How to use iTunes. Everything about iTunes: how to use it, connect and sync with iPhone New iTunes how to use

Owners of Apple devices are forced to use the iTunes multimedia combine. This program is designed to work with content, play music and videos on your gadget or computer, and perform other functions. How to use iTunes on a computer?

Installing iTunes

In order to start working with content, registering an Apple ID, or working with backup copies of your iPhone or iPad, you need to download the latest version of iTunes. Click the “Get it from Microsoft” button, wait for the application store to open and click the “Get” button in it. Windows 7 users have their own version of the application.

Next, wait for the download to complete and proceed to install the program. The installation file will install the specified program on your computer, take care of installing drivers and starting the necessary services. After this, you can start connecting your smartphone/tablet to download content and perform other actions.

What iTunes can do:

  • Upload music and movies to gadgets;
  • Upload other content;
  • Install applications;
  • Create backups;
  • Restore data from backups;
  • Restore devices after they are damaged.

There are many other functions here, but we will only talk about the most basic functionality - you can figure out the rest on your own. How to use iTunes and what do you need for this? We will talk about this in the following sections of our material.

How to use iTunes - step-by-step instructions

Using the following instructions, you will learn how to download various content to Apple smartphones and tablets, create backup copies, and update software. Let's start with the music files.

Uploading music

You can download music from a variety of sources to your iPhone - these can be tracks from the iTunes Store or music files from your hard drive. In order to start downloading, you need to connect the device to the computer and wait until iTunes sees the connected gadget. We carry out the initial setup of the program. To do this, go to the “Browse” tab and check the “Sync only selected songs and videos” and “Process music and videos manually” checkboxes there.

It is better to uncheck the automatic synchronization box - you can install it later when you gain experience in using iTunes. Before this, you should use manual mode.

If you plan to connect to your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi, check the “Sync with this iPhone/iPad via Wi-Fi” option in the settings. After this, you just have to start the wireless connection through the device settings.

Want to save space on your smartphone or tablet? In this case, we recommend checking the “Reduce bitrate for high-quality songs to ... kbit AAC” checkbox. Instead of dots, there is a drop-down list in which you select the desired bitrate (the optimal indicator is at least 128 kbit). How to use iTunes to download music? It’s simple - go to the music tab and add music tracks here through the “File – Add to Library” menu.

You can also use direct drag-and-drop of tracks from a folder to the library, which is somewhat simpler. After this, you can start writing ID3 tags (if they are missing) or start synchronization - in the latter case you need to check the “Synchronize music” box and mark the downloaded tracks.

Please note that synchronization works in such a way that the contents of your device will match the current contents of your library. If necessary, you can upload music sorted by albums, genres, playlists and artists by checking the appropriate boxes.

Uploading videos and films

How to use iTunes on a computer to download movies and videos? This can be done as easily as possible. First, you need to carry out the initial settings of iTunes as described in the previous section, where we learned how to download music tracks. Next, go to the “Movies” tab and add video files here. If they don't want to be added or played, you need to install Quick Time Player. Now check the “Synchronize movies” checkbox and mark the downloaded files. After that, click on the “Apply” button and wait for the synchronization to complete.

Please note that we can only add supported video files to iPhone/iPad. If iTunes starts complaining about incompatibility, use the Free MP4 Video Converter program and convert the videos to a suitable format.

Other types of content, which include clips, applications, books and podcasts, are downloaded through iTunes in a similar way - you can figure this out on your own by practicing with music and videos.

Creating a Backup

How to use iTunes on your computer to create backups? This process is very simple, so it will not cause any difficulties. First you need to connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer and wait until iTunes sees it. After that, go to the “Overview” tab and look for the “Backups” subsection. Specify the location to store the copy - check the “This computer” checkbox. Now click on the “Create a copy now” button and wait for this operation to complete.

To perform the reverse operation, you must again visit the “Backups” subsection on the “Overview” tab. Here we click the “Restore from a copy” button, select a copy that matches the date and wait for the operation to complete. Restoring, as well as creating a copy itself, can take 5-10 minutes, depending on the amount of information available on the device.

How to update or restore iPhone/iPad

How to use iTunes to update and restore Apple devices? If you want to update the firmware, go to the “Browse” tab and click on the “Update” button - iTunes will check for updates and then offer to update the firmware to the new version. The current version will be indicated here software currently installed on the device.

To restore an iPhone/iPad in the event of some serious software error, you need to put the device into recovery mode by connecting it to a computer running iTunes. At a certain point, iTunes will see the connected device and offer to start the recovery - you can find out more about the available modes and the procedure itself in our instructions, using the site search.

Once you familiarize yourself with the basic functions, you can understand the rest of the functionality of iTunes. If the program seems too complicated, try using alternative applications - we wrote about them in our reviews.

The Future of iTunes

With the beginning of the summer of 2019, it became known about Apple's intentions to abandon iTunes - it was outdated and did not meet user requirements. Its place will be taken by three applications at once - Podcasts, Music and TV. The need for separation is due to the fact that users do not like the overload of iTunes functions. That is why it is planned to be divided into three parts. At the developer conference WWDC-2019, Apple explained how Catalina applications will work - they will replace iTunes in the new version of macOS. But users will also buy music from the store on Mac, iOS, PC and Apple TV. You can also use your iTunes gift cards.

Apple says this will make it easier to drag and drop files onto devices and that users' previous iTunes backups will not be affected after upgrading to Catalina.

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Not all users of modern gadgets know what iTunes is and how to use it. Most often, Android users ask this question, because iTunes is not needed at all to use their gadgets. So what does iTunes mean? Simply put, this is a completely free special program for Apple devices, which is necessary for copying files between a computer and a gadget, restoring an iPhone and iPad, as well as updating the OS.

Functions and purpose of iTunes

In addition to today’s main question, there are others to which not everyone has answers. For example, what is the iTunes store and where to download this program. Let’s answer the second question right away, since things are much simpler with it. You can download this program only on the official website of Apple products. There are no other pirated products for copying files from an iPhone or iPad to a computer, or, conversely, and never will be! It’s worth noting here that the iTunes Store has absolutely all the applications that are also present in the App Store. That is, this is the same store for Apple gadgets, only on a computer.

Certainly, most of applications in the iTunes Store are paid, but this also has its advantage, since thanks to paid content you can protect yourself from pirated products. Don't be discouraged by paid apps because there are many other similar but free apps for your phone. You can download them both from the iTunes Store and from the App Store on your phone, synchronizing your iPhone with your laptop. Many people ask the question of what is iTunes for iPhone 4s. But fortunately, iTunes is the same for all Apple devices, so the interface and operation of the application does not depend on the device.

In addition, iTunes has many advantages that every user will like:

  • Backup copy. Thanks to this, when restoring an old gadget or buying a new one, you can easily duplicate all information from one phone to another. This method will save time and money that you previously spent on purchasing different applications.
  • Quality. Using iTunes and the App store, you install only high-quality applications than from other sites through the browser.
  • Listening to music and watching videos. The media player on your computer can also act as a media player, which you can set as default. In addition, despite the standard players on the computer, iTunes is dominated by good voice acting, and the modern and stylish interface looks more interesting than its competitors.

Getting to know the interface

Now you know what iTunes is, but to use this program you will need other knowledge. First, let's look at program interface. After you have installed iTunes on your computer, when you launch the program you will see a greeting asking you to accept the license terms.

Of course, when you first install the program, there will be nothing in it except empty folders that have their own category and format. Therefore, when copying files to iTunes, remember that the program does not support all formats. Once you have decided to copy some files to iTunes, press Sift so that a window appears with which you can select the appropriate section. And also, if desired, you can select another folder to move.

Now that you know almost everything about iTunes, it’s time to talk a little about the sections of the program.


Here you can copy, delete, download and listen to audio files. Let us remind you that iTunes is recognized as one of the best players, so it will come in handy for Apple users. As for other applications for listening to music on your phone, when you add audio recordings to your library, they will certainly appear in the player you choose. But with video files it’s a little more complicated, since they need to be copied to a separate section - Movies.


As stated above, you will need to copy videos taken on your phone or even films to this section.

Transfer music to media player

There is nothing complicated about it! The process is no different from copying music from a flash card to a computer, but we will still explain how this is done. First you need select audio recordings from a computer or other media, copy them by pressing the Ctrl+C keys and in the Music section you must paste everything selected with the Cntrl+V key combination. That's all! After you finish working in iTunes, you will need to synchronize and update the information of your devices. After this, you can calmly listen to music on your phone.

Other useful sections

Not even all Apple users know about podcasts and iTunes Matc, since most of them listen to music in applications on their phones or even on free sites (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex. Music, etc.), and download podcasts generally via YouTube or Rutub . But thanks to iTunes, you can simplify downloading podcasts and other files. Of course, this will require an Internet connection, but the speed of downloading files will be excellent.

To enable the iTunes Match app, you only need to take a few steps:

  1. Launch the program on your laptop.
  2. Find the iTunes Store section in it.
  3. Click " Turn on iTunes Match".

In this article, you learned about what iTunes is and how to use it, as well as its benefits. It is worth noting that using this program you can also pre-order paid content, which cannot be done on an iPhone or iPad in the App Store. So install iTunes and use it!

Attentive viewers of the presentation at the opening of WWDC 2014 probably noticed the juicy red new iTunes icon in OS X Yosemite. But until today, Apple could not and did not want to show the updated iTunes to beta testers. The situation has changed: with the new beta of OS X 10.10, developers are invited to install the beta for experiments iTunes 12.

Let's take a closer look at it.

The official list of changes is as follows:

Well, iTunes 12 itself attracts attention precisely due to that very “streamlined design”. Some will definitely like it, some will probably hate it, but Apple will take the next step in the evolution of iTunes in any case.

The interface is far from the main change. The concept of working with media files has changed dramatically again. The iTunes Store is no longer a separate thing, it was cut into sections and embedded in the corresponding sections of iTunes itself.

In the navigation panel you will now see buttons that switch modes for working with music, video, TV series, programs, etc. After selecting music, you will see the music section of the iTunes Store in the list of tabs.

In the video section, along with your film library, Apple video channels will be located next door. And in programs you will see the App Store next to the list of already installed applications.

In the playlists section, you now again have the opportunity to easily distribute the contents of your library across existing playlists. Apple has also completely redesigned the information window about a track/movie/series, etc.:

We cannot say that it has become much better, but it is clearly no more difficult to use than the usual previous version.

The above is the result of a 15-minute acquaintance with the newly installed version of iTunes. We believe that the new iTunes 12 contains many more changes that are not immediately noticeable.

Owners of Apple devices have the opportunity to use various services that are designed to purchase and provide content (applications, music, movies, etc.), and also provide the opportunity to synchronize multiple devices and create backup copies of data stored on them. The main service, which combines information about all actions performed on iPhones and iPads synchronized with it, as well as their backups and settings, is the iTunes store. We will tell you how to use this service, how to connect it on your computer and register an account.

Why do you need iTunes?

Thanks to this application, you can view the history of purchases made from your devices, as well as purchase new applications and other entertainment content. With iTunes, you can sync all your phones, tablets, laptops and other devices that support it. Also, to avoid permanent loss of information stored on your devices, you can enable automatic creation and updating of backups. You can also configure what data will be sent for storage via iTunes. After creating a backup, you will have the opportunity to reset the device's data and settings to factory settings, and then restore all the necessary information through iTunes.

Registration, authorization, setup and use of iTunes

In order to start using all the functions of this application, you need to log into your account or register it. Remember that to log in to all Apple services, identical data received when registering with an Apple ID is used. That is, an Apple ID account and an iTunes account are one and the same.

How to install and connect to the service on your computer

  1. Download the application from the official Apple website ( and begin the installation process.
  2. In the first step you will see a greeting with brief description what can be done through iTunes. Click on the “Next” button and go through the standard installation process.
  3. When you first start, you will be asked to register with iTunes. If you already have a password and login for your Apple ID, then enter them and start using the application. If you don’t have an account yet, click on the “Create Apple ID” button.
  4. We accept the license agreement.
  5. Fill out all the required fields and select three questions to which only you can know the answers. Be sure to remember them, as they will be useful when recovering your password or login. You may also be asked to enter code words when making a purchase of a product or any other transaction.
  6. In the next step, you will be asked to select a payment method. Click on the one that suits you best and enter the required details.
  7. We go to our mail and find a letter from Apple, which talks about registration. Open it and click on the appropriate link to confirm that this mail belongs to you.
  8. You will see the following notification on your screen indicating successful registration. Now you can start using all the features of iTunes.

Data setup

Sync iPhone or iPad with iTunes via Wi-FI and USB cable

  1. For the first synchronization, you will in any case have to synchronize iTunes on your computer with another device via a USB cable. To do this, just open iTunes and connect your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch to your computer, authorization and synchronization will take place automatically.
  2. Now an icon corresponding to your device will appear in the upper right corner of the program. Click on it to go to device information.
  3. Go to the "Overview" section.
  4. Now check the box next to “Synchronize with iPhone via Wi-Fi” and click on the “Apply” button. Once you enable this feature, your computer and second device will automatically sync if they are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  5. You can disconnect your device from your computer and choose what data you want to sync.

Recovering a device and creating a backup copy

  1. Connect your computer and device with a USB cable.
  2. Launch iTunes.
  3. After completing authorization, click on the device icon.
  4. Go to the Review section.
  5. This block contains all available information about the connected device.
  6. Click on the “Restore” button and follow the instructions that appear on the computer screen.
  7. In the same section, you can click the “Create a backup copy” button and set the location where backup copies of the device data will be stored.

Create a music library, install and purchase applications and other content

How to rent a movie

The iTunes service gives you access to a huge amount of entertainment content, as well as the ability to synchronize all your devices and create backup copies of data so as not to lose irretrievably important information. After logging into the application, you will receive a personal account with your own library, which will store all your purchased application and media files. You can also edit all data about yourself and your devices at any time by going to your account settings.

There is a common belief that the iTunes utility is a real chaos that is impossible to understand. In fact, this is not so. iTunes with every new version It’s becoming easier and easier; even a novice user can now start using the program effectively. We described in this manual how to install and configure iTunes to make working with it as pleasant as possible.

How to install iTunes

There is nothing complicated about installing iTunes on a Windows computer; the process is identical to installing any other program. The current version of iTunes is always available on this page official Apple website, which automatically detects the bit depth of the installed operating system, making it impossible to make a mistake when choosing an installer.

Please note that it is not necessary to enter your email in the field above the “Download” button.

Important! We do not recommend downloading iTunes from third-party sources. Firstly, the program may be infected with a virus. And secondly, older versions of iTunes may not support the latest builds of iOS. Also, outdated versions of iTunes do not have many new features, for example, Apple Music.

After downloading to your computer, you need to run the installation file and go through a completely normal installation procedure. For the sake of completeness, we'll cover the installation screens. There are only two of them.

The first one is purely welcome.

The second one asks you to select the folder in which iTunes will be installed, the program language, and will also ask for permission to create a shortcut on the desktop and use iTunes as a standard player for audio files.

One important point can be highlighted here. If you plan to back up your iPhone or iPad using iTunes and don't want to put your mobile device data at risk, don't install iTunes on your system drive. In this case, even if the system fails, your backups will remain intact. In addition, you will save a lot of free space on the flash drive if Windows is installed on it.

This completes the iTunes installation process, you can launch the utility and perform the initial setup.

How to set up iTunes

Despite the fact that iTunes does not need to be configured in any special way for it to work, there are several settings that users are recommended to adjust to suit themselves immediately after installing the utility.

First of all, you need to log into iTunes using your Apple ID account. Thanks to this, you can manage the account itself, purchases and downloads on it directly through iTunes. In order to perform authorization, you need to go to the menu “ Account » → « To come in" and in the window that opens, enter your Apple ID login and password.

If you don't have an Apple ID, you can find out how to register it in. To create an Apple ID, it is not necessary to have a bank card, but in this case the registration process is somewhat complicated.

Next, you can customize the menu for switching between content types, excluding all unnecessary items from it, or, conversely, adding new ones. To do this, click on the menu for switching between content types and click " Edit menu».

In the window that opens, you should check or uncheck the content types that you do not intend to use in iTunes.

If you do not intend to use the Apple Music music service, all mentions of it from iTunes can be removed. To do this, go to the menu " Edit» → « Settings" and on the page " Basic» uncheck the option « Show Apple Music features».

Many iPhone and iPad users prefer to search for applications and games for their mobile devices through iTunes. This makes it much easier to navigate through sections, read descriptions, look at screenshots and reviews. For such users, an extremely useful option will be to adjust the frequency of password requests for purchases and free downloads from the App Store and iTunes Store.

Go to menu " Edit» → « Settings" and select the tab " Shop" In the drop-down lists " Purchases" And " Free downloads» Set options based on how often you want to be prompted for your password when making purchases or free downloads from Apple stores. In the case of free downloads, you can confidently select the “ Don't ask" But with purchases for money, it’s better to play it safe, especially if you share a computer with your family, and make a choice at the “ Always ask" or " Request in 15 minutes».

Preventing your iPhone or iPad from automatically syncing with iTunes is another very useful feature. Particularly if you often connect your mobile device to your computer to charge. You can enable the ban in the menu “ Edit» → « Settings» → « Devices", by checking the box " Prevent automatic device synchronization».

We have listed only the most useful basic iTunes settings. In general, the utility has many more parameters, which should be changed only when necessary. If you want to find a specific setting in iTunes, indicate it in the comments to this instruction - we will definitely help you!