Research work "features of the speech culture of modern youth." Report at the conference "garbage in the speech of students at our school" Scientific research work on the topic of speech

Research“Words are weeds in our speech”

Slide 1 My speech is dedicated to one of the most pressing problems of the modern Russian language. We see how language is changing significantly right before the eyes of one generation. The processes occurring in it today require comprehension not only by language specialists. Very often, students wonder whether it is necessary to study Russian today, if the vast majority of young people speak primitive slang, adults use jargon, and the speech of prominent figures and TV presenters is far from perfect. This question becomes relevant and needs to be answered. We need to know what clogs our speech, how to correct the situation, and who to follow as an example.

A poem by E. Moshkovskaya is dedicated to these words:

Once upon a time there was this one, what’s his name,

Well, that means that

This is what lived

With my mother.

There was another eccentric -

This generally means this.

And his beloved son-in-law

My son-in-law's name was so to speak

And my wife’s name was...well...

And the neighbor's name was... this...

And his parents -

You see and you see.

And some other uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, in general.

These words are a linguistic phenomenon expressed in the use of unnecessary and meaningless words. Syntactically, most of these words are introductory words.

3 slide.

Swear words have original Russian roots. In Ancient Rus', swearing was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew: you can’t scold children with obscenities: they will be tormented by demons. You cannot swear in the house: demons will live in this home. It was also forbidden to swear in the forest: a goblin might be offended; on the bank of a river or lake - the merman will be offended. The man walked into a field where he could throw out his anger. Hence the expression – battlefield.

In Rus', until the mid-19th century, foul language was a criminal offense. Later, a person who used foul language was subjected to public flogging. Unfortunately, at present there are no prohibitions on the use of swear words. Foul language has entered into a real war with normalized language

But there are other, seemingly normal words. (Show and explain on the slide)

4 slide . This is the true meaning of some words: (slide)

Briefly speaking

Harshness, desire to finish speaking quickly

In short, it was like this...

As if

Uncertainty in what he says; approximation

It's like we've already read this book.


Desire to stand out

Pause Substitute

Like, who are you?


Pause while speaking or using some words

Yesenin... this... loved... this... animals. He... it... dedicated many poems to them...


Confidence in your words

That’s how it was, fact.

What's his name, what's his name, what's his name

Instead of some words; trying to remember something

Dinosaurs... what's his name... in the process of evolution... what's this... went extinct.

Do you understand, do you understand

Contact your interlocutor if you want to confirm your words

I, you know, I’m walking, I hear screams, I turned around, you know, and there...

Actually, finally!

Mild indignation

Summary of speech

Are you going to school? - Well, finally!

Actually, at first I wanted...

Slide 9. Table

Slide 11

My thoughts on unnecessary words:

  • Harmful words are terrible
  • They're not beautiful at all
  • And probably not wonderful,
  • They are not useful in our life.
  • Will not suit you at all
  • All “infectious” words:
  • Tolley, maybe, in short.
  • However, it’s just - EMPTINITY!
  • Don't use them in speech
  • Otherwise you'll be in trouble!

Slide 12. Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property passed on to us by our predecessors... Treat this powerful weapon with respect...

I.S. Turgenev

Slide 13 Summing up the results of the work done, I come to the conclusion that the general and verbal culture in our country is declining, and the aesthetic taste of native speakers is deteriorating under the influence of the changes that are taking place in society.

Yunusov Ilnaz

Project Manager:

Tarasova Maria Stanislavovna


GBOU Tabynskaya correctional boarding school for students with disabilities disabilities health.

The author dedicates research work on the Russian language "Modern speech of a schoolchild" studying the characteristics of the speech portrait of students. The theoretical part of the project was supported by a questionnaire, the results of which helped the author to reveal the linguistic personality of the respondents.

The research project in the Russian language "Modern speech of a schoolchild" reveals the concepts of "linguistic personality", "speech portrait" in modern linguistics, the opinion of various researchers and how these terms are interconnected with the study language picture peace.

IN project on the Russian language "Modern speech of schoolchildren" 7th grade student revealed various areas the use of jargon in the vocabulary of the surveyed students - the sphere of school, the sphere of leisure, the sphere of everyday life, the sphere of assessment, which are also divided into subgroups.

As a result of the work “Modern Speech of a Schoolchild,” the author provides a dictionary of school jargon, where he gives definitions of some lexical units.

In his research work on modern speech For schoolchildren, the author skillfully uses observation, analyzes, processes and summarizes the information received, and conducts a survey among classmates.

Chapter 1. The concept of “speech portrait” in modern science.
1.1. “Speech portrait” in modern science.
1.2. Linguistic personality and speech portrait.
Chapter 2. Features of the vocabulary of modern schoolchildren.
2.1. Linguistic analysis of the speech portrait of a modern schoolchild.
List of used literature


The work is devoted to the study of the features of the speech portrait of a modern schoolchild.

Schoolchildren are the age group that is of greatest interest.
Relevance The topic of the research work is due to the fact that youth speech is one of the components of the language development process. Students are the fastest to respond to changes in language. All this actualizes the problem of studying the speech behavior of modern youth.

Object of study is oral speech and survey material of modern schoolchildren of the Tabyn correctional school - boarding school.

Subject of research became the features of modern words and speech behavior of students, manifested in the process of communication.

Goal of the work - describe and analyze the speech portrait of students at the Tabyn correctional boarding school.

This goal influenced the formulation of the decision next tasks :

  • study of works devoted to the study of speech portrait in modern linguistics;
  • analysis of the words of a modern schoolchild and identification of his characteristics;
  • presentation of the characteristics of speech behavior of schoolchildren.

Research methods: To solve the assigned problems, the work uses a descriptive method (observation, analysis, processing, generalization), as well as questionnaires and explanations of the meanings of words.

Material for research were based on the results of a survey of schoolchildren.

Chapter 1. Concept " speech portrait"in modern science

1.1. " Speech portrait» in modern science

Recently, the most relevant seems to be the study of the linguistic personality of a person who belongs to a certain social and age group (student, schoolchild, etc.). As a result, such a concept as “ speech portrait».

According to S.V. Leords, « a speech portrait is a linguistic personality embodied in speech.

T.P. Tarasenko defines the concept of a speech portrait as “a set of linguistic and speech characteristics of a person.

G.G. Matveeva Understands speech portrait as “the choice of certain words and expressions in certain situations.”

Creating a speech portrait is possible in relation to any area of ​​communication.

Heroes can also become objects of study literary works. In literature, a speech portrait is a means of creating an artistic image. M.N. pays attention to speech characteristics in Russian literature. Panova. The speech structure of the artistic image is considered by L.K. Churilina, E.A. Goncharova, E.A. Ivanova, Yu.N. Kurganov.

M.V. Kitaigorodskaya And N.N. Rozanova called a speech portrait " main component of personality».

Many researchers pay attention to only one side of speech. M.V. Kitaigorodskaya and N.N. Rozanov in the reader " Russian speech portrait» pay attention to the description of pronunciation features. Based on tape recordings, researchers identify characteristic features that reflect a person’s speech characteristics.

Thus, concept" speech portrait"is not new in science. When describing the speech portrait of the speaker, linguistic and speech features are considered. One of the most important points in characterizing a speech portrait is the analysis of the most striking elements (words, expressions).

1.2. Linguistic personality and speech portrait

It is recently that a special direction has been formed in science that studies linguistic personality from the point of view of describing its speech portrait.

The term " linguistic personality"receives various definitions in modern science.

In Russian science, the term was first used by V.V. Vinogradov in his work “ About fiction».

Language personality is a personality that is expressed in and through language.

In modern science, linguistic personality is a concept associated with the study linguistic picture of the world.O A complete description of the linguistic personality according to Yu.N. Karaulova, suggests:

a) characteristics of the language;
b) the structure of the language component based on the text.

Language personality is a person who has knowledge of the language system and the laws of speech behavior.

The basis for the distinction between the concepts “ linguistic personality" And " speech portrait" lies, first of all, the need to distinguish between language and speech.

Concepts " linguistic personality" And " speech portrait» are interconnected, according to V.V. Vinogradova.

Thus, Based on the opinion of many researchers, we can conclude that a speech portrait is the foundation for the formation of a linguistic personality.

Chapter 2. Features of the vocabulary of modern schoolchildren

2.1. Linguistic analysis of the speech portrait of a modern schoolchild

S. I. Ozhegov gives the following definition of the concept “ jargon»:

1. This is the speech of a group united by common interests;
2. This is a speech containing many words and expressions that differ from common language, from the normalized language.

The vocabulary of schoolchildren's jargon includes words thematically related to the following four spheres: the school sphere, the leisure sphere, the everyday sphere, and the assessment sphere. During the study, we found that school students use words from all areas in their speech:

1. School Sphere Words

Words in this sphere can be divided into the following groups:

  • names of teachers (crazy hands - labor teacher, queen of complex science mathematic teacher, gym teacher - Physical education teacher).
  • names of educational subjects (physical education - physical training, liters - literature, math - mathematics);
  • names of other processes and subjects of the educational process ( cramming - a very smart person, or a student who studies hard) eatery - dining room, Kamchatka – last desks, roll up - write off);
  • name of marks (two - « deuce», triple - « troika», nickel - « five»).

2. Sphere of recreation.

In the jargon of schoolchildren, the field of recreation includes words such as: computer(computer), shovel(big phone) Mouzon- music, like(means " I like it»), send a photo(means " send a photo»), all is good- Everything is fine, garbage– used to express an emotional state

3. The sphere of everyday life.

Words related to the sphere of everyday life can be divided into several groups:

  • words naming body parts ( smile - face; wings - hands, skis,- legs).
  • words naming clothes, shoes (potato - jacket; crosses -sneakers, bots - boots). These words were widespread in the slang of young people.
  • words that name different household appliances(computer - computer; keyboard - keyboard; throw off - copy to a flash card; telly - TV)

The results of our survey show that the majority of schoolchildren use slang words in their speech. Moreover, girls use such words less than boys.

We found out for what purpose students use slang words in their speech. As a way of expressing themselves, girls use slang words more than boys. And boys, unlike girls, use these words more often in order to become “ his"in a class, group.

When a student does not know how to answer a question, but still needs to answer, he tries to stall for time. While he intones as if, like, like that, it means, kind of like, in the sense, this is the most etc., he feverishly thinks about what to answer. Many schoolchildren have the habit, when choosing the right word, to pull uh-uh, well-uh-uh, ah-ah-ah or Mmm.

Thus, The result of the study suggests that the student’s language lives its own life and changes. The vocabulary of such a language is constantly subject to change, to a greater or lesser extent. And what sounds wild today may, after a while, become the norm.


Youth slang has always existed; its development is connected with the development of history, science, and technology.

Based on the results of the study, it is possible to formulate separate conclusions regarding the use of youth slang by students:

  • When using words in their speech, school students do not always know the meaning of a particular concept;
  • Most often, slang is used as a means of communication with peers, among friends, on the street, and is a necessary part of oral speech school youth.

The student’s language lives its own life and changes. The vocabulary of such a language is constantly subject to change, to a greater or lesser extent. And what sounds wild today may, after a while, become the norm.

So that teenagers know that spoken and literary speech are different things. And youth slang is only part of " big» language. It seems that youth slang should become the object of close attention of linguists.

List of used literature

  1. Budagov R. A.. How we speak and write. – M.: Moscow University, 1998.
  2. Valtov H., Mokienko V. M., Nikitina T. G.. Explanatory dictionary of Russian school and student jargon. – M.: AST, 2005.
  3. Questions of linguistics. - M.: Science. No. 1. 2004. - p.4-34
  4. Grachev M. A. Dictionary of modern youth slang. M.: Eksmo, 2006.
  5. Kitaigorodskaya M.V., Rozanova N.N. Russian speech portrait. – M.: Nauka, 1995. – 128 p.
  6. Kolesov V.V.. Language of the city. – M.: Editorial URS, 2005.
  7. Krysin 2003 - L. P. Krysin. Speech communication and social roles of speakers // Socio-linguistic studies. M.: Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov RAS, 2003.
  8. Lapteva O.A. As scientists say. – M.: Science. No. 1 zh-l " Russian speech", 1995.
  9. Larin B. A. On the linguistic characteristics of the city. Several prerequisites // News of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. A. I. Herzen. Vol. 1. L., 1977. – p.189-199.
  10. Levikova S.I.. Large dictionary of youth slang. – M.: Education, 2003.
  11. Leorda S.V.. Speech portrait of a modern student // Bulletin of the Saratov State Agrarian University named after. N.I. Vavilova. – Saratov: Science. No. 6, 2006.
  12. Matveeva G.G.. Hidden grammatical meanings and social person identification (“ portrait") of the speaker. – – St. Petersburg: Filin, 1993. – p. 58-60.
  13. Nikitina T. G. This is what youth says: a dictionary of youth slang. – .: FPb, 1998.
  14. Nikolaeva T.M. « Sociolinguistic portrait"and methods of its description // Russian language and modernity. Problems and prospects for the development of Russian studies. – M.: Nauka, 1991. – p. 74-75.
  15. Nikolaeva T. M. « Sociolinguistic portrait"and methods of its description // Russian language and modernity. Problems and prospects for the development of Russian studies. Reports of the All-Union Scientific Conference. Part 2. M., 1991. Skvortsov L.I. On assessments of the language of youth (jargon and language policy) // Questions of speech culture, vol. 5. M.: Nauka, 1964.
  16. Panova M.N. Linguistic personality of a civil servant: experience of linguistic and methodological research. – M.: Education, 2004. – 323 p.
  17. Tarasenko T.P. Linguistic personality of a high school student in the aspect of its speech realizations (based on data from an associative experiment and the sociolect of schoolchildren in Krasnodar): abstract of the dissertation of candidate of philological sciences // Krasnodar: FPb, 2007. – p. 12-14.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Kulikovo basic secondary school

Tisulsky district, Kemerovo region


Russian language section


Zanina Snezhana,

9th grade student

Scientific adviser:

Polkovnikova Irina Anatolevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



    Main part





The language of the people is both rich and precise,

But there are, alas, inaccurate words,

They grow like weed

On poorly plowed roadsides.

Nikolay Rylenkov

It has long been known that the Russian language remains the most complex and expressive language on the planet. Throughout the course of study educational institutions we study the norms and rules of the language, but sometimes this is not enough to consider ourselves an expert.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that our “beautiful, rich, powerful”

Russian languagebecomes clogged with unnecessary words, speech becomes dull, incomprehensible, and inexpressive. It is no coincidence that the problem of the “purity” of the Russian language in last years acquired character and became one of the central ones in society.

To achieve this goal, I identified the following tasks:

The object of the study is the speech of teenage children in our school.

Research methods:

Observing students' speech in class and outside of class;

Conducting a survey in grades 5-9.

Theoretical significance my work is that no one has yet studied this problem within our school.

Main part

Once upon a time there was this one, what’s his name,

Well, that means that

This is what lived

With my mother.

There was another eccentric -

This generally means that

And his beloved son-in-law.

Son-in-law's name

So to speak.

And the wife's name was well...

And the neighbor's name was...

And his parents-

You see

And you see...

And some other uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, in general.

2. Another group of words reflects our emotions. Their main feature is that they allow you to express several emotions in one word. For example, surprise and joy, indignation and grief, which are very popular among teenagers. These are the words “real”, “cool”, “cool”, “gotten” and others.

Linguistic experiment at the Kulikovskaya secondary school

“You understand” is a classic example of a “little” person - timid and constantly apologizing to everyone.

“In short” - a person is not inclined to communicate, he does not like conversations, so he wants to shorten his speech.

“This is the very thing” embellishes the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, who often do not even try to remember the right word.

43 teenage students (20 girls and 23 boys) took part in the written survey procedure. The questionnaire consisted of six questions. (Appendix 3)


This research work can be of great practical significance when organizing a school course in the Russian language and will help draw the attention of schoolchildren to a careful attitude towards their native language.

I would like to complete my work with the words of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in skillful hands it is capable of performing miracles.”


    Wikipedia. Free encyclopediawww . wikipedia . org .

    O.B. Sirotina, Modern colloquial speech and its features. - M., 1984.

    T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, Living Word: Oral speech as a means and subject of teaching. – M.: Education, 1986.

    Internet resources.


Annex 1

Once upon a time there was this one, what’s his name,

Well, that means that

This is what lived

With my mother.

There was another eccentric -

This generally means that

And his beloved son-in-law.

Son-in-law's name

So to speak.

And the wife's name was well...

And the neighbor's name was...

And his parents-

You see

And you see...

And some other uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, in general.

Emma Moshkovskaya

Appendix 2

    Insufficient vocabulary.

    Intentionally filling the pause between words and expressions.

    Rapid, unprepared speech.

    Fashion for some words.

Appendix 3

Appendix 4


Frequency of use by students



and what


Kick, fuck


Fuck it





Appendix 5

1. To expand your vocabulary, read classical literature more often.

2. Every day, learn five new words from the explanatory dictionary.

3. Control not only your own, but also other people’s speech.

4. Speak in front of an audience more often and engage in friendly conversations.

5. Ask friends or relatives to point out “empty” words.

6. Record your speech on a voice recorder and analyze it.

State educational institution of the Voronezh region "Elan-Kolenovsky Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and social assistance»

Research work on the topic “Features of the speech culture of modern youth.”

Elan-Koleno, 2016

Introduction. 2

2.Features of speech culture modern youth. 4

2.1.Problem “Language and Society” 4

2.2.Results of the survey on the topic “Identification of the level of jargon in the speech of students of the Elan-Kolenovsky Central Medical Education and Training Center.” 7

3. Conclusion. 12

4. Conclusion. 14

5. List of used literature. 16


Languagenecessary condition existence and development of society is an element of its spiritual culture. The Russian language is rightfully considered one of the richest and most developed languages ​​in the world. Many poets and writers spoke with delight about the flexibility, beauty, versatility and uniqueness of the Russian language.

I.S. Turgenev, admiring the beauty of the Russian language, he called: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property passed on to us by our predecessors.”

Speaking about the accuracy of the Russian language, N.V.Gogol emphasized: “There is no word that would be so sweeping, smart, would burst out from under the very heart, boil and vibrate, as aptly said Russian word».

A.I. Kuprin thought like this: “The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.”

Of course, one cannot but agree with these statements, but in the conditions modern world We often observe a completely opposite process: the “classical”, correct Russian language leaves everyday life and is replaced by simplified, sometimes slang, vocabulary. Specialists are especially concerned about modern youth language.

In this regard, a logical question arises: why do young people today, having such a rich language, prefer new uniform communication, neglecting the norms of the modern Russian language, using slang and profanity.

Is it even necessary today to teach the modern Russian language, which is spoken by the whole society, by which we are recognized in the world, which provides us with the entire volume of cultural information, if the overwhelming majority of young people speak a primitive language? This question is becoming more and more relevant, and we will try to answer it. But for this you need to know what speech culture is and what are the features of the speech of modern youth.

Due to this, basicpurpose Our work will be the following: to study the culture of speech and communicative literacy among young people.

In accordance with this goal, it is expected to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the features of speech culture and communicative literacy of modern youth.

2. Study the condition speech culture students of grades 5-11 of the KOU HE "Elan-Kolenovsky TsPPMSP".

3. Present the research results in the form of written work and multimedia presentation.

Features of the speech culture of modern youth.

Problem “Language and Society”

The problem of “Language and Society” is broad and multifaceted. First of all, language is social in its essence. Its main function is to be a means, an instrument of communication between people.

Close interest in issues of speech culture in Russian science arose in the late 80s of the 20th century. But scientists are turning to a more thorough analysis of the speech situation in modern society in the 21st century, the century of ultra-modern technologies and scientific and technological progress, when there is increasingly a tendency towards maximum simplification of language.

But what is speech culture?

The term “speech culture” has many meanings. Among its main meanings, linguists identify the following:

"A culture of speech- this is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that provide the author of a speech with an easy construction of speech utterances for the optimal solution of communication problems”;

"A culture of speech- this is a set and system of properties and qualities of speech that speak of its perfection”;

"A culture of speech“is an area of ​​linguistic knowledge about the system of communicative qualities of speech.”

These three meanings are interrelated: the first refers to the characteristics of a person’s individual abilities, the second to the assessment of the quality of speech, the third to the scientific discipline that studies speech abilities and speech qualities.

"So, a culture of speech- this is such a choice and such an organization of linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, while observing modern language norms and communication ethics, make it possible to ensure the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks,” this is how the famous modern linguist E.N. defines the concept of speech culture. Shiryaev.

Also, speaking about the speech culture of modern youth, it should be noted that the speech culture of an individual is individual. It depends on erudition in the field of speech culture of society and represents the ability to use this erudition. The speech culture of an individual borrows part of the speech culture of society, but at the same time it is broader than the speech culture of society. Correct use of language presupposes your own sense of style, correct and sufficiently developed taste.

But today it often happens that this taste and desire for individuality goes beyond all boundaries of reason.

According to research, a greater impact on modern teenager is exerted primarily by the surrounding cultural environment (family, friends, relatives, peers), as well as the global Internet, television, fashion magazines, books, music and society as a whole.

Each new generation relies on existing texts, stable figures of speech, and ways of expressing thoughts. From the language of these texts, it selects the most appropriate words and figures of speech, takes what is relevant for itself from what was developed by previous generations, bringing in its own to express new ideas, ideas, a new vision of the world. Naturally, new generations are abandoning what seems archaic, not in tune with the new manner of formulating thoughts, conveying their feelings, attitudes towards people and events. Sometimes they return to archaic forms, giving them new content, new angles of understanding.

Thus, the constant development of language leads to changes in literary norms, which help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to perform one of the most important functions - cultural.

But, modern trend The development of language does not bode well for us in the future; the next generation breaks and modifies the usual norms so much that it is difficult to imagine what the language will be like by the end of our progressive century.

Let’s take, for example, the youth magazines “Cool”, “Molotok”, “BRAVO”, which are read by all “advanced” youth, and from the very first pages we see (tattoo, clothes, hang out, birthday, depress, basketball, movement, faded, I mean, I’m stocked up and the list can go on ad infinitum).

The same situation is on television (MUZ TV, TNT, STS, MTV, etc.). Some of the favorite TV shows of the younger generation are “COMEDY CLUB”, “Our Russia”, “HB”, “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, etc., which for the sake of high ratings are ready to neglect any norms, and not only linguistic, but also moral.

But it is especially worth noting musical compositions some modern groups, the lyrics of which can shock any more or less educated person (groups “Factor-2”, “Leningrad”, most rock and rap performers). No matter where you go, chanson invariably plays on the bus or taxi, causing a pathological addiction to slang “thieves” speech.

The results of the survey on the topic “Identification of the level of jargon in the speech of students of the Elan-Kolenovsky Central Pedagogical Medical Institution.”

In connection with all of the above, we decided to conduct a small study aimed at identifying the level of jargon in the speech of students of the Elan-Kolenovsky CPMSSP. To conduct the study, a survey form was chosen, in which 50 students in grades 5-11, aged 12 to 18, took part. Our goal is to find out whether students at our school use jargon in their speech and how adults react to their speech.

The survey questions looked like this:

1. Do you use slang words when communicating with your peers?

2. What is your gender?

a) male;

b) female.

3. For what purpose do you use slang words?

a) for self-affirmation;

b) support a good relationship with schoolmates;

c) exchange information and learn new things;

d) add liveliness and humor to your speech.

4. What slang words do you use most often in your everyday speech?

a) obscene;

b) humorous;

c) both: it all depends on the situation or company.

5. Do teachers correct your speech?

b) teachers don’t pay attention to my speech;

c) not always, but they still make comments.

6. How do your parents feel about your speech?

a) they don’t care what I say;

b) they constantly remind me to watch my speech;

c) sometimes my parents make comments about my speech.

7. Whose speech is the standard for you?

a) my friends;

b) my parents;

c) my teachers.

d) the way they say on television, on the Internet.

The data we received during the survey is reflected in the graphs and diagrams that you see on the screen:


The purpose of this study, as mentioned above, is to study the slang speech of students of our school - modern schoolchildren of adolescence and early childhood. adolescence. Analysis of our results allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. All respondents noted that they consider the use of slang to be an integral part of communication among peers. Such words allow them to assert themselves, maintain good relationships with schoolmates, exchange information and learn new things.

2. When studying the level of slang speech, it was revealed: the first place among boys is occupied by swear words, for girls slang is primarily a play on words, a means of giving their speech a light humorous character.

3. In our study, students noted a high level of use of slang in the speech of presenters in television and radio programs, famous bloggers, and in publications of newspapers and magazines.

Thus, the data obtained during the study confirm our goal: there is a tendency towards an increase in the level of jargon in the speech of middle and high school students. If we summarize the data obtained, we can describe the reasons for the increase in the proportion of jargon in the speech of modern teenagers and high school students:

1. Social factors. Today, the active use of slang speech is due to changing social conditions - priority material assets, division of society (rich and poor), changes in interpersonal relationships, etc. Children are increasingly faced with indifference, rudeness, and anger. And this, in turn, leads to protest, which is expressed, in particular, in increased jargon of speech when schoolchildren communicate.

Communication with peers, as well as with older friends, continues to be significant for the subjects. They note that they want to spend as much time as possible with them - to walk, relax, have fun, which means they must speak “their” (slang, jargon) language.

2. The importance of “one’s own” language for communication with peers(the teenager’s desire to establish himself both among his peers and in his own eyes).

3. Influence of funds mass media (reading youth magazines, watching TV shows, communicating on the Internet) on the teenager’s speech.


To summarize the above, it is worth noting that all the efforts of teachers, lecturers and even the state to protect the great Russian language seem insignificant at the moment under the onslaught of fashion, public taste and the irrepressible thirst for enrichment at any cost. But I would like to believe that this is just a temporary phenomenon, and in a couple of years society will abandon “products of mass destruction” (music, TV shows, social networks and magazines that emphasize the use of jargon).

It seems to us that the situation with the speech culture of modern youth is quite possible to improve. To do this you need:

    promote respect for the Russian language

    explain to persons whose speeches come into the spotlight of public attention the need to respect their native language;

    explain to media managers the need for high-quality editorial work on the style of published texts;

    promote classical Russian literature;

    instill in the younger generation a love for their native language;

    organize a Russian language advisory service on the basis of the Elan-Kolenovsky Center for Medical and Health Care Education;

    strengthen the work of educational psychologists in developing a culture of speech among schoolchildren.

I would like to complete my research with the words of the great Anna Akhmatova:

It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,
It's not bitter to be homeless, -
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
We will carry you free and clean,
And we’ll give you grandchildren, and we’ll save you from captivity,

List of used literature.

    Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov-on-Don, 2000.

    Goykhman O.Ya., Nadeina T.M. Speech communication. - M., 2000.

    Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of modern Russian literary language. - M., 1989.

    Ivanova-Lukyanova G.N. Oral culture. - M., 1998.

    Klyuev E.V. Speech communication: success of speech interaction. - M., 2002.

    Muchnik B.S. Culture writing. - M., 1996.

    Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M., 1997.

    Schmidt R. The Art of Communication. - M., 1992.


K.G. Paustovsky left us very precise, succinct words about the Russian language, about that extraordinary gift of nature that we possess: “We have been given the possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” These words can be confidently applied to any other language. From early childhood to old age, our whole life is inextricably linked with language. Through the tales of grandmothers, lullabies of mothers, lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, we see and learn about the world around us. Through the word we learn for the first time about something that our eyes have not yet seen, and perhaps will never see. This is how we comprehend the beauty of the word, the beauty of the language.

But more and more often lately I’ve been thinking about this. There is so much ugly speech and bad words around! Why do people around me say this? Are rude, swear words really necessary in our speech? Has it always been like this? Are they really that harmless? All these questions forced me to turn to various literature about the meaning of words, about the beauty of language: proverbs and sayings, poetic works, articles, quotes, Internet materials.

Purpose of the study:

    consider some aspects of the section of linguistics “Culture of Speech”


    study the meaning of the power of words in communication and its impact on human health;

    consider how the meaning of the word is reflected in some folklore genres;

    study the history of the emergence of profanity in speech;

    conduct research using the questionnaire “Profanity in my life”;

Research methods:

    review of specialized literature;

    survey of gymnasium students

    conversations with teachers, parents

1 . What is language?

A man needed a word

to give a name to everything,

what is in the world and in oneself.

The Word accompanies us throughout life, and it is itself part of it, spirit and flesh. Famous Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev wrote: “Words have enormous power over our lives, magical power, we are enchanted by words and to a large extent live in their kingdom.” The more words a person knows, the more accurately, vividly, and more figuratively he expresses his thoughts. The object of my little research was the word and its effect on a person. And a word is a unit of language. Let's start with what the word “language” itself means. IN " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" by S. Ozhegov gives several meanings of this word (See Appendix)

    Language and speech.

A word can kill, a word can save.

With a word you can lead the shelves with you...

Let us dwell in more detail on the meaning of the word “language”, as speech, the ability to speak. Exists ancient legend, associated with the name of the fabulist Aesop. It is thanks to him that our language has the concept of “Aesopian language,” which means allegory. This legend very clearly reflects the meaning of the word “language” as speech. (See Attachment)

We see that this legend illustrates the meaning of the word “language” as speech. We often consider these words as synonyms. More precisely, language is potential speech. The main function of language is to be a means of communication. With the help, the spiritual experience of generations, knowledge, and skills are preserved and transmitted. Language is one of the ways to convey human thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

3. The soul of the word. Experiments by M. Emoto. Folklore about the meaning of the word.

Each of the words my soul,

It looks like the soul of the speaker...

Sometimes we don’t pay attention to the power nature has given us and we don’t always think what we say. The remarkable Kalmyk poet and philosopher D.N. Kugultinov said very precisely:

Each word has its own soul,

It looks like the soul of the speaker...

What is the soul? What about the soul of the word? I was very interested in the research of scientists different countries, seeking to prove that the power of words affects not only a person’s mood and state of mind, but also his health.

The famous Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, through his numerous experiments with water, proves that water has memory. He poured water into one hundred Petri dishes and placed them in cold temperatures down to -200 degrees, obtained water crystals and subjected them to various influences. For example, he “forced” them to listen to music, listen different words. The water crystals took on beautiful shapes while listening to the good good words, and from rude, abusive words they became distorted and became shapeless. (See Appendix).

These experiments also interested me very much because there were so many words around us that should not be in human speech. Both adults and children use them. This is profanity that the whole world needs to fight against.

If such changes occur with water crystals, then what happens to the human body when it is constantly exposed to the influence of rude, abusive words.

Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of approximately 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

I think you are surprised. Looking at these photographs, you involuntarily think and make comparisons and analogies. For example, here's what. We all know that in the folklore of every nation there are good wishes. Our people call them…..? (yorily) Why did our people give and give such great importance them? After all, there is not a single event, big or small, that the yoryals are not dedicated to it. There are many proverbs that confirm the enormous importance of good wishes in the life of the people. For example: “Yoryal uga altnas yoryaltya zes” (Blessed copper is more valuable than unblessed gold), “Yoryalin ekn - tosn, haralin ekn - tsusn” (At the source of good wishes is oil, and at the source of curses is blood).

Our illiterate distant ancestors probably did not know that the human body is 80% water, but at all times they wanted to pronounce and hear yoryals and were very afraid of kharals. It can be assumed that they had and still have an impact on the body, and, therefore, human life.

In any case, this information should make us think about whether the words that many of us use in our speech and which we can do just fine without are really so harmless.

4. From the history of profanity.

Where did they come from in our speech? Have they always existed?

Swear words were not introduced into our speech by the Mongols - by the Tatars, as many claim; they, unfortunately, have original Russian roots. In ancient Rus', swearing was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, as if tuning into their wave, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew that it was impossible to scold children with obscenities, they would be tormented by demons. You cannot swear in the house: demons will live in this home. It was also forbidden to swear in the forest: a goblin might be offended; on the banks of a river or lake, a merman might be offended. Where could a person swear and throw out all the anger? There was only one place left - the field. Hence the expression “battlefield”. Without knowing the origin of this phrase, many people think that it is a battlefield. However, the meaning of the phrase is different - it is a field of swearing. If you look at the history of the origin and meaning of the word “mat” in its original version, it means “cry”, a loud voice in an onomatopoeic meaning. And the imitation was the sounds of animals - “ma” and “me” - during the mating season. In ancient Rus', it was considered indecent to become like cattle and yell obscenities about something that belonged to the sphere of intimate relationships. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear swear words on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policies pursued by the state. According to the Council Code, severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to and including the death penalty.

5. Profanity and us.

Speak so I can see you...

Why is “profanity” needed in speech? For what purpose is it used, in what situations? The study results point to several reasons:

1) to increase the emotionality of speech,

2) emotional release,

3) insults, humiliation of the addressee of the speech,

4) demonstrations of aggression,

5) demonstrating a lack of fear,

6) demonstration of looseness, disdain for the system of prohibitions,

7) demonstrating belonging to “their own”.

If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards, prostitutes and other degenerate persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish groups, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Permissiveness of speech turns into a disease of the intellect, a distorted consciousness. Often such a person, when finding himself in decent society, tries to remain silent more, so as not to inadvertently say a rude word.

Small children, hearing their parents scolding, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated into literature, cinema and television. Here are some statistics on how young people feel about the problem of foul language, and what place obscene language occupies in their lives. According to the Public Opinion Foundation, today about 70% of residents of our country use profanity in their speech. And only 29% of the population never use it. At the same time, 64% versus 32% believe that the use of swear words in speech is unacceptable under any circumstances. How is it that we don’t want to swear, but it still comes out of our mouth? How to get rid of this very bad habit?

The state operates here using its own methods. Obscene language is an administrative offense for which liability is provided under Art. 30.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and is classified as petty hooliganism.

Everyone is unanimous that obscene language has no place in our lives. However, why do we still have to talk about this? Why is the problem still relevant?

The philosophy has become widespread that we, Russian people, cannot live without swearing, that it is in our blood. There is nothing bad about it; on the contrary, it allows you to get rid of accumulated irritation, as they say, to let off steam.

Those who think so also need to know the following. A person’s language is not something random, it is his choice (conscious or unconscious), reflecting the state of his soul. And as a man is, so are his words. We must not forget that a word is already a completely concrete action. If a person is cynical, then his words, actions and whole life are cynical. A Russian proverb says: “From a rotten heart come rotten words.” When the human heart becomes corrupted or filled with resentment and discontent, rotten, nasty words appear as signs of spiritual decay. Hearing abuse from a particular person, one can easily draw a conclusion about his spiritual state. The Bible says: “By your words you will be condemned, by your words you will be justified.” Orthodox Church always forbade foul language and slander. This vice is directly dependent on how spiritually developed a person is.

6. Foul language and human health. Research by scientists.

Survey results.

Medical scientists have come to the conclusion that all diseases have their origin in the spirit. They believe that before an organ becomes ill, a system or function disrupts its functioning, changes must appear in the spiritual plane of a person, in his thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions. What is spirituality? What qualities need to be developed? You need to develop in yourself to immense proportions: love, kindness, understanding of beauty, strive for knowledge, develop a sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions. According to the conclusion of WHO experts, the health status of the population is 10% determined by the level of development of medicine as a science and condition medical care, 20% hereditary factor, 20% condition environment and 50% lifestyle. (See Attachment)

Changing a person's attitude towards himself is a very important path leading to health.

The state of mind of a modern Russian is reflected in a study by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion.

Over the past 10–15 years, according to the majority of respondents, the qualities in people around them that help achieve personal success by any means have increased: cynicism and the ability to “go ahead” (57% of Russians believe). At the same time, there is a weakening of such qualities as sincerity (67%), honesty (63%), sincerity (62%), unselfishness (59%), loyalty to comrades (52%) - i.e. true human values. Naturally, in a society in which real values ​​have lost value, words and expressions will not be filled with high spiritual culture. Hence the outbreak of drug addiction, alcoholism, and crime. Foul language brings undesirable consequences, although few people think about it today. (See Attachment)

A survey was conducted on this topic among seventh and ninth grade students. (Sample questionnaire in the attachment)

A survey of students showed that there is a direct connection between the use of swear words in the family and the survey participants themselves.

Only 7.8% of respondents noted that they do not swear in their families; In 17.6% of families, swear words are used; 74.5% of respondents note that swearing is sometimes used in their families (students note that informal language in their families is used mainly to express dissatisfaction on the part of parents towards children during quarrels).

The proof of the above statement is the students’ answers to the question: “How do you feel about swearing?” 53% of respondents answer that in a certain life situation, profanity is necessary, i.e. Sometimes. This can be confirmed by an analysis of the answers to the question about cases of swearing. The vast majority of respondents (84.5%) note that they swear when they are angry or angry.

74.1% of respondents claim that they use swearing sometimes, which is further confirmation of the above.

To the question “How often do you use informal language?” 20.7% of respondents answered “often.” Please note that in the first question, “Do they swear in your family?” 17.6% of respondents answered in the affirmative. There is a certain correspondence between the answers.

One interesting observation is connected with swear words. The famous psychophysiologist, doctor, member of the World Ecological Academy L. Kitaev-Smyk has been dealing with the problem of stress and swearing as its integral component for almost 40 years. He really saw that swearing relieved him of stress. Who uses obscene language. However, according to the same research results, a person resorts to swearing when he, even on a subconscious level, is not confident in his worth, in his abilities, that is, he feels inferior.

A normal, healthy person does not need profanity. Abuse of swear words - what we see today - slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders, especially in women who, over time, lose their femininity both in soul and in appearance. The reason is all in the same male hormones. For women, swearing is unnatural on a physiological level.

Foul language harms the health of the swearer himself. Proof of this is one famous study of the effect of foul language on human health. At the end of the twentieth century, an employee of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, biologist Pyotr Garyaev undertook research that made it possible to create a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations, and then traced how these vibrations affect the molecules of heredity - DNA. With this modern technology It became possible to check how evil and kind words affect a living organism.

It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs, causing mutations, ultimately leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes become distorted and torn.

That is, swear words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rude, evil words can not only undermine health, cause illness, but also kill a person.

“We came to the conclusion,” says Pyotr Garyaev, “that the wave “ears” of DNA are specially adapted to perceive speech vibrations... DNA is not indifferent to the “information” received. For example, prayer awakens the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and a curse destroys the programs that ensure the normal functioning of the body.” We saw this in the experiments of a Japanese scientist.

Let us again turn to the words of P. Garyaev: “The genetic apparatus is far from indifferent to what you think, say or read: any words can be imprinted on the wave genome. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that changes your life. Sometimes the word works, causing cancer or, conversely, eliminating the disease.”

The Ural scientist G. Cheurin recently came to even more striking conclusions. He claims that profanity has a very active effect on the human body, eventually destroying all living things. Cheurin's hypothesis “On the influence of profanity on the psychophysiological state of living organisms” was tested by several research institutes - the capital center under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, technical universities of St. Petersburg and Barnaul. And we managed to prove the theory! Together with their colleagues, scientists in the laboratory, for the purpose of an experiment, watered wheat grains with different water: one water heard only curse words, and the other water heard only prayers. As a result, the seeds that were watered with the first water sprouted only in 49 cases out of 100. Those that were watered with water enchanted by prayers sprouted in 96 cases. All this proves once again negative impact foul language on the health of a person and others.

In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group and speech fashion. Sometimes this is imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

But few of us realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students try to offend their parents with swear words, shock them, and infuriate them in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

It turns out that our ancestors, who did not study the laws of physics, chemistry and other sciences, were much wiser and more cultured. They valued and offered good wishes and avoided curses, thinking about their health and caring for the health of their descendants.

Maybe foul language is really one of the reasons for the poor health of the younger generation?

III. Conclusion.

Researching this topic, collecting material, you come to the following conclusion: “Every person needs to start the fight against foul language, against rude, abusive words with himself!” The moral rule for each of us should be words famous writer A. Solzhenitsyn: “Let this come into the world and even reign in the world, but not through me.”

Let's try to maintain this position. Let's try not to be afraid of ridicule, contempt, even loneliness. Position “I am an exception!” attractive because it meets the genuine needs of the individual to stand out and show their uniqueness. How did you deal with bad language before?

Once in Kyiv, the famous Virgin Mary addressed a young man of about 18: “Don’t use foul language... Because when a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him.”

It turns out that in what a powerful way they freed our ancestors from the desire to say a word! There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you. The “heavenly Kremlin” will always help a person, if only he is worthy of this help.

To summarize what has been said, let us repeat as a kind of credo:



List of sources and literature used:

1.S. Ozhegov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

2.Ya.Grigoryan.My language is my friend.

3.D. Kugultinov. Collection of poems "Space". M. Progress. 1977

4. V. Soloukhin. Poem “A Word about Words.”

5. V. Kharchenko. Young people about foul language.. Magazine “Russian language at school” No. 1, 1977.

6.Halmg ulgurmud boln tyayalvrtya tuuls.Elista.1960

7. Yu. Androsova. Virus of foul language. Newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 20 - 2008.

8.Emoto and his photographs.tasya -moor ./ucoz .ru

9.Profanity virus.www .schsite .ru