How to make an arched canopy from a profile pipe. Calculation and production of a canopy from a profile pipe, drawings and photos

Outbuildings type of canopy can be found in many suburban areas. Under the roof arch of the open structure, it is convenient to arrange a recreation area, a place to store a car and garden tools. Therefore, the question is how to weld a canopy from profile pipe with a minimum investment, it is relevant for many owners who are ready to independently build the structure they need on their farm.

What to consider before starting construction

A beautifully designed canopy is an excellent design solution that complements architectural ensemble plot

Building a lean-to canopy from a profile pipe is a feasible task that any owner who has basic repair and repair skills can handle. construction work.

To calculate the future canopy from a profile pipe, there is no need to have special knowledge. It is enough just to take into account a number of points.

  1. Determine the functions that the structure will perform and the angle of inclination of the roof of the structure.
  2. Calculate the optimal height of the support pillars, length and width of the canopy.
  3. Calculate dimensions panel structures and determine the distance between the main components of the future canopy.

The number of support posts is determined by their load-bearing capacity with the expectation that the metal will be subject to load not only from its own weight. On the roof surface winter time Large snowdrifts that have considerable weight can accumulate.

The canopy can be a structure adjacent to the house or free-standing.

When designing an independently standing structure, the number of supports should be taken twice as large as when constructing a canopy combined with a house.

You can make a drawing of a canopy from a profile pipe yourself, or use ready-made solutions by looking at them on thematic construction forums.

Important! To create a reliable structure that will serve you well for more than one season, the support pillars should be rested on a concrete base.

It is worth considering in advance how to connect the elements. If the canopy is adjacent to the wall of the house, then provide for the installation of embedded parts or supporting shelves.

Technology for installing a canopy from a profile pipe

Selection of materials

The first step is to decide what the structure will be built from.

The material for constructing the frame will be a profile pipe.

It has high axial compressive and bending strength, and is also characterized by minimal weight with maximum manufacturability. In the manufacture of simple, lightweight structures, cold-rolled or electric-welded pipes can be used.

For the manufacture of supports, it is better to choose square pipes. They will ensure maximum pairing of elements placed at right angles. In addition, on the straight surface of the posts it will be easier to make any type of connection, be it bolted, threaded or welded.

For vertical racks, it is more advisable to choose profiles with wide shelves, the size of which varies between 50-100 mm, and thin walls.

When planning to slope the roof, you should take this into account in the lengths of the support posts.

When choosing pipes for purlins, it is worth considering that, unlike support posts, they will experience force in the transverse direction. Three- to four-meter rectangular pipes with a height of 80-100 mm can withstand such a load. To connect the main structural elements, the easiest way is to use a small-width steel angle.

The most commonly used coverings are:

  • galvanized sheet metal;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • polycarbonate

The choice of roof design is limited only by the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.

Tools for making a canopy will require:

  • measuring equipment (ruler, marker, tape measure);
  • construction knife and hacksaw for metal;
  • shovel or drill;
  • welding machine;
  • hammer and screwdrivers;
  • surface level;
  • screwdriver and electric drill;
  • set of wrenches;
  • soldering device for fixing fittings to pipes.

Preparing the base

Installation of a lean-to canopy from a profile pipe involves excavation and concrete work.

The site for the construction of the future canopy is cleaned and leveled. Along the perimeter of the installation of the structure, holes are prepared for deepening the supports. The size of the holes must be at least 100x50 cm. Support pillars must be installed rigidly in the foundation. To do this, they need to be walled up in the concrete body, building a strong columnar foundation.

Installation of supports

All elements of the future canopy must be cut according to precisely verified drawings that correspond to the calculations.

The cut racks are installed one by one in dug holes. When installing poles, it is important to control their verticality using a level or plumb line.

After making sure that the installation is correct, concrete is poured.

To give strength to the future support, pour a small part of the solution into the hole and lift the pipe so that part of the mixture gets into its cavity. The racks filled with the solution are left until completely hardened.

Frame making

The complexity of making a roof directly depends on the pitch of the support posts and the length of the side to be covered. The most optimal option is when the structure has a three-meter span, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a maximum covered area with minimal material costs.

The easiest way is to build a pitched roof using simple purlins from a rectangular pipe.

To do this, crosswise mounted tie elements are secured to the installed racks by welding, fixing them at two points on each plane of the rack. Horizontal guides are mounted to the upper ends of the supporting pillars, which will hold the sheathing.

Video: how to weld profile pipes

Profile pipes are laid parallel, maintaining a pitch of 300-400 mm. Fastening is carried out by welding or self-tapping screws.

Design of the structure

The finished structure remains to be covered with roofing material. The installation method depends on the type of roofing material. When working with corrugated sheets, the sheets are attached to the transverse beams, placing them overlapping and secured with self-tapping screws mounted on rubber washers.

To impart rigidity to the structure, the longitudinal wall of the constructed frame can be formed at the base with blocks or bricks.

All metal structures need protection against corrosion. To do this, after cleaning the surface and welds, they are coated with special paints for metal.

A canopy made of pipes and polycarbonate is becoming an increasingly popular architectural form in personal plot. It’s not surprising, because this building can perform many functions, ranging from an open garage for a car, a wood warehouse, a covered playground and ending with a relaxation area with a barbecue and soft armchairs.

The key advantage is the ability to make such a design with your own hands. This article will provide recommendations on the choice of material, examples of calculations of supports and trusses, and how to weld a canopy from a profile pipe.

Calculation of the optimal canopy shape

The length of the rafter depends on the angle of inclination of the truss. For different angles, it is optimal to use different roofing materials:

  • 22-30 is the optimal angle of inclination for buildings in areas with significant snow loads. The design of a canopy made from a profile pipe with such an angle provides a predominantly triangular shape. It is optimal for straight and corrugated asbestos sheets, various types metal profiles and ethernite roofing.
  • 15-22 – are also gable with metal types roofing coverings. This angle of inclination is typical for regions with increased wind loads. The maximum span of a triangular truss with this angle is 20 m.
  • 6-15 – predominantly single-pitched trapezoidal trusses covered with polycarbonate and corrugated sheets.

Single-pitch canopy made of profile pipe, photo of a structure with a roof made of corrugated sheets

Calculation of a canopy made of polycarbonate from a profile pipe is carried out in accordance with SNiP P-23-81 “Steel Structures” and SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and Impacts”.

The technological requirements for the farm and the calculation sequence are as follows. In accordance with the technical specifications, the required span is determined. Using the presented diagram, we substitute the dimensions of the span and determine the height of the structure. The angle of inclination of the truss and the optimal shape of the canopy roof are set. The contours of the upper and lower chords of the truss, the general outlines and type of roofing are determined accordingly.

Important! The maximum distance at which trusses are placed when making a canopy from a profile pipe is 1.75 m.

Diagram of the dependence of the length of the rafters on the angle of the roof when calculating a truss from a profile pipe for a canopy

Profile selection

As a material for assembling a truss, you can use channels, tees, angles and other profiled products made from steel grade St3SP or 09G2S (in accordance with GOST). However, all these materials have a significant drawback compared to profiled pipes - they are much heavier and thicker with comparable strength characteristics.

The dimensions of the frame elements for a canopy made from a profile pipe depend on the dimensions of the building. In accordance with GOST 23119-78 and GOST 23118-99 to create a canopy from a square pipe with my own hands The following materials are used:

  • For compact buildings with a span of up to 4.5 m – 40x20x2 mm;
  • Medium-sized structures with a span of up to 5.5 m are made of corrugated pipe 40x40x2mm;
  • Structures of significant size with spans of more than 5.5 m are assembled from profile pipes of various sections 40x40x3 mm or 60x30x2mm.
  • The size of the canopy stand made from corrugated pipe is 80 80 by 3 mm.

Drawings, dimensions and main connections

Before you begin assembling a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands, you need to draw a detailed plan of the entire structure indicating the exact dimensions of all elements. This will help calculate the exact amount of materials of each type and calculate the cost of construction.

Drawing of a canopy made from a profile pipe indicating the main overall dimensions

In addition, it is advisable to make an additional drawing of the most complex structures. In this case, it is a single-pitched truss and the fastening points of its main elements.

Scheme for making a truss from a profile pipe for a canopy with the main fastening units

One of the main advantages of a profile pipe is the possibility of a faceless connection. This is manifested in the simplicity of the design and low cost of the truss with a length of rafter spans of up to 30 m. In this case, the roofing material can rest directly on the upper chord of the truss, provided it is sufficiently rigid.

Fastening points for assembling a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands, in the photo a - a triangular lattice, b - a support lattice, c - a diagonal lattice

The advantages of a bevelless welded connection are:

  • Significant reduction in truss weight, compared to riveted or bolted structures, up to 20% and 25%, respectively.
  • Reducing labor costs and manufacturing costs, both for single products and for small-scale production.
  • Low cost of welding and the ability to automate the process by using devices with a device for continuous feeding of welded wire.
  • Equal strength of the weld and the products being connected.

Disadvantages include:

  • The need to have quite expensive equipment;
  • Experience required in welding work Oh.

Bolted connections in the production of products from profile pipes are quite common. They are usually used in collapsible canopies made of profile pipes or in products produced for mass consumption.

Bolted connections are the simplest for installing a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands, photo of the attached frame element

The main advantages of such connections are:

  • Easy to assemble;
  • No additional equipment required;
  • Possibility of complete dismantling of the structure.


  • The weight of the structure increases;
  • Additional fasteners required;
  • The strength and reliability of bolted connections is somewhat lower than welded ones.

Summing up

The article examined the design and methods of making the simplest single-pitch canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands, however, profiled pipe is a rather “flexible” material from which complex and aesthetically attractive structures can be made.

A complex design for creating a canopy from a corrugated pipe with your own hands, photo of a lean-to, dome structure

  • Sheds are classified as the simplest structures that are erected on a suburban or summer cottage. They are used for a variety of purposes: as a parking lot, storage area and many other options.

    Structurally, the canopy is extremely simple. This

    • frame, the main element of which is trusses for canopies, which are responsible for the stability and strength of the structure;
    • coating. It is made of slate, polycarbonate, glass or corrugated sheet;
    • additional elements. As a rule, these are decoration elements that are located inside the structure.

    The design is quite simple, and it also weighs little, so you can assemble it with your own hands right on the site.

    However, in order to get a practical, correct canopy, you first need to ensure its strength and long-term operation. To do this, you should know how to calculate a truss for a canopy, make it yourself and weld it or buy ready-made ones.

    Metal trusses for canopies

    This design consists of two belts. The upper and lower chords are connected through braces and vertical posts. It is able to withstand significant loads. One such product, weighing from 50–100 kg, can replace metal beams three times larger in weight. With proper calculation, the metal truss in, channels or does not deform or bend when exposed to loads.

    A metal frame experiences several loads at the same time, which is why it is so important to know how to calculate a metal truss in order to accurately find the equilibrium points. This is the only way the structure can withstand even very high impacts.

    How to choose material and cook them correctly

    Creation and self installation canopies are possible with small dimensions of the structure. Trusses for canopies, depending on the configuration of the belts, can be made of profiles or steel angles. For relatively small structures, it is recommended to choose profile pipes.

    Such a solution has a number of advantages:

    • The load-bearing capacity of a profile pipe is directly related to its thickness. Most often, to assemble the frame, a material with a square cross-section of 30-50x30-50 mm is used, and for small structures, pipes of a smaller cross-section are suitable.
    • For metal pipes They are characterized by greater strength and yet they weigh much less than a solid metal bar.
    • Pipes are bent - a quality necessary when creating curved structures, for example, arched or domed.
    • The price of trusses for sheds is relatively small, so buying them will not be difficult.

    On a note

    The metal frame will last much longer if it is protected from corrosion: treated with a primer and painted.

    • On such a metal frame you can conveniently and quite simply lay almost any sheathing and roofing.

    Methods for connecting profiles

    How to weld a canopy

    Among the main advantages of profile pipes, the non-shaped connection should be noted. Thanks to this technology, a truss for spans not exceeding 30 meters is structurally simple and relatively inexpensive. If its upper belt is sufficiently rigid, then the roofing material can be supported directly on it.

    Unshaped welded joint has a number of advantages:

    • The weight of the product is significantly reduced. For comparison, we note that riveted structures weigh 20%, and bolted structures weigh 25% more.
    • Reduces labor and manufacturing costs.
    • welding cost is low. Moreover, the process can be automated if you use devices that allow uninterrupted feeding of welded wire.
    • the resulting seam and the attached parts are equally strong.

    One of the disadvantages is the need to have experience in welding.

    Bolt-on mounting

    Bolted connections of profile pipes are not used very rarely. It is mainly used for collapsible structures.

    The main advantages of this type of connection include:

    But at the same time:

    • The weight of the product increases.
    • Additional fasteners will be required.
    • Bolted connections are less strong and reliable than welded ones.

    How to calculate a metal truss for a canopy made from a profile pipe

    The structures being erected must be rigid and strong enough to withstand various loads, therefore, before installing them, it is necessary to calculate a truss from a profile pipe for a canopy and draw up a drawing.

    When calculating, as a rule, they resort to the help of specialized programs taking into account the requirements of SNiP (“Loads, impacts”, “Steel structures”). You can calculate a metal truss online using the metal profile canopy calculator. If you have the appropriate engineering knowledge, you can carry out the calculation yourself.

    On a note

    If the main design parameters are known, you can look for a suitable finished project, among those posted on the Internet.

    Design work is carried out on the basis of the following initial:

    • Drawing. The configuration of the frame belts depends on the type of roof: single or gable, hip or arched. The most simple solution can be considered a single-pitched truss made from a profile pipe.
    • Design dimensions. The larger the trusses are installed, the greater the load they can withstand. The angle of inclination is also important: the greater it is, the easier it will be to remove snow from the roof. For the calculation, you will need data on the extreme points of the slope and their distance from each other.
    • Dimensions of roofing material elements. They play a crucial role in determining the pitch of the trusses for a canopy, say. By the way, this is the most popular coating for structures built on their own plots. They bend easily, so they are suitable for constructing curved coverings, for example, arched ones. All that matters is how to do it right calculate a polycarbonate canopy.

    The calculation of a metal truss from a profile pipe for a canopy is performed in a certain sequence:

    • determine the span corresponding to the technical specifications;
    • to calculate the height of the structure, substitute the span dimensions according to the presented drawing;
    • set the slope. According to the optimal shape of the roof of the structure, the contours of the belts are determined.

    On a note

    The maximum possible pitch of trusses for a canopy when using a profile pipe is 175 cm.

    How to make a polycarbonate truss

    The first step in making your own trusses from a profile pipe for a canopy is to draw up a detailed plan, which should indicate the exact dimensions of each element. In addition, it is advisable to prepare an additional drawing of structurally complex parts.

    As you can see, before you make trusses yourself, you need to be well prepared. Let us note once again that while when choosing the shape of a product they are guided by aesthetic considerations, to determine structural type and the number of constituent elements, a design path is required. When testing for strength metal structure It is also necessary to take into account data on atmospheric loads in a given region.

    The arc is considered an extremely simplified variation of the truss. This is one profiled pipe with a round or square cross-section.

    Obviously, this is not only the simplest solution, it is also cheaper. However, polycarbonate canopy poles have certain disadvantages. In particular, this concerns their reliability.

    arched canopies photos

    Let's analyze how the load is distributed in each of these options. The design of the truss ensures uniform distribution of the load, that is, the force acting on the supports will be directed, one might say, strictly downward. This means that the support pillars perfectly resist compression forces, that is, they can withstand the additional pressure of the snow cover.

    The arches do not have such rigidity and are not able to distribute the load. To compensate for this kind of impact, they begin to unbend. The result is a force placed on the supports at the top. If we take into account that it is applied to the center and directed horizontally, then the slightest error in calculating the base of the pillars will, at the very least, cause their irreversible deformation.

    An example of calculating a metal truss from a profile pipe

    The calculation of such a product assumes:

    • determination of the exact height (H) and length (L) of the metal structure. The latter value must exactly correspond to the span length, that is, the distance overlapping the structure. As for the height, it depends on the designed angle and contour features.

    In triangular metal structures, the height is 1/5 or ¼ of the length, for other types with straight belts, for example, parallel or polygonal - 1/8.

    • The angle of the grid braces ranges from 35–50°. On average it is 45°.
    • It is important to determine the optimal distance from one node to another. Usually the required gap coincides with the width of the panel. For structures with a span length of more than 30 m, it is necessary to additionally calculate the construction lift. In the process of solving the problem, you can obtain the exact load on the metal structure and select the correct parameters for the profile pipes.

    As an example, consider the calculation of trusses for a standard 4x6 m lean-to structure.

    The design uses a 3 by 3 cm profile, the walls of which are 1.2 mm thick.

    The lower belt of the product has a length of 3.1 m, and the upper one – 3.90 m. Between them, vertical posts made of the same profile pipe are installed. The largest of them has a height of 0.60 m. The rest are cut out in descending order. You can limit yourself to three racks, placing them from the beginning of the high slope.

    The areas that are formed in this case are strengthened by installing diagonal lintels. The latter are made of a thinner profile. For example, a pipe with a cross section of 20 by 20 mm is suitable for these purposes. At the point where the belts meet, stands are not needed. On one product you can limit yourself to seven braces.

    For 6 m of canopy length, use five similar designs. They are laid in increments of 1.5 m, connected by additional transverse jumpers made from a profile with a section of 20 by 20 mm. They are fixed to the upper chord, arranged in increments of 0.5 m. The polycarbonate panels are attached directly to these jumpers.

    Calculation of an arched truss

    The manufacture of arched trusses also requires precise calculations. This is due to the fact that the load placed on them will be distributed evenly only if the created arc-shaped elements have ideal geometry, that is, the correct shape.

Today, a canopy made from a profile pipe can be found in literally every yard. This can be either a small canopy over the porch or a spacious covered parking lot for several cars.

Popularity of this building material It’s clear - the structures turn out beautiful, strong, and the work on their construction takes very little time. In this article we will cover the main issues regarding the design of a canopy made from a profile pipe.

Canopy made from corrugated pipe: calculation, drawings, construction and types of fastenings

Special attention when making calculations requires large canopies - for a car, a swimming pool, a recreation area, etc. Small canopies for lean-to sheds You can do it yourself without taking into account SNiP.

How to calculate a canopy, drawings

The calculation of a polycarbonate canopy made from a profile pipe begins with creating a sketch. It reflects the desired type of construction and finishing, as well as approximate dimensions. We determine the exact parameters only after going to the site of the future location of the structure - we take measurements of the construction site and the wall of the house, if the frame of the canopy from a profile pipe is attached. The sketch can be made either manually or using a special program.

We make a canopy from a square pipe with our own hands: a sketch made in a computer program

Initial data for calculations: the house is 9 x 6 m, there is a free area (9 x 7 m) in front of its free side.

  • The canopy can be made the width of the entire wall of the house - 9 m, let the overhang be a meter shorter than the site - 6 m. We get a structure 6 x 9 m.
  • The optimal height of the low edge is 2.4 m, the high edge is raised to 3.5 or 3.6 m.
  • Based on the difference in height of the slope, we calculate its angle of inclination - it turns out to be 12 - 13 degrees.
  • We look at the wind and snow maps of our area and calculate the probable loads from them.
  • Based on the obtained figures, we select materials and proceed to drawing up a drawing of a canopy from a profile pipe.

Separate drawings must be made for the roof trusses. Several of their options are shown in the following figure.

Making trusses from profile pipes for a canopy: diagrams different types designs

Note:SNiP allows you to calculate a truss from a profile pipe for a canopy with a slope of 6 degrees. However, it is better to start from at least 8 degrees. This is due to the fact that a small slope in winter will create the problem of snow accumulation on the roof surface.

Drawing with dimensions

The process of making a canopy from a profile pipe

Making a small wall canopy from pipes is not at all difficult. We begin design calculations and selection of suitable materials. This process is described in the previous and next paragraphs. Next, according to the drawing, we mark the working site, or rather the location of the foundation pits on it.

  • We dig holes to the required depth.
  • Place a layer of crushed stone at the bottom.
  • We install embedded parts vertically into the holes.
  • Fill the hole with cement-sand-gravel mortar.

We weld squares of steel onto the lower ends of the racks, the size exactly matching the areas of the embedded parts. The bolt holes must also match. After the foundation pillars have hardened, we screw the posts to the mortgages.

How to fix a canopy made of corrugated pipe with your own hands: photo collage with an example of using an embedded part

Now we move on to assembling the roof frame. We mark the corrugated pipe and cut it into pieces of the required length. We first weld or bolt together the side trusses, then the front lintels, and at the very end we mount the elements of the bracing grids, if they are needed. In the process, we check the building level; you can also use magnetic corners. We lift the finished frame onto racks and fix it with hardware/weld it.

Canopy made of profile pipe, photo of roof fixation on racks

For your information: Before installing the roofing material, the corrugated pipe canopy must be painted or treated with an anti-corrosion compound. This is due to the fact that during the assembly process of the structure, the factory metal protection is damaged at the points where the fasteners enter.

Types of fastening elements to each other

Very often, canopies are assembled using through bolts or self-tapping screws. This method is good because you do not need welding in the process - not everyone knows welding techniques. All you need is the hardware itself and a drill with a metal drill. The diameter of the selected bolts/screws directly depends on the cross-section of the corrugated pipe - the salesperson at the building materials store will advise you on this matter.

We assemble canopies from a profile pipe with our own hands: photo of fastening with through bolts

Welding is no less popular for assembling canopies from corrugated pipe than bolts or self-tapping screws. A welding machine, electric or gas, is required for operation. The latter involves the use of a certain number of consumables. Welding provides a very strong fastening that does not violate the integrity of the body of the elements. For example, the same bolts require drilling holes, which weakens the entire structure.

Note:The disadvantage of such installation is the complexity of the process. Not everyone knows welding techniques at a level sufficient to assemble structures under heavy loads. Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself or do not have the opportunity to hire a specialist, it is better to give preference to bolts/screws.

How to make canopies from a profile pipe with your own hands: the photo shows the welds

Small canopies made of profiles with a cross-section of up to 25 mm are assembled using special clamps, or, in other words, a crab system. They are T-shaped - to connect three ends and X-shaped, to connect four ends. The clamps are tightened with bolts (6x20 or 6x35) with nuts - hardware is usually not included in the kit and must be purchased separately. The disadvantage of the crab system is that the elements are connected only at an angle of 90 degrees. Welding is not appropriate here, since the corrugated pipe of the specified section has a small wall thickness.

How you can fasten a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands: crab systems

For your information: The corrugated pipe has anti-corrosion treatment only on the outside; the inside metal surface remains susceptible to rusting. Therefore, all sections of the structural elements of the canopies must be closed with plugs.

Choosing a professional pipe for a canopy: size and cross-section

When choosing professional pipes for large canopies, you must use data from SNiP:

  • 01.07-85 - regulates the combination of snow loads and the weight of structural elements of the building.
  • P-23-81 – work with steel products.

Based on the data from these provisions and your own needs, you will need to decide on the following: choose the angle of the roof, the type of corrugated pipe for the racks and the type of trusses. For example, let’s take a wall-mounted canopy 4.7x9 m, the front edge of which will rest on the posts, the rear edge will be rigidly attached to the wall of the house. The location, for example, Krasnodar region. The optimal roof inclination angle for canopies of this type is 8 degrees. The snow load for a 4.7x9 m roof for this area will be 84 kg/m2.

Approximate weight one rack (2.2 m) - 150 kg, the vertical load on it will be 1.1 tons. A round corrugated pipe with a cross-section of 43 mm and with walls of 3 mm, popular in construction, will not work here, the minimum values ​​are 50 mm and 4 mm. The square pipe can be 45 mm with a wall of 4 mm.

Table of correspondence between wall thickness and section

The simplest and convenient option trusses - two parallel belts with a diagonal lattice. With a truss height of 40 cm, a square corrugated pipe with a cross-section of 35 mm and a wall of 4 mm is better suited for chords, and 25 mm and 3 mm for diagonal gratings. The connection system must go along racks and trusses.

Example of a roof truss

The construction of a canopy from profile pipes of various sections in combination with corrugated sheets or cellular polycarbonate is the most popular material for arranging cornices, canopies, awnings of various types and purposes. A canopy made from a profile pipe is erected over: a veranda or terrace, a gazebo, a porch, a children's playground and a car parking lot. The main thing is to choose the right cross-section, wall thickness, decide on the type of fastening and calculate the dimensions of the structure.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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Our article will tell you about the main points that need to be taken into account when building cornices from corrugated pipe.

Advantages of profile pipes for the construction of sheds

There are special requirements for canopies. They must withstand significant wind and snow loads depending on the region, look presentable, emphasize the overall style of the house, and reliably protect the space from precipitation. And the profile pipe is a material that can satisfy all these requirements.

Among the advantages we highlight:

  • the presence of many sizes and shapes of sections. The best option there is one for a summer swing and an outbuilding;
  • the correct geometric shape (square, rectangle), the presence of stiffening ribs, and additional heat treatment ensure operation for many years without deformation or replacement;
  • good strength characteristics. The profile pipe can be bent to give it the desired shape. The quality does not suffer from this;
  • the connection of individual elements is carried out both by welding and by bolts and anchors;
  • the frame can be either stationary or collapsible. IN the latter case it is necessary to take care of collapsible fasteners, thin but strong supports, and installation sites.

Mandatory points

Before starting construction of the canopy, you need to decide on the following points:

  • placement. Consider the subsequent use, size of the plot, cardinal directions, and the presence of slopes. It is not recommended to build in a depression. Or you will have to arrange it first drainage system.

If we are talking about a recreation area, choose sunny or, conversely, shady areas away from the eyes of neighbors. it is better to do it closer to the house, and the household one - in the backyard;

  • permanent or temporary. In the first case, a foundation or a stationary site with an asphalt or concrete surface is built. Can be laid with paving stones or tiles. In the second option, a flat place and a wind-resistant structure are enough. It is important to understand that the higher the structure, the greater the likelihood of capsizing in gusts of wind;
  • form. In the simplest version, it is set up adjacent to the house and intended for a car and storage of household supplies. More complex forms: with two or more slopes, in the form of a dome, arch, etc. are used for recreation areas, verandas, terraces. When choosing them, think about how to calculate the structure, whether it is possible to bend the pipes in the desired way, how to calculate the load, etc.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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It is important to compare the task assigned to the visor and its shape. A simple pitched or gable roof is suitable for a car. The dome or arch will have to be made very large, which will lead to loss of stability. And for a small canopy over the porch, a more fancy version of the shape is chosen.

Construction stages

Any construction involves certain stages. And a do-it-yourself canopy made from a profile pipe is no exception. Do not neglect any of them, so as not to later face the need for rework or complete replacement.

Development of a sketch or drawing

A sketch, drawing, or project must be created for the following reasons:

  • you can see how the structure will look when the work is completed;
  • material calculation. Then you won’t have to urgently buy another meter or two of profile pipe or think about what to do with the excess;
  • calculation of the load on the foundation, determination of dimensions, number of supports.

When developing a drawing, take into account the optimal angle of inclination (we are talking about a single or double slope canopy), which complies with the regulatory documents:

  • 22-30 degrees is the optimal slope for northern regions, areas with large volumes of snow in winter. The structure will not “collapse” after the first snowfall, and you will not have to constantly clear it of excess weight. As a ceiling, use asbestos sheets, metal tiles, cellular polycarbonate;
  • 15-22 degrees. An angle of this size is best chosen for regions with strong constant or periodic winds. The maximum span width is 20 meters. The roof is made of corrugated metal, metal tiles, corrugated sheets;
  • up to 15 degrees. With this angle of inclination, small verandas are equipped. Corrugated sheeting or cellular polycarbonate is used as a ceiling.

Make a drawing or sketch on a certain scale in order to be able to calculate the required amount of material. First, look through the information on the Internet and regular building materials stores, metal warehouses and find out in what volumes and how the profile pipe is sold: in tons or meters. In the first case, it is necessary, using special tables, to convert the resulting footage into tons and kilograms.

When making a purchase, make a reserve of 5-10%. There is always a risk of purchasing one or two defective pipes per batch. In addition, if you do not have experience in such work, you can ruin something in the first stages.

Site preparation

The area under the canopy must be perfectly level. This will help to avoid distortions, and you won’t have to walk over bumps and grooves later.

Grass and any vegetation, if you do not plan to use a geo-grid, must be removed. One dandelion is enough for the asphalt to become covered with cracks in a year or two. Communications, cable systems, water supply, and sewage systems should not pass under the designated area. In the event of a breakdown or accident, the canopy will have to be dismantled, the covering removed and all work carried out again.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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If the groundwater in the area is located high enough, lay a drainage system in advance (special pipes at a depth of 60-70 cm). Water will not accumulate on the site, there will be no puddles.

Along the perimeter of the proposed canopy, pegs are installed in the places where the supports will be located. If you plan to not only level the area, but asphalt it, fill it with concrete or lay it with tiles, the soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm. Sand is poured onto the bottom and thoroughly compacted. Next comes a layer of crushed stone. Sand is again poured under the tiles and carefully leveled. After this, apply the finishing coat.

Installation of supports

For canopy supports, choose a corrugated pipe with a diameter of at least 80 mm. Less is not recommended due to the significant load. In the places where the pegs are installed, wells are drilled to a depth of 80-90 cm. The bottom is covered with sand and compacted. Next, a cushion is made from crushed stone, on which poles for the canopy are already placed.

While working, make sure that there were no deviations from the vertical. Otherwise, the design will look sloppy. The optimal distance between supports is no more than 1.5 meters. It is better to focus on the width of the roofing material. For reliability at the bottom of each pipe round or square plate is welded on. It will prevent the soil from subsequently “pushing” the support out of the ground and will provide additional adhesion to the concrete.

Leave the canopy supports filled with sand-cement mixture for several days so that the foundation gains strength. During this time, prepare the frame.

Frame preparation

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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Carry out welding and assembly work on the ground. It is easier to lift the finished structure to the top than to monitor and correct deviations from the horizontal and vertical.

Cut the workpieces according to the drawing. At the first stage, the side trusses are connected into a single structure, to which the front lintels are already welded. Next, diagonal gratings are installed, if provided for by the project. All parts are coated with anti-corrosion compounds and painted in the chosen color.

Using a crane or winch, the finished metal frame is lifted up and fixed on the racks. The optimal fastening option is welding. If the paintwork is damaged during installation, carefully paint over the scratches.

If you do not have a welding machine or sufficient experience working with it, connect the individual parts using through bolts. Important: the length of the bolt exceeds the diameter of the profile pipe. Equally important: the presence of bolts and additional brackets increases the weight of the structure and makes it less reliable.

Drilling holes for fasteners must be done as carefully as possible. All joints are additionally treated with anti-corrosion compounds, as the risk of rust increases significantly.

Another mounting option is crab systems. But it is acceptable for small sheds if the diameter of the profile pipe is less than 25 mm. The main disadvantage of clamps is that they do not allow you to create shaped grilles. All parts must meet at an angle of 90 degrees. Crab systems are also applicable for frames made of plastic pipes.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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Close all sections of the professional pipe with special plugs so that water does not get inside and corrosion processes do not develop.

Choosing roofing material

When choosing a material for making a roof, be guided by your preferences, the general architectural design of the building, and the objectives of the canopy. We will talk about the properties of each material, advantages and disadvantages:

  • slate. Does not require extensive work experience. Does not come in a variety of colors and weighs a lot;
  • corrugated sheeting The color range is quite extensive. The disadvantage is the high price. More suitable for a canopy over a parking lot or utility yard;
  • cellular polycarbonate. It has good aesthetic qualities, retains color and appearance for many years. It transmits the sun's rays well, thereby creating a slight greenhouse effect. It is better not to leave the car under such a canopy.

It is not difficult to make a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands. The main thing is to draw up a competent drawing, measure all the dimensions and strictly follow it. If you do not have experience working with a welding machine, contact a specialist.

DIY construction of a canopy from a profile pipe