Build a big one from small houses. DIY country house - simple step-by-step instructions for stylish summer houses (75 photos)

When building a private house, not everyone can afford the area they would like, so they have to build a small and cozy house. At the moment, a small house for year-round living is an ideal construction option, because it is economical and practical. Housing is now expensive, and its maintenance is also a very expensive process.

In this regard, building a small house is the best way out of this situation, allowing you to create a comfortable and multifunctional complex where you can enjoy relaxation and comfort. The main advantage of a small house is its low cost, since construction requires few materials, and it is much easier to maintain such a house.

At the moment, this architectural direction is developing very well, thanks to which architects and construction companies are ready to provide a mini-house project and complete it with high quality in the shortest possible time. In general, a small house is a unique style of minimalism, in which there is no corridor, and the rooms become as practical and functional as possible.

It is worth noting that such buildings are very well thought out, because every meter is important here. Construction options and designs for small houses pleasantly surprise with their diversity, the presence of different shapes and materials for construction.

Small house for permanent residence: ready-made projects

Today the easiest way to build a small house is using a ready-made project. Thanks to this you can save cash and time for project development and approval of project documentation. The finished project will allow the owner of the site to quickly build a private house, which will become a cozy refuge for the whole family.

In order to choose a project for a finished house of compact dimensions, it is enough to contact the appropriate company that can offer turnkey construction of a house. Its specialists will offer a number of options, indicate which one is more preferable, while taking into account the wishes and requirements of the customer.
In cooperation with professionals, the future homeowner will fully satisfy his needs, making his dream come true, because the masters:

  • They will inspect the land where construction will take place.
  • All wishes of the customer and his relatives will be taken into account.
  • Will choose best option, which will best fit into the surrounding landscape design while maintaining usable space.
  • They will carry out calculations for construction, offering to familiarize themselves with the approximate estimate.
  • They will build a compact house on a turnkey basis.

In cooperation with a construction company, the owner of the territory will receive a finished private house of compact size with a well-equipped area. In this case, the owner will be deprived of headaches and problems in selecting builders or purchasing materials. After all, the owner’s main task is to select a project and pay for the work, after which all that remains is to monitor the construction and its stages.

Construction of a compact house according to a ready-made project: advantages

Construction of a small private house finished project opens up new horizons and opportunities for its owner. Among the advantages of such construction are:

  • The presence in the house of all necessary communications, which will be carefully hidden and securely laid.
  • Convenient, practical and comfortable arrangement of rooms.
  • Financial benefit, which consists of both savings on choosing a project and the cost of maintaining the house.
  • The layout allows you to make individual adjustments, so even with a standard project you can create a unique home.

Small house for year-round use: why are they so popular?

At the moment, the construction of compact private houses is not uncommon, but rather a current offer that more and more people are trying to take advantage of. Reasons for the popularity of small housing:

  • This type of construction is the optimal solution for people of retirement age, since it is much easier and cheaper to get around and maintain such a building. In addition, pensioners are not vain, so they see no point in building huge country houses.
  • Small financial costs. You don't need much to build building materials, therefore, not much money is needed for construction, which is very important for the middle class population. Not everyone wants to take out a huge loan, but almost everyone can afford a small house.
  • Cheap content.
  • Can be built on any plot of land, even on the smallest.
  • The best option for initial construction. After all, a small house can later be turned into a guest house, and a new cottage can be built next to it. Some craftsmen equip such houses as a bathhouse or an area for active recreation.
  • Construction companies offer the construction of mobile houses that can be transported.

A small house is not a miserable and impoverished existence, deprivation of comfort, coziness and other benefits of civilization. A small private house is originality, beauty, sophistication and extravagance, creating excellent conditions for relaxation and living. With proper planning, you can increase the level of comfort and make even a compact house free to move around.

Compact house for year-round use: interesting facts

Small houses are an original and interesting solution, the popularity of which is growing both in Russia and around the world. The original ideas of the designers make it possible to build unusual buildings of compact size. Despite their size, some houses can be very expensive, for example, in England a house was sold whose price was more than 300 thousand pounds sterling, despite the fact that the living area was only 17.5 square meters. It is worth noting that this house was quite cozy, because it was well located: a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen.
Swedish architects have created a unique private house with an area of ​​ten square meters. This building is located on the campus, and inside the premises there is everything necessary for a comfortable life. The inventive Japanese were even more surprised - they created a narrow two-story house. The width of the building is only two meters, and the total area of ​​the two-story building was 25 square meters.

Not everyone can afford a big house. It's not about financial capabilities at all. Sometimes you have to be content with little, based on the available territory. In addition, the rejection of excesses and the general desire for minimalism is a fashionable trend.

Creating an interesting and comfortable design for a small house is the main priorities of the owner. How to achieve this is described in our article.

Small private house: general characteristics of the object

The small size of a private house is most often found in gardening partnerships. Small areas with a dense arrangement do not provide room for action. Most owners of such dacha properties plan not only to relax on the lawn, but also to engage in gardening and gardening. Considering this, every piece of land is very valuable.

In this option, a small country house is what you need. A compact home will allow you to hide from the rain, spend the night and even receive guests. Building such “mansions” is much easier and more economical. If you approach the arrangement of your home correctly, you will get a completely cozy and comfortable option.

For full functionality, in case of a short stay on the site, 1 room is enough for a summer resident. At the same time, a storage room or a separate building is allocated for household equipment.

In the case of a large family vacationing at the dacha, it is advisable to provide small kitchen. It is recommended to divide a single room into zones, if necessary.

If you plan to stay at the dacha for a long time, then it is better to think through the interior of a small private house in more detail. It might be possible to:

  • make an extension;
  • use the attic space;
  • use height more efficiently;
  • use highly functional furniture.

All of the above requirements apply not only to residential buildings on a summer cottage, but also to small-sized mansions. In our country, these occur quite often. Some people are embarrassed by a small hallway in a private house, while for others 10 square meters is more than enough to run a full-fledged household.

Basic options for efficient use of space

The most important rule for those who want to expand their space is not to store unnecessary things. This is especially true for country houses. Most of us try to transport all out-of-fashion, shabby, and other unwanted things to our country estates. You must be able to part with trash or give it a second life in time.

Minimalism in a compact space - ideal condition to visually expand the area. The fewer objects on the territory of a small house, the more pleasant the perception of reality. This applies not only to large-sized furniture, but also to all kinds of trinkets.

A two-story house is a good solution for a small plot of land. Everything that cannot be placed in width will be placed in height. It is advisable to initially carefully approach the marking of the territory.

However, if an unplanned situation arises, it is also possible to find a way out. For example, build on a building. If there is an unused attic, then repair and arrange this area.

To increase the efficiency of home operation, you need to be more attentive to the filling of the facility. All furnishings must be thought out to the smallest detail. A good choice is transformable furniture:

  • comfortable folding bed, pull-out sofa, bunk bed;
  • table-book or folding model;
  • extensive shelving storage system.

Even the furniture options themselves can be multifunctional (loft-type bed or with storage drawers, stair steps-wardrobe, bench with a double bottom). The main thing is that the useful space is used to the maximum. Numerous photos of a small private house clearly show how varied the ideas for successfully loading space are.

Local area: how to cope with the lack of space

As a rule, a small house is located on an equally compact area. To get rid of this drawback, it is advisable to follow the same path as when organizing space inside the house:

  • give up unnecessary things;
  • remember about ergonomics;
  • make the most of every centimeter of space.

If possible, a small courtyard of a private house is cleared of additional buildings and large-scale plantings that create dense shadow. An open space with lawn grass, garden paths, and low-growing flower beds will please the eye and visually expand the area.

If it is impossible to clear the territory, they try to “open” the approaches to the house as much as possible. Outbuildings, greenhouses, tall plants are kept away from the building if possible. Thus, it will be possible to let light and air into the territory, visually “stretching” the compact area.

Interesting ideas for organizing a small space

In any house, the main part of the area is occupied by sleeping space. For a small home this is most critical. It is advisable to place the stock in such a way that it takes up minimal space. A good idea would be to install the bed under the ceiling. This can be a specially designed structure on supports, simulating a second floor.

A worthy option would be a loft bed with a sleeping area on top and a kitchenette below. Human imagination is limitless. Based on this idea, there are various examples of entire room complexes.

In addition to the bed, a table takes up a lot of space. To solve the problem of unloading space, it is advisable to abandon the usual version of this item. Use various ideas with folding products. For example, a folding version screwed to the wall, a transforming table or a deliberately widened window sill.

In addition to unusual models, non-standard arrangements are used. The table can be taken out into the corridor or even outside (if the house is summer). In this case, a good solution would be to build a veranda or a removable canopy.

Particular attention should be paid to seating areas. The sofa, bench or chairs should not be “empty”. The use of built-in storage systems will help improve the situation with unloading space. You can use a box as a chair. Lightweight, wicker options are preferred.

Small house Many Russian summer residents have a problem with a modest plot of land. Rational use of scanty space to create conditions conducive to a comfortable stay or full life, difficult, but possible.

Photos of small private houses

Frame house – perfect solution For country house. This structure can be erected in a short period of time and does not require special construction skills. Today we will talk about how to build a frame house on a site, we will talk about the main stages of construction and mistakes made that are easy to avoid. The design really exists, it was made by hand.

Frame house project

Prepare a frame house project - the initial and most important stage construction. allows the construction of buildings of different heights and purposes on the site. We decided to build a 6 by 4 light frame house on the site, consisting of one single room, with four windows and a hip roof. Insulation of the house was not provided, since it is planned to be used exclusively in summer time.

You can find it online, or you can draw the project yourself. To develop a project, special programs are mainly used, but if the house does not have complex architectural solutions, you can draw it by hand on a regular sheet of paper.

Project frame house on a piece of paper.

The drawing must indicate all the functional parts of the house, such as door and window openings, the roof structure, the thickness of the walls, floors, you can indicate what materials will be used in the work and calculate the approximate cost of construction in order to build a frame house inexpensively.

It is the design drawing that allows you to determine what economic costs will be needed for construction.

Frame house foundation

Once the decision has been made to build a frame house for a summer residence and a rough plan for it has been drawn up, you can begin to select a suitable site for construction. The surface should preferably be flat, then there will be no problems with installing the foundation and installing the floor.

The logs were treated with protective impregnation.

We decided to do without a foundation and started building the floor directly on the ground, which was leveled with gravel. This is the first and main mistake when we started building an inexpensive frame house.

Installation of floor joists on crushed stone.

We built the floor frame from nine 150x50 mm six-meter-long boards, which allowed us to install transverse floor joists without joints along the entire length of the house. In addition, we used two more four-meter boards, which were placed on the end of the log. The distance between the floor joists was 500 mm, which is quite enough for the given thickness of the board and the thickness of the plywood for the floor.

Before thoroughly nailing the floor joists together, you need to make sure that the diagonals of this base are equal to each other. You also need to check the location of the frame house relative to the neighboring fence and. It is important to check the horizontal level of the floor joists that are located on the crushed stone, and if necessary, add it easily.

Despite the fact that a turnkey frame house is considered a fairly lightweight structure and can be built directly on the ground, the foundation of a frame house performs certain functions:

  1. Evenly distributes loads from the entire structure.
  2. Ensures the durability of the structure, protecting it from freezing and groundwater.
  3. Prevents warping and shrinkage during soil movement.

Strip foundation

Before building, it is better to choose a strip foundation for that type of construction. You will spend more time and effort on construction, but you will make the entire structure durable. Strip foundations will be especially in demand if construction is carried out on stable soils.

Strip foundation on crushed stone.

During construction strip foundation It is possible to organize additional rooms in the basement. If a basement is not planned, then soil remains inside the foundation contour. Please note that the width of the strip foundation should be greater than the thickness of the walls of your frame house.

After the construction of the foundation is completed, the lower frame of the floor is installed, it is done using a beam or board placed on the end. The board is installed around the perimeter of the foundation, or along the perimeter of the future house directly on the ground (as in our case). The joints are connected using nails; the structure can be further strengthened using special metal staples. To enhance the load-bearing capacity of the floor structure, transverse joists are installed.

On a note

The floorboard must be treated with an antiseptic.

When building our house, we immediately started installing the frame, but after framing it is advisable to start installing the subfloor. If the house is planned to be used not only in the summer, insulation material is laid between the joists, then a vapor barrier film, and the last layer is plywood sheets.

Frame of a frame house

A do-it-yourself frame country house has a lightweight structure and a lightweight frame. The frame of the frame house is attached to the floor frame.

Installation of frame house walls.

Initially, corner posts are installed; metal brackets can be used for reliable fastening, but we did without using them. The U-shaped frame of the wall is knocked together at the bottom and must be fastened with corner jibs, and only after that it is raised and fixed on temporary supports.

Power frame of the walls of a summer house.

To ensure greater reliability of the structure, we attached each corner post with additional jibs at the top and bottom, so they protect the frame house in the photo from loosening. We nailed two corner posts of the frame in each corner together with 100 mm nails.

After installing the main corner posts, you can begin to secure the remaining ones, one each on a four-meter wall and two posts on a six-meter wall. The boards of the top trim along the long wall are fastened together by two beams.

Hip roof

As soon as the main supporting frame of the frame garden house has been erected, you can begin to build the roof truss system.

Hip roof ridge with central rafters.

We decided on the type of roof and its slope at the stage of drawing up the design of the future house. A small frame house will have a hip roof, with a minimum slope for that type of roof of 20 degrees. In a hip roof, two slopes have a trapezoidal shape, the other two have a triangular shape.

The frame summer house has a hip roof, which provides additional protection for the entire structure due to the fact that all slopes are inclined.

At the first stage of the construction of the rafter system, the installation of the mauerlat is carried out - a special wooden beam or board, which is installed along the entire perimeter of the frame walls. In this case, we did without muerlat, and distributed the load over the top strapping, which has good rigidity due to the fact that it stands on the end of the board.

Hip roof power frame.

At the next stage, a ridge girder is installed, the size of which must be calculated correctly, since it is for this component The roof bears the main load. The two-meter-long ridge girder and central rafters were assembled on the ground, and only then were they lifted up and installed.

After fixing the ridge girder, they install diagonal rafters, which, like the ridge itself, are made of 150 by 50 mm boards. Diagonal rafters rest with one edge on the ridge, and the other edge on the corner where the top frame of the house meets. All fastenings are made using ordinary metal nails, which does not in any way affect the strength of the structure.

When the power frame of the hip roof is ready, you can continue to build the roof further. The intermediate rafters and outer rafters are attached, which we made from two inch pieces nailed together.

Hip roof rafter system.

After installing the rafter system, it is necessary to install the hip roof sheathing. We made it from an inch and began nailing it from the eaves overhang towards the ridge, with the same distance between the sheathing boards.

Sheathing of the roof truss system.

A one-story frame house can be covered with a roofing covering and a regular metal profile can be used. This roofing material is easy to work with; it is coated with special substances that protect against corrosion and premature destruction. Other advantages of this roofing material include light weight, affordable cost and a huge range of colors.

Before installing the material, you need to take care of additional protection of the structure. For these purposes you can use waterproofing material, which is attached directly to the rafter system with metal brackets. But we did not use it for the reason that the frame house will not be insulated.

Roof made of metal profiles.

Installation of the metal profile begins from the end of the roof. The main thing is to install the first sheet correctly; the location of all subsequent ones depends on it. The first sheet of metal profile is attached to the ridge girder using self-tapping screws, all subsequent sheets are overlapped with the previous sheets and connected with self-tapping screws.

External cladding of the house

After completing the roof construction, you can begin cladding the frame. In our case, the frame of the frame house was sheathed on the outside with OSB sheets. In this case, only two far walls were sheathed with OSB, one of them was directed towards the fence, and the other to the side. Before the OSB sheets were screwed onto the self-tapping screws, we installed additional 100 mm inch posts.

Covering external walls with OSB sheets.

For the summer frame house, we decided to make four large square windows of 1500 mm each, because we wanted more light. We also made the frame for the windows from an inch board; it turned out to be light, because the entire load is carried by the power frame of the garden house made from a 150 by 50 mm board.

Frame for four windows.

The two front sides of the frame country house were covered with a block house to add individuality to the structure. Due to the fact that the house was built only on weekends, the block house was immediately treated with a special wood impregnation to imitate mahogany.

Covering the front wall with a block house.

In the place where the door is mounted in the house, two racks made of 150 by 50 boards were installed to more securely fasten the door.

Door trim and installation.

If you plan to live in a house not only in hot weather, then it is important to carry out insulation with mineral wool and waterproofing after working with a block house interior walls. Waterproofing film is attached around the entire perimeter interior space, she just closes the opening. After attaching, the film is carefully trimmed and secured inside the window and door opening using a construction stapler.

Frame house without inserted windows.

After this, you can begin finishing the frame house with your own hands.

Interior lining of the house

The interior cladding of the house is done using lining. Since frame garden house Initially it was planned to be used only in the summer, the walls were not insulated, the frame was simply sheathed with OSB sheets and a blockhouse.

Finishing of internal walls with clapboard.

To improve the performance characteristics of the structure, insulation is performed. At the previous stage, we already wrote about how to properly lay waterproofing film after installing insulation. Most often in such designs it is used either mineral wool, or regular foam.

They can be built on a summer cottage; they are made from special panels, the design of which already includes both insulation and waterproofing. The lining is attached on top of the insulation.

Windows and doors

When fixing windows, be sure to leave openings that will be filled with polyurethane foam. If the profile does not have a protective transport film, it is better to paste it around the perimeter with mounting tape; this procedure will protect the structure from expansion of the mounting foam.

Installation of single-leaf windows.

Our inexpensive frame house used windows that open to the sides like on a balcony. If you encounter difficulties during installation, it is better to involve specialists in the work. The protection of the room from cold and moisture will depend on the correct installation of window and door profiles.

On a note

The polyurethane foam is carefully trimmed only after it has completely hardened; at the same stage, all protective films are removed.

Laminate flooring

You can begin installing the finished floor only after completing the installation of windows and doors, otherwise air entering the room from the street can cause damage to the floor covering.

Laminate flooring in the house.

In our frame garden house, we decided to use high-quality laminate. Laying is carried out on a subfloor made of plywood, on top of which a special sealing material is laid.

Roof insulation with foam plastic

After completing the flooring work, we started thinking about insulating the roof and further increasing sound insulation during rain. This is another serious mistake - it is advisable to complete all the finishing work, including the roof, and only then begin installing the flooring, otherwise there is a high risk of simply ruining the floor.

Roof insulation with foam plastic.

We decided to insulate the frame country house with our own hands using polystyrene foam. The foam panels are attached to the rafter system from the inside of the house tightly to each other; if gaps remain, cold air will easily penetrate into the room. It is not necessary to attach a waterproofing film between the roof sheathing and the foam.

Roof sheathing with OSB panels.

The foam is covered with OSB panels on top, after which you can begin finishing the roof or leave everything as is.

Almost finished finishing.

Today we talked about how to build a frame garden house with your own hands, based on personal experience. Some mistakes were made during the construction process, but they had virtually no effect on the overall functionality of the structure.

The frame house took several years to build, because most of the time was on weekends and only on our own. With such DIY construction, you can count on low prices for frame houses. In our example, you saw that anyone can build a frame house, even without deep construction skills.

Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is quite enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​slightly less than 120 m2 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

As a rule, small house projects are one-story. But at the request of the customer, it is possible to complete a full second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable family living, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small buildings, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. The design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. In order to reduce costs when installing utility networks, they are placed one above the other. IN one-story house The bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • The construction of a small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low utility costs and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

A small house will be an excellent option not only for a country house, but also for permanent residence. In this article we will look at which layout is popular for a small house.

Features and Benefits

Small houses are now quite common. They look attractive, and every person inside feels the comfort and coziness of a warm home.

Let's consider the main advantages of such buildings:

  • Cost savings. It is compact houses that will allow you to save your family budget. You won't need to purchase a lot of materials to build a comfortable home.
  • Simple foundation without reinforcement. This is also a clear advantage.
  • Construction will not be delayed. Therefore, you can complete your project in the shortest possible time and enjoy living in a beautiful home.
  • People will also be pleasantly surprised by the costs of heating and air conditioning. Since the house is small, you will not spend a lot of resources.

  • Easy to care for. This important indicator will be appreciated by all zealous owners. You won't have to clean up large area. A small compact house will be easy to wash and clean at the time you need, unlike a large room.
  • Stylish option. Often mini-models are quite simple and at the same time stylish and beautiful. You can create an attractive interior of your house to please not only yourself, but also your guests.
  • Practicality and durability. I use high-quality materials in construction, you can create a durable and reliable home. Your home will serve you for a long time. At the same time, you can create the most successful project for a private rural house that you will fall in love with at first sight.

Building options

There can be a variety of options for compact buildings. These include models for permanent residence, which have a stylish interior design, and options for a pleasant pastime with the whole family.

If we are talking about a house where you will live permanently, then it will include more requirements for layout and comfort. Respectively, the model should be developed based on sanitary standards– more than twelve square meters per person.

In general, an area of ​​up to one hundred square meters is enough to accommodate a family of four to six people. At the same time, you can plan creative architecture, balconies, attics, original windows. You can create any decorations for your own home to feel comfortable and cozy there.

If this is a simple country house, then you should take care of useful infrastructure. This way you can spend your time efficiently and pleasantly in your garden.


First of all, the layout of a compact home should be convenient for all family members. Residential and domestic premises should be harmoniously combined here. Experienced designers advise to provide one or two bedrooms, and sometimes more, as well hall, living room. This way you can perfectly delimit all the necessary zones - for your own relaxation, receiving guests, and so on.

Sometimes, to save space, the hallway is connected to the kitchen or living room. In this version, the kitchen will be allocated a small corner - 2-3 square meters. You can separate this area from the hall with a bar counter or install a plasterboard partition.

Often the kitchen is made separately from other rooms and has a door. Its area will be from six to fourteen square meters. As for the bedroom, its area is also generally nine to eighteen square meters. This will be enough to accommodate all the necessary accessories for relaxation.

As for the living room, experts advise setting aside 16-24 square meters. Here you can comfortably accommodate guests, meet your relatives, and also just have an interesting and fun time in front of the TV, for example. It is recommended to allocate three to four square meters for the toilet. But the bathroom can be allocated a little more - four to nine square meters. 2-6 sq. m. can be allocated to the hallway. This footage is optimal for small houses.

Of course, you should start from your own home and your own needs, and build your own concept.


Your own small home can be built from a variety of materials. Let's look at the most basic ones:

    Tree. This raw material is environmentally friendly, which means it will not harm the health of your family. Also this material retains heat perfectly. Miniature house from wooden beams It is well heated and provides unhindered air exchange. Thus, a comfortable microclimate is formed. However, there are also disadvantages, among which are a high fire hazard, the need to actively care for natural wood in order to preserve all its operational properties.

  • Brick. Houses made from this raw material will be durable and strong. This material will serve you for decades. Such a building will retain heat well; it has a high level of thermal insulation. As for the disadvantages of such structures, they include heaviness. Accordingly, more effort will be required to build the structure. The construction process itself will take considerable time.

  • Foam blocks. Such buildings are reliable, frost-resistant, and easy to finish. In addition, such a house will be quite cheap compared to other models. This raw material is a cross between expensive brick and affordable frame houses.

Regardless of the construction of any house you are engaged in - country house, Finnish or other, it is worth paying close attention to the layout of the house. Be sure to be patient and careful. All calculations must be accurate, because the space will be small. Determine the financial resources that you want to spend on creating your own home.

Consider the main criteria: the number of people who will live in the house, the area of ​​the room, the presence of small children. Also decide whether you will live in it for a long time or will visit the house temporarily. First, you need to determine the number of floors of the building, then select high-quality materials that will help implement the project. Now you should draw a layout diagram inside the rooms, select the most optimal porch design, and determine the configuration of the roof and roofing materials.

Traditionally, the living room is considered the central place. At the same time, it can serve as an additional sleeping place for guests, or a playroom for children. It is better to choose furniture here that is practical and functional, without cluttering up the space. Great option transformable sofas and folding chairs can be used. Each element should give the room comfort and unique style. The central part of the room can be a fireplace.