical; information must be quickly transmitted from performers to management, and in the opposite direction - orders and resolutions.

If the technological scheme is developed in compliance with the necessary requirements, production room answers it, and employees clearly understand their responsibilities, the efficiency of product production will be at a high level.

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Flour culinary products

All flour products are made from dough. The basis of almost any dough is flour combined with milk, water, and eggs. The dough also includes: salt, sugar, vanillin, sometimes cinnamon, wine, nuts, zest and much more.

Flour culinary products are high in calories. They are absorbed well and quickly.

Flour products include: cookies, crackers, waffles, gingerbreads, cakes, pastries, muffins, various buns, pies, donuts, pancakes, etc.


Each nation has accumulated specific characteristics, expressed, in particular, in the unique taste or special flavors of dishes. The roots of these features go back centuries. Various factors played a role in their appearance: geographical position, economic conditions, religious beliefs, a system of religious prohibitions, ancient customs that regulated the way of life, etc.

The popularity of Russian cuisine throughout the world is unusually wide. Russian national cuisine has gone through an extremely long path of development, marked by several major stages, each of which has left its mark to this day.

So, the Russian national table is unthinkable without bread, pancakes, pies, cereals, without the first liquid cold and hot dishes, without a variety of fish and mushroom dishes, pickles from vegetables and mushrooms; game and fried poultry, without jam, gingerbread, Easter cakes, etc.


Boiled rabbit with sauce 8.

Ingredients: rabbit 148, parsley 5, celery 5, onion 4, sauce 75, salt, herbs 3.

Place the processed rabbit carcasses into boiling broth or water, bring to a boil and remove the resulting scale. After 5-10 minutes, add carrots, parsley, celery, onions, cut into slices, add salt and cook at low boil until tender.

When the rabbit is cooked, remove it from the broth, divide it into portions, put the portioned pieces in a bowl, pour in the broth in which the rabbit meat was cooked, cover the bowl and put it on the steam table.

Strain the remaining broth and prepare the sauce with it.

You can serve crumbly porridge as a side dish for the rabbit: rice, wheat, barley, boiled pasta, mashed potatoes.

The finished dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Vinaigrette with mushrooms 9.

Ingredients: carrots 126, beets 192, potatoes 275, cucumbers 167, sauerkraut 215, green onions 188, lettuce 25, vinegar 3% 50, vegetable oil 50, sugar 4, mustard, pepper, salt, pickled mushrooms 306.

Cut boiled potatoes, beets, carrots and cucumbers into thin slices. Chop green or onion. You can add sauerkraut. Season the vegetables with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and mix. Add chopped salted or pickled mushrooms to the seasoned vinaigrette. Serve the vinaigrette in a salad bowl, garnish with lettuce leaves and rings onions, greens.

Ordinary curd mass 10.

Ingredients: cottage cheese 90, sugar 10, butter 15, sour cream 25, salt.

The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added, butter, sour cream, a little salt, mix as best as possible, transfer to a linen bag and place under a press between two wooden planks. You can add vanillin, raisins, and candied fruits to the mixture.

Baked fish 11.

Ingredients: fish 1 piece, vegetable oil 2, pepper, salt.

Small bream or other fish (fresh herring, roach) are cleaned, gutted, washed, and dried. The carcass is sprinkled with pepper inside and out, salted, placed on greased baking sheets and baked in an oven at low heat (100-120°) for about 20 minutes. Then turn it over and continue baking for another 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 140-160°. The fish is cooled and served in herring bowls.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup 12.

Ingredients: sauerkraut 125, carrots 20, parsley 5, onions 20, tomato paste 10, flour 5, poppy seeds 15, vegetable oil 10, herbs, spices, salt.

Carrots, turnips, rutabaga, onions are finely chopped and lightly sautéed in vegetable oil, then tomato puree is added and sautéed again. Finely chop the sauerkraut, put it in a saucepan, add vegetable oil, simmer for about an hour, add roots fried with tomato, and simmer all together for about another half hour. Fry the flour in a frying pan, stirring with a spatula, dilute with water, add to cabbage soup, season with crushed garlic and boil for 5-7 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

You can season the cabbage soup with poppy milk. To do this, pour poppy seeds with a small amount of hot water, allow them to swell, then crush them and dilute them. warm water, mix and squeeze. The resulting milk is used to season cabbage soup, and the pomace is used to prepare flour products with poppy seeds.

Review of sources.

1. History of Russia from the beginning of the 18th to the end of the 19th century / Edited by A.N. Sakharova, M.: AST, 1996.

2. Cooking: theoretical basis professional activity. Tutorial/O.M. Solovyova, G.K. Mironova, A.P. Elepin. - M.: Akademkniga, 2007. - 205 p.

3. Meat dishes / V.T. Kuzminov, A.T. Morozov, - M.: Publishing house "Economy", 1974.

4. First General Census Russian Empire 1897 / Ed. ON THE. Troinitsky. Vol.I. - St. Petersburg, 1905.

5. Soviet national and foreign cuisine. Textbook / A.I. Tityunnik, Yu.M. Novozhenov. - M., "Higher School", 1977. - 383 p.

6. Feldman I.A. Cuisine of the peoples of the USSR/I.A. Feldman. - Kyiv: "Hour", 1990.

7. Meat dishes / V.T. Kuzminov, A.T. Morozov, - M.: Publishing house "Economy", 1974.

8. Internet source

1 -Objective of the project : Deepen knowledge on a certain topic, expand information, satisfy interest in a certain area of ​​​​knowledge, realize oneself in the practice of practical activities.

2 -Project type- group.

3 -Duration of the projectshort.

A technological diagram is a graphic technological document that, separately or together with other technological documents, defines a technological process or an integral part of a process in the manufacture of dishes, culinary or confectionery products.

The technological diagram contains the components of the technological process of preparing dishes, culinary or confectionery products, which are elements of the scheme.

Elements of a technological scheme include: raw materials, products and semi-finished products used in the production process of a given type of product, as well as individual operations of the technological process and communication lines between them.

When drawing up a process flow diagram, the following requirements must be met:

    All products and semi-finished products used in the production process of a given dish, culinary or confectionery product should be located at the top of the diagram.

    The main product (semi-finished product) is placed in the center, the remaining products (semi-finished products) as they are connected to the main one.

    For each product (semi-finished product), the main characteristics must be indicated: condition, thermal state, degree of processing, etc.

    Individual operations of the technological process are indicated in the technological diagram by verbs of an indefinite form, in the imperative mood.

    Time, temperature and other parameters of operations must be indicated.

    The communication lines connecting the elements of the technological scheme must have the least number of kinks, and the distance between parallel communication lines must be at least 3 mm. Crossing communication lines is not permitted.

    Each technological process operation depicted in the diagram is assigned a digital positional designation, which is placed next to the operation.

    Operations of the technological process, with positional designations assigned to them, are entered in the table of operational actions attached to the technological diagram.

    The operational action table contains the following elements: position designation; name of operations; number of operations; notes (contain a list of equipment used in the production process of a given dish, culinary or confectionery product and an indication of the workshop or production area in which it is prepared).

    The technological diagram must contain the requirements for the design and serving of the dish (serving temperature, dishes and appliances used to serve the dish).

    It is mandatory to indicate the name of the dish, culinary or confectionery product for which the technological diagram is being drawn up.


Technological diagram for preparing the “Sand Ring” cake

Chicken egg

Table salt

Ammonium carbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

Vanilla essence


Granulated sugar

Wheat flour

Peanut kernels

Sift 1.5-2 mm

Sift 1.5-2 mm

Sift 1.5-2 mm

Sift 1.5-2 mm


Soak in warm water for 5 minutes

Soak in a solution of calcium soda 1-2%, 5 minutes

Soak in chloramine solution, 3 min.

Rinse under running water

Separate from shell

Strain 3 mm


Sift 3 mm


Cut 40-50g

Beat o/o, 4-5 min.

Beat uncooked, 3-4 min.

Combine ingredients

Beat until the sugar grains disappear

Combine ingredients

Beat until fluffy and homogeneous.

Knead the dough at 20⁰С

Roll out into a layer 5-6 mm thick

Form 50 g, d 7-8 mm

Lubricate the surface

Sprinkle the surface

Bake on dry baking sheets for 10-12 minutes, t 260-270⁰С

Cool to t 18-20⁰C

To wrap up

Cake “Sand Ring” (48g)

Sift 2.5 mm

Sort through


Fry for 4-5 minutes, 120-140⁰С




Operational Action Table

to the technological scheme of preparation

cake "Sand Ring"

The name of the operation

Number of operations

Note (workshop unit, equipment, utensils/inventory)


Egg preparation workshop, ovoscope, production table


Workshop for preparing eggs, 4 washing baths, metal mesh for dipping eggs, production table


Egg preparation workshop, egg punching production table, egg punching knife, utensils


A room for sifting flour (a daily supply pantry), a flour sifting machine, a sieve for sifting flour, a confectionery shop, a production table for preparing raw materials, a sieve, dishes


Confectionery shop, production table for preparing raw materials, baking tray, dishes



Pastry shop, baking tray, trolley rack


Confectionery shop, production table for preparing raw materials, corrugated rolling pin for grinding



Confectionery shop, production table for preparing fatty raw materials, knife for stripping butter and margarine, metal tray


Confectionery shop, whipping machine MV-10, closed whisk with a jumper for whipping the mass

Combining ingredients

Confectionery shop, whipping machine MV-10, equipment, dishes


Confectionery shop, production table for preparing raw materials, equipment, dishes

Kneading dough

Confectionery shop, whipping machine MV-10, closed whisk with jumper for kneading dough

Rolling out

Pastry shop, wooden table, rolling pin, scraper


Confectionery shop, wooden table, rolling pin, scraper, metal mold in the form of a ring with a diameter of 7-8 cm, electronic table scales, baking tray


Pastry shop, table for preparing baking, baking tray, brush for greasing, dishes


Pastry shop, table for preparing baking, baking tray, dishes


Confectionery shop, baking tray, electric sectional modular bakery cabinet ShPESM-3


Confectionery shop, baking tray, trolley rack for finished products


Confectionery shop, metal table for finished products, metal/wooden trays marked G.P.


Organization: Confectionery shop "+" Standard form No. 57

Company LLC Lakomka "+"


Cooking studies the technological processes of preparing high-quality culinary products.

According to GOST, culinary products are a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products.

A dish is a combination of food products (raw materials) that have undergone culinary processing and prepared for consumption as food, taking into account portioning and presentation.

A culinary product is a collection of food products that have undergone culinary processing, but are prepared for consumption only after additional refinement, heating, portioning, decoration.

A technological process is a series of scientifically based, sequential methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials, as a result of which a semi-finished product, culinary product or culinary product is obtained.

Raw materials are food products intended for the preparation of culinary products.

Semi-finished products are products that have undergone partial culinary processing, but have not yet been brought to culinary readiness and are unsuitable for consumption.

Produced by enterprises Catering culinary products must be of high quality. According to GOST, the quality of culinary products is a set of properties that determine its suitability for further processing and consumption, safety for consumer health, stability of composition and consumer properties.

Catering enterprises are intended not only for the production of culinary products, confectionery and other products, but they sell and organize the consumption of these products.

The central place in a catering enterprise belongs to the cook. Much depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities, including the quality of the prepared dishes. This is achieved not only by a correctly carried out, scientifically based technological process, but also by the ability to use the natural characteristics of raw materials, the possession of a subtle and well-developed taste, and artistic abilities.

Thus, a high-quality dish, tasty, healthy and beautiful, is a combination of the qualities of the products from which it is prepared with the skill of a professional chef who meets modern requirements.

“A cook must have a primary or secondary professional education. Know the recipes and production technology of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products, the interchangeability of products, changes that occur during the culinary processing of raw materials. Know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, techniques and sequence of technological operations during their culinary processing. Comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements during the production of culinary products, conditions, periods of storage and sale of products. Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of culinary products, signs of poor quality of dishes and culinary products, methods for eliminating defects in finished culinary products. Know the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition. Be able to use collections of recipes, standards and technological maps when preparing dishes. Be aware of responsibility for the work performed.”

Fish meat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water and other compounds.

Proteins are the most important component fish meat. Their total amount in fish meat ranges from 8 to 23%. Basically, these are complete proteins containing all the essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan, etc.), so fish is the most important source of protein nutrition. Protein digestibility is 97%. From defective proteins contains collagen, which is less in fish meat than in the meat of slaughtered animals; elastin is practically absent. During heat treatment, collagen quickly turns into gluten, so fish meat is boiled faster than the meat of slaughtered animals.

When boiling fish, extractive substances are extracted from it with water, giving the broth a specific taste and smell. The use of such broths promotes the release of digestive juices, stimulation of appetite and better absorption of food.

Fat in fish meat ranges from 0.8 to 30.3%. Fish oil is characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, including those that are absent in the fats of terrestrial animals. Fish fats contain linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic fatty acids, which have high biological activity. At room temperature, fish oil has a liquid consistency. Its melting point is below 37° C. This explains the high digestibility of fish oil. Due to its high unsaturation, it is easily oxidized, which deteriorates the quality of fish products.

The nutritional value of fat increases due to the content of vitamins A, D, E, K, F. Fish fat helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, so it is used as medicinal drug in children's and dietary nutrition. Of the water-soluble vitamins, fish meat contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12. Mineral substances in fish meat are about 3%. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, and iron predominate. Microelements include copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc.

Sea fish has the largest amount and variety of minerals. It is especially rich in iodine and copper.

Carbohydrates in fish meat are represented by animal starch - glycogen, the content of which is from 0.05 to 0.85%. During the hydrolytic breakdown of glycogen into glucose, fish broths and fish acquire a sweetish taste. Carbohydrates affect the color and smell of fish products. The darkening of fish meat, for example, during drying and drying, is explained by the formation of melanoidins.

Water in fish meat is from 57.6 to 89.1%. The water content depends on the fat content of the fish: the more fat in the fish, the less water.

Due to its good digestibility, fish does not leave you feeling full for a long time, so fish dishes must be supplemented with side dishes.

Salmon (red species) include chum salmon, pink salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and masu salmon (Far Eastern salmon); salmon, trout, whitefish.

Fish of this family have an oblong, thick body, covered with small, tightly fitting scales, except for the head. There are two fins on the back, the second one is adipose. The meat is tender, fatty, and has almost no intermuscular bones. The meat and caviar are light pink to pink in color. The edible part of the fish makes up 51-65% of its weight.

Fish of this family inhabit the river basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

Salmon are used for preparing caviar, balyk products, canned food, salting, and in cooking - for preparing appetizers, main and first courses.

Fish products are divided into the following items:

1) live fish,

Chinook salmon and coho salmon are rarely harvested live from salmon (red species).

Requirements for the quality of live fish. The fish should show all signs of vital activity, have normal movement of the gill covers (not broken), and swim with its back up. The surface of the fish is clean, with a natural color characteristic of this type of fish. Scaly fish should have shiny scales that fit tightly to the body. Should not have mechanical damage or signs of disease. The gills are red; the eyes are light, protruding, without damage. The smell is characteristic of live fish, without foreign odors.

The fish should not contain live helminths or their larvae, which are dangerous to human health.

Transportation is carried out by special or adapted for live fish by road or rail. Transported in clean, clear water, free of harmful impurities and toxic substances, with aeration.

At catering establishments live fish stored in aquariums for 1-2 days, at a water temperature of 10° C. The water must be clean, running, not chlorinated.

A fish taken out of the water quickly dies (falls asleep). Dormant fish are poorly preserved and are supplied only to areas adjacent to the fishing grounds. Complex biochemical changes quickly occur in dormant fish, and the fish quickly deteriorates.

To protect fish from spoilage and extend its shelf life, it is subjected to various treatments: cooling, freezing, etc.

2) chilled:

Chilled fish is called fish that has a temperature within the muscle tissue of -1 to 5 ° C. The fish is cooled immediately after catching. This allows you to sharply slow down the development and activity of microorganisms.

Almost all types of fish are cooled. Before cooling, the fish is sorted by type, size, and cut. According to the type of cutting, chilled fish can be uncut, gutted with head, gutted and headless.

Cool the fish with ice, chilled water or salt solution.

Chilled fish is not divided into grades based on quality. The fish must be unbeaten, with a clean surface, properly cut, natural color, with gills ranging from dark red to Pink colour. The consistency is dense. The smell should be characteristic of fresh fish, without foreign odors. For local sale, fish with a slightly weakened, but not flabby consistency, and a weak sourish odor in the gills, which is removed by washing, is allowed.

Chilled fish with mechanical damage, weakened consistency, sour or putrid odor in the gills, or the presence of surface mucus are not allowed for use.

Chilled fish is packaged in barrels with a capacity of up to 150 dm3, wooden boxes with a capacity of up to 75 kg.

Most fish can be stored in a chilled state for 5-8 days at a temperature of 1 to -2 ° C and a relative air humidity of 95-98%. To extend the shelf life of chilled fish, antiseptics and antibiotics are used - substances that have an inhibitory effect on microorganisms.

3) frozen:

Ice cream is a fish that has a temperature within the muscles of -8 to -10°C.

Almost all types of commercial fish are frozen uncut, gutted with or without head, back, piece, in bulk or in blocks, individually, sorted by type and size.

Fish is frozen using natural cold, artificial cold (dry freezing), contact and non-contact methods.

Frozen fish is produced in glazed or unglazed form. To glaze, frozen fish is immersed in water cooled to a temperature of 1 - 2 ° C, and then kept at a low temperature (-10 ° C) so that the layer of water freezes on the surface of the fish. The resulting ice crust (glaze) should evenly cover the surface of the fish or block of fish and should not come off when lightly tapped. The glaze protects the fish from shrinkage and fat oxidation. To slow down fat oxidation, it is recommended to add antioxidants (ascorbic and citric acids, glutamic acid) to water. Instead of glazing, frozen fish can be vacuum packed in film bags.

Frozen fish is divided into 1st and 2nd grades based on quality. 1st grade fish may have different fat levels; salmon, Caspian, Baltic and lake salmon must be well-fed; the surface of the fish is clean, natural coloring, cutting is correct, minor deviations are allowed; the consistency (after thawing) is dense, the smell of fresh fish, without any discrediting signs. Fish of the 2nd grade can be of varying fatness, with minor external damage and a tarnished surface. In oily fish, yellowing of the skin is allowed without penetrating into the meat. There may be deviations from the correct cut. The consistency after thawing may be weakened, but not flabby, there is a sour smell in the gills; In oily fish, the smell of oxidized fat on the surface is allowed.

Frozen fish is packaged in wooden, cardboard boxes, bales, and baskets.

Store dry artificial and natural frozen fish at a temperature not exceeding -18°C for 4 to 8 months. depending on the type of fish. The shelf life of frozen fillets glazed in blocks at the same temperature is from 4 to 6 months, depending on the type of fish, from the date of manufacture.

4) salty:

Before salting, the fish is sorted by quality and size, cut or salted uncut, and washed.

The fish is salted dry, rubbing it with salt, placing it in containers in rows and sprinkling each row with salt; brine, placing in baths with a saturated solution of table salt and keeping for a certain time; mixed, rolling the fish in salt and immersing it in the salt solution.

Depending on the temperature, salting can be warm (the fish is salted unrefrigerated), chilled (the fish is cooled before salting), cold (the fish is pre-frozen). When salting salmon, the fish is frozen, rubbed with salt, placed in containers in layers, sprinkled with ice and salt.

The most valuable salted fish products are produced from salmon, Caspian, Baltic, lake and pond trout. According to the cutting method, salted fish is produced gutted (cut salmon), gutted with head, gutted headless, layer with head, fillet, slices.

Less fatty, tender salted fish products are obtained from Far Eastern salmon - these are from chum salmon (except salted chum salmon), pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, coho salmon, and char.

The methods of cutting salted Far Eastern salmon and dividing them into varieties correspond in quality to salted salmon.

According to the degree of salinity, salted Far Eastern salmon are divided into: lightly salted with a mass fraction of salt from 6 to 10%, medium salted - over 10-14% inclusive.

They produce salted chum salmon, gutted salmon, cut into pieces, slices. Salted chum salmon must weigh at least 3.0 kg.

Based on the quality of salted chum salmon, they are divided into 1st and 2nd grades. Quality indicators are similar in variety to Far Eastern salted salmon. The mass fraction of fat in salted chum salmon is 9%, the mass fraction of salt in the 1st grade is from 4 to 8%, in the 2nd grade it is from 4 to 10%.

Defects of salted fish are rust - the appearance of a yellow coating on the surface of the fish as a result of fat oxidation, burnt, tan - redness of the fish meat around the spine, puff - fish meat with an unpleasant odor and weakened consistency, dampness, etc.

For local sales, it is allowed to pack salted fish in plastic barrels or film bags with a certain maximum weight depending on the type of salted fish. Products are packaged in film bags under vacuum and without vacuum, followed by placement in wooden, polymer boxes, lined inside with parchment, under parchment, cellulose film. Bags must be heat sealed or secured with clamps.

Slices, fillets and pieces of salted fish are packaged in film bags and in metal or glass jars, salted herring - in metal jars.

Store salted fish products at temperatures from -2 to -8° C; at temperatures from -4 to -8° C, salted salmon fish in barrels for no more than 6 months, in boxes - 3 months; salted Far Eastern salmon, chum salmon, salted salmon in barrels - no more than 6 months. at temperatures from -4 to -8° C.

The shelf life is set from the date of manufacture of the product.

Products packaged in film bags are stored at a temperature from -4 to -8 ° C no more than: slices of chum salmon, salted salmon, salted salmon under vacuum and without vacuum - 10 days; without vacuum - 10 days.

The shelf life of salted fish packaged in bags is established from the moment (hour) of the end of the technological process.

Products packaged in glass jars are stored at temperatures from -2 to -4°C for no more than 3 months, in metal jars at temperatures from 0 to -4°C - no more than 1.5 months, salted herring in pieces - not more than 6 months

5) cold smoked

According to the type of cutting, cold smoked fish is produced uncut, gutted with head, headless, gutted, headless, gilled, chilled, slices, pieces, backs, etc.

Cold smoked fish, depending on quality, is divided into 1st and 2nd grades. 1st grade fish of varying fatness, the surface is clean, not damp, the cutting is correct. Partially knocked down scales and a slight coating of salt on the gill covers are allowed. Color from light to dark golden. Consistency ranges from juicy to dense. Taste and smell characteristic of this type of fish, with a smoked aroma, without dampness or other discreditable signs. In the 2nd grade, deviations from the correct cutting are allowed, small tears, cracks and cuts of the skin, color from golden to dark brown, minor light spots not covered in smoke, slightly weakened consistency, a more pronounced smell of smoked meat. The mass fraction of salt in 1st grade fish is from 5 to 10%, 2nd grade - from I to 19%. Mass fraction of moisture from 42 to 58%.

In smoked fish, the presence of coliform bacteria in 1 g of product, pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, in 25 g of product is not allowed.

Defects in smoked fish include white drum, brine, and mold.

In cooking, smoked fish is used as a snack.

Smoked fish is packaged in wooden boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes, woven veneer boxes, cardboard packs, film bags under vacuum or without vacuum. Slices can be packaged in metal or shaped glass jars.

Bags, packs, cans of products are packed in wooden or corrugated cardboard boxes.

Store cold smoked fish at temperatures from +2 to -2° C for no more than 72 hours from the end of the technological process. Cold smoked fish is stored at a temperature of 0 to -5° C and a relative air humidity of 75 - 80% for no more than 2 months; packaged in cardboard packs for no more than 15 days; pieces, 7 slices, packaged in film bags under vacuum at a temperature from 0 to -4 ° C for no more than 20 days (for Far Eastern salmon - 3 days), without vacuum - no more than 10 days; at temperatures from -4 to -8° C under vacuum no more than 35 days (for Far Eastern salmon - 15 days), without vacuum - no more than 10 days from the date of manufacture.

2.1 Technology for preparing red fish dishes

Boiled salmon with vegetables

Cut the prepared salmon fillet into pieces. Cut peeled and washed carrots and onions into thin slices, and potatoes into large slices. Place carrots, onions, and then potatoes on the bottom of the pan, add a glass of water and salt. Salt the fish pieces and place them on top of the vegetables. Add pepper and bay leaf. Fill with cold water.

Cook covered over low heat for 1 hour, without stirring, but shaking the pan every 10 minutes to prevent the vegetables from burning. When the fish and vegetables are almost ready, pour milk into the pan, add butter and cook for another 15-20 minutes. After removing from the heat, place the pan at an angle, carefully scoop up the juice from below with a spoon, pour it over the fish and leave in a closed container until serving.

Far Eastern marinated fried salmon

Cut the clean fillet along the carcass into cubes measuring 4 × 1/2 cm and marinate in a ceramic bowl, adding lemon juice, parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then roll the cubes in ground breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with heated fat. Place the finished cubes on a platter in the form of a well, and serve the mayonnaise sauce with gherkins separately.

Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream

Salt the fish pieces, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Also fry porcini mushrooms, peeled, washed, chopped, and potatoes, cut into circles 1/2 cm thick. Place the fish in a frying pan, put a circle of hard-boiled egg and mushrooms on each piece. Then cover the fish with slices of fried potatoes and pour over the strained sour cream sauce. The sauce is prepared as follows: heat the sour cream and, when it boils, add a teaspoon of flour mixed with the same amount of butter, stir, boil for 1-2 minutes and add salt.

Sprinkle the fish with the sauce on top with grated cheese, pour over the melted butter and place in the oven for 5-6 minutes until it browns. When serving, sprinkle the fish with finely chopped parsley.

Instructional and technological card for the dish “Boiled Salmon with Vegetables”

Instructional and technological card for the dish “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”

Instructional and technological card for the dish “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”

Cooking diagram for the “Boiled Salmon with Vegetables” dish

Cooking diagram for the dish “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”

Cooking diagram for the dish “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”

Making fish sauce

Household refrigerator "ZIL-Moscow" type KSh-260. Small catering establishments and buffets use household (home) refrigerators.

The latest model refrigerator is a rectangular floor-standing cabinet. At the top of the cooled chamber there is a low-temperature compartment, which is bordered by a sheet-tube evaporator. The front part of the evaporator is closed with a decorative hinged door. There is a tray under the evaporator. The chamber is equipped with lattice shelves that can be moved in height. There are also shelves on the inside of the door. The door is equipped with a magnetic shutter. When the door is opened, the interior chamber is illuminated by a light bulb.

Changing the temperature regime is carried out by turning the ART-2 handle.

To cool the cabinet, a sealed unit located on the rear wall of the outer casing is used.

Upon completion of installation and commissioning work, the refrigeration unit is put into operation according to the certificate.

Maintenance of refrigeration units is carried out by a mechanic, whose responsibilities include: periodically checking the temperature conditions of the installation; adjustment of automation devices; checking the tightness of the system; cleaning units from dust and dirt; minor repairs.

The operation of refrigeration equipment comes down to turning it on and off. Before switching on, you must ensure that the guards are in good working order and that there are no foreign objects in the refrigerated chambers.

During operation, the following rules are observed: refrigeration equipment is installed away from heating appliances; for free access of air to the engine room, the equipment is placed at some distance from the wall of the room; the outer walls of the equipment are wiped daily with a damp cloth, and the chrome parts are lightly lubricated with technical petroleum jelly; the internal surfaces of the equipment are washed with soapy water and wiped dry at least once a week; products are placed with air gaps; open the loading doors as little as possible; Frost thawing is carried out when its layer thickness is 4-6 mm. In addition, it is prohibited to arbitrarily adjust automation devices.

Refrigeration equipment is assigned by order of the director of the enterprise to a certain employee, who monitors its proper operation and technical condition. Refrigeration equipment is installed in a room with ventilation and an air temperature not exceeding 35 °C. The refrigerated volume should not be overloaded with products, as this will worsen their storage conditions. The cooling chamber should contain products whose temperature does not exceed environment. Hot foods increase air humidity, which leads to the formation of frost or ice on the evaporator.

It is forbidden to clean the frost evaporator with a knife or scraper, as this may damage the tightness of the system. To create the proper temperature conditions for storage, it is necessary to open the loading doors as little as possible to prevent the influx of warm air. The air cooled by the evaporator must circulate freely throughout the entire volume of the chamber, therefore the grid shelves located in it cannot be covered with paper or cloth. It is prohibited to operate refrigeration equipment with faulty automation devices.

The refrigeration unit must be grounded, and the current-carrying parts of the refrigeration unit must be covered with a protective casing. Do not remove guards from moving parts of the unit.

It is necessary to regularly provide instructions on the operation of refrigeration equipment.

By chemical composition and the biological value of fish is close to meat. Fish contains from 8 to 14% protein, from 0.3 to 28% fat, which has high biological value. Fish meat is rich in vitamins A and D.

Fish is a perishable product because its muscle tissue contains a lot of moisture and can be contaminated with microflora through the intestines, skin mucus and gills. High tissue moisture, the delicate structure of muscle fibers, and the absence of dense connective formations contribute to the intensive development of microorganisms and their distribution in the body of the fish. Enzymes play a significant role in the process of fish deterioration. In freshly caught fish under unfavorable storage conditions, signs of spoilage are detected within 12-24 hours after catch. Poor quality fish have sunken eyes, scales covered with mucus, gills gray, the meat is easily separated from the bone, the abdomen is swollen, the smell is putrid.

Sometimes, as a result of the destruction of red blood cells by microbial enzymes, the muscle tissue located along the spine turns pink-red. These changes are a significant defect in fish, called “tanning”.

Fish and fish products, under certain conditions, can be sources of such human diseases as helminthiases, diphyllobothriasis, as well as diseases caused by parahemolytic vibrios, salmonella, streptococci, botulinum bacillus, etc. Contamination of fish products occurs from the personnel of processing enterprises, if among them there are bacteria carriers of dysentery , typhoid fever, etc., as well as through equipment, utensils, containers.

All commercial fish is subject to sanitary and veterinary examination, which is carried out directly in fish hatcheries and fishing farms, on fishing vessels and floating bases. During the examination, fish are rejected: poisonous species, those suffering from anthroponozoonoses and zoonoses, having defects in commercial quality, and contaminated with toxic substances.

To preserve the quality of fish and fish products, they use various ways canning based on the suppression of the vital activity of microorganisms or their destruction. However, various changes can occur in canned fish during storage, which reduce not only its presentation, but also its nutritional value.

Most effective ways preserving the quality of fish is primary and heat treatment.

Fish is a good environment for the development of microorganisms due to the fact that it contains a large amount of water. The largest number of microorganisms is found in uneviscerated fish, the smallest in fish carcasses, but this number increases with further processing and storage of semi-finished products. Therefore, fish must be cut on a special table and board designed for this purpose. Before and after cutting, the fish is washed with cold running water. The resulting waste must be removed immediately. Equipment and inventory are rinsed repeatedly during work. hot water, and after cutting, the fish are washed and dried. The processed fish is cut into portions and breaded on another table specially designed for this purpose.

Primary processing of fish consists of operations: thawing in air, cutting, cooking.

Fish weighing more than 1.5 kg is filleted by flattening it, and then cut into portions with a knife.

Defrosting, removing the fin, removing the entrails through a cut in the abdomen, removing the head, washing, removing the top fillet with rib bones, flattening the fish, removing the vertebral bone, cutting off the rib bones from the fillet, removing the skin from the fillet, cutting into portions.

Types of heat treatment: boiling, frying, baking.

Boiling: the prepared fish is boiled for 15-20 minutes after boiling, during this time the protein coagulates and harmful microorganisms are destroyed. Store and sell boiled fish for 1 hour at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees

Cooking time fried fish 10 minutes, stored and sold within 12 hours at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees

Cooking time for baked fish is 30-40 minutes, stored and sold within 48 hours at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees.

Employees are required to come to work in clean and tidy clothing. Before work, you should take a shower, and if you don’t have one, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfectants. Then put on sanitary clothing and tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf. When visiting the toilet, the employee must remove sanitary clothing and put it on only after thoroughly washing their hands. Hands should also be washed when moving from one operation to another. The condition of the skin of the hands and nails is essential. Nails must be cut short, and cooks must have a hygienic manicure once a week without applying nail polish. Wearing rings, bracelets, and watches is not recommended, as this makes hand washing difficult and serves as a source of dirt accumulation. When working with fish, there should be no scratches, cuts, or festering burns on your hands, as these can cause contamination of the food with Staphylococcus. When initially processing fish, the cook should use a cellophane apron and rubber gloves.

Each employee of the enterprise must have a personal medical record in which the results of a medical examination are recorded. The absence of a health certificate gives the right to not allow an employee to work or to impose a penalty on him.

The frequency of medical examination is once every three months. Persons with an active form of tuberculosis, the presence of fistulas, pustular skin diseases, or suffering from intestinal infectious diseases are not allowed to work in public catering establishments.

Fish enters the workshop frozen, salted and chilled. Procurement factories and fish processing plants supply semi-finished fish products in the form of fillets and processed carcasses. In this case, only minor modifications are required.

The fish processing line at public catering establishments is designed to perform the following operations: thawing frozen fish or soaking salted fish, cleaning fish scales, gutting, cutting off heads and fins, washing and producing semi-finished products.

Thaw fish in air or in cold water(at the rate of 2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish), adding 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water to reduce the loss of minerals.

For cleaning and gutting fish, there are special tables on wheels with small sides along the edges. The top of such tables is slightly sloping and inclined towards the center, where a hole is made for collecting waste. Gutting fish on tables with an inclined tabletop eliminates contamination of the fillets with waste. Sometimes tables with a groove at one edge are used. The scales are cleaned with mechanical or manual scrapers or graters. To remove mucus, some fish breeds are rubbed with salt or scalded, or sometimes their skin is simply removed. Fins and heads are cut off with special machines.

The processed fish is washed in baths with two compartments. To drain water from washed fish, sides are provided on both sides of the baths (washed fish cannot be squeezed out).

Semi-finished fish products sent to other enterprises are “fixed”, i.e., immersed in a 15% solution of table salt at a temperature of - 4 to - 6 ° C for 5 - 6 minutes.

Workplace for the preparation of semi-finished fish products, they are equipped with a special production table, scales, a set of chef’s knives, various boards, and a set of spices and seasonings.

Finished semi-finished products are placed in special containers and transported on carts or racks to refrigeration chambers.

Fish waste (heads, bones and fins) is used for cooking fish broths and preparing marinades, caviar and milt are used for casseroles.

Waste standards for culinary mechanical processing of each type of fish, as well as standards for storing products by gross weight and yield of semi-finished products by net weight must be posted on the wall near work stations.

In a small fish production workshop located in one room, the processing lines for meat, fish and poultry, as well as equipment and tools, are strictly demarcated.

Semi-finished fish products are perishable products and therefore require strict adherence to sanitary rules. Storage temperature of semi-finished products is from - 4 to + 6 ° C.

The operating hours of the fish workshop are determined according to the production program. All work is performed by cooks of the III, IV and V categories, manufacturers of semi-finished food products of the III, IV and V categories and kitchen workers of the II category under the supervision of a cook-foreman or shop manager.

Also in the fish workshop there should be:

a) primary processing workshop

b) hot shop

c) cold shop

d) expedition

e) washing room for washing tools and equipment.

The following rules must be observed: during work, remove and process waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work, scald the cutting table with boiling water and cover it with salt.

Fish can only be removed from the bath using special scoops. When cutting fish, the cook must wear a safety bib and gloves. Knives must have firmly fixed handles and sharp blades; The musat must have an eye on the handle.

It is also important to properly organize each workplace.

A workplace is a part of a production workshop, adapted to perform certain production operations, equipped necessary equipment and inventory. The workplace can be specialized and universal. Specialized workplaces are equipped to perform one operation with a constant set of tools. Such places are organized at large enterprises with a clear division of labor across operations, which increases labor productivity and allows for the compaction and rational use of working time.

Universal workstations are designed to perform the same type, and sometimes different operations. The equipment of such places is varied and varies depending on the work performed. The area of ​​each workplace must be sufficient for comfortable work. In addition to the table top, modern production tables are equipped with a number of shelves and drawers, which ensures proper storage of small equipment and utensils. The light source should be to the left of the workplace at a distance of no more than 6 m. To ensure safety at work, fences, shields, and safety devices are installed. Knives are stored in a special device at the edge of the table or on the wall.

Tools and equipment are placed to the right of the worker, and the product being processed is to the left. Scales, spices and seasonings, if necessary, are placed in the depths of the table at arm's length, the cutting board is in front of you. While working, the employee must stand up straight and not slouch. Incorrect body position causes rapid fatigue. The chef can perform some operations while sitting, so high stools must be installed in each workshop.

The rational organization of workplaces, which meets the requirements of labor regulations, largely determines the productivity of the entire enterprise. The improvement of jobs should follow the line of their specialization - this will serve as the basis for organizing continuous production methods.

Functional containers intended for storage, pre-treatment, preparation, transportation and distribution of products, facilitate the work of cooks and reduce manual labor costs by 30-40%. The external dimensions of the functional container correspond to the internal dimensions of the means for moving them. Depending on the type and capacity, enterprises provide such means of moving functional containers as containers, mobile racks, and carts with a lifting platform.

Scheme of organization of the fish workshop (primary fish processing) (graphic part, section 7.)

Household refrigerator “ZIL-Moscow” KSh – 260: 1 – cabinet body; 2 – shelves; 3 – pallet; 4 – evaporator door; 5 – thermostat; 6 – double seal; 7 – inner door panel

Organization of the work of the fish workshop: 1- Bath for thawing fish; 2- Production table; 3- Container with whole fish; 4- Cutting board; 5- Waste container; 6- Container with cleaned fish; 7- Washing bath; 8- Rack; 9- Workplace.

Primary fish processing

Air defrost

Cleansing scales

Removing the head




Removal of rib and vertebral bones

Removing the skin from the fillet

1. Bogdanova M. A. Equipment for public catering establishments: Textbook for secondary professional-technical students. schools / M. A. Bogdanova, 3. M. Smirnova, G. A. Bogdanov. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Economics, 1986.

2. Buteykis N.G. Organization of production of public catering enterprises: Textbook. for vocational schools. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher School, 1990.

3. Buteykis N.G. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products: Textbook for vocational schools: Textbook. allowance for the environment. prof. education / N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukova. - 2nd ed., - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.

4. Matyukhina Z.P., Korolkova E.P. Commodity management of food products: Textbook for vocational schools: Proc. allowance for the environment. prof. education / Z.P. Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.

The production process of any type of product consists of a certain set of actions and operations to achieve the final result. It also takes into account the equipment used, flow lines, mechanized and manual labor, and vehicles. To streamline the production process and create optimal modes During work at the enterprise, a technological diagram is drawn up, which allows you to clearly see the entire sequence of product creation.

Principles of compilation

The technological scheme is included in the regulatory documentation of the enterprise (technological regulations), which also includes production methods, technical rules and process conditions, as well as their execution order. In this case, a separate model can be compiled for a certain stage of the entire process.

This project is a drawing of blocks of all operations, interconnected by arrows that express In this case, forward-return movements can be provided, however, for the purpose of rationalization labor process When drawing up a diagram, process engineers try to avoid such moments. At the same time, it is important that the technological diagram reflects the specific features of the production of a particular product and the conditions of its storage and placement.

For various processes, diagrams can be drawn up in the form of drawings with digital or letter designation equipment, and the operations themselves are expressed in the form of geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle, etc.).

Circuit examples

A simple process flow diagram may include the following basic operations:

  • organizing the receipt of basic raw materials and auxiliary materials from the warehouse or from suppliers, taking into account loading and unloading operations;
  • initial processing of raw materials;
  • performing basic operations to obtain main components, parts or intermediate-ready products;
  • assembly of parts and components, or final processing of manufactured products;
  • package;
  • shipment to the warehouse of finished products.

Let's consider a specific case, for example, the technological scheme for bread production can be presented as follows:

  1. Preparation and storage of raw materials.
  2. Preparing the dough.
  3. Processing and preparation of dough products.
  4. Baking preparations.
  5. Cooling and preparation for storage (packaging).

Schematic programs

Various programs are used to create diagrams. For example, CADE, developed for Windows. There are various templates here, and it is also possible to record the IP address, name and serial number of the manufacturing company.

Concept Draw Pro is a simple but very powerful program for drawing diagrams, graphs and diagrams by dragging and dropping ready-made symbols with the mouse. Allows you to create any process model.

Diagram Designer - this utility, despite the outdated interface, allows you to create a wide variety of diagram models without much difficulty.

At the moment, at any enterprise where production is carried out, a technological scheme is used. This is mandatory normative document, which allows you to perform adjustments in a rational way. When drawing up, the inclusion of this diagram is mandatory.