What's the best way to clean the inside of a microwave? How to clean a microwave oven from dirt? Clean with acetic acid

In a modern kitchen, the leading role is given to microwave oven, and not in vain, because it allows you to quickly heat up any dishes or cook food. However, during operation, its surface becomes contaminated with splashes of grease, so the question “How to clean a microwave?” relevant for all microwave owners.

Despite various modifications for self-cleaning, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of a nasty odor and grease stains.

A few rules that will help make the whole process as simple and effective as possible:

  • Cleaning a microwave begins by removing all constituent elements, which also require mandatory cleaning;
  • First of all you need to clean it top part, then the side walls and finally the bottom;
  • If pieces of food get on the coating, they must be removed immediately, without waiting for them to dry to the surface, using microwave cleaning products.

Before you start cleaning the microwave, put on rubber gloves to prevent damage to the skin of your hands.

How not to damage the microwave when cleaning

Protect your hands with rubber gloves from cleaning agents.

Cleaning a microwave oven from old grease stains is quite a labor-intensive job. A few practical tips will help you with proper and quick cleaning:

All internal parts also need to be washed.

To clean the microwave, you can use not only special detergents, but also prepare the product yourself. Using a few products, you can quickly clean your microwave from grease stains and also get rid of the unpleasant odor inside.

How to get rid of unpleasant smell in the microwave

How to quickly clean the inside of a microwave

To spend a minimum of time cleaning your microwave oven, take care in advance to protect the inner surface from splashes of grease.

There are many specialized household cleaning products for microwaves on sale.

Lifehack: Always use a special microwave lid or containers for heating and closed glassware for cooking.

Household microwave chemicals or dishwashing detergent can help remove minimal contamination.

Use specialized products in accordance with the instructions for use.

To clean your microwave using dishwashing detergent, apply it to a sponge and spread the foam over the entire dirty surface. After 5-10 minutes, wash off the foam with a wet sponge. At the same time, it must be well wrung out. This way you will remove foam faster and will not be afraid of excess water getting on the microwave elements.

How to clean a microwave using steam

Often the microwave is washed with steam. Steam softens dirt stains and makes them easier to remove. This should be done as follows:

  • It is enough to fill a plastic container with 0.5 liters of water and put it in the microwave;
  • now you need to run it for 15 minutes;
  • after completing the session, the door does not need to be opened for another 5 minutes for the steam to act on the dirt;
  • Now you can effortlessly clean off all the yellow plaque with a sponge.

This effective method not only solves the problem of cleaning the microwave inside, but also disinfects its surface.

Cleaning the microwave with lemon juice

The entire procedure for using lemon to clean a microwave oven can be divided into several stages:

It is worth noting that the smell of lemon disappears quite quickly from the oven. To do this, you do not need to close the door immediately after washing, but let it dry completely, first wiping all surfaces dry with a soft cloth.

Acids are considered the most effective means for removing dried fat.

In addition to using lemon, the skins of other citrus fruits, for example, orange or tangerine, also have good cleaning functions. They should be used in the same way as lemon. In addition to removing grease stains, they can quickly eliminate burnt food odors.

How to clean an oven at home

How to remove grease and fumes using orange zest

Citrus fruits are a good way to wash away grease stains and get rid of odors.

You will need: water and orange peels.

Mode of application:

  • Pour boiling water over citrus skins;
  • place the container in the microwave;
  • set a timer for 15 minutes;
  • after turning off the timer, leave the product inside the microwave for another 15 minutes;
  • then clean the surface with a damp cloth or sponge;
  • After cleaning, wipe the microwave dry.

Place orange peels in a container of water and place in the microwave.

How to clean a microwave using citric acid

As for cleaning the microwave with citric acid, its effect is comparable to cleaning it with fresh lemon juice.

Quite often there are situations when the oven is contaminated with drops or splashes of a greasy consistency, which, when dry, are quite difficult to remove. As a rule, housewives in such cases immediately grab universal soda. However, this product should not be used on delicate surfaces of the microwave oven to avoid scratching the surface and affecting the operation of the appliance. After all, it is the inside of the unit and its coating that plays the most important role in the distribution of microwave waves that heat food.

Due to the high delicacy of this coating, the oven can only be cleaned with a soft cloth. This does not always lead to the desired result, because the stains may dry out and cannot be removed. In such cases, you can use citric acid, which is found in every kitchen.

Citric acid should be used to clean such surfaces as follows:

  • Dissolve one teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of water;
  • placing the container on the tray, run the microwave in heating mode for 5 minutes at maximum power;
  • Do not open the oven for 15 minutes after heating to allow acids to attack surrounding surfaces;
  • Now you can open the oven and carefully clean the entire coating with a soft cloth;
  • in addition, it is important not to forget about washing the glass tray, on and under which dirty deposits often collect;
  • The main thing is to remember during the washing process that you should not allow liquid to flow into the heating elements to prevent their damage.

Citric acid will cope with dirt in the microwave just as well as fresh lemon.

Fighting fat with vinegar

All you need is: acetic acid and water

Mode of application:

  • Add 3 tbsp to a cup of water. spoons of vinegar.
  • Place in the microwave and set a timer for 10-15 minutes.
  • When the time is up, wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth.

With the help of vinegar you can easily deal with all grease stains.

How to get rid of the smell of burnt food

How to clean a microwave using vinegar and soda

When you use baking soda and vinegar together, you will get rid of all grease stains very quickly. These products will soften grease stains and you can easily and quickly wash off all grease stains.

To clean you will need: baking soda and acetic acid.

Mode of application:

  • In a small container with warm water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of acetic acid.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply with a sponge to the inside and outside of the microwave.
  • After application, microwave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Clean the microwave and wipe the surface dry.

Vinegar and soda are indispensable helpers in the kitchen.

How to wash a microwave oven with laundry soap

For the product you need a bar of laundry soap.

Mode of application:

  • grate the soap on a fine grater;
  • dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soap in warm water and apply the product to the surface of the microwave oven;
  • leave for 40–45 minutes;
  • at the end of the time, you will be able to wash off all grease stains;
  • Wipe the microwave with a dry cloth.

Laundry soap will help you easily wash away old grease.

How to clean the outside of a microwave

When the oven is on a table or next to a stove, dirt cannot be avoided on its surface. In this case, the door, handle and control buttons become dirty very quickly. To keep your microwave shiny, you need to clean the outside of it regularly.

  • The oven must be unplugged.
  • Do not begin cleaning while the oven is hot after use. Wait until it cools down.

To remove greasy, yellow stains or crusts that have formed on the door, use window cleaner. You need to carefully spray the surface and wipe it thoroughly until the streaks disappear.

If you are afraid of liquid getting inside the stove, wet a napkin and use it to wash off the dirt.

Preventing contamination

To avoid wasting time and money on cleaning equipment, it is necessary to follow a number of preventive measures:

But still, if you have started your microwave oven, these folk recipes will help you clean your oven and get rid of the unpleasant smell inside the oven at home.

Myths and truths about microwave ovens

Introduce modern kitchen It's almost impossible without a microwave. With today's pace of life, an oven will help defrost food, reheat a previously prepared dish, and even cook delicious porridge or a wonderful omelette. But sometimes minor dirt and grease interfere with its operation. And only proper and regular cleaning of the microwave will return it to normal operation and make it a full-fledged mistress in the kitchen again.

What should not be washed

The inner surface of a microwave oven is usually made of ceramics. This means that using iron brushes or other coarse abrasives for washing will worsen the condition of the enamel. Scratches will appear where grease can easily penetrate. And in the future it will be much more difficult to wash off fat deposits.

Experts do not recommend using it for the inside of the stove. washing powder, cleaning abrasives such as Pemolux, Biolan, Comet and the like. The best products are liquid and gentle.

Don't forget that the microwave electrical appliance. This means that foam getting on the heating element and other devices in the working chamber will lead to damage to the stove, beyond repair. Liquid dripping from the sponge can get onto the grill and other elements of important devices. This will not happen if you wring out the napkins and sponge well, and if drops get on heating elements, dry them immediately with a soft cloth.

Lemon acid

There are many products that can be used to clean microwave ovens. There is no need to stock up on expensive chemical liquids and sprays. Look in your home, refrigerator, closet. There will definitely be a product there that will save the microwave from sticking soot and grease.

Citric acid works well on dried grease and dirt. The unpleasant aroma emanating from the device will disappear, and the original shine will return. Read a more detailed article about cleaning the microwave with lemon.

Mixture structure: citric acid – 1 tsp; water – 0.5 l. Add citrus slices if desired. Next steps:

  • Pour the mixture into a special bowl. Place it in the work compartment.
  • Leave for 20 minutes in the oven turned on at high power.
  • Wait 5 minutes after switching off.
  • Wipe the inner walls with a napkin.

Table vinegar

Thanks to table vinegar, you can quickly and effectively clean the working chamber. Mixture composition: water – 0.5 l, 9% vinegar – 2 tbsp. spoons. The prepared solution is placed in a special container, placed on a glass tray and heated. Then wipe with a napkin. Read a more detailed article about cleaning with vinegar.

Baking soda

We clean the microwave with a solution of baking soda, which can always be found in any home. It not only cleans the surface, but also disinfects it. The oven will be clean and sterile at the same time.

Mix structure: Water – 0.5 l, baking soda – 1 tbsp. spoon. The solution is boiled for 15–20 minutes in a microwave-safe container inside the chamber. Detailed article.

Filtered water

Perhaps the method is the least expensive, but very productive. Completely suitable for removing grease and dirt from chamber walls. The steps of the procedure are as follows:

  1. A two hundred gram glass filled to one third is placed in a microwave oven.
  2. Heat for 7-10 minutes as usual.
  3. After switching off, wipe the inside surface of the cabinet without any effort.
  4. The steam will melt the fat, making it easy to remove.

Attention. To avoid burning your hands, allow the oven to cool before continuing with cleaning.

Liquid dish soap

Dish cleaners available in the house will help clean the dirty walls of the microwave from grease and soot.

Preparation of the composition: 1 glass of water, a few drops of dish gel. The diluted gel is placed in the working chamber and boiled. Wipe the cooled household appliance with a napkin.

Important. When boiling, a lot of foam is formed, which can overflow the edges of the glass. Therefore, choose large dishes, and pour liquids only halfway.


A good and safe composition for cleaning a very dirty stove is a glass cleaning solution. The microwave oven is disconnected from electricity before the procedure. Next, prepare the mixture in the following ratio: water - 1 part, glass washing liquid - 2 parts.

The total volume of solution should be enough to wash the oven walls on both sides. Moisten the sponge with the solution and wipe everything thoroughly. The dried fat is pre-soaked in the same liquid, and in 5 minutes it will spread. Finally, wipe the entire chamber well with a wet cloth.

Store-bought chemical compounds

How can you clean a microwave at home if the available means do not produce results? They will help chemical compositions from the shop. Both our and foreign industries produce many of these products, packaged in the form of a spray or gel. They help to cope with fat deposits, rust and other contaminants in the microwave cabinet. Each composition has its own nuances, but the main cleaning path is the same everywhere. The product is applied to the inner surface, including the bottom of the working chamber. Do this carefully, without touching the grilles hiding the magnetron. A sponge is used to apply the gel. After a quarter of an hour, the residue is washed off with a damp cloth and then wiped dry with a soft rag.

How to remove the smell

It's no secret that each product has its own smell, which accumulates in the oven. To eliminate unpleasant odors, special liquids (sprays) are sold. They are sprayed inside the microwave and, closing the door, left overnight. In the morning, rub a soft cloth along the walls of the structure.

Another option that tells you how to clean the microwave from the smell from the inside. Mixture structure: water, detergent, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons. The ingredients are combined and processed in the microwave. The waiting period is 10–15 minutes with the door closed. After the procedure, the household appliance is left open all day or all night.

So that the household appliance does not have to be washed so often, some settings are used:

  • Cover the dish in the microwave oven with a special lid that will collect grease splashes. It is much easier to clean such a device than the entire microwave.
  • Every day, wipe the inside of the household appliance with a damp cloth or foam sponge. And after cooking or heating food, immediately wipe the walls from any grease and dirt that has fallen on them.
  • To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aroma, you should put several tablets of activated carbon inside at night.

Microwave care

In order for a household device to work properly, it must be looked after and all safety requirements for using heating devices must be met.

  • Install the device at a distance of 85 cm from the floor, away from gas and electrical appliances.
  • For the microwave to function properly, it must be washed promptly and correctly.
  • Use ceramic or glass dishes with a tight lid without patterns or metal rims.
  • It is prohibited to turn on empty equipment to avoid shortening its service life.
  • It is not recommended to turn on the microwave oven in grill or convection mode if the inner walls are dirty or covered with grease. In this case, it will not be easy to wash off the hardened fat.

Even if you follow these simple conditions, you can maintain the functionality of your equipment for a long time.

Most scientists cannot agree on whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health. Their disputes are based on the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the activity of the brain, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and other organs. And most of them come to a positive conclusion.

In the meantime, scientists argue, life does not stand still, the microwave oven remains an indispensable assistant, and requires attention and daily care.

Almost every housewife now has a microwave oven. In the process of constant use, greasy stains appear on it or old dirt and plaque remain. It can sometimes be difficult to remove them yourself and you have to resort to using household chemicals. However, many housewives are trying to save themselves using folk remedies.

How to clean a microwave inside and outside?

Using available products will help you clean the microwave well from the outside and inside.

It can help to clean the microwave oven from the outside and inside laundry soap. It has good disinfecting properties, and thanks to strong acids, this soap allows you to wash off even the most stubborn stains.

So, you must first grind the laundry soap, for which a regular grater is perfect. Take some soap shavings and dissolve them in warm water. Using your hands or using a mixer, foam the water and apply the foam with a sponge to the inner and outer walls of the microwave. Then we leave the oven in this state for half an hour and wash off any remaining soapy water and dirt. We rinse everything again with clean water and wipe with a towel until completely dry.

You can clean the outside of the microwave using window glass cleaner. Spray the liquid onto the wall of the microwave and wipe off the dirt with a rag.

There is another way to clean the oven. We take any window glass cleaner at the rate of 2 parts to 1 part warm water. Mix these components in an enamel bowl. Dip a napkin or sponge into the bowl and wash the outside of the oven. Then we take out all the components from the microwave and wipe them.

Lastly, wash the inside surfaces of the microwave. After washing with a cleaning agent, you need to wash the oven again plain water and wipe dry with a towel so that the product does not remain on the walls.

A modern product has a good cleansing effect - melamine sponge. There is no need to use any special products: just moisten the sponge with water and start removing stains.

How to clean old stains?

Old stains can also be washed with improvised means (water, lemon juice, soda or vinegar). The method of getting rid of stagnant dirt using water and any of the above components is called “microwave autoevaporation.” Take water and pour it into a container used in microwave ovens. Then the vessel with the liquid is placed in the oven chamber and the required mode is turned on. For a certain time, the water with the additional available product will boil and then evaporate, thereby making the dirt easily removed with ordinary napkins.

And the following video describes in detail the procedure for cleaning a microwave oven from the inside using vinegar. It tells you how to prepare a cleaning solution and what you will need for this.

Lemon acid also has good properties in the fight against fat that forms in the microwave oven during its use. To clean the microwave with lemon, you need to carry out the following manipulations:
  • take specialized dishes for a microwave oven, and pour water into it;
  • then add a few drops of liquid citric acid to the water;
  • put the dishes with the mixture in the oven;
  • turn on the microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes;
  • at the end of the oven operation, you must wait another 5-7 minutes so that the citric acid can be better absorbed into the fat;
  • after the time has passed, take out the container with the mixture;
  • take a towel or dry cloth and wipe the microwave until completely dry.
This video explains in detail and clearly shows how you can use lemon And citric acid clean the microwave oven.

Cleaning the microwave oven from the inside can be done using the usual dishwashing liquid. In a special bowl that is intended for use in the microwave, take warm water and add the product in question (any will do: “Cinderella”, “Fairy”, “Sorti”, etc.). Place the dishes and detergent in the microwave for 2 minutes. We take out the vessel and wipe the inside of the oven with a damp sponge.

Quick ways

You can clean a microwave oven using different methods, but how the cleaning itself occurs - slowly or quickly - does not matter, since the same products are usually used. However, there are times when the microwave needs to be cleaned very quickly.

Can be used plain water. In a small bowl, which is intended for use in the microwave, we collect about 200 ml of water. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 15-20 minutes. After the time is up, you need to wipe the inside walls of the microwave with a rag or sponge (soft side).

In this way, you can wash only fresh dirt that has not yet dried.

Also, vinegar, laundry soap and regular baking soda can provide quick + high-quality removal of contaminants after using a microwave:
  • Take baking soda (2 tablespoons) and dissolve it in water. Pour the prepared solution into any specialized container for a microwave oven. Place in the microwave for 15 minutes on high heat. Then you need to rinse off the remaining solution with plain water and wipe dry. For a better effect, after the first placement of the dishes with the ingredients, you can not immediately remove the container, but leave it there for some time. Then the procedure can be repeated.
  • Take vinegar and mix with water. Then pour it into a container, preferably a specialized one designed for microwaves. After this, put the bowl of liquid in the microwave and select the high temperature mode. After finishing work, the MV oven must be washed with regular dishwashing detergent and wiped dry.
  • We take a type of laundry soap with a fatty acid content of 72%, and soap a rag or sponge with it. Lather well and wipe the microwave. Leave it in the soapy state for a while and then remove the stains with a napkin.

The listed methods are fast and effective against grease stains and other contaminants.

What products are suitable for different microwave surfaces?

Each microwave oven has its own coating, so the method of processing it must be different. There are 3 types of MV oven coatings:
  • Resistant enameled. This type of coating must be cleaned carefully, as hard brushes and sponges, as well as abrasives, can damage it. appearance enamel, leaving scratches on its surface. For cleaning, you can use ordinary water and laundry soap with an acid content of 72%.
  • Stainless steel. This coating gets dirty very quickly, but does not have any restrictions in cleaning it, so you can use soda, vinegar, laundry soap and household chemicals(not abrasive). But you can’t rub in one place or randomly. Hand movements should always be either vertical or horizontal (not circular), without stopping in any area for a long time.
  • Biological ceramics. It is a modern coating for microwave ovens. Biological ceramics are easy to clean and are not contaminated with grease. You can clean it normally paper napkin microfiber, water or pencil to remove dirt.
In order to clean the microwave oven, many resort to using commercial products. To clean ordinary stains, stagnant grease or soot, you can use special wipes or cleaning products.

The most popular microwave oven cleaners are:
  • "Ariston 93111". Allows you to clean and disinfect the microwave. It is enough just to spray this product onto the contaminated surface, wait a while and remove dirt, soot and grease with a regular napkin.
  • "Weissgauff WG-9423". Removes stubborn dirt and stains from the microwave oven.
  • Microfiber cloth "MagicPower MP-502". Removes burnt-on dirt and soot from the microwave oven.
  • "Topper IR5", "Topper IR5"– a pencil for cleaning the microwave. Removes fat well, even burnt fat.
  • Lotion "Look". It removes all types of dirt well in the microwave.
You can clean a microwave oven using different means, including traditional ones (using vinegar, soda, water, etc.). Cleaning ordinary dirt and old greasy deposits is done using the same methods and means, so the ingredients for them are almost no different. You can also use the latest household chemicals.

12/14/2016 7 7 435 views

If you are the owner of a microwave oven, then the question of how to clean the microwave from grease inside at home is not idle, but urgent. Do you use this appliance only for heating ready-made dishes, always covering the dishes with a lid? Or do you like to cook different dishes in the microwave, using it as a full-fledged oven?

Or maybe it has convection and grill functions that will diversify the range of your culinary masterpieces? In any case, drops of liquid and fat will fall on the inner surface of the stove, and persistent odors may appear. This is especially likely when cooking meat, fish, and dishes with spices. Fortunately, not only special expensive products, but also simple, familiar household helpers can perfectly cope with the task of cleaning a microwave from grease and burning. True, for modern devices Grandma’s recipes will have to be somewhat modernized so as not to cause harm to either yourself or the equipment.

Basic rules for caring for a microwave oven

How to care for the device? To ensure that cleaning the microwave does not have negative consequences and brings only joy from a successfully completed task, it is worth remembering a few recommendations.

  1. Before getting into a dirty oven with detergents and a sponge, unplug the appliance. electrical network by unplugging the plug from the socket.
  2. Avoid using abrasives and steel wool to avoid damaging the coating.
  3. It is also advisable to leave aggressive chemicals for other purposes.
  4. Do not flood the inside of the microwave with water and try to keep the amount of liquid when cleaning to a minimum if you do not want to say goodbye to your faithful kitchen assistant.
  5. Disassembly of the device should be left to professionals.
  6. It is advisable not to leave the microwave in a state with old streaks of grease. It is best to wipe the inside after each cooking.
  7. You can heat food in a container with a lid. It’s good if your household also likes this idea.

Following these simple rules will help you cope with contamination, and your microwave oven will serve you for a long time without interference.

Cleaning the microwave from grease with folk remedies

Even old stains can be removed with folk recipes, which will not cost a lot of money. If the contamination is not severe, it is often possible to deal with it in 5 minutes. Most of the tools we will talk about:

  1. Remove fat.
  2. Helps get rid of the unpleasant burning smell.
  3. Suitable for use inside and outside the device.

How easy it is to clean a microwave using folk remedies? There is no need to scrub away dirt with incredible effort. The main life hack is to evaporate water inside the device. To do this, we need to adapt a wide vessel, which will provide us with a large area of ​​evaporation. A glass bowl for cooking is perfect, but not a metal one, as you, as a microwave oven user, know well. And you can already add various agents and aromatic substances to your taste to the water.


Good old table vinegar! Here's a great way to quickly clean your microwave. Its only drawback is a rather strong and persistent odor that may not leave the inside of the device.

So let's get started:

  • Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar with water. The solution should not be too weak.

  • Disconnect the device from the network.

  • Using a sponge, rub the mixture onto the microwave door and the areas next to it.

  • We move inside, scrubbing away dirt and grease. We are not afraid if not all traces go away immediately.

  • Place the remaining vinegar solution inside the oven in a suitable container. You can add water and vinegar if it turns out that the composition is not enough.

  • We turn on the device and start the oven for 5 minutes.

  • After the program is completed, remove the acidified fat from the walls of the microwave with a soft cloth or sponge.

  • We wipe everything clean and admire the result.


Sodium bicarbonate, in other words, simple soda, can help us. This excellent cleaning product has abrasive properties, so using it for modern technology comes with a number of reservations. So, it is extremely undesirable to rub the external and internal parts of the microwave oven with dry soda, because damaging the coating is not part of your plans. But a solution of soda and water is good for cleaning the microwave from corrosive contaminants.

Here the algorithm is approximately the same:

  • Prepare the solution. For 0.5 liters of water, you can take a few tablespoons of soda.

  • Place the container with the solution in the microwave and turn on the most powerful mode for 10–15 minutes.

  • We wait a little more time before opening the door.

  • Turn off the device and carefully remove the container with the hot soda mixture.

  • We wipe the inside walls with a soft cloth or sponge.

Lemon acid

We must not forget about the cleaning and disinfecting properties of citric acid. In order to use a quick way to remove dirt from the walls of the microwave, you need to stock up on lemon powder in the amount of 1 packet or 25 g.

  • Dissolve the acid in a glass of water, preferably hot. You should not use metal containers for mixing, especially since they are not suitable for heating in an oven.

  • We place the container with the solution in the oven and start the high-power mode for 10–20 minutes, depending on how long the plaque has accumulated on the walls.

  • Let the solution evaporate for some time after turning off the microwave and remove it.

  • We disconnect the device from the network for our own safety.

  • The steam and acid did their job and softened the layers of fat on the inner surface of the stove. Now just remove them with a soft cloth and wash the microwave clean.

An alternative to citric acid can be chopped fresh citrus fruits or their peels. An additional advantage of this method is that when heated in water, citrus fruits release essential oils which have a pleasant aroma. Fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit should be cut into small pieces and placed in water. Then run the microwave for 15 or 20 minutes for the substances to take effect. Also wipe the oven from the inside, removing plaque and grease.

Laundry soap

It is this brown soap with a specific smell that will effectively wash away grease stains inside the oven. To clean the microwave with it, you do not need to prepare any compositions or heat them.

It is enough to rub the sponge with a piece of laundry soap, treat the walls of the stove with the resulting foam, paying special attention to the dirtiest places, and wait 10–15 minutes. Then wash off the foam and remaining fat with a small amount of water.

Using steam

But what to do if none of these products are at hand, and the microwave urgently needs to be cleaned from the inside? No matter how strange it may seem, it is quite capable of removing contaminants. plain water. Or rather, the steam that is formed when it is heated inside the oven.

Microwave-safe, wide-topped dishes and water are essential ingredients. It is worth heating the water longer so that the steam dissolves the deposits on the walls of the device well.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using household chemicals?

There are special household chemicals designed for microwaves. In addition to them, you can use regular dishwashing liquids. To do this, you need to drop this product onto a sponge and turn on the oven for a few minutes.

To avoid using heat, take a cleaning spray and spray it on the inside of the surface. After this activity, wash the oven from any remaining grease and cleaning agent.

Video: how to clean the inside of a microwave from grease?

Additional questions

Is it possible to wash a microwave oven with detergents?

Detergents effectively remove carbon deposits and food dirt, so using them is, of course, acceptable. But they can have a strong specific odor that is difficult to remove. A chemical “aroma” is unlikely to add flavor to your dish. Therefore, if possible, it is better to take a simple and environmentally friendly remedy from the folk arsenal. Plus, it's often cheaper.

I washed the microwave and it started sparking - what should I do?

The microwave oven may spark when turned on. Does this phenomenon mean that it no longer works? This is an alarming sign indicating that the device is faulty and cannot be used until the problem is resolved. One of the reasons for sparking is damage to the oven walls when washing with hard sponges. Other reasons may lie in the incorrect selection of dishes or failure of the mica plate. The first thing you need to do is identify the factor causing the sparks to appear, and then decide whether the problem can be solved on your own. If we are talking about the thinning of the enamel lining the surface from the inside, then it is easier to restore it with the help of experts, although it is realistic to do it yourself.

How to clean a microwave from grease inside and from other contaminants from the outside

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Over the past few decades, many new devices have entered our lives, designed to make life as comfortable as possible and minimize household hassles. One of these miracle devices is the microwave oven. Initially, it was used only for quickly defrosting strategic food supplies, as a rule, in soldiers' canteens, and was of enormous size. Over time, one of the Japanese companies slightly improved the microwave oven and launched it into mass production.

Today, microwaves no longer only defrost and heat food, they have a mass additional functions. Using these devices you can bake, grill, stew and boil. Moreover, cooking in the microwave takes much less time and effort than cooking using a conventional stove. That is why many families use this device every day. However, with frequent use, a microwave oven will naturally become dirty quickly. In our article we will talk about how to clean a microwave oven so as not to damage the device and at the same time spend a minimum of effort on the cleaning process.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings and their features

If the outer coating of the microwave is more and less clear, the issue of its cleanliness can be solved with the help of a sponge and any detergent, then cleaning the inner surface may present certain difficulties. This largely depends on the type of camera coating. There are currently three types of coverage. Let's look at the features of each of them:

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Professional microwave cleaning products

The modern market offers many different products designed specifically for cleaning microwaves. They are usually produced in the form of liquids, aerosols or sprays. The latter are the most convenient since they can be immediately applied to the surface without using any additional items. Such products allow you to clean your microwave quickly and quite effectively. They must be applied evenly to the surface, wait about ten minutes, and then thoroughly wash the walls with a sponge and water.

To clean the microwave oven, you can also use regular dishwashing gel; such products are known to dissolve grease quite well. It's very easy to do. First, apply the product to a damp sponge, lather it, apply the foam to the inner coating of the oven, leave it for about thirty minutes, and then rinse with a clean cloth and water. But it is better to avoid using products intended for cleaning the stove, as they usually have a fairly aggressive composition and can damage any coating of the microwave.

How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means

Special products for micro-baking are not always at hand, and lately many have given up household chemicals, preferring to replace them with something less harmful. In this case, cleaning can be done using the simplest products or means that are probably present in every home.

  • Lemon. Minor stains can be removed with regular lemon. To do this, cut the fruit into two parts and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with one of the halves. After about an hour, wash the coating with a damp sponge and then wipe it dry with a cloth. After this procedure, the microwave will not only be cleaned, but will also acquire a pleasant aroma.
  • Laundry soap. Moisten a clean sponge, rub it with laundry soap, foam it and apply the resulting foam to the internal surfaces of the oven. Leave the microwave in this state for twenty minutes, then rinse off the soap with clean water.
  • Soda and vinegar. Add just a little water to a couple of tablespoons of soda, the amount should be such that you get a thick paste-like mass. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar into the resulting mass and stir everything thoroughly. The baking soda and vinegar will react to create a sizzling mixture. Apply it to the surface using an old toothbrush and leave for half an hour. After this, carefully remove the mixture from the walls of the oven with a soft sponge and wipe them first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.