How to make money out of thin air: the best ideas. How to easily make money out of thin air Make money out of thin air

Rich people claim that poverty is a consequence of laziness, and if you start acting and use your imagination, you can make something out of thin air without having a business. Today, there are a huge number of ways that will help cope with this task, and everyone can use them, the main thing is to have a goal.

How to make money out of thin air?

If you don’t have start-up capital to make an investment, don’t be upset, because there are ways that generate income without using start-up capital.

Ideas to make money out of thin air:

  1. If there is an area in which you are well versed, then you can conduct trainings or take up tutoring. There are quite a lot of directions: languages, photography, products self made etc.
  2. If you speak well and can remember a lot of information, then plan and conduct tourist tours. You can start with the nearest memorable places, and then expand your horizons.
  3. For those with “golden hands”, a job like “husband for an hour” is suitable. In addition, you can make various handmade products, for example, forged or wooden things.

How to make money out of thin air - banking schemes

Today, many schemes have been developed that will help you bypass the pitfalls and make money on the bank, because deposits are money out of thin air. Numerous financial structures offer different schemes deposits, but we will act outside the box and try to make money on a credit card. To attract customers, banks offer grace periods for using loan funds, that is, there is a specific period of time for which no interest is charged. It is important to repay the amount in full at the end of the month. On average this value is 50 days.

The essence of the scheme is that a person uses exclusively a credit card to pay for various services. You must first call the bank and refuse any paid services, for example, sending messages, deductions to the account, etc. It is also recommended to block the ability to withdraw funds from an ATM so as not to pay money for cashing out. At this time, your own funds and monthly income should be in use. To do this, go to the bank, preferably the same one where you ordered the credit card, and put the funds on deposit. Choose a deposit with the ability to withdraw some money and top up the amount at any time. During the grace period, use only a credit card, then withdraw the required part of the money from the deposit, pay it off and start the new month over again.

Now about the main thing, let’s figure out how much you can count on. If a family spends, for example, 50 thousand rubles per month, and the deposit has a rate of 10%, then the monthly income will be 685 rubles.

If you think that all interesting business ideas have already been implemented, you are deeply mistaken. We invite you to get acquainted with 10 companies whose creators were not afraid to bring their crazy projects to life. In the selection: hugs for $60, a pawn shop for secrets, a sobering IV on the bus and many other interesting offers.

Portraits painted with ashes

Ashes to Portrets offers remembering deceased relatives through portraits. In principle, nothing unusual, if not for the fact that the paintings were painted with the ashes of the deceased. It is mixed with paints and a copy of the proposed photograph is painted. There is probably some secret meaning in this, but personally, such creativity rather scares us. But this is not the only thing made from ashes. This specific “market” includes sea reefs, artificial diamonds, and photo wallpapers, but it’s better not to go deeper.

Buy hugs wholesale

Appeared in the USA and Europe new profession- master of hugs. No sexual connotations, according to participants. Sometimes people just want to feel the warmth of another person, exchange energy and all that. We repeat - no sex, only spiritual intimacy. There is a company in the USA called The Snuggery that specializes in such services and even offers group and overnight sessions. The price list is quite adequate: an hour of hugs - 60 bucks, a night - $425. How much a mass tenderness session will cost is not reported, although this is exactly the most interesting point...

Postcard size 4

Russian creative entrepreneurs are also not lagging behind. The Titisign project was recently launched. The idea is simple, but ingenious: for just 360 rubles you can send a postcard to your friend, colleague or relative. But not easy! This is a photograph of a woman's breasts, on which a personalized message from you is written to the recipient. The text, however, is small, only 35 characters. But they are quite enough to write to my wife from a business trip: “I love you! Kiss! I miss!"

Secret as collateral

In March of this year, news appeared in the Kazakh press about the opening of a new pawnshop in Astana. Although in fact this business can only be called a pawnshop conditionally. They take secrets rather than valuables as collateral. The idea is very interesting. Just think, by cheating on your wife you not only get pleasure, but also form credit history. This is monetization. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find either the name or anyone confirming the reality of such a company. Everyone in the media refers to the fact that the organization is closed, you can’t get there from the street. Who knows, maybe they are hinting at their own Cabinet of Ministers?

Name for thirty grand

Switzerland is a rich country. And a little strange. Only there could a company appear that comes up with names for babies. Of course, unique. Nowadays it is really fashionable to name children creatively, this is especially common among Hollywood stars. This is probably exactly the audience the company’s creators were counting on. The fact is that for one invented name they want to get 42 thousand dollars. In some countries, for that kind of money you can buy not only a name, but also a child in addition.

Recycling Christmas

Christmas celebrations have long become separate industry. No one will be surprised if the corporations that make money from him create a real Santa Claus. Like any industry, in addition to profit, it also produces a huge amount of waste. For example, millions of Christmas trees are thrown away every year. American Thomas Vines opened a business to “process” them. And in the most natural way. The needles are simply eaten by forty goats. They do this very carefully, leaving only wood. It’s not entirely clear why not just burn everything, but business is business.

Hunting for traffic police

In Belarusian Gomel, teenagers came up with original way earn money. First, they look for a traffic police post on the highways and roads of the city. Then they move away a little, pick up a cardboard with a warning about a traffic cop ambush written on it, and stand facing the moving stream. The driver is only required to thank the guys by throwing in some money. The journalists who observed them did not notice very large revenues. It’s a shame the guys didn’t think of creating an application for a smartphone. People pay monstrous amounts of money for outright nonsense, imagine how much money they would shell out for such a useful program?

Cardboard Box Exchange

The American nation is distinguished by enviable mobility. In search of work, adventure and a new life, locals move from state to state and do not regret it one bit. As a result, this has led to a constant demand for carton boxes in which they transport things. To satisfy this, the UsedCardboardBoxes service appeared. The company buys boxes from large corporations and sells them at retail at a slight markup. In this case, you can simply buy any number of cardboard containers, or you can choose special sets, selected depending on what you are going to transport.

The smell of deceased relatives

An interesting offer has appeared in funeral homes in France. For just six hundred dollars, grieving relatives are offered a bottle of the deceased's scent. This strange business is run by Katie Apalategui, the owner of a small perfume company. Molecules with odor are extracted from the clothing of the deceased. The potential for such a product is enormous, especially if the authors of the idea do not limit themselves only to those who have already left us. Agree, the smell of some celebrity can simply blow up the market, and how many will want to buy a bottle with the smell of the USSR!

Reanimation bus

Las Vegas is the entertainment capital of the USA. Life in it does not stop for a minute, but it is especially stormy at night. In general, everyone drinks there. As a result, a unique hangover bus was launched along the main street. Here you will not be offered cold beer, but you will be treated to a drip with a special solution that removes toxins from the body. Unfortunately, it is not very clear why only guests and residents of Las Vegas are lucky. His help would not hurt other cities on Earth.

Maxim Usachev was surprised by the imagination of businessmen

Greetings! I recently finished Brian Sher's book How to Make Money Out of Thin Air. I’ll be honest: I haven’t had such pleasure from “motivational” literature for a long time!

Today I will be a reviewer. I really liked the book. The author offers an interesting approach to assessment own business, different from the classic one. By the way, you don’t have to look at the title - this is a common PR stunt to attract the attention of readers. Something like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The book will definitely be useful to those who are thinking about it (including on the Internet). There are also a lot of interesting thoughts about it. Tips on how to learn how to get money out of thin air. And even a test on the topic “Will you become a millionaire.”

Brian Sher lived in Australia, but went to Wales to study. He returned to his homeland at the height of the 1989 crisis. He had no work experience. As, indeed, the work itself.

Without thinking twice, Cher Brian founded his own consulting business without investment. It would seem, well done - I found it!

But no. Very soon he realized that the project took a lot of time and effort. And such a business is no different from employment. You can't sell your time for money. Brian had to come up with something completely different.

Just three years after returning to Australia as a poor student, Brian Sher creates a unique company, Vision Publishing Pty Limited. You'll never guess what she did. I prepared annotations for business books and sold them by paid subscription to eternally busy businessmen.

A few years later, the company’s annual profit was $18 million. And the restless Brian again surprised everyone by selling his brainchild to his partners.

Today, Brian Sher is one of the most sought-after advisors on issues of systematization, optimization and improvement of business. I think you can listen to the advice of such a person.

Quotes from the book with my comments

The entire book can be divided into quotes. I will give just a few statements that are in tune with my own thoughts.

My father once gave me advice: “Never work with your hands - you’ll never get rich.”

This is not about physical labor. And about the fact that working for someone, you cannot become rich in principle. There are few exceptions to this rule. For example, top managers of Gazprom.

I made good money, but that’s all. I had to find out what rich people were doing that I wasn't doing.

I once came to the same conclusion. And I began to carefully read the interview successful people and books in which they share their experiences. Over time I realized that .

By the way, Brian Sher's first book is called “What Rich People Know and What They Want to Keep Secret.”

Wealth does not come from knowledge of principles, but from their clear, targeted and specific application.

At one of the trainings on personal finance management, I heard an interesting classification of people by psychological age. All adults are divided into four types: children, adolescents, students and adults.

I will not decipher each of the options in detail now. I will only say that approximately 40% of my acquaintances can be classified as “students”. These are people who constantly learn something new, read books, and attend trainings. This is cool, but unfortunately it does not affect their lives in any way.

For example, Petya studied five courses on creating and monetizing a blog. And I attended two practical seminars on the same topic. He even came up with the blog theme, name and design. But Petya’s project never existed on the Internet.

Any specific result is the final link in the chain “thought – feeling – action – result”. For “students” this chain always breaks off at the stage of transition to real action. In a word, “Don’t be like Petya”!

Poor people sell their time. It makes no difference whether you sell it as an employee or have a consulting business (lawyers, accountants)

It seems like an obvious thing, but many people don’t think about it until retirement.

Being rich means getting what you want. To be happy is to want what you have

This means that money can’t buy happiness.

Owning your own business will not automatically make you rich. But this is the fastest way to achieve this goal

By the way, yes. Today the Internet is full of books, courses and trainings on the topic. At the same time, many “forget” to mention a small nuance: only serious capital can provide a decent income.

Where can I get it? So it turns out that business is really the fastest way.

The topic of making and saving money is not even mentioned in schools or universities.

And we are talking about the “advanced” USA. How do you tell former schoolchildren and students to make money in Russia?

The main idea of ​​the book: “Don’t create a business. Create a valuable enterprise that can be sold profitably over time. If you can't sell it, it's not worth a penny. The only reason to be in business is to make money out of thin air.”

Beginning entrepreneurs (and myself) don’t pay any attention at all to the prospects for the future sale of a business!

Five signs of “bad” businesses according to Brian Sher

  • Narrow market

Dog grooming salon or kosher grocery store in small town are doomed to bankruptcy - the market is too narrow for “exotic” business ideas.

  • No repeat business

In Russia, due to the low quality of goods and services, a lot of businesses are built on one-time sales. The owners focus on the transaction (“How to make money?”), and not on the relationship with the buyer (“How to turn a casual client into a regular one?”). There are few or no repeat business in such businesses. The value of companies is close to zero.

  • Lack of brand

By the way, I also only recently realized that a branded business costs many times more than a nameless one! Even if you sell tandoori flatbreads, used baby strollers or draft beer, the company needs.

Not just “delicious beer on the corner”, but a cool kiosk “Pivasik”.

You need to work on creating a brand: come up with a memorable logo, name, slogan and recognizable style. Such businesses give more profit and can be sold later for more money.

  • Low wages and unskilled labor

Owners of “bad” businesses never pay their employees much money. Such companies have high staff turnover and no prospects for career growth.

As a result, a vicious circle is formed. Employees with low motivation work worse (including with clients). The business is not growing and is barely staying afloat. The owner is unable to pay high wages and is forced to recruit new workers with even lower qualifications. Business is sagging more.

  • No competitive advantage

Also, by the way, a purely Russian “trick” that I come across every day. Quite often, beginning businessmen blindly copy other people's business ideas.

Once upon a time, the first mobile coffee shops appeared on the streets. Now they stand on literally every corner, looking alike like twin brothers. The same goes for pizzerias, sushi bars, beauty salons, street fast food and much more.

The price of a company, first of all, depends on its competitive advantages! Without them it is worth nothing.

10 signs of a promising business

Again, Brian Sher gives twenty, not ten, signs in the book. I chose those that, in my opinion, are worth using in Russia.

  1. Business operates in large and promising markets
  2. Offers a unique and relevant product. Such products can be sold much more expensive than their analogues (the author cites the example of the famous Viagra - relevant and unique)
  3. "Reusable Products" Here we are not talking about repeat purchases, but about the same product that can be sold many times. Example: credit cards, licensed Microsoft products, renting out an apartment, educational video courses
  4. Impeccable service. What we really lack
  5. Recognizable brand
  6. There is no dependence on the efforts of one or two people
  7. There are talented employees with high motivation
  8. Constant expansion of the basic product line
  9. Extensive customer base and clear understanding of your target audience
  10. Have an exit plan and strategy to attract investors

In fact, there is no use in retelling Brian Sher's book - you need to read it. There is minimal “water” there, but valuable thoughts, useful recommendations and examples - the sea.

What cool books on business topics do you recommend?

Arzy Umerova

Well, who among us doesn’t want to have a lot of money? But few people are ready to work hard for this in order to make a fortune for themselves; many are more interested in the question of how to make money out of thin air? If it's not illegal, then why not.

In fact, history knows many cases when a person literally created impressive capital out of thin air. Thanks to development modern technologies, making money becomes even easier, and you don’t have to invest. You can also rise from level ground.

Easy money - how does it work?

Before looking for ideas, you should turn to the experience of past years. Of course, it’s worth saying right away that luck smiles on those who do not sit still, but are constantly on the move.

To make money literally “out of thin air”, you still need a creative approach.

Creativity always helps to realize oneself, as history clearly shows:

All these ways of making money are not new, and they are quite easy to come by. But it was already noted above that Lady Luck loves creative people, which means you need to come up with something new.

For the lazy, you can pay attention to the following ideas:

If you have ideas in your head, then you shouldn’t be afraid to implement them.

How to make money as an intermediary?

If you look from the perspective of activity and laziness, then laziness is not always so bad. Sometimes it is precisely because a person is lazy and does not want to work hard that brilliant ideas are born in his head. And here the main thing is to present them correctly, which means that activity will still be needed.

Without investments, you can earn money by acting as an intermediary in this or that business. It’s worth noting right away that not all areas require any specific skills.