How does aloe juice affect indoor plants? What are the benefits and harms of aloe juice?

This plant has long been called a home doctor, it has so many beneficial properties. In almost every apartment you can see this irreplaceable plant, whose name is aloe. Today we’ll look at exactly what beneficial properties it boasts and how to use it.

Aloe - benefits

The leaves of this plant contain a lot of valuable elements, which explains the benefits of the plant. The list of useful biologically active components includes more than two hundred. They all differ in their beneficial properties.

Among the vitamins, aloe leaves contain all the components of group B, vitamins A, C and E. The pulp of the leaves is rich in anthraquinone glycosides and amino acids. The pulp contains phytoncides, polysaccharides, gelonins, enzymes and other beneficial substances. We will look at the beneficial qualities of the plant in more detail a little later.

Aloe - harm

Like any other remedy, aloe has not only positive properties. In some cases, this plant can be harmful. It is absolutely safe to use aloe only for external treatment.

Due to its too high content of biologically active components, aloe may be unsafe for allergy sufferers. Their body can give an unpredictable reaction to the plant. An overdose can cause diarrhea, pain in the stomach area, inflammation and even nephritis. Using aloe during pregnancy is especially dangerous as it can cause miscarriage.

You cannot treat with aloe for too long. The duration of any treatment with this plant should not exceed two weeks. In this case, aloe can cause the formation of tumors of various types and accumulate in the body as a carcinogen.

Aloe - contraindications

As we noted above, almost everyone without exception can use aloe externally. But the use of aloe and preparations made from it internally has its contraindications.
For example, the use of aloe is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Various liver diseases. It could be various types of hepatitis or cirrhosis.
  • Gallbladder diseases – cholelithiasis, cholecystitis.
  • Kidney nephritis.
  • Cystitis of the bladder.
  • Some types of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Uterine bleeding, heavy menstrual flow. This is explained by the fact that aloe causes blood to flow to the abdominal organs. And with various types of bleeding, additional blood flow can provoke a disastrous result.

Medicinal properties of aloe

There are many types of this plant, each of which has its own beneficial properties. Aloe vera is common in our apartments. It is also called agave. This type of aloe is grown for medicinal purposes. This type of aloe in an apartment can grow up to 1 meter in height and grow densely. True, aloe does not bloom in the apartment. The flowering process of this plant can only be observed in its natural habitat.

The bacteriostatic and bactericidal qualities of aloe have long been noted. This plant is able to suppress the activity of microbes such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, as well as various bacilli - intestinal, dysentery, diphtheria and the causative agent of typhoid fever.

In this regard, aloe is very helpful in healing wounds; it is able to cleanse the body of radiation traces. Aloe can also be used to increase the body's defense against infection. Aloe is used to generally strengthen the human immune system as a natural biostimulant.

The leaves and juice from them can be used to make medicine. On sale you can find condensed aloe juice, which is also called sabur. At home, you can extract fresh plant juice or preparations for use in Filatov’s tissue therapy.

ethnoscience recommends using the leaves of a plant that has already crossed the three-year mark. In this case, you only need to cut off the lower and most fleshy leaves. Juice is squeezed out of them, which must be used immediately. The fact is that fresh aloe juice cannot be preserved for a long time - it simply loses its beneficial properties. To extend the shelf life of aloe juice, various alcohol tinctures are made from it.

Uses of aloe

This plant can be used to treat a wide range of different diseases. Some people even make special injections with aloe juice. Of course, juice cannot be used for injections. homemade. For this purpose, a special solution in ampoules is sold in pharmacies. Such internal injections are especially good for the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs, purulent inflammations, ailments of the eyes and respiratory organs.

Alcohol tincture from aloe has proven itself to be excellent, which can be used to get rid of and treat burns and various wounds. To prepare such a tincture, the aloe leaf needs to be cut into smaller pieces and poured with regular vodka in an amount of 100 ml. The container must be sealed and refrigerated in a dark place. You need to keep this mixture there for about two weeks. After this period, strain the mixture through cheesecloth. For a sore throat, take the tincture three times a day. If the tincture turns out to be very bitter, you can wash it down with water.

The same tincture can be used to relieve stomach ulcers or as a digestive aid. For this purpose, you should drink no more than a teaspoon before meals.

This effective aloe recipe will help boost your immunity. Grind the plant leaf with any in an accessible way– you can use a blender or grind in a meat grinder. Add a large spoonful of honey to this porridge and mix thoroughly. The mass should stand for a day after which it can be used. Eat this remedy in the mornings and evenings, a spoonful before meals.

A recipe made from onion juice and aloe juice will help with cough. Take a small onion and grind it into porridge. Do the same with the aloe leaf. Extract the juice from the plants and mix it. Drink this medicine a teaspoon after eating, three times a day.

Aloe for face

Aloe is widely used in cosmetology. It is suitable for literally any skin and has a positive effect: it will moisturize dry skin, dry out oily skin, soothe sensitive skin and tone aging skin.

If you have various types of rashes, your skin is oily and shiny, flaky and irritated, and prone to allergies, then you simply need to use aloe.

The popularity of aloe for cosmetic purposes has prompted some cosmetic companies to industrially produce aloe gel. This is essentially aloe juice in condensed form, to which preservatives are added to increase shelf life. This product is very useful for any skin. There should be no foreign components in the gel, only aloe juice and thickeners.

For lovers of all things natural, you can make this gel yourself. Of course, it will have a short shelf life and only in the refrigerator. To prepare a homemade preparation, remove the skin from 4 aloe leaves and place the pulp in a clean container. Then mash it with a blender until smooth. Add a little vitamin E to this paste. The resulting mixture can be used by first diluting it with water or adding other medicinal ingredients.

Based on the resulting homemade gel, you can make face masks or lotions. This product must be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.

Aloe for hair

Few people know, but aloe can be used to solve a variety of hair problems. Most often it is part of a variety of hair masks:

  • For example, to eliminate and strengthen them, you can prepare the following mask: aloe juice, almond oil and honey are mixed in equal parts and applied to the scalp. Then everything is covered with plastic wrap and a warm scarf. You need to keep this mask for about half an hour.
  • To add shine to your hair, a mask of aloe juice and burdock oil is suitable.
  • And to eliminate dandruff, use a mask of aloe juice and 20% alcohol.

Pure aloe juice can be a substitute for store-bought conditioner. It will make your hair manageable, giving it smoothness and softness.

Aloe contains components that can prevent hair loss. Therefore, the juice from this plant can be rubbed into the head to strengthen the roots and stimulate the growth of new hair. This simple procedure will help fight dandruff and eliminate excess oil.

Lovers of natural products will certainly appreciate aloe shampoo. To make it, take the gel from this plant and add coconut milk and wheat germ oil to it. This shampoo will not only wash your hair, but will also moisturize it well.

Aloe for runny nose

It is very effective to use aloe juice to relieve nasal congestion and get rid of a runny nose. You can instill a few drops of juice diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water into each nasal passage. This way you will relieve inflammation and speed up blood flow, destroying pathogenic bacteria in the nose. Small wounds that may be inside the nose will heal much faster.

Aloe juice can be used for people older than one year. You just need to take into account that only bacterial runny nose can be treated in this way. If the disease is viral in nature, a severe allergy may develop.

For children, aloe juice needs to be diluted warm water in a ratio of 1:3 and only then instill a few drops three times a day. The first effect can be seen a few days after the start of treatment. The process must be continued for at least five days in order for the effect of treatment to be maximum.

If you want to treat a runny nose in babies in this way, be sure to consult with your pediatrician first. If he gives permission for this method, then it can be used. In this case, dilute the plant juice with water in a ratio of 1:5 and bury it in the baby’s nose no more than twice a day.

Aloe for acne

Traditional medicine recipes very widely use aloe in the fight against various rashes on the face. It is best to take freshly cut leaves to treat acne, since storing the cut leaf for more than three hours kills all the beneficial components in aloe.

It is useful to make applications from aloe leaves. To do this, take a piece of leaf and cut it into two halves. Apply the pulp to the purulent pimple and secure with a band-aid. You can leave the application in this form overnight. After just a few uses, you can get rid of acne.

Aloe lotion helps to wipe away acne after washing. Mix 8 tablespoons of aloe juice with 2 tablespoons of alcohol and store this product in the refrigerator.

A mask made from plant juice and a few drops of lemon juice has an excellent effect on acne and copes with it. Add to this the white of one egg and apply to your face for half an hour, and then wash your face.

Of course, aloe is very effective in eliminating it, but remember that it cannot be used if there are any kind of tumors on the skin or if you are individually intolerant to the plant. The same can be said about preparations that contain aloe.

The benefits of aloe are known to everyone. In many homes it is grown and used for medicinal purposes. This plant is native to Africa, and currently there are about 300 species, each of which has its own specific medicinal properties.

In the article we will look in detail at the benefits of aloe and how it is used for certain problems.

How to grow aloe

Aloe can be tree-like or bush-like. Only the latter type of plant is taken internally, while the tree-like plant is successfully used externally. Aloe is quite unpretentious. Even if you forget to take care of it for a while, it will continue to grow properly. But if you want to grow a truly healthy plant, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. The best soil for it is a mixture of brick chips and charcoal.
  2. There is no need to add peat to it.
  3. In the warm season, aloe loves a lot of light, warmth, and needs only moderate watering.
  4. In the cold season, you should water even less often, but the place where the plant is kept should be light. Optimum temperature in winter: from 12 to 14 degrees.
  5. A good feed for it will be fertilizers intended for cacti.
  6. Young plants are replanted annually, and older ones - after 3 years. The oldest ones can be disturbed even less often - only every 5 years.
  7. Aloe can be propagated using seeds, cuttings and tuberous division.


The benefits of aloe are determined by its rich composition. Thus, succulent leaves contain a large amount essential oil, 20 amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, B, fiber and many other microelements and nutrients. The plant is also famous for its bactericidal effect.

Therefore, it is widely used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agent. They also treat burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils, acne and other skin diseases.

Use in cosmetology

The plant is included in many cosmetic preparations. But women widely use it, making natural masks, juice, etc. After all, the plant perfectly moisturizes and restores the skin, cleanses it, is able to penetrate deep inside and stimulate regeneration, relieve itching and irritation.

Based on this, the benefits of aloe for the face are invaluable. After prolonged exposure to the sun, cosmetologists strongly recommend moisturizing the skin with products containing aloe.

Often in beauty salons they make relaxing baths with its addition. And if you apply freshly squeezed juice at home to your face and neck before going to bed, it will look fresh and healthy in the morning. But first, before doing this, your face should be thoroughly steamed and cleaned.

Aloe can be added to creams and other skin care products. At the same time, in order for the result not to be long in coming, it is necessary to achieve a high concentration of the plant.

Aloe in cosmetics

Almost all companies producing skin care cosmetics have in their arsenal products that contain However, if you look at its concentration, it turns out that the maximum content of the substance does not exceed 15%. But advertising labels are full of catchy headlines, assuring consumers of amazing results. Unfortunately, in reality such a small concentration of the plant cannot lead to a truly effective result. That is why it is advisable to add natural and fresh juice to these products: it will bring much greater benefits to the skin.

This is most relevant for mature skin, which requires more external substances to maintain its tone.

Aloe in medicinal preparations

In addition to cosmetic purposes, aloe-based products are also used in traditional medicine. They are widely used in gynecology, dermatology, immunology, dentistry, and surgery. They treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, inflammation of the oral cavity, acute respiratory viral infections and many other pathologies. Let's consider several drugs for lovers of official medicine.

For example, pharmacies sell a drug called “Aloe Juice”, which is used for constipation, polyarthritis, gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Another well-known drug is “Aloe Syrup with Iron”. This unique combination can improve blood circulation and restore metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with its help, protective functions are restored, and infectious diseases leaving. The drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of anemia, intoxication, radiation sickness and asthenia.

For burns, “Aloe Liniment” is often prescribed, which is rubbed into the affected area. It is also useful for periodontal disease, arthrosis, amphodontosis, conjunctivitis and polyarthritis. “Aloe tablets” are recommended for myopia and chorioretinitis in combination with other drugs.

For eye diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, “Aloe liquid extract” or “Aloe liquid extract for injection”, which have the same effect, are often recommended. The first of them is taken orally, a teaspoon three times a day, and the second is injected under the skin.

How to prepare a remedy at home

Realizing how great the benefits of aloe are for the body, this plant is grown in many homes. Let's figure out how you can use it yourself.

Aloe is harvested at any time of the year. In this case, mature leaves are selected, those that are lower. When the tip of the leaf begins to dry out, it is ready to eat. The leaf is cut off at the base or broken off.

To prevent the healing properties from being lost, the leaves should not be kept without doing anything with them for more than 3-4 hours. Tinctures and mixtures are made from picked leaves. Recipes for treatment from them are not so complicated. They are prepared in two ways:

  1. The juice is simply squeezed out with your hands without peeling.
  2. The leaf is cleaned and all the pulp is used.

The main thing to remember is that the prepared product must be used within several hours after the leaf is picked from the plant, otherwise the benefits of aloe will be reduced significantly and its use will become useless. If you don’t need to use all the prepared juice, you can preserve it by mixing eight parts of it with two parts of medical alcohol.

Home Recipes

Cosmetic face masks can be made, for example, by mixing aloe juice with cream or egg white. After applying to the skin, leave the mask on for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with soft, cool water or unsweetened tea.

For burns, it is best to use freshly squeezed juice. The benefits from this will be most effective. In this case, there is no need to cover the affected area with anything on top so that the liquid is absorbed into the skin as much as possible.

For ARVI and colds, aloe leaves (3 pieces), passed through a meat grinder, are mixed with three tablespoons of honey and the same amount of alcohol.

When the body is exhausted, a multivitamin mixture containing aloe, taken internally, is very useful. Its benefits are explained big amount useful substances included in the components used. Take one hundred grams of: aloe juice, walnuts, lemon juice and honey. The mixture is taken one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

For gastrointestinal illness, you can simply eat a piece of aloe leaf (5 centimeters in size) 30 minutes before meals for a month or drink a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice.


Considering the benefits of aloe, and the harm from taking this remedy should not be forgotten either. So, a person may have an individual intolerance or allergy to the described plant. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume aloe juice internally.

Miracle plant, agave, silent doctor... People call the evergreen succulent aloe no matter what. There are legends about its amazing properties. What is the power of the agave, what benefits does the homemade aloe flower bring and does it cause harm?

History of aloe from ancient times to the present day

People knew about the healing properties of agave back in ancient times. Countless confirmations are intertwined in the history of the healing flower with parables and legends. The first mention of the medicinal use of fleshy leaves was found on clay plates from the reign of Akkad, the leader of the Sumerians.

Agave occupied a key place among medicinal plants in the sacred treatise “Atarvaveda”. Mention of the miracle plant is contained in many sections of the book of all times - the Bible.

The “silent doctor” was highly valued among the ancient Egyptians. The pharaohs put it on the same level as the elixir of longevity. Aloe, as the flower of eternity, was an inseparable prop of funeral ceremonies and was part of the composition for mummification. Representatives of the fair sex actively used the juice of the flower to prolong youth and beauty. There is a version that the world-famous eyes of the great Cleopatra owe their mesmerizing radiance to drops prepared from the juice of agave. The no less noble queen Nefertiti also owes the radiant color of her face to the same plant, since she took daily baths with the addition of donkey milk and plant juice.

IN Ancient Greece the agave was a symbol of beauty and health. This succulent is mentioned in the writings of Heraclitus as a cure for stomach diseases, the elimination of dysentery and the treatment of tumors.

The father of Roman medicine, Celsius, also spoke highly of the unique properties of aloe. In his works, he described examples of successful healing of wounds and deep abrasions, stopping bleeding, and stopping hemorrhoidal formations.

Lily of the desert - this is what the Arab Bedouins called the healing flower. During periods of epidemics, they ate them.

The agave did not lose its relevance in the Renaissance. Here are just some of the properties described in the medical treatise of the Salerno school that has survived to this day:

  • the juice dries wounds and revitalizes the flesh;
  • strengthens the stomach and restores the liver;
  • removes heaviness from the tongue and sharpens hearing;
  • Gives clarity to the mind and clears the eyes.

During the legendary voyage of Columbus, agave juice helped the crew of the Santa Maria, exhausted by hunger and prolonged illness, to survive. For this with light hand The navigator gave the agave another name - doctor in a pot.

Aloe has always been considered the king of the plant kingdom in the land of the rising sun.

In an effort to become invulnerable and gain immortality, samurai treated their weapons with it before battle. After bloody battles, chopped wounds were successfully treated. Today, the bitter juice from the leaves is used for a variety of purposes: it is eaten, drunk, rubbed into wounds, and used as a cosmetic.

From legend to science

The age-old glory of the flower's benefits homemade aloe prompted scientists to study its medicinal properties in detail. Much to the amazement of scientists who did not particularly trust “grandmother’s” recipes, the analysis not only confirmed the known unique properties, but also revealed a number of new ones. Researchers have found that the bitter-tasting pulp of the succulent contains over 200 useful substances, each of which has unique properties:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • polysaccharides;
  • enzymes;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • mineral salts;
  • resinous compounds.

In most countries where traditional medicine has not completely supplanted the heritage of folk healing, agave remains one of the key medicines.

Recipes for all diseases

There are over 350 species of agave in nature. But healing properties Only aloe vera is famous. Used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes lower leaves three-year-old plants that have accumulated the largest number of useful microelements. Based on them, juice is prepared by direct extraction.

According to the observations of Russian ophthalmologist V. Filatov, the most effective extracts can be obtained from biostimulated plants. To start the synthesis of active compounds, cut leaves are placed in a plastic bag, blocking the access of air, and sent to the refrigerator, where the temperature is maintained within + 2 ° C, for 14-15 days.

Important point! The prepared juice can be stored at room temperature for no more than 2 hours, since when it reacts with air, the natural preparation literally loses its strength before our eyes.


Agave has found its widest use in the treatment of colds.

  • For a runny nose, it is dropped into the nose; for a sore throat, it is used to gargle. To reduce the saturation of freshly squeezed juice, it is diluted with a small proportion of purified water at room temperature.
  • The combination drug gives excellent results. To make it, the ground pulp of the leaves is mixed in equal proportions with freshly squeezed carrot or beet juice. The freshly prepared product is instilled into each nostril, 5 drops. To speed up the effect, the procedure is repeated every 5 hours.
  • A decoction of the leaves helps cure a persistent cough. To prepare it, 350 grams of raw materials are mixed with 125 ml of water and boiled over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Add 300 honey to the decoction cooled to room temperature and infuse for 24 hours in a sheltered place. sun rays cool place. Take 1 tbsp of tasty medicine. l after each meal.

Wound healing drug

The homemade aloe flower has long been recognized as an effective wound-healing agent. The liquid released from the leaves has a complex effect:

  • accelerates the healing processes of superficial healing on the skin;
  • restores mucous membrane internal organs Gastrointestinal tract;
  • removes inflammation and manifestations of ulcerative lesions.

Natural antiseptic juice is good for relieving skin inflammation and treating burns, removing boils and acne, treating cracks in the corners of the lips and herpetic lesions.

An ointment for the rapid healing of wounds and ulcers is prepared on the basis of ground pulp and honey, taken in equal proportions. The mixture is seasoned with 1 tbsp of medical alcohol and mixed well. To allow for repeated use, the prepared composition is stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Compresses from freshly squeezed juice help extinguish foci of eczema, manifestations of lupus and skin tuberculosis.

Tip: to relieve pain, just apply a leaf of the plant, placing the cut on the skin.

Natural immunomodulator

Natural therapists prescribe ingestion of the juice of the fleshy leaves as an immunomodulatory agent. The biostimulants present in them activate metabolic processes in the cells of the body's tissues. To boost immunity, a product is prepared based on:

  • 300 grams of aloe juice;
  • 3 tbsp. honey;
  • 3 tbsp. medical alcohol.

If desired, alcohol can be replaced with 100 grams of fortified red wine. The three-component composition is kept for 5 days and consumed 3 times a day immediately before meals, eating 10-15 grams at a time. It helps to quickly restore strength after suffering protracted illnesses and improve overall well-being.

For weakened children, a nutritious four-component mixture is best suited:

  • 150 grams of agave juice;
  • 500 grams of crushed walnuts;
  • juice from 3-4 lemons;
  • 300 grams of honey.

The nutritional mixture, depending on the age of the child, is consumed 5-15 grams before each meal.

Cosmetic and dietary product

The value of the succulent is due to its regenerating properties. The polysaccharides contained in agave juice have a complex effect:

  • rejuvenate the epidermis;
  • strengthen collagen fibers;
  • maintain skin elasticity;
  • form a protective film, protecting the fabrics of the upper layers from the aggressive effects of sunlight.

Having a homemade aloe flower on hand, anyone can take care of their skin at a minimum cost by making various masks, balms and creams. To create one of these masks, which has a refreshing effect and improves complexion, the juice is mixed in equal parts with cream. To soothe inflamed skin, the main ingredient is combined with honey. To dry oily skin, a mask is made from crushed leaves and egg white.

Freshly prepared juice is convenient to use in its pure form. A natural toner is applied every time after cleansing the face, rubbing into areas with a moistened disc. Daily wipes help tighten pores and relieve inflammation.

The only contraindication to choosing aloe as a cosmetic product is such “grinding” procedures as dermabrasion and chemical peeling. After such “treatment” the skin is very sensitive and vulnerable. Aloe in this case can cause irritation and even dermatitis.

Many women actively use the juice of the fleshy leaves for weight loss. In small doses, agave improves appetite and activates digestion. For those who want to lose weight, it has a double effect: it stimulates intestinal motility and has a mild laxative effect.

When is aloe harmful?

The use of aloe, like any other natural component, has a number of certain limitations. It is not recommended to use agave for both internal and external use:

  • mature people aged 40 years and older;
  • suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys,
  • with internal and heavy external bleeding;
  • in the last trimester of pregnancy;
  • with the manifestation of acute diarrhea.

The use of aloe is contraindicated for young children, as well as people with individual intolerance.

To avoid insomnia, products based on this component should be consumed at least a couple of hours before bedtime. It is important to take into account that with prolonged use, mineral substances, in particular potassium, begin to be removed from the body, thereby disturbing the water-salt balance.

Aloe or agave is a perennial succulent common in wildlife in the countries of tropical Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, as well as the Canary Islands. Thanks to the ability to close pores in extreme conditions and retain valuable moisture inside the leaves, the plant survives in the most difficult situations when other representatives of the flora die.

Currently, aloe is distributed over most of the planet and is successfully grown at home as a houseplant. The greatest value for pharmacology, traditional medicine and cosmetology is the species of the aloe genus - Aloe vera or Aloe vera (in total there are more than 500 species of succulent in nature).

  • According to ancient writings, our ancestors knew about the healing properties of the juice and translucent pulp of aloe leaves 3000 years ago.

Today I have prepared for our readers useful information about aloe vera, medicinal properties, traditional medicine recipes and the use of the plant in home cosmetology.

Beneficial properties of aloe, composition

Aloe photo

The therapeutic effect of aloe vera on the human body is due to the unique composition of the above-ground part of the plant. Aloe contains powerful biogenic stimulants, the activity of which increases after special preparation of the plant material.

Academician Vladimir Filatov, a famous ophthalmologist and world-famous scientist, discovered that the effectiveness of the plant extract is enhanced through biostimulation, the essence of which is keeping the cut leaves at a low temperature (+2-+3°C) in a dark place for about a crescent.

Moreover, before cutting the shoots, the plant is not watered for 7-10 days. In the agave (aloe) plant, the medicinal properties after biostimulation are enhanced significantly, due to the launch of the synthesis of biologically active compounds in the leaves.

Large, juicy, fleshy leaves with thorns along the edges and mucous-translucent pulp inside, contain a whole complex of biologically active phytonutrients.

Aloe contains:

  • mucus and other polysaccharides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • bitterness;
  • hormone-like substances;
  • essential oil (small quantity);
  • resinous compounds;
  • enzymes;
  • amino acids;
  • glycoproteins;
  • vitamins (carotene, which is converted in the human body into vitamin A, group B, ascorbic and folic acid, choline);
  • mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, etc.).

The main beneficial medicinal properties of aloe:

  1. immunomodulatory;
  2. biostimulating;
  3. antivirus;
  4. sedative;
  5. rejuvenating;
  6. tonic;
  7. antiseptic;
  8. antimicrobial;
  9. deodorizing;
  10. restorative;
  11. antioxidant;
  12. regenerating;
  13. wound healing.

There are a number pharmacological medicines, which can be purchased at the pharmacy chain, and fresh aloe juice, used for internal and external use. The contents of the ampoules are injected subcutaneously, and the juice is taken orally. Both elixirs are suitable for the preparation of local remedies both for the treatment of skin and mucous membranes, and for cosmetic purposes.

In folk and traditional medicine aloe used in complex therapy of the following diseases (locally and internally):

  • diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (wounds, abrasions, burns, boils, carbuncles, acne, pimples, alopecia (baldness), cracks in the corners of the lips, herpetic rashes, ulcers);
  • tuberculosis and bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • , cough;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • migraines and neuroses;
  • gynecological problems in women;
  • conjunctivitis, inflammation of the upper eyelid and other eye diseases.

cut aloe leaves

For the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and as an antitussive, the following mixture is used: 15 grams of aloe juice combined with 100 grams of softened homemade butter, lard or fat (goose), 100 grams of natural bee honey and 90 grams of pure cocoa bean powder. The resulting medicine is taken 1 tbsp. spoons three times a day with a glass of whole hot milk.

To treat rhinitis, instill 2-3 drops of fresh aloe juice into each nasal passage. The procedures are repeated 3 to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 8 days.

To treat inflammatory processes in the throat, for example, sore throat, gargles are used (45 ml of aloe juice per ½ glass of warm water). 15 minutes after the procedure, it is recommended to take warm milk with 5 ml of succulent juice (3 times a day).

A piece of aloe leaf applied with the pulp to the sore spot in the mouth will help to quickly eliminate toothache (before visiting the dentist).

To quickly get rid of herpes on the lips, it is recommended to wipe the affected area with a cut of a freshly broken aloe leaf 5 times a day.

Benefits of aloe for skin

First of all, aloe is valued for its pronounced regenerating qualities. The juice, pulp of the leaves and extract are actively used in the creation of many external care products, new products of which are regularly introduced to the market by cosmetics manufacturers.

The use of aloe helps to renew and rejuvenate the skin, improve its elasticity and strengthen collagen fibers, cleanse the epidermis of unwanted rashes and age spots.

Every woman, in the absence of an allergy to the plant, can care for her skin at home, preparing all kinds of masks, lotions, creams, tonics, balms with the addition of aloe. For self-cooking cut leaves are kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, after which the elixir is squeezed out of them.

It can be added to any care products for the skin of the face and body, as well as hair, eyelashes and nails, and can also be used as a toner by wiping the face with a cotton swab dipped in a medicinal liquid twice a day (after preliminary cleansing of the skin).

Hand cream with aloe

Pharmacy lanolin, lanolin or baby cream is used as a base and vegetable oil(grape, apricot or peach seeds, castor, jojoba).

For every 50 grams of cream/lanolin, take 30 ml of oil and the same amount of aloe juice (can be replaced with two ampoules of aloe extract). The finished composition is stored in the refrigerator and used daily as the main care product to moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands.

Aloe on the windowsill :)

Aloe, the benefits and harms of which are scientifically proven, is a unique gift from nature that allows you to treat the human body with natural and completely safe means. However, like any medicinal plant, aloe has a number of contraindications, the main of which is individual intolerance.

Internal use of the product is also not recommended for the following diseases: acute and chronic pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, acute gastritis, peptic ulcers, and other gastrointestinal diseases, a tendency to allergies. Any treatment options that involve the internal use of aloe must be agreed upon with the specialist observing you.

Strictly contraindicated exceeding the dosage of products with aloe, as this can lead to poisoning, manifested by inflammation of the intestines, diarrhea, blood in the stool and other disorders of the digestive processes and bowel movements.

  • Doctors note that with an overdose of aloe juice and extract, pregnant women may experience a miscarriage.

The topic “Aloe: medicinal properties and contraindications” is of interest to many - knowing how to use the fleshy leaves and juice of the plant at home for the treatment and prevention of diseases, you will always be fully equipped when various health problems arise. The plant is absolutely unpretentious to the soil and does not require fertilizing or regular watering. Even if you leave aloe without watering for six months, it will not disappear, patiently waiting for the owner to pay attention to it. If you don't already have a healing green succulent in your home, consider getting one.

May you always be healthy and blessed!

Aloe is a very popular home plant, which is grown for subsequent practical use. There are more than 350 species of this plant, only a few of them are grown at home - tree aloe, variegated, spinous.

The healing properties are inherent in aloe vera and aloe vera. The most widespread is aloe vera, also known as Barbados or real aloe.

Aloe has medicinal properties, and it has some contraindications. It is thanks to the ability of the plant to have a beneficial effect on health that it has become so widespread and is so widely used by people.

We will discuss further how it affects the human body, how to use it and whether it is worth avoiding the use of aloe in any cases.

The chemical composition of aloe and its beneficial properties

The pulp of aloe leaves contains the bulk of everything that people value about this plant. The aloe flower is surprisingly unpretentious, and its beneficial properties are so numerous.

Aloe contains more than two hundred biologically active substances. These substances have a certain effect on the human body, which is why the plant is beneficial.

Aloe leaf juice has a bactericidal, wound-healing effect, and relieves irritation on the skin.

The main substances included in chemical composition aloe vera:

Beneficial features aloe:
  • used in cosmetology;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the level of toxins in the body;
  • used in gynecology;
  • has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • used to treat the nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems.

Pharmacological properties of medicinal raw materials

Aloe is a perennial plant. The most pronounced medicinal properties are inherent in the leaves of the three-year-old plant. Only dense shoots that are at least 15 cm long are broken off or cut off from the trunk.

Detached aloe leaves should not be left in the air for more than 3-4 hours, as they dry out quickly. During this time, aloe juice loses its medicinal qualities. Therefore, after cutting the leaves, they need to be hidden from light and put in the refrigerator, where they can be stored for up to a year.

Healing properties of aloe:

Use of aloe in folk medicine

Traditional medicine describes many indications for using aloe at home. It is used both externally and internally.

Did you know? Aloe leaves that have begun to dry out at the tips are considered the most beneficial for health, and they are recommended for treatment.

Aloe vera is used externally to treat skin diseases, to get rid of acne, boils, pustules, for wound healing, for lupus, eczema.

Aloe juice contains polysaccharides that form a protective film on the skin, protect and soften it, moisturize and accelerate cell regeneration. Due to its properties, aloe is often included in anti-aging skin care products..

Aloe is used internally for a large number of diseases of different organs. For diseases of the respiratory system– tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, – aloe facilitates breathing and helps cough up mucus.

For diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, gall bladder aloe juice helps restore digestion and metabolic processes.

In the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system aloe is used to provide a disinfectant and diuretic effect.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body are also treated with aloe. Aloe juice is indicated for use by patients diabetes mellitus and people with joint problems.

Recipes for using the plant

Aloe does not help with anything, but it is used for various diseases different recipes. To prepare medicines, you need to cut the required number of leaves. It is better to use the lower ones - they are always older.

Did you know? Aloe is used in the form of juice, tincture and decoction.

It is better to prepare medicines immediately before use, rather than making preparations. Freshly squeezed aloe juice has more pronounced healing properties.

To squeeze juice from aloe, the leaves are first washed with boiled water, cut into small pieces - about 0.2 cm, and squeezed through gauze. You can also pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Important! The plant to be used in recipes must be at least 3 years old. Before use, you need to prepare it: do not water it for 2 weeks, after which you can cut off the leaves. The cut leaves are washed and placed in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

Use for sore throat

For tonsillitis or tonsillitis, aloe juice is used to treat the tonsils. There are also many recipes using this medicinal plant. for a sore throat:

  • rosehip decoction with aloe juice - an anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy taken before meals, 50 ml;
  • a mixture of aloe juice - 1 tablespoon, water (decoction of St. John's wort, calendula, sage, chamomile, etc.) - 20 ml, soda - 1 teaspoon, iodine - 2 drops. Gargle with this mixture;
  • a mixture of aloe juice, honey, vodka in a ratio of 1:2:3 is used as compresses on the throat;
  • a solution of 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and a glass of warm water. Used for systematic gargling throughout the day;
  • you can simply chew aloe leaves, which also has therapeutic effect on the throat.

Bronchitis and bronchial asthma

For the treatment of bronchitis Various recipes are used that contain aloe. The simplest of them is to mix one glass of aloe juice and a glass of honey, add 100 ml of vodka or alcohol.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave in a cool, dark place for 5 days. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Another recipe for making aloe for bronchitis: Mix 750 ml of Cahors with 350 g of honey. If the honey is candied, it must be melted in a water bath, the temperature of which should not exceed 60°C.

Aloe leaves are finely chopped and placed in a glass jar, after which they are filled with honey and Cahors. Stir and refrigerate for 2 weeks. After this, the mixture is filtered and squeezed. You need to take 1 tablespoon three times a day until the bronchitis goes away.

For bronchial asthma Aloe is used as follows. Mix half a glass of aloe juice with half a glass of honey, add 4 lemons, 0.5 liters of Cahors and the ground shells of two eggs.

After mixing, place in a dark place for a week. Take 30 ml on an empty stomach for 3-6 months.


For pneumonia(pneumonia) take freshly squeezed aloe juice mixed in equal quantities with honey and lard twice a day, 1 teaspoon after meals.

Also prepared for pneumonia aloe and red wine mixture. The maximum dose for a course of treatment of 2-3 months requires 1.5 kg of aloe leaves, 2.5 kg of honey and 850 ml of Cahors or port wine.

All ingredients are mixed and placed in a glass jar, which is tightly closed and placed in the dark for 5-7 days. This mixture is taken 1 teaspoon an hour before meals 1-3 times a day.

Liver diseases

For hepatitis and cholecystitis prepare the following mixture: Take 1 tablespoon each of aloe, peppermint, yarrow, sandy immortelle, greater celandine and 1 teaspoon of wormwood.

All this is poured with boiling water, covered and kept in a cold place for 2 hours. The infusion should be strained and taken 1/3 cup 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

For a cold

For a cold The following recipe is used: ½ cup of honey, 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, juice of two limes are mixed in a blender and taken 2 tablespoons every hour.

For a cold runny nose can be used fresh aloe juice, diluted with water, for instillation into the nose. Place 2 drops into each nostril 4 times a day.