How to competently organize the process of water softening in a private home: choosing a technology and a design solution. Water softening filters Water softening for home

In one filter, the following are simultaneously removed from water: mechanical impurities, dissolved, colloidal and organic iron, manganese, natural organic compounds (humic and fulvic acids and their salts), hardness salts and heavy metals.

Price: from 32,900 rub.

We will find a solution for you!

According to statistics, 90% of water heating and plumbing equipment breaks down due to hard water. Scale forms, pipelines become clogged, water heaters lose power, and household appliances break down. High hardness is also dangerous for people. Sand and stones form in the organs, blood vessels and the heart suffer, the skin becomes dry, and dermatitis occurs. So that there are no accidents at home and health does not deteriorate, they produce water softening using filters.

Hardness is a property of water that depends on the content of calcium salts (Ca) in dissolved form and, in lower concentrations, silicon (Si lat. Silicium), magnesium (Mg).

  • Carbonate
  • Non-carbonate
  • General

Carbonate is temporary. Easily removed by boiling. Determined by the presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in the liquid. Chemical formula— Ca(НСО3)2; Mg(HCO3)2. Forms scale in hot water supply pipelines, in a kettle, on water heating elements of boilers and boilers.

Non-carbonate constant. Cannot be removed by boiling. It is caused by the presence of salts, which differ in properties from carbonate ones. These are mainly chlorides (CaCl2, MgCl2), sulfates (CaSO4, MgSO4).

Total hardness is the sum of the 1st and 2nd hardness. The final indicator of the content of all magnesium and calcium ions and compounds present in the liquid. Since 2014, updated standards have appeared, according to which this parameter is measured in degrees of hardness - °F = 1 mEq per liter. According to the total hardness of water:

  • Hard - more than 10°F
  • Medium hardness - 2-10
  • Soft - up to 2

In Europe, the concentration standard is 2.5; in the Russian Federation - 7.

“Hard” chemical compounds enter well water from soluble rocks, which consist of dolomite, lime, and gypsum. If the region is rich in these minerals, they will definitely be in the water. Needed water softener filter.

Why do you soften your home water?

“Hard” salts gradually accumulate in the body. Vessels become clogged. The heart suffers. Stones appear in the kidneys and other organs and cavities of the body. Urolithiasis occurs. Drinking water with high hardness causes serious harm to health. Besides:

  • Scale formed on heaters and inside heating radiators reduces heat transfer
  • Detergents produce little foam. Consumption of household chemicals increases by 60%
  • Dishes take longer to prepare. Meat remains tough after cooking
  • 1 millimeter of scale increases power consumption by 10%
  • Leads to overheating of heating elements. Causes 90% of water heater failures

Hard water makes things worse appearance. The skin dries out and peels. Dermatitis, acne, and redness appear. The hair is not washed, looks untidy, and becomes unruly. Plaque forms on the teeth.

Hard water is dangerous for newborns. Increases the likelihood of eczema and atopic dermatitis with constant use and bathing. Symptoms appear as early as 3 months. Eczema causes autoimmune allergies and then food allergies and asthma.

The best protection is to buy and install water softening filter. Water treatment and purification devices soften well and make household water suitable for drinking and household use.

Strong magnets are also used in water treatment. The liquid is passed through a powerful magnetic field. As a result, the water changes its physical characteristics, dissolved impurities lose their ability to form salts, and, consequently, scale. In addition, magnetized water destroys and removes already deposited layers of scale. The technology is effective at low contents of calcium, silicon, and magnesium ions.

The liquid is exposed to a highly charged electric field using special membranes. Hardness ions and some other substances are removed. The technology is used for desalination of sea water on an industrial scale, in the production of table salt and for the preparation of water in thermal power plants.

Made using reagents. Use slaked lime Ca(OH)2, sodium orthophosphate Na3PO4 or soda ash Na2CO3. When interacting with the reagent, hardness salts become insoluble, settle to the bottom and are easily filtered out. This technology is justified when purifying large volumes of liquid. During application, a number of specific technological problems arise. An accurate dosage of the chemical reagent is needed.

The technology refers to reagent softening methods. For water purification, granular filter beds are used, mainly ion exchange resins, which are loaded into water softening filters. When interacting with resin granules, ions of “hard” compounds, as well as iron and manganese, are captured from the liquid. Depending on the type of filter material, the ion exchange process produces sodium, potassium or hydrogen ions. With a properly selected load, it is possible to reduce hardness to 0.1-0.01°F even with ultra-high mineralization.

Advantages of ion exchange filters:

  • Price is 20-50% lower
  • Universal. Suitable for cottages, country houses, city apartments. They are placed on wells, wells, and cut into city water supply pipelines
  • Productive. Removes hardness, iron, excess minerals, manganese, organic compounds and other contaminants with one can
  • Eliminates ultra-high concentrations of iron - up to 30 mg

Over time, the resins become clogged with contaminants held by chemical bonds and no longer soften the water. However, the ion exchange reaction is reversible. If you pass a solution of table salt through the resin, the impurities will separate, and the sodium contained in the salt will occupy the resulting voids. The separated pollutants are washed into the drain. The updated resin again efficiently cleans and softens water.

The manufacturing company offers effective ion exchange filters designed to soften water while removing hardness salts. Water purification is carried out using special ion exchange resins, which are subsequently restored using ordinary table salt. Filtering units have undergone multiple tests, confirming their quality and efficiency; the products presented in the catalog will be a profitable solution for effective water softening.

BWT Perla is an innovative two-column water softener operating on the ion exchange principle. This is an innovative device of the premium quality segment, the device will help free water from excess hardness salts, making it pleasantly silky to the touch. The compact BWT Perla softener is ideal for installation in a private home. and in the apartment, Modern technologies provide fast effective cleaning water. A duplex two-column softener is capable of providing several water points in the house, the maximum flow rate can reach 53 liters per minute. This will allow you to comfortably use any type of modern plumbing.

The water softener from BWT Perla Silk is designed to remove excess hardness salts present in city water supply. The device is intended for use on a cold water supply line in country house or in apartments, it can also be used in water treatment systems to prevent scale formation. The softener capacity is 1680 l/hour, which ensures high water treatment speed. Thanks to the compact size of the device, there will be no problems with its installation and connection.

The compact ion exchange filter is a two-column installation. The processor automatically controls the switching between columns, as a result, water purification is carried out continuously. The device is equipped with an LCD display that allows you to monitor the progress of the regeneration process to restore the filtering ability of the ion exchange resin.

The water softening filter additionally removes dissolved iron and manganese, as well as organic impurities and ammonia. The filtering unit frees water from 5 types of impurities, as a result it becomes clean, transparent, and foreign odors disappear. This is the optimal solution for various household facilities; expensive reagents are not required to regenerate the filter.

A compact, economy-class softener ensures effective removal of hardness salts. It can be installed in the water supply system in a city apartment or country house; equipment of this type is also suitable for water treatment of heating systems. Thanks to its compact size, the softener takes up minimal space and can be used even in a small apartment.

Single column filter can be used for cleaning tap water from hardness salts, it is also used in water treatment of heating systems. The operation of the filter can be controlled by a water meter or by a timer; select the appropriate option. Corrosion-resistant materials are used to manufacture the device; it can last a very long time.

The two-column filter, operating on the principle of ion exchange, is equipped with a built-in controller that allows you to easily control the switching of operating and regeneration modes. The filter is placed in a durable housing, the materials are protected from corrosion - this guarantees long-term reliable operation of the filter unit. It can be used in the home or business.

The single-column ion exchange filter is offered in three versions:

    With timer control - Z

    With water meter control (immediate regeneration) - WZ

    With electronic control (regeneration by timer is possible; when connecting an external water meter, immediate or delayed regeneration by the water meter is possible) - SE.

The single-column ion exchange filter is offered in three versions: it can be controlled by a timer, by a counter, or switched using an electronic unit. The filter effectively removes hardness salts from water, and the controller automatically starts the resin regeneration process.

The two-column ion exchange station is controlled by a counter; mode switching can be electronic or electromechanical. This control system guarantees a constant supply of purified water without interruptions for regeneration. This installation can be used in a cottage or country house to effectively remove hardness salts from water.

The dual-column ion exchange filter automatically switches between column modes for water purification or resin regeneration. Such a system ensures a constant supply of purified water to the consumer and maintains filtration efficiency. The device does not require expensive reagents for resin regeneration; it will be inexpensive and easy to use.

Operating principle and varieties

The filters presented in the catalog operate on the principle of ion exchange. It represents the transition of ions dangerous to humans to special materials and their replacement with safe charged particles. As a result, the water is freed from excess salts, softens and becomes pleasant to drink. The catalog presents the following types of ion exchange filters:

  • Single-column and double-column. During operation, resins require periodic regeneration to replenish lost ions. Double-column filters can be switched to ensure a continuous supply of water to the consumer.
  • With mechanical and electronic switching. Modern filters are equipped with a built-in controller that allows switching between columns without human intervention.

The time for switching the operating mode between columns can be counted by a timer, by a water meter, and a special one can also be responsible for switching the electronic unit. Check out the equipment options presented in the catalog and choose the right solution for your home, apartment or industrial facility.

Benefits of BWT filters

BWT ion exchange filters have been tested numerous times to prove their effectiveness and reliability. The body of the units is made of corrosion-resistant materials, so long-term operation is guaranteed. Choose the right installation option for effective filtration!

The quality of tap water or water from a well or borehole largely determines the possibility of its safe use as drinking water and water for domestic needs. And if in most cases the quality of such water corresponds to the norm regarding the biological composition, then in terms of the mineral composition the water most often does not stand up to any criticism. The main problem here lies not only in wastewater treatment plants, which have long outlived their useful life, an increased content of salts and impurities can be found in new sources and wells, and as practice shows, there is poor awareness of the capabilities of modern purification technologies water resources for use at home.

The concepts of water quality are almost directly related to such concepts as soft and hard water. Since ancient times, sources in which crystal water was free from the presence of impurities and metal salts were considered soft, it was used for drinking, washing and cooking. They said about such water that it was impossible to drink from it, it was so pure and balanced in mineral composition there is water. But the source, which contains a large amount of salts, iron, or the water gives off hydrogen sulfide, has always enjoyed a bad reputation.

Hard water, rich in mineral compounds, mainly calcium and magnesium, greatly reduces the taste of water and creates problems both for human health and for home supply systems and household appliances. Modern classification of water quality as domestic standards quality of drinking water and industrial water, as well as foreign ones, introduces a classification of quality based on the presence of a certain amount of impurities.

Water of medium hardness is conditionally suitable for human use as technical water, that is, you can wash in it, it is suitable for washing and use in other household needs, but in order to drink it or cook food with it, it needs to be cleaned in a softener filter. The equivalent of salts in such water ranges from 3.0 to 6.0 mg/l.

Hard water, with high mineralization and the presence of calcium and magnesium inclusions from 6 to 12 mg/l, is unsuitable for use even as technical water; such water definitely requires additional and very deep purification and reducing the level of mineralization to acceptable levels.

Negative effects of using hard water

Most often, home owners who have an individual source of water supply - a well or a well - think about installing a water softening system or at least the simplest household filter. The presence of undesirable impurities in water is felt literally from the very beginning of using the source and manifests itself:

  • The presence of an unpleasant taste of water, a feeling of an unnatural presence in the water, a specific sensation of hardness;
  • Sediment, falling time, settling of boiled water;
  • Scale on the walls of kettles and heating elements;
  • Specific limescale stains on plumbing fixtures.
  • Significant consumption of detergents for hygiene procedures and washing clothes;

But these are mainly external manifestations that are noticeable at first glance; much more dangerous consequences are caused by the impact of hard water on other, invisible parts of household appliances and appliances:

  • Abundant deposits of salts on the impellers of pumps at pumping stations;
  • Aggressive impact on the membrane tank of the hydraulic accumulator;
  • Rapid formation of scale in heat exchangers of heating boilers and gas water heaters;
  • Scale formation in radiators and pipelines of heating systems;
  • Rapid breakdown of heating elements of boilers, washing machines, electric kettles, running water heaters, dishwashers.

In addition, when used to provide home systems, energy costs increase significantly, for example, when using hard water for heating, costs increase by 15-20%, 10-15% more electricity is required to operate a washing machine, and replacement of the pumping group of the station will be required in 2 times more often, despite the fact that when drawing water with increased hardness, the pumps do not withstand even half of their service life.

Water softening technologies

At the same time, the presence of hard water in a well today is not a death sentence, because modern technologies make it possible to quite realistically solve this problem, and, as practice shows, there are several ways for this, each of which has today acquired very real forms and outlines of a specific water softening technology.

The traditional method of obtaining a higher quality composition of water is the method of thermal exposure or boiling. The essence of the method is that hard water is brought to a boil and boiled for a certain time. The advantage of this method is the quick practical implementation of water softening without the use of additional equipment. You can boil in any saucepan or kettle, and the result will be practically visible - a hard fraction of salts is formed at the bottom, and the water, after cooling and settling, acquires normal taste.

The disadvantage of this technology is the inability to ensure a constant flow of prepared water into the water supply system and the inability to remove sulfates and chlorides from its composition, those substances that form constant water hardness.

From the point of view of economic feasibility, this method of water softening is practically inapplicable to meet the domestic needs of a private home; it can be used to prepare water for food consumption, and to constantly provide systems for a family of 4-5 people, the cost of 1 liter of softened water will be incomparably higher, than using imported water.

Today, an effective technology for purifying hard water is the reagent softening method. The technology involves chemical treatment active substances water to bind the elements present and their subsequent precipitation into a salt precipitate. This solution to the problem of softening hard water is most often implemented in the technology of adding lime or soda to hard water. The economic feasibility of using such technology for purifying hard water for a single source is small; it has a greater effect when carrying out work at the industrial level. The use of such technology in the household requires at least special equipment that allows softening for hard water without constantly attracting human attention.

Water softening plants using reagent softening technology for household use today they are mainly implemented in the form of installing additional settling filters that provide flow-through water purification for technical needs. Installation of such filtration devices is carried out on water supply pipelines for boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.

Among high-tech methods of softening hard water, dialysis technology gives the best results. Passing through a softening installation, hard water, after being exposed to electricity, magnetic field is separated from the ions and salts contained in it almost completely, acquiring the quality of distilled water. This technology It is mainly used to supply industrial enterprises and special-purpose facilities, sanatoriums, hospitals, and health institutions. The feasibility of its use for water purification for private consumers is small, freed from calcium and magnesium salts, as well as from other impurities, such water becomes unsuitable for daily use as food water.

A simple, but at the same time effective technology for softening water using a magnetic field allows for the purification of large quantities of running water while reducing costs to almost zero; in fact, this is one of the cheapest technologies for softening hard water. The operating principle of this technology is to include a special magnetic insert with a permanent magnet into the pipeline. Passing through the magnetic field of the insert, the water acquires new qualities - during the boiling process, salts do not settle on heating element or the wall of a vessel, and being suspended in an aquatic environment, they precipitate. Cleaning such sediment is not difficult; simply filter the water. Magnetic technology has found practical application in the form of special magnetic attachments installed on plastic pipes or special inserts in metal pipelines.

The technology of water softening using the ion exchange method is based on the process of replacing the active atoms of calcium and magnesium salts with atoms of active metals that do not cause water hardness. In practice, this technology has found its embodiment in the form of filtration and purification plants, in which resins saturated with ions react with calcium and magnesium atoms and settle on the surface of these resins. This process, unlike others, proceeds more intensively, providing greater throughput of the installation. But at the same time, another feature of this technology is the possibility of regenerating these ion exchange resins - by adding ordinary table salt, the deposit of calcium and magnesium containing substances is simply separated and removed from the installation. This technology today has found the widest application, both in industrial production and in providing water supply to private homes, because the quality of purification, the reliability of the technology and the cost of purifying 1 liter of water when using ion exchange technology are the most rational, and if you take into account operating costs, it is the most profitable and acceptable for individual use installations.

Water softening equipment

Practical implementation various methods water softening for industrial and domestic use has systems and installations of different form and content that ensure the purification of hard water in softener filters.

The simplest method of water purification is the use of a household filter jug ​​with a filter cartridge, which provides cleaning from mechanical particles and inclusions, as well as chemical cleaning. The performance of such a filter is relatively low, but it is quite possible to provide enough water for cooking and quenching thirst for a family of 4 people.

Magnetic inserts are cylindrical magnetic attachments that are fixed on a water pipe or a metal insert installed directly into the pipeline. The positive side of this system is the large throughput of the magnet.

The electromagnetic hard water filtration unit is installed directly on the water supply and connected to the electrical network. An electromagnetic softener consumes a small amount of energy, and its operating life during round-the-clock operation is designed for 10 years or more.

A salt filter is installed mainly to obtain soft water for technical use. A filter in the flask of which crystalline salt is poured does not require special care, and such a filter is replenished with salt once every 2-3 years. The disadvantage of such a filter is the unwanted consumption of water; after passing through it, despite the filtration, the water turns out to be salty.

Ion exchange units are used for both domestic and industrial use. At the same time, just like industrial installations, household ion exchange columns can be equipped with an additional electronic programmable device, minimizing the need for human intervention in the operation of the installation. Structurally, the installation consists of at least two filter columns, this is due to the fact that while one column is used to purify hard water, the second column can clean the filter and regenerate the filter ion-forming composition. Another important element is the container for table salt, the solution of which is used to restore the filter cartridge of the installation. Despite the apparent complexity and massiveness, this installation is quite compact and provides guaranteed filtration of hard water.

Control of such a household installation is possible both using a control unit and in manual mode, when all operations are performed directly by a person. Although this equipment is just beginning to gain popularity, the economic effect of using such an installation is obvious, the service life is 7-10 years, and the need Maintenance filters and equipment comes down to timely replenishment of the tank with table salt.

Cost of equipment and consumables for water softening systems

When considering installation options and calculating the cost of purifying 1 liter of water, during the service life of the equipment, they most often pay attention to the cost of the equipment itself and Supplies.

Assessing all the methods and equipment for treating hard water, the most affordable one today is the salt filter. With a filter cost of 1000-1500 rubles, it softens water to the state of technical water for domestic consumption.

A jug filter, with a low cost of the filter itself and a replaceable cartridge due to its short resource, produces filtration at the highest cost.

Magnetic running water softeners today cost from 2,000 rubles for a magnetic insert with permanent magnets, and from 8000 for an electromagnetic installation.

A column-type ion exchange unit, today, despite the rather high cost of the equipment, provides the most optimal operating mode, while the cost of treating hard water throughout its entire service life with high quality filter operation is the lowest. The cost of the equipment, depending on the manufacturer and the capacity of the installation, is 24,000-45,000 rubles.

Water softening: ion exchange technology for removing hardness from water

Water hardness is a common characteristic that determines the level of calcium and magnesium salts in water. An increased level of hardness has an almost irreversible effect on expensive household appliances in a private home, as well as on devices that are part of heating and water supply systems. Without a truly high-quality water softener filter, you will have to frequently replace the equipment in your home.

Timely water treatment can, with the right approach, save you from the dangers that come with using hard water.

If you don’t want to spend a decent amount of money annually on expensive equipment, then it’s time to think about reducing the level of hardness, that is, softening the water.

Water softening: cleaning principle

What is the process of water softening? Of course, in removing harmful hardness salts from your water, that is, calcium and magnesium salts. There are several softening methods that have varying efficiencies in terms of water treatment, such as thermal, reagent or cation exchange (ion exchange). The thermal method of purifying water from carbonate hardness consists of heating water to a temperature of over 100 degrees. The reagent softening method involves adding special solutions to the water that increase the concentration of salts with calcium and magnesium ions. However, numerous studies have confirmed that the cation exchange method of water softening, also known as the ion exchange method, is the best option for water purification. Among all the methods of softening water in a cottage, the cation exchange method is the most effective and cost-effective.

The ion exchange method is based on a simple chemical reaction substitutions. It occurs due to the direct interaction of water saturated with salts Ca and Mg , and filter medium (ion exchange resin). As a result of contact, calcium and magnesium salts are replaced in your water with sodium salts, which are harmless to both the human body and equipment in the house. Water enriched with salts Na , enters the water supply system of the house. Well, the hardness salts “caught” by the filter load remain in the filter.

The process of water softening is carried out using special devices - filters for water softening, they are also called water softening systems, or if there is a requirement for continuous operation of the filter, they can be called a water softening installation.

Water softening filter: how does it work?

Each water softener filter offered by the company GoodVoda , consists of several interconnected components: a pressure cylinder with ion exchange resin, an automated control unit Clack , drainage and distribution system and a barrel of table salt.

Before entering the water supply system of your home, water from a well or other source must pass through a water softening system. Getting into the pressure cylinder and interacting with the filter medium, the water gets rid of hardness salts, receiving sodium salts in return.

Calcium and magnesium salts that are harmful to technology and other equipment remain on the filter media (resin).

Ion exchange resin, for example Lewatit , which traps harmful elements, requires restoration of its properties over time. This happens during the regeneration process with table salt. At the same time, you cannot just go up and throw a handful of ordinary salt inside the water softening filter: this will only lead to clogging of the device and its gradual failure. It is imperative to use only tableted salt, specially created for water softening systems.

Water softening systems for home and cottage

High-quality water treatment also includes thoughtful design of water purification devices. Depending on the level of water hardness, as well as the intensity of water consumption, you may need several filters to soften the water.

The thing is that the process of regenerating the ion exchange resin requires stopping the operation of the water softening filter. That is, while regeneration is underway, which can last more than one hour, water does not flow into the house.

If a temporary interruption of water supply is not critical for your home, then only a water softening filter will be enough to purify the water. But if uninterrupted supply is important, then the best solution would be to use a system of several filters to purify water.

A water softening system involves at least two (and sometimes more) filters. During the regeneration of one of them, the water supply does not stop, since the second filter softens the water.

This scheme allows for uninterrupted water supply and increases the efficiency of the system, called continuous water purification.

Selecting a water softener

Both water softening and iron removal are most effective if you approach the issue of selecting and installing the appropriate devices in a truly professional manner, as happens in the company GoodVoda . At the same time, the design of the water softening installation is formed by our specialists based on the characteristics established based on the results of water analysis and the required volumes of water.

One of the desirable components of a water softening installation is a fine filter. As a general rule, we recommend the BB20 with a carbon cartridge.

Why is such an element needed? Everything is very simple. Despite its ability to regenerate, ion exchange resin does not last forever. After about five years of use in your home, small particles of the filter media may end up in the already treated water, which is not very healthy. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones, you need a fine filter.

Water purification from a well or central water supply today is more relevant than ever. Water softening and iron removal will protect your equipment, and a professional approach will protect against GoodVoda will make choosing and installing equipment very simple!

Water hardness is a combination of chemical and physical properties water associated with the content of dissolved salts of alkaline earth metals, mainly calcium and magnesium (the so-called “hardness salts”). Wikipedia

Hard water has certain disadvantages that you can see and feel. For example this white coating on plumbing fixtures and dishes, sediment on the inside of the kettle and boiler. Hard water spoils water pipes and causes them to corrode. It dries out the skin and is difficult to lather in. detergents. Bad influence such water on internal organs It is also known that drinking it leads to urolithiasis. Although too soft, water purified from hardness salts can contribute to cardiovascular diseases.

Water hardness varies throughout the year and over a very wide range. Due to evaporation, hardness increases as the concentration of salts increases, and due to melting ice or precipitation, for example, it decreases as clean water is added to the water.

Why is it necessary to soften water? Usually this question arises after a breakdown of household appliances that have a heating element, for example washing machine. The fact is that heating element in contact with hard water, namely calcium and magnesium salts, begins to become overgrown with scale. Over time, more and more scale forms and puts more and more strain on the heating element, which subsequently causes its failure.

We also notice stiffness on nickel-plated plumbing fixtures. This is exactly the coating that prevents the faucet and shower head from looking beautiful.

What types of water hardness are there?

  • Temporary hardness - the presence of bicarbonate salts in water;
  • Constant hardness is the presence of magnesium and calcium salts in water.

When choosing a water softener, you must rely on the results of a water analysis.

The water softener should only be installed in.

Speaking about the advantages, we can give the following list:

  • The service life of water heating devices increases;
  • There is no need to buy household chemicals that fight plaque on nickel-plated surfaces;
  • There is no dry skin after contact with water;
  • Spend less shampoo and soap;
  • The water tastes good. No film forms on the surface of drinks.

Methods of water softening

There are two methods of softening: chemical and physical. The first method - if softening is required in large industrial volumes, nanofiltration is used - its essence is in separating media using a membrane using a less dense selective layer compared to the density of the reverse osmosis layer.

Chemical water softening

This method involves the use of chemicals, so-called reagents. These substances include phosphates and sodium chlorine. This softening method involves special dispensers built into the pipe. This method has the disadvantage that the reagents can create foreign impurities and formations, which will lead to the formation of a precipitate that is difficult to remove. Therefore, the most popular softening method is the ion exchange method, when the filter load or cartridge is restored using a saturated salt solution. Salt washes out magnesium and calcium ions from the filter material and makes it usable again, which we will look at in more detail below.

Perhaps, among other advantages, it is the simplest method of softening. Granular resin is poured into the filter column. This resin contains a large amount of sodium. When in contact with hard water, it exchanges ions with magnesium and calcium salts. Over time, such a resin becomes clogged with hardness ions and its effectiveness decreases. Then the resin must be restored. To do this, it is washed with a solution of table salt, which reversely replaces the hardness salt ions in its composition with sodium ions.

What is ion exchange resin

Ion exchange resin is a synthetic organic ion exchanger. The essence of the principle is that the resin reacts with dissolved salts, releasing ions. Salt ions tend to be released into the solution, since there are no such ions in it. There are cation resins that saturate the water with positive particles and anion resins that saturate the water with negative particles. Cations are most often used.

After a certain time, the resin is depleted and ceases to soften and then the cartridge should be replaced, or, if the design allows, the washing process with a solution of tableted salt should be started. An automatic valve is required for this.

Magnetic softening

An interesting reagent-free method is the magnetic method. Its principle is that under the influence of a magnet, the structure changes and the polarization of ions occurs, and the molecules of hardness salts are deformed. The magnetic field transforms magnesium and calcium salts into particles of a specific shape. As a result of this, salts cannot settle on the heating elements and are collected and washed out during the washing process. This method is not suitable for softening drinking water, but it is an excellent method for household appliances in the countryside and cottage. Softeners operating on ion exchange resins are suitable for both household appliances and drinking water purification.

The device, due to its design, is easy to maintain. Also, it does not need to be restored, washed, etc. The only nuances that remain are the water requirements: room temperature and flow rate. There are also electromagnetic installations in which electricity solves some problems with water requirements.

Installation of a softening column - video: