Domino is developing. Didactic game - dominoes "dangerous non-dangerous objects"

A variety of board games are classified in pedagogy as didactic (developmental) games, the main goal of which is to learn how to solve the developmental tasks proposed in the game through performing game actions.
Board games hide enormous potential, allowing a child to game form acquire knowledge about various aspects of life, acquire practical skills and abilities.
With the help of board games, the child learns to analyze the sequence of his actions, expands his understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, and also trains fine motor skills. The purpose of board games is to teach the child to make decisions independently, develop spatial thinking, memory and logic. Besides, in preschool age Board games can significantly enrich a child’s vocabulary, identify and correct shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds, consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects, and familiarize them with numbers and letters.
Board games for childrencontribute to the development in the child of such mental functions as memory, attention, imagination, speech and such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc. Board games provide for the creative approach of an adult acting as a leader - he can offer children his own options for playing.
Given the ability of children to quickly switch from one subject to another, child psychologists and teachers recommend that parents have at least five diverse board games. Thus, you can always painlessly fill the vacuum that arises when a child searches for a new object of his attention and keep the child busy with useful activities.

In sections Board games for children you will find games:
- on the development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, comparison and classification operations, the formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;
- learning to compare sets consisting of homogeneous objects;
- to consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;
- to become familiar with numbers and mathematical symbols;
- to expand children’s ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them;
- to enrich and activate the vocabulary, develop coherent speech, and many others.


Dominoes are a popular children's game. Unites children of all ages. Dominoes contain rich educational material on various topics, which introduces kids to the shape of objects, quantity, animals and flora, transport, etc. (this is facilitated by the variety of patterns applied to the parts)

Dominoes help you acquire knowledge and skills while playing.


· develops concentration, logical thinking, ability to analyze a situation, intelligence

· develops observation and attention, develops operations of comparison and generalization, formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;

· But, above all, this game teaches children the ability to play in a team.


Mosaic is a way of creating an image or pattern from the smallest pieces (colored stones, ceramic tiles etc.).

Behind the external simplicity and accessibility of mosaic lies a complex, subtle, multifaceted activity that greatly contributes to the revelation of a creative vision of the world.
Playing with mosaics develops a child's various abilities. First, fine motor skills. Taking a chip and carefully inserting it into the desired hole is a rather complicated operation for a small mosaicist. Secondly, this is attentiveness: the chips are small, multi-colored, you need to take it for a reason, but exactly what you need - for this you need to concentrate. Third, mosaic develops a child’s artistic taste, allows him to show creative activity and serves as a special means of understanding the world. Fourth By creating an image using mosaics, the child develops goal-setting and purposeful activity. And finally, this is the development of perseverance, accuracy, and arbitrariness. If the parents ask the child to classify the chips by color, introduce them to such spatial representations as “below”, “above”, “left”, “right”, teach the child a certain sequence of laying out the chips, for example, through one hole, or yellow alternates with red, this will develop the logical component of thinking.
Invent, search, create - and you will be surprised at what kind of creative personality your baby will grow up to be!


Lotto consists of a playing field with various images and small cards that repeat the pictures from the field. The players' task is to fill the playing field with the appropriate cards as quickly as possible. In more complex lotto games, only one small picture is drawn on the playing field, and the rest of the sheet is empty. In this case, the player must fill the playing field with picture cards that match the existing image. For example, a drawn barnyard, a garden, toys, people.

· develops concentration and intelligence

· develops sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands;

· consolidates children's ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;

· develops observation and attention,

· expands children's understanding of objects in the surrounding world;

· enriches and activates the child’s vocabulary, develops coherent speech.

· develops visual-figurative thinking

· teaches children the ability to play in a group

Educational board games

Board games develop: visual-figurative thinking, independence, intelligence, creativity, mechanical and voluntary memory, holistic and visual perception, voluntary attention, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking.
The child learns to analyze the sequence of his actions; expands one’s own ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; improves descriptive, narrative and dialogic speech; acquires initial skills in comparing objects, learns to identify significant connections between objects; increases your intellectual level.

Using in practical work board games, you can:

· significantly enrich the child’s vocabulary;

· identify and correct deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds;

· consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;

· familiarize yourself with numbers and mathematical symbols;

· teach quantitative calculation;

· teach how to compose and solve simple tasks for addition and subtraction;

· show how to compare and quantify sets of similar objects and much more...

What is being developed

Board games are needed for:

- development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, comparison and classification operations, formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;
- learning to compare sets consisting of homogeneous objects;
- to consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;
- to become familiar with numbers and mathematical symbols;
- to expand ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
- to enrich and activate the vocabulary, develop coherent speech.

Make good use of your time on the Internet:

Children's domino

“Our whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors!” This is not only a famous Shakespeare quote, but also the right approach to raising children. Modern mothers and fathers, in the kaleidoscope of events, forget to arrange joint leisure time with their child.

In the process of playing, a child needs to be educated, instilled with new knowledge, taught to rejoice and have fun properly, and maybe sympathize and help.

Parents have forgotten or do not know that in the game the child tries on different roles and situations. This makes it possible to learn how to react to certain circumstances and quickly adapt to the rules of life.

The game can become a family tradition, and the child will wait, for example, on Wednesday evening to have an interesting time and chat with his parents.

The game "Children's Dominoes" can be such joint entertainment. This board game develops attention and mental imagery, reaction speed and vocabulary. A common cause develops a warm atmosphere, mutual assistance, and positive emotions.

What are the rules for playing Children's Dominoes?

The rules of the game "Children's Dominoes" allow two people to play, but even more interest and fun arises when four players participate in the game.

The rules of the game "Children's Dominoes" are similar to the adult counterpart of the game, but a little simpler:

  1. The game is played with dominoes (chips). In the children's version, dominoes are dedicated to animals, plants, fruits, cars, the alphabet, etc. It’s better to talk about these objects along the way and the child will definitely remember not only the names, but also the educational stories.
  2. There are a total of 28 dice in the set, of which 7 are duplicates and 21 are adjacent dice. If there are two players, then they receive 7 dominoes, and when there are four players, they receive 5 dominoes.
  3. The remaining dominoes lie in the “bank” with the images facing down. The participant takes a chip from the “bank” if there is no one needed for a move.
  4. The player goes first if there is a domino - a “double”, with a paired image. For example, watermelon - watermelon or hare - hare.
  5. The next participant places a chip so that the picture matches one of the pictures on the player’s domino. For example, watermelon - pear. Another step is a pear domino.
  6. If the participant does not have the required option, you need to contact the bank. However, you need to pull out chips until the right one appears. If there is no such chip anymore, skip the move. This is the famous “fish” - there is no necessary domino to move when you have them on your hands.
  7. The winner is the player who is out of chips the fastest.

Children of all ages, even one-year-olds, can participate in the game “Children's Dominoes”. It is better for an older child to offer an adult domino with dots to develop the skill of counting the number of dots. Little children like to make piles, paths, paths from dominoes, and build houses.

To play dominoes, you need to pay attention to the material of the dominoes. Most the best option- these are wooden dominoes, they can be placed on either side. The plastic domino pieces are falling apart due to the seams. There are cardboard dominoes, but in children they quickly fail.

The main thing to remember is that the upbringing and development of children is possible with by example. And the tradition of staying up in the evenings with an exciting activity will create not only a pleasant and friendly atmosphere in the house, but also a joint ritual that the grandchildren will follow, and the game “Children's Dominoes” will be an excellent solution for organizing leisure time for children.

For useful and fun leisure time, a website has been created where you can get acquainted with the clear rules of various games, for example, etc.

You can easily find any game or page on our resource. To do this, you need to use it - it is very convenient and understandable.

Development of mental operations

Purpose of the game- development of mental operations: generalization, exclusion.

Board game Dominoes allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Develops mental operations of generalization and exclusion;
  • Reinforces ideas on lexical topics of the preschool program;
  • Train fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Develops humanistic qualities of the individual: mutual assistance, cooperation, value of knowledge.

The game is designed for older and older children preparatory group preschool institutions experiencing difficulties in the development of mental operations.

The game can be played individually or in small subgroups.

The presented game integrates the educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, allowing you to comprehensively solve the problems of the standard in the field of cognitive and socio-communicative development.

The peculiarity of the game is its execution; the “stones” of dominoes are really stones with designs coated with varnish. Unusual material increases the child's interest, while being an environmentally friendly and affordable material.

Description of the game progress. Participants in the game are invited to help the prince or princess get home, but to do this they need to build a path of domino “stones”. The stones need to be laid according to the principle of ordinary dominoes: it is necessary to build a chain-path, the halves touching, but not with the same pictures, but with pictures of the same theme. For example, a “skirt” may be suitable for “jacket”, because both pictures are “clothes”. The child must explain his choice, strengthening his generalization abilities and knowledge. The game ends when the entire path of “stones” has been built and the princess/prince can come home by stepping on each stone in the path.

Construct of conducting GCD in production practice according to PM 02 Organization of various types of activities and communication of children
Melnikova Irina Leonidovna
(Specialty 44.02.01. Preschool education, group 33 A)

DOO:"Kindergarten No. 73 of a combined type."

Group: junior group.

Kind of activity: didactic game.


Educational area: socio-communicative development, cognitive development.

Shapes: frontal, individual, group.

Didactic task: consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits; name them correctly and select paired images; cabbage, carrots, cucumber, tomato, apple, pear, orange, banana.

Game task: choose paired images correctly.

Game rules: Place the cards one by one next to the same picture. The first one to put all the cards down wins.

Game actions: if the player does not have a paired picture, he skips the move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt out again.

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​​​vegetables and fruits, to consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits.

Planned result: children show interest and accept the game task, understand the rules of the game and game actions, show the ability to classify vegetables and fruits, demonstrate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, show a desire to help the game character, show the ability to analyze the achievement of the game task, and show a desire to use the game in independent activities.

Principles preschool education(FSES DO):

  • building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education and becomes the object of education;
  • assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of education;
  • supporting children's initiatives in various types activities;
  • formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;
  • age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Principles of education: formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and teachers; education through interaction; creating a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional uplift.

Principles of training: principle of conformity to nature; principle of consciousness; principle of accessibility; the principle of systematicity and consistency.

Education methods: a situation of free choice, a game, creating a situation of success.

Teaching methods: methods of emotional stimulation (use of games, encouragement), temporary work in subgroups, methods of consolidating and repeating learned material, conversation, repetition).

Educational and methodological kit:

1. The federal state educational standard for preschool education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

2. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate basic educational program preschool education (pilot version) / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional –M.: MOSAIC – SYNTHESIS, 2015. – 368 p.

Stages of activity Methods Activities of a teacher Children's activities Planned result

Motivation for joint activities

Task: motivate children to play activities, accept a game task
A game


The teacher emotionally encourages children to take part in the game by talking about vegetables and fruits. The teacher finds out the children’s knowledge about the differences between vegetables and fruits.

- Guys, today we will play interesting game. There are cards in front of you, look at the pictures.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the card shows two vegetables (a fruit and a vegetable, a fruit and a fruit), separated by a vertical strip (as in the game “Dominoes”).

Creates a game situation, sets a game task.

Children accept the game task. Please note that the card depicts two vegetables (a fruit and a vegetable, a fruit and a fruit), separated by a vertical stripe (as in the game “Dominoes”). Children are interested in the game. The children accepted the game challenge.

Collaborative planning

Task: encourage children to jointly discuss game actions and rules, plan the game


Demonstration by teacher

Situation of free choice

The teacher organizes a dialogue to discuss game actions, game rules(explains game rules and game actions), demonstrates and comments on game actions.

I will now give you cards (4-6 each), and we will play the game “Dominoes”. What is shown in the pictures?

(Children's answer.)

That's right, apple and cabbage.

- Whoever has cabbage in the picture will put it next to mine(demonstrates action).

-And who has an apple, where will he put his card?

("on the other side")


Children observe the activities of the teacher and take part in the dialogue Children are interested in joint discussion of game rules and actions, show activity, curiosity, initiative, show and comment on game actions

Implementation of the game concept

Task: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Learn how to choose a pair . Foster a desire to help the game character.
A game


Creating a Success Situation


The teacher plays with the children. monitors the correct course of the game, encourages self-control, and corrects game actions.

Now what pictures are on your edges?

(Orange and cucumber). Who has such pictures? Place them in one row.

Look how many fruits and vegetables we have now.

Now, listen to what rules still need to be followed in the game. Place your cards one by one: Styopa will start, then Vika will place her card, followed by Sasha. Do you remember? If you do not have the required paired picture in your hands, then you skip the move and say “I don’t have such a picture.” And you will wait for your paired picture to appear at the end of the row.

Be careful!

Children find identical pictures and place them at the ends of the resulting row.

Cards are placed in order.

Children demonstrate their pairing skills and knowledge about vegetables and fruits

Game summary

Task: encourage children to jointly analyze the achievement of the game task.
A game

Emotional stimulation

The teacher emotionally stimulates the children and expresses sincere admiration. Encourages children to analyze the achievement of a game task.

Guys, do you think we managed to lay out all the fruits and vegetables?

Thank you very much for following the rules of the game.

Children react emotionally to the game situation, analyze the achievement of the game task, and actively participate in the dialogue. Children, together with the teacher, analyze the achievement of the goal, evaluate the activities of the players


Task: motivate children to use the knowledge acquired in the game in special moments
Conversation The teacher encourages the use of games in independent activities and in joint activities with parents.

Guys, can you recognize the vegetables and fruits that we saw today?

Will you be able to play with mom or dad just like now?

Children actively participate in the dialogue and answer questions. Children show a desire to use the game in independent activities.

Number of players From 2 to 4

Party time From 20 minutes

Game difficulty Lightweight

Domino– these are 28 dominoes (chips, stones with combinations of numbers printed in two fields. The board game is designed for 2-4 players. The first games with dominoes appeared in India and China. When transported to Europe, the game was changed and this article presents a version of dominoes closely associated with the ancestor game.

The goal of the Domino game

The main goal of the game is to score the most points.

Dominoes: rules of the game

  • The Domino game can be played by 2 to 4 players. If there are two players playing the game, then they deal 7 stones each, but if there are more than 3 players, they deal 5 stones each. All the rest are put into reserve.
  • In this version of the game, the player who has a double starts. Double – a combination of identical numbers on two fields (“1-1”, “2-2”, “3-3”, etc.).
  • It is forbidden to walk from an empty double (0-0).
  • If there are no doubles, then the player with the lowest number on the two fields (0-1, 0-2, etc.) starts.
  • After the first move, all other participants place their dominoes in the corresponding numbers. For example, you put the domino 0-2, then everyone else should put 2-1,2-2,2-3,2-4,2-5,2-6. The dice are placed with numbers marked so that they match the number of the dice already placed.
  • If during a move there are no dominoes with the corresponding number, you will have to look for a suitable one in the reserve. The player takes dominoes from the reserve in random order until he gets a stone from the right number(or until the reserve runs out of stones).
  • The game ends when the player places his last domino on the table and has nothing left in his hand.
  • Then the points of all participants in the game are counted, which are transferred to the winner!
  • If a player has only a 0-0 double (empty-empty) left in his hands, then 25 points are added to him. For all other options, nothing is credited to him.
  • The game is played until a certain number of points are reached (200, 300, 400, 500) by agreement.
  • The game ends when the last domino is laid out.
  • The end of the game is possible with a “Fish”. “Fish” is a situation in which all participants in the game have stones in their hands, but there is no opportunity to walk. This situation can arise if all 6 (duplicates do not count) stones with the same numbers are laid out on the table and the two ends of the chain are closed by stones with the same numbers.
  • In a “fish” situation, all points are transferred to the player who has the fewest points in his hands. He is awarded the difference in points.

There are many variations of the game:

  • Goat
  • Man to Wolf Man
  • sea ​​goat
  • Telephone
  • General
  • Seven
  • And about 35 more games using dominoes.

In the Netherlands, Domino Day is celebrated annually. All participants line up a large number of dominoes, which then fall and reveal an image. This is actually a very grandiose event that is worth watching for fans of this game.

the site is a portal for board games, where we tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Domino Board Game page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in the "Domino Board Game", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.