Deep metal detector fisher gemini 3. Technical characteristics of the detector

One of the best two-frame models for searching engineering communications, treasures and military artifacts at a depth of no more than 6 m. Can be used in several search modes: free, inductive with wide coverage (18 m) and cable/pipeline tracing mode.

It is convenient to search for treasures, as well as study the territories where hostilities took place. The device operates at a frequency of 81.9 kHz and is especially effective when searching for deep-lying objects of medium and large size. For example, helmets, jars of coins. You can also buy Gemini 3 for geological exploration.


  • It works in four modes: free search, inductive search with wide coverage, cable and pipeline tracing.
  • The receiver and transmitter unit is made in a convenient form (plastic suitcase), which simplifies transportation.
  • Assembling and disassembling the Fisher Gemini 3 metal detector takes a couple of minutes.
  • Light weight - just over 3 kg.
  • Favorable price.


Thanks to the special design of the rod, the Fisher Gemini 3 metal detector can be assembled or disassembled in just a few minutes. Important feature model is an efficient inductive search with wide coverage. In this mode, two operators can completely survey the territory while being at a distance of up to 18 meters from each other. Moreover, the device is capable of functioning with normal and increased sensitivity, which allows it to detect objects at a depth of up to 6 meters. Setting can be done either mechanically or electronically.

This model is not only considered reliable assistant"military" search engines, but also receives excellent feedback from utility workers, helping to find large metal objects at great depths.


  • Receiver;
  • Transmitter
  • Three-stage rod;
  • Carrying strap;
  • Set of batteries (battery 1.5 V - 16 pcs.)
  • Package;
  • Instructions in Russian;
  • Warranty card from an authorized service center for Russia.


  • 5 years for the device, 2 years for the reel;
  • Homeland of the brand: USA;
  • Country of origin: USA



I have had this device for a long time. He did not live up to my hopes. On mineralized soil, Dzhemeni 3 refuses to work. Neutral soil is good for it. The manufacturer writes that the maximum detection depth large object 6 meters. I made a test site. In one hole to a depth of 2.50 m, I buried a 200 liter metal barrel. In another hole to a depth of 190 cm, I buried a box one and a half meters long and 50 cm wide in which there were aluminum cans from beer. So, during the test, the vaunted Dzhemeni did not see a barrel or a box. It works well on neutral soil at depths of no more than 150 cm. It loves pipes and iron rings.


can this instrument detect gold if it is hidden, for example, inside an iron tightly closed thick-walled container at a depth of 4-5 m

  • detects any metals
  • sensitive to large objects or ore veins to depths of 20 feet or more
  • modern electronic circuit with quartz frequency stabilization
  • Light weight, durable, compact
  • four operating modes
  • uses standard AA batteries

About GEMINI-3

Dual-coil metal detectors have long been used by prospectors, geologists, treasure hunters, and public utilities to detect large deep-lying objects, ore veins, pipes and cables.
This device allows you to detect objects 10-20% deeper than its predecessors. It allows you to track pipes and ore veins 50% further and has a new circuit with high stability due to the use of quartz frequency stabilization. The new device is easier to use, almost 1 kg lighter, has a voltage-controlled sound response generator for accurate detection of the location of an object, and has a built-in battery charging circuit when used in conjunction with an optional charger.

Operating principle

The device is designed to detect changes in the electrical conductivity of the ground over which it passes. Therefore, the device will respond when there is a metal, ore vein, or mineral in the ground that is more electrically conductive than the surrounding rocks or soil.
The transmitter sends a radio frequency signal to the object and generates an electromagnetic field around it. When using one of the inductive tracking modes, the radio signal travels through the soil to the object. In the conductive tracking mode, the signal is sent directly through a wire connected to the exposed part of the object. The receiver locates an object by detecting the electromagnetic field around it and produces audio and visual signals.

Detection depth

The device is designed to detect large, deeply buried objects (metal chests, pipes or ore veins). It does not detect small objects the size of a coin. Still full of coins liter jar can be found at depths of one to three feet. A 200 liter drum can be found at a depth of 10 feet (Gp) A very large object/such as a car can be found at a depth of 20 feet or more (>bm)
The ability of the device to detect objects at different depths depends on the following factors:
1) soil mineralization - the penetrating ability of the device is inversely proportional to the presence of ferrous metal ores and electrically conductive mineral salts in the soil. For example, an object that can be found at a depth of 15 feet (5m) in neutral soil may be found at a depth of no more than 5 feet in soil rich in mineral salts;
2) object size and depth - an object with a 4-inch diameter will produce a response 64 times stronger than a similar object at the same depth, but having a diameter of 1 inch. An object located 1 foot underground will produce a response 4000 times more powerful than the same object located 4 feet underground;
3) how long ago the object was buried - an object that has lain in the ground for a long time can be more easily discovered than an object that has just been buried. Rust and oxides, as well as mineralization caused by the interaction of metal with soil chemical compounds, are good conductors and facilitate the detection process;
4) shape of the object - the best results are obtained by flat rings and loop-shaped objects. Flat or plate-shaped objects are also easily detected. Rod-shaped objects (especially those buried vertically) are very difficult to detect;
5) the skill of the operator is perhaps the most important factor. Practice in locating buried objects known to you is especially important.


Complete set of device and accessories:

  • transmitter
  • receiver
  • hand strap
  • three-section boom
  • Stereo headphones (optional)
  • case (custom kit)
  • ground plate (optional)
  • charger (optional)
  • bag for barbell (custom package)
  • single-section rod (custom kit).


On the front panel there are:
Power button: press - the transmitter will turn off, pull - the transmitter will turn on.
Ground wire connection socket(used with a ground plane in conductive (electrical) tracking mode.
Connection socket charger Nickel-cadmium batteries:plug the charger wire into the socket and the red light will indicate that the batteries are charged. Battery Check Button: Press the button to check the battery status.
Battery status sensor: Gives a visual indication.


The front panel of the receiver displays:
Speaker: gives sound indication receiver signal for configuration and detection.
Meter:Provides a visual indication of the response signal for tuning the receiver and detecting an object.
Range switch:Selects the range of normal and high sensitivity.
Sensitivity control:used to change the sensitivity level within the selected range. Position 7 marked with a circle is the starting position for searching with narrow scan in inductive (electromagnetic) mode.
Nickel-cadmium battery charging socket:Used with a custom charger. Plug the charger cord into the socket and a red light will indicate that the batteries are charged.
Battery status button:Press the button to monitor the battery status using the meter.
Headphone socket:When phones are connected, the loudspeaker is muted.
Power On/Off Button:press - the receiver turns off, pull - the receiver turns on.


Inductive search with narrow scan:
This mode of operation is carried out by one operator using a three-section boom. This is the best method for locating short and small objects (chests, jars of coins, guns), however it is also effective for locating pipes, cables, and ore veins.

Installing the device in inductive search mode with narrow scanning:
Assemble the three-section rod by inserting each part into the center section. Tighten the bolt head with your fingers so that there is no play or sagging in the sections. Place the back of the transmitter on the ground and insert the end of the stick into the V-shaped slot. Twist the head tightly with your fingers until the stick is securely seated in the slot. Align the holes on the receiver panel with top part sticks. Pull the bottom black head tight. Rotate the balancing knob (along the white arrow) until the spring is tensioned (approximately 10 turns).

Setting in inductive search mode with narrow scan:
1) Turn on the power of the transmitter;
2) Turn on the power of the receiver, sensitivity=7, range NORMAL, you will get a strong audio tone and meter reading;
3) Hold the device by the stick and balance it so that it is parallel to the ground at arm's length. For deeper searching, attach a portable strap to each end of the pole. When setting up, you will need to hold the unit at this height if you plan to use it in this lower position. On mineral rich soil and asphalt you probably won't be able to use it at a very low position (full belt length). You will understand this when setting up the device if you cannot achieve zero beats. The inability to achieve zero beats also indicates the close presence of metal objects.
4) Holding the meter parallel to the ground, slowly rotate the BALANCE knob (arrow) counterclockwise until you hear a sudden drop in sound and meter readings. In this position there should be no sound when the knob is rotated another 1/8-1/4 turn;
5) If you cannot catch zero beats or the zero point is less than 1/8 of a turn, slightly reduce the sensitivity and repeat the procedure again;
6) If you manage to maintain zero beat when turning the knob more than 1/4 turn, increase the sensitivity slightly and repeat the procedure again;
7) You are ready to start searching when the unit is set up with the zero zone maintained at 1/8-1/4 turn of the tuning knob. If the device is operated at a height from the ground different from that at which adjustment was made, minor adjustments may be required using the BALANCE and/or SENSITIVITY knob.

Operating the device in inductive search mode with narrow scanning:
1) Test your device in an area free of large metal objects buried in the ground. In the clean area, place some metal objects such as a metal box, a piece of pipe, a hanger
2) With the device properly adjusted, holding it in your hand or by the strap, slowly walk straight towards your subject. While driving, keep the device's rod level, otherwise the setting may change and you will receive false signals or sensitivity will deteriorate.
3) When approaching an object, the loudspeaker sound and meter readings will increase. They will reach maximum value, when you are directly above the conductor. Remember that on this device the volume and pitch of the sound continue to increase after the needle of the device goes off scale. This will allow you to detect most objects without constantly adjusting the sensitivity.
4) Moving away from the object, the readings of the device will begin to decrease. Make a mark where the meter readings were maximum, then work backwards and again make a mark where the signal and meter readings peaked. Your item will be centered between the two marks.
5) For even more accurate detection of short objects, approach the test object at right angles to your previous direction of movement. Again make marks on the ground as you did earlier. Your item will be centered between the four marks.
6) To establish the route of cable conduit or other long conductor, make detections at two more locations 15 to 20 feet apart. Using these three points you can draw a line for laying a cable or pipe.
7) It may be necessary to reduce the sensitivity if the pipe or cable is very large. If the meter needle reaches its maximum value, you will want to reduce the sensitivity to notice the peak of the meter needle at a point less than 100 (the extreme limit of the scale) by moving a quarter or half step back and forth to achieve maximum needle deflection.
8) If possible, experiment with some objects of known size and depth.

Inductive search with wide scanning:
This search mode is preferred for quickly searching a large area. It requires 2 operators and does not use a boom. The wide scan mode is useful when searching for ore veins in pipes or cables that are 40 feet or longer in length.

Installation in inductive search mode with wide scanning:
2 operators stand on the same line at a distance of at least 30 feet (9 m) from each other, one with the receiver and the other with the transmitter. The operator placement line should be parallel to the intended buried conductor.

Setting up in wide scan mode:

- sensitivity range: normal/high (operators are at a short/long distance);
- sensitivity - 0.
Slowly increase the sensitivity level until a beep is heard, then reduce the sensitivity level until the signal disappears (that is, you should be at the very threshold of the signal). This is the point at which there is no direct connection between the receiver and the transmitter.

Working in wide scan mode:
By keeping the transmitter and receiver on the same line, 2 operators can now search along a pre-planned route. The sensitivity setting must be periodically monitored to ensure that the receiver is tuned just below the threshold at which direct communication between the two may be possible.
If both operators cross the same object at approximately the same time, the tone and meter reading will increase indicating the presence of the object. The receiver operator must alert the transmitter operator that the object has been detected.
The receiver operator can then place the transmitter on the ground with the handle facing up. The receiver operator can now accurately locate an object by moving the receiver back and forth in line with the transmitter. The object must be exactly below the point of maximum audible and visual response from the receiver. If the receiver is held horizontally (face up), the location of the object will be determined by zero or minimal response from the receiver.


Inductive tracking:
Inductive tracking mode is typically used to trace long objects that do not extend to the surface at either end, but where two known starting points.

Installation in inductive tracking mode:
Locate 2 points above the object 30 feet apart as described in the section on inductive search. The transmitter and receiver must be in line with each other, facing the same direction.
The transmitter must be on the ground and the receiver must be with the operator.

Setting in inductive tracking mode:
- turn on the power of the transmitter;
- turn on the power of the receiver;
- range - normal;
- sensitivity - 0.
Increase the sensitivity until you get an audible response and a deflection of the instrument needle by at least half a scale. Move the receiver back and forth to make sure there is no direct connection between them. Above the object, the sound and visual indication should reach a maximum. No peak will be observed if the transmitter and receiver are very close to each other and there is direct communication between them.

Operating in inductive tracking mode:
As soon as 2 starting points are established and the receiver is configured, move away from the transmitter in the direction of the intended route of the conductor. Hold the receiver vertically maintaining the maximum signal or horizontally (face up) maintaining the zero or minimum signal unchanged - this all indicates that you are above the object and tracing its route.
As the distance from the transmitter increases, the signal will weaken. If this occurs, increase the sensitivity and if this is not enough, switch to the HIGH range. When the signal becomes very weak, stop and move the transmitter closer. Remember when tracking a pipe that the signal will weaken as you cross a T-junction or side branch.

Conductive (electrical) tracking mode
This is the best method for routing a single pipe in the presence of other pipes. With this method, part of the pipe must come to the surface in order to power it through a direct connection using a ground plane.

Metal detector Gemini 3

Fisher Gemini 3 is a professional deep metal detector, which is designed to detect large objects at depth that are inaccessible to conventional metal detectors, while ignoring small targets. Therefore, finds for this deep-sea explorer begin with the size of a bayonet-knife or a helmet, which he can detect at a depth of up to 4 meters. The design of Fisher Gemini 3 takes into account all the specifics of deep search.

The electronic circuit of the Fisher Gemini 3 metal detector is based on VLF technology, operating frequency 81.92 kHz. The metal detector is easy to assemble, has a dial signal level indicator and a potentiometer for adjusting sensitivity. Sensitivity is adjustable from 0 to 10. A single-tone audio response is used to indicate the find. There is a headphone output (6.35 mm jack).

Metal detector power supply 16 pcs. AA - 8 pcs. in the receiver and 8 pcs. into the transmitter. The detector size is 125 cm. The assembled Fisher Gemini 3 weighs 3.2 kg.

The FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector is a deep metal detector designed specifically for searching for large objects in the ground at great depths of up to 6 meters. The model can be successfully used to detect large treasures, ore veins, pipes, cables, military and historical artifacts.

Main distinctive characteristics metal detector FISHER GEMINI3 are:

  • Large detection depth of metal targets, which depends on the size of the object, for example:
    • A 200-liter barrel can be found at three meters;
    • a car or tank will be detected at a depth of six meters.
  • Two search modes of the FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector:
    • narrow scanning mainly for searching for small objects: guns, cans, chests. It is performed by one operator who holds the metal detector by the bar or uses a shoulder strap.
    • wide scanning to detect extended objects, such as ore veins or pipes over large areas, which is performed without a boom by two operators.
  • Two tracking modes of the FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector:
    • inductive non-contact tracking is used for extended objects that do not extend to the surface of the earth, with two known starting points.
    • Conductive contact tracking is used for objects whose exposed parts have a transmitter connected to them via a ground plane.
  • Easy to assemble:
    • two sections of the supporting rod are easily connected to the central section and clamped with bolts;
    • the receiver and transmitter of the FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector are attached to the ends of the assembled rod;
  • The minimum number of controls on the transmitter and receiver, which allows you to quickly work in the field.

The signal level from the transmitter of the FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector is determined by the dial indicator on the receiver, as well as the sound signal through the speaker or headphones. A 6.3 mm Jack connector is provided for their connection. The battery charge level is also monitored by dial indicators on both units. A special potentiometer is used to adjust the sensitivity. Additionally, the FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector is equipped with a built-in nickel-cadmium battery charging circuit, which is used with a proprietary charger.

The operation of the metal detector is based on recording changes in the electrical conductivity of soil containing metal objects. The radio frequency signal generated by the transmitter excites an electromagnetic field around the object, which the receiver registers in the form of visual and audio signals.

You can buy a FISHER GEMINI3 metal detector, as well as get expert advice in our store, by phone or directly on the website using the feedback form or online consultant.