Vision board: why is it needed and how to make it? Correct design of a vision board - basic principles How to make a vision board correctly.

A vision board will help you realize your most cherished dreams: how to design it correctly and whether it really works, why it is needed and how to activate it correctly - about all this and more, read on. The vision board is your chance to change your life for the better! Well, let's take a step towards our desires.

Why do you need visualization of desires?

Probably, there is no need to explain to anyone what a vision vision board is. The process of compiling it is fascinating: you take a stack of magazines, leaf through them and find pictures with your desires. These are not necessarily material things, such as a car or a house by the sea.

Often these are desires of this kind, such as family, happy couples, a smiling child and getting rid of loneliness. At the beginning of composition, the board is a piece of blank Whatman paper. In the middle of the vision board, which is also called a card, you must paste your photo, around which the desired pictures will be located.

Don’t rush to add a lot of small desires, but focus on what you really need. The map can be roughly divided into sectors in which desires will be arranged thematically. These are the basic human needs that are needed for happiness: good health, a beautiful figure, happiness in the family, career success. All your cherished dreams can fit on a vision board. How to make your dreams come true? First of all, you need to activate your wish card.

Vision Board of Desires

It has long been proven that if a person really sincerely wants something, then his wish will always come true. When it comes to making a dream come true, concepts such as “luck” and “magic” do not count and even the location of the stars is not taken into account.

The most cherished desires are fulfilled only because we constantly think about it, visualize them, concentrating all our attention on specific goals. This contributes to the development of strong motivation, and then we make every effort to realize our dreams.

But our thoughts constantly wander, so we need specific tools that can keep them in the right direction. One of the most popular and effective is the Wish Board (Vision Board, Dream Collage, Wish Card, Treasure Map, etc.).

How does the Vision Board work?

Most often chosen for the Vision Vision Board wooden board, whatman paper or ordinary cardboard. A person who wants something attaches various photographs and pictures to it, under which he writes a description.

All images should visualize the dream, constantly reminding you of it. Scientists and psychologists have studied this issue and have long proven that writing goals on paper contributes to their rapid implementation.

The Wish Board operates in the same way, helping the owner not to forget his goals and concentrate his energy on their implementation. Before you start making it, it is important to understand how it works.

If you think that after staring at the Board around the clock, a miracle will suddenly come to you, then you are greatly mistaken. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. No magic, magical genie or Golden Fish will appear in front of you.

Just don't give up right away. Vision boards truly make dreams come true!

Here's how it happens:

  • First of all, creating a Vision Board helps organize your wandering thoughts into specific goals. For example, you dream of big income. But “big” is how much in monetary terms? After all, a tidy sum is a rather loose concept. For some, 200 dollars is enough, but for others, even a million is not enough. When goals mature, abstraction fades into the background and everything becomes concrete.
  • You will finally get the concrete visual image of your dreams. Very few people are capable of visually transforming their blurred dreams into vivid images.

But we receive a significant part of information from the outside world through our eyes in the form of pictures. In this case, images seem to program our brain.

Now, with the help of the Wish Board, you will understand not only what you want to get, but also what exactly it looks like. Your result will depend on how accurately the pictures reflect your desires.

For example, you dream of a car. Then you should know exactly what brand it is, what color it is, engine size, price, interior, etc. You can even imagine the noise from a roaring engine.

  • The Vision Board will begin to bear fruit for you if you treat it not as ordinary contemplation or meditation, but as a clear plan of action.

Psychologists have statistics that confirm that people who write their goals on paper achieve them within 1-2 years. For others, it sometimes takes entire decades.

  • It is important to understand that the Vision Board is just a way to remind yourself of what you are striving for. But you will have to find a way to achieve it yourself. A miracle will not knock on your door while you are warming up on the sofa.

All skeptics can move on, because the Board helps only those who believe that desires can be visualized. The Vision Board helps bring dreams into reality. During the period of eye contact, the owner of the Board increases his energy significantly and directs it towards the desired goals.

How to make a Vision Board correctly

First, you need to prepare a base for the Board (that is, cardboard, whatman paper, etc.), glue (adhesive tape), any images, scissors and time. In principle, even a wooden board will be suitable for the base.

You can now buy a special cork board in stores. Thanks to it you can create a real work of art. You choose the size of your board yourself based on the number of desires, although many believe that the larger, the more effective it is.

Before you begin, remember that your photo should be placed in the very center of the card. It's best if you smile and radiate happiness in the photo. And you should definitely like it. This image will become the important core around which the rest of the pictures will accumulate, reflecting all the desires.

Such images can be taken from various sources: magazines, newspapers, you can also search for them on the Internet and print them.

The Board works best if your central photo is of you standing next to your dream. For example, if you are dreaming of a luxurious home, then take a walk in a wealthy area and take your photo on the house you like. The same image can be drawn or, if you have the skill, made in Photoshop.

Many people immediately make the mistake of covering the board with as many pictures as possible. The abundance of photographs contributes to the dispersion of your energy on insignificant things.

All pictures must be signed as if these things or places already belong to you. Sentences must be written in the present tense. For example: “my car”, “my mansion”, “I’m in the Maldives”, etc.

If you follow absolutely all the rules for creating a Wish Board, then you should know that for greater effectiveness it should be done on the waxing moon, or during the new moon.

The first days of the new year or your birthday are also perfect. The main thing is, do not sit down to create a Wish Board in a bad or depressed mood. Also, the days of solar and lunar eclipses will not bring happiness.

In case you don't want to create a Board traditional ways or there are no materials, then use online services. With their help, you can not only make a bright collage, but also save your Vision Board on the website.

Feng Shui Wish Board

This Vision Board combines both your desires and Chinese technology. The ancient sages understood perfectly well that the thoughts we came up with and supported by energy always come true. If in the usual version you arrange the pictures in random order, then it is important to know about the existence of sectors responsible for each spectrum of life. They all have their specific places.

To create a Board, take a base. When you choose a material, think about its size, considering that a total of 9 identical sectors should fit. The best ratio is considered to be a square surface with a side length of 68 cm.

It is best to create a Feng Shui Wish Board with your own hands, without using computer programs. The fact is that in this case you transfer your energy to the object and increase the results.

Visualization can be supported by special rituals (to attract money and fulfill desires), which are best performed on the first day lunar calendar or on special favorable dates according to the Feng Shui calendar.

If possible, take advantage of the ideal date - the first day of the Chinese New Year. In 2015, for example, it was February 19.

Creating a Feng Shui Wish Board

As written above, divide your base into 9 equal parts-sectors. Although, if your material is rectangular in shape, then there is nothing to worry about. Place your favorite photo again in the very center.

Here you have to be even more responsible. The image should radiate positive energy. Also exclude photos from times when you had problems or were sick.

Next, taking into account the cardinal directions, you need to arrange the 8 life aspirations of Ba Gua. Remember that this map is different from a geographic map. You just need to turn everything upside down. Where there was north is now south, etc.

Each sector has its own color and characteristics:

1. Center – health (yellow).

It is in this section of the map that your photo will appear. If you dream of changing external data (for example, weight), then you can use Photoshop and simply reduce your volume. This will create an additional incentive.

2.South - above the photo (red sector) - Glory.

Here all dreams of recognition, popularity, fame come true. If you want your work to be appreciated, then stop at this site. You can become anyone: a writer, a musician, a boxer, a dancer, even an astronaut. Here you need to place photographs of awards or group photographs of famous personalities from the sphere of your dreams.

3.South left (purple) – Wealth.

If you dream of material wealth, big income, your own business, financial success, then this is the place for you. Add photos of expensive cars, luxurious mansions, money. Don’t forget to indicate the specific amount you want to receive. Inscriptions such as “my car”, “my million” will also enhance the effect.

4.South on the right (pink) – Love, Relationships.

Here you need to attach all the pictures that meet your love desires: photographs of lovers, as well as symbolic images (hearts, kisses, bouquets, etc.). But, if you dream of getting married, then do not leave images of real people. After all, your desires may not coincide with others.

5.East (green) – Family.

Needed to find peace and good relations in the family circle. You can put photos of all family members here.

6.West (white) – Children, Creativity and Self-realization.

Here you need to place photos of your children or your hobbies.

7. North - below (black) – Career.

Here you place photos of your career growth, write the specific amount of your desired salary, a photo of your personal account, money, etc.

8. North - left (blue) - Wisdom.

These are your aspirations to learn everything new, to discover the unknown. Attach photographs of diplomas, various certificates of completion of courses, as well as other symbols of knowledge.

9. North - on the right (gray) - Travel and Helpers.

First of all, find beautiful photos those picturesque places, cities and countries where you wholeheartedly want to visit. In this regard, you can also post photos of those people who can contribute to your travels.

Storing and activating a vision board

Opinions often differ about the best place to store such a Vision Board. Some people believe that this is a very private thing and should not be seen by anyone. Opponents insist on openness and that the best place- bedroom.

But, in the end, you decide the place for the Vision Board yourself. If your loved ones understand and support your wishes, then you can hang the card above your bed. Then the energy of your relatives will work to fulfill their desires. If the reaction is negative, then it is better for them not to know about its existence.

Activation of the Wish Board

Activation is also important. To do this, you need to write on it a very simple desire that is easy to implement, for example, “buy a cupcake.” You fulfill your wish at any time, and the card starts working. As soon as the wish has come true, the image that embodied it must be removed and another one hung up.

Make yourself a firm rule - every night before going to bed, look at your Vision Board and engage in visualization. This practice will help greatly speed up the implementation of your goals and aspirations, since at night while you sleep, the omnipotent Subconscious will come into play, which you will first charge with the necessary energy, concentrating on the final goal. Now your Subconscious will know exactly what to do.

Desires that lose value

The card is valid for three years. During this time, most of the wishes that you originally conceived should come true and the wish board with your own hands loses its magical power. If some wishes on your map have not come true, you need to think about them and understand whether you really need their implementation.

It doesn’t hurt to carefully analyze what exactly you are unable to achieve in order to fulfill your desires. For example, if you want to fly abroad, then you should stick your international passport on the card, and not a picture with a beautiful view. That is, first you will receive documents, and then you will be able to select a picture with a view of the country you want to visit.

Or if you want to lose weight, it is better to paste not the figure of a slender girl, but a picture gym, in which you will study. After three years have passed, it is better to destroy the board with wishes, namely, burn it. Before burning, be sure to thank the card again for allowing many of your dreams to come true.

After that, you can start creating your new vision board! Be sure to make yourself a vision board, even if you don’t really believe that dreams can come true on their own! With its help, you will organize your dreams, and also make sure that if you clearly know your desire, it will come true, even if you do not make an effort.

Vision board - does it really work: reviews

Let’s take a closer look at several reviews about using the vision board and analyze the events described.

After the movie “The Secret” I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is like on the wish map: I got married successfully, a daughter was born, and over the past three years we have bought a car and an apartment. All we have to do is wait for our vacation, and then we’ll go on vacation wherever we want.

Clear and achievable goals were set, reasonable deadlines were set, and everything was achieved.

I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I really wanted to get. My parents unexpectedly decided to please me, although the old computer was fine, and I didn’t tell them what kind of laptop I wanted.

Another example of how a thought, given the proper strength, materializes and even infects others.

I did it and regretted the time wasted. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, he works for those who are already lucky in life.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you paste the last picture. But focusing on work without leaving room for dreams is not the best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think through your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a vision board is, how to properly design and use it, all you have to do is not be discouraged and wait for your dreams to come true. The Wish Board is working! Just follow your dreams and be sure to believe in yourself and your strength.

Vision board, how to design it correctly: video tutorial

How many times have you thought about creating a vision board of your dreams? Or maybe you think that this whole idea is childishly stupid and ridiculous? You are wrong. A vision board is a visual embodiment of your goals and aspirations. Think of it as your future photo album. Dreams live in each of us, and they are more likely to come true if you “put” them on paper. A vision board will give you a sense of clear direction towards your goals. And it works! What positives can you take from creating such a dream map for yourself?

Illustration by Roberto Weigand

1. Increase productivity

In order to succeed in life and make your dreams come true, you must understand and accept the principles of action successful people and then apply them to your life. Creating such a board is one of the best and most effective methods defining and setting goals. Visualizing your goals on paper will help you focus your energy in those areas. You can simply create a picture of what you want. And looking at this collage of drawings and photographs, you will more clearly and clearly understand what and how to do. Consequently, your productivity will increase and your results will noticeably improve.

2. Motivation

Dreams are not achieved instantly; they still require time and effort to realize. Sometimes, however, we are also disappointed after a series of setbacks and failures, especially if there are no understanding and supportive people nearby. Believe it or not, a collage of pictures on the wall is a real help in such a situation, as it inspires, motivates and stimulates. On the other hand, remember that your dreams should be based on reality, and not on the banal word “I want.”

3. Entertainment

A vision board is one of the most exciting and fun handmade projects where you can use all your imagination and creativity, and feel free to improvise with materials. If you create a truly stylish piece, such a vision board will easily serve as a unique addition to your interior.

So, if you have decided to visualize your own desires and aspirations, how can you do this, and what will it take?

1. Be clear about your dreams

The first step is defining your dreams. Sit in silence for a while, thinking about your life, achievements and desires. This is very important stage to understand what kind of future you want. You can write down everything that comes to your mind, even your funniest and wildest dreams. You can then combine some ideas that end up as a set of goals. Don't know where to start? Think about where you want to go, who you want to become, and what you want to end up with.

2. Select materials and start creating

The vision board is created from drawings, magazine clippings, photographs, and you can decorate it at your own discretion using colored paper, scraps of fabric, bright paints and felt-tip pens. Arm yourself with scissors and glue, use thick white paper or cardboard of any size as a base. Choose one of your best and favorite photos and place it in the center of the composition. This is an important point, since your favorite photo usually reflects positive emotions that you want to preserve and carry into the future. Then select suitable magazine clippings that reflect your desires and glue them around your photo. This includes such vital categories as family, health, love, career, hobbies and friends. But the final choice, of course, is yours.

3. Live your dreams

When the board is ready, hang it in a highly visible place, such as next to your bed so you can see it morning and evening, or above your work area so you can see it all day. You must believe in it and everything that is depicted on it. Looking at all its details, you need to imagine your dreams and how they will come true. Over time, you will see that half of the pictures on the board can be removed, because they will come true and become a happy reality.

Every person has dreams and desires that he strives for, and which come true to one degree or another. Some manage to achieve the realization of their desires faster, since there are all the prerequisites for this, for example: rich parents who provided start-up capital for development own business, or a successful marriage that immediately met all expectations.

Every person can bring their desires and dreams closer to fulfillment with the help of a special technique - it’s called a vision board. This is a kind of junction between magic and psychology, which helps to realize what you want more than anything else. There may be several desires, and the most important thing is that this method really works.

Your brain is designed in such a way that the more you think about something, the more intensively its work occurs, or rather, the processing of this information. If you are tormented by the thought of buying your own home, the more intense is the thought of how to make it happen. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to fall asleep due to thoughts overwhelming him; these are the natural data of the brain - to find a way out of the current situation as soon as possible.

When you concentrate on specific positive changes in life, against your will, details are scrolled, certain issues related to desire and its embodiment are resolved in fantasy. New ideas and possible solutions to the issue are generated. This process is called visualization. For example: you dream of buying a new car.

In your mind you already imagine exactly what it looks like, what color and brand it has, you mentally already drive your own car and feel a real buzz from it. Visualization allows you to experience temporary satisfaction and gain confidence that this is how things will actually be. Desires are realized, although only mentally, they are visualized.

Well-being and happiness are the two main dreams that every person dreams of. However, with negative thinking, the realization of desires is blocked. Only a positive attitude can help you achieve your goal; negative thoughts dematerialize them.

So that the negativity does not interfere with the beautiful picture of your dreams and does not confuse you, it is proposed to make a visual vision board. Anyone can do it; you just need to be patient, be careful, have an optimistic attitude and believe in the realization of your plan.

Making a wish card with your own hands

Don't assemble puzzles in a hurry. You should prepare to make the board and be sure to find inspiring photos, pictures or drawings. Think about your desires, choose the strongest ones and concentrate on them. Let them be the first and be implemented within a year. You shouldn’t think about the future, start small, and after successful implementation, you can think about global plans for life.

Important and unrealized

You should not think that goals are difficult to achieve or, on the contrary, easy to achieve. Be guided by these principles:

Does it make sense to add to the map something that is not special effort can be fulfilled, a trifle will only distract and interfere with the visualization of real dreams. You shouldn't add a photo of your friends at the party to the board, since you'll be able to see them this coming weekend anyway.

What is already there also does not need to be added, for example: you and your spouse have an excellent relationship, but you decided to put a photo of you together on the board. For what? Are you missing happiness? Better analyze the relationship and just add some zest to it. But if you place your group photo against the backdrop of the Maldives, this is a completely different situation. But for this you also need to want to go to these very islands.

You can place your wildest dreams, bags of dollars, huge cottages, even a meeting with the president on the wish map, if you really want it. Don’t be afraid of obstacles, if you really want it, everything will come true.

Collection of starting material

  • The base of the card should be dense, which means you can take either whatman paper or a piece of cardboard. Design of the base with my own hands will enrich it with your energy, allowing you to absorb the strongest spiritual desires.
  • Some practical people use a magnetic or cork board as a base. This allows you to quickly update desires after they are realized and add new dreams.
  • For those who spend long periods of time in front of a computer, a digital option may be acceptable. Then you will need a graphic editor and an online service.

The first two options can be placed at home in the office and constantly remind you of yourself. To design them, you need beautiful thematic pictures, photos from a personal or family archive, newspaper clippings or other periodicals. Prepare pencils, markers, markers and crayons. Everything that can be useful for colorfully filling a wish card can be useful to you. For background screensavers or collages, colored paper or old album sheets will be useful. In addition, be sure to have glue and scissors on hand.

Be sure to choose a time when no one will disturb or distract you, and be in a good mood. You can turn on your favorite melody or music for relaxation. Try to concentrate your thoughts on what you really want. While working, imagine yourself in a picture, try to catch the smells and sounds coming from the place where you dream of going.

If possible, try to be relaxed, free and positive so that your thoughts are not only reflected on the map, but also rise into the Universe.

Feng Shui: one of the requirements for drawing up a wish card

Chinese Feng Shui techniques are very helpful in harmonizing energy. environment. If you place photographs in certain sectors of the map that correspond to areas of life, the attraction will only intensify.

How to choose the right space and fill it:

  • The entire map field must be divided into nine equal sectors. In the middle is the central sector, and from it there are eight additional areas.
  • Choose one sector and fill it out first, without being distracted by others. Focus on the desire and fill it with the appropriate color.
  • Do not take negative pictures or texts with the negative particle “not”.
  • All sectors must be registered.

Place your photo in the center, choose the most successful and beautiful one that you like. It is necessary that you radiate happiness on it; it will be the center, the core, the embodiment of all desires. The central sector is a zone representing health. If you dream of losing weight, you can glue your head to the body of a famous super model, it's not scary.

  • Southern sector - glory, recognition, honors. Desires related to professional and personal growth and creativity should be located here. You might want to post a collage of celebrities with you here.
  • The upper corner from above is a block of money, wealth, welfare. You can post a photo of a villa, yacht, mansion or cool car. Collages with your photos against the background of the latest car model are what is needed for this sector. Don't be shy about your own fantasies.
  • Upper right corner - love, family, personal relationships. If you are single, then you should put any wedding pictures here, but without other people’s faces, they have nothing to do with you. It can be any wedding attributes.
  • The family sector is located below. You can post photos of your loved ones in it.
  • Next comes the zone responsible for children and their implementation in life. If your dream is a baby, then the theme of the pictures should be appropriate.
  • The quarry is located in the north. Your desires for career growth can come true here. Paste here the logos of companies or organizations where you would like to work.
  • Northeast corner - intelligence, knowledge. Diplomas or certificates of completion will be relevant for students educational institution, for the rest books, scrolls or other attributes of wisdom.
  • The lower right square is the most favorite, it is responsible for travel and trips. Post here photos of the places you dream of visiting. Usually this sector is full of pictures and desires, replete with beaches, landscapes and beautiful views various cities.

Where should you place your wish card?

After the card is completely filled, there is no need to put it on the top shelf to periodically look at it. It should be visible, but not for strangers, but for you. A great location would be the wall above your desk at work or at home, above the bed in your bedroom. Then you can program yourself every evening and morning.

It is better not for strangers to see the card; even friends or relatives may react negatively to it. Therefore, it can be removed during visits from strangers.


  • The wish map is an important component in achieving desires; it helps them come true.
  • A vision board helps you visualize your own dreams and reminds you that believing in success makes all the difference.
  • Such an interesting phenomenon in psychology and magic as a wish map works, despite the statements of skeptics. You just have to try to create it once and make sure that we are one with the creation and the Universe, and thoughts have material embodiment, subject to great desire.

In this article you will learn:

A vision board (treasure map) is a collage of pictures, each of which symbolizes a person’s dream. In order for the technique to work as efficiently as possible, esotericists recommend posting pictures in accordance with the rules of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

How this method works

The principle of operation of a treasure map is based on a person’s concentration on the desired result. If you constantly see a picture of what you like and want to have in life, your desire will come true. Photos for making a map are cut out from magazines, books, brochures or found on the Internet. The selected images should evoke positive emotions. The photographs are pasted onto whatman paper. The Feng Shui vision board is distinguished by the fact that the images on it are arranged in accordance with the compass directions:

  1. The upper left corner, or southeast, is the wealth sector. Here they place images of things that are associated with wealth: wads of money, treasure chests, gold coins.
  2. The family sector (east) is under the wealth sector. Place pictures here that you personally associate with family happiness, for example, a photo of a married couple with children.
  3. Northeast is located under east. This is the sector of wisdom (knowledge). On this section of the map, paste a photo of the educational institution where you would like to study. If you are not planning to enter a university, fill the sector with images of books, diplomas, and a globe. Pictures will stimulate you to gain additional knowledge.
  4. To the right of the southeast is the south (glory sector). You can attract fame into your life with the help of photos that depict celebrities receiving awards or walking along the red carpet.
  5. The center of the map is the health sector. Pictures of people playing sports are pasted here. In the center you can place a photo of yourself in which you like yourself.
  6. The middle of the bottom of the board is the north, or career sector. An example of successful filling of this area is the image of an office with expensive furniture.
  7. The southwest is to the right of the south and corresponds to the sector of marriage and love. To improve your relationship with your loved one or meet your “other half,” paste here a photo of a happy couple, bride and groom, kissing lovers, etc. However, there should be no children in the photographs. Such photographs are more suitable for the family sector.
  8. To the right of the center of the map is West, which is responsible for children and creativity in your life. If you dream of having a child, post a photo of a woman holding a newborn in her arms in this sector.
  9. The assistants and travel sector (northwest) is located to the right of the career sector. Travel enthusiasts post images of countries they would like to visit in the northwest. The sector is also suitable for posting photos of people whom you consider your patrons and teachers. Instead of pictures, you can use images of angels, saints, Buddha, etc.

After compiling a collage, you need not only to visualize, but also to act: send your resume to the desired organization, submit documents to the desired university, etc. This way, your dreams will come true faster.

For a vision board to be useful, you must:

  1. Write down all your dreams on a piece of paper and analyze each of them. Desires should be only yours. Don't follow fashion or try to embody what your relatives expect from you. Goals that are not yours need to be crossed off the list.
  2. To work in good mood. By making a vision board with your own hands, you transfer energy to it. If you are offended, angry, or frustrated, you should put off work. To improve your mood, you can turn on calm music, eat your favorite treat, etc.
  3. Avoid empty areas on the map. Empty spaces symbolize emptiness in your life. Do not use small photographs. A large number of small photographs contributes to the dispersion of your strength. The image should be large or medium in size.
  4. Put the date of your wish fulfillment next to your dream image to set yourself up to achieve your goal as soon as possible. However, you should not expect that the dream will come true on the stated day. This may happen sooner or later. Don't give fancy dates, for example, if you're not pregnant yet, you shouldn't book a baby due in 2-3 months.
  5. Write comments on pictures (mine cozy home, my favorite job, my happy trip to Paris). Indicate that what is shown on the treasure map belongs to you. If you don’t do this, you will find what you want in life, but it will not belong to you.

If most of your wishes have already come true, you need to draw up a new map. From the old board to the new one you need to transfer images that have not yet had time to be embodied. For unachieved goals, you can choose other pictures if the previous ones no longer evoke joyful anticipation.

How to properly activate the fulfillment of desires

There are no clear activation instructions. After creating a Feng Shui vision board, it is advisable to visualize the achievement of each goal. The card should then be placed where it will remain permanently.

Activation can be the fulfillment of some desire from the card. To do this, stick an image of an easily achievable goal on your vision board, for example, an image of ice cream, and then buy this treat. It will be easier for your subconscious to believe in the possibility of achieving more difficult goals.

Rules for storing boards

If, besides you, no one lives in the apartment, and you do not receive guests, you can hang the collage in the most visible place: next to your bed, above the kitchen table, etc. If you live with relatives, you need to store your vision board in a secluded place: in a table, bag, closet.

It is not advisable for even your closest people to know about your dreams. This is especially true in cases where relatives are skeptical about esotericism or are opposed to the fulfillment of some of your desires. The images need to be periodically viewed, feeling like the owner of what is shown on the card.

The collage should not be stored in the bathroom. In this room, positive energy is symbolically “washed away.” It is forbidden to hang the map in the toilet, which is considered the dirtiest place in the apartment.

If a person wants something sincerely, truly, his desires will definitely come true. Making your dreams come true does not depend on luck, the alignment of the stars or miracles. Our cherished desires come true only because we concentrate all our attention on achieving these goals, constantly remember this and make every effort to realize our dreams. One of the tools for making your desires come true is a vision board; it is also called a vision board, treasure map, or wish map.

A wish board is a kind of object that is cardboard, a board, whatman paper, etc. with photographs, pictures, and descriptions of your desires posted. Scientists and psychologists have repeatedly proven that people who write down their goals on paper almost always achieve them. So, the wish map helps not to forget about your goals, visualize your own desires and direct your personal energy in the right direction. Before you make a vision board, you need to understand the principle of its operation.

If someone hopes that they will create a board, look at it all day long, and miracles will begin to happen, I have to disappoint you. Alas, this is not true. The third eye will not open, the treasure will not be found, the magic genie will not appear from the bottle. But don't be upset. Wish cards really work, the principles of their action are as follows:

How to make a vision board correctly

To create a vision board you will need a base, scissors, glue, pictures, photos and time. For the base you can use ordinary cardboard, whatman paper, or natural wood. Recently, a cork board, which is sold in office supply stores, is often used. This material allows you to make a real masterpiece. The size of the board is limited only by imagination, although some are absolutely sure that the larger the miraculous board, the better the result.

A prerequisite is that your photo should be displayed in the center of the board. It is advisable that you look happy, and you should like this photo. After all, it will be the center, the core of the map, around which it will be created amazing world desires. Pictures that reflect what you want can be taken from magazines, newspapers, found on the Internet and printed on a printer. Images that include you and your dream work very well. If you are dreaming of an expensive car, go to a car dealership and take a photo in front of “your” model. When it is not possible to take such a photo, work with Photoshop or, if you have artistic talents, draw it yourself.

There is no point in overloading the board with an abundance of pictures. According to experts in this field, it is better to focus all your attention on a few goals, rather than scattering all your energy on many insignificant desires. Pictures can be signed. For example: “I’m in Cyprus”, “My home”, “My fur coat”, etc. A very important point when creating a wish board ─ your desires should be only yours, and not inspired by relatives, friends or the media.

If you approach with all meticulousness the question of how to properly make a vision board and achieve maximum effect, then you need to take into account that you need to make a card on a waxing moon or on a full moon; the first days of the new year and your own birthday are ideal. You cannot create a board in a bad mood and on days of solar and lunar eclipses.

When you don’t have time and don’t have the desire to use scissors, you can use modern online services where you can not only create a colorful collage, but also store your wish card there.

A fairly common way is to install a vision board on your desktop. This way, your dreams will remind you of yourself more often. This will be a good motivation and will help you manage your time more wisely. Every time you look at the wish card, you will receive an additional incentive to do something useful that will bring you closer to your goal, and not sit in vain. in social networks, virtual gardens, farms, world of tanks and other games.

Feng Shui Wish Board

A feng shui vision board is a combination of visualization and Chinese technology. Since ancient times, people have known: everything that is invented by reason and supported by energy will certainly come true. The images are not arranged in a chaotic order, as in classic version, but in sectors that correspond to a certain area of ​​life.

To make a board you will need cardboard, whatman paper or a board. When determining the length of the base, it should be taken into account that the object will be divided into 9 sectors (8 spheres, according to Ba Gua, 1 personal photograph) and accordingly it will be necessary to compose 9 pictures. It is believed that the most best size designs ─ 68 cm wide and 68 cm long.

Feng Shui wish card

It is preferable to make a Feng Shui vision board with your own hands rather than using computer programs. A handcrafted item is charged with special positive energy and will allow you to count on better results. All rituals for attracting money and fulfilling desires are best done on the first day of the lunar calendar or favorable days according to the special feng shui calendar.

The ideal time to create a vision board is the first day of the New Year in China. In 2018, this event will take place on February 16th. Pictures for a Feng Shui vision board, as well as for a traditional card, are taken from magazines and the Internet.

Feng Shui wishing board collage

Whatman paper, board or other material chosen for the base must be drawn out to make 9 parts. The shape of the vision board can be different: square, octagon, circle, rectangle. A photo of the map maker is placed in the center. The choice of photo should be taken responsibly; it should radiate positivity. You should not use photographs from periods when you were sick or unhappy.

Next, in accordance with the cardinal directions, the blocks of 8 life aspirations of Ba Gua are placed. Compared to geographical maps, the feng shui card is reversed. Where the north is located on natural maps, the south is located according to Feng Shui.

Each block of the Feng Shui vision board has its own characteristics and color:
  1. The central sector is the health zone. Post your photo here. If your wishes concern changing your appearance, for example, losing weight, experts advise not to be shy and, through Photoshop or banal gluing, create the appearance of your dreams. The main thing that top part collage ─ head ─ was your own.
  2. The southern sector is located above the photo of the card owner, symbolizes glory, the color of the sector is red. Those who want to receive recognition, fame and all sorts of honors in their field should pay special attention to this block. Become Olympic champion, famous writer, a speaker or become a leader in your team ─ it all depends only on your fantasies and dreams. Photos of awards and cups are placed in the glory sector. A more effective method is to take a group photo famous people Add yourself to your loved one using photo montage. Or take as a basis the image where they present the award you are dreaming of, and add your photo to the picture.
  3. The upper left corner ─ southeast is occupied by a block of wealth, which is colored light green. All desires that relate to material well-being, making a profit, success in business, monetary transactions are located in this block. Images of piles of money, cars, villas and mansions are appropriate. At the same time, do not forget about the specifics: exactly how much money you want and in what time frame the desire should be realized. Approving captions for pictures will be useful: “I have a car”, “My million rubles earned”, etc.

    The right places for certain desires

  4. Upper right corner in the southwest ─ light brown or Pink colour, and symbolizes love, family relationships. Images of desires related to personal life are pasted in this area. In addition to photographs, you can use various romantic symbols: hearts, kisses, flowers, etc. If a girl wants to get married, then you should not paste photographs of specific strangers. This is contrary to the rules of visualization: you cannot involve real people in your desires; it is possible that your aspirations do not coincide with what these people dream of.
  5. The family sector belongs to the left green square, which is located in the eastern part of the Feng Shui map. The harmony of relationships in the family, with relatives and friends depends on the family unit. Therefore, portraits of grandparents, mother-in-law, and family photographs would be appropriate.
  6. The Western white sector in the right square is responsible for children, creativity and self-realization. People dreaming of having a baby should post pictures of babies. Happy parents paste photos of their children with wishes of health and happiness. To realize your creative potential, you will need images of hobbies and everything that inspires you and evokes associations with self-expression and self-realization.
  7. Below your photo to the north is a career block. Everything that symbolizes career growth, desired position and salary is placed in this sector. These could be photographs of authoritative figures in your industry, company logos, images of offices, the boss’s chair, and even pictures of money, if there is no place for them in the wealth sector.

    Example of a finished vision board

  8. The left northeast corner is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and knowledge of everything new. Images of diplomas, certificates, symbols and attributes of wisdom would be appropriate in the knowledge cell.
  9. The lower right northwest square is responsible for travel and assistants. Photos of picturesque places, attractions, cities, countries that you want to visit can be placed in this sector. If wanderlust is foreign to you, place divine symbols or portraits of people who are an authority for you or can help.