How are points counted in backgammon? How to play classic backgammon: basic concepts, short and long rules for beginners

Rules of playing backgammon

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Backgammon - what kind of game is it and why is it so popular? The game is designed for a duel between two opponents or even two teams. The history of its origin goes back to ancient times, when Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs. Entertainment similar to the one in question was found by archaeologists in the tomb of Tutankhamun. And this is the fifteenth century BC!

There are many legends dedicated to the history of the birth of the game. One of them says that it was invented by a sage named Vazurgmihr, advisor to the king of Persia. This was a response to the Indians, who sent chess to their neighbors in order to test their ingenuity. The Persian sage not only managed to easily cope with the challenge and quickly understand the basic principles of chess, but also came up with a game of backgammon with rules of the game that the inhabitants of India could not figure out for a long time.

The very word used to name the fun comes from the Indian name of a plant intended for the production of oil and incense in the country - this is one version of the origin of the name. Entertainment is known in many countries and is called differently in each. For example, in Spain - tablero, in Turkey - tavla, in France - tritrac, in England - backgammon, in Italy - tavola reale.

At first, the fun in question was typical for the upper strata of society, but over time it became a favorite pastime, including among the common people. It was especially popular among residents of states located in the Mediterranean region and in the east.

In 1743, a list of backgammon rules was published, authored by an Englishman named Edmond Hoyle. At the moment, every year around the planet there are about a thousand different competitions and tournaments dedicated to this fun. The number of her fans is growing day by day, and this is not surprising, because it perfectly develops strategic and logical thinking, improves memory and mathematical abilities, forces concentration and promotes the development of spatial imagination. That is why children can be introduced to the rules of classic backgammon from the age of 5 to 6 years.

Backgammon rules for beginners

We will consider backgammon, the rules of the game and its main accessories in detail below. The duel between opponents takes place on a rectangular playing field. It is marked in a certain way and has such components as:

  • bar - vertical line in the middle;
  • points - twelve elongated triangles on each side of the participant;
  • house - six united points.

The game uses thirty stones: fifteen white for one opponent and fifteen black for the other. Players will also need regular dice - cubes with dots on sides from one to six. Having familiarized yourself with the list of necessary equipment, you can safely begin to study backgammon and instructions for beginners.

Backgammon arrangement

Unlike checkers, in backgammon the instructions say that it is not the owner of the white checkers who goes first, but the participant who wins the draw made with the help of dice receives the white checkers. The second and subsequent moves occur in turn. IN classic version The movement of stones across the field is carried out in a circle counterclockwise. The stones must travel almost a full circle around the playing field, that is, they must arrive on the opposite side of the field, relative to the place from which they started moving.

First, the participants' chips are placed along the left edge of the field, in the twelfth and twenty-fourth points, respectively. This arrangement of stones is called a head. The player then rolls the dirs and makes a move. Opponents move in their own color, taking one chip from each head. The number of points on the dice determines how many points you can move the chips across the field. The instructions for playing backgammon say that the participant who comes to the house with all the checkers and is the first to throw all the stones beyond its borders wins.

Backgammon for beginners - features

Playing backgammon is not difficult if you know the rules. The player throws two zara at once. Then he moves the chips by the number of points that appeared on the dice. Example: at dawn the numbers two and five came up, which means one chip moves to 2, and the second - to 5. During the first move, they usually move one checker per number of points, equal to the sum points rolled on two dice. For example, if the numbers two and five are rolled at dawn, then the player moves the chip by 7 points (2+5). But if during the first move a participant gets doubles (3*3, 4*4, 6*6), then he has the opportunity to use two checkers. During subsequent steps, the player can move with 1 stone, or make two moves with different checkers, remove one from the head, and move the second forward. He also has the right to move two checkers, which he has already moved before.

If a participant has the opportunity to move with 2 stones, then in backgammon the rules of the game for beginners prohibit making a move with only one. The player moves 1 checker if it is not possible to place a second one. Moreover, even when it is not profitable for him, the partner must make a move on the largest number rolled on the dice.

Any number of checkers can be collected on the 1st field, but if the opponent’s piece is there, then you can’t put your own there. If the partner is lucky and doubles appear on the dice, then the game of backgammon and the rules of the game for beginners state that he can step four times.

Backgammon rules - easy and accessible

When all the pieces have arrived at the house, the participant begins to take them out of the field. Backgammon is a game and the rules of the game say that chips can come out if the participant’s discarded dice show a number of points equal to the number of the field on which the stone is located. If a number appears on the die, and there is no longer a stone on the corresponding field, then the chip is removed from the smaller point. If the player benefits from this, then he may not remove the piece from the field. The winner is the one who removed the checkers from the board first.

The game has its secrets and tricks, but it is better to get acquainted with them when you have mastered the basic instructions for it. The more often a person practices, the faster he will become an experienced gamer.

Rules for playing long backgammon

Historians are inclined to believe that backgammon originated in the East. But there is no clear opinion on this matter, and many disputes still arise. One of the legends says that the Persians invented the game. They did this in revenge on the Indians, who decided to test their ingenuity with the help of chess. Not only did the Persians easily cope with the test, but they also sent their competitors a game of long backgammon without rules of the game, which the Indians could not solve for about twelve years. The fun has reached our time, practically unchanged. Now it is known in many countries of the world and each has its own name. In large cities, clubs for connoisseurs of this entertainment are organized, friendly meetings, tournaments, and championships are held.

There are many varieties of fun, but the most famous are short and long. In this article we will look at long backgammon and the rules of the game for beginners.

The duel takes place between two participants on the playing field in the form of a rectangle. It is divided into two equal parts, on which there are twelve elongated triangles, called points. There are twenty-four of them on the field, and it is along them that opponents move their stones. Thirty stones are involved in the battle, fifteen white ones belong to the first participant and fifteen black ones belong to his opponent. The color of the stones in the game affects the priority of the move, white goes first. The number of steps a participant will take on the board depends on the number rolled on the dice.

Backgammon can be played by learning its basic rules and instructions. This type of fun is popular mainly in the former republics of the Soviet Union.

At the beginning of the battle, each participant receives fifteen stones of a contrasting color and places them along the left edge of the field. Who goes first is determined by a draw. The partners throw out coins; the one who gets the higher number plays white and starts the fight.

In order to win, the player needs to move the stones, walk a circle around the board in the opposite direction of the clockwise movement, and bring them home (the last, lower right quarter of the field). Bringing the last checker into the house is necessary by using the larger number drawn. Then you need to throw all the checkers off the board.

Long backgammon rules are available to everyone

After the partners have decided who will be the first to start the battle, they take turns throwing out the zara. The numbers that fall on them show how many points the player can move his stones. At the beginning of the fight, the partners capture the most advantageous positions. Only one chip is allowed to be removed from the head in one move, with the exception of doubles 6, 4, 3 on the first throw. When they fall out, you can move with two pieces taken from the head, since you won’t be able to make a move with one.

Having thrown two zara at the same time, the participant moves. If, for example, the numbers 1 and 6 appear on the dice, then he moves one chip by 1, the second by 6 points, or the only one by the sum of the numbers drawn (1+6). It is allowed to take only one figure from the head, except in cases of exceptions. If a participant is lucky and gets a double on his dice, then the number of his moves is doubled.

The number of chips on one hole is not limited. It is prohibited to place your own on a hole where there is already an opponent's chip. During a backgammon match, according to the long rules of the game, building blocks (more than six chips in a row) is allowed only if at least one of the opponent’s chips is in front of this block. There are times when a gamer cannot move, then he misses a move. If you can make a full move, then even when it is not profitable for the gamer, he cannot refuse. So, if there are 4 dots on the dawn, and it is more profitable for the player to step on 3, then he, nevertheless, is obliged to step on 4. There are situations when the gamer can only take one step, then for him he must use the larger number that fell on bones.

In the final part of the match, the participant must throw the pieces out of the field. The gamer uses the numbers that fall out on the dice at his own discretion: either he uses them to throw out pieces, or he moves them inside the house. When, for example, 3 and 5 appear on the dice, the gamer can remove pieces from the third and fifth points, respectively. If there are no checkers on these fields, then you are allowed to remove them from the triangle with a number lower than the drawn numbers, but only if there are also no chips left on the triangle with a higher number.

Fun does not involve a draw. As soon as the first player's dominoes left the field, the second player automatically lost. But, in the parameters of the game, it is possible to play with the right of the last move for Black, since White started the game, in a word, to equalize the chances of winning.

The game also has a game ending option of "Mars" and "Oin". When choosing the “Mars” option, players will have their additional “Mars” bet removed at the beginning of the game, and if the Mars layout is followed, the winner will receive double the loser’s bet, and the loser will lose his entire bet. And if the Mars layout is not completed, then both players’ bets on “Mars” will be returned to the participants. If you select the "Oin" option, no additional bets are removed and no additional payouts are made.

Long backgammon placement is important

In the entertainment under consideration, all your steps and those of your opponent must be calculated from the beginning of the fight. Otherwise, the chances of winning are catastrophically small. Experienced gamers know some secrets of fun that have a beneficial effect on the outcome of the fight. Observation and attentiveness will not be superfluous. First of all, pay attention to the opponent’s first step; after analyzing it, you can calculate the further development of events in the game several moves ahead.

Tips for beginners:

  • 1. Try to take three or more points from your opponent’s head and don’t let your opponent do it.
  • 2. Place the stones further than the sixth triangle, this way you can easily get into the desired third quarter.
  • 3. Try to always have something to move when you get a double, otherwise you will lose your advantage. Often it is a double that turns the tide of a fight.
  • 4. Advance quickly. To do this, move the pieces of the second quarter to the third in one move.
  • 5. As soon as your opponent's pieces approach the first quarter, try to close their move.

But you cannot underestimate the enemy. An experienced gamer also knows the above secrets, so think carefully about your protection. Remember that knowing secrets is not enough to win, you need to use them at the right time. Always look ahead, think through your moves and analyze your opponent's moves - without this, it is almost impossible to win the game. If you get the opportunity to play with an experienced gamer, do not miss it, because this is a chance to learn from their skills and abilities.

Rules for playing short backgammon

The fun has not lost its popularity for about five thousand years. The exact place and time of its appearance are unknown to anyone, but there are many legends dedicated to the history of its occurrence. Connoisseurs of the game believe that it forces you to think strategically, concentrate attention and calculate actions several steps ahead. This is precisely why children from five to six years old begin to master the basic rules of entertainment.

Fans of fun spend a lot of time at the board, and frequent competitions, tournaments and just friendly meetings only awaken their interest. The official rules were approved in 1743, and it is on the basis of them that world-class championships are held.

In Western countries, this type of entertainment called short backgammon has become more widespread; we will consider their rules of the game in this article.

Two people participate in a duel. To start the battle, players will need: a board, thirty chips of two contrasting colors and dice. The playing field includes twenty-four points, which are divided into four zones: house, opponent's house, yard, opponent's yard. The line between the house and the yard is called the bar.

Backgammon short rules The following arrangement is provided: each partner has 5 figures in the 6th triangle, 2 in the 24th, 3 in the 8th, 5 in the 13th.

The participant's task is to make a full circle around the field, bring the pieces back home, and then remove them from the board.

Who will make the first move is determined as follows: each participant in turn throws one zara, and whoever has the higher number starts the duel. If the same number of dots are dropped, players roll until different ones are dropped. In the future, both bones are used. The checkers always move in a circle.

The values ​​on the dice are determined. how many pips a gamer can move chips. The pieces move strictly in one direction: white - clockwise, black - counter-clockwise. The stone moves only to the triangle on which there are no 2 or more opponent pieces.

The values ​​rolled on the dice are the player's individual moves. So, if the numbers 2 and 3 come up, then the gamer moves to 2 fields with one chip and 3 fields with another, in some cases he moves to 5 with one chip at once. A dropped double allows the participant to step four times.

Rules for playing short backgammon for beginners

Both numbers drawn at dawn must be used. When only one value can be used, the gamer must make it happen. When each number can be played separately, then it is necessary to play with a large one. The participant gives way if there is no opportunity to take a step.

A blot is a triangle with only one chip. When the opponent's checker arrives at this point, it hits the opponent and his piece moves to the bar. Thus, when playing, you should try to place two or more pieces in one triangle, protecting them from the danger of being beaten. When a participant has pieces on the bar, they need to be charged. The number that appears on the discarded die returns the checker to the point with the corresponding number.

Then, in short backgammon, after all the arrangements, movements and return of 15 stones home, the gamer needs to throw them out of the field. To do this, you need to throw the dice, and the stones standing on the triangles whose numbers correspond to the numbers dropped are removed from the board. Example: 3 points are rolled - the piece standing on point number three is removed. If the rolled value indicates an empty triangle, then you can move the chip from points whose number is less than the number of rolled points on the die.

The winner will be the participant who can throw out 15 of his pieces faster than his opponent. The instructions for the entertainment in question are simple, therefore, after studying it, users will be able to familiarize themselves with the basics of the game, and several fights will add confidence in their own abilities.

The rules of playing Caucasian backgammon are similar to the rules of short backgammon, the difference is small nuance. The basic principles are quite easy for beginners to master, but in order to defeat an opponent, the player will need logical thinking and, of course, luck.

The battle is carried out by two participants on the playing field, which includes 24 holes (triangle). They are divided into 4 groups, 6 pieces in each. This is the house and yard of one player and the house and yard of his opponent. A line called a bar separates the participants' house and yard. Each item has its own serial number. Numbering is carried out for each gamer separately. Each opponent has fifteen checkers at his disposal. Their arrangement is as follows: in the 24th triangle there are two, in the 13th there are five, in the 8th there are three, in the 6th there are five.

The main task of the participants is to, after making a full circle around the field, return all the checkers to the house, and then remove them from the field. The one who managed to do this first wins.

Movement of figures

Partners take turns rolling the dice and moving around the field in accordance with the numbers that fall on them. Movement on the board occurs in opposite directions for the opponents. A piece can only be placed on an open cell, that is, on a point with 2 or more opponent’s stones.

The values ​​on each of the 2 dice are separate moves. In case of a double, the value on each die is played twice, the gamer must use two value values. When the situation is such that it is possible to play a single number, he is obliged to do so. If you can move the checkers individually according to the values ​​rolled, you need to play with the larger number rolled. The gamer skips a move if he cannot make it.

How to break a stone

A blot is a triangle containing a single figure. The blot is considered beaten and moves to the bar when the partner's chip stops in this triangle. If one or more chips land on the bar, the player's first priority is to remove them. The checker can be returned to the playing field by using the number of dots on the die to indicate the point number. If the holes corresponding to the dice values ​​are not free, the gamer gives way to the opponent.

A distinctive feature of Caucasian backgammon is that a player cannot beat a partner’s chip in his house and then hide. That is, if your stone has captured an enemy piece, you will not be able to place it on a cell next to your other stone during the same move. But at the same time, you can remove your checker from the field or place your other stone on the attacking one and move it further.

How to remove stones from the field

When 15 checkers are in the house, you can start removing them from the board. By throwing a couple of bets, the gamer can throw stones from holes whose numbers match the numbers on the dice beyond the boundaries of the field. If a number is rolled out, and the triangle with the corresponding number is empty, you can remove a chip from a point whose number is greater than the number of points dropped. There can be no draw in a Caucasian backgammon match. The participant whose chips are the first to leave the playing field wins.

Backgammon has been popular for thousands of years. The game captivates participants, develops memory, mental calculation, teaches strategic thinking and does not require special knowledge. For beginners, it will take a little time to figure out how to play backgammon.

Backgammon is board game for two participants. The set includes:

The set includes:

  • board - a field divided into two identical parts, lined with 24 triangles (points, holes) of two colors;
  • cubes (bones) - 2 pcs.,
  • chips (checkers) - 30 pieces, 15 pieces per player, black and white.

Purpose of the game: opponents must drive all the pieces of their color across the playing field and return them to their half of the board in order to remove them later.

The goal of the game is to move the chips to the other half of the board.

There are many assumptions, hypotheses and proven facts about the history of the game. According to one version, backgammon originates in Persia. The predecessor of the game in its modern form is called the Roman tabula. A similar pastime, senet, was popular among the Egyptians as early as 3500 BC.

The name of the game itself is translated as “brave Ardashir” (Iranian king). In other countries it is called by different names, sometimes implying similar games:

  • backgammon;
  • tavla;
  • shesh-besh;
  • cat, etc.

Backgammon is often compared to chess and combined into a common group of games, but they are very different. Backgammon is different simple rules and average level of strategy.

Varieties of backgammon

There are many independent types of games. The most popular are short and long backgammon. They differ:

  • Initial placement of chips. In short backgammon, checkers are placed by players as follows: 2 pieces each. on 24 peaks, 5 pcs. at 13 and 6 points, 3 pcs. - on 8. In long backgammon, all 15 chips are placed on one cell.
  • Direction of movement. In short backgammon the pieces move towards each other, while in long backgammon the pieces move in one direction.
  • Placement in cells. In long backgammon, you cannot place a checker if there is at least one enemy piece on this triangle. In short, the cell is blocked only if there are more than 2 other people’s chips.
  • The role of luck in winning. In long backgammon, chance plays a big role, and in short backgammon, victory depends mainly on the skill of the player.

Most amateur players prefer long backgammon. This is due to their simplicity and accessibility.

Rules for playing long backgammon

The game begins with the first move. Opponents distribute chips among themselves according to color preferences. Everyone takes a die and throws it on the board where their pieces are located.

The right to move first is determined by rolling the dice.

After discarding, the player with the highest number on the dice (from one to six) starts the game. If the opponents have the same number, then the reset continues until someone gets a higher number.

Location of chips

There are 24 cells on the game board, each of which represents one step. The left half of the board, connecting the 1st to 6th triangles, is called the “house”. The right part, including peaks from the 7th to the 12th, is the courtyard. The other 12 points for the opponent are divided similarly.

The placement of chips in long backgammon.

Checkers are placed in a column in the upper right corner on a peak in the amount of 15 pieces. This area of ​​the board is called the "head". In the lower left corner there are the same number of chips of a different color.

The movement of the figures is counterclockwise. The player’s task is to get the checkers into his house faster than his opponent.

Roll of the dice

For the first move after drawing lots, the dice must be discarded again.

The player discards two dice onto his side of the board. You need to reroll the dice if:

  • the cube rolled onto someone else's field;
  • the dice ended up on different boards after being thrown;
  • fell on top of the chip;
  • stood upright.

It is customary to mix the dice in a special glass lined with fabric, although for amateur games you can use your hands.

Chip movement

At the participant's discretion, two or one checkers are moved. For example, the dice showed “5” and “2”:

  • you can move one checker five cells, and then the second one two;
  • or move one piece a total of seven steps.

If a double is rolled, the player makes 4 moves with that number of steps.

If the dice have the same values, the player can make 4 moves at once with that number of steps. This situation is called a jackpot, a gauche or a double. When the numbers 6-6, 4-4, 3-3 appear on the dice at the beginning of the game, two chips are removed from the head, since it will not be possible to make a full move due to the opponent’s checkers on the head.

For each move, the player makes from one to four moves with the chip, depending on the points scored on the dice. In all cases, movement is carried out in exact accordance with the value obtained on the die. You cannot move to two cells if the die rolls five.

Restrictions and illegal movements

There are the following restrictions when moving checkers on the board:

  1. You cannot occupy a triangle on which your opponent’s piece is already located.
  2. If it is possible to play with a checker on both numbers drawn, the movement is carried out in accordance with the larger value.
  3. Full Move Rule: You cannot move only one value on the dice if you can use both numbers.
  4. If it is impossible to move by any of the discarded values, then the move is transferred to the opponent.
  5. It is forbidden to skip a move, even if such a move is unprofitable for the player.
  6. With the exception of the first throw, only one checker is allowed to be removed from the “head” in one move. If one chip does not pass, then the second one is removed.

As long as the dice do not reach the opponent, the player has the right to change his move.

If a player breaks the rules and moves a piece incorrectly, the opponent may demand that the rules be followed and the move be repeated according to the number of dots on the dice. This is possible provided that the dice are not re-rolled.

Conclusion from the board

When 15 chips have gone all the way around and returned to the house, they need to be removed from the board. Figures are removed from the field according to the values ​​rolled on the dice. For example, if the numbers 2 and 5 fall on them, then the chips from the second and fifth spades are removed.

The player has the right to use the numbers rolled on the dice at his own discretion: remove a chip or make moves in the house.

It is allowed to withdraw a checker from a hole of a lower level if the peak corresponding to the value on the die is empty. For example, 5 points are rolled. If the peak is free, then remove the checker from the fourth point. If there is no chip on this triangle, then from the third, etc.

End of the game and possible results

The game ends when one of the opponents removes all his chips from the field.

Game results:

  1. Oin. If the loser managed to remove at least one checker from the board, the winner is awarded 1 point.
  2. Mars. If the loser does not remove a single piece from the board, the score is 2-0.

For head-to-head tournaments, the concept of “draw” was introduced...

Initially, there was no “draw” in classical backgammon, but the Backgammon Federation considered it necessary to introduce this concept for head-to-head tournaments. The order is as follows: the owner of the white chips starts the game. If he is the first to discard pieces, then the player with black checkers is given the right to make the last throw. If he manages to withdraw the chips, a draw is declared. Each player is awarded half a point.

Over the long history of the game, they managed to come up with universal tips that will help beginners in their first games:

  1. Try to take up as much space as possible in the houses - yours and your opponent's. On someone else's field you will be able to block the entry of new checkers into the game, but on your own you will not allow your chips to be locked up.
  2. Try to “spread” your checkers in a thin layer over the b O A larger number of cells is more efficient than building towers in two or three.
  3. Prepare in advance for a double, when you can make 4 moves at once. If you don't think about it, you may miss the advantage.
  4. Try to transfer chips from the second quarter to the third in one move - such a rapid attack will help confuse the opponent’s cards.

You will understand the remaining nuances during the game, because knowledge comes with practice. Don’t delay your training - you can find many online services on the Internet where you can fight with a real person online. This way you can look at other people's tactics and experiment with your own.

Features of short backgammon

Having familiarized yourself with long backgammon, you can try short ones. In many ways, these types are similar, and once you understand one, you can quickly get used to the second. The main thing is to understand the difference between short and long backgammon:

  1. Location.
  2. Movement of chips.
  3. The ability to “eat” other people’s checkers.
  4. Possibility to double your bet in the game.

In general, the differences are minor, so just a couple of games and you will get used to the new rules of the game.

Location of chips

You can distinguish between long and short backgammon at first glance - the initial position of the chips varies greatly. If in the first they are all located strictly in the corners of the board, then here they are evenly scattered over the entire surface:

  • There are 5 pebbles on the 6th and 13th peaks.
  • On 8 - place 3 stones.
  • At point 24 - 2 stones.

The numbering goes for black chips - from the upper right corner, for white ones - from the lower right corner.

The placement of chips in short backgammon.

The location of the yard and house for the player with black chips is also different.

Chip movement

The dice are rolled in the same way as for long dice. But the movement of the game pieces is different: the checkers move towards each other: one player moves them clockwise, the other counterclockwise.

The chips move towards each other.

A few more important differences in the movement of checkers:

  • You can start moving from any tower, not just from the “head”.
  • You cannot occupy a triangle on which there are more than two opponent's checkers. Such a cell is called an “anchor”.
  • If there is one enemy piece on a hole, you can stand on this cell and “knock” the enemy piece into the bar. He will have to lead her all over the board again.

The last point requires detailed consideration, because this is one of the main features of short backgammon.

Eating and introducing checkers into the game

The central protruding part that divides the board in half is called a “bar.” A checker goes here if it stood alone on a cell and the opponent had the opportunity to place his piece on top.

A player who has at least one “eaten” checker cannot move others until he returns it to the board. A piece can be put back into play if the dice roll allows a move to a free triangle in the opponent's house area.

Belote is a hole with one opponent's chip.

There are many strategies for playing the game:

  • In one case, the player’s entire attention is paid to quickly bringing checkers into the house, and not to building traps for the opponent.
  • In another, the player builds a block of several checkers to impede the opponent's move, or holds an anchor on one hole until he can knock out the opponent's blot. This is the name for a triangle occupied by only one unprotected chip.

It's up to you to decide which tactics to follow.

Double Dice

The doubling cube (Dave) can be used by players to raise the stakes during the game. Powers of two from one to six are written on the faces of the bone: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

During the game, it is important to calculate its further development. At the beginning of the game, the die is placed on the bar in the middle of the board with the side with the number 64 up. Before discarding, the participant turns the die with the side with the number 2, thereby indicating that he wants to double the bet. The opponent must accept the new conditions or surrender at 1 victory point. In order to raise the bets again, the die is turned with the next side with the number 4, etc.

If the opponent immediately responds to a raise by doubling, “beaver” is used by agreement. You cannot double the game on the first move. Players can use “auto-double” - automatically doubling the bet when both participants roll equal numbers on the dice during the first turn.

Now learning to play backgammon has become much easier than before. After all, now you can find your opponent at any time on special online sites. You can play both long and short backgammon, depending on what you like. Every day, honing your skills, improving your style and facing opponents of different levels.

Thousands of people on our planet are addicted to backgammon, which in English-speaking countries is called backgammon. This ancient oriental fun occupies the top places in the ratings tabletop entertainment. Beginners think that victory or defeat depends on the roll of special dice - pay. You get a lot of points - you win, a few - you lose. Not everyone who has played at least once in their life knows: there are secrets to playing backgammon, and if you master them, you will wear the winner’s laurels without taking them off.

Backgammon tactics

Surely everyone knows the basics of backgammon, but if not, then here key points. Each participant places 15 checkers on his part of the board (in the house). The main task is to make a circle around the playing field and remove chips from the field faster than the enemy. The number of holes to which the checker is moved is determined by throwing the charge.

A thorough knowledge of the rules can hardly be called cunning. This is rather an immutable truth. Therefore, if you still have gaps in knowledge, fill the lack of knowledge immediately. This can be done on our website, where the rules are written in accessible and understandable language. After all, without knowledge of the theory you will not achieve mastery.

Secrets of playing backgammon

In a nutshell, the secrets of the famous types of backgammon are as follows: think carefully about each move, otherwise it is unlikely to be successful. The development of events depends on the initial movements of the chips, whether in long or short backgammon. Although the outcome of the fight also depends on whether the dice roll is successful, it is tactically correct to calculate the movements and predict the behavior of the opponent.

The tactics of playing backgammon are as follows: we move one checker from our own head, take the second one from another hole and, thus, slowly move towards the opponent’s head. Some experienced players advise choosing one of the possible strategies:

  • try to move forward by any means;
  • hold the defense until the last.

There is no mystery here, everything can be explained logically: if dawns fall more often big amount points, move forward. If with a little one, defend yourself. When playing backgammon, tactics will differ depending on the situation; you cannot predict all combinations in advance; there are no win-win games.

Logically speaking, when two opponents of the same skill level sit at the board, they have the same chance of winning. Then, to win, follow these tactics for playing long backgammon: don’t let your opponent score points and don’t lose points yourself. To prevent your opponent from gaining points, create positions in which he will not be able to move and will be forced to miss moves. At the same time, carefully place checkers in the house and think through combinations in advance so as not to lose points.

Tactics for playing long backgammon

The main secret of correct tactics is to anticipate the situation, and not just see what is happening on the playing field in front of your eyes. In other words, calculate possible consequences movements. Adherents of backgammon with a mathematical mindset made some calculations and found out that in order to get to the desired hole, try to stand 5-6 holes before it. Most often the total is the same number of points. This little trick will help even a beginner win.

What other secrets of playing long backgammon are known? Close holes for your opponent that he can get into, because we already know that usually the bets give 5-6 points when throwing. Use this tactic against your opponent.

The secrets of backgammon also include building a fence. A fence is called a battle participant's chips placed in three to six cells in a row. By lining up the fence correctly, create a winning combination. The point is that your opponent will have a shortage of moves, but you will have the opportunity to make a good, well-thought-out move. If you don’t scare your opponent with a fence of 3 chips, then when there are 4, 5 or 6 chips in a row, this is almost a winning combination.

Long backgammon tactics for playing with a computer

When playing long backgammon with a robot, the tactics remain the same. We defend or attack depending on the situation on the field and how lucky your day is today. Online backgammon also requires the player to have logical thinking and at least basic mathematical abilities. To win, play hundreds of games. It’s like in sports - the more you train, the closer you are to victory.

Use the secrets of long backgammon while playing with a robot or a person in the Free Club. Also, everyone will find the most popular games on our website: card games, chess, checkers, dominoes, roulette, etc.

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Backgammon is a very ancient and exciting game. One of the main and most common options is backgammon. They are recognized by the international community as a sports discipline, and official tournaments have been held for several years.

Not many people can boast of not so much a good backgammon game, but simply the ability to play, knowledge of certain rules. These are the basic conditions, having mastered which, you can play long backgammon quite competently and subsequently achieve a decent level.

The goal of playing this type of backgammon is to go through a full circle with all the checkers (counterclockwise), go into the house (the last quarter of the board to move) and throw them away before the opponent.

It is designed for two players. The tournament takes place on a special board, which is divided into left and right parts, where there are 15 checkers, each player having a different color. The right to the first move is determined by throwing out one zara (dice), the one with the most starts first. If the number of points is equal, then the bets are thrown again.

In the game "long backgammon", the rules allow you to invalidate an opponent's throw by saying the word "kestum" during the throw. When throwing, it is necessary that both zara fall and lie stably on one side in one half of the board. If this does not happen, then the throw is repeated. The number of points rolled determines how many “pips” the player can move the checkers. It is not allowed to move two checkers per number per die. If the same number of points (double, gauche, pash, jackpot) are dropped on both sets, they are doubled.

You can place an unlimited number of checkers on one field, but you cannot place them on an opponent’s square. You can block the passage of an enemy checker by lining up six of your checkers in a row. It is forbidden to block all 15 checkers of another player - at least one of someone else's checkers must go into the house.

If the player does not have a single move option, then the points thrown at the start disappear and the move goes to the opponent. If a situation arises where one move can be made, the player must choose the larger one.

The initial position of the checkers when playing backgammon is called the “head”, so the initial move is called “take from the head”, and it is allowed to remove only one checker per move (the exception is the first move, where 3:3, 4:4 and 6 coincide: 6). If these combinations appear on the first move, only two checkers are allowed to be removed. When the second player has more options If the coin falls out, with each option you can remove two checkers from your head. In addition to the opponent’s head, he will be hampered by those checkers that he had already removed before: if the opponent threw 2:1, 6:2 or 5:5 in the first throw, then the second player removes the second checker also with throws of 5: 5, 6:2 and 4:4.

There are many strategic and tactical methods of the game, but the main thing remains the capture of more advantageous positions, ideally driving the enemy into a position in which he has no moves for some time - “Mars”.

At the final stage, the checkers are thrown off the board. This can only be done if they all came to the house. You can use the dropped points to move checkers inside the house or throw them away from the fields corresponding to the points at dawn. If they are absent on the senior fields, the player can throw out checkers from the junior fields.

There is no ideal move in backgammon; you often have to choose the best one from several available options.

In the game of backgammon, the rules do not allow there to be a draw. The player who throws the last checkers out of the house is considered the winner.

Having appeared in the East, backgammon became an international game. The existing rules, backgammon received due to the large increase in the number of fans of this wonderful game, multilingual, including Ukrainian - “rules of backgammon”, translation of principles, tactics and strategy.

Backgammon is an ancient oriental game. Scientists have not yet determined the homeland of this hobby. But even despite this, today a large number of people play backgammon, getting enormous pleasure from it.

In ancient times, people also loved to play backgammon. Archaeologists found a board that, according to their assumptions, was made more than 3 thousand years ago.

This oriental game has other names:

  • Backgammon.
  • Yuekgemon.
  • Tavla.
  • Shesh-besh.
  • Kosha.

Backgammon perfectly develops thinking and logic, helps to calm down and become famous. The game is played by 2 people.

Table: “composition” of the game.

Rules for playing backgammon for beginners step by step:

  • Initially, you should arrange the playing chips. They are placed at the top in the player's right corner. The chips are placed in a row vertically.
  • Then 2 players throw ditches to determine the first move. The player who has the highest combination on the dice goes first.

For the first move, a checker is removed from the vertical row. According to the rules, this is called “removing from the head.”

Throughout the gameplay, dice are always used. They determine the number of moves. Since there are two dice in the game, the player receives two numbers when throwing them. This determines the number of his steps. The numbers are added up and the player moves. According to the rules, one cell is one step.

But there is a second option: when two numbers appear, it is not necessary to sum their components. You can use two chips to match the number of dropped dice.

Example: one die rolls 4 and the other rolls 2.

Two options:

Summation: 4+2=6 moves with one chip.
Separate steps: 2 steps with one chip, 4 moves with the second.

  • Checkers move exclusively counterclockwise.
  • A player has the right to stop on the playing field only on an empty cell or on his color. Standing on the opponent's color is prohibited. You can stop at your chip, that is, put it on top. This action It's called "putting it on your head."
  • “Removing” a checker from the head is allowed only once in one step. Example: 5 and 4 appear on the dice. If this is the player’s first move, then the numbers are summed up and 9 moves across the field are obtained. In other cases, you can make 5 steps with a chip on the board and 4 steps with a checker removed from the head.
  • If the dice fall out in such a way that the player is forced to stop on the opponent's cell, then this move they are allowed through.
  • When a double is rolled (1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6), the player is awarded the right to move his checkers 4 times for the number of dice rolled. That is, when a 2:2 double is rolled, the player can: Make 4 moves of 2 steps each.
    Make 1 move for 4 steps.

Game tactics and strategy

The strategy in tavla is to transfer your own playing chips to the opponent's field.

Types of strategies:

  1. Speed ​​game. The goal is to quickly move game items into the house.
  2. Game of retention. Hold 2 checkers on one hole until you manage to knock out your opponent's blot.
  3. Blocking. The essence is the construction of a long wall of checkers to block the enemy’s transition.
  4. Blitz strategy. The point is to close the house quickly.
  5. Backgame. The idea is to build a hole with two checkers in your opponent’s house.

Winning tactics:

You need to place 6 chips in the fourth quarter. This action is called “bring home.” After the last piece is placed in the fourth quarter, the checkers are “kicked out” by rolling the dice:

  1. The chip of the same name on the number drawn at dawn is kicked out.
  2. A chip is kicked out, under the number obtained in the process of adding the numbers.

Important! Victory is awarded to the player who has no game checkers left on the board.


To win the game you need to resort to tricks or have a unique mind and logic.

Tricks and secrets for winning in Yuekgemon:

  1. Help your opponent lose. Ensure his loss by closing all fives. For yourself, leave three checkers in each recess on the board. After the opponent begins to open the holes, they must be immediately closed behind him.
  2. Do not allow the enemy to occupy the three recesses near the base of the vertical row.
  3. Place the checkers away from the sixth position.

Varieties of backgammon

Varieties of backgammon:

  1. Long backgammon- classic.
  2. Short backgammon.

The differences between them are in some rules:

  1. Absence of broken checkers in long backgammon.
  2. In short backgammon, if a checker is placed on the opponent's checker, then it is beaten.

Note! There is an abundance of games on short and long boards.

Table: varieties of the game of kosha.

Name Description and rules
American Placement of white chips:

Two for the first hole.
Two for the second hole.
Two into the third hole.
The rest are placed on the side of the board.

Arrangement of black checkers:

Two on the ninth hole.
Five on the tenth hole.
Three on the eleventh hole.
Five on the twelfth hole.

The rules are unchanged. The main goal is to move all game objects onto the opponent’s field and drive out your checkers.

Dutch backgammon All chips must be entered into the game from the board.
One-two The advantage of this game is that there is no arrangement of checkers on the board.

After choosing the right to move, they are taken from the side of the board to make a move.

Keils Keils is very popular in England. This game develops a person's mathematical abilities.

It was developed by a mathematician named Henry Deden.


Eleven is placed in a vertical row.
One is placed separately.

When performing a step, one checker placed side by side is taken.

Kubo Kubo is a type of backgammon game. Her main feature is that instead of checkers, players use coins.

27 coins are arranged in nine columns, each containing 3 coins.
A turn begins by removing a coin from any column.
The winnings are awarded to the player who takes the last coin.

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