How to cook bran bread recipe, its benefits. Homemade sourdough bread correct and complete recipe Rye sourdough bread with bran

Step 1: prepare the ingredients and study the instructions for the bread machine.

To begin with, we lay out on the kitchen table all the products that will be needed for baking, and let them warm up to room temperature, it will take about 50 – 60 minutes. In the meantime, we sift the right amount of wheat and rye flour into a deep dry bowl so that they dry, become looser and get rid of any kind of litter. Then carefully read the instructions for the bread maker, since the features of each brand are individual and some modes may or may not be present in them, in my version, the Philips HD9046 / 90 brand machine will be used.

Step 2: Place the ingredients in the bread machine.

After that, grease the blades for whipping the dough with half a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Then, using a measuring cup, pour the right amount of whole pasteurized milk and sourdough into the bowl of the kitchen appliance. Pour a little salt there, and then two types of sifted flour: wheat and rye.

Step 3: Prepare the sourdough bread in the bread machine.

Then we cover the kitchen appliance with a tight-fitting lid and insert its plug into the socket. When the display lights up, set the "Individual mode" on it and set the kneading for 10-15 minutes, then the proofing for 20 minutes, then kneading again for 10 minutes, the proofing for 2 hours, again kneading for 10 minutes and proofing, but already for 1-1.5 hours . If your bread machine does not have such a mode, then another one will do, for example for "LG" - "Basic" or "Rye bread", and for "Panasonic" - French bread.

After the last infusion, when the dough ball is formed, remove the kneading blade from the bowl, pour in the remaining vegetable oil and turn on "Baking" function for 45-50 minutes, plus optionally add the "Medium Crust" mode unless, of course, one is available. After the right time, when the miracle machine turns off, announcing this with a clicking or ringing signal, raise the lid and very carefully pry off the bowl with the finished bread with kitchen tacks.

We move it to a cutting board, previously placed on the countertop, and let the pastry cool slightly for 15-20 minutes. Then, using a wooden kitchen spatula, we pry off the finished bread, transfer it from the bowl to a cutting board and wrap it in a waffle or any other thin towel, so that a gap of at least 4–5 centimeters wide remains, and maybe more. We leave it in this form for several hours until it cools completely and then taste it!

Step 4: Serve the sourdough bread in the bread machine.

After cooking, sourdough bread in a bread machine is completely cooled, laid out on a cutting board, cut into portioned slices 1–1.5 centimeters thick and served as an excellent addition to the first or second hot dishes. Also, such pastries make good croutons, sandwiches, toast and even crackers. The structure of such bread is loose, porous, and after cooling it is crumbly and tender. Homemade delicious, inexpensive and healthy! Enjoy and be healthy!
Bon appetit!

Very often, such bread is baked with various additives: cheese, fried onions, mushrooms, sausages, boiled meat, fried lard, dried or fresh herbs, ground garlic, and spicy spices;

Hot bread should not be immediately put in a bag, because of this it will get wet, damp and quickly deteriorate;

An alternative to vegetable oil is melted butter, this will make baking more tender;

How to prepare the eternal sourdough? Mix in a glass jar 100 grams of sifted wheat flour and 100 milliliters of purified water at room temperature, you should get a pasty mass resembling sour cream. We cover it with a damp kitchen towel, put it in a warm place without drafts and, stirring occasionally, insist there for 24 hours, during which the mass will begin to bubble slightly. On the second day, add another 100 grams of water and flour there and leave it warm for the next day. On the third day, instead of small bubbles, quite a decent foam will appear in the form of a lush cap, again we feed the sourdough with the same amount of liquid and flour, mix, and then insist as much as on the previous days. On the fourth day, the sourdough can be divided into 2 equal parts, make bread from one, and start feeding and infusing the second.

Hello fellow club members.

My information is about sourdough bread in bakery bread.

At one time, I specially bought opechka bread in order to stop eating store-bought bread. It must be said that even with thermophilic yeast, bread from baking bread is tastier than store-bought.

And when I correlated the information, I “remembered” that in the time of our grandmothers there was no store-bought yeast and there was no trace of ovalo, the sourdough bread “fired up”. But in all the recipes that I managed to find, they are designed for “manual” execution.

And for this I adapted bread care. To be honest, I messed up enough flour for this. Fortunately, my men were not picky, they ate everything: the bread turned out to be tasty, but ugly. For a year, my own recipe was formed, which I share with pleasure.

1. Zaw ask.

Pour half a glass of warm water into a liter jar, plus flour until the consistency of thick sour cream. Close with a breathable lid (I cut several holes in a regular plastic lid). This mixture should be in a warm place. I have it on my table.

After 2-3 days, bubbles will appear, a “foam cap”, maybe even a thin strip of water. And the smell will be sour. The sourdough starter needs to be mixed, by the way, it has become more liquid, add again warm in singles in half an inu less than in a jar of sourdough starter. And again flour to the consistency of thick sour cream. And again under cover. So do it 3-4 times with an interval of one day, and not after 2-3, like the first time. As usual, in 5 days the aska is ready. It will be sour in taste, and in consistency - like liquid pancakes.

2. I'm skipping the sourdough stage. Through experience, I realized for myself that bread only on sourdough turns out to be slightly sour. And if you use a sourdough starter, then make a dough, and only then the dough, then the bread turns out to be more sour.

So: I take equal amounts of leaven and water. In my case, 300 grams of sourdough starter, 300 grams of warm water (or atka cheeses), 600 grams of flour, salt are used for one bread in baking bread. I put the “dough kneading” program. It lasts 1.5 hours. Knead for 20 minutes, then a little more than an hour the dough rests. When the primary kneading takes place, you need to make sure that the bun is mixed, not very steep, but also that the dough is not smeared over the bowl. If needed, add a little flour. After 1.5 hours the program ended. I put it on one more time. And when the 1.5 hours are over, I look at the dough. As a rule, it slightly increased in size, approached. Depending on the size of the kolobok, I put the program only in baking (1 hour) but increase the “time +” in the proofing time by another 1.5 -2 hours. The window showing the time shows the numbers 2:50 or 3:00. Thus, the program for baking is 2 hours and 50 minutes. Of these, 1 hour 50 minutes the dough just stands, rises, rests, and 1 hour is baked. And in se. Ear bread - delicious!!! The hassle is a minimum (in the evening after work I have time to zabulbesh, scroll twice on the “batch” program, and bake myself at night).

I top up the remaining sourdough with water and feed it with flour so that the next day it is enough for me to pour 300 grams into new bread, and there is still sourdough left in the jar. And so on ad infinitum.

Due to the widespread consumption of bran, especially for weight loss or for a healthy diet, it is worth understanding why they are so useful. It is worth learning about the properties of their specific types, about the advantages of using them, but also about the disadvantages. It is often recommended to buy several types of bran and mix them. Each of them has something unique and brings variety. For those on a diet, however, the purchase of bran granules is not advised because they contain a lot of sugar.

What is bran?

Bran is the residue from the processing of grain into flour. It is nothing but the shell of cereals such as: wheat, rye, oats. In weight loss, they reveal their properties, primarily due to the high fiber content, which allows for a long time to provide a feeling of satiety and regulate the digestive system. They act as an excellent cleanser that cleanses the intestines of all residues, thereby preventing foodborne illnesses. They also contain vitamins and minerals B and mineral salts - selenium, zinc and chromium.

What are the contraindications to using bran in your diet?

  • anemia (anemia);
  • diseases of the skeletal system (osteoporosis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal cancer, overactive colon, gallbladder and biliary tract, diseases of the liver, stomach and duodenum, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea);
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • infectious diseases (including flu and colds with fever);
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery.
The aforementioned side effects of fiber can occur in people who consume excessive amounts of fiber, especially in its raw form. The daily dose of fiber for a healthy person is from 20 to 40 grams.
  1. Wheat bran contains 42 g of fiber / 100 g of product,
  2. Oat contains fiber 15 g / 100 g of product,
  3. Rye contains 39 g / 100 g of product.
What are the indications for using bran?
  • hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol) and atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • bowel disease;
  • weight loss;
  • diabetes.
What are the disadvantages of using bran and what can be done to overcome them?

The harm of bran is mainly associated with excessive consumption of it in the diet, but in susceptible individuals, unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract (irritable bowel, diarrhea) may occur with smaller amounts. The most important problem in bran is their content of phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc. The cellulose and pectin they contain also reduce the absorption of calcium. Therefore, it is recommended that you increase the amount of calcium in your diet to prevent deficiencies that can lead to future problems such as osteoporosis. When it comes to iron absorption, it is worth taking care to have foods rich in vitamin C and protein (preferably animal) in the food with which we eat bran.

Bran is the best friend of the waist

This product contains everything that will help us to give up excessive weight.

  • wheat bran have an exceptionally high fiber content, therefore, first of all, they help to activate the metabolism. You can toast them in a dry frying pan or oven for a nutty flavor.
  • Oat differ in that they dissolve in water and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, as they absorb the fat that is excreted from the body with them.
  • Rye help with fatigue, loss of efficiency, problems with the heart and circulatory system, allergies, metabolic disorders, liver and kidney diseases.
It is best to eat a mixture of different types of bran. Too much bran leads to stomach pain and bloating. With the introduction of them in the diet, you should also drink more fluids: at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Bran Benefits:

  • can slow down the absorption of sugar,
  • reduce the absorption of cholesterol and thereby prevent atherosclerotic phenomena,
  • increase in good cholesterol levels,
  • cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals,
  • regulate blood pressure
  • prevent the formation of blood clots,
  • regulate digestion, prevent constipation,
  • provide faster satiety,
  • improve memory and concentration,
  • preventing excessive feelings of fatigue, reducing the need for sleep,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • positively affects the appearance of the skin.
This product can be added to various dishes. It is very useful to eat bran bread.

Bread with bran - benefits and harms

After the publication of popular diets, such as in the diet Dukan bran bread occupies an important role, you can get the impression that the more you consume whole grain flour and bran bread, the better and healthier it is for our bodies. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. In the wake of promoting the role of fiber in our diet, we find in stores a lot of bread of dubious quality, but with bran or whole grain flour. Meanwhile, it should be understood that excessive fiber intake is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, can cause restrictions on glucose uptake and reduce the activity of certain drugs. Bread that is cooked incorrectly not only does not provide our body with the essential minerals that you expect to eat with bread, but simply removes some of the necessary micronutrients.

Recipe. Wheat-rye bread with sourdough bran and sunflower seeds

This is a very good wholemeal bread. Bread with bran in a bread machine will have all the useful properties, so what to bake it in - in the oven, slow cooker or bread machine - this is already a matter of preference for each family, as well as the desire to tinker with the dough and free time.

Thanks to rye flour, this bread is a little heavier, more durable and very tasty smelling. It is an intermediate version between rye and wheat. Sunflower seeds and wheat bran will add a special taste to the product. Below is bran bread recipe.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • 80 g active sourdough from wholemeal rye flour,
  • 250 g water
  • 130 g rye flour.
The evening before baking, mix the ingredients for the yeast thoroughly and leave them covered at room temperature for about 12 to 16 hours. You can leave the starter in a regular plastic container with a lid, keeping in mind that the starter will increase in volume.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 500 g wheat flour,
  • 20 g wheat bran,
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 100 g sunflower seeds,
  • leaven,
  • 350 g of water.
How to cook rye bread with bran recipe

Mix flour with bran, seeds and salt. You can also add instead of wheat oat bran in bread. Then you need to add yeast and water and knead the dough. It should be well mixed, but at the same time quite moist and almost smooth. The dough must be able to be poured into the mould.

Transfer the finished dough to a 35 cm x 12 cm mold lined with baking paper. The top of the bread should be sprinkled with seeds or bran. Cover the form with a film and leave to ferment for several hours (3-5) in a warm place.

If after about 2 hours the bread has grown a little - you can put it in an oven preheated to 40 ° C and leave it in a warm oven so that it grows.

Wheat bread with bran and rye flour - baking process

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees. Bread with bran in a slow cooker you can also bake using the baking modes, it is especially good if the multicooker provides the ability to adjust the temperature for baking bread.

Put the grown bread in a preheated oven and bake at 220 degrees C for about 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 190-200 degrees C and bake for about 1 hour. During the last 15 minutes, you can take it out of the mold with baking paper and finish baking without the mold. Ready bread will make a dull thud when tapped on the bottom.

Bread machine bran bread much easier to bake. You just need to select the appropriate mode, and the bread machine will knead, proof and mix, as well as bake on your own.

I’ve been baking in a bread machine all week: I put it on a small table for filming in the kitchen, now it interferes with everyone, but I don’t clean it, let them bypass it)) I was interested in the baker about six years ago, when I just started baking, then I began to use it only for kneading sourdough dough, and then a dough mixer appeared in general and I put it in a box. I tried to bake sourdough bread in it only occasionally, condescendingly believing that good sourdough bread cannot be baked in a bread machine. Considering that 99% of bread machines are designed specifically for quick yeast bread, this is true. The longest cycle, including baking, takes “already” 3 hours 40 minutes, and if you consider that baking lasts an hour and kneading 18 minutes, then only 2:22 is left for fermentation and proofing. In a good way, this time should be spent simply on fermentation without proofing, but the modes for baking quick yeast bread are not designed for this. Therefore, I tried baking in a bread machine only on sekowa or rye bread, which ferments faster than wheat. But then I got a new bread maker - a German Unold with cool buckets and the ability to program, and the prospect of baking normal sourdough bread became a reality.

I'll show you my bakery Unold 68511 BACKMEISTER EXTRA, I got it back in January, but I decided to try it in practice only now.

The body is metal, durable, the lid is made of white plastic, there is a convenient window on the lid to see how the test is going, but there is no backlight. On the right are buttons and a display, as usual with all bread machines.

But the most interesting is inside! Buckets! Included with this bread machine are some very cool ceramic non-stick buckets: one large with two kneading blades (there are two sets of blades for a large bucket), and one double with a kneading blade in each. In a double bucket you can bake two breads with different additives, this is a class!

And also every nice little thing: a hook to get stuck shoulder blades out of the finished bread, a measuring cup and a measuring spoon.

In this bread maker you can bake ordinary white yeast bread, whole grain bread, there is a quick baking function for white and wheat-rye bread, cooking jams and baking muffins and pies on soda and baking powder, and there is also the most important and important mode - individual. In general, it contains only 10 programs, including individual ones. With the modes for yeast bread, everything is clear: technologists have developed a recipe, calculated how much yeast is needed for a certain amount of flour so that the dough has time to rise on time, calculated what weight and moisture content of the dough should be in order for the bread to be completely baked at a certain temperature and duration baking. And with the programmable mode, you are your own technologists and can only focus on your own experience and knowledge. How much to take brew? How long to leave for fermentation? And for proofing? Will he be able to come? Moreover, I want to try different recipes and from different flours. I have determined for myself a few important rules regarding the baking of wheat bread:

  • In the dough, use at least 20% of the flour from all required by the recipe. There are different recipes, somewhere 10% flour is fermented, somewhere more, you try to have about 20% in the dough, otherwise the dough will ferment much longer than the individual mode of the bread machine suggests. For example, you want to bake two small loaves in a double pan, and each loaf has 450 gr. flour. Calculate 20% and use it in the dough: divide 450 by 100 and multiply by 20, you get what you are looking for - this is 90. Read more about conversions in recipes here.
  • Do not forget that white wheat ferments much more slowly than whole wheat and even more so rye, so if you want to bake two completely different breads at the same time in a double form, it’s better not to J while wheat is coming up, rye will already ferment and fall off. It is better to bake bread from the same dough, but with different additives: one, for example, with onions, the second with flax.
  • The fermentation time of wheat bread in a bucket of a bread machine is the same as just in a bowl, but it’s hard to say for sure which one, because when the dough ferments in a bowl, we focus on the dough, and when in a bread machine - on time. For white wheat, I set the maximum fermentation and proofing time - 120 minutes each. For whole grain wheat, I reduce the proofing to 1.5 hours, leave the fermentation the same - 2 hours, or reduce it to 1.5 hours (if rye flour is present).

In my bread maker, the individual mode looks like this:

  • STEP #1 Equalizing the temperature of the ingredients, or "preheating" as in the instructions, which lasts from 0 to 30 minutes. I set it for 10 minutes, and for all 30, but, fortunately, I did not notice a strong heating.

Fortunately - because so many bread machines heat so much that this leads to the destruction of gluten and excessive accumulation of acid in the dough. I somehow kneaded and fermented the dough in my old kenwood, which was heated to almost 40 degrees, and got such a strange dough that crawled and collapsed right on the proofing.

Now I understand why this happened, but then this case seemed almost mystical. While working with Unold, I measured the temperature every time during the heating phase and noticed that it fluctuated from 25 to 30 degrees, I think this also depends on the ambient temperature. If your bread machine is very hot, skip the heating stage, if possible, immediately proceed to kneading.

  • STEP #2, test kneading. In a bread machine, it usually lasts about 20 minutes, this time is enough to knead a good dough. In my new HP, the duration of the batch can be increased up to 30 minutes. This makes sense if you're baking large bread in a large pan, as large amounts of dough take longer to develop gluten.

  • Step #2. Fermentation, dough rise. Here you have to strain your brains)) If you bake white bread, then fermentation and rise should be set as long as possible or within 2 hours (maximum in my HP). I baked large white bread and the total program time was five and a half hours, including 30 minutes for "warming up" before kneading and an hour for baking. It turns out that it took 4 hours to ferment and proof, during which time the dough came up very well. At the same time, when I baked whole wheat on rye sourdough (dough), the dough was ready for baking an hour earlier and I had to immediately knock down the old settings and set new ones: reset the batch, reset the fermentation and leave only baking so that the bread does not stopped and started baking on time.

  • Step #3. Second rise of the test. After the first rise of the dough, the motor of the bread machine turns on and the blades begin to work - to crush the dough. In my HP, the kneading is quite gentle, the dough is not completely blown away, but it shows that something happened to it, but it happened very carefully)) The second rise of the dough, in fact, is proofing before baking, and if you bake white bread, then allocate about 2 hours for proofing (this is the maximum that can be set in my HP), if you bake whole grain and, especially if it contains rye flour, set it for 1.5 hours, during which time the bread will have time to fit perfectly and will ready for baking.

  • Step number 4. Third rise of the test. I completely reset this step, because two rises are enough for sourdough bread, but I do not exclude that I will try to leave it, given that the punching is very gentle.
  • Step number 5. Bakery. It lasts an hour, this is the maximum, you can reduce it, you can choose a crust from light to dark, as, indeed, in any bread machine. By the way, note that HP starts heating gradually when the dough is inside it, and, of course, no one warms up the breadmaker beforehand, this is impossible. In the same way, you can bake bread in the oven, but provided that you are baking pan bread, such a trick will not work with a hearth.

And here's what I did: the first baked half whole grain with flaxseeds. If you knew how surprised I was when I saw that something turned out! And this is something well loosened and even delicious!

This is a large white bread of 750 gr. flour. Ogroooooom!!!

Here is a whole grain wheat rye sourdough.

And here are two white ones: one with flax and onions for the righteous and fasters, the second with cheese - for the rest of the family :)

I am quite satisfied with the results, although the bread is far from ideal, but when baking in a bread machine, I have absolutely no goal of achieving the ideal, it seems to me that this is impossible in a bread machine, at least the search for the ideal goes far beyond the bread machine. You can bake healthy, tasty, well-leavened bread in it, which will delight your taste buds and stomach, free your hands in a lot of time, but leave your inner esthete a little dissatisfied))) Until now, for me, a bread machine and sourdough bread are something completely unusual , such a direct phenomenon that needs special reflection. I'm used to the fact that the dough requires, though not constant, but attention. I am distracted by it during kneading, distracted during fermentation to look through the transparent walls of a glass salad bowl as it loosens. And, of course, I shape the dough with my own hands and monitor the proofing, and then I fuss with heating the oven, heating the stone and the cap, I cut, mark 15 minutes from the start of baking ... In a word, bread all the time requires my participation, attention, attitude, and here it turns out that you can throw everything into a bucket, press the buttons and forget. Just go out with the children to walk around the city, or watch your favorite movie without pauses, and not at all remember that bread is being baked in the kitchen. Without me, on my own!))) Orphan))) But, if you ignore my thoughts, I am very pleased that now I have such a convenient opportunity to sometimes completely free my hands and head from bread and not adjust my schedules to the dough.

Good luck and delicious bread!

P.S. I have a couple more recipes for sourdough wheat for HP and a story on how to adapt any recipes for your bread machines;)

The value of rye bread is many times higher than wheat bread, while its calorie content is much lower. It contains much more vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Especially useful is sourdough rye bread. It contains substances that promote weight loss, remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels, strengthen the body and increase immunity. The value of sourdough is that every day it gains more strength and only gets better, but it turns out healthier and tastier. In our article, we offer a recipe for rye bread in a sourdough bread machine. But first, let's talk about how traditional yeast bread is prepared.

Rye bread without sourdough: a recipe in a bread machine

Traditionally, yeast is used to make bread from wheat or any other flour. Despite the fact that today there is more and more controversy about the dangers of this ingredient for the body, most housewives prefer to adhere to just such a recipe, mistakenly believing that it will be quite difficult to make a starter on their own.

You can make rye bread based on yeast dough (without sourdough) in the following sequence:

  1. 200 ml of water is poured into the bowl of the bread machine.
  2. Next, 260 g of wheat and the same amount of rye flour are sifted. You don't need to mix the ingredients. The bread maker will perform all the steps on its own in the process of kneading the dough.
  3. Kvass wort (1 ½ tablespoons) is added to the bowl. If you skip this ingredient, then the bread will not get the characteristic rye taste.
  4. Then sugar, milk powder and refined butter are added to the bread machine (2 tablespoons of each ingredient).
  5. It remains to add only salt and yeast (1 ½ tsp), as well as vinegar (1 tsp).
  6. After that, the bowl with the ingredients is installed in the bread machine and the main program for making bread is selected, lasting 3 hours. The color of the crust is recommended to use dark.

Step-by-step preparation of sourdough for rye bread

Among all cereals, rye contains the most complete set of amino acids. Sourdough based on rye flour significantly increases the absorption of vitamins and microelements from this culture. If you make rye bread in a bread machine according to a sourdough recipe, it will turn out to be much tastier and healthier than the traditional one.

It is very easy to bake products. But first you need to learn how to make rye sourdough. To do this, you need only 2 ingredients: rye flour (400 g) and purified water (450 ml). It is also necessary to prepare a clean glass jar in which the fermentation process will take place.

Sourdough is prepared for five days. At this time, the following steps are performed step by step:

  1. On day 1, 100 g of rye flour and 150 ml of slightly warm water (not higher than 40 ° C) are mixed in a glass jar. The jar is covered with gauze or a piece of cotton fabric, after which it is sent to a warm place for a day.
  2. On day 2, the starter is fed. To do this, after 24 hours, a little more flour (100 g) and the same amount of water are added to it. The jar is covered with a cloth and placed in heat.
  3. On the 3rd day, namely after 24 hours, the actions described in the previous paragraph are repeated.
  4. Similar actions are performed on day 4.
  5. On day 5, the starter can be considered ready. Now it should be used for baking rye bread.

How to store sourdough

Part of the starter, the preparation process of which is described in the previous paragraph, can be used as a starter. It is enough to add the same amount of rye flour and water (150 g each) to it to get a new sourdough. The next time, some of it can be set aside, so that later it can be fed and used to make bread again and again. Thus, rye sourdough can be grown forever. But first you need to learn how to store it properly.

A refrigerator is ideal for this. Ready-made sourdough in a glass jar can be stored for up to two weeks. Do not close the container hermetically. The consistency of the starter should resemble liquid sour cream. Remove the jar from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before using it to make bread or feed.

Rye bread in a bread machine

Based on a pre-prepared sourdough at room temperature, you can make very tasty bread:

  1. To give the product a characteristic malt flavor, kvass (2 tablespoons) is used as one of the ingredients. It must be poured into hot water, mixed and cooled.
  2. Pour (375 g) into the bowl of the bread machine, add sourdough (375 ml), salt (2 tsp), caraway seeds (1 tsp), sugar (1 tbsp), olive or any other vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).
  3. Soaked kvass is added last.
  4. The dough is kneaded in the "Dough" mode for 1.5 hours. After that, it should be left in the bread machine for the same time.
  5. When the dough fits well, the bread baking program is selected for 1.5 hours.
  6. Rye sourdough bread according to the recipe in a bread machine is hot taken out of the bowl and wrapped in a towel. You can cut and taste it after cooling.

Step-by-step recipe for rye sourdough bread in a bread machine with malt

Preparing such a homemade product is not difficult. In a bread machine, sourdough rye bread with malt turns out fragrant, and tastes like everyone's favorite "Borodinsky". The step by step recipe is as follows:

  1. First, prepare the dough for the test. To do this, in a deep bowl, rye flour (2 tablespoons) is mixed with sourdough (300 ml) and the same amount of water. In a warm place, the dough should stand for 3-4 hours to start the fermentation process.
  2. At this time, malt (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (50 ml).
  3. Honey (1 tbsp), salt (2 tsp), sunflower oil (1 tbsp) and rye flour (1 tbsp) are added to the approached dough. The cooled wort is poured out.
  4. The dough is kneaded with hands, transferred to the bowl of the bread machine and put in heat for 1.5 hours.
  5. After the specified time, the bowl is installed in the bread machine. The bread preparation mode is selected for 1.5 hours without dough kneading. The finished product should be well cooled before cutting into portions.

Rye bread with sunflower seeds in the Moulinex bread machine

Such a product will be especially useful for people with disorders in the digestive tract. It is prepared on the basis of rye sourdough, but with the addition of sunflower seeds. As a result, the finished product gets an interesting taste and higher nutritional value.

We offer to bake bread on rye sourdough in the following:

  1. First of all, 400 g of sourdough is added to the bowl.
  2. As the next ingredient, sunflower seeds (70 g) are added and 200 ml of water at a temperature of 40 ° C is poured.
  3. Next, 200 g of rye flour and 250 g of wheat flour are sifted into the bowl.
  4. Salt is added (2 tsp).
  5. The bowl is installed in the bread machine, the lid is closed.
  6. Program No. 9 "French bun" is selected on the control panel. In addition, you need to set the weight of the loaf to -1000 g, and the color of the crust - medium (you can also choose light or dark). Cooking time: 3 hours 24 minutes.
  7. After the signal, you can find out about the end of the program.

Bread "Darnitsky" in the Redmond bread machine

According to the following recipe, you can cook very tasty and fragrant bread. It is baked in a Redmond bread machine.

Rye bread on sourdough "Darnitsky" is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Immediately you need to put the dough. To do this, peeled rye flour (240 g), water (150 ml) and sourdough (60 ml) are mixed in a deep bowl or in a saucepan. In a warm place, the dough ripens within 14 hours.
  2. After the specified time, another 180 g of peeled flour and 270 g of wheat flour of the 1st grade are added to the dough, and 300 ml of water are poured and 12 g of salt are poured.
  3. The sticky dough is kneaded for 4 minutes. After that, it is transferred to the bowl of the device.
  4. In the bread maker, the bread rises for 2 hours, until it doubles in volume.
  5. Next, a bread preparation program is selected for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The color of the crust is chosen at your discretion. The weight of the finished product is 1200 g.

The following tips will help you bake rye sourdough bread in a bread machine according to the recipes presented above:

  1. Rye flour contains virtually no gluten, so the dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time, and besides, it will always remain sticky to the touch.
  2. Good baking quality can only be achieved by using high-quality rye sourdough.
  3. Rye bread takes a little longer to bake than wheat bread because the dough has a thinner consistency.