Saving water and protecting plants: all this is a do-it-yourself drip irrigation system for greenhouses (how to make and organize automatic irrigation, diagram). Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse: types of designs and installation details How to do it yourself

At the moment, there are 3 automatic crop irrigation systems in greenhouses - subsoil system, drip irrigation and sprinkling system. Details below.

You need to install automatic sprayers before planting plants in the ground (you can learn more about this system by watching a video tutorial on the manufacturer’s website). The garden hose must be routed through the center of the greenhouse, and the required number of branches for watering must be made, based on the size of the greenhouse. Then the sprayers are installed; you can use either a home-made version or a ready-made purchased one. Purchased ones are better to use, and some models include a built-in system for controlling spray and water pressure, they are not of the underground type, they are mounted at a distance of 80 cm above the ground, but the height can be adjusted depending on the height of the plants.

If the sprayer is placed at a height of more than 2 m, this can lead to the death of young shoots.

The drip irrigation design is installed in a greenhouse with a large area. Exist various methods supplying moisture to the root system. You can also install this system manually, but it will cost more than a rain system.

The kit is mounted like this:

  1. Take a large container for water, for example a tank.
  2. Installed at a height of 1 m from the ground at the entrance to the greenhouse.
  3. The source for this system can be a water supply or a well, from which the main distribution pipe is taken.
  4. An irrigation pipe is mounted to the latter; the number of these pipes depends on the number of beds.
  5. Small diameter nozzles are attached to the main pipeline.

At the end, attach the drip tape to the main irrigation pipe. Installation of the drip system is complete. You can organize any irrigation system with your own hands.

Optimal watering of greenhouse beds

Each period of plant development requires its own amount of moisture. The greatest peak of need occurs at the moment of seed germination. A large amount of moisture is required for seedling growth and rooting. Soil moisture should be at least 60%. When watering, the entire volume of soil should be taken into account, and not just its upper surface. With insufficient watering, the soil dries out, and with excessive watering it leads to rotting of the plants, so moisture must be maintained at a depth of 50 cm. The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature, 23–25 °C. Under no circumstances should you water with cold water, this can lead to root rot and, in hot weather, cause shock.

There are watering rules:

  • On initial stage plant growth, it is enough to take care of moistening the root layer of soil, but avoiding waterlogging;
  • When watering disease-prone and self-pollinating plants, you need to make sure that moisture does not fall on them;
  • If watering plants is done with a hose, you need to correctly calculate so that the stream is not strong, so as not to wash out the plant’s horse system;
  • The irrigation rate and quantity should be reduced in cloudy weather;
  • Irrigation water should not contain harmful impurities.

It is necessary to check that the water does not contain phenol compounds, various impurities and organic acids. Vegetables die with high levels of various impurities, and with a high iron content, there is a risk of burning and browning of plants.

Growing in late spring, summer, at high temperatures and low humidity requires cooling and adequate watering, and, in contrast, requires minimal irrigation in early spring, winter and in cloudy weather, especially fog. The temperature should not be allowed to drop, as this will lead to the death of the plants.

The maximum rate in summer is about 10-12 l/m2, in winter – 5 l/m2.

The rate of watering depends on the plant itself; this must be taken into account when sowing mixed. Peculiarity greenhouse soil also plays a special role, if light soils are characterized by frequent watering with small rates, then heavy soil needs rare watering in large portions. The timing of watering is determined by the appearance of the plant, soil moisture to the touch, a physiological method for determining the concentration of cell sap, and a laboratory method. The amount of moisture can be set by appearance plants by the color of their leaves. If there is not enough moisture, they take on a darker color.

How to properly feed seedlings in a greenhouse

Seedlings in a greenhouse are fed using the root method; fertilizers are dissolved in water for irrigation or poured dry onto the ground. This is the most universal method of complementary feeding, but there is also a foliar method, with the help of which plants are fertilized by spraying. To use, you need to know whether such a system is suitable for a given plant. Every plant needs fertilizer, which includes organic and mineral components. In order for the harvest to be of high quality, the seedlings need to be fed.

Plants most often need:

  • Azote (watered with chicken droppings);
  • Phosphorus (an artificial type of fertilizer);
  • Potassium (an artificial type of fertilizer).

Perforated greenhouse tape and polyvinyl chloride binko film allow fertilizer to penetrate into the root system of plants. They also help maintain a special microclimate in the greenhouse and heat, and also protect (if closed tightly) plants from adverse external factors, which allows plants to receive more nutrients and moisture.

A greenhouse or greenhouse has its own microclimate, which is easily controlled, making it very convenient to grow plants. After all, you don’t have to worry about the seedlings being damaged by sudden temperature changes or unplanned precipitation.

Watering rules:

  • Young seedlings are watered often, but moderately, and adult plants are watered abundantly, but rarely;
  • A ripe crop needs frequent watering so that it does not need moisture;
  • When the leaves curl, the seedlings need to be watered, and if cracks appear on the seedlings, watering should be reduced;
  • The heifer needs regular ventilation to avoid creating a greenhouse effect, which has a detrimental effect on plantings;
  • It is necessary to take into account plant options; some are watered at the root.

To ensure ideal watering, a drip irrigation system is installed. Depending on the seedlings, watering is done several times a week. It is necessary to adjust the depth of watering. The soil must be moistened at least 60%; this is easy to check. If a lump of earth easily sticks together in your hand and then crumbles, then the moisture is normal.

What is the best watering for a greenhouse?

Sprinkler irrigation is carried out from above or below. The best option is considered to be an overhead piping system. This type of irrigation has a small number of pipes for strong water pressure. Sprayers are installed permanently or can be rotated; they ensure optimal distribution of moisture throughout the greenhouse.

The system has disadvantages:

  • If moisture gets on the leaves of a plant on a sunny day, a burn may occur;
  • After watering is completed, it is necessary to remove moisture from the leaves of each plant, which makes the watering process more labor-intensive;
  • Each branched system requires high water pressure, which entails careful installation of expensive pipes;
  • Some of the water evaporates before it reaches the root system, resulting in inefficient water use.

This irrigation scheme is the most labor-intensive to install; it also requires constant monitoring and significant knowledge in land reclamation. Such a system is necessary for growing certain cultivated plants that do not tolerate high humidity.

Watering a greenhouse (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that with properly selected and adjusted watering, caring for any plants will not only be carefree, but also effective, and the plants will be rewarded with a high yield.

Allows for timely ripening of agricultural crops. This is possible thanks to the optimal temperature conditions, normal lighting and proper watering. In this case, it makes sense to build drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands. This device saves time and labor resources. Full watering is essential when growing plants in greenhouses. After all, evaporation in such a space occurs much more intensely than in natural conditions. Let's find out what are the advantages of drip irrigation, as well as how to organize it at home.

Drip irrigation inside the greenhouse allows you to provide each plant with an optimal level of humidity

Let's figure out how to make drip irrigation. In this case, it is advisable to perform automated irrigation. When deciding how to properly water, you need to take into account that different crops require different amounts of water.

It is important to know how much water is needed and which plants, because oversaturation of the soil can lead to the opposite effect and depletion of the soil. This will cause the weeds to grow faster.

The drip device has the following features:

  • In order for the plant to develop properly, it needs a sufficient amount of air. What regular watering does not provide. If there is no air movement at the root, then the culture will not develop as it should;
  • the liquid penetrates directly into the root of the plants;
  • the optimal ratio of air and humidity contributes to the proper development of plants, which makes it possible to do without fertilizers.

The photo shows spot irrigation, including drip lines that extend along all lines of the beds. Similar lines are made using a plastic pipe or drip tape with holes. At the end of such lines, plugs or flush valves are attached.

You also need to decide whether a special filter is needed. The water supply is regulated using a reducer and a valve.

How to assemble irrigation structures also depends on the required volume of the irrigation tank. To correctly calculate the capacity, you need to multiply the area of ​​the site by 20 liters. This is the amount needed to moisten one square meter.

How much to water depends on what crops are being irrigated. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes require completely different conditions. High air humidity is harmful for tomatoes, as such vegetables become infected with fungal and bacterial diseases. Therefore, dry air is maintained in greenhouses, to ensure which ventilation is often arranged. But for cucumbers you need to create a high level of soil and air humidity. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves can quickly begin to wither.

Here's how the drip irrigation design works:

  • the water passes through the filter. At the same time, it is cleaned of debris, large debris inclusions and dust;
  • since the container is located on a hill, the water flows by gravity into the main pipe and then through the hoses;
  • A valve is placed near each plant through which water penetrates into the soil.

For your information! To ensure better watering, you need to place the plants at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Related article:

Types of irrigation: different systems

Now let’s figure out what the main types of drip irrigation are. Each system has certain disadvantages and advantages. Here are the main options:

  • For automatic watering with separate drippers, branches are supplied to each plant. In this case, the irrigation radius should be small, since such unfolding takes a lot of time. The main elements of such systems are microtubes through which liquid passes to the root system. For installation in a greenhouse, splitters, special valves and racks for fastening microtubes are used;

  • drip tapes They are used not only for plants, vegetable gardens, but also for trees. In this case, the sprinkler pipes are placed in parallel. Similar watering methods do not have the same long term operation as separate dropper atomizers. For automatic watering of fields, each tape has holes through which water flows. One edge is placed at the tank, and plugs are mounted on the second. This ensures that the liquid flows out against the desired roots.

Also, when choosing an irrigation system, you need to consider different types of hoses, types of sprinklers and sprinklers.

Drip irrigation: pros and cons of designs

There are different options for watering plants in open ground, but they are not always suitable for greenhouses.

The drip system has the following advantages:

  • increase in yield different cultures;
  • water is distributed in certain dosages, which ensures the efficiency of this design;
  • you can create a fully automated process;
  • the threat of erosion of the soil layer is reduced;
  • resistance to different climatic conditions appears;
  • the possibility of uniform distribution of fertilizers is provided;
  • the quality of grown crops improves;
  • it becomes possible to water large areas at low pressure;
  • Ease of Management.

There are other important advantages. For example, saving water allows you to ultimately reduce the cost of the final product.A drip design set installed in a greenhouse significantly reduces the consumption of water and fertilizers. The optimal amount of moisture must be observed for some crops, especially tomatoes. you can buy different devices for watering dosage.

All the advantages and disadvantages of different irrigation options are presented in the table.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of different irrigation options

Type of irrigationprosMinuses
RootThis is done using a simple watering can. At the same time, you can apply fertilizers.The procedure is complicated because it requires a lot of time
Watering the bedsWatering is easy, since you just need to lay the hose, and the liquid will spread on its own.Inconvenient when moving between trenches with plants.
SprinklingUniform water supply process, as well as the ability to adjust the pressure.Installation is too complicated. The formation of high humidity in the greenhouse, which can provoke the appearance of various diseases.
Drip methodYou can regulate the water supply. Ease of use and water saving. The process distributes fertilizer evenly.Complexity of installation and high cost of individual elements.

What does drip irrigation consist of: the main elements of the device

To build a drip structure yourself, you need to buy separate elements.

All parts are connected in series to each other:

  • disk filter;
  • main pipe;
  • a mechanism for enriching water with nutritional components;
  • drip tapes;
  • start connectors for connecting drip tapes;
  • splitters for drip tapes;
  • plugs for tapes.

Tape for drip irrigation: application features

A drip tape is a hose through which water moves. In this case, the liquid is purified using different filters. When determining which tape is better, you need to take into account certain characteristics. It is important to calculate the length of the drip tape, as well as the thickness of its walls. Operating conditions depend on these parameters. The distance between the tapes also matters. In this case, the best tape depends on the timing of plant ripening.

You need to know how to mount the tape yourself. A drip tape is installed on the pipe, which is tightened with a special nut. To install such a structure, fittings are used. It is with their help that branching is carried out.To perform strip irrigation, such a structure must be mounted so that the holes in it are placed on top.

Watering tape can be different. Here are the main types of drip tapes:

  • refers to outdated technologies labyrinth tape. A continuous labyrinth is formed along its entire length, through which water moves. This option can be purchased inexpensively;

About this technology you can watch the video:

  • slot tape more reliable than labyrinthine. There is also a labyrinthine channel inside it. In this case, it is necessary not only to decide how to lay this element, but also use a special filtration system;

  • According to reviews, emitter-type production is a modern solution. Irrigation is carried out using flat droppers. Emitter strip creates streams that move water.

To purchase such an element, you need to know how to lay it correctly and how much such tape costs. The drip system completely depends on the quality of this element. An important indicator is the price. Special attention The Tuboflex system deserves it, its cost varies between 2500-3000 rubles.

Start connectors for drip irrigation: how to use

To make functional drip irrigation you need to buy a starting connector. Installation for the tuboflex system is performed as follows. Using a marker, the surface of the main pipeline is marked for holes. At the same time, connectors and a starting valve are mounted to them. First, seals are placed in the holes, and then start connectors.

It is worth considering the principle of operation of the device with a tap. This connection diagram allows for manual adjustment. This is important if your greenhouse contains different crops with their own watering needs.

Irrigation drippers: manufacturing technology

For drip irrigation, you can build a structure with your own hands. You can see how to do this in the video below:

This can be a collapsible and compensated model, as well as an adjustable design with water supply control. The dripper irrigation system ensures uniform pressure on different parts of the hose. This ensures uniform watering of the plants.

You can use medical IVs. Watering indoor plants can be made from a plastic bottle.To make drippers in greenhouses, you first need to install a container and fill it with water.It is also necessary to install a hose and. It is important to calculate how much water you will need. For a tomato bush, 1.5 liters per day is enough, and for cucumbers – 2 liters.The dropper can be made in the form of a tape. This option is suitable if watering is designed for different crops. For example, for flowers and vegetables.

Before installing droppers, it is necessary to make some calculations. If external compensated drippers are installed, then to determine the water flow, the soil is checked for depth after an hour. The price of the structure also depends on this indicator.

Types of drip irrigation: prices and purchase features

A drip irrigation system is a durable and reliable option. Operational periods can exceed 10 years. To equip a strip structure for greenhouses, a watering strip is used, which has many holes, as well as a wall thickness of up to 200 microns. Such a hose is attached at one end to the water supply, and a plug is placed at the other end. When water penetrates, liquid comes out of the holes.

When deciding which system to choose, you need to take into account that the irrigation supply cannot be regulated. This option differs from spot irrigation, since it will not be possible to provide irrigation to individual points.

The automatic mechanism is most often combined with a hydraulic valve. In this case, a controller with a timer is used, with which you can even set the exact watering time.Knowing how such a system works, you can use the same principle to install self-watering systems with your own hands.

Let's look at the best irrigation systems that have an automatic machine. To determine which option is better, you need to consider them all:

  • watering with sprinklers. This kit allows you to provide an irrigation radius of up to 20 meters. In this case, polypropylene pipes are used. Sometimes polycarbonate structures are used. This irrigation design increases soil and air moisture;

  • used for sprinkling special drum devices. They are mobile devices. Watering of plants is carried out over an area of ​​20 square meters;

  • used for large areas wide grip systems;

  • Suitable for several greenhouses micro-sprinkling. Watering can be done from a barrel. In this case, a special flexible hose is used.

Homemade watering device for correct calculations will provide high-quality spot watering. In this case, water consumption can be minimal.Where can I buy similar designs depends on the characteristics of irrigation. Choose best option Our review of individual models will help.

Table 2. average cost drip irrigation

Drip irrigation for the Zhuk greenhouse: characteristics

This system is known for its functionality and efficiency. You can use a greenhouse or greenhouse kit. A similar watering kit can be used for a greenhouse or an open area.You can buy a similar design from the company LLC "Cycla" , which produces it.

Installation of the greenhouse option involves processing 60 plants. With its help you can process a room with an area of ​​about 18 sq.m.The barrel model will cost about 1.8 thousand rubles, and the version for water supply will cost 2.5.Installation of a greenhouse structure can be carried out in various ways. You can use the automatic option with a timer.

Drip irrigation AquaDusya: device parameters

The AquaDusya system is designed for 50-60 plants. You can purchase an automatic start option or a model without automation. There is also a semi-automatic mechanism. The advantages of such equipment include the ability to operate on batteries and small design dimensions. You can install the machine and other variations yourself. At the same time, the Start design can provide high-quality watering without the presence of people. There is an option for connecting not only to the water supply, but also from a barrel. The price will depend on this.

Drip irrigation in greenhouses: user reviews

When choosing which watering is best for a greenhouse, it is worth studying all the options and reviews. Manufacturer ratings will help you choose the best option.

Review, Zhuk system

Vladimir, Ryazan:“The advantages of the equipment include high-quality materials and assembly. The kit includes a water strider, filter and timer. You can water from a barrel. One of the minuses I would like to note is that the water meter tube in the package is so bent that it never straightens completely. But overall, the design is wonderful. It works like clockwork.”

Review by Gardena

Alexander, Penza:“I have been using the gardena drip irrigation model for several years. The design is made with high quality. Good watering area at normal pressure. Don't forget to clean the injectors regularly. You also need to insert mechanical filter and drain the water in a timely manner.”

Review by AquaDusya

Alina, Krasnodar:“Last year, my husband bought an automatic Aquadusia system. We purchased a kit for greenhouses. At first we wanted to choose a German watering design, but the domestic version also does a good job and at the same time has a lower cost. Installation of the structure was not difficult. The area of ​​our greenhouse is 40 square meters, and next to it there is a tank of 50 liters. The droppers are evenly distributed over the greenhouse area. My husband and I were pleased with this system. As a result, we received a rich harvest.”

DIY drip irrigation system for a greenhouse

Drip irrigation allows for good treatment of the root system. Such a device for a greenhouse allows you to preserve the beneficial qualities of the soil layer as much as possible.

Since automatic equipment is quite expensive, it is better to figure out how to make homemade watering.The organization of such a structure is not so difficult. Water passes through the capillary path and enters each plant root system.

Installation is carried out using staples, self-tapping screws, plugs, adjustable wrenches, and pipe cutting scissors.To create high-quality self-watering, you need to find medical droppers, a connector, nozzles, drip tapes, pipes and switch taps. A modern watering system involves the use of a timer. It is better to choose elements made of plastic, which, unlike metal, do not rust or clog.

If you don’t know how to install the structure yourself, then start with a plan in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Variants of such layouts can be seen in the photo. The diagram must contain all important parameters. The source of water must be identified. When organizing drip irrigation, you need to mark the container to which the pipeline will be connected. In this case, spot watering can be performed without your participation.

If micro-irrigation is installed, a filter system will be required. Such a device may be located between the water source and the desired main line. The point version is used for tomato seedlings. Since in this case, excessive hydration is very harmful. For tomatoes, subsoil irrigation is also used.

The hose can be connected to the main pipeline using special fittings. The filter is most often mounted in the supply pipe.

Installation of drip irrigation

When deciding how to organize irrigation in a greenhouse, it is necessary to draw a drawing of the system. The diagram is drawn up after taking the necessary measurements, taking into account the scale.

How to properly build a drip irrigation system depends on the calculations made. Here's what you need to calculate:

  • total length of drip tape;
  • number of start connectors;
  • number of T- and L-shaped splitters;
  • number of fittings and plugs.

Organization of the structure after calculations involves an increase in the number of consumables and drip tape by approximately 15%. Also, after calculations, a barrel for irrigation is selected.

To determine how to install irrigation elements, you need to note where crops with different water needs will be placed. In this case, the installation must be carried out in separate zones.

Now let's look at the step-by-step installation of the irrigation structure. For manufacturing you will need a liquid reservoir, a main pipe, medical droppers, filters, fittings, plugs and a ball valve. It is better if the water container is at a certain height, for example 2-2.5 meters. In this case, you need to take care of the stand.

Table 3. Installation of drip irrigation

ImageInstallation stages
It is necessary to make holes for water outlet in the container. First a hole is made for installation ball valve. This element is mounted using a coupling and seal.
Holes should be made in the hoses where droppers can be placed.
A hose is connected to the tap. This can be done using branch fittings.
Branches from hoses are laid between the rows.
It is necessary to install plugs at the end of the main pipes to prevent water from spreading.
Remove the needles from the droppers and leave the rubber tips.
The tips are inserted into the holes made in the hoses.
The tips of the drip parts are stuck into the soil next to the plants.
Then you need to open the tap and check how the structure works. Using the control wheel, you can control the flow of liquid into the soil.

Main pipe for drip irrigation

A main pipeline is made in the greenhouse, which supplies water from the source to the start connectors. Before choosing which pipe is better, you need to calculate the length of all pipes.

It is better to use polyethylene pipes as the main pipe. It is necessary to determine what diameter is needed for such highways. For example, a HDPE pipe should have a diameter of 32 mm. A smaller diameter is not suitable, since a 16 mm hole is drilled in the pipes for the start connectors. Used for drilling. How to make such a structure with your own hands depends on the materials.

You can also use designs from pvc pipes, from polypropylene pipes or metal-plastic pipes. All similar options They have good contact with water and do not interact with the chemical components of fertilizers.

When choosing a dacha option, an important parameter is the price.Tees are installed in the outlet areas of the lines, and a drip hose or tape is connected to their lateral flow. Sometimes a leaking hose is selected.

These elements are attached to pipe fittings using metal clamps. A tap is installed on each distribution line, with which you can turn off the lines.If you don’t want to choose individual elements from plastic pipes, then you can purchase ready-made kits that can be used for summer watering.

Venturi injector

To apply fertilizers, a special fertigation unit is used, also called a Venturi injector. You can buy a similar fertilizer device or make it yourself. The operating principle of this mechanism is to mix water with fertilizers. Installation of such a design is necessary for the gradual supply of fertilizers into the main pipe. This feeding unit consists of a hose, filter and injector.

To decide how to choose such a device, you need to know its characteristics. To install a drip irrigation structure, preliminary calculations are required. In this case, the device diagram is taken into account.

Features of the installation of such a design can be seen in the video below:

To do homemade mechanism the following conditions must be met:

  • direction of fluid movement. The purchased version of the injector has an arrow indicating the correct direction;
  • moved flow through the injector;
  • inlet pressure indicator, as well as the difference between outlet and inlet.

Most often, such injectors are made with. They are made from plastic that is resistant to various chemical fertilizers. Special adjustment allows you to reduce water consumption at the inlet, as well as turn off part of the irrigation system. There are different options for such designs, for example, 1 inch or 2 inches.

Filter for drip irrigation

Different types of filters are mounted on the pipe after the feeding unit and before the start connectors. You can see how to install and connect such a structure with your own hands in the video:

Installation is carried out taking into account the direction of water flow. It is important for the system how the filter element will be installed.To install filters in the main pipe, special couplings with adapters are used.

When deciding which filter to choose, you need to understand their purpose. They are designed to protect against damage and blockages of certain elements. If there is no filtration system, the garden hose, dispenser or pump will clog faster. In order not to waste time thinking about how to clean such parts, it is better to take care of the filters.

The cartridge depends on the filtration option. It is the main filter element. It is he who determines the design option: sand, gravel or cyclone.There are stations that combine deep and coarse cleaning. You can make a homemade version.

Automatic watering in a greenhouse

You can install an autonomous drip option for watering the beds with your own hands. Automated system is able to function without your participation. To create auto irrigation, you need to purchase a water container, for example, for watering from a barrel, a timer, a controller, a hose and a pressure regulator. Automation can be purchased.

Full automation implies uninterrupted water supply. The water reservoir is located at a distance of 0.5 m from ground level. A pipeline is connected to it, which goes to the fertigation unit. An important component of automatic watering is a special controller.

Drip irrigation materials

To decide how to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands, you need to select suitable materials. To organize watering in a greenhouse, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • HDPE pipes with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • pipe plugs and valve for the greenhouse;
  • filtration equipment;
  • container, water tank;
  • nozzles and other control fittings;
  • shut-off valve kits;
  • watering tapes;
  • Here's what you need from tools - drills, drill, rubber seals, awl, silicone sealant.

The design of drip irrigation can not only be purchased, but also constructed from scrap materials. Here are some design options:

  • drip irrigation with medical droppers. You will also need hoses and adapters with connections. How to equip such structures depends on water consumption. If there is a water supply system on the territory, then the channels are connected to it, and if it is net, then the water is supplied from a barrel by gravity;

  • you can make a high-quality irrigation system from plastic bottles. Holes are made in the walls of the container. Water passes to the root system through bottles;
  • Spot watering of plants is often used. This option may contain an injector.

It is better to place such structures under covering material. Drip irrigation may or may not have a pump.


Providing water to plants and plantings is one of the concerns of homeowners. Some water the vegetable beds, some water the flower beds and lawns, and some need to provide water for the garden. In any case, the procedure takes quite a lot of time. But that’s not all: when the usual way A crust forms on the surface, which prevents plants from developing, so you have to loosen the soil. All these problems can be solved by drip watering the plants. You can buy ready-made kits, order turnkey development and installation, or you can do everything yourself. This article will discuss how to make drip irrigation yourself.

Operating principle and varieties

This technology was tested several decades ago. Its results were so impressive that the system became widespread. The basic idea is that water is supplied to the roots of the plants. There are two ways:

  • poured onto the surface near the stem;
  • fed underground into the root formation zone.

The first method is easier to install, the second is more expensive: you need a special hose or drip tape for underground installation, and a decent amount of excavation work. For temperate climates there is not much difference - both methods work well. But in regions with very hot summers, underground installation has shown itself to be better: less water evaporates and more of it gets to the plants.

There are gravity systems - they require a water tank installed at a height of at least 1.5 meters, there are systems with stable pressure. They have a pump and a control group - pressure gauges and valves that create the required force. There is completely. In its simplest form, it is a valve with a timer that opens the water supply for a specified period of time. More sophisticated systems can monitor the flow of each water supply line separately, testing soil moisture and sensing the weather. These systems operate under the guidance of processors; operating modes can be set from the control panel or computer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Drip irrigation has many advantages and all of them are significant:

  • Labor intensity is significantly reduced. The system can be fully automated, but even in the simplest version, irrigation requires literally a few minutes of your attention.
  • Reduced water consumption. This happens due to the fact that moisture is supplied only to the roots, other zones are excluded.
  • Eliminates the need for frequent loosening. With a dosed supply of water to a small area, a crust does not form on the soil; accordingly, it does not need to be broken.
  • Plants develop better and productivity increases. Due to the fact that water is supplied to one zone, the root system develops in this place. It has a larger number of fine roots, becomes more lumpy, and absorbs moisture faster. All this contributes to rapid growth and more abundant fruiting.
  • It is possible to organize root feeding. Moreover, fertilizer consumption due to point supply is also minimal.

The economic efficiency of drip irrigation systems has been proven many times, even on an industrial scale. In private greenhouses and vegetable gardens, the effect will be no less significant: the cost of creating the system can be reduced to a small amount, but all the advantages will remain.

There are also disadvantages, but there are very few of them:

  • For normal operation water filtration required, and these are additional costs. The system can function without filters, but then it is necessary to consider a purge/rinse system to remove blockages.
  • Drippers become clogged over time and require cleaning or replacement.
  • If thin-walled tapes are used, they may be damaged by birds, insects or rodents. Places of unplanned water consumption arise.
  • The device requires an investment of time and money.
  • Periodic maintenance required— blow out the pipes or clean the droppers, check the fastening of the hoses, change the filters.

As you can see, the list of shortcomings is quite long, but all of them are not very serious. It's really useful thing in the garden, garden, flower bed or.

Components and layout options

Drip irrigation systems can be organized using any water source. Suitable well, well, river, lake, centralized water supply, even rainwater in tanks. The main thing is that there is enough water.

A main pipeline is connected to the source, which supplies water to the irrigation site. Then it goes along one side of the irrigated area and is muffled at the end.

Opposite the beds, tees are inserted into the pipeline, to the side outlet of which drip hoses (pipes) or tapes are attached. They have special droppers through which water is supplied to the plants.

It is advisable to install a filter or filter system between the outlet of the source and the first branch onto the bed. They are not needed if the system is powered from the home water supply. If you pump water from a lake, river, rainwater tank, filters are required: there can be a lot of contaminants and the system will clog too often. The types of filters and their number are determined depending on the condition of the water.

Drip hoses

Hoses for drip irrigation are sold in coils from 50 to 1000 meters. They already have built-in water flow points: labyrinths through which water flows before entering the outlet. These oozing hoses provide the same amount of water throughout the entire line, regardless of the terrain. Due to this labyrinth, the flow rate at any irrigation point is almost the same.

They differ in the following characteristics:

    • Tube stiffness. Drip hoses can be hard or soft. The soft ones are called tapes, the hard ones are called hoses. Hard ones can be used for up to 10 seasons, soft ones - up to 3-4. Tapes are:
      • Thin-walled - with a wall thickness of 0.1-0.3 mm. They are laid only on the surface, their service life is 1 season.
      • Thick-walled tapes have a wall of 0.31-0.81 mm, service life - up to 3-4 seasons, available for both above-ground and underground installation.

Watering can be organized using tapes or hoses

The maximum length of the irrigation line is determined so that the unevenness of the water output at the beginning and end of the line does not exceed 10-15%. For hoses it can be 1500 meters, for tapes - 600 meters. For private use, such values ​​are not in demand, but it is useful to know)).


Sometimes it is more convenient to use droppers rather than tapes. These are separate devices that are inserted into a hole in the hose and through which water is supplied to the root of the plant. They can be installed in arbitrary increments - put several pieces in one place, and then several in another. This is convenient when organizing drip irrigation of shrubs or trees.

There are two types - with standardized (constant) and controlled water release. The body is usually plastic; on one side there is a fitting, which is inserted with force into the hole made in the hose (sometimes rubber rings are used for sealing).

There are also compensated and uncompensated droppers. When using compensated ones at any point in the irrigation line, the water release will be the same (approximately), regardless of the terrain and location (at the beginning or end of the line).

There are also spider-type devices. This is when several thin tubes are connected to one output. This makes it possible to simultaneously water several plants from one water outlet point (the number of droppers is reduced).

Spider-type dripper - you can water several plants from one water distribution point

Main pipes and fittings

When creating a system for laying a main pipeline from a water source to an irrigation zone, use plastic pipes and fittings from:

  • polypropylene (PPR);
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • polyethylene:
    • high pressure (HPP);
    • low pressure (LPP).

All these pipes tolerate contact with water well, do not corrode, are chemically neutral and do not react to the application of fertilizers. For watering a small greenhouse, vegetable garden, or lawn, a diameter of 32 mm is most often used.

Main pipes are plastic. Choose any specific type: PPR, HDPE, LDPE, PVC

In places where the lines are drained, tees are installed, to the side outlet of which a drip hose or tape is connected. Since they are smaller in diameter, adapters may be needed, and their outer diameter should be equal to the inner diameter of the hose (or be slightly smaller). You can attach tapes/hoses to fittings using metal clamps.

Bends can also be made through special fittings, which are installed in a hole made in the hose of the required diameter (as in the photo above).

Sometimes, after the tee, a tap is installed on each water distribution line, which allows you to turn off the lines. This is convenient if drip irrigation is used for moisture-loving plants and those that do not like excess water.

If you don’t feel like choosing components and selecting sizes and diameters of fittings, you can buy ready-made ones from various manufacturers.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation: examples of devices

There are many options for designing the system - it easily adapts to any conditions. Most often the question arises about how to organize watering independent of electricity. This can be done if you install a sufficiently large water container at a height of at least 1.5 meters. This creates a minimum pressure of approximately 0.2 atm. It is enough to water a small area of ​​a vegetable garden or garden.

Water can be supplied to the container from a water supply system, pumped by a pump, drained from roofs, or even poured into buckets. A tap is made at the bottom of the container, to which the main pipeline is connected. Next, the system is standard: a filter (or a cascade of filters) is installed on the pipeline up to the first branch on the irrigation line, and then there is distribution to the beds.

For the convenience of introducing fertilizers on the highway, it is possible to install a special unit. In the simplest case, as in the photo above, it can be a container on legs, in the bottom of which a hole is made and a hose is inserted. A shut-off valve (faucet) is also needed. This cuts into the pipeline through a tee.

If necessary, you can water both shrubs and fruit trees. The whole difference is that the tape or hose is laid around the trunk at some distance. One line is allocated for each tree; bushes can be watered several times on one line. Only in this case you need to use a regular hose into which to insert droppers with the required water flow.

If low pressure in the system does not suit you, you can install (see photo below) or a full-fledged one on the main water supply. They will provide water even to far-flung areas.

Can water be supplied directly from the source? It is possible, but not advisable. And this is not due to technical difficulties - there are not many of them, but to the fact that plants do not like cold water. That is why most small-scale drip irrigation systems - for greenhouses, vegetable gardens, orchards and vineyards - use storage tanks. The water is heated in them and then distributed throughout the area.

Drip irrigation: how to calculate the system

There can be one container from which water is supplied to the system - common, as in the picture above, or separate for each area. If there is a significant distance between irrigation objects, this may be more profitable than pulling a main pipeline.

The required volume is calculated depending on the number of plants and the volume of water for their normal development. How much water is needed to water vegetables depends on the climate and soil. On average, you can take 1 liter per plant, 5 liters for bushes and 10 liters for trees. But this is the same as the “average temperature in the hospital,” although it is suitable for approximate calculations. You count the number of plants, multiply by the consumption per day, and add everything up. Add 20-25% of the reserve to the resulting figure and you know the required volume of capacity.

There are no problems with calculating the length of the main line and drip hoses. The main line is the distance from the tap on the tank to the ground, then along the ground to the watering site, and then along the end side of the beds. By adding up all these lengths, the required length of the main pipeline is obtained. The length of the tubes depends on the length of the beds and on whether water will be distributed to one or two rows from one tube (for example, using spider drippers you can distribute water for two to four rows at the same time).

The number of tees or fittings and taps (if you install them) is determined by the number of pipes. For each branch using tees, take three clamps: press the hose to the fitting.

The most difficult and expensive part is the filters. If water is pumped from an open source - a lake or river - you first need a coarse filter - gravel. Then there should be fine filters. Their type and quantity depend on the condition of the water. When using water from a well or a well, you do not need to install a coarse filter: primary filtration occurs on the suction hose (if used). In general, there are as many cases as there are solutions, but filters are needed, otherwise the droppers will quickly clog.

Homemade drip hoses and droppers

One of the most significant costs when constructing a system from ready-made components yourself is droppers or drip tapes. They, of course, provide the same amount of water throughout and the flow rate is stable, but in small areas this is not necessary. You can regulate the supply and flow rate using taps built into the beginning of the irrigation line. Therefore, there are many ideas that allow you to distribute water to plants using ordinary hoses. Watch one of them in the video.

It is difficult to call this system drip irrigation. This is more of a root watering: water is supplied in a stream under the root, but it works, perhaps only a little worse and is more suitable for plants with a root system developed deeper. This method will be good for trees, fruit bushes, and grapes. They require a significant amount of water, which must go deep into a decent distance, and this homemade drip irrigation system can provide this.

In the second video, real drip irrigation is organized. This was done using medical droppers. If you have the opportunity to stock up on used material, it will turn out to be very cheap.

The amount of water supplied is controlled by a wheel. From one hose you can supply water to three or four rows - if you take a hose of sufficient diameter, you can connect not three devices to it, but more. The length of the tubes from the drippers allows watering two rows on each side. So the costs will really be small.

Droppers can be used almost without modification. This is the case if the system had a bag. An example is in the photo.

Waste into income - watering for young plants is provided

It is almost also possible to do drip irrigation for house plants. It is suitable for those flowers that love constant moisture.

Constantly moistening your flowers on the balcony? Easily! Watering from a drip

The cheapest drip irrigation: from plastic bottles

There is the cheapest and fastest way to organize water supply to plants without hoses and large containers. You will only need plastic bottles and small lengths - 10-15 cm - thin tubes.

Partially cut off the bottom of the bottles. So that you get a lid from the bottom. This way the water will not evaporate. But you can cut off the bottom completely. At a distance of 7-8 cm from the cap, make a hole in the bottle into which a thin tube is inserted at a slight angle. Bury the bottle with the cork down or tie it to a peg, and stick the peg into the ground next to the plant, pointing the tube towards the root. If there is water in the bottle, it will run down the tube and drip under the plant.

The same design can be made by turning the bottle upside down. But this option is less convenient: it is more difficult to pour water, you will need a watering can. What this looks like, see the figure below.

As you can see, there is a second option for drip irrigation from plastic bottles. A wire is stretched over the bed, and bottles with holes in the bottom or lid are tied to it.

There is another photo option for using bottles, but with standard droppers for watering. They are fixed to the neck of the bottles and in this form are installed under the bush.

This option, of course, is not ideal, but it will give the plants the opportunity to develop better if you can rarely visit the dacha. And two liters from a bottle can be decisive in the battle for the harvest.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands in a greenhouse? We will discuss how to organize automatic watering in a greenhouse with your own hands later in the article.

System advantages

Do-it-yourself automatic watering in a greenhouse prevents burns on plants, but they often occur with the usual method of irrigating the land. Since the drops create a lens effect, plants may be damaged.

The access of water occurs gradually, the earth is perfectly saturated with moisture. But if we consider the conventional irrigation method, then with it the water penetrates only 10 cm deep.

By installing a drip irrigation system in a greenhouse with your own hands, you will have the opportunity to feed crops with nutrient media with precise dosage. Puddles do not form when irrigating beds, and you will save on fertilizers. Automatic watering installed in the greenhouse, increases productivity. Fewer seedlings die, which also allows you to save money.

Plants receive moisture under their roots, and their growing conditions improve. Undesirable wetting of the soil is excluded, as is the evaporation of moisture. But it becomes difficult for weeds to grow. Farms experiencing insufficient water supply can accumulate water for irrigation and then distribute it wisely. Agricultural enterprises only on this can save money and pay for the system glaze.

Drip irrigation has a positive effect on the roots, the system becomes extensive and fibrous. This gives plants the opportunity to extract more nutrients from the soil. You will ensure the greenhouse is moistened and you will be able to leave the plants unattended for a while.

Important! By installing an automatic watering system for a greenhouse with your own hands, you will get rid of leaf diseases. Will not appear on plants powdery mildew and spider mite.

Automation options for drip irrigation

Drip irrigation comes in several types, but any do-it-yourself drip irrigation system for greenhouses must satisfy next condition: water should be supplied not between the rows, but to the roots of the plants. If this is not done, the following consequences are possible:

  • crops will develop worse, and weeds will grow;
  • the need for loosening will increase;
  • The soil will heat up under the sun's rays.

A do-it-yourself automatic watering system in a greenhouse can be made either from improvised means or using professional equipment.

System from improvised means

How to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse yourself? Let's find out. If you have a small area, then do surface drip irrigation. To do this, you will need to buy a PVC garden hose; choose one with the lumen diameter ranges from 3 to 8 mm.

You need to make dies in it. Buckets can be used as a tank by making holes in their bottoms. Close the spout with a standard plug. Sometimes you have to use thin rubber seals. This is the best solution if you come to the country only for the weekend. The system unfolds and collapses. Before you leave, you quickly put it back in place. Automatic watering for a greenhouse with your own hands - diagram - look at the photo on the left.

With water supply through a pipeline

This method of irrigation is perfect for large areas of land. Everybody is here depends on the pressure. You can choose to build according to a full or simplified scheme. Low pressure - 0.1-0.3 bar, normal - pressure 0.7-3 bar. For a pressure of 1 bar, it is necessary to raise the tank by 10 m, but for low-pressure installations it is enough to raise the tank by 1-3 m. It is technically impossible to water twenty-meter beds.

Attention! Remember that in a low-pressure system you can create high-quality irrigation only for beds whose length does not exceed 10 m.

Of course, today there are high-pressure irrigation systems. Mist irrigation provides great benefits, but it is impossible to do such an installation yourself. You will need to contact specialists. In addition, it must be taken into account that the cost of such installations is high.


You can clearly see how to organize drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands in the photo below:

Water supply options

For a greenhouse, the easiest way is to make a system whose water source will be as follows:

  • common pressure tank;
  • water pipes;
  • submersible pump in a reservoir, well or well.

Connect the drive to the source. Equip it with a filter and shut-off valve. Containers with fertilizer solutions are connected to the runoff, and pipelines are connected to the main line, through which water will flow to the beds.

Reference: If the water is not filtered, it will quickly damage the installation.

You will need:

  • drip tubes;
  • ribbons;
  • irrigation tapes.

The ribbons are laid on the beds.

Assembling the drip system

Buy an automatic controller; you can program it to turn on at the time of day when you need to water the beds. Device needed install behind the filter. Choose the right water filtration equipment.

For open sources gravel-sand systems are suitable designed specifically for rough cleaning. In combination with disc filters designed for fine cleaning, the system gives excellent results.

If you take water from a well, then buy a regular mesh or disk filter. Water from a tap or pond must be settled and then filtered.

Prepare your tools and buy a self-watering drip system from a specialized company. Standard kit contains the following elements:

  • water filter;
  • ribbon;
  • connectors, with their help you connect the filter and hoses;
  • start connectors, they are equipped with taps and have special rubber seals;
  • start connectors, they are without taps, but with rubber seals;
  • a set of fittings for repairs and necessary for the correct operation of the installation of splitters.

System installation consists of the following steps:

  1. Make a diagram. To do this, measure the beds with a tape measure and mark it on paper, observing the scale. Indicate the location of the water source on the diagram.
  2. Specify the number of pipes and their length. For the greenhouse, buy PVC products, the most suitable diameter is from 32 mm.
  3. Connect the main pipe to the tank; this can be easily done using a regular garden hose.
  4. Install the filter; when installing, look at the arrows that indicate the direction in which the water moves. Install the filter taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. Take a marker and draw strokes on the pipeline. It is in these places that you will mount the tape.
  6. Drill the holes. It should be so that the rubber seals fit into them with force. After this, install the start connectors.
  7. Mute the tape. Cut it, fold the end and secure it well. Place a plug on the opposite end of the pipeline.

A drip irrigation system, if done correctly, will last you several seasons. You can easily dismantle it in the fall. Clean the tape thoroughly before storing it. If you used ribbons designed for one season, then send them for recycling.

Useful video

For tips on how to make automatic watering in a greenhouse with your own hands, see the video below:

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In order to talk about the types of irrigation systems for greenhouses, it will be necessary to determine the types of such structures, since the irrigation system for greenhouses can be varied. There are greenhouses for private use.
They are built on a suburban site and are small in size.

There are industrial greenhouses that differ not only in that they are used for the mass cultivation of a variety of crops. They are also quite large in size and are massive structures.
For both types of greenhouses there are established standards for irrigation systems.
Today there are the following types of irrigation:

  • Subsoil irrigation.
  • Automatic irrigation of plants.

Attention. The choice of one of these types largely depends on the size of the greenhouse and the method of water supply at the summer cottage.

At the moment, there are several types of water supply for a suburban area:

  • Central water supply line.
  • Well.
  • Well.

Connecting to the central highway is accompanied by obtaining various permits. Need to make up detailed plan a scheme for connecting to the central highway and constructing a special well on a suburban area.
It will not contain water, but will house equipment (water flow meter and pumping station).

A well is a fairly practical and long-known way to provide water to a suburban area:

  • It is being constructed as a result of the impossibility of connecting to the central water supply and constructing a well on the site.
  • The depth of the well largely depends on the groundwater level.
  • The soil itself also plays a big role. Since the bottom of the well will need to be filled with crushed stone and sand, this will not need to be done on sandy soil.

All this is a natural filter for water purification. Water from the well enters a certain container using a pumping station.
There is a very large selection of equipment of this type. Everything will depend on the depth and size of the well.
This method of providing a suburban area with water does not depend on electricity, since in case of its absence it will be possible to collect water with a simple bucket.

  • As for a well in a suburban area, this method of water supply is considered not only more modern, but also economically profitable. It can be used on any soil and at any groundwater level.
    The water from such a reservoir is very clean, as it comes from a very deep layer of the earth, which is located much below the groundwater level.
  • Water can accumulate in the same way as when using a well, in a certain container. The use of a well is directly related to electricity.
    Without it, pumping equipment will not work and water simply cannot be used. That is why it will be necessary to install a reservoir to store water in the event of a power outage or interruption.

Subsoil irrigation in a greenhouse

The choice of such irrigation in a suburban area directly depends on the water supply system.

Advice. If a well is involved in providing water on the site, then this method of irrigation will be very practical and economical.

This type is distinguished by its simplicity.
For this you can use:

  • Bucket or any other container.
  • Watering can.
  • Hose.
  • Mernik.

The entire irrigation process is carried out manually:

  • Subsoil irrigation is a hole system. A shallow trench (5-7 cm) is dug around the plants.
    Its depth depends on the type of plants being grown and how much water they need for normal growth.
  • As soon as water enters such a trench or hole, it is immediately absorbed by the roots of the crop. This method is widely used both in open ground and in greenhouses.
    Only in this case, the height of the greenhouse or greenhouse must be sufficient so that irrigation of this type can be carried out without problems. Again, it all depends on the size and design of the greenhouse itself.

Attention: If previously all crops were supplied with water by subsurface irrigation, today this method is considered very labor-intensive and not very useful. In some cases, water does not reach the roots, but is simply absorbed into the upper layers of the soil.
Because of this, plants may die.

Drip irrigation in a greenhouse

At the moment, there is no more practical way to irrigate plants in a greenhouse. This method of water supply is used very widely in open ground.
It can be used only if the water supply to the site itself is quite stable, since for greenhouses with drip irrigation it directly depends on a stable supply of electricity and water.

Advice. A drip irrigation system is best used if wells are involved in providing water to a suburban area or if water is supplied from a central water supply.

What is such a watering system for greenhouses?


  • Consists of pipes and droppers. Pipes should be laid along the rows of planted plants.
    Droppers are installed on them using auxiliary equipment. With their help, crops are irrigated.
  • greenhouses are quite simple to construct. You can make it yourself.
    To avoid any questions about how to do this correctly, you can watch a training video.

To do this you will need to have:

  • Pipes.
  • Droppers.
  • Well or central water supply.
  • Pumping station and electrical energy supply.

Pipes for these purposes can be: metal, polyethylene and polypropylene.
Each pipe has its own properties and technical characteristics:

  • Metal pipes are used if the irrigation system is not being built for one season, but will exist permanently or for a long period of time. Metal pipes can be of different diameters and sizes.
    To supply central water supply, a larger diameter pipe is installed from the well or borehole itself. Other pipes that take part in irrigation already depart from it.
    Metal pipes are high quality and durable. The only downside to using metal pipes there will be a price for them.
    It is very high, which makes this method of irrigation using of this material not profitable and very expensive.

Advice. In order for an irrigation system using metal pipes to be used for quite a long time, the pipes will need to be coated with paint or a special varnish. These products will protect the pipe surface from rust.

  • Polypropylene pipes are distinguished by their practicality. They are quite strong and durable.
    Unlike metal ones, plastic ones do not rust. They are very light, which makes it possible to build a portable drip irrigation system.
    Pipes made from this material also come in a variety of sizes and diameters.

Advice. To construct drip irrigation in a greenhouse, you will need to use plastic pipes with a diameter of at least 1.5-2 cm.

What are polyethylene pipes:

  • These are hoses that have long been familiar to everyone. They are also very often used in drip irrigation.
    Only such material would be irrational to use for watering a greenhouse with a drip irrigation system. If in metal and polypropylene pipe You can make an insert to connect a dripper, thanks to which this type of irrigation is carried out, but it is not recommended to carry out such actions with a polyethylene pipe.

Automatic greenhouse watering system

Industrial greenhouses are very large in size and it would be completely irrational to use manual irrigation there. The photo shows examples of such structures.
All this will take a lot of time and effort. It is best to give preference to an automatic watering system.
It involves not only pipe designs, but also the use of special equipment.
Irrigation systems for industrial greenhouses are all configured in automatic mode.
This system consists of:

  • A large number of pipes.
  • Droppers.
  • Hoses.
  • Water supply control panel.
  • Pumping station.

As a rule, industrial greenhouses are built on very large land plots. The central water supply system and pumping station are located in the same areas.
There is only one piece of equipment available. A large-scale construction also requires a large-scale water supply.
It is for this reason that it will be necessary to organize several wells and several pumping stations.
Let's look at the requirements for such equipment:

  • It must be very powerful to ensure uninterrupted watering. Also, very often in such areas you can see huge reservoirs of water.
    It will be used by farmers in the event that electricity is cut off and automatic water supply is impossible.
  • For the manufacture of automatic system watering greenhouses, you will need to take the help of a specialist in this field. There are certain instructions for such work that must be followed and all actions must be carried out consistently.

In the control room there is equipment with which the water supply for irrigation is turned on and off. It will be possible to do everything automatically.
On the control device of numerous equipment, you can set the time at which the system will turn on and off. Only a specialist in this field can do all this.
Here you will need skills in working with electrical wiring and the ability to lay and connect water pipes.

Advantages of automatic watering in a greenhouse

Watering in a greenhouse can be automatic or manual. In this case, everything largely depends on the size of the entire structure and the type of plants grown.

Advice. For greenhouses that are quite large in size, it will be more rational and efficient to use automatic irrigation for the greenhouse. This will greatly save time and money.


  • This reduces the physical activity that may be required during its construction. Automatic saves time, which cannot be said about manual watering, where all actions are carried out personally.
    It is possible to dose or completely limit the water supply for watering certain plants.
  • Using special equipment you can configure automatic switching on and turning off the water supply during watering. Control over all irrigation cycles is also automatically established.