Economic light bulbs. Which company should I choose an energy-saving lamp? Checking the pulsation coefficient of an energy-saving lamp

Electricity prices are now such that, willy-nilly, you begin to think about saving. The easiest way to lower your energy bills is to reduce your lighting costs. It is what “eats” most kilowatts in ordinary apartment or home. We will discuss which lamps are better for the home and according to what parameters in this article.

On store shelves you can see different lamps. Let's take a closer look at those that are installed in private houses and apartments.

Lighting in the house should be cozy, comfortable... preferably economical

Incandescent lamps

The oldest lighting devices are more than a century old. They provide light that is pleasant to the eye, but during operation they get very hot, as they have low efficiency - about 97% of the energy is spent on heat generation. Therefore, lighting using conventional incandescent lamps is expensive. It is for this reason that many decide to replace them with more economical ones, while deciding which lamps are better for the home and for the wallet.

There is another unpleasant property of incandescent lamps - not too long term services. On average it is about 1000 -3000 hours. Since the price of these lighting fixtures is low, it is a small burden on the wallet. However, frequent replacement can be nerve-wracking - you have to always have a couple of pieces in stock.

A widespread trend - traditional incandescent lamps are being replaced by more economical ones

It is also worth taking into account that, due to the design features, they are produced only with a screw base, but they operate from a 220 V network and do not require any converters or special devices. Due to the large amount of heat, they are not used for lighting furniture; they are not compatible with all suspended ceilings, and they are not at all friendly with suspended ceilings. In general, this is a classic lighting, but not ideal.


Halogen lamps are a type of incandescent lamp. They differ in that the flask is filled with halogen vapor (most often iodine or bromine), which increases the service life by 2-3 times. The design allows them to be made not only with a screw base, but also with a pin base. Different bulb shapes and the use of reflective coating make it possible to create light sources with different scattering angles. Therefore, at one time, they were widely used as built-in ceilings or furniture.

Halogen incandescent lamps - a more “advanced” option

Since these are also incandescent lamps, they have almost the same disadvantages - significant heat generation. And that's the problem. But the energy consumption is less (about 2-3 times). So they are more economical compared to the classic design. But they have an additional disadvantage - they do not tolerate contaminants on the flask. A fingerprint can cause burnout. Therefore, installation must be done with gloves.

Luminescent: tubular and compact (housekeepers)

The operation of these lighting devices uses another principle - the property of certain phosphor substances to emit light under certain conditions. Structurally, it consists of a glass tube coated with a phosphor. Inside the tube there are electrodes and a certain amount of mercury vapor. An electric charge is created on the electrodes, the energy of which is converted into light radiation using a phosphor.

To create and maintain an electric charge, fluorescent lamps need a starting and regulating device - a voltage transformer and a starter. In the standard version, these devices are mounted on the body of lamps, which can only work with this type of lighting fixture.

Available in two types:

If we talk about comparison with incandescent lamps, they are 3 times more economical and hardly heat up. A serious disadvantage is that due to the pulsation, the light is unpleasant for the eyes and potentially hazardous to health (leads to increased fatigue and can cause a bad mood). In this type of lighting fixtures, it is almost impossible to get rid of pulsation. What can be done is to minimize it and, by adding one incandescent lamp, reduce the negative effect to a minimum.

Many are also concerned that the flask contains mercury vapor inside, which carries a potential danger. This is briefly about the main disadvantages, then we will consider in more detail the pros and cons of fluorescent lamps.


This is the third type of lamp that uses semiconductor devices - LEDs. They do not require any special atmosphere, so their flask is not airtight, and this is more a tribute to tradition than a necessity. All the LEDs need to operate is a constant voltage of 12 V or 24 V. So operation is not difficult - to connect to a 220 V network you need a voltage converter (power supply, adapter). IN LED lamps ah, for standard lamps, this converter is built into the housing, so they can easily replace the usual one - incandescent.

Briefly about the properties. They have high efficiency - they require 7-8 times less electricity than similar incandescent lamps, their service life is many times longer (according to manufacturers’ requests, they can work for 25-35 years). Disadvantages - they are expensive, it is difficult to determine the quality, low-grade ones have strong pulsation, which negatively affects the eyes and well-being, and often fail. Therefore, choosing an LED lamp is not an easy task and requires certain knowledge. But the bills actually become significantly smaller.

Which lamps are best for home

All these lighting devices are used to illuminate residential premises. It is definitely impossible to answer which lamps are best for the home - they all have advantages and disadvantages. If your main concern is eye comfort, the answer to the question “which lamps are best for the home” is incandescent. But at the same time you will not be able to save on lighting. The situation is a little better with halogen ones. But the lighting from 12 V halogens is more pleasing to the eye, which requires transformers. Those that operate on 220 V have too bright light.

When it comes to saving on electricity bills, LED bulbs are the best. This is undeniable. But you need to buy with knowledge of the matter - so that they are good quality and they worked for a long time, but these are expensive. But, even under such conditions, they are beneficial, since they really help to significantly reduce energy consumption. A

Why LED and not housekeepers? Let's compare their properties.

Comparing fluorescent and LED light bulbs

When people have a desire to reduce their electricity costs, they begin to think about replacing incandescent lamps with more energy-efficient ones. These are considered energy-saving (compact fluorescent) and LED. To understand which lamps are best for your home, you need to take a closer look at their advantages and disadvantages.

Having decided to replace incandescent lamps with more economical ones, you need to decide the question: which lamps are better for the home - LED or compact fluorescent


This is what compact fluorescent lamps are called. They were the first to appear on the market (compared to LED ones), which is why this name was assigned to them. Let's start with advantages:

At the time this was a very good offer. The ability to obtain “warm” and “cold” light and save on electricity - all this has led to the popularity of energy-saving fluorescent light bulbs.

But flaws they have serious:

There are many shortcomings, and almost all of them are serious. They are the ones who stop many, even despite the savings.


These light bulbs are made on the basis of semiconductor elements - LEDs. A certain number of them are installed in a single housing and connected to a power source. Nutrition from DC voltage 12 V. In order to use lamps in standard luminaires, a rectifier and a circuit that lowers the voltage to 12 V are built into the housing (both of these devices are often called a driver).

LEDs generate heat when operating. To remove it, a radiator is built into the body. And the bases of these lamps are different. They can be installed instead of incandescent lamps of different sizes, halogen, tubular fluorescent.

If we compare all four types in terms of power consumption with equal luminous flux

Advantages LED lamps:

  • They consume 7-8 times less electricity than incandescent ones, and 2-3 times less than fluorescent ones (housekeepers too).
  • They have a long service life.
  • Not afraid of vibration and shock.
  • Lights up immediately after switching on.
  • They have a wide range of operating temperatures -40°C to +40°C.
  • Can be of any shade (any color).
  • There are dimmable ones (changing the brightness of the light).

The advantages are impressive. The efficiency and service life are particularly impressive. But the figures stated by the manufacturers (about 25-35 years) must be treated with skepticism. They are for ideal conditions, which are practically unattainable in our realities. The warranty period declared by the manufacturers actually indicates the service life. This is the time they will most likely work. But even despite this, the period is considerable - 2-5 years.

Without shortcomings it didn't work either:

  • High price. 4-5 times more expensive than energy-saving ones and 20-40 times more expensive than incandescent ones.
  • Low quality LED lamps have significant pulsation.
  • Without a diffuser, the light will blind the eyes, which is why most LED lamps are made with milky glass. Those in a transparent flask can only be used in conjunction with matte shades.
  • LEDs are afraid of overheating. When the critical temperature (about 90°C) is exceeded for a long time, they lose their brightness. Therefore, it is unreasonable to use LED lamps in closed-type lamps.

When compared with the properties of fluorescent lamps, LEDs clearly have the advantage. But everything is not so rosy in reality.

Which lamps are better for the home: LED or fluorescent?

In fact, LED lamps are better in all respects. But eating it hurts “BUT”. These must be high-quality LED lamps. The thing is that the manufacturing technology is simple and does not require highly complex or very expensive equipment. It's difficult to make LEDs, but to assemble them LED light bulb won't be difficult. That’s why there are a lot of fakes and low-quality goods on the market. They use cheap, low-quality crystals; the driver is made to be the simplest, which does not suppress flicker and quickly fails.

The difficulty is that it is impossible to determine “by eye” the quality of LEDs or the same driver. Some experts are able to distinguish good LEDs by appearance. But in lamps they are hidden under a frosted bulb. Having set a goal, their quality can be checked by indirect signs - by measuring illumination, pulsation, and assessing color rendition. But the quality of the parts used in the power supply cannot be assessed. You will only find out when something burns out.

All this leads to the fact that many consider LED lamps unreliable - they burn out quickly and are expensive. So it turns out that there is no saving. And there are also problems with flickering... It seems so, but this is only true if you buy cheap LED lamps. Branded lamps really serve for years without problems and produce an even light that is pleasing to the eyes. So the main task is to find good quality LED lamps. And then you will know exactly which lamps are best for your home.

Instead of the bottom line: replacing incandescent lamps with LED ones will save on lighting bills only if they are used for a long time, and this is possible only if they are of high quality. High-quality light bulbs are not cheap. So, perhaps, this is the case when saving during the purchase is not worth it.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!

Are you planning to update the lighting in your home or office? Then pay attention to energy-saving lamps, especially since the luminescent type of such light sources has good power. Today, these light bulbs have become an excellent alternative to yellow incandescent lamps with high filament heating temperatures, which are already obsolete. With less power and electricity consumption, such products are becoming more and more in demand from year to year.

What are energy saving lamps

Today, energy-saving light bulbs are widely used not only for lighting in offices and institutions, but also in apartments and private houses. A product of this type is an electric light bulb, which has a significantly higher light output compared to many analogues, which allows you to save a lot on electricity bills. It can have the usual U-shape or spiral. An energy-saving light bulb is installed in the same conventional socket as an incandescent lamp. At the same time, some models have a cool white glow, while others have a warm glow.


Inside the light bulb is filled with inert gas and mercury or indium almagama. There is no filament in it. During exposure high voltage the movement of electrons begins, which collide with atoms of the filling substance. The internal part of the product is electronic circuit starting and power supply, called electronic ballast. Models used for household lighting have such basic parameters as color temperature and power. The surface of the bulb is coated with a phosphor to give the light flux a color.


Currently, economical light bulbs are divided into several types, which must be taken into account when choosing the best option for good lighting. First of all, they are divided into LED lamps, which have a standard base, fluorescent (gas-discharge) and halogen. In addition, they come in spiral and U-shape. Depending on the diameter, products are 7, 9, 12 and 17 mm. Types of energy-saving lamps by color of radiation:

  • daytime;
  • neutral white;
  • warm white;
  • cool white color.


Before you buy energy-saving lamps in an online store with delivery by mail, familiarize yourself with such a parameter as power. Today they produce products from 7 to 250 W. It should be taken into account that their power is approximately 5 times greater than the power of incandescent lamps, so it is advisable to choose in accordance with the proportion 1:5 to achieve the desired lighting. In general, the higher this setting, the brighter the light will be.

Advantages and disadvantages

When buying compact, economical lamps for ordinary lamps or general/spot lighting of a particular room, familiarize yourself with their pros and cons. Here are some disadvantages:

  • When choosing linear fluorescent daylight models or other energy-efficient light bulb options, remember that their cool or soft white color is different from the usual incandescent light bulb. If the color is chosen incorrectly, this can become a significant disadvantage, because... It will be very difficult to get used to such lighting.
  • Another disadvantage of energy-saving lamps is their high cost, which is 10-20 times higher than a regular light bulb. In addition, they contain mercury, which is considered a dangerous poison.
  • The most harmful is the presence of ultraviolet radiation, which affects the retina and cornea of ​​the eye. In this regard, such lamps should not be placed closer than 30 cm from the eyes - this applies to a greater extent to lighting devices: table lamps, night lights.

As for the advantages of energy-saving devices, they include:

  • low power consumption;
  • long service life;
  • high light output;
  • choosing the desired color;
  • low temperature.

Buy energy saving lamps

To find out how much an energy-saving light bulb costs, you need to do some kind of price monitoring and, in addition, compare the characteristics of several products from the same category. This is the only way you can choose compact-sized light bulbs with enough power for normal lighting. In this case, you need to pay attention to both the diameter of the base and the diameter of the flasks. It should be added that today on the market you can find fluorescent lamps not only made in China, but also in Russia, and in different color shades.


Indoor economical lamps with a linear shape are excellent for table lamps. With their help, you can create the coziness necessary for work, not only in the office, but also at home. They are not only economical and durable, but also stylish. In addition, such products provide an even light that is comfortable for the human eye. At the same time, the question often arises: how much does an energy-saving light bulb of this type cost? You can find out about this below:

  • Model name: Camelion G5;
  • price: 120 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 20W, bulb shape - tube, not mirror;
  • pros: durability;
  • cons: no possibility to connect a dimmer.

Another option, which has a good emission spectrum and a long service life, and is produced by a well-known company, is:

  • Model name: Philips G5;
  • price: 262 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, color temperature - 4000 K, diameter - 17 mm, height - 1.5 cm;
  • advantages: service life – up to 24 thousand hours;
  • cons: high cost.


To save electricity, pay attention to compact fluorescent light bulbs. Manufacturers produce them in a wide price range, so you can choose a model that will cost as little as possible. Remember that their service life greatly depends on the operating mode; for example, they do not like frequent switching on. A good compact option is:

  • Model name: Uniel G23;
  • price: 244 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daytime, power - 15 W, base type - G23, color temperature - 4500 K, luminous flux - 900 lm, diameter - 27 mm, height - 19.3 cm;
  • pluses: they work for a long time, have a convenient flask shape;
  • Cons: expensive, takes a long time to burn.

Another well-known brand that produces products with good light emission is OSRAM. Today you can even order them online, especially since some virtual stores hold promotions. A good purchase for you might be:

  • Model name: OSRAM 2G1;
  • price: 282 rubles;
  • characteristics: power – 55 W, color rendering index – 80Ra, diameter – 17.5 mm, height – 2.36 cm, weight – 115 g;
  • advantages: service life up to 20 thousand hours;
  • Cons: The U-shaped base does not fit all fixtures.

For spotlights

Another good option for lighting an apartment is to use spotlights. You can find them on sale everywhere, be it Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city in the country. An important parameter when choosing is light temperature. Thanks to the low installation depth Spotlights widely used by installers of suspended ceilings. One popular option is:

  • Model name: ERA GU10;
  • price: 130 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, power - 6 W, luminous flux - 500 lm, color temperature - 4000 K;
  • pros: works up to 30 thousand hours;
  • cons: expensive.

Another option that can be purchased on sale at various retail outlets is the model:

  • Model name: Elektrostandard G5;
  • price: 34 rubles;
  • characteristics: light – warm white, power – 11 W, luminous flux – 300 lm, color temperature – 2700 K, weight – 16 g;
  • pros: reasonable price;
  • cons: short service life of 10 thousand hours.

Base E27

Lighting devices with such a base are the most widespread today. They fit standard sockets installed indoors. Energy-saving lamps of this type closely resemble conventional incandescent lamps. If you haven't decided yet the best option, then check out the characteristics of the model:

  • model name: Navigator E27;
  • price: 141 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, power - 15 W, bulb shape - pear-shaped, matte, color temperature - 4000 K;
  • pros: durability, pleasant soft light;
  • cons: expensive.

Check out another energy-saving option with LEDs, which, however, costs a little more:

  • Model name: ASD E27;
  • price: 215 rubles;
  • characteristics: light – warm white, power – 20W, color temperature – 3000 K, luminous flux – 1800 lm;
  • pros: durability, optimal light spectrum;
  • cons: expensive.

Base E40

This type of base is also called a goliath. It is used mostly in street lamps and for lighting industrial premises. By replacing conventional lamps with energy-saving ones with such a base, you can reduce energy costs by almost 10 times. One of the common representatives of this category of goods is:

  • model name: Wolta E40;
  • price: 742 rubles;
  • characteristics: light – cold, power – 85 W, color temperature – 6400 K, shape – spiral;
  • advantages: long service life;

Remember that you can buy economical light sources more or less cheaply only if you order them in bulk. This is the only way you will have the opportunity to purchase powerful 100 W light sources at a good discount. Another option:

  • model name: Feron E40;
  • price: 1379 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, power - 125 W, color temperature - 4000 K, diameter - 105 mm, height - 28.8 cm;
  • pros: durability, good brightness;
  • cons: very high cost.

Base E14

These sockets, called minions, are designed for miniature classic light bulbs. To a greater extent, bases of this marking are used in chandeliers, sconces and small lamps. Modern energy-saving light sources are often manufactured in such a base, so they can replace standard incandescent light bulbs. One option is:

  • model name: Ecola E14;
  • price: 99 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, bulb shape - reflector, power -5.2 W, color temperature - 4200 K, light flux - 460 lm;
  • cons: reasonable cost.

If the described option does not suit you in some way, then check out the characteristics of another, no less popular product:

  • Model name: ASD E14;
  • price: 95 rubles;
  • characteristics: light - daylight, power - 5 W, bulb shape - candle in the wind, color temperature - 4000 K, light flow - 450 ml;
  • advantages: service life – up to 30 thousand hours;
  • cons: reasonable cost.


The rise in electricity prices is forcing users to look for new ways to save. One of them is to purchase professional and modern energy-saving lamps. With the same lighting, such light sources will consume 5 times less electricity than traditional incandescent lamps. In addition to this, they have virtually no flickering effect. If you are looking for an option for use in professional equipment, then pay attention to:

  • name Fancier 45W;
  • price: 899 rubles;
  • characteristics: power – 45 W, base – E27, creates an intense stream of bright light;
  • advantages: universal use;
  • cons: expensive.

Another option for professionals that is used for Lumifor AMATO studio lights is:

  • name Lumifor LLB-75W;
  • price: 359 rubles;
  • characteristics: power – 75 W, base – E14, provides even light;
  • pros: can be used both in home photo studios and small professional ones;
  • cons: expensive.

How to choose energy-saving lamps

To answer the question of how to choose an energy-saving light bulb for an apartment, you must first decide on the parameters:

  1. Power. This indicator is economical models 5 times more than incandescent lamps, so if you are using a traditional 100-watt lamp, then the energy-saving model should have 20 watts.
  2. Base. The most common type is the base with the designation E27. For large lamps, E40 is suitable, for sconces/table lamps - E14.
  3. Type of glow. The higher the temperature spectrum, the whiter the lamp will shine. Work cubicles and offices are in most cases equipped with models with an indicator in the range of 6-6.5 thousand K. For a bedroom or kitchen, it is better to choose 2.7 thousand K. As for a room for children, the best option would be a lamp with 4, 2 thousand K.
  4. Lamp shape. It does not affect anything other than the interior and design of the room. In order not to overpay and save money, make a choice in favor of U-shaped products, because... Spiral analogues are more expensive due to the complexity of manufacturing.
  5. In addition, pay attention to cost, durability and the availability of a manufacturer's warranty.


Modern lighting technologies have significantly expanded, but at the same time complicated the choice of light bulbs for home use. If earlier in 90% of apartments there was little besides ordinary incandescent light bulbs from 40 to 100 W, today there are a great variety of varieties and types of lighting lamps.

Buying the right type of lamp for a lamp in a store is not such an easy task.
What do you want from quality lighting first of all:

  • comfort for the eyes
  • energy savings
  • harmless use

Type of base

Before purchasing a light bulb, it is first important to determine the required type of base. Most household lighting fixtures use two types of threaded base:

They differ accordingly in diameter. The numbers in the designation indicate its size in millimeters. That is, E-14=14mm, E-27=27mm. There are also adapters for lamps from one lamp to another.

If the lampshades of the chandelier are small, or the lamp has some specific features, then a pin base is used.

It is designated by the letter G and a number that indicates the distance in millimeters between the pins.
The most common are:

  • G5.3 - which are simply inserted into the luminaire connector
  • GU10 - first inserted and then turned a quarter turn

The spotlights use the R7S base. It can be used for both halogen and LED lamps.

The lamp power is selected based on the limitations of the lighting fixture in which it will be installed. Information about the type of base and the power limitation of the lamp used can be seen:

  • on the box of the purchased lamp
  • on the lampshade already installed
  • or on the light bulb itself

Flask shape

The next thing you need to pay attention to is the shape and size of the flask.

Flask with threaded base may have:

Pear-shaped ones are designated by the nomenclature - A55, A60; ball ones - with the letter G. The numbers correspond to the diameter.
Candles are marked with the Latin letter - C.

A bulb with a pin base has the shape:

  • small capsule
  • or flat reflector

Lighting standards

Lighting brightness is an individual concept. However, it is generally accepted that for every 10 m2 with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, a minimum illumination equivalent of 100 W is required.

Illumination is measured in lux. What is this unit? In simple words, when 1 lumen illuminates 1 m2 of room area, then this is 1 lux.

The standards differ for different rooms.

Illumination depends on many parameters:

  • from distance to light source
  • colors of surrounding walls
  • reflection of light flux from foreign objects

Illumination can be measured very easily using standard smartphones. All you need to do is download and install a special program. For example – Luxmeter (link)

True, such programs and phone cameras usually lie compared to professional light meters. But for household needs, that's more than enough.

Incandescent and halogen bulbs

The classic and most inexpensive solution for lighting an apartment is the familiar incandescent lamp, or its halogen version. Depending on the type of base, this is the most affordable purchase. Incandescent and halogen bulbs provide comfortable, warm light without flickering and do not emit any harmful substances.

However, it is not recommended to touch the bulb with your hands for halogen lamps. Therefore, they must come packaged in a separate bag.

When a halogen light is lit, it gets very hot. And if you touch its bulb with greasy hands, residual stress will form on it. As a result of this, the spiral in it will burn out much faster, thereby reducing its service life.

In addition, they are very sensitive to power surges and often burn out because of this. Therefore, they are installed together with soft start devices or connected via dimmers.

Halogen lamps are mostly manufactured to operate from a single-phase network with a voltage of 220-230 Volts. But there are also low-voltage 12-volt ones that require connection via a transformer for the appropriate type of lamp.

A halogen lamp shines brighter than a regular one, by about 30%, but consumes the same power. This is achieved due to the fact that it contains a mixture of inert gases inside.

In addition, during operation, particles of tungsten elements are returned back to the filament. In a conventional lamp, gradual evaporation occurs over time and these particles settle on the bulb. The light bulb dims and works half as hard as a halogen light bulb.

Color rendering and luminous flux

The advantage of conventional incandescent lamps is a good color rendering index. What it is?
Roughly speaking, this is an indicator of how much light close to solar light is contained in the scattered flux.

For example, when sodium and mercury lamps illuminate the streets at night, it is not entirely clear what color people’s cars and clothes are. Since these sources have a poor color rendering index - around 30 or 40%. If we take an incandescent lamp, then the index is already more than 90%.

Currently, the sale and production of incandescent lamps with a power exceeding 100W is not permitted in retail stores. This is done for security reasons natural resources and energy savings.

Some people still mistakenly choose lamps based on the power labels on the packaging. Remember that this number does not indicate how bright it shines, but only how much electricity it consumes from the network.

The main indicator here is luminous flux, which is measured in lumens. This is what you need to pay attention to when choosing.

Since many of us previously focused on the popular power of 40-60-100W, manufacturers for modern energy-saving lamps always indicate on the packaging or in catalogs that their power corresponds to the power of a simple incandescent light bulb. This is done solely for the convenience of your choice.

Luminescent - energy saving

Fluorescent lamps have a good level of energy savings. Inside them there is a tube from which the flask is made, coated with phosphor powder. This provides a glow 5 times brighter than incandescent lamps at the same power.

Luminescent ones are not very environmentally friendly due to the coating of mercury and phosphor inside. Therefore, they require careful disposal through certain organizations and containers for receiving used light bulbs and batteries.

They are also subject to flicker. This is easy to check; just look at their glow on the display through your smartphone’s camera. It is for this reason that it is not advisable to place such light bulbs in residential areas where you are constantly present.


LED lamps and lamps of various shapes and designs are widely used in various spheres of life.

Their advantages:

  • resistance to temperature overloads
  • negligible effect on voltage drops
  • ease of assembly and use
  • high reliability under mechanical loads. There is minimal risk that it will break if dropped.

LED lamps heat up very little during operation and therefore have a lightweight plastic body. Thanks to this, they can be used where others cannot be installed. For example, in suspended ceilings.

Energy savings from LEDs are greater than from fluorescent and energy-saving ones. They consume approximately 8-10 times less than incandescent lamps.

If we roughly take the average parameters for power and luminous flux, we can obtain the following data:

These results are approximate and in reality will always differ, since much directly depends on the voltage level, manufacturer brand and many other parameters.

For example, in the USA, in one fire station, an ordinary incandescent light bulb, which is already more than 100 years old, is still burning. There was even a special website created where you can watch her online through a web camera.

Everyone is waiting for it to burn down in order to record this historical moment. You can take a look.

Light flow

This is precisely its feature and advantage, which is widely used in open lamps.

For example, if we are talking about crystal chandeliers, then when using an ordinary LED lamp in it, due to its matte surface, the crystal will not “play” and shimmer. It shines and reflects light only when the beam is directed.

In this case, the chandelier does not look very rich. The use of filament in them reveals all the advantages and beauty of such a lamp.

These are all the main types of lighting lamps widely used in apartments and residential buildings. Choose the option you need according to the above characteristics and recommendations, and arrange your home correctly and comfortably.

Many of you have long switched from incandescent sources to energy-saving light bulbs, and are now thinking about LED ones. The rationality of the transition must be calculated for each case separately and depends on the mode in which it is used. It is especially not recommended to install energy-saving lamps where they operate in short-term mode. They ignite slowly, when it flares up at full power, then you already leave the room and turn off the light.

  • 1. Energy-saving lamps types and price
  • 2. How to choose
  • 3. Power matching
  • 4. Luminous flux and power
  • 5. Example of Philips characteristics
  • 6. Service life
  • 7. Why does it blink or flash?
  • 8. Which light bulbs are better: LED or energy-saving?
  • 9. Circuit and power supply

Energy saving lamps types and prices

Energy-saving lamps are compact fluorescent light bulbs, abbreviated as CFLs. The abbreviation will be used throughout the text. By design, this is a conventional fluorescent light source in a more compact format. The power supply is installed at the base of the case near the plinth; for cooling, small holes are made through which air circulates.

  1. shape in the form of a spiral, circle, square, horseshoe;
  2. base E14, E27, E40;
  3. with a flask in the shape of a pear, candle, ball;
  4. Possibility of brightness control, dimming.

If you decide to switch from CFLs to LEDs, you will encounter a common problem. For LEDs with an E14 base, the luminous flux is no more than 600lm, due to the fact that the sizes are limited. The power in this case is 6-7W, this is almost analogous to a 60W incandescent. LEDs may not be enough to illuminate a room where CFLs previously stood. The illumination will be lower than expected, but it should be with a margin, taking into account the degradation of LEDs. Even the Chinese don’t have powerful ones, although they write in parameters from 1000 to 1500 lm, which is 2-3 times too high.

Only recently E14 LEDs with 800-900 lumens, power consumption 10W, produced by X-Flash have appeared. But now they are in short supply, E14 at 10W are sold out immediately, they are not even often available on the manufacturer’s website.

The main disadvantage of CFLs will be:

  1. slow ignition for up to 10 minutes;
  2. decrease in light output when low temperatures.

How to choose

To choose the best energy-saving lamps you need to know 9 basic parameters, half are similar to diode ones.

Main characteristics:

  1. rated power - energy consumption;
  2. power factor - the ratio of active and reactive;
  3. luminous flux – source brightness;
  4. color temperature – 2700K warm white or neutral white 4000K;
  5. color rendering index CRI – color rendering of objects;
  6. warm-up time - the period of time after which it shines by 60-80%;
  7. ignition time – time required for ignition;
  8. service life - the number of hours after which the brightness will drop by 30% of the initial value;
  9. number of switching cycles.

The easiest way to choose the best is by brand, it should be well-known. If you are hearing the brand name for the first time, it is better to refuse. The larger the brand, the more they worry about quality. When you compare energy-saving ones in price with cheap diode ones, then in terms of service life they will not work much longer than CFLs. A good LED costs from 200 rubles.

Consider the installation location; if it’s on the street or in the entrance, there will be many people who want to steal it or break it. That’s why I put filament LEDs with a broken bulb in the entrance; they can’t be unscrewed without a tool. If you try to twist it by hand, you will break the LEDs, and it’s not very noticeable in the lampshade.

Power matching

Energy saving lamps power table

A feature of energy-saving lamps E14, E27, E40 is the lack of dimming and brightness adjustment. A constant high voltage is required to maintain the glow. But after looking through the Osram website, it turned out they have models with brightness control.

The table shows the correspondence between LED and incandescent.

Incandescent power and compliance table.

CFL Incandescent LED Light flux, Lm
5W 25W 3W 250
9W 40W 5W 400
13W 60W 7W 650
15W 80W 9W 900
20W 100W 14W 1300
35W 150W 20W 2100

To simplify the calculation of the incandescent analogue, use a coefficient of 5. For example, you have a 9W CFL, multiply 9w by 5, it turns out it is an analogue of a 45W light bulb.

Luminous flux and power


As elsewhere, when choosing, look not only at the price, but use the rule: “cheap cannot be good, no matter what the manufacturer promises.” Too often I come across deception from stores and manufacturers. The economic situation in Russia in 2016 is difficult, so in order to maintain business, many begin to deceive the buyer, just so that sales do not fall.

An example would be the ASD brand, which overestimates the power and luminous flux of its lamps and fixtures. Their products are cheap, and combined with high performance and service life, they are popular. It turns out that the one who lied the most sold the most. If the price is equal, you will choose where they promise more.

Luminous flux and power table.

Example of Philips specifications

Life time

Nowadays, a large number of energy-saving lamps are imported from China. They look for a factory in China to produce light bulbs, put their own brand on them and sell them in Russia. To sell, a brand does not have to understand them and have its own laboratory. The Chinese take advantage of this by slipping more worst LEDs with worse parameters. Then it turns out that the manufacturer promises certain parameters, but in reality the technical characteristics are different.

  1. Chinese up to 3,000 - 5,000 hours, although they promise up to 10,000 hours;
  2. branded 6,000 – 10,000 h.

Probability of failure fromOsram.

Domestic brands send lighting equipment to me for testing, some of them are very deceived by the Chinese and do not admit to deception. They slip in false test results as evidence with which they can convince an amateur. After looking at the test results, it was clear how they were deceiving.

Cheap lamps from little-known domestic brands work much less than branded energy-saving lamps from Osram, Philips and other well-known ones. Cheap ones have lower quality components in the power supply. In addition, it gets very hot, shortening its service life. You've probably seen blackened ones in the part where the power supply is located.

The service life is also affected by the build quality; Chinese manufacturers save on everything, even where it is impossible to do so. Therefore, instead of the promised 15,000 hours, the cheap one works for 5,000 hours, that is, the characteristics are overestimated. Branded Philips and Osram are guaranteed to work for a specified period of time; abroad the requirements for light bulbs are more stringent.

Philips has models with an operating time of up to 10 thousand hours, but their stage is correspondingly much higher. It can be indirectly determined by the warranty period. If the warranty is 1 year, then do not expect long-term performance. A 3-5 year guarantee is given only for high-quality

Why is it blinking or flashing?

Many of you ask why the energy-saving light bulb blinks when the switch is off or when the lights are off? Most likely you have an illuminated switch installed. A small current passes through the backlight, which charges the energy-saving power supply. Once the power supply has accumulated enough energy, it flashes. Then the process is repeated.

To prevent it from flickering or blinking, you will need to remove the backlight in the switch; this is the easiest and most optimal way. There are also options for installing a small load in parallel so that the current flows to it. Most LEDs have the same problem and are also solved.

Which light bulbs are better: LED or energy-saving?

In terms of efficiency, LED and energy-saving lamps differ on average by 2 times. To get an analogue of a 100W incandescent at 1300 lumens, you will need:

  1. diode 15W;
  2. energy saving at 25W - 30W.

The luminous flux depends on the quality of the components used and on the amount of phosphor applied to the walls of the spiral inside. Manufacturers like to indicate the service life of LEDs as the lifespan of a light bulb; in fact, these are completely different values. therefore compare different types light sources are difficult.

Circuit and power supply

The energy saving scheme is the same as that of a conventional fluorescent tube for Armstrong 36W lamps. It is powered by a starter that starts the light with high voltage. The power supply is a regular starter, such as an electronic ballast (electronic ballast).

Minor modification required for manufacturing. A transformer with a stabilizer is connected at the output. The most difficult thing is to find or select a suitable transformer. If it does not fit, then burn the entire structure. It will still take time to set up. If you don’t have good amateur radio experience, then you don’t have much of a chance to assemble it correctly.

Often such power supplies have low reliability because they are subject to high heat, so much so that even plastic turns black. Many people still have outdated equipment, such as VCRs, so it’s easier to take a ready-made unit from household appliances, from faulty or outdated.

Even with my experience, I am periodically exposed to high voltage from 220V that even screwdrivers melt. The sensations are not the most pleasant, so it is better not to climb into high-voltage blocks on your own. Even a non-discharged capacitor can give you a big treat.

Traditionally, most people use well-known incandescent lamps to illuminate their houses and apartments. Based on the needs of the required lighting, different powers are used - 40 W, 60 W, 100 W.

We all know from school that the efficiency in conventional incandescent lamps is very low (only up to 50%). Consequently, only half of the electricity that an incandescent lamp consumes goes to actual lighting. As for the remaining half, it goes to heating this very incandescent light bulb.

Fortunately, science and technological progress are developing rapidly and a worthy alternative to old incandescent lamps has appeared - complex fluorescent lamps (CFL), which are also called energy saving lamps.

If we proceed from the term “energy-saving” (lamp), then this class can safely include any type of electric lamp that consumes less electricity per unit of luminous flux compared to a conventional incandescent lamp.

Energy saving lamp is a 5-6 generation fluorescent lamp. Not so long ago, such lamps were not so widespread because they were produced in the form of tubes of different lengths, which created some difficulties during their installation and replacement (compared to incandescent lamps). In fact, an energy-saving light bulb consists of three parts: a base, an electronic ballast (electronic ballast) and a fluorescent lamp or bulb. It is these components that determine their varieties. Nowadays, there are already quite a few types of energy-saving lamps, which vary in quality, shape, size, price, operating principle, base shape, emitted spectrum, etc.

What are the fundamental differences between an energy-saving lamp and an incandescent lamp?

Almost everyone knows how the mechanism of an incandescent lamp works. The tungsten filament in such a lamp heats up to a bright glow under the influence of electric current. However, not everyone knows how to design energy-saving lamps.

Energy-saving light bulbs consist of a bulb, which is filled with pores of mercury and argon, and a ballast (starter). On the inner surface of the flask there is a special substance called phosphor (it glows under the influence of ultraviolet radiation).

When an energy-saving light bulb is turned on, the mercury vapor contained in it, under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, creates ultraviolet radiation, which, in turn, passing through the phosphor (applied to the surface of the lamp) is converted into visible light.

The phosphor can be of different shades, thus creating different colors of light output. The design of modern energy-saving lamps provides standard sizes conventional incandescent light bulbs. The base of such lamps has a diameter of 14 or 27 mm, which makes it possible to use energy-saving lamps in any chandeliers, lamps or sconces for which incandescent lamps were previously used.

Energy-saving lamps as a way to save electricity

In the case of using energy-saving lamps, there is an opportunity to save electrical energy(compared to incandescent lamps) up to 85%, as well as funds. In addition, when using such lamps, the load on the electrical wiring is reduced, thereby reducing the possibility of an unexpected fire or broken plugs.

There is such an indicator of lamp performance as luminous efficiency (the ratio of luminous flux and power consumption, which is 50-100 Lm/W for energy-saving lamps and only 10-15 Lm/W for incandescent lamps). The ability of the lamp to save electricity depends on this. In other words, the light output of energy-saving lamps is five times greater than that of incandescent lamps, therefore, they require five times less electrical energy to operate than in the case of ordinary incandescent lamps.

The energy efficiency class of such lamps is indicated by their marking (for energy-saving lamps - A and B, and for incandescent lamps - E and F). It is obvious that the energy efficiency class of energy-saving lamps is much higher.

Advantages of energy saving lamps

– One of the main advantages of energy-saving lamps is their high luminous efficiency (the ratio between luminous flux and power consumption) several times higher than that of incandescent lamps. The energy-saving component lies precisely in the fact that the maximum of electricity supplied to an energy-saving lamp is converted into light, while in incandescent lamps about 50% of the electricity is spent on heating the tungsten wire.

– Also, an undeniable advantage of energy-saving lamps is their long service life (from 6 to 15 thousand hours of continuous burning), which is about 20 times longer than incandescent lamps. And all because the most common reason for replacing an incandescent lamp is a burnt-out filament. The mechanism of operation is energy saving.

– In the case of energy-saving lamps, it is possible to choose the color of the glow ( daytime, natural or warm). The bottom line is that the lower the color temperature, the closer the color is to red, the higher it is, the closer to blue.

– Another advantage of such lamps is low heat transfer. Due to their high efficiency, lamps emit little heat, since all the energy expended is converted into light. That is why energy-saving light bulbs can be safely installed in any chandeliers and lamps without fear that they may melt the body, wires or socket when heated.

– The light of energy-saving lamps is distributed more evenly and softly on the background of incandescent lamps, which is also a pleasant plus. This is due to the fact that an energy-saving lamp glows over its entire area (due to which a person’s eyes do not get so tired), but in an incandescent lamp.

Disadvantages of energy-saving lamps

– The service life of energy-saving lamps is largely determined by their mode of operation. Manufacturers indicate lamp service life on the boxes (6000, 8000, 15000 hours, etc.), but this is only relevant if used correctly. Namely, it is undesirable to turn such lamps on and off frequently; they are affected by the quality of the voltage (if the voltage in the network decreases by more than 10%, the lamps do not light up), as well as the type of lighting device and the orientation of the lamp in space.

– The warm-up phase of such lamps lasts up to 2 minutes, from which it is logical to conclude that they need time to achieve maximum brightness.

– It happens that when energy-saving lamps operate, flickering occurs. This is because when the switch is turned off, the circuit still remains closed. What happens is that a closed circuit is created by illuminated switches when current passes through a pilot lamp or in the event of a leak due to contamination inside the switch housing (which may not even be visible to the eye). To prevent such outbreaks, it is recommended to install a two-pole switch (since it breaks the circuit along two wires at once and is guaranteed to prevent voltage from reaching the lamp).

– At night, the lamps may spontaneously flash for a split second. The frequency of such outbreaks can vary from several minutes to several hours.

– The design of such lamps limits their scope of use, namely, they are incompatible with dimmers (dimmers). Most energy-saving lamps cannot be adjusted and will simply go out when you try to dim the light. In the case of dimmers, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since not all of them are suitable for controlling such lamps. The type of lamp for which the dimmer is intended is indicated in the accompanying documentation and, most often, under the front panel. If you try to regulate the light of an energy-saving lamp with a dimmer designed exclusively for incandescent lamps, the dimmer may fail after some time. There is still a way out of the situation - replacing the dimmer (most often this model will cost more) if the lamp is replaced with an energy-saving one (usually a more expensive model).

– Essential disadvantage of energy saving lamps is that a person needs to be at least 30 centimeters away from them. Due to the high level of ultraviolet radiation from such lamps, if placed close to them, they can cause harm to people with overly sensitive skin and those who are prone to dermatological diseases. But there will be no harm to a person located at a distance of more than 30 centimeters from the lamps.

But, despite all this, human exposure to fluorescent lighting is significantly lower than exposure to natural sunlight.

– One should take into account the fact that energy-saving lamps are not designed to operate at low temperatures (-15-20ºC), and at elevated temperatures the intensity of their light radiation decreases. This can be explained by the fact that the lower the concentration of mercury vapor in a particular individual lamp , the worse it will “work” or simply will not glow. There are special series of lamps for low temperatures, but their cost is much higher and they are extremely rare on store shelves.

– Among the disadvantages of such lamps, one should also mention the content of phosphorus and mercury, which, although in small quantities, are present inside energy-saving light bulbs. This can be harmful to human health if the lamp is disassembled; during normal operation, the lamp is harmless. For the same reason, energy-saving light bulbs require special disposal (they cannot simply be thrown into trash containers, which creates certain problems).

– Another disadvantage of energy-saving lamps compared to traditional incandescent lamps is their high price. However, their cost should be compensated by a significant reduction in payments for consumed electricity.

What is important to pay attention to when choosing energy-saving lamps

Power. Energy-saving lamps can have different wattages (range from 3 to 90 W). It is important to remember that the coefficient useful action This lamp has a very high luminous efficiency and is approximately 5 times greater than that of an incandescent light bulb. Therefore, when choosing energy-saving lamps, for simplicity, you can simply divide the power of the incandescent lamp by five. If you used a regular 100 W incandescent light bulb in your lighting fixture, it would be appropriate to buy a 20 W power saver.

Size. Energy-saving lamps most often come in two main forms: U-shaped or spiral. There is no difference in the operating principle of these types of lamps; the differences are determined only by size. U-shaped lamps are easy to manufacture and cost less than spiral lamps, but are slightly larger in size. Before purchasing such lamps, it is better to determine in a timely manner whether the selected U-like energy-saving lamp is suitable for a particular lighting fixture. Spiral-shaped lamps are more complex to produce, they are somewhat more expensive than U-shaped ones, but the price is compensated by the traditional dimensions (like incandescent light bulbs), therefore, they are suitable for all lighting devices where incandescent light bulbs were previously used.

Base type. Energy-saving lamps, like incandescent lamps, can have different types of bases. The main part of the lighting fixtures is designed for E27 socket. But there are also devices with an E14 base. If a large incandescent light bulb was screwed into your chandelier, then this is most likely an E27 base. If the lamp has a small or medium incandescent bulb, then it must be an E14 base.

Manufacturers write all these characteristics of energy-saving lamps on the packaging.

For example, the inscription ESS-02A 20W E27 6400K on the packaging of a DeLux light bulb means that the lamp has a power of 20 W, with a large base (E27), and emits cool white light (6400K).

Color of light. Energy-saving lamps can shine in different colors. This characteristic is determined by the color temperature of the energy-saving lamp.

2700 K – warm white light.

4200 K – daylight.

6400 K – cool white light.

The lower the color temperature characteristic of an energy-saving lamp, the more the color spectrum approaches red; the higher the color temperature, the color spectrum shifts toward blue. In such a situation, you can experiment with choosing the optimal color before replacing all the light bulbs in the apartment with one color. You need to choose a color not only based on the specifics of the interior, but also take into account your visual needs. It’s just that the color created by an energy-saving light bulb is different from the usual light from an incandescent light bulb, and some people find it difficult to quickly adapt to it, especially if the color is chosen poorly. For residential premises, it is recommended to use warmer colors - soft white (warm glow).

Types of energy saving lamps

Energy saving lamps for household use divided into halogen, fluorescent and LED. These types of lamps save energy in different ways.

fluorescent energy saving lamps(gas discharge lamps) save approximately 80% of electricity;

LED energy saving lamps save from 80% to 90%;

halogen lamps save energy from 30% to 50%.

Fluorescent lamps

Nowadays, fluorescent lamps are the most popular.

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are discharge light sources in which electricity and an inert gas containing a small amount of mercury vapor are used to produce ultraviolet radiation. It is this radiation that hits the phosphor (The name “luminescent” comes from the luminescent powders, a mixture of which coats the walls of the bulbs of such lamps. This mixture is called phosphor) converted to visible light.

Fluorescent light bulbs are produced:

– tubular;

– in the form of a ring (for use in flat lamps);

– compact (the most common; they are a smaller version of tubular, but much smaller in size).

Among advantages of compact fluorescent lamps Compared to incandescent lamps, they distinguish:

– the ability to save energy up to 80% (compared to incandescent lamps);

– long service life (6-15 times longer than the service life of incandescent lamps, and can be from 6,000 to 15,000 hours depending on the type of lamp);

– CPLs emit less heat than incandescent lamps, so they can be safely used for lighting fixtures without fear that the lamps may damage them when heated;

– such lamps have a wide range of color tones (from warm to cold shades daylight).

The disadvantages of CPL include:

– presence of mercury (from 2.5 to 5 mg). By the way, a mercury thermometer contains from 610 to 2250 mg of mercury;

– sensitivity to frequent on-off mode;

– deterioration of light output at low temperatures (below 10-15°C);

– the need to warm up to full power (30-45 seconds at room temperature);

– difficulties of disposal (since they contain mercury);

– the impossibility of using CPL in lamps that are controlled by dimmers.

Halogen lamps

Halogen lamps are improved incandescent lamps that contain halogen elements, allowing them not to lose brightness over time. The light spectrum of such lamps is close to the spectrum of solar daylight, and therefore the colors of a warm neutral range are well conveyed (as well as a person’s complexion).

The trouble is that halogen light bulbs are classified as energy-saving light sources rather conditionally, in comparison only with conventional incandescent lamps, since they last only 2-3 times longer than the latter and are twice as economical. Types of halogen lamps vary in power.

– high quality of light transmission;

– long service life;

– narrowly directed light distribution;

– stability of light brightness;

– small sizes;

– high level of safety - low voltage (even in conditions of high humidity);

– the ability to use such lamps with dimmers.

Disadvantages of halogen lamps

– high temperature of the bulb (can reach up to 500°C) - it is necessary to adhere to safety regulations (for example, maintain the required distance between the lamp and the suspended ceiling);

– sensitivity to voltage surges;

– the impossibility of touching such lamps with bare hands - greasy stains remain, which can lead to melting of the glass of the bulb (the lamp can be taken with a piece of cloth, and if there are stains on the bulb, wipe them with alcohol).

LED bulbs

LED bulbs- this is the last word in lighting. Today, they are most often used in decorative, architectural and landscape lighting. A distinctive feature of LEDs is their high efficiency and long service life (50-80 thousand hours). Such a light source can emit blue, green, red, yellow or white.

Advantages of halogen lamps

– long service life;

– low energy consumption (80% - 90% energy savings compared to conventional incandescent lamps);

– vibration resistance, therefore, high strength;

– radiation direction;

– environmental friendliness (absence of mercury and other harmful substances);

– variety of colors;

– adjustable intensity;

– fire safety (since such lamps practically do not heat up);

– low operating voltage.

Disadvantages of halogen lamps

- high price.

There are two types of energy-saving lamps based on the base:

– for a regular cartridge (marked E27);

– for a small cartridge (marked E14).

The following forms of energy-saving lamps are available:

– U-shaped;

- in the form of a spiral.

! The operation of such lamps does not depend in any way on their shape, although spiral-shaped lamps are more expensive because they are more complex to manufacture.

– Another important criterion when choosing energy-saving lamps is the color of the radiation. The human eye perceives different light sources differently. According to this indicator, lamps are distinguished:

– daylight;

– warm white color;

– neutral white;

– cold white.

Energy-saving lamps differ according to the diameter of the bulbs:

In terms of power, energy-saving lamps range from 3 to 85 watts.

What should you pay attention to when choosing energy-saving lamps?

Despite wide selection of energy saving lamps, when choosing them for lighting residential premises, there are not so many options. Based on the fact that in apartments and houses, in the vast majority of cases, ordinary sockets are used, a suitable option is E27 lamps with a power of no more than 15-25 Watts (otherwise the lighting may be too bright). The next step is to decide in which room the light bulb will be replaced (for large rooms where people often gather, it is better to choose a neutral-white light bulb, and, for example, in a bedroom or recreation room - warm white). In order to save money, it is better to give preference to lamps with a U-shaped bulb.

How to choose a high-quality energy-saving lamp so that it does not burn out in a couple of days?

First of all, you should give preference to lamps from well-known manufacturers. The cost of such lamps, of course, is higher than the lamps of most little-known Chinese manufacturers. You should carefully read everything written on the package. It would be a good idea to ask the seller about the warranty period of the purchased lamps. Give preference to lamps that come with a 2-3 year warranty. It is better to avoid lamps with a warranty period of 6-7 months.

In what cases is it economically beneficial to use energy-saving lamps?

The service life of an incandescent lamp is, on average, about 1-2 thousand and 5-10 thousand hours, and an energy-saving lamp (largely depends on the type and manufacturer) is up to 100 thousand hours, and it is also five times more economical (9-10 Watt versus 100 and 25 Watt respectively).

Energy saving light bulbs will become the right decision for lamps that operate at least three hours a day. In this case, due to the reduction in costs, the energy-saving light bulb will pay for itself in about 3 years. And since any energy-saving lamps last longer than traditional incandescent lamps, after the light bulb has paid for itself, you will begin, figuratively speaking, to “earn” money by saving electricity.

To more accurately calculate the comparative efficiency of LED lamps, it is necessary to compare the total energy consumption for the year, the cost of electricity and the service life of the lamps. Plus, when making calculations, it is worth taking into account the costs of more frequent replacement of incandescent lamps and fluorescent products. On average, based on rough calculations, the economic efficiency of diodes is 4 times higher than that of incandescent lamps and approximately 25% higher than that of fluorescent lamps.

It is worth emphasizing that such calculations can only be correct if high-quality products are used that are truly capable of serving the required 50-100 thousand hours. If we talk about cheap Chinese light bulbs of unknown production, then they can come out much earlier than expected, and in such cases we are no longer talking about savings.